MINECRAFT CHAMPIONSHIP LIVE! 🔴 MC CHAMPIONSHIP 27 | Gizzy Gazza, Joey Graceffa, Strawburry17

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Five four three Dog to destroy yeah MCC under llamas next week Oh my hands are freezing my hands are sweating there’s the Pacific Ocean on my desk right now nasty Yay I’m excited I’m excited to be in it again I’m just so literally swear I’d never come back I can’t believe this has happened they always come back Megan build Mart Parkour Tag Ace race sands of time oh God okay I wonder what everyone else wants us

What about this wouldn’t be too bad one to do I’m excited for a grid Runner Let’s do meltdowns let’s wait to throw until like right before five seconds before and also make sure once you finish throwing step back yeah so you don’t hit yeah yeah all right we’ll just wait give

It like okay 15 seconds I’m also fine with build my gun first honestly yeah it looks like a lot of people are going to build Mart oh the chickens are going out okay let’s throw all right throw straight okay I think we’re gonna no one else is good no one else is no

One else is doing meltdown anyway moving around oh wait no don’t be to get to the other side no don’t do to get to the other side I don’t want that to be first I think it’s gonna be first please no okay that’s not a good first game for us not good okay

I think we were one off there oh oh okay we did this last night okay oh Tara’s root force all right we got this do you know how this one works uh Megan uh no okay so you have a um you you saw a lighter yeah lytra and you’re gonna

Jump down you’re gonna press spacebar and you’re gonna basically Dodge and weave throughout the map just keep slowly going down and then at the end there’s gonna be a tunnel you’re just gonna land on the circle and you’re gonna punch someone um it’s a lot more complicated than it

Sounds because you go really fast but that’s yeah that’s the only one of us just try your best flying map oh yeah I’ve done this one before yeah okay it is it is a little bit difficult at the end it’s like you have to like hit them

To end your like time yeah yeah you have to punch the do we know if it’s a chicken or another player I think it’s probably gonna be a player like okay I think it’s fans right yeah yeah yeah get another side and whack a fan yeah

All right all right all right I hope I don’t just don’t get in someone’s face yeah that’s my worries like getting right into someone’s face everyone goes invisible that’d be great we’ll be all spread out once we are flying yeah for sure okay Craig and I did this last night I think

Joe you’ve done this as well yeah I’m just hoping that I don’t mess up the route this morning a little bit and I got it but what happens if you like mess up or you’ll be yelling after you restart okay yeah just be sure to press spacebar because I

30 seconds it’s like so slow come on you press spacebar right when you get down wait a few seconds are preparing to open please Okay so you can see everyone so just be careful No are you kidding me I made it what’d you get the fourth that’s pretty good job how are we doing so much I crashed right at the beginning it’s fine it’s fine you got this just stay focused take it slow don’t worry about the people around you just focus my hand is shaking so much whenever you

Get to the end yep there you go punch there you go got it I got 25th okay okay you got this Megan yep there you go right there right there good job nice to finish oh wait we were fourth full team no that’s green geckos oh but that’s the

Other green oh we don’t I don’t think we get bonus points okay all right it’s fine we got top 30. that’s not bad we did good that was good that was my pandas oh my God my hands are shaking so much We did do it good job guys yeah good job good job good job good job okay I got like I got yeah I got like oh here we go all right pins and needles on my hands all right so the best thing to do here is oh left

And then so how this Mount Works Megan do you know yeah okay all right yeah all right yeah just don’t get punched in the thing yeah yeah just try not to get punched Oh where’s the ladder No people punching oh my gosh that screwed me up I’m gonna get it third six third place let’s go nice how are we doing team how are we doing I keep getting punched all right it’s fine it’s fine don’t worry about it yep just jump on there yep damn it okay right here

Yeah it’s so frustrating because like I had this map nailed and they punched you yeah keep going go go go go go go go go go they go they go they go they go you got it all right good okay good job good job nice nice good job

I don’t I didn’t get my bounce for some reason I’m gonna spend holding his face yeah if you hold space on the Slime you won’t bounce how do I get rid of the chat it’s so big if you go options and then chat settings you can turn down the um

Size it should be way like width on the right yeah yeah I have mine at 144. all right good job good job okay oh that’s fine all right make sure you hold the the blocks in the app hand we’re going down basically we’re going down yeah yeah yeah yeah so how to

Follow someone uh where’s Hannah I have an idea I don’t know if this is gonna work yeah we’re going down there’s the jump one yeah yeah you don’t do a there’s no lighter though I’ve never done this one posing for RT okay all right all right having issues

Do you see Hannah it looks like Cara jumped in car was in uh green geckos oh yeah yeah Cara had to jump in for someone I think so what if I built all the way up to that platform up there and then jumped off do you think that’s a valid

Technology no okay no trust me it’s all the way down you’re gonna have to speed Bridge like you’re gonna have to place blocks a little bit so I’m just gonna follow someone just follow someone you really don’t know what to expect at all so there’s basically like circular

Platforms down there and you kind of have to bridge over to them to like jump from each one um I’d say the best thing to do is probably just follow someone um get ready to place blocks as you jump though because you might you might like

Land on the side and you’ll need to place like a block or something um this fire breath man in the center yeah yeah yeah easy in the center okay yeah that’s probably a good idea foreign What’s going on I just messed up so bad yeah I fell too Just follow that one yeah there you go Joey oh We’re on top of each other we’re on top of each other oh I got knocked I got knocked I got knocked I got knocked until oh this is bad this is bad this is bad oh I keep getting knocked off I gotta not go there I did it I finished 18. that’s that’s

Definitely enough root There’s definitely enough blocks yeah you just jump all the way down Joe just uh creatures jump down yeah no got knocked again gosh this guy’s toast punched yeah give me just punched Jerry punch creamy there you go yeah you go getting destroyed here someone punched me in retaliation yeah

You think it’s enough blocks oh you serious yeah oh my gosh Lily pink parrots was full to finish this one yeah That was rough yeah everybody’s just punching yeah and that was bad oh that was that was pretty sad yeah so maybe it was a good thing that this was the first yeah oh seriously oh what is this this is a this is a fairly new one

Um I didn’t realize that they want to do this one I honestly I don’t know the best Peru I’m just gonna like follow everyone else pretty much just kind of go through the middle and then just kind of just follow people placing blocks Oh my God foreign yeah there’s so many people on me right now oh my god get off me what they’re getting really great Oh my God I just messed up so bad I just saw that yeah I I thought I could make that jump and post a put a block there Keep going guys yeah Megan just keep building up just keep building up just keep building up just keep building up keep going up okay go left go left left that’s so it doesn’t block above you you gotta shift play there you go now we’ll build over

There go up there you go now you go on that and jump there you go okay good job got it got it got it got it hey we were full to finish all right guys we got some bonuses for that I think that the difficulty thing that I

Wasn’t prepared for is placing blocks with this many people it’s yeah so many people yeah yeah Because I think in the in mcci it’s just um there’s like 20 people 20 people yeah Okay my hand is shaking so much and I’m just like like shaking so much I got the shake so bad when I play this I’m so sweaty right now I want a map that we practice okay oh no no I hate this map this is the one with

The chickens at the end yeah why you have to like build up and like punch a chicken I always do bad on this map yeah this map is really bad I don’t like this map at all follow fire breath on the right guys he’s on the right okay Oh my God people so many people How did they pass me like I can’t see oh I got this like a fifth keep going keep going keep going keep going jump jump there you go nice okay keep going keep going Joey keep going foreign Foreign Maybe this is better for us to be first for the first game I mean oh okay okay we know this one we know this one yeah yeah remember uh to those who can speed Bridge fast just go along the Soul Sand and like then go up and then just follow whoever’s gonna be

Along the cobweb yeah yeah yeah remember that there’s gonna be there’s gonna be 40 of us so just remember that this is gonna be chaos it’s gonna be bad yeah foreign Good job okay uh you’re doing good go go go okay good job yeah Joey just follow there you go and just keep running you should be I got it straight jump it good job right there yeah good job good job good job we finished both nice yep yep good job points points I know the first earlier games uh I can’t believe I crashed until it is so bad one I did so bad yeah one uh there was just so many people and just punching yeah sort of cool it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay sixth place not bad guys we’re

Still just warming up like this this was chaos none of us were expecting like what this would be like with this man it’s hard to place the blocks oh yeah when it’s with the 40 people placing blocks so difficult for sure yeah man if I would have got that all right

Good job good job Creek thank you thank you thank you current event standings we are six that’s fine that’s okay yep yep yep all right no worries no worries just forget that move on to the next one what are we thinking next um one of the ones we hate for sure okay

Do you want to go meltdown for this one meltdown ideally I mean let’s see what the majority are doing if it’s like another one like build mod that we don’t want then we should try to throw our eggs into a dragon okay how do I what are you trying to do right now

How do I know what my overall is right now I am seven how do you know that it’s in the decision Dome it’s in the Hall of Fame oh last time yeah yeah man if I would have got the other oh there geez I’d be like fourth or something

Oh it’s fine it’s fine that’d be high for one upset me it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good all right on to the next on to the next okay I’m 15 right now okay that’s that’s that’s doable okay yeah yeah so let’s wait and see what they put um and then

If they go for something that we’re okay with we’ll just throw our hats into that if not we can try to counteract it with something Um yeah yep sounds good I’ll go back I’m gonna grab a glass of water sure go for it go for it go for it okay move your face cam to the bottom right wait is it in is it in the way for something guys Creak the input you forgot it we mean

The input I know I can’t believe I forgot I I didn’t finish that second one that was so bad oh that was so bad elevator we mean elevator [Applause] let’s go oh here we go all right uh against it okay okay okay okay all right all right we’re going we’re going Not last so they gained a special item what do they get Paint Bucket what does that do do you know what that does come back hey guys Okay they’re going grid runners why do I have a uh Paint Bucket what’s a paint bucket oh I don’t know what it does I don’t know I don’t know we have it though okay I don’t know what what does it do should I throw it like that let’s go grid

Runners what does that mean I don’t know what that means yeah yeah yeah I feel better about battle box and I do good runner I’m fine with you oh that old movie oh no oh no okay it’s great rental battlebox it’s about wait this could be like one chicken again

Okay okay all right we know the Strat yeah we know the Strat okay we’re gonna follow the left side uh or the lighthouse side whichever side we’re on um I’m going crossbow okay I’m going Stone swords yep keep an eye on The Middle there it is see the lighthouse on the side there

That’s the uh so yeah like whatever side we’ll just stick to that side keep an eye on the middle make sure nobody’s like doing it without us realizing right I mean it’s a wide open map so like you’re gonna get shot if you’re in the middle like yeah don’t go to the middle

Just keep an eye on the middle I mean yeah because you don’t need to do you don’t need to do all of the squares if like we run out of time as long as we got the most yeah then the other player yeah right right okay all right I think we’re ready all

Right and focus on God kills but we’re gonna do that anyway but yeah yeah all right one minute yeah I just mean like place them down you know just in case if we start running out but if we start running out of time right yep indeed yeah 100 okay all right um

Biggest thing here is just communication so if someone starts blanking yeah which the the map’s wide open so we should be able to you know see that yeah pretty easily okay cool all right I think we’re ready make someone do damage oh yeah let me turn off my Sprint toggle

All right we’re good to go don’t want to make that mistake in the actual game all right here we go five seconds in this wait what’d you say we’re the good pvpers in this purple and red yeah and probably blue as well all right I’m going across okay so let’s get our stuff

I’m getting the sword make sure you’re holding the blocks in the offhand if you need to yeah but we can use blocks no no just for the middle yeah oh Okay remember to communicate okay this is right side so we’re gonna go right side yeah Left side with the boat they’re on left side boat yeah they’re coming in they’re coming in I get hit with an arrow moving around where are they at okay they’re on the other side shooting arrows I’m dead I hit one crossbow Creek let’s go in

Let’s go in okay which way this way left side left side all right let’s get on the left side right here on me I’m dead wow we just got destroyed yeah let’s try being a little bit more aggressive I think we need to be more because they’re just shooting arrows at us yeah

Because Craig and I we need to go in together and then Joey and Megan shoot between us yeah yeah we are too we are too safe that time yeah okay we got zero points and uh that ain’t good that’s not good it’s fine it’s fine Aqua who’s Aqua okay this is rambu

Okay grab your stuff grab your kids yeah remember to Megan drink the potion like once we begin yeah this is mogulmail I love mobile mail yeah okay so we’re gonna go right again right right side let’s just go eat let’s just push let’s just go like all the way

They’re going they’re going the other way they’re going left One And another one oh my God who’s dead Rambo who’s dead okay Creek you wanna you wanna go for it I hit another girl foreign Let’s go yes yeah I think the aggressive approach is good like more aggressive for sure yep we got lucky with some Arrow shots as well Real weekend okay these guys are pretty good Sam and punk are pretty good okay just keep that in mind okay is it right yeah it’s writing in Lighthouse again okay yeah we’re gonna I think we’re gonna spawn on this inside yeah yeah maybe yeah looks like it Um make sure you step back Megan do you have the jump boost can you like go through the middle a little like them be chaos I have three hearts three hearts three hearts I’m out of hours behind behind us oh I got it he got me he got me he got

Me he’s one heart he’s one heart Punk is one heart got him okay I’m shaking so much I’ll snap you behind you yeah I’m out just you Joey uh oh okay that’s fine I’m like taking so much nice So yeah I think if we have Megan like kind of like go around and try to flank them to kind of like take our take the yeah attention yeah yeah we need to take I can do that yeah okay sure sure I think I think we’re gonna We Won’t Do

Doing too good against this team anyways they were pretty good this one I think velvet’s pretty good I don’t know about the album though Okay remember to get your uh Arrow story Joey arrows okay good job all right okay make sure you drink your potion once we spawn yep yeah I’ll go full chaos though this time all right yeah load them out okay right side again all right yeah right side [Applause] okay we got one going left I got shot oh Player I’m coming I’m coming to you you got it okay okay okay yeah make sure you stick together yeah yeah Okay running together Oh my God good job good job good job I’m out Jack got Jack a Jack in the middle they’re in the middle in the middle the place in the middle place down place down place down place sorry okay okay you got him you got him Well done well done Yeah you distracted them yeah yeah I meant to do that yo that chaos though I think that was a that’s a good one I was just yeah this one I don’t know delicious pretty good make sure you grab your auditory there you go okay we all got our stuff buddy Okay all right yeah let’s just keep it up let’s just keep it up we’re doing good yep okay I’m going right side I’m right side we’re going right oh wait oh wait we’re on the wrong side okay it doesn’t matter stay here just stay here they’re coming behind come on behind

Come on dab what okay they’re behind us they’re behind us they went both sides okay I’ll hit her twice with the boat I have Papa oh man I went right for them I thought that was you guys man this map changed me Foreign They were the first place team so yeah yeah oh okay yeah they split up they went on both sides guys we’re close we’re tied with the five six seven yeah all right Oh yeah yeah it’s fine it’s it’s hard because they’re the green ones so I was like oh that’s yeah we’re all green yeah I think I was shooting at Creek outside left side we’re going left okay we’re going left yeah yeah because that’s the that’s so this is Purple Panda this is

Fiber fan it’s fine I don’t worry about it no they’re not currently in first place they’re inside so they’re about to be in fourth that’s right baby okay left side yep yep motion yep all right good go [Applause] all right I hit one on the left hit two on the left look out yeah make sure you hide make sure you hide yep yeah yeah I hit another one okay Megan you run in load them I got one I got one I’m going I’m going behind him going behind him foreign Yeah and they were shooting anytime someone came they’re like controlling mid okay okay I think we just got pink left oh no we have a few more games we have two three more this is Hannah okay it’s fine just be careful of Hannah’s good uh I don’t know about the I think Paul’s

Pretty good too go right and go to that like little tip area the only problem is not a lot of cover you know yeah should we go stick to what we’re doing let’s try it let’s try it yeah let’s go live we got okay it looks like they’re all

Gone left yeah yeah yep Megan can you go through the middle yeah oh there’s one on the side on the boat wow they’re all shooting at us they were shooting at us I got someone behind you uh yeah Mega shoes right there they’re coming they’re coming

Megan run back it up back it up yep yeah good job Nelly’s right here yep yep yep you can take him you can take him yeah one heart oh I’m dead I’m dead all right Megan oh that’s fine almost Lizzy is Lizzy’s down to five we’re all dead yeah yeah yeah foreign

Stuck together yeah I don’t know why people are going right we need to we need to stick together Okay it’s fine it’s fine okay we got two more three try try not to run off especially if I need I need to stick with you okay sure okay all right I think we have pink left and orange yeah yeah all right we’re gonna take both of them all right oh yeah this is funny what’s funny they’re currently tied with us so Oh you mean this is fun oh no no this is funny I’m like what’s funny I didn’t no no

This is crew this is crew okay all right all right all right we got this All right let’s get to the drive side again yep sure all right left side okay we got one going left Good okay hit one hit one oh I’m getting hit I’m getting wow yeah I got blasted by arrows Joey Joey Joey right there I think we’re losing the arrow game like we need to like yeah we need to turn into a melee game I think I’m up Um I think so too and we’re we’re doing awful guys but the arrows is not good for us yeah it’s fine let’s this last one let’s just go aggressive let’s just okay yeah let’s do it all right we’re in nine let’s just let’s just run it and just not waste

Times of arrows okay sure let’s do it all right so we’re not wasting time with arrows does that mean I still have to get the jump potion yeah yeah yeah yeah always just get your stuff and just like run in yeah and it’ll get it’ll help you with crits too anyway so yeah Okay who is this this is lime uh Dan and Venom oh God okay all right where are we going left let’s go left and just push I’m sorry let’s just push it yep Okay okay okay okay okay lower them out lower them out yeah yeah oh Megan can you go through the middle dad okay good good good good all right we need to the splitting up okay let’s go in together and Venom’s low keep running man

Oh I died you got him I got Dan okay all right all right all right ah that was closed yeah yeah I had no hot I got Dan though okay yeah yeah all right all right okay on to the next that was it that was the last game well

On to the next we’re in yeah nice game yeah honestly I did not like this map setup yeah it was really it’s hard because we all practice a certain way together and then when you guys practice separately it changed the like the flow of what we were doing so

It’s I mean we were just practicing every day like yeah I think it’s just the map like we never had experience this map before we are our route that we normally go was not very good for the amount of arrows that were being shot at us like yeah it’s fine it’s all

Good what do we think uh what do we think for the next one what do we want I still think we should go for meltdown meltdown since we haven’t done all right yeah we can do meltdown that’s fine let’s do it not a problem at least four build more I guess um

Yeah either one either one of those okay just yeah just something that when we we need one of these ones that we’re not confident in yeah okay I think it matters at this point I think yeah whatever happens we just go with it no we got it we got it the ultimate come

Back in history have your cat help you with build mark because that one’s like really not we could do that just have them remember what we need no that’s that’s what I do that’s very helpful it’s even if you don’t know how to build if they keep

Calling it out it’s way easier build Mart is is like a good one guys that one okay if you feel confident with it then we can save that yeah that’s a good one okay all right all right Chad whenever we get to build more imma need y’all’s help you’re gonna

Remember all the blocks that we need so whenever we call something out you’re gonna you’re gonna remember that yeah all right go to the lift what’s the lift what do they mean oh they want it to fall collapse uh Tower of Terror oh gotcha awaiting that oh I’m checking I’m checking the standings

Currently see what we got oh no I’m in 11. no gotta get back up there all right where’s the lift down coming where is the left I don’t even I have no idea this wasn’t in my practice schedule although apparently it’s gonna fall whatever oh it’s over here oh okay I’m going to

The the like decision Dome area broke oh Underdog Ranch there’s dogs down here oh there’s all over here oh go to retrievers lime Labradors is that border collies it’s a blue border collies why are there dogs blue beagles no why they got all these dogs held captive man

Oh yeah we’re in like the Hunger Games like what’s going on here this is cyan cat the cyan cats this is our secret this is what we needed we needed the adorable puppies green Greyhounds that’s right we needed the dogs yeah indeed indeed I got a big question though how do we

Get back up we don’t know all right okay yeah all right all right so we’re thinking meltdown still Yeah sure sure okay all right how do I throw this you’re gonna want to go right up to the window and then like right up a little bit yeah and it makes your wheels back up so we don’t like yeah to each other sure all right they’re going oh Ace race they’re

On Ace race oh man we can counter it with build Mart we can do that now yeah let’s do Belmont or grid runners oh they’re throwing grid Runners I’m throwing grid runners oh there’s a giant Runners got it come on come on come on come on I think

They got it I think what’s the giant chicken I think it’s worth the extra point yeah okay all right I don’t even know what the Paint Bucket is oh okay well it’s not saying the time that’s a waste of good time low tide between yeah We are not getting the games like the last four games are gonna be the ones that we’re not very good at that’s so funny it’s fine maybe one of them will be skipping maybe it’ll be good maybe one of them will be scared opposite day the ones that you thought you were good

At yeah oh that’s true look at this Crush Santa Times we’re gonna Crush meltdown it’s gonna be so easy when it love that okay oh when it begins oh yeah yeah sorry yeah I’m not gonna definitely now I’m gonna chat with you guys okay we watched the vods on this we got

This one easy yeah yeah you also have to remember that people have played these Maps like before so they have a good Advantage like the that um that that battlebox one people have played that map before whereas we’ve gone in blind yeah so there is my sleep so it’s all good yeah

Okay here we go here we go all right oh wait we got 50 seconds never mind I thought it said five seconds how many is that three laps or is that full Laps on this one three okay yeah it’s three um I mean there’s not really much to say

Uh in terms of like what to do learn learn the map with the first round and then crush it in the second or third one yeah um if you feel confident taking the shortcuts do but if you fell at them it could cost you time um yeah that’s that’s pretty much all right

I’m gonna definitely all right good night guys all right boys chat here we go all right it’s go time it’s go time it’s go time not doing as well as we’ve hoped so far it’s four laps it’s four okay well they’ll find that out one thing not

Doing as well as I’d hoped so far but it’s fine we got a long games ahead so we’re good to go all right it’s four laps good good good yeah he swirler that was so funny dude I was like Oh foreign Foreign Oh that’s bad oh that’s bad that’s bad that’s bad wow that’s so bad oh my god dude Man that’s bad too man I’m I’m choking hard right now guys Man I am choking so hard guys foreign Oh my god dude It’s not good Foreign Oh my God that jump right there dude every time Oh Foreign Ah I shouldn’t have tried I should have tried Foreign Foreign Thought I missed last time I’m going for it doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it we’re doing it Ah I tried [Applause] Foreign I think that’s good I think that’s good I feel good about that I feel good about that there was a few times I just messed up the the Trident uh messed me up a little bit uh that one jump It’s it seems really tough to pull

Off I tried it a few times I failed uh twice got it once but uh I felt pretty good about I felt pretty good about Ninth Place I’m happy with Ninth Place that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good could have been it could have been way

Worse for sure what are the times can we see the Times fire breath man did it 30 seconds faster pearlescent moon was 10 seconds faster yeah I think that was pretty good I’m okay with that I’m okay with that same placement as the first Ace race was it

Yeah I feel pretty good about that there’s a jolly right there there it is you got it okay was um the slowest sand like like right here it messed up a lot of my momentum um light light this slow stand here missing that jump a few times uh messed me up I

Did really well right here and then I think there’s something you can do here like I think you can jump in the water and then go up there and like like like she did right there um this area could have probably been a little bit faster and then messing up the

The jump here messed me up a few times as well like missing missing that but also I I kept messing up on this for some reason and I don’t know why I just kept messing up right there and that cost me a little bit and then of course

This is RNG so it doesn’t really matter too much but oh yeah okay all right I thought I thought I felt good about that I forget about that are they unmuted let me see if they’re unmuted they’re unmuted 38 all right we’re good how you doing what’d you get I got

Nothing to get you got nine I got 19. damn all right all right wait Craig have you done this map before no how did you I’m just I I feel good I think Ace race is like my favorite one like I feel good about it I’m just good at running you know it’s

Just you know yeah yeah who who all hasn’t finished yet uh it’s just uh Pink okay all right cool cool all right cool cool cool that’s crazy oh Joey what what did you finish 35th yeah I messed up on a few of the jumps I was in first at the beginning me too

Me too me too for like the first 30 seconds I was in first and then I just I I choked on one of the Trident parts and it just got me yeah like like screwed up good job man we’re proud of you we’re proud of you you’re becoming a new man

You’re doing great All right oh I’m so sweaty right now Alexa turn on fans I got hooked up just in case I came prepared I can’t prepare nice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right what are we thinking next 24. um honestly the thing that we want are not coming up so I’m just gonna just

Wing it at this point okay all right what three games full games in now and the ones we won are not coming up so I uh yeah honestly I’m just gonna wing it at this point okay yeah sure sure man we really need some like modifiers or some multiplayer we need to

Sabotage those guys no we need we need something that will double our points yeah that because we’re not out yet but we need yeah we just got to do good on the next few ones you know Megan I hear the disappointment in your boys cut it out oh no disappointment free zone

Ah it’s not disappointed you are good okay we got having fun I feel like I strained my eyes like look on Ace face like I need glasses it’s looking so hard have them run it again and we’ll see what happens when do they pick the um

Uh like the the vote like when did the fans get to vote after the full game after the fourth game so the next game okay Chad I just want to let you guys know that’s like a little break I just want to let you guys know right now that

If you guys vote a game that we’re not good at you’re not getting robots for the next six months okay the next six months no Roblox all right no McDonald’s Happy Meals oh man they’re not gonna like that one I think the Voting is like the game you don’t want

Oh we got a multiplier that’s what we need that’s all we need to tell you what game that is I don’t know because not the Happy Meals I’m talking about these ends up time is nice because we can like really full head without one that one’s from Spotify can we yeah

Because of the because of the coin oh yeah yeah okay um looks like they’re going grid runners or melting Runners I’m gonna throw in that middle and just hope for one of them okay I mean it’s gonna be one of those oh that guy Ludwig teleported himself

Out there chicken hey it’s grid Runners yeah okay oh wait they’re moving over wait a minute it’s not grid Runners it might be meltdown it is meltdown yeah all right can low wig move he’s just like not moving okay he can move Okay who wants the uh pickaxe first what do we think

That’s good never mind oh never mind all right never mind okay remember the potions thing just in case oh yeah let me pull that up um one of the crafting I got a crafting table thing guys don’t worry about it don’t worry about that’s allowed right

Now we’re alone I’m alone as well no we’re only knows everything oh I see that we practiced you were really good at calling this out so no basically we we run over but basically we um next to each other basically once the countdown hits like zero jump because they’ll

Boost us all the way over okay all right so basically the countdown in like a minute don’t push us don’t no no no no no no okay let me explain so at zero second jump and because it’ll boost us it’ll boost us all the way over

To the other side do not jump off just jump okay uh and then Joey we’re gonna reunite if you look to your left and right we’re gonna reunite when we get over the water yeah don’t jump right into the water jump don’t jump in the

Water in your paws jump yes jump and the the explosion will boost us okay there is a alarming amount of TNT behind me yes that’s going to explode you to the opposite side okay and then we’ll I’ll regroup over there yep cool all right as you can see uh whoever’s to the far

Right make sure you go to the far right one I’ll go far left Joey you go to the middle left if you if you look all the way over you can see that they’re split up into pods already yeah okay so I will just take our point I’m too

Yeah you’ll be two I’ll be I’ll be the first one and okay oh wait Joey okay wait three two one jump got it all right let’s roll let’s roll Let’s Roll I’m in my God I’m in I’m in mine Megan you up all right okay

Painting okay so wait oh I see I see I see that’s blocked that’s blocked yeah yeah all right wait how do I oh we gotta share blocks okay we got a Shad block I need gold so I have iron I need one iron I got gold for you right here I’m

Passing gold into um Megan’s pod you ought to pass that over Uh you’ll need to pass that over to them gold yeah I need gold yeah copper emerald and iron wait oh shoot one iron I throw it two cops I have iron Emerald here’s an iron one iron throw it out your inventory there you go yep okay now I need two copper and an

Emerald block I need I need three more golfers here you go thank you okay now I just need I need the iron I need the iron Gold who’s got gold Brown this yeah yeah thank you thank you thank you sorry yeah who’s guys we need gold me and Megan need gold who’s got gold I don’t have gold someone should have gold check your inventory guys I don’t have any gold I need gold right

There right there right there okay Good job guys good job second what I’m in the okay I always go remember your your pattern shoot the targets shoot the targets is it tntic it’s targets literally targets it’s like Disneyland yeah it’s like the Buzz Lightyear ride Megan is this giving you flashbacks to uh

Amazing Race did I get that one recipe maybe that’s why this is so hard I don’t see it I don’t see it one on that side I’m trying to I think it must be I got it let’s go let’s go let’s go yep good job good job Malaysia okay

Friends oh we gotta hit each other okay wait wait Megan Megan stand right here Megan stand right here I’m gonna punch you into yellow good job okay go in the yellow punch Joey oh Joey you’re gonna go stand here okay I’m gonna punch you into blue

Okay what about me okay going blue okay then uh creep you’re gonna go over here oh wait no uh I think someone needs to be in red oh okay oh wait wait yeah yeah say about that Joe you need to move okay there you go okay you punched it right Joey yeah

Joey stand right here I’m gonna punch you okay ah come back up come back up and I can jump to Blue you can jump to Blue yeah yeah I’m already at Blue yeah yeah okay try again okay it’s fine it’s fine yeah let’s get back up there and then on the side I think you might need a job okay let’s try jumping then I’ll hit you yeah straight up in the air yeah Okay okay oh yeah okay wait I’ll hit you uh Joey I’m gonna hit you to yellow and then if you hit Megan to to Red okay okay all right okay I’m gonna hit you back to green yeah yeah yeah okay get a girl got it

Okay go go go go go go go good job guys big brain a little iconic let’s go guys okay and all one pod all one pot yes one go let’s go yep straight across straight across okay find items what items okay so we’ll look at the diamond uh smoker

Beehive and Bell Bell’s right here are they in chess or like no we gotta mine them oh was it campfire one oh no uh beehive Diamond smoker Loom do we need Emerald no no no it’s not mining it’s just you just mind them when you find them yeah I

Can find a diamond no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t know what they want to go upstairs wait is this a beehive I got I’ve got the diamond blocked yeah you got Diamond okay Observer that’s not it

Click on the Beehive okay put it in the hopper I’m going uh uh I found the diamond is there an upstairs to this put it into it there you go okay okay yeah there’s probably yeah we’ve got that Creek how do we get it I don’t see how to get upstairs

I think it’s here got the loom okay so we just need a smoker I got it I got it I got it I gotta head to the door head to the door okay all right guys carry that one go go go go go go go go go go okay

You pass the loom oh my bad light oh yeah okay we got this we’ve practiced this yeah okay I’m gonna go up okay we’ll go in the same way guys okay uh when I walk across this got it okay um there’s one wait I’m gonna get this one right here

Okay there’s one right at the top up here I just want to get to it um I got this one here and there’s one on top of the red Tower oh up there how do you get up how do you get up to the red Tower I think it’s over here And then oh you’re already up there you’re already up there I got this one here Okay everyone hit the door yeah I think that’s it is that it wait no no there’s one more uh oh it’s up here it’s up here uh where is it oh I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it yeah okay

On today on to the next ravages Temple there’s a thing called ravages Temple okay let’s go let’s go let’s go yeah sweet okay just let him kill him yep split up split up okay I’m gonna go right you can’t die in this so don’t worry I’m on the right path

I don’t see it anyone see it all right all right all four in one pod yep I’m running I’m running I’m running here we go okay yeah let’s go there’s a crafting Grove that’s popping up the funnest game ever gather grab the items oh okay

Okay we have to make it uh I’ll make the bed I’m getting a shot I’m shovel I’ll get the shovel okay here is a bunch of sticks here’s a bunch of wood um we need spiders for the bow I’ll get the spiders I think diamonds do we need diamonds

Would grab them I gotta get trees get trees I don’t know where the gold is I can’t see it I cannot see I need more spiders anyone see gold pretty gold uh you’re right here right here let’s go okay I got it I need one more spider

Which one did you say you were working on Megan uh I did the hay Bell already that is spider silk or anyone have one do we have a foot do we have a furnace okay I found some spiders okay I need one uh string okay coming up all right yeah do we have

A furnace where to put okay okay we need to call we need calls right there here we go we need coal okay there’s anywhere okay where’s the word doesn’t it have regular wood I put it right from us uh oh yeah right here right here okay okay

I just need one to make a shovel okay all right all right all right all right let me make this okay bow is done where’s the exit I’m guessing it’s straight ahead yep wait go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go

Okay go go go go go I got it perfect all right what is this unlock the exit oh okay wait where are you at so uh I think you guys need to like push buttons to like help me out okay yeah no come back to the over here come back over here

Okay so I need to I need to go over that yeah oh I see all right so how do I what do we put oh okay it’s a bow okay oh I see okay yeah you need a there you go okay what you gotta work together okay

Yeah sorry okay all right so let’s let’s cycle through and then we’ll say um okay how do I get back okay yeah yeah all right so Joker okay go go got it oh you need to be past it you guys need to work together all right all right okay Creek and Joey just

Shoot them up okay moving over here okay ready go Elmo go just go just do it okay got it good good okay run just race to the end just race to the end Everybody Run Everybody Run Everybody Run everybody run to the end everybody run to the end we’re running we’re running crap Keep going got it got it got it yep okay I got it yep ladder right there you jump to the left and then jump on they go they go They’re going jump jump yep got it okay okay GG we play time not was so freaking fun that is a fun one yeah that

Is a fun one that was a lot of fun yeah okay all right what games are left Let’s see we have Santa’s time we have meltdown we have build Mart uh everyone we hate yeah everything we hate left we’ve got uh that’s holding the wall hole in the wall yeah there is okay

But after this it’s the player choice isn’t it like The Fan Choice Uh yeah I think so we all know if they’re gonna pick we all know what they’re going through oh get ready boys it’s gonna be saying oh probably I’m excited for Seattle time though I feel like that’s gonna be so fun you guys are gonna really like it I

Promise you I mean I’m down with it it’s just it’s just stressful you know so that’s that’s it you’ll Thrive Creek for sure like I’m like I’m probably like five minutes away from a hemorrhoid right now like that’s kind of like where I am Overkill too much info all right here we go How do you vote I think you vote on Twitter yeah you gotta vote on Twitter yeah I think so yeah yeah Wait what yeah no we we sucked on golf we didn’t do good on golf oh it’s per round oh There you go we’re fast just on the city on the lamps nice okay we got full off on that one we’ll last on this one don’t crank okay we got knife yeah so all we need now to win is about 1700 points and we’ll be in first

Okay is that not like impossible it is not impossible it’s been done before yeah the multiplayer is really help does anybody have dreams phone number okay we are we’re almost in eight okay all right all right oh the pink parents not finished the yeah okay they didn’t finish now got it

Okay all right Craig is better than the dream okay calm down chat like I don’t know about it okay we got seven minutes seven this is right voting will happen you gotta vote for a game that you don’t want so we gotta tell our audience what to vote for

Let me pull up the Twitter real quick quick you got to send everyone to oh yeah for the next five minutes you control the decision Dome the game of the least votes will be played next votes why don’t we do Poco tag because then it’ll even be build mods of times

Will meltdown all right everyone vote Parkour Tag okay everyone watching the stream well it’s it’s the least vote so if everyone votes Parkour Tag it’ll be yeah it’s Whoever has the least phones will be played yeah we’re telling the audience what we don’t want yeah it’s backwards yeah uh yeah we will all

Give you all one million Robux and all the fortnite V bucks if you vote Parkour Tag okay this is looking good so far all right I’m going to the bathroom wow we got some time so I went to the bathroom during the last game right now all right okay for a sec

All right 19 all right post the link oh yeah here’s the link guys I’ll pin it at the top of the chat okay I’ll pin it at the top of the chat there it is at the top of the chat you can click that you can go vote

It looks like meltdown is is losing which is what we wanted okay so yeah chat vote for buildmark Parkour Tag or sands of time either one of those three and then we’ll get meltdown which I think it’s pretty much already a lock anyway but you don’t have Twitter it’s okay no worries

No worries no worries you vote a Parkour Tag cool sweet all right nice nice nice nice nice nice nice where are we at where are we at 10th place still okay all right okay meltdown for no I I I be honest I don’t think we’re gonna win

Meltdown because it is such a complex game and it’s super PVP heavy but um it is a little bit like fortnite and I do play fortnite a little bit so maybe we’ll see is it better to like like well actually not is it better if we kill their whole team do we keep

Going until yeah we’re done yeah it’s the last team remaining but you can’t collect any more coins once you’re dead so it’s um but the other team that’s left can keep collecting coins yeah yeah so if we take out an entire team then we keep going and they spectate yeah that’s cool it’s

Basically like battlebox fortnite pretty much and it’s all bows so all right [Applause] I’m back welcome back it looks like they’re gonna get meltdown meltdown yup that’s it so we’re getting meltdown I’m just gonna eat my protein bottle away you eat that protein what brand uh Cliff Cliff this live stream

Officially sponsored by cliff let’s go cliff James doesn’t know what meltdown is uh it’s like fortnite but Skyrim okay all right feeling good chat we’re feeling good it’s like listening to Ariana Grande on repeat except you’re in the middle of a volcano and you’re about to die in five seconds

Big brain mode yeah [Applause] I shall speed is winning guys I don’t think I’ll show speed is in MCC right now no that would be something to watch for sure but I don’t think uh I don’t think he’s in here at the moment guys oh boy meltdown is pure shooting no

Melee yeah I’m I’m better at melee than shooting though but Joey’s good at both so I’m feeling good we got two and a half minutes here meltdown is for surely winning man okay we’re probably gonna get Saints of time last then [Applause] valkyrie’s team is just going to go for

Coin crates stop them so they’re not even gonna go for like the the coin rooms they’re just gonna like go around the map and get crates okay all right well I’m not sure if that’s a good strategy because like the coin crates I don’t think give that many coins but [Applause]

Check your placements I’m in 10th place right now 10th Place and all the games I was confident in have now passed so that that’s scary that’s scary we lost we haven’t lost yet no no no no no not yet not yet how’s meldale winning it’s the one with the least votes

It’s got the the lease votes right now let’s see where all the teams are at you hope I win thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you need a huge clutch to win it’s all good that that’s all that’s part of the strategy guys part of the strategy how’s

Your uh your bar going he died he choked on his bar he died he’s not he’s not making in the next round purple pandas 8 347 red rabbits 8 000 blue bats orange ocelots green geckos aqua axolotus here we are way up here at the top in first place mm-hmm of course

You’re currently intense though yeah yeah an individual I’m on 10th yeah yeah oh man so what three more games or four more games we’re halfway there four more games yeah yeah okay cool first time we got left 12 seconds 10 seconds okay yeah here we go all right this is it

Meltdown it is all right so what we’re going to want to do for meltdown is we want to hold the map in the offhand with f um uh whoever’s I guess I’ll just take the pickaxe to begin with um like I said one shot kill um anytime you go into PVP put the

Heater down so that way you uh if you get hit and Frozen you’ll fall out and that’s pretty much it we just gotta keep moving [Applause] um don’t stay in one of the rooms for too long it’ll melt out it’ll die fall in the lava they’ll stay together right

Yeah yeah yeah big time because you get Frozen yell out because we all get Frozen together one heater will thaw us all out so yeah but if you’re Frozen you can’t place the heated down you have to have someone else right to heat it down that’s why

You want to kind of like put them down beforehand do we like call out who’s putting down what um sure you can call out when you put down a heater that’s fine yeah all right remember what happened all right I’m gonna grab the pickaxe map in the offhand all right

There’s the heaters right there green pickaxe whoa infinite Arrows by the way so all right are we just against one team no no it’s all in the same yeah every all 10 teams are here yep yeah so we’re going to want to go you see the coin that’s right above

Like like right across from us straight across two rooms across we’re gonna probably want to go for that room I can’t see it when the chat is there you go yeah yeah okay so there are random chests around them yeah yeah right this is like the Hunger Games

Pretty much I see a chest over there now so I’m gonna grab those chests and then we’ll just slowly make our way towards the um the coin room Joey Mega and I need to keep an eye on people yeah just keep it on Yell out yeah exactly I remember we

Have heaters so if you if one of us gets caught should we just place down a heater right away if if we’re gonna get into combat then yeah for sure but if they’re just running like and they’re uh like running away on like the other side of the map probably not

Because there is a cooldown period on them um and you’re gonna wanna watch out for that can we make an alliance with another team I wish yeah like let me call up Lizzy and be like girl let’s team up and let’s go right on the map all right here we go

All right so you guys keep an eye out I’m gonna go for the gold coins there’s not gonna be any teams right here though right now uh yeah yeah I’m gonna grab this looks like we’re gonna need oh there’s this one down there’s one down there’s one

Down right here right here and there’s the room right up here so I guess we’ll just go up jump okay this is where we can start we need it we need to look around like we might be missing a bunch of coins like we’re not in any hurry okay so like let’s go

Should we just go for these coins here there’s no one here yeah sure there was more coins back there as well okay we’re gonna we can back it up then um just keep an eye out keep an eye on keep an eye out for me um

You just yeah stay with us yeah okay let’s go back up let’s go back go back up there’s a bunch of coins did you get the pickup yeah this this is melting yeah yeah everyone back remember try not to right click the pickaxe because there’s only one pickaxe yeah oh okay um

Sorry let’s go oh wait this isn’t the coin room let’s keep going forward yeah we gotta keep going forward all right left left left left left left left there’s one point up here there’s points up here okay all right all right all right all right we’ll grab these grab these

Got it okay now let’s go up let’s go up this way yeah let’s go up here up top oh wait that’s okay no High Ground Advantage for us all right this is where teams are 100 going to be stay with us Creek stay with us yeah right here right

Here let’s go this way yep okay yeah there’s a team right there right there right there he’s in there no no go back go back I hit him I’m Frozen please oh wait there’s a heater right there we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re heating up okay yeah guys stay back yeah just back it up back it up back it up I’m putting my heater down that play thing thinks down oh they’re coming in they’re just Frozen

Yeah okay Yep was that a different team that came in from this that was the different team yeah we got frozen by Orange and then red just ran in and just wiped us out okay all right yeah yeah but yeah that’s pretty much how the game works there um

Damn sad like we don’t actually get like a chance to like do anything like yeah that’s so fast we could try just rushing the Gold Room and just go straight through both points you also get points about shooting people do you okay okay good yeah it’s three rounds yep

So it looks like these rooms are melting so they’re gonna have to skedaddle out of here should we maybe so we have another round should we maybe slow down a little bit in the beginning it felt very alike we don’t we we don’t have a lot of time

Because the rooms start to melt behind us yeah okay but but like that first area where we can gather coins there was a bunch of coins that we just like yeah Creek you were like rushing okay there’s still like a still a lot to explore okay especially earlier on when there’s like

There’s not a lot of people yeah maybe we should stay there sure we can do that all right until we have to be pushed just so we’re actually getting right back the only the only downside to that is the big gold coin room might already be taken at that

Point so I guess it’s a trade-off we’re gonna really get up again okay every single time all right sure we can do that that’s fine All right I wonder if we spawn in the same place around like go up against like the same teams or is it is it randomized spectate the Purple Pandas here so I think this is the middle here if you spectate blushy on the purple pandas Um yeah the lava pit it just all kind of goes towards the middle here everything melts down except for that [Applause] oh I think this bus is stuck who uh it’s on a red team a couple times has been eliminated yeah yeah there they go all right got caught in the yeah room

Yep yeah whenever it starts melting you gotta you gotta go go go that’s really good okay all right wow they just destroyed I’m surprised yeah good for them yeah wow wow wow wow none of them’s played before that’s yeah I know and they don’t even play Minecraft that’s crazy all right

Uh oh we’re in a different a different room okay it is random okay so let’s explore this room down just a tiny bit yeah yeah all right I can still be rushing but sure um maybe up here if you see coins yell out okay I see a

Coin Block here there’s two right here I’m gonna grab these three three okay yep got it sweet I don’t see any more in this room no also maybe well if we do see a team we run away yeah we could do to begin with I see a

Team there’s a team oh Megan you you went Yeah Boy Megan come back all right back here it’s fine okay I’m right here I’m right here we can take we can take a right path here I think into the room here’s a coin right here yeah just watch

Out for another team got it oh the team up there I’m frozen got one Place it down guys yeah place it out there you go all right if you have one can you throw one at me like run up to me and put one down right there yeah that’s good that’s good okay it won’t let me put it on like right there oh there’s a timer I’m gonna run up as soon as I get thought out oh they they blocked it yeah right okay I think a strat would be if one of us is left just run and hide like if we’re against the team because then we don’t we had we had a team on

Each side of us the only problem is like that room’s melting down now so I’m not sure we would even had time to like get thought out you know that was much better though yeah yeah yeah you’re like killing them yeah I had a I had a good spot I

Had a good spot yeah Was that blue bats yeah it was okay you guys have never done this one before right no that’s my first time yeah I feel like everyone’s doing really well yeah yeah there’s a ton of people that’s done this before which is like which I was quite upset that they put meltdown in because

Like we have such a huge disadvantage like Rambo’s done this before Amy’s has done this before and they’re doing really well but then again cyan character never done this before so they’re like so they’re destroying yeah yeah damn we got the hang of it now

Another thing of note is since it is a One-Shot kill technically you don’t have to pull the bow back all the way you can machine gun it and it’s still you know what I mean that’s that’s true as well so if you want to Rainbow in there

Probably not the best idea but you know so yeah oh you have to de-thaw the middle there I see Destroying purple’s not doing as well as I thought they would do on this one I thought they’d be crushing it And all those coins right there geez all right we got one more round on this though one more round on this Was my place uh tin right now I believe we probably might drop down from this one though yeah [Applause] knocking those out right there each other that was amazing yeah that was cool there you go Yeah AMC fell I think she got called off I didn’t know that um you have to pick up the heaters are not infinite by the way if you move too far away they’d come back in your inventory okay but yeah you do have to pick them when we were fighting those people and

Then there’s also a cooldown but that was a cooldown I didn’t know that so I was trying to put it down to save Creek but that was just a cooldown I was like oh yeah all right so I guess let’s I mean you want to do the same thing like what are

We thinking I think we should stick to the same okay all right sure sure all right keep exploring some more things yeah is there one up here no how do I get up to that bridge oh I’ll just go right here I think yeah yeah okay and then circle around

You got it okay it doesn’t have a point over here okay one right here yep yeah all right got it okay there could be a team coming from the right so be careful yeah oh there’s a team right here team right here teamwork back everybody back it up are

They gonna come this way they’re coming this way they’re coming this way they’re coming this way Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready make sure you shift I don’t know if they’re going up or if they just ran past they might have ran past I don’t even know

All right let’s keep going all right let’s go put these stairs no no wait uh yeah yeah okay we can yeah okay we’re gonna go up this way okay coin in here yep got it in right here to the left again got it yep

I don’t see a team I can’t see a team either all right we gotta go back I think Pretty sure I could be wrong just keep following okay I don’t see any more coins here oh oh we’re stuck this is bad we gotta go we gotta go we gotta oh we can’t oh that’s bad oh uh we have to park her out we might have to park her out yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah we could park we could parkour I think uh okay where are you at Gizzy this way oh I don’t know where you guys going yeah we need to I’m right here all right oh this is bad all right yeah go this

Way follow me follow me follow me we can still make it we can still make it yeah right here right here right here right here right here right here there’s a team that’s team team team throw them down throw down throw it down I hit someone

Behind us behind us doesn’t have a team I don’t okay wait in front of us guys just focus on this team okay okay I’m I don’t see anyone their heater’s still right there break it they must have run okay let’s go this way which way are we

Going this way all right this way this way this way yep on Gizzy on Gizzy okay that’s the one on that side left side I died you died what um disintegrated underneath me oh oh I didn’t even know you were I was like right behind you guys

We’re in a safe room this room’s not melting I don’t see that yeah I don’t we need to get to the middle okay team team team team team okay straight up there let’s just move into the middle yeah yeah let’s go let’s go pick up you up pick up your things

Okay let’s go let’s go up follow yeah follow us Joey coming oh there’s a team right here behind us take him out take him out take him out shoot him I got him I got him I got him I got him throw a heater on me and then

Destroy their goddamn heaters where the heat is ah shoot him shoot him I’m too busy behind you get him okay dude how do we how do we go punch it punch the heater oh we gotta kill them oh we gotta kill him oh yeah you gotta kill them all

Shoot him again shoot him again you gotta shoot all four of them Frozen uh yeah We didn’t find many coins but yeah there was like no points yeah you gotta take the coin rooms uh to get the coins we survived a lot longer but look we’re at last place now we’re in last place [Applause] I beg to accuracy eliminate the entire

Team is that you have to shoot the entire team and so we only got three of them and one of them ran away you do and then you have to take out the heaters yeah how do you take out the heaters you gotta punch them I’ll punch them yeah

Yeah see how like the disadvantage I’ve never played before yep We got unlucky with the coins Man I can’t believe C is doing this good they’re just dominating Purple Pandas eliminated yeah seeing still alive right now they are all still alive they’re at Mid looks like they split up too wow there you go nice wow wow wow wow wow everyone

GG I mean guys this is the game that we wanted first because none of us have played it we felt the least about this one yeah yeah yeah but what what games are left of times and build mod and then there’s one more because I got about those ones

Yeah what’s the other one um I don’t know the other one pocket tag yeah oh I don’t like that hopefully we can not do that one yeah up right back do we feel better about staying the time than Parkour Tag though and that’s going to help us with our

Placement that one’s like we don’t have to worry about any other team we can just focus on us really it’s not that hard to die either like you have to be like okay dumb to die like it’s and I’ll I’ll call you guys out on time so okay

Sure all right I’ll let us know when we have to leave so I’ll be checking that you guys just go and do what you got to do I’ll call it out cool cool all right I promise you guys are gonna really like that one if we get it gotcha gotcha all right cool

I can’t imagine we won’t get it that one’s fun yeah cause let’s see they’ll probably honestly if I had to bet they’re probably gonna pick they’re probably gonna go sand the timer park for attacking next is probably why they’re gonna go so if we want to wait

And then maybe throw all our eggs at Sands of Time then yeah okay we can do that sure yeah because the the coin modified or multipliers and that is like it’ll pop up you get a ton of coins and it just really helps okay because people can

Leave sands of time early and then they’re locked in with whatever coins they got the longer you stay in the more coins you get it’s okay that’s gonna be our our Saving Grace I think if we play it conservatively yeah we’ll be good okay sure all right let’s do it

30 seconds to go [Applause] I would like hole in the wall too though is that even an option yeah oh where is it at I didn’t even see it I’ve been down to do hole in the wall yeah I’m down for hole in the wall as

Well yeah I don’t get on the thing I think I only update oh okay what it’s gonna update like uh once 10 seconds it’s probably gonna like add it in yeah because I didn’t see it because you see how many empty spots there are yeah I’m

Gonna add in more games now okay all right sure sure I mean I feel good about hole in the wall if you guys want to do that I’m down yeah I I want to prioritize holding the wall of Parkour tackle Center the times okay fill them out at this point because I don’t know what to do okay sure They’re all saying no bill mark Okay wait guys uh when you’re ready throw them in and then like back up so we don’t I threw mine in chicken you guys still win oh they’re going oh it looks like looks like we’re going home okay guys moving let’s say move out move guys move move please it’s gonna be close

Uh yeah I don’t know it looks like a tie again is it I think holding the wall has two more all right I’m good with that all right so just call out the walls and um shift yep yeah just call out communicate and uh good luck yep it is the dough donut

One all right purple yellow green blue all the walls are gonna be the same color but call out the the color that they’re coming from yep playing first person as well yeah there’s gonna be no modifiers yep right on right on three rounds we got it whoo

Good luck have fun yep g-o-hf golf guys golf chat is currently muted okay we’re in fourth place right now so if we just keep this we’re gonna be doing all right I like it so good yeah we’re gonna win with a score of zero why in the world is my chat saying mommy

Raid right now thanks my guy all right here we go all right this is it oh there’s my there’s my golf all right it starts out slow gets going there’s so many people there is I think everyone goes invisible I think whenever you’re near them it’ll go invisible

But I don’t think everyone goes invisible I remember to jump like a little bit before you think you should yeah yeah yep and and shift helps yep all right here we go okay please five please everyone good invisible three two one they’re gonna disappear all right we got green screen okay green green

Literally just right in the middle green again green again right in the middle stay in the middle yep play it safe play it safe what do we got uh blue blue blue uh you’re gonna have to jump it yep we’re gonna have to jump got it great it’s green green we can go

On the left again green again yep under the middle good job purple again it looks awful again yeah purple again yep just shift I don’t think that you need to ship but yeah looks like we got green green yeah it’s a high one yeah yeah uh

I don’t think the world’s ever gonna be behind you it’s always just look left to right I think uh oh it’s blue blue blue blue yeah oh no that one that one just yellow caught a lot off guard there yellow again yellow again yep

Oh oh I fell off I got knocked off okay yeah all right I got this blue I need you guys to communicate okay sure we got uh okay yeah that one got me yeah I need you guys communicate a lot sooner when you’re out wow a lot of people got out then yeah

Yeah yeah foreign two more rounds we just need to be faster with the the call outs yeah yeah there’s a there’s a lot until it begins yet [Applause] ten nine eight seven Yellow yellow you’re gonna have to jump it okay purple again right after you can walk through the middle purple again play it safe play it safe next stop looks like when we got yellow yellow yellow foreign tonight looking out of Purple Rain green looking at a yellow yellow and blue

Yellow I’m gonna have to jump it yep yep yep yellow again yellow again yellow again yep okay purple again puzzle purple again purple again purple again again purple again purple again again okay yeah we got it we got it we got it again good job guys good job guys uh yellow

And green looking light green it’s green it’s right in the middle right in the middle go with your dad make sure you communicate uh purple purple yep purple again good job Uh green yellow green and yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow again okay just make sure you communicate blue I got it everyone did it yellow again too early got it you got it let’s go oh my God yeah good job you killed it you killed it although all of us stayed alive really

Long that time yeah I think that got us a lot of points oh my God blue again that’s amazing okay looking like a green next stop we got purple purple watch out this is a tough one yep uh foreign again uh purple green light blue blue uh yellow yellow yellow yellow

Purple purple yep purple again after this you’re gonna have to jump it looks like yep simple jump I draw a purple purple uh green green green right in the middle green again after this you got it got it got it got it yep gonna need a jump all the way up all the

Way over the inside as well gonna need another jump for blue dead uh it’s purple purple yellow yellow yellow yellow creep behind you yeah got it thank you yellow again yellow again yellow right there right through yellow yellow again we can go side yep yep there you go uh

Yellow again yellow again crotch it yep I gotta jump too again I jump two uh you’re doing great keep it up keep it up all right I’m gonna call him out we got green got it I got something though yeah yeah good job man good job good job good job good job

Freaking out man you didn’t go I don’t even won that’s crazy yeah you did real good oh congrats that was so cool [Applause] I got seven foot roll that’s great man that’s good that’s good nice all right we came in okay so each team scored we came six yeah how do we get

Six oh damn yes yep good job guys we’re still in ninth yeah I feel good about that we’re in ninth going on first I can take this off the bucket list I got a first in a game we’re going we’re going to our first place guys don’t worry all right

Two more games and then it’s all over I want sands of time so bad at the time let’s just do it stanza times in Parkour Tag I’d rather do those over build mods sorry Megan okay I know everyone hates it I agree I think everybody hates it is it because

You enjoy PVP Tech or you think we’re gonna be good taco tag I I feel like I’d be moderately well at parkour people do okay at hunt at being a hunter I think maybe I don’t know I just don’t I’m not confident enough in the building and

Like communicating as a team and like exchanging blocks and like I think we’ll get confused we’ll get turned around as well there’s just so much like to think about with build Mart yeah you have to think about is just running away yeah exactly true God whoo

This is the part where the rage Shadow Legends ad comes in guys we don’t have a we don’t have a reason yeah we interrupt MCC rage Shadow Legends you don’t know why I did so well on hold the wall is because in the actual MCC Island map they don’t have those kind of

Jumps where you have to kind of like half jump through the block yeah they do on the practice of it and nobody ever touched the practice over on the wall but I still do like just practicing like those kind of jumps they didn’t have that half jump thing that that got me

Twice yeah but luckily they got everybody I was like oh babe I fell off yeah yeah the funny thing is it’s the it’s the um it’s PR like doing it before like a lot of people have never done hole in the wall before but since I have like I’ve

Had that Advantage whereas like with meltdown for example we had that disadvantage right yeah all right so we throw in our hats in for Santa time Santa Times apocal attack at this point yeah okay I think I think tons of times would be fun for us to just learn

Anyways and just have fun I have a feeling I want to learn how to be an Explorer so like I want to kind of now that I’m not like freaking out about like being first or second I just want to like learn the map okay I think everyone wants Taco attack oh

God build mod or Santa times after the decider game as long as it’s not pull apart let’s go Santa’s time let’s do it let’s do it throw it in what what’s going on oh we’re all in here we’re all in save the time same time same time yeah worse every stand

Every time Joey Joey comes down it looks like Parkour Tag yeah I’m just gonna go I’m gonna go to The Winning Side all right that’s fine that’s fine all right so we’re gonna do three three It’s Gonna be Me Gizzy uh Joey right yeah we’re gonna take turns based on uh

We’re up again okay all right sure so for example if it’s like on his team maybe Joey could do it like as the Huntington okay and then if it is okay like we’re just trying to Prior if it’s like fiber then maybe Creek I think you did better compared to me if

It’s Firebird what you’ll be the hunter server to fire breath man’s team kind of thing for example okay I’m just trying to prioritize like who’s good yeah okay so remember to jump in the middle to practice the map oh yeah okay yeah all right whoo I so most important thing here is just

Kind of like communication so like you want to keep an eye on where the hunter is at all times um make sure you communicate if he’s going after someone call it out um this map is pretty fun and I mean other than that it is a bigger map than the

One on the practice server is there any strats of like confusing people or is it just literally run for your life just run yeah like if you’re dead you need to communicate with a hunter or everyone else this is a big mess there’s not a lot of hard jumps it

Seems like no this seems quite easy yeah it is bigger though it does a lot of jumps yeah there is okay it is bigger yeah I’m a little bit concerned about the bigger map so basically we’re gonna definitely want to spread out okay for sure

And just try and keep on the other side of the map that the Hunter’s on we just need to check what the team is first and then like we’ll decide between me Joey and Creek who’s going to be the hunter yeah okay sure sure so

How does it work is do we take turns with the hunt yeah we’ll just we’ll see what the team is and then we’ll no I I mean like is there a hunter on their team and a hunter on our team at the same time or yep so we

Have to run away from their Hunter and whoever the hunter is still on the same map though it’s separate instances yeah right yeah that’s okay orange so that’s that’s gonna be meal Creek what do you think should I go first go for it you got it they chose Dan so I’ll go

Okay the ogs oh Dad Venom okay that’s fine so um I’ll go left Joey if you want to kind of like stick near like the middle like kind of hang around but also the orange give me human story uh Megan do you have eyes on Anthony

He’s coming after oh he got me he got me he’s right next to me okay all right all right all right he’s behind you is behind you he’s on your right he’s on your right double back double back or behind you behind you behind you oh my

God oh he’s right there oh my God I thought he was right right behind me rip I can’t get any of them stressing out okay you got it you got it dude you got it you got it we’re all dead yeah yeah you go for the next one

Oh I can’t get it you got it you got it you got it There’s nine rounds of those yeah torture it’s one of your 1v1 I just got gonna be just as it all right damn ah I got two of them though but that’s not good all right that’s fine that’s cool that’s cool all right what’s next everyone on your team ready yes let’s do it

Okay um what are we thinking me or Joey uh let’s do Creek let’s try Creek okay this one’s pretty good team too The hunter is punk Okay so go in again just maybe keep running and also remember you have a pull in your inventory that will show where they are but oh Okay they’re going towards two yeah they’re going towards you oh whoa are they getting you so quick okay they’re coming towards us Joe split up yeah split up is it going out there right behind you Joey just keep on Joey keep going keep running keep running yeah Meg oh there’s a cup after

Me what oh oh sorry I thought that was Joey I need glasses I’m so sorry dizzy it’s you yeah okay okay wait Joey where you at okay just keep running okay turn around turn around turn around turn around yeah yeah there you go ah dude because

He was trying to he was trying to cut you off I got along you got him nice they beat her they beat us though they beat us though yeah we need to get all the the runners before the the hunter gets us oh got it yeah yeah

Sorry about that guys I really need glasses okay what are we thinking cyan uh number one should we try should we try Creek for this one sure I can try being the hunter if you guys want me Let maybe for let’s just let’s let’s just let’s let’s see how we go okay okay they’re running up with everyone after you guys oh oh they’re right there okay okay keep running don’t turn around turn around turn turn around too late I know who you’re talking to either

You’re the only one alive at that point I am choking hard at this one you’re good you got it I got one I got two Ah almost had him man so close who okay Joey yeah Joey yeah yeah you want me to be the hunter yeah go for it you guys yeah we talked about this yeah yeah all right you got this yeah this is a cruise team this is this is the crew this is Roblox

Everyone knows Roblox sucks uh Roblox are good at parkour yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay they’re coming in the middle I’m here okay I’m targeting you okay yeah he’s coming off to me okay because I’m heading your way Creek I’m keep running I’m heading your way okay all right sure sure

Megan communicate where’s he at yeah yeah he’s right behind you okay so I got two of them on your right guys he’s still going after Gizzy yep I did oh yeah keep going keep going keep going Joey yeah they’re right behind you guys yeah um I’m moving to the other side of

The map right now yeah just keep going guys you’re good how you doing Joey right on her tail come on you got this all right keep moving yeah just keep doing that they’re they’re exhausted Yes we survived nice good job good job good job good job guys good job oh okay I think we got more points than them so good job nice nice Ah me with you uh I’ll do it sure fire breath man is probably gonna hunt so no it looks like maybe not actually looks like it’s blushy it is blushy okay all right all right I’m gonna go left Joey you’re going right I think I don’t see him where’d he go where they at where are they at it’s here she’s over by me yeah on that side of the map all right all right all right they’re gonna get me they’re gonna get me I see him they’re coming this way coming this way oh shoot oh shoot

Let’s try not to Bunch up a little bit all right where is she I don’t see her middle she’s coming from my way she’s going for Joey okay she got me the center on your right behind me okay I’m gonna go right good yeah I see him I see him I see him

I see him oh man got me okay I got b double oh got him I got them all right good job they beat us though yeah okay all right so Creek and I only have one left and Joey has two so we need to keep that in mind yeah yeah

Because we only got three each yeah yeah yellow Yaks uh this one could be Joey okay go for it All right All right uh I’ll go left again I guess I’ll go left as well okay okay run the other way remember to use your pull yeah they’re right behind me yeah right behind you they’re right behind you just keep running Megan just keep running okay let’s play

It off that they’re coming up in me now oh they got me they got me they got me yep they’re right they’re in the middle in the middle in the middle running right yeah uh go back go back go back go back go back go back turn around

No that was that was bad directions that’s the squirmy little for me have you uh have you got any Joy I have not that’s fine keep going you got it you got it how did I miss that Okay we got looks like three more rounds I think oh apparently we have full hunts someone in my chats that we have four hunts oh dude we prioritize Creek doing more then okay do you want me to do this one yeah you do this one okay yeah I have one more after this

Okay it is four okay Okay all right okay so they’re going right okay they’re going towards you yeah they’re cutting across the middle oh Joey that one not what’s up keep communicating you’re right and you’re right okay all right behind you oh I got stuck I got him I got him I got him nice

You got them all right Yeah you should definitely uh do the next one too okay I’ll do the last one wait who’s left Diane coyotes I don’t think we’ve done a couple Pat oh we dumped bubble pandas cyan codes are currently in the lead so I think I think you should do that one okay all right I feel like build Mart would have been better yeah two of us are not parkour Queens yes individual yeah okay well I mean the taco attack was still Taco attack was still a majority yeah yeah I’m just saying okay here we go oh I got this okay we got Ludwig coming

After you mogulmail okay he’s going after you Joey oh no he’s coming towards us Megan ready there you go Megan communicate yeah I’m looking oh he’s after me he’s definitely Joey yeah he’s right behind you okay keep going keep on going yep he’s right behind me just keep running going

Keep going Joey I’ve almost got him Joey go right go right go right oh keep going keep going yeah keep going behind you guys okay we won this one heading across the middle Joey yeah keep going that way keep going forward keep going forward stay high get ready oh

So close Okay we beat that one though we got we lasted longer than them yeah yeah okay oh Megan do you want to try hunting wait I think Gizzy has one left right well let’s let me control Like I’m looking at this one I’m like it doesn’t really matter this point let Megan try Okay okay they’re going right uh Joey they’re coming towards you grand jury I’m going left oh damn okay they’re right behind me right behind me yeah we need to split up I’m gonna go the other way yep okay they’re going after you they’re going after you they’re in the middle looks like

You’re kind of throwing them off by doing that so whatever your strategy where are they where are they where are they running around uh they’re coming um okay I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead okay they’re on the opposite side Creek state right there okay okay they’re coming to your left yeah

Just keep running just keep running they’re gonna try to split you off go yeah boy turn around okay run run run run run run run run run there you go there you go keep going keep going keep going they’re right behind you keep going keep going keep going just keep running

So close to getting her just keep running keep running just keep running just keep running yeah nice good job good job how was being a hunter Megan it was fun to try thank you thank you foreign you guys know what’s next Santa times will build mobs save the time let’s go

I hope so good last one for sure but uh I think um Gizzy you get real excited and you start yelling if and I feel like we can’t hear like um so I feel like communication is super important with this one and not like yelling or saying like hurry hurry hurry

I I feel like everyone just has to be super clear and doing their own thing and being calm and collected and I’ll call it when we need to get out yeah we’ll prioritize yeah no no with Santa Times yeah I just I was just getting frustrated because like I don’t know

What the hunter was and no one was telling me uh people were telling you it’s just not as quickly as you wanted it is just you know yelling doesn’t help got it okay so for this are we each gonna start in a different uh side of the map I think we started

Around a circle right I think Megan huh tons of time yeah it was the question uh where do we start like how does it spawn it uh yeah yeah it’s like a circle and then you go into the different rooms it’s like a dungeon basically okay okay all

Right all right and I’ll collect the sand in the the middle part of the dungeon you guys just keep coming back and throwing me sand okay sir okay I know when I’m getting low and I’ll need you to come back but I should be able to fill it on my own for the

Most part for a good chunk at the beginning but yeah just just uh you know you don’t have to play super super safe but just be cautious of everything around you the skeletons and The Traps will really get you okay um give us 30 seconds right

One piece of sand is 30 seconds like 99 sure it’s 30 seconds okay that’s great so we should make them what’s going to be your threshold of like how much time or like how much sand till you’re like yeah when do we want to come back we’re at a minute if we’re at

A minute I’m gonna start pulling us back be like all right guys you guys gotta start like we have one minute left if we’re down to our last bit of sand 30 seconds we need to get the F out of there 45 seconds is when I want us all

Heading towards the and we’ll just run to the door of whatever we’re exploring we’ll be like I’m coming back and we’ll meet at the door and toss it should be build Mark we’re doing all this yeah okay here we go here we go we go uh strawberry can have uh the the call

Outs for that and then I think we’ll be good to go I got a crossbow sense of time it is why did you shoot that so quick oh wait that was the shoot of chicken oh yeah I thought that don’t worry guys either way it doesn’t matter I think it’s gonna be

Santa time yeah thank goodness with skipping build my I love build my all right here we go boys we got this teleporting soon all right foreign is 10 seconds yeah because 30 seconds okay 10 okay yeah yeah all right I may have been wrong on that

Okay so this is our exit yeah we have our coins probably gonna do to put the carpet in the offhand right uh I think so yeah yeah so you can just right quickly placing it down yeah okay yeah Mark your rooms for sure oh you can hold your torch I’m gonna start left

Okay I’ll go right I’ll go in the middle okay sure all right how much sand does it start or time does it start with 120 seconds oh yeah yeah two minutes okay sure all right let’s do it all right and the keys are on the ground I see one

Over to the left I’m gonna grab that yeah oh there’s one right down below I see some coins uh I can get the key yeah sure I’m gonna pick up the rusty keys yeah save this sand in here for me we’ll be good just have fun with it it’s

The last game so yeah let’s just enjoy it just just learn the map and get familiar with being Explorer and yeah it’s really really fun so it’s just treated as a dungeon okay and then this is the portal we go out of whenever we’re yep when I call you back yeah yeah

All right cool sweet oh here we go boys you got this good luck golf oh I can’t I can’t yeah golf degeneration is increased outside of combat oh so I guess your health does regenerate pretty fast then okay just naturally or it says outside of combat so I guess yeah regeneration is

Increased outside of combat okay so that’s good to know okay yeah yeah my resource pack didn’t launch should I be concerned no don’t worry okay [Laughter] you can relax I’ll get every logging and then I’ll need a resource pack who needs that car’s religion okay my hacks didn’t load should I beg concerned

I just get kicked out immediately we all ready let’s do it here we go all online teams ready to play Let’s do Santa Times let’s go oh yeah I promise you guys are gonna really like this one okay it’s really good yeah yeah here we go my hand’s not as shaky

Anymore so I’m hoping that oh that’s in my here we go my legs have just been like going back and forth on my chair I probably lost like five pounds during the Stream okay I’ll get this key okay all right I’m going right starting camera pick up some arrows oh rabbits I mean I could probably shoot them and stuff I’m gonna bother hey I got one sand two sand three sand oh this is a difficult job okay I don’t think I can do this popcorn I’m not gonna do this yeah it’s too difficult just don’t do it I’m just gonna put like a three remember to use the carpets yeah I love the music yeah oh treasure I’m gonna Okay so I think the levers will randomly open one ah I chose quickly that thing don’t waste until the end what do you mean okay okay okay okay okay okay I’m gonna avoid this guy I’ve got a lava parkour I am not doing that yeah don’t do that yeah

Okay this area is I believe done I have eight sand you want me to drop it off on that mid all right I am on my way link wrap this here all right I’m coming to you I think the blue key is under the drop it right here you grab that thank you

There you go there you go yep yeah blue key is under mid I believe We love that okay oh ravages uh nope nope uh not doing that Oh uh make sure you’re collecting the stand as you go yeah oh yeah I’ve got two one Does anyone wants to go Foreign I am not liking this chat oh my God Oh God oh God don’t die by the way I’m gonna die run away That’s like okay this is the denim don’t come back oh my God uh I only have one right now I only have two I’m coming back though okay Madison I got two minutes though okay there’s a room in it yeah this is nothing okay okay I could go down that still I

Haven’t gone down there yet okay can I get them here are you Center yep Oh I found the um Green Key oh pick it up yep okay I got it do you know where the vault is not yet we’re just gonna keep that for it I found uh no I just found the end of the tunnel foreign Does anyone have sand right now a few seconds right now does anyone have sand if you have sex okay go back okay all right all right all right all right that’s very helpful a little over 90 seconds now cool hmm okay so we can only mine this okay I need to use this Okay I have three I’m dumping it at Mid it is on it’s right by the counter on the ground Okay I’m like not getting any sand in my direction yeah I’m not getting that many on mine either but I’m going a little bit further in it [Applause] green balls do we know where um how to find the volts uh look out for the green wolves the great like a wool would indicate

That that’s a uh green Walls yeah oh yeah I don’t and that’s blue I’m gonna just focus on finding the green wall wait what is it a minute okay I have four I’m coming back in the middle anyway so I’ll give this to you I only have one sand I’m not good I’m

Just gonna continue going through this dungeon All right I found the green hallway okay foreign Okay this is four so this is gonna be so here’s four there okay I’m making I’m coming back out with four right now okay cool okay I’m gonna come back with two what do I mean this is this is pretty deep okay I’m gonna go there you’re in that one

Have we got all the things cleared no that’s my one has like a ton still um remember to use confidence down I found the green ball yeah yeah I’m lucky I’m lucky okay go for it go for it go for it that’s good wait how many time

Uh right behind you I got two yep okay so should we just come back hang on did you get you had Sam did something yeah I just threw it to you how much time do we have right here um got about 90 seconds probably a little a little less than 90 seconds

If you guys want to do one last pass because I don’t no one else has any more sand right I don’t know guys those are bull what do I do about that went away run away oh my God I’m gonna die I died no okay we need to we need a

Sand to free Creek yeah sorry oh man I’m sorry um I don’t have any sand okay I’m not gonna go too deep into this uh dungeon then okay yeah it’s uh we gotta go at 60 seconds okay okay come back everyone come back okay I don’t

Know do we do we have sand to free Joey do you have a sand I don’t any sand let’s let’s run around see I gotta get out of here guys yeah we gotta go how much time we got oh we didn’t have time yeah just leave me go on without me

Help me okay I’m coming all right oh that’s him I’m coming sorry Creek it’s fine I I loved this place anyway let’s see if maybe I think I only have I only got 300 coins 369. how do I I’m stuck in you how do I I think we’re stuck here or something

Yeah I’m stuck in Creek’s point of view this is a lovely point of view I’m about to die this is it correct good job guys okay there’s other people out yeah save me guys and it smells in here like nerds nice like sweaty nerds GG yeah that was awesome it’s fun right

Yeah it was so fun yeah oh yeah I think you’re scared of it was a good time I just wish there was like more sand like you dropped the wood key we didn’t have time out of the way Well I think we definitely be pink parrots I think we’re gonna get like at least third I think total yeah yeah sweet did you guys know how to do dodgeball because we got to be prepared that’s right I’m not that good at dodgeball but um Joey if you want to take the bow

Yeah Joey you’ve got to carry off the DodgeBall yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got it Okay but out of all the nccs that I’ve been in I think this like these games were the most fun games yeah they’ve really pontooned it You got hit with a apple Tomatoes yeah you throw tomatoes at the pizza no no no no no not at me the other people in here with me foreign Good job guys I think I found my colleagues you found your game oh pink parrots got zero I think because they all died they didn’t make out yeah oh no yeah yeah hey we got a third let’s go we got four oh yeah four is my bad we got fourth

Yeah yeah we got four yeah let’s go man hit it GGG good job guys yeah there you go so it’s cyan and purple I wasn’t seeing cyan I did not expect Psy I’m gonna be real I didn’t expect them to do that good yeah I don’t think anyone did good for that

It’s just missing out oh by like a hundred coins oh no guys I think we can still do this if we do really well on this last game we might be able to do this is there another game pause being sarcastic we we have kind of lost a little bit light show

Oh fun why did I play circle I don’t even know I got 16. we’re the eighth ultimate so I got 29. all right for the non-minecraft players is that bad just like all four new players winning The Underdogs for previous contestants right right isn’t that so ironic like

The new players win it yeah yeah dodgeball here we go all right I’m going for the the Cayenne coyotes I’m gonna go for coyotes as well sorry if I breath man I love you but I think it’s just more funny I don’t love him after he killed me in battle box I don’t

Love them anymore he has been kicked out of the family all right here we go all right so team what’s the plan here how are we gonna win this okay we’re gonna play Make Believe in our head okay yeah we are there if we just all Express them right

Now that we won maybe someone out there will believe us at least one person though at least one person will believe it yeah I’ll call my mom too that’s right we did it let’s go don’t open Twitter whatever you do but we did it I can tell

My dogs too yeah alternate you yeah uh we need to we can we can get the mascot things we can get like the the foam the merch oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I’m gonna go for coyotes because I think it’s so funny for like the non-minecrafters who are all new winning

The underdog that’s so funny that’s kind of impressive support merch all right there we go I got my foam finger I respect them for 100 for that it’s like no one was expecting them to get to this point I’d love that like I don’t know any of them except this guy’s

Toes I’m like I don’t know who these guys are but I love you guys I know this guy’s toes because he’s really good in a moga so I used to watch his streams all the time yeah he did a manga streams for like a really long time with the valkyrie and the

Saikuno and the Ludwig foreign on the plus side we don’t have to stress out about being down there with everyone this is so stressful oh my God yeah they just ran across why is he trying to go over there Oh I thought you usually could yeah it’s blocked that they’re they’re lying

Photograph man that’s pretty good though so I’m not sure and blushy I think is pretty good yeah that’s standing in front of it fire breath man’s all right he’s all right Don’t have all day now do we this is the strategy just wear them out just literally go get some pizza come back an hour later and you’ll win You gotta let go of the right Mouse button someone telling the game pitch shorter like the Box ones that gets smaller uh I think after I think it’s round based did they practice dodgeball like do they know what they’re doing I don’t think they practice at all they’re just this good

Oh that’s bad they’re dead oh God Hey Dad uh missed okay they can do it they can do it they can do it Missed missed oh no oh no does anybody have a bucket of water we can throw on fire breath man um Man I’m stressed out and I’m not even playing Oh no oh there you go oh my God Oh no oh that’s bad oh he’s got it go box I did this last time so he can do it he do it he got it he’s got it he’s got it there’s lost there’s less space too okay oh my gosh okay it’s just me and him left

That’s right Joey it’s it’s a box I’m gonna get him no don’t oh my God he’s not oh my God oh that’s crazy no Focus Ed oh my God yo come on Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos let’s go oh no oh this is so scary foreign just one round oh

This is so stressful so there’s three rounds best three out of five first of three yeah three out of five oh my God it used to be Beth two out of three but it went by so quick so that they bumped it up to best three

Out of five okay Amazon box has the arrow he’s lining it up he’s got that Prime shipping without the shade oh my God Yeah they’re like we need to go for the Box guy um Trade All right it’s down to them again oh it’s okay it’s gonna distract him oh it’s blushy again okay blush is really good though oh my God come on man come on man come on man come on man they should sink it they should do that left to right thing yeah yeah

Maybe they are maybe I don’t know oh that’s bad oh they missed both oh no well man she needs to be nerfed oh okay the sky’s toast in the skies okay okay is still 2b1 [Applause] they just left that Arrow my hand’s shaking I’m not even playing foreign Bro if purple loses this like oh my God I mean they are The Underdogs it would make sense for blue to win yeah this is like the True Underdog team I think they missed their shots so I think blue has two Amazon box lining up again oh my God you missed he missed He’s starting to believe oh it may miss the best box Thank you oh it’s up to the toast Gotta get it oh they got he’s scared he’s scared he doesn’t want to get he’s like near the edge because tullus doesn’t go well with lava he doesn’t want to get burnt toast he’s gonna get charred toast he’s gonna have to change his name after this oh no

Oh okay oh there you go okay miracle and some peanut butter and jelly that’s right oh God okay okay Bubba just need to win one more in fact you have to win so many rounds if that was way too many rounds I know [Applause] Foreign Okay Box come on Amazon Foreign Foreign Oh here I feel like I’m gonna pass out guys this is insane oh oh my gosh oh no way oh boy oh no right now it’s over Dude you think yeah yeah I think it’s over maybe not maybe oh no way what is happening you shot the air on she missed my Den

That’s right oh oh oh my God yeah I forgot and now he has the arrows and now he’s shooting at her these are great play call by Joey Graceffa right here he’s just gotta not miss that’s all he’s got to do what’s the problem

Oh my God oh my God there’s no way I’ll be back in five hours guys it’s over this is it oh my God maybe not there it is they got the graphic card ready and everything I think this is great that they knew that was way too quick break from the start foreign

Llamas yes good job lime llamas lots of fun tell them our shipping address for the coin yeah yeah yeah Scott will message you okay it’s a chocolate coin actually we just buy our own chocolate coins like yeah thank you so much you guys honestly yeah thank you heart was practicing with you

Guys this week I think that was so fun yeah and this whole journey was really great and even though we didn’t win we won in our hearts yeah I had a lot of fun it was nice to team up with you guys again and have a lot of fun yeah All right bye

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT CHAMPIONSHIP LIVE! 🔴 MC CHAMPIONSHIP 27 | Gizzy Gazza, Joey Graceffa, Strawburry17’, was uploaded by KreekCraft on 2022-11-18 00:33:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • TNT Cleaning Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 37

    TNT Cleaning Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 37 Minecraft: Building Creativity with TNT in Episode 37 Minecraft, a world of endless possibilities, where blocks are your building materials, creatures roam freely, and adventures await at every turn. In Episode 37, our protagonist embarks on a new creative series, utilizing TNT to clear the area and pave the way for something extraordinary. Unleashing Explosive Creativity With TNT in hand, our player sets out to clear the land, creating a blank canvas for their next masterpiece. The controlled chaos of explosions adds a thrilling element to the building process, allowing for a fresh start and endless opportunities for innovation…. Read More

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  • PC Gamepass Challenge: Day 6 – The Fun Quest Replay

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Worst Players Unleashed

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  • Escape Minecraft Traps: Age Secrets

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  • Teacher Gets SHOCKING Hickey from Baba! Pt 5! #Minecraft

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  • "Insane 1v1 on Hypixel Bridge EPIC SHOWDOWN" #minecraft #pvp

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  • Ultimate Kedarnath Mandir Minecraft Build #Insane

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  • PiratePort

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  • ETERNAL REALMS – realms

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Ultimate Spice

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge

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  • Minecraft Art Challenge! Can we beat MrBeast? 😱

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  • Ultimate Subway Surfers Gaming Shorts

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  • EPIC Minecraft DYNAMITE Physics Experiment! MUST SEE! #viral

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  • EPIC Mikey Build Battle – Noob vs Pro Challenge!

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  • ULTIMATE Rainbow Portal SURVIVAL in Minecraft

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  • The ULTIMATE Bedfight Showdown 🔥 #minecraft #pvp

    The ULTIMATE Bedfight Showdown 🔥 #minecraft #pvpVideo Information This video, titled ‘The perfect Bedfight Match!!! #minecraft #pvp #montage #shorts’, was uploaded by Flashisgreat on 2024-05-22 09:49:44. It has garnered 1794 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Editing Software : Clipchamp, FlowFrames, Tekno’s Blur, Davinci Resolve 19 Recording Software : Geforce Texture Pack : Minemanner.zip, Fruitful, Custom ———————————————————————————————————————– Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs… Read More

  • DreamBigGamer41 – Unbelievable Epic Boss Win!

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  • Insane Minecraft Seed Unlocks Unbelievable Secrets!

    Insane Minecraft Seed Unlocks Unbelievable Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘craziest minecraft seed!’, was uploaded by IamSpidey9826 on 2024-03-02 03:58:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. only works for pocket and bedrock edition! #minecraft #shorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft … Read More

  • DiscordCraft

    DiscordCraftHello welcome to Discord Craft! It is fairly new so if u could join that would be awesome! We need mods btw. Discordcraft.shock-connect.com:25583 Read More

  • Uneasy Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 EU No Hacks No Reset.

    UneasyVanilla – Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking Join UneasyVanilla, a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server focused on pure gameplay without any hacking. Experience true freedom in Minecraft with no plugins, teleportation, sethome, grief prevention, or pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are allowed, but hacks/cheats are not. IP: uneasyvanilla.com Version: 1.20.4 Website: uneasyvanilla.com Discord: Discord Join our community today and experience the thrill of survival with unexpected encounters. Form alliances, test your skills, or embark on massive building projects at UneasyVanilla! Read More

  • (1.18 – 1.20.6)

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.minewave.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s spicy memes!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's spicy memes!Looks like Minecraft’s uploads are block-busters with a score of 839! Read More

  • Castle Glassware: Minecraft’s Storehouse Score

    Castle Glassware: Minecraft's Storehouse Score In Matsumoto Castle, a glassware storehouse stands tall, Crafted with care, it’s the grandest of all. With walls of glass, reflecting the light, A sight to behold, a true delight. In Ninomaru Kuruwa, the western area shines, With a garden by the water, a place divine. The Enshogura storehouse, a tribute so fine, Recreated with skill, in every line. From building the rice storehouse to the sedge hideout, Every detail crafted, without a doubt. The waterway flows, the pond sparkles bright, In Matsumoto Castle, a true Minecraft delight. So join us in this journey, through blocks and through stone,… Read More

  • “Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft’s ore rankings!” #LOL

    "Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft's ore rankings!" #LOL When you finally reach the highest ore portal in Minecraft and realize it’s just a portal to another dimension where all you do is mine more ore. Minecraft really knows how to keep us busy! #miningforever #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Shulker Farm Tutorial – 1,750/HR!

    Ultimate Shulker Farm Tutorial - 1,750/HR! The Ultimate Shulker Farm in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to optimize their gameplay and resources. One such innovation is the creation of the best Shulker Farm, designed to produce an impressive +1750 Shulker Shells per hour! This new module utilizes a unique box method connected to a supercharger, making it both efficient and easy to build. Farm Details This fully automatic farm boasts a remarkable performance of up to +4500 Shulker Shells per hour, making it a game-changer for players looking to stock up on valuable resources. The farm is… Read More

MINECRAFT CHAMPIONSHIP LIVE! 🔴 MC CHAMPIONSHIP 27 | Gizzy Gazza, Joey Graceffa, Strawburry17