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Oh what a strange dream button see were there I’m sorry you daisy um post one pat was there too I’m speaking of post one pout I better go check the mailbox maybe it’s a sign that I should check it I mean we haven’t checked the mail in a while I’m Postman

Pat hasn’t really been around so she’s probably figured that out to go check on him make sure everything’s okay or mom dad awake oh good morning mom good morning dad I’m just gonna go get the mail see if you’ve anything important to look after bills or I know postcards see Oh

Where’s the second mailbox come form we only usually have one let’s see what letter from Hogwarts let’s check this out dear little caddy we would like to invite you to come visit awkward School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the day whoa that’s pretty cool we’ve also invited one other member of the little

Group who will be there when you arrive Professor Dumbledore Wow oh my gosh and let it from Dumbledore that is so awesome I mean I wonder here the other member of the little Club is gonna be I doubted savelic ID if it was she tell me

But I do know she’s always wanted to go to Hogwarts but I better go get ready I better feed Brian or yeah well I can feed Brian it and I’ll carries on input free importance and Daisy and Brian and then get be on my way talk words I wonder who it’s gonna be

Oh Baby Doe gets you hey little Kelly how are you I’m good oh my gosh when I got the letter from Hogwarts they said it was someone else from the little cub I didn’t know he was gonna be I know it’s so exciting isn’t it what what I

Don’t I don’t know what we’re doing here don’t oh my gosh eater – why I think we just get to take a tour of Hogwarts and kind of decide if we want to go here yeah do you think they’d let us go I think they’d let us stay for like a week or

Two maybe whatever little Kelly do you think we’re gonna get to see Harry Oh maybe that would be awesome he is one of the most famous Wizards I know no he is awesome I love this er E butter oh my gosh she’s awesome this place is huge look awkward’s it’s

So much bigger than I imagined no this is a lot bigger than my house it is oh gosh I wonder what we’re gonna see today I wonder if we’re gonna see like much brooms and wands and Quidditch and everything oh my gosh oh this place looks awesome will we go in yeah let’s

Go have a look around I’m guessing we’re just up here I’m not too sure I love to see Harry ah oh my gosh this building’s huge not behind us baby doc that building is so massive what I don’t remember being in there you must have had to walk through there to get over

The other side baby doll come on yeah well you know me I’m a bit silly I forget things yeah you’re very forgetful okay let’s keep on going like this place it’s just so huge I feel like we’d never get to see all of it well I hope we do

But I can’t believe they avoided us I know it’s absolutely magical I love Harry Potter I hope but hey I wonder if he smells nice ah don’t sniff Harry Potter baby don’t Kelly do you think be okay if I sniffed every part I don’t know whether he’ll enjoy it baby joke I mean

It’s kind of weird if we go around sniffing people oh you’re not a dog you’re a baby dog I sniff you yeah but I’m your friend so it’s okay hey you’re my best friend yeah you’re my baby best friend yeah yeah I think we just go in

Oh there’s a sign up here what does the sign say I don’t know it doesn’t say anything it’s a backward sight Oh flight class and high grades I don’t I don’t want to go to Hagrid’s oh no wait what’s over here oh look there’s students wandering around everywhere is that Draco but that

Might be Draco we need to stay away from him well I don’t want to go near him he scares me Oh baby dog mm-hmm look I can’t do it I can’t do it looks like it looks like Ron and Hermione and is that Harry okay oh

Dude I can’t do it baby hope you have to get brave you have to get brave we’re gonna have to go see them it’s Harry Potter do you think we should go sit say hey I think we should go say hi this place is awesome look look a big it is it’s huge

Oh my gosh it’s way too good my castle I know this place is awesome okay let’s let’s go say hi to let’s go say hi okay oh my gosh hey hey oh say hi say hi hi hurry um it’s really nice to meet you uh

Oh my gosh am I getting so shy baby up scared I’m scared my hands are sweaty my little tokens are sweaty Harry I have a question but but look at the scare in his head yeah it’s so Oh what Harry what what are we doing here hello guys you

Are invited here to do a tour of Hogwarts to see if you like it let’s get it you ate it we got specially invited here oh my gosh it’s amazing we have to see if we like Hogwarts and then maybe we can train to become awesome wizards

Like Harry that would be so cool hey Harry but what do we do now have a look around the place and let us know what you think and make sure to check out the Quidditch arena can we get there go on it sure wait where do you want to see first

Oh I don’t know baby joke um I don’t know I’m gonna let you lead with the songs I know you’re really excited about being in Hogwarts I am I am this is my favorite place ever already and okay I think the big food areas up here why

Don’t we go see where they all eat the big hall Oh awesome what’s so cool I see what the sign says the main hall classroom and dorms woohoo we might get to see classrooms and we might get to see where the people of Gryffindor I

Like to play Oh awesome oh look at this oh it’s crazy oh good a boding candles are they for Oakland candles oh my gosh and look all the different classes who’s your favorite Cassy Gilly ah Gryffindor yeah they’re my favorite they’re that scary cuz I love Harry oh I love Harry see you

And Hermione and Ron oh yeah Ron is kill Ron’s very funny he is oh my gosh this place is so big and amazing and look at the amount of students that go here who’s out there that’s Hagrid Tok read look how big he is he’s huge

Yep that’s definite I know I know the other guy asked me what his name is what’s his name don’t both ARF no I I think it’s just Dumbledore maybe that’s what I said Dumbledore no no no Dumbledore Dumbledore okay I think we’re gonna have to like

Work on that one a little bit cuz I think if you say his name wrong he won’t be too happy what you monster here no no no he’s a headmaster he’s probably doing lots of important things and watching over all the different people here all the students hmm yeah he does look kinda

Busy and he has a golden throne that he’s sitting on mmm gosh yeah that is a nice throne he’s got up there then hi grits there I wonder where the rest of professors are hmm Thank You class yeah maybe I know where I’d like to go next

Here Kenny where would you like to go I’d like to go see the brooms remember we seen design for the broomsticks oh yeah the flying class yeah come on I think we should go I think you remember where it was yeah it was outside and two left

Oh yeah wise you’re right it was yeah which left my left or your left um my left hold the same laughter a real face in the same direction okay I’m gonna go to the left there little Kelly okay what baby dope yeah baby Duke that’s the right baby look good bad

Oh I meant to the wrong left I’m sorry left over there silly oh my gosh a company of Harry and Ron Ann Don Orsillo Stan and I never drank a sponge it was my god are you going to trick on me no no the girl he was pointing to here in

The courtyard I’m still here I’m afraid to move he’s got it to the Bane Hall did you Kenny where did you go I’m outside by the sign for the flying class okay I’m in a minute what I was so scared little girly I thought he was

Gonna get you oh gosh well maybe Doki doesn’t really know us yet so he might not know that we really like Harry and you won’t have anything against us oh maybe we should turn against Harry no I don’t think that’s a very good idea

Come on let’s go beat up Harry no no no no no come on baby oh come on home but now it’s a flying class oh okay it’s just a period I think so wow I’m still so amazed as castles awesome it’s beautiful isn’t it it is on

The sun is shining it’s such a great day to be in Hogwarts well I’d say this place is really nice when it’s snowing oh yeah and I wonder if they have ELLs hmm that deliver all the post he’ll be keen to schedule a class Flake passes this way yeah oh look

There’s a Carson oh do you reckon we should interrupt it I think we can walk around a little bit yeah my guys are quick oh my gosh look the teacher has a broom she have a broom oh is that one of the students that looks it we know it’s professor Joe me

To go smell em no no no no clothes 100 rooms over here can we check them out Chris weekend yeah Kelly that’s that’s professor Nimbus Nimbus yeah you got a broom yeah oh my gosh okay we can’t fly them baby look we can’t are you sure

Maybe look we’re not trained yet if we choose to go to Hogwarts and stay here for a couple of weeks then we can learn when we go to flight class itself right now we’re not allowed to use the brooms put them back okay okay I have a question

Little Kelly what’s up what if they don’t sell cookies here I’m sure they sell cookies here somewhere I mean it’s magic school if they don’t sell cookies you could probably bake them what spell and what about for my lunch cuz I don’t need cookies for lunch Ali is

Watermelons I’m sure we can make us some watermelon up here from magic you said it okay it’s worth it Malone what I’m alone oh good you’re a good learner oh thank you very much and where would you like to go next and maybe we should go check out the Quidditch arena I mean

Harry said we should go there oh well yeah I know the way follow me little Kelly awesome let’s do it I think this is it later Kelly but I’m not sure did eat it but this is here to the Quidditch arena rats it’s the Hogwarts cookie factory uh I

Think it’s the quitte Jurina I don’t think there is a cookie factory here but that would be a good idea it’ll be awesome man just a door here right I guess we can go in here oh yeah look it leads out to the field Hogwarts is so far in the back oh

My gosh ah look at this place oh my gosh so what is Quidditch again they have to follow this little gold ball that flies or something I think it’s called a snitch snitch that’s it and they ride their brooms right and they have to hit the other

Balls through the holes on the poles yeah that’s the game but it’s kind of dangerous cuz don’t they hit each other off I think so it’s kind of like American football or whoopee like that they if they’re quite aggressive with each other except you’re like 200 feet

In the air yeah I love the colors here I can imagine when the game is on everyone all the classes in their little boxes oh my gosh do you think we’d ever be able to play Quidditch I think maybe maybe Harry could teach us oh oh I’d say poor

Harry is meant to be a really good Quidditch player he is awesome a critic but wait this place is really nice all they need is a hotdog stand oh yeah I’m sure on game day they might have somewhere to get something to eat you’re always thinking about food baby dog

Yep it’s what I do but I think and don’t let the dog he said he’s gonna make me go on a diet what why well because he has an 8 pack and I want an eight pack taken an eight pack of WOD cookies oh that’s the dream mmm that sounds awesome

Innate ok that sounds almost as good as this place looks I like the grass yeah the grass is really bright and green and I just love all the colors it’s so awesome here I’m starting to really really like Hogwarts maybe don’t lose oh my I think we have a pretty easy

Decision here little Kelly well I mean if we’re gonna make a proper decision though we should probably check out where we’re gonna spend most of time which would be the classrooms in the dorms oh yeah that wouldn’t be a bad idea maybe we could yeah I guess and we

Just got back oh look you can kind of see hug words from in between them oh yeah it’s so far away yeah that’s how big just by out there’s a little bit of an overdose well this place is awesome we get lost here we should stick together oh yeah definitely okay well

Let’s go back to the main building yeah I think we’ll just go from the same way we came in yeah yeah sounds like a plan we know our way back from here little Kenny no there really no work no fair weekend yeah but I guess if we go

Here we’d get brooms and we’d be able to fly from there to here that would be awesome all right you said there’s elves maybe the elves can bring us because I’m gonna smell so I can certainly out I guess you could I don’t know how safe that would

Be but it’s an idea it could be any less safe than flying around in a broom I suppose so maybe we should go and see if we can check out some of the classrooms yeah this is kind of weird but it’s so nice isn’t it oh yeah okay so that’s the

Quidditch area where we just came from well the sun’s up here oh okay that might guide us to where we need to go okay so oh here’s a hare Balaji class what does what does that mean I think it’s using like plants and herbs to make

Spells oh we can make a cookies taste nicer look at this room where’s the girl oh what’s that look at these things what things look at the green it’s crazy weird I know what we keep on forgetting that it’s magical in Hogwarts um everything’s crazy I haven’t seen a

Ghost yet so it’s okay see the thing is about my magical kingdom as well so it’s magic as well we’ve got wizards too so I’m not too shocked by all of this it’s still pretty cool though yeah this is awesome it’s so strange but I do like it

I would like to go here for a while okay well we should probably check out the library let’s go up this way oh yeah let’s go to the library I hope this isn’t scary libraries are usually kinda scary library this way charms class this way where would you like to go first

I’d like to go to the library okay let’s go that way then well this place is so huge I think that if they didn’t have signposts everyday everywhere we definitely get lost oh I would totally get last time as silly dog okay where is it oh here it is are you up there

Mmm-hmm are you is there any coloring books um no I think it’s just books of spells and the history of magic and lots of stuff like that I mean it’s pretty big library it’s pretty awesome yeah well this is this is a restricted section we’re not allowed in there

No definitely not we don’t get in trouble when we’re only on a tour yeah I don’t know I’m not going in there they definitely have ghosts in there oh gosh Oh so won’t even think about goes oh look you can see the Quidditch arena from here yeah place is too big and

Awesome I like it though it’s so cool I think that if it was me and you go in here I’d really enjoy it yeah because we are best friends in the whole world that is very true where else could we go we could check out that charms class oh

Yeah that would be scary I have a question yes is charm the name of the professor or is it a class for terms um I think it’s like charms and spells let’s see Oh charms classroom to e Professor Flitwick ah yep you’re right thank you suspect look okay so it’s

These are kind of classrooms that we’d be in so we’d be able to sit beside each other oh that would be nice I’d like that mm-hmm I’m standing in it I’m surprised it gonna let a baby in Hogwarts I mean you’re a really cool baby and you’re

Really grown up for your age but I mean it’s just kind of crazy yeah maybe we wouldn’t be in the same class maybe I’d be in a baby class who you could be I don’t know I didn’t even know if they had a kindergarten guidance section ooh

Maybe I’m going to take care in Hogwarts ah awesome that would be so cool wouldn’t it the best maybe little Kelly I do you think we should go here I think we should and maybe we should go talk to Harry about it yeah I think we should go

Tell Harry what a decision this yeah definitely okay oh where do we have to go back down those stairs let me see I’m silly smelly stairs but in this way yeah well you’ll found them yeah I don’t want to fall I don’t if I don’t wanna fall

Okay how do we get back to Harry ah let me think I think it’s just around here somewhere oh don’t run into Draco again to to Quidditch area well I think he’s on the other side of the castle might take us a little while okay let’s run

Hey look Carrie you brought us all the way back here that was you’re very good at remembering oh yeah it’s just because I’m really excited and I really want to tell how are you that we’ve decided that we want to go here I’m so excited I haven’t even pooped my pants

Oh what I haven’t oh that’s kind of odd I mean you usually poop all the time yeah I know that’s how excited I am I want to impress Harry oh that’s good I suppose he won’t want to have to smell a poop yeah I don’t want I didn’t see any

Bathrooms here uh I’m sure we can find some baby talk let’s go tell her your decision okay I’m so scared there’s nothing to be scared of Harry’s or any nice guy okay you tell him though I don’t want to tell mom’s here hey Harry we’ve made a decision

Drumroll please Harry Caray Harry’s at drum rolling I he doesn’t have a job baby duck I think you’re just gonna have to tell him okay Harry we’ve decided we’re gonna cook the hug words for a few weeks that’s awesome guys hopefully you guys get into Gryffindor well guys we really hope you

Enjoyed today’s episode from me and baby took got invited go to Hogwarts and we’ve decided that we’re gonna stay and try a few wizards guys if you enjoyed the episode make sure to leave a like in a comment don’t forget to check the video out as well on baby ducks channel

The link is down below he is my baby best friend so go subscribe to him please I love all the links as well for the rest of the little poke are down below too make sure to go check out little Ally our newest member and guys

Check us out on his from on Twitter also I’m on snapchat and yeah did you have fun baby dope I had so much fun little Kelly I’m excited to stay here for a while bro I learned so much wizard things oh it’s gonna be magic but guys until next time see you again

See hey guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Adventures – LITTLE KELLY GOES TO MAGIC SCHOOL!’, was uploaded by LittleKellyPlayz on 2016-06-14 17:00:00. It has garnered 499756 views and 4925 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:10 or 1090 seconds.

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  • INSANE! Learn to Create Auto Chicken Farm – BADGER

    INSANE! Learn to Create Auto Chicken Farm - BADGERVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO FAZER UMA FARM DE FRANGO AUTOMÁTICA (Minecraft 1.21 Tutorial -TEXUGO)’, was uploaded by TEXUGO on 2024-05-31 22:00:16. It has garnered 158 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Have more ideas for tutorials? Comment there! Welcome to the BADGER channel, where I record Minecraft and Pokémon videos all day long! Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my Mine and Pokémon Memes! Instagram: texugo.png Want to be my friend on Pokémon go? just use my code! 5826 8311 8316 Pokémon videos every day at noon and… Read More

  • Shocking! Mickey Joe’s Wild Barely Default Rap

    Shocking! Mickey Joe's Wild Barely Default RapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Barely Default Rap 🎤🎶 (Pigstep Electro Swing Remix Parody Minecraft Song)’, was uploaded by Mickey Joe on 2024-06-06 02:40:03. It has garnered 377 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. Minecraft resource pack rap using a remix of Pigstep Your daily dose of cringe. I listen to too much Eminem. I don’t know what to say, but here it is. enjoy(?) Like the video, & subscribe to the channel to help me achieve my YT dreams 💙 The beat is a remix of Lena Raine’s Pigstep, by the… Read More

  • SkrubShack

    SkrubShackWelcome to the SkrubShack! This is an all new OPFactions server. If you are looking for a OpFactions experience on a smaller scale, we are the server for you! Come join the new community and work your way up the ranks! Read More

  • V For Vanilla – Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information Server IP: VForV.net Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. We offer a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience with minimal admin intervention. Our goal is to provide a fair and authentic vanilla experience without game-changing plugins or commands. Join our small international community for a true vanilla experience. Server Details World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected spawn area No TPA or Sethome Griefing & Killing Allowed No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers) Chat isn’t strictly moderated Dedicated server hosted in… Read More

  • Death Follows | Official Server

    Death Follows | Official ServerDeath Follows is a modded Zombie Apocalypse server. There is an active community along with frequent updates! Play on the server or just get the modpack to play with your friends! There is a mostly Anarchy playtype for the server aside from a few specific rules. Designated CFZ (Cease Fire Zones) are to remain PVP free. There are hardly any spots and youd have to go out of your way to break that. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft X Netflix collab spicy!

    The new Minecraft x Netflix collaboration is so good, the Ender Dragon is demanding royalties for its cameo appearance. Read More

  • Lost in Blocks: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3 – The Hunt Begins!

    Lost in Blocks: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3 - The Hunt Begins! In Minecraft Story Mode, we dive deep, Exploring the world, secrets to keep. Episode 3, The Last Place You Look, Adventure awaits, like an open book. No commentary, just gameplay pure, Robert.T.Gaming, the one to allure. An hour long journey, full of delight, Subscribe for more, day or night. Deviantart pictures, creative and bold, Check them out, stories untold. Minecraft world, a place to explore, In every corner, there’s always more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so tight, Minecraft Story Mode, a true delight. Join the adventure, with every spin, Let the story sing, let the truth… Read More

  • Minecraft: Drip Stone Drama [🔥😂]

    Minecraft: Drip Stone Drama [🔥😂] "Drip stone in Minecraft: exists Logic: confused screaming Who knew a simple rock could break the laws of physics in a virtual world?" 😂 #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Surviving the World’s Biggest Minecraft Creeper

    Surviving the World's Biggest Minecraft Creeper The World of Minecraft: Surviving the Biggest Creeper Exploring the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft can be both thrilling and challenging. In a recent video titled “I Survived Worlds Biggest Minecraft creeper,” players were taken on an adventure like no other. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this epic Minecraft journey. Survival Skills Tested The video showcased a player facing off against the biggest Minecraft creeper ever encountered. With its towering size and explosive power, the creeper posed a significant threat. The player’s survival skills were put to the test as they navigated through the blocky terrain,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! You won’t believe what Minecraft mods I’m avoiding in my modpack #dejatwo

    UNBELIEVABLE! You won't believe what Minecraft mods I'm avoiding in my modpack #dejatwoVideo Information This video, titled ‘I WILL NOT use these Minecraft mods in my modpack #dejatwo’, was uploaded by DejaTwo on 2024-06-02 02:25:31. It has garnered 428560 views and 65523 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Surviving the Deadly Wasteland in Minecraft

    Surviving the Deadly Wasteland in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the Steve Dweller in a Deadly Wasteland in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-21 16:19:23. It has garnered 148046 views and 6484 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:30 or 1830 seconds. Hardcore Minecraft in a haunted wasteland. This is my hardest and scariest challenge yet as the Steve dweller or mimic dweller is set loose in this hardcore survival world. Herobrine is also scaring me 24/7. Dangerous mobs roam the land while no passive mobs, no wildlife no vegetation spawn in any way. Can I make it out alive? After previously… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Logic Water Bucket Trick 🤯 #Viral

    INSANE Minecraft Logic Water Bucket Trick 🤯 #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic with water bucket#minecraft #logic #browsefeatures #viralshort’, was uploaded by Ysa gamer on 2024-05-06 14:31:45. It has garnered 511 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate PvZ battle in luxury village | SNOW Minecraft Survival Walkthrough

    Ultimate PvZ battle in luxury village | SNOW Minecraft Survival WalkthroughVideo Information This video, titled ‘SNOW minecraft Surviving in luxury village in b.e | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay)’, was uploaded by The battle of pvz on 2024-04-17 00:00:14. It has garnered 61 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. SNOW minecraft Surviving in luxury village in beta edition | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on… Read More

  • Minecraft Pirate steals Hyrule’s Bread!

    Minecraft Pirate steals Hyrule's Bread!Video Information This video, titled ‘plundering Hyrule but it’s in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by The Bread Pirate on 2024-03-09 21:06:46. It has garnered 3483 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:53 or 11273 seconds. “Smooth seas never made a skilled pirate,” so today we are pillaging the coast of Hyrule for all its booty! 👑💰💀 💭 QUESTIONS Q: What game is this? What server? A: 🎯 Minecraft! We are playing on a map of Hyrule created by @Grazzyy and his team. Q: Can I join the server? A: 🤫 Not yet! But someday Grazzy will make… Read More

  • Win a Prize from Mash – Herobrine Jumps Fast!

    Win a Prize from Mash - Herobrine Jumps Fast!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Jump Fast to Win a Prize from Mash #trending #shorts #mashle’, was uploaded by MQube on 2024-05-22 09:31:52. It has garnered 21249 views and 1528 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #trending #mystery #minecraft #minecraftanimation #animation minecraft, minecraft shorts idea, short trending idea, short trending, shorts, minecraft short idea viral, minecraft short, short video, minecraft bling-bang-bang-born, funny short, funny memes, memes short, minecraft animation, minecraft school, monster school short idea, help herobrine, Help herobrine break bedrock, help herobrine from the mystery bedrock, help herobrine mystery bedrock, herobrine bling-bang-bang-born,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Capt. Perry Solves Secret Star Project Alone! 🌟 #palworld

    Unbelievable: Capt. Perry Solves Secret Star Project Alone! 🌟 #palworldVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Alone Am The Honoured One #palworld #palworld’, was uploaded by Cpt. Noelani Perry Ch. 🇮🇳 Project Starscape on 2024-02-17 18:22:12. It has garnered 228 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:18 or 12738 seconds. Ahoy!~ It’s your friendly neighbourhood Captain Noelani! 🦭❤ You knew it, the camp in minecraft isn’t for show. I will monopolize this place too. No one is safe. =================READ BELOW FOR GENERAL INFO================= Welcome aboard the crew, Seadawg. I make a lot of gaming content, specially story rich games and often make fun narratives about them…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Hack Viral on TikTok #OP

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Hack Viral on TikTok #OPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral hack tik tok hack #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by op pvp yt gamer on 2024-01-13 02:34:38. It has garnered 4146 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hero Trap by Vezalius Bandage

    Insane Minecraft Hero Trap by Vezalius BandageVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Heroes】Building a trap for heroes・ヒーローを引き寄せる罠を作る!【NIJISANJI EN | Vezalius Bandage】’, was uploaded by Vezalius Bandage 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 18:39:56. It has garnered 15784 views and 1204 likes. The duration of the video is 05:20:24 or 19224 seconds. It’s time to execute my evil plan to lure heroes into my trap hehehehhe 😈 【Streamlabs Donations】 https://streamlabs.com/vezaliusbandage 【June Bride Voice Pack】available until June 30th JST https://www.anycolor.co.jp/en/news/76msaa-nw9mm ✦✧✦ ✦Thumbnail art: https://x.com/Thd10042/status/1792616936251052356 ✧Thumbnail logo: https://x.com/Nicreator_0v0/status/1792636847622926465 ✦✧✦ 【Chat Guidelines】 ✦ Don’t spam or troll. ✧ Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. ✦ Keep the comments… Read More

  • World Craft Domination

    World Craft Domination[Survival] [PvP] [RolePlay] [Vanilla] [Towny] [Economy] [Player Shop] [Geopolitical] – World Craft: Domination is a survival based server with nations, towns, trading & politics. Who can be the most powerful nation? Grow your empire, ally with others and even declare war on other nations! play.wcdmc.com Read More

  • Alberram – Fantasy Roleplay Server SMP Whitelist

    Alberram Fantasy Medieval Roleplay Server Details: Java | Vanilla | Version 1.20.2 | 16+ Join Us: Discord Invite Link About Us: Alberram is a fantasy medieval roleplay server that offers creative freedom with a simple lore that sparks imagination. Key Features: Completely Free: No donations or subscriptions for unfair advantages Caring Staff Team: Transparent, honest, and responsive staff members Dedicated Playerbase: Active community ready to create unique characters and stories Whitelist Process: Quick review of character sheets to ensure fairness and lore compliance Unique Plugins: Enhancing races, towns, cities, and geopolitical roleplay Lore Snippet: The world of Alberram is a… Read More

  • RoyaltyRealms SMP

    RoyaltyRealms SMPRoyaltyRealmsRoyaltyRealms is a semi-vanilla Minecraft vanilla server. We always strive to be on the latest version of Minecraft so that our players can enjoy new Minecraft updates. We offer custom textures, models, and UIs to make our server different. All artwork and 3d models are custom and specifically for this server. RoyaltyRealms gives players the ability to decorate their homes/builds with furniture models. Players may also customize their Minecraft character with cosmetic items. Join us for a fun adventure on RoyaltyRealms.Connect at: play.royaltyrealms.comJoin our Discord: Discord.gg/royaltyrealms Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty flexin’

    Well, looks like this meme is really flexing its score on us! Great job, meme, we’re all very impressed with your high score. Read More

  • Minecraft Escape Room: Epic Fail or Genius Plot?

    Minecraft Escape Room: Epic Fail or Genius Plot? In the worst Minecraft escape room, I did play, But it was so bad, I escaped in a day. With failed puzzles and obvious solutions in sight, I crafted my way out, with all my might. In a Bedrock turret, I began my quest, Using F5 to see, I gave it my best. Threw an ender pearl, to the next room I flew, Crafted a boat, and sailed through. In the next room, a two-block jump I faced, With stairs, lava, and a fishing pole to embrace. I crafted my way out, with planks and sticks, Using my wits,… Read More