Video Information

Hello everybody what’s going on Jerome here and welcome to an awesome episode of crazy craft because in today’s episode we’re gonna do something that I don’t think anyone has done yet on the server and that is getting in to the witch’s room that’s right everybody so

We’re going into a land of sleeping by making ourselves a nice potion in the mean time as well we’re also going to go ahead and make ourselves a witch’s hat now I decided that the best way to go about this would just be for this episode build a witch’s hat and the

Sleeping potion and then in the next episode we’ll work towards making ourselves a few more items that’ll help with sleeping properly because in this game if you go to the sleeping realm and it’s basically under the wrong circumstances you end up in a nightmare and there’s a lot of problems with

Nightmares in that realm it’s very scary and a lot of things you can try and kill you at the same time if you’re do it during the day you get a lot of cool items and you can also make only specific potions there that you can’t make in the overworld so it’s pretty

Cool and definitely a fun step so once again we’re building the witch’s hat and we’re also making a potion to get ourselves all the way to the witch is wrong this episode alone yeah buddy okay so first things first taking a look at this we’re going to need to make ourself

A witch’s hat now the one thing about witch’s hat that makes it a little bit difficult to make as you can tell right here you have 35% higher chance of getting a second brew as well do you have any impregnated leather which is pretty difficult to get and you need

Golden thread which isn’t that bad at all so first off the impregnated leather we’re going to need a bunch of with some magic and some regular leather so we’ll take this we’ll get ourselves a stuff that’s needed for the whips of magic there we go we got 28 rolling saplings

And the way you make it is literally just burrowing saplings and eventually they’ll drop some whips of magic so while we’re doing that we’re also going to take the time and start to spin ourselves oh actually we need a crafting table we need a crafting table ruining

Let me go over here and grab us a nice little crafting table it’s a lot of different things that go into witches mod building stuff so but whether it be building even something as simple as a witch’s hat to building like the simplest of potions it’s something that

Actually takes a good amount of time it’s not it’s not just a one to three kind of process but it’s also not ridiculously difficult at the same time so like don’t don’t even really worry about it it’s it’s really not bad you’ll see you’ll see in two seconds about what I’m talking about

So here we go I’ll head on over to here place this nice little crafting table so we can use it and now we seem to make ourselves there we go a nice little hay bale and when we do with the hay bale from there we could take it and of

Course to make golden thread all you use put that there with one of your wisps of magic so hopefully we have one ready to go do we oh we have three perfect that’s how I was hoping for because we need a lot this episode of the whip of magic is

Used for pretty much everything and actually why is this not working going thread is spun from hay using a spinning wheel it has ingredient used to make which is clothing oh it’s taking time I’m an idiot while I was looking off-screen I didn’t see that the arrow

Is actually moving to make us the golden thread that we needed that was ok we won’t we won’t talk about drones dummer days like that that was not not one of my brightest of moments then from there we’re going to need as well to get ourselves a diamond to vapor now the

Diamond vapor is going to be necessary as well for the Hat it’s a it’s one of the center pieces of the impregnated leather and to get the diamond vapor looking it up on the side here you just need to still ah we needed oil of vitriol oil of vitriol which is not that

Difficult to get at all all we need to get ourselves is some wood ash and maybe some quick lime as well so grab this we got the wood ash which the wood ash we turn using that in two quick lon there we go so we got to put climb now

And we can click on that so we put the clip on in there we’re gonna need to put ourselves a couple bottles down here once again this is like a very complicated process making these kind of potions it’s not easy but the same time is really not the

Most difficult thing in the world ok so to do this as well considering we got four with some magic I think that’s good for now I kind of want to go ahead and start making the other stuff that we need so we’re gonna have to burn some

Kind of log or something along those lines if we want to get ourselves a nice bottle of foul fumes you know is it it’s delicious smelling trust me and Bible is just smelling I mean it’s probably completely awful snowing ok well let’s grab this then and let’s head over I

Guess we’ll go over to the forest way out there and collect ourselves some wood and we’ll be back in a quick second okay so we’ve got ourselves the oak wood I’m gonna bring that back right now and we only need to get one foul fume which it

Isn’t a 100% guarantee on each log so I got 11 of them not that it really took that long to cut down logs anyway when you have an ultimate accent really isn’t that big of a deal a real let’s eat up the steak and let’s go run right on over

To the nice little there is nice little witches oven and hopefully we get a foul fume going in here ASAP and we could drop that in there and then boom we have the diamond vapor and believe it or not at that point we are almost ready to get

Ourselves the impregnated leather and in turn make the witch’s hat as well it’s actually balloon rods that easy it’s not it’s really isn’t that difficult this one we’re lucky Parris we got the Falcon blue got more charcoal you can put in there for fuel and now to build this Oh

Oops I forgot to put this in here doo doo doo doo and now the distillery should be hard at work it takes a hot second for it to actually start working but on the side of though we’re one step of the way there with the valve fume and now we can start working

On the brew of sleeping which I want to load up for you guys once you get we need this in order to transcend between the dimensions of your will so we got the brew of sleeping right here it’s as simple as getting a couple items gathered together we need a water

Artichoke globe which we have on our trip seeds we didn’t icing needle which we have Snowbell seeds for with magic we should have actually we need one more purified milk it also I should use a bucket of milk as well so we can we totally should use a bucket of milk for that

Oops whoopsies sleeping and from there we are here the cookie and a brew of love is very easy I collected most the items anyway already and oh looks like we need a couple more with some magic actually funny enough so let’s start cooking those up and drive a couple more while

We can and how many more bottles and you know seven will throw well throw these bad boys in there there we go um and AH there we go nice little oil of vitriol and then from here to make the Dimond vapor how do I make on let me look this

Up real quick diamond vapor here it is its oil of its role clay jar a diamond okay it’s easy enough see a lot of these aren’t that difficult when you have the crafting recipes in front of you there is more or less time-consuming I guess

Uh so we’ll put that up there that there are the other way around are oh it’s probably that way there we go I think either way probably would have worked actually reasonably speaking whoa we are literally burning through these Roman saplings and not getting a single whiff

Of magic here well while we’re doing that and cooking those up let’s go ahead and plan ourselves the water artichoke seeds um so we can start to get ourselves the water artichoke globe which we need oh so desperately I’m not sure do you are you oh you might not

Even be able to actually uh can you bowl meal oh you can’t you can bone meal and luckily and there it is we got the globe we’ve got the water arch Oh globe that we needed so we can put this up top and we are one step closer to our goal now

We also need the snowbelle seeds as well which i think you can just plant those those on the ground or those I’ll try out the hoe the land actually whoopsies probably gonna thought that one through so let’s go ahead and let’s get ourselves this going animal sticks and

Boom Shakalaka and that we can juice there we go that works and come on give me an icy needle ah snowball it’s not a guarantee every once in a while though there you go every once in a while you’ll get yourself an icy needle so we

Got the icy needle now we got cookies that we’re 1/3 or 1/2 of the way they’re actually on if we have the whips of magic even another step yeah well we got a couple whips of magic so we are actually a couple steps of the way there order of

Purity Don vapor dial we got two diamond vapors nice nice and now we can go ahead and make ourselves the witch’s hat olan doop de doop to do our Tsar we can make ourselves the impress the wrong witch’s hat there’s so many balls of witches hats that row that’s the long we get

Impregnated leather okay um so maybe I should be looking up impregnated leather perfect and we’ll just a little little question mark or Rooney thing there and then we have eight solid with some magic and add on vapor now we have the leather and then we can go ahead on this and do

Witch hat and now once get more of a chance of brewing extra double potions and Oh actually we need so they may we need to get the glowstone from in here and now we can build this up so let’s go boom boom and then we go like this and

Now this allows us to make a lot more potions easily and more efficiently we can also go ahead and make the rest the robes at a later time as well so that’d be cool know that whatever hat and you can also put another wizard’s hat on tops you get

A witch wizard hat looks kind of funky I’m guessing but I’m just literally big that up but ere we go we are one part doll in this episode now for the second part we’re actually get to do the fun and go to the other dimension we’re going to need to get ourselves will

Actually appear to have the where is it the put up it uh the width of magic so we got that rolling um and now we have a bucket of milk all that’s really left is the love potion actually the roux of love yeah which we have most the

Ingredients for here we need that that that do to do that and then other that we need one whiff of magic and then finally the last piece that we don’t have is I think actually mean another they can’t we need another water to our lowers yeah me one more water artichoke

Actually so we’ll just go ahead and plant that down shouldn’t be an issue look look look there we go perfect easy as that we got ourselves another at water artichoke globe and we should be able to make the brew of love so in here I can’t remember do we

Put I can’t remember if we put water in there or not I don’t remember exactly how to craft these things all the time it’s it’s not easy remembering it’s been I think over a month since we do his model yeah we do put water in there

Perfect so that was a good call and then from there we just dump all these bad boys in so we’ve got I’m just gonna move all these so I’m gonna go like this just so I can get them all in a in a straight line and perfect that right there are

The lows the six components to making this wonderful and I’ll make sure that works exes will just dump these guys in and just go boom boom boom boom boom and then boom and now theoretically that should be a nice brew of love which I don’t know what the second purpose of it

Is besides to uh well you know besides for this there we go we got four brewers of love oh I shouldn’t bruise a love you can throw them on creatures and it gets them ready to bleep breed instantly so it is pretty useful actually I mean granted you could just feed them food

But you know those are the lazy man’s way out and by lazy I mean like if you want to do the ultra complicated route you could totally totally do this uh not the most recommended but okay so we got the bruising love check we’ve got I see needle check cookies check water or

Choke check with a magic check and milk and I don’t know it might it’s tell me on here that milk will work the only reservation I have about it is that it might need purified milk one of them says you can do both so I’m gonna go

With that and hope that I can just use the bucket of milk as purified milk but make things a lot easier okay come on here we go alright so theoretically that should bring us I don’t think it works it didn’t really change colors but theoretically that’s supposed to bring

Us no it just gave us a water bottle oh that’s annoying that’s really annoying oh man okay so we did need to get the purified milk then we needed the purified knuckle we got that now we’re going to need to get ourselves another the water artichoke

Spit up it up it up there we go give me a water show globe perfect it’s got the water chuckle oh we got four of them number five we need to get ourselves another one of the we have this right here give me come on give me a nice one

On like the first try there we go not the first try the close enough and now we just have to remake for a moment on the roommate we never made it we just have to make the milk special god of milk alright so here we go everybody we’re ready to hop on into

It and get ourselves the purified milk um it’s not gonna be the easiest process in the world but some like that actually look look at that what’s the big that we need an odour of purity actually we have one of those going Oh sick this is super

Easy because we’re Dee I forgot we got the odor of purity when we were making oh that guy just recio’s we made a diamond the diamond vapor I forgot that we actually made the odor of purity anyway so we can just totally I believe anyway

Craft this up let me see you have Emily go off Jesus my god creeper alright so what we had an extra bottle or an extra bottle we had an extra bucket of milk on us so we can put that up here odor of purity and boom purified milk so now

Theoretically we should drop all these guys in there there we go I see needle water or choke globe cookie with the magic brew of love and just heart a different color so I think we did it I think we made the Bruce sleeping we have four of them brews of

Sleeping so this right here everybody is exactly we’re looking for him and put all of our stuff away before way I don’t over this dimension now the big thing is the only way to get back is believe it or not I believe actually dying so it’s

Not really in the world if we die just keep that in mind um here we go I’m only gonna take one with me now just one and then yeah well we don’t need hacks we got the witch’s hat on I’ll bring this is good enough weapon anyway alright so

Here we go everybody we’re about to head in to another dimension I’d say we’ll do it like twice just to try it out and then I just saw me in the end I know this episode supposed to be a super long when I saw to make this one on the

Shorter side by getting a lot of things prepared before annex I didn’t want to bore you guys is like episode and most witches me preparing everything or I could just show them the fun part of it and I kind of cut most that out as you could tell and prepared

All the items to put up nicely in a chess and spent like an hour of my own time doing because I like there’s no reason I should bore them ah but here we go everybody going in we’re going deeper and oh my god I think we’re the first

Person on this server to end up in this dimension oh we lose all her stuff to see that’s new I didn’t know you lost all your stuff but here we are everybody we are in the witch’s dimension which looks very much the same as everything else

And it kind of is the only difference is there are certain types of blocks in this dimension oh and nightmares yep we’re having a nightmare oh my god oh my god I’m your nightmare yep yep oh I forgot any time it shows that it’s dark out that means

That you’re having a nightmare whenever you visit the witch’s realm okay so let’s keep looking around now I got to find a safe place but I can just camp out real quickly I’ll read this up but that oh no oh no oh no we’re dead already

Okay you know what we have three more of them I’m gonna go back in I’m gonna go deeper Leo I’m gonna try this out I’m gonna give a one go before we do that let me read off what exactly is in the spirit world the spirit world and the

Sparrows you get wispy cotton disturbed cotton and lettuce hunger ah and all these are needed to make Dreamweavers actually and dream weavers are part of the way okay so we doing that a goal and we should go there collects on these things because we need them make dream weavers which make it so

We can enter the other world easier without dieing a million times so that kinda made sense how to make dream area Dream Weaver oh you make a bunch different ones um okay cool I’m just reading up on it a little bit right now and it seems simple

Enough um okay let’s totally try and head back in there and we’ll look for wispy Kahn disturbed gondol if his hunger and Dreamweavers that’s what we live for okay daddy zombie I’m going to the other I’m going to the landless sleeping okay now hopefully we don’t die instantly

This time again wait oh we had daytime for a second we totally did now the only way to bring items back wheeze instantly died okay we’re have to go about this in a smarter way so what do we need to enter this world on dying instantly like what’s the let’s see

We don’t want there’s a way to make nightmares worse which I don’t want um what else can we do though that’ll make this a ton easier ah ah to reduce the chance of a nightmare well though as a dream we remember is nearby before sleeping having to pull a

Flowing spirit and wispy Kon near life also helps okay and flowing spirit I think yeah we need to be there to make it okay so basically all we can make ours a Dream Weaver nightmares and hope that we don’t get caught and in there so that’s pretty big deal so you know what

I’m gonna do I’m gonna vote that next episode we’re gonna go ahead and we’re going to make ourselves a couple dreamer I’m gonna try one more time just one more time and next episode we’re gonna go ahead and make yourselves a Dream Weaver so we can go there and collect

Some more resources cannot even be pretty cool to have like a to park on a which episode the same as we did last time maybe even three parts who knows we get really into this but you keep on going but here we go let’s see if we can

Get in here please don’t be a nightmare please don’t add still give me nightmare I figure they I mean a chances of it not being a nightmare are so slim when you don’t have any of these things going for you let’s keep looking around look around for anything out of the ordinary

If you see any kind of crop what the heck is that thing that it’s um some kind of monster the tree oh no oh no yeah all the nightmares they come I don’t know where they come under nowhere oh my god oh my god oh my god if he’s

Gonna chase me down I guarantee it there is there is I guess he just teleports and falls you around everywhere that’s so terrifying who literally can’t win while you’re here you have to not come during the night either that or maybe if you like get really into this and make like a let’s

Play almost in this world and get yourself like a ton of really wispy Caguas become this pecan this pecan okay we got like two pieces we’re covering the overworld oh we got disturbed con that’s right if you die with it on you there it turns into disturbed con in the

Real world well I know my guys thank y’all for watching I hope you enjoyed this awesome episode of crazy craft we got a lot done in a relatively short amount of time which is pretty exciting considering how it evolved the witches mod gets but we made it to the sleeping

Dimension so unhappy and apart matter I gotta take care of peace out and you’re sure even like and stay tuned for tomorrow’s episode we’re gonna go back in and actually get to explore it like in bet so leave a like if you’re excited for that and take care

This video, titled ‘Minecraft CRAZY CRAFT 3.0 – WITCH DIMENSION #46’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2015-09-27 04:16:34. It has garnered 168891 views and 4084 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:06 or 1146 seconds.

Today we dive into a brand new dimension and prepare for next episode where we get to explore the Witch Dimension! My Book: https://twitter.com/JeromeASF/status/630810805978669056

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About JeromeASF: Welcome to my channel! I love playing Minecraft, Fortnite and a bunch of other games. My goal is to have as much fun as possible and provide entertaining videos for everyone! I hope you all enjoy!

Minecraft CRAZY CRAFT 3.0 – WITCH DIMENSION #46 | JeromeASF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXlQbF5cPtE

JeromeASF https://www.youtube.com/user/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Production Music courtesy of http://www.epidemicsound.com/

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    Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/ShadersVideo Information I know you told your friend you’re not okay and tell me what’s WR why you never said you felt that way guess you’re trying to stay strong and fake smile until I look away but I’ve known you too long it hurts to watch your blue eyes Fade to gr as you fade away as you fade [Music] yeah I’m about to fade away cuz every time I wake up I feel like it’s Monday something’s going wrong with all the chemicals up in my brain all a sudden I don’t look at anything the same way… Read More


    "INSANE TEIVRIM CRAFT BUILDING IN MINECRAFT!!" #minecraft #buildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Импровизирую на лету – строю в майнкрафт #minecraft #майнкрафт #bildings’, was uploaded by TEIVRIM CRAFT on 2024-05-10 03:14:53. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:39 or 5739 seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, mine, shorts, in minecraft, compote, video minecraft, survival, games, compot, minecraft shorts, trolling, compote in minecraft, fixie, noob, fixie minecraft, trolling trap, minecraft animation, novel compote, Edison, trolling in minecraft, edison, minecraft but, mcpc, in mine, mcpe, air, fixeye, minecraft video, noob, minecraft server, girl in minecraft, minecraft pe, meme, domer, minecraft hardcore, steve, edisonpts, memes,… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft City Revival – No Talking!

    Epic Minecraft City Revival - No Talking!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream: City Renaissance Challenge Episode Twenty Three (no talking)’, was uploaded by Green Newbie on 2024-03-25 02:33:29. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:50 or 6710 seconds. Continuing our journey with the City Renaissance Challenge: https://grzi.github.io/city-renaissance-challenge-minecraft/ We worked on the bridge today and changed it from a dirt bridge into something a little nicer. Read More

  • “Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!” #clickbait

    "Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Noob Plays 2B2T ✅ Try Building MEGA Base ✅ Day 22 IRL #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #2’, was uploaded by MrDon on 2024-03-22 01:50:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Decided to try minecraft and it was more fun than i have always thought. Made me want to try build a mega base and a lot of the … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!Video Information तेरी बातों में ऐसा उलझा जिया बैठे ही बैठे मैंने दिल खो दिया तेरी बातों में ऐसा उझा जिया This video, titled ‘easy Minecraft EnderDragon sketch #minecraftshorts #ytshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Alok art studio on 2024-04-22 17:41:00. It has garnered 123 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Honeybeeks Public Anarchy MC

    Honeybeeks Public Anarchy MCA public hard mode vanilla anarchy survival server. While the server is anarchy, we aim to break the game, not each other. PVP and griefing is allowed with purpose, but discouraged without. Vanilla with plugins to encourage exploration and building. PLUGINS: Dynmap AdvancedTeleport SmoothTimber games.honeybeeks.net Read More

  • LanderYT SMP: Semi-vanilla, 16+, Whitelist, LGBTQ+ friendly

    Welcome to LanderYT SMP! If you’re seeking a hermitcraft style SMP, look no further! We are a community established in October 2021, and we’re on the lookout for new members. Our server has been customized with minor adjustments to better cater to our community. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested! Server Details: Server IP: notarealip.serv.nu (contact “landeryt” on discord) Read More

  • Earth Network

    Earth NetworkWelcome to Earth Network, the ultimate Minecraft server experience! Dive into our diverse gamemodes: conquer the wild in Survival, master the skies in Skyblock, and brave the depths in Underground Survival. Each mode offers unique challenges and endless adventures. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or strategist, Earth Network has something for everyone. Stay tuned for more exciting gamemodes coming soon. Join our vibrant community and embark on your next Minecraft adventure with Earth Network today!Discord: https://discord.gg/Twitter: twitter.com/earthnetwork Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro Forgot To Turn Off His Lava Tap

    Looks like Bro is helping flood the virtual world instead of saving it! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked

    Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked In my Minecraft city, a bank I did build, With timelapse magic, my vision fulfilled. From planning to finish, each step in line, Crafting a masterpiece, a sight so divine. Gathering resources, preparing with care, Every block in place, a grand affair. Step by step, the bank took shape, A testament to creativity, no escape. The final reveal, a stunning sight, In my Minecraft city, shining bright. Inspiration for builders, a joy to behold, In the world of blocks, stories untold. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t be shy, For more epic builds, watch me fly. Minecraft magic, in every rhyme,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂 When Minecraft cuts you off, just remember it’s not personal – it’s just trying to keep your brain cells from getting too addicted to building virtual worlds! #MinecraftIntervention 😂🔨🧠 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Horror Adventure: From the Fog Embark on a terrifying journey in the world of Minecraft with the mod pack “From the Fog.” This mod pack introduces a host of eerie creatures like Herobrine, Cartoon Cat, Siren Head, and many more. Follow along as the protagonist navigates through this spine-chilling adventure, encountering a myriad of challenges and dangers. Exploring the Terrifying World of From the Fog Step into a world reminiscent of Minecraft’s early days, with outdated textures and haunting sounds that set the stage for a truly immersive experience. The protagonist must gather resources, survive the night,… Read More


    SJIN'S INCREDIBLE WORLD-CHANGING SPELL in Hells KitchenVideo Information hello and welcome back to enchant the world all the mods 9 magic mods last episode we looked into growing crops and developed the colony a little bit check out the worly sprig Farm now we’ve put down loads more seeds and decorated it a bit and this place looks really h and bustling and also it’s generating loads and loads and loads and loads of crops for us the question we have now is what are we going to be doing with all that food and that’s why I’ve prepared an area over here which we’re going… Read More

  • Legendary Gamer vs Pillager Outpost

    Legendary Gamer vs Pillager OutpostVideo Information si tú quieres bailar jugar pintar cantar tú puedes venir a mi casa La idea es compartir te vas a divertir si quieres venir a mi casa quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa todas mis amigas y amigos quiero saltar bailar y lo que tengo compartir contigo Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daa mágico mi dubi du Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daa mágico mi dubi tú quieres cantar yo te voy a enseñar si quieres venir a mi casa y digo a mi mamá que diga tu mamá This video, titled ‘DESTROYING PILLAGER… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT NIGHT W/ VIEWERS!! JOIN NOW!!🔥Video Information holy [ __ ] a stack of gold for eight golden apples bro you’re tweaking that was all of my gold dang and I wasted two of them just to get my H back that’s crazy bro broke now back like whoever that was talking about pizza should share facts facts big facts I got y bro pull up big facts big facts kok key slam now I mean I just came from a restaurant so not really but I mean Fast Metabolism so it’s like I’m going to eat whenever you know yeah the um the dude… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Top 10 EPIC Seeds for Minecraft 1.20.4!

    Unbelievable: Top 10 EPIC Seeds for Minecraft 1.20.4!Video Information welcome back everybody to another episode here of the top 10 seeds Series today ladies and gentlemen it’s such a variety 10 seeds is so many for me to cram into into a video the way I do my videos so there is a little bit of starter seeds there’s a little bit of advanced seeds and there’s a little bit of seeds that you probably don’t even want to play on but they look absolutely beautiful now this was recorded in Minecraft jav edition 1 120.4 uh trrain generation should work in Bedrock but you know structures… Read More


    ULTIMATE PVP RESOURCE PACKS! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🍒ЛУЧШИЕ РЕСУРС ПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП🍒1.16.5 🍒FunTime🍒HolyWorld🍒 АНАРХИЯ🍒ReallyWorld🍒’, was uploaded by zloyaim on 2024-05-20 19:28:58. It has garnered 89 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. all RP in my tg: tg: z1oyaim Tags DO NOT READ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #RP #ResourcePack #Totem #Minecraft #pvp #pvp #anarchy #cpvp #holyworld #funtime # akrien #pvp krysatl #1.16.5#akrien,#celestial,#wexside,#download,#best,#resource pack pvp 1.12.2,#pvp resource pack 1.12.2,#rp for pvp 1.16.5,#pvp krysatl 1.16.5,Nursultan #minecraft #hvh #hvh #rp #mineblaze #Rigen #padiloi #KRAY #tirepsik #DARKHELL #Podpolcovnic #Grif #pvp #pvp #gv0zd #slivrp #trypesex #nursultan #funtime #minecraft #mst #hollyworld # aresmine #rp… Read More


    DUAL ANIMATORS TACKLE MINECRAFT HARDCORE!Video Information okay testing testing one two three one two three hello zodiac you are literally the first person to even join us on this fine afternoon for us there we go I think that should be okay for the chat now all right hello toga welcome to the stre we’re getting some good people in Arrow is in fact there yeah of course oh hang on guys I literally forgot my water in the other room just one second it’s fine I’ll be here to talk to him hello everyone it’s your number one man all right let’s see… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Matt’s Intense Minecraft Hardcore LIVE!

    SHOCKING! Matt's Intense Minecraft Hardcore LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE TIME | Matt Plays LIVE (Short)’, was uploaded by VarietyMattMedia on 2024-02-17 08:06:10. It has garnered 83 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:36 or 5916 seconds. Heyo! – Be nice! (Towards Jenny aswell.) – No stream sniping/harassment/doxxing/trolling, etc. – No sub4sub/No self-promotion. – Mods/Friends only! – No Sparta/Game(?) Requests! (I quit that unfortunately.) – No spamming. – English only! (Not trying to be xenophobe!) – Don’t joke about serious stuff. (Disabilities, tradegies, etc.) – Generally? Be a decent person, alright? Want to join my discord server? Here you… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Golem Battle – 1.21 Mob Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Golem Battle - 1.21 Mob Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Mob Battle – Iron Golem vs Every Mob (Java Edition) – Epic Showdown!’, was uploaded by MetShubhoo on 2024-04-05 09:30:24. It has garnered 825 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:07 or 667 seconds. Minecraft 1.21 mob battle – Iron Golem vs All Mobs – Iron Golem vs Every Mobs (Java Edition) Witness the colossal clash in Minecraft 1.21 as the indomitable Iron Golem takes on every mob in an epic showdown! In this action-packed video, watch as the Iron Golem faces off against a diverse array of mobs,… Read More

  • Ultimate Outfit Reveal – CRAZY reggae rap BTS style!

    Ultimate Outfit Reveal - CRAZY reggae rap BTS style!Video Information This video, titled ‘See my outfit for today #music #reggae #guitar #song #rap #bts #minecraft #funny #btsarmy #kesfetaci’, was uploaded by Atifthamin on 2024-02-18 14:26:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • FutureMC

    FutureMCThe Best Public SMP Introducing FutureMC A Brand new server that is about to Release coming 26th July! The Server that we are realeasing First is a Lifesteal SMP! Containing Many Features! Join up to take up the Spot for the Most PowerFull Player.. Compatable with Both Java and Bedrock play.futuremc.co:25476 Read More

  • Atlantis SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Custom Plugins

    Atlantis Server Information Server Name: Atlantis Server IP: Server Location: Europe – France Version: 1.20.4 (Java; Vanilla client) Gameplay Types: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, PVE, PVP, Land Claim Atlantis is an SMP server where you play as an Atlantean with special powers, ranks, land claim, PVP, underwater city and market, special items, special plugins, and the opportunity to become a staff Mod. Play like a true Atlantean with Atlantean’s power and ranks. Read More