Minecraft – Ars Magica 2 Let’s Play – Part 7 – Armor and Spell Books

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Now the new tube on the top man and welcome back to some more as magical let’s play we’re on part seven right now guys and today I want to have a look into creating myself a set of honour as you can see I’ve been looking around at

These mage this mayor jammer I want some magical armor I want it to work to help me out magic magic wise now as you can see a more advanced version of the simple Rob saw I know I want the more advanced version of course mage Amma allows for a slightly more durability

Recharge and protection major armor jutsu the runes in layered in it it’s very high has a very high capability or to be enchanted it can also repair its condition using mana drawn from its wearer when nearing a full suit of when wearing sorry a full suit of mage army

Are rip mana regen speed is increased and all spells are slightly more effective which sounds good to me I like that sound I’m just wondering what kind of protection I will get physical wise you know what kind of shirts I will get from my Miami so I had

A look into it guys and I need a lot of this light blue wool I also need a lot of leather so I went out and I called my my cows from outside it wasn’t enough when I went to get some wool and then the there was more cows around but by

Where the wall was I was I managed to get enough leather anyway so that’s pretty good I need to make a lot of these runes as well so why don’t I get this stuff together and I’ll be right back now the thing is with this armor it

Needs light blue wool there is no getting around that you know it doesn’t flick through it like normal you can see here the light blue it just stares at white blue so we’re gonna have to make light blue wool well luckily for me I have 15 pieces of

Normal wall I do have some other wall as well some orange gray blue and brown wool eventually I want to get a sheep farm outside and color these light blue maybe color some of them light blue I’d be nice but for the moment we’ve got 15

Wall now I’ve got some bone meal just happened to request 15 there and I’ve also got some lapis lazuli as well and that will get me the blue dye of which I need which is fantastic so let’s make that light blue dye onto there and then we’ve got light blue war which is

Fantastic that’s a good start that is a real good start so we’ve got the light blue wall that we need that’s some of the leather that I went out and got I’ve got some leather over here as well so what 15 pieces of leather I’ve got more than

Enough so let’s have a look see what else we need here for the mage hood we’re going to need a purple room which means we’re going to need purple dye and a blank rune we’re going to need a lot of these we’re gonna need at least far

At least far let me have a look actually one for the mage hood I’m going to need two for the for the robe so that’s three in total four in total five six six rooms into all sorts three lots of this recipe is that all a couple stuff now

I’m gonna say it’s mental don’t lie to me oh yeah that’s going to give us the six blank rooms of which we need I need the purple dye now I’m sure I had some of this man previously obviously not and we going to see so the purple dyes done

With red and blue obviously I’ve got some rose red though that I got from previous occasions just pop you back in there and I’ve got loads of lapis that’s not a problem well Lord’s being enough to make this pop line there pop line in there that give me purple dye and then

The blank rune brilliant so that’s the purple room and we just need a water bottle now and I’m sure I’ve got some glass kicking around if I haven’t yes I do good stuff like a bottle now we’re gonna need water so I’m gonna pop outside and go and grab

Some water do we need more than just the one I’m getting these random like spikes to do apologize guys I’ve got one no no and no we just need the one now it’s a good thing with glass bottles is I can go ahead and do this I’m gonna put a

Glass full of water and it doesn’t affect the water soft block which is great so right left I think we can get on with it now so water bottle was it like that and then a piece of leather in the middle I could swear it was my going

Mud not going mad what a bottle light blue wool leather our it was the wrote the way around so it was that there leather on the top that there like that and then the water bottle on the bottom great stuff look at this guy’s oh we’ve got an achievement as well

Got a mage hood infused experience 0 rh p level 0 i’ve no idea what that means i have absolutely no idea what that means all i know is taking my iron helmet off loses my shirts however putting a mage hood on keeps my shirts so i’m wondering

If it’s the same kind of durability as i am here so what I get myself is that all the rooms and stuff that I’m going to need to craft the rest of them I’ll be right back and here we have the mage rubs now we have the mage leggins

And last but not least we have our mage boots now I didn’t have any feathers but I remember passing a group of chickens on the way to getting my getting my wall so I went back and I just you know killed a couple of them I left a couple

Because I want to you know bring them back and try to get some sort of fam going so that I’ve got this kind of these kind of items you know readily available to what to me so ok mage boots I’m really not quite sure what this infused experience in Armour XP level is

But I’m sure to have a look into that ok so check the iron boots off put the mage boots on and as you can see I haven’t lost anything in terms of in terms of shirts down the bottom there so this has the same I’m a proper is as iron so it

Seems but it just allows me to regen quicker and all that kind of good stuff so the next thing I want to get into because I’ve got a couple of spells now I did have three I’m sorry out three at some stage but unfortunately I’m not at

A stage where I can get three again what they don’t want to do self and regeneration wasn’t it so I’ll learn self now and then I’ll get regeneration when I get up to level 10 so ok next on the list guys is something that I really

Really need and that is my spell book my spell it’s a spell book is actually called the spell book is useful items to have allowing mages to organize their spells and save space at the same time the spell book when equipped can be scrolled through by pressing X and Zed

Or by sneaking and rolling the mouse wheel spell books can be died a variety of different colors they can also be enchanted with some useful powers I wonder why I wonder what powers they could be so I need follow their to pepper and three string let’s go and

Have a look well I’ve got leather on me the string however I need three I’ve only got two I’m gonna have to try and kill some spiders when it comes down nighttime and other than that the pepper shouldn’t be an issue I don’t think I’ve

Got any but the pepper is not an issue because I can just go outside and grab some sugarcane that’s not a problem whoops like spiked fast me into the to the cactus oh yeah grab that and well I really don’t know what’s happening with my minecraft at the moment guys I’m

Seem to I find some issues like real bad issues what the hell’s going on here oh right okay it’s probably something to do with this hmm I’m wondering if wow this is this is bad this is real bad issues like let’s have a look see what’s so

We’ll see what’s causing this that’s on 0% you know every time I it’s probably that you know it’s most probably that I highly doubt it’s got anything to do with this cuz nothing in here there’s nothing to do with that because that’s just sticking on 6% I reckon it’s this

Let me go ahead and grab out some of that stuff does that solved it no that hasn’t solved it let’s take you out and that solved it that I solved it guys whatever that issue is myth Ian or anybody who knows myth Ian please you might want to look into that because

That is that’s bad that’s about that I’ll leave that to build up and then I’ll take a look at it later on and just you know put some put some stuff in there but I’m glad I found that I’m glad I found that issue because that’s been

Doing my head in for a while alright okay so a plenty of iron don’t even need to worry about iin our in a minute don’t need to worry about smelting it up in a minute so we’ve got we’ve got our stuff like I said I want to go and grab some

Some other stuff I’m gonna need some spiders guys so I’m gonna wait until it’s nighttime why do I do that I’ll work until it’s night time I went until there’s something for me to go and go and kill I’ll destroy in terms of spider to get still it’s a way of getting

String that I just don’t know about apart from obviously cobwebs is there a recipe for it no there’s absolutely no recipe for string with us Magica so okay I will wait until it’s nighttime and then I’ll find a spider and then go ahead and and bring justice upon the spider

While I isn’t currently wandering around at nighttime and this is you know it’s quite dangerous to do this the thing is I’m looking for one of a few things actually I’m looking for number one a which would log I need a which would log for something I’ve got

In mind next my god this is quite dangerous actually I do hope that you guys can see what’s going on I only need the one lock so I can take the one log and then disappear I have this a spider there is a spider over there and I want

Your string my boy please drop string our legend good stuff okay now I’ve got to make it back home without killing myself or dying in any way shape or form it’s gonna be difficult I’m sure but I’m just also sure I can do this I can do

This I need to get home in one piece if I come so that I can make one of a couple of items I want to make a magician’s bench upgrade but I needed a which would lock to do that because I need to create another which would

Actual magic magicians bench so you can stir that in creeper but you something that wouldn’t mind killing do this exact on this thing book aa scale is so much worse than what they were I’ve got this as well Wow me apparently I can hmm mushroom you can go up whoops mana

Creeper that’s gonna be deadly to me now that’s can be deadly to me now I don’t want on my manner being sucked somewhere thank you very much quite nicely it’s a level 9 and I want to stay I want to keep it that way okay it’s gonna sleep can’t sleep there’s

Monsters nearby damn you I bet there’s a creeper up there isn’t that being a pen yeah there is creeper where are you you were there is he gone enough for me to go and sleep now no apparently not there’s Skelly beyond the wall oh you know let me get

Rid of these guys and I’ll be back when it’s morning now then guys we are back it’s morning I managed to get to sleep I went out there and lured all the monsters away and then ran into my house and then managed to be able to sleep and I can

Still hear aspire to going off outside anyway I would like to talk to you about this Witter this workbench grid upgrade now this to me sounds mega expensive for what it actually does see you’ve figured out a way to make an upgrade for Magicians workbench that makes the

Secondary grid of 3×3 instead of a 2×2 so simply putting this all to a 3×3 requires you to make another magicians workbench of a full one a chest two crafting tables and a golden ingot one once you’ve got this one you’ve got your magicians workbench now

I know what your guys are thinking and why don’t you just use the magicians workbench you’ve already got put down because this upgrade will only work on a placed workbench so you need to craft the second magicians workbench this to me sounds really expensive for just get

In that second grid of 3×3 and not just two well not really X it’s not expensive you know it’s only wood at the end of the day but it just seems like a whole involved process for something that doesn’t really yield that much you know it doesn’t it’s not worth the effort if

You’re not I mean it’s not worth the effort we’ll have a look anyway we shall have a look cuz we need to go ahead and craft this now because I want to see what it does so I should have enough to be able to go and get myself this stuff

Now on this you know what when I was looking at this this wasn’t actually you know cycling in between each other like it is now it’s stuck on which wood and then it takes forever to actually do it so I could have done it with just normal water which is slightly annoying but

We’ve got to which wood logs now anyway okay let’s go and grab a chest whilst was that chest which would slabs normal stuff crafting tables galore I’ve Ike still got my crafting table I do still have my crafting tables if I got that I haven’t it yeah I need D the

Cap it okay right that that ah I did have some there yeah that that you white cap it the planks that the log and the chest okay there’s the magician’s workbench which is fantastic gotten Milan now I’m going to need a bit of gold for this okay chest to Mar

Is it that and where’s my chest gone I could swear I’m at another chest there it is did I pick it up I didn’t pick it up pop you in there just double-check chest two crafting tables right I got it the wrong way around anywhere so good job I

Checked that too crafting tables the golden-winged got and the musicians workbench gives me the upgrade of crafting okay and then we right-click it on a place to on a place 1 billion so now we’ve got three like I said the storage hasn’t gone up nothing has gone

Up over than this 3×3 grid to me I don’t know I don’t know I don’t I don’t think it’s worth going through all that I mean it’s you know don’t get me wrong it’s very nice to have you know two three by three areas of crafting right next to

Each other but it seems as if it’s a whole lot of process maybe if it was just a chest a couple of crafting tables and you know a golden ingot that would be fair enough but another one of these work benches it doesn’t make sense to me

To add that in it doesn’t make sense to me to my pain anywhere after our fight we are quite hungry so I’m gonna nom down on some mistakes fantastic now we’re gonna get on to the spell book eventually we’re gonna get on to the spell book three string two pepper and

Far leather I’ve got enough to get it now oops three string do paper and far leather and this gives us our spell book chic it’s sleek chic and right click sneak and right click and that will this is your active bar and this is your whole spell book so what we’re gonna do

Is we’re going to put Digga j– in the second slot layer and it’s fireball in the first slot and basically what we can do now is on that we can shift or we can just yeah we could shift or we can do X and said oops no we can’t do X and save

Because it because we’re mom up so that goes with him up oh look at the map cute it’s like a zigzaggy green so okay got the to spire spells they’re fireball and dig age that’s our active spells if we take a look we can put with many many

Many more spells into there which is fantastic so right spell book done another thing to tick off the list I want to repair my sword so I had a look around and I saw this I can reconstruct her magic can with the right influence do anything by a directing raw essence

That the weak spots in otherwise mundane items the essence will solidify to repair the damage making it as good as new so raw essence obviously going through my mana battery I’m going to put this I can reconstruct her by well I’ll show you what I’m going to put in a minute so

I need 5 bits of stone a diamond unto purple dye I’ve got that stuff together on me as you can see diamond pop you across there and you across there and that will give me the arcane Reconstructor which is fantastic so using the essence from the mana battery

Which is just outside there I’m going to place it right here now I hope that’s not going to interfere with you know the mane of battery and connecting it to this thing but really good look at this this is great you’ve got to love the the

Work that goes into the modeling of this so whoa this looks a bit different to to what I was expecting so there’s the iron sod there now what this look at this baby well it’s holding it quite nicely here but is not actually putting raw essence into it oh it certainly doesn’t

Look like it maybe it is maybe isn’t I’m not quite sure what it’s doing at the moment let me go on knock this wall out a little bit oh it is it is I just can’t see it doing it okay brilliant so the mana battery is doing its best

What kind of power have we got left in that it’s not actually using a great deal of it to be honest it’s not actually it whoops using a grid yeah I should be using my digadz spell you know I want us to go ahead and swap that out

From a tiki – um okay so that is gonna go ahead under and repair it I believe that’s what it’s meant to do or at least it’s that’s what it says and will solidify to repair the damage making it as good as new so we’ll have to keep an eye on that we

Will have to keep an eye on that in between episodes and make sure that is doing its job I’m sure I can put some charge for foci up here and you know it will do things a little bit quicker but look at this this is this is impressive

I like this I like the look of this see this is just our month this and thaumcraft this and thaumcraft with these with these things ah I keep saying it oh yeah we are going up we are going up very slowly on the side there which is fantastic so we repair

We’ve got an item to repair our stuff now which is great so I think that pretty much covers this episode guys we’ve managed to get an upgrade into this we’ve managed to get our spell book finally and we’ve also built ourselves the arcane Reconstructor which looks amazing until next time I’ve been a

Tough month thanks very much for watching and as always stay safe

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Ars Magica 2 Let’s Play – Part 7 – Armor and Spell Books’, was uploaded by HaighyorkieChilled on 2014-02-15 11:54:57. It has garnered 12347 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:16 or 1216 seconds.

Sorry about the wait up to this episode of Ars Magica! In today’s episode we finally look into creating that Magical Armor and also somewhere to house our growing collection of spells!

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    EPIC Rio Ch. UPROAR!! Day 2 Solo Hardcore Cake QuestVideo Information DET お待たせしま待ってBGMなく ないお待たせしまし たよいしょこれ今何流れてるちょ待てよえ これ全然YouTubeに映像行かへんや んと思って待ってたらはってなったそう いえば前回の前回の配信は Tってことはあごめん多分ね音小さいの マイクの方向いてないからねああ ああ焦っ たというわけで久々のマイク 前回11月24らしいよハード コアやってく かちょっと鼻水ズルズルで申し訳ないん ですけど今日はでもだいぶ楽昨日やばかっ たマジで鼻からの呼吸が困難なレベルで カンダンサーアレルギーがボコボコでし た わいねよく花粉症ですかって言われるんだ けど花粉症じゃないんだよねカダス アレルギーなんです よ目とかは全然 無事めっちゃ久しぶり だもうどこまで進んでたっ けちょっとこれであと卵あるぞ卵 と卵と牛乳と待って待って待って思った よりすぐできちゃうかも ケーキ卵と牛乳と砂糖だっけ あれ何がいるんだっけマイクラのケーキっ てえマイクラ [音楽] ケ小麦か卵小麦砂糖牛乳牛乳が3ついり ます ね カダされるどうなんだろうわかんないえ なんかなんか入れ替わっちゃった 入れ替わってるマイクラ自体がちょっと 久しぶりで操作がつか ないえんだったっけあれEじゃなかったっ けあれ何だったっけあ右クリック だはいはい はい 一旦バケツ を作って牛乳を探しに行か なきゃ牛さん 探し うい 今間に冒険 です行くぞこれ家の座標とか覚えてるか な一応間違えたショ取っ とこうえちょっと鼻水ズビズビで 引きしまったら申し訳ないだいぶだいぶ 増しになった昨日マジでねあの もうぼーっとするレベルで鼻が詰まってて もう鼻にから一切1mmの空気も入らない しなんか熱があるみたいなさぼやみたいな 感じになっちゃって さぐじぐじでした ねちょっと鼻声 でしょやばいゲーム中いいねができない ごめんハッピーバレンタインデー ありがとうなんかさ毎年さそのカダス アレルギーが発症するのがさ まあピンポイントなわけですよタイミング 的に あのなんて言う のあの本当に本当に急激な気温の変化が 起きた時に急に来るみたいなですぐ治る みたいな感じだからさ毎年さ自分がカダス アレルギーのことを忘れていてさなんだ この 花詰まりと鼻水はみたいななってついに 花粉症になってしまったかって毎年思って 毎年違うんだよね今ん とこついにデビューですか みたいももなんか普段はさめちゃめちゃ なんかの通りい方だから さマジでね急な鼻詰まりに驚いてねうわ 花粉ですかみたいな思う けどそんなことないワンチャンえ待って牛 さんもういるやんやばい思ったより普通に ケーキ作ろうと思ったらすぐできちゃうな 普通にハードコア 遊ぼうケーキ作って普通にハードコア 遊ぼう花粉症はねなんか生まれつきって いうか多分子供の頃になってる人もいれば なんか個人個人でキャパが決まってる らしい ね僕は今んとこね花粉症になったことは ないんですよ実 はけどねあの感ダンサアレルギーだし僕 あのハウスダストアレルギーでもあるから 結構ねズビズビになる時はずずに なる なんか埃りっぽいところとか行ったりと かこう掃除とかを ね貯めて一気にやったりとかするともう その日はマジでズビズビになる… Read More

  • INSANE!! AFK GOLD FARM Time Lapse – MUST WATCH!! #Minecraft

    INSANE!! AFK GOLD FARM Time Lapse - MUST WATCH!! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SASTIFING!!!! Gold Farm afk time lapse.#viralvideo #video #minecraft’, was uploaded by greenntage on 2024-01-08 20:32:24. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Hello Guys hope you enjoy. You’re about to enjoy a Hardcore Minecraft story where I’m building a world like Wadzee, Sandiction, Ph1Lza, fWhip, SB737, aCookieGod, Kolanii, Beppo, LockDownLife, Wunba, NotNotBrock and others. Except it’s a super coherent world. All with a single life and upload multiple videos days a week Read More

  • Bee in Minecraft Does WHAT? 🐝 #viral

    Bee in Minecraft Does WHAT? 🐝 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft LOGIC?🤔 #viral #minecraft #shortfeed’, was uploaded by Good Bee 1 on 2024-01-13 15:57:31. It has garnered 30 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft LOGIC?🤔 #viral #minecraft #shortfeed @anshubist minecraft at 1 logic all logic gates in minecraft minecraft at 0 logic making logic gates out of actual gates in minecraft minecraft all level logic minecraft at 0.1 logic minecraft logic be like shorts minecraft logic bionic minecraft logic bedrock edition minecraft logic bangla minecraft bedrock logic gates minecraft bedrock logic minecraft best logic breaking minecraft… Read More

  • Queens Land

    Queens LandWelcome to Queen’s Land! Here we offer you freedom where you you can explore hangout or look for adventures with friends and get prizes! More Coming Soon… This is a work in progress server trying to make a name for itself. mc.rxd-mods.xyz:55207 Read More

  • SwipeSMP Vanilla 1.20.4

    BETA TESTERS NEEDED A fresh 1.20 vanilla SMP has emerged! Beta testers are needed for a short period! Feel free to join and play as normal, feedback is needed! No whitelist permission needed. Server: 1.20.4 (play.lifeswipesmp.com) Read More

  • 🔥 FamilyMC 1.21 Pre Release 3 New World🔥 Survival Hard World 🔥

    🔥 FamilyMC 1.21 Pre Release 3 New World🔥 Survival Hard World 🔥Welcome to FamilyMC 1.21 pre release We strive to provide a safe environment for everyone to play in. 24/7 with 100 percent uptime, absolutely 0 lag, FamilyMC is the place to be. Our 1.21 world is set on hard mode.After the full release of 1.21 our server will update to use plugins. Like our previous servers, we will offer land claiming, a rank system, player warps, events, scrolls, towny, boss battles, etc.We are hosted on powerful dedicated hardware running overclocked hardware and can provide you a lag-free experience. Our staff is available to solve any issues you encounter.Useful commands:/trigger spawn/trigger… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Wither on the Loose!

    Minecraft Memes - Wither on the Loose!Looks like the Wither decided to “wither” away from your trap! Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Player Goat Meme 🔥

    Minecraft Pro Player Goat Meme 🔥 Why did the Minecraft player bring a ladder to the game? Because he heard it was a high stakes adventure! #minecraftjokes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Are You a YouTuber? Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft YouTubers Unite! Join the adventure with a group of talented Minecraft YouTubers as they explore the vast world of blocks and possibilities. From epic builds to thrilling survival challenges, these content creators bring the game to life in exciting ways. Let’s meet the members of this dynamic group: Coleman Follow Coleman’s channel for creative building projects and entertaining gameplay. Talley Join Talley on thrilling survival missions and engaging multiplayer sessions. Solo Experience Solo’s unique perspective on Minecraft with a mix of tutorials and let’s play videos. WindSword Embark on epic adventures with WindSword as he tackles dungeons and… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Secret Tunnels Revealed!

    Minecraft Pro Secret Tunnels Revealed!Video Information I found the most interesting closed tunnels in Minecraft hey guys it’s zomac here today let’s look at some very unusual interesting tunnels we guys have these giant really cool ones these are the characters here this white cloud red minion is evil the kind Angela Talking dim dimit and catnip well let’s get started I suggest we probably go all characters will be seen today so off we go first cat meu don’t forget to like subscribe please very important and we’re going to go here guys look these firebenders and catnap have taken over the place… Read More

  • Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 – Get It Now!

    Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 – Get It Now!Video Information oh you see the Flames that burn your passion when I look in your eyes yes yes yes are you afraid to feel what you know is real like any other guy the when I look in your eyes yeah are you afraid to see what you know real like any other guy I the when I look in your eyes yeah say yes are you afraid to be what you know is real like any other [Music] guy you got to come on inside my heart open up This video, titled ‘Vape V4 BYPASS 2024 | (DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Hold Blink to Save Villager #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Hold Blink to Save Villager #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] stop s l Sal This video, titled ‘Challenge Tahan Kedip Mata Untuk Selamatkan Villager #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Patrick Man ID on 2024-02-17 11:00:34. It has garnered 3072 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Challenge Hold the Blink of an Eye to Save the Villager Welcome to Patrick Man ID This video is not BeaconCream, NightD, or ElestialHD, Brutal Hero or Viva Fantasy livestream, not Minecraft’s Weirdest Jundy Juns Creepypasta, not Minecraft’s ending speedrun Clementdav, and also not Baww or ItsSandwich 100 in Minecraft Hardcore. Tag:… Read More

  • Unreal OP in Minecraft Survival! #Shorts

    Unreal OP in Minecraft Survival! #ShortsVideo Information how overpowered can you get in Minecraft you might think you just have to get the best armor and tools in some totems but tools lose durability and you don’t want to run to your Enderman Farm to repair them every few hours like a peasant so I decided to make a full Shar of elyra and of every type of neite tool one set of every type of armor and Shas for golden carrots Rockets Redstone beacons and other stuff to put them all in my Ender Chest that took like 40 hours because I had to… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Horror Mod That’ll Make You JUMP!

    INSANE Minecraft Horror Mod That'll Make You JUMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Mods 1’, was uploaded by Recoil Mojo on 2024-04-01 15:06:42. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Dive into the ultimate Minecraft mod pack adventure with our comprehensive Cursed Walking series, now available in action-packed YouTube Shorts and detailed survival guides. From harrowing encounters in the Nether to epic battles in the End, each piece of content is crafted to capture the essence of survival, strategy, and the sheer will to conquer in this hardcore mod pack. 🔥 Epic Journeys & Fierce… Read More

  • EPIC TWIST! Tsubasa83 ch. – (03.30) off/season part 5

    EPIC TWIST! Tsubasa83 ch. - (03.30) off/season part 5Video Information [Music] welcome to the monastery fishing feel confused to tell you about it just catch whatever fish requests have till the end [Music] of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you caught one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I tried to get the Su with the benefit of the doubt but I can’t anymore this place is [Music] evil [Music] I tried to get the suit the benefit of the doubt but I can’t anymore this place is evil [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]… Read More

  • SG GAMING PRO shows INSANE Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shorts

    SG GAMING PRO shows INSANE Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bridge Tutorial😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by SG GAMING PRO on 2023-12-29 04:31:14. It has garnered 5864 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez’s Ultimate Adventure

    EPIC Minecraft Map: CaptainSparklez's Ultimate AdventureVideo Information you know how the sign of a really good movie is when you think about it throughout the following day I think this is the first time that’s ever happened to me with a Minecraft map this is kacha Labs 3 and after thinking about it the last day I pretty firmly believe it’s the best Minecraft map ever made obviously that’s a pretty bold claim and we played Maps like diversity 3 Canadians escape map on the main Channel and even that recent box pushing puzzle map this channel but in terms of an overall experience story… Read More

  • INSANE ARMORED CARS in Minecraft!!

    INSANE ARMORED CARS in Minecraft!!Video Information [Music] e [Music] d [Music] o [Music] o oh [Music] a [Music] This video, titled ‘British Armored Cars (1) – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vitiv on 2024-04-23 16:00:32. It has garnered 76 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:06 or 246 seconds. How to build British armored cars in Minecraft. – CHARACTERISTICS – ⊳ Type: Armored car ⊳ Nation: United Kingdom – VEHICLES IN THIS VIDEO – From left to right: ⊳ Morris Light Reconnaissance Car ⊳ Humber Scout Car ⊳ Humber Light Reconnaissance Car ⊳ Humber Armoured Car ⊳ Daimler Dingo ⊳ Daimler… Read More

  • Join HearthCraft SMP – Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft SMP Server About: HearthCraft is an economy-based SMP server that has been providing a griefer-free experience since October 2018. Key Features: No server resets, world dates back to July 2019 No pay-to-win perks Monthly resource world resets Live map available at https://map.hearthcraft.net Active economy system with player shops, warps, and auctions Technical Information: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback Additional Details: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net Rules: http://www.hearthcraft.net/rules IP: play.hearthcraft.net Statistics: https://calypso.hearthcraft.net Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Torching Minecraft memes!.

    That’s more points than I’ll ever get in a game of Minecraft! Read More

  • Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore!

    Free Minecraft Capes: TikTok & Twitch Tricks Galore! In the world of Minecraft, a celebration is near, With capes and discounts, there’s much to cheer. Twitch and TikTok capes, brand new and bright, For Bedrock Edition, a colorful sight. To get the Twitch cape, watch a streamer live, Wait for a code, then redeem and thrive. For TikTok cape, watch a stream on the app, Get a code, redeem it, no need to clap. Minecraft’s 15th birthday, a special treat, Discounts and freebies, all so sweet. Don’t miss out on the fun, watch till the end, For Minecraft news, I’m your rhyming friend. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Trading: The Ultimate Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Villager Trading: The Ultimate Hot Mess! “When you accidentally trade your diamond sword for a piece of dirt in Minecraft, and suddenly realize you’ve made a grave mistake. RIP to your weapon of mass destruction.” Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1

    100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1 Sobreviviendo 100 Días en Minecraft con Dwellers: Night Dweller EP1 En este emocionante video de Minecraft, cada 2 días aparece un nuevo dweller, lo que promete desafíos y momentos inolvidables en el juego. ¡Prepárate para una aventura llena de acción y suspenso gracias al mod From The Fog! Explorando y Sobreviviendo El protagonista se embarca en una misión para sobrevivir 100 días en un mundo lleno de peligros y sorpresas. Desde la construcción de herramientas básicas hasta la búsqueda de refugio seguro, cada paso es crucial para garantizar la supervivencia. Con la aparición de nuevos dwellers cada pocos días,… Read More

  • Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMP

    Doctor Gone Mad! Minecraft Psychward SMPVideo Information it’s happened it’s happening we were all quiet to make sure that going live was easy for you thank you I need I need the help uh make sure to add your tags I am I’m doing it right now Minecraft I know I know gambling new V New Vegas I did I I already copy pasted all the tags from the last one you know what put that one game with the raccoon in it for fun Indigo Park did you listen to the song that I sent you it goes too hard it has no way… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who’s to Blame?!

    Minecraft Mystery: NOT SPARKY, Who's to Blame?!Video Information This video, titled ‘did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts #notsparky’, was uploaded by NOT SPARKY on 2024-03-15 03:30:13. It has garnered 10351 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. did you do this? 😨 (wait Dubidubidu) in Minecraft 😅 #minecraft #shorts minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshorts

    INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funny Minecraft😊|| CRAFTY || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by CRAFTY on 2024-03-26 07:58:38. It has garnered 9489 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. ALLAH MUHAMMAD Funny Minecraft😊|| PIXEL PLAYZ || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts minecraft , minecraft funny , minecraft animation , funny minecraft , funny , funniest minecraft clips , minecraft funny moments , funny minecraft animation , funny minecraft memes , cash minecraft , craziest minecraft clips , minecraft shorts , minecraft pe , the funniest minecraft clips of 2023 , minecraft 2023 , minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!

    Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!Video Information This video, titled ‘999 iq prank’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-12 04:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mems #meme #minecraft 999 iq prank @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2@minecraft @PewDiePie @dream … Read More

  • Johny’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shocking

    Johny's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-25 19:22:02. It has garnered 11100 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

Minecraft – Ars Magica 2 Let’s Play – Part 7 – Armor and Spell Books