minecraft, but all drops are randomized. camman18 Full Twitch VOD

Video Information

This whole thing was streamed live on twitch so if you want to be part of that chat that’s that’s up there the whole video then then go watch me live over there maybe hey maybe i’m live right now anyways go follow do first link and just

Go follow it also this is a channel so subscribe here please please i’m begging please only a small person so this is my you guys know about minecraft who here knows about minecraft thanks for the thanks for the prime though go shout out shmani anyways does everybody know the game minecraft

Who here who here that’s a lot of chat messages that’s you’ve heard of it perlang okay they’re pretty much this this game that i’m gonna play it’s minecraft right but here’s the catch right minecraft minecraft but look look look oh let’s see what this this gives me that’s pretty good first block

I’ll take it i’ll take it oh my god that’s so lucky i swear i haven’t tested anything literally all i did was make sure it worked okay well this is actually off to okay that’s expected so i’m gonna try to beat the game i’ve done this once before like

Literally like a year ago that’s crazy to say block drops are random yes yes yes hi everybody um don’t really need a birch pressure plate but what was the thing that gave me all this good stuff oh yeah this oh my god i pretty much can already win it’s so good iron sword

Wow i thought i was gonna you know take a bit longer to progress whatever ellie baguette i remember you whoa okay do i even need all this stuff what’s this fire aspect i’ll take that big step i’ll keep it i think the soul speed too i don’t know

Why why i’d even need it but anyways weekday stream i kind of want to test a weekday stream oh someone gave me 20 bits thanks for the 20 bits i like tacos i wanted to test a weekday stream because i’ve never really done one before so anyways hi everybody book

Dang i just got all this stuff for free are you still putting this yeah this will be on the vods channel it’s just so op wait i got pants chest plate look at me go should i do predictions uh sure if you want to run whatever you want i can’t

Think of any i can’t think of anything now what up ace woman that’s not what you want okay so what i’m gonna need uh jeez why is chat so fast i can’t even read it okay what i’m gonna need is blaze rods and ender pearls the problem is

I wonder if piglet barters are are because look i have five blocks of gold my first stream i’ve watched years i already like it oh thanks i like tacos i haven’t really done anything yet though so so maybe tone it down a bit on the liking it you should like it a little

Less if i die what should i do if i die all right since i have all this stuff i’m probably not gonna die we need to think of a challenge of or something i have to do when i die guys oh i got scissors hey what am i

What do i do when i die guys one okay one death equals one stab i mean i i don’t know you know no no oh we can we can think of something else we can we can we can think of something else i got a got a pizza hut gift card i don’t Cut the hair oh god why would you no no no no no oh geez no that’s actually no no i actually Don’t have if i had scissors i you know i yeah you know i don’t yeah i don’t really i don’t really have cut pc wire man these are honestly really diamond pickaxes if i had scissors honestly i mean i’d be doing these but you know i don’t really yeah you know yeah

Who relates okay so we need geez i feel like i should keep it these are like loot boxes like bing bing bing am What’s that have oh shoot i dropped my sword i’m breaking three sharpness one oh don’t shut up i think i want fire aspect more well yeah exactly i grew the ellie baguette what scissors are you guys talking about there’s actually no scissors okay I guess i should i should get on my way but this is just so this is just so addicting i’m addicted okay anyways we need ender pearls and the blaze rod slash blaze powder but i want to try to get to the nether because you know we can always come back and get

This stuff anyways why is hydrate 100 000 because it’s hard um i want to go to the nether and see if piglin barters work because then we can get like everything we need pretty much I thought i thought the challenge was going to be like you know i actually don’t know a bit open-ended okay maybe there’s like a village or something we can find followed you on tick-tock so that’s so awesome i don’t have two diamonds i’ve just so much stuff already

I could you’re popping off yeah i mean look on me yeah pick up one of the shovels as if i didn’t get one i feel like my inv okay you know i’m throwing out i’m not gonna need a soul speed three book oh my god i already have obsidian i can

Just make a portal yo we going to the nether boys Oh god i was reading astrid’s message all right was there like a why is hydrate 100 000 when i could get vip than mod because you know hydrate shoot i didn’t get any there has to be like a oh okay if i get one flint i can

Make flint and steel but right now i have no way to light this okay all right what does this give me all right what does this give me okay well that’s not very good the good thing i i have all these tools so i can break things quickly

Just get a fire charge okay just to get a fire what else to do oh fire charge fire charge do i even want ancient debris like what is even Oh shoot isn’t it gold plus ah nah nah cause you think about you have like upgrade and i don’t even know how to do that who needs asian debris all right fire charge fire charge flint and steel heck it peck it even even the lava bucket maybe because i can spread it

Doesn’t i don’t oh my god i’m being attacked the lagging for anyone else i don’t think so Oh thanks for giving like a bunch more bits i’m sorry for missing your bits i like talking okay i don’t think i’m gonna get fire charges or anything from this so i think i have to find another way to light that order i probably shouldn’t have built it that was kind of stupid

Beatron oh oh yeah this is this is a speed run all right dirt maybe gives me some stone i need to clear my inventory all right blackstone what does that give me wow okay i’m clearing my inventory i’m getting back up did you check the kelp good idea good all right first

Cut the speedrunning music no stop doo doo doo doing what up xj3 all right don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that ooh arrows are good for the for the final fight though Don’t need magma cream oh my god i have 64 golden carrots that’s all i’ll ever need in my entire life okay what else bone block crying obsidian okay we should probably check what some of this stuff gives me though oh wood okay wood could be good i’m gonna get a bunch of wood

You’re four two i’m six seven that’s actually it’s actually a lie i know you were keen on lying please notice me up 28 that’s pretty good now what is it now what does this give me okay all right i just want one oh it’s gonna be nighttime that’s gonna be so annoying i just wanna know what uh what i just need friends i need to stay on track redstone that’s awesome that’s wait

Is that different is this different now they’re all Wow okay it’s like a mystery box can’t place this mushroom that’s annoying just give me i hate when it gives me these dumb things i wish it would only give me non-dumb things oh that’s a different block i think oh bamboo how do i do that no

I forgot how i did that does anyone remember okay i was walking over here no okay no i was walking was it from the sheep i think i killed a sheep i think it started with a sheep right oh dead bush yeah it was sheep dead bush

Okay okay okay okay sheep dead bush sheep dead bush when we get infinite wood someone okay i don’t really need it right now but if we ever need wood oh and sticks okay we ever need a bonus chest in the future remember to sheep to remember sheep someone’s gonna remember like i don’t

Need it now but later i couldn’t eat it okay what does this give me i’ve never seen that in my life What is that the same block soul soul awesome what is that what is that hey what kind of chest is that it’s like a what gives fully what what gives full iron pickaxes with magma cream oh oh these are the these are the end the uh stronghold chests

Okay we just need blaze rods oh my god i’m getting so lucky like i did uh i did a tick tock on this and it was so much harder i just get all right what should i build with i don’t need gilded blocks down so this drops souls okay so that soul

Stuff is op Yo i like a girl and want advice on how to get hair just how to get hair in general it usually usually like more of a uh it’s more of a like a you know it’s not really like a just weight you are seven foot two pretty much it’s honestly really close

Accurate all right I’m gonna get full this is going so splendid i thought this was gonna take like two hours and i might not even eat it already i’m already going to get all the ender pearls all right where’s the diamonds where’s that i could honestly make a oh if i get a

Crafting table that would be really good oh wait i need to put on this armor what am i doing boom boom leggings no where’s that book though sharp three there’s a certain cup of yo there’s this certain cup of ramen i like but i don’t have any so how do i do

My us homework what was that sentence if i were these mobs i would be scared of me no they’re not thanks for the 10 hits oh you’re not dead geez what does that drop what is cobble deep slate wall they i swear is it just me or or do they add blocks

Because i feel like they do that i don’t know I just have so much stuff all right boom give me the legs there we go okay and i want to see what this book is that’s protection for okay and then we need more ender pearl still we need let’s get like 15 or something then i’ll be happy i’m not three one

Oh my god it’s the longest block in minecraft i didn’t make a video about this waxed weathered cut copper stairs awesome that i mean that’s that’s i’m so glad they added that instead of doing anything else handle also the does anyone ever actually screw this i’m eating this

Why do they even try i’m already so op this happened so quickly normally you like struggle for food it’s like a whole all right get some of that dang i know dang is correct all right let me get this soul sword i hate you opinions on wax is there a wax there’s

Not a wack spot that’s messed up all right king make a salad come on man i mean really you know me anyways uh tuesday who likes tuesdays am i right guys anyone i know say it’s a top top five day of the week uh honestly here’s a hot topic

Is tuesday a top five day of the week i honestly it might not be no [ __ ] moment is tuesday a top five day of the week honestly i would say no think about it honestly it might be the worst day of the week all right 13. hoggers

Please get away from me what is this smite i get an anvil that would be pretty epic my birthday is next tuesday my god happy birthday everyone say happy birthday fran jessica look this is gonna be the most people that ever wished you happy birthday probably unless you went unless

You were one of those kids who threw a really big birthday party so they got lots of presents but then no one showed up anyway never happened to me i don’t need i don’t need spite or blast protection oh my god that’s a lot of happy birthdays

It is it is your birthday so today today is her birthday you really was just being pushy wish me happy birthday i’m like i mean come on don’t have to be so pushy about it i mean that’s what i said i was looking out i was looking out i have it

On the record look you guys are all going to be in the vaude if you type that’s funny that’s pretty funny this is like you’re gonna be here forever you can’t leave you literally cannot leave oh i can actually mine this ancient do i care enough that wait what mine it i

Need to smelt it all right omg i’m in a camp yeah you’re in a canman 18 exclusive video this isn’t just any video this is an exclusive video probably some how many people are here wait what whoa whoa wait wait mine has to be off what is it how many people are here

Jesus christ you guys need to leave 600 what i thought there was gonna be like no one here’s this tuesday no it’s it’s on the vods channel i’m saying trip wait what why did no one’s let me just i’m just going to see guys think about it two people here it’s

Probably their birthday two people here it’s probably their birthday statistically where did that come from hey if we’re talking statistics who here is smart gotta be someone statistically whose birthday is it don’t lie don’t lie steezy girl is it your birthday whose birthday is it it’s gotta

Be some it’s gotta be okay it’s definitely someone’s well what are the it has to be someone’s out of 600 me don’t lie okay she knows no you’re lying we’re liars okay where’s the dark forest i said no okay oh that would have been so bad

Sorry guys got a little scared there my bad Got a little overwhelmed for a second there not me me oh god are there so many maybe if we could all just take a moment and leave oh my god rarest mob in minecraft Wow this is crazy it’s like everyone in the chat has a birthday man everyone everyone these days being born you know what i’m saying you know what i’m saying chat crafty crafting how did i not think of that okay i could craft things what should i craft guys um

I could make diamond armor but i don’t really need it you know i’ll get i’ll get another does this block work no that’s different okay i need to get the brown mushy dude have you done kelp i haven’t i can do that i’m not really running out of

Blocks yet hopefully it doesn’t take a year to get a hello waxed weathered copper cut stairs hopefully it doesn’t take a year to get blaze rods i don’t think blaze will drop blaze right so the only way is just getting lucky but also blaze powder will work

How tall are you six foot seven all right i just want like 16 pearls i’m in block i think that’s a waist there pearl pearl pearl pearl there we go hey okay boom i get those final two why not all right we’re off you’re 5 10 and 14. you’re incredibly short

Geez if i were you i would be so i’d be literally my twitch is so far back uh if you’re twitched if you think it’s delayed like it should be delayed about like five seconds from up there or not five like if you’re on mobile like 30 seconds

If you’re on pc like uh seven seconds if it’s more than that then just restart the stream and it’ll be way better like if your stream was logging earlier that’s probably why that was the wrong message yeah it’s okay you know what they they can tank it they can tank it

Um okay what do we need we just need blaze rods just need blaze rods i guess i’ll just start breaking random stuff help is a good idea astrid okay it’s becoming dead this is so this is so splendid removable turn on low latency oh is that is that a thing now

Wow they really make you turn it on they’re kind of chintzy like they’re like yeah you gotta manually turn it on please i need to make an axe oh wait luckily i’m rich just found out boom guess who made an axe any guesses is it’s me who made an axe

Even carpet oh my what i don’t even know how i got that that’s the problem is i forget how i get things i i post stuff on twitch you like twitch thanks for the one bit Okay there’s just too much stuff oh god it’s gonna take the entire stream just to get blazer odds you know what i have a feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night deep sea pickle d pickle oh yeah i was gonna go with another i forgot about that wait is there even i

Guess there’s more blocks there so i still don’t have a way to get there i’m pretty sure I’m gonna just type that in chat good typing e pickle heart you hear our sea pickle enjoyers i would say i’m not in fact i just made a video calling it the most useless block in minecraft all it does is smelt in the lime dye you american understand british i i i

Will for i will i will for i willfully remain ignorant towards the british sorry not sorry not my oh what the that was uh how’d i get that this that that’s a library chest do i really need these though i mean what’s the best thing i get looting i guess but

Lime dye enjoyers here’s the thing about lime dye honestly what’s the best dye best wool color in alpha they had way better wool colors i learned that recently there was like 20 and they were all better bayan bayan’s kind of dark if cyan was lighter it’d be better um

Red is decent what up why fry get wabb dumb name idiot hashtag idiot alert i said it i said it oh i reapplied for twitch partner after being denied last time they said i don’t know if you’ll be able to sustain your growth and then i grew so I really just want blazer honestly do i just think about it then the street what would i do once i want oh i just threw an end all right well might as well i’m not just gonna carry one ender pearl boom shakalaka can we get some boom shakalakas in the chat

For the one time i need to start saying further one time more i think i think i need that to be a personality trait of mine why am i so high up gotta stay high all my life to keep you off my mind ooh i honestly am probably going to go into

The music industry after i i’m currently i’m in the process ones good call astrid currently i’m in a phase one of assimilating into the music industry which is uh phasing out my competitors though i am sabotaging dream right now as we’re as we speak i am sabotaging dream

Look just got shears on purpose another thing that uh can i get the first signed disk yeah i actually am not gonna really i’m only gonna release on disks i don’t know what they’re really called like those giant ones the other giant discs that’s what disks

That’s what i’m going to release on so you got a cop and you have to cop that little uh thing that goes You know like it like points it’s like a finger you know whoa different kinds of fish oh that’s a little wacky wait a second is that fishing loot oh is that fishing loot you know that thing like Wait what what good can you get from fishing that’s so that’s a wacky that you can just get you get blaze is there any ways to get blaze rods with uh what do you want to get added to minecraft the most um i want there to be

A block and you hover over it and it just has a link to my twitch i i just think it’d be good for the game honestly i i am i am an expert so is this for a video it’s going to be on the vods channel exclamation point vods

Without in your texture pack through i did i did release a texture pack excellent point texture pack for 1.8 the ones i use for bed wars because everyone was like what’s your texture pack and i’m like okay i’ll just upload this but maybe it’s a maybe it’s a wip

That stands for work in progress for uh all you all you non-woke people i am woke i actually am very woke anyone tells you otherwise because they’re not woke not my problem you know um okay so what have i okay cole that’s a block i haven’t gotten have i done this

Dude i’m gonna start i’ve done this right yeah okay i’ve done that coal oh i really need blaze rods i really need blaze that [ __ ] i don’t want that i just don’t okay so not coal we need to get we i shouldn’t do every block snow block good

Call good call astrid’s caring all right look look boom oh blaze rod incoming oh lily pad okay that was but look then we can do you thought we were done wait i think we are i think i’ve already done yeah i’ve already done button i’ve been on poppy poppy

Whoa whoa what what kind of loot is that wait is this a whoa whoa is that um is that nether fortress loot are poppy’s op i think that might be another fortress loot and does cannot have blaze rods or something does anyone know because can someone look up the

Minecraft wiki for for blaze rods and blaze powder and see if there’s any other way to get it besides from blazes or does anyone know off the top of their head i can’t okay i can respect that okay i could get a horse enchanted painted shovel if i’m breaking one okay

I can respect heather right rap i don’t think there’s any other way oh they’re worth going through all these uh i don’t know what kind of i don’t know what kind of loot this is you know screw it i don’t think i don’t think i can get it that way the ladies

Go to another no the thing is if i go to the nether right i think it’s bastion that’s that’s that’s that’s probably right not blaze rods or powder from another fortune dang um i think the only way to get blaze rods or blade powder is by killing blazes the

Thing is you might be like hey i glow stone thing i left it you might be like okay then just go kill blazes easy right problem is blaze’s drops will be randomized so it doesn’t really help me actually has blades rods okay i’m looking it up minecraft blaze rods let’s see

Obtaining mob loot what about blaze powder though obtaining yeah it’s it’s only from it’s only from oh god so there’s there’s only one way okay you know i just gotta get lucky i’m up all night to get lucky i’m up all night to get lucky and any agreers any agreers

I’m i’m quoting i’m quoting a lot of 2015 songs this stream any 2015ers if there’s anyone there’s no way anyone here was born in 2015 that i mean that would just be an all-time low i wonder if there’s copper dude gravel have i done that 2015 was a nice year okay good

You guys better be old enough that you remember overworld and put water on them what what does that even mean it’s her quickly and carefully chat All right screw okay snow have i done snow yet that’s that’s nice all right what else oh ocean that’s multiple blocks popper okay awesome that’s great Like that little sound effect who here is a sound effect enjoyer because i know i am Why is it so dark man coral isn’t coral like super rare though i want to just stumble i haven’t done kelp yet i did sea grass hopper come on hopper i was 18 in 2015 dang you’re old most people are like like your bones hurt and stuff like it isn’t that what happens

Help me give me wisdom way who was that should i just vip them since they’re since they’re not a child star night sky do your tell me give me wisdom sea pickle is ghast loot dang i need i need and oh that’s so close i mean they could be like they probably

Are lying let’s think about i mean they probably are lying gosh give the plays that’s that’s actually completely uh that’s i was four and twenty please there’s no way mushroom okay oh magma magma i haven’t he’ll done 18 in november i’m a blaze rod no way whoa that

Person’s name did you just change your name just for that just for the meme who here is a big memer come on don’t need that look i’m like all did not give me anything nope all right um now now everyone says saying they’re old so this wait what

What it gives purple terra cotta and lime wall has to be some weird thing come on man come on own obsidian i mean that’s just 19 white wool why am i getting so much wool cracked nether brick see half of these blocks don’t even what is cool cracked nether bricks

Yo i like a girl and i want advice on how to get her while you are talking to the right person my friend let me tell you let me tell you i mean really you couldn’t be closer to the truth my best advice i hate why is why is it nighttime it’s scary

There’s monsters and such i hate these candles about a blaze rod for every candle i would be but i have uh multiple blazer odds i’m that person out for 10 minutes because they just want to ask the same yeah if you just ask the same question

Over and over again you’re going to get timed out so just like ask it like twice dude there goes all my white wool ah oh bother i think maybe i should go to the nether because think about the nether is a bunch of random more look this is gonna explode and it’s

Gonna be blocks none of which i want but the nether does have a bunch of random blocks that are like oh that’s cool you know i lost my hardcore world last month i’m in a video with 1 million views on youtube of perfectly times cut it’s me losing my hardcore world

That i streamed live on twitch for a year who was here who was here dude my sandstone that’s a good oh i should go to like a desert i should try to find like structures and stuff what is that all right i’ll try to find like a village that’s a

Lot of blocks bell i was here uh you were here oh you weren’t yeah i mean i mean that was a long year yeah i mean really i was just all sunflower spoge this thing look wet sponge who here my favorite block is actually the wet sponge crazy enough oh

Dude what’s your guys’s favorite what’s like a i need to think i need a chain on my like you know like those like wholesome streamers who will be like uh what’s your guys’s favorite flower mine is uh i i i’m gonna be completely honest i can’t name a single flower that’s not in

Minecraft bluebonnet bluebonnet that’s the texas flower that’s the texas flower that’s the only reason i can why is it raining as if nightshade that that’s there’s no way that’s in actual real life that sounds like a video game lavender oh yeah that’s not in minecraft

I guess that actually was going to be in minecraft though indigo that’s not a not a flat is indigo a flower speaking of oh my nephrite why are there so many creepers okay i need that flower it literally had another right okay why the right okay does anyone know it’s like a

Smithing table are is that even craftable does anyone know the smithing table crafting recipe or if it’s even craftable i can get netherright tools another right everything you and i hate people whenever you ask what their favorite color is and they either say like white gray black

Like non colors like shut up it’s not like color you idiot in bustle people these days they’re imbeciles or wood with like two okay okay okay so i can craft it okay where are those what the what happened to those flowers is it just over don’t those naturally spawn in swamps usually

What the don’t make me say it i’m gonna say it do i that clip is actually fake it’s kind of crazy oh my god rare rarest mob in minecraft rarest mob in minecraft what if i actually saw the rarest mod in minecraft that’d be funny i could probably fake that if i wanted

To like live like set up like a command block and like some sort of thing i could do i like these flowers i like these flowers i actually really like these flowers versus vanishing no thank you one i’ll take it oh god he’s gonna pick up the stuff oh shoot there it was

I can upgrade all those another right my favorite flowers the p you’re really far behind my friend you are you are very far behind we’ve we’ve long we’ve long stopped the flower talk we’re on to more serious matters yes it’s literally loot boxes it’s addicting last prod eh breaking three augers

Me like a i mean like a sword thorns oh enchanted sword looting three oh my god that’s so good oh much so much loot breaking three boom boom depth strider oh my god these things are op enchanted golden apple oh holy very obvious joke there’s a very obvious joke there’s

I can’t even think of it those flowers are op all right um i kind of want more of them i like flowers look what i thought i was supposed to be fast am i even fast i’ve is this even fat oh depth wow this is so much faster guys i love

Depth strider three not that not death you can strip woods oh my god you’re a g am i so slow oh i wasn’t sprinting boom shock all right what do i not need magma cream boom boom bing not bed wars yeah dude guys i think i might have to throw out

Pig step i think it might be time i won’t i won’t i won’t it would be unpopular among the crowd it would be unpopular among the crowd all right so how do i craft this uh i can get full another right now try wait let me let me finish off the let me

Finish off the flowers and then i’ll get full another right dang this is a long spree going here okay all right i’ve already gone down that path oh and white wool gets nothing dang i’m starting to memorize it that’s when it gets bad when you start memorizing vines

These fl i love flowers now flowers are are the best uh oh think about cheetos what the heck 99999 what if it’s like filled up cauldron that’s the blaze rod or something about minecraft but nothing is different i feel like that wouldn’t be very exciting mainly because nothing would be different all right

What could that be it’s just too intriguing Breaking two god i’m breaking three all right is that all the flowers okay i’ll break that just because i haven’t yet handman cheats on whoa opinions on ducks um See what are ducks only i like those ducks with the green you know mallard duck i’m a big mallard duck supporter other than that you know oh i think we’ve already looked at these these are the bastion chests or like bastion dumbs you need to check this glowstone though Flint okay so i can make flint and steel now i don’t know if i really need it but i have it if i want it let me get another shovel because mine’s running out look at that silk touch oh does that make it mean it drops something

Different okay let’s test this oh fungus all right look normal grass birch pressure plate silk touch Anyways it’s useful it’s it’s useful it’s useful it honestly is it honestly is you guys you guys just don’t see the value in it that i do i guess that’s all all for photo flowers i mean you know me dropping rhymes psych oh who just got psyched there get psyched frostwalker and

I think deathstrider is probably better pro 2 i’d take that over deathstrider though any day what is this needed a all right we have eight ancient de brest meaning i think if this is over then i’ll it’s time to get we’re not ancient debris netherright ingot i hate there’s three

Of them there’s there’s netherright scrap there’s ancient debris there’s another right in it just like i already tried vines pick one jesus louise all right i think that’s oh no there’s more over here what is that was that a shipwrecker i’ll go there oh it’s the motherland oh path block you

Are 200 iq my fellow sir force rooted i’ve dirty done dandelion boop mending and i don’t really i guess it’s doesn’t really matter boss protection oh you know what look clinton steel so i can burn the stuff i don’t want called a 200 iq maneuver folks 200 iq maneuver

Really just for the best of the best make sure the hunters can’t get it guys you know the hunters did that just wait what did i just smell something can you smell it like that i don’t know oh god i really i you know i screw this weeping edge vanishing

I just threw out my flint and steel this is so awesome this is a you know what i don’t even need this anymore i’m literally just upgrading my gear by a tiny bit i’ll just break all these and get all the netherlands screw it screw it okay boom boom boom boom boom

Don’t need that okay don’t need that okay another right time okay yeah gold block that is a good idea oh also i can do well i don’t think i’ve done this type of flower pot the problem is there’s a million different flower pots okay i can do obsidian also one second guys

Mining obsidian that was worth it warped button raw copper awesome that’s awesome okay how do i create does anyone know the crafting recipe for a smithing table someone said it was like iron fine i’ll do it the noob way no one look it’s honestly not uh it’s fake okay

I also don’t know how to do this do i look like another right type of guy i mean come on boom boom that’s so cool i’ve never oh my god i’m so awesome is it just me or am i pretty awesome i mean let me go still now

Look ready ready blaze rods right now blazer odds okay oh it’s close cobblestone imagine it’s cobblestone that gives me blaze rods a chest from a uh jeez i’m good okay god i need blazer okay anyone oh boy there’s a shipwreck why did no one remind me hey shame on you

Guys everyone shame yourselves right now shame your [ __ ] shame yourselves right do it you didn’t remind me of the you didn’t remind me of the shipwreck i have school tomorrow it’s okay just don’t go watch my stream instead game on me good i already did seagrass I was so irresponsible of me game on youtube yeah yeah aim on you oh parker who saw that you saw that bit of a bit of parkour rock hopper block oh god see i swerve it’s one of these stupid ones i’m gonna be so mad it’s only been

50 minutes okay you know it hasn’t been that long i can’t complain yet it’s only been 50 minutes you know what it’s obviously this type of wood it’s obviously whatever that is purple concrete it has to be i mean come on go nether yeah

Hand go i saw my flint and steel i can go to the nether now okay i’ll do that next good call good called chatter techno de pig out already did seagrass well that’s an awesome chest that’s honestly really awesome last time i watched i never had a job now work full time

That sucks if i were you i wouldn’t work because working is hard just kidding i work so hard i’m a i’m a job type of guy what i do Okay i wish i got respiration i hate i hate the water but smooth cords please just give me i mean really i really just want to work out twitch oh yeah i work for j i work for jeff bezos himself technically i do every time someone uh

Gives me money part of that’s going to bezos it’s going to the man i work for the man what can i say oh strip spruce that’s oh there’s flowers ripped spruce okay boom you’re asking betas to give me a job i’m kind of jobless apparently they have terrible i mean

What else would you really expect amazon to have good working conditions like every time you click that that two day delivery button you’re literally like making someone’s day terrible you’re contributing to capitalism but like am i really gonna wait four days what do i look like you know

I mean kill me come on you know pumpkin pie that’s awesome all right obsidian time not high enough oh i’m so glad i didn’t do that doo doo doo doo thank god geez nether unlocked hey not yet bucko dang i’ve gotten like 500 followers this stream thanks guys for following Whatever another first try part two yeah first try here we go you know what maybe oh yeah these are those maybe i’m sorry maybe blazes will drop blaze rods huh maybe never say never justin bieber dustin beaver oak planks pink tara oak planks are pretty good i don’t know exactly what that was

Yeah i got another right before going to the nether it’s true all right what is this oh this is a shipwreck loot i don’t really care though is the problem bottle o enchanting got a bottle o enchanting before blaze rods sweet the stripped oak raw gold well i thought that was a fortress

I need a fortress bone block i’m so glad they have bone block i’m gonna be honest bone block is my favorite block not they mad that’s right i just said stay mad i don’t give a fudge i don’t give a fudge that’s right stay mad yup i i went there please stop

Oh why am i not using my netherite sword with a looting three give me some loot loot please does it even drop more have i gone down this whole thing yet the thing is i forget i have but i do this i’ve done that i’ve definitely done that okay bone block

I hate it i hate copper too because there’s a million of them waxed exposed copper like what does that even mean lever prismarine wall please like i mean how many times does it take god maybe these guys drop it oh i probably should screw that

Well i haven’t got i got my vip yet i i paid last friday oh yeah on the server i got you i i saw you dm it but then i forgot so i got you though the problem is is that i forgot that was dumb i’m not done i need to

Find a fortress what’s my f3 looking like oh we’re pretty close to spawn there’s got to be one here somewhere why am i in this bio oh i tried i got rid of the soul speed i’m an idiot i had soul speed how did i get that it was from spa i was

From that tiger i get things i’ll i will remind you again after stream sweet i’m big on remembering flawless i already did that why did i go to the nether this sucks there’s like three different types of blocks i need to find a fortress is what i need i’m on this stupid

God dang well i guess it’s waxed weathered cut copper these guys are mad at me People these days i mean really they’re offensive what black wool where do i even get that come on oh i haven’t done cactus i need to get okay you guys just need to stop you’re never gonna kill me zombie pigmans more like zombie losers i said i had to go there

I had to go there sorry not my problem i blew fire that you that’s not a block it just it’ll just extinguish it’s more of an entity is it i don’t know maybe it is you know what maybe maybe i’m the idiot here i’m gonna try uh the normal fire i think

What i think i’m gonna do just thought of you know someone should have said that i already did raw gold block all right i need to screenshot my portal though because i’m definitely going to forget where it is ooh my dad got a different brand of ramen

And it’s still crunchy you ever eat ramen but like it takes too long so you should eat the brick it’s honestly underrated like it’s probably still worse but it’s not that bad it’s definitely underrated it’s like a taco shell pretty much at the doctor’s but still on that cayman 18 grind we

It’s low-key under all right 2-1-3-56 someone’s gonna remember whoever has a photogenic memory remember that you have a photogenic memory all right i need to find this mf’ing portal are they still gonna attack me that’s so me wait can i still barter that’s why i originally came here was the barter

Please don’t attack me thank god such an odd angle there we go hashtag return to sender all right barter oh i don’t have any gold on what was that was that a redstone comparator is just always going to give me that awesome i really i’m really glad about that all

Right let me turn off fog details fog off oh that’s so op turn up my render a bit oh hopefully the stream doesn’t doesn’t crash numerica data doesn’t fall under photogenic memory yes it does bastion and ruin portal might as well go there you know i’m not busy anyone here busy

I’m not i know that for sure all right i’ll kill one of these guys finished my water polo practice find a real sport jesus smooth stone that’s in the game potato all right anyways who here likes minecraft anyone my first dose of vaccine god imagine living in australia jesus

That that took like almost like that did take like six months longer than the us like you guys are you know life moves different uh in the south ups upside down i really take no damage this is just too easy oh i haven’t gotten any of this stuff

Though i’m judging me for playing water polo it’s not my fault i believe it just does not i how am i still burning geez find you on my tic toc for you page those people do that’s new this is taking so long you know what i wha how long has it been an

Hour and one minute all right at what time am i allowed to make for the 10 bits at what time am i allowed to just give myself blazer odds i mean there has to be a time gastric now now never those are very those are two different two different responses never

Uh all right you know what suffer i get iron in a oh oh this is not a iron golem drops i feel like you you know what give me a blaze rod will i find blazer give me diamonds i get blazers in like 10 minutes someone there’s a prediction that’s up please

The thing is i’m not gonna die either so it’s literally just gonna end like i need blaze rods that mob that piglet brute does like the most damage in the game besides the charge creeper you made chisel blocks yet i don’t know how to make chiseled blocks

I look like a chiseled type of guy i hate why did i go chest those things do so much damage naughty it really wasn’t close i mean it really wasn’t i really i don’t know are people awesome nothing nothing was actually in the chest that’s great it’s honestly awesome that oh light gray

Carpet just give me oh my god i should realize it could be blaze rods it could be blaze powder or wait isn’t there a way to get eyes of ender wait can someone look that up because think about it if i just get eyes of ender isn’t there like some sort of um

Is there any way to get it besides crafting oh it used to be trading but i think they got rid of it just stone blocks and chisel them there’s no chisel button wow people these days jeez do i look like a professional chiseler to you stone cutter

Iced i don’t know how to craft that either block of emerald i guess that’s a decent idea either my crafting okay i swear it’s gonna be like it’s gonna be literally uh blazes i need to kill to get blaze rods do try phantoms i guess whenever i go back to the over world

I swear i definitely should because think about i need blaze rods blaze powder or eyes of vendor that’s three things think about it i’ve gotten so many diamonds and like let’s just think of a random block that i have i don’t know gold nugget i’ve gotten gold nuggets not

That hard to get gold nuggets i it’s literally three things i need one of them brown mushroom nope i’m in block i don’t really want to waste my diamonds but i mean i will eventually there’s just there’s just so many blocks is the problem i need to

Find one of those blue forests i keep on finding these red ones and that’s not very pogers by bedrock doesn’t seem like raw copper these are just things i don’t have kill the orphan well that was reliable i don’t think i’ve tried that are you actually six seven yes people these days jeez

They hey they think everyone’s a liar i’ve never lied in my life i’m live your mom gay oh whoa i almost died there all right man i know where’s the uh i didn’t find a fortress at the very least sports block that’s true oh think about it look oh let me get

Quartz it’s not quartz it’s this thing what can i do with oak button ok button it’s definitely ok button it’s definitely this what gives a moss it’s definitely moss it’s definitely target block it’s definitely flower pot with a brown mushroom inside definitely red smooth there’s just so much stuff

Blue fire drops quartz that’s true i see how much i hate this 46 seconds i actually did know that i had some more fire resistance so i really wasn’t i knew that that was actually all tactical it may have looked like oh what is he doing it was actually all tactical

Uh you know it was all tactical really oh how much longer is the prediction over everyone vote everyone voted now if for like seven people oh my portal’s gonna be so far away too ah all right guys what do i have to do to

Get blaze raw so what do i have to do what do i have to do to get blaze rods and and teleport back to the over world i mean there’s got to be something well hey let’s work something out here guys let’s guys easy really wasn’t close all right

All right guys don’t make a deal right i drop literally everything i have except my ender pearls and teleport back to the overworld for blazer odds for 10 blaze rods is that a deal literally everything but the pearls i have to restart four more minutes for the prediction

Okay then i’ll do it deal deal more people are away do a poll is it a deal is it a deal do a poll deal or no deal you have intense music this is the closest we’re gonna get eel or no deal so i’m gonna run a pole 50 push-ups

I don’t know if i don’t know if you’re gonna be able to see the problem did no one run a poll this is i guess i guess this is awkward i guess i guess i don’t know how i think it’s i think it’s slash poll but

Oh someone run it all right deal or no deal i’ll drop literally everything i have in tp to the overworld for 10 blazer odds no choose deal i’m choosing deal no no we’re so close no pick a deal picked it no way Do When all hope was lost i thought i thought to myself should i give up the whole world telling me just just tp to the overworld just tp to the overworld what did i say i said no i will prevail here’s a lesson for you folks never never quit oh one never because

Here’s what i always say take this to heart here’s what i always say the first one the last the first second place is the first loser which is why you need no matter what be the winner the first winner not the second not the first loser the first winner

Way better than the look at this look look how confident i am it’s called called uh it’s called gaming take notes noobs stop gaslighting us i’ll gaslight as much as i want watch this matter of time matter of time matter of time don’t break anything until 10 minutes

I have no idea what it is but i’m going my fastest not really i mean i definitely could go that really didn’t slow me down at all a bit of a there’s a four show type of thing but uh i really just want i’ve already done those but is that even

Why is there it’s just what i seem pretty purposeless ah blaze spawner please just imagine they drop blaze rods it’s all randomized and they still and they still drop blaze rods all right you know what look you might be thinking oh not blaze rods but watch this watch this

Light blue concrete powder now watch look mob spawner and a lot of space to go a lot of space to get a lot of space to go lot of space to go a lot of space to go shroom light i haven’t haven’t done shroom light yet anyone any closer maybe

Uh get it later i’ll get it later you know why do now we could do later what are you doing i’m trying to find blaze rods but things are randomized turns out that blaze won’t give me blaze rods about copper blocks i’ve tried them another wart maybe down here maybe some nether wart

Another 10 minute prediction Oh didn’t didn’t need it please don’t want oak stairs i don’t want glow ink sack i don’t i really don’t i really do not what if the wither drop yeah what if that what if the ender dragon drops blades rods what if the dragon egg drops blaze rods

Think about it actually might be impossible because think about it it could be like end stone the dragon egg and break the chest up pretty sure yeah look it could be endstone dragon egg and like perper uh i’ve got purple oh that’s the thing is you can actually just get

Them from other blocks stand up does someone redeem stand up can someone tell me if someone redeems it because i never see it eyes the whole time i thought that what we needed was a blaze rod really what we needed was a jukebox Isn’t this dmc ah i don’t want to get dmcad really i’ll keep i’ll keep it for good times sake though we we remember i did lose the jukebox i can craft one now i just didn’t really think of it earlier okay so what would we say that okay you know

What we’ll make it a challenge like i have to do something in like 10 minutes and i get blaze raw it’s like someone give me a challenge and then we have to agree or disagree that’s a good idea who likes challenges i know i do i’ve done bone strider that’s true

Oh i don’t think i’ve gotten this yet i’ve gotten that though i remember oh god i do not know if i can get back to my portal get another right block yeah no because i’m not do it and then people beg now we didn’t agree to it a little wither skeleton another i’ve

Tried another brick fence kill george what a stream down hello wither skeleton in 10 minutes i did it timed it yeah i did it guys emerald block please i you don’t it’s got to be diamond block because i keep on saying no i don’t want to do diamond block it’s diamond block

How have i been so blind it’s clearly diamond block it’s diamond block it’s diamond block it’s diamond block watched it watch watch this it could be this cactus because i can’t i can’t break it cause i don’t have sand all right watch this watch this ready for it

There goes my diamonds that’s awesome all right i think it’s time i need to go back to the portal because there’s so much i haven’t got all right then does anyone remember the chords god dang it oh i got it figured out what please i need any help i can get all

Right it’s like this way and this way go back and do slash locate yeah but that’s kind of cheating and i would never cheat i would never and have never and could never okay die well that’s do you guys remember jeez i told you someone was gonna have a photogenic

Memory all right 213 56. good job chatters will you be my uncle i don’t know seems unlikely it’s always possible though have you been born yet you haven’t that would be easier kill strider that is true watch this hashtag not scared of nobody honestly i do want to go to i’ve done i

Literally just did diamond block how have you not boom i thought i just see this string now that’s awesome that’s really awesome that’s just that’s awesome all right strider someone says to kill strider i mean chances are they wasn’t going to drop a blazer out anyway so i mean

He literally could be block of another right then what basin break string oh that’s so true already done these i’ve already done that but yeah then i did this then it was like yeah that was white wall which was enough to do how are you i’m great i’m honestly doing awesome right now

I’m doing really awesome i’m doing great guys you know what run the poll again deal or no deal drop all of you guys are definitely gonna say deal now drop all of my stuff but the ender pearls and i get 10 blazer odds deal come on say deal right let me pull deal

No deal all right vote in the poll i drop all my stuff all right good job whoever did that please say deal are you no way no way you guys are kidding me you okay yes pull through pull no it’s so close say deal say deal say deal no say deal no

Come come on deal pull through deal pull through deal yes no it’s over it’s over it’s over no it’s not over it’s not over vote deal vote deal it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s over it’s not over vote deal come on yes keep on vote no keep on

Voting deal vote deal vote deal vote deal for deal vote deal [ __ ] deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal deal yes let’s go i run a tp okay so we’re in a cave all i have to do is make it out though imagine this gives me

Off block all right so i really don’t want to die now please just let me out please die no it is a deal no no you can’t say cheater cause it’s a deal half over half of the people agreed so so at this point you can’t complain

You cannot what is my why 55 oh i’m so close honestly i need this this block to build with all right i’ll use the target block okay let me get over there okay fine please just leave to the surface god dang it am i just have to brute for okay you

Know there’s gotta be something over here if i die i’m gonna be so mad find some diamonds yeah i don’t think that’s very smart stop oh no i’m fine Not here yeah that’s right dirt please please give me a block dirt come on give me a block nice that’s awesome oh god oh god oh god this is a hard jump i’m so good i’m so good i’m so good i’m so good god i did all that for

Nothing and i can’t go back gravel please give me a block please but please magenta candle oh god acacia okay you know acacia trap door works if nothing else okay give me a block acacia trap door food maybe i take yeah you know what acacia trap doors it is and i’ll fish to

My way up this is great okay now i’m at y46 that’s awesome this is going to be awful this is going to be really fun all right guys can we just can we should unanimously agree without a poll that i can just go and create and play break

All these instead of just sitting here fisting it for the next 10 minutes we should please unanimously i don’t think i don’t think you guys know what unanimous means oh what up because orc we’re having a fun time Listen to some jams maybe Hey ah yes the best stream came in breaking blocks it’s actually gone faster than i thought you know time flies when you’re having fun it’s what it’s the old it’s the good ol good old saying Please don’t be a extreme hills swamp okay that’s good that’s good get there until you’re age 70 and then we’ll go i don’t think that’s very helpful actually so joke’s on you all right so i just need about 13 more blocks got 14 trap doors so works perfectly mobile so much it takes a whole minute for my message to appear yeah When you hit follower goal oh that’s like 200 followers away maybe i’ll hit the stream All right screw the able sisters i always watch your vids i haven’t been able to catch a stream yeah that’s most people oh yummy wait frank’s red hot what is that oh that was that those candies oh they’re definitely yummy there’s red hots there’s a little like

Tic tac they’re not taking i hear sheep sheeps give me something good they give me starter chests that’s perfect what’s frank’s red hot oh it’s a hot sauce hot sauce is so overrated it’s just like salsa but worse like let’s go i just eat salsa you know

You love minecraft like the stream so true awesome guess who’s up baby guess who’s up it’s me okay let me beat a sheep doesn’t this give me uh okay oh do different colored sheep give me different things oh my god i should have used that to my advantage i didn’t know that

It’s like gray sheep that give me the good stuff but this is also good i mean okay i can i can start going to the portal now but it won’t really help very much don’t call me can man like like preston plays does oh my oh

I couldn’t have been the only one that thought that was a pink sheep i couldn’t have been the only one someone else someone else definitely thought that someone else thought that they did they’re just embarrassed to say it hey i know oh remembers who remembers we’re back baby we are back in business

Enchanted golden apple i’ll take it you know okay you know i might use it maybe all right i would like food though your loves jesus i do hashtag church doing some hashtags in the chat all right let’s get um huh that’s so op yeah i i’m a big uh

I’m a big uh this thing’s i need to find a tiger though from that first tiger i found had such good stuff we need a tiger and then we’ll go to the stronghold or maybe we’ll just find a tiger on the way to the stronghold hashtag church yep yep yep yep yep

All right i want more of those blue azalea things i’ll say that’s my favorite flower who here has read the hit book the holy bible uh i got the app a bit of a knockoff but there honestly is a lot of knockoffs of the bible like they’re all like

King james and like there’s a bunch of different names the og must be pissed it’s like whenever i make minecraft but you can’t touch the color green and it gets 20 million views then everyone else makes minecraft but i can’t touch the color green they don’t get as many views though sometimes they

Do trend number two on trending though but you know it is what it is the modern data packet it’s a it’s a mod god is silly like that hey he’s a goober he’s a goober wait what can i say what can i say anyone pogboy69 is you boy like what

It’s gonna be night i hate man Are you zooming like that this yeah look up uh o f look up o f that’s called call the optifine but just o f is the easier way to find it Making obsidian house see why would i do that when i could do anything else should be my question stop it what do wow look at miguel just your viewers are children i i don’t know what you’re i don’t know what you’re talking about dude who here is a child i’m not Are you planning on streaming next tuesday because i if i get a call back i don’t think you sh because if i get a call back wait what i think i missed a chat message if i get a call back i don’t think you i don’t think you should because i would

Miss it wait what my name is paul zack an awesome name it came as 13 and a half it’s true all right i don’t have any tools or wood but it’s time go back like in second audition uh uh uh i probably won’t i’m not i’m not i’m not a big weekday streamer

Okay please don’t break imagine they all break all right god you buried treasure map oh i didn’t know those were in there you did i forget the command what command oh point is it maybe it’s space water bucket i don’t have one but that would be that would be helpful it was

This way right anyone now make one i still don’t where’d i get wood from i didn’t have any oh this is awesome uh oh yeah nick i was gonna enable all i was gonna buy all the bttv emotes but then i forgot but i’m gonna do that next

Stream if no one knows what that is but i’m going to all right awesome does the follow age command not work uh maybe not good work but what do i look like are you psychic is that a pink sheep it was it was guys if you’re a woman in the chat i

Want to hear you say misogyny hashtag gender huh i really shouldn’t have read that uh oh there goes the chat it hasn’t happened yet it’s more of a it is a bit of a hard word to spell this and maybe maybe we’ll maybe we’ll get by all right

Still this way i really want to find a tiger that had so much good stuff can i call you pink quackity okay dude i don’t care i also i only i only your stuff on youtube tik tok is bad also i only your stuff i didn’t i

Don’t get it but if you’re insulting me i hate you but if you’re not insulting me maybe i still hate you you’ll never know unless you subscribe with pran i’ve seen about six women it’s a new moon let me turn down my render distance a bit i hear my pc going

I don’t know if that’s the best sign could be worse though I really want a tiger why do you need internet uh because when you stream you use you use internet so a bit of a life hack honestly i might actually eat an enchanted golden apple doesn’t give you like a a bunch of saturation so i could just eat it and

Then just eat two and then and then be done do by birchwood i don’t really need anything dude i think i’ve gotten that yet imagine this gives me i’m gonna get blaze rods like right before i eat them or something dude nope please give me a tiger Feel this way dang how far out are we oh we’re 2 000 blocks out that’s not good Did that break Ah nuts oh nuts that’s not you know i have like okay i’ve just four more ender pearls there’s no way and and i can just get more uh mushrooms so i’m good uh nuts i agree i would say the same thing myself if i could and i might you never know Silver suspicious silt this Please hey i’m a very big okay i always get dms i have my dms on everything open so i just i mean i don’t read all of them but sometimes i’ll just go in there and just randomly everyone says i’m your biggest fan the first village i’ve been they can’t

All be my biggest fans someone’s lying actually most people are lying logistically though if it’s you i’ll find you and it’s like the first structures i found i feel like i am actually your biggest fan it’s true i don’t know who to believe anymore doesn’t this give me something good

That’s awesome that’s that’s really awesome i’m your tallest fan i’m the tallest though i don’t think i’ve tried blacksmith just realized doesn’t matter there’s just too many blocks Magenta carpet white bed brown terracotta oh thank you okay i need more white beds thank you please stop please give me something maybe awesome what will you do for one sub uh i don’t know people always ask me that but like i i don’t i don’t really think of anything you know

Like like someone give me an idea All right screw this bread okay you know what i can survive on seven bread and two gals let me just get to that Someone just said that her friend jessica said what would you do for bring cheetah everybody like it doesn’t really like to come out like it’s kind of like like you want to disturb him is that what you want you like disturbing cats yes now that’s just me oh i can go there Look at me go look at me yeah i mean really finally caught you stream yeah i normally go live fridays i’ll probably go live this friday drop current hot bar as if dropping all my eyes of ender that’s like a honestly a hundred subs

I mean i guess i’d do it for 100 subs but i would just i would cry i’d probably cry dude anvil if i spelled my books oh that’s that’s poggers that’s poggers i don’t remember what it was just something from the chest did i make a goal i mean maybe

Oh isn’t there like a sub goal thing okay there’s like a sub goal thing that added to twitch i don’t know sure or i don’t i have no idea i mean i guess you can i don’t know what it is at all either so One of those um wait a second but what will you do for a sub i’ll just i’ll i don’t know i’ll say their name but like uh oh isn’t that the uh what the heck now i’m not a color expert you know but boogie bomb sure i’m not a color expert but

I think there’s some secrets here i’m just doing what’s right i’m just doing what’s right i have a hardcore series not not right now what’s the sub goal thing i don’t was it like they just got it today i’ve never seen it i saw it in my dashboard though

Kill the babies no that’s don’t know if that’d be popular either yeah mama she’s probably cheating that’s what i’m that’s what i’m thinking probably should have like destroyed the crying obsidian or something is there any of those like too high burns i’m a big fern guy really big fern guy How’s it going it’s it’s awesome i’ll be right back okay i’ll see you when you’re right back maybe A nerd no watch this oh you know what i’m really tempted to go to like max height and do one of those and do a prediction it’s tempting it is tempting i’ll do it like right when i’m outside of the end of portal oh my god the

Hardest mlg in minecraft i actually made a video on it the other day i could do it you have to jump down place the eye of ender switch to your water bucket and like a while you’re like loading in place the water like it’s so hard who saw that video it’s actually really

Hard oh let me do it just yeah it’s fine i mean just do whatever you want i don’t care this give me something good I’m doing all Right there’s no way i’ll do it first try it’s so hard it took me like 300 tries i invented it though like i i saw other videos that were like end portal mlg but you die once you get in there because if you do it from a fall

I so i think i might be the first one i’m the pioneer god this is far i saw the video and liked it that’s awesome oh there goes that as long as that doesn’t happen like six more times just checking on my golden play button guys don’t mind me i’m just checking it

Out making sure it was you know sometimes i have to you know just a bit of a sturdiness check make sure there’s no fingerprints or anything i can’t believe there’s no tiger oh well all’s well that ends well How did you come up with your skin i just made it i literally it was it was like two years ago it was before i was famous it was before the fame that’s before the fame is before the fame before the fame before the fame this is before the fame

Don’t die while i’m gone i wanna laugh at you when you do i’m not gonna oh my god i just found it damn i will go to your house and touch all your play buttons no don’t do that I have six followers i’m sad i used to have six followers then i decided to boss up just uh make a tick tock account that’d be my i’d be that’d be my uh that’d be my tips and tricks all right it’s gotta be like right here

How am i gonna kill it though i have no oh it’s gonna be so hard i won’t die i won’t die okay it’s right here i don’t have a bow which is kind of hashtag annoying all right right here what bad ever happened from digging straight down it’s true nothing

Hey there it is boom shakalaka boom shakalaka this is awesome i’m so glad this is not normal um i kind of want to find diamonds and then them be blaze rods okay i get unside tracked oh but it’s such prime diamond territory make a shield

Do i look like a loser to you i mean really no i answer that on don’t i’m going i’m going to the uh i’m going to the room please god okay oh that gave me an ender pearl kind of lit watch that see that that was a tactical boost mm-hmm Oh portal room i hate this why is it oh my god doo doo doo this is so terrible this is awful i’m having no fun oh that’s awesome i had to spawn right in in a review could have just not you know that’s what i would have preferred boom do

What should i build this stuff oh there goes that one don’t need it too rich I i think my screen is whoa wait why what happened to my screen how can i still not wait what happened to my screen yo mods can you fix that my screen went out whoa what just happened with my screen and everything where hey thanks for the thanks for the tier one

All right let me let me fix my screen real quick oh there we go thanks for the tier one sub senpai i’m never gonna read your name again let me just i’m going to try to find this darn thing oh my god oh my god guys i just found it oh my god

What are the chances everybody guys guys is everybody saying cheat all right it’s time i’m running the prediction our prediction will i win yes no bet your channel points and if i were to give you some uh oh true i reached the follower goal true

I’ll do the mlg after i beat the dragon if i if i beat it will it now do the prediction you can bet your channel points if you’re good enough you can just have mod you’re not going to get enough you’re a loser you’re a loser all right that bat 60

God dang it why did so many people predict me to win oh god see now the pressure’s on normally everyone says i’m going to lose i don’t know i can still participate yeah it’s over though so hopefully you we’re good we’re good we’re fine we’re awesome we’re awesome we’re good we’re fine

We’re good are y’all cut the crap I think i have to go up here like manually because there’s this whole uh whole air whole bow and arrow thing why is it so loud why is this why is the darn dragon been being so loud i mean come on dragon you can do it i i know i’m great easy stop

What does this give me one second guys just just one second okay don’t need that really oh god i’m so gonna run out of food do i have any projectile that i can actually use give me something string okay give me something dark oak planks okay give me something iron block

Give me something granite wall give me something purple banner i haven’t broken crying of crying obsidian yet look snowball make a bow oh my god you’re so smart i just thought of making a bow me how do i do it i always mix it up no looker 360.

Look at that okay look at that look at that that was lag you turn it back on i know i’ll get closer to those it’s fine stop okay okay you know i’ll get closer i’ll get closer yeah who needs these crying obsidian crying like a little baby obsidian look easy

You have a cold hot dog is it chili dog no cold dog idiot boom donda exactly you want screw the blocks i don’t need them turn this into an anime if there’s any anime creators out there this is a good one now it’s mikasa tukasa okay i’ll wait i have any wool perhaps

No stand up oh there’s only one i’m just used to spamming it don’t i swear to god phantom membrane exactly what i needed boom right in the kisser band oh sh I didn’t see it why is it playing twice you know what yup this is such an easy win boom and people really doubted me i mean it’s crazy me it truly is crazy that people doubt me i mean really people doubted me it’s crazy i mean it really is crazy that

People doubted me i mean it really is the sword doom i think sword might be better actually for when i’m down here hey cheese no no it’s jerry was taken was taken i won’t you know what that can i do i still have resistance whoa buddy whoa whoa

I said whoa i said whoa i said whoa oh are they invincible just just making it close just making it close i swear i hit him like 20 times where can we go the head shots the head shots they call me they call me they call me headshot man

Oh i’ve see i have 17 arrows i’m gonna have to do the half myself it’s okay stop it okay it wasn’t close oh god i have one piece of bread left i have no food i’ve bread or i’ve wheat i have wheat i’ve wheat and put the and potatoes

Okay i have a bit of food and and some arrows please die stop i’m unbeatable give me the potato do we have infinite potatoes what dropped that i’m out of arrows all right i have infinite with these gold blocks i have infinite food but it’s pretty bad food what about these

Let’s give me something no it doesn’t it doesn’t actually all right this has to give me something oh these magenta wool barrel deep slate tile slab another wart yellow carpet orange glazed terracotta birch slab paper oh that needs to be nerfed how am i supposed to hit him

After bed oh my god you’re right how did i get that stop how do i get that how do i get that stuff i get that magenta wool does anyone know how i got that magenta wall i don’t want i’m out of arrows [ __ ] hashtag [ __ ] oh i think i got it with

This like this right all right let me get can’t take damage can’t take damage though no i have five pieces of bread three pieces that’s not how what was i doing oh yeah bad that’s not how you need one more twice as if i’m gonna lose they call me bed man

Oh he’s so low it’s me and you bucko yeah you all thought you all thought i could never lose i could never lose but wait now the real exciting part mods run another prediction do i hit the mlg do i hit the mlg get your predictions in yes or no hurry

Hurry it’s short all right it’s this high power all right i’ll wait for the prediction do i hit the mlg hurry hurry hurry time’s running out 93 say yes oh my god this is like 50 blocks all right are you guys ready 18 levels yeah it’s not hard it’s easy it’s easy if you’re a pro it’s easy if you’re a pro it’s easy it’s easy it’s it’s really easy it’s so easy it’s so easy and people still think it’s hard it’s sad because of how easy it is

All right guys i’m gonna raid a big streamer kind of big probably some of you know him because i’m a big streamer all right see you guys stay for the raid can we get to something that ends in a 69 join the raid join the raid join the raid

Join the raid join the raid all right bye guys the if you didn’t watch the whole thing you can watch it kmn18vods the youtube channel that’s it though bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘minecraft, but all drops are randomized. camman18 Full Twitch VOD’, was uploaded by camman18 VODS on 2021-09-03 15:00:21. It has garnered 265018 views and 8611 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:06 or 7206 seconds.

This was streamed live on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/camman18

Today camman18 plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other Minecraft but challenge like that, but Minecraft VOD from Twitch camman18! It was HILARIOUS.

Edited and uploaded by: https://twitter.com/Acew0man

Follow my main channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/camman18s Join my discord – https://discord.gg/45tvHdhUPA

This Minecraft but challenge makes the funniest Minecraft videos without any funny Minecraft mods! Somehow this is the NEW funniest Minecraft video / VOD / twitch live stream ever! Instead of any other Minecraft challenge in Minecraft 1.16.5, this is a Minecraft video in Minecraft 1.17 in 2021!

The goal was to try to inform / speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a hunter / runner but it is me, camman18 from twitch / tiktok / twitter , playing Minecraft Java 1.17 and not Minecraft Bedrock.


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    Insane 120 FPS Clicks in Minecraft PvP!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] than [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] flame you’re wearing pain the things we’re [Music] sharing [Music] [Music] hello the pain and the [Music] sh it up [Music] with the flame and the seat you’re wearing and the pain and defeat we’re [Music] sharing This video, titled ‘Sounds Clicks Skywars Minecraft/PvP Clips – (120 fps)’, was uploaded by marcow on 2024-01-09 01:20:44. It has garnered 66 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314… Read More

  • World’s First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!

    World's First Mind-Blowing Flat Minecraft World!Video Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏e [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏und [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏ja [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏sch [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى]… Read More

  • Blokowo

    BlokowoA survival server with an economy is a popular type of multiplayer gaming server in the Minecraft community. In this setup, players join a survival world where they must gather resources, blokowo.pl Read More

  • WhimsicalitySMP – Semi-vanilla

    Welcome to WhimsicalitySMP! Server Information: Version: 1.20+ (Join from 1.17+) Platforms: Java and Bedrock Age Requirement: 18+ Features: Armour Elytra, Set Homes, Optional Keep Inventory, Welcoming Community, LGBTQ+ friendly, Events, Streamer friendly Moderation: No mods allowed RULES: NOT ALLOWED: XRAY TOXIC CHAT MODS THAT GIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BLOCKING MEMBER/ADMINS/OWNER ADVERTISING BREAKING RULES: Warning- 1, Warning- 2, Warning- 3, Enough Warning Kick Players offline for one month or more will be removed from whitelist but not kicked from Discord. About WhimsicalitySMP: Join us, Minecraft adventurers 18 and over, for a whimsical and extraordinary server experience. We offer a mix of Java… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nether trip: the spicy Minecraft escapade

    Looks like this meme really knows how to rack up those nether achievements! Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥

    Minecraft Science Gone Wrong🔥 When you accidentally mix up your redstone with your spaghetti sauce and end up with a very electrifying dinner party in Minecraft. #oops #minecraftexperiment #dinnerdisaster 😂🍝⚡️ Read More

  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

    Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab Exploring Tags in Minecraft: Customizing Your Gameplay Understanding the Power of Tags In the vast world of Minecraft, tags play a crucial role in categorizing and labeling various blocks and items. These labels allow for efficient identification of groups of logical elements within the game’s code. By assigning tags to items and blocks, players can streamline decision-making processes based on these labels. Creating Custom Tags The ability to define personal and common tags in Minecraft opens up a world of possibilities for players. By generating custom tags, individuals can tailor their gameplay experience to suit their preferences. Whether assigning… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!

    Insane comeback to top Minecraft RPGMMO!Video Information all right guys in today’s video I’m going to be doing something a little bit different I’m going to be doing a solo windcraft run I have played windcraft before like eight years ago I was an Archer and just recently I decided to um see how the game has changed and I played as a shaman and I got to level 18 um I’ve never really experienced a story in this game so I’m going to try to go slower and actually experience the story I’ve downloaded a few mods that will um give the story voice… Read More

minecraft, but all drops are randomized. camman18 Full Twitch VOD