Minecraft Bedrock: Quad IRON FARM! Simple/Working! 1,400+ Iron/Hour! 1.20 Update Tutorial

Video Information

Hello everyone sally here and welcome back to another bedrock edition tutorial today i am happy to share with you a brand new type of iron farm for the bedrock edition of minecraft this is not your standard type of iron farm this one allows you to stack it and in today’s

Tutorial i’ll be showing you how to build a quad stacked iron farm that produces a 1400 iron per hour on average it’s an insane amount of iron it will fuel any project that you are working on all the beacon bases that you ever need massive storage system or rail line to

The far lands whatever you want to do a 1400 iron an hour should be enough for your project so this iron farm is actually extremely easy to build as well with a very simple modular system and the villagers are very easy as well there’s no quirkiness or issues or bugs

Or anything weird nothing tedious with this design it’s all extremely easy and rather quick to throw together so i think you’ll greatly enjoy it so let’s go over the basics of these iron farms shall we so this is essentially four iron farms in one that you see on screen

Right now and this is what i’ll be showing you how to build in today’s tutorial as you can see it’s not actually that complicated it is one little slice just rotated four times for four total farms so each one of these farms will produce on average 350 iron

Per hour meaning that from all four of these we get 1 400 iron per hour so that is basically all there is to if we come down into this area we have the item collection and this thing has been cranking away producing all of the iron

If we break down that quad iron farm over there into its individual pieces you’ll see that we get this singular iron farm and it’s got an unconventional shape with these cut corners as you can see that allows us to get four into the center area without the villagers or the

Iron golems overlapping causing a bunch of issues but as you can see it’s a pretty standard design without the shape being taken into account so we got the villagers the killing area up above one spawning platform the beds are gonna go right there that is the second killing

Area and the second spawning platform and then of course the item collection down here at the bottom this is basically exactly as large as you can make the farm without there being a ton of issues with village emerging and all of that craziness so this is basically

Going to give you the maximum rates per iron farm when it comes to stacking these things and having four or even 12 of these in the same area now that you know the basics about these iron farms what about the man the myth the legend who created them pico nico is the

Mastermind behind figuring out how to build create and test these iron farms and figuring out exactly how to stack them he’s been putting an unimaginable amount of time into creating this quad stacked version and a 12 stacked version along with appropriate raid farms and just all kinds of crazy nonsense i’m

Just the derp that’s here to show you how to build this thing and describe it to you and give you all the details about it he’s the man that’s actually like done all the hard work so thank you very much to pico nico for designing this thing and allowing me to

Share it with all of you guys of the community hopefully you guys greatly enjoy this and can build this very quickly in your bedrock edition worlds if you like the sound of this quad stacked iron farm then you’re going to love the fact that there is a 12 stacked

Version of this from pico nico which is absolute insanity producing 4 200 iron per hour if there’s enough interest and support on today’s video then i’ll be prioritizing the release of the 12 stacked tutorial so make sure to leave a like show some love for pico

Nico down in the comments of course and subscribe that way you don’t miss the 12 stack tutorial whenever it releases so why should you bother building a quad stacked iron farm well obviously you’re gonna have four iron farms in a very very small area all four of these are

Within a three chunk by three chunk area or 48 by 48 all four of these farms are exactly identical so it’s very easy to build one after another and quick succession all of these are very close together obviously for easy item you know centralization right there in the

Middle and all of the villagers are going to be very easy to transport to one central area as well overall these farms are designed for ease of use and ease of building they’re also designed for maximum rates which is why a few design decisions may appear to be quirky

On the surface but once you delve into the mechanics everything is optimized for maximum rates not only for a quad stacked design but for a 12 stacked design as well furthermore these iron farms also produce a string because we are killing the cats on these campfires

So you might be wondering what are the cons to building a quad stacked iron farm and as of 1.16.4 there aren’t really any the farms themselves are very easy to build the stacking method that we’re using is also a very simple one and doesn’t rely on any obvious or visible bugs however due

To the nature of this kind of technology there is no guarantees that it will work forever a future update like 1.17 very likely will break these designs so what you should do is build these farms right now get all the iron or reap the rewards and profit and let’s hop into the

Tutorial shall we for those of you are interested there’s a world download and materials listed down in the description of the video which could be very helpful for you building at this farm troubleshooting it and seeing exactly what you need and how to build it where

There’s also going to be two main parts to today’s tutorial the first part is going to be building up the actual structure of the iron farms and the second part is going to be getting the villagers into the iron farms and stacking the villages the first step is

Extremely important you need to choose a good location that is hundreds and hundreds of blocks away from any villagers villages beds bells or workstations if your farm is anywhere close to any of that stuff it can completely break the linking and the stacking of your iron farms so play it

Safe and go at least 300 blocks away from any villager related items because these things can seriously break your farms the next step is also very important you need to mark out your build area as you can see before you hear we have this nice diamond shape of

Checkerboarded chunks each one of these squares is 16 by 16 exactly one chunk of the minecraft world and this entire platform is the four chunk assimilation distance when standing in the middle here these are the only chunks in your world that will be loaded you don’t need

To mark out this entire thing although it’s probably a good idea to at least mark out the borders of your simulation distance but at the very minimum you need to mark out these center of 3×3 of chunks this 48 by 48 area that way you know exactly where all four of your iron

Farms are going to be going and how to chunk align them and make everything centered so go ahead and mark out yours three by three center chunks so now that we know that this is gonna be our central afk chunk we know we need to build an iron farm in that chunk that

Chunk that one and that one as well we’re gonna start in any arbitrary direction just this one right here and go up off the ground to buy three blocks we then need to fill in this entire chunk of going all the way across with a solid blocks which we can do very

Quickly like so that is going to be the base platform of the lowest spawning platform but of course we need to expand this a little bit expanding this is incredibly easy go to one of the corners and then you simply want to go in diagonally by two blocks we’re gonna

Extend that across to the other side where we also want to bring this in by two blocks like so then go off it to the sides of this and you need to go off and extend this by four blocks basically just giving it this nice diagonal edge

We’re going to bring this all the way towards the back side and expand it one past the back side of the platform bring this all the way across and then we’re gonna do the same thing on this side as well so just expand this diagonally by four blocks like so

Extend this back to the back area connect it up and now all you need to do is fill in that little zone there there and there with your solid blocks now we need to put a lip of solid blocks going all the way around the edge of this

Platform just one block up and out diagonally and that’s pretty much all there is to it once you have a lip going all the way around this entire thing go ahead and cover that in a layer of glass blocks as well now we need to go below

The farm and figure out what the center of this chunk is so go to any of the corners and go in and buy eight blocks so that is eight blocks right there and then this little two by two is going to be the actual center of the chunk that

Should be equidistant from all of the corners and edges of course so just go ahead and mark out the 2×2 right here in the center of that platform and that should of course be lined up right there we’re going to go ahead and put some marker blocks and that is going to be

The very center of our chunk this is where our killing chamber and item collection will be later on in the farm so now that we have that done we need to go ahead and build this exact platform four blocks above so we need to have a

Four block gap and then the floor of the next platform is going to be on the fifth block and there we go we now have our second platform in place and now we need to mine out a little hole in the center of this platform so the villagers

Can later on have access to the beds and so we can place the beds easier so towards the front of the farm which is of course this wedge shape right here we need to mine out two blocks and then we need to mine out three blocks towards

The back and a five blocks to the left and to the right as well so that is the general shape that we need to go ahead and expand this hole entirely small mistake on my part you actually want to mine this whole out going three blocks

Towards the front so all you need to do is just remove this extra line of blocks right here let’s quickly go ahead and install some item collection so starting at the front of the farm we’re gonna go underneath it until we’re at the little two by two marker for the center of the

Chunk break the two blocks towards the front of the farm and now we’re just going to go ahead and place a double chest right underneath that cutout with two hoppers going directly down in it and two campfires on top of that surround the campfires and some blocks

Of your choice i’m gonna use glass because it’s nice and now we need to go on to the first platform put two signs or right on those two marker blocks for the center of your chunk and two signs above that as well and that’ll stop the smoke from

Happening and now we need to place in the platform that the beds are gonna be placed on top of so the beds are gonna be going right here at this layer so our little temporary platform it needs to be here at this layer so we need to go two

Blocks towards the front of the two by two marker and then one block to the back of it and then of course the four blocks to the sides as well and basically just go ahead and fill in this entire thing the shape of this platform will make a lot more sense once we

Actually go to get the beds in here and get all the villagers in here but for now you want to build up this general little shape right here so basically a square or a rectangle but with one extra block on either edge while we’re here

Also go ahead and put in a marker block right in this location so basically just from the 2×2 you want to go off of this lower right block towards the front of the farm and then have a marker block right there that is going to be the

Furthest bad location and that is very important for getting the villages to stack correctly and the next thing that we need to do is build the villager containment pod so go right above your center 2×2 a marking area build up by three blocks and then on the fourth

Block we’re going to build a little five long stretch of blocks this should be lined up directly with your platform below and it should also be lined up with that little marker block that you have right there so pretty straightforward we’re gonna go ahead and put a three block tall glass wall going

All the way around this entire build this is going to contain all the villagers the workstations the water and the trap doors for keeping them in place as well so there is the walls in place now you want to go ahead and fill in the water sources and go ahead and place in

Three trap doors in all of these spots just like so flick all of them to be vertical and this is how we’re going to separate the villagers from one another and that is our velcro containment pod complete and that concludes part one of today’s tutorial showing you how to

Build the very basic structure of the first iron farm you now need to replicate this entire thing three more times and this chunk this chunk and this chunk over here for a total of four farms they’re gonna share a wall on this side and basically they’re just gonna go

Right next to each other so re-watch the tutorial rebuild these things until you have four of them and then we can move on to getting all of the villagers in place and here we go as you can see we now have four of the basic structures in

Place we have the red green orange and yellow farms you can color code them if you want although it is not necessary just mildly convenient when it comes to messing with the villagers as you can see i built two of the farms out of quartz instead of stone that way we can

Just kind of see where one farm begins and the next one ends and of course these things all share a wall together so it’s pretty straightforward everything is exactly how i showed you in the first part of the tutorial and just basically rotated 90 degrees so now

It’s time for the fun part getting the villagers in here activating the iron farms and actually stacking these things the first thing that we need to do for stacking our villages is make some very basic walkways going about seven chunks outwards from the center of our farms so

The basics of what we’re going to be doing is building just a one wide floating pathway going about seven chunks off in that direction it’s gonna be lined up with this thing and it’s gonna be very helpful for you to have your chunk border resource pack on so

We’re gonna go ahead and expand a walk away going across this entire chunk right here into the second chunk and then once you hit the third chunk we’re gonna go ahead and just place in a little t shape right here at the middle this is very important that you place this in

Now we need to go across this entire chunk so that’s one chunk again and then into the second chunk and to the third one and then finally once you reach the fourth chunk just go about to the middle of here and build yourself a little platform so the basics of why we need

This bridge is because we’re going to be creating our original village out here and then slowly moving it towards this little shape right here we’re going to be leaving the center of the village right there and building up the entire village inside of the actual farm that way we

Can easily stack them without them canoodling with one another and destroying the entire process so that is the basics you want to go ahead and build up one of these walkways for every farm it’s very important for your walk away to be at the same level as the

Glass if it’s even a single block higher like how this walkway is it will not work so you got to make sure it’s at the same exact layer as this glass the next thing that you want to do is prep at this branch to get the villagers into these cells for you we’re

Going to be making the villagers automatically pathfind into their cells for us that way we don’t need any minecarts or anything like that so just go ahead and make yourself a little bridge of solid blocks going up and put some stairs on that of course make sure it’s connected to your bridge

And then once you get to the top here go ahead and run some solid blocks all the way across your trapdoors and get a little guard rail going as well this will of course help your villagers stay in place honestly if you want to play things safe i’d recommend just putting a

Guard rail across basically this entire thing they’re pretty good at staying on there but depending on the terrain around here they might fall off and that can be a giant pain either way once you get to the back end right here what you want to do is build

Just a little janky staircase going down to the bed area this will actually help the villagers a path find to the beds help them keep interest with you know actually getting to them and help you create a village and all that good stuff so literally just place a staircase

Going like that they’re never actually going to use that staircase but it will help them with their pathfinding and it’ll help them go into their cells and now we are ready to actually start messing with the villagers creating villages and stacking villages as well this is where the fun begins it’s

Honestly not that complicated once you understand how it works i’ll be trying to explain it to the best of my abilities for your faces so the first thing that you want of course is a villager breeder that should be definitely like a two to three hundred blocks away send your baby villagers to

The nether allow them to grow up into adults and then in the nether mine cart them around to another portal and then send them through onto your little platform right here we need three villagers to start with and three beds so this is gonna be the beginning

Village of our entire setup the first thing that we’re gonna do is place down a bell and then that’s going to link to everyone you can basically ignore those green particles all we care about are the storm cloud particles those ones right there whoever gets these storm

Cloud particles is going to be the leader of the village and the pillow of their bed is gonna be the center of the village simple enough right oh also when you’re doing this you want it to be nighttime that way all the villagers sleep in their beds they pathfind very easily so

I would recommend starting this entire process and getting your villagers to the overworld right as the sun goes down once we got our three villagers in place and we know which one is the leader we can break our another portal so that we don’t have any issues with that thing

And we can start placing in new beds about 10 to 15 blocks away and breaking the beds of whoever is not the leader so as soon as we break his bed he should get new particles and go sleep in that one we can then place another bed break

His one way for him to get particles and then place another bed for the leader as well and then slowly but surely we’re just going to be walking all three of these guys towards the plus sign over there and that’s where we’re going to keep the leader of the village so now we

Can place in a new bed for this guy wait for him to get the green particles place in a new bed for this guy break his wait for him to get the ring particles and then place in yet another bed for the leader of the village and slowly but

Surely just walk these guys about 10 to 15 blocks at a time so now we got all three of our villagers right around the plus sign and we’re gonna triple check that this guy is still the leader of the village so place down a bell and whoever gets the storm

Clouds is still the leader so this guy right here is the leader we want his pillow to be right here on this crossbar as you can see that is a chunk border right here we want the pillow to be on the other side of the trunk border

Furthest away from the iron farm that is incredibly important so let’s just move that guy in right now and a perfect he’s linked to that bed he’ll go sleep in it so now we need to move in these two villagers right to the base of the

Staircase over here we need to go ahead and move this guy to the furthest bed now this marker block right here you’ll remember from the earlier parts of this tutorial is the furthest bed in the village surprisingly so we’re gonna go ahead and place down a bed right there

Make sure your entire staircase is intact going down to this lower area make sure this staircase is intact and you want to remove one of the blocks right above the first set of trapdoors right here that way the villager falls right into the cell so now we’re gonna

Go ahead and break this guy’s bed he should link to that bed down there and he does he’s got the green particles and eventually he’s just gonna go ahead and pathfind right into the containment cell like a cell absolutely beautiful as you can see now because he’s standing in

Water he’s never going to unlink from that bed which is beautiful now we need to go ahead and give all three of these villagers a workstation that way we can minimize linking issues later so if you place down a workstation this should go to whichever villager randomly it’s

Gonna go all the way to the leader of the village perfect we’ll just give him that one that’s gonna go to him we’ll place down another workstation that’s gonna go to one of these two guys it goes to this guy down here great let’s just put that by his bed and then the

Third one is gonna go to this guy right here and we’re gonna put that right inside of the glass wall and now it’s time to get even more villagers into our village and how we’re going to do this is by using yet another nether portal and bringing the villagers from the

Nether so you want to build this portal right in between this villager and that villager right there that way all the villagers that come through here are guaranteed a part of this village will claim workstations beds and all of that good stuff whenever you send through a

New batch of villagers you need to place down the bell again and make sure that none of these guys become the leader of the village for example if this guy right here gets these storm cloud particles from breaking the bell then you need to kill him that guy over there must remain the

Leader of the village for everything to work correctly so every time you bring in a new villager just test them with the bell make sure they don’t steal it from that guy so now that we have a new batch of the three villagers we can go

Ahead and allow them to walk up the staircase into the first cell and now we’re gonna start placing down more beds so each side of this should have eight beds in total just like so and we’re just gonna basically spam them down and then we need two beds on this side

Leaving a two block hole right underneath our chunk of center marker blocks and then two beds on that side for a total of 20 beds these three villagers over here should be linking to the beds and basically pathfinding right up these stairs right into this chamber once you have four villagers in here

Simply go ahead and flick down that trapdoor all of those guys will stay put in there and now we can start linking them to their workstations so there goes one workstation and then we need the second one over here for that guy and then the third one right there as well

And that is four workstations and four villagers in that cell now we can move on to doing the next cell and the ones after that as well so basically just rinse and repeat this entire process until you fill up all of these cells and just a few minutes later all of these

Cells are filled up with four villagers except the very last one this one only has three villagers at the moment and that is because we can simply repurpose this guy right here and put him into the cell as well so once you have the last cell with three villagers in it go ahead

And break his bed and then he’ll link to one of the beds down there and simply walk into the cell on his own as you’ll see you just walk straight in there it’s so convenient to use these guys’s own pathfinding against them now that there’s four and there flipped down the

Trapdoor we can go ahead and break his workstation over here and move that to this location and the wall he links up to that thing and we are now done getting all of the villagers into our iron farm from here on out all you need

To do is clean up this mess that we’ve created so use some pistons to push a glass right above the villagers just like so you can go ahead and remove all of these trapdoors and then simply go ahead and put glass right above the workstations on this side and this side

As well now you can go ahead and remove these staircases that you built going down to the beds because it’s not necessary anymore remove all the guard rails and you can basically remove the entirety of this bridge going out there as well i would highly recommend that

You build up a little enclosure around the leader of the village that way he doesn’t fall off this platform or get killed or anything like that because he will eventually wake up when it becomes a daytime make sure you also place the bell for this village right here above

The center of this 2×2 that way all these guys link to it and they don’t link to a bell from another village it’s kind of important that you keep this thing here now we can also go ahead and remove the platform that is underneath all the beds do not break any of the

Beds be very careful about that and now we’re gonna go ahead and build up the lower kill chamber so make it two stacks of signs right on top of that one right there and then we need to double stack signs out in this direction sign right

There a sign above it sign on the side of this one and above there signs above these two as well and then do the same thing on this side so double signs out signs above that one signs on the side of that and a sign above that sign right

There and a sign above that one anyway the reason why we’re building this in such a weird way is because we’re gonna have a lava source right in there of course and right in there and that means that we can drop the items from the upper kill chamber right down between

Them into our item collection now go ahead and fill in this platform again right above all of these beds and remove these two blocks right here for a clear line down to the item collection for the upper kill chamber we’re going to go ahead and place in two signs right here

And then stack up signs to this layer and then we simply want to stack out signs going three blocks in that direction and three blocks in this direction we’re gonna be putting lava right on top of this thing so we need to make sure that we have enough signs that

Way the lava doesn’t flow down into our water streams so go ahead and basically make a little diamond shape on both sides of this pile of signs basically you need a lot of signs everywhere to contain that lava that should be enough right there we can go ahead and test

That by placing in a lava source remove that block and it should flow perfectly to the edges without dropping down as you can see placing in all the water sources is incredibly easy for this farm and it’s the same for the top layer and the bottom layer as well so the first

Thing that you want to do is place in an extra sign or right there that way you just have a two lined up with the center of the chunk you’re gonna want yourself an infinite water source because we need water sources all the way across the top

Edge of this farm all the way along all of this diagonal all the way along this edge inside of all of these diagonals right here and then all the way along the edge of that wall as well skip at the end or two blocks right here and

Then just place in a water source is going all the way across until you get to these two spots and that is most of the platform are done we need to place in two more water sources right here at this level lined up with the center of

The chunk just to get water on those two blocks and then we need to flood this side on both sides so line yourself up with those two center blocks and we simply need eight temporary blocks and these locations right here that’ll force the water to fly to further out and push

All the items and mobs directly into the kill chamber so then you just gotta do that for the other side as well so two blocks there two blocks there two there another two there and then that floods to the center remove your temporary blocks and your water is now completely

Installed and you need to do that exact same process on the lower floor as well and congratulations your first iron farm is now completely done and as you can see we actually have an iron golem spawning all the way out here however we are not done yet we now need to start

Stacking these things which is incredibly easy all you do is the entire village process again so you would start off for example out here on this platform build up yourself another portal get your three villagers out here at night time figure out the leader of the village move them in towards the center

Keep the leader right here move the other two into the staircase get them in here get all the other villagers in and it’s the exact same process however keep in mind you have to keep the leaders of the village alive and at the crossroads for every individual farm once you’ve

Built up all four farms and you have all the villagers in place then we can start dealing with the leaders of the village so best of luck re-watch this video as needed get all the villagers in here and hopefully it goes very smoothly for you and this is what it should look like

Once all four of your iron farms are done and you have all the villagers in place there is but one final thing to do and that is to murder the leaders of the village so we can’t simply walk them into the village like we have previously because then villages would combine and

There’s a whole load of issues there with the actual villages overlapping with one another however if we simply go ahead and break the workstation and then break the bell and then kill the villager that is going to make one of these villagers over here and this pod

The leader of the village whichever bed they’re linked to will become the center of the village and congratulations your entire village is now within one area so we can go ahead and do that for this guy over here break the workstation first break the bed kill the leader and now

One of these guys over here is going to become the leader of the village and bam we now have two villages right next to each other you can see that we got the iron golem spawning on the platforms which is beautiful and then you basically just rinse and repeat this for

All four of your leaders of the village if you have any random miscellaneous iron golems walking around the outside areas just go ahead and kill them with a lava bucket it won’t be a big deal and there you go that is basically all there is to it you

Officially have four villages within one area spawning you with 350 iron ingots per hour each and it’s great as one last optional thing that you can do you can set up an auto dropper system at the bottom of the outputs going into a little bit of an ice water stream and

Then combine all of the water streams from all four of your farms into one chest but as you guys know i always leave storage up to you because storage is extremely subjective and you never know what you’re gonna want everybody wants storage a little bit differently

So you can set that up however you want but as you can see these have only been running for a couple of minutes we already got three stacks of iron it’s crazy if you’ve made it this far in today’s video thank you so very much for watching i do greatly appreciate your

Support on the channel i hope that you have enjoyed today’s video and learned a thing or two there’s going to be more resources about all this villager linking stuff down in the description of course videos from pico nico the world download the materials list and all of

That good stuff if you have any questions comments and concerns then of course let us know in the comment section down below we’re always trying to help you guys out as best as we possibly can and again if you do want to see that 12 stacked iron farm leave a

Like on the video make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss that on the channel as well and otherwise thank you so very much for watching i’ll see you down in the comment section and in the next one and then there was silence

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock: Quad IRON FARM! Simple/Working! 1,400+ Iron/Hour! 1.20 Update Tutorial’, was uploaded by silentwisperer on 2020-09-19 19:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Welcome to another Bedrock Edition Tutorial video! Today i show you a NEW WORKING quad stacked iron farm! These iron farm …

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    Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3! In the world of games, speed is the key, Minecraft, Guitar Hero, and Geometry Dash, you see. Fastest hand games, they take the lead, With skills and reflexes, they succeed. Minecraft, a world of blocks and fun, Building and crafting, under the sun. Guitar Hero, rocking out with a guitar in hand, Hitting those notes, in a rock band. Geometry Dash, a rhythm-based game, Jumping and dodging, never the same. Speed and precision, to conquer each level, With quick reflexes, you must revel. So there you have it, the fastest games around, In the gaming world, where speed is… Read More

  • Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21

    Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21 The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Netherite Mining Guide Mining for Netherite in Minecraft can be a challenging task, but fear not! The ultimate Minecraft Netherite mining guide for 1.21 is here to help you navigate through the process. With detailed methods, tips, and strategies, you’ll be on your way to acquiring this valuable resource in no time. Understanding Ancient Debris Netherite, also known as Ancient Debris in its raw form, is a precious item found underground in the Nether dimension. It typically appears in chunks of 1 to 3 and can only be mined with a diamond or Netherite pickaxe…. Read More

  • Conquering the Tallest Tree in Minecraft

    Conquering the Tallest Tree in Minecraft The Tallest Dragon Tree – Day 15 of 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft On Day 15 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer embarked on a new project – the creation of the tallest Dragon Tree in the village. Armed with a variety of materials, including Nether Sakura Boat With Chest, Willow Boat, Palm Boat, and more, the stage was set for a magnificent addition to the landscape. Materials Used: Nether Sakura Boat With Chest Willow Boat Palm Boat Echo Boat With Chest Dragon Tree Sapling Shadow Grass Bonemeal Red Paper Lantern Cincinnasite Chain Purple… Read More

  • Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness!

    Digging Deep: Hardcore World Mapping Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m mapping my hardcore world, living the dream. Exploring caves, mining for ore, Building my empire, always wanting more. With each step I take, a new adventure unfolds, In this pixelated world, where creativity molds. From sunrise to sunset, I craft and I mine, In this hardcore world, where danger is fine. So join me on this journey, as we explore and we play, In this world of Minecraft, where we’ll always stay. Leave a comment below, share your thoughts and your views, And together we’ll conquer, in this world… Read More

  • Who Called Me in Minecraft?!

    Who Called Me in Minecraft?! Minecraft: Unraveling the Mystery Behind “BENİ KİM ARADI” Exploring the vast world of Minecraft is always an adventure, filled with mysteries and surprises at every turn. One such intriguing phenomenon that has captured the attention of players is the enigmatic “BENİ KİM ARADI” trend. Let’s delve into the depths of this mysterious occurrence and uncover its secrets. The Origins of “BENİ KİM ARADI” In the realm of Minecraft, players have reported receiving mysterious calls from unknown entities, leading to a wave of speculation and curiosity within the community. The phrase “BENİ KİM ARADI” translates to “Who Called Me” in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Original Minecraft memes or flair reposts, please!

    Minecraft Memes - Original Minecraft memes or flair reposts, please!It looks like the score of this meme is higher than my grades in high school. Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Worst Players Unleashed

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Worst Players Unleashed Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where we struggle and strive, To survive and thrive, in this pixelated hive. Join me and Awopp, as we embark on this quest, To beat the game, and put our skills to the test. But beware, we are the worst players you’ll ever see, Fumbling and stumbling, as we try to be free. From creepers and zombies, and skeletons too, Our survival skills are definitely overdue. So hit that like button, and subscribe to our channel, As we navigate through this world, like a ship in a flannel. Join our Discord server, and… Read More

  • Hot Iron Golem Prank Fail! 🔥😂

    Hot Iron Golem Prank Fail! 🔥😂 “Pranking an Iron Golem in Minecraft is like trying to scare a rock… it just stands there unimpressed.” 😂 #minecraftpranks #ironstonecold Read More

  • Spider Stick Portal Prank (Zoonomaly)

    Spider Stick Portal Prank (Zoonomaly) Minecraft: Exploring the Stick Spider Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the mysterious Stick Spider Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. Join the exploration with UzeMing and uncover the secrets hidden within this intriguing realm. Discover the Stick Spider Portal Step into the Stick Spider Portal and brace yourself for a world like no other. This unique Minecraft creation offers a blend of excitement and challenges, waiting to be conquered. Navigate through its intricate pathways and encounter fascinating creatures along the way. Join the Minecraft Community Connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts by joining the… Read More

  • Outsmarting Minecraft’s Eternal Ice Night

    Outsmarting Minecraft's Eternal Ice Night Minecraft Adventure: Surviving the Forever Frozen Night Embark on an epic journey with Coolguyapf as he enters the End of Minecraft Iceland, facing 24 hours of darkness to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. Follow his thrilling adventure on various platforms: Twitch Instagram Twitter Discord Episodes: Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Mods Used: Enhance your gameplay with these exciting mods: Cold Sweat Sanity: Descent Into Madness Villager Names OptiFine All For CurseForge 1.20.1 Music: Set the mood with these captivating tracks: 10AM-PM – Lud and Schlatt Crossing 10PM – Animal Crossing New Leaf 2AM – Animal Crossing… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Duels and Parties with Facecam!” #hypixel

    "EPIC Minecraft Duels and Parties with Facecam!" #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Duels and Parties (w/Facecam) #hypixel #bedwars’, was uploaded by KaneLion on 2024-04-28 04:41:47. It has garnered 717 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:59 or 4019 seconds. #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft Currently playing on Minemen.club! Doing parties and duels =========================== Discord: discord.gg/Vd8PwxmDf8 =========================== Server IP: Minemen.Club =========================== Texture Pack: Fruitful 32x (Chifruit 100k Pack) =========================== IGN Java: KaneLion IGN Bedrock: KaneLion =========================== You can ignore this – Hypixel Minecraft, Minecraft Hypixel, bedwars hypixel, Minecraft bedwars hypixel, Minecraft hypixel bedwars, Minecraft hypixel skywars, Minecraft pvp, Minecraft bedwars server, Minecraft texture packs 2024,… Read More

  • Exploring a Secret Stalker’s Base in Minecraft!

    Exploring a Secret Stalker's Base in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Found a Stalker’s 100% SECRET BASE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Mist on 2024-03-06 21:00:20. It has garnered 1725 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:31 or 1051 seconds. I Found a Stalker’s 100% SECRET BASE in Minecraft! – EPISODE 1 OF “THE CURSE OF THE MIMIC” Mist discovers he is being STALKED, and after hunting the STALKER down, Mist finds their Secret Base beneath the Saint Ender City graveyard… Upon reading a secret book discovered in the Stalker’s base, Mist accidentally unleashes a powerful force upon Saint Ender City…… Read More

  • “Discover the Craziest Minecraft Players! #mustwatch” #gamers #epic

    "Discover the Craziest Minecraft Players! #mustwatch" #gamers #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘types of players in Minecraft i #minecraft #technogamerz #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by ALONE BOY 444 on 2024-05-28 00:43:24. It has garnered 9354 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. types of players in Minecraft #minecraft #gaming #minecraftmemes #memes #minecraftbuilding #154 #minecrafttutorial #realisticvsreal minecraft shorts techno gamerz viral gamerfleet funny gaming anshu bisht mythpat minecraft shorts minecraft viral #viral viralshorts youtube youtubeshorts shortsfeed fyp subscribe minecraft pe reels short minecraft funny shorts minecraft funny shorts in hindi minecraft funny short video minecraft memes minecraft funniest shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • Minecraft Creative: Building Insane Mansion in Java!

    Minecraft Creative: Building Insane Mansion in Java!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a house/mansion in Minecraft Creative (Java Edition)’, was uploaded by Sol_says_hi on 2024-01-04 00:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Ep 2! You won’t believe what happens next!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Ep 2! You won't believe what happens next!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cringelad SMP season 2 Ep 2’, was uploaded by Thanatos 13 on 2024-01-14 20:25:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:38 or 5918 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/thanatos13official Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed Blindfolded! #nepaliminecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed Blindfolded! #nepaliminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some Minecraft Facts You May Not Know! #nepaliminecraft #minecraft #minecraftfacts #camman18shorts’, was uploaded by BlindFolded on 2024-04-29 02:50:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignore): Youtubers, lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, … Read More

  • Insane Roblox Challenge with VTuber in Kucing Lucu Minecraft World

    Insane Roblox Challenge with VTuber in Kucing Lucu Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘#challenge #roblox #vtuber #minecraft #anime #gaming #cat #shorts #kucinglucu’, was uploaded by Gaory life on 2024-05-30 16:56:02. It has garnered 29 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs GodVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftpe #gaming #technogamerz #pixelart’, was uploaded by Dark Alpha Gaming on 2024-01-07 14:00:23. It has garnered 4846 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • PR02Z Lockdown Saga Gets Insane! #shorts

    PR02Z Lockdown Saga Gets Insane! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lockdown Story Part 2 #shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:43:17. It has garnered 115 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Minecraft Find me online at ; Discord : https://discord.gg/w5ZpGWxtUM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pr02z?igsh=MWFwdzBobTd4MXBvaQ== Twitter : https://x.com/PR02Z2?t=PojdNgc8LIG97FIvn6tTbw&s=09 Tags #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart #horrorart #twitchtv #videogame #instagamer… Read More

  • Elveron-mc

    Elveron-mcElveron is a Runescape based server, Same skills and mechanincs but better map! We offer a wide range of activities such as a new concept Hunger Games! With a huge range of custom items and bosses we serve with a custom plugin built for this server! play.elveronmc.com:25617 Read More

  • Eternal Realms – realms

    Eternal Realms Welcome to Eternal Realms, a world of endless possibilities and boundless creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone genius, or a survival enthusiast, there’s a place for you here. What we offer: Survival and Creativity: Explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and conquer challenging quests. Friendly Community: Join a community of like-minded players who are always ready to collaborate and help out. Regular Events: Participate in exciting events and challenges to test your skills and win amazing prizes. 24/7 Access: Our realm is open around the clock, so you can play whenever you want. Join us now… Read More

  • Estella™

    Estella™EstellaMC is a unique Minecraft Network focused on the game mode Kingdoms and will be expanding into more as time goes on. The network strives towards prospering in every area of the Minecraft space. Our objective is to deliver the most enjoyable gaming experience.Join our discord to be updated and meet the community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft madness: Terror exhibit

    Why was the Enderman the star of the Minecraft exhibit? Because he was always a head above the rest! Read More

  • Minecraft SMP War: Battle Royale on Blocks

    Minecraft SMP War: Battle Royale on Blocks In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, RedXypher’s the king, living out his dream. With BoomyDamovi by his side, they rule the land, Creating content that’s always grand. From Burger King to smp wars, They entertain us with their Minecraft scores. So hit that like and subscribe button tight, And join them on this epic gaming flight. Follow them on Discord, Twitter, and more, For updates and laughs galore. In the world of Minecraft, they’re the stars, Spinning rhymes and crafting bars. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, Just let the beats and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers be creepin’!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creepers be creepin'! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303 The Epic Showdown: Herobrine vs Entity 303 in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, two mysterious and powerful entities have captured the imagination of players worldwide – Herobrine and Entity 303. These enigmatic figures have become the stuff of legends within the Minecraft community, with players speculating about their origins and powers. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the epic showdown between Herobrine and Entity 303. The Legend of Herobrine Herobrine is a legendary figure in Minecraft, often described as a ghostly entity that haunts players in the game. With piercing white eyes… Read More

  • 5 Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks

    5 Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Minecraft Build Hacks to Enhance Your Survival World Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, survival is key. To thrive in this blocky universe, players often rely on clever build hacks to make their journey easier and more enjoyable. Here are five useful build hacks that can help you improve your survival world and achieve your goals faster. Armor Swapper One essential build hack is the Armor Swapper. This ingenious contraption allows you to quickly switch between different sets of armor with the push of a button. Whether you’re gearing up for battle or exploring the depths of a… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Addiction Confession by Mika Akatsuka Ch.!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Addiction Confession by Mika Akatsuka Ch.!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 Minecraft 】 We aren’t addicted–‘, was uploaded by Mika Akatsuka Ch. on 2024-06-05 15:13:32. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:27 or 18567 seconds. I’m Mika Akatsuka, owner of Nightfall’s Bloom florist and cafe. Vampire cat boy VTuber who likes flowers and sweet things. Won’t you let me make you a bouquet? ✧ Jason Free ✧ https://twitch.tv/Jason_Free https://twitter.com/JasonFreeTweets Youtube: @JasonFree ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ✧ Links ✧ Support me: https://streamelements.com/se-2750660/tip Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mika_Akatsuka Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mikaakatsuka Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@MikaAkatsuka ━ ━… Read More

  • Eating Money: Sociable Movements Pt.7

    Eating Money: Sociable Movements Pt.7Video Information This video, titled ‘компанейские шевеления pt.7’, was uploaded by съел деньги on 2024-03-13 21:47:22. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #raft #goosegooseduck #valorant теги: funny moments, funny, minecraft, try not to laugh, comedy, compilation, funny videos, gaming, epic moments, чикен ган, meme, gameplay, fails, helldivers 2 gameplay, new brawlers, sands of time, brawl stars funny moments, brawl stars funny montage, brawl stars 2024, football, den19k, funny moments brawl stars, top 200 funny moments brawl stars, memes, brawl stars funny moments and fails, top 200 brawl stars,… Read More

  • Insane EarthTwister BIRTHDAY Stream! Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Insane EarthTwister BIRTHDAY Stream! Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIRTHDAY Live Stream | Let’s explore and chill in Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by EarthTwister on 2024-06-01 04:41:50. It has garnered 48 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:51 or 5031 seconds. Today, we’re going to just hang out and have fun in Survival Minecraft. We are going to get as much as we can while he hang out and explore! Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed make sure you hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new! This video is inspired by many Other minecraft Youtubers like fWhip, Gemini… Read More

  • FALCO BREAKS THE INTERNET!? Minecraft News Gone Wild!

    FALCO BREAKS THE INTERNET!? Minecraft News Gone Wild!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FUNNY BREAKING NEWS EPISODE 1 | Breaking Your Tenda Funny Minecraft News | Minecraft News’, was uploaded by I.M FALCO on 2024-03-06 16:21:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Friends Welcome To My Channel If You Are New Then Subscribe My This Channel And Like My This Video.In This Video I … Read More

  • EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! – Minecraft Monday SMP

    EPIC CACTUS BOSS BATTLE! - Minecraft Monday SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l’, was uploaded by MetalGearSnake on 2024-05-12 06:54:23. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:56 or 11456 seconds. BIG CACTUS RISES- The Cactus Saga : Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 35 l Hope you enjoy! “You must be Ames” “You’re pretty good” “Kept you Waiting Huh” ______________________________________________________ https://www.tiktok.com/@metalgearsnake99?lang=en https://twitter.com/MetalGearSnaked ______________________________________________________ Other Channels You should check out! https://www.youtube.com/@Cyber-Odyssey https://www.youtube.com/@UC-5OK1w-I2RXYTGE-eUE_zA https://www.youtube.com/@UCCYGu8GXU1Xr94UhZAx9tcA —————————————————————————————- #minecraft Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Mob Battle Tournament!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Souls-Like Universe Tournament – Mob Battle | 1.19.2’, was uploaded by Aool on 2024-03-28 15:00:01. It has garnered 1031 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:45 or 1245 seconds. ✅ Subscribe to the channel: https://bit.ly/3O1fgcZ 👉Watch the videos on my and Anonima’s gaming channel! (Daily Videos at 18:00) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoWGlHf5qnJbXjWJo0Of_cQ ✅Support the Channel by being a MEMBER: https://bit.ly/3zyVXDp ​✅Donation Via Pix – https://livepix.gg/aoolgamer ✅Contacts: 📌 Email: [email protected] 📌 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aool_gamer?igsh=cTRjeDVyNWtwM2pp 📌 Discord do Canal: https://discord.gg/ErZK97ZMRa ✺ Discover other series on the channel: ✺ Minecraft: THE NECROMANCER: https://bit.ly/3L8HVhl ✺ Minecraft: POISON: https://bit.ly/3ZAgRMB… Read More

  • Fian DC – INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shorts

    Fian DC - INSANE CHEERING 🚨 | Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MENGKREP CERIA | Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fian DC on 2024-05-27 18:49:12. It has garnered 1137 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:55 or 10135 seconds. Thank you for watching this video. For those of you who want to support with donations, you can click this link: https://saweria.co/fiandinar https://sociabuzz.com/fiandinar/donate ____________________________________________________________________________________ Discord : https://discord.gg/4PcjzKB Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fiandinar/ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Spec PC Kentang : Mobo Asrock Steel Legend B450M CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3500X CPU Fan Cooler Master ML120L V2 RAM G.Skill Trident Z 8x2GB SSD WD Green 120GB HDD Seagate… Read More

  • Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shorts

    Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a trap in desert in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-05-27 13:30:18. It has garnered 723 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process… Read More

Minecraft Bedrock: Quad IRON FARM! Simple/Working! 1,400+ Iron/Hour! 1.20 Update Tutorial