Minecraft Cave Factory – Ore washing Automation #6

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Hey guys this is sethum and this is cave factory hope everyone is well having a an amazing day let’s go ahead and jump back into this pretty cool pack and uh in between episodes i’ve done a little bit of stuff a little work on our system

Here so we have the setup from yesterday where we’re we’re just writing down all our materials we’ll do our over washing here a couple minutes set up a drawer wall we’re gonna set up the ore washing right here maybe in a little smelt area over here but something i added to it

Was this here so yesterday i didn’t have these i have a ender chest right so pretty easy to do that so go to ender chest pretty kind of simple recipe not too bad just take these bags you’ll have to do some leather which i just did in the

Alchemy table using our water resettle so that is uh pretty easy but you can see it’s a little backed up right now i don’t know if this is actually working very well but basically what i’m doing here was having a way to automatically make sand and it’s not really working

Out i mean it’s working out it produces sand really good but it’s getting a little bit backed up basically that’s what i’m trying to convey here and the way i i was doing it is i have a cable now pulling directly from the cobblestone right so it’s doing that

Putting it directly onto the mechanical belt so you can see there there’s some cobblestone then it kind of goes through it gets ground down into uh gravel then i filter out the ravel pull it into one of these ender traps right then it gets pulled back

Over here then put back out again as the gravel that gets ground down again and then i get sand the only problem is i realistically need a slower cable i need a really slow cable because you can see here it’s getting kind of backed up and

I’ve done some changes trying to make it so it didn’t get backed up because before it was getting totally backed up now it kind of just hangs around this point but i don’t know if it’s actually keeping up or not i have to watch it over time i had to basically speed this

Down to half so this is half speed then it comes over here then i added a new item i never used before uh these adjustable chain gear shifts and basically what this one does you go here check that out check that basically when you give them power they

Um double the speed is the way i think it works right so on powered normal then turn the power on yeah doubles the speed that’s the way it works to any uh chain belt that’s connected to it so i’m ramping the speed up back to 256 here so

I can speed up at least these wheels and everything down here because i really just needed this slower because i thought that might have helped it out made it so we get through it but yeah it’s not it’s not working out the only other thing i can think of

Doing is maybe adding some upgrades um because i think at some point you get a redstone control then setting a timer on this that’s the only other actually let’s do that right away because that might work that might work and that would solve my issues right

Away if i go to uh what are the upgrades for that let’s go to amp pipes do you let’s go ahead and grab one of them let’s do that can i have some pebbles let’s go ahead and grab some nuggets i never have nuggets so i guess

That’s the thing i also did a big batch of um which i’ll call it their obsidian anyway i’m hoping this works here hopefully it’s on this one too because i don’t know if it’s on which one it’s on uh where’s all my redstone man i guess we’ll go ahead and grab you go

Ahead and pop that into there then hopefully get ourselves an upgrade and yeah i’m not sure which level has the redstone control on it hopefully it’s not the ultimate one well we’ll see here in a second i mean that’s good maybe throw that on the ground because that’s necessary for apparent reason because

Initially this is going to speed it up so it’s going to make a giant mess at first so if i go ahead and do this do we get redstone controls offline powered is there an on one powered wait i can’t change anything always off ignored off unpowered that’s uh on one powered

So right now it shouldn’t send anything so just sent a whole bunch right probably because those are really fast but that’s a thing and then i guess i would put a timer here and with that timer i might be able to uh try this actually uh we’re gonna get

A timer real quick i guess we could just go here what time would be the fastest craft maybe one of these industrials let’s try that let’s go ahead grab clock here and i’m just there crafting i literally just thought about this so we’ll see if this actually works here i don’t know it’s

Gonna work or not but if so this might be okay this might be the solution to make it so i get to speed everything up again can i have a clock i have clocks oh you just don’t like those clocks because now their time of day okay let’s go ahead and grab you

Sweet that’s the day timer we want this one right here and let’s see if this cable will accept the symbol uh signal from above maybe maybe right there and actually i should be able to just do that yeah this kelp stone’s going so i need to up the time let’s make it like

Uh i don’t need this fast at all i just needed to produce uh materials for me right and it actually does a full stack that is actually way better i may set this up to like two minutes there you go we’ll turn it on for

Uh i guess two seconds at first kind of see how that works and just hit the button so it sent about four stacks that’s actually not horrible this actually might work and now it’s sending nothing and won’t send any more until that’s done that actually works except for i may up that

Let’s go ahead and uh yeah every five minutes we get four stacks gulp stone or sorry four stacks of uh sand that is uh more than enough actually i may even slow that down more i’ve killed myself on this thing two times in between episodes too so

Is that the thing let’s go to like 600 seconds yeah 600 seconds i mean how much how much glass am i i’m gonna be using right now keep that infinite that’s actually perfect i’m glad i just thought about that but yeah i killed myself two times in here on these conveyors because

They’re growing so fast get pushed into the uh the crushing wheels here just totally crushed so yeah just humiliating you guys didn’t get to see it but that uh totally oh i’m gonna die again i just talked about it i’m gonna no are we gonna survive we live also weird thing

Too no not weird but cool thing this living area we have to wear the full set to get the benefit we’re up to 50 speed like look how fast we are now and also our jump look at my jump i can jump super high now too so that’s

Pretty cool so we’re up to uh tough i think that one’s from taking damage uh we also got uh strong legs that’s a jump the might might be uh physical attack i’m not really sure experience three and quick feet five so we’re gonna have to pull the upgrades off here soon

And start figuring out what we actually want at but uh yeah the armor is getting quite good now so that’s cool so i think we’ll go ahead and uh maybe go ahead and do some more washing next i think that’s the next part then we’re doing an auto

Smelt section here but i’m so glad i thought about that because that fixes that entire problem because that would drive me nuts okay let’s go ahead and set up the ore washing here we’re gonna need what do we need here we need uh these here i got the encase fans i made

Some of these this is gonna be what we use to blow the water at the garage doors and uh get it cleaned it’ll turn into nuggets right so it’s going to do the processing our doubling it’s actually a little more than doubling so yeah definitely going to be pretty good

For us so that’s good also this here i didn’t show you guys this either um fireflies sometimes you get fireflies that are spawning around they’re from the supplementaries mod and you can put them in jars and basically you just get these little light sources that’s actually only one i don’t know why it

Looks like a bunch but yeah when you catch them they’re just lights man pretty cool have to make the jars it takes like seven glass and a slab or something like that have this turned way down right now too because i saw we’re almost backed up we really need to get

This going so let’s go ahead and see if we figure it out here let’s go ahead and do that end up probably having the fan right here right there go ahead and pop you right there that’s good maybe go ahead and spin this around too because that

Would be necessary so this is going to blow water right so that’s kind of the idea there so let’s do that maybe get the water in place maybe do the water after i’m gonna have to move rotational power probably from that shaft up until uh back here because we’ll need it back

Here right so what would be the best way to do that we could do chain belts maybe let’s see here i can do chain drives i can do a chain drive here chain drive here go ahead uh hopefully spin your ram i’ll just get you out of the way for a second

You’re gonna go the right way there you go and then i want you go that way so that handle that one then i guess i just need like a shaft or something or a gearbox i don’t think it matters oh no i have to worry about blowing and sucking so right now

It’s actually something we definitely need to worry about let’s go ahead and actually grab this here go ahead and grab our toolbox because uh we need that down for a second that’s good drop off some stuff grab some shafts figure out exactly which way the rotational force is going i suppose is

Probably the next part of it lets us do that and that real quick and then get you out of here then let’s see if it’s blowing the right way if i just throw a gearbox there otherwise i’ll just use two gear boxes i guess although i don’t like using two

Gear boxes because it’s kind of wasteful right but anyway it doesn’t matter go ahead do that sweet is that actually working um this is facing the wrong way okay so we gotta figure it out here let’s go ahead and rotate it there you go there you go we

Got the fan it’s blowing but it’s sucking right now yeah you see there it’s sucking the air towards it that is the way we don’t want it so let’s actually break that go ahead and actually grab ourselves a gear box like thus there you go that’s going to start

Blowing it’s going to blow us really slow because uh it’s not very fast right now but it doesn’t need to be for this kind of setup so that’s cool we’ll need uh some stone or something let’s go ahead and grab some stone here there you go

Go to video awesome and then we’ll just kind of cover this up here because we really don’t need all this exposed i guess we will need this one here that’s where we’ll set the water then it’ll fall down there right so we go ahead and grab our water sigil go ahead and pop

That right here you should see yeah that’s what we want to see the little blue air there then we’re going to speed this up too so let’s go ahead and pop that right there just so the error doesn’t go past that point and blow us around then we’ll go

Ahead and speed this up again up to max cool and that should be going at a pretty good pace is that actually working oh are we over stressed am i over stressed right now where would i be overstressed i’m trying to think about where i’d be over

Stressed so again lesson learned uh that adjustable chain drive that i was using that we don’t need anymore because we fixed our problem right it’s uh when they get over stressed they break and it broke right here and it went into lava so yeah it’s gone but

That fixes that issue there and we’re good yeah it was trying to go at 512 i guess with it having the red zone on so we lost that basically it just got over stressed it broke and then everything stopped working when we head over here everything should be working now right

So it’s blowing things along if i put something on there now it should actually move at a pretty good pace there you go that’s good and then i guess all we need to do is pull the items into here and have a filter and once we have that we should be pretty

Much good to go should probably set the filter first if we can uh do i have i have some brass funnels right here go ahead grab one of them maybe pop that right there that’ll pull everything right now and that’s not going to be good uh we need like an ingot or

Something because there should be one that we could just do like is it probably be the one that we need and that should effectively uh finish this off actually it’s actually super simple at this point go ahead and do um it’ll do like uh all

Five of these slots too so i think one two three four five will all get kind of converted at once with the air it’s the way it works as well so it’s actually really cool so we basically could do like five stacks at once basically

Uh being washed let’s get to i saw it right there yeah is tagged forged it gets iron let’s go ahead and add that one go ahead and pop that there i think we’re good to go actually i should go ahead and just try this out let’s just uh let’s just do this

There you go so it looks like the particle effects are coming off all of them and at some point this should get converted and then i just need to filter this stuff and then we are pretty much good to go go ahead drop this stuff off real quick

See how long it takes for a stack takes time based on what you know how many are there too so the bigger the stack the more time it takes so but it looks like it’s being converted because we’re getting the white particles but at some point we should

See a whole bunch of nuggets out of one of these stacks here so hopefully it happens pretty quick there you go we actually got one right there so there we go got a whole bunch of iron i could take the iron now put it in there awesome there all the iron will start

Going in i’ll have to do that for everything else as well so yeah this actually totally works do you awesome what else we got here actually why is it dropping everything now oh no Is that there what is that that’s iron maybe i need to filter this off first oh i i’m putting in nuggets a lot of you guys are probably going what’s wrong with you system let’s uh pull this out let’s go ahead and grab a nugget

There you go and see if we can find a filter that works on the nuggets let’s go ahead and remove that one go ahead and try a nugget here and figure that out lead nuggets there you go this should work this should work so in theory if i do this

Are you going to start letting i guess i still need the filter but after that point it should work uh also oh that wasn’t converted yet so i guess i just need to wait for everything to get converted get it all filtered but i think this will work now

This i think i think we’re good i think we’re actually good now and uh that’s awesome there you go oh yeah i mean this will be able to keep up no problem as well too is that nuggets there i can’t tell yeah that’s nuggets go ahead grab you go

Ahead and pop you in there awesome and yeah i guess it’s just filtering time man totally filtering time so yeah just did a batch and convert it put it in copper will be another one that i have to filter here in a second but this does the ore

Washing you see here we’re actually getting our stuff at a really good pace like we already have 78 blocks of iron just from this couple seconds doing it so it’s going to work out really well it’s going to end up converting this entire chest and it

Should be able to keep up no problem at all whatsoever actually so very happy about this i just need to kind of wait for this uh initial batch to be done and then we should be pretty much good to go so it’s already gone through almost an entire line of it

Right i need you give me that give me this stuff so yeah let me go ahead and get this all filtered and then maybe we’ll look at uh what else we’re gonna do here so i think i have this just about all filtered here it’s actually already gone through pretty much the

Entirety of that chest so it’s not too bad it’s going through it really quick which is uh really awesome it’s working out really well i probably still need to filter nickel but after that we should be done i think we’re good okay so what we’re going to set over here is going to

Be the it’s going to be a little auto spell setup it’s kind of the idea so it’s going to go down quite far you can see but i need to go ahead i need a couple more in case chain drives i guess so let’s go ahead and grab that real

Quick sweet go ahead and see if we can actually make those puppies i think i was out of these right so let’s go ahead and review them grab ourselves some more encased i don’t know how we need eight is good for now and uh kind of get this done here so

At the very bottom we’re gonna have rotational force so we’re just gonna bring that across just like so kind of lock that and the way we’re going to do this could be fans we’re going to use six fans so we’ll be able to do up to six stacks of uh smelting

Simultaneously it’s kind of the idea so let’s go ahead i guess the fan would go next i was just trying to remember exactly how this goes i have to run rotational force i guess underneath those two but i’ll go ahead and do that very last next thing i guess would be

Lava maybe i’ll do that part first because if i add in the lava right now it’s going to be kind of messy so maybe i’ll do that we also need a belt let’s go grab a belt real quick i guess we can get that in place just so everything’s

Kind of planned out in that regards so go from here to here so that’ll work we can move the rotational force from this belt to that belt that’ll actually work out well why is that one not done this thing’s behaving weird it just kind of they must

Have like a random tick number on them the way they kind of smell must have a little random stuff because it seems to convert at different rates or maybe the stacks are different sizes i haven’t really paid attention anyway let’s uh run down here so if i want to run rotational force

Down there i probably need a shaft right here so let’s do that sweep do that and that right there then i’ll have to get them blowing the right way as well but we can figure that out last i suppose so let’s do this here end up having i guess an encased chain um

I can’t turn that sideways can i no i’d have to do something like this this and this that should actually work because i could just run the um rotational force down there and it should power the one above it then power all the rest so that should actually

Work so what we want to do i guess is uh move force let’s do that so we got that right there we just use a belt to do this one i guess this is all we need so we just run a belt from here to here and then do this and that and

Hopefully that’s going the right direction it is which is fantastic then we just need to i guess make sure this one’s gonna be running in the correct direction as well so let’s actually grab ourselves what do we need here probably some gear boxes and we’ll need verticals

Right so we’ll have to go ahead and convert a couple of those over and that is good awesome and then i guess we just do that then run the shafts and we’ll see if we have to flip the rotation but i’m not too worried about that that’s cool and that right there

Is that actually all moving can’t tell they’re blowing i think they’re blowing i think that’s blowing because we’re gonna have to dig down there just make sure right kind of go down i need to get lavender anyway so i guess it doesn’t matter too much yeah they’re actually blowing down

So that is actually fantastic that’s exactly what we want to see so that part’s done that part’s done so let’s go ahead and get as much of this covered up as we can so we don’t need that don’t need that that or that and that handles

That part and then we cover this as well cool we’ll go ahead and break these out i guess for a second then i’ll replace them just so we get the lava in place awesome and then i guess we’ll need our sigil go ahead and grab that puppy i’ve

Used the sigil so much i’m so happy i made it it actually has made our life so much easier with like a obsidian and everything else just no don’t don’t don’t don’t do that stop that stop that we’re gonna look great has been dangerous for me i’m just gonna throw that out there

I keep like blaming myself a fire running into the uh the the crushing wheels and stuff i don’t know it’s been pretty rough is that all done that looks good there see there we got these red particles now i believe if we throw so that can be

Smelted on there now it’ll get smelted let’s go ahead and test something here so if i grabbed us and say cobblestone right and uh threw that on here oh did that just get shot into the stratosphere it looks like it just got shot in the stratosphere okay let’s get

Uh some funnels on here first because i think that’ll kind of stop that though anyway let’s go ahead and put one here one here and then i think for this i may have to extend these two so there’s like a weird extension thing like that right i think

This actually may make this work properly oh we might only get like four slots we’ll see we’ll try it both ways we’ll do that and then that’s cool then if i grab some cobblestone now pop it out there it’s gonna go automatically in obviously system

Let’s go ahead and grab a filter i guess uh be i don’t have one right now we’ll need a filter go ahead and grab that and we should be able to just invert is melted on this one i guess uh that should handle most things actually that won’t work with

Stone i don’t know how we’re going to filter this one i guess we’ll we’ll take a look here here what options do we have for cobblestone you know i guess it doesn’t matter no it’s melted will not work for stone will it i’m not sure huh can be smelted

Yeah because i put can not be smelted basically if i invert that because we can invert these somehow yeah add opposite attribute i don’t think that would work huh so how would i filter this i’m just trying to think about it i mean i could do the individual individual items but i

Kind of wanted this as something that we could just put down so anything else there that would work really easy the other one that’s gonna be a problem i guess is cobblestone this is a double smell right everything else would work really easy maybe i’ll just do a separate filter for stone itself

And then have everything else is smelted right i’ll see if that works either way uh where is that it’d be can be smelted maybe crushed no crush wouldn’t work we’ll add the opposite on this one for right now and just kind of see what

Happens so if i go ahead and put that in there and then throw this in here now it should get stuck that should start being processed we’re going to see if that gets converted there i want to grab something else here as well see maybe endocyte or something see how

It behaves as well because it may behave differently because uh the cobblestone so this one’s working for sure i don’t know if this one’s working that might be the thing where i need to extend it because i wasn’t sure what the whole extension thing was for

It seems like it’s made to cover up like an entire belt so that’s kind of how that works but this one’s working for sure i think this one’s going to get smelted there it’d be done now that one worked as well it’s not going to let it in though because

It’s going to make it smooth stone so i’m going to have to start something out for cobblestone or maybe just melt our stone somewhere else because that’s gonna be problematic because yeah i’m not sure what else to add to the filter for that one but if i pull this one out

This one here maybe there you go the antacid is gonna go in there so this is effectively done for that part right the only problem is i don’t know how to get stone in here i guess this is the only thing if i set the filter let’s go ahead and grab that

Real quick can i have like two independent filters kind of working simultaneously so if i do that right stone and just said hey let’s stone in here yeah forge stone maybe that right there will you now let this in here or not i don’t think it’s

Going to so let’s go ahead and try it out though oh it does that does work okay so that should actually sort that out so if i do cobblestone now i can just uh do box multi you can see i just feed this chest with whatever i want this is

Going to center along then end up in here and i’ll go ahead and operate these chests too because we can actually make them quite big i forget what the uh chest upgrades are uh let’s go to uh chest here real quick yeah they’re just these right these

Aren’t actually even that bad let’s grab two of those ones there you go do these stack they don’t stack ma’am that’s totally dorky i guess we’ll grab two of these ones then we’ll go ahead and grab the gold to diamond as well we don’t have any glass

Because glass is another one i’ll have to do a big batch of here let’s get a bunch of that going as well really quick go ahead and do you here and we’ll just get these all operated man because uh yeah this is gonna be a good little

System just to do kind of like bulk smelting of anything i want to do it doesn’t cost us anything this is free like it doesn’t cost us anything that’s actually the really cool thing about this right it’s all just the giant freebie let’s go ahead and grab our

Regular upgrades i guess these ones right nope let’s not do that go ahead pop one here yo then we’ll put one here and go ahead and grab one of these ones as well look at that that’s good now glass shouldn’t be a double smelt either right no that’s gonna be fine let’s make

Sure you never know with modded right then i guess i could just go ahead and throw that into the system right here then we go ahead and grab these upgrades look at that man it’s just getting all the stuff getting all the upgrades and getting these good little systems going

To make our life a lot easier so yeah that’ll be our smelting system now i don’t think i’m going to do automatic stone right now at this point i’m not going to do um automatic seared or anything i’m going to be doing it loads right now the only reason is i don’t

Really have anything like requestify is really what i’m looking for something like that i think that’s in here actually do we have requestify request we do too where i could say hey only send two thousand of that because i don’t wanna end up with 80 thousand last by the end of the pack

Is there a glass singularity i mean do i do i really need that no there’s not so there’s really no point to do that i’d like to just keep a certain amount on hand or is this going to keep making it causing lag in your world and producing

Things when you don’t need it then i just end up having to void it off in the end so i’m gonna wait until we have something like requestify where i can really control how much it’s gonna send and how much it’s gonna limit right so anyway that is pretty much our entire

System here now so we got uh all the way to oral washing we’ve got our doubling all that jazz and then yeah we got uh i got smelting here as well we got the crushing everything’s good we got a whole bunch of resources being taken care of now good amount of diamonds

Already up to 288 diamonds we went from having almost no gold to 97 blocks which is amazing and i already have the 242 iron as well as all these other goodies as well so this is actually fantastic actually really like this this is actually pretty slick i

Really love this is the fact that it doesn’t cost me anything at this point as long as this thing’s running right and i don’t think uh i’ve gone through yeah i haven’t gone through a single flint and steel yet i don’t think i want to see

How this is working down here well i guess it’s used looks like three clicks okay the next thing we’ll do here is probably get an immersive so i i ran out of clay so i just decided to come over here make it in here so you just make it

With sand and the water sigil or you use a bucket of water with sigil though you don’t have to keep replacing it so i guess that’s the thing it’s coming from being crushed jam for rabble but i went ahead and smelted it all down to bricks

Before i thought about it so i’m just showing you another way to kind of get it there because it isn’t a resource that you have a ton of either way so anyway let’s drop that off that’s good there and now we can actually start crafting this stuff and

Uh we should be able to make nine of these hopefully oh i need to put all the clay in there this is what i was out of go ahead and grab that sweet we need uh 27 of these get started so there’s our 24 there’s our 27. go

Ahead and grab ourselves a camera here as well we need the immersive hammer right let’s try that again hammer it is in here somewhere it’s like the engineer’s hammer i can’t see it let’s see here there’s too many hammers there go ahead we found it we

Have the hammer down and we’re good to go probably just go ahead and throw it down here somewhere just kind of out of the way just a little three by three area and now kind of get our start the process i guess of getting actual cocoa right so that’s kind of

What this is for as well as creosote oil so let’s go ahead and do that go ahead and do that i may actually sync this on one more just uh for aesthetics there you go that’s good there go ahead and do that to do a three by

Three like i said really simple and yeah we’ll be finally getting into some thermal now which is actually pretty rad anyway let’s go ahead and hammer the center block there you go it’s actually formed that’s how that works there this thing’s gonna probably be so slow after

The last back tech opulus this thing was running so fast i bet it’s not gonna run fast in this one basically we’ll put the cool in there and over time you see there the percentage is going up that’s gonna turn into coco that cold coke we

Can then use to make steel so i just want to start this process uh we can automate this too i guess a little bit but anyway let’s go ahead and make our blast furnace as well because i think we got everything for that as well have to spelt down some netherracks so we’re

Good there go ahead and see oh yeah i needed magma blocks how many magma cream do i have right now magma i have two how many do i need let’s see here it would be i could just go grab the uh i guess the magma blocks but do i want to

I probably don’t so i need nine recipes of this i just don’t know if i have enough right now let’s see what we got we got do we have enough we need uh 36 magma blocks like so that’s good uh that as well we need the ninth one

Otherwise we don’t have enough but then we finally have everything we need so let’s go ahead and set this one up across from that sweet kind of get it out of the way these are machines you use a lot but a lot of time it’s just loading them up

And walking away from them right so not something you usually have to sit in front of for long periods of time so it doesn’t really matter where you put them generally if they’re a little further away anyway that is good there awesome and that is good so we’ll take

That start uh picking up all that kind of junk there you go i made the uh better dank doll too it only took eight blocks of gold which we could have four down so we actually have the gold one so i should be able to start filtering this other

Stuff i don’t have room for currently in the dankdoll so i could actually come in here now like add gold here i didn’t have this filter that uh probably cobblestone even as well i’m surprised i didn’t have that one filtered that’s good awesome awesome and i didn’t have iron filtered i guess

I would have wanted that in my inventory there you go so that kind of filters everything and it’s on filter pickup it goes straight in there i don’t have to worry about it this one holds 4096 per slot so that’s going to keep my inventory a lot cleaner actually so

Anyway this is the coke oven that’s cool grab ourselves sorry this is the blast furnace right you go ahead and throw some cool coke in here with that we can actually go ahead and grab some iron let’s go ahead and do that this is going to start our initial steel production

Right so it’s going to take a while to kind of deal with this but we’re going to end up with a whole lot of this stuff because ever need it for immersive basically uh we need a tank of some kind though what kind of tanks do we have

How much do these ones hold i’ve never i don’t think i’ve ever used one of these tanks copper casings uh we could grab some copper real quick hopefully i have no copper i do not own copper right now i need to get this uh down here hooked up to the system too so

I don’t have to walk down here but i think we’re gonna have um i think we’ll have if i look here the controller check that out real quick is there anything really stopping us no we’ll be able to get to that pretty soon and then yeah we’ll just have uh

Access to refined storage because i’d rather not have to connect it twice because otherwise i’m gonna have to do all my cabling two times that seems wrong also these are igit system what what are you doing with your life let’s go ahead head back up here and finally

We got our two fluid tanks awesome and does it tell us how much these hold it doesn’t really tell us here so they multi-block flute can be used to store large amounts of liquid boom got to use the pump pipe thing and the pipes doesn’t really matter like that we could

Just use the other pipe mod it can contain liquid can be measured by comparator that’s cool however survivor fluids could not be added or taken manually what do you mean it can’t be added or taken manually really in a second i’m kind of confused about that that last comment can i grab a

Bucket can i not buck it out of this one that’d be a really weird tank let’s see here so if i did that we have a byproduct in here basically it’s called creosote right so we put that there get these buckets creosote it gets filled up

It stops working so you have to worry about it oh you can’t i said we’re flammable i think we get lit up fire we take extra damage or something like that but yeah you can’t do that so we need some kind of piping here basically that’s a little weird okay that’s a

Different kind of tank i guess we go ahead set up a nice little double tank down here so we could do a multi-block here right then we should be able to pipe right into that so we haven’t had to make any of those pipes yet so they

Are these ones right the fluid pipes maybe go ahead make one of these there you go maybe two of them that is fantastic grab ourselves some fluid pipes that should be everything i’ll be need there because that should be able to pipe into there i guess we’ll find

Out real quick so if i do that then this and i guess we’ll have to visually see it looks like it’s uh not working oh it is maybe yes because there was uh 1.5 buckets in there right yes there was 1.5 buckets could i put this back in i can’t i think

We can just add a hopper there too and hopper ankle so just go ahead and grab a hopper that um maybe a chest as well if i go high hunt down a chest here actually we have a better hopper where’s that one we got his reward this one

We’ll just use one of these ones a factory hopper yo go ahead and pop that there this one has a big inventory doesn’t even need a chest right so let’s go grab some coal here i got a whole bunch of our system it’s probably actually we have over ten thousand i think already

Do that net that should be able to just keep that full this thing has a whole lot of settings too so you can actually set the pickup radius that’s the top bar this one actually slows it down so if you want to be slower you can do something

Like that and this one here will make it so can move more items per kind of cycle you’ll kind of do it if you highlight you have to hold your mess in a release kind of specific place has to be right on the arrow but it will kind of tell

You what it’s going to do there right so a little strange but they’re really good hoppers either way but that’ll keep it full of coal this will keep it kind of empty on fluid i’ll have to add more to the tank but that’ll handle that and then i’ll just have to manually because

You cannot automatically automate these ones to uh be able to um get uh iron you can’t put iron and coal coke in these ones automatically you actually have to do it kind of manually so i guess we’ll just uh have to wait a while for that one and move it in badges

Until we get the operated one i guess the last thing we should do there is actually automatically pull the coco go too i almost forgot about that so let’s do that also i did go ahead and move this one forward just i know i’ll end up with comments over that so i guess

That’s the thing as well anyway go do that go ahead and pop you here that’ll actually pull out the cold coat so this thing is effectively automated which is actually pretty good also for aesthetics just because it’ll bother me a little bit i guess let’s actually move you

Right here there you go you’re in the center so that’ll work out cool so we have this uh fully automated which is awesome really good and in time we’ll get a good amount coco and then hopefully in time a good amount of steel as well i mean realistically you should

Probably have a couple of these but i’m just gonna run with one kind of do it over time so that is cool that’s actually really awesome but i think i’m gonna go ahead and actually end this one here so as always you guys like this video please hit that like button really

Liked it hit that subscribe button it is always appreciated when you guys have a good one see you guys next video later You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Factory – Ore washing Automation #6’, was uploaded by SystemCollapse on 2022-02-25 20:27:45. It has garnered 15167 views and 462 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:30 or 2070 seconds.

Minecraft Cave Factory – Furnance Engine + Ore crushing Automation #5

🔴LIVE on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/SystemCollapsed

►Support me on Patreon https://bit.ly/2JwuSmz ►Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/FApBUtR ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/SystemCollapsed ►Pack Download: https://bit.ly/3LNZ7H2

Modpack Info:

Welcome to the cave factory – a stoneblock like questing modpack. Featuring custom progression and resource gathering (not very grindy although I’ll be working on expert mode after finishing v1.0). Starting in a room with a zombie spawner in the world filled with stone its your job to make some space and start building your factory!

#Minecraft #CaveFactory #Modded

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Minecraft Cave Factory – Ore washing Automation #6