Minecraft Disneyland Event!! (ft. Beerfunger, MagicSings, and more!)

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Foreign foreign foreign foreign what is up how we doing welcome in welcome in it’s me your favorite your favorite guy hello it’s me where the [ __ ] is this God I I hate this [ __ ] there we go how’s it going everybody welcome man we’re doing the Minecraft imagine fun Disneyland hide and seek event

I know it was a lot to say in one sentence but it’s gonna be very awesome very fun indeed it’s super awesome Chad so far so good so just wait because we’re here with the beer finger and more there’s going to be more it’s going to be very fabulous it’s like hello

Yo hey welcome back I’m live congrats I am too you’re not special where’d you go I uh I found a Teletubby what you found it why do I have coins I have coins I don’t know [ __ ] there’s a Teletubby where uh uh negative four negative 250.

Okay we’re let’s see let’s see let’s see oh I found you yeah I found a Teletubby it’s a it’s a Teletubby it’s so just oh everyone just stopped and looked at me okay I’ll just I’ll show myself to the door there’s a door yeah it’s over there

Oh word hell yeah actually there’s a trash can right here if you need it oh my goodness this reminds me of really the the jokes are too many to name the jokes are too many to name it’s fine it’s fine where’s Magic uh Magic she was dissociating over here somewhere one sec

She was looking slightly downward I think I just oh no that’s not her at all one sec I saw her several times over and then I ran away because she was boring hmm when people bore me I run away from them and sometimes I scream and sometimes I piss myself is that me

Do you get bored of me no have I screamed and run away what did you find who are you helloing who are you hellowing oh hold on oh oh okay wait hold on hold on hold on is she pm’d me saying VC which one is she in oh she went to two

I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna voice chat hop okay well you’re a [ __ ] hello hello how’s it going it’s time to hide I am so are you ready to hide I’m ready to hide oh good at hiding me too how’s it going I’m so good at hiding it’s going good

How are you I’m good I’m gonna hide in the Galaxy’s Edge bathroom that’s a bad idea why thank you I’m a pro Hider at these events just letting you know I’ve never done one of these before oh they’re so fun I don’t know what to expect

Um where’s my zoom key why is it on Z I hate that so much okay now here’s here’s the question yes I am streaming right now oh you’re streaming right now Okay cool so here’s the question right what do you like better California Adventures or Disneyland Disney World oh Disney World okay all

Right first fair for fair okay yeah no I’m I’m literally the same I mean I grew up on that [ __ ] so yeah Disney World I love Disney World I’m recording it because I have to I have to stream later and I was like oh no I’m literally doing like one big stream

I think I’m I think I’m doing mcci after with beer the beer finger yeah yeah it’s gonna be quite spectacular spectacular it doesn’t even work does it do you want to join vc17 because Beer’s over there would you like to you don’t want to make beer them and joined here there’s so many

People over there okay hold on let me you get to meet the beer finger no way such a good fella let’s see if he is he he’s all the way hello yo I’m sorry I called you a [ __ ] Alex it’s okay it’s all right I I um you know I

I’ll take it I’ll take it uh yeah anyways magic how’s your day going nice to meet you normally I can leave if you want I can go no I think I should go oh it’s gone yeah Minecraft you know Minecraft I love that game look at this Mining and

That other thing I can’t think of you’re taking this seriously you’re wearing a suit to Disneyland yeah yeah I have to wear it I have to wear a suit I have to wear a suit what’s up Catherine hey John yeah it’s formal attire formal attire where are you guys uh I’m Meandering

Around the Teletubby at Mid I found you I found you I found you imagine walking but with no purpose hold on I’m not I’m in my controls one second where’s my zoom where is it maybe next time if I go to where is Zoo sorry I just I was just

Watching chat that was really funny uh um next time next time I go to Disneyland I or Disney World I’m going to wear a suit to prove everyone wrong we’re like at Mid we’re at is that Mickey No it’s not Mickey oh yeah you’re right imagine to your left right now oh behind you [Laughter] what’s up how’s it going if you do that again oh my God what all right hold on pause okay wait okay wait I’m at Mid look slightly to the left

No behind the other one the other one is that is that mustard I don’t know and I don’t care how’s your day wow do you see what I put up with my days just started what yeah you heard me wait which which one of us are you

Asking about that I I was I was telling magic do you see what I put up with and pointing at you what do you mean put up with I mean you just made it you asked me to VC I had to pretend My Stream like I just randomly joined VC and you randomly

Thought you asked me what what exactly there’s someone in Club 33 what that’s so funny what does that mean it’s a it’s like the like really like secret uh like the secret society of the Disney World land okay well your secret society is being broadcast on the internet heads up

Is now this is so sad just like the time that one guy owned that Island Your lung strength is immaculate well well her her last name is sings Oh I thought that was a verb no you’re a first name magic last name sings got it like yours first name beef last name [ __ ] no no first name thank you for reading you’d be surprised how 40 of people

Don’t do that at all it’s okay first name just like a middle name Alex last name live your middle name is Alex and your your name is just live yeah yeah yeah your parents must not like you very much my parents love me does that get stoned

There’s a guy what the [ __ ] guys why why is my name why is my name first this is not alphabetical order uh you have meteorol you’re more important than we are bye I don’t want to be a Seeker I don’t want oh no don’t say why would you say

Me hi if I didn’t mean to say hi I didn’t read it watch them make you a [ __ ] Emerald Emerald I got you covered where’s emeralds she’s gonna be a Seeker he just doesn’t know it yet that would be actually really freaking funny very funny if if they were just like okay Magic

Where’s emeralds I don’t know there’s a hundred people here how am I supposed to keep track of yeah there’s a lot of people there’s an entire cluster you know why is everybody bumpy Jake I don’t apparently there’s a conspiracy to be Jake everyone who has a bumpy Jake skin on is

Going to lose everyone has a bumpy Jake skin on is you know seems a little bit like a Kool-Aid joke yay what’s up what who is it yay yay that’s so awesome oh I I accidentally clicked cinematic mode oh sure so funny you’re a fool

You’re a fool think again see see I know Disney I know this Emerald is gonna join our VC Consulting him but oh wow okay I see how it is well I was singing beating the Beast because it’s just Disney and oh yeah his name’s lafoo you see the

Theme is like Disney hi Emerald like you gotta sing Disney you know I actually didn’t you have to sing Disney can I yodel Disney yeah go for it wait why is yurio dressed as Jake there’s like there’s like there’s gonna be 20 people that are like dressed as

Jake I want to hear The Yodeling go on I lied please yodel I can kazoo leave the VC you have to yodel oh dang with the death and two Emerald your turn yodel go uh that was great Leave the Pieces oh I forgot I forgot I forgot that you

You like actually are able to like you know project yourself ever so slightly no no magic no no it was Christ no way well your last name is sings you can actually say oh my gosh wait I have my is that The Infinity Gauntlet where what I guess it is I don’t even

See it on their arm I just used it’s a stormtrooper that’s crazy guys nobody’s gonna be able to find me rainy what is up welcome man how you doing forehand but you know what it’s fine I can’t wait to hide and seek yeah it’s gonna be great where are you guys gonna hide I don’t know where I’m gonna hide I I I keep joking about hiding in the Galaxy’s Edge bathroom but I actually don’t know if I’m gonna do that it would be funny though it would be really funny kind of funny I know quite a few people

Here I know I wasn’t expecting that so many people would like I would know and everything stage VC in 12 minutes let’s go let’s see is there anyone else I could find that I know let’s see let’s see I should have gotten a skin for this someone already looked at me and was

Like why are you wearing a suit to Disneyland I’m back welcome back is this a Mario mystery block that’s not Disney that’s Universal what if there was a universal server but think about it you have all the Harry Potter stuff I think it’d be pretty rad no damn

All right I’ll show myself to the door I guess I don’t know they should hire me as an imagineer no what do you what does that mean sync Discord what does that even mean uh you can listen to the music I think wait have extra coins in your inventory hold them in your hand press

Shift right click the air to add them to your personal bit they’re not doing anything I don’t have any coins in my inventory I have nothing I somehow had coins I don’t know where I got them I just showed up and I had coins is that cozy Oh I thought that was cozy

Uh there is a couple people from T for top here I I thought I come back I got Lonely No I guess oh okay no no I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking [ __ ] hello all right this is going to be so right favorite Disney movie star I like the Star Wars

A movie made by Disney not bought by Disney I like the Marvel um isn’t that like after stuff um let’s see I’m trying to think um I personally I’m a fan of Aladdin I’ve Aladdin has been like my favorite like if I had to say like what my

Favorite Disney princess like movie is it’d be Aladdin by far and I also love the genie so yeah what about you guys and lady in the [ __ ] oh and uh that’s a good one that’s a really good one yeah dang yeah that’s actually really good

I don’t know Hannah Kate Hi hi nice to meet you I’m trying to think of what other Disney stuff I like besides besides you know the obvious um Peter Pan is pretty gas I’m not gonna lie uh um Never Back Down never give up so glad to see that we’re here to represent Nick a30 the best fortnite streamer I’m so glad you said what he did because if you didn’t say I would have no idea

You don’t know who Nick a30 is it’s literally you shut up I have literally played zero games of fortnite really okay so what if hypothetically speaking I got you to play like we did a stream and it was fortnite would you do it like it would it would be pretty awesome

Game I wear the badge of honor that I will never oh all right Fair that’s fair that’s fair I’ll give you that oh God Dark Souls oh yeah I don’t blame you that one what’s up squeak Disneyland yo I got kidnapped there once that’s yeah that is concerning I don’t know why

Yeah you really should I want to get that checked yeah that too also don’t play fortnite so don’t feel bad bear what if you played fortnite with me though however however how much how much do I have to convince you to play grounded but you can have the the Arachnophobia

Well one of my one of my friends spiders one of my friends IRL is trying to get me to play it he he loves it so oh that sounds like you just verbally promised to subscribe to just Alex have you guys heard about the game that just came out um

Uh Baldur’s Gate three it’s I don’t know I don’t play games like let me tell you it is actually I’m not into like turn based like like kind of like um like it’s kind of like D and D the video game yeah and I’m not a big d d person

Like I’m really not but Boulder she had three like the randomness of it is so fun it’s so funny because like literally you there’s there’s 1700 endings I’m getting a screenie with JoJo solos against her will event did you see what I tweeted it was really funny uh Jake used the Discord

Profile pictures for the for the the wallpapers and if you look where I am it’s an alphabetical order I’m in between JoJo solos and I did notice and [ __ ] caboodle and it’s the funniest [ __ ] ever it’s so funny and it’s just a [ __ ] gorilla Infamous great streamers separated by

Monkey oh it’s so funny it’s so funny JoJo is over by a trash can but I won’t tell you which one okay I will I will look for every trash can as you should let’s see let’s see uh like there’s a lot there’s like 10. oh

Man hydrate oh [ __ ] I don’t have a drink in front of me all right I hardly know her hold on Chad I gotta get I gotta get a something hold on what am I doing I just muted myself whoops why are my frames bad is it because

Everyone in the world is on the server or is it a different second thing all right there we go I’m dehydrating myself and drinking a Coke what do we talk about about having water on you it sounds like you’re categorically wrong you fool ha ha ha

I can’t sorry it’s a mustache who’s this man’s sad do I know Dragon’s Dogma no I don’t Baldur’s Gate is would you guys want to watch that so here’s the I wanted to ask you guys because I’ve been playing it I’ve played I’m four hours in I love it

Would you guys want to see me play it it has twitch integration on it so I would probably do it if you guys wanted me to I love four minutes best number ever squeak if it makes you feel any better I have I have water behind me it’s on my bedside table

I squeak s behind you that’s not where you put it to drink it energy in front of you I’m drinking something a little more flavored oh I know that person that person is in oh what did I I did a which person do you know Andre Andre I

Think I know who that is I think I know who that is I think we did a bisect event andreified I think I did a bisect event these people are I’m just happy to be here I’m happy to be here too there are multiple bumpy Jakes running around yes it’s hilarious there’s multiple

So many bumpy Jakes of Jake Enterprises I was so confused I was like how is Jake everywhere it’s hilarious I should have I should have put on a Disney skin I really should have I thought about uh I almost accidentally put on my uh shaved skin oh no that would have been

Really bad it would have been called you’re being mean to make that I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call you beef hunger earlier I thought it was funny okay is that you I found them I found him I found you I found you that on purpose whatever no I didn’t

Just found me it’s not a big deal don’t worry about it I I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t mean to say that to you earlier I’m sorry no but with the odds that two of us in here right now are the higher The Seekers for the first round I would

Actually piss my pants if that I would find everyone how many speakers are there isn’t it randomized beer can vouch I’m a very good Seeker that’s actually true that’s legitimately true hi Alex makes money seeking people hold on beer away hold on Bouncy hunting I guess yeah right or

Just home invasion you know what I have I have my Mando helmet I can I’ll put it I’ll put it on if it doesn’t work out what if I just what if I put on my Mando helmet for the rest of the Stream uh can you can you see it it wouldn’t no

It wouldn’t fit it would not fit where I wouldn’t have my headphones stage VC in one minute is that is that Jack Sparrow oh my goodness wait I love this guy I love this oh wait yeah it’s great Melora is this Melora oh it is

I know quite a few people in this life there’s a ton oh encounter any bugs I’m not gonna fill out a report you can’t make me I’m not reporting [ __ ] okay well see I was in I was an original running in play you’re on a Dev team with Jake

I didn’t know that I I’m gonna be talking to Jake about doing the survival games tournament soon um uh this is uh the California one this is Disneyland an individual that narrows it down not at all you’re welcome okay it’s a good day I guess so we’re doing fabulous I’m

Playing Minecraft how are you doing go back to Sweet playing Minecraft but I’m waving hello to them yeah I’m still not sure who it is but it’s it seems it’s nice to meet them it’s nice to meet you who has lunar who has it who has lunar Nami okay I don’t have lunar

I’m dancing no one’s dancing with me that’s okay it’s just like your 30s I will only get lunar client if they add the gritty if they don’t add the gritty I don’t want it that’s the worst conditional um no it’s the best one no it’s the best one no it’s great yeah

Thank you thank you thank you jeez see what you’re missing out no I I play hardcore I’m all alone most of the time I don’t think I’m missing out on anything and I have no friends okay all right okay magic we’re friends right all right who

Said they have no friends because now I have a friend hi Kaboodle okay wait are we going to Stage I think we’re going to Stage okay we’ll come back here we’ll come back here I’m staying here bye Magic we’re asking very nicely no I’m gonna go over the rules who

Wasn’t in here I’ve got like who are we missing like 10 people I’m dragging people in here not taking too long I’m so excited to hear what they have to say where did Magic go it’s Jake and will holy [ __ ] this is crazy crazy I was crazy once okay hello everybody Welcome welcome

Number what shut up welcome everyone to Disneyland hide and seek five this is the fifth one that’s very excited it’s uh very good to have you all here um it’s always loads of fun being able to do these uh to have so many people show up so thank you all for coming

Um this won’t last long I’m going to quickly go over the event it’s just hide and seek there’s not really much you need to know uh and we’re probably doing three rounds depending on how long guys update me uh first one we’ll have four second and third we’ll have six probably um

What else was I gonna say uh if you get caught you’re out border will shrink over time that’s really about it uh this is the Imagine from Disneyland map except all the barriers have been removed so you can go anywhere you want on the map um go explore there are places where you

Can fall into the void or get traps obviously be careful of where you’re going um but I hope you all have this is close enough shout to imagine fun following us through this once again uh they’re very cool over there that’s enough right they’ve let us do this five times in a

Row now shout out to them and I’m like Jacob yeah you know what let’s just we’ll have a six we’ll have a seventh and we’ll have an eighth and a nine and a ten like he was like crawling his eyes though dude well yeah Shout Out imagine

How much fun I thought it was gonna end uh you know on the trilogy what do you call a five-part you know thing a filigee you know right no okay well well I don’t know well it’s been five now sorry Scientology quintology um so yeah uh if there’s any issues ping

Me in this three has five movies no it has four movies what is sorry amazing they’re making a fifth one um if you need any if you if you have any issues if you need any help ping me in the Discord or like just like scream my name and chat

Um you yeah that’s about it go and have fun uh yeah I don’t think it’s okay I don’t know I I personally wouldn’t if you’re streaming because I don’t know if they have anything yeah that is very true um yeah is that it yeah if you have any issues ping me

Um who’s I’ve who just pinged me three times okay fix it um so give that a couple minutes it counts like I want to fix that I think you can but yeah have fun enjoy yourself it’s really awesome to be able to do this event so many times and just be

Able to create content create fun times to everyone here and yeah enjoy yourself uh go disperse into VC I’m here now yes yeah this is gonna be so good this is gonna be awesome I’m so excited you’re muted I’m just gonna follow cat s you’re already running away from me so shoot cab bage jeans what huh oh apparently so oh they’re figuring it out yeah yeah I was too late and now I’m stuck here forever in the lobby I’ve also decided to be Sonic

Today because apparently that’s the closest I could get to Disney so yeah basically the same thing so you’re fine yeah it works I think we should I think we should just take one of the uh one of those like you know how they have uh

What is it the monorail we just take the monorail and we just go back and forth between places and The Seekers will never find us Alex can you please stop knowing things about Disney it’s making them I’m sorry I’m sorry I just I would just

Be appreciated I I just you know what I appreciate it it just means I’ll win they won’t find me I think you should be a Seeker no I’m good I’m good oh I’ve made videos on here so okay caboodle I’ll make sure I’ll make sure to uh follow you in the right direction This is your this is your chance to lead just Alex into a dark hole where he can die Where are the secret places you’re talking about um there’s like seven seven yeah seven I don’t remember all of my heart because I found them years ago but I know a few of them do they have the secret tunnels underneath the park what That’s amazing what oh who’s this oh it’s beer bad idea right that’s all I’m doing that’s amazing playing German music hope that’s okay that’s perfect I’m playing The Beach Boys right now my my headphones you are so secretly old I don’t know how to do it no I’m just I’m just built different

Skill issue it’s called osteoporosis Alex that’s what being built different means oh hey we’re all here wait am I on my oh oh hello hello yeah I got it yeah I don’t want to be rude because like why are you why are you Sonic because I said

That was the closest thing to Disney caboodle I I don’t want to be that guy but that might be the wrong franchise um oh my God I like how you tilt your head down when you tilt down you’re Sonic that’s great look I’m Sonic that’s actually hilarious though

It’s matching with clown and Maddie and like like ah yeah yeah I I dressed up for the occasion told me that you wanted to say yes I’m gonna what there’s only for one round if you don’t want to though you can just wait wait me I’m gonna be the seeker yes

Oh crap all right sure why not why not I’ll do it I’ll I’ll do it let’s go secrets on top I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll do it why not why not uh um magic did you volunteer me technically yeah oh no it’s you know what I’m gonna be

The best secret you’ve ever seen the deadly deadly you’re here man I you got it to hey I I didn’t say it beerfunker said it beerfunker said it not me all right all right well it I’ll show the wealth I’ll share the wealth I’ll share the wealth thank you we can we can

We can both go on the same side we can split yeah yeah of course of course no we’re gonna do it with me we’re gonna do really we’re gonna do really well guys we got this in the bag we are we are my main goals my main goals I wanna okay if

You find a story painter can you please let me tag him because he said if I let him go he’ll give me one sub and I kind of want that picture okay well clearly I’m never gonna find caboodle if if there’s secret spots I don’t know where

Those are I’m so I really want to just why is pyro psych here wait can you keep me to cab I actually want to find cab I want to say hi where is cab oh wait we have two people in the jack spareskin that kind of goes hard um

I can’t wait to seek out everyone I hope no one takes my spot in the Galaxy’s Edge bathroom I just want to know the secret spots are now I mean yeah if they’re not in the first area then they’re they’re gonna get ruined anyways I want I want

Caboodle to show me because I I I’ve literally I’ve I’ve my God what was the last time I was I was on here uh I think earlier this summer the last three times I think I think oh nice Starburst how about magic sometimes you just have to treat magic like that

Oh true to you like that bro shut the [ __ ] up and go back yeah is it because magic is it because yeah wow I can’t believe you’d be like that that’s so toxic Jake I’m sorry I can’t really help you out here you’re silencing women Jake yeah that’s so

[ __ ] up I can’t believe that I would say something but like fans streaming something see the best part is Jake was Jake the thing that Jake is gonna say is Jake is gonna say yes because he tells me I was gonna say so I was gonna say something worse than that

Sometimes no way Jacobs sometimes you just have to treat magic like that I just want another person who’s in a um what’s it called officer hop skin oh no I found two now Jake when do I get my sword of justice sort of Justice yeah don’t you that we could what

Dude I want to like I want to like infinite I want to like Infinity Gauntlet like Snap half of the population you know I want to just be able to use the power Stone to just decimate all the hiders it feels it feels so like wrong to do the Disneyland hide and seek

Without the winter stuff because there’s like so many things just in town center oh was that the last time there was a out of that oh that’s cool few times yeah that’s awesome that was two times it’s been a Christmas by the way this is one of the coolest servers

The last three times in one so in theory Olive won’t win this time which by the way if you see all of it has to be on site because that man won three rounds in a row last time and it’s probably I’ve won once oh you have it magic

I remember one time when you played and I I saw you just like hiding up top and I was like I was so determined to get you I remember that now it was so funny okay my seagulls come to the center the water’s gonna open and we’re just

Gonna wait here for five minutes and then we’re gonna go oh I’m so excited like hype up speech in the world okay um my mistake my mistake my mistake almost almost yeah when they leave because they can’t hear a hype okay yeah you’ve got the speech you got the speech

It’s time it’s time now let’s go let’s go no no no yeah not yet no yeah there’s a lot of there’s a lot of Jake hey dude are they gonna know that it’s us they know uh yeah no one’s announced it’s all glowing when the rounds starts that’s amazing lines okay

It’s a bad idea right thank you imagine fun for reminding me to get the park audio no don’t don’t I know I know I know I know I wasn’t actually going to no I wasn’t actually going to I just think it’s funny every time they remind me to do things

No I appreciate that no I think I think that’s one of the coolest things I remember last time I brought some friends on here all right I didn’t stop my is that Walter White is that break it it’s been a minute and a half almost two minutes

I think you’re lying I think you’re just impatient don’t hit them don’t hit them don’t hit them I don’t know if we can yet or can’t no no the game hasn’t started yet no it said help barriers that’s really funny World barrier right oh you got this when the game actually started wow

What movie franchise Okay who wants he wants this sword who wants this one I do I do I do I do I do I do actually no I want the gay one I want the gay one okay five when you can have both um Okay what does anyone want this one oh yeah yes yes kylo Ren lightsaber that’s such a lightsaber kylo Ren lightsaber yes immediate yes who are you just Alex it is me nice to meet you Jake finally I’m I’m so happy to meet you finally blood work I am so excited yes

I like how it’s called a pirate glow sword like I feel like I feel like this one kind of is streaming your name yeah that’s so magic that’s magic can I have the rainbow one too he said I could have you said I could double it look imagine

For my skin right now it’s all the colors I have on me I should have had a kylo ren skin uh-huh okay here’s the time for the speech is it time for a speech everyone give us okay okay fine you go first

All right no no I go last I go last I go last magic Universe all right all right magic you go first okay okay today we are Seekers yeah tomorrow we are nothing true but today is the biggest day of some of our lives yeah yeah real real okay Alex go um

We’re gathered here today in Imagine fun to seek out those who wish to perish and I have this cool kylo Ren lightsaber and we’re gonna take out all of these Seekers or sorry all these hiders start coming Yeah wow okay I see how it is no it’s okay okay yeah yeah no keep going keep going you’re speeches so good thank you thank you um it’s going to be the best seeking anyone has ever seeked in a very long time I mean this is the fifth one after all

Oh wow you’re sitting oh wow you’re you’re comfortable for this yeah look at you you’re sitting right there I guess so wait I’m not saying oh oops okay I don’t either uh and uh we’re gonna do really well the three of us we’re gonna do so well and it’s gonna be awesome

Yeah thank you thank you just won a free Disney rank yeah you’re just in the um no clipped into the floor yeah magic you seem to be alone hide and seek in the back room um magic goes into the underground tunnels at Disneyland there are I don’t know

Have you seen those tick tocks of the um so the the cast members they’re so bad it’s really funny they like are like showing they show like the inside of like the suits of like the the characters and like what they’re doing and it’s so bad that’s so bad 10 seconds

10 seconds are you ready which way are you gonna go should we split up should we split up here come with me Alex we’re gonna leave with the we’re gonna leave with the the wise words Never Back Down never what never give up oh mine turned into it oh my

God my mine turned into a to the rainbow one you had to put it into an offhand oh that’s okay guys that’s okay that’s all right I’ll let it slide someone up here somehow look at the trees the trees yeah they’re in the God dang walls

I’m gonna set a timer for 10 minutes there are barriers what okay Jake why are you just following me I can’t go in the trees they can’t oh no well that’s convenient for us not some of them at least I remember one of them in like Main

Street there’s a way to get up to him I just can’t remember where exactly it is wow this is detailed as hell holy cow this is awesome I’m like recognizing areas this is insane recognizing areas I’m very impressed I mean I haven’t done this thorough of a

Of a look at everything carry the Platypus real Harry the Platypus okay realistically no one hid this close to spawn but if they did you never know I’m gonna find them my music’s not playing that’s awkward for me the trees poor Jake all the trees are buried I have to carry

It oh really I already for Jake excellent that is excellent yeah no literally man this is gonna take a while something tells me I’m not gonna find anyone right away I don’t know you will it gets a lot easier in the last like section you just you just gotta like

Look last section what do you mean last section uh yeah well I mean the board is closing so oh oh for real for real smart spot I see I see I got Olivia tag him you found somebody uh just got blanked yeah for real why are you

Don’t go that way I want to go I’m going this way no no I want to go that way [ __ ] you okay he’s literally in the other Park no no what’s the shoot one yes it is I got one and tomorrow what’s the gun one oh

That’s is that star no it’s not is that no it’s Buzz Light yeah so you’re talking about like the toys like the main Pixar area I found someone they’re running away from me how do I get them get them I can’t get them they’re all the way at the end

Just chase them chase them go after him no fumble they will fumble but I lost them how did I lose them that quick oh I see them oh I know exactly where I am shout out Lily because we would go through this all the time I was literally in Disneyland in January

Oh really yeah it was kind of a weird time though it was literally like the first week of January so they were kind of like ending their New Year’s stuff and ending their All That Jazz you know is Sprint jumping make you faster I just I

If yeah I’m trying I see name tags I got one nice one let’s go yeah magic got the first secret oh who is this who is that oh I found magic hi magic bro Magic’s gonna be the one who has the outline yeah I I I saw name tags but I didn’t know

How do I get out of here that was I don’t know out of it and you’re like I’m gonna go back and I’m gonna like find 10 different people that I just walked right by I feel like I’m I’m just looking and really oh I found someone

Oh my God you guys took a side that more people hide are people gonna hide on the roof it’s always like some side yeah people hide on Reef all the time serious anywhere you said you should exit Mike Wazowski land there’s no one there that means there’s someone there assistant

Or the Lesser I think they’re probably baiting you magic I will be honest well I mean I didn’t look everywhere I was just chasing that one person I’m normally really good at this but not this big of a map I’m like now now that it’s a bigger map I’m like oh geez this

Is massive yeah yeah beer fingers event oh man I crushed that seeking [ __ ] oh my God wait where’s cab caboodle I want to tide capacaboodle so bad please please caboodle I don’t know if you’re gonna find because caboodle was saying Star Wars land my favorite okay all barriers are now gone so

They’re gonna be hiding in a lot trickier places now I’m supposed to say I’m on the top of a building now yeah apparently though a bunch of just weren’t gone in DCA remember to check models because I think I just saw name tags I think I just saw moving name tags

I don’t know how to get up there awesome how do I get up there a parkour what the how did they get up there I think this is the Muppet stuff how do I get up there I’m I don’t know how I don’t see where things are I don’t there’s no parkour I

Don’t think oh yeah I love the drinks the drinks are like the canteen and um oh they’re amazing go I remember I didn’t go when I went I didn’t they’re amazing they’re actually amazing they’re so good the sunset one is actually like incredible it was like heaven I was so happy I gotcha

Magic with the two people I need to pick up the slack okay all right all right I’m I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying how does someone dice the Border when the Border wasn’t even shrinking how did people get up there sometimes you can’t see it wasn’t closing so they held it

I know there’s people up there I can I you can smell them I can’t I don’t know how to get up there’s no stairs there’s no stairs I’m here I’m here with you I think there’s no stairs up here where where inside this this stage I don’t know how to get up there

My knowledge of Disney is very limited when it comes to the actual spaces they’re up there they are up there I don’t know how to get up there I shouldn’t waste this much time no waste it waste it get them early because if they’re up there they

Probably have how much time do we have uh we have 10 minutes until it starts to close oh oh okay I’m not worried then so we got plenty of time and then when it starts to close it’s kind of slow too do you see what I’m talking about I don’t

Know how to get up there and they’re probably gone by now our people up here nice ones I didn’t count that was a fake one oh wow no you’re not I’ve advised someone to fell in the fight I swear I saw people up here people they

Might have they might have ran because I they probably saw me they’re probably gone by now damn they could still be like crouching and hiding because they’re still trying to find people who aren’t in rights at the moment and then we can get a lot of the ride people later

I keep thinking I’m having people walking but I’m all I have block calls opened and except for tabs are you modding someone right now I’m not I have to take a screenshot at the end of the event because the social media person here so I thought I’d just

Leave it open on my other monitor all right the game I’m Gonna Leave This this area whoever whoever’s here they’re lucky too dark you have to hold Crouch Oh I am now in Avengers land I know this like the back of my hand I love it here they’re still here I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m chained one at least where did the other

One go which way which way I don’t know I only saw that one uh did they go in the entrance that we were in no they were at the very they’re sorry there’s like there’s another tiny no there’s another person up there there’s definitely another person up there I’ll

Oh I see him I see them nice wait no I know where they are they’re on this not the crab game not the crab game they’re on this bottom level they’re on this oh oh oh oh oh oh they’re on the there you go nice one nice one nice one nice one

Nice one holy [ __ ] let’s go magic let’s go I knew it I was like there’s no way there’s no way I know I was just waiting you I didn’t want to I didn’t want to go up because if they were just gonna jump down and run out then I would have been screwed

Yeah that was good that was smart Okay um I’m gonna I’m gonna go into Avengers are you did you already go in there okay I’m gonna go into Adventures I haven’t seen a single person yeah no Jake and I are having horrible luck like you guys are finding so many people Jake

And I have not seen a single name tag or so I’ve walked through three different lands more people went to California Adventures why [ __ ] yeah I’ve I’ve seek this side every single time that I’ve done this event I found someone people here they were hiding they were hiding inside of Asgard

They were hiding inside of Asgardian uh [ __ ] whatever it’s called Uh oh yeah yeah what is this why I know that oh the core drop the core drop s he might be right there they’re lying we’ll we’ll just put it they’re so lying but it’s funny it is funny um no I I

Know people are hiding more people are hiding the California because everyone was complaining about that being barriers and cam told me they were only barriers to California Adventure everyone’s in that part but honestly fan maybe we should just go to that park I got someone I don’t know I’m like really deep into

Where I am so I’m just gonna finish looping around this area and see if I find anyone like I’m by Big Thunder Mountain right now I’m gonna be real with you definitely look on rides because I just found two people chilling in rides actually so they always get pushed out or they

Get stuck so you can kind of just leave them for the Border it’s kind of fun I’m just playing Market that’s fair honestly I just found two people inside of whatever it’s called um that’s very helpful uh uh uh uh uh the oh God Mission breakout bottom level

I think I’ve already been where I am I’m not gonna lie I think I’m looping around I might actually hop out for a second come to your guys’s area yeah let me realize that I think when the Border starts to close we can head back to this park but honestly there’s

So many more people in the other park right now yeah yeah well I don’t how do we know where we are I’m not gonna lie I’m lost yeah I mean look at the thing on your action bar it says how many blocks you are from the center that’ll guide you oh

I’m in Avengers campus right now okay I’m here too yes oh I’m checking the Avengers bathrooms you never know that would have been a place for me to hide oh wait is that person oh oh no that’s NPC [ __ ] oh that’s the worst why the NPC moves though

Everything [ __ ] moves that’s so funny I’ll take bounties for Subs I’ll take bounties for Subs I’ll take bounties for sale I will I will I’ll get bribed I’ll be the corrupt one I’m in the what the I am where am I one gifted up if I find cab I see you I’m in

Like the back of the Doctor Strange [ __ ] where are you come to me don’t give me 10 if I find get cab not no no bye I will I will highly regard you as a friend if you do if I find who caboodle oh it was just caboodle it sounds like

Caboodle cab please cab please please please please I need Captain I was kidding too late too late you’re committed you’re committed yes you will guys please please please please please cab Kaboodle please drop the cords cab Kaboodle please drop the cord no I doubt I doubt caboodle will

Only because of the fact that um caboodle was very certain about her hiding spots however I’m hunting and I’m trying so hard to find out how to get back to the center I am so lost oh that is yeah I have not found a single person this is so sad for me dude

Someone is going to walk up to me and be like do you know how many people how many times you walked by me wait no dude I say magic I remember the first one that I ever seeked for I think Jake it was walked by you like three

Times because you were just hiding in a tree yeah and he could not I think I think it was I think it was hard to say three though I was like 10 like 10 or 50 people that were just hiding in this one tree and we couldn’t figure out how to

Get to it it was because the way to get to it was outside of the map so you just that’s why I went by there a second ago let’s go Jason nice one nice one finally they’re so good you think there’s anyone else around here because

This is like a pretty good spot to hide I can’t even lie I’ll Stick Around Here Yeah I’m pretty sure I like I I hit him with Nate in the first one of these we did yeah it’s just Jungle Cruise yeah oh jungle cruise oh that’s a good spot yeah

So much dude it’s so hard to like see in here can you make the time not night oh yeah you know yeah sure let’s make a day I’m full bright right now slay okay let me set border oh yeah people uncrouched can people uncrouch I found the Piranhas guys yeah I’m not

Doing so hot right now I’m in Cars Land right now and I really doubt that I just wouldn’t know where people are hiding like where are they finding spots it’s probably just because they’re crouched to be honest I wish they couldn’t cratch we should make it all that they have to uncrouch

Dude that’d be so easy though they’re gonna be funny it would be funny you are correct I know yeah they’re going to have evolved and they’re like oh no yeah oh my God are we gonna seek all three rounds or we just are we just doing it

I’m so down to seek all three rounds I was yeah I don’t want to hide too bad I believe Alex are you also going to see your girlfriend I am fifth somebody just hold on did you find one I heard something I heard someone just throw their fists in the air

Huh I heard someone punch the air it could have been me it literally could it could have been me Aaron run just say open your eyes to who who I don’t know just Alex I know Evan from DCA how do you know because I had to TP over there earlier

When people got stuck and I saw I still haven’t a bunch of others do you know where she’s hiding no because I was at the very start of the game so they wouldn’t move by now watch it we’re all trying to like work through it and figure out who they’re by

Watching I I bet you a million dollars it’s me a million you said oh I just fell Jake qtp media oh my God hey please thank you where the hell am I I just circled back to Avengers why are they saying I swear to God’s magic you’ve probably passed them a few

Times then people like taunting The Seekers but it leads to their downfall it’s really funny yeah oh look at all the hippos hi hippo any names in chat I still want to find car doors really bad just a heads up car doors is wearing like a dirt skin one of those

Yeah oh my gosh you know how I want to find Olive hoodies I want to find Olive so bad but I also want to find Josh really bad so I get my one gifted I’ll let him go if I get my one gifted I want to find cabs I want to find I

Want to find I want to find the fungus where’s beer I want to find beer you want to find I don’t know hey I just wanted to say uh y’all should go find cab I’ll give Josh Josh drop your chords drop your chords drop your cords I’ll go get her okay no

No work I don’t know where cabs chords is at the moment I’m trying to figure out find out I will and I can I will figure it out figure it out and damn it to me I’ll go get cab all I know is that she’s a thousand blocks out yeah wow

I think I feel like to move yeah because we’re about to like oh yeah I just want to buy them do you know when they said that you know when they said uh High magic yeah like two seconds ago two seconds yeah like about 15 20 probably by now

Oh how do I get out of the [ __ ] jungle can you can you just teach the assistant center we are lost we’re not getting out we’re not getting out we’re trapped in Japanese forever we’re not getting out we’re chat this is our this is our containment center

Which ways to regular Disneyland again I don’t know California Adventures this way okay this way that’s what I could understand you know it would be really annoying if by chance somebody in this event was stream sniping just by chance just by chance no I’m live

I can if we can stream stuff a lot of people if we wanted to we’re not going no no nice one come on Jake I want to get out of here that’s a good spot too I feel bad I’ll go down like the the just like the

Disney shop area I’ll just go down this way and check if anyone’s here really quick I don’t remember what it’s called bro it’s just like outside do you think a lot of people hide on the the roofs of places following me because I had to take you

To someone to help him so I was keeping back here okay Arts damage got stuck imagine getting stuck could oh my God there’s so much there’s another 500 in like a minute there’s so much to this map how much time yeah it’s giant dude it’s so hard I just I don’t

What how much time how many minutes to what so we have the done seeking oh no but we go we go until the game ends there’s no okay fabulous let’s go magic I am literally near the freaking ferris wheel that’s how far out I am I don’t know

Where the heck I am I don’t know where anyone is I have not found a single soul I am just actively running in circles at this point I’d be so real with you yeah I am not doing very well on my quest to become the best Secrets this is very sad

See with beer when beer did his hide and seek event it was very it wasn’t like ginormous it was this hardcore world and it was oh oh did you find someone no it was a [ __ ] NBC God damn it ah I was drinking water by them

It’d be really funny if the board is shrunk on me did you oh get him go towards them I don’t know how to hang on after remember how you get there oh shoot how do I get up there uh-oh am I there’s people on roofs in

Main Street people are on Roost and Main Street I found all I found all of I found all of yeah get him get him I need him dead on a stick I’m sorry that was very good on the run I don’t know how to get out of here

Where are you where are you where are you if Alex is nearby Alex I am nowhere near Main Street Jake I think people are on the roof here I just don’t know how to get up I have to remember how to get up there

I can’t I don’t know I’m at I’m at Pixar Pier I think I’m at Pixar Pier I’m in Main Street right I’m probably the farthest one out right now okay I think I remember how to get up Jake I’m slowly working my way over there

Wait I think I know how to get over there okay yep get him get him murder them I’m going I’m going I don’t know do they also have speed boost speed two no no it’s just us that’s so awesome so yeah if you see him don’t jump just

Run just run because jumping will make you lose your speed boost a little bit shoot how do I keep losing them where I was it’s their strategy anybody wanna anybody wanna Disney churro uh Yes actually I love cheers so much they’re so good Jake magic would you guys like a churro

I’m trying to get olive and I don’t know where they go that sounds good I found them I found them this is just now making me want to go back to Disney oh my God he’s playing a game I found three I found fion Wala and oh my God about to get them

You got it you got it got it I got it oh my God I shot so many people let’s go get [ __ ] Olive they can’t escape forever they cannot Escape forever I will catch them eventually I’ve unspoken I found spoken oh no I didn’t find spoken I’m gonna

Have to I’m gonna have to make my way back towards you guys because I am not finding anyone at the moment nobody is this I thought I just saw a small child yeah a lot of them on ruse I’m chasing pirate and I’m chasing poppy right now I got one nice

I’m chasing the streak is broken Jesus man as far as I need to I will chase this man as far as I need to got pirate befunger said and I quote Oh Yeah lost on the way cause I had to just keep chasing him down beer just someone just

Came into my chat and told and told me that beer told me that uh he wants me to eat a dick thanks beer oh well that’s kind of talking thanks so much bear I’m gonna find you beer I’m gonna find you beer I will find you when I do I will kill you

Okay off this photo strings finished I’m gonna shrink uh dude how does Archie help again what are they doing how are you getting stuck like three times this is for Pride games this is for Prime games hang on oh oh oh oh oh who’s this fluff wave I don’t know who that is

But I’m going to get them you think I’m stuck Jake can you give me fly perms for just like one second so I can go come here come here come here come here come here come here they’re really far they’re they’re running and jumping they’re trying to run jump it’s not

Working I’m going to get them come on come on Yes W um I just have to I’m so deeper you to here because this is where I am okay wait no don’t I need to I want to stay in like Main Street that’s the problem there’s so many

People on Main Street right now Jake oh well I’m not there so oh [ __ ] can you just [ __ ] okay oh did I just make my way back to the mid I just made my way back spare me spare me for a follow no scuff Sushi I

Will not do that I will not I will not spare anyone I would spare someone for a sub it was a follow oh well that’s fair I oh my God I want to go back to I want to go back home I don’t want to be here I want to go back

To main street I had so many people there and you did it anyways thank you Sushi I appreciate it in one minute we’re gonna shrink into 1000 blocks over 10 minutes Jake I think I’m stuck again oh somebody’s up there somebody’s on a bridge somebody’s on a bridge

Who is that your Main Street where are who is that are we who the hell is that pacific Warf cope I can’t tell get up there how do you get up there where are you Alex I’m at Main Street all right I think it’s Main Street hang on Jake TV

I think I’m cheating that’s cheating that’s cheating that is cheating I was there and I got stuck that’s the thing there’s no sleeping it’s not cheating if I don’t say it hi Jake they’re up there what’s that okay here come with me Alex

I know how to get up I know how to get up sorry in my defense I was there I was initially there the problem just became I got stuck somewhere trying to get someone who also got stuck and then Jake had a TP made him to get out Alex it’s

Over here you just go up here you go up here and then you jump the fact that there’s this much to this is actually hilarious oh I fell it’s good just keep doing it I fall sometimes doing this too but yeah this is what you got magic where are you right now

I have no idea I am I think I’m gonna run next round I’m gonna run next round quicker I think I left I left it too long before for the burst water shrink everyone is awesome over here Beyond oh I fell okay okay I got Fiona up here

I don’t think anyone else is up here I’ll try to keep checking the roofs the roof sir I’m gonna go back over to Disneyland because now the ball is thinking if I’m just gonna run around where the border is I’ll see people here yeah okay stay around Main Street so I’m

Gonna try to chase people off the roof I’m just like we also really should be split because the four of us are here oh did you get one someone oh my God another person’s [ __ ] stop [ __ ] kill myself I don’t how do we know if they’re actually stuck and not just winning

Real uh you you don’t you have to hope yeah I mean it’s just you guys have to guess Run okay I’m not seeing anyone else on the side I’m gonna drop down and look a little further in I want a starburst but I can’t stop the seeking grind that was a pretty good series I slowly working my way up to be the deadliest oh

My God how the hell do you get stuck so many times Arch what is your what are you [ __ ] doing at this point I just need to wonder what they’re doing yes this is the same person who’ve gotten stuck like three other times again don’t help because I don’t it’s that’s just like

Like genuinely because it’s so funny you suck Jake you’re just the realest out of out of the bunch honestly at that point you might as well I wish on you block glitched La Mayo hey oh it could be block glitch oh that’s true all right it’s how many of us are in Disneyland

There’s like just struggling a lot 370 blocks out Jake I’m gonna come join you in Disney World I think I’m I’m just gonna look where the board is closing at the back I’m just gonna follow it down because people are gonna be like popping up from their spots as the Border closes yeah

I have a feeling nice you got this you got this I’ve seen it in the same orbits get it get it get it yeah I’m back here you little [ __ ] on two people nice nice nice I found nine people who live yeah wait how do you know I don’t

Know I don’t like how you’re actually doing well at this magic I don’t know how I’m doing well with this you’re doing better than me yes I got them enjoying your jukebox money sorry I’m listening to Love Shack right now Avengers campus I’m going to look around here and see if people

The board off to this motorcycle I’m gonna go straight into the final ball to string to 100 blocks w that sounds fantastic to me at that point we just stay around the center and we wait and we get people that they come in I wonder if anyone’s in the Walt Disney Firehouse

Only true Disney adults would know what that is whoa no I was wrong oh my God where’s job chords please please please please A Gifted sub for chords I’m so tempted I’m not gonna lie I’m so tempted you guys are so silly I want cab so bad you don’t understand I

Want cabs so you gotta find cab fare and square you can’t cheat it I gotta find somebody I’m not gonna [ __ ] stop the Border that’s part of the game all right I see where it’s only cry I’m sorry Aaron I think there’s someone they just stopped and accepted their

Face owner of the challengers s p that’s crazy they’re running again they’re running again I’m after them they’re not gonna get away you can’t run into the Border bestie you can’t they’re gonna kill themselves to the border so I can oh that is the Border oh LOL

I’m at the border right now yeah I did not realize that the Border was right there okay cool good to know yo I found a pirate am I that dumb then if the border is right there what how freaking dumb am I guys oh guys what’s up uh

Uh I don’t know if this is a good thing somewhere parkour Warrior parkour Warrior parkour Warrior parkour Warrior oh oh somebody oh someone got themselves [ __ ] definitely down there Jake okay I don’t know if I’m supposed to go down here I think this might be where I’m going to get stuck wait

That’s definitely where people can get stuck so just be aware I don’t know if I’m gonna if I get this person I think I might get stuck myself so I don’t think I should I I think I’ve already gotten myself oh never mind never mind I got them let’s go let’s go

That was funny that was really funny they were running away from me and then they got stuck and I’m like I don’t know if I should go down there and I reach them get stuck maybe they need to choose better hiding spots real real legit yeah I mean like there’s nothing wind up

Under the map and if you wind up under the map it’s like you see it’s gonna go down you just have to acknowledge hey that’s not okay wait I might not be stuck hold on yeah I’m not stuck I’m good I found an Easter egg I found I found a few that’s funny

No we can’t die from the border uh no previously this is like stressful oh scuff Sushi’s dead thanks for the follow anyways I’m at the corner with the borders so hopefully it pushes people imagine fun VIP oh that’s just a dead end I feel like it should not be this easy

To hide right now is the Players the amount of people left in still And still yeah I know we’re kind of literally I’m really garbage at this I’m not gonna lie I found like 10 people I don’t even know how the heck I did that I would be honest I thought I was gonna find like two I know dude I I think I have like four

Or five right now because I went up to like the little area and I I just hunted them down I’m really trash at this okay I’m still trying to find them stop moving start moving why are they saying stop moving if you get caught by the border that’s

Part of the game people better move I did not mean to exclaim my lull in cash I mean no that means somebody that means somebody’s really close to the Border because they were telling it to stop moving so we have to we just stick around middle stick around middle and you’ll catch so

Many people as they come in right now I’m on actual I’m on oh oh oh oh oh got him nice let’s go I have not found anyone that I know I’ve I think I found a few people on see yo I’m in the water I see your name

This is their mind they’re mine Jamie can’t fly your mind Jamie can’t fly your mind gaming cannot fly this is real they really can’t they really can’t fly I’m swimming looks like I’m going now we just stay around middle now we just stay around middle we’ll catch oh I definitely just saw somebody

Let’s keep on the sweep I don’t have to get up here where are you nice spot holy cow that was a good one see where were they they were like in a corner um by the border uh why did I stay sorry how many blocks were you away um not super far actually

How do you know what how do you know how many blocks away oh 380 380. oh wait I’m 382 where are you I’m like 119 right now oh I’m probably close to you then no I’m in I’m on I’m on actual Main Street right now okay

Where are you Alex I’m on Main Street I’m but I’m in I’m in like the one in Disneyland I don’t know how to get out of here oh JoJo oh wow holy cow that was a lot of people dream no not dreams Jake I’m stuck

One TPS Alex okay yay how did I get I got stuck in a bamboo forest oh yeah that’s that’s where Jake and I were trapped for a while now you’re stuck now you’re stuck with me now you’re stuck with me Jay can I get TP foreign Where’s the border um that way

Going to it well that’s not good I’m running out to the side on the monorail you should definitely feel your you should be able to feel your hand S I know most of the most of the tags I’ve gotten have been from people that like unshifted by accident

Oh oh my gosh I see like five people it’s like I was like six people here it’s well get him where I don’t know I don’t I always I always forget what this place is called but I got well how many blocks I got Crimson uh spot 280.

I’m in DC I think yeah I am I’m like heading back to the main street I see Cav I see cab I see cab I want it so bad I see it I see please Jake please I want it so bad I see someone I see someone

They’re lagging together Jake can we can you get Aaron I get CAD can you get Aaron I get cab this guy’s lagging so bad stop trying to Juke me out bro jeez this person’s trying to Juke me out I wanted my dreams are crushed LOL I got distracted by cabin I just I

Lost everything nice oh there’s a ton of people there’s a ton of people there’s a ton of people oh my God yeah over by DCA in the front of DCI there’s like so many people guys help me I need help like right now I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming

Guys I need I need so much help right now there’s so many people there’s so many people there’s so many people how do I get them uh you have to go back to the end towards the entrance I I’m at the entrance yeah got him this is this is where it gets crucial

This is where we have to grind yeah now my heart’s beating right now I’m like I just ran it I just ran into like adrenaline I just ran into like six people I’m in Center I’m on the way into center right now my friend my chunks are loaded w

Okay Alex I’m coming towards you I think are there still people all right I got you okay all right I got most I think I got most of them actually okay yeah they’re like there’s there’s still 44 people in they’re around here somewhere but we were from

We went from 40 we went from 70 to 40. yeah someone’s my mother someone’s my mother get him get him get him I missed him earlier magic I’m I’m near you so tell me where they are I found Myself oh mustard do you see what beer said he goes at least it wasn’t Alex [ __ ] you beer [ __ ] you I hate that guy so much watch out for the trees because people are gonna try to get in the trees when they’re um oh I see two people I see two

People on top yeah I was trying to get up there God never mind they’re mine they’re mine they’re mine they’re mine Alex come with me what the [ __ ] right here right here how do you get up on top of there oh my God are people really this smart

You got worse get on the blue thing whoever’s on top of this building get on the blue thing get on the blue thing that’s what we’re doing that’s what blue thing what blue thing the little like oh is there a reason is there someone up there there’s like

Two people up top there’s two people there’s two people that’s where people hide at the end too no I won’t man you guys really know your stuff that’s where magic and like 10 people hid the first time I see I seeped I see feedback too it’s still over here

Uh I don’t know they might have fallen I’ll come around and try to find what they fell oh I see oh I see your name magic magic two people two people two people it’s a chicken it’s a chicken and a guy go for the chicken I’ll go for the other guy okay okay

I fear I got him I got him I’m trying I’m trying I’ll come I’ll support I’ll sports that one nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice okay I won’t have you I want Hobby’s mine Hobbies mine has mine got a hobby okay okay they’re all gonna be like rushing in oh

My God tequila is oh I found someone tequila is playing on my Spotify right now this is amazing who is this with who is this rat three four one you’re mine oh oh oh oh oh Jake we know oh there’s people there’s people there’s people

Where are you I’m like in the corner uh on this side towards uh oh my God there’s like what the [ __ ] there’s like eight people where are you I’m like where are you winter the Border I got the door I got the dirt guy I didn’t see anyone

Um I’m they’re going towards they’re going towards go for the guy on the left go for the guy on the left by you there’s like five by you there’s like five I’m just chasing all down right now there’s someone in this bush how do you get this guy

Where do they all go oh my God we’re killing it there’s nine people left nine people okay where are they they can’t okay the board is all here if we each take a corner if we each take a corner yeah I’ll go on this one I’ll go

Over here got someone got someone I’m going on the wrong way I’m going on the right of oh wait who’s this an arch oh oh oh Jake that was amazing oh we’re missing oh there’s one person there’s one person they won technically Prime I’m green wins Dude nice 21. did I really yeah you have 21. hit look at look back up and chat your last person was 21. Jay caught 13. wow holy cow I gotta get my game up bro I had the least time I want to be the deadliest tigers again please damn

Um give me a minute I need to figure some stuff out because like people are joining and leaving now uh he wants to seek that was impressive I’m down for whatever I want to stay whatever whatever you want to put while we’re going we’re going up to 60 because I need they need

To see we are okay oh ghost is here ghosty made it I think Block Wars might be over oopsies all right just go back in the VOD there’s just two people under the map bumpy Jake who’s on the map uh rashieri I’m trying I’m just like down below yeah they’re still down below

People are glitched under the map how do I spell their name I cannot remember for the life of me r-a-s-h okay hello there I was asked if I wanted to be Seeker yes you wait I’m gonna I would love to find some people let’s go welcome in welcome in

Let’s go thank you thank you God my heart was racing I’m not sure who was in the cowboy eventually when the Border was really close but I just completely like ran someone around a tree and they did not see me dude no I had betting a million dollars

From one side at once and I just I I had to like jump between them I just had to jump between like each of them trying to get them and so I’m pretty sure I lost like three or four of them because she wants to speak with me

Um okay hang on I’m trying to uh Jake the First new asked earlier I go see yeah that was a lot of there’s a lot of people that did you ready to hi ghosty okay hi guys yeah I’m down to seek how’s it going I’m good I’m good

So I’m proud of myself proud of myself let’s go see on top go stay on top that’s I’m saying bass bass that’s pretty Epic oh yeah oh my God that was so stressful that end was so stressful skin is so funny to me he haunts you no

Matter where you go he’s always there oh look who it is oh my God beerfunker Beach finger who is beat finger are you looking at the sign I’m looking at the sun oh I see you hey but where I go but where and I look directly at you I

Almost just I almost just accidentally um messaged someone random instead of beer finger saying I hate you that would have been really funny I apologize right now no no no it’s okay I messaged it to beer finger it’s fine I’m looking for your thins wait hold on hold everyone

Hold what’s up would you say look where I’m looking look at the sign you mean here turn like turn around though do what I’m doing where are you I look down oh that guy nope hello people just oh to my Discord just [ __ ] out wow I might have to rejoin

Why is my Discord like crapping out I don’t know why I might have to read it foreign Can I can I make Nate stay I want Nate to have to suffer with us Yoshi and I wanna seek all right I’ll I’ll hide that and you guys see okay yeah well at least that way when I have to help people third round okay okay

I’m fine I am I’m going with the flow we’ll get completely new people for third round okay fine that sounds good um ghost what do you know are we about to start um yeah uh Secrets comes Seekers come to the middle okay I am in the middle

I’m in the middle I’m in the middle this is not a stupid thing you’re fake you’re not a singer are you are you is this are you wait come on yeah Green no are you am I yes I I am I am him we have a tradition we have a tradition

Right everybody we go one by one we’re giving we’re giving speeches we’re giving speeches for motivation I’m sat I got one okay okay I’m also sitting green start and then go see her up okay ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the fifth annual anniversary of the Hide and

Seek Disney Edition I want to say as this as this year’s winner of the first one I just want to say good luck have fun break some kneecaps and yeah [ __ ] go yeah I believe that I believe that I believe that are you ready now I don’t get like a

Like I’d like like yeah are you guys ready for it yes no I think I know what this is never never oh my God oh my gosh you know how many people have told me I look like and sound like Nick a30 okay yeah I don’t know who that is at least

At least the fortnite guy the fortnite guys my goat I still don’t know oh listen guys you’re missing out I knew where the Australian Australians guys please yeah the Aussies no laser beam loser fruit those are like I love their stuff I’m taking off my guardian Alex you’re up wait here who’s next

Wait sorry I don’t have their secret swords oh no no they spawn in they spawn it I lost my kylo Ren lightsaber uh anyways um um um yes we’re Seekers all right that’s all I have to say yeah thank you thank you I thank you I’m voting for you for president

Yeah thank you I should be president of the world I should be president of Disney honestly move out of the way um I’m gonna I’m gonna hand it off to Magic uh oh everyone’s Discord just [ __ ] out again oh hello hello oh Oh my God ow I think everyone is [ __ ] out foreign okay I have a plan three of us go to one location three of us go to another one am I getting Dragon oh hello I can hear you guys I can hear you oh we’re gonna we’re back okay we are back

Ready fast go quick nice yeah good stuff okay speakers three of us okay wait wait wait wait wait three of us three of us three of us go to Disney World three of us goes to the other one three of us distance I was here too last time hang on I’m

Gonna go on the roof I’m just gonna go check are we slow what are you saying guys so I think I think we win I think we win with six of us we will just know I think we just know wait who won Block Wars uh

It was like it was like Ollie Greninja it was a goat it was like crack yeah I was surprised we had a good injure one I couldn’t just correct as hell well I can tell you right now they haven’t met me yet I’d be uh quite the uh oh yeah

Cracked player I I would like I I you know Block Wars I see a name block words you want to call mine from me they’re scared they’re scared I’m built different how do I get them down I can’t find Block Wars my people can talk to your

People you know in in the words of Call of Duty zombies fetch me their souls yeah two people I’m trying can’t find the parkour way oh I found it I found it go see where did you go there’s a will there’s a way you found will where’d I

Go I started I started uh I drifted off to look into these things oh oh okay smart I’m about to get the first Hider they already got there’s already two found oh oh oh that’s an NPC I know it’s NPCs it’s really funny actually oh dare tell me the Platypus

Wondering if another I’m wondering if another Hider will come into my chest I’m wondering if another secret will or a Hider will come into my chat and say um and try to bribe me if you guys find Josh please let me get him Josh had a where if I find him and I let him go he’ll he’ll give me a gifted sub and

Then you guys can comments up no that was that was Josh I don’t know about Oliver like the best idea I’m just gonna tell them that like to give me a gifted sub and I won’t exactly exactly exactly exactly I didn’t kill him anyways so it’s like yeah

They’ll refund someone someone asked me for uh someone said I’ll I’ll follow you if you if you uh let me live and I said no I said no and they did it anyways I was like easyw all right let’s see is anyone in the bathroom at Disney world no

Oh excuse me Disneyland I’m so sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I I just named Disneyland why don’t you I’m sorry I’m I should know better I should know better I’m sorry is that Prince Charming okay that was not an actual person yeah they’re all on the roofs

Oh where are you uh I can show you how to get up depending on where you are uh I’m in like Monsters Inc I think I see a way I oh shoot I’m so sorry I just land my water my desk uh I think I know how

To get up there but I don’t remember the way there yeah oh The Sword in the Stone guys um of course uh apparently I ran by like nine people and all in a clump oh found one by the way I didn’t mention that I’m hunting them down get over here bud

Your expiration date for your life has become I’m here to cancel your Live subscription get over here there is no running I don’t know who’s chasing him but they’re mine I don’t know who’s chasing them but they’re mine oh oh I found oh I found out I found one of the pass

Holders that’s mine they’re mine no I’m sorry I have to be the deadliest Hunter I have to be the deadliest Hunter I’m sorry it has to happen I’m sorry I dare you yes yes yes third party what is this I cracked his Shields and everything um there’s at least two people running I

Got Aaron I got Aaron I got Aaron nice job nice job so I always say magic oh I was gonna say there’s two at least two people running around um Center area I’m going to go back and get it I can come back and get it if you

Want no you don’t have another saying that they’re okay there I’m literally I’m literally goated are you joking this is amazing I’m really I’m literally gutted with the sauce Buffalo sauce oh uh last round in California Adventure Jake and I were struggling so bad like we couldn’t find anyone in Magic and

Like Alex finding everyone on the other side so that might be your problem sorry I’m just uh you know what can I say I’m just a master Hider let’s see if the Seeker I know sorry yeah I’m uh sorry I I uh I found two people get them Adventure jump up

Jump up run me is anyone do you think anyone is on big is that big no what’s the Mount Everest one with the yeti which one’s that one Matterhorn is anyone the Matterhorn do you think um the thing is if they’re on the Matterhorn you can honestly just leave

Them for the quarter a lot of them is too busy to climb yeah I know a lot of the rides you can just leave people and they’ll get caught by the border or they’ll be forced out eventually because you know all right you know what I’ve

Done I I will go in like the the bottom level of most rides and I’ll look and if they’re not if anyone’s not there then I just don’t bother that’s how I found People in Mission Breakout people who are just running around plus I will get stuck there with them well I

Just don’t want to be that guy that runs by a clump of nine again did you did you Aaron Aaron I literally said I said in chat because people were like Alex you ran by me Alex you ran by me and I went okay chat who did I run by

And Aaron was like yeah you ran by like a huge clump of like 10 people and I was like great that that’s going that’s going in the hide and seek compilation I can already tell here I’m gonna I’m gonna make a secret POV YouTube video I’ll flame you and

I’ll ask oh great yeah that sounds that sounds good that sounds good perfect yeah I have a bigger clip with that when I was just looping someone around a tree okay one of my mutuals got a clip of me walking by them I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be like at

Least three clips of me just walking by someone but to be honest it is what it is hi magic I imagine yeah that’s just bound to help do not do not do it do not do it they’re giving me a prime sub Zachary um any speakers I respect it I respect

It money I won’t I won’t find you if you kill me I’ll refund wait where are they where are they in the corner they’re what they’re running towards they’re running miles towards me running towards you they’re running towards you can I get them can I get them I mean you can probably they

Didn’t um I don’t know actually maybe don’t I don’t refund it the employer is everyone that’s what I’m saying I found those like three people in the beginning and now they’re all gone they’ve just peed off the face of the Earth don’t worry the Border will help us

Trust me I did not realize how much that border was going to help oh yeah see that’s what I’m actually really happy about with this event is the fact that I’m not worried about having to find people what are you worried about then exactly well I know I’m gonna find them in here

One I’m coming I’m gonna find this [ __ ] oh Lord I gave snake 10 seconds in order to get some to Magic because they’re just like why do I hear Boss music playing they’re in a building just FYI where where where where are they um they’re running away they’re running

Away follow me follow me yeah where are you you’re going back to your Center Center yeah just go back towards Center okay they’re they’re holding once again I find myself extremely far away I Am 800 blocks away I’m on Main Street right now I am 800 blocks out I’m 300 from Center

I’m at Center I probably should I probably should head back to the center because I’m not worried because of this border I didn’t think that border was going to help us as much as it did and I also didn’t realize we were on a time limit they’re over there

Oh do I see one on a tree what the heck is this little secret area what in the secret area is this one of the is this what Kabuto was talking about is it maybe I think that’s not one on the roof what the hell okay I’ll go up

To the roof I’ll go through if we’re on the roof that was insane okay there’s too much all right I will keep that noted if I become a Hider no hey you wanna you wanna leaky no what if I what if I say pretty please uh for a prime sub Maybe

Okay hear me out pretty please with a cherry on top how about pretty pretty please with a prime sub on top actually no pretty please with a Prime on top there you go hey I’m Prime stick’s a thing of Prime on top someone’s at Center someone’s running two centers FYI okay

I’m going to the Tomorrowland who is texting me they’re blowing for them like can they see yeah they can see us sorry irls sorry irls I’m in the middle of a Disneyland event right now you’ve lost it oh Star Tours I want to go on Star Tours

I’m gonna go to Disneyland okay he buys out for a chicken I got you I got you I got you I’m watching so close I want to get bumpy Jake by the way guys if anyone sees bumpy Jake can you please like just stare him into a corner and leave him

For me I want this man so bad I know but I want actual bumpy Jake I want to make him suffer guys please the real bumpy Jake not the fake bumpy Jacob exactly exactly I’ve seen someone uh can you please please puffy eyes Sushi you fool puppy eyes don’t work on me

And where are people there’s one in Center again they just dropped down uh I believe that y’all will get that I’m gonna go explore Disneyland an adventure um I have no idea where I am I’m I’ve never played this uh silver before I’m exploiting I’m exploiting what are

You doing for an escape I’m getting a gifted sub for an escape oh my God man will you just be Pride we are we can be bribed very easily listen listen I mean starving streamers enter running past as well yeah I’m going to switchcon hang on wait

I’m gonna DM you about this later I’m DM you about this later okay I’m letting Sushi live guys if you see Sushi I’ve spared him I spared him for a little bit scare him I’ll spare him one gifted sub wait can you guys hear me I won’t yeah I

Can hear you there’s one Center running to uh that might be sushi that might be Sushi no if let me finish they’re running past the um imagine fun sign it was a lockermon or whatever her name is look come on I want them again I got them last round I want them again

I am and those are way up here running to the entrance of Disneyland oh I remember this spot from ages past oh this spot was so go to Once Upon a Time did you see which direction they ran to Magic for Luckman they ran past the uh towards California Adventure the

Other way one sec I got two on me one is chicken’s going to Center one is just staring everyone Center I’m at Center I’m at Center I’m hanging out here I’ll keep an eye out front snakes over here we’re not checking the sides that’s the other thing that we need to make sure

And you live well this has to go with the sides they’ll get they’ll get forced into us anyways exactly exactly where are the ones coming to Center I’m hanging out around here and I’m not seeing anyone I’m on one of the rooftops right now it’s kind of chicken scouting I see one hello

Ajx wait where are they magic I’m hanging out at middle they’re not much of a captain anymore the captain must go down Captain ajx more like Captain or no okay well people like Captain where I’m gonna oh somebody’s on the oh that’s who is that hot who is that who is that

We get up there who is that talking to a stranger how do you get up there oh that’s how okay run burning their souls today I can’t make that jump how do you get up there there’s a ladder somewhere I just don’t remember where oh my God there’s so much visual clutter

In this area anyone damn it distracted no no the ADHD you win this round they win this round oh wait I think I know how to get to them I’m gonna try to get to them now Power Rangers go go Power Rangers has anyone checked Space Mountain yeah

No I was over there but I didn’t I didn’t look no nope all right I’m going to Space Mountain how the heck do you get up there I’m am I stuck am I actually stuck I’m [ __ ] stuck how’d you get stuck [ __ ] hell which is so funny Jake I know

Whoever big finger is I swear to God I swear to God so many people where is this what is pointing and laughing at me how do they know I need to know how you get up there like genuinely that is up there that is all

Of hoodies up there magic I I won’t get snake I don’t care snake’s love though I won’t get him I just want Olive hoodies please I think they all left no they’re still in the corner how the [ __ ] do I get up there Jake help please

Jake help I I literally could get out of this peace I’m a choir assistance I Alex five gifted to Olive and I’ll rat out where I’m hiding wait what what why does that how does that benefit me oh thanks thanks how the F okay yeah I’m so confused how the [ __ ] did

I can’t find it I’m trying so hard to find it and I cannot figure out how to get up there okay apparently it sounds Alex Ford gifted to me and I will tell you what I know why is everyone what we’re exploiting exploitation I guess dude are people I don’t understand

Are people saying Ford gifted to me or for gifted to shout out I’ve paid away no for real I’m so sorry sushi I’m so sorry Sushi it was an honor I didn’t tag you I let you go man I can’t believe dizzy is paid to win nowadays honestly the Met is kind of

Cringe I’m like actually trying so hard to figure out how to get to them and I genuinely just can’t figure out how to get up there like how do you how the [ __ ] do I get there magic you said there was a ladder somewhere right

I’m not I’m looking for it and I can’t figure it out I’ll let them I’ll let them live there’s no way I’m not I don’t want to let them live I don’t do you think I don’t want to let them live but I’ve given up I’m wasting time I never give

Up never what oh my God never surrender so glad that Nick a30’s wise words have gotten to the General Public how the [ __ ] do I get there Space Mountain the Border will consume them the lives before fit to the Border yeah I can’t figure this out

People that I just want a high five with my sword in the chest it’s not too much to ask who is that oh how did you get over there why how did you get up there it’s like a little staircase over there when you got up through

What okay well that was that was very descriptive I know staircase over there at that thingy yeah I feel like I’m wasting a lot of time doing this I didn’t even care that I’m wasting a lot of time I want all of hoodie’s head on a stick

On a goddamn bike I just wanna I just wanna stick now now hear me out we could do the most BM thing ever if it gets to like the 100 by 100 border and all of still in there we just save whoever’s last right and we just hunt down Olive exactly exactly I

Agree it would be the most DM thing ever I’m being I’m being so real with you I refuse to all of hoodies one he won three rounds what the [ __ ] how does this work still alive if all of us still alive with other people in the 100 by 100 sure

These people are taunting me why me Magic’s here too they’re on the roof but what they see you they all see me all at Main Street there’s like five people up on the roof and none of us can figure out how to get back like uh it’s on the building closest to

The uh closest to Center building closer Center yeah we’re like all trying so hard to figure out how to get there and none of us can find the ladder the magic is talking about and Magic jump down video in Disneyland or in um Main Street uh Adventure okay

I will literally I I’m baiting them I’m baiting them I’m baiting them come on come on someone someone’s got to be dumb enough come on come on come on I’m just searching for this ladder now like I’m running in circles wait a minute wait a minute no never mind no no no no

No no no no no I thought I would I thought I would have I thought I would have oh oh wait a second wait stop wait a minute stop wait a minute I think I might have figured it out hold on guys I want you to know that I beat the I beat

The entirety of Minecraft and only up I can do this I beat Minecraft and now I’ve been challenged to hide and seek I mean it’s like I beat Minecraft only up I have to do this now what the hell’s my up do you know like the game only up no oh

Who’s up there oh whoever magic I think that’s you up there that was smart I’m gonna take that same route that’s me hi oh oh oh no okay okay all right real real oh oh people people people people get him get him they’re all scramming they’re all scramming

I don’t care I know where to go now Falcon and Arch damage one of them just went into the building two of them just went to the building nice try there nice I was gonna trick them into thinking I wasn’t gonna hit them but I didn’t want

You to steal it damn come on our samish come here come here come here I still can’t find the slaughter like I’m trying I’m running around in circles trying to find it at this point oh oh you tried juking me this guy tried juking me you can imagine imagine yeah literally

So this is still on the roof there’s apparently a bunch of people saw me there’s like five apparently a bunch of them saw me up there I just can’t kill jump and I can’t figure out where I’m meant to go from here all right I got this I can figure this

Out I can figure this out we should not be wasting all this time but also it doesn’t really matter I don’t care I want all of hoodies dead if we were on a time limit I’d be like all right I’m leaving true you haven’t found beerfinger but you’re

Doing great thank you chat thanks I know I need to find him Alex keep going straight what do I feel about finding what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] you got this I believe in you how are people seeing me funny this is so funny is that Walt Disney there’s a picture of Walt Disney what is this there’s just a picture of Walt Disney

Okay all right cool cool cool cool I’m glad they we all right how do you where do you go from here I don’t how’d you even get over there I don’t even think oh my God what hold on can I jump to that oh yeah I think they’re baiting us I think

They’re baiting us yeah I actually think they’re baiting us of thinking of going on the roof if anything somebody is is stream sniping that is like the only way I would know thank you Prada oh my God I can’t figure this out I’m so frustrated I’m so

Frustrated I can’t figure this out I don’t know how to get up there how all right let’s see that bone is kind of to a subsection which makes me think what if it’s all the way around and I’m like fingers freaking across I swear uh knowing knowing beer if I had to

Guess where he was he’s hiding in the same spot he did last round because he knows that I’m not gonna find it and I’m not gonna think clear enough to find out where he is maybe he’s in this church this is a church what is that might be a church

Since when was there a church in Disneyland the Disneyland religious archery Jake I fell into the voice how is that even possible how did you fall into the void Jake help Jake they count this is a empty room green hello Country Roads take me home to the place the song just ended Up oh I might have just found a cheeky little spot take me home oh there’s no way people would know if I hid here oh there would be no way people would know I’m here where are they how do you how to get there I’m so like how

Wouldn’t the Border have shrunk by now I wonder can I make that jump I can um oh I’m in Avengers campus am I where am I where Spider-Man jumps I am I am where Spider-Man does that really funny jump oh the jumbo he just crashes into a building yeah

Oh yeah they just teleported me LOL shakes I’ll put you to a closer position he teleported the wrong person he meant to grab magic and he grabbed me oh I didn’t know where I am now I don’t know where I am I’m by Monsters Inc thing I think I’m back in Avengers campus

I can’t believe you still haven’t found me yet shut up beer oh my God I’m going to cry bro you’re just getting I see oh I see someone bullied bro getting bodied right now dude oh how the hell did you get over there up here I’m just gonna take this opportunity to

Like learn all the different paths as well oh dang it I saw name tags but they’re fake the ninjas are fake [ __ ] they’re hiding in a model which by the way reminder guys if you see a model walk inside of it if it’s big enough people can just be hiding oh

Yeah that’s why I found the first two at the very start of the game can you get up here no dude I’m gonna cry because I cannot find anyone right now the way no dude I know where people are is the worst part and I just genuinely

Can’t figure out how to get up there I don’t know how it’s so frustrating find anyone now oh by the way heads up guys stay around the borders now because we’re going to 500 500 so a lot of people are going to be running in

All right I’m gonna run all the way to the borders then yeah I’m just gonna stay around this area a lot of people are gonna be running in right now that aren’t already in if there’s 67 people still in where did this person go I lost this person are you actually joking

Dude come on uh most surface area over here dude I’m gonna have been [ __ ] ages dude I’m so mad me too don’t worry eventually they’ll be pushed in and then that’s when you strike I know I feel like I’m doing really [ __ ] right now hello there two people no don’t even worry guys

All right let’s go for you you’re not about to hop into the water oh you told me where are you magic where are you gone is your buddy still over here Magic what’s up oh okay I was like did you leave where’d you go I have no idea nice

Prime there’s someone who’s seeing you bro I I don’t care I see someone else I’m hunting I’m hunting I don’t think they see me keep line of sight keep line of sight don’t let it break oh I just found a cheeky spot too come here trust come here and you’re gone nice nice

All right now someone said they can see me which makes me think they’re back over here I think I know where they are they’re back on that roof that I was struggling to figure out how to get up to like I I can’t figure it out I’m so

Frustrated because I can’t find out how to get updated Lord where are you oh he’s gonna have replay mod and just go back into the footage back oh my God that’s how they did it unless you know about it no let’s see I love that Pirates playing OverWatch

Right now I really want to get pirate I want to kill pirate I want this man gone listen Pirates Pirate is 100 playing Mercy right now their attention can be divided easily it’s only a mercy gameplay they’re a banger Mercy man I see they’re like all right I’m going back to the yeah

With like their YouTube content cool yeah um mainly just like in in the sense of like hey here’s how you here’s how you should title you a video and he was like what you should be doing with your thumbnails teach me you’re right you’re waiting let’s go

I will yeah I know so much oh hello there hey you’re cool you’ve made a fatal error and now you shall die magic how far from Santa are you I uh 128. how on Earth do I get up there oh my lordy Lord I can’t oh who’s this oh never mind five three

Two one I think good job did anyone go on top of the sign yet or I’ll take a look what happens if the Seekers walk into the Border I don’t think anything fine we don’t take damage what am I doing what am I doing I don’t know what are you doing I don’t

Know good question what are you doing bruv no go away Alex this is my spot go away too late too late stop too late too late you suck you you actually suck you actually suck you actually I said I was going up here I told you I was going up here you literally

Get this one get this one get this one get this one I’m oh I got him let’s go oh no let’s go baited yes that was so mean that was actually so mean oh skill issue because I’m actually just the best ever really I don’t think you got that I don’t think

You got that kill though if it was if it was a skill issue if it was a skill issue you would have gotten that kill all right Timothy Johnson right right I’m Timothy Johnson me [ __ ] about the legend the Timothy Johnson I know I am like the legend I’m legendary

I am the legend legendary oh my God this is [ __ ] ridiculous oh my God there’s so much green in this area I could camouflage magic did you find someone I found two get him kill them kill them no mercy on the spot destroy them I have this feeling that beer might have actually

Hid in the Galaxy’s Edge bathroom and that’s why he’s saying to me I can’t believe you haven’t come and found me but now that I’m thinking about it I don’t think it’s in the Border they’re probably the giant group that I that and that I just can’t nice good job me next time

Are the people I saw earlier still over the over and I’m gonna find out is already still there have they left are there people oh yep they are still there they are still there yep they’re still oh okay well congratulations to this person for getting 10 magic crate keys I guess

By chasing someone hello hello there hello let’s go who are you Jason Andre Andre fight I think oh I was with them on the bisex hosting event which what happened to bicep why don’t they host any events anymore has anyone else noticed that I have no idea

Anyone here am I oh my goodness I am lost has anyone else done the bisect hosting events because I have they’re fun you would Advance IMS the dot wave events I think this is one of my first events like ever really first working event I was in the uh

Oh man what was it I’m back at Cinder with them there was an event I was in and it like totally I sat there for three hours waiting for them to actually start the game I’m not even joking and and they actually and then they were like JK

We’re not doing the event I waste three hours of sitting in the lobby doing nothing really yep I was streaming I was so mad I actually left the server they ended up giving the the the event to somebody else like they the owners were just like we can’t do this and they gave

It to someone else I I left yeah it was pretty sad but again like you know they like dm’d me on Twitter and we’re like you should join and I was like okay no and it was I’m trapped and he won’t get me out hey I have a question if every if you

See a person named fluffwave can you like leave them for me I’m trapped nah doing [ __ ] hi ghosty hi ghosty I would ask Jake ping Jake okay okay map oh dang oh oh good no oh sick okay I was in the middle of digging okay no free oh

Where’s everyone take me to the magic all right let’s go I’m so determined I want to get more people I only have six I want to be a goaded tiger oh my God that was the funniest [ __ ] ever I went to the um like the the left side

Of the imagine imagine fun sign when you’re looking straight at it oh there’s a person there’s a person I see a person it’s eight is that who is that arj I don’t know who that is um I found two people people I’m on them no there’s tons of people

We gotta check the sides check the sides because there’s a lot of people on the other sides because we’re not checking those we’re checking the parts I’m chasing down Outlaw and There we go I didn’t have I didn’t have my sword out that’s my bad wait yeah yo yo is Olive is all still alive behind you behind you just got me yeah I’m just gonna teleported out I was gonna get mustard are you kidding me bro that’s BS

I just got teleported away when I was gonna attack mustard what the hell did you not just tell Jake to no that I just called you I’m asking him earlier no I called him earlier and he already did and you’re dead oh he’s freeing us I guess I don’t know

Oh who’s that up there oh I think that’s one of you oh oh there’s someone down below go see up right here right here go see right here right here literally on the other side of this wall uh how the [ __ ] do you get in there

Oh ghosty I don’t I think they’re stuck oh go see yeah don’t even bother they’re stuck LOL all right let’s go hey I’m gonna Rob that kill I’m robbing that kill I don’t know actually no serious ghostly girlfriend got one don’t run don’t jump don’t jump ghost you don’t jump

Down hold on just run just run just run this one where are you guys come on where’s where’s this [ __ ] I got the Chicken Guy there we go it’s all done this guy yeah I got him I can’t get this guy there’s a guy on top of the monorail

I can’t get him no boy don’t worry the boy will get them eventually it’s fine he’ll have to come down oh I see that person oh there’s so many people there’s so many people there’s so many people where are you where are you hunt them down yep I will cry

Come on come on come on come on yes thank you screenshot that I screenshotted that yeah wait you left two left two left two left left sword in your head if you don’t have your sword in your hand you can oh who won one oh my God beer was the thing

Beer was third beer was the third if I had not gone after oh this guy I this was the guy you’re the last one left if they were the last one left they were outside the Border as well that was so weird oh my God all right Gamers I’m

Probably gonna hide this next round it was an honor this was very fun okay all of you are going back to being hired as well yes it’s completely new Seekers now okay hey you don’t jump because it’ll still sound I was trying to tell you where you’re

Chasing that person down I felt so bad you’re just jumping after them I’m gonna go into vc2 adios bye everybody oh beer that was really [ __ ] funny Alex see where I was hiding the entire time I’m not telling you I’m telling you because you’re secretly no I’m not I’m a

Hider oh good good yeah I’m a Hider now yeah I said it’s me Alex telling me the first round I hate you that was so funny Alex you’re stupid let me talk okay immediately immediately go to the west west currently oh yeah okay so it’s just it’s

Just a [ __ ] Street yeah we’re dancing and dancing pop music no [ __ ] I didn’t find you no [ __ ] I didn’t find you yeah you just leave the park don’t I don’t listen to oh you’re gonna listen to bumpy Jake of Jake Enterprise it’s more like bumpy fake anyways beer beer I have

Been searching for who is okay who is uh beef finger who is that okay just gave me the name and honestly I’m gonna do hate crimes about it who is that I didn’t know that was you yeah it was me I didn’t realize that what I’m sorry

I’m sorry I didn’t know I’m sorry I didn’t know oh good Alex I don’t mind you I don’t mind you killing me if I got in third place because that was just like a matter of like no you know what was really it was really annoying when it was like I first

First of all like I would go all the way to the Pixar pier and then there was like so many people on the roofs of Main Street and they were all like Alex Alex were right there I looked you right there with a v

Wait who said I in this chat say I no one in this chat say hi please oh okay I won’t then because if you get Seeker you’re just gonna kill us all because we all go to the West Alex you know when you passed a Mater

And the uh in Radiator Springs were you there was in in the car damn it oh I do I should have checked there that’s right you clipped it yeah but I will oh clip of you staring at the cards oh that’s so funny oh [ __ ] dude yeah these things are selected

Finally yeah oh my goodness no dream oh okay watch out Arrow there now they’re never gonna find us they’re not gonna find us Alex everyone in this call everyone just follow me immediately just follow me immediately I’ll show you guys where I was yeah so we can all dance together

Okay just beat forget the one saying this yeah yes yes apparently I really like your name I’m glad you’re like willing to flaunt them about yourself it doesn’t matter I’m gonna I’m gonna never mind it’ll be fine it will accept a Kill by Andrea yeah I’m

Gonna leave my friend I won’t accept a Kill from anyone this is allowed to stab me if you do it’s against me also let me just say being a Seeker being a Seeker I knew a lot of [ __ ] that was on this map I found

A lot of [ __ ] yeah you [ __ ] nerd and I was like dang okay that was pretty cool hey look at the secret sword what if I just hit you with it I saw it what if I hit you with this nothing you’re an adventure [ __ ] damn oh it just looked

Like a rainbow stick oh I almost started 2K I have a disadvantage at this one for the start this side it’s about two it’s about two it’s about two about two oh I can’t see the Border I was so far away I was like wait yeah everyone just go west

Also by the way by the way guys um when you they wait it’s not when they Sprint jump when The Seekers Sprint jump they go slower okay yeah so just so you know if a Seeker finds you if a Seeker finds you you’re [ __ ] yeah just you know they will get in

Effect speed effects uh actually don’t work if you’re jumping you might ask if I were the so the Brows last a while let’s say hypothetically I was just asked to have dinner could I theoretically just you could have you could probably have dinner nobody’s gonna help you much in the early game do

You guys know how many people like Prime subbed The Seekers to not get found it was so funny oh great I don’t want I I just got through on skill I’ll be honest I will tell you right now this is the Strat because none of us thought to go into the parking

Yeah everyone get in the bus everyone get in the bus I might dip out for for dinner if okay yeah you can you can get the front seat you can just uh go AFK wait no no no don’t go wait wait no no don’t go in the front seat because

They’ll see us if you’re if we’re in the front seat you gotta be as far back as possible and also and also they do see name tags so you gotta shift all right I’m gonna go have dinner yo you all have like on a good time

Um if I die oops I will see I will be our Lookout I’ll be our Lookout y’all have fun I will be back I immediately went to the front seat after saying no one should go there that’s something I’ll be ours I’ll be our Lookout maybe oh my goodness this [ __ ]

Would hate Rosa Parks for no reason oh [ __ ] that was funny you guys look so scary it looks like when you’re on the subway and like some unpleasant person just sitting here like having like a very loud phone call where they’re racist or whatever and everyone’s just like oh my

Goodness just get to my stop just get my [ __ ] stop I want to get off all right here we go here we go here we go by the way what if Alex’s name tag changed and he just pulled out a knife immediately that’d be terrorists That’d be a great hide and seek event but like holy [ __ ] oh my goodness it’s just like hit game Among Us I’m telling you guys right now I’m telling you guys right now that not a single Seeker will come find us I believe you I I plan on that anymore

Because we’ve already tested this yeah oh what you’re leaving oh you actually are leaving you can literally stand here I just vibed around for a while I was hitting apparently someone said I was kidding you guys ready ready ready ready ready ready look at this oh wait wait oh

My god oh that’s your ass oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah yeah wait we could all we could all play Simon says okay all right okay are you Simon are you Simon yeah um I’m Simon I’ll be Simon first uh I’m scared I’m up and down

That was good nice one nice one that didn’t even take you that long all right it didn’t yeah do you know how Simon says that was a practice that was a practice right I didn’t realize what we were doing sorry if you say if I say

Simon says this then you’d do it I got it and if I just say do it then you don’t do it then’s the rules yeah yep yeah Simon Says shift okay on shift okay Simon Says on shift Simon Says stare at baby Pekka corn wait how am I supposed to start myself

You’re out cool cool all right look at me oh oh sorry I tried to catch myself I’m going into F5 mode to look at I’m gonna throw every thing just do everything is anyone looking good is anyone looking to make sure it says what if I move Simon Says head to Center

And just start randomly dancing in the middle of the area till you get caught you said to go over there I appreciate you know you’ve got a lot of heart do they I have a question do they stay by the center area where’s your hat where the hell are all your hats

We’re outside of the park I don’t care I like this hat get out and out from time you are such a consumer yeah I know I just love capitalism you’re wearing the decapitated head of Mickey Mouse you love D capitalism that’s what I think dude I want a [ __ ] Mickey Mickey bar

A Mickey Bart what the [ __ ] does that mean you don’t know what a Mickey oh right you didn’t even know what Disneyland was before this I didn’t no I know what Disney Alex anything I don’t know is usually a bit but I genuinely don’t know what a Mickey bar is a Mickey

Bar is just like a like it’s like a it’s like an ice cream bar but it’s like chocolate on the outside and then like and then like the vanilla Mickey Mouse yeah overpriced they are so good thing well I mean I mean an ice cream bar and an ice cream sandwich are different

Things okay I was gonna say yeah and ice cream okay an ice cream sandwich is like two chocolatey cake things and then ice cream in the middle an ice cream bar is like it’s like ice cream but there’s like a thin layer of fudge or something

Around it and it may or may not be on a stick usually it’s on a stick I feel like I could play a whole round of like OverWatch while this is going on I mean people were playing chess before that’s really funny what was it during uh ice cream balls but

Surrounded by chocolate instead of during my last Highland seat game there were people playing Valor in a VC before I got in we don’t say probably wait what do you call it what is what do you call everything what wait what for what wait wait wait what oh yeah

We call them ice lilies what does that even mean lollipop what ice but wait but that’s what a popsicle is oh the one with the ones with chocolate yeah what do you call the ones with chocolate we um a Chuck ICE Simon Says any Brits here can [ __ ] themselves and leave

I’m kidding I’m kidding he’s the reason why America drive on the right is because and so he drives on the right because he thought that it was way easier and then everyone was like um Nelson like Mandela no Nelson like like you’re saying you’re saying Nelson like

As if I have to look to my left and see a guy named like Frank or something like I don’t know who Nelson I don’t know just showed up right behind us right now I don’t know who that is who is Nelson is coming from inside the building

Who are you the guy who like conquered a bunch of places Alexander the Great Chris Christopher Columbus no his name begins with n is it not Nelson who is it Nefertiti who who are you talking about Egypt oh my goodness go to Egypt yeah and then I’ll you know probably Nelson

I am retired okay yes I I love it I I love Nelson Napoleon sorry like actually Yes actually to our left scrap scrub run script everybody get the [ __ ] out it was going so good until it wasn’t Andrea go forward go forward go forward go forward

We’ll go east how did they not see us all right guys Napoleon was left-handed so he drove how did they not see us I know where to go I have I’m using I’m using my f uh my uh OptiFine Zoom somebody somebody watched her sick somebody watched her six

Watching I don’t see anyone what is this what is this what is this oh wow look at this is this little crevice I don’t think we should be here I don’t think we should say no no we shouldn’t we shouldn’t Simon Says Abandoned Ship it’s

Okay one of us will not get found if we go in there NPC we are aware you’re wearing Mickey Mouse head I’m gonna head back to the West I think we’ll be fine really all right beer I trust you I trust you bear so we go back I’m going back with beer because

I trust beer guys what the [ __ ] is going on what up there look in my line of vision oh I see them how do you wait what they’re at your friends it’s a [ __ ] pass holder how did they get up there oh with the [ __ ] pass

It might be is it something where like if you go around because okay back this way there’s like a hedge Maze and I think if you get in there you might be able to get up there but I’m not sure because one of them wasn’t a pass holder I think

I’m actually not sure how any of this happens did you guys pass by Andrea again as you were running back out no I don’t I don’t see I don’t think Andrea is going to be concerned I think we’re gonna be fine from Andrea I’m going first because this is my idea

And if I die then you guys are fine you guys are fine once you guys go I’m running along the side of the Hedge yeah you’re going the right direction you’re making a hedge chain it’s like the blockchain but it’s made of vegetation guys who wants to hear my story about

Napoleon not Nelson no I would prefer to hear a story about Nelson the whole point of the story is that it’s harder to drive on the right than to drive on the left if you’re right-handed which is like most of the population and America decided not to

Drive on the left just because they wanted to like get the Brits that’s no honestly that’s a terrible take because number one like most of the continent I’m pretty sure drives on the right side of the road number two don’t you want to be closer to the center so you’re aware

If you’re about to hit an oncoming car like I love to do I mean I would never huh um what what is your guys coordinates honestly we’re on the other side of the Hedge I’m trying to find out how they got it no it’s a great spot we’re gonna be trapped actually very

Good point I’m going back that’s an extremely good point I’m going back how many blocks out are we very far we are 500. we are we should probably Alex is right we should head back we should head back everyone uh opt out of here hey guys oh my God

Yeah nobody followed you right earlier but at this point right Emerald huh sorry nobody followed you sure I noticed you sure yeah positive because I don’t see a bright light coming at me you drive on the left the wheel is on the that’s no excuse they shouldn’t be

British yeah the wheel’s on a different side oh I didn’t realize what you were on about yeah the wheel is on the left side in the American cars oh no the reason we drive on the right side is because we hate leftists That’s real so so you you you’re the only exception to this yeah no in America we think of other people sometimes oh who’s that hi hello oh my goodness is this a little bit did you guys continue to run towards this guy is definitely playing Valor while hiding saying that like wait

Who said that that person was AFK why did how did they know that they’re in Spec probably oh LOL who said it who said it Rift yeah Rift is a rift is uh in spectator mode oh I guess that’s spectacular imagine getting found LOL could be our uh could be our poor friend

Going out to dinner yeah I didn’t get I mean I got found I just got caught up to First the fact that someone didn’t get us is actually crazy this [ __ ] is dope this is the way I’m just a hits it should just be like near the apartments at this point

To coming into it’s coming into 500 500. I don’t see a border yeah I’m still at the back of this oh no come back right out of the back of that no no no I’m not I’m not I’m not on the I’m not on the wrong side of the Hedge maze

I’m on the side that we’re on before yeah you should still get away from that though yeah um this [ __ ] oh hey hey they’re back okay they’re alive you thought you died of pancreas autographed by Matthew Lillard oh it’s so like it’s the best it is pretty great

I feel like we’re gonna end up being top five I think and um no Mika’s gonna probably die to the board at this rate they just started another round like the water’s coming again yeah everyone just uh well we’re within 500 bucks radius of 100. a raise of 100

Okay so that’s the uh that’s the spawn area let’s just wait until the Border like comes close to us and then we move yeah we’ll just order cannot run you so you might want to just wait till you can see it off in the distance yeah it didn’t outrun me yeah

Jake said at the start that Jake is dumb oh I thought I tried to call him dumpy Jake once but that means something else entirely I had no clue it means ass okay wow you’re so right beer good job I know what acid you’re so funny sarcastically but also I think I am

Pretty funny I died this is so sad yeah so actually someone came and found us and they just hunted you down and we got it oh yeah oh you were here I forgot I forgot there was someone in the past we immediately forgot and left you behind

I want to figure out how to get on this Hedge wow isn’t there a DreamWorks movie we could watch about this we should go over there yeah yeah they didn’t go actually no I think at one point like a better one over there we should oh oh yeah we gotta go

We gotta go yeah we gotta go we should definitely move I’m gonna let you guys go first because I am a risk maker and B I don’t want us to all get caught in a group I feel like we should split up a little bit I’m

Gonna I’m gonna go back it’s easy to gun down five pill at once Alex you [ __ ] see the other person’s running yeah where did you guys go and then we’re gonna move foreign you guys are so silly we’re silly [ __ ] I think we’re in the top 42

Only stopped me from winning last round so like I feel like we’re both a little bit I wanted to make sure that you would not win I could not live with that if you won I would have actually cried with me having Joy yeah I’m gonna beat the [ __ ] bear goes all

Yeah this is great I don’t like being the closest one to the world oh they’re moving okay oh wow snake venom popped off does the Border one shot people do we know um it might the Border will kill you in about three seconds I will take one for the team

No no no no no no I’m just gonna drop dead I would have loved it are you kidding me I would have never done that I need to win at some point at some point we do want to head a little closer to the I had

Like 21 kills the first round it was pretty awesome we gotta go through the ticket taker well no we don’t I’m telling you right now either way I want to stay closer to the bowl no beer you can no beer put your [ __ ] down beer put your [ __ ] down come on yeah

Beer I think it might be the eye patch oh it might be the eyepatch a good time but unfortunately I would be ugly don’t fear don’t I thought you you just went right out of my render distance I actually thought you died guys let’s just play chicken

With the border for a while let’s just see who dies first ready ready ready ready watch this watch just watch just watch this I’m gonna go I’m gonna go I’m gonna get it I’m gonna oh you thought uh this [ __ ] yeah wow he’s really built different come on let’s go here

You got to go through man you got to go through beer you gotta go through it I put my crown down in the Border are best friends oh yeah how are you surviving sorry how are you surviving are you just like that’s so weird of you I’m not dead I’m just strange yeah

Hannah you wanna you wanna die I’m gonna figure out how to get into one of these buildings we’re top 24 . top 24. when the board is moving we could just hang out in it we can just hang out it’s not dying oh my God as a person

Oh who are you we just hang out in the Border when it’s absolutely the closer we stay to the corner of the borders the the harder they’re gonna find us I found smidge you mean the harder it’ll be to find us hello cool cool hi Emerald

Hello I am 98.9 blocks from the center I know it’s pretty much the safe zone right here come over here come over here oh it’s not stopping it’s not stopping it’s not stopping I don’t think it’s gonna stop okay um in my chat this person is also you know you’re the favorite tick

Tocker oh me there’s two there’s two scrams square three three beer Wait they’re pretty they’re running free Just you oh let’s go we did so good wait Sushi’s still alive all right how is no one getting Cipher or cyber that’s crazy that is insane Sushi one yes yes wait but cyber what about cyber shut the [ __ ] up about cyber but he’s I’m so confused he’s a guest he’s a

Guest congrats wow I got seven full take that I don’t know I got like [ __ ] 13th or something and then I got like uh how many rounds are there do we know I came 12. 20 minutes they were if of course that couldn’t happen to me of

Course that couldn’t happen to me all right at least I got in front of beer that’s okay to live wait Alex what place did you get like [ __ ] I don’t know whatever I got I got one ahead of you you got you got yeah you got 12. I’ll take it even 12.

I always got 12. today she’s got eleventh Narnia got tenth I got no did I get me too uh yeah uh Baby Jake doesn’t even know who won okay oh my God 13. and then beer got 14. I got 14. I got third last round I actually uh I learned fast

Oh oh my gosh I’m still in oh never mind that was fun even if I did very well usually I have fun losing one more I have one chance at everyone else [Laughter] I promised all of hoodies and Alex mcci afterwards so now I have to this is just so epic

It will be it’ll be pretty epic is that is that bad probably I don’t know it’s usually always bad so like yeah ah there’s no rules um oh another rules there’s no nothing against stuff promoting let’s go yeah no it’s just like people find it annoying usually yeah

Baby pink corn said baby pig all right I think I did it I did do that yeah so are they gonna is this it are we just running around or are they gonna are we done what’s happening it’s a good question yeah found Andrea hi we lasted uh

Yeah Alex do you want to set up a separate VC I’ll go grab Olive yeah sure let’s do it Alex are you gonna continue to stream uh probably for a bit um one sec I’m gonna do mcci with beer and then and then I have some other

Stuff I need to do so yeah but I’ll probably I’ll probably keep going for a bit let me read you them oh thank you I appreciate that I will talk to you guys later great event bye guys bye I’ll be right back you guys see one second I’ll just be one second

Exactly yeah you’re good no it takes time oh hey oh you’re right here oh hi how are you doing yo what’s up it’s a little bit tired but I’m good is that Olive it is oh hey Olive how you doing hey I’m good I’m just all took so

Long guys she’s really Emerald with the raid of five thanks so much how’s it going guys did you guys enjoy the event it’s pretty baller yeah I uh I found the Strat I think is uh well what I did I shouldn’t tell you this because you’ll see and you’ll figure it out

But like I just went straight to the West and Out West there’s just like it’s like the parking lot where people go in to join Disneyland oh yeah I can’t believe you did that every round I did it two rounds the first round I hid behind a map because I

Was uh oh yeah and uh and then bumpy Jake slaughtered me i i s I think I saw you when Jake found you and I was like damn it how did you do Olive uh I did all right first round we found a spot on Lego rooftop but then I was

Like I think we can get somewhere closer everyone I went to look I went to look and I fell off and then someone just happened to be passing yeah The Seekers some of the Seekers were hunting you down all right they were and then the I don’t know why

Maybe it surely it doesn’t have to do with that video where I got winning in hide and seek both times but that’s fair maybe that’s fair but then the second time we found us like a corner on top of a rooftop where there was only one route to get up and

You had to know what it was um by the time we just sat up there for so long that I just got so tired so many people were like Alex like I’m on top of the roof I’m gonna talk to him I didn’t know I didn’t know how to get

Up there somebody was just like straight up putting our chords in chat and I was like guess what you’re blocked so I went on Twitter and I blocked them wait who was so funny it was a arch damage guys what are you doing at negative 305

Blah blah on the roof all four of you guys what are you doing it’s like okay teachers I would I’m glad you banned them because I would have uh ended them you know it’s funny we saw those chords and we were like uh we literally just did not feel like

Following them it was pretty funny we were just like joking back and forth me and a couple others we were just like saying random chords and chat and putting people’s ideas like what are you doing at uh negative two or five 73 325. that’s so funny

Yeah I know it was that was a great event super fun it was fun it was just a big bumpy Jake of Jake a little bit more fast-paced if the Border just shrunk a little bit faster that would have been more fun for me yeah I don’t think he had I don’t think

We had like a general uh uh uh um like timing of it it was kind of just like Jackie are you gonna do the border and he was just like oh yeah I should probably do that okay not like that but like you know what I mean I would just

Like look at the side of my screen I’d see 15 more minutes until border starts closing yeah yeah dude I was like this is gonna be a yeah I just stood in a field and just [ __ ] threw my ass in a circle for a while to German pop music it was

Actually a great time for me yeah I’m on the island if you guys want to hop in yeah I just got on that I really want the lightsaber I’m not sure if it’ll is uh is pirate Walnut gonna join or not I don’t know I can ask real quick but

They said they might be so sick of Minecraft they’ll just do OverWatch for a bit yeah that’s what I was thinking which is honestly understandable they do enjoy a bit of Mercy gameplay just a little pirate is for some reason I’ve been I’ve been falling pirate for a while but like

Late like late 2022 I thought they just stopped doing Minecraft content because they were live on OverWatch so so much pretty much yeah one of hops on Minecraft every now and then but he mainly does uh mainly does OverWatch is it do we do we call them Walnut or pirate Walnut or

Just pirate okay I will call them Walnut gotcha every say anything but they just go by Walnut pretty much good to know I relax accordingly it’s like how some people call me Uris yeah Island I’ll just leave the first letter out some people just call me just no one calls you shots I know unjust person I know you won’t be like people should go to jail for immigrating or something that’s not true people call me all right let’s see if I

Still got my uh sky battle skills I uh this is a warm-up round but also I won’t be good like my best level of gameplay is competent but I think you know that we’re chilling oh yeah I just play for the silly hahas I go for like TNT games

And Creeper webs more than like oh games or anything like that see you say that and then you like also do get 20 kill games no I’ve never gotten a Tony kill actually I think the highest I’ve gotten is like 14. damn I get like with those

One closed beta back when not many people oh close beta was so [ __ ] good it was so fun at the time I was like I don’t really care if I get in or not but then once I got in I was like oh I need

To be here for the rest of my life I don’t even remember how I actually got in it was a lot of other people like once someone got the account usually they would just [ __ ] Give It Away there’s yeah people up here I got it because of the yellow Army bit

Oh yeah there’s someone above us to the servers so they could increase [ __ ] I’m out I’m going to die [ __ ] Nice whoever on our team just did that that was pretty baller baller oh [ __ ] I have gotten myself into a predicament where everyone wants me dead oh [ __ ] me oh my god dude it’s okay I believe in you ah no I’m already dead oh no straight up chased me oh no it’s

Up to me up to just know the server is also lagging pretty bad right now for some reason yeah Isaac it’s worth a try yeah you you almost block clutch it would have been crazy yeah yeah I was planning on him to hit me with his sword

And knock me back into the building like to the point where I would actually be able to clutch and he just my enemy didn’t play by my rules and pissed the [ __ ] off hey I said time out oh bummer what’s timeout mean yeah oh you guys stop please please time

Out I’m too frail and my bones are also from him but a twitch streamer are you Olive are you are you frail because you have like an offense you have like a red sweatband on that seems like a very buff dude thing to be wearing in a video game oh wow look at

You yeah here I’m just very oily oh you never heard of olive oil yeah no I have first time earring of oil I’m an American you watch your mouth real with oil watch your extra virgin mouth okay who shot me but a simple olive no virgin here all right okay Kobe

Oh I thought I would have killed someone oh fire dude how did I die what how am I being bad at the gate I don’t know I actually I got shot one by one Bridge like aiming at you oh I didn’t even realize that oh my God I have one little bridge

Too many dudes on a bridge too many dudes this is why this is why stuff like SkyWars and [ __ ] like I love the I love the lucky block SkyWars that [ __ ] is so fun it is very oh my goodness uh there’s people it’s so Random yeah yeah that’s so weird as

Sorry but uh somebody’s not good at PVP I will say that like the more sky uh sky battle you do you actually do eventually get kind of okay at it I was doing it with my team for a while and then we just kind of like

Stops doing it because we were just like you got it I got you you got pretty sick of Parkour though parkour Warrior I got better I was kind of like to go down the ladder there’s a lot of oh my goodness I was definitely hyped for um

Parkour Warrior if I if I was in MCC Rising but the funny part is the funny part is about it is like sky battle is just so hit or miss for me understandable yeah you either hit people or you miss them I mean that’s kind of that is also true there’s

Someone behind you Olive just hey you’re not the person I was fighting nor are you on their team can you please oh behind you oh uh that was just a lot of people all at once that was awesome that’s just kind of how sky battle works

Solos are gonna get on you because they want to be the better solo yeah it’s like a weird pecking order that’s why I’m glad I don’t care exactly that’s why I just do like TNT cannons to piss them all away my child like I just killed you I’m like

That’s a mouse could kill me by accident real people people call me like a girl I’m just like bro half the time I fall off my bridges it’s not that hard to kill me it’s I’ll do it myself for that matter I’ll respect like a TNT can into a creeper

Web but if you’re just in here like yeah I beat you in a one-on-one fight it’s like saying yo I just breathed there there’s not a there’s not a trophy for that you know it’s like all right I’ve done one TNT cannon ever and it was a pretty good feeling I will say

Pretty [ __ ] good I’ve been trying to do one for a while that like goes both ways have oh oh I got it dude don’t miss ah beer you are the freaking worst so hey man I am I’m glad I hunted you in that second round I know you are

Anyways Alex once you’re not dead I’ll try to I’ll try to help you out with the TNT cannon I know how to do it I watched Chrissy how to do it you gotta show them how it’s done yes the viewers at home yeah right educational video I only make the most educational content

This is a really really easy right here step two Place Another TNT right here yeah that sounds better I feel like there’s probably oh oh behind you behind you yep oh there’s like green and and uh green and green green and lime green on you bear watch

Oh yeah nice one nice one not looking that creeper just did not even want to interact with you oh there we go that creepers creepers are so dumb awesome you can go to Midlands Bridges nice oh oh that creeper helped him oh they could never helped him nice joke

Yeah the Creeper Creeper the creeper booped him up towards you and he was like oh cool and just hit you off I’ve been betrayed by someone who knows how to stab my toes dang why toast boy little toe man it’s the the hitbox is like easier to reach if someone’s above you

Oh what really yeah cause you can get their feet but like their head is like [ __ ] yeah their head is higher so they can oh yeah further interesting yeah you know whereas you can still hit their little piggy toes yeah yeah so you can only like mine like three blocks

Down but like five blocks up oh I have my hat on I didn’t even realize that okay good for you my my uh my pirate ship hat it’s self-advertising his Discord stream oh my goodness you’re wait what what that is weird oh I didn’t even see that

I forgot people like Discord stream like okay what he played the game on Discord guys we want to see the game we’re all playing right now what does that even mean oh God there’s a guy with the Zeus outfit oh you know they mean trouble okay did you just

Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] who is that they’re running you’re good you’re running you can come back up fishing rod yeah yeah I’m gonna fish our friend get over here come on Alex I’ll leave that Golden Apple thank you I’m sure I will forget to use it when I need it most

Watch out above there’s some gamers they’re gaming dude dude that can’t they can’t do that they can’t do that no I can’t believe it oh fear watch out creeper cobweb oh I’m dead I’m not dead I’m not dead I’m not dead I’m proud of you oh

Oh this guy’s got a diamond sword oh I ran out of arrows disengage I love how hard we have to try to be like okay who’s left who is this there’s so many people there’s a lot oh god oh wow I ate it I ate it I ate it I was really hungry

It was simply a Hungry Hungry Hippo it were a person God just wants me bad for some reason I don’t know why he’s been chasing me for like the past like few minutes he’s obsessed with you nice one that was good he doesn’t get the kill and I kill him this is so

Awesome this is so awesome they were all yours this is so cool here I’m just gonna slash this guys oh you could do that if you have the grand champ Royale rank the golden one That’s actually probably a good idea what that’s crazy is your nickname or does it just give you one no it just gives you a random one oh interesting you can yeah Creator uh participant and also grand champ Royale because that’s like the highest rank you can buy uh

I have the second one I think yeah the rest of them like the blue green and like the any of the other Rings they don’t get it but golden dank any of the Creator Alex this round I want you to take on Obama’s left shoe

What what does that what do you mean by that they’re on red team oh my God I have to get him Obama’s left shoe much better than George Bush’s left shoe that doesn’t usually go well at all oh oh TNT game all right Alex this is oh actually I

Think Olive stolen I have a TNT you need two to do a cannon but honestly I still believe in you I got it yeah you’ll find a way you’ll use your creeper to launch it oh my God how did I waste those arrows I’m such a um poop how did I do that

Very easily actually our teammate is just walking it to Middle he’s going all for the glory and he’s dead never mind he did his best and it was Memorial oh you with the he just likes building he does some pants but there’s uh I think everything here has been looted I

Just picked up orange shoes I don’t know if they’re from Obama or not but uh no Obama is on red I need to find the only red person okay there goes Obama no not Obama beer watch out is so sad you bear this one above you there’s one above you

Good job dude good job thank you I just and beer literally you were just standing next to TNT like a cartoon would you like it would you like a piece of TNT oh oh that’s gonna kill me did you just light your own TNT oh yeah you’re good ow that hurt that hurt

A lot it’s okay and you could try being a man that’s no man no all right my um guy with this multiple people die with a Zeus hat yeah oh there’s people oh [ __ ] there’s people oh oh underneath got out just get out nope I

Got this i got this i got this I I literally I literally do you are low on you’re dying beard beer God beer I’m trying to be a good teammate shooting man it’s kind of based how did you know where the hell where are you uh something’s coming up to kill you okay

That guy chased me he wanted me I was getting chased by everyone he was on to you he could smell the oil on your breath I think I’m so oily oh I know I know yeah sitting at your PC just coated in it dripping dude’s just drippy like that remember

The episode of iCarly where Spencer was sweating into his soup yeah that’s exactly what Oliver’s doing I can imagine that over here I’ve got like a little true oh my God every now and they just pull out like like a chicken breast or something

And you start frying it yeah I put it on top of the PC oh my Lord oh this man could feed himself forever after one sky battle game is just just wring it out and then he just like he like takes his like he takes like four of his fingers

He just dips it in and then just it puts it in his mouth and just takes it out I feel like she’s banned from the Gulf of Mexico I’m banned from the Gulf of Mexico actually were you the one who spilled all the oil there I cannot confirm nor deny your

Allegations you could definitely do that your honor your honor I pled oopsie daisies creepers creepers what why is there two Creepers coming after me I literally dude dude are you joking are you are you serious right now what what how did I win how did I win how are you how did

You win I don’t know yeah I got this i got this he’s got good health and iron boots Iron Pants and iron boots he’s coming up he’s coming up around playing up on the far side of this oh damn it I just can’t PVP for the wife alone

Can we go back to 1.9 combat please this is 1.9 kilometers 1.9 yeah sorry sorry sorry sorry 1.8 1.8 1.8 you wanna you wanna log on to Hypixel no yeah that’s right not in the slightest you want to look at anybody just go I just think that’s more efficient yeah

All of my wrists locking up that’s secretly why Minecraft changes because they got too many lawsuits about people breaking their wrists yeah that’s from just from just the amount of like you know yeah so many people were like typing in chat I just broke my wrist they were

Like you know what no more chat I think we’ll get rid of that yeah if you break your wrist we’ll report you through I mean then you can’t plan online servers so problem kind of solved LOL skill issue Bone issue levitation let’s go wait limitations dope as hell I have Diamond pants I probably shouldn’t have taken them I want some pants the denim jeans I want pants Oh there’s boots and buckets at Mid I think there’s one guy here there’s uh boots and cats and boots and cats boots

And cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats I’m taking care of this guy I’m taking he’s killing me he killed me he’s almost dead I’m glad you’re taking care of him all right thank you thank you that was my call the shoulder to lie on

There’s iron pants over here it’s like that it’s like that quote that’s like friends are like stars you know oh what the [ __ ] is that quote they [ __ ] they Place lava and then blocks me off I’m the best I lagged so hard and I managed to creeper cob whip them well

Let’s go oh there’s another guy there’s a guy behind you guys oh I don’t feel like oh there’s two guys behind but they’re they’re gonna walk away okay wow beer I was spectating both you and Olive and you place those blocks right in front of that entrance that I couldn’t get out

That’s so funny you deserve it you stuck forever wow I’m just gonna hold this [ __ ] for later actually I shouldn’t I should probably put it down I will keep the bucket here look out behind you you never know okay watch out I was kind of hoping you’d be like what

Incoming no I you were too you were too fanatical about it honestly now I know you two I just okay actually wait people look at behind you just watch out we’re good no one is I don’t know behind your beer actually behind you actually behind you you can’t [ __ ] cry wolf

Hey I’m taking all the hits for you yeah wow yeah you really yeah dude he’s gotta be low I gotta take these I was unfathomably low I’m not even gonna follow just yet I need to eat more oh we did not terribly for a second there I

Mean Alex died sorry yeah it’s my fault guys I know I know I mean I was gonna say your call-outs help but they really didn’t they did I I did I not help in the end I mean in The End by the time you said for real I was already halfway

Down well that sounds that’s just the you problem is it yeah it is yeah right it feels like it’s not entirely yeah I’m gonna give all that I’m giving all the credit to Olive here I will actually give a hundred I’m that’s like Olive is here

I just tanked all of them it was so kind of you why do you say beer funker every time honestly that uh that soldier in front of the kids sleeping oh geez oh I just remembered that that was a thing oh someone took all of my stuff

It’s okay you can have diamond boots oh no I dropped I dropped my iron sword where did you guys go we went up the water oh I literally like I turned oh okay all right um Can somebody did you know you can drown in sky battle

No no wait wait wait wait wait wait there no only there are no bubbles no I need help no you don’t you’re so if I had TNT right now I I would be so funny can you [ __ ] no you are you are just the worst yeah I think our team died

I know I did not sure why though no it’s okay I went to go kill people instead of killing Alex I got someone let’s go oh my God all of you proud of me okay kill this guy yeah I got it it’s Elmo it’s Elmo it’s Elmo Olive has seen centimational skills of

Elm of uh DJ Khaled life is Roblox is that DJ Khaled original or yeah he’s actually saying life yeah where are you I tell him to bring out the whole ocean I have a lantern I don’t I’m gonna be honest I only made the joke for the

Another one bit and then you didn’t say another one I don’t know a lot about DJ Khaled uh Fallen uh-oh uh oh there is a guy on the Roof oh there’s a guy oh my goodness the guy on the roof is he a fiddler you think you’re so funny

I think I’m a little funny I think I’m just funny enough Bros the Fiddler said ping diff bro I punched you on a roof about this thing affect that watch the Speed Bridge watch the Speed Bridge oh my God I’m so good I got you I

Got you wow it was I it was so good oh wow look at this Lantern so that’s so awesome yeah cause you light up the room watch out this guy both guys anyways oh my goodness I got this i got this okay green team is kind of legit I don’t

Know where they are I’m in a [ __ ] corner you know who else is legit is it is it my mom no me oh are you putting me in a box what’s happening here we’re making a home he’s trying to make you say oh we’re making it home oh okay cool yeah

That sounds good where’s the door the team is leveling up they’re loving up they got creepers oh okay they thought creepers I died you’re in here with me okay uh they’re coming back up with TNT they got TNT okay they actually are really bad at placing

TNT oh my God you actually got it oh there’s one more person there’s one more person heal up heal up behind up up behind you behind you behind you it’s all good he’s on the bottom he’s at the bottom he’s uh he’s gonna try oh he’s shooting at you yeah

Oh right there right there right there nice there you go they’re scared of you they’re scared got him on the Run you’re not welcome here shoot me all you want I won’t change the end result of this game you want but you can’t unfuck your mother is that the quote is that the

There’s a creeper right behind me oh oh oh they’re so low they’re so low they’re so low nice [ __ ] I was there too I was too I only got one kill though I got Ninth Place let’s go all right well Olive got five and one kill is still good though I

Got 30 first excuse me I’m pretty sure mathematically the worst you yeah I don’t know if I can go that high with my voice nope that [ __ ] olive oil yeah I oiled up this Lobby is that your catchphrase yeah I’m all oiled up I’m oil enough oh that [ __ ] that’s catch

Me I’m too slippery I’m all oiled up your new uh you shut the hell up Never Back Down life sucks real I don’t even know what the oh [ __ ] okay you’re good that would have been really oh I got TNT I can Canon someone yippee uh

Stay up here why did you do that you don’t die what just happened nothing there was two there was three bombs and TNT there’s a diamond pants over here I think one green one Here solo I knocked him off he’s dead oh that’s so basic of you holy [ __ ]

Wait I can drop down and pick up all this stuff um a shoe this is so pogalicious nobody saw that is it is that a thing oh anyone needed an iron sword I got you I have like [ __ ] four I’m good okay I’m at a speed Bridge ready

I’m ready I won’t even break your that’s the slowest bridging I’ve ever seen but okay whoa calm down it’s technically do you wanna yeah wow wow what did I ever do to you don’t answer that bridge support you bridged poorly that sounds like a you problem

It’s how is that oh Olive I have a harming potion and I’m really bad with these you okay you’re gone okay I’ll take one what if I just what if I just immediately just you know I would probably kick the [ __ ] out of you if I’m being honest can you

I didn’t do it oh I didn’t do nothing water I’m just gonna find someone to Chuck that out hey bear um do me a favor they’re dead oh nope they lived I got this oh man I almost hit that I almost said that you know what I’ll go down for their

Loot I feel like looting Dude these guys are fishing I’m literally fishing RN I’m running away I’m running away scared um I’m not quite sure who to go for here I’ve juked I’m dead oh all right I’m up Alex you say you’re bad at this game but you’re outliving me pretty consistently because I don’t fight

That’s that’s probably it Olive do you need some assistance no behind you though oh ow ow they hit me that hurt they want me to they’re gonna chase me my team is all hunting you but they’re also not very good oh God there’s a whole team chasing after you

Guys do you need help oh I’m not doing I’m not doing I’m not I’m not dealing with that right now I’m not gonna deal with that do you need help because I’m not I’m not dealing with that no I’m here I’m I’m good where did they go I’m up

Orange is right there snowball snowball snowball okay Flint Lockwood I’m alive somewhere flip off wood I’m going over to that pink Bridge so I can just get to mood I think I think you’ll be fine okay I seem to see that the uh Sporter is shrinking just a tad yeah that’s why

I’m here I think we might um die if we uh oh you’re placing like a little drawbridge that’s so nice of you it would be really a shame if I just might just look under us yeah just be careful these guys are gonna have levees and stuff uh-oh uh oh no they miss

Oh God I thought that was somebody are you dropping I’m distracting you oh oh oh oh oh I died oh I got someone let’s go I’ll take it they uh Oh Olive oh okay that was so close I’m so sorry I almost knocked them off but I just missed by a pixel

A singular pixel I hit the wall we’re gonna change my sensitivity a bit I feel like I’m zooming past people we did pretty well I assume a lot it might be all I’m good for I am speed wow I like your boat Hat by the way Alex thanks not a lot of people

What anyways um not a lot of people compliment me about it so thanks hey of course I’m all for a good boat hat thanks I think it’d be cooler if your hat was like an actual boat I have one I have one I have one in

Real life real boat oh my goodness I thought no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay not a real boat a real house owner um pretty cool thanks yeah I know thank you wait pig is here I love my boats

Who’s Pig and why because vibing is pretty good at the game who is pig and why are they vibing this is why they’re a pig I just got snowballs this sucks I did too Barry you mind behind me I will cry I’m not even at all behind you I’m sniping orange to make sure they don’t do it we’re gonna keep it that way yeah we are okay oh I got two titties oh [ __ ] oh my God

TNT explosion noises yeah you yeah you almost killed me oh oh you know it’d be a really [ __ ] a big shame if I died right here I almost stole that kill for fun then I did it for work instead I mean I believe it I Do It For the Love of the Game

Yeah beer is a thief but recreationally oh Dairy I’m gonna go to another house and see if there’s anything in these I love other people’s houses again I am a thief up to some thievery perhaps even some uh someone’s up there I don’t want other people to have nice

Things give me that bow anything else nah left in there wait there’s some TNT on the floor oh yeah maybe oh and a little bit of a reach on this is so awesome make sure to like comment subscribe ow yeah our teammate is kind of popping off

I have a good feeling about this round oh [ __ ] I completely wasted the TNT that’s awesome it’s okay oh I got I got the red guy let’s go that was a snipe Pig why I just stole all their pants good pig is coming pickets I’m gonna kick the [ __ ] out of pig I

Don’t care oh I realized what I did that’s what I thought wow oh [ __ ] are you okay where are you Noah murder yeah you’re you’re making pain noises and no one is even a little bit nearby you and you have all of your health it’s because I keep healing

Sound like you’re crying from like the existence of life there’s two men up the stairs I shouldn’t assume that all of you probably should need some help right so I’m gonna help actually you could oh this guy this dude stop blocking me you freaking ah that

Means stop playing the game bro oh my God this guy actually gets me I’m gonna cry it’s an old man an old man got me you just got comboed by the elderly dude his ass kicked by a wizard kind of great have you considered not starting fights with Wizards

Like every single every single like you know fairy tale whatever you read you’re like oh why would you start a fight with a witch but then you meet one in real life you’re like I’m gonna fight that [ __ ] and I don’t know why it’s oh I

Gotta I got a a reward let’s go yeah good for you what do I do with 40 or not 40 14 000 coins I have no idea how much do you play this game um I mean when we were doing MCC Rising stuff pretty often but not anymore I

Feel like if I had 14 000 coins I would be somewhat decent I’m level 13 on on here I’m level 14. wow good for you how do you have how do you have way more coins than me and I’m of course you know what it’s fine no one said my name

Question Daily’s rules oh oh yeah Let’s go oh my goodness do you want to learn how to I know how to do it I know how to do it I just I want to do your first time I messed up baby’s first candy yay yay you stole that from me okay I’m going to take out this person

That I see with the TNT hey guys welcome back to another um live stream today I’m going to um we’re gonna be setting off the world’s first Minecraft you did the oh we actually did it right yeah I’m I’m not that dumb let’s go I almost just ate [ __ ]

Oh yeah Alex Alex these oh you have Diamond pants never mind I was gonna I’m gonna do it here iron boots those are your reward oh my God I’m so thankful that I did that I need to I need to tell Chrissy right now beer I’m helping I’m helping I’m helping

I’m helping I’m helping I got one beer I got one proud of you dude I’m doing so well I’m oh oh I don’t have any arrows nice nice we’re such a team though I forgot there was like a border here oh so much snowballing you Olive you’re good you’re good

Here look at me go look at me go look at me go I’m evil I can’t see I’m oh oh my goodness you bridge you’re way better than me holy [ __ ] all right dude I just I’m I’m good with the Goss I’m just got

It go to with I almost said got it I’m goated with the sauce coated with the oil perhaps oh my God oh my Lord the goat for chance I kind of have to give that to Olive I guess yeah Olive is very good at you just you

Just made it accidentally just made it yeah you just made it you made us penis without even having trying to that was really funny that’s how you know what are my parents yeah you’re really you’re really good at this oh oh my God all of you managed to trap me too

Yeah he like you both legged into it oh that was really funny I think yeah oh Alex you’re on the phone I’m screw I’m just gonna screenshot this this is such a this is such a big day for just Alex enjoyers and put this in the local paper I’m taking out ad space

That’s going on Twitter oh sorry X Sorry God shut the [ __ ] up I’ll beat you to a pulp with your own femur God this just you can call it you can call it you can call you can call Twitter man it’s okay it’s really okay dude I think they’re gonna change it back

I’m guessing so I think they will I think they will eventually I hope that I hope they change it back and they ban quibble cop that’s really all I want real I don’t even know who that is uh he’s some like he’s like an OG YouTuber but lately he started replacing

Himself on his own Channel with AI hmm Did anyone say my name no no they just you gotta you gotta do it I just kind of said mine for fun at first and then people were like oh it’s the guy who says his own name and then it goes from there

I got snowballs ow sorry I had to exclaim out ouchies oh the Green Team the green team is here foreign chicken butt it wasn’t chicken oh there are iron axes there’s a green that’s like extremely low oh you guys aren’t with me are you Alex just turn around and come oh got

Him Alex just get out of there nope I got this there’s a whole other nope I got this there’s a guy oh oh I died I do not even I did not know there were two people there I thought there was only one wow 12 arrows I guess it’s up to me

Come on beer you got this I didn’t want I know if I want to get their attention because I feel like they’re gonna start shooting me a lot no that’s fair guys what’s your favorite color I have a guess for Olive no it’s red is it why the [ __ ] would you say red

I thought it was why would it be red I just thought Olive’s favorite color was Red Olive is green no I I think that’s I think that’s fake I don’t think this is true all right well facts don’t care about your feelings let’s fact check it let’s fact jacket Olive are you green

Yeah okay um beer you’re gonna get actually slaughtered beer you place those blocks and I managed to get under them well someone there are three of them though so whoopsie I don’t want to say I that was not it yeah I should have won that and I did not um the way I learned to play the game is just use everything in my inventory except for my sword that’s why I can like creeper weapon TNT people so much

Yeah I used my ax it didn’t go well because I’m just so used to just tossing everything at people it’s okay we learn we learn right I have the unfortunate mindset that I know my life is less valuable than others so I will if I’m in the middle of

A fight I’ll start spamming down every sort of harming thing I have that’s so real though like I will just [ __ ] uh harm me orbs my entire if I’m just like guys I’m half health I’m in the middle of a fight I’m placing down everything I can yes

I’m going out with a bang here’s a here here’s a creeper you can okay oh I’ll take it oh oh okay someone get it I don’t care who someone who’s better at it than I am Olive just placed a block in front of me and caused me to default my boat

Gotcha what’s up that’s my first kill today I think that’s so awesome I’m just punching this guy with my fist and he got so scared he levied away that’s hilarious I think when you like you really process the physical act of being hit more than you process like oh that’s how bad this

Is uh does anyone need scaffolding no I’ll take some pants uh I I have pants you need pants I got some pants here you go happy birthday from pantaloons I love pants friends share each other’s pants at the same time one leg for one person

And now it’s for one it’s for one leg there’s a diamond sword up here I got one I got one too you can take it I took mine ages ago but thank you uh let’s hear Alex you can have a creeper as well yay thank you I have two Creepers now

Nice you need scaffolding if you want to break your fall no I’m okay I won’t need to I’m just that good no I’ll just I’ll take it oh I uh oh oh I almost hit that guy oh uh yeah there’s a guy shooting it okay just do the worst timing guard ever

I’m gonna shoot him in the head I’ve shot him three times he’s got to be weak right he’s gotta be killed him on the roof I’m gonna display them oh it’s the switch it’s the wizard guy it’s the wizard oh I fell foreign oh my goodness the wizard is dead

This is just like that movie about the wicked [ __ ] is dead during the elderly I mean they’re already gonna go do I need is any of this better for me hold on you guys are gonna try and be a little soon oh they’re throwing I’m good I got four

Lepies that’s why we take scaffolding I got scaffolding yeah they threw a harming uh orb and you immediately fell to your death and said hahaha I take that personally for several reasons top 10 things I shove up my ass pencil what are you do you not know that video

No I know it why would you bring that up right now because I was then going to say the Wicked the wicked [ __ ] is dead something which yeah if you do that’s your business yeah pen horse huh yeah you heard me okay uh oh wait that’s you never mind

Oh holy [ __ ] that was very extremely impressive oh my God wait a whole [ __ ] go oh my God that was insane that’s a last minute penis am I right is this a stormtrooper what is this I have no idea it looks like a stormtrooper looks like a stormtrooper

Dude that guys that guy is literally drowning himself pants on pandas they can’t do that with a bear dude they can’t do that they can they could put pants on pandas That’s So based and saw five pilled of them beer I want you to send me a picture right now

Of a panda with pants on and you tell me if that’s real do I have to do it right now no there’s a picture of Freddy Fazbear oh that’s a good point no you don’t have to do it right now not the second I hope you I hope you do though send me

I will though oh by all means I’ll be more than happy to all right I’m gonna Target super slab this round I’m gonna Target the number one Crystal Rush I’m gonna Target beerfunker this round Oh I thought I thought you’re gonna Target someone I thought you’re gonna say I’m gonna

Target a Muslim because I saw one on team blue on what team such a funny name that’s so funny Olive I got cobwebs if you want them which I assume you do I think he’s American the Muslim yeah Muslims can be from America it’s like a belief system

Oh my God Alex I’m begging you to turn off Fox News I wouldn’t continue with this I just don’t think what if I just what if I just what if I just went like that right hypothetically speaking oh beer that was amazing whatever you just did I

Hit him and then he fell to his death that was actually hilarious unprovoked ow ow this guy is really hitting me this guy really is hitting me ow ow like a minute ago I died because of this guy God damn it dude there’s a creeper on me sorry that might be my

Fault that might have been my fault it’s okay I blew up some guy murder there’s a diamond if you don’t have it there you go you just walk away from him okay he won’t follow just walk away he’s definitely trying to fall beer this is not Minecraft hardcore

Okay but all right let’s [ __ ] it is though wait remember those oh [ __ ] everyone is fighting over spawn chunks holy [ __ ] so unfortunate I’m taking book these lavas OMG I’m the only teammate Dad let’s go actually take one wait are you dead yes you can die extremely

Uh all of there’s a oh never mind oh there’s red above you oh yeah you see him okay oh he’s a levy right yeah he did yeah he did okay I was gonna say that was really embarrassing that would have been really funny I’m also dead

I forgot that I could fall out of the world ah why’d you do that because someone stabbed me well don’t do that don’t stop it’s bad for your health go for a letter clutch it’s like Bed Wars holy [ __ ] I love I love Bed Wars I love bed War I mean I

Don’t I’m lying but you know clip it chat he said I love Bed Wars oh could you how could you do this to me haunt them with it guys do you guys know what LOL means lying out loud oh my goodness I thought I meant lots of love oh there’s a bunch

Of bombs above you get out get out get out get out uh oh oh he’s almost dead oh my God that was that was nutty oh sorry Noah you’re an olive never mind that was oil a little oil oily yeah yeah yeah that was that was quite slippery

They’re going down a slippery slope buddy going down I want to juice the competition what the [ __ ] is that [Laughter] oh my God one above you one above you one above you right above you okay so sad he did his best they knew it was all they had I’m slightly depressed yep

There’s right across uh diagonal oh no it’s you you’re right there’s down bottom down bottom oh we’re shooting he’s shooting yeah he’s behind you he’s got a lot of arrows I think okay shooting my way sir he’s coming up with a sword are you I know are you gonna TNT him

Oh yeah he is trying to shoot at you okay is that Mewtwo it’s mewblaster yeah they uh they don’t have a plan they just want to shoot at you till you die oh they’re yeah yeah now they’re done they’re dead they’re okay oh they have a regen Crystal hold on

They’re secretly okay they are let’s go that last ditch TNT just really was something special it’s like if they jump to that side they have to scream and run the mid yeah you jump to me and hit me off I have three more levies on someone with a crown in fourth place

And I got excited for you Alex I’m sorry a second Crown thank you for thank you for hyping me up for a split second yippee totally RJ I’m always happy to Hype you for just slightly too long I don’t know what that means don’t listen to me I beat you to it

There’s a [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] competitor on our you know connexion uh he’s a Creator he makes like Minecraft videos on smps and stuff he’s a people I think our odds are good but it would be funny if we all died including this guy we all just jump back

Immediately one sec I’ll place it oh that’s not a bomb oh man he’s gonna try and take the bridge hey taking Bridges was an old American Pastime okay I’ve got two TNT here I’ve got one TNT here yeah I’ll just have it just happened just happens have all my random accessories okay they’re

Much they’re much better signed on you there you go there you go hold on to that keep it safe be good how did you shoot at me with a gun don’t all right ah [ __ ] I almost didn’t kill myself drag those guys oh come on oh my God oh my God

Okay that was the worst round ever in the history of rounds I know I was trying to bait them into it but I just didn’t run fast enough to get behind the block and taking the fall damage oh we are on a team with a person

That has played oh I didn’t even realize that he’s a Creator actually oh the star means Creator and if it’s a crown they play an FCC but the icon changes to show you oh okay yeah that’s really good to know because I was like I didn’t know any of these I

Didn’t even notice that I was like man I really don’t remember the first Rising event at all no neither do I yeah I give the rising creators uh Creator rank yeah whoa puts a Target on their back you know yeah but they can slash this guy so that

They don’t get targeted oh [ __ ] you weren’t practicing you’re literally right I feel bad for like I don’t know I feel bad for some of the sky battle people who are in Rising because uh and I say this respectfully I know a lot of the teams are not like

Great at PVP yeah with all the love in my car oh yeah no they’re trying I’m enjoying watching them I just know some of them are very uh yeah I have nothing I love seeing Wade like practicing and getting better and like all the people on like the teams that

Are just like small s PS who uh who’s your go-to who are you cheering for mostly for uh for Risinger is that oh does that sandwiches team uh probably Wade’s team like one of the small s p ones right is oh everyone’s dead okay cool how’s it going down here fellas

Uh-oh uh blue team is on me I’m getting double teams right now I will kill them oh bring him this way oh crazy yeah I’m just crazy like that the TNT the double TNT thank you for the save thank you for the save I super slapped they’re dead oh there’s

Another one there’s another one oh this guy’s got a diamond so I’m dead I’m dead get out that’s the idea that’s a bomb real life are they also it’s super slap just says I give up kill him oh there’s a guy on my ass in there

Hero please oh [ __ ] there’s a lot of people oh come on that was the funniest [ __ ] ever they’re all coming behind you all of you you technically killed me there what I do you place the roof and I jumped down on the roof and I died oh my God holy [ __ ]

You are crazy that was still crap me and Jonathan John it’s up to no one it’s up I’m probably gonna I’m probably gonna do one more round just cause I do have some stuff I need to do around my apartment I’m probably gonna end after this round

If that’s all good with everyone baller baller this is yes what was that that sounds good okay cool baller you just fell shut up chat this was fun though indeed indeed I I enjoyed like the contrast of being on a team with one good player oh and that’s obviously me right yeah

Obviously yeah This Is The Life what the [ __ ] this is not block wars all right Alex I’ll make us a deal if Pig wins we both raid them I’m lying I’ll probably do it anyways but that’s fine I don’t even know who that is you don’t know who pig is vibing nope

This is why I keep telling you to meet people I I do I don’t I am I met a lot of people today this is a fonzo thank you so much for the follow ing iron sword let’s go too slow so slippery wait I can make like a oh I got someone

I didn’t get someone oh [ __ ] I’m dead I’m dead I’m literally dead okay I’m dead I’m dead I’m literally dead well you’re fine that’s so cool you’re fine I made a little room out here oh people are placing bombs never mind I don’t feel safe I think I die here but it’s okay I’m dead man I’m dead [ __ ] all right where’s Olive what the hell is Olive You’re doing so well please doing great uh no one is on the there’s like one two guy behind you guy going right on you oh wow he’s not dead somehow rip ski this guy always targets me in my games oh really are you are you still disguised it doesn’t show up for me

I’m good okay hell yeah It’s so hard it’s so hard to spectate you like could you slow down a little bit my bad trying to follow you and you’re like oh look at look at all of his fortnite building Redcat uh there’s two Aquas on you here take that I don’t need it all right uh there

Trying to build up oh there’s another bow right uh guy above you yeah he’s gonna he’s gonna oh wow I forgot down was an option holy [ __ ] wow you just juked the [ __ ] out of those people too a bunch of people yeah no one’s even near you right now

Guy below you I don’t wanna I’m just gonna find a place to attended safely wood honestly red the Red Bridge here is probably the best yeah that’s what I’m doing word hella’s gonna Levy up here yeah you might be able to throw rocks at them AKA snowballs AKA ice yeah

What sure you know we all have different rocks Fair Dwayne I don’t know what that means I have no idea what the [ __ ] that means we have Dwayne obviously true we have Dwayne at home we have Dwayne at home oh what [ __ ] what’s Dwayne at home from the meme I forgot

Okay there’s two dudes who are like in the island well all of us get currently getting killed at the moment beer so just give it a second oh the Border knocked me down what really yeah I took a damage tick in it oh that sucks that is unfortunate me when I cry

I love that dude this was fun this was extremely fun super fun I had a blast I did too I’m gonna probably step out of call and end but thanks for playing Olive and Alex you guys are all of it was wonderful meeting you my friend you’re a very cool and very opposite

Ways this was so fun we should definitely do this again soon I’ll see you Gamers later yeah I’m gonna head out too bye guys bye All right chat that was awesome let’s let’s I’m gonna friend Olive chat that was baller f uck all right chat I hope you guys enjoyed today’s stream it was very long very fun I hope you guys like the event I hope you guys enjoyed everything I don’t know next time I’ll stream but

You’ll know who are we going to raid let’s see hmm I don’t know I’m gonna read um I’m gonna rate Audrey sure let’s rate Audrey all right Chad have fun in Audrey’s stream I’ll catch you guys later peace out I’ll probably be back later adios everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Disneyland Event!! (ft. Beerfunger, MagicSings, and more!)’, was uploaded by JustAlexxVODS (Archived) on 2023-08-22 23:54:06. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:31 or 14731 seconds.

This was a really awesome event!! Thank you BumpyJake for the opportunity!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the channel! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/justalexxlive Discord: https://discord.gg/cA5aCsv​​​ Socials: https://justalexx.carrd.co/ SMP+ Socials: https://smpplus.carrd.co/

#minecraft #mcyt #disneyland — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/justalexxlive

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  • Champions of Equestria

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for building and exploring, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn new building tips or an experienced player seeking a fresh challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

    Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft Oyunlar Hakkında Ne Kadar İyisin? Popüler oyunlar hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğunuzu test etmeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda GTA, Minecraft ve Hogwarts Legacy gibi oyunlar hakkında ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu ölçeceğiz. Kendi oyun becerilerinizi sınayın ve ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu keşfedin! GTA San Andreas Bilgi Testi CJ’in asıl adı nedir? Carl Johnson Minecraft Bilgi Testi Herobrine kimin kardeşi? Notch’un kardeşi Hogwarts Legacy Bilgi Testi Hogwarts Legacy’de hangi gruba seçilirseniz Azkaban’a gidersiniz? Hufflepuff Eğer soruların cevaplarını bilemediyseniz, videonun üstündeki linkten detaylara ulaşabilirsiniz. Oyun bilginizi test etmek için hemen izleyin ve kendinizi yeni bir meydan okumaya hazırlayın! Read More

  • Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮

    Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮Video Information like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy Ani don’t friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the cast I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to Clear Vision… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client – 1.20.62 Update!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client - 1.20.62 Update!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.62 MOD CLIENT APK – Toggle Sprint, Full Bright, Unlocked, No Circle – BUGROCK CLIENT’, was uploaded by matixdev on 2024-03-04 22:37:09. It has garnered 851 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. CHECK Download Tutorial https://youtu.be/JDPoU15od9g?si=4kr61rPk2C6–ei_ Download Link 1.20.62 https://bit.ly/4avrFAo 1.20.72 https://bit.ly/43I0YWY Educational Disclaimer: This video aims to provide educational insights into hacking techniques related to EDSA in a responsible and ethical manner. Everything demonstrated is solely for the purpose of showing vulnerabilities and security practices in digital environments…. Read More

  • Maggus – NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shorts

    Maggus - NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shortsVideo Information ihr kennt es alle ihr habt auf eurer Erkundungstour in eurer Minecraft survival Welt ein Pferd gefunden und wollt dieses jetzt nach Hause bringen aber auf dem Weg müsst ihr über einen Fluss nur bringt reiten nichts und rüber schubsen dauert auch zu lange dann nehmt euch eine goldene Karotte oder einen goldenen Apfel damit verfolgt euch das Pferd und so bekommt ihr es ganz einfach rüber This video, titled ‘Damit müsst ihr es NIE WIEDER zurücklassen…?! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #maggus’, was uploaded by Maggus on 2024-01-14 10:00:28. It has garnered 74097 views and 7670 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!

    Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!Video Information in this video we’re looking at seven amazing Forge mods for 120 these range from fully fledged New Dimensions to new awesome weapons and armor and even some small quality of life editions I really hope you enjoy if you found the archaeology update from vanilla to be a bit lacking maybe better archaeology can help this mod adds several new fossils artifacts and structures to be discovered and dug up for example you can visit the Temple of Light in which you might find the totem of growth this Nifty totem will will make crup scroll faster… Read More


    RECLAIMING MY PUBLIC ON SMP SERVER!! #minecraftVideo Information स्ट ही नहीं हो रहा व्हाट द हेक हेलो लकी वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम व्हाट्स गोइंग ऑन लकी सर कैसे हो मेरे भाई कैसे हो मेक श्यर लाइक कर देना स्ट्रीम को हेलो लकी वेलकम ट लकी यार 1015 बंदों को शेयर कर दे और देख जैसे मैं लाइक कर रहा हूं वैसे लाइक कर दियो और हां एंड तक जितने भी लाइक होंगे मैं जितने लाइक होंगे उतने घंटे में वीडियो आ जाएगी बस जैसे कि एक जैसे की 20 लाइक तो मतलब की ऐसे तो कल ही डालूंगा बट बाय द वे अगर 20 लाइक होते… Read More


    EPIC JJ HULKBUSTER & MIKEY GODZILLA ATTACK in MinecraftVideo Information I am so hungry what am I supposed to do JJ in the city and he is too far from me I am going to be dead soon if I don’t find any water huh wait a second it’s a city no way I am here finally I can go back home and eat some food it’s so amazing we are going to be okay now I guess I should move faster this water will give some time to me I hope I won’t die I am so hungry now Mikey move faster we don’t have any time… Read More

Minecraft Disneyland Event!! (ft. Beerfunger, MagicSings, and more!)