Minecraft. Bewitchment. How To. Part 1 (Updated)

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Hello everyone my name is Laura thorn and welcome to how to bewitch meant for Minecraft version one point twelve point two this is the zero point zero point two two point twelve release of the mod so now that’s that’s all out of the way let’s get to it so a quick overview of

What we’re going to cover here is all the basics of the Mollett so everything you need to do to get started in this mod and we will cover the more event stuff in another video all right then to start off with let’s talk about the very first resources you need to get you’ll

Want to find in the world these types of trees so there’s three different trees you’ll mainly want to find and they can be found out and bound the world we’ve got the juniper wood Cypress and back here elder wood elder wood for starting game is the most important as little

Saplings look like this the trees look like this the right beautiful little things actually one of my favorite parts of this mod anyways find yourself one of those cut down get saplings plant them around your base that’s a good starting point for the bewitching mod next you

Want to find yourself some salt it’s quite important just go mine for it’s usually around the top layers of the world there’s a few other resources you combine this mod like silver or opals granite or an amethyst or but those aren’t really important until later so just get yourself some salt they’ll give

You this nice salt stuff here and that’s quite important to this mod before or after that though get yourself a hoe and go bash them grass so this mod adds a little thing to the hoe where when you hit grass with it it breaks huge amounts of grass so you can quickly harvest

Grass and large swaths and harvest a whole bunch of seeds I want to go around like a madman smashing all the grass you can and and it’ll give you a whole bunch of different seeds for a small like belladonna Kong tiem normal seeds he’ll Bora and if there’s ever boswell you get

Those seeds but those aren’t important so yeah garlic seeds a whole bunch of different seeds of all it gives you you all take these seeds go back home and plant them in some hole and you’ll start growing plants most part plus gates are the Mandrake root and

The hell Bora these are what gets you started in the mod okay from there go and build yourself a book of shadows so very simple little recipe here put it in crafting table or just here of entry and make it and then you get the book of shadows Book of Shadows is your

Guidebook to their whole mod so you can actually stop watching this video here and you’ll have all the knowledge you need to know to proceed with this mod because you’ve gone yourself The Book Of Shadows which is basically the tutorial to this mod contained a nice little

Flavorful book but if you’re still here because you wish to learn more via video formats let’s continue then next thing you want to build yourself is unfired jar you get it with some clay pop that clay into a crafting table get yourself a jar then fire that jar in

Any sort of oven and I’ll give you an empty jar so with that jar the salt and the Elderwood you’ve gotten yourself you can make yourself an altar now here I put down an obsidian altar which is actually wrong there usually be obsidian here altar that that would create would

Be of course the stone altar which looks like this now doing one of these will get you three older stone you need six altar stone total to make an altar so you’ll have to do this recipe twice then once you have the altars all laid out in

A pattern like this a two by three pop any color carpet on top of them and it will complete the altar now altar power is need for absolutely everything in this mod if you want to brew potions distill things see into the future weave silks cass ritual spells all that

Requires the altar in fact one of the few things in this mod that doesn’t require the altar is the witches oven but we’ll get to that later so yeah everything absolutely everything requires altar power so make sure your altar has power now how do you actually power your altar

Well altars are powered by nature around them and putting fancy bits and bulbs on top of them so when play nature around the altar it usually likes about one or two of every type of plant I think the maximum is about three of every plant as any plant

From any mod as long as that plant has a plant tag in its mod rectory so these three grass here dalgetty are to the altar these three dandelions power to the altar these blue orchids power to the altar the trees these okes power to the altar all these plants

Around here giving – power to the altar I’m not exactly certain on the range of which it draws power but if you’re having troubles pain stuff in know that you can put dirt above the altar if you like and part more trees and plants on that dirt above the altar and we’ll take

That power because it draws power in a bubble around the altar so above below around that’ll get you power to the altar of course that’s not the only thing that gives power to the altar there’s also power multipliers for charge rate and there is just power boosters and those are found in four

Different kinds of objects these are cups which are things like potted plants goblets glass bottles and filled goblets then we have swords which are course swords silver swords anthems and blue lines all fill in the stores carry wands are candles torches and n rods and these things will have different tiers of

Power so a torch will give you only so much where and rod is much better item and then we have the final thing which is Pentacles which contains monster heads precious gems skulls and the pentacle itself so you place these four things onto your altar and they will

Grant hit more power and multipliers here there is a few super items you can put on them I believe like a nether star but that might not be the case anymore anyways get the power multipliers and then just plant lots and lots and lots of plants around your altar as me as you

Can this includes crops and things by the water pumpkins anything that’s a plant so plant your wheat by plant your bee which mint plants bite plant trees everything if it’s other mod if you have Pattani a plant botanial flowers around just as many plants and variations as

You can but make sure that’s only one or two or three plants around the altar of each kind right now will you will move on to the cauldron so the cauldron another simple recipe although this one actually does require silver so you’ll have to do a little bit

Of extra mining for it but then get yourself some iron and you can make yourself the witch’s culture now for any which is culturing to work it has to have a heat source any heat source will do fire burning a coal block or infinite flame with a nether block just has to

Have heat underneath it and then you’ve filled with water so make sure you have a water source nearby and then it will start boiling after a few seconds of course it will need power to be operable so make sure it is close enough to your altar for – Ashley bubbled then you can

Make brews and various other things with Psalter to do any brew you need to first throw in Mandrake root this will then make it possible for you to do brews and I have a whole video covering the brews it’s a little out of date but if you

Want to look more in depth into the brews you can go to that video then throw in whatever other thing you want with this to make the brew so let’s say Apple if we want me to health potion and I’ll make this a lovely red color then

You can scoop that with normal bottles and that will make witch’s brew and it’ll be instant health which is brew and if you just sit and run out bottles or you don’t want scoop any more up chuck in some wood ash and that will clear out the cauldron and then you can

Brew your next potion now we will move on to the witch’s oven witches oven is just purely made of iron this is a useful little tool which basically makes all of your stuff well not all the stuff but a lot of it it is one of the main

Ways you get wood ash simply throw a plant in there and then some plants on top he’ll burn down and it will give you charcoal the top and wood ash down here very nice little I know perk so to say well also remember those clay jars well

Put some of those clay jars down here in the empty jar slot and then go grab yourself basically any other sapling in the game and slap help top here and that will start cooking down into a whole bunch of different well I’m not exactly sure what to call them these little jars

Full of stuff I’ll give you a rash up here and it will give you droplets of wisdom at their world only tears you can get a whole bunch of stuff from this hem these are basically bread and bread bread and butter of crafty in this mod

So you just go find those thing madhi’s and you can get yourself a crafty in a way of course you will need to do a long exploring in Plante’s so I recommend whenever you harvest a new plant make sure you get seeds or saplings so you can bring them home

So you don’t have to go tramping about the world to find it again next we move on to chalk so there is the basic chalk which is made with Fritzl birch solace using our which is oven and you get birch sole from it so already the oven

Is useful to you then you put down some ash get some stone and bam you get chalk and ritual chalk is how you do ritual magic but before you can do any ritual magic you need the special golden chalk the foucault chalk forgetful chalk you need to get yourself a golden nugget

Some liquid witchcraft and some normal ritual chalk to get the liquid witchcraft you will need to throw into your witches of in a Mandrake root and that will give you the liquid witchcraft if you have a jar in place usually anyhow now you take all these things and

You chuck them into a cauldron so chalk first I’ll start the ritual then everything else you need and bam you got yourself some polka chalk now chalk can be a little bit expensive as well as other greens so be cautious before you make anything and just chuck it a little

Bit of wood ash just to clear out the cauldron and then proceed with your ritual just so you don’t get any gross mixed-up things like a spider fell in there or something and gubbins dump your cauldron because if you are in survival mode the coven will actually do damage

And things can dine there and then they will taint the cauldron by having their little me bits fallen once you have your focus talk and your basic talk you can get cracking to the most basic of rituals so find a place new your altar I usually like to build a building below

My altar personally and then in the center of that area put down some focus chalk then around in a circle place the rest of the chalk so here we have some white ritual chalk and it starts being to distance away and three wide very easy way to remember it actually is just

Count the two out so two empty spaces then put down three one two three and then you put one coming off it and then you put down three again then the next level out is one space and it’s five wide and then you can go over here and go once

Five five one space house five wives so on and then you just fill in the spaces in between final layer is one space out seven wide then three little space is connected in next one and then you got yourself some rituals these will only do with most of rudimentary of rituals

Though and they do take a lot of power all the rituals can be found in the book of shadows simply go to circle rites and you can find yourself some rituals let’s briefly cover how to do a ritual so simple ritual really easy to do is the ritual purification this requires two hundred

Altar power two white sage two salt and four dirt so we grab the dirt salt and white sage and you right-click on the center of the ritual and put all the graves in and with empty hand click off and it’ll start the ritual he’ll complete relatively quickly if you have

The power and you’ll get the result there’s a whole bunch of different rituals from changing biomes and summing hell gates but right now this is just the basics you need to know now next is the phasing chalk this is for teleportation changing rituals some mean creatures changing biomes all that sort

Of good stuff requires you to go to hell to get some glowstone dust and it will require some dimensional sand which is actually really expensive stuff dimensional sand requires you to either cooking eyes of ender sulker seashells or chorus fruit so this is definitely a late-game

Ritual chalk again you just throw it in the oven and it will cook up your course route and your dimensional sent fiery chalk is actually easier to get BIM dimensional chalk come to think of it the phasing stuff it just requires you to go to the nether and it is some blaze

Powder and netherrack again you have to put in the cauldron but once you’ve done that it is very straightforward fiery chalk is for doing curses health incantations and all that fun stuff also so many demons now when wide to change up chalks there is several ways to do it

One of the straightforward ways is actually just to go around and manually scribble over that’s got a nice feature where any sort of chalk can actually cover another kind of chalk because it takes far too long to break and replace all the chalk by even place it manually

Takes quite a bit while especially on that outer ring so there is a ritual to change up the chocolate about the good old Book of Shadows and it is the ritual of circle drawing so some clay will change the middle ring flame what ash will change the outer ring – clay – –

Why – will changed in utmost rate so it’s very simple just grab yourself some play pop into the circle and then whatever type of chalk you want to replace put into your offhand then begin the ritual and bam it will replace the whole circle and you just follow the

Instructions in the book of shadow to change all the other ones let’s move on to some tools so we have the bull line and the anthem both can be made in the crafting table and they require silver and any sort of gem it can be a emerald

Lexlabs lead diamond or the new gems add by B which meant well make you these items the anthem is for harvesting special items from creatures let’s say you kill a horse with the anthem this will give you the new unique item of horse’s hoof the blue line is for

Harmlessly harvesting items from the bewitching Maud creatures so you got Raven it’ll drop its feathers for you got Al he’ll drop that so you’ve used it basically as a pass this way to harvest special items from few unique bewitchment mobs else we use cutting into dragon blood to freeze you simply

Cut one of the blocks in the dragon resin tree and they’ll start popping out dragon resin now dragon resin is a unique tree that has used for several other things in this mod it’s quite important actually to get when you want some later stronger things and it can

Only be gotten on alchemists and you have to trade for them so a villager that looks like this it’s open to trade with him sometimes the tree but it’s not always guaranteed but just find yourself the right alchemists for his house and hopefully he will have a sapling for you to use

They might also spawn the wild I’m not certain about that is a bit of a shame that’s random they’ll drop or not so you will have to search through probably a few villages now that we know how to get resonance way or another we can move on to the

Brassiere brassiere is a rather unique item that requires you to have quite a bit of silver and iron to make as well as some otherworldly tears which are very expensive and require the stiller II to work with then put into it the ingredients as depicted by the incense

Book so if we won’t do a ritual of vitality then we put in the vitality things and you light up razor get nice and smoking sleep in your lovely bed and it should buff you with vitality although it doesn’t seem to always work which is a bit of a shame anyways we

Talked about this Tillery so let’s move on to that little beauty so that will require glass opal and silver put those into the crafting table and you’ll make this cool little machine then you put in all the ingredients that you want into this Tillery and you

Charge it with blaze powder it’s a lot like a Alchemist and for potion making bunts death Vista sales and makes you more advanced and complicated things and this too will require altar power now that you know how to do some distilling let’s get on to fashion and clothes so

To get any sort of the witching clothes or basically anything at all clothing related you need to get yourself a spinning wheel spin wheel straight forward does require a spruce heart but that just requires spruce sapling in the witch’s oven and then you can get yourself a spinning wheel it too like

Everything else as I’ve said before time time again requires power but then once as its power takes yourself a little bit drink some liquid witchcraft put into this baby and it should start spinning itself away automatically and once it’s done you’ve got yourself some lovely lovely witches stiching thread or just

Which is stitching as it is called and this is the stitching muse for all sorts of clothes and various other things as you can see it’s how you make your witch’s robes and hat even if you want to go that far this lovely little spinning device can do more than just

Witches stitching so it can also make you some golden red and the very fancy and lustrous spirit string which is useful in many different to other things like puppets and that’s it because it actually has no any other uses besides making puppets gold the thread only use is two combined

With other threads so you can make yourself some diabolical veins pure fragments spirit string a besmirching hat smerch pants robes and besmirched fleece now let’s talk about the Smurfs stuff briefly so make yourself some smart clothing you will need to take an ordinary witches hath golden thread

Diabolical thread which as we saw is made with heart fiery unguent all this stuff here and you’ll need to get yourself some significant cloth now sitting at the end wall is also made in the spinning wheel with a bottle of blood some black wool and a diabolical

Vein can get a bottle blood through distilling a heart or adders tongue I think there’s also a way to stab your thumb and get it but that’s never worked for me you can also use dog tongues and get some slime if you want blood but that’s a little gross then use simply

Combine all these things together in the spinning wheel and you look at yourself besmirching hat in fact let’s do that now so egg ourselves the golden thread and we will get ourselves the stringing cloth diabolical bane and witch’s hat we’ll put all these into here and it

Should craft us up a new besmirched ass and isn’t that just fashionable lovely stuff right next we will cover the sigils so go and get yourself some of this lovely bloodstone resin and the liquid witchcraft then put them gather in this pattern here with a few other

Blocks and you will get yourself the sigil table now the sigil table is rather terrifying you put this thing down and you look inside and oh my goodness that is a lot of panels to craft with but fear not is actually a lot simpler than you think every single

Recipe will have this pattern around the edges of dragon blood resin and paper always in this pattern then you only have to worry about the ease here the little tips and then it’s just a normal crafting recipe as you can see here and they’ll always saw this pattern of

This item being in a shape like this up top then everything surrounding essential a little bit so we have the ectoplasm surrounding I told frog get battle together and that will craft you a sigil of shrieking place I said wall down and it will take effect on anyone

Who walks over it who is an M&E now you can choose who to whitelist and who the blacklist from the sigil using Pig law and then you will be affected by what happened the sigil of ducks in this position feels horrible speaking now the sigil of binding should apply

Extremely unpleasant slow if you are affected by it so it is honestly best to keep yourself [Applause] who now schedules can be applied to any dragon blood chest door or even trap door so you can add these things as your security so you can go oh I’ll just

Place it shrieking on to my door though in some poor idiot who is not me walk through it they will get screamed at take a look in the doors doesn’t really seem to work though I found which is a bit of a shame but hey that’s just the way it goes let’s

Briefly talk about the Goblet so you make the Goblet very simply with iron nuggets and then you can put it on your altar but to power it up you are going to need a little bit more and just iron nuggets you will need yourself some redstone some gasps tears some cloudy liquid a

Goblet and a cauldron take these items over to a working bubbling powered cauldron chuck them in and you will get yourself a nice filled goblet so if you want to know how fill goblet that’s how you just need enough ultra power and you can fill it up and you can place on your

Altar and it will make your altar even more powerful cheer see you now as you’ve made or may not know the Wishman adds a myriad of animals and if you want these furry friends as your furry companions or feathered actually now them are furry they’re mostly scaled and

Feathered anyways if you want these friends as companions you will need to tame them to tame the owl take some raw rabbit and give it to him until he loves you and boom you got yourself some owls and you can tell them to follow you or

Not to get yourself a tamed raven give them something shiny like a gold nugget or a silver nugget and he’ll love you forever if you want yourself a slithering snake give him some small animals like a rabbit you’ll love it and then you’ll have yourself a snake friend

And he will curl up and follow you about you’ll have a very deadly companion who will bite things for you but beware a snakes bite is a very nasty poison snakes also can have their venom and Milt’s from them so to say which is a snake venom and the term just comes from

Your squeezing their venom glands and gave from their teeth don’t think about anything else please if you want a toad feed him some bug eyes that’s what gets them going they like invertebrates and only invertebrates I know of our spiders so give them spiders eyes or fermented

Spider eyes and then you give yourself a little froggy friend and he will tell you which day it is my dudes now a toad also I believe makes it so you can make higher level brews although I may be wrong on that count I think he may be

One of the things that helps you to get them high level bruise now let’s cover want the most important and useful items in the game the grimoire meg guy this book is gotten via ritual requiring a copious amount of leather liquid crafts a fancy opal and enough pages to make a

Book put these items into your magic circle in any order make sure to have at least one ring of white chalk and it will start the Rite of knowledge and boom you will get yourself with the grimoire Magi so this little book here is basically a magic battery so when you

Hold it near altar or you put it on the altar it will start to charge the book and it will fill it with ultra power then you can complete rituals without the need to have an altar around so you can go out draw yourself a magic circle

Use the grimoire Nagai and it will do the altar powering for you also I have found a nice little side bonus is if you have a very weak altar and you want to do a ritual that requires let’s say a thousand power which is absolute maximum

Power this book can hold then charge up the book which only costs 150 power to get and then you can do mid-tier using the book as a power source yes it’ll be a lot slower but you’ve got yourself like an extra battery and it can also just help you with those little

Hurdles of you needing mm power and you’ve like got 1,000 power all turi then you have a 1000 power alter and a 1000 power book so it is a very useful item as other Vegas use is for lighting you flaunt magic broom sticks so a broom

Stick is a rather useless item but it can be made far more useful when you combine it with certain items this beam flying ointment and the resources of any of the bee Wishman trees so it could be a Elderwood log or juniper leaf but it

All has to be the same type so right now we’re using Cypress now you put one of saplings into the witch’s oven and so you get the up and mix here EPS of death and finally you need yourself some flying ointment which is just a little bit of collection to do requires towel

Belladonna poppy and acai ‘m then you get all this together and you put it into a ritual circle of purple being on the outermost reaches white beyond the middle you put it all into here and you’ll get the right of the rising twig now if you want to get a

Broomstick at low levels get yourself the basic white chalks then go and kill yourself an Enderman attach some of the stuff to get the eye of ender and you can make one purple chunk and one purple chalk is actually enough to make the outside circle but you get no reduce so

I recommend and do it in white first then doing the ritual to get the outer ring and that will be enough to get you the purple circle which will give you your magic broom now the brooms are these lovely little vehicles which will fly but they require power and so you

Will need the grimoire of Gaia on you to actually make them fly if not you’ll be able to fly away from your altar for a short bit and then the broom will no longer work but well you’ve have the lovely little thing you can fly press shift to dismount

And if you want to go down stop holding space and it will drift down do not hold shift to go down mistake it’ll just make you fall to your death so just let go and it flies around steers lovely but you will need your happy little grimoire to fly now if you

Want to be a nasty git and hurt your friend’s feelings or you want to protect yourself you can get yourself some puppets puppets are made with hay spirit string that stuff I talked about earlier and a bone needle get that with some bone and Flint Spanish moss this stuff

Can be found on trees in swamps and leather then put in crafting table you got yourself a puppet puppets can then be crafted into all sorts of things to do sorts of stuff for you and I’ll go into that in more detail in the next video of this installment in the more

Advanced bewitchment stuff before now you just got yourself this cute little doll and feel free to explore yourself movie on to the second to last thing we’ve got ourselves that crystal ball crystal ball requires a kind of complicated ritual of one layer of white and one layer of purple so you will need

To get yourself some more of that dimensional sand then you’ll need a droplet wisdom and a whole lot of nether warts but once you got all those together into a ritual circle and you got yourself a good mount power you can get a crystal ball now crystal ball

Tells you your fortune sort of so it told me I’ll stumble upon a good deal so I suspect next time I trade with a villager he’ll give me some pretty sick deals possibly I actually really have no idea what they mean there’s a whole bunch of different fortunes with a whole

Bunch of different effects and it will just make things happen it’s good also referred to doing deals with devils I don’t know there is a secondary use besides these cool little fortunes which are basically self-fulfilling prophecies which is you can take a take a look and you can click

On your orb I have a take lock of myself but you can take a lock a friend and I’ll tell you something about them so I have slayed eight monsters I have some loyal companions referring to my pets I have no magic ailments so I’m not cursed I’ve rather mundane protections so you

Can know hey I can get this guy with a curse I can’t quite figure out what’s in the crystal ball so it basically just gives you some information about them so it’s kind of a cool little information thingy it doesn’t quite let you spy on them Jesse

But it gives you information it’s not like the old B which meant as far as I know which lets you look at them have to use some experiments to test later very well last but not least we have the Codex in Fermi to get yourself a codex

In furnace you have to go to the nether so step into your nearest nether portal by yourself on another brick fortress open up the nearest chest and you just might find yourself a codex and fertilis take this thing and it will teach you all about the nasty miseries you can

Inflict on people it has information about hell and some mean its first form it tells you about transformations which aren’t in the game yet it covers curses the damad Kearse devilish oddities and the higher and lower powers of hell it also has all these things if you cannot decipher them

Let me know what the decipherment means yeah there’s actually like a whole bunch of weird up codes in here so take them as you will like the expletive f-father heron well talks about him whole bunch of stuff really feel free to explore it I will cover this in depth later and as a

Final to last note there are still no vampires in this mod there are now werewolf Cindy which mint but you cannot become a work these are mobs that will spawn in the dark forest and they will wreck you silver weapons are effective against them and these things love to

Kill sheep and cattle even chickens if they can get their grubby little paws on them they are big nasty bullies there’s also a few new spawns in the world these were here before these lovely Wickerman but now they got forces in them and sometimes if you’re lucky you might find

A friend in top of them now I is usually a villager but if you have the utmost luck sometimes you’ll get a cat up there with a special name and that is the basics of bewitchment so I hope you learned something and I will catch you in the next video

Which will be about all the advanced stuff in bewitchment so I hope to see you there or I hope you see me there anyways and I will be there next time good

This video, titled ‘Minecraft. Bewitchment. How To. Part 1 (Updated)’, was uploaded by Lorthorn on 2020-07-01 16:22:21. It has garnered 63019 views and 1161 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:37 or 1957 seconds.

This is the basics of Bewitchment for 1.12.2 version cover most of the book of shadows but does not go in depth. Next video well cover more advanced stuff and book from nether.

Here is the discord of the mod: https://discord.gg/YZNH6W https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bewitchment | mod page

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    Magic Machines: A Wild Ride Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Machines and Magic in Applied Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded with a selection of exciting mods that promise to enhance your gaming experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this latest installment. Discovering New Horizons As our intrepid gamer delves into the realm of Applied, they encounter a plethora of innovative features that breathe new life into the game. From advanced machinery to mystical spells, the possibilities are endless. Unleashing the Power of Technology One of the standout elements of… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay

    Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Building Challenge: Today’s episode: Our adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress at the peak of the challenge! Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition: In search of rare resources: Deep in the forest, our team delves into efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Peril in the Dark Caves: Discovering dangers and rewards: Venturing into the depths of dark caves, our team is prepared to face… Read More

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let’s Build!

    Crafty ChatGPT: 3D Minecraft in 10, Let's Build! In the world of Minecraft, we dive deep, Crafting games with ChatGPT, secrets to keep. 3D creations, Roblox sensations, With ChatGPT’s guidance, we find our inspirations. Creating games, a magical art, With ChatGPT’s help, we make a fresh start. Immersive worlds, with stories to tell, In every line, the game’s magic we dwell. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, In the world of Minecraft, we find our light. With ChatGPT’s support, we reach new heights, In the realm of gaming, where creativity ignites. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pagar Logic Revealed

    Ultimate Minecraft Pagar Logic RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft macam pagar logic #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by YamMC on 2024-03-07 03:59:03. It has garnered 9 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Haloo, sudah hari kamis nih waktunya minecraft logic🤔🎉 Terimakasih sudah menonton video saya, di tunggu video selanjutnya.. Support chanel YamMC dengan cara : -Like✔️ -Share✔️ -Subscribe✔️ Dan terima kasih yang sudah subscribe, semoga kalian betah di chanelku ya🌾😄 =============================== -Minecraft mcpe : V 1.20.51 =============================== See you again friends👋🏻~~ Tags🐾 : minecraft logic, minecraft logic 3, minecraft logic 2, minecraft no logic, minecraft on… Read More

  • 🔴LIMITED LIFE SURVIVAL in Minecraft Realms – Play with Subscribers

    🔴LIMITED LIFE SURVIVAL in Minecraft Realms - Play with SubscribersVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Realms Live🔴 – Hardcore – Limited Life – Survival – Playing with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Raptor Gamez on 2024-03-27 10:51:45. It has garnered 254 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:42 or 13482 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore Realm with Viewers | Join Now Thanks for watching, stay epic gamers. Limited Life Everyone gets 24 hours If you Die you Lose 1 Hour When your time is up you are dead forever… Realm Code in Discord Discord: https://discord.gg/xCzr7MZAyV Use Code “RaptorGamez” in the Fortnite Item Shop 3000 Subscriber Giveaway: https://forms.gle/DzMiDyPegJMjuUx37 please… Read More

  • 🔥NEW Mod Is Terrifying! You Won’t Believe What Happens!😱

    🔥NEW Mod Is Terrifying! You Won't Believe What Happens!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘This New Mod Is Honestly Terrifying… (THE SILENCE) [BETA]’, was uploaded by Slow🧊 on 2024-03-08 15:00:48. It has garnered 3248 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:05 or 1805 seconds. This New Dweller Is Going Too Change Minecraft HORROR… The Silence [BETA] #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #SlowMC #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days JOIN THE CORD: https://discord.gg/aVDP3m7v MOD LINK: https://www.curseforge.com/ minecraft/mc-mods/the-silence #cavedweller #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #doyoucopy —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Follow My Socials: TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@slow824?lang=en Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/slow220 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Slow824 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- About me: Hey there, Im slowMC, i try post as much as i can but i promise there will be… Read More


    🚨SHOCKINGLY INSANE 24/7 PIRATE SMP - JAVA & MOBILE!🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE PUBLIC SMP 24×7 Eternal PiratesSMP (JAVA + MOBILE) Wi 🛑🤩ETERNAL PIRATES’, was uploaded by YO HARDIK on 2024-05-13 05:25:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE PUBLIC SMP 24×7 (JAVA + MOBILE) With @JustJPShorts / @JustJPLive #minecraftjava Welcome to our … Read More

  • Hidden Slime Block Magic – Unseen Circus Raft Fun!

    Hidden Slime Block Magic - Unseen Circus Raft Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘INVISIBLE SLIME BLOCK on a DIGITAL CIRCUS RAFT in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Slime Block on 2024-05-23 12:00:07. It has garnered 7351 views and 295 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:49 or 1669 seconds. Slime Block is INVISIBLE on an AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS RAFT in Minecraft! Slime Block needs to find out Caine’s past to help him get back her memories!! Will Slime be able to do it?? Watch and find out!! The video is inspired by Aphmau, Cash, Nico, Omz, Johnny, and TeeVee! 👾 Want to chat with Slime and his friend… Read More

  • “Shocking Truth: Why Minecraft Earth Should Return! 🌏” #MinecraftShorts #BlockBusters

    "Shocking Truth: Why Minecraft Earth Should Return! 🌏" #MinecraftShorts #BlockBustersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bring Back Minecraft Earth! Here’s Why #MinecraftShorts #CraftyClips #BlockBusters #PixelPlays’, was uploaded by Ft_Ranger Facts on 2024-05-21 02:48:46. It has garnered 601 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • New! MINECRAFT God of Creation in 4K! 🔥🎮 Psychedelic Shaders & Ray Tracing on RTX4090

    New! MINECRAFT God of Creation in 4K! 🔥🎮 Psychedelic Shaders & Ray Tracing on RTX4090Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 準備起屋仔🏠 找數直播《MINECRAFT 當個創世神》著色器 & 光線追蹤 | RTX4090 | 4K直播 | 廣東話’, was uploaded by O-iPOWER『安特』 on 2024-05-30 17:29:55. It has garnered 178 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:06:30 or 14790 seconds. 0:00:00 Live broadcast starts 0:05:32 Construction begins ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♕ Certificate of thanks for sponsoring this live broadcast ♕ Xiaoji▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✩ Directly sponsors the operation of[Ante]✩ https://payme.hsbc/oipower (PayMe) ✩ Become ⇨ O-iPOWER channel member ✩ http://www.oipower.net/join ✩ Like⇨ O-iPOWER Facebook ✩ http://www.facebook.com/oipower ✩ Follow ⇨ O-iPOWER Instagram ✩ http://www.instagram.com/oipower ✩ Join ⇨ O-iPOWER Discord ✩ https://discord.com/invite/ZbPvTfg ▽The following is… Read More

  • PR02Z Dawgy WILD Transformation #shorts

    PR02Z Dawgy WILD Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOOD Dawgy #shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:25:56. It has garnered 7376 views and 160 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Minecraft Find me online at ; Discord : https://discord.gg/w5ZpGWxtUM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pr02z?igsh=MWFwdzBobTd4MXBvaQ== Twitter : https://x.com/PR02Z2?t=PojdNgc8LIG97FIvn6tTbw&s=09 Tags ok #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart #horrorart #twitchtv #videogame #instagamer #pcgamer… Read More

  • SolarMC Network

    SolarMC NetworkSolarMC is a high quality brand new CrystalPvP based Network, we have a variety of gamemodes and we work hard to deliver updates every day, so that you can enjoy a great experience. SolarMC.online:25626 Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4, Discord, DiscordSRV, Dynmap, Voice Plugin, No Whitelist, Coreprotect, Age 16+, Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you’re tired of smp’s dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, thanks to our shared love for Minecraft and other games. Join our discord server to connect with other players and enjoy our Minecraft smp. Why Join Us? Active community with ongoing major build projects Welcoming to new members Friendly and mature environment Community Guidelines We have a few simple rules: no hackers, griefers, or clowns allowed. Respect your fellow players and join our discord to access the Minecraft server. Ready to Join? Join Our Discord… Read More

  • Astral Valley

    Welcome to Astral Valley, where the moon’s gentle embrace and the twinkling stars weave a tapestry of wonder in the vast expanse of Minecraft. Within this realm, the boundaries between reality and the ethereal blur, inviting adventurers to embark on a journey through the celestial wonders of the galaxy. Each block placed and structure erected is a testament to the cosmic dance that unfolds under the watchful gaze of the night sky.As you traverse the landscapes of Astral Valley, you’ll discover mountains that rise like celestial giants, their peaks reaching towards the heavens. Valleys cradle crystalline rivers, reflecting the infinite… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this Minecraft or a glitch?

    Minecraft Memes - Is this Minecraft or a glitch?I guess you could say this meme is blazin’ it with that score of 4208! Read More

  • Teacher’s Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan’s Class Clash

    Teacher's Pet Peeve: Minecraft Block Xuan's Class Clash In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter is found. With humor and joy, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. Pirated copies, beware and take heed, For Fangkuaixuan’s channel is the only one you need. Original content, each day a new delight, Subscribe and follow, keep happiness in sight. MC Funny, Classroom Series, and songs to sing, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, joy they bring. So join the fun, in Minecraft’s world so grand, With Fangkuaixuan, happiness at hand. Read More

  • “Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme” 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts

    "Hotter than a lava pit: Historical Minecraft Meme" 😂🔥 #minecraft #shorts Why did the ancient Egyptians play Minecraft? Because they heard it was a pyramid scheme! 😂 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!

    Unbelievable! Dronio Minecraft AI Art: MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 22:30:01. It has garnered 842 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some of the best fails, wins, and other hilarious moments from the Minecraft community. From exploding creepers to epic building fails, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Hashtags: #Minecraft #Shorts #Funny #Fails #Wins #Epic #Gaming #Laughter #Entertainment #GamingCommunity #MinecraftCommunity #Gamer #GamingShorts #FunnyShorts #FailShorts #WinShorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Java Edition Minecraft… Read More

  • The Mystery of Creeper952 in Minecraft

    The Mystery of Creeper952 in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Unexplained minecraft #memes #minecraft #gaming #mod #minecraftmemes #earth #experiment #warden #mc’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-13 18:14:46. It has garnered 8666 views and 328 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Thanks for watching! #memes #minecraft #gaming Tags:minecraft, funny, gaming, scary minecraft, minecraft mystery, minecraft creepypasta, tutorial, minecraft history, minecraft mod, prank, secret, minecraft challenge, wifies, dream, minecraft pe, minecraft uncovered, minecraft phone, minecraft viral, mcbyt, hidden, minecraft bedrock edition, eystreem, rgn, eystream, retrogamingnow, now, eyestream, retro, mumbo jumbo, trolling, minecraft myth, game theory, the game theorists, herobrine, testing scary… Read More

  • Insane 1v1 – Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIV

    Insane 1v1 - Nabor vs smerb Weakkam in PEREZALIVVideo Information This video, titled ‘Набор в тиму | smerb slabakam(Neverdie) PEREZALIV’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-24 17:38:29. It has garnered 125 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:41 or 101 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk https://discord.gg/erariseempire – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    INSANE Challenge: Me VS Captcha in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me VS captcha in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Black Buddies on 2024-04-27 04:49:49. It has garnered 2828 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. shorts #minecraftmods #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftanimals #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shorts #shortvideo #short #viral #minecraftfacts #minecrafthacks #MinecraftMadness #BlockBlast #CraftyCreations #PixelPioneers #AdventureCraft #MinecraftMania #CraftingChaos #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBonanza #MineMarvels #BlockyBattles #CreepersCraze #CraftyChronicles #PixelatedPerfection #MinecraftMayhem #BuildBrigade #RedstoneRampage #CraftingComrades #EnderDragonDrama #MineCraze #BuildingBuddies #ExploringEndless #BlockBounty #CraftingCarnival #EpicMinecraftMoments #BuildersBash #CraftingConquest #BlockyAdventures #MinecraftManiacs #PixelParty #CreepersCorner #CraftyCove #EpicExplorations #BuildingBlitz #RedstoneRuckus #CraftingCrew #EnderEpic #MineMasters #BlockBlasters #CraftyCapers #PixelPals #AdventureAwaits #MinecraftMoments #BuilderBuddies #ExploringElysium #BlockyBlast #CraftingCraze #EpicEndeavors #MineMadness #BuildingBlocks #CreepersCavern… Read More

  • SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳

    SECRET HACK! Download Minecraft India NOW 🇮🇳Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO DOWNLOAD MINECRAFT INDIA🇮🇳 @Its_Rex_777’, was uploaded by NOT_ REX on 2024-04-02 13:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. loyalsmp #minecraftp #lapatasmp #minecraft #minecraftpe #viral #op #smp #technogamerz #gaming #minecrafthindi #loyalsmp … Read More

  • Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮

    Unbelievable Magic on the SMP?! 🔮Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s Magic on the SMP now?!?’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2024-05-08 11:10:54. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:02 or 10082 seconds. Uh yeah I added magic and tech! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #sunrisesmp #schelvy #schelvyplays #live #chill #funny —————————————————————————————- 🔴YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SchelvyPlays 🟣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schelvyplays 🔵TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schelvyplays? 🟢Second Channel: https://youtube.com/@schelvythesecond?si=vSJcmi8mzZg9EQXF 🟡Zen’s Discord: https://discord.gg/B7nHAuKYVW 🟠Collab Crew: https://youtube.com/@CollabCrew2?si=PY-pKGozDCUN-Hjt Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Motion Possibilities!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Motion – ¿Que posibilidad habia? 🥴 #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by StoyacoV Shorts on 2024-03-11 09:45:00. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. My Server: IP: Motionserver.ddns.net Port:19132 My Community: https://discord.io/stoyaco ▶ Tags (Ignorar): minecraft shorts bebu, minecraft shorts beta, minecraft shorts ep 24, minecraft shorts rtx, minecraft shorts tiktok, minecraft shorts ep 5, minecraft shirts music, minecraft shorts alan becker, minecraft #shorts loop, minecraft #shorts gaming, minecraft #shorts perfection, minecraft #shorts rtx, minecraft #shorts song, minecraft shirts, minecraft hot alex and steve, minecraft… Read More

  • Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft Bosses

    Beware: Conquer the Ultimate Minecraft BossesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dragon Bosses All Bosses ( Marketplace Map )’, was uploaded by Dread The Boss Hunter on 2024-06-01 02:47:13. It has garnered 528 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:12 or 2172 seconds. Link: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=c84d9d5e-2f5a-4d6a-8ca9-60ef1a9b17ac 00:00 Earth Dragon 03:45 Wind Dragon 07:29 Lighting Dragon 11:19 Nether Dragon 13:41 Water Dragon 17:09 End Dragon 20:09 Fire Dragon 23:00 Ice Dragon 25:50 Undead Dragon Read More

  • 🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trending

    🔥SHOCKING Minecraft Pig Kill HACK!😱🤯 #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:12:04. It has garnered 4172 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Kill in Pig in🥵Minecraft viral tik tok hack😱 #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #gaming gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo… Read More

  • Purple Parrot

    Purple ParrotWelcome to Purple Parrot! Immerse yourself in an exceptional survival multiplayer Minecraft server experience. Discover the vast 10,000 by 10,000 block map using Dynmap, where thrilling quests await. Unleash your creativity with custom items, indulge in exclusive crates, and engage in vibrant player economy with ChestShops and auctions. Claim your territory, set up homes, and explore public warps to connect with our friendly community. Join us at play.purpleparrot.pro for an unforgettable adventure filled with endless possibilities! play.purpleparrot.pro Read More

  • The Penguins All the Mods 9 – Modded Network Tight-knit ATM9

    Welcome to Our Community! A small, active, and friendly community awaits you! Join now to be a part of our amazing builders and engaging activities. Rest assured, you won’t be the next sacrifice! What We Offer: Multiple homeslots and /rtp Fully pregenerated dimensions Custom quests, time-based leveling system, and huge builds Our rules are simple: Don’t be a detriment to the server and its TPS. For more details, check out our #rules channel on Discord. Server Details: IP: atm9.ihatemy.live Version: 0.2.58 Hosted: Germany, with a diverse player base including Americans Join Our Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/egFSuuCdVH Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Love 🌶🔥Looks like this meme is getting all the love, scoring a perfect 39 out of 39 heart-eyes emojis! Someone clearly knows how to cater to their audience 😂🥰 Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Hotter than a lava pit: Oioioicraft.exe! 🔥 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally type “Oioioicraft.exe” instead of “Minecraft.exe” and end up summoning a herd of confused llamas in the game. #MinecraftProblems #LlamaInvasion Read More

  • Minecraft’s 10 Best Island Seeds

    Minecraft's 10 Best Island Seeds Exploring the Top 10 Island Seeds in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft Java with the top 10 island seeds for the latest version. These unique landscapes offer endless possibilities for exploration, building, and survival. Let’s dive into the diverse worlds that await you! 1. Emerald Isle Discover the lush greenery and sparkling waters of Emerald Isle. This picturesque island is perfect for creating a tranquil retreat or embarking on exciting quests. Keep an eye out for hidden treasures beneath the emerald waves! 2. Volcano Bay Feel the heat at Volcano Bay, where molten lava… Read More

Minecraft. Bewitchment. How To. Part 1 (Updated)