Minecraft But Structures Are Random

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In a world where structures and mobs spawn randomly one man must work his way through n cities and more and cities and other stuff in order to make his way to the end not city will he be able to do it find out all right let’s load it up

And see what we get uh uh well that’s not a structure you see every oh oh oh okay there’s a Vex over there oh my God there’s another ship um okay there’s a blaze shooting at me what the frick is going on okay so it’s not only that the structures are random

But also the mob spawns are random I mean this is good for me right because that means I can in theory I can get Blazers I don’t even know why why am I starting off here why am I getting wood to begin with you may be wondering what

The resource pack is this is an upcoming resource pack that will be published as the Captain Sparkle’s name on Minecraft Bedrock coming soon it’s called Magic and Beyond it’s pretty cool so you know the be on the lookout for that one oh god I’ve got the random Loot drop Stars

Oh God the blaze is burning everything don’t despawn though please okay you stay over there I can fight him in the water okay dude I’m about to there’s an illusioner over there I don’t like that did the blaze already like the village house on fire oh my God are you kidding

Me right now dude all up why are you spawning it’s not even night time no did the blazdy spawn you’ve gotta be gotta be maybe a safer idea to go for this one because it’s over the water or this one is more easily accessible

Which one do I go for here uh you know what we’re gonna do let’s just get at least some like stone tools and then we’re gonna go for one of the two I’m not entirely sure which all right let’s go we got a serious upgrade I mean we’ve

Got to start off by looting the end city right like it’s gonna make our lives infinitely easier getting the loot and the electric even though I’m not gonna have any fireworks to be able to fly around like super well but I think that’s kind of the way to go here if I

Can do it without dying the key term here being doing it without dying right okay oh hey there’s like a hold on I might be able to get something out of this we got an underwater ruined that’s um you know I’ve seen some underwater ruins before that are like semi uh in

And out of the water but usually you don’t see it just fully out of the water I could try to find the buried treasure like that would give me a little bit of gearing up to be able to hit up the uh end City but at the same time like I

Mean my spawn point is right here so if I die that’s a freaking Bastion I think okay this is gonna be crazy wait yo hold on if there’s like if I can do some piglet trades bro I might be able to just easy peasy get the uh ender pearls

Because I actually don’t know like with the with the random mob spawns I don’t know if that would make finding Enderman easier or oh God wait I don’t have any for this do I that’s a that’s something I hadn’t considered yet you guys got any good food over there in your snowy

Village it doesn’t it doesn’t really look like it um but oh you know what oh I’ve got a solution here oh I’ve got a solution here thank goodness for the nether bone block spawns that I can just use in order to grow the heck out of some crops

This is exactly what we’re gonna do here bro oh my God this is Big Brain plays because yeah I’m gonna take a bunch of damage from the shulkers if I don’t have any food to like do any heels I’m just gonna be completely wrecked so I’ll just

There’s a sniffer up there what are you doing bud oh God wait I don’t know if random mob spawns can mean like a ravager could just pop up in any any location although I do feel like dude if I could get a bed and like place the bed down up you don’t

Get the benefit of being able to set your spawn inside of an end City usually and I could really take advantage of that here dude this is gonna be just a massive massive thing to have at our disposal versus how you normally have to play this so I do apologize sheeple but

Unfortunately I must have a bed he gave me one one only one Frank there’s another sheep over here come on man be more generous with your drops pretty please all I need is a bed I don’t have any iron on me I also like man I’m gonna

Have to cook up this uh food over here Frank I can’t believe that left me you just went bud what are you doing wait I could actually what do we get two God dang it like about to try something here hold on this is not the way you usually take

Down Iron Golems I’m living life on the edge because I am going to get one hit if okay I Gotta Get Air gotta get here hold on but this do I mean Iron hey getting a shield getting a shield be good I feel bad though right because like with the resource pack

I gotta be careful got it I’m okay everybody I’m okay oh God I can’t take dranic damage I’m about to get shot by someone in two seconds but this is it’s it’s time to make a shield and also a furnace probably so we could get like a little

Bit of food going here actually you know what I should just die on purpose I think that might be a better way to reset my Hunger but I can get bow now oh my gosh I’ve got so many possibilities now I’m thinking I’m I was thinking

About how to not wob I did it I managed to not make a wobble please clap thank you okay that’s good and then we need a boat and then we need a lot of boat meal and then we’re gonna get lots of food that way you know what no I’m not gonna

Just die I would never do something like that and then we get a bucket and then we get a shield ready to go it’s just it’s just end game stuff sitting right above my head and yet I am here just suffering it’s so close but yet so far

Away isn’t it but don’t worry we’ll be there in just a moment I hope that I can find some wool Actually I don’t even know what I’m talking about finding wall of the village they have beds at the Village I could have spared the sheep and just come over here instead I’m

Sorry sheep please forgive me oh hey there’s a bed hey whoa hold on hold on just okay he’s gone he held on okay cool we got that hey that’ll actually work great for some food but if I do want to get some potatoes and stuff like that I didn’t

Even need to make anything here man I could have just come straight here and been totally fine although actually oh God there’s a witch over there if we could grow some wheat though like I would be kind to down for that you guys got anything in some more chests over

Here wait why am I not having to equip the shield don’t worry we’re fine there we go Shield equipped some of the items uh don’t have their there’s another end city with the ship oh my God some of the items either don’t have their texture yet since the pack is still underway or

They have fancy models that aren’t Java compatible and therefore they just don’t display here in the Java variation of the pack so just like FY Apple oh oh I mean we might as well right we might as well I think you know hey bud come here

Come here here we go here we go let me get that ender pearl dude let me get that ender pearl bro it might as well I mean thank goodness we got a master right nearby wait does the random loot drops does random or not random Loot drop sorry random

Structures I’m so used to random Loop drops does that okay that’s potatoes I don’t want to find wheat you guys grow any Wheat around here um just carrots whatever dude I mean I could do that too what I was gonna say is does the random structures mean that

The stronghold will also spawn somewhere randomly like I might not even have to find it with eye vendors I may just be able to well I would find it in a way but I wouldn’t have to like search super hard for it if that makes any sense hey

Man oh is it time for you to be angry at me all right fair enough whatever you say all right here we go I think it’s time we’re gonna have to climb up the old-fashioned way here right unless I just collect a bunch of blocks and build

Up but no I’m gonna I’m gonna use some levees to get me up here also though where are my schulks at wait are there no sharks the city at the end of the game guys we made it we beat Minecraft this is so exciting there are no

Shulkers wait there are no shelters here what do you know wait this is kind of like awesome this is cheat codes dude my worst enemy is going to be the parkour like I’m gonna die to fall damage more than likely versus actually getting choked there’s mushroom okay where are

We at there’s some there’s gonna be some gear in here yep yep yep yes there is well R.I.P my uh shulker box streams but also I get to stay alive probably a little bit better than I would have otherwise ah yeah do we parkour oh my

God he has the park oh my God look at this look at this I don’t need that iron chest plate sharpness four on a stone sword don’t mind if I do give me more iron should be able to grab this but on the oh dude my glasses from the MCC skin

Goes so well with this let’s go that’s so cool um on the Bedrock version though there’s actually gonna be some pretty super duper oh there’s a witch up here 3D there’s gonna be cool 3D models for the armor okay is there a witch in the freaking

I’m I’m gonna get I’m Gonna Get Wrecked wait I’m sharp this far leave me alone oh how long how long okay it’s only eight seconds we’re okay hey hey hey you stop it now it’s poison spider at that okay bye-bye I’m gonna set my spawn in here nope you fricked me with that

Little double double slab stack at the end how could you all right we’re here hey what’s up mate how’s it going all right no there is a shulk oh frick oh frick oh god oh frick oh god oh frick how am I gonna handle this actually you

Know what I’m gonna Levy up on purpose I’m gonna Levy up on purpose hit me hit me hit me hit me we’re getting levied we’re getting levied I need to block probably from here okay we have five live for you know hit me again actually

Hit me again yep uh is this a wait is this actually a I think yes this is a loot structure yeah let’s go let’s go five okay we’re making it yeah we’re making it let’s go give me the goods give me the goods not today yo efficiency four Diamond

Humongous trades for the pigs mending on the shovel oh my goodness what do we have another official wait I didn’t put it in my inventory what am I doing more emeralds in case we need to trade what do we got here just raw diamonds absolutely brilliant I should actually

Keep gun powder because of you know oh wait uh I already have boots right I already wearing boots should I make leggings or should I save this or diamond sword does this already do this already does more than just a raw diamond sword so you know maybe we just

Leave that be we’re popping off I am gonna obviously need to get over there you know what should I take a little detour perhaps I did say I was gonna set my spawn and then I I didn’t we got any is there any loot in here I don’t know

Why I have a hard time sometimes identifying what has loot versus like doesn’t you don’t have Bluetooth over there I don’t think that has loot because it doesn’t have the top entrance like that but uh that has loot over there I don’t actually know why I’m

Doing this I should just go build over to the should go build over the ship wait you have loot too oh there’s a lot of loot do I go for the YOLO like like drop on back down I’m gonna do that I’m gonna oh God yeah

That was bad that was awful what have I done nope bad oh god oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t like this I don’t like this not one bit not one bit here you stay there I didn’t see that

One coming everything’s good but if I mine these blocks then then we’re gonna get projectiles coming at us in like two seconds so I have any more blocks I gotta use the wood I would like to get the choker though so I can get a shulker

Box but I also just don’t know if there are any more of them I should perfect perfect let’s keep it rolling let’s get more gear if I can get full diamond then that’ll be awesome even though there’s really no like harm you’re just going to the ship first hey

Man you don’t have any you don’t have any kids around here right Child free zone you know you’re not gonna attack me we can be friends yeah that’s more like it prop three a bit more iron just in case let’s go to the other side let’s go the

Other side okay I could make an iron helmet if I wanted to but I have a good feeling with the other side the other side is going to have a diamond helmet I just noticed I just know it is or a sword with sharpness on it or something

Okay there is a shell here you know what you know what this school prod for Mendy Unbreaking oh my goodness let’s go even better barely it’s just only slightly better but hey I can put that in there and then blast Pro we don’t need you 13 of those and let’s

Just make a helmet and we’re gonna be good God I love random structures man they’re so helpful don’t push me are you trying to like take the place of the shulkers and grief me off the edge or something like that because that’s not very cool man that’s not very cool at

All hey you can’t actually get axes out of here so why don’t we uh why don’t we make an ax there we are big plays big plays huge I wonder why you can’t like what’s the lore reason for not being able to get axes inside of end cities

You know have you ever thought about that you probably have don’t even I don’t even need to get the buried treasure anymore like let’s let’s be reasonable with ourselves here um I also don’t need the wool okay I’m gonna get some blocks I’m gonna get some

Blocks and then we are headed over to that ship and then I need to focus on anytime I see a creeper anytime I see sugarcane anytime I see any of that we are out here oh no then we gotta do dude is hope that we can put some of this

Gold to use and also maybe find a Bastion that has a bridge or treasure unit inside of it and grab ourselves some Pearl traits and then hopefully find uh yeah we gotta find another Fortress like in the Overworld I’m actually really curious what it looks

Like if you go to the nether like does it also share the random structures I’m gonna have to check that out but anyhow you know what I’m gonna do here I’m gonna do a little bit of um you know end City farming that sounds like a that

Sounds like a fun activity that’s brand new and I’ve never done before so we gotta make a diamond hoe like obviously that’s that’s pretty critical here so that we can kill the one piece of dirt and then we’re gonna probably end up losing a bunch of wheat out the side so

Let’s not do that here we go boom and then are you ready for some end City farming I hope so all right well actually didn’t get us a whole lot more bread I was hoping that it would be better than that mostly just a lot of uh

Seeds but oh well I’m not gonna complain I would never or complain I get to sleep with a beautiful view who wouldn’t want to live here let’s head on over what I need to do truthfully is I need to like I need to just take a couple days and do

Nothing other than speed Bridge just let it consume my life for several days and then surely I can become good at it and put it to use in MCC right surely all right here I come since when do I ever use this approach to actually get to the

Ship like like never never I always just build up directly under the ship but extenuating circumstances when do you ever see this as the view around a ship also never but this is great because what we can do is we can just fly right on over to the Bastion after this and

Start maybe trading I don’t know if that Bastion over there doesn’t look like it’s going to have a great deal of gold in it it’s just a bit sad for us but anyway hello ship how you doing no shulkers I don’t want ocean instant Health it could be useful it could be

Useful potentially I’m sorry to bother you dude I just like he was sleeping up here he was having a great time chilling relaxing and I just ruined everything ah is this no not gonna give me a diamond sword are we now that’s so sad more prop 4 more nice

Leggings and mending especially four over here I don’t know man you’re not really tempting me you’re not really to look at you look at how cool that is you how’s it going dude having a good time you know oh you look happy you look like you’re chilling dude it’s like in

The new surroundings you know I think hey you know what we should do should grab some uh obsidian while it’s just nice and easy to get so that we can make another portal you know if we ever wanted to check out what that looks like um you know what I’m realizing though is

Like okay so shulkers do spawn here right had I just slay uh freaking what I just slayed a Magma Cube and then a frog just where did you come from I’ve just realized like there might not be that many pigs over the Bastion also though

Um but I could like I could try to fly over there and hit that one so I have a spare a light trout maybe where was the Bastion again it was over in that direction wasn’t it should I go for that should I just take a little flight skis

Over there why not let’s go over here actually can I make it can I make it you go straight to it there’s a shulker though I just like oh let’s go the shulker just disappeared it just got replaced why did it just get replaced

Okay hi oh I see what’s going on here is is what is going on oh that’s just messed up what’s going on is that it’s taking the like existing spawns and it’s replacing them with something else so what was originally a shulker now becomes the Frog I get it I’m

Understanding I’m picking up what you’re putting down but also I can’t believe I haven’t managed to find an enchanted helmet yet this is real messed up everyone’s like don’t forget the dragon head what about the dragon head you’re not gonna be able to make the the heck shelves the modded heck shelves and

Stuff like that is that an igloo floating in the ocean it is it is okay I have to remember Bastion that way wait no that’s snowy hold on Bastion not that way Bastion look at all those bones what the heck hold on I did come from there

Though oh yeah that’s not snow that’s just sand it just looks bright in the shaders that’s all that’s all that’s all that it is wait there’s another ship over there this is crazy bro I could just honestly like I could go ship hopping and that’s all I would have to

Do oh oh I don’t like this I don’t like it I don’t like this I don’t like this at all actually what the frick hold on let me uh I gotta take off the electro why of all things why of all things if you put this in my line of sight

Where’s the where the particles where the particles right there get off the edge get off the edge it’s done let’s go okay okay all I do here oh hey man how’s it going not so good is it now oh God freaking heck okay I’m being just assaulted relentlessly

All of these things that could have it could have been shulkers it could have been shulkers but they’re not stop getting my hopes up for shulkers prop 4 Unbreaking three let’s go more gold I mean you know what the more gold the merrier right this is so big for us get

Out of here dude be gone all right huge huge I think there was another there’s another triple layer across the way with a little bit more loot or I could just fly over to there and then lose track of where I need to go in order to get we’re

Going back it’s back to the West in order to get to the Bastion you know that would have been like such a safer one to start by going to wouldn’t it hey there we go this is just right over the water if I fell I would be fine got

Anything good that’s kind of crazy actually that thing’s kind of crazy it doesn’t have cursive anything sure I’ll take it I’ll take more gold too all right all right let’s go check out the Bastion and see what happens even though I do think I do think a lot of the stuff

Is going to be replaced by other mob spawns wait is some of it actually underwater it is uh is that a giant what what’s happening wait oh oh what the heck is going on what is this place uh can I Return to Sender though I actually don’t want to

Get this is a mess over here oh my God wait I’m gonna drown um I could use a respiration Helmet or something like that oh this place is crazy it’s not a treasured Stables though isn’t it so um huh fascinating but if I get too close I’m gonna get mining fatigued and

I’m gonna have to depart so let me just stop I’m just gonna be brutes here I don’t know you freaking idiot oh God oh God no wait I can’t even break my crafting you freaking Frick guys this Bastion is bad I need more blocks to like build up I

Need more I need a cow you got any cows around here guys please tell me you do need milk any malt wait do I didn’t realize I have Frost Walker okay I mean that’s cool I guess that allows me to like just walk over to the ship and like

Build up first oh my God look at this dude wait that’s so cool just an entire like flooded nether fortress in the Overworld that’s wild dude that’s wild all right well let’s head over to it I suppose remember to swap out the chest plate so that I don’t get into trouble

Here okay all right and prop 4 and we engage and we engage hello guys you’re not used to these like nice clear open Scott wait are you gonna spawn are they gonna spawn here is this a biome issue or is this a lighting issue just realize

There might be a fatal flaw with my strategy that’s real messed up if the blazes just won’t spawn it’s real messed up it’s it this was supposed to be a Flawless plan it was supposed to be a Flawless plan and now you’ve made it potentially not a Flawless plan Frick we

May have to go into the nether but hopefully the random spawns will make it so it’s easier to find another Fortress I don’t know okay guys tell me it’s a lighting issue tell me it’s just a lighting issue it’s just a lighting issue it’s just a lighting issue right

This is get that pesky Sun out yeah it’s just a light you can’t be serious with this you can’t be serious with this I’m actually fricked wait you’re telling me I’m gonna have to like just boat around and find blazes aren’t you do you drop blaze rods

If I just hit the blaze quickly enough right if I just hit it quickly enough then it’s bound to not transform right okay oh revenge of the fish the only way that I am finding blazes is around heck oh and maybe they’re more common in the

Nether I don’t know let’s take a look let’s see where what does the nether look like here we might as well give it a give it a quick look-see huh tell me it’s tell me it’s gonna be a great place full of just so many blazes it is I just

I just know it is I set my spot no we just we just risk it we just go in we just try not to die okay I guess gold boots don’t even matter because like the odds of us running into piglet are pretty pretty low so okay what’s it

Looking like in here guys what is it looking like we got what do we got how’s it going dude you’re uh you’re looking a little big for your britches there you know let me help you I’m Gonna Save You there you go I put him out of his misery

Well I can’t tell if there are random spawns for structures or not in here I hear the gas but maybe that’s just coincidental like you know that’s a random gas spawn or something that I don’t really know for sure how anything Works hey man long way from home are we

Yeah me too oh that’s a bad environment for you there bud you know I’m starting to think the nether might just be a location of random mob spawns but possibly not random structures unless it’s just that haven’t found like an open enough area but I don’t know yeah

You know I’m gonna stick with my theory that the random structure generation is it mostly an Overworld thing and um stick to the Overworld I guess sugar cane let’s go perfect perfect I’m sure that I skipped over that just massive amounts of times but uh yeah now all I

Need to do I mean I can make three fireworks right now literally three fireworks you what a deal but I do hope that I can run into some creepers and or Ghasts and or not multiple ravagers please please don’t do that there’s a blaze there’s a blaze come on let’s go

Okay this is big there’s there’s a creeper too yo let’s go I’ve never been so happy to see a blaze and a creeper in my oh frick oh frick oh frick oh god oh frick oh god oh no no no no no no you just couldn’t make it easy on me could

You now you just couldn’t make it easy so bad this is so bad oh God I’m gonna get I’m gonna get pooped on right now hold on hold on hold on don’t despawn Blaze don’t despawn wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I need to put this

On I need to put this on they’re learning to Ring Around the Rosie but they can’t they can’t touch this did I get it did I get it God dang it didn’t drop I Axolotl how’s it going this is terrible okay um paper cool and then couple of

Fireworks skis out here and then I guess we don’t really need depth stride if we got fireworks right I guess we don’t really need gold boots fall the spawns are random right so here we go okay good good good good good good two the loot areas

Now this is traveling with style I do Wonder like is it possible to find a stronghold or are the strongholds going to spawn I wonder if the strongholds only spawn like at their respective coordinates you know so they’ll only spawn underground even if they spawn in like random locations thank goodness we

Got a solid helmet now let’s go you know what though maybe if I let it go to night time it’ll spawn more mobs right and all those mob spawns get converted into something else and then we’re good right we’ll just there’s okay come after me no looting God no got it

Blaze Rod no Blaze Rod God dang it we got a zoglin on us bro I cannot catch a break here Enderman come on come on here we go there we go here we go second Pro no pearls okay cool cool cool cool cool didn’t want to make they didn’t want him

Anyway oh hey we got a bridge unit over here dude I’m able to just snag some gold really quick if we wanted to do yeah let’s just do it I mean would you find a penguin at some point nothing like a nice underwater bastard they all

Seem to be underwater don’t they kind of interesting it’s gonna be highly profitable for us this like we’d be sure to get some ender pearls with this amount of gold right I mean even though you know post 1.16.1 and all that stuff but but yeah we would be sure to be

Getting some gold here or uh some ender pearls through these trades I it would have to be entering come on come on come on here we go he’s gonna drop an ender pearl in this game blown up if I guess he did drop a pro we got it let’s go that’s another one

Come on let’s go that’s number three this is so big oh come on come on come on come on Mr shulk Mr shulk I know you want to please please refuse to drop a shell they can’t keep doing this come on come on here we go here we go

Here we go here we go yo that’s so big that’s so big yo wait that’s treasure Bastion over there I mean I mean I I could risk it I could risk it and see if we can get some netherite up here I mean we might as well who gets to experience

A treasure Bastion in the Overworld not too many people also what we don’t get to experience is creepers or blazes very regularly hey you want to give me some gun powder yes he gave me some Gunpowder let’s go my man my who I don’t need that

I don’t need that I don’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need you in my life giving me grief please just get out of aggro range if that’s even possible to do oh my God it’s a woodland Mansion what the heck dude that’s crazy wait

Where are the strongholds at if we’re getting Woodland Mansions another smithing template curse of binding ancient debris oh yeah there we go there’s the nether riding it that’s what I’m talking about another smithing template another right scrap and I mean the question is like am I Really Gonna

Go and manufacture no probably so let’s just put the uh let’s just make another right chest plate you know a little bit of that a little bit of that way is that a blaze The Blaze just it’s a blaze but he’s in the lava okay okay you know what

This is fine because normally we’d be like oh I can’t do anything about this but here here we can do something about this please don’t actually landed a lot of it please be careful Mr turtle why like they just won’t they just won’t drop they just won’t drop why won’t they

Drop the blaze rods this is crazy boom and Looking fancy oh it almost looks like it already has trim it’s got a smiley face on it because we’re really happy that we have netherrite of course come on come here come here let’s go let’s go and a pro and it’ll probably be getting lucky

So far on those oh my God the luck streak continues with the ender pearls and for the life of me it’s just cannot get any Blaze runs no our luck Street couldn’t we couldn’t keep getting away with it understandable at the end of the day oh wow how exciting another another Fortress that

It has blade spawners that don’t spawn blazes you’re terrible and I want you to know that you should feel bad that you guys just can’t it just can’t stick to it you just gotta switch into not a blaze man eyes on the prize this is

Gonna be the one I just know that you are gonna be the one to drop the Blaze Rod when nobody else would you came to the rescue you’re not gonna do that I’m like oh for five on blazes what is going on yo let’s go okay we’re up to six I just

Don’t know I just don’t know where the blaze rods are here we go coming in hot coming in hot coming in hot literally into fire POG Champion indeed that’s huge poggers Champion yeah okay I know how do you do fellow kids but whatever it’s fine okay this he’s gonna be the

One you are gonna be the one you are going to drop a shulker shell so I can finally make a shulker yeah you wouldn’t let me have this without one final struggle we’re in this together aren’t we Bud rough life did I’m glad you’re okay hey let’s do it all

Right it is shulker box time I don’t have any wood as I was saying it is shulker box time let’s go all right that ought to make life a little bit neater oh come on come on come on here we go here we go yes I’m

I’m just trading all of my Blaze luck is going into getting ender pearls other than right there but we’re up to seven come on come on come on I’m hot off the heels of just getting a couple gun powder no dang it dude wait it’s oh that’s the problem I’ve just finally

Made the connection yet we can’t do anything with piglens because they’re gonna immediately just turn into ziglens oh no right the the instant they spawn in they just start doing the shaky bits so the only way would be able to we’d have to find him in the nether

Ah yep hey you know that’s why people don’t do uh pickle and trading farms in the in the Overworld you know because it doesn’t work it’s so so good to make that connection so I don’t know why I bothered with all this gold but hey you

You come here come here let’s go let’s go all right all right you are going to be Blaze number two let’s go come on all right now we’re on it it’s gonna happen wait wait wait maybe I can hold on let me let me get this ah frick I put all

The gold away I put all the gold away maybe I can just get this guy to do one trade before he goes kaput here here I’m gonna oh and there’s another place let’s go and there’s an Enderman hey hey oh that’s so he turned into a phantom right after

So I think what happens yeah of course that wasn’t gonna work we weren’t gonna get double luck I think as soon as it turns it counts it as like a new mob spawn and then it does the randomization on it right after the fact which is really funny [Laughter]

Uh okay well uh it’s all good come here bud how was nowhere near me come on I’m I am oh we need to drop it oh I was just obscured we’re up to three we’re we’re getting there we’re getting there dude even without looting miss me with

That and drop it yeah this is a stick up because I’m getting a stick it’s like a it’s like a fiery stick and it’s I’m like the numbers going up in my inventory dude look at this it’s end City nether fortress and Woodland Mansion just like back to back to back

I’ve never been able to head on like a nice elevated walkway through uh with a mansion like this before hey man you’re looking like you’re having a little trouble there my mind if I I’m about to exact revenge for all the struggles that you guys have put me

Through so far here please please please please please please please please please please please please you can do it you can do you can do you can do you can do it I know you want it I know you want it to be nice be nice he was nice

Let’s go okay five two more two more and then we’ll be good well then we need the ender pearls as well but hey buddy hey buddy okay all right I need you guys to chill for a second oh God thank goodness the ravager and the Golem are fighting all right because we’re getting

The rods or we’re not getting the pearls that’s just how it works isn’t it hey come on in come on in let’s come in come here come here come here come here get in and there’s an Enderman no way dude we can get oh this is two birds

This is two birds this is gonna be a two for right here we’re gonna get a pearl and we’re gonna Blaze on you’ve ruined it already you get it did we it was a twofer all right in terms of getting zero we could have had it all could have had

It all man well there we go that’s at least a confirmation that you can in fact get looting I was just just trying to remember but yes yes you can okay well this should make our lives a little bit easier even though it is unfortunately just a uh low level wow

Level two okay you know what I should be thankful it could be looting one or it could be no looting at all and now we can get lots of fireworks and that’s gonna improve our lives too so be happy whoa look at this dude look at how far

Down the bridge supports go my God they’re like disappearing into the void that well or the water that’s pretty cool here we go bro you’re living life on the edge juggle villagers are like hey man I I don’t see you around here often in fact I don’t see me around here often

Yeah there we go now we’re getting those rookie numbers up come on I thought it was an Enderman over there it is not hey at least we can’t yeah it doesn’t seem like warden’s um relatively spun because that would make things slightly more difficult okay here we go here we go

Here we go wait don’t don’t go after the Enderman no no stop thanks a lot Bud okay he’s right over there he’s right over there we got this we got this we got this looting two looting to do work give me give me a twofer on this a real twofer

You know what actually I mean in theory we have enough we just need to find a few more Enderman so I think at this point let’s just look for the stronghold all right watch this guys I’m gonna do sick speedrunner triangulation in here wait wait for it okay so what you do is

You do this and then I need to have F3 out and then you do you do um controls and you take the mouse setting like way down the only problem is with this resource pack you don’t have that nice centered line in the middle of the eye of enter to send to

The thing but it’s gonna be awesome okay here we go and that was pretty centered pretty centered all right pearl number two watch this go a different direction because there’s so many strongholds everywhere nope okay oh my God this and pretty centered ish okay so we’re looking at around uh

Really far away why are we so far away I guess it doesn’t really matter like we got fireworks but still why are we so far away that’s really far away I don’t like that well here goes nothing thank goodness for having me elytra I guess it really doesn’t matter all that much yo

That that shulk just like turned into a blaze that was awesome okay here we go here we go here we go you don’t see uh you don’t see an end City with oh hello with snow on the top area there we go yeah we got more blaze powder in reserve

Let’s go all right is there any chance that we overshot here nope we’re still going okay yeah it was just like pretty far so as it turns out it looks like the answer is that uh strongholds are not just everywhere underground so it should be like right around here yep okay you

Have a shot you ever shot and a broken car ah all right I just want to find the location and then Mark it and then you just gotta go around here and look for Enderman basically it’s okay it’s gonna be getting real close please no break

Please no break I can’t afford this I will never financially recover from this if you keep breaking oh my God it’s still going oh my God I am going to have to find six more ender pearls or maybe more maybe more it’s just you know hey it could always be worse right okay

There we go it’s got to be really close now cool thing come back up to the surface please don’t get lost please don’t be in a cave underneath we got it back okay great so it’s uh it’s right here it’s right here two three and four four here’s our stronghold

Now we need to find Ender Pearls here we go looting two yeah that’s one yes come on was that who’s two let’s go that’s huge that is absolutely Mega yes that’s like that’s like exactly what we need ten the question is when I hit

11 do I risk it or do I just go for 12 oh a nice fall survival there bud well done come on it could be you you could give us two you could give us two we could go all the way no come back where

Is he there he is oh we got a Zog one coming in hot Frick got it okay we’re good let’s go let’s go let’s go I think that might have been a two what’s it looking like what’s it looking like just a one no more It’s eleven do I pray for the actually you know what wait no I was thinking inside the stronghold we could maybe you know if we need an Enderman we let the silverfish spawner spawn and then eventually one of them might turn into an Enderman but that’s wishful thinking

Just you and me 1v1 bud is it that’s it I got three I got three of course I did wait why did I make oh I did that I could use the ender pearl while I was over there in the end oh my god I’ve just realized what about the

Random mob spawns with the dragon does it on does it uh oh does the dragon go bye-bye wait is the dragon still gonna be the dragon okay got a tadpole I wonder what she’s actually breaking oh God oh God they were all ready too in place I should

Break this just in case you know let’s say a ravager spawns here because that wouldn’t that wouldn’t be the best thing for us it’d probably be pretty bad actually come to think of it so uh yeah right on everybody well I guess um just go in with the elytra we can firework

Around and see how this goes this is gonna be it’s gonna be an interesting one that’s uh that’s for sure god dude the portal frames are like they look cool they look so cool with resource back stay tuned I’ll let you know when it comes out and and stuff

Um okay well I guess we’re pretty ready for this right and we can switch back over to the sharp sword I could combine with this one and get sharp five but you know what we’re good we’re good is there gonna be a dragon because if there’s not

A dragon then okay there is a dragon and there’s also other structures here there’s all mine shaft oh dude that’s awesome what the frick I mean everything else is fairly like status quo here but that’s really funny don’t often have a light tray here I do

Have to be careful in case like ravagers spawn or something is that I gotta be careful also missing and doing bad things no I missed it what am I doing that’s all right I can do good I can do good I swear got him um truly I’m not gonna die here right

Surely I would not no you know what I’m just gonna I’ll give myself a little and then it could have been really embarrassing I don’t know why I didn’t just you know shoot up like like normally got it okay so the fact that we’re gonna have a lot of agromance is

Is maybe not actually the best thing hopefully they get geeded out hopefully they can’t get into the fountain either yikes I don’t like that one leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I can just I can just go up a prick on top of one of these and just

Take shots while we wait for the perch and then I can swoop in when the purchase have the purchase happening purchase happening already I’m gonna swoop in Frick let me hit let me hit let me in stop pivoting around here we go surely the ravager is not gonna be able

To make it in right now he’s gonna be able to make it in uh not often are you dealing with ravagers while you’re trying to fight the dragons the rabbits are mad at the dragon because the ravager is not at the dragon then by all means continue please we got a decent

Amount of arrows still thank you for being cooperative actually with us being like really far away that’s probably what’s like helping here we go and without sick if only we could have electrons more often first time fighting the Dragon no no no bad ravager bad bad bad ravager stop that you stopped that

He’s dead now get wrecked oh no now there’s an evoker that’s gonna be bad I don’t like that very much come here come here slam these shots if we get lucky on these I mean if we use extreme events of skill then I can avoid having to deal

With the evoker and stuff and instead can they’re perching again which is nice and all but also I don’t like that I’m gonna have to deal with the evoker potentially don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it oh if you kill me before I’m

Able to do this I’m gonna be mad we got it let’s go uh let me put the put this on potentially could I use more nether right here hey we haven’t we haven’t destroyed the voker yet here it’s time it’s time you’ve escaped me for long

Enough now you’re gonna see what a totem looks like as well look at us my MCC skin eyes go really well with the resource pack um all right well that’s it we did it we beat Minecraft with random structure generation and uh random mob spawnage so

I hope that you’ve enjoyed I mean I do think that the random structure gen even though it didn’t hit in the nether it does seem to continue in the end so if you want to check it out yourself feel free I’ll leave a link to the data pack

In the description and uh you can give it a try although I removed the what the frick it’s just a floating Bastion ah how do you know I removed the random Loot drop component because it was fixed whereas normally you generate one of those data packs yourself it’s generating a lot of mobs

Oh okay all right everyone all right everybody thanks for watching and I’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Structures Are Random’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez on 2023-08-11 22:00:32. It has garnered 83434 views and 4618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:32 or 2612 seconds.

Today we play Minecraft but the structures and mob spawns are randomized. Previous data pack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmC31v1Shag&list=PLSUHnOQiYNg0x2DCnyhrX27jlEsf3Fi8I&index=5 Minecraft Data Pack Challenges Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSUHnOQiYNg0x2DCnyhrX27jlEsf3Fi8I

Data pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/minecraft-but-everything-is-randomized-loot-structures-mobs/

My Links ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● My Astro Headset: https://astro.family/captainsparklez ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Live streams: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez

Thanks for watching, dudes! Likes, favorites, and feedback is always appreciated 🙂

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    Scary Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Encounter 💀#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by White_official on 2024-05-28 16:01:05. It has garnered 10508 views and 359 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. herobrine,helping herobrine,herobrine encounter,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,minecraft traps,herobrine mod survival,herobrine trap,herobrine survival series,revenge from herobrine,herobrine hardcore survival,cursed herobrine,herobrine minecraft trap,#herobrine,herobrine mod,herobrine ,lava herobrine,noob vs pro vs herobrine hidden trap,herobrine horror game, vs,sawed herobrine,herobrine story,herobrine clock man, clockman, true story bro, titan clockman, jack bhaiya dance on gamerfleet song, triggered insaan, jack bhaiya degree, speakerman,speaker man, true storiestuffeRELATE titan speakerman, jack bhaiya dance, jack bhaiya doctor, huge stuffed pink… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream – You won’t believe what happens!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Livestream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE-Minecraft N Chillin’, was uploaded by Zapzzz on 2024-06-04 01:39:45. It has garnered 2811 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:59:03 or 14343 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD-https://discord.gg/jDKwNQkN Twitch-https://www.twitch.tv/himothyzapz Read More

  • LiosNetwork

    LiosNetworkWelcome to LiosNetwork, a survival server based in Germany with an English-speaking community. Join us for a thrilling adventure filled with custom items, boss fights, the ability to create nations, and a player-driven economy. Explore our immersive world, claim land for your nation, and engage in epic battles against formidable bosses. With a friendly and supportive community, LiosNetwork offers an exciting Minecraft experience for both new and experienced players. Join us now and become part of our thriving community! Minecraft version: 1.20.1. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility – Semi-Vanilla SMP – Whitelisted – 1.20+

    Welcome to Universal Tranquility! If you’re looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join, look no further! Whether you prefer to work with others or alone, you are welcome in our community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join our DISCORD server and check out our SERVER WIKI for more information! Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Enjoy all of vanilla… Read More

  • Intransigent SMP

    Intransigent SMPNew hardcore survival server opening for beta Multiple version compatibility We have constant updatesFriendly & Mature Staff teamWE ARE IN BETA We are looking for staff !DISCORD : discord.gg/gR5Yqcqpd2After a few weeks of hardwork, im finally ready to open my server for players to test it out and let me know downsides and upsides, I take suggestions and Extremly active. I hope you join my SMP crew :)We have- Thirst- Seasons / Temperature- Severe weather ( Earthquake,Tsunamis, And more!)Daily rewards and votes 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – PICK A SIDE, NOOBS!

    I’m on the side of the villagers because they have better trades and don’t blow up my house with creepers. Read More

  • Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine & Shine: Craft & Climb, Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No need to worry, it’s all child-friendly, Just sit back, relax, and let your mind be free. With funny animations and songs to adapt, Every video brings smiles, that’s a fact. So practice more if you’re new to this game, And let Fangkuaixuan guide you, it’s never the same. Subscribe to his channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft adventures that are oh so sweet. Join the fun, join the laughter and fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Read More

  • Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! 🔥💧

    Lava or Water: The Ultimate Race! 🔥💧 In Minecraft, water is faster than lava because it’s always trying to make a splash! #minecrafthumor 🌊🔥 Read More

  • Minecraft Teleportation Trick

    Minecraft Teleportation Trick Exploring Villages in Minecraft Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to discover villages in Minecraft? Villages are bustling hubs of activity in the game, filled with various structures, NPCs, and opportunities for exploration. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft villages and learn how to teleport to these fascinating locations! Teleporting to Villages Teleporting to a village in Minecraft can be a quick and efficient way to explore new areas and interact with villagers. To teleport to a village, follow these simple steps: Open Minecraft on your device. Press the “T” key to open the chat… Read More

  • FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel Skyblock

    FREE 1B COINS OFFER!?! | RandomRants Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Hacker Offered Me 1,000,000,000 Coins – Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by RandomRants on 2024-05-24 20:00:15. It has garnered 1282 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:47 or 2567 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #skyblock #hypixelskyblock I’m really curious how many players Hypixel has banned for macroing/hacking in Skyblock Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!

    Minecraft Horror Challenge: No Jump Scares!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Minecraft horror ain’t even scary…’, was uploaded by Laynce on 2024-05-09 15:08:53. It has garnered 1935 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:25 or 10105 seconds. I am really hoping to eat my words. I’ve been on the hunt for a properly scary minecraft experience. Reallly hoping today is the day. I want to feel FEAR. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/mcsx-minecraft-ps1-edition Music courtesy of C418 BISECT HOSTING: https://bisecthosting.com/laynce ** Use code “laynce” for 25% off! ** 📸 Socials ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ https://discord.gg/laynce https://www.instagram.com/layncemc/ https://twitter.com/layncemc Read More

Minecraft But Structures Are Random