Minecraft Chat Edging

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We live we live hey what’s up guys how are you boys doing oh I need to change I need to mess with the chat real quick there you are are we about to enter the hole why yes we’re about to enter the hole we’re going to try to we’re going

To try to enter the hole this a the plan for today but today is Minecraft stream how you guys doing boys John bed hold to be specific how you guys doing everyone welcome to the stream hi s hi LJ hi EDG how you boys doing how how’s everybody

How has your day been so far this pretty early day relatively early in the day hi will all streams be this early from now on no I mean I I’ve just been streaming a lot recently I I don’t know when I don’t want to say that for sure they’ll

Be this early more than likely I’ll have I’ll still keep my uh my Chris Chan streams a bit later uh but like gaming I don’t mind having like a bit early hey welcome to the stream Guero but uh hi boo Hi guo how are you guys doing how you guys doing how are

You guys doing oh yeah I have Molly here she’s just chilling on like my thing she’s going to be very annoying when like I actually start gaming she’s making me move my camera okay but yeah boys so today is the Minecraft stream so like uh I believe uh edgy made

Like a a semi hard reset of the of the Minecraft server from like when we last played it which was like a couple months ago few months ago uh rather it’s been like a fat minute and um and uh so everything should be reset it’s like a whole new world like I enter

I I’m not going to have like [ __ ] so it’s just going to be like a whole new survival world it’s it’s going to be cool and uh today’s stream should be like pretty chill relatively chill I’m not sure how long I I’ll I’ll stream I’m planning I want to play basketball today

If I if we play basketball today I end stream before I leave to go play basketball if we don’t play basketball today I’m streaming for 10 hours what are you Doing she’s she’s licking herself m She’s so funny meow she’s very funny I don’t know why she’s just here she’s chilling elegato all right let me launch up Minecraft meow meow I want to invest in like a new camera so that like I can have it just to be like a a Molly cam I feel like

That would be funny or just like like just to have like an alternative camera just to like mess around with she’s on my keyboard now if everyone if anybody wants to join the IP is in the disc yeah it’s an open it’s an open server if you

If you go to the welcome page on the Discord um uh you’ll you’ll see the join you’ll see it quick play right from the launcher all right she’s going down she’s leaving Molly is dipped my meow did not sound like that meow meow we’re gaming oh [ __ ] that’s like the wrong monitor we’re

Gaming I can’t join Minecraft since my switch is again out of condition how dare you no meow how does it sound like give me give me a brief like description of how the meow should sound cuz the way that you’re giving it you know is meow I don’t know how the meow should

Sound me ow meow is that how you guys wanted to sound pretty cringe if you ask me Molly is licking my feet right now yes me ow He gets me for real bro meowchi ouchi all right boys I guess we game I’m going to I’m going to put it in full screen or should I or should I here here’s what I’ll do I’ll actually make it so that it just captures the window I think that would be better

Right window Capt Capture yeah I think that I think that’ll be a bit Better oh [ __ ] there it is Minecraft Minecraft We’re Minecrafting personally I use game capture for Minecraft yeah but I’m Different where is Mark oh man he’s back what mine and craft my boy I’m trying now all right boys it’s time to craft what is this it’s a beacon you guys made a

Beacon it’s the man there is a creeper how unfortunate would it be if it like just blew up this whole thing right how unfortunate would it be if it okay light ouch ouch ouch yo chat is like off the the screen hold sick and twisted streamer destroys viewers hours of

Work hey come on man I hope it wasn’t ours is this John Ben’s hole o there’s a beacon can we explore John Ben’s hole stupid [ __ ] chicken one out of three players are sleeping this is just the chicken hole there’s nothing more in here

Unsub hey come on now I have to fix that now SMH I’m sorry is this the the fabled hole of johnen I’m just going to play this game with like no music it sounds like even more like the fabled hole Jesus man why’ you make it so difficult to like enter your hole

John Ben’s hole the fabled hole the fabled hole now you have a Golem in here you have an iron go chikovsky you have an iron golem named chovsky in your hole Farm mines dock does that do anything is this just is this just a a a what’s your skin boy uh

I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m Sand’s undertale S undertale Farms mines and storage oh yeah I’m I’m looking if he has a secret entrance keep freaky gate closed villager will escape there’s nothing in that chest I’m exploring man you have a pretty you have a pretty sick uh area the freaky boat docks

What a John Ben’s whole entrance too blood thinks he’s a boater HL I don’t I don’t think this is how red stone like works like Redstone doesn’t work like that right oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] everything in John Ben’s hole is freaky for some

Reason for the first time in a while can’t join stream this time just here to please algorithm don’t set people on fire Mark have fun thank you for like at least like pulling up GS respect respect you’re the goat let’s see around have a good rest of your day whatever you do

Man to LJ’s Place hold up before I go to LG’s place I will I I must uh I must finish John Ben’s Hole do be damned my boy can ride thanks man am I okay can I NOP I can’t oh I can John B’s whole part like entrance three it’s so ominous just walking around no music playing it’s just just John Ben’s hole Farm mines and storage we experiment lab number Zero what is this going to be man plant Mister oh that’s kind of cool oh and it throw it goes into a dropper it goes into a drop box yo Hopper and it’s like what is happening to it where is it going it’s got oh it’s entering a chest that’s down there

Yo that’s kind of cool that’s hot can I do it again that’s kind of cool high tech actually bro is Tony stank you need to be locked up and studied I’m currently studying uh John Ben’s hle here man I got you I’ll complete I’ll complete the hole no problem strip mine and the

Cave oo so this is more of jumin oh we’re caving more into strip mine the cave Public Storage free torches where are the Torches what the what the [ __ ] man what what what the what the okay man welcome to the strip beware of gravel that’s gravel ooh this game is terrifying like no

Music Man poverty whoa it’s pretty insane what’s that you guys like built a thing over there I’m exploring the deaths of John Ben’s hole lava diamond um why is it dark here man is this like a a riddle okay this is terrifying why is this why did you make like a horror

Game what’s in there why did you act you actually made a horror game can I like Crouch to get in there no I’m locked in here now I’m like I’m actually locked in here oh oh oh wow I didn’t know that was something you could do it might be good to sneak

Was this a did I do a circle might be good to sneak uhoh Mark trap this is very intriguing where am I going what what’s over there are there things in [Applause] here did I make it out this is another hole the contraption the science behind the contraption oh oh [ __ ] oh

God oh God I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m going to die no but I’m him I’m not him I died that was so scary and for why did you make that who made that I’m putting music I don’t want to put my my regular

Music I think I’ll put uh I’ll put like uh the Mario Luigi playlist Mario and Luigi or Nintendo music is what it’s called two hours of chill video game Music is that good boys is are these some some Chill Vibes are we experiencing some some Chill Vibes right now why did I spawn up here oh yeah spawn point all right I think I think we should just game I think I’m done exploring I don’t

Know how how much deeper John Ben’s hole goes hey welcome to the stream David I keep on dying too uh welcome to the stream pug welcome to the stream David how you guys doing how you guys doing how you guys doing big chilling Vibes but yeah I guess I I’ll just

Uh I’ll do the Minecraft thing and we’ll just like build a little house just kind of just kind of kind of mess around man just kind of chill out how’s Mark doing I’m doing pretty good or are you asking chill chat about how I’ve been in the game cuz so far I I

I kind of just started streaming hold up let me let me mess with the volume real Quick right there it is hey Mark guess what what’s up man you only saw a part of John Ben’s hole that wasn’t even the thick of it you know what I’m I’m going to have to like prepare myself to join to like enter John Ben’s hole you’re playing Minecraft

Again I see welcome to the stream Luke yeah I entered John bed’s hole I’m edging right now uh shit’s awesome surprise [ __ ] oh yeah you joined the you join you joined the server Mark always ask the chat how chat doing but who asked the mark how Mark doing

See’s so sad see this is why this is why pug is my favorite chatter this is this is why you are the favorite pug how big is the hole that’s what I need to know this is this is this is going to be my like final hunt hey allly

Yeah we’re edging to Minecraft right now Mark is so tragic I always thought my life was a comedy but now I know it is a tragedy I’m just going to leave and go like live like far from society this is all I want this is like the

Dream just to kind of just like live in my own world away from society oh what are you they’re bunnies they’re bunnies they’re rabbits in this game K little rabbits I got a I got a text I’m not going to enroll for the summer ah but how have you been boys uh hoping

Pretty chill day so far uh I went out to um to go eat uh with my family early this uh this morning uh we got breakfast for some reason I keep finding creepers I don’t have access to ZL or ZR but I’m okay you can’t mess with like your key

Binds cuz I think those are those are important right cuz that’s like to interact and like um and that’s like to interact and to like hit [ __ ] is it not bro was already escaping just like last time I was I’ve always been an escaper where are you hey come on

Man hey come on man that’s not fun you damn teenagers hey come on man or does it just do that does it just do that I thought someone was throwing like snowballs at me this weam was good this week was good uh did a full week at school for first

Time in months oh really so you’ve been missing school uh lately why is that man pretty base though I’m glad that you’re able to get through a whole week though my switch is still in pieces ug faithful dwarf welcome to the stream man or to the server I

Guess what’s this what do you do I think I might burn down this Village that’s David I think B all right so so one of you guys already like hey man what are you why do you look this way you look so odd you guys took the Bell how dare you

It’s me this is the name I was given not the one I chose chronic pain is kicking my ass a well I’m hoping you’re doing better I’m glad you’re were able to like push through like a whole week of school though despite it but I did School hell yeah you are real for

That thank you boss appreciate I know that town it’s very close to spawn it’s just like nearby I took the Bell how dare you I’m feeling very chill ooh bonfire I like fire I got lost and died here I have to pause to fix the buttons back in place sounds good

Somebody like made a little bonfire here ooh somebody kind of like camped out right here ah ah okay Mark go to my place if you need a bed I have a lot I’ll be good I’m cooking up some carrot okay ah what a what a what a beautiful

Minecraft is so beautiful I’m going to install shaders and and [ __ ] and like mod packs I’m back from Court witness died hi how you do how are you doing man uh hoping um everything went went well Victor um everything did everything go well man I’m assuming it did since like you’re

Back in like one piece and I’m hoping optimistically ooh that’s a little thing that’s a cute little Hut let’s go explore man it’s a cute little area what the heck Minecraft is so chill bro I’m good for now I’m glad man hey bud someone was here someone cooked

Here pry chill what’s up man I got you of course o cute where more [ __ ] down here ouch all right uh potato potato potato what’s up man excuse me pardon me could I put a potato in there why not the [ __ ] ooh somebody somebody cooked here somebody slept here

Just glass paint did someone this used to be a building and whoever came here just D just got rid of everything of all the blocks of the building left like two planes that was me wow edgy and the bed pretty cool man pretty pretty chillen what’s this

Man can I can I read a book shut up man there’s more guys I might be a jurer a jurer how so also welcome to the stream Rosie how you doing dude got to go Mark carps are here later hey I I wish you will Victor uh hoping hoping they don’t find out

Anything uh hoping they don’t have much evidence of course uh but I know you you wouldn’t you wouldn’t do that you wouldn’t do that to yourself e that is a big building I’m exploring uh I’m assuming this is like man-made [ __ ] now right this is y’all y’all made this

Stuff yeah this isn’t even [Laughter] finished I don’t know who made that Tower like the actual like Sniper Tower it’s like world war you want to know what we should do you want to know something that I would I think would be really [ __ ] funny if

We were to like have a server right where we hype ourselves up for like x amount of days that like whenever like everyone that would feel comfortable like competing are free for like we we we like gather supplies there’s like a there’s like a grace period of like 3 to 5 days of

Where you just play Minecraft you got other supplies and try to be like as overpowered as possible in the whole map and then but whoever and then uh after like the third or fifth or fourth day it’s like Battle Royale uh everyone for themselves everyone uh try to like

Look for each other and Last Man Standing um is Mr Beast gets a million dollars I feel like that that [ __ ] would be kind of cool I don’t know I don’t know if that’s an actual thing already I’m pretty sure it is Mark what’s the hunger no but The

Hunger Games is different because it’s like it’s like all right they drop you in there go grab [ __ ] and you can already kill kill each other in my version it’s like all right you make friends and [ __ ] uh you’re like you’re just Gathering supplies there’s a grace

Period of like a couple of like IRL either IRL days or we do uh Minecraft days like two to three days uh for you to just gather supplies become as op as possible and there could be like different like strategies towards it like there could be a strategy of like

Oh uh I’ll just kind of like try to hide and uh and just stock up on food and [ __ ] it’s kind of a thing there’s a game mode called UHC and it can be played like that really I think that’s a cool I think that’s a cool

Idea this stuff is cool I’ve I’ve never used these things I assume these are like ladders right yeah like construction this really cool I’ve never like used these I see you Mr streamer are you around I’m just kind of like existing and snooping around is the beacon yours edgy yes

Real but I feel like that would be like a cool thing to do just kind of like [ __ ] around with HHH yeah me like cuz like I I feel like that would be like a pretty interesting thing you can be like no no I’m going to I’m

Good I’m good like I’m going to be by myself you can choose to be a loner work in progress Music Hall uh SL Church of freaky whatever John so John is making a church of freaky okay I got a thing for my court system it’s a juror qualification

Question there so it’s not a summons but it could turn into one that’s kind of hard thank you John okay cool man what is this this this [ __ ] is really cool since meor stream tonight I’m just waiting for that to happen real I’ve I I don’t know who meor is but I hope

They’re cool also welcome to the stream cringe archiver have you been this is going to be a pretty chill stream I’m just playing Minecraft as chill as like a Minecraft stream can get really yo what’s up Edge what’s up man so this is your humble abode it’s pretty chill man this is like

Whoa this is a lot of things why do you just have like are those your pets this is a lot of this is this hurts my brain those just your pets man why are they just suspending the air like that I don’t see you Man can I am I not allowed to oh yeah hey wcome to the stream John Ben welcome to my mine we are mining diamonds that’s edg’s Guardian Farm I think no way edgy house push them never thought about how others would get down oh thanks Mark explored your hole Yeah I

Explored parts of it I entered the very I don’t like why did you make it very scary I have a beam coming inside of me right now Mark entered my hole without any my without my permission I told you about it like a couple days ago what you mean flush there’s like

There’s like a horror movie attraction there’s like it’s an actual horror game I did not know Minecraft could be that scary like in your hole like you enter the mines or some [ __ ] or whatever it was the strip and then like actual horror game like I didn’t know you could Crouch into

Like into like a thing like sh actually terrified me my house say A do not enter sign on it but you can enter if you want to I trust you I’ll go Snoop and steal all the [ __ ] I will blow it up I’ll cause Havoc I’ll wreak

Havoc oh my scary game it was it was horrifying I died to like a zombie like I don’t even know what creature you had in there I died to like just randomly like spawned in Zombies the guardian Farm is far from here yes it’s not even done it’s a giant

Puzzle leading to is it leading to even deeper of your hole I will find I will find the the puzzle wait I missed Mark dying yeah I died pretty early you are close to a creeper Farm Mark please don’t break it where I want to break it now where is it

Man creeper Farm creeper Farm let’s find it let’s find it let’s find it let’s find it it’s kind of easy to spot TBH and’s see if I find it is it is it over there is it that thing is that like a Pillager I want to play hoone poop

For some reason this kind of music makes me want to play hone poop Hoon poop soundtrack is really Good oh come on hey come on why are you wishing on my downfall like that man you’ve glanced at it several times Really am I inside Do not please do do not play hone poop on stream I have it I have like 100% at it that game was so good see you get it h maybe because on the last server you said you let me on fire okay that was different chat does anyone see it I think you

Lied there is no there is no creeper Farm or saw it rather I have no idea what I glanced at I can’t see Creeper Creeper oh man play hone poop get him banned I’ll play hone poop it’s banned on Twitch I don’t think it’s banned on

On YouTube which means I can [ __ ] around if you light my house on fire I will cry small press to pay ooh I’m just entering Holes without like knowing like where they Lead So we back so we back in the mine how was that different I swung by your place a drop of a book and you came at me with fire hey come on man it was necessary my final hunt hey are you are you the the Creeper from the creeper Farm men what’s up

Mude I’m going to heat up some potatoes the creeper Farm wouldn’t spawn Creepers on its on on its own it has to be activated first I don’t know how a creeper Farm looks like creeper oh man I have a bee farm how do you farm specific mods

Mobs Mark if you need to cook the potatoes use my campfire uh SMH no I’m different I’m him creeper all right I don’t care enough I’m just going to keep moving you’re right next to it man you’re lying dude is it is it this [ __ ] is it is it deeper

Down we back so we back in the mine finally a death worthy of me stop you’re setting me off I keep loudly shouting a man and my mom is looking at me like I’m strange my final hunt why this chat like 6 years delayed are you live my final hunt what’s up

Man are you doing what’ you so how do creepers spawn man I reloaded hopefully it’s better you have to stand here for them to spawn like like where you’re at they spawn in that big box below oh so are they like spawning down there oh how does that

Work what do the science behind that twark so we back in the mine I think you can see my house from there I don’t know where it is I don’t know where your house is where is your home is it over there yeah I want to be able to do that oh what

Where where where how where are the Homies you okay man Creeper oh man why he living off raw potato and raw meat like an alpha Fitness influencer hey man I haven’t started playing yet brother stop for a second what’s up man thanks man the sacrilegious cooked Potato hey man how’d you do that whoa wow and so what is it that makes it so that they spawn specifically creeper yo those are Snow Golems or not snow golems uh they’re something right is it snow golem build a large n maripo why would I do that

Man also welcome to the stream Angela how are you doing man they are Snow Golems yes I knew that I’m very Minecraft coded last time I checked is it like just some kind of like is it just like Minecraft like like stupid Minecraft [ __ ] A worthy death

Okay did Mark die yet welcome to the stream Lea Ninecraft stop Minecraft mamp Minecraft it would be easier to explain in like a call or something than to type it I gu you it’s probably like a lot of like information I did try to play Minecraft but it reminded me of how

Lonely I was my house is over there why torches oh dude the homie bro let me da him up bro what’s up bro where you at bro what’s up bro what’s up the homie the homie D me up D me up D me up bro bro bro bro I thought we was just Chill a man we were not chill what the heck why would you do that what’s up man go get your stuff all right Man my shit’s just like so I assume there’s like a a like a there’s like a little spawner or whatever a dropper in here and all my stuff just like Falls in there and the gunpowder from like the the dudes that die that’s so funny

Bro wait what if we all joined you can I think I’m stuck whoa oh welcome to the stream Caffe and confused I was late cuz I was on the bus not very pogers of me n it’s okay it’s very poers that you even like pulled up

So that is Omega Paul Omega Paul Omega pog do you see the cherries trees yeah over there guess I won’t write my STX Herobrine fanic then the thumbnail of today’s live stream comes from a Herobrine x uh Steve X Minecraft Steve uh wpad fanfic it’s like chapter 3 like my

Jealousy or some [ __ ] is what it’s called like shit’s so funny bro edging with chat boys my house is across from those is this the the dick Emporium I actually did try to write it but my world got deleted and lost all the progress you tried writing a m a Minecraft Steve X Herobrin fanfic in Minecraft that’s like pretty insane dedication I kind of like respect It meow [Laughter] evil does it still do the thing like if you run across it just like breaks or like if you jump on it like [ __ ] just breaks or like is it like from a certain distance yeah it does pretty B I don’t have a hoe sorry

Man why you twerking in a composter I didn’t get to the Saucy part which makes me sad unfortunate me as [ __ ] John Ben’s hole no but I need to look for like LJ’s like thing right which I don’t know where animal breeding are you vandalizing John B’s

Crops yes yes make love make love make love make love do you guys want to make love no what you doing bro I don’t know I’m entering your hole man my house is across from John Ben’s hole I’ll just I’ll just take the the fast transport sup [ __ ] you think you’re big

You think you’re big [ __ ] sup [ __ ] you think you’re big say hi to jice O [ __ ] and ball torture [ __ ] and ball torture meow this is Steven he pays rent I’ll catch you out of there I’ll cat you out of there one day Mark don’t steal have I been

Stealing I haven’t stolen one thing if anything I’ll leave him a [ __ ] potato hey what’s up man do you like do you like raw mut just for you man do you like baked potato no all right see you boys think you’re big [ __ ] think you’re big [ __ ] just cuz you’re big

That’s what I thought I’m going the the Nether what is this Guardian Farm collector this way feel free to grab whatever boats cool man I fell oh yeah cuz boats make it easier to like Traverse right man that’s right this is insane I’m getting insane speed what’s this all about man what’s the need for all this violence

Man [ __ ] ball torture [ __ ] ball C Ball C ball no no oh yeah I made a lab to torture random villagers average like Minecraft hey boys Dam me up Dam me up Dam me up Dam me up Dam me up Dam me up the homie campfire a [ __ ] the

Edge did he call us I’ll be right back I’ll see your Rambo oo what is over here by the way how do you spawn a command block I don’t know Mark I got to go play Roblox Ah that’s that’s why so glad my headphones are in right now me

As [ __ ] where did I end up where am I you have a lot of cats that’s my small base I’m going to steal fortnite oh J’s house do not enter unless you have permission or I’m here this is cute this is cute this how does this work

Oh is this like a scarecrow is this meant to like scare people you’re like oh no there’s there are people on watch up there that’s how you give yourself a command block pretty chill this ain’t no John Ben’s hole though ooh it’s actually pretty big I

Respect did you just work on my bed yes junk Sure Thing Man dirt I do love dirt take me to Jonathan Benjamin’s hole where do I what’s going to take me to Jonathan Benjamin’s hole which way I shall assume it will be this way [ __ ] have I entered your hole John Ben hole

Yes you know what I will go explore on my own before I enter J Jonathan Benjamin’s hole I’ll enter I’ll I’ll enter your hole once I once I feel prepared again I will conquer your hole in the day that I do will be a great day a

Great day welcome to the stream welcome to the stream welcome to the game the K I took a screenshot now I can have a pigman in the over world to marry without it becoming a zombie hey it’s the man of the hole himself oh yeah oh that’s your

Name you’re the hole man I entered you dude my [Laughter] poor the homie Bak with I remember back in the good old days when I was good at Minecraft um I survived off of this [ __ ] like big potatoes are like actually like greatest like food source in all of Minecraft

It’s so easy to replicate I feel like we could end world hunger if we just like gave everyone baked potatoes like I have high confidence in that I don’t know if you guys are with me on that The Irish disagree stop in the M see your lettuce check up the guy famine I’m American faithful dwarf drowned hey man hope you’re doing all right how does one drown just drink the water he’s Minecrafting hope you recover from that [ __ ] drink the water mark took a big big swallow took a big

Gulp I need seven does it taste like Texas boy tasted like a crafting of mine is music weird for everyone else like everything cuts out every couple of seconds or is it just me is music fine I mean I hope it’s it’s fine I don’t think there’s anything uh kind of [ __ ] with

It like the stream music I’m think it it looks fine no he’s cutting out for me too like my like my voice is it my voice or is it the music like what’s what’s what’s wrong what’s wrong do I’ll do a quick reset of like the

Mic it’s fine for me I left and came back for me it was your mic and music like all audio so it’s fine now it’s good now for me okay so I assume just like kind of like refresh I guess let me check on my end all right sounds good

Not it’s a bit far so I’m assuming this place is kind of new I’m going to assume nobody has ransacked this area yet but who [ __ ] I I I think actually never mind do do villagers are villagers normally in trap like this I think somebody was here somebody

Cooked here someone cooked here oh [ __ ] I almost side yeah someone cooked here they’re built stupid don’t worry please have [ __ ] and ball torchure Apple chest yipp thanks man see you on the flip side Brother double double door get out kid he will become a missing kid poster one day I’m so proud of him why do they have double door give me ah YouTube is so weird sometimes wait is that who I think it is Mark live murder the child [ __ ] h h all

Right ouch kind of hurt I can’t even keep track of like which like houses I’ve already ransacked potato I do like potato potato is very good very good very good I don’t want string dude Mark is just watching a child for a solid minute okay don’t say it like that please Jesus ouch

D right we move [ __ ] I love these I think they feel like half a heart if i remember oh they they feel like a whole heart so that’s kind of chill I really like those Foods these little barers hit the Iron Man dude chill do not hit the Iron Man there is a

Fox what Does the Fox Say what Does the Fox Say bum Banger ouch I’m just trying to escape without having to go into the ocean which I think I might have to B but I no adventure adventure West Mark is too tiny to hit it I can hit a gritty better than like

The best of them tiny little baby man that’s insane that is that is an insane comment you know what I I’ll respect it though tiny little baby man just wow ooh the freak has left the game he’s our tiny little baby man wow there’s enough of me to to go

Around the baby kittens are kicking why sorry I’m putting on the piss Man suit you have a piss man skin duty calls Marcus chew toy CED what did you just call me chew toy it’s just rendering what you just said does he squeak that is an in that is an insane

Comment do it squeak yes and he’s fun to bite Ooh Nah um I don’t have breath boys I found a chest never mind I don’t think I found it I was not the first one to find this someone cooked here o there’s only one left

If only I had a diamond sword sword SW my diamond sword SW even if you could you can I have a jam Jam and boys I guess I’ll I’ll start making some equipment now that I kind of can sure I need 7-Eleven to [ __ ] off

I need to stop signing up for things I sign up to like too many things like just with my phone number just so I can get that like quick like 5% off or like anything that I buy guess I’ll have to start multiplying Marcus edible I I I I think everyone is edible

In a way like everything is edible uh when you really put your mind to it you can eat like virtually anything if you put your mind to it if you if you’ve like felt like it the the calories may not exactly be there may not exactly be healthy for you

But it is possible I’m inedible what makes you say that though have you ever tried eating yourself cuz you technically can like if you if you tried hard enough if you motivated yourself enough to do so you can eat packing peanuts for a fun fact like it won’t kill you I am not

Edible not now but if push ever comes to [Laughter] shove where’s the piss man I don’t see him insane and TST streamer encourages chatter to eat himself a tear jerking emotion clip wholesome chat stop you’re becoming Wilbur suit what happened with Wilbur did I thought I thought his his thing

Was just that like he was like a what is it he’s an abuser isn’t his thing is that he’s just Abuser or just like just general dick like I don’t know what the allegations are like exactly so everything I just said is alleged by the way like I never looked into it he bit his GF well I’m not saying that I would bite you guys I’m just saying that like you

Guys could bite yourself he’s a biter well I I think okay well what does that mean though what exactly does that mean he’s a biter he bites people like like is that is that it like is that it is it just like it’s just that he’s a little weird

And he bites people it’s like nothing then grinds teeth oh [ __ ] ouch Jesus Christ I was going to be like this playful biting is kind of like cute know like like that’d be a little funny if it’s like T the r GF didn’t consent to the biting Kink and he didn’t listen oh

Oh [ __ ] oh grind’s teeth is INS even even if oh insane kind of Kink though it’s cuz I see I on Twitter I saw like a lot of out of context Clips or not out of context but like Twitter does like their [ __ ] where they’re like we should

Have seen the red Flex coming from early on it’s just like him like kind of screaming at like I think GF or some [ __ ] and just like being like generally weird but like even then like a n even then like I I guess like Twitter just like

You’ll never get like a full story just looking at Twitter like as it is which is why like I never even I never decided to look too into it cuz I never cared about like the Minecraft uh Community like I only knew Wilbur because like a friend of mine uh used to

Watch them like religiously and would like never stop talking about dude so I was like okay but like I’d never cared to like look into it I just knew he was like Minecraft guy and I think he also did music he also threw an Apple at technoblade before he passed but after the

Cancer you mean he threw an Apple at him do that mean does that mean he threw an Apple at him like a physical [ __ ] uh Apple well from what I remember the GF uh didn’t even name drop him and Twitter just kind of figured it from Clues y’all

Pray for me Mark is going to eat me I I never said I was going to eat you launched an Apple at his shoulder where his recovery from surgery was what the [ __ ] like IRL I’m assuming right so that was a stupid question yeah but Jesus that’s insane like he launched it hard

Like what I don’t understand what was like the reasoning for being like haha Apple to your shoulder low like what I cannot comprehend they made picking apples they were picking apples and techno made a joke and in retaliation Wilbur chucked an Apple at him but like hard or was it like

Jokingly and like he was like oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to hit you like hard and like did he even like apologize for that cuz it’s like things like this are pretty gray you know you you kind of like it’s not like a oh he hit him with

An apple ah kill him he sucks it’s kind of like it could have been like uh oh we’re making a joke and then just like ah [ __ ] you it’s just hard wow I need to I assume there’s a clip right I assume there’s a clip right so like it’s Pro it’s probably

Like you can see like the intent he claimed it was hard and techno how to stop to take a deep pain breath on stream oh [ __ ] it was on stream that’s even worse bro off topic but apple picking is nice I’ve never done it guys this is so real we’re playing

Minecraft while like [ __ ] talking Minecraft YouTubers and like edging like this is the dream like I don’t know what more you could ask for he was retelling the story live on stream and worded it like that when I come to Massachusetts I’ll take you apple picking and you can have apple cider

Donuts I live in [ __ ] Texas beehive do you like apple butter I guess I’ve never tried it I don’t even know what apple butter is I’m assuming it’s just butter but flavor of Apple Apple Butter sounds fire Apple Jack My Little Pony check Discord drop the video of wilbear talking about

It it’s so good it’s like cinnamon apple butter I’ve never never ever ever ever had it or like heard of it for the matter Rainbow Dash in a jar imagine Texas Roadhouse butter but it has a really good apple flavor all right Texas Roadhouse butter actually [ __ ] insane it’s so [ __ ] good I

Love Texas Road House butter and they’re they’re silly little bread like I lose my Str to it every time apple cider donuts are also pretty good I don’t really eat a lot of things like apple flavored I guess like now that you mention it now that like I think about

It like apple apple flavor is just kind of like there not something that I kind of like go towards maybe Apple Soda Apple Soda I have apple soda but I think that’s kind of like it might be a random epilation thing uh like Blinky JN and corn uh freighter my

Bad never had any of that even then to be fair I’m not really a big snack guy or like kind of like sweets or like Goods kind of guy like candies or whatever the [ __ ] hey welcome to the stream juice welcome to the Goon sesh man uh hoping this is a I’m I’m

Imagining this is your first time dropping by in chat hope you’re having a pretty good day today so far [Laughter] yep sounds good [Laughter] man is this Java or Bedrock it is Java but uh if you’re asking to like if you if you want to join the server uh it’s it’s

Uh Java and Bedrock uh if you join the the Discord server in the description uh you can uh you can find like the IP shits like the IP stuff I had a packing tape on the bottom of my sock what the pigs are growing excellent

I might set up a thing to shoot them automatically when I feel like it the pigs are growing excellently I might set up a thing to shoot them automatically when I feel like It hey guys what happened my bad why though I don’t know I’m going to bite you for that why would you bite like actual Weber suit actual weers suit don’t worry about it juice it’s kind of normal this Wilbur scoot or new insult well I mean it’s biting Every Time I Think of

Wilbur I think at the time he talked about eating sand I’ve never why did he talk about eating sand I’ve ate sand though I’ve ate sand before sand is delicious though I agree with you been forever since I’ve been to the beach I think about a year or

So approximately it’s been like a year or so sand is so good a delicacy may I Add [ __ ] such a good sensory thing yeah man I mean when I think of Wilbur I think of infestation when I think of Wilbur I think white guy like I don’t have a specific memory like connected to dude I just think white Guy Why are you white I’m sorry I’ll do better next time is he a white guy from 1985 is he he may just be I think of British people stupid Brit we won the War when I think of Wilbur I think of him from Meet the Robinsons who’s Wilbur from Meet the Robinsons Wilbur Meet the Robinsons bro that’s the guy that is so funny bro it’s Wilbur that’s Wilbur man imagine if Mark was British I’m sorry man this is so real I love what the heck

Heck what is this fan art cute I’m so scared to scroll down now like am I going to like am I going to see Wilbur X Lewis [ __ ] like come on man this is this is kind of hard as [ __ ] though can’t lie I love Bo Burnham I listen to him

Whenever I’m on the verge of a mental breakdown I would I’ve I’ve been a fan of Bo Burnham since like he came out with make happy that was when I started watching him uh when I started to look at him and like listen to [ __ ] and just like I became like

Obsessed with his stuff I learned like a lot of his songs on the keyboard as well um I love I love I love B I love welcome to the internet see you need to listen to more of his stuff welcome to the internet is good but man

There’s a lot more like there’s a lot he has a lot like better stuff I really like art is dead repeat stuff is hilarious um it’s another one what’s another one uh right brain left brain left brain right brain really good really good really Good country song that shit’s funny a lot of lots lots of good stuff from him most people only know most people only know uh like welcome to the internet or like the Jeffrey Bezos songs or like pretty much most uh inside songs um but uh because like I got caught like

In on um Tik Tok I have like why did the chicken cross the road okay that’s a good one Epic reference you’re real ju you’re real for that yeah I’ve listened to kill yourself kill Yourself e E E all right I’m going to the park today boys I jumped in the I’m I’m going to the park I’m balling out tonight boys let’s go I’m going to be sad the M pad is leaving dude it’s tomorrow tomorrow is like when he finally retires that’s

Insane I didn’t know that I thought it I thought it was in the summer sad Rosy noises noises oh that’s insane is is he going to like do a live stream thing about it or does like he have like an upload prepared I think it’d be cool if he like

They go live for it that’s so sad man it’s actually like really sad I thought I thought it was we were like uh I haven’t seen any of the game theories I want to I want to I want to watch them I guess like in my own um like in my own time

Eventually cuz I don’t know I I I’ve bar I haven’t been watching a lot of [ __ ] like for myself on YouTube I just watched YouTube to go to sleep but like there are some video you know there are some videos where like you want to pay attention um excuse me

Sorry like while you’re awake right and then there are some videos that you don’t care like to have in the background that like if if you like like you don’t care to like pay attention to like they’re just videos like to have in the background you can

Sleep to them and there are videos that you want to actually pay attention to Now red is so good for half awake half asleep I watch a lot of uh like NBA or like like sports channels terrible news no drunk driving for me why not dude [ __ ] now if Markiplier retires YouTube

Will be a dark place marip is not retired I I’ve always considered like marip is kind of like in that like halfway between PewDiePie and halfway between um like um full-time YouTube cuz he’s still posts like pretty consistently but just not like every day as he once did cuz he he also like

Focuses on like uh the bigger projects and [ __ ] right like he has like the movie uh what’s the what’s the movie called what is it it’s like of like game or whatever the [ __ ] like he’s working on that he works on like his YouTube Red original shits so he likes working on

Like bigger projects instead of like the everyday like YouTube video Yeah iron lung iron lung Which like to be fair like the dream it’s like I’ve always kind of seen him in as like in like a semi-retirement I think Jack Septic Guy is actually like still kicking it strong he’s the he’s the only one that I think like still uploads pretty daily

No like just like whatever the [ __ ] that he wants and he also streams stuff right so he’s like one of the guys that I wouldn’t consider Retired he is he has a thriving coffee business too oh yeah I think it’s it’s with Mark no he has it with markiplier as well I have no clue sadly I don’t watch them anymore uh I don’t watch them either but I do like I kind of like I

Like keeping tabs like semi on them no that’s cloak oh it’s the clothing brand that they do together and he has his own like coffee thing I guess okay that’s based yeah cuz I remember they did have like um some kind of business thing that they did together I just didn’t remember

Exactly what it was I go back to watch videos from time to time I do like a lot of uh I made a video on Markiplier a long time ago doubt any of you guys uh would have watched it but uh it’s one of my favorite videos I think it’s it it’s

It’s kind of out aged I wish like pacting was a lot better with it but I think editing is good but um made a video I say on Markiplier and like I really love like the motivational like like oneon-one like personal videos that he used to

Make uh he doesn’t make them as often anymore that’s why I consider him like semi-retired but like the videos that he used to make where like he would like just talk to like the camera and just talk to like uh like pretty much like his viewers and

Just be like like you guys are awesome guys and I was like oh man that’s like that’s so nice like me as a kid who was pretty much like raised on the internet semi like I would always I always consider myself raised up from the internet like

I had like I was an iPad kid I had I had an iPad in front I had a screen in front of me since I was like five or four and then I had like I had like a Blackberry or a palm Prix uh when I was uh when I was

Like 7 8 and with that I started watching YouTube uh more consistently like in 2004 I watched uh like 2004 I was born YouTube was born I believe like the same year and [ __ ] so I watched like a lot I watched a lot of like like what’s it called whale

Mario YouTube poops and [ __ ] it’s a lot of just general YouTube poops I was like a very big YouTube poops guy like I didn’t oh and also for some reason Lego stop motion like those are the two things that I remember very clearly uh watching when I was a

Kid everything else is like kind of a blur I just know I watched a lot of uh YouTube poops and uh Lego stop motion videos Lego stop motion slapped you get it those are like the best videos I remember that Markiplier did all the FNAF games and FNAF knockoff

Games he still kind of does know like anytime a new FNAF title comes out he was like he’s the first guy to pounce on that [ __ ] though I think I mentioned them before but I was into Gmod Sonic Zombie Apocalypse [ __ ] me too I I I watched that stuff too I

Watched a lot of I watched a lot of Sonic comic dubs like I I watched a lot of Sonic and Mario and Luigi comic dubs for some reason growing up it’s like guys peach is pregnant and Mario is working a 9 to-5 job and uh

Mario is taking Peach to the to the to the hospital to the ambulance so that she gives birth to baby Mario it’s like wow that’s that’s pretty cool and I just I just ate that [ __ ] up even though I had no idea that like what sex was OMG that one yeah but they

Also did like a lot of them for like like Amy as well I remember like I I watched like a like the comic dub I think had like a sex scene I don’t think it was a sex scene but it was like very like highly insinuated [ __ ] like it was like they

Were like on a bed or something Sonic and Amy they were on they were on a bed and they were like kissing I was just like wow this [ __ ] is boring I was like six or something I don’t know what I was doing like watching those videos cuz I was just I

Just wanted I just clicked on it cuz I was like o Sonic and like I vividly remember like I guess a sex scene like it wasn’t a sex scene cuz it wasn’t like graphic but I just remember them being on a bed like making out and then being like Oh

My God Amy is pregnant oh yeah all all those comic dubs were funny the internet was dead ass the wild west I mean I’m glad I didn’t get to like the bad the worst parts of the internet I guess cuz I I could have ended up in like worse areas of the

Internet I could have ended up in like Gore like sites or looking at like getting into social media like even younger than I already did I’ve quit social media since like June I don’t know if I’ve I’ve ever talked about it but uh I quit social media since like June am I going

The wrong way this is like the village oh no no this isn’t I was going to be like is the Bell here um uh like I quit uh social media back in like June and [ __ ] oo buet holy [ __ ] I just had like a That’s So Raven flash flashback why man that’s a

Raven that’s a raven iconic that’s a Raven song right but I was an undertale kid and I was lowkey homophobic and I thought Papyrus X metaton was weird but I loved unyx alfies I mean I think most kid like kind of a I don’t think this is a this is a I

Don’t think this is a um uh what’s it called what’s it called hot take but it is like a a take nonetheless I think the internet was very whack back then right like I think like edgy what was considered edgy like back then is just like racist and

Homophobic now and so I’m I’m very I’m like that’s not like a hot take and I think that’s like very just real it’s just something that like you shouldn’t like really be proud of like admitting it’s like I do understand you uh caffeinated and Confused oh yes ah cocka ball torture Ah I have a confession whenever I hear the song uh Barbie girl my mind jumps to a Sonic X AMV uh I saw when I was really young where Sonic sung the male parts and Amy the female ones I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie

World I’m fine now but like I don’t know kid me was weird yeah I get you you grow out of things too you like don’t worry about it don’t think too much about it you’re chill as long as you’re a better person now man and you understand that uh being homophobic it goes

Cringiness stop humping Stone Cutters it’s [ __ ] and ball torture man you would understand I grew out of a lot of [ __ ] but there’s one thing I managed to keep with me and that is I’ve changed a lot over like the past like few years I grew up on Union and

Chain DAW and very happily I did not I very happily grew up with like PewDiePie and markiplier like I was those like I was those [ __ ] kids worst [ __ ] ever in hindsight yeah I’m very sorry for you I’m glad I’m glad you made it out alive see kid me would have a heart

Attack considering I’m both gay and trans like kid uh me would simply perish L like kid you would see you in the future and be like [Laughter] what that is me it’s like blow [Laughter] up I collect dolls from a franchise I grew up with because it makes me happy that’s kind of real I respect That I’m I’m a very different person from what I was two years ago hell even to like a year ago I think I’m a very different person from when I first started streaming I’m a very different like I guess entertainer from when like I started streaming I started streaming

When I started streaming I was very kind of like timid and very like um constantly thinking about like what to say and how to like portray myself um and like const like constantly trying to give like a good thought process of things and just kind of

Trying to like keep Vibes chill and [ __ ] no I don’t care I just I I do whatever like I you guys like let me be crazy like one stream um I don’t know if many of you guys were there it was like the random ass stream where like my camera

Broke now you tell us to kill ourselves yeah so I I I think the evolution has been great I’m very much different from who I was like a couple months [Laughter] ago child Me grew up on Disney Channel and teen Me grew up on markip and Jack

SE the guy I guess we grew up the same way yeah I collect Hot Wheels and Matchbox vehicles for fun that’s Hard I only kind of collect like pops and I guess vinyls occasionally the yellow cam yeah the yellow cam I think that was like the beginning of me being [ __ ] weird on on stream before that I think I was always just kind of like semi timid about Things but like what I would say while live but then yellow cam happened and I was like damn this [ __ ] funny then even that’s that’s that’s when I stopped caring about like not caring I guess but I stopped being like so like this Christian individual is a

Specimen to study and start being like the [ __ ] guys like let’s go like look up like Sonic X like Chris or some [ __ ] I don’t even I don’t even do anything anymore I don’t even react anymore it’s just like it’s dead ass Chris Chan streams are just are just talking

Streams now or just chatting streams dolls are harder to take care of considering there’s like synthetic hair that snags and gets naughty you can just dust figures yeah my figures get very dusty I don’t take care of them they’re just kind of like up on my shelves they

Get very dusty like I I rarely like take care of them I’m like a terrible father no asy you’re gone still here bro why is that is that like is that like edgy impostor amongus edgy then you water board them to fix the hair me whenn that’s my Bedrock account I used to

Leave AFK somewhere nice evil edgy it’s anti- edgy no water boarding for you why not what if I’m like a what if I’m secretly like a Russian spy and I’ve been streaming as like a social experiment until eventually Joe Biden comes knocking on my door and the president himself water waterboards

Me a creeper just spawned on me my bad man I’m sorry for your loss I’m so sorry for your loss B what if I’m secretly Joe Biden I’ve been waiting on you to admit this my bad I’mma live here [ __ ] it my community Tekken tno win I’m not not good at Tekken I’ve

Never played Tekken my cousin got Tekken uh he says it’s like a lot of fun you know what I’m probably just I I I want to do a community my stupid Hunger Games idea I I’m I’m kind of sold out that I think I think that’s a genius

Idea to to like three I guess in-game days right like no sleeping and [ __ ] I’d help like no sleeping and [ __ ] you are in a random server everyone joins at like the same time like this has to be organized like I think I think I I’ll

Make it like I don’t know it would involve coding and stuff right cuz you have to like kind of like you’d have to like kind of like that’s that’s kind of a pipe dream honestly cuz the way I want it to be is like I guess like I wouldn’t participate

I don’t know what kind of prize I do I just want to kind of just like look at [ __ ] and like make cont out of like seeing what other people are doing and be like okay like like this like edgy is edging in the cave in the wind and John

Ben has entered another Hall exploring the hall looking for ways to survive and stuff I I I think that would be fun and like interesting hi everyone hope you’re all doing well hey welcome to the stream L have you been dude Michael M Michael Mark so are

Your titles just going to be very sus now I mean if you clicked on the stream what’s up man he wants to examine me like a like a lab hamster no man I’m just interested the hole of John bin is a is very interesting specimen I click because funny forehead

Man okay thanks man the funny forehead man wow that is an insane name but you know what [ __ ] it I’ll take it I’m going to live over there [ __ ] it I’m just kind of in a funk not going to lie not really sure what’s wrong with me

But just feeling like an anxious trash can I get you I’ve been feeling the same way recently as well so no worries like you’ll be good you’ll be all fine hopefully right is life is just a bit exhausting got you dude All I do is craft craft craft no matter what K Van Mark what about the shove I barely use the shove so screw you how’s the stream going I swear it’s the most I’ve seen you live since last summer long yeah uh yeah it’s been good thank you for asking it’s been

Chill I mean I I I’ve been playing [ __ ] the Spider-Man game so that like was so much fun he’s preparing for your hole I’m preparing to Traverse so I’m traversing and making my own hole hey yeah streaming have been fun uh thank you for asking I am

Fearful Mark been gaming out lately I’m a gamer Mark the gamer dude I’m a gamer I hope to explore deep inside Mark’s hole in return it’s an open offer I would too not going to lie wow ooh there’s lava here don’t wow me I just did I just did

What are you going to do about it nothing so you planning to make this your house it it’s going to work out go caveman Mark I will put you in the corner Mark WWE embrace it I I see color changes so I’m like in the in the stone

And [ __ ] so I’m scared I’m just going to accidentally hit lava cuz I can hear it I’m just unsure where it is never could get into my Minecraft I found it overwhelming and confusing I was like my Peak Minecraft days were PS3 edition I played Minecraft PS3 edition I

Was the goat Undisputed like in my opinion I was so good at that game what what the [ __ ] am I doing okay uh Mark Minecraft is putting you to sleep can you put some subway server no problem man I need sticks sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt

Me my mother told me that once I don’t know why I’m said why I said that currently just sitting watching stream okay this [Laughter] boy my pickaxe just broke I Hate Everything me as [ __ ] not going to lie hurts words hurt the most like I can hear the lava

Bro so we back in the mine something something something something something some something the some whoever is playing Subway Surfer is killing it you’re welcome man if you get burned alive I can’t help you my bad man I’ve been on Twitch more lately and so wish I could use the emotes here on

YouTube I mean you can you can use like the Molly emotes I think or like the Molly and like the random ass like emotes but I don’t know what what emotes are on Twitch I can maybe like try to like just integrate them like the POG [ __ ] the POG emotes

Like right now I just have like my own I think I think we have POG in the emotes a there it is yeah but the animated emotes are so fun uh yeah I get you yeah I don’t think I don’t think they’re animated emotes in uh on YouTube which kind of

Sucks cuz like that would be like super cool I have like a dancing wi the Poo emote I was about to use them really see we have Molly we just have the we have that Molly emote Molly was like on me like earlier today I don’t know where she went but

She she was like on me like uh just like here before uh before like or like when we started stream and then she was like okay you’re streaming I’m I’m going go [ __ ] off now which I mean she’s real for that I respect that Molly emote Molly emote is one of my

Favorite emotes I don’t remember who it was that did it that just did like the what is it the B the bullseye is it called Bullseye no it’s fisheye uh the fishe um like perspective but ever since then it’s been like my favorite emote I mean considering she ended stream that

One time she actually did like she pulled the plug of my uh of my computer ballsy it’s not ballsy I said Bullseye it’s very funny like I appreciate whoever it is that like made that emote for some reason I can’t remember who who did it cuz they made like a

Bunch of different emotes as well cockey okay man LGA she literally pulled the plug yes dude like she pulled like I think it was a little flimsy already like the the plug was already like a bit flimsy but she just she just like yanked it like even more like moved it

It was on a Chris stream from what I remember it was a Chris stream I don’t know why I thought it was a it was a Minecraft stream for some reason ooh I hear water to be statistically it would be on a on a Chris stream yeah cuz like those are the those

Are the streams that I have most I think we’re like I think we have like 30 Chris streams already I can’t I can’t remember what like the last thumbnail is cuz I have a file I have like a folder on my computer of every like Chris like stream thumbnail I’ve ever

Made and I just number them like I don’t name them like random [ __ ] and I think like we’re on 30 something so statistically more than likely like the Chris streams were like 30 out of like I don’t even know how many streams I have I don’t even know if like it’s possible

To check like if it if it’ll even give me like a total number yeah I don’t even think there’s like a total number of um of like my live streams not at all last one was six days ago I’ll probably have a a CHR stream tomorrow uh if possible if I’m not doing

Anything someone on Tik Tok had Chris’s photo and showed it to their dog and the dog growled it Dogs R for that it’s so funny like seeing like chrisan um [ __ ] Tik Tock posts like the short form content posts cuz they’re so funny they’re very they’re pretty much just like remember

The time when Chris Chan did blank and it’s like a girl like covering her mouth and be like like pogging for the camera for the most part that’s like all Chris Chan like Tik Tok short form content that I’ve ever seen yeah you have about 80 streams up really gosh I’m real for

That I’m such a hard worker I know who who were you me who you were mentioning so really it’s really just like if you look it up uh like if you just look up Chris Chan you get a random ass Tik Tok of like a woman being like like remember the time when

Chris Chan did what and it’s like it’s just pog me being invested in chrisry is how I got here last year I was so invested in chrisry like very early on and then I like fell off it cuz I think it’s just like just the general like like decrease in how like

Interesting Chris’s life gets like near the end or in your like current your current time remember that time Chris was creepy with woman which time real dude faithful dwarf bro like died and I was like [ __ ] this I’m not playing this game [Laughter] anymore it’s boring nowadays but I

Stayed for Mark streams you’re real cuz like imagine if I was still like kind of uptight about like chrst um like now imagine if I was still like uptight about it being like being like gosh it’s so crazy like gosh man this is so sad like what the heck like

What the heck is wrong with this poor with this poor guy like I can’t believe it or just like getting mad at the camera and be like no like overreacting and [ __ ] like it gets on you it’s like I I I already did like all my reactions and those were like

Genuine of a when it first started now nothing is like now no yeah you get numb to it that’s exactly what it is my batter already died I didn’t Rage Quit Mark okay I thought you did I was kind of I was kind of like it

Fell off hard I only barely keep up uh out of habit I’m not even up to date because I don’t even I don’t even feel like I don’t even feel like um like if I get up to date with it like I’m like I’m like okay so and and what like what

Now like like I feel I feel okay not being up to date with it and I also feel okay being up to date with it if you get me like back then like I was like oh [ __ ] I’ll pump out like five F like I’ll react to Five whole ass like Chris Chan

Episodes in one stream cuz they were actually interesting back then and I was able to like give genuine like input like every single pretty much every single episode like I was thinking like when I whenever I would make the edited versions for Mark live I was thinking

Like I would have to maybe like skip an episode every so often but ever since like the beginning of the doc I haven’t skipped an episode and every episode has been like very chill like every episode has been like pretty interesting I think like every video of Mark

Live I still haven’t watched the one that came out recently I kind of I don’t care hey welcome to the stream H4 W is that how do you how do you say your name I’mma call you w wel stream W how you doing hope you’re having a good day dude

Are you here to to are you here to join the goons s the Goon sesh or you here to like just watch us play some some crafting of the mine yeah the beginning of Chris is the golden age for him that’s kind of why I

Said I’d rather have a c of the Lamb stream the last time you did a Chris stream the Chris St is just so boring it started feeling like it drags why do you think I don’t watch the the dock very often I just have it so that it’s like

Like I have like 20 viewers I I just I just stream so that I I just stream Chris so it’s like okay 20 viewers let’s let’s like go like look up like Sonic porn like I just do random [ __ ] Now I’m like all right let’s look at the at the quickie and then while looking at the quickie I’m going to get sidetracked I’m going to look at something else it’s pretty much what it Is that’s the fun of it let’s be honest Mark we never really watch Chris on Chris streams no we look at the we look at the at the quickie not Chris but like the derailing we look at quickie every so often and we watch like one episode come on

Now but I I I I still do them cuz I think it’s like still semi kind of part of the of the mark live marketing cuz it’s like most people are like I I think most of you guys came for Chris and then just kind of stayed for like the content

Now uh at the start we did yeah cuz I think I think that’s that’s still a part of the of the marketing and that’s like still what I do now cuz I still get a couple of like unique viewers every so often you have to finish it by this point

Yeah but that’s also a reason why where’s the edging welcome to the stream just a YouTube channel do you want us to Edge I’ve been edging yes okay man welcome to the Goon sesh man how are you doing what’s your name well your name is just a it’s why we can’t see his

Hands I’m not even gaming right now this is a pre-recorded like this is pre-recorded gameplay I’m just I’m just like vigorously like I’m just vigorously like doing my own thing like down here while like the the game is just like going on and while I’m just speaking to you guys like I’m just

Multitasking show us your hands Mark you don’t want to look at them how funny would that be I don’t I don’t want to think about it I’m like how funny would that be I’m like one of these days I’m feeling dangerous one of these days I’m feeling

Dangerous and I’m like I’m I I call I like it’s like a regular stream regular gaming stream we’re playing we’re playing like some random ass game I don’t know what what we’d be playing oh Jesus found a cave oh God I don’t think I’m ready for this and like I just I

Just make it like my my my one goal I stayed for Mark yeah yeah that’s what that’s what I that’s what that’s like my marketing where it’s like okay we’re playing uh we’re we’re watching Chris but then you guys stay not dangerous that horny you get

It so yeah I still do the Cris stuff like out of like marketing pretty much I I love the title to this to this uh to this stream by the way it it’s cuz it’s just such a funny concept like the imagine the idea of a live streamer

Going live for like like going live on stream and being like all right boys welcome to the welcome to the edge session like edging with chat like and like very like very like what’s it called what’s the word very like oh I don’t have to imagine right

Now wait are you not edging with us right now no but like imagine if it was even like more like like uh if it was like looking at whatever you guys are saying it’s me and you here man it’s just me and you someone had sex on Twitch once me

When wait are you not edging with us Mark I’m always edging Mark edging with his yoi hands wow bro my pre-stream message is still there I just noticed it group edging session let’s go this wouldn’t be on YouTube if you actually edged on stream what makes you say

That what makes you say I don’t got the balls to do it how would they know how would they know they’ll never know how would they know working on a lab maze still and I genuinely don’t know how a zombie spawned and killed you the area is lit

And I haven’t seen a single Le mob I ended up outside of it man and a zombie like just like it was like four [ __ ] zombies killed me if you look if you looked at the VOD or if you look like earlier in the Stream like four

Zombies killed me like ganged up on me it be on a porn site that starts with uh P it’ be on a different site that starts with p and ends with n Mark pal watch Rock The Planet environment what’s up man can you watch Rock The Planet

Environment why do you want me to watch Rock The Planet environment what’s so interesting about Rock The Planet environment Ravi and S strong Duo what’s so interesting about uh Rock The Planet environment my friend from class wants you to watch it why would why who is your friend from

Class tell them to get on stream right freaking now dude search Rock The Planet environment I still think Mark should watch some studio gibl films I’ve watched them before I’ve watched Studio gibl before wow you read my message wrong and ruined the joke yeah my bad I was already thinking about porn before

You watched before you like told me before I read your message so I just immediately like connected the dots I thought it was the peeee the we we Peter Piper Pizza Hut you can’t ever Out Pizza The Hut Mark how many inches are you getting in Minecraft [Laughter] 17 you’re so [ __ ] [Laughter]

Stupid okay so not as much as [Laughter] venmo as Veno as Venom Veno [Laughter] thenen we are venmo that’s so [ __ ] funny calling Venom venmo we are all just some cumers I hate my phone hey to be fair that’s really funny I don’t blame your phone calling Venom ven Veno be [ __ ]

Me in the ass lately edging on the pizza me as [ __ ] me wi why is there dirt down here like am I am I reaching land guys going down more quickly rank each race I’m not going to do that I think every race is uh pretty

Cool uh I don’t think there is one uh individual better race marketing team PR team is uh clapping right now I think everybody uh deserves equal representation and uh everything and I don’t think there is one a creeper just lost his streak on me I almost died Me the human race is a zero out of 10 for me hey come on man that’s yourself where are you like Vsauce Michael here [ __ ] Mark best human I’m Okay Mark we’ve been over this I hate myself but but but but you shouldn’t you’re pretty kute I think so Mark build a chest jez don’t tell me what to do not scary boys what’s happening down here why is there so much dirt all right I’mma finally hop into my single player world Mark jump no o I think I hear venom venom I think I hear lava but I’m not

Sure like I think it’s coming from like the right so I’ll be pretty careful as I approach oh my God yes Cole Venom don’t you mean Venom I’m so stupid dude then we are venu I love Spider-Man dude I’ve been rewatching like just clips of the game I find dude I find the

Craven like death insane bro like that that Craven death is insane like the fact that they like they they didn’t hold back like anything like with bro’s death seven got it all righty boys so I’ll be ending stream in like maybe an hour I’m going to ball out with the boys at

700 I’ll be one th% real with you I wasn’t paying attention to the game yeah I don’t think most of well some of you guys I think I think uh I always think most of my streams are just me like just like being background noise even then I

Don’t think the the Spider-Man streams were all that interesting I think the only only thing that was cool about about U about the stream was I guess that I was taking it blind so that if if anybody was like looking at the stream uh um like they’d be able to like see my

Reactions to like oh my God the 19 in I found the two things that I found really insane about the game was the fact that like we got to fight Peter and also that we got to control Venom I found that insane oh no you weren’t the background

Noise Mark the game was the game’s fun though don’t don’t don’t give me that much praise for it the game was really fun I’m pretty sure it’s also like it’s it’s very different viewing it but I I also think the game’s very beautiful so I think it’s also like kind of like it’s

Kind of like a prize if you if you watch it like just watching the game is also like a lot of fun cuz the game’s just so beautiful like running on the PlayStation search Rock The Planet environment I’m that bro really wanted to die with a

Bang while dying of cancer and I kind of got to respect that yeah Craven that’s like insane it’s like finally a worthy opponent what is Rock The Planet environment man I need you to give me like more more details and then maybe I’ll think I I’ll think about it

Mark Shams literally gave me the best sleep of my life for the past two days what the [ __ ] is this title welcome to the stream hman what’s up man your digging pattern is so earthor me thanks man hey but it’s because like you never want you never want to go straight cuz

If you go straight what if you’re missing out on diamonds that are on like the corners right uh welcome to the edging slash handman uh I’m assuming you’re pretty good at it since your name is handman uh but uh how you doing man you here for the ride

Man ah no no my God no no no no no what okay I’m good I’m fine I’m fine boys I’m fine boys yippe hooray huzzah I’m okay all right I guess I’m I’m forced to explore beyond my will don’t L me I didn’t die if anything this is a [ __ ]

W the subway surfers is very entertaining I’ll take it man I’ll take it man welcome to the Stream I need to I need to start making it like more of a of a habit just to get the Subway Surfer gameplay I remember I did that like almost every gaming stream

When I was early cuz I didn’t think I was all that interesting back then so I was like you know what [ __ ] it it’s it’s it comes off as a little ironic and also like helps out Zoomer like Zoomer stream like in like the early months of

Streaming but this shit’s fun you know bro you are interesting but like in in in the beginning I didn’t think so gosh man I almost [ __ ] died that was very embarrassing if you’re a real Pro you will play Minecraft Edge and play sub that’s actually what I’m doing this

Game play right here like the gameplay up there that’s me playing right now so my one hand is on the subway server phone my other hand is gaming right now to Minecraft and you know I Edge by myself that was so stupid Hey welcome to the stream one how you doing man can’t

Edge with you guys because I’m eating ice cream a [ __ ] you what’s up bro his Wier is playing some oh stop you’re going to kill me okay hog style can you put it under you so it’s more accurate sure man so it’s like lore accurate Mark cool dude he’s gone

Mad his wiener has an extra set of hands ADHD you can use your feet Pro tip use a grippy sock they give out uh in mental words toti I don’t know why when you said grippy sock the first thing I thought about were the socks that they give when you enter like a trampoline park let me

See if I can show you I don’t know if you guys are if you guys get me if you guys if you guys get what I’m saying triple link Park [Laughter] socks these these These are these are the socks that I thought of like immediately trampoline part yeah just

These trampoline socks for kids like just use these shits to Edge kind of hard kind of hard I’d do it I’d use it no I do they have those at psych wordss as well why what’s the point is so that you don’t F and hit your head or what’s like the reasoning what’s

What’s the actual reasoning behind like having behind like psych wordss having the gripper socks it’s so you can Edge okay dude so Cy wordss are ahead of their time those [ __ ] are like edging we’re like edging before edging was real I don’t know I was at a psych word

And I couldn’t find out why they had them this is going to Boggle me for a second I think I’m going to have to look it up what why do psychs have trampoline park socks is the exact thing that I’m going to look up why do this is like a top 10 Google

Search so like I’m not I’m not stupid for thinking this look why do like if you look if you just look up why do psych wordss why do psych wordss give grippy socks is like the first thing why are Psy wordss white why do psych wordss take your phone why do

Psy wordss wear white why do they exist why do psych I just looked up why do psych wordss give grippy socks the purpose of Psych grippy socks non-slip socks affectionately known as grippy socks for patients serve multiple purposes during psychiatric hospitalization they help prevent Falls provide comfort and reduce self harm

Risk for patients and mental health professionals so it’s dead ass just so that they don’t slip they don’t they don’t fall down like an idiot when you have a straight jacket so you can continue your Edge stream they prevent you from like falling and [ __ ] I don’t know you can

Edge too hard you can goon too hard that like it just like you die from like the pleasure I’m going to make a chest just like put leave it like just here what what what the heck ah there it is All righty Mark don’t die to edging why what’s what’s the hot key to like just just throwing [ __ ] in there imagine losing the edging you have to beat it I never kept the grippy socks my cat tried to eat my ice cream cat is literally

Me imagine you have to be it’s like the whole point of edging is that you you defeat it is that like you are the stronger man for edging B help I just realized that I’ve been watching the subway surfers instead of the game play hey you’re real for that that’s the point of it terrible news what happened man shift click oh shift click oh based oh I didn’t know that that’s real thank You $999 thank you so much for the 10 handman you’re the goat appreciate it 10 appreciate it man hey how’s the how’s the edging session going man you’ve been rather quiet I’m hoping everything’s been Good all right this is very scary boys this is like this needs like intense music oh [ __ ] oh does that does that kill you it’s like that little like spiky thing like if it goes up my bum it like can hurt me or what or did yeah like if I jump on

It like it hurts me interesting I’ve never seen these things at all like ever it hurts yes it hurts you why he found the subway to surf on can you play the game music from that one stream sure man I don’t even remember what it’s called oh wait let me just

Look it let me just look it up royaltyfree gay music I’ll just have it on repeat man royalty free gay music this shit’s so stupid D oh [ __ ] where is it where are you loyalty free game music gay pride music Royaltyfree all right this’s play this this song’s going to be playing on Loop now for like the rest of stream for the rest of stream the song is playing on Loop fits the edging hey edging is not gay man the 14.7% is coming in I don’t know about

You but here it’s almost 1:00 a.m. so it’s Prime edging time uh where I’m at it’s uh 5:44 p.m. like as we speak it’s Prime edging time yeah man I also Edge every night into 1:00 a.m. like this is royaltyfree like game music it’s 444 uh PM I’m

Assuming a [ __ ] I’m dead I’m I’m dead I’m like actually boned where’d you come from oh let’s go yeah PM mark would you edge to a drawing of you as a Minecraft B yes welcome to the welcome to the to the game I think Rosie right

Yippi where was Arrow dude I want to give him a piece of my mind I’m changing this I’m going to lose concentration on my Edge dude bro couldn’t take the gay coming in him hey come on man there was nothing coming inside of [Laughter] me I’m exploring no

Hello oh [ __ ] I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die where are you coming from oh you’re down there okay that’s real hold up hold up I need to eat a baguette all right I will now if not you can probably use an

Observer on it yeah man all right so that guy’s down there he’s he’s not really much of a issue at least I don’t think cuz like I don’t think he can come up here I’m just going to worry about like lighting up everything ooh now there’s a guy over

There that guy will be an issue pretty chill very quickly colonizing colonizing this uh this m Shaft or whatever it’s called skiy toilet uh Ohio G Riz sticking out your your Gat for the rler you’re so skibbidy you’re so Phantom tax I just want to be your [Laughter]

Sigma skiy toilet Ohio g r same that’s so funny meow now Mark I have one rule what’s up dude I can’t promise I can’t make any promises that all B to anything I’m kind of a bad boy kind of a rule breaker you know I’ve I’ve never been known as one

To follow the rules first the vtubers and now you don’t light me on fire this time can’t make any promises you’re a wiow baby Mark what are you talking about man I’m there in spirit come on man I should probably make like a little a little a little fire a little

Furnace so I can make stuff you know I can cook up some stuff there’s let me make some oh [ __ ] I need to make like a bunch of skibby toilet uh Phantom tax R all right chill meow meow how do I put half of something in somewhere whatever I’ll just put like

17 then up there I’ll put like that much who lost their St to this welcome to the stream guts you say you don’t follow the rules but you do in secret I don’t follow the rules like ever I’m like a very bad boy I I why I don’t know why I said that

That sounded very weird and odd um I didn’t say what I said yes you did I didn’t I did not I don’t know what you’re talking about sticking out your gach for the rler more out of context lines to use thank you come on man you know me man I would never say

Such a thing I would never make such a heinous comment heinous comment [ __ ] man can can I can I click on like the button to like look at my inventory thanks sticking out your gap for the rler give me something good man give me something good homes I’m going to explore up there Dude I keep forgetting that e is the is the key to like check your inventory like I keep wanting to put uh Q for some reason if I get under it does it hit me does it hurt me no it just keeps me down so it’s it’s like an

Object I can’t put a torch on it though skill issue shut up ooh that’s that’s that’s cool uh but it’s going to flood if I open that so I’m going to I’m going to kind of make like a little bit of room for me you’re so skibbidy you’re so Phantom

Tax opinion on Minecraft Steve’s tie Revenge what is that Minecraft Steve’s tie Revenge what is what is Minecraft Steve’s tie Revenge saying boy like it’s a slur don’t tell me shut up boy opinion on Minecraft st’s uh toe reveal he has Toes I have yet to see it do you think I should look up Minecraft Steve Toes toes reveal yes hold up let me get somewhere safe First tow reveal I think I’ve done that before on the channel like I’ve I’ve I’ve never I’ve never like specifically was like no here here’s my feet but uh my my my toes have been shown all right Minecraft uh Steve toes I’m going to click on a video I’m not going to show it but I Um so my autofill doesn’t have Minecraft Steve toes but my autofill does have Minecraft Steve xreader so if you put Minecraft Steve it’ll autof fill to Minecraft Steve xator uh but thank you for making me um look that up man appreciate it man uh I’ve been inlighten

Today it’s like a YouTube video where it’s like the always took you as more of an Alex guy it’s like a YouTube video where it’s like the animations where like they give the Minecraft like models boobs and it’s just Steve with his toes out and just a Minecraft model with

Boobs like hang like like very near uh Minecraft Steve’s feet next stream play Jenny shut up I hate that I know what that is I hate that I know what that is I I actually loathe that I know what that is and I hate that you reminded me of it oh

My you’re you’re you’re so weird mark would be into that wow that’s gosh man do you know slippery tea I don’t know slippery tea I just know about the Jenny mod cuz I have an I have an ex named Jennifer named Jenny and for some reason I looked

Up like Jenny Minecraft and that’s what I got Mark likes the mine Chrissy Google him trust me Slippery te who is this slippery tea individual man what’s Jenny mod I’m not going to be the one Enlighten you on that information you should look it up man porn okay

I feel like you would like what he makes all right man I’ll look him up right now I think I’m safe here right Slippery te Newgrounds slippery T Twitter adults only someone that does Minecraft stuff but it’s NSFW working on a 40 plus minute animation I I I think I know who um slippery te is now I think that guy made an animation of Jenny [ __ ] a horse what and edgy you’ve seen it do you like him

No I don’t watch Minecraft pornography I’ve grown out of that I’ve grown out of why what do you mean why I’ve grown out of Minecraft pornography I see IRL boobs I I like irls I like it when it’s IRL so you did look man I’m telling you I I looked I

Look I will not be speaking anymore unless my lawyer’s present I will not I will not be making have you ever even touched titty before why do you care man I I touch many of titty boobs are like my I’m I’m going to stop talking like I

Really needed stop talking broke out the getting wood achievement who would in their mind their in their mind jerk off to [ __ ] blocks yeah man who who would do such a thing who w w whoa you’re you’re going in the you’re going in the Tim R coner for 10 seconds sorry [Laughter]

Mark that’s so cool dude YouTube finally added the feature to like be able to like time out people for like x amount of like minutes and like seconds like for custom time before you were timed out for I think total like 3 minutes and like you couldn’t change that number like at

All so that’s why I kind of stopped doing the timeouts cuz I used to do um the okay I’ve edged for long enough I’ll see you guys later I’m also leaving the stream I’ll see you around edgy appreciate it dude thank you for being part of the

Stream thank you for like joining the game and like playing as well and like giving me my stuff too but I’ll see you around thank you for being part of the stream dude have a good rest of your day haven’t been timed out in a while yeah like I stopped doing the timeouts

Because like there they’re long dude they’re pretty long uh they’re like three I I don’t know how long it is it was like I think it was like three forish minutes is how long the timeouts were so I was kind of like nah I don’t really want I feel like that’s a little

Harsh especially since I I used to I used to be very erratic with the timeouts I think I can now bring it back I might be able to actually bring it back now Mark time me out after you lit me on fire did I actually that’s actually [ __ ]

Hilarious oh my God children are jumping me that is a that is insane that is a sentence how many people do you think have ever said like oh my God children are jumping me like just ever in like the history of oh [ __ ] dear God VK was slain by zombie oh my

God bro come on [Laughter] man people in my high school since it was K through 12 oh bro that’s insane the heck kind of high school is that dude that’s so odd that’s not even a high school that’s just school like School period hey how you doing Suzuka

Everything’s doing good been edging for a solid 3 hours now a [ __ ] creeper oh man ah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay let me let me eat let me eat let me eat oh I might be boned I might be boned okay okay I’m not completely boned

I’m not completely boned I’m not completely holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die

I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die okay okay oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh uh uh uh uh okay Jesus Jesus that was so scary that was so scary no he’s still

Following me he’s on my tail oh God okay okay okay no what are you why don’t shoot me okay Jesus okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go this is what it’s all about this is what it’s all about uh okay eat

Eat eat all right I did it I did it I did it I got out I got out I got out I got out those are rookie numbers the big leagues are nine hours Mark hey I got there with a Spider-Man with the my with the with my Spiderman stream so appreciate

That player reporting can I report edgy oh [ __ ] nice Mark at this rate you can go for the world record are you up there [ __ ] up an evil to report edgy I didn’t even report edgy I reported John Ben oh there’s nothing up there I thought dude was up there Jonathan

Benjamin does do Minecraft even actually look at the reports you reported me at my weakest moment I understand that do you think Minecraft actually looks at their reports this is too big of a game yes nuh-uh such lies piss man misrepresentation needs to be taken seriously where the [ __ ] are you oh

[ __ ] they look into it and we’ll disable access to servers all right they’ll disable access to this to the server then and it’s just going to be me and been forever me and his hole hey what’s up dude report Mark guys come on now come

On guys never mind I think it’s for the best ah my cat just licked my foot she just licked my big toe a [ __ ] you think you’re him raah you’re nothing but a piece of Bones excellent they have like five people in some Corner looking through them so in like 5

Years a wait results like that’s what I’m thinking too it’s like the [ __ ] who’s going to look into like a Minecraft server of like four people and like when they look at the report that says like piss man misrepresentation like come on man uhoh Molly trying to end stream

Again she’s so funny I love her I think I’m going to I’m going to head back up I didn’t find [ __ ] down here but like I kind of explored a bit you know what that’s that’s that’s the fun of it the fun of it is the hunt

Boys and you know that’s what really matters cuz at the end of the day the Minecraft were the friends we made along the way he’s played against Craven too much that guy’s like that guy’s going to become a personality for like the next I don’t know how long [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] all right wait for him to yeah the Ambush was insane Ambush was insane ooh there’s more here all right that’s pretty chill that’s that’s not good it’s not a good moan it’s not good sounding mode all right chill all right there’s more [ __ ] to explore down here boys pretty chill

Pretty chill ooh Redstone I do like redstone shoot yippe Redstone Boop oh it’s in here where there’s like more [ __ ] all right let’s let’s go Venture let’s go explore reminds me of the time Mark whipped Molly around by her tail and sent her caring kining into the cage

Of a rot of a Rottweilers uh he threw Kirby into when he pissed on Mark’s shirt that wasn’t the incident it wasn’t when she pissed on my shirt it was when she bit my Shir sm7b it’s when she bit on this microphone I don’t know if you

Guys can see it it I don’t think it’s very seeable but like she bit on it like really bad like pretty ugly I don’t know yeah it’s like kind of seeable right there she bit on it pretty ugly like all of this stuff all of that all of that is just

Her like she bit on it this this microphone’s expensive man this is expensive don’t worry mark my cat shoot on my PS5 the second day I had it it would immediately be put for adoption if that happened to me like it’d be onsite I’ve had Molly for too long so I

Can’t like do that to her hey guys this is godp speaking remember to like And subscribe and to join the Discord thanks Godot What how is how is that possible how did you make a server announcement that’s so [ __ ] funny bro the subway surface is really helping me out here I’ll take it man I respect it welcome to the stream Mr sirman I I appreciate your viewership man that is like actually like the most

Tame insult one can give actually hey man you’re holy crap dude like the gang the gang it’s like that is like the like the nicest way to say like hey this [ __ ] pretty like ass this [ __ ] pretty boring man so we for really helping out I respect it man I respect your your

Companionship man I respect your viewership and you know what I appreciate it too I’m feeling very autistic tonight boys me one no not in that wayo hey but I saw it that way and you know what even even if you didn’t mean it that way I still find it hilarious

How you doing man welcome to the stream all righty let’s see oh God where are you where like I hear it like if it’s behind me dude like those are mob spawners all there ooh gold pretty base o doing good man how about you uh I’m doing good I’ve been streaming for past

Uh how long 3 hours so it’s just been fun I haven’t died yet so uh or well I I haven’t died since I started caring right I have died but I haven’t died since I started like giving a [ __ ] about dying so I’m kind of happy about that

Yeah life been great I’m going to go ball out uh later a little bit after stream I’m going to go play basketball with the homies and uh hopefully I hit a a huge three-pointer and uh help my help my boys get the dub why do I talk the way that I talk

Man hope you hit a home run man thanks man appreciate it man see that’s the kind of support that like we need in our lives like everyone everyone needs a friend like like jumen oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh sh you can do it thanks man oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] you dropping where’d you come from where are you oh you’re stuck I think oh no he’s not all right Ambush ambush Ambush Ambush your ai’s ass a [ __ ] okay Ambush Ambush oh I might be boned I might be boned I might be boned I might be boned I might be

Boned oh [ __ ] hey boys you can’t see me you cannot see me I’m not here I hate like the Spider-Man I hate the Spider-Man the Menace craft a shield I don’t know how and I I’ve never used Shields man [ __ ] oh ooh let’s go ah I’m him a

[ __ ] get in here and fight me like a man oh [ __ ] you have armor fight me ah dude come in here fight me like a oh he’s stuck on the things one iron and six wooden planks yeah but I I don’t even use them so okay well I sure I’ll I I’ll craft

One I have to get back to my crafting table is what I have to do I was too busy like looking uh through my through all this [ __ ] maybe I will I I’ve I’ve had Shields before I just don’t use them cuz like I don’t I’m never I’m not

A gamer I’m not like a I’m a very old school Minecrafter I played when there was only one type of wood or not when there was one type of wood when there was m where the [ __ ] oh dude how did you was that a different one was that

The same guy I think that was a different guy let me camp out real quick this is very scary I’m treating this game like a like a horror game RPGs all right where you at oh there you are don’t shoot me oh [ __ ] where you

At ass I’m in I’m him I’m him I’m him okay I can’t I can’t go through there I’m going to have to make I’m going to have to find another exit he’s scared guys I’m not scared I’m I’m actually a gamer last time I checked if you’re oldo Minecrafter you

Wouldn’t need a shield but you do I don’t what are you talking about I’m I’m old school Minecrafter I played Minecraft when there was uh when when there was the multiple different types of wood but they would all make like the same spruce wood or

Not Spruce uh what what the [ __ ] is is this regular wood called Oak the regular Oak uh door no matter what kind of wood you made that’s that’s that’s how OG I am those skeletons are clapping your ass cheeks to get a shield no I’m

Him it was okup poser hey come on now ooh raah I’m him he’s a masochist so don’t worry about him I’m not I need to I need to tell Red Lobster to stop texting me lots of gold all right all right we got to get up I got to get out of

Here I got to get out of here all right here we go I think I know my route I think I know the route nah it’s not worth it right oh oh [ __ ] oh we didn’t boys we made it out unscathed and we actually got some like

Cool [ __ ] got a lot of iron got some gold got some Redstone I think also some lapis so pretty chill pretty chill little mining day for being the first time like mining uh I’ll take it I mean wish we could have gotone some uh some diamonds

But uh you know you take what you can get do do do do do got some baked potato some iron ingots all right so what I think I’m going to end up doing is I’m going to take this [ __ ] and I’m going to take some things

That the things that I want to take up upwards which would be just a a couple of the these things so like I can have a separate a separate chest up upwards uh where I just like keep some materials and I’m just going to like I’m

Going to I’m going to leave some of these things here for sure when I’m going to take like the things that like I want to like put in a chest use your streamer money and get us some cheddar bay biscuits why man get get some biscuits boy why do you

Want me to get biscuits man I already have my bed here but like that’s that’s the upwards that’s the UP State that’s where I want to be so I kind of need to make like a little kind of need to build like a little staircase kind of maybe cuz we’re

Hungry bro come on man we’re hungry you never feed us I I I feed you guys sometimes like come on you’re being you’re being a little like ungrateful here you know fine I feed you guys occasionally I think I’m I’m pretty okay like making sure you guys

Like like survive right you know like that’s that should be like priority number one I’d say like making sure you guys are still alive and semi thriving it’s like a part of the job description I’d say maybe Mark can I please uh put my Minecraft bed next to

Yours pretty please I’m in a [ __ ] cave why would you want to put what no [ __ ] why not I’m in a cave man I found a village good job man make sure to colonize it make it the rose Village man what JN has John Ben has left the

Game so it’s disgusting man can you imagine all the bacteria you would share or more so you would share cuz who up blue screening right did your game actually crash bro there’s no way that’s funny then why are you living in one that’s different perhaps bro no way that’s so

Funny you’re stinky little boy then not even I shower like every so often Fu you mean every so often like occasionally man shower daily I I do uh whenever whenever I get the chance chance uh I make I make sure to shower I’ll make sure to keep that into consider consideration of

Course oh my God jump in his back guys he’s back in the game it’s like he never left they trying to silence me I would put you in a washer if you didn’t that would hurt me I would the washer would blow up all right boys we made some progress we made some

Progress let me make some uh some chesties and then bam we got the the upworld slander oh [ __ ] [ __ ] find a wash tub but the way that you would throw me would be rather vigorous if you ask me so it would still hurt me even God fears what I’ve discovered

Bro ra gold oh be careful all right pretty chill pretty chill I think that’s I think this is cool this is a cool cool little haul I think I’ll end it here um yeah I’ll just cover up my little hole Yeah I guess I I guess I’ll end it

Here uh I’ll have another Minecraft stream soon I’ve had a lot of fun this is probably the most successful I’ve I’ve been at playing at playing Minecraft like my the first time I played Minecraft I did nothing like this [ __ ] was fun cover your little what my

Little hole it’s not as big as John Benz I’m sorry I’m [ __ ] I’m self-conscious about it okay so no hole I already explored John Ben’s hole earlier and I already made my little hole but uh yeah did you leave the game and then came back what the heck

Man yeah I’m going to go ball out with the boys in like 30 minutes so maybe I’ll let you guys know about that in the Discord whether or not I’m like insane or not but uh yeah maybe another stream tomorrow more than likely a Chris a Chris stream if not I’m probably going

To be gaming again but more than likely we’ll have a Chris stream uh tomorrow uh and then Saturday I’ll I’ll take a little break don’t talk about Mark soul sorry but yeah we’ll have a little we’ll have a little a little a little Cris stream tomorrow and uh I’m also editing

Another Chris video already as we speak so uh hopefully I’ll get that next week but uh let me hold up I need to get my like funny like I need to I need to do my funny like my funny like my funny music dude but yeah I guess that’s about

It uh I’ll see you around tomorrow uh more than likely stream uh if not I’ll let you guys know uh on the Discord thanks for going deep in my hole and edging we can finally let loose boys we can finally conclude we can finally finish those of you guys that were able

To like actually stick around and we actually able to like like edge up to now let loose do it finish off man I’ll see you around I found another Village I’m so proud of you man I’ll see you around I’ll see you around tomorrow I’ll see you in the in the Discord

Appreciate you guys love you guys see you around bye guts good night LJ bye Rosie bye swim bye OJ bye David bye Suzuka bye John Ben bye byebye bye-bye good night bye Suzuka bye-bye

This video, titled ‘🔴 EDGING W/ CHAT IN MINECRAFT 🔴’, was uploaded by Marc on 2024-03-09 00:44:41. It has garnered 118 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:04 or 12484 seconds.

(thank you @Edgy9 for server lol)

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Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released in November 2011, with Notch stepping down and Jens “Jeb” Bergensten taking over development. Minecraft is the best-selling video game in history, with over 238 million copies sold and nearly 140 million monthly active players as of 2021. It has been ported to several platforms.

In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated, three-dimensional world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode (in which players must acquire resources to build in the world and maintain health) and a creative mode (in which players have unlimited resources and access to flight). The game’s large community also offers a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.

– DISCORD SERVER – https://discord.gg/VQXZtgHVRk – Socials – Twitter ▶ https://twitter.com/GSMarcYT – Other Channels – MarcLIVE (live/2nd channel) ▶ https://www.youtube.com/@gsmarcLIVE MarcClips (shorts/clip channel) ▶ https://www.youtube.com/@gsmarcclips

The ‘Marc’ channel is a free-form variety channel that consists of well-produced, entertaining, comedic, musical, and serious content primarily curated towards teenagers and young adults. The video-essays on this YouTube channel are very easily accessible. The audio on the video-essays are produced methodically to be comprehensible even without visual representation. In a way, the visuals become the “cherry on top” to the content. This channel is home to comedic content and video-essays such as “I dramatically read a 𝙳ዐսȷⅰ𝗇.”, “An Inspiration to Many, Markiplier.”, and “Stay in School.”. This channel is also home to many musical vocal covers where Marcos sings songs primarily performed by rock bands such as ‘My Chemical Romance’. Many covers you might enjoy consist of “My Chemical Romance – ‘Sister to Sleep Studio Version’ | Vocal Cover” and “My Chemical Romance – ‘Early Sunsets Over Monroeville’ | Vocal Cover”. I hope you have a fantastic and enjoyable time while viewing the channel!

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  • Unbelievable Gold Farming Trick in Minecraft!!!🔥🤯 #shorts

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  • “BirS Neo Discovers Deadly Chara Virus 19 in Minecraft!” #clickbait

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  • Flicked SMP

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  • Altitude Community SMP McMMO Land Claim Econ 1.20.4

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  • Survival Legends

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  • Minecraft Memes – “We’ve all had that one friend who never finds diamonds”

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  • Neighbor’s House Boom: Minecraft Movie Mayhem

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  • Minecraft Erika Meme🔥| #litAF #savage #memelord

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the immersive and exciting gameplay experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who are dedicated to creating a unique and unforgettable Minecraft experience. With a variety of game modes to choose from, including survival, creative, and PvP, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner just starting out, you’ll find a welcoming and supportive community ready to help you along the… Read More

  • Future of Minecraft on PS Vita | Worth it?

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  • New EPIC Garden Build! Watch Now! – NordBerg Minecraft

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  • Baldwin’s Crafting Mishap

    Baldwin's Crafting MishapVideo Information my intrusive thoughts won this battle This video, titled ‘Whoops…’, was uploaded by Crafting Baldwin on 2024-03-17 14:30:15. It has garnered 8797 views and 255 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Trolling in Minecraft is hilarious! LOL! Villager climbing trees, tree climbing, tree climbing minecraft! Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft accent, Minecraft staring competition. Minecraft jump scare, Minecraft scary, Minecraft lit, Minecraft Realm, Minecraft Survival Realm, minecraft tryhard, minecraft sweat, minecraft nerd, vanilla minecraft, modded minecraft, swag minecraft, minecraft drip, minecraft edging, super lit minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftvideos #viralminecraft #minecraftrealms #viral #minecraftcomic #minecraftcomedy #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • 🔥 SG GAMER 3.0 LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL 650 🔥 #MinecraftMadness

    🔥 SG GAMER 3.0 LIVE NOW! SUB GOAL 650 🔥 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 14:59:40. It has garnered 79 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:04 or 7444 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky follow it for join k4f https://youtu.be/xDtmJPwiDRc?si=R-Ool8xSaCjcGRqZ #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!

    Insane Adventures in Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 with Terralith!Video Information everybody oh jeez oh you okay okay can’t have you getting at my [Music] dudes hello everyone I’m be Cal corn and this is episode 52 of hardcorn parth Series 2 uh we are in a Yellowstone biome here with uh my bunch of uh doggies here I’m not sure what their collars are acting weird hm that’s odd anyway we are on the road or well actually going across country heading back towards home uh I hope to get all these guys back with me so far we’ve lost a few though to uh creepers and such… Read More

  • Exposed: The REAL Reason Minecraft Lags

    Exposed: The REAL Reason Minecraft LagsVideo Information Minecraft Java Edition has been around for nearly 13 years now and has grown from a small inding game back in the day to the number one best cealing game in all of history so you would think that a large game raking in all this money from people across the globe would use it in a way to make their game better than it already is right well not really a Mojang’s case it seems it seems today that with every passing update Mojang puts out we see less and less actual content and an even bigger… Read More

  • Furious Thomas Exposes Juicy QSMP Moments!

    Furious Thomas Exposes Juicy QSMP Moments!Video Information finally oh my God okay okay what is the yeah can I have the stick please can I have the stick please it’s sharpness 255 and you didn’t even kill me directly why are you [ __ ] how can you be this bad at this game I know it this isn’t the clip I just want to know what it is why you sh why are you [ __ ] totally yeah totally and my dick is chocolate yeah wait is this it no where is I used where is it can I have the stick at… Read More