Minecraft Crazy Craft 2.0 “Overpowered Mob Spawner” Ep. 41 w/JAYG3R

Video Information

Hey guys it’s Jagger J and welcome back to a brand new episode of crazy craft but first things first before I get into it I want to have some real talk with you guys for a moment so let’s just sit down really quick and have some real talk

So guys unfortunately the last two days there was no video on my channel and I want to say a huge huge sorry Oh a big big apology for that unfortunately YouTube was having real big problems processing videos and it wasn’t accepting my videos and wasn’t accepting

A few like heaps of people’s videos so one of really really apologize for that the video that’ll be coming out a few hours ago was supposed to come out on on Friday I think it was Friday or Saturday and so a few days ago and you guys was

Just supposed to see that a few days ago but unfortunately I tried uploading it eight times that would not go that was over 24 hours and the ninth time a day later it finally finally works so that came out a few hours ago if you haven’t

Seen it make sure you go check it out because we get a bit of revenge on lucky and we also get another item before the Big Bertha which is really cool but yeah I just wanted to say a huge huge apology for that I did not expect

That nor did I want that to happen I thought I was like gonna prank Locker and he was gonna see it a few hours later business as usual but unfortunately that just did not happen so I do want to say a huge huge sorry for that because that just was

Completely unexpected out of my control and I just really wanted to apologize for that so I think I think in saying that I think we’re ready to get started on a brand new episode if you have a look actually I actually lost my Iron Man my Iron Man chest plate my Iron Man

Leggings us very very close to exploding and or dark or breaking and my boots are getting very close as well and I want to show you why so if you have a look over here I started creating my own a little army so all my bros that I got last

Episode I went and chicken chested them and I’ve got a whole bunch of bros just sitting in the barracks and they’re waiting for fort they’re waiting for a fire so we need to get them some armor and get them prepared for a fight but I

Want to show you how I lost my hammer so if we come over here I have actually pretty much perfected this this mob spawner so if you do remember I was creating my soul shard and now the soul shard is officially up the top here I

Won’t go in and show you but the soul chart is officially in there and next they’re spawning in country prisoners and then basically they what’s it what’s attacking me oh it’s the for damage has done in my chest plate which is a bit of

A problem so I do want to work on a new superhero this episode guys but yeah because all these the all this country prison is trying to get the soul shot up to about two hundred fifty six kills I believe was a massive massive effort that were hitting me all the time right

I lost my chest plate almost about to lose my Iron Man leggings and my boots are pretty they’re about to follow so although in saying that I think it was worth it I want to show you guys I want to show you guys what I’ve done with

This and I don’t know if you guys will be I don’t believe it it is a it is quite overpowered it is such a good little good little strap that I’ve got it got going on but in saying that it is quite overpowered so let me show you right check this out guys

Stacks on stacks of iron would you look at that we have so many stacks of iron it is insane we’ve got a few arrows and bones from the other mobs that are up there like the zombies and that skeletons but honestly this is killing it and we got more in this chest we’ve

Got more stacks of iron in his inside the things the thing that I am really excited about though is if you have a look it’s dropping these ancient dragon of Zillah spawn eggs so whenever a yellow boss falls down and burns it drops an ancient dried bobzilla

Spawn egg which I think I actually have a few in my backpack I have four in my backpack we need we need eight we need eight to get logzilla spawn so yeah we need eight to get the mobs illah spawn but we only have four I’ve got two more

In here so that is that is really really we’re getting there we need two more to drop hopefully and then we should be a diverse mobs illah soon enough guys i just want to quickly say before i go any further i want to quickly say something that I forgot to

Say because I’m me a few videos I want to try my best this week to make it up to you guys I want to do I want to do a few more crazy craft this week after all pixel on try and hopefully I want to try and get some

Collabs done I supposed to say this at the side of the episode guys but I did forget so I’ll say it now I want to get a few collaborations done which is gonna be a lot of fun I’m not gonna spoil who it is but I really want to try and make

That happen I also it want to try and do some face camming this episode to make it up for you guys for missing two days worth of videos I want to do a few crazy craft face cam episodes so I think that would hopefully be able to even out missing

The two days worth of videos if you guys want to see that you can have to let me know because I I want to do that and I hope you guys want that so yeah now that’s underway let’s go get and use superhero because obviously my armors a

Little bit damaged so I want to try and get thanks to this country spawner mob mob grinder they dropped a whole bunch of iron obviously as I just said but what I didn’t say is all this lemonade all this lemon I eliminate ingots and they are used if I’m not if I’m not

Mistaken they are used to make the wasp super hero so Robins stuff as well robin’s battle staff Robins logo and Batgirl okay it makes Batgirl as well that I want to make the wasp so check it out guys we should be able to make the wasp the only

Thing I’m feeling was stinger we should be able to get all that stuff with all the lemon art that drops the only thing that I’m feeling is like this brown wool might be a bit of an issue but let’s take these let’s go have a look and

Don’t believe I have any brown wool that’s the only thing any any brown wool I could probably die so I had to get the brown dye again whereas you can’t get white no that’s this luxury dye dye I spelt that wrong dye there we go brown dye brown dye um

Shoot have I come – oh there it is brown dye and flat mushrooms where we gonna how we gonna get a flat mushroom alright I think I might have to go looking for some Brown she and let’s have already got some let’s go quick slash back and let’s go back to

The Batcave and see I might have some I don’t believe I do black cloth black wall I’m gonna have pretty much an easy job of getting the wasp apart from apart from the damn brown wool I probably should have do I really should have thought about that anyway let’s get this going

I’ve got stacks and stacks of this of this lemonade and gets so we can easily make everything suffer a head and I need some everything stuff for a mask I need some black iron so let’s quickly grab that we’re gonna get the wasp should be pretty simple I would say let’s go like

That and where’s the black ironing it’s there here it’s like that will grab the wasp chest plate but the whoops what’s pursuit of the wasps suit will grab wasps leggings and just grab one of those and so feel like that damn it let’s do it there we go like that and

We’ll get lost boots and that was pretty simple now we gotta go looking for brown sloth our brown wool sorry I think that’ll be that’d be a bit of an issue I also wanted to work a little bit a wasp sword how the hell do you create a wasp

Sword we need a what oh I think that’s from the Aruba’s dimension which has currently been removed from the server guys just because it was creating a little a few heat rashes and stuff like that so it’s currently been removed from the server or cocoa beans oh I completely didn’t think about that

Yes that should be fine we should be able to go to the jungle and grab some cocoa beans let’s put let’s put let’s put wasps suit on and actually let’s put everything on oh we flied very very quickly with the wasp does it have will see we’ll take off this other stuff I

Think that might be Iron Man speed I’m not sure I think yeah i meant elements it’s gonna be the only thing left off oh my god that’s so embarrassing check that out Iron Man’s leggings I like one hit away from broken but check it out what

Perks do we have strength jump boost and speed that’s pretty good knocking liars that’s that’s alright we’re just ads all right now I want to go looking for coca-cola beans or cocoa beans completely forgot that that would work so let’s try and you need to go to the jungle we were

There last episode fighting the I think there’s a jungle right there actually which way is it sit this way I think there’s a jungle right over in this direction I hope unless I’m mistaken or just a big oh yes no it is okay cocoa beans we’re looking for cocoa

Beans where where there there’s some all right let’s grab these let’s grab these jump up jump up grab and then boom I plenty it’s probably not planting but there’s some more here let’s grab these grab these cocoa beans and grab that cocoa bean and jam it this is what’s

Pursuit it’s really hard to control but that should be plenty I’ve just got the achievement for getting wood even though I could have sworn I got that a long time ago no I would’ve but yeah this yeah achievements get reset occasionally so that’s why anyway we can now go a

Slash back and and down into the Batcave we are we want to grab the wool and we want to turn the wall into how brown and diet is perfect now we only needed three didn’t we we are only need three so don’t over kill this otherwise I could

Have done like 20 or so but we only need three there we go three pieces of brown wool and we’ll grab the grab her helmet or have face depending on how you want to look at it and if we can get them in the right place and boom we got wasps

Head so that was very simple her thought was gonna be a bit harder let’s go put on wasps head yeah I thought I underestimated the the brown wool and then it ended up working out quite well on the end which worked out well and all right let’s put on wasps head and see

What kind of perks she gets no perks she doesn’t get any perks why can’t I see her perks and what’s the wasp but once there was perhaps it doesn’t even tell me because it was not come with perks you’ve got to be kidding me oh she can

Fly or she can kind of flash fires very slowly okay well keep the list for now I think the wasp is our super we’re gonna have to get rid of but I kind of did I wanted to get some Sid jewels going so I want to work on a

Little bit more on the that the blood altar so let’s grab our blood stuff look all the blood essentials that we need let’s tick away some of these limonite and gets because we don’t really you don’t really need them right now lightening stone doesn’t create eliminate ingots does it no it doesn’t

Okay I was gonna say that’s that’s not right but anyway good so I want to work on I want to get a sigil now a water Sid you’ll lava Sid you I want to get the the the mag are the magnetism sigil I believe it’s called is it this one

Yeah the sigil of magnetism and to get this one you need a magician’s blood orb shoot a whole thing I have that how’d you get that it’s a tier 3 in gold well that’s I don’t think I have that yet no I don’t have that one let the apprentice

One so I need to get a gold block and we need to turn this one that’s a lot of Life Points it needs Wow the sigil of magnetism am I getting the right one yeah I’m getting the right one that is a lot to 225 thousands because I do

Thousand five hundred twenty five thousand Life Points we need twenty five thousand that is a lot a lot of life points I should have enough how many how many do I have where’s my where’s my schedule here it is divination schedule this one only has ten thousand I was running out on your

Eight thousand I might need to do some pricking of the finger a little bit where’s my prick away oh it’s gonna do some real damage to the wasp I was gonna do some real damage to my life points shoot or maybe I might need to go grab

Wolverine for this cuz he has that he has that regen which is really handy why might you might describe one piece of his armor that works the same doesn’t believe oh wait I put Wolverine up and Link it but in his own base denied that’s fine I’ll have to go grab him oh

No when I was putting these beds down I reset my bed spawn it works I need to go fix that but let’s go grab Wolverine from his little wolf dungeon that he’s in it’s wolf cave or layer is layer I guess and he’s down here boom and their ears are

Out to pick up one piece we’ll take this feet we take his boots because they’re the they’re the um the most the least damaged oh oh that’s so much better than the speed everything he flies so much quicker all right so let’s go over here see if that’s working no not yet because

I guess we need a lot more life points for it to work I really should put stairs or something in here actually that’s what it will do while this is waiting all the filth it’s all it’s all it’s all out of blood so we need to fill

It back up thank God for this regen low that is so perfect yes let’s just let’s just click our finger let’s just prick our finger let’s do this let’s do this alright is it almost full or addict it might be filling up now I kind of want to go and

Make some stairs for this what would be the best kind of stairs we got so we got plan to get stirring around here I kind of don’t want more stone how much is in here at the moment Jesus we need a lot can I upgrade this I probably can

Upgrade this this altar again car no I just haven’t looked into that one I know you think you can maybe not I’m not sure I have to check that out let’s get some stairs actually let’s see what kind of stairs we can make stairs we can make

What’s the Hat well that’s when the ribs dimension once again we can’t get that we’ve got some really cool wooden stuff what are these stairs going up oh gee oh my god I really want to make this a carpenter stairs oh actually I think I have some carpenter blocks somewhere

Let’s see let’s see I thought I did let’s see I thought I had some somewhere carpenter no maybe not alright well how do you make carpenter blocks that’s the next question cop in the blocks couple of blocks there we go cutting the blocks you need sticks surrounded by okay

That’s pretty simple and let’s gather to get out of this grab some sticks or grab some wood and we’ll grab some of this just in case okay let’s guys make some we need some sticks like what have been even is sticks and we need this and go like that

And that only gives us well what are you doing there that gives us five or I don’t wanna make some more let’s collect this actually let’s let’s make it a lot cuz they might they might come in real handy all right let’s go like let’s say like dad

And let’s like that well that was a pretty perfect little bit like this they look like that we can get tan okay that would grab some more 25 go like this go like that 36 then we go like this and we’ll grab I don’t know go like that

We’ve got that amount 28 put that in there put that in there dang it that didn’t work at all guy from that I didn’t work at all let’s let’s just do this I want to keep working on oh my god finally I want to keep working on the blood holder all

Right 45 that should be plenty now I need to get some stairs for twenty eight pairs of stairs okay now I’ve booked 28 sets of stairs so I believe I believe that if I go like this right it’s done yet I was running out of blood shoot run out of blood need

To keep pricking my finger correct brick brick how much how much do you need we don’t know let’s just spam the clicks plan the clicker a see the spam centers fan all right how much does it have in at the moment five thousand I think we’re gonna need

About another five thousand and I’m not mistaken and that should turn into a magicians blood or believe I hope so all right let’s go like this that’s not what we wanted so great starts to the carpenter blocks like this and grab like that’s like that no that’s not what I

Wanted like that oh why can you not do it on an angle with these months you can’t sweet like that they’re full I guess I picked this one out already out here go back up there we go one that’s not what I wanted holy day although that’s very cool that would actually

Place like that I could actually place a sideways like that that’s very good to know actually so right now these look a very very ugly but I’m gonna show you guys how they actually work so if I go through this the last few don’t need to

Fix that one up in that spot need it now apparently fix that one up cheese is either going in the wrong spots okay and I’m pretty sure the way this works I can now put any kind of block that I want over the carpenter over the carpenter

Block so let’s see is that all correct I think that’s all correct it doesn’t have enough blood all right keep going keep filling up keep filling up I wonder how much is there a way to check how much I don’t oh shoot actually I’m pretty sure

If the blood altar goes dry if the blood also goes dry it while it’s doing a ritual it loses all the progress of the ritual so I need to do stand here and spam click the altar think so that I don’t lose the progress I completely

Forgot about that all right I’ve got a nine thousand let’s quickly grab a block that I want what do I want what I want what I want it needs to be a cool block to go around the surrounding I’m trying to think clouds will be quite cool that would

Actually really cool that would be really quite cool elevators would be alright let’s make sure the blood elves are still up still going let’s fill it up again and I want it to run out of blood like it just did so I want to make the magnetism sigil and maybe maybe a

Few other stitches I’m not too sure but that’s actually no just make the magnetism schedule and we might go verse something back over something that’ll be quite cool alright so what did I want let’s just fill it up with all solid air I wonder if that would work I wonder

Solid air will work oh shoot that doesn’t work at all because if you go out there someplace solid air there it just is like a soft block of solid air but apparently if you place it there it just looks crap alright we’re gonna have to take that

Off I don’t want that pick up this let’s pick it up how wonderful I wonder what else we have that’ll look really cool in that in that position whoa don’t don’t run don’t run dry please don’t we not dry oh it’s dry again alright I’m just gonna

Have to stand here the stand here we’re not running away I keep forgetting all right it needs 25,000 so it needs to be filled twice all the way to the brim so make sure we do that it’s almost there still filling up we’ll fill it up twice

All the way to the brim it’s that fun way full it is okay and it seems to dry it very very quickly so I need a needle to keep my eyes on that so it’s already down to 7,000 okay oh there we go there we go we got it perfectly finally

Finally we got it so I pick it up we now have the magician’s of blood orbs so I believe I need to start filling this up with blood as well oh no it automatically transfers from the apprentices blood all over to the magician’s blood or that is really good

Alright so let’s keep let’s fill this up let’s see how much we can actually feel we’ll see how much we can fill it up – all right what are we at now it’s the Jesus that’s a lot thirty one thousand eight hundred that’s a lot okay now

Let’s work out how to make a fix the stairs later like that’s just got me completely distracted I wanted to schedule dinner at the sigil the sigil of magnetism there’s lots of cool schedules as well and I don’t know what some of these other ones do so I need to

Work it out Corrine love sigil of whirlwind phantom bridge let’s just go to the sigil of magnetism I don’t know what the phantom bridges let’s just go the sigil so it looks like a lot of these actually all a master blood or weak blood shard okay I don’t have that

Yet so let’s go let’s go this one infused slate and glow stone and that will give us the sigil of blood lamp and I want that one um so blocks of iron we got plenty of iron when infused and imbues slate was that in imbues slate okay so we need a

Reinforced light okay that’s fairly simplest you’d have some of those slates now I don’t have those slates oh my god where my slates that oh wait I don’t think I have any sites anymore that’s a real issue geez what I keep hitting escape oh my goodness um Kevin ear the sigil

Magnetism we need an abuse light need a provision for slight movement okay let’s get that going let’s grab some stone let’s take you over there and I think we should be on our way I really need to fix this it’s terrible right now all right well that’s happening I’ll fix this all right

But this just looks terrible it looks terrible is it working yet let’s let’s go let’s get out of this okay that one oops let’s go like that that is now full and is now fixed let’s go like that and I believe we can just stick the slight

Back down away we only needed one didn’t we where to go where does it go isn’t in my inventory am I blind is it suppose maybe it someone went backpacks oh wait no that’s a divination schedule is it my backpack where did that just go oh wait

It’s right there okay I am blind that’s that’s the answer that one I am blind okay slate I’m so put that in there I want to grab something that’s gonna look cool right – that foods that work already no it’s to buy I want to look I want to

Grab something that’s gonna look cool I just don’t have a clue what’s gonna look cool while we’re waiting I guess we can grab some of the iron blocks that we need and what else do we need for that did you like some gold okay and an abused that’s pretty simple we shall go

Like this shoot I got so much of rubbish let’s clear out some of this rubbish capital blocks can go away all the wood can go away – and didn’t work and go away and I want to grab something that’s gonna look cool I said that like 20

Times now because it needs to look cool something that I can’t make step cuz make it have a soul sand that could actually look pretty sick actually let’s grab this on Cape keep it infusing this light or whatever it is let’s pick it up and put it back down and that should be

Turning it into the infused slight sweet okay let’s see if soul sand works all it does oh that is so good actually we’re gonna probably gonna run out of soul sand so before I do this wooden go chicken chest soul Sam so don’t forget about it

Let’s go chicken chest it one two three okay sixteen should be plenty look back where we started well I almost forgot I had a kid out of my secret chicken Jess room okay that looks like it’s full that looks like that ball shoot that’s in the wrong

Spot let’s break it don’t never I don’t have a shovel so we gonna have to break it wrong all right let’s just I’ve got so much speed oh we can’t put it on from above hey or the side hey that’s good too wait what can you not put it on okay so

I partly can’t put it on when there’s an item above it that’s good tonight let’s just quickly fill this up one two don’t try put it on from from the tops it won’t work what the hell all right fudge this let’s just do the crafting recipe reinforced

Where to go reinforced slate how did you do that how’d you get the imbue slate at tier 3 oh maybe there’s not enough essence in it let’s just check it okay no that’s zero so we need to pick our finger some more fill it up with some

More blood and get it going and I think that should be plenty how many is that note we need to go a little bit was a 500 I don’t even though alright let’s let’s quickly fix this and then make this sigil and the next episode we’re

Gonna have to work out how to use the schedule or know how to use essential I know how to use it I’m gonna show why isn’t this working that’s happened twice now I’m gonna show you guys how to do the sigil am so that you guys so that

I’ll show you how it works I just leave it that because really cool after find something to use it on oK we’ve got everything we need so let’s go to the crafting table and let’s go but this one in the center there we go put this one in the center these are on

The side that around the side like I said and we go like this and we need our sigil of our magicians blood or and there we go finally we have the sigil of magnetism guys unfortunately I would love to end the episode there on a bit of a tight schedule today which does

Suck but don’t worry next episode it’ll hopefully be tomorrow because I want to make up for make up a missing most of it the last people or make up for missing two days worth so we’re gonna check out the decidua magnitudes in the next episode so make

Sure you stay tuned for that until then I will see you guys tomorrow take care and Jake you’re out bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Crazy Craft 2.0 “Overpowered Mob Spawner” Ep. 41 w/JAYG3R’, was uploaded by JAYG3R on 2014-08-10 18:00:04. It has garnered 50093 views and 1190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:27 or 1527 seconds.

Crazy Craft Modded Survival! Subscribe for more content from me 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/user/JAYG3R

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Crazy Craft is one of Minecraft’s biggest mod packs, with over 75 mods that make it extremely challenging, fun crazy, entertaining and educational all in one. Watch as I learn the craziness and try to survive whilst battling new mobs, get insane armour and rare weapons, BECOME SUPER HEROES and maybe get some girlfriends at the same time!?

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    100 Days of Insane Minecraft Challenges! Exploring Day 15 of the 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft As the 100 days challenge in Minecraft continues, our adventurous player dives into day 15 with enthusiasm and determination. The day is filled with completing ground work tasks, showcasing the player’s dedication and hard work in the virtual world. Completing Ground Work On day 15, the player focuses on completing various ground work tasks, marking a significant milestone in their Minecraft journey. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is evident as each task is ticked off the to-do list. Final View and New Discoveries After a day of hard… Read More

  • Cave Dweller’s Epic Fail

    Cave Dweller's Epic Fail The Terrifying Depths of Minecraft: A Journey into Darkness In the eerie world of Minecraft, a new horror mod has emerged, introducing players to a chilling threat that lurks in the shadows. As our protagonist delves deeper into the underground caves, they come face to face with the relentless pursuit of Herobrine and the sinister Cave Dweller. The tension mounts with each step, as the darkness seems to close in around them, filled with unknown terrors. A Frightening Encounter The journey into the depths of Minecraft takes a sinister turn as the Cave Dweller, a formidable foe, sets its… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Goat Pie Flex Challenge 😈 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Goat Pie Flex Challenge 😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Goat All Time 😈 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Pie Flex on 2024-05-20 04:45:15. It has garnered 10688 views and 520 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Minecraft Goat All Time 😈 #minecraft #shorts #shortvideo #gaming Two best player of Minecraft Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Horror Experience

    The Ultimate Minecraft Horror ExperienceVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by THE MINECRAFT BOi on 2024-05-18 12:46:22. It has garnered 25932 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:34 or 1054 seconds. brine_smp MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft… Read More


    NOOB'S FIRST SOLO MINECRAFT WORLD LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | MINECRAFT | MY FIRST SOLO WORLD, IM A NOOB’, was uploaded by imaliyah on 2024-06-08 09:41:18. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:13 or 6313 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/N78nqmQtSy DONATE HERE (TTS ENABLED): https://streamlabs.com/aliyahalabsa2/tip #minecraft Read More

  • DiamonD GamerZ – Ultimate Safest House! 😱 #Minecraft

    DiamonD GamerZ - Ultimate Safest House! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🤫 Safest House 🏠 #minecraft #shorts #ytshorts #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2023-12-24 09:00:12. It has garnered 2424 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Minecraft 🤫 Safest House 🏠 #shorts Read More


    5 INSANE MINECRAFT SHIZO MOMENTS | SR♡GAMINGVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by 《SR♡GAMING》 on 2024-03-02 03:08:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind

    Ultimate Minecraft Hacks That Will Blow Your MindVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft virals hacks that will blow your eyes #trending #virals #short #minecraftshort’, was uploaded by AAA DEVIL GAMERZ on 2024-05-23 12:22:55. It has garnered 8368 views and 240 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Nioum’s INSANE Minecraft Mansion Tour!

    Nioum's INSANE Minecraft Mansion Tour!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ce pote dans les Hosts de Craftok sur Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nioum on 2024-01-07 15:24:40. It has garnered 1412 views and 138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. ➡️ READ THE DESCRIPTION, IT MAY BE USEFUL ⬅️ Hi! My name is Mattiou, passionate about Minecraft short films/animations, and thank you for watching this video! If you like me, don’t hesitate to subscribe! You will be welcome on the channel! Currently in Partnership with Minecraft.fr! https://minecraft.fr Come to Craftok | play.craftok.fr | 1.8.9 – 1.20.x | Crack & Premium ▼▼… Read More

  • Craziest Death Message in Minecraft – RAREST DROP!

    Craziest Death Message in Minecraft - RAREST DROP!Video Information This video, titled ‘¡ESTE JUGADOR OBTUVO EL MENSAJE DE MUERTE *MAS DIFICIL* de MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Primary Slot Stuff on 2024-01-10 17:14:44. It has garnered 2443 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Hi, I’m Primary Slot, an electronic and hip-hop music producer known for my synthwave remixes. If you’re interested, you can check out my main channel. I also make videos of curiosities, tops, reviews and occasionally direct videos. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts My Main Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/primaryslot Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/42MGF… My Bandcamp: https://primaryslot.bandcamp.com My Souncloud: https://soundcloud.com/primaryslot Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlotPrimary Twitch (In… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Unstoppable Diamond Ring Run!

    Minecraft Madness: Unstoppable Diamond Ring Run!Video Information This video, titled ‘diamond ring run funny game play video #minecraft #music #memes #phonk #майнкрафт #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by UNLIMITED GAME on 2024-03-20 07:31:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • WavePvP

    WavePvPFrequent Questions How do I join WavePvP? Joining servers is different for both Java and Bedrock platforms. If you are a Java player, simply select ‘Add Server’ or ‘Direct Connection’, and enter the IP address: play.wavepvp.com. Which Gamemodes does WavePvP have? Every Minecraft server has it’s own gamemode. WavePvP features Survival, Skyblock, and Prison. If you enjoy any of these game modes, WavePvP might be the server for you! Which Versions does WavePvP support? Minecraft has many different versions – each with their own features. WavePvP supports 1.8, and 1.20 connectivity, so make sure you join on one of those… Read More

  • Server26 SMP Small No Teleport 1.20.2 18+ older Players Discord LGBTQ+ Friendly GriefPrevention Player Shops No Resets est. 2015

    Server Information ⚠️ Attention 18+ means 18+ Please be 18 or older! ⚠️ We are a longstanding SMP with over a dozen active players and we are looking for more! Our main goal is to keep the Vanilla survival experience as unaltered as possible, with only 3 plugins in place: GriefPrevention Sleep voting Player item shops for trading Join us at play.server26.net Map: https://map.server26.net/ Discord: https://server26.net/discord Server Features No Warps, No /tpa, No /sethome No (Mojang) chat reports No McMMO, donation perks, or adminshops World will never reset Land claiming Player trading via signs (No adminshops) 20% of players need… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, oh man!

    Looks like this meme is really “mining” for approval with that score of 7! Read More

  • Jailbreak Jive: Baby Worker’s Boss Beatdown in Minecraft

    Jailbreak Jive: Baby Worker's Boss Beatdown in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a baby worker did rise, Beat the boss, but got caught in a surprise. Off to jail, the little one went, A twist in the tale, a message sent. But fear not, for in this game of blocks, Anything can happen, even with shocks. Stay tuned for more adventures, more thrills, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity fills. Read More

  • I did IT in HELL💀🔥 #minecraft #memes

    I did IT in HELL💀🔥 #minecraft #memes When you accidentally type “NEZERE” instead of “NETHER” and end up summoning a whole new dimension of confusion. #LostInTranslation #MinecraftFail 😂🌌 Read More

  • Anarchy Unleashed: WinRise Server Grand Opening

    Anarchy Unleashed: WinRise Server Grand Opening Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft on the WinRise Server Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft on the WinRise server? Get ready for an adventure like no other as you explore the vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in epic battles with other players. The WinRise server offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join the Community on WinRise Connect with fellow gamers and make new friends on the WinRise server. With a dedicated Discord channel and Telegram group, you can stay updated on all the… Read More

  • Nether vs End: Epic Minecraft Animation

    Nether vs End: Epic Minecraft Animation Minecraft Nether vs End: A Battle of Dimensions When it comes to the vast world of Minecraft, players are often drawn to the mysterious and challenging dimensions of the Nether and the End. These two realms offer unique experiences and formidable foes that test the skills of even the most seasoned players. The Nether: A Hellish Landscape The Nether is a fiery, dangerous dimension filled with lava lakes, towering fortresses, and hostile mobs. Players must navigate treacherous terrain while battling creatures like ghasts, blazes, and zombie piglins. The Nether also houses valuable resources like nether quartz and glowstone, making… Read More

  • Bluey’s Parents Turn EVIL in Ultra-Secure Minecraft House!

    Bluey's Parents Turn EVIL in Ultra-Secure Minecraft House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Evil Parents vs Most Secure House in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-04-30 14:04:06. It has garnered 12099 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:50 or 530 seconds. Evil Parents vs Most Secure House in Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Surviving the Nether with Ghost Squid

    Surviving the Nether with Ghost SquidVideo Information This video, titled ‘I survived the Nether!’, was uploaded by Ghost Squid on 2024-04-15 02:04:06. It has garnered 175 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:07 or 367 seconds. #minecraft #meme #hardcore Read More

  • Lost in Hallways! Room 803 – Adrelian Minecraft Map

    Lost in Hallways! Room 803 - Adrelian Minecraft MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Are these hallways familiar? Room 803 | Minecraft map’, was uploaded by Adrelian – Minecraft and More! on 2024-04-11 19:30:00. It has garnered 426 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:45 or 1545 seconds. In this game, you have to find your way through corridors of the hotel to join your assign room. But corridors are a bit strange? Like in the original game, If you see any problem turn away to progress and find your room! https://www.minecraftmaps.com/escape-maps/room-803 Created by: POUDAY & FUZE_TEA_ Song: Elektronomia – Imagination Music provided by Ninety9Lives… Read More

  • THE WORST BUILDERS in Minecraft!? 😱🏗️

    THE WORST BUILDERS in Minecraft!? 😱🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ARE BAD AT BUILDING!!! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by IamtheBrent on 2024-04-09 22:18:13. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:32 or 1532 seconds. Playing some Minecraft on The Hive! Read More

  • Shocking Revelation in LittleSprout’s Stories! Episode 7 ⭐

    Shocking Revelation in LittleSprout's Stories! Episode 7 ⭐Video Information This video, titled ‘How could you.. ⭐ | Episode 7’, was uploaded by Littlesprout’s Stories on 2024-05-06 20:35:52. It has garnered 922 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:03 or 2043 seconds. Game: MINECRAFT [Age 16+ Server ] Fan of the series? Interested in joining the SMP in the future? Check out out our Discord server! https://discord.gg/7d3C45TuCu Want to use fun Littlesprout emojis ? Become a Sprout clan member today! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaSCdIv5TjmJVrSF_ix_NOg/join – Art Credits! Thumbnail Chibi by Chai https://www.youtube.com/c/ChaiTeaDraws Sprout intro animated by Sagutoas https://www.youtube.com/c/Sagutoyas Intro music by https://twitter.com/Koapony Littlesprout starclan background artist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO1VtjX90qdJFUPFwcIKAbw… Read More

  • “EPIC PORTAL IN MINECRAFT!” 🎮🔥 #viral #gaming

    "EPIC PORTAL IN MINECRAFT!" 🎮🔥 #viral #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Portal in Minecraft #shortsvideo #trending #song #viral #gaming #minecraftshorts #music’, was uploaded by DEVIL GAMING 6 on 2024-03-04 09:04:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Caught the RAREST Paradox Pokemon!! 🤯

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Caught the RAREST Paradox Pokemon!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘I CAUGHT THE FIRST PARADOX POKEMON | Cobblemon SMP (ep5)’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2024-05-29 06:09:00. It has garnered 7931 views and 290 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:07 or 12187 seconds. The best Minecraft Pokemon Mod is here – Cobblemon SMP I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get cool emotes and a chat badge, become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2LzOtzFiggxpLY80IUXhFw/join Tip here – https://twitch.streamlabs.com/sidearms4reason Download the Cobblemon modpack here & play on the public server https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get FocusFuel here -… Read More

  • Insane Appled Reaction! 😱 #Roblox #Minecraft #Fortnite

    Insane Appled Reaction! 😱 #Roblox #Minecraft #FortniteVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ong 😭 #roblox #minecraft #fortnite #art #cooking #real #memes #edit’, was uploaded by Appled on 2024-04-06 23:45:28. It has garnered 489 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE LIVE STREAM ALERT!!! 🔥 (Thumbnail by Punkie)

    🔥 INSANE LIVE STREAM ALERT!!! 🔥 (Thumbnail by Punkie)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE — SCUFFED STREAM INBOUND!!! (im bored…also thumbnail by punkie)’, was uploaded by Zallo on 2024-05-19 00:57:14. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:07 or 12367 seconds. Hey Its Me Again Playing Some Minecraft WEEEEE ► SUBSCRIBE! ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC57VvPknhiHpC3mdOxiMo4g Use my Support a Creator code “Zallo” in the Fortnite item shop if you’d like to support me 🙂 Donate! ►https://streamlabs.com/zalloyt Discord: https://discord.gg/dp2x4Y4EBC Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZalloYT Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZalloYT The BG Music I Used: https://youtu.be/ERMaiBmxxJM?si=VvCtzP2hA5V2wFKq —————————————————————————————————————————————- Use Code *Zallo* In The FN Item Shop #ad Read More

  • Stellarix Network

    Stellarix NetworkStellarix Network puts together a lot of smp gamemodes into one single network so that players dont have to search for different servers to play different types of survival on stellarix.us:25592 Read More

  • Glace SMP – SMP Modded PvP Factions PvE Whitelist

    Welcome to Glace SMP Welcome to Glace SMP, a custom modpack server designed for exploration, building, and bosses. Our unique feature is the inclusion of Alliances. Alliances Alliances are player-created groups with up to 6 members. Each Alliance has a designated leader who chooses the base location and coordinates teamwork, builds, and relationships with other Alliances. Trades and wars can result from these relationships. Join us on this whitelisted SMP starting June 15th. Introduce yourself in the comments to join. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Read More

  • North America Divided

    North America DividedIn a world where the United States collapsed and the inhabitants had to fend for themselves… Join us on a modded 1:80 scale map of the United States and make your own story, be a politician, a builder, a wanderer, or integrate yourself into society, the choice is yours. NAD offers many mods including but not limited toVineryBlockusFarmers DelightBreweryAdornAutomobilityCreateVarious Macaw ModsSaros ConstructionSimple Animated GunsYuushya TownscapeAnd Many More!We do not have a Dynmap but we have Xaeros Map Mod and some waypoints in the discord or you can check the claims on the map to help you get around!Discord: https://discord.gg/CZCDS4k3dB Hope… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost in Blocks, Cap’n!

    Minecraft Memes - Lost in Blocks, Cap’n!“Looks like the captain forgot to update his GPS to Mine-way instead of the highway!” 🤣 Read More

Minecraft Crazy Craft 2.0 “Overpowered Mob Spawner” Ep. 41 w/JAYG3R