Minecraft All The Mods 9 – #6 Easy Upgrades! (Botany Hoppers)

Video Information

Foreign Another action-packed episode is in store for you today last episode we’ve got some amazing stuff done and my to-do list today is pretty extensive I also made a massive mistake and a massive boo-boo so thank you for saying in the comment section what that mistake was uh

Yeah I appreciate the comments and as always keep those coming in also a big thank you to YouTube members and patreons but let’s jump in and get started hopefully dokely well every good episode starts with a look at the pocket computer and we’re gonna load lists

Program there we go yeah we want to load the list I prepared this earlier and here we go seven things on our list I cannot reiterate enough how amazing to-do lists are they help keep you focused and help keep your head in the game because if you’re anything like me

You get crazy distracted so here we go number one show you guys the new stuff so after we ended last episode I built a few more iron Farms only three more because I don’t have many villagers yet and I set them up over here in what

Looks like a pretty cool terrarium so I kind of thought well these Villages are gonna get a bit bored stuck in there with a zombie making iron golems all day so to brighten up their lives I put some lapis blocks behind them and I don’t know maybe they appreciate that it’s a

Nice little aquarium for them if they swam a terrarium right a land Aquarium and as of this version of all the mods 9 there aren’t really many pipe options in the mod and because we’ve got infinite iron from our iron Farms over here I figured why not just use hoppers as

Pipes because they are basically vanilla pipes so all of these Hoppers now feed down to this chest and if I look inside oh yeah loads and loads of iron grab some of that so what you’ll see here as well is that these Hoppers kind of look a little bit

Ugly they’re exposed and as any of you hello Mr Iron Golem as anybody will tell you it’s kind of nice to hide your Machinery if you can spare the time and this Minecraft series is all about the looks all about Aesthetics so what we can do is we can use something called facades

Foreign but these require something called a cable anchor and that requires certain knives ingots whatever I didn’t really have time to mess around with that but what we do have and what we can do is make some trap doors trap doors are actually a great way for you to hide anything I mean I got the idea because I basically use trap doors to box in my flower beds because I want to hide the coarse dirt well with strap doors like this boom we can now hide those ugly Hoppers great tip but that’s about it that’s the only

Thing I’ve done between episodes so we can cross off that from the to-do list boom new stuff complete right yeah no so here we go Smith backpack last episode I made a massive booboo you can see in my back there I have the backpack but uh yeah basically

I did it wrong when I upgraded my backpack I failed to read the tool tips correctly so basically take a look So yeah there’s a very specific way you’re supposed to upgrade your traveler’s backpack look at this it even says in the tooltip use leather as template and combine with leather tier Travelers backpack in smithing table oh okay so we’re gonna need to make a smithing table to upgrade our backpack

Now I’ve made us a backpack to replace our one that vanished but I think I’m also going to get rid of all these tools and things because my pack is getting pretty congested there and I know a lot of you guys at home hate it when people have full backpacks

So there we go just the important stuff now on our bars yeah so we’re gonna need a smithing table I didn’t actually uh find one of these in the village but that’s okay because they’re not too hard to make Acacia planks or any old planks I think we’ll

Do and some iron ingots which hey guess what we got like a ton of them So into place these go we get the smithing table amazing and we’re gonna keep this down here with the rest of our like you know ad hoc tools in fact actually what we can do is we can double our space here by basically putting The Cutting Board we have on top

Of the smithing table instead of a piece of cobblestone that’s going to give us much more space boom and we can still use the smithing table so that’s great so okay right how do we do this man those those Iron Golems are pretty loud I’m gonna need a muffler

So put the backpack there the iron tier upgrade on the right and also says use leather as template so we have some leather somewhere I reckon there we go came in handy with the leather on the left backpack in the middle the iron upgrade there and boom we’ve done it okay

Amazing so how much bigger is this oh okay yeah quite a lot more space in here pretty cool now eight is the key to open the backpack but that doesn’t seem to work maybe we have to be wearing it so it can be uh in the curio section where’s the

Back is it body no that’s weird so it says slot back but in the curio section there is not a back slot what’s happened there why is why is that why has that happened that is very curious and in the meantime I still have the visuals of my old

Backpack as well crazy well we’ll try and diagnose that problem between episodes because this looks like a pretty wacky bug anyway I reckon we can cross that off the list because the backpack has been taken care of we know how to upgrade it now and the rest of

It’s just a bug a quirk number three iron everything right yeah so absolutely because we’ve got so much iron why isn’t everything we have iron so a cool tip for you guys and also thank you for this in the comments section if you make an iron pickaxe you

Can automatically upgrade it to a silent gear tools iron pickaxe by just putting it in the crafting bench that’s really cool and also now that our pickaxe is iron we want to get rid of this crude Stone monstrosity and upgrade our repair kit to have iron in it

Now I’m not quite sure how you do this because at the moment aha I see right so repair kit can store multiple different materials interesting so let’s try and drain it of all of the stone first and why not do that with a little bit of a mini mining trip I might find

Something valuable might find something cool either way we can continue to dig our massive tunnel down here all the way to the bottom oh wait I’m just gonna be right back I’m gonna go grab some torches from upside there we go torches in my right hand picking my left let’s waste some

Durability and gather some things we might need later like why not zinc that could come in handy now create is something we are going to go into you guys may have remembered that well my basically my player house is something I designed in a creative world and had my Builder build legit and

Basically what I’ve done is I’ve designed a whole create workshop and loaded it as a blueprint in mine colonies and that’s going to be next episode but I can’t wait to have the Builder build the create Workshop it’s going to be great and so consequently I’m gonna need this zinc for create oh

Yeah now I remember this is a pretty deadly Zone but luckily enough with full iron tier now with a sword I reckon it’s uh you know time for round two now I’m not going to dig iron ore because well we’ve got infinite of it and I’ve got I’m never gonna need any more

But certainly silver could come in handy there’s some resonating or not quite sure if I need that oh my God it needs a diamond pick though so the coast looks mostly clear I can see some red dots on the map they could become a problem I’m gonna grab copper because some mod packs

Have actually started using vanilla copper so it could come in handy dimensional Shard or that sounds pretty cool too might be cool to find some New Dimensions grab up some zinc for sure when a block of raw zinc I think that’s good deep slate silver hello yes

Platinum or now this requires a diamond pick you know what actually maybe this episode we might find our first diamonds because this cave goes pretty freaking deep okay so I’ve upped the brightness slightly because I think every time I update my game every time I update my

All the mods version it resets my brightness back to 50 so apologies for that it’s back in business now osmium hello so this is weird osmium is here but I don’t think mechanism is in the pack yet but we’ll grab it for the day that osmium comes

Oh man this is a great mining trip and this is a freaking fantastic Chasm let’s grab this gold now even though our backpack doesn’t work as we want it to we can still manually open it on the Hotbar and still use this as like a good dump for Stuff There we go okay let’s keep it going and I’m gonna gather because I’ve got the storage space now basically everything that looks like it might come in handy at some point euronites could be useful one day bought or I don’t know what bought ore is but it’s from Silent gear so why not

So as always your comments inspire me instruct me and well you guys are amazing and very knowledgeable if there’s any oars that you see me picking up that you know the use for that you think maybe I don’t let me know in the comments section like for example what

Is bought or good for and also lead what can we do with lead in this mod pack there we go we use a lot of the stone now so this isn’t going to take long to get rid of all of this durability but you know what I’m not going to go

Home until I found diamonds and this Chasm is so huge this is a massive Spelunky cave that uh you know I reckon we stand a good chance of finding it oh man so if you’re a fan of Star Wars the new Ahsoka episodes uh have aired and I haven’t watched them yet because

I’m waiting to oh hello watch them with my partner but if you have watched them let me know what you think I don’t want any spoilers but is it good is it worth checking out I’m a massive Star Wars nerd and I’ve seen basically everything that is Star Wars

So I’m gonna watch it regardless but I’m curious to see what you guys think oh whoa okay instant upgrade to our iron sword get in there and what’s in here compressed iron chest plate is this better than what we’ve got on yeah you know what I think it is so we’ll equip that

I’ve kind of neglected going exploring and Gathering loot in the box of Eternal closure I’ve kind of skipped going around and grabbing loot because I’ve been so focused on getting my farm set up that looting and exploring just seems like well for one it seems a little bit

Cheaty some of the stuff that you find out in the world is crazy powerful but also this series is about all the mods and primarily working on our farm oh big old Landslide there while I do plan to go exploring at some point it’s gonna

Come down the line when I’ve got a jet pack probably some kind of glider so what does suck big time right now is that I don’t have any diamonds yet like I really did hope I was gonna find some diamonds pretty quick diamonds are emissive emissive means they glow and basically shaders often

Will let you make vanilla ores glow and you can see a representation of that the iron glows and the lapis up there glows and the copper glows modded oils don’t glow that’s just a quirk of shaders who is that oh it’s a witch but because diamond is vanilla it should

Glow it should be emissive so it will be hard to miss and down here we’re at y minus something crazy minus like 30 40. so we’re well within the range for diamonds oh whoa look at this deep deep drop yeah if we don’t find diamonds down here

I don’t know where we’re gonna find diamonds let’s just use our Stone pick to make a nice way down here Aha hello look at it my friend diamonds hooray the first diamond of the series when I went to all the mods a basically I buy episode six I had all the modium uh whereas in this series we’re taking it at a bit of a slower pace so we’ve only got uh I guess

One Diamond there you go but you know what I kind of wouldn’t have it any other way I really do like the slow pace of this series taking things slow and not rushing anything Minecraft should never be rushed we’re not speed running here we’re making sure to enjoy the journey

So I did make a promise I wasn’t going home until I had a diamond and I’ve got a diamond so it’s a long climb up let’s get going wait what is what is that what am I looking at there that’s so weird Oh I think it was a visual glitch anyway I’ll see you guys top side so I and everything we can kind of write off from the list now everything we have is iron or better we’ve got a really cool sword now the Ender and uh iron

Pickaxe is iron and our crude repair kit uses iron to repair full Iron Man that was a really good trip though check it out one Diamond loads and loads of redstone as well not to mention zinc tin silver osmium yellow right silver Prosperity or dimensional shards

Gold as well 42 gold that we can straight away using the orehammer double bam now of course we’re gonna need to smelt this in the jumbo furnace which brings me on to wait okay so with the to-do list we’re gonna skip the botany pots and go straight to the jumbo furnace

Because you guys in the comment section told me exactly how I can upgrade the jumbo furnace so basically there’s slots here to for fuel slots here for the ingredients that you want smelted this is the result but down here this mystery slot well it shall no longer remain a mystery

This is basically where you upgrade your jumbo furnace now this is a jumbo furnace block we make this by smelting in the jumbo furnace furnaces okay well let’s make some there should be Cobble in the null let’s get cracking boom 64 furnaces so if we smelt the furnaces what’s gonna happen

27 makes a jumbo furnace let’s see if this works oh it has yeah and it’s used exactly 27. so if I put this now down in the bottom has this upgraded it now it does seem to me to be going faster maybe you guys at home can measure it And what is this used for the jumbo furnace this can be placed in the upgrade slot of a jumbo furnace to increase the number of recipes it can smelt per cooking cycle But as it says it doesn’t increase the speed but it increases how many different things you can smelt at the same time I’m not sure if more jumbo furnaces mean more recipes but let’s try and find out so let’s get that all hammer out put it to work

Okay so here is an array of dusts zinc copper gold and tin and let’s see what comes out per cooking cycle so the moment we’ve got one jumbo furnace in there and we get two zinc okay what happens if you put another jumbo furnace in there

Five okay three so these do stack well let’s get as many jumbo furnaces in here as we can manage boom okay now let’s see what happens when we put in some zinc tin gold and copper Six okay I mean it’s it’s still very good it takes yeah it’s still six times as quick as a normal furnace unfortunately though it looks like it drains six times the fuel as well there we go planks for days not the most efficient source of fuel but it works for now And we can always look into Alternatives later yeah it’s actually not draining it too quick so in with the remainder of the dust and we’re just gonna leave this to brew so another item crossed off the to-do list that’s five upgrade the jumbo now we’re gonna backtrack and check on the botany parts

Okay so the moment of truth you just saw how many logs we have absolutely loads the uh Oak one gets you apples here and there but not very commonly it’s not a reliable source of apples over here we have loads of wheat amazing I might turn some of that into bread

Actually you know what I could really use a crafting table on a stick it’s not too hard to make let’s get one so with the crafting table on a stick you have crafting at your disposal no matter where you are it doesn’t have to take up an inventory slot along the

Bottom because you can actually put it into your curios and it becomes a curio slot oh no oh no oh no I’ve just discovered the back slot it’s where the whoopee cushion is why but the but the whoopee cushion goes in your head why was it there that is very very very weird

Anyway I’ve gotten distracted what was I thinking about oh yeah I was thinking about a crafting table on a stick and I was doing that because I wanted to make some bread with the wheat but anyway the most important parts to check are going to be these Hopper ones

That have our inferium in and yeah look at this a very nice amount of inferium essence looted and booted now we’ll put these back in the chest because we don’t have a use for them yet oh but you know what though actually that gives me a great idea now that we

Have basically infinite iron we can make loads more Hopper botany pots we can also use hoppers as like pipes from the different pots down to these front chests so how about we stagger these pots and just have them like climbing like stairs and the pipes that pull them

All the way down to the bottom part that sounds like a really good idea because I think we’re probably going to be ready to go to tier two inferium seeds so let’s do that so here we go we’re gonna get some more clay cooking in the jumbo take out those bars

And you guys also mentioned that I was a massive fool as well I don’t need the cutting board to turn clay back into balls all I need to do is put it on the floor and dig it once again a bit of a mishap by me but you know what

Luckily enough I have you guys around to keep me in check oh this is so much easier and we’ll cook these into bricks as well for more plant pots that should be as good to go this is a mammoth amount but I’ll show you what I

Mean now when I place down these pots because I think this is going to become very very very juicy so we’re gonna move the carrots and the wheat from over here on the right so we want to make sure this whole section is dedicated to the different tiers of inferium

So how are we going to do this first off we need to clear our workspace it’s going to make things much easier and I can always replace these hedges so chests here and basically we do everything one layer back and one layer higher okay that’s all the chests and all the

Hopper pots down now we need to plug in The Hoppers and the way we do this is basically yeah the hopper has to look and the chest is going into so hold down shift point at the chest and boom there we go comes from that chest into the next one let’s keep it

Going there we go very basic without pipes there’s not much else we can do maybe I’ll replace these with pipes later on but you know what vanilla Hoppers they’re fine I’ve heard some people say they’re actually pretty laggy especially in modded so don’t rely on them too much as pipes

But for now they do work so what we’re going to do is we’re just going to plug all of these with inferium seeds for now so we get the maximum yield of inferium essence and we’ll come back and revisit this idea later once we’ve got some more

Diamonds and had a better think about how we want to apply mystical agriculture because this is not the mystical agriculture episode I just figured we’d do this Okay there we go every single pot now full with the proper Farmland the proper seeds we’ve got one extra whoops and yeah this all should get going in the background very very very exciting and the ethereum essence should trickle down all the way from the top through these

Chests and Hoppers into the bottom let’s just make sure none of it’s getting stuck no it looks great to me so far so very fire and forget let’s leave that to brew now we can cross that off our list check on the pots boom animal feeding okay this is gonna be a

Big one we gotta go and feed our animals we’re going to use farming for Blockheads to do it and I’m going to show you exactly how we make the feeding trough now it’s golden carrots hay bales and planks and hay bales what was holding us back before luckily enough

Not an issue now because we’ve got loads and loads and loads of wheat but here we go enough for four one two three four Bam Bam Bam Bam now before we actually put down the feeding trough what I’m gonna do is bring our animals into their new pen

Come on boys now let’s just bring them this way it shouldn’t be too hard because the farm is very close come on Lads with me come on these fences man Cavs are a real pain you know that and I don’t want to lose my wheat from my hand so we’re gonna use

Our fists it’s painful to watch I know to dig this Cobblestone wall so that we don’t lose the focus of the cows here we go yeah okay ladies come with me I’ve got a wheat with your name on it so I was testing out the feeding trough from farming for Blockheads and there

Are some peculiarities with it for one it doesn’t seem to work if you only have two animals so if you’re at home and planning to make a feeding trough like I am do make sure that you get I think probably four is a good number of sheep

Or cows or whatever to start with because for some reason they don’t breed if you have only two in the pen there we go oh now one did get away so long pal you are allowed your freedom this is the one guy that escaped and for his Ingenuity I’m gonna let him roam

Free you are free to go off into the wild and get Savaged by zombies and skeletons but here we go we got cows in one pen and sheep in the other let’s put down the feeding trough and I’ll show you guys exactly how this works you can use multiple feeding troughs and

Sometimes that’s better it’s certainly quicker so a stack of wheat we right click and it goes into the feeding trough now let’s see is this gonna work yes oh they’ve used it and I do see a little baby calf in there amazing now there’s all kinds of ways you can add

Wheat back into these feeding troughs and these feeding troughs do go through quite a lot of wheat so having some kind of Auto farm with maybe like a create deployer might work something that lets you right click on the feeding trough and put the wheat in it we’ll have to

Look into ideas for that later but for now we’re just getting the basics set up oh and check this out that is weird so the feeding trough has such a big range that it’s also impacting the Sheep over here in this pen that is unexpected so it means that we don’t really need

More than one feeding trough for both of these guys in fact what we could do is put the feeding trough in the wall so that it feeds both pens and looks a bit neater since they both use the same food that won’t work for pigs because these

Guys over here are gonna want well these imaginary guys are gonna want some carrots instead so I guess we’ll leave this as it is save these feeding troughs for later because they could come in handy but yeah there we go animal farming ticked off the list

Boom and that brings us to our final task of the day as always we’d like to finish an episode with a nice time lapse build because it’s been such a big episode though I’m choosing the smallest building to build now basically if I get the build tool out you guys are going to

See how big our colony is and real talk this is not that big we don’t have that much room to maneuver one way to make this bigger is to build guard towers on the corners this is going to let us expand the area we can build

So in a perfect world what we will be doing like I said is putting this guard tower on the very corner of our farm because that way we get the most bang for our buck basically guard towers give you one extra chunk per level of the Guard Tower so at level

5 a guard Tower will give you like five chunks in each Direction like a big five cube to deal with But we can’t upgrade to level 5 guard towers until the town hall is level five so we’ll have to stick with level one towers for now and slowly upgrade them as we upgrade the colony now like I said because I don’t want this to be in a very ugly spot right in

The middle of where we plan to do our farming I’m gonna set it a little bit back raised up on this little kind of Ridge so here we go yeah I can maneuver this around so it’s not gonna blow up our farm and at level one two three four and five

You can see these are pretty cool looking Towers they’re not too obtrusive so I feel more than happy plonking this down also interestingly check this out so the colonial pack comes with rails which I think means the colonial pack is designed around the idea that your guards can go skidding around your

Entire Colony on a railway system and that sounds really cool so this looks to me to be the perfect spot for the guard Tower let’s just actually hang on a sec move it over slightly this way so we’re not going to destroy our hovel immediately because you know what I’m

Kind of sentimentally attached to our hovel it is where we first built our stuff and I want to keep the hovel alive and around and undestroyed for as long as possible level one guard towers are always incredibly easy to build nothing here looks too vexing and yeah I

Can get basically all of this set up straight away anyway let’s go and give the Builder the materials he needs and time lapse this build so here we go the barracks tower now this is probably the smallest and easiest build you’ll do in the colony and for good reason you’re gonna need

Quite a few of these especially early on because every single guard Tower can support one guard and you’re gonna need a lot of guards when raids start happening now guards that are assigned to a guard Tower don’t actually use a housing space because these guards basically love

Their job so much they live in the guard Tower so I think what I want to do is get a few of these built and that way I can get loads of you guys in from the patreon names list from the tavern into roles inside these guard towers I’m

Gonna need some heroic Knights archers and maybe some Druids but also guard towers are probably the easiest building to upgrade to level 5 so putting them on the edges of your colony is actually a really great way to expand the borders that does mean though that we’re gonna

Need to get the town hall up to level five pretty much as soon as we can So there you have it the guard tower has been built it’s very simple but it’s very very cool and it looks like oh yeah our first Soldier is arriving to report for Duty it’s cheesy Reeves oh man look at that commanding mustache very cool I love the new skins and models that all

The colonists have we got a lot done this episode and I’m pretty chuffed next episode what I want to do and what I’m pretty excited to start with is create we’re going to get our Builder to build a custom create Workshop one that I’ve set up and

Created a schematic for so he can hit the ground running with that as always a massive thank you for watching and until next time take care

This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 – #6 Easy Upgrades! (Botany Hoppers)’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2023-08-26 16:15:00. It has garnered 27314 views and 1162 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:31 or 1891 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 9 ( atm9 ) 🏰 Minecolonies 🏰

Minecraft All The Mods is back with episode 6! In this episode, we’re playing through the easy upgrades for our farm including the Botany Hopper Pot and Travellers Backpack.

In this Modded Minecraft All The Mods 9 series playthrough, we’re exploring the amazing world of Botany! This episode features the easy upgrade of the Botany Hopper Pot Travellers Backpack, which allows players to pick up plants and flowers across the map. Be sure to watch the entire series to see all the amazing Modded Minecraft All The Mods 9 adventures!

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Become a member to help support the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpu8dLHavjMi1a5jgT9ycMA/join

All The Mods 9

World Seed: -7689813327302901095

Minecraft version 1.20.1 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

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In this short video, I’ll be talking about the new ATM9 mod for Minecraft. If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM9, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

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    Experience the Thrill of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to a thrilling new Minecraft series called “NUCLEAR STRIKE” – episode 1 Teaser. While we are not the creators of this series, we were blown away by its action-packed gameplay and intense storyline. After watching the teaser, we couldn’t help but think about how perfect this series would be to reenact on a server like Minewind. With its intense gameplay and focus on survival, Minewind provides the perfect backdrop for players to create their own… Read More

  • Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19

    Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fallen Kings Episode 19, a mesmerizing dream. The sequel to Ghost of The Past, a tale so grand, Witness the war from the past, in the present land. Crafted with care, each animation scene, With music that sets the perfect scene. Featuring ONLAP and Vindsvept’s fantasy tunes, Setting the mood, under the Minecraft moons. Aliaksei Yukhnevich, Colin Root, and more, Their music adds depth, to the Minecraft lore. Victor Cooper and Vitalii Suzdin’s sounds, Bring life to the battles, where victory resounds. Timur Haisyn’s Brutal Fervour, a fierce track, Perfect… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5

    Insane Challenge: Guns Only in BloxFruit! Will I Beat It? #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Beating BloxFruit with only guns #5 1000 – 1300 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-04-09 17:11:20. It has garnered 470 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:01 or 13201 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!

    SHOCKING: Fair Rosé reveals dark secrets in Hive LOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive lol’, was uploaded by Fair Rose on 2024-05-28 02:34:25. It has garnered 360 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:43 or 10183 seconds. #fairrose Hive With Viewers 😀 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Description: I play Minecraft with viewers, Minecraft Hive with viewers, Survival with viewers, and many other games with viewers. (Sometimes Pokemon :P) Hive is a fun Minecraft bedrock server with tons of fun Minecraft Pvp game modes and non Pvp gamemodes. Join the community, have fun vibing in streams and playing Minecraft. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 🌍SOCIAL: Xbox Gamertag: Fair r0se (zero) Minecraft Java… Read More

  • INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!

    INSANE German 4K Minecraft Skyblock #012!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock #012 / German / 4K’, was uploaded by TaublerTV on 2024-06-01 15:45:49. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:45 or 1845 seconds. About the game ✒️✏️ Minecraft is a sandbox computer game that was originally developed by the Swedish programmer Markus “Notch” Persson and the company he founded for this purpose, Mojang. Mojang and the game have been part of Microsoft since September 2014, which bought the company for 2.5 billion US dollars. Minecraft was first released on May 17, 2009 as an early access… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Watch till end 😱

    Insane Minecraft War - Watch till end 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 9 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 04:00:08. It has garnered 3311 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!

    EPIC MINECRAFT FINALE! Two Sides Clash in Season 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft FNAC Season 4 – Two Sides – Episode 193’, was uploaded by Pretty Depressed Productions on 2024-03-22 20:30:01. It has garnered 5861 views and 629 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. ✪ Remember To Hit That Bell And Subscribe! ✪ Social Media Links Discord Link – https://discord.gg/MHzDB5RkHj ​​✯Behind The Scenes✯ ​ Thumbnail Artists – Pluless https://bit.ly/3qfCcvt DamienCandle https://bit.ly/35KgOmP Editor – SpookyPooky https://bit.ly/2VaCMdK ✯People Who Were Here✯ Dylan (Dylan and Candy) https://bit.ly/34Ru34k KainaBunny (Circus Baby) https://bit.ly/2IhY06d Steele (Blank) https://bit.ly/358s78U HandfulJake (Red and Wilford) https://bit.ly/3eQlHyN Keldo52 (Blue) https://bit.ly/32nwHi4 Pluless (Yellow) https://bit.ly/3qfCcvt… Read More

  • Skeletanarchy RLCraft

    Skeletanarchy RLCraftWelcome to Skeletanarchy Minecraft! Which includes RLCraft on rl.skeletanarchy.com, Better Minecraft 1.18.2 [Forge] on bm.skeletanarchy.com, and Vanilla Minecraft on vanilla.skeletanarchy.com:25569. The servers are all Anarchy, there are no rules. The players do whatever they want, whether it’s creating communities, building amazing structures, or bands of griefers destroying everything, or literally anything rl.skeletanarchy.com Read More

  • Turtle’s Crossing: Creative 1.20, No Plots, WorldEdit, Dynmap, Whitelist, 18+ Preferred

    Turtle’s Crossing Turtle’s Crossing is a creative server started on 1.20 large biomes world generation. We welcome all kinds of builders, and look to create a community where members can relax and enjoy building without having to worry about complex tiers or thematic restrictions. Read More

  • AardvarkMC

    AardvarkMCBRAND NEW MAP! Started in 2024, AardvarkMC.org aims to be a sanctuary among servers for balanced survival PvP economy and provide the space for great builders to bring their dreams to life! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Unknown player uprising!

    Minecraft Memes - The Unknown player uprising!The Unknown player must be really good at Minecraft if they have a score of 54… or maybe they’re just really good at hiding their identity! Read More

  • Resource Rush: Wither Storm’s Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Resource Rush: Wither Storm's Hardcore Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With the Wither Storm looming, danger within. Gathering resources, preparing for the fight, In this hardcore mode, survival is tight. Uncut and epic, this series will unfold, With twists and turns, stories untold. The final boss awaits, a challenge so grand, Will our hero prevail, with sword in hand? Stay tuned for more, as the journey unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told. With the Wither Storm lurking, ready to strike, Our hero must be brave, in the darkest of night. So join us now, in this… Read More

  • “Japan vs America: Minecraft Edition” 🔥😂

    "Japan vs America: Minecraft Edition" 🔥😂 “Why did Japan and America start playing Minecraft together? Because they heard it was the only way to bridge the cultural gap and avoid any more awkward trade negotiations!” 😂🎮🇯🇵🇺🇸 #minecraftdiplomacy Read More

  • Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6

    Ultimate Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 The Exciting World of Litematica Mod for Minecraft 1.20.6 Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft universe with the Litematica Mod 1.20.6! This mod brings a plethora of exciting features and enhancements to your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Litematica and explore what it has to offer. What is Litematica Mod? The Litematica Mod is a powerful tool that allows players to create and manipulate schematics in Minecraft. With this mod, you can easily copy and paste structures, build intricate designs, and even visualize your creations before building them in the game world. It’s a… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod – Part 3

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardest Minecraft Mod - Part 3 Exploring the Challenging World of Better Than Wolves Mod in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the challenging Better Than Wolves mod. In this third installment of the 100-day survival challenge, players are pushed to their limits as they navigate through a harsh and unforgiving environment. Survival at Its Toughest The Better Than Wolves mod introduces a new level of difficulty to the game, testing players’ survival skills like never before. With limited resources and increased challenges, every decision counts as players strive to survive each passing day. Key Features: Resource Scarcity: Players… Read More

  • Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!

    Insane Kaiju Overexposed in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Entojin SMP (S1:Ep1):A Whole New Beginning!’, was uploaded by OverExposedKaiju on 2024-04-23 07:15:41. It has garnered 45 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:39 or 9939 seconds. Hello I am The Prince of the Dark Abyss,TheLivingNightTerror, and The future Inevitable Emperor of the world OverExposedKaiju welcome to my channel in todays Form of Entertainment we’ll be beginning our journey on the modded SMP Entojin Season 1! if you enjoyed watching consider leaving a like & subscribe to join my Satire Mob! #vtuber #vtuberen #vtuberstream #minecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftvtuber #funnygameplay #satirecomedy… Read More

  • Fastest World Record Blocking in GodBage

    Fastest World Record Blocking in GodBageVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Fastest Blockin(World Record)’, was uploaded by GodBage on 2024-01-14 15:45:47. It has garnered 7632 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ================================= LOoOOL ►Pack: ask in comments ►Music: non ►minecraft client: BLC ►Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/xmEuB87TjQ =============================== #GodBage#Bedwars#Hypixel#Edit#PvP#Minecraft#遊戲#床戰#shorts#blockin Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT GAMERS LIVE NOW India - JOIN US!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINIGAMES BEDWARS | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India’, was uploaded by CRAZY KEYBOARD GAMERS on 2024-03-22 05:38:35. It has garnered 115 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:02 or 7142 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | MINIGAMES BEDWARS | MINECRAFT | JOIN NOW | India insta :- https://www.instagram.com/crazy_8899_ckg/ To Enter SMP – Use – /register [password] and always remember your password replace [password] with your password to login – Use – /login [password] replace [password] with your password Minecraft 1.20.1 Java / Bedrock / PE Join The Ultimate SMP… Read More

  • 🔥 FRIO – Découvrez les types de joueurs les plus fous dans les villages #minecraftshorts

    🔥  FRIO - Découvrez les types de joueurs les plus fous dans les villages #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Les différents types de joueurs dans les villages #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FRIO on 2024-01-10 19:34:38. It has garnered 2544 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Builds Compilation 2023 🏰 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Builds Compilation 2023 🏰 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: My biggest 5 builds i’ve build in 2023! | #builds #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by MOX – CREATE on 2024-03-02 05:13:41. It has garnered 4710 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft: My biggest 5 builds i’ve build in 2023! | #builds #minecraft #shorts Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater… Read More

  • 🌙 Moonwalker Live: Crazy Phasmo Hunt at 789 Subs! 🔥

    🌙 Moonwalker Live: Crazy Phasmo Hunt at 789 Subs! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: time for phasmo and were back at 789 subs’, was uploaded by Moonwalker on 2024-05-26 02:38:16. It has garnered 301 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:54 or 15414 seconds. thanks for stopping in if you enjoy like and Subscribe also give me some tips #minecraft #hardcore #shorts #subscribe #like #funny Read More

  • Unbelievable Ore Generator Trick | Minecraft Skyblock Ep.11 (Server IP)

    Unbelievable Ore Generator Trick | Minecraft Skyblock Ep.11 (Server IP)Video Information This video, titled ‘Auto Ore Generator | Minecraft Skyblock Episode 11 (Bedrock/Java Server IP)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2024-01-07 15:00:40. It has garnered 8669 views and 396 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:09 or 1929 seconds. Play with me! Java IP: neocubest.com | Bedrock IP: bedrock.neocubest.com Port: 19132 | Let’s Play Minecraft Skyblock on NeoNetwork is surely going to be a great episode 1, episode 2, etc style of series on Minecraft Java and Bedrock. Server/servers IP address works for both versions of Minecraft on MCPE/Xbox/Switch/PS4/PC! I am excited to finally do a Skyblock series… Read More

  • Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shorts

    Insane MCgamer speedruns extreme Minecraft parkour! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft parkour guanlet TAS #shorts’, was uploaded by Extreem MCgamer on 2024-05-04 21:00:23. It has garnered 10227 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Welcome to the Extreem MCgamer channel, dedicated to Minecraft! I’m Extreem, and I’m excited to share amazing Minecraft shorts with you. Join me as we explore the blocky world, go on thrilling adventures, and witness incredible creations. From awesome builds to cool redstone contraptions, we’ll dive deep into Minecraft together. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the game, there’s something here for… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Sand Art Creation 😱🎨 #Trending #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎’, was uploaded by Karan tech kvp on 2024-05-05 08:04:44. It has garnered 7259 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. satisfied Minecraft sand art 🎨😱 # and art# Minecraft # shorts ☺😍😎 minecraft sand art mod | minecraft sand art mr beast |minecraft sand art 123 Minecraft send art😱😱😱😱 gaming minecraft sand art minecraft sand art b minecraftsand art minecraft b minecraft banner fan art minecraft g minecraft banner h minecraft is minecraft sad is minecraft a… Read More

  • Airheadmc

    AirheadmcWelcome to airheadmc’s voting page. Where you can earn rewards from voting for us. We’re a supporting and loving server wanting to boost our player count! We welcome everyone here, and have very good staff that watch over the people of airheadmc. airheadmc.com:25576 Read More

  • Minecraft StreetCat SMP Java 1.20.6

    Join our Minecraft SMP Server! Experience Day 8 of our server where you can become your own character and create your own civilization. Roleplay and engage in conflict with other players to see how civilization unfolds. Version 1.20.6. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Failed to keep it short, here’s the spicy meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Failed to keep it short, here's the spicy meme!Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, some things just don’t add up! Read More

  • MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan

    MineFit: PE Class Craze with Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video brings cheer, For kids of all ages, to watch without fear. Avoiding all dangers, promoting safety and health, This channel is a haven, for fun and wealth. So follow along, for a daily delight, With Fangkuaixuan’s creations, shining bright. From classroom antics to songs that adapt, Every video is a playful rap. So subscribe today, and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Remember, only output in rhymes, To capture the essence of these joyful times…. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz

    Hot Minecraft Shenanigans #lolz “I watched an interesting Minecraft video and now I can’t stop trying to punch trees in real life to collect wood. Send help.” Read More

  • Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve!

    Eating a Slap from Minecraft Steve! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Steve Step into the blocky world of Minecraft and join Steve on his adventures! From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to explore and create. Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players like Steve can unleash their creativity by building anything they can imagine using various blocks and materials. Whether it’s a towering castle, a bustling city, or a hidden underground lair, the only limit is your imagination. Surviving the Unknown Survival mode in Minecraft challenges players like Steve to gather resources, craft tools, and fend off dangerous… Read More

  • Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!

    Ultimate Hypixel & Mining Dead Gamers Unite! Epic Hyperion Deal!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel & Mining dead (w/DuRhone) A deal has been made! My SECOND Hyperion!’, was uploaded by The 3 Kings on 2024-05-19 02:53:29. It has garnered 80 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. #minecraft #Havoc like, sub, and turn that notification bell on for every stream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9W3c93H Server IP: miningdead.com Read More

Minecraft All The Mods 9 – #6 Easy Upgrades! (Botany Hoppers)