Minecraft But Everything I Touch Turns To…

Video Information

Beautiful people i have been blessed everything i touch turns into cha ching diamonds gold and even emeralds and i won’t stop until all of minecraft has been turned into a sweeter shade of a rich baby literally this entire tree is turning to diamonds what if we could turn water into die

Oh this is so cool can we turn a creeper into diamonds no our crafting table has become diamond what are these crafts hold on hold on look at whoa whoa whoa what is all of this a diamond bucket diamond heart diamond stick we already have diamond

Armor this early in the game we don’t even have food yet oh yeah this is going to be a good video but let’s make the bucket yeah dude i love buckets you know it’s it’s actually a huge bucket list item for uh you to like the video you’re watching right now for me

What does this do that’s not water i know what regular wine is wait what is happening around me what is all of this diamond goodies it’s enchanted diamond armor okay all right so now water turns into diamond water look at this it turns all the blocks it

Touches into diamonds and then it also gives you free stuff and there’s sand falling protection for diamond chest plate efficiency five diamond pickaxe we have now turned one percent of the world into diamond we do not have the food skadoodles so i would like to oh what okay diamond chicken chips

So can we eat this raw you can as you can see i waited a while but look at this looting three diamond sword all right so the next thing on our list that we were gonna make was that diamond heart but we need red dye it’s the only

Not blue thing in the recipe lesson i take no damage also diamond spiders are a thing aha but look at what we found red i think this is red right oh yes it is oh give me that hard dude all right again no idea what this diamond heart

Does but it’s gonna help us turn the world into diamond even faster i mean we’re only three percent of the way there okay i oh what just happened um i now have a row of diamond hearts with one regular absorption heart and i don’t i don’t

Know why okay like did i forget to put deodorant on today that spot okay it wasn’t a fluke i took damage and literally everything next to me turned to diamonds you think of what i’m thinking i don’t know if this is gonna work but if i take fall damage do i explode Oh yes we do oh my god we better die oh i made a diamond sheep like a pop oh no i’m so sorry just for that diamond heart ability we went from three percent to eight percent sorry nine percent blocks are now turning into diamonds three by three what is the next custom

Craft we have diamond multi-tool you can use one of each tool oh my gosh it’s disgusting looking i think we can use it oh it just break the whole tree what about when i when i oh oh we are diggers yes look at this digging power and the

Mining we can it’s an all-in-one we’re gonna see if we can turn bedrock into diamonds with this thing we’re at why one i almost just killed us it can turn the bedrock into diamonds and break it ah the void how i feel when you don’t subscribe to the channel come on guys

It’s free i want to turn this entire village into diamonds but we need a new craft to do that you can spawn noob yeah this guy okay so we can make you into minecraft how do i get a diamond stick oh it doesn’t wait this is actually so easy hold

On i think we have enough sticks so the noob was very simple oh my gosh what the heck is this um hello there iron golem okay i’m going to test you oh he attacks mobs oh he’s not very strong he dropped his head do we put it

On wait it’s not showing up i have his head on and for some reason now we spawn six by six diamond blocks and we have speed this is perfect to turn the village into diamonds this is poor village dude it doesn’t deserve this brother all right let’s get rid of this

Guy you guys are killing my noobs and that’s not cool man uh they’re killing me okay you know what if we’re gonna take out these iron golems there’s only one way to do it there we go hey listen we’re here to fight fire with fire ladies and gentlemen yeah you want

Some of this okay now we can spawn in these extra diamond noobs so i think they just seek out mobs and they just kill them they’re very aggressive for being noobs yeah look they’re just killing the villagers when you could just be doing this take a look around you the entire

Village is now turned to diamond and we’re 24 of the way of turning the entire world to diamond our next custom ability unlocks at 50 of the world being turned to diamond so let’s get to work and officially we have turned 50 of the world into diamonds uh we are all the

Way at a frozen ocean biome um look at my hearts guys every time i turn a block into diamonds i get diamond hearts which is really flattering but now i genuinely can’t even see half of my screen oh my gosh i have so many hearts oh my g you

Can turn it off i will get you we’re gonna turn that off for now and in honor of our new ability i’ve been wanting to craft these the entire video there are diamond noob legs ah this is disturbing but we have to get the legs from the

Noobs themselves oh this feels so wrong dude oh my god look at his legs what have we done man i don’t know what we’ve done but we’ve got his legs now and we’re gonna put them on uh okay they look normal now what happened oh wait oh no oh no

I’m so sorry oh what have we done okay now we can jump extremely high and cause diamond earthquakes when we land this is amazing i’m sorry polar bears wait look at the diamonds they just fell oh my gosh that’s so sick they’re following the wait we’re now turning the bottom of

The ocean to diamonds this is incredible this is actually going to help us progress so much faster speaking of progression i would just like to thank the sponsor of today’s video we don’t have one so please go check out firemerch.com you can purchase plushies hoodies t-shirts you name it all right

You’re done you’re done okay i just yes i just filled that in the trash to go buddy wait is that my twitter at preston that you should totally go follow we’re over 60 of the way to completing this sorry we have our next craft and

The next one looks spicy by the way the diamond storm but you actually need diamond water buckets and then diamond blocks which i think is kind of interesting alright so hopefully you guys remember how to make the diamond buckets it was really easy to do we gotta scoop this up thankfully there’s

Water nearby but i mean i guess i couldn’t make an infinite water source if you needed to but like it was like four little pieces of bacon oh what does this do am i using this right hello well that was lame i’m pretty sure it’s supposed to like make

Diamond blocks rain or the rain turn blocks to diamonds but it’s not working so i don’t wanna let you guys down so we’re gonna go straight to the next craft the diamond door locked requires 75 progress since when is this the thing i don’t like being told what to do all

Right well don’t don’t mind me while i go jump my way to 75 then huh hey come on there we go there we go now we’re at 75 that’s what i’m talking about now it’s raining diamond blocks and lagging my computer thank you so much why didn’t minecraft why do you do these

Things okay stop it it’s lagging it’s it’s thank you thank you weather that was okay let’s just throw this away we’re never gonna use that again so the recipe for the diamond door oh it’s literally just doors does it have to be oak doors are you kidding me really wow okay it’s all

Right well good thing there’s oak nearby it’s kind of cringe oh my gosh wait no no no no why is it that everything i look at is now turning to diamond oh this is a problem oh this is an actually big problem wait how am i gonna get the wood how

Oh no oh no oh no pigs help me oh no villagers no no no no i just want help and i’m literally turning the entire village into diamond okay i think i know how to do it we’re gonna earthquake up bing bong here’s what we’re gonna do here’s what

We’re gonna do yes this works this works wow would you look at that it totally worked and we got all this wood that’s fantastic well anywho um but now that we have i still can’t believe that it required ah we’re good we’re good we finally have the diamond

Door what what was that what just happened okay so the door has opened a dimension with new items a diamond monocle and a huge diamond tnt i already know where this is going how do you use this tnt how do you how do you oh oh

Oh it doesn’t damage us but look at this it’s full maybe it does damage us maybe maybe we’re dead we might we might be dead we’re not dead wait this is fantastic hold on it’s this is overpowered so it spawns all this mini diamond tnt turning the entire world into that

That’s insane what about the monocle um okay it’s equipped i don’t see what it does it’s all what but wait what how did that happen and now it’s raining more diamond oh i’m shooting a diamond laser how am i shooting this now okay i’m a i’m a pirate that’s the only

Explanation i’m able to somehow shoot a diamond laser and then this portal spawn in front of me which for some reason is not turning into diamonds is it time oh my gosh look at this look at the end hold on hold on this is this is how we

Get the world to turn to 100 diamond baby look at these diamond pillars i haven’t even seen the diamond dragon yet there he is all right boys the diamond obsidian is no match for us oh my god he’s almost dead we’re going to fuel him he’s almost dead here we are all right

If one of these lasers hit you have to subscribe and like the video it’s it’s a requirement there he is we got the midas touch baby so literally everything we touched turns the goal we are floating even the wheat and seeds get turned to gold when you have the

Golden touch everything you pick up also turns to gold so even collecting wood is actually a difficult task so we have to do is we need to carefully make a crafting table like look at this even if we scroll over these wooden planks turns to gold so very carefully crafting table

Oh oh wait it just turned to gold obviously we’re going to turn this entire world into a golden paradise i want to use some of these custom crafts and the first one that caught my eye we have a golden pistol what oh this looks amazing we already have everything we

Need hello bob i am about to turn you into a wealthy villager oh it does work oh he lost his hat now everywhere the villager walks it also turns to gold if we turn all these villagers into gold they can help us turn the world into gold oh my goodness

If it works in the villagers does it work on the iron golem i don’t oh i have a different idea in mind for this the pistol actually deals a lot of damage i think we can actually just break the iron golem with it which is fantastic also it’s like a paintball

Blaster like we can literally blast this entire village into gold oh my goodness we can even turn the water into gold can we make golden pigs no what about chicken chuckles oh wait hold on new upgrade unlock our pistol can be upgraded into a golden shotgun oh my god

Oh this is insanity one might say we’re shotgunning this video okay that was a bad joke now we also have other recipes obviously come on people turn the whole world into gold oh my gosh what is this golden heart oh and we already have the

Poppy to make the dye yes oh i didn’t even notice this but our carrots we were holding turned to golden carrots wait we have golden chicken and golden beef how do we not see this if i make an iron axe does it turn into a golden egg it just

Turns to a golden yeah that’s not helpful all right we have everything to make the golden heart oh look at that detail on this find it in your golden heart to leave a like on this video now what does it do do i oh i just ate it what

Look at the bottom of my screen so in our last video when we were turning the worlds into diamond if we took damage good things happen i don’t have the heart to do this to beasley oh look he’s an angry beasley now oh it’s working oh the damage we are taking is filling

Up our golden heart but what happens when it fills up completely beasley come back i need to know hurt me i sound weird oh you know this is perfect we don’t the pick on beasley we can pick on skeletor um i’m going to die actually i don’t

Want to die no i don’t i would like to not die all right how about this oh the heart is full the heart is empty wait the heart is full again what does this mean what i don’t know what to do right now what just happened don’t tell me i’m

Gonna die from this was that my heart oh that is okay can we turn skeletons golden we can are they they’re not our friend what that is no that’s just no no no no no no so i haven’t eaten any of the golden food yet and i want to see what it does

We get absorption hearts oh my gosh we get resistance too y’all about to mess me up i told you not to mess with me i got all the ingredients for this thing it’s a golden spawner and i have no idea what it does so what it does is it

Actually just spawns gold items on the ground earlier i eliminated the chickens and i feel bad so i feel like we should repopulate them i’ve got these golden seeds and i i don’t know what happened do they breed golden chicken they hold this new one you’re just a little chicken

Wow you do not need to be a part of this that chicken is turning the world to gold chip chips oh my god are you thinking what i’m thinking i need all of these chickens so you can do my dirty work chip chip cheap if you like click the chickens with a

Golden spawner you can spawn more of them look at all these chickens turn in the world of gold oh right so whatever new crafts we got going on over here we have infinite golden tnt which i must have gotten gunpowder somehow from golden creepers and there’s this mansion

Behind me and we all know mansions are full of very spooky scary things i want to use this infinite golden tnt so we just gotta light it right uh oh is there a different way to do this oh no no no no oh oh what is this gold

Falling from the sky we just made a lot of gold wow um i think you can detonate this by just right clicking it is that what just happened i think that’s just what let’s just try this again okay so oh excuse me uh why do i want to be here

Right now hold on hold on so i’m gonna place one of these golden tnts down i’m gonna place another one over here and then if you right-click them they explode from a distance oh that’s wicked look at how much of the world was turned to gold just from those tnt explosions

Oh i don’t know about that skeleton now legend has it there’s a golden monkey in the jungle biomes that you can find and tame that will help you turn the world to gold even faster but in order to do it you actually have to feed him cocoa beans so i hope he likes

Golden cocoa beans because if he doesn’t i don’t really have a choice because when i touch them they turn to gold where is this golden monkey you won’t believe it i think we found the golden monkey oh dude he’s so cute what’s a good name for a monkey like chimp

Oh not this way all right so i’m trying not to scare the monkey all right monkey i’m coming for you there he is oh dude he’s on the edge all right we got this here we go all right we’re just gonna take a leap of faith oh

Monkey oh he’s so adorable we’re gonna feed him the cocoa beans hello monkey don’t um no no i’m not good with the animals i’m trying to get better though can i survive that fall i’m gonna channel my inner monkey that was scary all right monkey would

You like some cocoa beans yes you like oh oh oh yeah we’ll quit monkeying around look at him he’s on her head oh oh he’s throwing stuff look at this what’s he throwing is he throwing rocks finally i get revenge on the skeletons that killed me twice in this video now

On top of that i’m just gonna start pressing a bunch of buttons on my keyboard to see what happens um oh oh what was that oh oh whoa oh wait a second oh this is so much better than everything else that we’ve used so far it’s like a giant brown ball that

Explodes into golden alright i gotta say dude i’m loving this video hey you know a big favor but you can actually turn that subscribe button golden if you click it but only for this video that’s that’s the one thing in this video we haven’t had turn golden

Now i noticed this i feel like this is the best time to do this it looks like a golden totem of undying you need golden artifacts and golden hair maybe we can trade a villager for the artifacts hello sir please don’t sleep i need to trade you okay never mind do golden villagers

Drop the items we’re looking for i got i got to try this out i know that i’m so sorry i just i really need golden things uh oh wait that’s golden hair the villagers have been holding out on us they do drop the golden items we needed

So you smack them with this golden spawner like why are there cows why are these cows exist i’m not gonna ask questions give me the artifacts yes they do drop them oh my gosh all right okay i am so excited for this i don’t know what a golden relic does but uh Look at this so what do we do with this we just like uh do we just do we eat it um oh no oh my what have i done i have become a giant golden steve look you can see the monkey he’s like inside of the

Nape of my neck like attack on titan oh this is fantastic look at how much of the world we are turning to gold right now oh my goodness this is what i call efficiency ladies and gentlemen oh no but i pressed a button and there are now miniature golden titans

That are going forth and changing the world to even more gold fly oh they are killable all right i’m tired of being big how do i how do i unbigify myself oh there we go okay so this thing’s got a cool down on it as well i

Want to save this for the end when we fight the golden ender dragon but i don’t know if you noticed this even though i’m tiny i’m still turning the world to gold as much as i was when i was in my titan form i don’t know what

This number is down here the more i turn the world into gold the more this number goes up what is happening 200 that is the limit now what happens oh my dear we’re levitating i’ve never seen this in minecraft before oh i need to

Get to a pool of water or i’m gonna die oh oh oh no oh thank god so these are pretty much the coolest boots i’ve ever put on thank you monkey my body is transforming now that the world has been turned to 85 gold but i

Can fly now with charles still on my head and because i can fly look at this he can throw projectiles at them and i can’t i can’t even get hit i can also eat chunks of the world and then spitting them back out i’m also able to shoot lasers like this

I have apparently become the golden god you know what else is golden the sponsor of this video we don’t have one so you can instead go to firebirds.com check out some of the latest greatest merchandise we got new hoodies hats t-shirts plushies and so much more even charles approves right charles

99 of the minecraft world is now golden and you know what that means the golden ender dragon time baby one wrong step and we turn these to gold which is not a good thing so i found that if you actually put items in your offhand they

Don’t turn to gold i wish i would have found that out earlier all right charles are you ready i don’t know why the progress bar hasn’t filled up by the way we’re not going to talk about it no when we stepped through the portal charles disappeared dude literally the cutest

Monkey that’s been with us the entire video that’s a cool looking dragon but still we lost charles you monster i’m gonna take a bite out of you how could you do this to charles oh my gosh that does so much damage eat golden balls that is what you get how appreciative

Would they be if i turned their entire village into emerald exactly even crafting tables are emerald now oh my gosh we have so many different items i don’t even know what to start with i’m overwhelmed emerald villager spawn egg emerald beef and emerald sounds easy enough because anything in

My inventory that i touch also turns to emerald now where’s the beef excuse me have you ever seen the beef all right we’re not gonna just punch these cows okay that would be inhumane i don’t know what the emerald pickaxe is is tin attack damage so i don’t even need to

Make a weapon oh i just turned the cow to emerald they do drop the emerald beef though but first thing is first the villager spawn egg it’s a full-time job turning the world into emerald as you can see the zero percent of the world is currently emerald and this

Is our best friend i name him paul hello paul one thing i’m noticing is paul is helping me turn the world into emeralds in fact is paul following me so if i go all the way over here paul still keeps following me uh paul i i don’t like to

Do this but i need i need to see if you drop something he exploded and he dropped us in the emerald hat so beforehand we were only turning the emerald one block at a time beneath our feet now it’s five by five we’re one percent of the way to emerald world

Domination ladies and gentlemen what happens when you eat the emerald beef you get absorption hearts and resistance i have an idea i have five extra paws over here but what happens if the pawls go down oh good luck before he died he turned the pressure plate into emerald i’m gonna keep this

Paul alive for the entire video because i don’t want people to be appalled at me the nice thing about turning the world into emerald is we can also make trades with villagers very easily now but unfortunately the bread just turns to emeralds sad okay so i noticed this

Thing right away but you can make a baby using the emerald hat we got from our other paul i don’t know what the baby does do i do i do i put the baby down i don’t know what to do with him though like what is he what does he do

He oh what is that what did you just he’s throwing things oh i don’t know what it is oh my god oh you you killed paul bad bad baby so instead we have replaced paul with greeny or emmy i feel like emmy’s kind of a good name the pickaxe returns

Hostile mobs into emerald versions of them so you want emerald skeletons i got you can’t you think we’re gonna die think again we’ve got emerald beef i also i think this baby is invulnerable now that we’re at five percent of the world being turned into emerald my legs

Have now become emerald oh that’s kind of creepy but amazing at the same time there is an emerald drill but you need the drill piece oh which we conveniently have what does this do i have absolutely no idea oh i do what do you do oh you it’s right here

Oh my goodness gracious how is this not the most dangerous thing you’ve ever seen in minecraft i don’t even know where i’m going right now oh my goodness gracious this is probably the best thing ever you know i would really like it if you drilled that like button that would

Be fantastic look at this this is what we’ve been doing i was mining right i was drilling and we found this it’s like a new type of energy emeralds emerald hand cannon uses energy emeralds but we need emerald sticks why are there emerald sticks oh you just need emeralds

To make this oh that’s easy all right back to the hand cannon boom all right let’s test this out all right nothing is happening oh you oh my that is so cool you load it up with extra emeralds and then this happens this is amazing as amazing as this is you can actually

Upgrade it into an omega emerald hand cannon oh i’m scared to use this oh this is so cool i think now the blast radius is just absolutely ridiculously massive dude i have never seen something this amazing oh yeah skeleton you want to go with me you know mega cannon and

As i was turning the world into emerald something yet again happened to my body my whole lower body has turned into emerald now i am truly becoming this baby’s father i’m trying to have a moment with my son thank you listen here son once we’ve turned the world 50 into emerald that

Sun also turns into emerald we’re only 20 of the way there i love that you can even turn i just turned diamonds emerald oh 40 look how happy my baby is not only is my body turning to emerald but my hearts are now turning to emerald as well also

I think my baby is growing he wasn’t always this big right are you sneaking some snacks my guy get out of here skeleton hey i just got another emerald heart from killing that skeleton come here back i must test something that gave me it wait a second every time i

Kill a mob another one of my hearts is turning an emerald do i want to have full emerald hearts does something happen do i get an ability there’s literally only one way to find out all right i need to just take out all these mobs maybe i should make the emerald axe

That deals 45 attack damage you know that might have been smarter dude this thing is so powerful it one-shots mobs one left what what just happened what did we just spawn is this a giant villager we have a giant emerald what is he doing what did he

Just do he just turned the world into 50 emerald with one hit and when the world turns to 50 emerald the sun also is emerald so that means when it’s daytime again we’re gonna see an emerald sun oh no what have we done what have we done they’re bouncing off of him he’s

Unkillable can we drill him oh this is dangerous this is dangerous oh we get the only thing that can kill him what’s the drill i’m not sure why i did that because he helped us turn the world into emerald very fast but oh mike wait a second dude my baby’s definitely

Getting bigger look how big he is now he’s bigger than me listen if you subscribe to the channel right now i will literally adopt emmy he still doesn’t do anything oh no my chest has also become emerald now wait for this is the moment the emerald

Sun is rising you can’t tell me that is not a priceless sunset but our job is not done yet there is an emerald submarine we just have to get a propeller and we need an energy emerald block which i’m assuming is just yeah pretty easy oh i’m so excited for

This now how does this work oh my gosh emerald particle effects are suit am i separating the water and my moses from the bible am i parting the seas that’s what this is look that is regular water and this is emerald water from the submarine also the kelp that

We’re driving through and driving over and turning into emerald blocks blocking me no pun intended this is where things get interesting though we’re gonna turn this entire underwater monument into emerald do i got like uh anything else i have torpedoes i would define that as something else i have emerald underwater

Torpedoes i have an idea i’m gonna see if we can take on the guardian with this just the entire ocean floorboard is being turned into emerald from these torpedoes areas the big daddies come out to play all right typically in minecraft this is one of the most difficult bosses

To defeat but not the day the world isn’t the only thing that has been turned to emerald by 70 percent so is my body everything but my face look at my hand it’s like wait where’s our baby oh i think i do i think i left

Him at sure that’s a sure terrible way to be a parent i i i oh no i left store and you were a little bit bigger than me and now you are like three times my size this must be how my parents feel like oh my dear i don’t

Even know what am i gonna feed you all right now that our baby is absolutely massive it’s time to get to the next crap i’ve been wanting to make this one the entire video it’s an emerald jet plane you just need um uh nuclear reactors which somehow i think i

Made those earlier when i was making the energy emerald blocks but we just need wings and let me tell you something i love wings but i think that’s it that’s everything it’s the whole plane i really hope flying this thing is plain and simple because this thing is massive i

Do not have my aviation license all right i know i know wow i’m slacker i’m a youtuber did is it moving why is the fly moving i’m not gonna uh dude this is like a dream come true my poor baby’s being left behind

But look at this can i run into oh i i still turn oh my gosh i still am turning the world into emeralds too as long as you fly above the world you’re still turning it into emerald i’m gonna start button mashing oh what is that

Did i just drop a bomb oh my gosh i thought the emerald submarine was epic no this is i i dude this is insane it’s so intense on my computer that the entire thing lags when i drop it all right we got a rogers oh right on that

Enderman yes sir drop the bomb payload i really want to see what happens if we do this to a village i i feel bad about this i really do oh my god dude that is so sick the entire village is just consumed with emerald blocks if anything i feel

Like i’m actually doing a service to this village once the world is 90 emerald something crazy is supposed to happen and i wasn’t told what it was you know what else is the bomb our merchandise at firemerch.com i know that was a shameless plug but we got new hoodies beanies t-shirts squishies

Plushies and it helps support the channels you just watching these videos enough seriously i just appreciate you guys so much one more percent it’s happening something it’s it’s happening i have been transformed into a full emerald being all right um i can do this now i’m this fast and yet somehow my baby

Still keeps up with me it’s raining emeralds now am i doing that i think i am the one that is making it rain it’s like constantly raining emeralds making the world explode uh did you put this here oh my gosh what i have played a lot of minecraft in my

Day ladies and gentlemen and i’ve never ever seen a weapon like this not once i was always curious how am i going to turn the entire world into emerald and i think i am i think we can do it now this is what happens when the entire world turns to emerald your

Computer just lags into oblivion so we’re going to do what we call a transition i’m so powerful you need those explosions they’re still happening oh my gosh the hell are they happening in the end that doesn’t even make where’s my baby oh my baby is grown into a giga chad also

I’d be doing a disservice what is the baby throw now oh my gosh that’s the biggest block i’ve seen all day all right we got the wizard in here let’s let him do his thing where’s the baby we all know why you clicked on the video

You want to see me take the ender dragon out with this wait for it wait for it let him land get him oh my god and that ladies and gentlemen is how i became a father to the world’s biggest emerald baby

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Everything I Touch Turns To…’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2022-08-24 12:00:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!?

    Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!? Welcome to the Enchanting World of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft! Embark on a magical journey through the whimsical world of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft. 🍀 Unveiling the Cottage Witch Modpack Step into a realm filled with enchanting spells, mystical creatures, and charming cottages with the Cottage Witch modpack. 🌿 Craft potions, brew magical elixirs, and explore the vast landscapes teeming with hidden treasures. 🧙‍♀️ Immerse Yourself in Captivating Music Enhance your gaming experience with the enchanting tunes of “Evening” and “Midnight Tale” by Kevin MacLeod. 🎶 Let the music transport you to a… Read More

  • Zaheer’s Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure

    Zaheer's Wild Minecraft Survival Adventure The Exciting World of Minecraft Survival Series Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft in this survival series. Join the adventure as our protagonist navigates through challenges, builds shelters, and gathers resources to survive in this virtual world. Survival at Its Core In Minecraft Survival Series, players must utilize their wit and skills to thrive in a hostile environment. From crafting tools to hunting for food, every decision matters as they strive to stay alive amidst the dangers lurking in the shadows. Building Your Sanctuary One of the key aspects of survival in Minecraft is… Read More

  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

    Newbie Herobrine's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Noob Herobrine’s Adventure is a dreamy scene. A tale of a beginner, eager to learn, With secrets to uncover at every turn. Join him on his journey, through valleys and caves, As he navigates challenges with courage and saves. With each block he breaks, a new skill he gains, In this Minecraft world, where creativity reigns. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And follow Noob Herobrine on his adventure so bright. For in this world of blocks and pixels so fine, There’s always a new story, waiting… Read More

  • Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure

    Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the Boundless World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds. In Minecraft, you have the power to explore endless possibilities and embark on thrilling adventures. Exploration and Adventure Await From lush forests to vast oceans, every corner of the world is yours to discover. Build towering castles, sail the high seas, or simply roam the countryside in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Creativity But the world of Minecraft is not just about exploration. It’s about creation. Let your imagination run wild as you design intricate structures, craft powerful tools, and shape the… Read More

  • New City Gate Revealed!

    New City Gate Revealed! Exploring Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond #6 In the latest episode of Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond, Lennert embarks on the monumental task of constructing a grand city wall, starting with the majestic city gate. Alongside this ambitious project, he delves into completing the Farmer’s Delight Buddycards set, beginning with graded Buddycards sets, pays homage to a statue of a pig, and much more! Building the City Wall Lennert’s journey begins with the construction of the impressive city wall, a vital structure that will define the boundaries of his burgeoning city. The meticulous planning and intricate design of the… Read More

  • Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft

    Tricky Loyalty Challenge | Minecraft The Loyalty Trident in Minecraft Are you looking to add a unique and powerful weapon to your Minecraft arsenal? Look no further than the Loyalty Trident! This special trident offers a range of exciting features that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and explore how you can create your very own Loyalty Trident. Creating the Loyalty Trident To make a Loyalty Trident in Minecraft, you will need to combine a trident with the Loyalty enchantment. The Loyalty enchantment is a rare enchantment that causes the trident to return to the player after being… Read More

  • Top Mods for Minecraft 2024!

    Top Mods for Minecraft 2024! The Best Mods for Your Minecraft in 2024! In 2024, Minecraft continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and creativity. One way players enhance their gaming experience is by using mods. Here are some of the top mods for Minecraft in 2024: 1. Biomes O’ Plenty Biomes O’ Plenty is a mod that adds a plethora of new biomes to the game, expanding the world and offering new landscapes to explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, this mod brings diversity to your Minecraft experience. You can download it here. 2. Alex’s Mobs Alex’s Mobs introduces a variety… Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you tired of the same old Minecraft experience? Looking for something new and exciting to spice up your gameplay? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. From intense PvP battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and experience the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Beating Game in Tiny Space!

    Minecraft: Beating Game in Tiny Space! The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Beating the Game in a 3×3 Area! Imagine being confined to a tiny 3×3 box that extends all the way to bedrock in Minecraft. Sounds impossible, right? Well, not for the brave souls who take on this ultimate challenge. Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where players push the limits of survival in the most confined space imaginable. The Challenge Begins Stuck in a cramped 3×3 area, players must navigate the limited space while striving to beat the game. Every move counts, every resource is precious. From mining to crafting, every action requires… Read More

  • INSANE Mob Farming Tricks in Minecraft!

    INSANE Mob Farming Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Secrets to Efficient Mob Farming in Minecraft’, was uploaded by MuiIridiumMatrix on 2024-05-03 18:00:30. It has garnered 364 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Dive into the heart of Minecraft with us in an epic playthrough featuring the Ragnamod VII modpack! Join my brothers and me as we navigate through a world brimming with magic, technology, and boundless possibilities. Each episode is a new adventure, filled with challenges, teamwork, and the sheer joy of discovery. In this series, we’re not just playing Minecraft; we’re redefining it. From… Read More

  • 50 Days in Herobrine’s World | LarsLP

    50 Days in Herobrine's World | LarsLPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ich verbringe 50 Tage in der Welt von Herobrine | LarsLP’, was uploaded by LarsLP on 2024-03-27 13:00:37. It has garnered 160114 views and 2521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:30 or 3030 seconds. Welcome to 50 Days of Minecraft in the World of Herobrine Minecraft is a sandbox game from Mojang Official Site: https://minecraft.net/de-de/ ————————- ❗ Information: 💬 2nd channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ggPBm7NZC0vHuRdR3EqnA 📱 Insta: http://instagram.com/lars_lp 🐦Twitter: https://twitter.com/LarsLetsPlays 👕Merch: https://lolingo.de/larslp/ ————————- Youtube Hastag: #minecraft #larslp Read More

  • INSANE NETHER PORTAL in Minecraft Hardcore – CJ GamerX

    INSANE NETHER PORTAL in Minecraft Hardcore - CJ GamerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘making an awesome nether portal | Minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by Cj gamerx on 2024-01-17 12:24:12. It has garnered 1124 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:21 or 861 seconds. making an awesome nether portal | Minecraft hardcore HEY GUYS KAISE HO SABHI LOG WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER GAMEPLAY VIDEO Instagram :- https://instagram.com/cj_gamerx?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= discord:- https://discord.gg/X9w2Wcrhg6 I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS VIDEO IF YOU ENJOY THIS VIDEO PLEASE MAKE SURE TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE AND DON’T FORGET TO PRESS THE 🔔 ICON 😊 IF YOU HAVE SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT MY CONTENT PLEASE… Read More

  • Minecraft Universe: Infinity Elements with Transmutation Tablet! #5

    Minecraft Universe: Infinity Elements with Transmutation Tablet! #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft UniversIO | TRANSMUTATION TABLET FOR INFINITE ELEMENTS! #5 [Modded Questing SpaceBlock]’, was uploaded by Nik & Isaac on 2024-03-23 21:00:27. It has garnered 7054 views and 212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:41 or 3521 seconds. Minecraft UniversIO | TRANSMUTATION TABLET FOR INFINITE ELEMENTS! #5 [Modded Questing SpaceBlock] with Nik and Isaac ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW FACTORY AUTOMATION PACK! #1: https://youtu.be/HhsvsfG0FEE ★Join the Nik & Isaac Discord: https://discord.gg/R2FnaCryrq ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine Universe – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/universio Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound #Minecraft #UniversIO #Modded Read More

  • “Dream SMP TNT Mod Gone Crazy!” #minecraft #hilarious

    "Dream SMP TNT Mod Gone Crazy!" #minecraft #hilariousVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT Mod IN THE DREAM SMP – MINECRAFT #funny #minecraft #cringe #minecraftshorts #shortvideo #shorts’, was uploaded by Zypherix_ on 2024-01-08 21:05:23. It has garnered 16964 views and 386 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Thanks for watching please like and subscribe my pc got fried from this! #funny #minecraft #cringe #minecraftshorts #shortvideo #gaming #mlg #parkour Read More

  • 500 YEARS LATER!! ButterJaffa’s Epic Demon Slayer Adventure

    500 YEARS LATER!! ButterJaffa's Epic Demon Slayer AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘500 YEARS LATER!?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer [#10] – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-05-24 16:00:03. It has garnered 66651 views and 4245 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:50 or 1850 seconds. Heyyy Guyyyss & welcome to Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer, an evolving series… meaning EVERY EPISODE things change in a new or big way!! Though the series we evolve as a Demon and get bigger and bigger challenges as we play, all for the setup of my next BIG series… Demon Slayer: Island Akuma!!! 💛 – Subscribe for More: ⇒… Read More

  • ADORABLE Baby Cow in Minecraft?! 🐮🎮 #gamershorts

    ADORABLE Baby Cow in Minecraft?! 🐮🎮 #gamershortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cute Baby Cow in Minecraft | #gamershorts #twitchclip #minecraft #babycow #subscribe’, was uploaded by Bam’s Gaming on 2024-05-12 03:49:08. It has garnered 1075 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Please help the channel by subscribing ——————————————— — Watch me live stream on Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/BamsGaming19 — Join my discord – https://discord.gg/SujaFDqR2b ——————————————— Check out my merch: — Teespring / https://bams-gaming-3.creator-spring.com — Streamlabs / https://streamlabs.com/bamsgaming19/merch — Spreadshop / New Store + New Merch! / https://bams-gaming.myspreadshop.com ——————————————— If you would like to give a donation to help out the… Read More

  • Unimaginable Shri Ram Secret Revealed in #Minecraft

    Unimaginable Shri Ram Secret Revealed in #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Shri Ram on 2024-01-10 06:03:08. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Minecraft Art Builds,” “Creative Minecraft Creations,” “Minecraft Artistry,” “Artistic Minecraft Builds,” “Minecraft Canvas,” “Crafting Art in Minecraft,” aur “Minecraft Art Showcase. #MinecraftArt#MinecraftCreative#ArtisticMinecraft#MinecraftBuilds#MinecraftShowcase#MinecraftArtistry Read More

  • The Untold Secrets of Day 2: Minecraft Expeditions

    The Untold Secrets of Day 2: Minecraft ExpeditionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Uncharted Expeditions | Day 2’, was uploaded by MisterWiggly on 2024-04-08 23:37:34. It has garnered 184 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:11 or 15551 seconds. Archive of Twitch Stream that took place on April 8th 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/misterwiggly Read More

  • Wizmo Gaming Survival: Semi-Vanilla PvE Economy Build

    Join Our New Survival Community! IP: MC.WIZMOGAMING.COM DISC: discord.gg/8fpPTwZB3c About Us We provide a nostalgic Minecraft experience on our lightly modded, semi-vanilla server. No pay-to-win features ensure a fair playing field for everyone. Unique Features • Shared spawn area for building • Plugins like treefeller for quality of life improvements • Player shop system for trading Protection Full block protection and rollbacks available. Ask a staff member or post on Discord for help with land protection. Shop Easily create shops to participate in our growing economy. Just click on a chest with the item you want to sell or buy…. Read More

  • || Mineland Network » 1.8-1.20.6 (PvP 1.8)➥ Become a real HERO ➜ mineland.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: crazy.mineland.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this a repost? Again??

    Minecraft Memes - Is this a repost? Again??Looks like this meme has mined its way to the top with a diamond score of 886! Read More

  • KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness

    KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, KosmiKrime is the name of the game, a true gamer’s dream. With an animated intro, two years in the making, This Hardcore adventure is sure to be breathtaking. Join us on June 1st, for the grand debut, Witness the epic journey, with a crew that’s true. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, As we dive into Minecraft, with skills that can’t be beat. Join our Discord community, where mischief is abound, We’re up to no good, causing chaos all around. Follow us on Twidder, for updates and more,… Read More

  • Minecraft RTX: When your graphics card can’t handle the heat! 🔥

    Minecraft RTX: When your graphics card can't handle the heat! 🔥 “When you finally get Minecraft RTX but your computer can only handle it at 1% graphics… looks like I’ll be playing Minecraft in ‘Potato Mode’ for a while #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less!

    Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less! Unlocking Minecraft Hacks with Meteor Client Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than the Meteor Hacked Client! In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to download and install this powerful tool in under 2 minutes. Let’s dive in! What is Meteor Client? If you’re familiar with Minecraft hacked clients like Wurst, LiquidBounce, Raven B+, and Aristois, you’ll love Meteor Client. This free and open-source client is designed to enhance your Minecraft experience with a range of features and functionalities. Plus, it’s regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest… Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning – Part 2

    15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning - Part 2 The Evolution of Minecraft: A Journey Through 15 Years From Humble Beginnings to Global Phenomenon In the vast world of Minecraft, players have been crafting, building, and exploring for 15 years. What started as a simple indie game has transformed into a global phenomenon, thanks to the dedication of Mojang Studios and the vibrant Minecraft community. Minecon: One of the pivotal moments in Minecraft’s history was the introduction of Minecon, where developers and players came together to celebrate their love for the game. These events provided a platform for fans to connect, share their creations, and get a glimpse… Read More

  • Shocking: Nico’s Sister Has a Crush on Me?!

    Shocking: Nico's Sister Has a Crush on Me?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nico’s Sister Has a Crush on Me’, was uploaded by Coolgamersminecraft6 on 2024-06-02 16:07:22. It has garnered 848 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:54 or 1314 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #nicoandcash Today, Cash is in a bit of a pickle… Nico’s sister, is IN LOVE WITH HIM! Cash and Nico will both have to find a way to get her to stop crushing on Cash before she’s stuck like this forever! Socials: https://solo.to/cashtv #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash Coolgamersminecraft6 sister Welcome to coolgamersminecraft6 Read More

  • EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Build IC 1101

    EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Build IC 1101Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixel art #shorts’, was uploaded by IC 1101 GAMING MCPE on 2024-01-13 08:30:05. It has garnered 4697 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #ic1101gamingmcpe #chapatihindustanigamer #loggyhindustanigamer #loggy if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I will do it for you Video SEO::: minecraft viral tiktok hacks worlds smallest violin,minecraft shorts,shorts,minecraft build hack,world’s smallest violin,worlds smallest violin,minecraft… Read More

  • Unlimited Minecraft SMP Fun | Join Now! 🎮🔥 #minecraft

    Unlimited Minecraft SMP Fun | Join Now! 🎮🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join | Java+Pe | #minecraft #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by Allay Gamer 2.O on 2024-04-01 00:53:37. It has garnered 40 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:11 or 3611 seconds. 🔴24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join | Java+Pe | #minecraft #minecraftsmp JOIN OUR DISCORD ⫸ https://discord.gg/KHggrnwVt2 SUBSCRIBE MY SECOND CHANNEL ⫸https://www.youtube.com/@HKSEMPIRE IGNORE TAGS ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftindia #minecraftpakistan #livestream #livehindinews minecraftpublic smp minecraft public smp minecraft public smp live minecraft public smp 24/7 minecraft public smp 1.20 pocket edition 24/7 minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Gods Bicep LIVE Warrior Leveling Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Gods Bicep LIVE Warrior Leveling MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic WARRIOR LEVELING/MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Gods Bicep on 2024-05-22 14:55:20. It has garnered 641 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:06 or 10566 seconds. JOIN THE CHICKEN COOP CLUB TODAY!: / @godsbicep SUPPORT ME DIRECTLY BELOW AT MY PAYPAL: Paypal.me/godsbicep Read More

  • “ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!” #minecraftsquad

    "ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!" #minecraftsquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Triệu Hồi Bubba BubbaPhant Trong Minecraft #minecraftshort #xuhuong’, was uploaded by King Craft on 2024-03-20 11:06:11. It has garnered 17859 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make tower#minecraft #shorta’, was uploaded by Gamer Demon on 2024-01-12 10:14:32. It has garnered 1216 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shorts

    Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Annual #Minecraft Journey CALLED ME IN! LMAO #shorts’, was uploaded by TheSlaY3R_ on 2024-01-13 16:45:00. It has garnered 2464 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. uwu ———————————- I’m live on Twitch at least a few days of the week if you wanna hang out: https://www.twitch.tv/theslay3r_ Twitch Schedule: (Eastern Time / EST) Start Time: Before or by 9pm End Time: ~12am (I post when I’m live on Discord) Social Links: https://www.twitch.tv/theslay3r_ https://twitter.com/TheSlaY3R_ Discord Community- https://discord.gg/BcPsfvS Read More

  • Minecraft’s Dark Secret Revealed – Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktok

    Minecraft's Dark Secret Revealed - Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktokVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stop mining like this in Minecraft [DARK] #shorts #tiktok #minecraft #gaming #mining #mine’, was uploaded by DARK on 2024-03-06 14:30:03. It has garnered 2 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Welcome to DARK, your go-to destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into our world of tutorials, epic Bedwars battles, captivating gameplay, thrilling 100 days challenges, and so much more. Whether you’re a beginner looking for building tips or a seasoned player seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures, our channel has something for everyone. Join our vibrant Minecraft community as we… Read More

  • Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power – Epic Minecraft Animation!

    Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power - Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘toji fushiguro absorb Shadow Demon Power and destroy | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-05 07:30:19. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. toji fushiguro absorb Shadow Demon Power and destroy |#minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #bestfriend #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope… Read More

  • Salve Craft SMP – whitelist, Java 1.20.4 – Community-Focused 16+

    Welcome to SalveCraft! SalveCraft is a thriving Minecraft community with players from all around the world. Whether you’re a master builder, redstone expert, comedian, or content creator, there’s a place for you here. Our server operates similar to HermitCraft and focuses on creating a fun and entertaining environment for everyone. Current Season: Season 2 (Started 05/20/24) We are always looking for new members to join our community and liven up the server. If you’re interested, reach out to us or join our Discord server for more information. The application process takes place on Discord. Discord: Join our Discord server We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sculk Shrieker be like: Vibin’ & Snitchin’

    Sculk Shrieker’s main goal is to be more popular than all the other Minecraft memes…and it looks like it’s winning with a score of 26! Read More

Minecraft But Everything I Touch Turns To…