Minecraft Cube UHC Season 11 – FASTEST DEATH EVER? – Episode 1 ( Minecraft Ultra Hardcore )

Video Information

Welcome everyone tuh season this season we’re returning to zest zest is hosting he’s on top with a little platform over there basically we’re all teleported into a random cedar map and we have to fight to the death this time the border and the radius is 1250 bootleg in each direction which

Means 2500 by 2500 we all teleport across and the only way to heal is by Golden Apple or healing potion the nether is on the season portal trapping is off we’ve disabled strength you so strength you will not be allowed and one of the new changes that we made this

Season is we’re not gonna allow horses we’ve had some problems with horses last season where they were leggy and a lot of people were kind of just like oh so we’re just gonna see how it goes without this time around we’re gonna disable it completely so someone gets a saddle

Don’t yell at your screen saying you can poke you can poke up to five blocks golden heads are enabled however you will go five blocks find a door and then poke hole even further we’ve also had a new rule you can’t staircase up and down at Y 30 or below you can bring

Your knees down if you don’t find a cave then you have to go up and try to find another place to dig down is there any other things that we need to go over today or is that it believe hey what’s up guys camp and rusher here

Welcome back to cube UHC season 11 baby we’re back for a solo season this season things are gonna be different we are going fast well as fast as possible I’m aiming for things to be to be different I should say we are going to be going

For kills we’re going to be playing a bit more aggressive than usual and yeah I just I want some action to happen I want to I do want to win of course but we need to switch up the strategy you know I’m still probably gonna have my natural my natural conservative play

Style that always gets me to the top five let’s be on it usually gets me to the top five but we got to spice it up a bit we gotta try something new because I have not been able to pull off a win in UHC and that’s the overall goal of

Course is to win boom sugarcane right off the bat and oak force we’re gonna get there right away the borders right here as well so it looks like to be I’m keeping f3 up for a bit I guess we don’t really need it looks like to be a 1250 by 1250 border

Which is a-okay with me we will grab the someone already dot J Wang blew up no no desert temple Jay Wong just died literally that’s the record that’s gotta be the record oh my gosh that’s a little hilarious I feel kind of bad but at the

Same time oh my god it’s alright Jay wall Jay Wong left this server he had to a plan that come on he had to plan that freakin Jay Wong dude alright well guys were not last place this season we made I guess I shouldn’t be laughing something could happen to me so let’s

Let’s have edit kip rusher cuz anything you go down so yeah we’re gonna play a bit more a bit more fast I’m still debating I may even go to the nether this season but strength strength to potions not sure if it was mentioned in the intro are not allowed so yeah

Whatever that means basically it’s oh jeez almost lost a heart right there strike two potions so like that’d be the main reason you’d go to the net for strength too I guess for farming nether quartz as well for XP would be my other reason so we may go for that

Purpose to farm nether quartz depending what were your app because I really want some good stuff we need good in chance that’s that’s how we’re gonna have to pull off a nice W I may go get that iron in just a second but let me get things multitasking first get our get our

Apples going here and then we’ll go from there so yeah little nervous as I usually am that’s usually part of my downfall on the pvp fights is I just I get so freaking nervous it’s tough you know UHC is a big event especially this one is a

You know what’s part of the Christmas holiday there’s lots of guys out there hopefully view in the videos hanging out having a good time with me and I just I don’t know I hate letting you guys down so it just gets me more nervous which ultimately leads ultimately leads to me

Letting people down and myself down I guess but hey we’re gonna try and let the pressure not get to us and go from there yeah it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a fun time it’s gonna be a fun season I hope everyone is having a good holiday

Or is excited for the holiday that it’s about to begin I guess and hopefully this is a long and prosperous season of UHC that’s what I hope for that is the main goal here on the camp and Russia’s Channel actually the main goal is to win

If I win a free concedes in the u HC man I’m just I’m gonna go nuts oh I want it so bad I wanna win you HC so bad and I don’t really want Tokyo to win cuz he just he wins every time

Thank is that two in a row two in a row I think two UHDS in a row meanwhile I can’t win one in ten seasons I missed the first one I’m not forgetting that this is Season eleven all right so yeah we’ll just mine down a bunch of trees

The the normal process here and it looks like we only got two starting food unfortunately which means well of course I’m gonna be looking for cows mostly for their leather but I guess we should look for well I had chickens but I guess we should get pigs as well oh jeez

Just in case let’s take this thing out before he causes me more problems than I have right now with him oh my god oh geez that could have been bad that could have been real bad if I hadn’t killed that creep right there I started leg

Gosh what do we got here we got some more hair we got a lot of trees mined down here there should be one or two apples we’re aiming for about four apples would be be the goal before heading down before heading downwards I see one two perfect just like I said one

Or two or is it three perfect the sooner we can get our apples the sooner we can ditch out of here oh my gosh perfect four or five I’ll take that easily all right let’s roll out right away dude let’s roll we may be back in the

Future but for now it’s focused on getting some leather so we can enchant down there and getting some food of course we want food and enchanting to not be an issue at hand hello there mr. chicken I see more sugar cane over there oh that’s a kill that’s a can I see you

Up there chickens that’s wrong that sheeps eaten that’s cheap hungry alright I see pig over there lots of chickens that’s a good sir now hopefully we’re not gonna have any trouble finding cows what do we got we got about half of the day left about five minutes here until

We want to be heading underground which is okay with me we’re making very good time five apples is what I wanted more sugarcane can never hurt now I’m just gonna be on the looks for cows at 24 sugar cane perfect perfect flower it looks like we’re in a flower forest you

Just to put us in a grand old mood we get a nice flower forest for us and yeah so we got a really focus on getting tons of levels when we’re underground and again like I said if we can get stuff fast we’ll head to the nether and we

Will farm nether forts enable in it or in order to get a a massive amount of stuff I’m going to not head into the roofed forest for the time being come on cows cows or anything leather giving such as a horse I would be another placement would be

Another giver of leather let’s head this way well planes should give horses hopefully hopefully pvp’s off for now so we just cut through the the water here should be a little bit quicker go grab this frickin chicken hello there friend I’m here to get your feathers oh I’m sorry

You look cute when you died though very cute no I’m just kidding that’s a little creepy that’s a little creepy alright please no skeletons behind here you know I’m just gonna avoid oh never mind chicken nevermind I want you chicken one steak to go over there skeleton there no moving this way

Should be stuff over here it’s I kind of lot I don’t like being able to see the border I thought I saw something evil over there I don’t need the zombie kill right now you should probably die anyways alright there we go horse right there perfect perfect absolutely perfect

Hello there horse don’t fight back ok good oh god that sounds terrible I’m sorry perfect oh my god he just just died twice I heard him died twice there hey pal sorry about that sorry about that friends I’m here for your for your letter man this is a good

Call plains Eagles horses equals letter I guess we want horses oh wait no horses are banned as well right just kind of get out I’m not really trained in horse PvP so I don’t really know before we go down we just need more food it’s almost nighttime as well how much

We have five leather we need a bit more leather tell Akio in tomahawk or that hanging out there there I’m sorry noble stallion I had to take you out in the proper way these fools look like little baby so I don’t even think that drop ler well I had luck with

The first view but now I’m not having any luck at all hello pal oh jeez that’s a manly um what do we got for food 6 and 7 so it’s not a terrible amount okay that’s enough leather let’s get that pig and before we had dogs again we want to head down

Permanently probably gonna go with the stair casing strap I don’t know if we find a cave within the next like two minutes we’ll use the cave but as of now we’ll probably roll with the stair casing strategy unless I find a cave like I said in the next like 30 seconds

As in right here this may be a cave no but it’s cool let’s grab the coal but let’s make sure we can see above us for now seven leather 3:11 might as well kill this thing as well get enough for more books there we go alright cool that

Should be enough that should be plenty donkey so many horses jeez Louise something this way doesn’t looks like to be a fake-out get me down must get down must be protected everyone want to sleep freakin tau cracking jokes tokyo is cracking jokes in the middle of the UHC

This is a serious event that’s alright jokes are good lessons the tension I guess you could say hi this seems to be a decent place to go down we have a good start ladies and gents look down we go I told you if I found something but it

Looks like okay is that gonna be enough food is the question hopefully you think we’ll find more food let’s grab this quick oh never mind worth it not worth it come back later wait wait wait wait nope bleep hopefully that looks natural enough down we go

I get torches for you guys in just a second Jabil Oh Jay whoa I can’t believe he’s already dead we’ll miss you buddy well I want it one last guy I got it no don’t have to kill but still I guess like that’s what I want like I that’s

What I always say I don’t have to kill that person once they die but then someone else gets their stuff in this case no one got jwong stuff you probably didn’t have any stuff so it’s not not a- really at all cool already some iron what are they asking sheep drop bread

For those who are hungry wow I did not know that well I could have gotten some free bread I did not know that but I think honestly a steak and this 16 food and all I don’t know man it’s gonna be maybe we should stay close I don’t know

We have like another 10 minutes we’ll find a cave overnight I guess and maybe before we do our final things we will just go back up and grab a little bit of bread because apparently sheep drop bread for people who are hungry apparently that’s a thing which I was

Unaware of but we had a really good start very very good very fast start to UHC today I don’t know why I made I guess it’s good we made two all right so let’s do this this make most of that into cooking wood here for a sec and the

Rest will go into that until we find some cool but yeah well conserve food as best we can make sure the food is at the full potential before we eat it and then we can debate cuz we’re gonna be down here for you know a good amount of time

We’re gonna be getting lost in chants and stuff so we’ll see we’ll see how things play out a my mining towards away from yeah yeah I’m mining away from the border yeah cool cool sounds good to me that let’s keep it light in here we’ll find some cool down we go

What level we have we got 43 so we got 43 level staircase until we until we are down a bomb even though we’re collecting iron either way so we can be full iron if we do have to go back up if things do get a little dicey we’ll have some some

Iron to protect us I would not though I would not mind finding a mineshaft that’s when things usually are generally more successful if I can lock down a mineshaft so that is what we are of course gunning for a success so hey finding a mineshaft would be a

Good way to find some success alright down we go should I sing a song I guess no no we need to conserve energy maybe that’s why maybe it’s cuz I don’t PvP till the very end I’m out of energy from doing so many awesome things during the

Video but probably not I died too dull and it was episode 2 so that’s way back in season 7 though I think I forget but I think everyone remembers that kill I think that’s a kill that’ll go down in history it did for me it was tough it

Was a tough tough tough tough in between seasons for me it was a kill but if if we don’t find anything here then we will have to go about other means of things all right we gotta light that up we gotta head back up to do and so this is

The scary thing is not being able to actually find a cave system from this strategy that’s that’s the scariest thing that can happen all right so let’s cook up the iron though got some chicken on us now and then we can use some more light and make double stone swords I

Need more wood first Duke Duke might as well just make a bunch of sticks and doodoo oh the focus goddang no I don’t need double stolen swords I’m losing focus already there we go Group group people love the bloop alright down for more stuff so I gotta keep my ears open

Here guys this is it this is it if I can find a cave here before the end of episode one that’s a very good thing very good this is it level 25 and to keep that f3 up so it counts down and makes it I hear water I hear it in the left

Yeah we’re getting closer alright here’s something that’s getting closer now I hear lava not sure if it’s up or down though so we’re just gonna go straight oh it’s getting real close lapping water it’s a good sign ladies and gents oh that’s got to be the left there you are

Cave conquered or not conquered cave located I so say hello friends hello on level 24 not a bad cave find at all perfect see I knew we just had to be quiet and wait alright plop you in there just light this area up a little bit looks

Like we’re going to get a nice start today hopefully this cave doesn’t cut off but let’s just get some coal before we head back up so that we are not low on that resource that you kind of are always in need of might as well collect it now

While we’re down here we’ll grab our stuff and then make our way down here because I’m debating it’s three three minutes here until until night yeah I don’t even know this cave might not even go anywhere else I hear lava down pass that gravel though so we’ll check

That as well but I don’t know we’ll see how this plays out we’ll see how this plays out hello I er hello friend yeah Bob is down there somewhere I think I hear it somewhere might be down no um but yeah like we have literally two

Minutes and a half here so maybe we’ll head up in a second make sure this irons all cook get more iron cooking and then we’ll head up quickly grab a little bit more sheep in order to get food I just don’t want to have to worry about food

In like four episodes because that just that just be a waste waste of waste of precious time we’ll take a second here to trash – trash stuff again about two minutes I guess it’s about two minutes till the end of the episode as well but I’m looking at it from a from a

Different perspective a perspective of day time because I think day times 10 minutes night times 10 minutes but might as well get some armor while we’re here and get pants in a chest plate and then we can spare some iron for some some bucket and might as well just conserve

That I thought I saw someone up there for a second I was just the torch though I hope it was just a torch but yeah we will grab some we’ll grab some things here as we’ll make this quick as we will find more cool now we got a bunch of

Torches and we got feathers we had a very very good start today so far things have started almost perfectly I’m just gonna mine around this uh probably something up here but we’ll head up now should be just turning yeah it’s already alright let’s book it let’s go alright cool

Back to daytime it’s light out beautiful creeper there chicken so we just needed a couple more food sources I thought there were sheep here but I guess that was a while ago but we will just get the chickens might as well not the greatest chickens not as good as the steak and

Pork and stuff but hey it’s good enough oh and there’s cows as well it will take up inventory space but Abel will eat the cow stuff first we’ll have less of it hello friend and then after these deals here we will head back we’ll head back hello lava

Don’t shoot me in anything all right cool end of episode I’d like to thank you all for watching this episode of the cube this is episode 1 things are only gonna get better this this season of cube guys I promise you we’re gonna be acting fast aggressively we’ve already

Had a very good start today and hopefully our luck continues but yeah back down we go to start a day of a day of mining oops want to make that more natural thank you guys have a good one I hope you enjoyed touch that like but if you did and

Please remember to join the rushers by subscribing see you later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cube UHC Season 11 – FASTEST DEATH EVER? – Episode 1 ( Minecraft Ultra Hardcore )’, was uploaded by TheCampingRusher – Fortnite on 2014-12-16 22:00:05. It has garnered 60271 views and 2137 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:12 or 1452 seconds.

Welcome to Minecraft Cube UHC Season 11! Ultra Hardcore is a gamemode originally created by Guude and the group Mindcrack. In UHC mode, health does not regenerate, you must use a golden apple, golden head, or instant health potion. In addition, ghasts drop gold ingots, rather than ghast tears, so players cannot brew regeneration potion.

In this season of UHC, the 20 participants will be playing in a 2500×2500 arena: horses are disabled.

Play Minecraft on my Server! ➜ IP: pvp.thearchon.net Join The RUSHERS by Subscribing ➜ http://bit.ly/JoinTheRushers

Live Stream ➜ http://www.twitch.tv/thecampingrusherr Follow me on Twitter ➜ https://twitter.com/thecampingrush Instagram ➜ http://instagram.com/thecampingrushrush

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Put “UHC” as your comment if you read the description! ——————————————————————— Custom plugin and hosting provided by ZestPlaysMC (https://www.youtube.com/user/ZestPlayzMC)

Intro created by FinsGraphics (https://www.youtube.com/user/FinsGraphics)

Participants ========== Bayani: http://www.youtube.com/Bayani DField: http://www.youtube.com/DFieldMark Dylan: http://www.youtube.com/8BitHomo Fin: http://www.youtube.com/FinsGraphics Grape: http://www.youtube.com/Grapeapplesauce Grasses: http://www.youtube.com/Graser Cool: http://www.youtube.com/Huahwi123 JWong: http://www.youtube.com/JWingWangWong Kevin: http://www.youtube.com/FollowKevn King: http://www.youtube.com/Kiinqtonq Minecraft4Meh: http://www.youtube.com/MineCraft4Meh MrMitch: http://www.youtube.com/MrMitch361 Straub: http://www.youtube.com/StrauberryJam PatClone: http://www.youtube.com/PatClone Poke: http://www.youtube.com/Pokediger1 Rumble: http://www.youtube.com/WyldCrafters Rusher: http://www.youtube.com/TheCampingRusher Talk: http://www.youtube.com/Talekio Tofu: http://www.youtube.com/Tofuugaming Tomahawk: http://www.youtube.com/ThatOneTomahawk Like: http://www.youtube.com/TYBZI

Reddit: http://reddit.com/r/thecube

=Intro Music= From Dark to Dawn – Monster_Music http://audiojungle.net/item/from-dark-to-dawn/3308924

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    DeterminacyDeterminacy.net is a server that focuses on having a server with no rules while being on vanilla. The server went live and was created on June 3, 2020 and isn’t based around getting a insane amount of players, the main goal of this server is to play Minecraft without rules, to play Minecarft how it was originally intended to be played, and to also have this server up for as long as possible. The server is entirely vanilla, no aspect of the game is limited/taken away from you like many servers that claim to be “vanilla” but are really just… Read More

  • Cozy Corner – Semi-Vanilla 1.20 – 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Welcome to Cozy Corner Community! Looking to expand our community with a 21+ age group for our Minecraft Java server. We aim to provide a relaxed environment without server resets. Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect for peace of mind. Join our discord for lasting friendships, quick application process, and daily conversations. We welcome all gamers with various interests. We are seeking active members for chatting and gaming. No strict activity requirements but we review the member list periodically. Celebrating our discord server’s 1 year anniversary with events and giveaways ongoing! Join us today… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rebooted for better quality

    Looks like they really dug deep to improve the quality of this meme! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft House Structure Encore In the world of Minecraft, we build our dreams, Crafting structures, mining seams. From underground houses to mountain retreats, Every block placed, every resource we meet. Agni Gamingz, our guide in this land, With updates and builds, always at hand. In Hindi he speaks, with passion and flair, Sharing his journey, with a playful air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Let the story unfold, in the gaming light. Minecraft facts and updates, all in rhyme, Thanks to Agni Gamingz, every single time. Read More

  • Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥

    Minecraft: Fear Factor Edition 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you hear a creeper hiss behind you, but you’re too busy trying to take the perfect selfie for your Instagram story. Priorities, am I right? 🤳💥 #minecraftstruggles #selfiegamestrong Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun and Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Player in Minecraft (day 1) funny minecraft animation in real life.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it perfectly captures the fun and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and enjoy the creativity and humor that the game brings, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay features, friendly community, and exciting events, Minewind offers an experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Command Build Hacks

    Minecraft Command Build Hacks The World of Minecraft: Unleashing Epic Command Build Hacks! Armor Stand 1 Command One of the most exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to customize armor stands using commands. With the Armor Stand 1 Command, players can create unique and invisible armor stands with various poses and items. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”stick”,Count:1b},{}],Pose:{RightArm:[303f,28f,0f]}}} 1, players can unleash their creativity and design stunning displays in their world. Spyglass Command Another fascinating command in Minecraft is the Spyglass Command, which allows players to equip armor stands with spyglasses. By using the command /give @p armor_stand{EntityTag:{Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{}],HandItems:[{id:”spyglass”,Count:1b},{}]}} 1, players can… Read More

  • Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!

    Endless Action in Private WBEDWARS! Join Us Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE! – Private Games With Viewers – WBEDWARS WEDNESDAY IS BACK!!!’, was uploaded by The ByGone Archive on 2024-01-18 12:25:37. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:19 or 5419 seconds. #ohioisoverparty #hypixel #bedwars #minecraft #bedwarslive Classic WBedwars Wednesday action that anyone can join in on! Donate to Stream Here! – https://streamelements.com/bygonearchive/tip Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@ByGone_ Discord – https://discord.gg/K8xGYAeKUu Merch – https://bygone.printify.me/products Hypixel is a public Minecraft server that has a ton of different gamemodes like bedwars, skywars, hunger games/survival games, skyblock, and many more! Texture Pack: Vattic’s… Read More

  • Cursed Vault Mishap

    Cursed Vault MishapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT!’, was uploaded by Stressmonster101 on 2024-01-25 15:00:01. It has garnered 18146 views and 1586 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:32 or 1772 seconds. Hermitcraft Vault Hunters : Episode 17 – ACCIDENTAL CURSED VAULT! Hermitcraft plays Vault Hunters Modded Minecraft. My Gear and skills: https://vaulthunters.gg/armory/Stressmonster101 ♥ My Social Media: https://linktr.ee/NatalieArnold ♥ My Stream upload channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/StressmonsterExtra Intro made by Vans Design Intro/outro music: Gemini_Robot (YouTube create) #vaulthunters #minecraft #stressmonster101 Read More

  • Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀

    Insane One Block Skyblock Adventure in Crafto FX 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft one block Skyblock servers #1 ☺️’, was uploaded by Crafto fx on 2024-03-09 05:21:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #gameplay #trinding #gaming #gamer #gameplay #gta5 #viral #viralvideo #videogame #trending #trending #viralvideo … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Skills – Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Skills - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Doing the MOST BEST Minecraft Stuff!’, was uploaded by EXBreak on 2024-04-16 13:14:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:31 or 571 seconds. Minecraft Wiki FrontPageSprite compass.png: Sprite image for compass in Minecraft linking to MCW:Community portalCommunity portal FrontPageSprite book-and-quill.png: Sprite image for book-and-quill in Minecraft linking to MCW:ForumWiki forum FrontPageSprite painting.png: Sprite image for painting in Minecraft linking to MCW:Admin noticeboardAdmin noticeboard FrontPageSprite clock.png: Sprite image for clock in Minecraft linking to Special:RecentChangesRecent changes FrontPageSprite sign.png: Sprite image for sign in Minecraft linking to MCW:Wiki rulesWiki… Read More

  • “BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!” #clickbait

    "BaryFlying: Minecraft 24/7 SMP Madness!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by BaryFlying on 2024-03-08 10:16:38. It has garnered 798 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:15 or 13035 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Playing With Friends #minecraft #shorts #viral Discord :- https://discord.com/invite/hqR4uR3f Instagram :- instagram.com/barytekken Like and Subscribe Read More

  • Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!

    Watch me TAMATIN Minecraft with Rp. 40,000!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 9)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-04-11 14:23:11. It has garnered 12169 views and 591 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:02 or 13082 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. Every 200k +3 runs & 1 million +20 runs. 🙏 Donate: https://sociabuzz.com/clementdav/donate Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also… Read More

  • Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join Now

    Minecraft Hive Sunterla: EPIC Cs, Parties & More! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive! Come join! Cs + Parties!’, was uploaded by Sunterla on 2024-02-18 05:16:54. It has garnered 281 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:33 or 12753 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sunterla MUSIC INFO: SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: Minecraft Creator-Safe Playlist by Minecraft Music courtesy of Mojang Studios Nightbot: !menu !ign !rules !bluechat | for mods only. !nemo !commands !subscribe !brain !nightbot spam !confused !meow Read More

  • Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!

    Top Secret Method to Fortify Your Military Base!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wie man eine SICHERE MILITÄR BASIS baut!’, was uploaded by Ukri on 2024-04-06 13:45:20. It has garnered 85590 views and 2778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:31 or 1891 seconds. Ukri and the little boy build a safe MILITARY BASE in Minecraft! To protect SemUkri City from evil Minecraft zombies with Semlaki, Orksui, Nelly and Billy. The secure military base includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest submarine in the end? Will Pro Ukri win? Will his noob friends Semlaki, Billy… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Anime Minecraft Animation! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft animation #Shorts #minecraft #mine #subscribe #tiktok #minecraftmeme #????????? #fyp’, was uploaded by Anime Tv show on 2024-02-20 17:03:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, … Read More

  • Quadcrafters

    QuadcraftersQuadcrafters is a simple SMP server. There is no heavy handed moderation or ranks to ruin your experience. This is a server for those who just want to play with their friends. Quadcrafters in some way shape or form has been running since 2011. mc.quadcrafters.com Read More

  • Pandamium: Snapshot SMP – Vanilla, Snapshots, 1.20.5 Pre-Releases, 1.21 Experiments, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord

    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: Updates to every new snapshot Experimental features enabled Active community with diamond-based trading economy Regular End resets for exploration Enhanced dragon fight with dragon egg prize Join now to experiment with all the latest features such as crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the bogged, the mace, and more! Upcoming Changes: We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk on Transgender Rights

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk on Transgender RightsLooks like Elon Musk’s power level is over 9000 with that meme score! Read More

  • Time’s Tale: SMP Episode 3 – Connections Unravel

    Time's Tale: SMP Episode 3 - Connections Unravel In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Chronological SMP takes us on a ride. From Stone Age caves to Medieval strife, Exploration Age brings new life. Ruins in Scandinavia, a mystery to solve, Punishing players for crimes, with resolve. Chile’s speech, a distraction in the mix, But building and crafting, still the main fix. Content creators, a talented crew, Each bringing something fresh and new. Advice and criticism, always welcome here, In a friendly atmosphere, let’s keep it clear. Timestamps guide us through the tale, From Xyxy’s visit to the trial’s unveil. Building roads and fishing taverns with… Read More


    NOTCH'S TEMPLE IN 2024: HOT DIGGITY DOG! 🔥 In 2024, the Temple of Notch will have a strict dress code: diamond armor only. No exceptions! #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like Bedwars Lifesteal? Looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community and exciting game modes, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – join us today and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues

    Minecraft Survival with Mods: Chaos Ensues Welcome to the World of Minecraft Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft mods with Kreinzin! 🎮 Exploring New Horizons With mods, players can enhance their gameplay by adding new features, mechanics, and challenges to the game. From new weapons and tools to unique creatures and environments, the possibilities are endless in the world of Minecraft mods. 🌟 Surviving and Thriving Survival mode in Minecraft becomes even more thrilling with the addition of mods. Players can test their skills and creativity as they navigate through a… Read More

  • Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!

    Dangerously Catchy 2024 Minecraft Music Top 10!Video Information This video, titled ‘♫Top 10 nhạc Minecraft gây nghiện 2024♫♫♫’, was uploaded by JuroNHK on 2024-03-03 06:46:50. It has garnered 869 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:47 or 2027 seconds. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video good, please leave me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE for the channel ಥ_ಥ 🎮 DISCORD “https://discord.com/invite/a9c3Yt7AM2” 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL ➡️ https://bit.ly/36AIMDc 💖 “GOAL” TO REACH 20 THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS! ⭐️ For copyright complaints or business requests, please contact me directly via email: [email protected] _______________________________________________________________ Thank you everyone for watching this video! Thank you very much! Read More

Minecraft Cube UHC Season 11 – FASTEST DEATH EVER? – Episode 1 ( Minecraft Ultra Hardcore )