Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 Survival Let’s Play | Exploring The Desert 🌵 Ep 1

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Foreign look at that creeper he is ascending right now look at him as look at him ascending oh my gosh happy November everyone and welcome to the channel if you’re new today we are going to be starting a new survival Bedrock world I am a Bedrock player I kind of

Want to make this a all month thing and maybe throughout December and maybe January as well but I’m going to try to upload as often as possible this November daily if possible but honestly probably not more like every other day is what I’m going to aim for but

We’re going to make this nefarious November I hope everyone is having a happy November so far even though today is the first and let’s create the new world oh my goodness I’m always so excited for a new let’s play world and here we are oh my goodness here we are

This is quite odd though I gotta say this is pretty weird here’s the starting chest I usually add a starting chest or whatever bonus chest when I do a new world just because I’m Noob and all of that good stuff look how cool this is though we got a

Lot of water right here I think from here that is a desert temple which is pretty cool we can go get the treasure out of there later real quick I’m going to I need to see what’s over there but I do want to get some resources real

Quick we have some one let’s see I’m just gonna go straight down here because I want to get some coal and maybe iron if I can I’ll craft a stone pickaxe with the bonus chest wood we got and get some iron I see some copper as well some

More coal so that way we’ll be good to go on that and then we’ll go up and see what this world holds a brand new oops let’s mine the um the coal with my bread why don’t we aren’t I just so professional but I’m very excited to start this new

World as I probably said like a thousand times I’m mainly a Bedrock player here I go mining my bread again honestly I think my Mouse is starting to act out because I was playing murder mystery the other day as I do and for some reason my mouse

Kept like going to my sword over and over and I wasn’t doing it so I don’t know what’s going on with my mouse but I might need to get another one soon so my goals for this let’s play I want to I don’t want to geek out too hard I want

To make this last as long as possible I gotta be careful not to die here oh my goodness okay this is um what do they call oh my gosh I forgot the name I forgot the name oh no no no oh my gosh oh no I’m not prepared for you guys they have

Golden armor those skeletons but look what we’ve found look what we found okay slime please please slime we have some slime now though in case any frogs want to you know be friends with me but what was oh yeah I see a lot of Let’s Plays where people are like going

To the End by the third episode and that’s very impressive I personally can’t really do that because I’m too Noob I’ve been playing this game for 10 years and I’m still I’m too new but regardless of being Noob I want to make this let’s play last as long as

Possible because back in the day I grew up watching Let’s Plays where they would go up to like 200 episodes and I really enjoy that so I want to make this last as long as possible so I’m going to try I need to make another pickaxe real quick I’m gonna try

To do that I don’t want to rush things this is quite different for me as well usually the first thing I do is go like get some food or some trees however I went straight down into a giant hole to dig which is not my normal play style but

We’re living life on the edge right now I guess some copper my inventory is going to be full before I can even do absolutely anything and I don’t know my surroundings as well it looks to me like we’re in a desert which is not going to be good when I start getting hungry

Because we only have like bread and maybe a fish I think yeah we have a few pieces of raw salmon recently I really wanted to go back and play oh no excuse me where is that coming from I think yeah look at you oh my gosh there’s two

This is not a good idea this is oh no this is not a good idea this is not a good idea zombie look what you got me into we are going to be locked and loaded and prepared because I already have all this iron but I you know what’s not good is I

Don’t have any food or a bed maybe that was a stupid idea coming down here all right what I’m going to do is come up here look at our surroundings and hopefully I can get some food and then I might want to come back down there and

Get the rest of the iron and maybe clay because we could use that to make breaks for our starter house I usually like to build with bricks which is sometimes hard to get all right over here I see some trees so I’m going to go over here I had to do it

Buddy I need food real quick let’s um get out our crafting table we’ll make a furnace real quick and I’m so sorry for having to kill that rabbit but I’m about to starve all right we can go over there it looks like I can get some more wood if we need it

Not an ideal place for food I guess since I don’t have Bowl to make a bed we can go back down there and finish getting um finish getting the rest of the iron and maybe clay while the sun goes down I’m going to go back down in our little hole that we

Found that we spawned in shall I say I got the achievement cook and eat rabbit meat I must have have I oh my gosh he’s got a trident that’s not good please sir I’m sorry have I honestly never killed and ate a rabbit in Bedrock

Apparently not but come to think of it I never do kill rabbits to eat them I always kill like a cow so it’s really not that surprising let’s go back down here even though I don’t want to because it’s going to be scary wish me luck everyone on trying to post

Every at least every other day huh you see that rabbit meat right there okay this is sent from the heavens how other would you like how would you explain that otherwise is what I’m trying to say rabbit me right there I did not do that I did not kill a rabbit

Right there I just came back down from the top so I’m speechless foreign Is already full look at all those mobs over there waiting for me they’re getting stuck in like the waterfall but they are waiting for me what’s up baby zombie what are you doing buddy creeper up there is going to want to come and get me homie go ahead and blow up because there’s

Nothing really valuable that I okay all right all right oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh sir please okay anyway what I was gonna say is I’m going to put that right there and I’m going to smelt um wait for the iron to smell

And I think I want to get the the Moss out there because we could use that on our house as well I think that would be really pretty I see you creeper oh my goodness can he get me if I’m back here probably all right so off camera I was waiting

For the iron to smelt and that creeper the same creeper blew up thankfully he didn’t kill me but he blew up a furnace I still have the iron though thank goodness but I think he blew up the furnace I had to run up here very fast because

He was like the mobs were out to get me but now it’s daytime oh my goodness see they’re still out to get me skeleton I I do not have time for this I’m having two zombies watches that bad you know what I mean I will be very happy

Hi how are you oh my goodness no creeper he’s gonna get me too I am not doing too well right now Oh yeah Foreign Look at that creeper he is ascending right now look at him look at him ascending oh my gosh and see all that farting around that those mobs made me do it’s gonna be dark again like look at that but regardless if I can just get out of

Out of there because that’s terrible I think I’ll be doing good I’ll be doing better up here but then down there all right let’s put down the crafting table we’re really struggling right now so that means I can make um don’t come over here bro don’t come over here yeah

That’s gonna make him mad we need um a boat with a chest because my inventory is so full I scared him away look at him he is cowering away with fear oops because I scared him so bad praised Jesus for the starter chest because if I didn’t have

Like that starter what I would be crude right now so I’m really thankful for that and let’s go this way I guess one thing I would like to do before we head over there is I want to place a block over here to represent this is where we spawned in

I think we spawned in about right over here I think so let’s place that as where we spawned in I don’t have enough wood to make a sign which sucks but that’s okay let’s get in here that’s our little starting area so we’ll know if we ever come back to the

Spot we’ll know that’s where we spawned in like our first step into the world that’s pretty cool thankfully there is some wood over here that we can gather because oh my gosh I need it I need some wood I need food but like look at us we have our little

Chest in the boat all of our iron we collected we’re doing oh okay so there’s another one this one and this one maybe you’ll have some diamonds we can gather I really need some more like really bad I’m gonna leave our boat right there hello there if anything I can eat y’all Splash

Because I need it as terrible as that is we’re not doing too good y’all all right we torched this area up let’s go get the treasure I guess why not watch me like go down here like this and still activate the pressure plate that would be the worst thing ever

Or if like a creeper falls down and makes makes us all go down with him oh my gosh all right okay three diamonds three diamonds let’s go with three diamonds let’s go and some horse armor Diamond horse armor oh my gosh this is beautiful respiration two I’ll take it

I’m gonna take the rotted flash number one because I need it for food and another diamond oh my gosh another Diamond this is beautiful also let me get some of the string just so I can make um a fishing pole and then we won’t be

Starving too bad if I can fish so that’s not that won’t be too bad I forgot about making a fishing pole all right there’s that which that was pretty successful we got all of this good stuff I’m going to make have to make another boat with a chest or something

All right so at this point I cannot die because I’m carrying four diamonds how exciting is that though how exciting is that we have our first four diamonds of the series that is pretty exciting for me oh my gosh we need wool really bad at least now we have some food though if

We find a village because I have some zombie flesh we could probably trade um the zombie flesh for some emeralds while I was sitting AFK I heard um I guess the wandering Trader yeah because I hear llamas too so I was wondering Trader and it scared me because I was like doing Duolingo

Waiting for the um sun to rise so I was doing Duolingo and I heard that and I thought oh my gosh who’s came to get me you know what I mean but it’s just a traitor I heard him so let’s see if still dark ooh creeper all right so the moon’s going down

A village okay how did I not see that earlier when we came in here how did I not see that I had to see that but I didn’t I’m so I don’t know what’s wrong with me honestly okay where you are I knew I heard you he’s invisible though oh

Because they pick on me All right so I can rest easy knowing there’s a village over there that’s beautiful is getting so loud right now that’s not good let’s see you don’t have anything because sir I’m sorry Thank you If I could make it over here actually in time to sleep that would be really good because I don’t want what are they called oh my gosh I can’t remember the name terrible winged animals that try to come and kill me at night if I don’t sleep

Of course you guys know what I’m talking about but I really need their bed Good thing about the village is hopefully I can get some of their food if they have any and still from their chest as bad as that is but hey I’m glad to find civilization after everything we’ve been through what a start this is but I’m really thankful because it’s been a cool start

In a kitty Kitty oh my gosh a kitty I Kitty I don’t have any raw fish on me but I still want you all right villagers sorry for taking your crops but I really need it if you guys have like carrots or potatoes that would be really good

I guess I can’t sleep still can I right yeah all right hello Golem I’m not here to hurt anybody I just want your food I know I’m terrible They have plenty of wheat which is really good what else do you guys have more wheat and some green dye that’s pretty cool bread potatoes okay here we go this is what I’ve really been anticipating is potatoes because at least I can bake these and it’ll restore a lot of um Food Bar

Don’t be taking the potatoes for their mind I know there actually yours but I need them more than you do I’m sorry what are you doing still sleeping sir it’s the middle of the day oh my goodness look at that kitty I need some fish so bad I just need to go get

Those trees because that’s what I came here initially to do is get some wood and then I got distracted by well it was night time and also the desert temple I still need to rate this one so I’ll go down and do that but I need wood first

And I also need to cook the potatoes and get some fish and tame Kitty or something is that a okay that’s a bunny I’m sorry I had to kill that other bunny earlier I was about to starve I love this world so much already this is really cool hopefully we can find Um like some green Greenery some trees that’s not like desert we’ll have to see also I need to go back over there and see what was even though I don’t want to go back over there because it was so traumatizing I need to see what’s on the other side of the Hill

Because I did not do that earlier at least this is some Greenery though we can get some trees that squid just died which is sad I don’t know why they do it but they just die while they’re in the water sometimes they get stuck on land

But I don’t know how they do it a sheep oh my gosh I need you so bad I’m not going to kill the Sheep I just have shears on me where are my shears here they are so I can get some of your wall what can

I take out of my inventory let’s see um I don’t need that just yet at least some flowers which is nice that looks weird from here it kind of looks like a heart in a way or doesn’t that look like a heart maybe not I’m crazy and a llama hey buddy what’s up

You’re looking fabulous I’m on a llama he kicked me off but that’s okay if I had any I have slime though how cool would that be if I could tame the llama that would be really cool I can get more wool because he gruesome back that fast now I have

Enough for a bed which is awesome so I need to turn this into yellow dye and where’s my crafting table we’re getting down we’re getting down to business right now all right here’s our bed we have a pretty little yellow bed all right I’m setting up camp again like right here just temporarily

Because I need to smell the potatoes also that raw rabbit that the heavens sent us earlier in the game and I would really like to have some pork chops I killed a pig earlier but my inventory was full sorry Pig I would like to take this llama back with us how

Cool would that be he’s staying now see like how cool is that I would really like to take the Llama back with us however it would be kind of like difficult I guess I don’t know we have the requirements we have wool and slime balls so we could do it maybe foreign

Cooked baked potatoes we have pork chops now and we need to cook the rabbit meat let’s cook that real quick and I don’t know what to do I want to take the llama with us let’s see let’s see about it let’s get out our slime we have wool we can make a weed

All right this is going to be exciting right llama all right buddy let’s go this way you can put chests on llamas can’t you because that would be very helpful if we can do that Let’s do that if we can yeah chest can I put a chest on you all right let’s place our bed down and sleep so no zombies can get us There’s some songs okay we just put the um zombie don’t you dare we put the chest on our llama so that’ll be really helpful yeah how do you uh it’s not much chess but it’s something all right let’s go this way away from that song all right let’s take our bed and

Yeah I guess the furnace if we can I need more leads so oh my gosh this is getting confusing we need a name for the Llama too like what should we name the llama this is such a majestic moment we have me the llama two uh boats with chests oh my gosh this

Is crazy so next we need to go Ray that over there all right buddy let’s see if this works oh my gosh this is so mad this is madness what’s going to take a while though is getting the Llama to like follow us without the lead breaking because I know

Sometimes leads do break let’s see how look at the the wondering Trader oh my gosh this is so ridiculous I need now you know what I need I need um a fence post too I’m going to go get some loot down here all right let’s loot this area real quick if we can

I’m doing I just I can’t even believe what I’ve got myself into like when I play Minecraft usually you know like I just do it in the most safest way I guess you could say right now I can’t even believe what I’ve got myself into all right we’re safe another saddle

Iron I’ll take the iron I won’t complain and oh gapples we got gabbles oh my gosh we got apples that’s what I’m talking about and another saddle now let’s go back up all right that was easy enough we don’t need that I I’m gonna throw out the green dye

Because we have to be really specific with what we carry right now I guess since we’re on land now it’s going to be dark soon I’ll sleep in the bed and then after we sleep we can go adventuring I wanted to see what was over there in case there might be another desert

Temple so if I leave him here will he be fine you think like if I leave you here buddy will you be okay like I pray so we have three Saddles I don’t even that might be Overkill but I mean hey you know what I mean

All right so I’m going to get in this boat he’s tied to the fence post and really my crafting table there I pray that the Llama will be fine I just want to go before we go that way I think I want to go over that

Mountain is where I want to travel but just in case there’s like another desert temple over here or anything cool another Village Maybe I want to check just what’s over here and then we’ll go back and get the Llama let’s pray the Llama will be fine

And then I don’t know what we’ll do all right all I see okay wait no I see um I see another desert temple let’s sleep real quick what I can see from here is it looks like more ocean that way and then the desert temple over here

My laptop is running very loud right now foreign desert temples all in like the main little area which is I guess kind of rare I usually don’t encounter that very often so that’s pretty cool there we go Emerald gold More zombie Flash Oracle golden horse armor which is pretty cool demonstrator all right okay cool we’re we are we’re getting some stuff we’re making our way up in life there’s our boat I couldn’t find it for the longest time in our little spawn area with all of that terrible Madness going on

It’s pretty crazy all right let’s go see if our llama friend is still where we left them and I guess travel is sweet because I always saw behind us I just saw ocean and more desert nothing too interesting where I want to settle down and build a house so

I don’t know how much I’ll edit out but regardless of how much I added out I’ve been playing for like an hour probably a little bit over an hour just geeking out this is so crazy oh no okay there’s the Llama oh my gosh I was getting nervous because I had like

A chest on him too a family of rabbits and the llama pretty cool so here is where look at the bunny this is where things is going to get a little bit difficult you know what little buddy I need another llama I really really need yeah I need another llama really bad

So it would be perfect because I can’t carry like the boats with me if we’re going to be traveling my land I need some more llamas I really do we need more llamas really bad right now all right so right now my plan is off camera

I think I’m going to wait around try to find another llama if I do find another llama try to fit all of our luggage and everything we found if I can’t fit everything I want I’ll just leave these bows here and maybe we can come back for them

Depends on how far I travel so that’s the plan the llama’s like looking at me while I give my spill but yeah that’s that’s what we’re going to do oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 Survival Let’s Play | Exploring The Desert 🌵 Ep 1’, was uploaded by NefariousKeren on 2022-11-01 21:15:00. It has garnered 5717 views and 278 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:08 or 1928 seconds.


Today we start a spicy new 1.19 bedrock series, stranded in the hot sweltering desert! Join me while I journey through the sand, on a search to find new land!

Hope you enjoy the video! Happy Nefarious November =)

Tags- #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftletsplay #minecraftsurvival #llamas #wanderingtrader #gaming #nefarious #minecraftletsplay

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    Well, at least this meme gets a high score for creativity! But I’m not sure how much it would help in a real Minecraft survival situation. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Skibidi Toilet’ Clock Man Team vs Herobrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Skibidi Toilet' Clock Man Team vs Herobrine Why is the Skibidi Toilet Clock Man Team even fighting Herobrine in MineCraft? Did they run out of toilet paper and blame him for it? Read More

  • Surviving Day 1 in Minecraft

    Surviving Day 1 in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Boundless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. From abundant clay to the soft dreams of a builder’s imagination, this game offers a unique experience like no other. Abundant Clay for Endless Creations In Minecraft, players have access to a vast array of resources, including abundant clay that can be molded and shaped into any form imaginable. Whether crafting intricate structures or simple designs, the possibilities are limited only by one’s creativity. Visions of Creation in a House of Hope… Read More

  • Digging to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft

    Digging to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft The Epic Journey: Digging a Staircase Down to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure as our intrepid Minecraft player delves deep into the earth to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface. Armed with nothing but a pickaxe and determination, they set out to create a staircase down to bedrock in the vanilla Minecraft world. The Quest Begins As the game loads, our player takes a moment to harvest crops and prepare for the arduous task ahead. With mods installed and controls adjusted, they begin the monumental task of digging their way down to bedrock. Unearthing… Read More


    EPIC TEAM LEVELING IN MINECRAFT MOD! VOD #1Video Information This video, titled ‘WE START LEVELING BUT NOT SOLO! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod VOD #1’, was uploaded by GingyVODs on 2024-04-17 19:00:02. It has garnered 1240 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:50 or 6950 seconds. Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/Thetruegingershadow Discord – https://discord.gg/KfWmyVB Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheGingershadow ————————————————————————— Channel Avatar and Banner are made by Charwiewie check out their stuff! Charwiewie – https://twitter.com/charwiewie —————————————————————————- Read More

  • The Ultimate Scariest Minecraft Seed Revealed

    The Ultimate Scariest Minecraft Seed RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Most Scariest Seed Ever 😱’, was uploaded by Fourn Gamerx on 2024-02-23 13:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft scary myths minecraft 1.20 scary myths busting minecraft myths that are actually real minecraft scary seeds minecraft … Read More


    SG GAMER 3.0 BEDWARS MADNESS! SUB GOAL: 600! #LIVE #MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEDWARS LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-16 23:35:38. It has garnered 107 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:44 or 5804 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge by SHEK GAMER!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge by SHEK GAMER!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new challenge in audience ||#minecraft#gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by SHEK GAMER on 2024-05-02 00:30:27. It has garnered 470 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft new challenge in audience 😉 shorts #short #yt #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #myth #public #youtuber #youtubers #fightgaming #challeng #challenges #myths #challenge #minecraftchalleng #viral #minecraftchallenge #video #viralvideo #viralshort #viralvideos #videos #videogames #gaming #games #gameplay #game #gamingvideos #gamer #youtube #youyoutube #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubechannel #youtubegaming #youtubeindia #youtubeshort #fight #public #viral #shortsyoutube #gaming #minecraftbuild #minecraftpc #cringeymemes #edgymemes… Read More

  • Gengar rescues villagers & dog from fatal Minecraft trap

    Gengar rescues villagers & dog from fatal Minecraft trapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saving my villagers and dog form unsecure danger in Minecraft 2024 .’, was uploaded by Mr.GengarPlay on 2024-04-01 18:05:51. It has garnered 11577 views and 382 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Welcome to our gaming YouTube channel, where epic adventures and thrilling gameplay await! Join us as we dive into the captivating world of gaming, exploring a wide range of genres and platforms. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just starting your gaming journey, our channel is the ultimate destination for all things gaming. From exhilarating action games to… Read More

  • Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO – Family Hacker Showdown

    Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO - Family Hacker ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a NOOB vs PRO HACKER Family In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-14 14:18:02. It has garnered 358093 views and 6138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:50 or 3530 seconds. Having a NOOB vs PRO HACKER Family In Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are having a Noob vs Pro HACKER Family in Minecraft! Which they have to protect against a big EVIL HACKER! Will they do it? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Pekora gifts Aqua a second chance! Hololive Vietsub

    Pekora gifts Aqua a second chance! Hololive VietsubVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thần Pekora Đã Cho Aqua Cơ Hội Làm Lại | Hololive Vietsub’, was uploaded by Riku Ch. on 2024-05-17 07:57:02. It has garnered 1586 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. [NGUỒN STREAM] 🔰[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore Minecraft!!!!! Day 4!![Minato Aqua/Hololive]🎯 https://www.youtube.com/live/ROtF6AIdk_M?si=1N5zbCgENE5nBHjL + Sub for vtuber: 🚩 @MinatoAqua @MomosuzuNene @OozoraSubaru ==================================== God Pekora Gave Aqua a Chance to Do It Again | Hololive Vietsub ================================================================ Hello everyone, I am Atamai Riku. Hope you have fun watching the video 🥳 (The translation may be wrong, please give your feedback). +… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Vortex Trick! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Vortex Trick! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make vortex in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by greybunny on 2024-03-27 13:10:06. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Subscribe for more interesting with me))) #minecraft #interesting #secret #build #meme #memes #redstonebuilds #buildtutorial #minecraftbuild Read More

  • Insane Mutant Snow Golem rages in epic mob brawl!

    Insane Mutant Snow Golem rages in epic mob brawl!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mutant snow golem vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-22 11:05:25. It has garnered 22358 views and 252 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. minecraft mutant snow golem vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft minecraft monday minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft diggy diggy hole minecraft song minecraft 1.4 minecraft earth pewdiepie minecraft playlist minecraft… Read More

  • Crafters Horizon

    Crafters HorizonWe host an RLCraft modded server without most of the restrictions other RLCraft servers have!! We also offer a variety of “convenience” capabilities to enhance the player’s experience without hindering the difficulty of RLCraft!!! Read More

  • Kamacraft S6 SMP Modded 1.20.4 Whitelist Proximity Chat Squaremap Discord Events Custom Datapacks Europe 18+

    Why Kamacraft? I asked my regular players this a few days ago. The response was instantaneous and unanimous: the community, both on the Minecraft server itself and in the Discord server. absolutely the community, everyone’s so kind and nice always and it’s the first time I’ve played on a server that felt like an actual community instead of just vaguely familiar strangers who play Minecraft together Kamacraft has been running for 5 years, and has always focused on community, from always having a “welcome center” at spawn to orient new players and provide valuable starting resources, to seeking player input… Read More

  • CloudCraft SMP[Hermitcraft-ESQ][1.21][6/15/2024 reset]

    CloudCraft SMP[Hermitcraft-ESQ][1.21][6/15/2024 reset]ABOUT USWelcome to CloudCraft! We are a smaller whitelisted SMP focused on a vanilla multiplayer experience, and we are looking for a few more people to join us for our 1.21 reset on Saturday, June 15th.Our server takes some inspiration from HermitCraft and other similar SMPS. Some of our community aspects include a spawn island town (includes starter houses, town hall, shops, etc.), community farms, nether hub, arcade with games, dragon fight event, and more. See below or here for some images of our past servers. In the past our server has been annually reset for the latest update, followed… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Totally not hacked: this Minecraft meme”

    Minecraft Memes - "Totally not hacked: this Minecraft meme"I guess you can say this meme rolled a natural 20 on its random generation check! Read More

  • Blockbuster: Minecraft’s Netflix Show, Animated Galore!

    Blockbuster: Minecraft's Netflix Show, Animated Galore! In the world of Minecraft, a new series is born, On Netflix it’ll be, come early morn. CG animation, a sight to behold, Excitement in the air, stories untold. Hyazora on Twitch, with updates galore, Bringing news to the fans, always wanting more. From the trailer to the playlist, all in rhyme, Keeping the community in perfect time. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, Minecraft news with a playful zing. Stay tuned for more, from Hyazora’s domain, In the world of gaming, where creativity reigns. Read More

  • Burning Blocks: The Sequel 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Burning Blocks: The Sequel 🔥 #minecraftmemes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Pranking Friends in Minecraft SMP – Stream Highlights

    Pranking Friends in Minecraft SMP - Stream Highlights Wool Farm Clean-up in Tinker World SMP Join Music Free Gaming on a journey to clean up their wool farm in the Tinker World SMP server. This family-friendly channel primarily focuses on Minecraft gameplay, making it a perfect destination for gamers of all ages. Support Music Free Gaming If you enjoy the content provided by Music Free Gaming, consider supporting them through various means: Tips & Subs: Visit musicfreegaming.com to offer tips and subscribe to the channel. Merch: Explore exclusive merchandise at musicfreegaming.com/collections/all. Wishlist: Fulfill Music Free Gaming’s wishlist at throne.me/u/musicfreegaming. Connect with Music Free Gaming Stay updated and… Read More

  • EPIC Bastion Hunt on Chaos SMP! Minecraft 1.20 Survival

    EPIC Bastion Hunt on Chaos SMP! Minecraft 1.20 SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bastion Hunting | Chaos SMP | Minecraft 1.20 Survival’, was uploaded by ChrisPlaysOn on 2024-04-10 11:43:08. It has garnered 16 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:26 or 8066 seconds. Follow ChrisPlaysOn: Donos: https://streamlabs.com/chrisplayson Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chrisplayson Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisPlaysOn Discord: https://discord.gg/EXanhg7t Read More

  • The Mirror: Part 4

    The Mirror: Part 4Video Information This video, titled ‘Part4(The mirror) Like and subscribe’, was uploaded by Yotube_short on 2024-06-06 08:30:06. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #story #storytime #stories #parkour #horrorstories #horrorstory #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftparkour Read More

Minecraft Bedrock 1.19 Survival Let’s Play | Exploring The Desert 🌵 Ep 1