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Mr. oh nine shucks boy yes that’s what they call me Hello sir unspeakable my cornea is awfully uh we are in the most realistic looking Minecraft world I have never seen we’re starting a series called realistic minecraft Sat yep we are yeah they didn’t know you didn’t know that but you do now it’s called realistic survival it’s the most realistic looking

Version of Minecraft I’ve ever seen why does this grass look like it’s from the outside my attitude it look I don’t even know how to explain this like this is the most realistic version minecraft is episode number one to our Survival Series if you guys want to see more

Episodes just leave a like that’s all you guys need to do but please do like I guess we’re gonna go ahead and get started here yeah I’m just blown away by the fact that it looks like I just walked outside so I’m just trying to write dude would look at the would come

Here okay are you gonna mine a tree I was going to my yeah I’m gonna mine this tree oh look at the wood oh so guys not every single texture has been changed a lot of the animals and the villagers and some of the types of woods are still the

Original minecraft textures but most of them are completely different the wood looks crazy Nate that you were right I know it is absolutely insane but like if you look at like the chickens they all the cows and the horses most of mobs pretty much look the same but diamonds look like real diamonds

I can’t wait to oh my gosh is a ravine chart there is a ravine looks like we’re gonna start our mining mission a little early tonight gosh okay yeah what does a crafting table look like I think it likes normal ah normal yeah it looks good like it look

Like with the shaders it looks look incredible t-table Nathan really alright so we’re gonna make ourselves a pickaxe here yeah I’m gonna grab some stone real quick cuz I see some iron right there and just gonna be honest own everybody iron right here too we got yeah well

Look at you shark I’m gonna bring the crafting table we have already started a little mining adventure here so I say shark let’s grab a bunch of iron and then we should have a kind of wood cuz I really want to make a mouse before night falls okay Nathan I’m kinda I’m really

Glad that we’re starting this because I’ve had I’ve seen so many people ask for us to do a series together it so I know some realistic minecraft is the perfect way to I completely agree literally you guys spam my comments with me wanting to do a survival series like

I don’t know I guess it’s like a trend again to play minecraft survival we’re doing it better than ever survival realistic oh my gosh the cobblestone is so cool I can’t wait to see what it looks like when it gets placed down okay Nathan if you come to

The bottom of this ravine and just look up I swear this is the most majestic looking view in mind I’ve never seen through the water oh my oh my gosh it’s insane it’s kind of sad because like the stone is not like it still looks so good

But the stone isn’t like an insane texture so it’s just kind of lame most yours aren’t insane textures you know maybe we can try to do some research and find a texture pack for episode 2 that’s even more realistic the changes like the mobs and everything oh my god we’ll try

Our best or you guys can listen the composition blows texture that either or recommendations whatever you guys want I think it’d be really cool if we found a resource pack or its extra pack that replaced mobs because well oh my oh the nether do a realistic-looking creeper

We gotta look nether or do that not looking forward to it dude that’d be so creepy like I’ve added like the spiders all the spiders like actually have like hair and everything like Ares we’re like tarantulas dude I’d be terrified I’d be absolutely terrified episode 2 ladies and gentlemen coming

Soon shark in the water and this looks really weird oh my gosh okay um here’s what I’m gonna do jack I am going to get a bunch of wood and possibly some food so we make this house I am also going to pick up some of this iron on the way how

Much iron do you have shark I have 10 iron ores at the malls and we need a boy okay I just probably someone in Axios little ravines ibaka oh when you’re down there that’s getting it don’t worry about okay when you’re down there can you get some coal because it is dark yes

Okay good I think it was I was saying earlier Nathan how crazy would be if we could get a like a mob resource pack we’re both saying that yes I didn’t trying to fight the dragon but the oh my god textured or something but dragon is like a super realistic looking dragon

Like it’s like it and he’s like breathing fire and like that will happen that way I will love I would absolutely love that with the end and fight the inner dragon in a series dude like nether yes like do times so so so down

All I need you guys to do is to leave a like to let us know that you said hey it would be a great idea to Nathan maybe we should set some challenge ideas in this series maybe some yeah if the viewers let us know down below in the comments

Because I know there’s a lot of cool things we could do with this resource back especially completely agree with you my dude okay so I am going to get a ton of wood I left a crafting table right out front here when you dig up

Just in case you need it if you want thanks man all right I am just gonna go on a wood mining adventure wood mining adventure I yes I’m gonna grab this iron and that I mean gold and shark have you seen the textures underwater yet the textures underwater no I don’t think I

Have ever seen come to me there’s like a nice little patch of water every egg dude I am just so blown away right now mining this iron and it looks like realistic it’s not but the Sun like the Sun the way it’s every dick okay I’m coming up I can’t imagine

Swimming in an ocean like this yeah just a little little patch look at the sand yeah I think about what my friend yes I’m I am right over the hill oh it looks like the Sun is starting to set a little bit we might need to start building a

House soon yeah that might be a good idea a super realistic house though okay okay yeah I mean we should build a house up on this hill after I kill this fish that’s dinner that is dinner that is dinner right there all right I’m going

For a dip dude tell me what you think about it I know the sand is insane I love how it like merges tech yes like it’s like a real beach like like if you went underwater or something like that literally insane shark we really knew start building a house the society is

Going down as we speak let’s do this I think we should start with a small house like we don’t really care about too much slowly when we go through the series I think we should split up and build our own houses that’d be really cool so we can be like build

Neighbors yeah that’d be really neat oh my gosh retexe chirring this wood it’s so real even the sky is like a little blank like blue sky we need to experience this moment together oh my gosh John oh wow oh yo stars are out already okay play some torches what is

Going on I’m gonna start building yeah I’m gonna start building a house right now okay we need more torches oh my gosh this is so scary okay yeah just please sit what is that okay okay so I place a bunch of torches inside the house I’ll work on the outside here there we’re

Gonna place this cobblestone do we need to be super bright in here these torches do not do very much yeah I’m thinking once we actually close it off if they might do a little bit more do these torches no lighting oh my gosh it’s so dark it’s I know

Compared to like the normal minecraft origins they do so much more but I guess yeah so what was its realistic shark okay it’s realistic if you think about it you actually had a torch in real life in normal minecraft one torch would light up this whole area like a daytime

Realistic Minecraft and in real life you had one little piece of iron but there’s no way it would light up this entire area no way there we go I’m doing our wars and actually with the route closed off it actually does a pretty good job at keeping the light

Inside think I need a couple more torches though because yeah pretty dark how many more torches you have on you please down all 25 of them told you what all right here we go shark look how many torches we have in the sunlight is the most powerful light in Minecraft now

Which is that’s what it’s like in the real world so alright let’s make it war let’s put it on right here I was right here yeah okay I got a birch torso it’s not gonna match but that’s okay okay I am going to make us a chess I can put on

Laughs in here no okay I I really want to make windows that would look so nice yes maybe when it’s daytime we can go grab a little bit of sand okay you know I’m gonna put all my iron ore in there let’s do it good idea okay yeah what am

I guess Ord we should go out let’s hope yeah let’s hold the torch hold the torch will be good okay the zombie still look like zombies where is it where is it coming from always on the other side I really want to make some windows good there’s an apple that fell from this

Tree yeah he’s a noob you’re a noob Wow noob dude if the zombies look like really realistic oh my gosh I would be bio scary but guys I would love to implement that into the second maybe the third episode oh you would I think it would change up the series a little bit

It’d be really really good we got some spiders over over here I could see dude those horses might be a good idea to tame not gonna lie yeah it would be a good idea to get a horse okay I go back to the house okay I’m at the house pretty much and smelt

This sweet do you have any food I have an apple but I don’t really want to eat it I kind of a saver I so I have 3 apples I’ll be right now and I also put two pieces of chicken in one of the furnaces so I split that

She’ll hunt but not one for you I’m going to go ahead and smell yeah I’m gonna smell the sand right now we can make some windows right here we can make an upstairs to man we could have like a whole weekend we definitely could I hear

A cow nearby man where is yes fine mr. boo boo yeah we are low on food a farm or something wait I do have some seeds we can start a farm soon okay I don’t know oh there’s water down here this glass looks cool I thought I just found like an underground underwater

Like laneway cuz for pie oh man I’m going crazy there this extra bags make me go a little crazy when you don’t hold the torch down here you come down to the water it looks like there’s a light source underneath and it looks like there’s like a you see that kind I think

You’re going crazy sure I don’t know what you see okay look look I got food okay that’s what I do see okay that’s the poor shark night time is almost over oh my gosh dude this guy is so Wow oh yeah what’s available oh I hear spider I’m out I’m out I’m out

Why did you place all this wood back down I did play city what I didn’t do that did I not think away I swear I’ll wait I have an axe what am i doing this is why we don’t play survival guys I swear I dug all this up I have a

Surprise for you what’s your surprise thank you my good sir whoa oh my god let me see you hold on let me see I can see my face on it oh no I can’t see my face on it watch.watch move around it’s not a shiny light it’s not a shiny piece of armor

Yeah I know I see the light that’s so dude I wonder what the diamond armor looks like oh my gosh oh I see you spider go home and smell this what’s the hose the door we may leave yeah NAB oh I’m sorry I was killing a spider okay

Man you know understandable but still oh I got some steak you hungry yeah oh yeah I’m I’m on there you go take some food I’m gonna put one in the chest so we serve a little bit oh my gosh dude I can’t believe I can’t I just get away

For the Sun to come out I want to see I want to see the Sun Rise dude where’s the moon has gone completely down so there’s Sun dude I’m gonna start climbing I’m gonna start climbing I want to see I want to see this sunrise dude

Yes I want to see this oh my gosh this girl looks so cool it’s gonna look so realistic oh my gosh rises so quick Oh like this Sun is not messing around oh my gosh it’s so bright that is crazy dude it looks like this sunrise like

That you can see in the morning from like real life oh my gosh dude we are sharing this beautiful moment together you’re Nathan dude even like when you zoom in you could like to see the Sun like it like focuses on the Sun than usual and it kind of like gets like

Focus Ryder I don’t know it’s like we like is so cool well now that it’s daytime we don’t have to worry about those mobs a whole lot anymore I completely agree I can’t wait to see what our house looks like because you have built this during the night so you

Can see perfectly right might as well while we’re up here I’m gonna grab some more wood because there’s a lot of heat up here actually oh my gosh yeah there’s a lot of central over here I might go there is nothing but trees because that

Is our we need to farm and if we maybe doesn’t have do have the war wheat seeds so we could guy quickly start a wheat farm real quick a nap okay oh my gosh dude these trees rough so many apples they must love us oh my gosh argh

Everything is so dark out you’re a shape where you here sheep I hear sheep at I’m coming Nathan where’s here hold up we need a yab week is right next to me will they hold up try that’s good don’t care no no I’m gonna kill me I’m gonna cheers Oh

You’re right you’re right okay I really am you want to kill them I already cut them you already stolen okay sell kill them dope okay well we better hope that we find another sheep everyone I hope so too oh my god yeah it’s kind of dark in our

House is it actually have so many torches yeah it’s dark in here when you open it close the doors like the why oh my gosh what I found the holy grail of sheeps you did you find the hole well I’m awesome perfect amount for our beds so

We’re good yeah I’m sorry I’m gonna start a farm I was sort of farm right outside our house why not I was gonna say if we find some carrots we could we can start reading some of these pigs or even the seeds on chickens cuz if we

Just have a little farm would work you don’t beat him alright so I’m just gonna start a little farm here and we can expand as we go give me a piggy there we go but for now I’m also going to make I’m gonna make it a little infinity pool

Of water – alright where’s my bucket dude um cabinets are so oh my god where it reflects dude well you hold up what I see when I hear the bucket on your plan what what beautiful I’ve water sleaziness dude I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life

Yeah I’m gonna give you this bucket with water come here okay hold it just hold it gosh dude it’s like I can you put it right here yeah yeah there you go okay gosh dude it’s like insane right well yeah that looks awesome when you get back to

The house though I got food and I’m gonna make some actually wait I just planted our first little round of seeds yeah here thank you one piece oh you only had one yeah just one piece yeah why did you need more than one piece I don’t know I

Don’t know if you can mix and match colors for better yeah you can yeah you should be able to but now that I know that there’s multicolored beds I don’t know you definitely should be able to still mix and match colors we’re scholars I have ink sacs so we can

Color oh okay so yeah that one didn’t work one white bed because I had all white wool but now we can’t mix and match I have white give me the pieces of wool or yeah there you go we have one in the world okay how do you die I do die

Forget how to die wall don’t you need like a machine for it I don’t think you can just I don’t think you can do it in the crafting table oh wait nevermind I got right oh great I guess you can only die okay I guess you can’t die gray wool

Or you can’t die colored wool you can only die white wool so I am stuck with two pieces of black wool and one light gray and that’s it maybe we can take turns going to sleep yeah take turns that’s not really how it works strike we’re on a server right now like take

Turns give anything all right I don’t have any training no ah dang it dude we could have made wool oh my gosh sorry I said we have made some solid solid solid progress we have literally ripped a house we have a bed we have iron we have armor we have a lot of

Stuff we have a farm dude we accomplished so much already half man I think we need to we need to definitely do some crazy exploration yes we should share commit agree to the nether because that’s gonna just be so scary dude I completely agree yes absolutely

Terrified but Galia let us know you want to see an episode never to you by leaving it like we will definitely find a different texture pack that changes like all of like the creepers and everything mobs sir but yeah episode we could change it up one episode features like one different

Pack or one shader pack do that would be pretty cool that would be pretty cool and buddy per show like realistic base so all realistic max that’d be really awesome thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys have enjoyed if you got it what of course you can check

Out sharks video down in the description or if you’re on trucks channel you can come check out my video people but thank you guys so much I hope you guys have a saving fantastic yesterday and we will see you guys shortly in a brand new Minecraft

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT but its REAL LIFE! (ULTRA REALISTIC MINECRAFT 1)’, was uploaded by UnspeakableReacts on 2019-10-26 14:00:08. It has garnered 3464504 views and 123394 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:52 or 1192 seconds.

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    Uncover the Secrets of the Jungle Temple Lever Puzzle! #minecraftVideo Information here’s how to do the lever puzzle in the jungle temple go into the basement and inflict these two levers and then flip them back up next go up the stairs and drop down the pit and open the chest mine had three diamonds This video, titled ‘How to do JUNGLE TEMPLE LEVER PUZZLE #minecraft #viral #minecraftshorts #mincraft #jungletemple’, was uploaded by 35th Street Productions Shorts on 2024-03-14 01:04:00. It has garnered 4325 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Guruji EXPLODES with Zennith Life Steal on Public Server!! 🔥

    Guruji EXPLODES with Zennith Life Steal on Public Server!! 🔥Video Information द स्टर्स अ नाइट लाइक दिस कनवर रिवाइंड कैन यू र द वल्फ क्र आउ टू द ला अ नाइट लाइक दिस शाइन सो ब्र सो टेक कपल स्टेप्स बैक एज यू यर मी स्टार्ट टू ह टेक अ कपल स्टेप्स बैक व लूज अ कंट्रोल वट इट एंड आ विल ट द बक ों य ट स्टप मी दिस इ द हो ऑ द प् [संगीत] सो टेक कपल स्प्स बैक एस यू र मी स्टार्ट टू हल टेक अ कपल स्टेप्स बैक वन आई लूज अ कंट्रोल वाच मी टन इ टू अ एंड आ विल… Read More

  • Uncover spine-chilling creature in MINE KRISH 😱

    Uncover spine-chilling creature in MINE KRISH 😱Video Information ली सीरियसली ब्रो हमें जेल में बंद कर दिया एलेक्स कहां है ब्रो एलेक्स कहां है एलेक्स को कहां बंद किया बताओ यार एलेक्स कहां चला गया यार सीरियसली भाई जेल में बंद कर दिया गाइस हमें बताओ यार हम आराम से इतना हम किसी का कुछ बिगाड़ा भी नहीं था हाय एलेक्स देख भाई हम दोनों कहां पे बंद हो गए और और और इतनी गहरी नींद में सो जाए जिसे पता भी नहीं चले कोई भी उठा के ले जाएगा ओ यार ी दो दो वाला जो बंदा है य भाई ये बंदा भी नहीं है… Read More

  • 3 CRAZY WAYS to PASS exam NOT WORKING?! 😱 #minecraft

    3 CRAZY WAYS to PASS exam NOT WORKING?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information [संगीत] भाई मुझे गवर्नमेंट जॉब नहीं करनी क्यों नहीं करनी गवर्नमेंट जॉब मुझे अपना बिजनेस पेपर ही क्लियर नहीं हो रहा This video, titled ‘Govt job exam ❌ business ✔️ #minecraft’, was uploaded by AHSRAV GAMER on 2024-05-05 01:45:00. It has garnered 809 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Facebook page link:- https://www.facebook.com/ahsravgamer/ Instagram link:- https://www.instagram.com/invites/con… Youtube channel link:- https://youtube.com/channel/UCqHsSsNJ… Email📧:- [email protected] #freefire #freefireindia #freefiremax #impossible #ahsravgamer #gamer Ignore tags:- Let’s Play Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough Gaming Commentary Game Reviews Gaming Tips Strategy Guides Game Highlights Multiplayer Games Single-player Games Game… Read More


    INSANE SOTW on NEW PRISON SERVER as a DEFAULT!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on the brand new season of op Legends prisons guys this server just reset literally not even a full 24 hours ago by the time you guys are seeing this video so if you guys want to come check out the server hop on and use my custom IP royal. op legends.com the server is bedrock and Java compatible so it doesn’t matter what version of Minecraft you guys are on you can still hop on and play the same exact server now guys we are doing… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Fully-functioning Super Car in Minecraft?! 🚗 #herobrine #bones

    Unbelievable: Fully-functioning Super Car in Minecraft?! 🚗 #herobrine #bonesVideo Information तो हे एवरीवन तो क्या हाल चाल तो इस ग में इस कार की सेम पेंटिंग बनाना है तो टेक के बारी आ चु देखते हैं कौन सबसे ज्यादा अच्छी बनाता है जो सबसे ज्यादा अच्छी बनाएगा तो गाइस उसे लाइक कर देना और चैनल को भी सब्सक्राइब भी कर देना गाइस तो देखते हैं कौन अच्छा बना चल टेक गेमर तेरी बारी आ चुकी अब तू दिखा ओ चल तू भी अच्छा ही बना है गाइ तो चल नॉट के म तेरी बारी आ चुकी तू दिखाओ ओ भाई साहब चल तू भी अच्छा बना है फ्लाइड… Read More

  • Kurisaba

    Kurisabaくり鯖!は日本にあるサーバーです! いろんな要素がありアスレチック・PvP・PvE などなどがあります! よければ参加してみてください!! play.kurisaba.com Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay SMP Whitelist

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet If you enjoy worldbuilding through roleplay, creating nations, and engaging in conflicts, then this server is for you. Join our friendly community and make history together. Build connections between nations and characters, interact with other towns and nations, and develop your character through roleplay. We aim to create an enjoyable server experience for everyone. Our community is welcoming to all except meanies, and we host in-game events for everyone to enjoy. To join, simply go through our easy application process and share your plans for interaction and lore on the server. We look forward to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me building in Minecraft: Am I God?”

    Minecraft Memes - "Me building in Minecraft: Am I God?"Well, at least someone is finally giving God the recognition they deserve in the world of Minecraft! Looks like their building skills are truly divine. Read More

  • City Coup: Mafia Madness in Minecraft

    City Coup: Mafia Madness in Minecraft In the city, the Mafia reigns supreme, Kicking out the police, it’s like a bad dream. But fear not, for Kerem has a plan, To take back the city, with his own hand. The evil Mafia, they don’t know us yet, But soon they’ll see, we’re a force to be met. With Minecraft news, we’ll spin a tale, Of heroes rising, and justice prevail. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Let the truth take wing, let the story start. Kerem’s on a mission, to set things right, With rhymes and riddles, he’ll win the fight. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos!

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Extreme OneBlock Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days in Extreme OneBlock Minecraft I Survived 100 Days in OneBlock Minecraft in Extreme Mode Introduction In this thrilling adventure, a dedicated gamer embarked on a challenging journey to survive 100 days in the intense world of OneBlock Minecraft. The task at hand was not for the faint-hearted, as the player navigated through a map called “One Block is Not Normal,” where every move was crucial for survival. Survival Tactics The player encountered numerous obstacles, from mining for essential resources to battling mobs for survival. With determination and strategic planning, the player managed to overcome each challenge, including creating a sustainable food source and… Read More

  • Unearth the Hidden Depths of Minecraft! #shizo #clickbait

    Unearth the Hidden Depths of Minecraft! #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information ムーシュルーム は雷に当たると茶色く なるそしてその茶色にまたまた雷を当てる と赤色に 変わるムーチルーム はキノコを取ると爆発のエフェクトが かかり元のうに [音楽] 戻るえ 茶色のやつからは茶色のやつからにハ 逃げる逃げれ た取ると茶色のキノコが [音楽] 取れる This video, titled ‘【マイクラ】意外と知られてないマイクラの雑学3 #minecraft #マイクラ #shorts #マイクラウラ技’, was uploaded by 深層ハニカム鉱石【深ハニ】 on 2024-04-09 02:31:28. It has garnered 4681 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Big Soapp Minecraft Tower Stream Pt. 2

    Big Soapp Minecraft Tower Stream Pt. 2Video Information hold on hold on there’s a little problem going on there we go see it does feel a little weird when I’m like this but I think it’s a lot better than when I’m straight looking at the camera okay I’m wait around for some people to get on here well while wait I might can this work please oh my goodness and now it’s raining what’s up Spanton let’s see uh what not 54 and it kind of sad scon but not a lot of people are on here anymore okay well I’m going just start with… Read More

  • INSANE Lucky Gaming Ankit Minecraft Moment WTF

    INSANE Lucky Gaming Ankit Minecraft Moment WTFVideo Information तो गाइज यह देखो हमने बहुत सारे क्रीपर कैप्चर कर लिए अपने घर के अंदर मिलकर भाई मजा ही आ गया भाई यह एप्पल पता नहीं क्यों नहीं दे रही और यह मजा और यह एक और बार जंप करने वाला हूं मैं ओ नो अबे यार गलत भाई हो गया खत्म गाइज वीडियो पसंद आए तो एक लाइक और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब This video, titled ‘What the F*ck 🤬 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Lucky Gaming Ankit on 2024-01-14 12:30:25. It has garnered 6526 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – DONG_FORTNITE’s Keybinds & Building tips | InsideMC

    EPIC Minecraft Secrets REVEALED - DONG_FORTNITE's Keybinds & Building tips | InsideMCVideo Information the amount of people I’ve spoken to who are really good at this game and really good at parkour and they use R to Sprint oh my what and I made the most wonderful well-used map that everyone loves the black Wars season 11 hunt map that got used once and everyone said it’s the worst thing they ever played in their entire life and never got used again I guess my one fun fact is that I’m the reason fishing rods are in MCC sky battle there is no event game I love more than multip it… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Japanese House Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Japanese House Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Japanese House | Cinematic Showcase’, was uploaded by MrMattRanger on 2024-04-07 14:46:20. It has garnered 11868 views and 644 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. Minecraft Japanese House Cinematic 4k Showcase Tour World Downloads of all my Builds https://www.patreon.com/mrmattranger Find me on Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/mrmattranger Find me on Twitch | https://www.twitch.tv/mrmattranger Find me on Twitter | https://twitter.com/themrmattranger Find me on TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@mrmattranger Join My Discord | https://discord.gg/6usKvHZ8g9 Do you need a Minecraft Server to Build and Play with your Friends? DedicatedMC is a Minecraft Server Host, with top… Read More