Minecraft Drama: Angie Exposed by Lisa R. & Cherryberry

Video Information

Hey hi howdy Hello hope everybody’s doing all right tonight I was just sitting here watching Yellowstone and uh thought since it’s time to wind down I would go ahead and go live and finish off the video about um Angie when she faked her Minecraft and then we will go over uh

Some foxy maybe uh Lisa Richards Lisa Amanda saer Amanda Bowden you know wherever it takes us we don’t know yet there’s like 20 other directions we could go um the littlest one wants to come in and say hey hello hello so he will be here for a second and

Then we will start hello I’m just going to chill he come to snag one of my drinky peas cuz he spoiled he wanted one of my watermelon drinks so any who as promised I said I would come live tonight so here we are that’s what we doing

So excuse me that don’t do that it’s gross but cover mouth that’s rude all right so here we go and again I’m being respectful from each other it’s it’s not hard to Google it’s not hard to ask somebody like I’m sure you just said your daughter helped

You so I had to get help again to block for to block Kisha so I could see where you think that I’ve lied about that but I I don’t you would have to tell me again how to unblock somebody because I don’t know how I mean and again I’m

Being respectful fora it’s it’s not hard to Google it’s not hard to ask somebody like I’m sure you just said your daughter helped you you could asked them to you know hey can you help me block this person like and you don’t even have

To have a reason to say I don’t want to talk to them can you block them for me um also I just want to let you know I’m G to put this into perspective for you because I I’ve watched Kenisha for a very long time um and I also watched you

Get on this app actually a couple months ago and say this exact same thing um you’re done with Kenisha um it it’s very sad to hear that um you went the route of Faking your own death because that’s not correct that’s that’s not a way to go about it um tiisha

Doesn’t give a [ __ ] about you she didn’t said shed a single tear um I will tell you Eddie Melissa Lindsay all of them they shed real tears for you um but that’s not here nor there um I do want to ask did your husband know about this yes he’s my

Husband’s known yes he knows that you faked your death well yeah yeah I mean I I told him jokingly when it happened I said the only way I could get rid of him was to let him know that I died well then the next day it had all blown up okay um and

Then since Robin’s in here you did confirm that Robin Kenisha and Kyle have still been speaking pretty regularly sure absolutely yeah okay um I had another hey Lisa good to see you and peace and love to you too um I’m finishing off the um um Angela stream where she gets

Confronted about faking her own Minecraft and then we’re going to move on to probably Lisa Richards or Amanda saer I’m not sure which because Amanda did a couple of streams since we were last live so we might look at those their question um um if you go back through the text

Messages bissa that you posted earlier it said in those text messages I didn’t know that canisha was on the phone with Robin Saturday when everything was going down uh um what so what got you to the point from where you were done last time when when did it happen to where you

Were giving her money again like what happened in your head that you were like oh never mind I’ll just give you more money the being underweight situation the she’s not under weight okay well the sickness the and you know this Angie I’m trying to be so nice but you know this you’ve Googled

It I told you we we’ve told you she’s not sick that girl she was she was texting you that she had pain in her back and she was doing videos shaking her ass so make that make sense what pain was she on when was she on bed

Rest CU she was she was for sure making videos shaking her little booty um and she’s not underweight we’ve seen we’ve seen her belly very much so she’s not underweight I mean you sent her McDonald’s she’s not hey shile good to see you underweight um I mean I don’t I’m just confused as

To what what what she could do or say to you that would pull you back in just not having anywhere to go being homeless but she lost I know I know I know now when when I made the decision that I had to be done again Saturday was

When Kyle lied to me and they actually could went back to his mom’s house if you look at those text messages that he said or he said oh I forgot to tell you that he had talked to his mom and they you know you know what’s funny Angie

It’s not funny but it’s funny is they were literally calling this their vacation so while they were sitting here telling you they were homeless they were telling everybody else they were on vacation they literally went out and had a night on the town where they were playing pool and having the time of

Their lives but telling you they were on vacation but telling you that they had to be on on bed rest they had nowhere to go well I’m just as guilty as anybody because of what I did but the money that I gave to them I could have used for my grandkids for

Christmas I mean I’m gonna be so honest I don’t feel sorry for you no don’t don’t please don’t I’m not asking for any pity while I’m thinking about it I need to go ahead and do something real quick so bear with me for about two seconds and talk with me amongst yourselves

Um I can still see the chat I just needed to go in my YouTube um thing for a second and then we’ll go back to that so today was pretty good um I did went to the doctor and um all that good stuff I’m checking y S I had to go in and um fix my moderators hey all done sorry about that I just needed to do that before I forgot there’s a way to cut your dishwashing they’ve boughten Vapes yes they World when they of Vapes they didn’t use your money for what they

Said and I know you knew that there had to have known no no ma’am I did not know that I didn’t know what they used the money for for my assuming was this they used it for the room you you were under no suspicion that they that it was

Convenient that around the first all of a sudden they had nowhere to go what was their reason for saying they had nowhere to go because Stacy’s been on live kicking them out a whole bunch that there was pictures that was going around and that they didn’t know

Who took the pictures she did she took them I know that now she took them I know that now them up get herself removed she’s she’s been doing this from the beginning she’s she set this whole thing up so now all this heat that you’re getting because you you did this is

Because of her but also because of you because you did it which is freaking sick I’m I don’t want to bring this up but if your brother unive himself that’s not something that you should be faking for real um people do want to know were you aware that she got a

Check yes and you okay um and then I know you don’t want to hear from her but there are people that want to hear what Robin has to say I mean I don’t care what she has to say to be honest with you um but I just I’m gonna say one more

Thing and then I’ll get down because I know other people want to come up um it’s real weird that this all happened on the day that stuff was supposed to be released something’s not right something’s not adding up I agree with Emily something in this whole story does not make sense

Um I don’t think you’re done with her Angie disrespectfully um because I think all it’s going to take is and I’m sorry Mama and you’ll be back um because we’ve heard this before um um and yeah this is this is me I was a mess last night I tore into

Robin because of you we all look stupid because of you um I mean I still I still hate Robin let’s be real but um Angie this was the saddest most disgusting thing you could have done you had like Eddie said you had other options you could have Googled it you could have

Asked your neighbor for help um but this this this you w’t real really too far and and I I will be the first to say I don’t feel like a sorry for you no you shouldn’t you really nobody does never gifted you so basically her excuse for faking her own

Minecraft was I didn’t know how to block somebody that’s not a valid excuse a lot of people literally grieved this woman and were trying to find ways to help her family and her excuse is well I didn’t know how to block her really and sorry for the pause I had to

Go and update some stuff in my um Studios respectfully what are you doing what are they are people gift that’s all I got to say please do not gift me please do not for letting me up Metro you have a good night I was a good girl was a good

Girl and I’m giving you a virtual hug for being good thank you please don’t gift me if anybody’s gifting me I don’t know how that works either but please don’t do it by gifting me that puts me on the same level as what they are I’m not out for

Any clout when we are done with this conation Tik Tok will be deleted again because I just want I want to be done all right Melissa you ready for the next person there um because I can only see and she’s got go to work or something and Carrie Carrie Carrie Carrie Carri that

Contact my dad Carrie okay is it okay is it car with um she’s got like her hand under her yes yes hold on icept it looks like it’sing well we can invite the next person while that happens let’s see we’re not waiting forever is that that in okay

Hey hi so I just want to ask um I just want everyone to know just W to ask I just want know ask Angie is kisha’s friend that faked her on Minecraft she is the second one down on the right on this uh box she is a whole mess it’s

There’s a whole rabbit hole with that one and Robin there’s a robin in that group as well so not our Robin um it’s a entirely different Robin I wanted to make that clear so um Angie is the second one down on the right we’ll let you back up go ahead Carrie

Hey Carrie we’ll let you back in B Be TCH hey all right Angie so let’s start this with I understand you faked your death but you were confronted on a Tex message yesterday before any of this went live and you were given the opportunity to come clean and to solve

It without it going live and turning ugly like this yet you chose to still pretend and still continue to lie and sit there and literally try to crucify me in text messages which have been released to everybody as how dare you do this to our family you were

Warned hey we’re reach out to your family and let them know if you if you don’t admit it now because Angie are you gonna pay Eddie’s um expenses because Nisha and Kyle have filed a lawsuit on him for him threatening to hurt them they’ve sent all of that to

The police police and had the police out at their house are you what what if Kenisha would have taken her life over this life over this you realize that you would have been charged right okay cat got your tongue you don’t have anything to say now that I’m not being

Nice G I have my own issues that I have to address with you because I I don’t I I don’t care what your issues are that you have to address with me everybody has trauma everybody has a past I you know what I was molested and my mom told

Me that if I turn my stepdad in she diso me and never speak to me again and it was my stepdad that molested me okay and guess what I live a normal life um I also know how easy it is to walk away because you know what happens if you

Don’t answer Kenisha I was out of the picture I have been completely out of it I haven’t talked to them I hadn’t even talked to Melissa in a couple weeks and then bam Saturday I decide hey I’m bored let’s get on face or let’s get on Tik

Tok and I come across Melissa’s live and I I’m like what the [ __ ] what is all this [ __ ] well I’m sick I liter proof of that and I can show it to anybody if you want it I I legit sick um it’s all over you know my Tik Tok and

Facebook um because I don’t hide who I am but um we don’t use these excuses you don’t fake a death and then you don’t continue it when somebody calls you out and tells you that you’re wrong you don’t have any issues to take up with me because I’ve

Done nothing to you nothing to you did nothing to me but you contacted my father I didn’t I I didn’t contact your father his Facebook is an open platform and I was telling him I am so sorry for his loss because you were dead you chose that do not blame it on me

Ma’am you chose that being said I feel like I need to say something about that kind of Behavior if you’re covering someone on YouTube and they trust you with their Facebook their Instagram or their Twitter account um and you cover them on YouTube or their content is on YouTube that

Doesn’t give you the right or the privilege or the authority to go over onto other platforms and follow them that’s where I think reacting to someone turns into stalking I do not condone going over to somebody’s personal profile on Facebook or Instagram and snatching their personal life

[ __ ] and bringing it on YouTube because if they wanted their personal life outside of YouTube or their personal profiles outside of YouTube on YouTube they would put it on there just because someone has a pro a platform on YouTube doesn’t give you the right to intrude into their life some of these people

Think that they have the right to intrude on other people’s life because they have a platform on YouTube and think it’s okay to insert themselves into other aspects of their life when they have zero right whatsoever that’s intrusive that’s invasive and it’s not okay and everybody has seen the text messages where I

Said Reddit is going to know who your son your daughter your son-in-law your daughter-in-law and another thing she’s talking right there I do not agree with who whom is speaking right here why are you contacting I know what Angie did was wrong but you have no right to contact her family her friends

Relatives whatsoever none there is no excuse for that there is no excuse for dragging in people who have nothing to do with their YouTube or their Tik Tok life I consider YouTube and Tik Tok to be about the same thing they’re still putting out content on these platforms so they’re equally

The same to me Tik Tok I make no difference between Tik Tok and YouTube if you’re on you YouTube and somebody posts somebody’s Tik Tok on YouTube that’s different posting their Facebook or their personal profiles where they interact with friends and family like Instagram or Facebook posting that on YouTube different story that’s

Intrusive you should not be doing that you should not be contacting people’s relatives people’s friends people’s acquaintances outside this platform you should not do that you do that and you’re wrong period the end law your father are if you do not come clean right now you were given the

Opportunity were you not that was your threat yes and this lady however well her intentions are is being condescending as [ __ ] well you were told if you did not come clean if you did not do this and if you did not do what we said people are going to know who your

Family are who your friends are your family is going to know this and your family is going to know that because why because this person in or her friends intend on contacting her friends and family that’s [ __ ] don’t do that and I don’t know who the [ __ ] some of

These people think they are that think that they have the right to go and do that but they need to really check themselves they’re getting a little big for their Bridges you do not contact people’s fam do not contact people’s acquaintances Andor friends don’t do it and certainly do not try and

Blackmail someone into doing what you want them to do by holding their family and friends over their heads don’t do that that is [ __ ] scummy [ __ ] don’t do it yeah no no it wasn’t a threat it was a promise and I saw through on that promise didn’t I I’m GNA let Eddie in

Here because he knows nothing about a lawsuit oh well that’s why I was trying to get in here while he was in here because I’m trying to tell Edie that they have filed charges on him they have filed charges on a lot of people they gave the police the

Recordings and everything that’s a lie lady who likes to condescend and talk down to this lady who was already coming clean lady you’re lying nobody pressed charges on anybody you’re full of [ __ ] and it’s about to be proven here in a couple of minutes because a liot the lie she just told which

Is some these people filed charges on everybody is is a lie and the person she lied and said they filed charges on comes on here and confronts her about it and it’s funny as hell I was on the phone when it was taking place so now Eddie is gonna face [ __ ] in

His real life because of this Angie because of your lie there are people that are being affected physically in their real [ __ ] lives sorry for sorry sorry sorry for cussing me sorry shut up shut up you’re full of [ __ ] and now you’re lying and say they pressed

Charges on Eddie they did not quit Grand standing respect for you also Angie everybody says we should give you Grace you know what my best friend died from that had six kids a blood clot Angie this isn’t about you and your friend lady from cancer Angie from cancer you want to give her

Grace how about you go give her children that are growing up without her grace how about you go do that do you want to do that oh does somebody need attention because what does what Angie did have to do with your friend why should Angie go to your friends living

Relatives why would that and what Angie did be any of their business for one number two I doubt they would care what Angie did on YouTube or Tik Tok if they had just lost their relatives I’m pretty sure they have bigger things to worry about than some lady they don’t

Know coming to them and offering them Grace what does Angie faking her M Minecraft have to do with your friend dying from cancer other than the fact that you need attention for it obviously where’s your grace there is no excuse for what you did you wanted to

Get away all you do is don’t answer the phone do you want me to send you my screenshots of Kenisha call me call me call me call me call me for [ __ ] weeks on end and guess what I did looked at the phone and went no no thank you

Because you see I know who she is I’ve never never done this as pretending hey Michael good to see your pretty face here it’s good to see you welcome welcome and this lady ain’t got screenshots of [ __ ] by the way you can call Kisha y’all can add Kisha

Into the box right now and ask her if I don’t say this exact same [ __ ] to her face he’s like well how does Harry know what Kenisha keeps telling her well y’all don’t see that she knew Melissa the whole time she’s talking to Melissa she’s messaging me telling me she knows

Melissa’s using her she knows Sissy’s using her she will tell anybody anything for attention y I’ve come live and given her lies I’m the one that told y’all her check is 600 instead of 900 I’m the one that released the photos of the damn dog everything I’m GNA I’m G to shut this

[ __ ] down real quick there is no charges there is no nothing they don’t know my name they don’t know what state I live in they don’t know nothing about me you need all that information in order to file charges on someone so I figured I’d shut this [ __ ] down real quick AR I’m

Gonna call [ __ ] on that they could say they’re filing charges but they don’t know [ __ ] I understand they don’t know might not know all of your information but it was all given to the police department and the Eddie my nickname is Eddie I’m on Tik Tock what what what what

What my brother’s a deputy say [ __ ] prosecuting attorney come on now everybody family that’s law or anything else anyway even if even if it’s just a oh Carrie did you get bust did I think you did he came on there and shut your [ __ ] down your [ __ ] grandstanding white

Not [ __ ] he shut your [ __ ] down I love that for you report that’s filed Eddie it’s filed on you or against anything else everyone has one anyone could go report something to the police doesn’t mean that before you start trying to say [ __ ] make sure you get that straight there is no

Way impossible like cops wooo I’m shaking SP boots okay it was never meant to make you shaking your boots or anything I’m coming at Angie for the fact that people could have charges or real life [ __ ] thr them I like I enjoy that’s not what you said

Carrie what you said was they filed a charge is on Eddie you didn’t say could you said they did now that he’s on here holding your feet to the fire now your story changes now they could have char charges filed on them now instead of did which is

It jail I enjoy jail okay well I’m glad that you enjoyed jail and that’s your issue and your problem not don’t come at me sideways because I’m telling Angie that she could have I will be waiting for the calls from the police that I have not received

No calls from the police I have not heard anything about any charges hell here you go here’s a funny thing we had cops up here yesterday because one of our neighbors got assaulted guess what no one talked to me about charges and they have our information so where is this happening

At where am I getting charged at for whatever Kenisha and Kyle you know what okay this is about me talking Angie not you so if you 3,000 people heard Kyle threaten to shoot me you drug him into this when you lied about him Carrie so don’t don’t

Don’t do that you came on here screaming and shouting about how he had charges on him how everybody got charges filed on him and when he confronted you about it now the story changes and now he’s the one coming at you sideways that’s not how that

Went with a 4 yes yes so how am I gonna get charges and his dad how am I I’m just telling you what was okay whatever it doesn’t matter the point is is I’m here to talk to Angie not you and if you have issues I was bringing up the fact

Of the Mattery hey granate also that’s you on Reddit pomegranate no pomegranate is not me on Reddit everybody knows my Reddit name okay you know you can have several reddits right pomegranate was just made aome okay well um I can screenshot my Reddit and show you that pomegranate isn’t me but at this

Point Carrie you’re you’re you’re just as bad as the rest of them okay and so are you dear you jumped the gun and you guys 5 minutes after you got told she was dead was like she’s dead let’s raise money for her and you didn’t do any

Research it took me 5 minutes it took me five minutes like that guess what there is no took me five minutes if anything the 5 there is so [ __ ] lazy to the point that they don’t care if they don’t give a [ __ ] about un alive dogs on the property they

Don’t you guys are the ones that are like let’s release the basement photos because then we’re gonna call APS [ __ ] in a corner I doubt they give a [ __ ] about any Tik Tock beef thank you [ __ ] I said I’m done I’m going to finish getting ready for work and go

Bye deuces I mean hear me oh that’s Angie’s line sorry okay the point of the matter is he doesn’t give a [ __ ] so hey good to him and he doesn’t realize that he doesn’t care because it’s a lie Carrie that’s why he doesn’t care because you drug him into this when you

Lied and said he had charges on him and he confronted you about it and now your M that people can be you know traced and whatnot oh wait he does but we won’t go there she’s a d the point of the matter is this is about Angie not Eddie not

Kenisha not anybody else and everybody wants to keep going Kish did this and Kisha did that okay I get Kenisha did all the [ __ ] she did everybody knows and Andrew you’re gonna say you didn’t know you sat there and made hate videos to her about using you in the past when

Everybody came forward and told you the truth before and then you went back you’re going to say that you did didn’t know that she was spending your money on I told Robin that the $200 you sent her for cleaning supplies she used to buy a phone and sent the proof and Robin told

You about it and you knew then don’t sit here and say you did not know she was spending the money on things that were not what she told you they were for because you did know you did know the cleaning supplies yes I did know thank you you were offered yesterday away and

Help and help to get out of this situation because I even said you panicked and you did this it was obvious one you gave way entirely to much information on your daughter and two you know how we all know which text are Kisha and which text are Kyle’s because

You type a certain way well your daughter didn’t right’s Facebook page she types nothing like with the monkey faces right here it’s not hard it literally within five minutes of Rob messaging me and saying Kenisha called the hospital and they said that and you didn’t die I said well

Did you ever have any proof and I said what’s her phone number and she gave it to me within five minutes I messaged Robin and said Robin do not tell talk to anybody else she’s lying she’s alive five minutes Angie Lauren Lauren did you say I understand that you admitted that

You were wrong but it caused a domino effect of [ __ ] and I don’t care who comes at me for whatever I live my life off of this app y’all I hadn’t talked to anybody and [ __ ] forever and then all of a sudden I pop on the one

Day which I damn shouldn’t have well I’m glad I did because do you know what would have happened if this would have continued on with you being dead and these people rallying around and lighting candles for you and doing all this [ __ ] which I had no idea that was going

On Andrew you’re on Reddit I’m not come on since when y I’m listening but I got to be cooking is going to be barking so I got to mute I deleted I me and you say you say you Ed the excuse that you died because you thought that was the only

Way to get away but then when you saw it blowing up you didn’t fix it until your family got called which your family wouldn’t even have been involved if you would have just owned up to it that’s her family should not have been involved Carrie because no matter the reason Carrie you

Had no right to go contacting her family who the [ __ ] do you think you are some of you people on this [ __ ] platform give yourselves entirely too much permission like who do you think you are contacting people’s friends or family or acquaintances what gives you the right

To do that like who the [ __ ] are you to go and do that you’re just some random [ __ ] with a [ __ ] platform that doesn’t give you the right to go contacting people’s family or friends like any person with an active brain cell and the ability to top can create a

[ __ ] YouTube channel that doesn’t give you the right to go contacting people off this platform that’s what I’m gonna do to get out of the mod chat is I’m gonna fake my death see all the so the domino effect that you have you got remember when I went into

This thing with Kisha I knew how she was it’s [ __ ] exhausting it’s draining I told Melissa Melissa messaged me after and [ __ ] got involved with her you’re right she’s draining yeah she is but there’s no law that says you have to answer that phone and there were numerous times that

I didn’t answer the phone you can tell from your text messages you don’t want to do it but you let her guilt you into it what’s going to stop this next time Angie hey hey sock monkey I feel so dirty somehow saying that I’m glad you found me sock

Monkey I love that name that’s cute that’s what we all want to know because this has happened it’s like with Robin and everybody persecuting Robin you didn’t do anything different you should be persecuted just as hard as she’s being persecuted I agree harder actually because you faked your Dam absolutely I

Agree got ran through the [ __ ] pools last night the the the the ground because they blame her and say that she was involved in this and everything else you didn’t come in okay so I’m done with that one I’m getting bored moving on um let’s see what else can we get

Into no thank you I’m looking for a different have you ever seen Amy she’s in old lady kind of about the same age as khaki I think here do you mean what state do I want to to move to anyone but Arizona yeah we know about Louisiana and

I’m sure it is is called now oh I know it’s called Illinois foxy is on here there’s a lady named foxy 21 and she is a whole mess d would Well you’re not [ __ ] sorry if Clinton had [ __ ] block you you’d still be doing the same [ __ ] wouldn’t you yeah that’s what I thought how about you grow the [ __ ] up but you want a damn relationship right but you can’t do the [ __ ] work and get over your goddamn past right all

Right cool sounds like somebody else [ __ ] know no it’s a potato no [ __ ] it’s Damon dumb ass ass this is a totally new face we’ve never covered her before on this channel she’s one of the newbies so Enjoy this is Sky and uh I’ll just let her video speak for itself funny how y’all can’t tell the D difference between rude and [ __ ] real Michael that was naughty you’re right though I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want I don’t give a damn [ __ ] around and find out [ __ ]

I knew he didn’t like me the minute he the try friends of benefits cuz that in my eyes was him saying move on you want me to move on all right cool I’m I’mma move the [ __ ] on watch me move the [ __ ] on and don’t be trying to come back

Later on don’t because it ain’t gonna [ __ ] work you had your chance you ain’t gonna change be you your game is more important than a [ __ ] girlfriend all right cool you can come invite your [ __ ] friend to uh come and hang over but you can’t come and see me cool

Awesome it looks like it round ey hey man what’s up good to see you her mouth man there’s something wrong with like her face I would just say her mouth I meant to just say her mouth but there’s something wrong with her face probably rounda or Uncle [Laughter] Brothers uncle brother Jim Bob

I hope I hope I hope and pray and dare him to watch my [ __ ] yeah that’s about him but he wants to this doesn’t bother him and leave me on [ __ ] red all right all right this [ __ ] is eating food and chasing it with a vape that

She’s not even inhaling like she she’s sucking like The Vape and she’s not even inhaling it she just pulls out you know a big long puff and blows it right back out she’s not even inhaling it so she’s wasting that entire cartridge so she can look cool on tick Tok because she

Vapes she’s pulling out giant drags off of these things things just to blow them right back out so she’s just wasting it while begging for money probably brother and sister yeah oh maybe I should hit up a step brother Ty did you just say hit up your

Stepbrother I bet you her brother told told her that he wanted to see other people I bet that’s what this is she’s mad at her brother for wanting to see other people so she’s going to hit up their step brother now I just got a very evil

Idea hey I think you’re really [ __ ] cute you want to come hang out oh know think about go ask your uh brother go ask your brother go ask your brother all about me yeah I’m sure he can tell you I mean I guess she likes keeping it

In the family dude she’s talking about talking to the step brother now hey Tyler and y’all wonder why I post Damon Salvatore in the server so much and use him so much y’all [ __ ] wonder why now y’all see why e could you please stop doing that right Michael that sound like she’s sloping

Something in the background and I hate that sound I really hate it you can’t do that off off stream you have to do that while while live streaming it’s disgusting and her mouth is like way too too small for her face it it looks wrong I can’t imagine anyone outside of her

Family wanting to mate with her I used to be not no more he had his chance so he [ __ ] it up I gave him multiple chances he wouldn’t changeed so [ __ ] him buddy [ __ ] you like you [ __ ] your friend Co or friend you know that that that kind

Of that kind of interests me you know because it’s all kind of fitting into peace now maybe that’s why you wouldn’t accept my [ __ ] relationship request on Facebook see how that all fits in together and how she wouldn’t add me back on Snap or add me on

Snap and she didn’t really want to be friends with this [ __ ] is like thinking she’s some kind of super detective now I love it when these people think they’re intelligent when if you were that intelligent you would have seen it before she thinks she’s [ __ ] Sherlock Holmes now Yeah it all makes perfect sense now I’m not even [ __ ] mad what is it with these L’s cows and eating on stream why do they do that it’s gross and her nose is like 30 times the size of her mouth her mouth is like 50 bajillion

Times too small for her face and she’s got a chin like Charles ivth exactly she didn’t want to get close to me cuz she didn’t want me to see the [ __ ] that they were [ __ ] doing yep oh my account’s corny like your life is e I’m sorry honey but ain’t nobody horny

Looking at you you do not Inspire lust I assure you and that’s gross the heels have eyes but no the heels have chins for days you can freaking ski off our chin think about that oh man that that that was stupid on me stupid on me because maybe I should have

Listened the first time you said it by the hair with my chinny chin chin Michael uh excuse he gave me was he’s not on Facebook that much and why does it matter I don’t really [ __ ] care if you did or not found him cool good for you don’t care I don’t

Care only you do care because this entire live stream is you obviously caring enough to [ __ ] about it for your entire live stream but yet he would always be on messenger or Instagram and then whenever I asked why there’s so many [ __ ] he had a problem

X he treated me like a joke so I left him like it was funny yeah i’ always went up by like one or two I found that really kind of [ __ ] interesting because like if you ain’t talking to nobody and you a’t interested in nobody why the [ __ ] is it going up

Who the [ __ ] you got in there you see Point what kind of snaps Kina let me guess his pants I know you’re trying to be cool and you’re trying to be sexy and all that but nothing you say makes any sense oh what kind sense his pants what does

Sense have to do with pants I get it you’re desperate you’re clearly desperate nobody thinks that is attractive because it’s not it’s gross you you are gross oh you’re fine Shelly I don’t pressure any of you guys to talk you know that this is a chill space you talk when

You want to if you’re busy just listen you’re cool this is a laidback chat where I don’t demand my subscribers or friends to talk to me or jump up my ass um oh God that’s awful I hope you got it fixed h that’s not good but no I hope everybody knows

There’s no pressure to chitchat if you don’t feel like it this is a laidback easygo and chill kind of environment no pressure here oh that’s good I’m glad you got it resealed he’s gonna call he’s gonna talk to me and say I’m shitalking him honey no I’m just telling the

[ __ ] truth I’m not [ __ ] talking at all I’m telling the [ __ ] truth Kena can tell you I’m telling the truth col am I not telling the truth i l don’t I gave him every indication to [ __ ] trust me and yeah he still didn’t so I was like oh so you still don’t

Trust me okay cool yeah like he was talking to you behind my back and told me he was asleep when he was talking to you he was his side job but yet he wasn’t he called out to talk to you I know but like I said he wants to play

The [ __ ] victim just like somebody else does you mean like you do you’re on here playing the victim right now honey that’s a little Rich coming from you and hey Sam what you doing hussy and by the way Shelly I’m working on a new blanket and it’s black purple and

Blue the black and purple are really looking good yeah another toothless cow um the black and the purple contrast really look good Shell’s like mine love you Sam good to see you mine Blinky I’ll send it to you sh if you want it don’t ask me for something if you don’t want it

Girl uh I don’t know they might fight you over this one this one’s extra fuzzy this has like the extra soft uh plushy material so it’s like silky silky silky it’s fuzzy and silky they may fight you over it but if you really want one it is not a trillion dollars

Shelly let me know where you are or get me a way to ship it to you and I’ll get you a blanket and don’t worry about the shipping woman get me away to ship you a blanket that’s all I’m going to say I do sell them Sam

Um I sell them I also donate them to the veteran Center down here I donated quite a few um to the victims of the shooting we had here um but most of the time I donate them to the veteran Center because here’s the thing I crochet every day hey

Tangle literally I crochet for several hours a day I usually sit down at the end of my day and crochet for about four to 5 hours a night I’m crochetting right now I would be doing it regardless because that is my chill time that is how I decompress that’s how I

Get rid of all my Stress and Anxiety so I would be crocheting anyway I I don’t spend any less than about four or five hours a night crocheting so I can finish a blanket in three days I’m very fast at it so it’s really no trouble the blanket I started yesterday

Will be done in a day or two like completely finished so get me away to get it to you and I will send you a blanket woman I mean it don’t you argue with me either if you have to open up a po. box that’s fine I’ll send it to your po.

Box but ask anybody in this chat if you were to send me your address it would be safe I’ve never doed anybody even the people who have docked me have never been docked by me I don’t do that so just get with me somehow and get me your details and I

Will get you a blanket you are too in important woman you’re important to me so don’t you say that no more but if you can get me your Addie I will get you a blanket maybe maybe not but I fny funny though Kina don’t you how when you disappeared the new bit

Showed up don’t you that funny hi least don’t you find that [ __ ] hilarious but up hey Sam good to see you hey tangle good to see you as well hello everybody boy do the [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] he does oh wait let me read into the future you’re GNA get a new [ __ ]

If I didn’t know her do you think she’ be a [ __ ] modder in here like come on now I’ve known her [ __ ] I’ve known her since 21 22 somewhere in there I think it was 22 I don’t remember yeah he was right Sam I cannot be with someone if there’s

Not an emotional connection I am not the type of girl who can just sleep around like that’s why I haven’t been with I can still count on one hand the people I’ve been with and have fingers left over because I’m not a [ __ ] I’m very picky about whom I am with

Because if there’s not an emotional connection if there’s not a intellectual connection if I cannot have a conversation with you I can’t be with you you have to engage me intellectually you have to engage me emotionally for me to be able to be physical with you and if there’s nothing there

Intellectually and there’s nothing there emotionally there is not going to be anything there physically that’s just the way I am I’ve always been that way but couldn’t talk to me and and whenever she asked how’s Sky doing he’d be like oh [ __ ] let me check literally and he lost a friend today

Which is interesting he lost a friend on there and on Instagram so I’m like huh that’s interesting I they lost you on uh snap too that’s real interesting I wish I knew who the [ __ ] it was before this morning I don’t know who you are so I’m not going through

1,192 people it was 1,193 but now it’s 192 so [ __ ] did you just bark at me right Sam but now I’m officially known as a heartbreaker hey exra Harmony she a heart Breer what the [ __ ] right Tangled what the hell was that did she just lick herself like a [ __ ] cat

Sky she literally just licked herself like a [ __ ] cat what the hell was that hold on we’re gonna watch this again because it was [ __ ] weird but now I’m officially known as a heartbreaker hey so Harmony this is a heart Breer and if I asked him if he wanted to see

My tail he said if you want to and I’m like uh what you want to refres that I think the words you’re looking for is yes please with the red hot paning Emoji I think I think you’re looking for that one not a if you want to lol

But that’s cool it’s all good it’s awesome no this one wasn’t on with her that’s Anaconda s but no this one wasn’t on with her this is a different animal freak she uh I believe this is one that identifies as an animal I told you she did it I thought I

Was seeing things there for a second that was weird as hell anyway how’s everyone tonight how’s everybody doing okay how much I don’t know shile she identifies as I can’t remember if it’s a dog or a cat because she just barked um I think she

Identifies as a cat or a dog one or the other I can’t remember but she identifies as one or the other and honestly think she is one it’s weird and I wouldn’t introduce those two because e right chly a bet he’s going to come begging tired

Back how much I want he’s GNA come begging back later I’m so sorry I promise I no no no no no no no no no no no Jesus [ __ ] Christ see tangle a lot of people are like how can you relax while doing that I’m like that’s exactly how I

Relax by crocheting I’m crocheting right now to decompress this is how I relax after running around like a mad woman all day chasing after two Gremlins and keeping up the house and running errands and all of it so I take a couple hours a night to decompress and

Crochet it helps it really does some people need a hobby no that part kinaa that part let him say something you’re shitalking me okay I think there’s some people that would be a lot less angry and aggressive and hateful if they could find something they were good at or uh relatively

Talented at arts and crafts wise you know like a hobby I don’t think they would be quite so angry all the time I’m I I I’m [ __ ] talking you okay someone needs to do a little bit of a recap of what [ __ ] talking is that part can you like [ __ ] stop

You’re not getting in the Box I don’t know you so don’t split don’t split don’t split they’re good um shell they’re actually really good um today we had a bit of a chaotic day because I had my doctor’s appointment at 2:00 and both of them had theirs at 3 so I went to

Mine and dad took them to theirs and um they come out good m is grown a lot as we know he weighs 46 PBS and he’s 5 foot six Gabriel weighs 110 and he’s just under five feet so they’re they’re getting big but MAA is massive he’s

Tall but both of their checkups came back wonderful they’re both in perfect health um just growing boys well I do I knew where all the food went before then Shelly cuz they gank my food right in front of me plus I feed them really well like I I

Do homecook meals every night I don’t feed them junk or [ __ ] canned crap I actually fixed my kid homecooked meals like tonight we had pot roast that had been cooking since yesterday with real potatoes carrots onions garlic celery and then I made homemade cornbread to go with

It it is full of sodium I don’t feed my kids crap um and they’re growing boys they need good food good robust food um to help them grow I don’t feed my kids a lot of sodium packed crap I don’t feed them pizza rolls or Hot Pockets or any of the other overly

Processed [ __ ] when my kids eat supper they eat homecooked meals oh MAA is absolutely thrilled he’s taller than me he never ceases to remind me tangle he’s all the time reminding me that he’s taller than me which is fine um my father my biological father not my adopted dad of course my biological

Father was a very tall Man all of my brothers were very tall men the shortest brother I had was 6’5 their dad is 65 he’s very tall very big he’s a very big man and um their older half brother is already 6 foot three so I’m surrounded by Giants I’m trying not to I’m trying my

[ __ ] hardest to not how do you turn these [ __ ] boxes off because that is pissing me off can’t disconnect in there I don’t want to disconnect I want to turn this [ __ ] off there we go I’m trying to comment okay but this [ __ ] is really P pushing

It yeah I think I turned it off too what the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] asked that oh I already did in the server and on here I don’t know about that shell I’m not too well versed on this particular person I’ve literally just started covering her this is the first time I’m

Covering her and I’ve only watched like two or three of her videos but she seems entertaining so I thought I would watch her with you guys she may be she doesn’t have any teeth they do have a look to them so Shelly they really Do let AIT say something let him watch my story let him say something in the server let him text me say I miss you I’ll change all that [ __ ] yeah okay I don’t give a [ __ ] if you’re sorry or Not it’s my own personal server that let people I’m close to in everyone I said you could come in at the server you just got to hit me up on Instagram I literally told you the other day Lord have mercy he better be [ __ ] lucky his camera don’t work he better be [ __ ]

Lucky his camera don’t work oh [ __ ] hey how are you doing at the very least Shelly entangled she’s probably got ADHD or something because she is she’s like squirrel rabbit monkey she definitely looks like a meth head and I’m bored again so let’s try something else let’s see if we can

Find some good oldfashioned Rage or crying well want that to happen sh oh my God yeah I saw that I’m trying to find a good Lisa stream I think it’s this one out there and say look um five 10 minutes away please let me dose especially whenever they’re closed

Tomorrow they will let you dose you know what I mean they’re there to help you not to hurt you you know what the [ __ ] who went to the doctor two days ago what the hell are you talking about if you’re going to come on here and try to

Exp expose me for something I don’t even know what you’re talking about so we’ll Ian of aw’ll going us is here is here are you guys here are you guys here I’m sorry I was trying to check um some somebody had texted me and I was trying to check to see if

Like why she keeps pausing it is because she keeps checking her cash app and her PayPal hoping that some idiot sent her money so she can go and buy her drugs on the way to the methodone Clinic because that’s what she does she’ll get a ride

To the methodone clinic and stop by her dealer’s house and get her xanies and get high as hell and that’ll top her off she’s also smoking crack again she admitted that the other day so she’s back to smoking crack and meth again on top of popping pills on top of taking

Methodone good job Lisa we had a h cheaper di which they do not so like I said again so every time you see her pause the video yeah I know right shell and she’s got a minor child in the house she has a 10 or now 11y old

Little boy in her home who she is in complete care of you know she complete control over like no one else has access to him and And she is the only one there with this 11-year-old child while she’s high off her ass on all of this doing this [ __ ] around him because she takes him with her everywhere including her uh pharmacist quote unquote you know what I mean when I say pharmacist quote unquote

She takes him with with her everywhere so he is clearly with her when she’s getting high off her ass and what what’s going to happen if something happens to to her son and she’s too high to even know something is wrong no he doesn’t Tangled he’s home

Homeschooled now he wasn’t but he is now he’s homeschooled he doesn’t go to a public school anymore so he’s never away from her they can’t they’re not able to Shell at all that’s not even an option shell unfortunately it’s not an option and the poor little guy his dad his dad the other

Parent passed away from a drug overdose and here she is hopping and skipping right along behind him and going to leave that poor kid without a parent or so on this Earth to care for him yeah exactly Shelly um damn it again here is

My uh it’s cash app in memory of Cole c o l e Cole in memory of Cole c o e it there’s no uh picture of me and my son it’s a perp and she uses the death of Cole which is Jason’s dad as a money grab because Cole wasn’t n

Even with her when he died he was either getting married or already married to someone else when he died and she regularly uses his death to grift for money like she’ll use his death to make people feel bad for her even though they weren’t even together when he died he

Had already moved on and was with someone else but the way she tells it they were still actively together and she lost her other half her soulmate trying to Garner sympathy so people send her money so she can go buy more drugs she griffs off the death of the

Father of her child which I I think is a really shitty thing to do and using him as her cash app tag is tacky especially when he was alive they did not get along he couldn’t stand her and she couldn’t stand him she yeah I think that’s the only

Reason she keeps her kids so that she can get money for him because if he leaves nobody’s going to send her money anymore and she knows that and when nobody sends her money she uses him say Well will you send him something if you

Won’t send it to me do it for Jay do it for Jay jaay needs shoes Jace needs Burger King Jace needs this when Jay doesn’t see not one red penny not one she’s a [ __ ] junkie that’s what she is yeah I don’t know one person who can

Stand being around her of their own valtion because her own children don’t want to be around her Abby can’t stand her right Chile she does she’s a piece of [ __ ] Circle it’s a purple circle with a white l in the middle that’s my cash app if anybody can help with anything a

Dollar um $2 anything I also have cash app I Al I also have I have cash app I have zel um and that’s all I have that’s all I have so if anybody can please just help please they are helping you Lisa they’re not sending you money to get drugs

That’s how they’re helping you even though it doesn’t look like they’re helping you they are helping you by not giving you your money for drugs yeah but two of them isn’t aren’t old enough one of them isn’t capable Tangled Abby could not it would not be a good idea right

Shelly people are helping her she’s like will somebody help me well they are helping her they’re not enabling her to go and buy drugs but what she means by help is hey will you send me money so I can go buy drugs on my way to the [ __ ] methodone

Clinic because she’s a [ __ ] junkie I hate junkies there’s a difference between let me clarify this there is a difference between being a junkie and being an addict a big difference I don’t hate addicts I hate junkies right Chile exactly a [ __ ] hater man I hate her so

Much the PayPal seems to work the best for some reason gifts help I can take the gifts I can take the gifts and I can put them in my PayPal and you know it is Emma I just I need to make sure I have enough for his medicine that’s all I’m

Saying my sister is wonderful okay my sister does everything for for for everybody right now right she does everything she takes care of my dad day and night make sure he has whatever he wants you know helps my mom she helps me more than she even realizes she helps me um yeah

So I need 10 more freaking dollars that is it 10 more dollars because where’d it go I forget where it went because I need I want to have enough for my son I want to have enough for my son’s medicine that’s it that’s it you guys I’m a bad mom okay great I

Just want to have enough for his medicine you are a bad mom your son doesn’t need medicine he has Medicaid his medicines are free right Chile speaking of babies and baby pandas I was hearing something in the kitchen Shelly and it was one of my pandas up

For a snacky snack in the middle of the night little booger I guess he woke up and got hungry and decided he wanted something to eat it is time for a baby panda ra only it’s the bigger of the panda it was Mah he got he woke up

Hungry so I was like I hear somebody in the kitchen so it was him so I walked in there to give him some love and check on him and see if he needed any help making a snack so sorry I had to step away for a minute but baby pandas come first

Always but hers cost $11 per pill do you know how we know this cuz she got busted that’s how her cost $11 a pill and she buys them all the time this what she spends her entire check actually it’s not her check it’s her son’s check she spends her entire her son’s

Entire check on pills and then spends any money she gets in donations on pills or crack and gets so high she cannot hold her eyes open and she does all this on the way to the methodone Clinic like the piece of [ __ ] she is and ginger ale

[ __ ] you are not buying your son’s medicine your son doesn’t need medicine he isn’t sick at this particular time you’re begging for drug money as a matter of fact you got busted on this one too your face is swollen from drug use you’re clearly high right

Now log the [ __ ] off and go to rehab and be a mother to your [ __ ] children you stupid [ __ ] no uh Mara I can’t overdraft on one of my cards no he got some apples and peanut butter we get uh natural totally natural peanut butter and I got some apples today

So something we like to eat around here are the green apples and peanut butter exactly especially when she’s already high Tangled the time she grips the hardest is when she’s high as [ __ ] because because no matter how high she gets she’s not high enough and she starts panicking when she’s extremely

High because she knows at some point she’s going to come down and she’s going to need more drugs so while she’s already high she’s all the time looking for more drug money so she can buy mo more drugs so that she’s never sober oh my God Tangled that sounds delicious hey

Chaotic yeah she does get manic right before her trip to the meth Clinic hey chaotic I just want to do something real quick I have modded those people I was talking to you earlier about and that will not happen again so here uh you are now a mod and they are not

Um the that won’t happen again oh no I know I didn’t have to that was my own choice this is your home so they can leave next time hey look somebody came in to say hello who is it you up for panda snack round ey no it’s Tangled chaotic and

Chell Shell’s here oh shell I told him how much you grew yeah also had to get shots that sucked he’s uh I hate needles so much there’s like my worst fear ever is needles cause he’s next to Dennis he’s mad no he was here earlier silly

Um he’s mad because they gave him shots and he hates shots so he’s got to tell me how much he hates shots yes hey Michael says Hey Michael’s here you how many people have called me Michael well it’s cuz your name is Micah you know I couldn’t count how many

People just in one day hey Michael both hands people call M Michael all the time and I’m it makes me so mad no probably not shell probably not that either and Tangled says hello to you Tangled Tangled Bliss our Ghost Buddy oh yeah Tangled you know the thing about that is most of

My power cords are Tangled yeah that’s Tangled sending you and uh a message subliminally I blame you for you you brought me here and I Tangled the cord giving you crap she says oh Shelly I will ye you Shelly says she guesses you’re never going to get tattoos or piercings

Because they use huge needles she’s really never ever ever ever at all she’s emphasizing the huge needles part and Shelly needles lots of needles you caus this I’m going to find you she says it’s her job to give you crap no you forget that I will just like

Magically frog did she tell you she stitched up a cut with a kn needle and thread that actually don’t sound that bad go get me some needle and thread uh hell no I don’t trust you at all with any kind of sh she says she’s in New Zealand

And if you start paddling now you should be there in about three years she’s not worried in other words I ain’t scared of no ghost have you ever thought of the fact that magical pandas can teleport magically if we drank Mountain Dew we basically open a void and we run through

The void and we get anywhere in like three seconds you know I stole a Walmart that way a whole Walmart just picked it up and left yeah I wonder why they were angry at me did you fin maybe they were angry about their like Takis or something probably Mischief

Monkey she says go for it did I tell you they have massive earthquakes here I mean I’ll just like slap the Earth and tell it to knock it off or something chaotic says that um you give Smite Impressions with the panda and portals I will Smite all of the things

Oh God I drank Mellow Yellow still shell I like Mellow Yellow you want oh is it Mellow Yellow it’s made by Coke it’s the other yellow drink I’m surpris you can even pick those drinks up they’re about your size leave my presents immediately I’ll Bish

You I Bish am I wrong you taught me to be honest mother this is your fault I’m not talking to you anymore hey you taught me to honest this is on you I am done with you for the whole day it’s not I’m still gonna steal your

Mountain and those blankets by the way yeah the second you finish that blanket it’s mine oh no Shelly has already claimed it it’s Shell’s blanket she told me sh I will end you I’m sorry it’s nothing personal she says remember Children Are Meant to uh be used for slave

Labor I will Smite all of you none of you are worthy for the panda Hammer you’re about to get a banhammer after that short joke you just made I ban you how dare you say that to me how dare you think think that’s a joke [Laughter] hey hey you hear

This they support it this is like mainly what the channel is about giving me [ __ ] no like you being two feet tall hey you kind of look like one of them garden gnomes but like pandaide you’re mean you you yes I am my job as your son to be

Honest you’re still mean I’m the most honest and innocent thing of them all well honest maybe innocent no yeah I did steal a Walmart I don’t know how I picked that whole thing up say good night yeah I’m gonna find your Snacks by the way and your blankets in fact I like this

Blanket you’re not getting that blanket yes I am I’m getting the nice getting the blankets I’m GNA get all of your blankets my blanket no see I am your son so like I’m your oldest son so technically say good night buddy uh say good night everybody good night taller people than my mom

Oh except for maybe Shelly cause she’s in New Zealand she’s probably really short hey don’t worry I will get your blankets later while you are sleeping mhm he’s mouthy is he not what that’s not unusual that is our typical banter I used to live in the south chaotic but I moved to

Maine I’m actually the tallest woman in my family Shelly but I’m still only 5 foot tall uh my biological mom was like I think 4 foot 11 4 foot 10 something like that and my grandmother was like four 49 I think 4 foot n and I used to be about

Five2 5 foot two but I’ve shrunk no you didn’t Chile that’s awesome yeah every once in a while chaotic uh my pandas will come in I think you know this though every once in a while my pandas will uh come in here and do what they call a panda raid where

They just take over my show it’s not really a show but you get what I’m saying I used to live in Alabama chaotic uh I lived in Alabama for a few years but I’m originally from Florida um I was born in Florida I was raised in pasag Gula and baula bachy and

Then I lived in Alabama for several years and now I live in Maine and I don’t think I would ever live anywhere else because I love it here it’s it’s honestly like the best place I’ve ever lived I know we went through that U Mass shooting recently but

Um our community is healing from that it’s a slowo but we’re trying um it’s been hard uh we lost a few people we knew and now that he’s left the room uh it’s been especially hard on my oldest son he had lost a friend of his and his friend lost his dad

So it’s been harder on him that’s one reason I don’t talk about it with them around um but even with that um I would never live anywhere else no I didn’t have a pet Croc um chaotic uh my mom used to have a pet alligator though oh thank you

Chaotic yeah we were sheltered in home for 3 Days um we couldn’t leave our house we had to barricade the windows and the doors and I didn’t sleep for 3 days it was a nightmare I don’t think I will ever get over that but anyway um yeah main outside of that

One occurrence is probably the safest place to live in the US it’s really safe here ordinarily or generally speaking it’s pretty safe I think it’s like the safest state in the US um so that kind of thing just doesn’t happen here and um it’s beautiful it’s probably the most

Beautiful place I’ve ever seen and I’ve been all over the US I’ve been to Germany I’ve been everywhere I’ve been to Canada I’ve been all over but the most beautiful place I’ve ever been is where I live now so I’m still having a lot of anxiety shil

And I know that he’s still having problems from it like he’s still grieving and I think he will be for a long time but um on the a happier subject um I was born in Pensacola and raised in bya bat and Pasa Gulu the reason I say those two together is because we

Lived um right on the line of pasag gula and Bayou La Bader and um like our house was in Pas gagula and my grandma’s house was in Baya battery and all I had to do to go from one place to another is walk through a fence

So that’s where I grew up and then we moved to Alabama for some ungodly reason that I will never understand because Alabama is stupid and I hate it and um I lived there for a couple years and then I moved other places I’ve lived in Arizona I’ve lived in Arkansas I’ve lived in

California um Texas so but when I was little I want to say about five or six years old the Pet Shop used to sell baby alligators the only problem is the reason they stopped selling the baby alligators is because people were putting them in the sewage lines it isn’t anymore chaotic they

Outlawed that when I was a little kid um it became illegal when I was a child I can’t shell they they outlawed it you can’t do that anymore because people kept putting them in the sewage drains and [ __ ] and people were getting alligators places they shouldn’t be and

Um they were getting big and they were becoming a problem so they outlawed the C of alligators and Pet Shops yes I know a couple of people who live in Florida and have an alligator as a pet friends of mine actually have a pet alligator and it’s not aggressive at all

Like you can pet it you can hold it you can handle it it’s totally tame but in Florida we have a problem with alligators because they’ll come up they’ll get in your swimming pools they’ll get in your yard you you don’t want to have like if you have small

Dogs um you cannot let them off the leash to go use the bathroom because if you let them out in your backyard in Florida they won’t be coming back because alligators sit or well they lay in weight not sit but they’ll lay and wait for one of your pets to get loose

And they’ll eat it they’re a horrible problem on the golf courses like they’re a nuisance in Florida like Florida is overrun with them so like if you live in Florida you can’t let your dog out to use the bathroom at nighttime or let it off out to use the bathroom at all without

Supervision because if if you let your dog just roam around in your backyard and it’s not fenced in your dog’s going to get eaten we don’t really have a bear problem where I live Shelly I mean we have Bears um but they’re not really a problem they don’t typically come into the

City definitely chilly um we had a lady last year get mauled to death by a bear right up the road it had gotten some kind of um infection in its brain they said and it had wondered into a uh subdivision and it was mad like it had lost its [ __ ]

Mind and so they called in the the ranger people who deal with animals like that to come and get it and when they put it down for I can’t say what they did but when they put it down they ran some tests to see what had

Caused this bear to behave the way it behaved and they discovered that the bear had had some kind of uh parasitic thing in its brain which caused an infection and the bear had went Mad so I didn’t even know there was like a parasitic thing that could get in your brain but apparently this bear got a hold of something that had like parasites in it and it had went to his brain and caused an infection which caused it to go [ __ ] berserk kind of

Yeah it was weird I’d have to look that up again because I forgot they had a name for it but I can’t remember what the name of that parasite was it was [ __ ] weird I do know that I can’t like I said here is my cash out but you can look it up chaotic it should be it was in the news or local news um just click uh they typ in Lady M to death by bear in Maine it was in all our little local papers and [ __ ]

It was nuts dude there’s my cash up right there in memory of Cole Co it doesn’t have any pictures of me my son us together nothing it’s a purple circle a purple circle with a I’ll be right back I’m gonna go get some snacks out of the freezer I’m hungry now a

White l in the middle of the purple circle that’s what the cash app is if anybody wants the PayPal or the email for the zel just ask me and I’ll let you know what it is the PayPal does work because somebody sent me a dollar on it to make sure it

Works I know it’s not Jaylen I’m trying so hard I don’t know what else to do I’ve G I’ve been IB but like I said I’ve given I’ve given every means of money like ways that people can help me if if they feel so inclined to do so

Yes my sister butterfly my sister does take me to the clinic every every day but things happen that sometimes she can’t do it you know what I’m saying there’s a lot going on with my dad she’s pregnant she has to take care of herself things happen sometimes after

Uh Mage it doesn’t have to be cash I said if somebody wanted to send a gift card for Uber or lift or Uber cash or however that works I’ve never done it before personally but I would give them my email address to send it to me I I said that 15 times

Uh Jennifer you’re getting my sisters yeah you’re getting my sisters mixed up I haven’t talked to Jesse in years and never plan on talking to her again Ronnie my other sister yes I do talk to her that’s the sister I’m talking about if I if I ever

Say my sister to me I only have one so that’s Ronnie that I’m talking about no uh Edge I don’t get paid for views no uh no Kimberly actually Ronnie is the only one that actually speaks the truth she’s the only one who actually went on and actually well that’s weird you say

That Ronnie’s the one that came on here and told everybody that you were using your donation money to buy xenx for $11 a piece so Ronnie’s the honest one right that’s what you just said it is always the weirdos that come on here begging for money I had to finally fire up the

Heater it hadn’t been that cold here today but uh I finally fired up the heater in here I had the fireplace going in the rest of the house but I fired up my room heater so it only takes like two minutes to heat this whole room but anyway

Yeah um this is Lisa Richards she’s a scummy pie blah blah blah yeah she sure is and uh Shelly did you notice that you haven’t had to yell at me today that I posted my cash app my PayPal and my venmo and you didn’t even have to yell at me I did good

Job so I’m going to do my obligatory shaking of the Hat um if you would like to donate to your Panda fam the ways to do that or pinned at the top of the chat and if you would like to donate that’s how you can do that and any and all donations are

Private and safe and secure and you never have to worry about your information being doxed if you do donate I would ask that you put your screen name in the note box otherwise I will say thank you to Anonymous for such and such donation um I will

Not say your name if it looks like it could be your legal name um if it even looks like it could be a doc I will not say it I never have never will uh I may be an [ __ ] but I am not a doctor or a real lifegoing

Person so if you would like me to thank you verbally make sure you put your screen name in the notes section otherwise I’m just going to say thank you Anonymous just to be safe anyway um in that field know ahead of time that any and all donations that you

Do send go towards spoiling the [ __ ] out of my kids so know that ahead of time so if you do donate know that I’m probably going to take it and go buy something for the boys cuz they have all my money anyway the last time I got a donation on

Here I took them out to eat and we went and got Sushi the boys love sushi and then I got them each a little Nerf gun thing at Walmart who is awesome Yep and food and blankets Shelly so um if you do choose to donate I want to say thank you ahead of

Time and if you cannot or do not wish to thank you for being here that means just as much if not more love you guys told the truth to be honest but okay believe what you ever want to believe but Ronnie was the only one that day that went on and told the

Truth whether it was good about me bad about me whatever she told the truth did you guys see the beautiful necklace my boys got me for Christmas by the way also got a book and two candles from the babies for Christmas they got me a book called achill the song of

Achilles they got me this beautiful main necklace and two beautiful candles I haven’t taken this necklace off since they gave it to me it’s precious okay I’ll go do that right now well guys last chance in memory of Cole c o l like I said no picture of me or my son

It’s a purple circle it’s a purple circle with a white l in the middle a purple circle no picture no nothing like that I also have PayPal and I also have um I have cash I have cash app PayPal and zel that’s what I have

Cat I need like 10 more dollars k a i need like 10 more dollars I have cash app I have zel and I have um PayPal okay I posted it I’m my commun Comm tab I’m that [ __ ] 1331 if you want to send a door Dash gift card I’m all for

That just let me if you buy it let me know and I’ll give you my email to send the numbers or however you do it I would be very thankful for that just let me know I’m that [ __ ] 1331 and I would be very happy with that

Very happy with that I could order the ginger ale through that for sure and I could order the medicine so thank you Sean Bon thank you I’m not going to sell a gift card for cash look at that smile on her face when she says that yes the [ __ ] you will Lisa

You’ve done it before why did you smile like that when you said I’m not going to sell the gift cards for cash why’ you smile when you said it then you definitely sell your freaking gift cards for cash you [ __ ] junkie exactly Chell did you see my necklace I’m so proud of

It well I’m that [ __ ] 1331 like I said I would appreciate it I could take a picture of the receipt and either post it or send it to you somehow or something we’ll have it each other’s email addresses she never sends receipts by the way um she always says well all post

Receipts of this and that that I’m going to buy with it but she never posts receipts um she’ll take the donation and then she’ll block that person um and never send a receipt oh I always do chaotic right sh like if I tell you I need money for this or

That and that’s what I tell you and you loan me the money to purchase something specific I send receipts um you know I think I had ask like I had fing Hard Times a couple of years ago and I asked a friend of mine if they could help me for about two

Or three days until I got my paycheck and they loaned me like I want to say $5 for gas so I took a picture of the receipt for gas and sent it to them but like you can go back throughout my entire time on my channel I don’t ask

People for money anyway but if I did I would post receipts oh they can post receipts on Tik Tok just like like if she wanted to post a receipt of whatever she purchased she could just hold the receipt up on camera it’s not that hard or um she has a YouTube too

Chaotic and she could take a screen recording of the receipt and posted on Tik Tok there are a million ways she could have posted receipts but she didn’t use it for what she said she was going to use it for she used it to buy

Xanax that’s the best I can do you know everybody has their own opinion you know oh because I didn’t see it if I see it I say thank you immediately immediately there’s the cash app again because it ran out of the pole in memory of Cole c o l

E no picture just a purple circle it’s a purple circle with a white l a purple circle with a white L well Tommy Hawk if you sent 25 to the one with the picture I’m sorry to tell you but they took your money but it’s not me and I’m

Sorry thank you for at least trying to help me out shell woman that doll looks super not haunted my ass they had a lot of dolls in that antique mall that looked haunted as hell I wanted the hell out of there and you know what Gabe thought

About you Shelly while we were at the Antique Mall because when we saw one of those dolls Gabe said I bet Shelly would love this we should get it for her I was like no no no no that doll is not getting in my car I don’t care how much I love and

Adore shell that doll is not coming home with us I already said Clarice I want a lifter and Uber I’m going to go and I’m going to get my son medicine and I’m going to get get him ginger ale and maybe I’m going to get him even some

Just plain vanilla ice cream for his throat he said his throat’s hurting so oh I’m sorry CL I didn’t know you just joined I have cash app I have zel and I have PayPal so yeah that’s a good idea I’m going to get some cough drops too if I can get

Him some cough drops when does The Crying start is that what you guys are here for to try to make me cry e no s bear I’m not doing that because people tell me that all the time and I prove them right myself right and then

They never send the money so we’re not doing that they always try to make me bets like show me this and I’ll do that and you know if if you show me this I’ll send you 20 bucks and they they they don’t do it they don’t ever ever ever do

It ever it’s it’s it’s I can’t remember one time they’ve ever freaking done it no I do not block people right after there’s people that have given me money that are still in the live right now I do not block people let them give me money and then block them I appreciate

Them helping me out and I’m not going to just do that and then block them no that’s not true I like that’s exactly what you do Lisa you’re a [ __ ] drugged out junky liar there’s no I don’t think there is anything worse than the [ __ ] junkie [ __ ] pill

Drunkie oh please Lex didn’t I already block you you’re just a troublemaker from Reddit please go away I’m Not Who was it and what did they send it on now it’s m no I’m not even saying the word now you guys are just trying to get me to say nasty

Stuff I didn’t see it yet but if you did thank you very very very much thank you very very much I didn’t see it yet e um thank you Autumn for sending dollar Autumn sent me a dollar towards my son’s medicine so thank you very very very

Much Autumn I really appreciate that and he will really appreciate that um getting him medicine so thank you thank you for me and thank you from him people just don’t have anything better to do uh Kira Amore if you could do that I would really appreciate it really

Appreciate it and so would my son he needs some kind of medicine I don’t know he’s I was going to try to get some children’s Mucinex or something um Marissa I’m talking to wow that’s specific Lisa oh well I don’t know needs uh uh some kind of medicine I don’t

Know that right there tells me you’re lying that he’s not sick the medicine you’re begging for is Xanax you lying [ __ ] she’s not begging for money for Jay she’s begging for money to buy pills she doesn’t even know what kind of medicine he needs that right right there tell you she’s full of

[ __ ] you um I’m going to get him some cough drops some ginger ale um and maybe some ice cream or something he’s saying his throat hurts so unbelievable my cash app is in the bow down here like I said it’s it’s in memory it’s in memory

Of coal c o l e coal so it’s in memory of coal c e it doesn’t have any pictures at all um it doesn’t have a picture on the cash app it has a purple circle so it has a purple circle circle so it has a purple circle

And it has um a white l a white l in the middle of that purple circle that um that’s my cash app I also have PayPal and I have zel also if anybody’s willing to help with a couple bucks for my son so Jay want to go lay

Down uh Kore it only has one e c o l e in memory of Cole c o l e they tried making fake ones it’s in memory of Cole c o l e and it has a purple circle with the white oh chaotic well you have a good night too

Sweetheart and come back and see me real soon I’ll be going to bed soon too h no worries it’s good to see you welome home good night here and um especially over $10 you’re always welcome here chaotic no problem and come back anytime you want to thank you you know who you

Are MC thank you thank you thank you thank and thank you by the way thank you very much thank you I appreciate it a lot for I think that one’s about over there’s another one where she screams a lot is pretty funny 18y old

Cole Jun who’s going to be 17 or is is he 17 he’s he’s 16 you don’t even know how old your own child is Lisa and that filter isn’t doing you any good at all your face is still swollen because you’re doing too many [ __ ] drugs doesn’t disrespect me to my face

He’s all Mom I love you Mom give me hug mom Jase sometimes we’ll do it depending on what’s going on not often um Abby’s just the one who just treats me like because I’m the one who’s done the most for you and all you’ve done is do me

Dirty just cuz you’re my mom doesn’t mean you like I have to respect you you earn my respect no matter who the [ __ ] please and thank you honey no ma’am Abby treats you the way she treats you because what you put Abby through you are not the victim here your

Poor children are the victims here Abby doesn’t respect you because you put Abby through hell you’re a [ __ ] junkie and you put your children through hell you’ve used them you’ve stolen from them you’ve stolen from Jace you piece of [ __ ] you stolen from [ __ ] Abby and then

You [ __ ] tried to throw her under the bus for your drug habit you literally blamed Abby for your drug habit you piece of [ __ ] and you wonder why she doesn’t like you it’s because of you that she doesn’t like you oh like I said if anybody if anybody

Can help I I I I don’t want this to turn into into a big thing um um I already go since I haven’t been on Tik Tok I haven’t cried one time my venmo is Lisa loves get is Lisa loves Jace it’s in the comments I’m writing it you probably

Can’t see all that sniffling and carrying on Lisa and not one [ __ ] Tear You are a manipulative conniving lying piece of crap you’re sniffling and you’re carrying on but not one [ __ ] tear you’re not crying what you’re doing you’re not even really sniffling what you do I’ve seen you do

It I’ve watched you do it you will take and suck air between your missing [ __ ] meth teeth to make make it sound like you’re sniffling you are so manipulative that you’ve got it down pat how to make it sound like you’re sniffling without actually sniffling you’re just sucking air

Through your teeth to make it sound like you’re sniffling you’re not actually crying shut up my venmo is Lisa loves Jace okay my um I have zel I don’t know if anybody has zel I have chime I don’t know if anybody has chime um what else um zel uh

Zel zel venmo um PayPal PayPal is Lisa Richard 815 Lisa Richard 815 is out sorry PayPal sorry I’m sorry I have an hour and 25 minutes what your PayPal should say instead of Lisa loves Jace it should say Lisa loves drugs because if Lisa loved Jace she would get

Off the drugs and take care of her child so you need to change that to Lisa loves drugs and her saying she hasn’t cried one time on Tik Tok that’s all she does Shelly and she would cry a [ __ ] mountain of Tears if she thought it would get her peill

Money and she comes on here every live stream cry well fake crying what she’s actually doing is whining and sucking air between her teeth to make it sound like she’s actually crying that’s how manipulative she is she cries or fake cries whines and fake sniffles on every stream she does she

Can’t even be honest about sniffling like she’s so manipulative that she’s got it down to an art of sucking the air between her teeth to make it sound like she’s sniffling that’s how manipulative she is it’s disgusting thank you for the one cent I really appreciate

That one cent is one cent so thank you Amy Hall requested $50 off me so Amy Hall thanks I appreciate that you know what glad you think it’s so funny because you’re GNA be you’re GNA be sitting in my house with my heat that I pay

For laughing at me while I’m walking to the clinic needs to grow up how dare you talk to him that way after what you put him through Lisa you going to sit there and talk to him like that after all the [ __ ] you put him through really his

Mother mother of the year over here makes him walk in the rain to her methadone clinic and drags him to her [ __ ] drug dealer’s house how dare you speak to him that way and you’re supposed to pay the [ __ ] Lot bill you piece of [ __ ] you’re his mother he

Doesn’t owe you a cookie for paying the damn Lot bill and you aren’t the one who pays your Lot bill as a matter of fact your daddy does so it’s not even in your house where you pay the bills no your family puts your bills and you spend all his

Money on your drug habit so how dare you you you don’t pay your bills Lisa you’re not paying for the lots that keep him warm your daddy is you’re not paying for the house you stay in your daddy is and you take his money Jay’s money you know that person you’re

Talking to like a dog right now that’s his check that you blow on drugs every month [ __ ] so how about you put some respect on that I’m sure the people I’m sure the people uh who have kids that are disrespectful to them don’t think that this shit’s too funny

She did and she literally tried to Guilt Trip him for her paying the bills when she doesn’t pay the bills it’s his money from his dad who died of an overdose that’s his money Shelly that she spends on her dope every month it’s his money that pays the bills every month not hers

And she tried to Gaslight him just now and say well I hope you think it’s real funny while you’re sitting in my house enjoying the electricity that I pay for while you’re laughing at me while I walk to the methodone clinic to get more drugs so I can buy some more

Xanax so I can come home too high to hold my [ __ ] eyes open so that I can [ __ ] get mocked and ridiculed online so uh people can bully you for my behavior rmle so the person who sent me who actually sent me money that begins with

An ad thank you sweetie thank you I really appreciate it I’m glad you can see through the PS these people on here trying to antagonize me Abby trying to antagonize me so I appreciate it Amy Amy leave me alone please I don’t know you I don’t

Care what you have to say can you please stop requesting money off me and can you please stop act like you please please ma’am like I’m not trying to be mean I don’t know you just like you don’t know me please stop okay I’m in a very bad

Situation right now okay fam and um please I’m not trying to be mean to you Miss C okay please you mean stop holding you accountable and pointing at the fact that you’re about to go buy more pills on your way to the methadone clinic for your drug addiction that you’re still actively

In oh no don’t bring attention to that people might not send you money for your Xanax oh no don’t hold you accountable can’t do that I see just mean people really yes uh Miss Kristen yes I am truly sober if you um unless you count the method not sober which some people

Do some people don’t yes ma’am I am considered sober liar right Michael she did you hear her she just said I am I am considered sober yes Carol her sister released messages where she admitted that she uses that money to buy Xanax right Michael she is not

Sober she’s been busted paying $111 a pill for Xanax she also got busted like a week or two ago for smoking crack yeah she’s admitted it Carol and she just admitted to smoking crack like a week and a half ago um she’s doing meth again um she’s popping several Xanaxes every

Day on top of her methadone so she is not sober that is [ __ ] liar now they’re uh now they’re on my PayPal freaking uh writing messages to me and not sending me anything like I said if anybody can help my PayPal is Lisa Richard my PayPal is Lisa Richard

815 and my venmo is crazy asign Lisa loves chicks if anybody can help at all yes I have running water thank you for the one penny thank you for the one I I I appreciate it it’s not what kind of clinic is open on Saturday Tangled sweetie I get

It I totally get it you can’t hardly live on SSDI babe they don’t give you enough every month and for that matter Tangled sorry um I enjoy you being here and knowing that like don’t ever feel obligated to send me anything because you need it honey I know you had said you’d wanted

To a while back but you’re on a fixed income babe and I’d rather you spend that on you and your babies I know it’s hard like I know a lot of us or a lot of you guys are on fixed income and like I know that if y’all were to

Send me anything I might I would probably feel bad knowing that but Lisa wouldn’t care Lisa would ask tangle to send her every dime she had and would not feel not one bit bad about it that’s between that’s the difference between a junkie and a genuine person who actually gives

A [ __ ] about the people around them you know like I I guess I’m saying that to say this like knowing me if I knew my subscribers were on hard times or on fixed incomes I could not in good conscious take money from them like I don’t understand how these people do

It I cannot wrap my head around how these people can take money from people they know to be in hard times like they owe it to them or something people like Lisa don’t care though and I don’t get that she feels entitled to their money like she outright demands them you know she

Expects them to send her their last night I don’t understand that process like that thought process how do you okay that with yourself how is that okay how do you sleep at night I mean I don’t understand it like how do you not get riddled with guilt

Oh tangle you’re fine honey I said that kind of to make a point like you none of you owe me anything just so we’re clear I was making a point um and and to me I don’t I guess I don’t push my stuff like some people do because I don’t need

It like so don’t ever feel bad about you know not sending anything because I don’t need it um I’m not on here to make money I’m not on here for donations they are nice when I get them I appreciate appreciate them very much but I don’t expect

It and a lot of people do and I don’t understand that like you’d be here whether people sent you money or not I would think and if you’re on YouTube just for the money get a job it’s not your subscribers job to support you okay um I’m not sure my my Clinic’s

Open on Saturday close on Sunday so I’m sorry it’s also not your subscriber job to buy you [ __ ] either like I want this I want this new thing over here I want it so all my subscribers have to donate to buy it for me cuz I’m special I’m the [ __ ] no

Actually you’re not and nobody owes you your wants nobody really owes you your needs cuz you are no nobody’s responsibility but your own go get your own [ __ ] you know right T right Michael it is nice from those who can afford it but I don’t want

The people who can’t afford it to feel bad I sometimes worry like I don’t know why but like when I when I put my cash app or my vinmo or my PayPal up there I kind of feel bad sometimes cuz I worry in doing that sometimes that somebody may send something and they

Can’t afford to I worry about that and so when I do post my cash app and PayPal and stuff at the top I think about that every dang time and I kind of feel bad like what if if somebody sends me money and they don’t have it to send you know I

I I actually legitimately worry about that so I want to be sure and say hey if you don’t have it don’t send it I don’t want to come off as rude or that I don’t appreciate it if you do send it but I want to make sure that nobody is out

Here sending me money they don’t have because like I could not live with myself over that like I would send it back like that would eat at me I really can’t understand how Lisa can come on here every day I know shell I am the worst grifter I am I’m a horrible

Grifter I am the grifter that tells you not to send me money I am terrible at this no tangle you did not overshare and that was that was a good point you I mean you made a good point I’m glad you did and there is no such thing as oversharing

Woman don’t ever feel bad about that oh I know I know tangle I don’t think she is on disability actually I think it’s her son Tangled um her son draws a check for his dad but I don’t believe she is actually on disability herself I think I’m the only grifter on

Here that tells you not to send me money I am terrible at this I love you too shell I love you Tangled very much that’s just the way that they do it their policies their whatever you know ma’am sir and I hope you know by now tangle that there is no oversharing over

Here shell um we’re like a well I mean we are a fam that’s why I call this the panda fam because it’s family here you can talk about anything you want to talk about anything you want to share anytime doesn’t matter what it is you’re part of the pandaan and we love

You and we’re all just chilling together kind of like the way I look at it I look at this like we’re all just sitting around a table hanging out talking about random [ __ ] that’s the way I look at my streams and I love it that way and in my

Streams at least you’re not going to get yelled at or shamed or accused of trauma dumping just because you want to talk about your life or things going on with you personally and sharing that with the people around you who care about you you’re not going to be yelled at or

Or shamed for that here I won’t allow it this is a panda fam and we care about each other so we talk oh Michael I love you being Here uh Jessica Wilson just requested $500,000 off me $500,000 Bradley Hannah requested $50 off me I don’t think she’s gonna make it until he hits 18 Tangled not the way she’s going and if she does she [ __ ] out of look when he turns 18 because because

That check will stop and then she won’t have any money to blow on her drug habit so she’s going to be real bad after that she’ll be on here nonstop Begging I’m almost there you guys if you can help like I said venmo is crazy as sign Lisa loves Jace okay my PayPal is Lisa Richard 815 Lisa Richard 815 is PayPal venmo is um I’m Confused here we go Amy Hall she’s calling me an addict Now you are an addict that’s why she’s calling you an addict because you are an addict Lisa for um Miss Mary I just saw that you had send in a couple dollars on cash app I don’t know if you have um I don’t know if you have uh venmo zel uh chime

Anything but for some reason it keeps kicking back any of the uh cash apps but I could really use that couple dollars if I if I could get that I could get off here and stop listening to all this Crap oh my God Amy Hall thank you um it’s not funny Abby it’s not funny at all is just over it so Miss Mary if there’s any way um my venmo is the the the at sign the crazy a sign Lisa loves Jace J A CE um and um my PayPal is

Um Lisa Richard 815 thank you for the penny I appreciate the penny every adds up you Guys uh J I didn’t s my food stamps at all I’m not right Michel did you hear Abby in the background she’s laughing at her and Lisa’s like it’s not funny Abby it’s not funny and Abby tells her yeah it is you go Abby tell her asking for food I’m asking for uh

Uber LIF to the clinic I got my stamps on the first I still have plenty of food stamps and um plenty of uh food so like I said uh venmo is a l i s a l o v s j a c e and my PayPal is Lisa Richard 815 thank you for the 21 thank you for the TW thank you for the 21 cents I really really appreciate that she goes in the morning Tangled she goes every morning yeah she knows she already traded those food stamps I mean she she does it all the time

Tangle I mean she has been caught doing that uh Jace actually busted her out a couple of times saidwell mom if you hadn’t spend all our food stamps on your stupid medicine then we’d have food like he’s yelled at her for doing that several times Tangled

There you go guys s got to keep saying it it’s right there at the bottom Lisa loves Jay venmo and if you click on it the PayPal is right down There uh Jamie um I don’t know if you just joined my love but um Monday I had to go to the clinic I had to do group um so I did a um round trip I did he came and got me at my house took me to the clinic

Waited for me brought me back it was 30 bucks round trip okay so um I need to go today if I don’t go today then I don’t get my medication for today and I won’t get my medication for tomorrow because they’re closed so um

I’m just trying to get the uh the the 30 bucks to get an Uber or a lift that’s all that’s all guys there’s no gimmick there’s no plot there’s no you know what medication my my methodone my methodone thank you for the 75 cents thank you I appreciate that

Uh daelin I I don’t need more drugs I don’t need any drugs at all the only thing I need is my medication but okay I’m never going to change everybody’s mind everybody’s going to believe what they want to believe you know I know the truth um

Yeah yes uh meny they are open on Saturday Saturday they just aren’t open on Sundays I’m sorry that’s not a good enough excuse for me to help you okay Jamie I mean that’s okay sweetie you you’re under no obligation to help me at all I’m a real piece of [ __ ] I know I

Know Miss K I know you’re not telling me anything I don’t know and uh I’m I’m you’re not tell me I don’t know Joe Thomas request $20 I never wanted to be up on here again I sore I wasn’t going to and um if you wanted to help um I I I honestly

Don’t know honey um I have venmo I have chime I have zel I have uh it’s right there in the thing I have venmo I have zel I have PayPal um if you can’t help that way um prayers prayers always help at least I think they Do um Jamie my chime Jamie my chime is study x85 so St T UD d y like studying s t u d yxo 85 that’s my chime study XO 85 is my chime ma’am how long did I use that’s a good question nobody’s ever asked me I actually only used for about three

Months and uh I was pregnant with Nicole and um they put me in methanone and I’ve been on in methanone ever since girl they don’t mean just that what about the Benz honey the benzos have only been that was 15 years after I was already in methano

Okay what’s my dose it’s 40 right now I’m working my way down I want off of it just as much as you know yeah uh Miss Jessica I just uh Nicole is 18 Miss Jessica I just accept your friend request on Beno Ma so they as they

Asked they asked me for my time and and they they’re requested they requested $100 off me I don’t know why I expect anything more you want to know why because there’s good people on here you know what I mean that actually there’s good people on here so when they

Say what’s your time I’d like to help you and then I get a request I get five request for $100 I don’t even know why I’m surprised Any can you connect these headphones to a phone Jessica Wilson requested $80,000 hello give me a second Brandon Jay requested $100 get a job like the rest of us you junky you really just tell me to wait a second to read out letter request can you connect these headphones can you connect these

Headphones to a phone or not Brandon Jay get a job like the rest of us you junky piece of trash please go die in a hole and do your kids a favor I don’t know why these people think think it just yeah real funny it’s real funny you

Guys real [ __ ] funny hey Tangled if you want to do lore um I can definitely go back yeah they would not put you on methadone for only using for three months that’s [ __ ] you’re right about that Michael and um Tangled if you’re interested in Lisa Richard

Lore I can definitely do a couple of streams until everybody gets caught up I could definitely go back if that’s something you guys are interested in I can go way back and I do it just for you tangle okay we can do that okay hang on oh my God here’s uh Icky Vicki

Believ what other people say like about this situation I have such a hard time believing all of this stuff no matter how much it looks to be true because I know the links that some of these people will and do go to you know what I mean

Like I’ve I’m have been and am a victim to their bullshittery that I did not subscribe to and so I just that’s Vicky she’s another one I’m looking into uh I probably will show some of her stuff but okay Lisa Richards Miss ma’am trying to find the video that explains her the

Best it’ll take you through the lore this should help if he’s in art class he’ll use it it’s a type of artist material thank you C I appreciate I I this is a while ago Tangled okay so Lisa Richards got her real um I don’t want to call it a

Start but she got noticed um because she faked stage three brain cancer on her child and I will also show you that video but here is where another one that got her noticed was where she’s begging for Jay’s school supplies when he doesn’t need school supplies because he’s homeschooled but

She’s lying to everyone and telling them that he needs these supplies for school and she gets busted and no problem tangle I do not mind going doing deep Dives um especially for you you cuz you’re amazing and I adore you so this is the video um where she gets

Busted lying about buying her son’s school supplies this one should give you a little more insight into her and it should help a little bit but this video was done on the 8th of July of this year oh you have no idea she has four kids two of them she’s never had custody

Of the oldest one doesn’t want anything to do with her and Jace has nowhere else to go right Shelly and that’s one reason I really really appreciate you Michael because the things you’ve overcome to be here with us are amazing she’s 24 now I think she’s either 23 or 24

She’s in her twinnings Tangled um now and um I’m also going to show you the video of her kicking in aby’s door because she was online begging for money for a power bill saying that she needed $50 or they were going to shut off her power bill well Abby accidentally let

Slip that the the power bills already been paid so everybody called her out for it so she got mad and went and kicked in aby’s door and threw her out of the house because she needed that money for drugs and Michael um like I would say your

Insight um as to the other side of this really helps us understand a lot that we may not understand she can’t that I don’t want to share Abby’s situation tangle because Abby is innocent in this and um I don’t feel comfortable sharing aby’s story like present

Day but she is not financially able to care for him and she’s not mentally or emotionally able to care for him or she would um Abby is the only reason that Jace eats every day she’s the only reason he has the things he needs she makes sure he gets what he

Needs and she does care for him in her way the best she can but if she was able to take him from her she would in a heartbeat she loves him very very much her own sister called DHR on her it’s it’s bad but anyway uh Michael the things

That you have come through and overcome to be here with us today I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of you and you have helped me a lot Michael because I don’t understand these things I don’t know how these things work but because you do you help us

Understand and you tell us information that we wouldn’t otherwise have so you are extremely valuable in this because you give us an Insight we wouldn’t otherwise have and I really appreciate you a lot you’ve taught me a lot actually and you’re [ __ ] amazing a dummy I

I I just I I never heard of appreciate your input and um I I have to buy it um I have to buy it so um see girl not you on here again see guys you don’t have to be on my line you don’t why do you feel the need to stop

And belittle me that’s what I’ll never understand see I don’t do that to people I don’t I don’t stop on their lives and belittle them and call them names I just keep going I want to take another opport same Tangled only it wasn’t my dad it was my

Mom my mom was a hardcore addict and um yeah I won’t go into that but my brother overdosed one of my brothers so I’ve stayed far and clear of it I don’t even drink I don’t want to even almost risk it um yeah uh so for Christmas if you’ll go on my community

Tab um you’ll see a necklace which is beautiful my babies got me for Christmas but beside that picture you will see another picture and it’s of a book it’s called the song of Achilles it’s written by meline Miller and this is probably one of the best books I have read in a long

Time and uh it actually has some things in it that have helped me tremendously like Insight wise and um it’s not your typical lore book it’s a it’s a beautiful story beautifully written and those who have had traumatic Childhoods could stand to gain a lot from this book right tangle so point being I think you guys would probably really enjoy this book it’s uh it’s a really great book again the name of this book is the song of Achilles by Miller I posted a picture of it on my

Community tab for all of you guys and um my mom is why I don’t drink and why I don’t do drugs my brother is also a reason I don’t drink or do drugs um I’ve stayed well clear of it CU my children aren’t going to have that

Problem yeah song of Achilles It’s a Wonderful book Michael you would probably really enjoy it um I drank up until I got pregnant with my oldest and the very second that I found out I was pregnant is when I quit drinking um I never picked it up again and he’s 13 and I

Won’t until he is well into adulthood if I ever drink again I may not it’s just probably never going to drink again but um I know for sure I won’t be drinking until my youngest is Welling into his 20s at least certainly not while they’re still children I’m I

Refuse I will not I know it every like there’s a lot of people who are social drinkers who have one or two beers or a glass of wine here and there but I am not one of those people because the way I see it what if I have a glass of wine

Or two and one of my kids needs me to drive them what if there’s an emergency what you know that aspect of it or I don’t want my children to ever even see me drink not one drop of alcohol I want them to understand that you can

Have fun and enjoy life without drinking or doing drugs I don’t want them drinking and doing drugs so I’m not going to either and I broke the cycle in my family I broke that chain I broke it for them they are not going to grow up with

An addict or an alcoholic as a mother I I would never put them through that and will not put them through that I absolutely refuse they are not going to grow up like that Over My Dead Body basically just not one of those things that’s going to happen so there’s that

Um I love my children far more than I could ever love a substance oh Michael you know the more and more you talk about your mom the more and more I see why you tell me all the time that I remind you of her it’s making more and more sense now

Why you say that I remind you of your mom I take that as a compliment that is a very high compliment well Tangled I look at it like this if not me then who if I don’t break it break it am I going to put that on my children [ __ ] no

I would never do that my kids are going to have a [ __ ] Delight ful childhood if it hair lips the devil um I will bend hell itself to ensure that my children have a outstanding phenomenal childhood and that they are children as long as they can be children my kids

Are going to have a childhood I did not and I will I will lay down and I will die before I take that from them because I had that taken from me and I could never do that to them so I’ve done everything I can as a mom

To ensure that my kids enjoy their childhood and that they don’t have to grow up fast like I did I was robbed of my childhood but they won’t be oh that’s awesome Tangled I’m sorry M oh Michael you’re going to make me cry um yeah for me it wasn’t my dad unfortunately but um anyway no no sad pandas but I really take that as as a huge compliment Michael thank you that makes my heart Happy P but I guess everybody’s not like me you

Know what do I need I need school supplies for my son who’s in sixth grade the you know what’s funny Michael is my youngest turns 11 this year and my oldest is is 13 God help me but I feel like it is a high compliment I think that’s the highest compliment I

Could get from you Michael and I take it as such um you know I still read to my kids they love it they really do I don’t know how many moms out there still read to their kids but but I know I don’t read children’s books to them but like I read other

Books like Micah’s favorite books is like Roman generals and stuff like this stuff like the song of Achilles or um books about Mark Anthony or Julius Caesar or you know some of the great Roman emperors he loves those books he loves the books about Ajax and Alexander the Great and

You know he loves those kinds of books historical books um Gabriel likes mythology books like about creatures like Norse mythology Egyptian mythology um Roman and Greek mythology you know uh Anglo Saxons um what do you call them jackaby um Celtic you know those kinds of stories so

Typically like I read to them and they love it so that’s kind of like our thing I read them ghost stories too like on Reddit there’s a bunch of uh the only thing I use Reddit for is paranormal stories and I’ll sit there and read through some ridiculous ghost stories

For them and stuff like that oh that is so sweet Michael I’m going to cry but they love it when I read to them and I love reading to them and a lot of times before bed like you said we just sit and talk we talk about our day we talk about

Cool stories we we saw or a cool video or um we talk about mythology or science or art we go to museums uh we go to exhibits we go on adventures we go on nature trails and just walk I mean we spend a lot of quality time together

Offline and that’s why sometimes my live streams are spotty because if I’m not online I’m spending time with my children so I have no regrets about that whatsoever um so if I’m not on here I’m spending time with my kids and that’s just that um

Oh they do they come to me all the time my 16-year-old godson uh came and sat with me for about 3 hours the other night because he just needed somebody to talk to that’s their older half brother I raised him um his mother I hate to say this but his mother was a

Junkie is a junkie um and a felon and horrible so he never knew her um I got him when he was three years old and I’ve raised him as my own and so he comes to me when he needs advice or he doesn’t know what to do

About something and he he comes to me and often times I cannot believe it but um sometimes he just wants to sit with me and talk and I love that little dude well he’s not so little anymore he’s 6′ five damn near 6′ 6 but um he enjoys just hanging out you know

And talking about random [ __ ] but he often comes to me for advice and I cherish that because he knows I always have his back and I may not be his birth mother but he’s nonetheless my kid you know I raised him and I can’t believe he still comes

To hang out with me at 16 going on 17 you know but for some reason he thinks I’m the coolest person on Earth still so that’s a good thing so I hope it stays that way you know but teenagers will be teenagers you know and I just hope that they never outgrow

That I L All My Babies even when they’re stealing my blankets cash app is dollar sign j a c e l i s a if anybody could just send a couple dollars I’d really appreciate it if hello de beard how are you sweetie um Chevy girl SCH W help me the

School sent everything that they’re going to send love everything else that’s on the list I have to get myself so I’m not ignoring the Amazon comments I already said it’s in my bio love it’s in it’s in my bio I think I did it correctly I do need help and I will

Accept an order it’s just fun for kids to go by themselves and pick up their own stuff so message J he just needs school stuff pens pencils art supplies um I just showed a list of things that um they put in the box that

I have to buy myself um yes he I call those chosen DS Michael see the closest relationship I had with a parent wasn’t even my parent Michael I built a stronger bond with my adopted dad than I had with either one of my parents and I miss him terribly like he passed in 2013 and there’s still not a day go by

Where I don’t think about him or want to call him and tell him about my day we started every every day with a phone call he would wake me up and sing to me every morning over the phone and then we would talk about our plans for the day we would talk about

What we did the day before and we started off every day with a phone call and I miss it there’s still days where I pick up my phone and I want to call him and then I remember he’s gone and then I it’s it’s hard and you you think after so many

Years um it would get easier but I don’t think it does it’s times like this like around the holidays that are the hardest for me which is probably why you see me stream more around the holidays and during October and may he passed away in May his birthday was anounced

October the secondary reason October is horrible is because I lost a brother on October the 10th three years ago so I’ve been been wrecked with grief over the past couple of years and I’m sure I’m not the same person I was a couple years

Ago but I try I get up every day and I try and that’s all I I can really do so believe me when I tell you that that girl values you very much and that you are a pivotal part of her life because if you weren’t she wouldn’t call

You and that even though you’re not her biological father the fact that she sees you as her dad is not unimportant so essentially you may not be her biological father but you are her chosen father so in a way that’s more important because she chose you you chose each other

And that’s a deeper Bond than any blood could possibly compare to so don’t ever discount that or discount the trust she puts in you and seeing you as such the only family I have left are my children Michael that’s it other than my children I am completely in utterly alone in this

World if you need proof go look at the video I posted the short video I posted on my shorts that’s my family that’s where they are but that’s okay because I have my boys and they are all I need and I’ll have YouTube I have you guys and that’s more than

Enough like Shelly says I have you guys and and it’s extremely special to me and I really appreciate it but anyway um don’t want to get too mushy on here I’ll be accused of kissing people’s asses um oh you’re such a good man Michael you prove that more and more every

Day um would you guys be in interested um I know this may sound silly but would you guys be at all interested in me reading to you guys like in a stream or two like read a book or something is that something you guys would be interested in I could play

Music in the background like lightly play music in the background and read a book or I guess narrate a book would be a better way to put it cuz I love to read it’s I love it it’s okay we can definitely work that out Chile I thought about that the other day

And I thought I would ask you guys how you felt about it and if you guys were inclined and I would definitely be interested in doing that it could be a fun time okay I’ll put I’ll push play on lent and I will shut up I’m talking too much

Again did make it to summer camp um any and he had a blast he he he did kayaking he did uh inner tubing off the back of a boat he had he had an absolute blast a blast you guys look you guys are putting pills in the in the um thing still why

Guys why like I don’t if anybody Cash Out dollar sign J Lisa j a c e l i s a because this isn’t sober Behavior sober Behavior is it asking for school supplies for my child matter what I do I’ll always be wrong in your guys’s

Eyes you’re sick of me you’re sick of me but I haven’t been on for a month I don’t have a Walmart B me my love no I haven’t today was the first day I’ve been on for a month the last time I was on was August 8th you know the

Reason she keeps emphasizing that she hasn’t been on for a month is because she started right sh okay so listen during this time she was supposed ly not online she created another account posing as a nurse begging for money with her face hidden so her in Disguise and trying to disguise her

Voice was ebegging saying that she was begging for money to help a charity and she got busted out for that because one of the mods she modded talked her into coming on camera and her idea of a disguise was taking her glasses off and talking with a higher

Voice she thought nobody would recognize her without her glasses right it was hilarious Michael she got busted because she came on in a disguise which was just her without her glasses talking in a higher pitch voice swearing up and down she wasn’t Lisa Richard that she was like

Abigail which was funny because you’d have thought she wouldn’t have chose her daughter’s name as a disguise she couldn’t even come up with an original name her disguise name was Abigail which is Abby’s name no nobody would have ever put two and two together on that one it was the

Worst disguise ever it was [ __ ] hilarious but that’s what she’s referring to here she’s like I haven’t been online in a month I haven’t been online in a month but she had because right here she had just got busted with that other account and they just busted her so she’s coming on her

Account to further convince people she hadn’t even been online in a month so she couldn’t have possibly been the Abigail person when all it did was further validate the fact that that was her on the other account right Michael today’s the six that’s almost a

Month and then this is why I don’t come on it’s because nobody helps they just bully me they bu bully me you guys can say it’s not they bully me they bully me no the reason you haven’t been on in a month is because you created another

Account and scammed money off of people saying it was going to a charity for needy mothers when it was going in your pocket for your drug habit and you got busted that’s what happened you hadn’t logged off at all Lisa you were online the whole time you were just under a shitty

Disguise that nobody bought by the way bullying but it’s bullying cash app is Jace Lisa dollar sign j a c e l IA all over case I think she even used the same [ __ ] cash app in PayPal and vinmo right Michael um if I’m not mistaken mongle did she or

Did she not use the same vinmo cash app and PayPal and not think people would put two and two together like she didn’t even change her payment information but no that’s totally not Lisa if anybody can help I’d really really really really really appreciate it more than you’d ever know and so with

Jay and and yeah if you guys don’t want to give me cash you can go you can go thank you Shia you can go on cash app and you can get uh somebody told me this earlier you can get gift cards on cash app I’ve never never done it myself I don’t know

How it works but you’re right Michael she did use the same [ __ ] accounts and she did you notice the way she high pitched her voice when she says I think they have gift cards and certificates and you can cash it in like she she’s trying to make it

Sound like doesn’t know anything about these gift cards when she scammed people out of these gift cards before and what she’ll do is turn them in and change them for change them for cash but she sitting here acting like she don’t know what they are [ __ ] liar know how it works

But know how it works but I do live near a Dollar Tree it’s about 15 minutes away sweetie um he doesn’t need two two desks Miss Samantha I just picked two of the cheapest ones that I I just picked two she does Michael and she’s like I don’t know about these gift

Cards you can s you’re a [ __ ] liar Lisa of the cheapest ones that I I just picked two of the cheapest ones that I I’ll be right back I have to run to the uh ladies room real fast I’ll be right back oh man I don’t drink I I haven’t

Drank since I turned 21 yes he went to school yesterday a this yes if you could send a Dollar General gift card for 20 that would be wonderful I can use that a Dollar General I can use that at Dollar General and pick out well let Jay pick out some stuff

See Lexi girl how do you know I’m not telling the truth I just showed I don’t know what else I have to show you guys you I got to stop letting you guys hurt my feeling all right guys well it’s 103 like I said I woke up

Because my dad’s getting me at 7:30 I wanted to have him take me and Jay to get some school stuff before he starts school tomorrow um I didn’t get any money uh I’m sure a lot of you guys are happy about that but uh yeah if you guys can help at all Cash

Out dollar sign j a c e l i s a if you can help I would really appreciate it if not and you just want to bash me and call me names there’s one more minute left and then I’m GNA get off so if anybody wants

To help cash app is dollar sign j a c l IA J Lisa I’m not exploiting Jay I’m just trying to get I’m not even going to explain it because no matter what I say it gets flipped no matter what I say it gets flipped all right well it’s 105 um I

Already showed the list guys I showed the list three times um cash app like I said dollar sign j a c l i s a every dollar counts a dollar can buy a pack of pencils a dollar can buy a pencil sharpener a notebook anything like that

Um yeah don’t care I know you don’t care all I have to say before I go is that I yes um juicy I do have chime I’m gonna um I’m gonna at you honey see I added you it’s study x85 is my time study x85 the year I was

Born is my time again cash app but chime is study XO 85 um if you can help at all with that I also do have a CH card so um but what I what I was going to say is I just really hope that you guys never

End up in a situation like I’m in and need help and people treat you the way that you guys treat me I I do I I really hope and if I ever see any of you guys on here asking for anything and I and I have it I I I’ll

Give it to you I really would because that’s the type person I am no you don’t you don’t have to support my kid you don’t everybody needs a little bit of help every once in a while you guys that’s all I’m not on here daily I’m not I’m

Not on here daily I haven’t been on here in almost a month in two days it would have been a whole four weeks ma’am sir all right well like I said cash app dollar sign j a c e l i s a uh sbz yes I also have venmo it’s the

Crazy a sign it’s the crazy a sign Ella Le it’s the crazy a sign Lisa loves J that’s the venmo if you could venmo me anything I’d appreciate it um if not it’s okay it’s okay like I said so um God bless you guys I hope you guys have a good night

Um I hope that I don’t have to get back on tomorrow so take care guys bye I don’t know but welcome to small towns like people be taking this [ __ ] be a joke or like people be lying call people scar people really be [ __ ] up J we can [ __ ]

[ __ ] I don’t have family I my family what family the same mother who gave me up when I was 13 years old or the same daddy that walked away from me when I was two [ __ ] show up I never seen this hotel show ever bro I try to be the most positive person

On irregardless of all the [ __ ] I’m going through I wish I had it like my brothers and my mom was there for me and just was able to hand me everything like she did this but I can’t I wish my grandpa was here my grandpa was here I be sitting on this

[ __ ] live bro I’m get off here and help my husband finish holding the car no I got a baby love you you be beautiful you’re okay I’m sorry for SP okay bab indonation help right about now y’all hello hello yeah H bro like bro this one straight TW bro

Straight hello sorry this phone is bro bro it’s where all these St not St because you know the whole reason we eat Stu they have I’m sorry that phone is really really really they this big conven and they all come together up base oh so you said

You she she said she can move some people around right Michael sorry I also Lo more firewood in the living room fireplace yeah for orthopedist in May hi Mrs Robinson how are you uh anyway so I hurt my knee just simply getting up out of the chair and I had an

X-ray done that didn’t show nothing so now I have to wait two more weeks for an MRI and now the Pain’s rting radiating up to my hip um I also she is is using this this situation for for her game it’s every time she’s live she’s it’s 100 bucks but I’ll get

To her another day anyway so let’s get to this Lisa girl okay she goes by uh J uh Lisa J’s day by day she is an ad addict uh anytime you see her live she’s whining she’s manipulative The Whining actually gets on my nerves really really

Bad and she has four children one only lives with her and okay everybody who doesn’t understand this is Tech yeah they can look at her this is Tech I love Tech she is to the point and very blunt and here she is explaining Lisa Rich to you and she explains it better

Than I ever could so I thought I would just play this for you guys he’s even getting tired of her so I’m G to show you some videos from Tik Tok um and I’m not bullying I’m not uh harassing or anything like that I first started I first discovered

Her one day on Tik Tok she showed up in my fyp and she’s trying she was trying to manipulate people into giving her $2,500 $2500 you guys claiming that she didn’t know her rent increase for a year and a half and it’s just like wait you live in

An apartment complex you have to go to the manager’s Office three months to um pay your rent so how could you not know for a year and a half that you your rent did not increase and it was it was crazy um and then in December no she doesn’t fall for any of

Her [ __ ] Michael I love her she’s amazing this girl decided since she didn’t have money for for her son and I’m I’m going to try to keep names out of it U the kids is names one is an adult three are not and the youngest the

One that lives with her is he’ll be 11 next month so but um she actually said in December last year which you know with this the majority of them um that beg on B talk uh they always sooner or later they always use the the can you

Know the cancer as a way to manipulate people for many well she did it she actually said that her have brain cancer and how to year to live and uh just a scam for me and it’s I was floored when I heard that and then later on an interview or

Live she admitted she lied abused or anything like okay send it I knew she wasn’t going to send it so it doesn’t even matter it’s okay okay no look you guys are writing daddy listen to me guys the Uber driver’s name is sad I’ve been calling him sad I’m not

Really sure how it’s spelled but when you get an Uber driver you get his name his name is sad that’s what you guys want okay so if you don’t know what’s going on she act she was so [ __ ] up one day she accidentally let slip that it was

Her Daddy coming to get so now she’s trying to make up this whole story about how her Uber driver’s name was sad not Daddy and she accident said Daddy and that it wasn’t her dad it was saddy right [ __ ] what some of you don’t know know is that her dad drives her every

Day to the methodone Clinic she doesn’t need an Uber at all because her dad takes her to the methodone clinic so when she’s begging for Uber money know that that Uber money is going to drugs because her dad takes her to the methodone clinic and from the

Methodone clinic so she doesn’t need a ride at all another video I’m going to show is where she gets busted at the methodone Clinic because she had just scammed like 40 or $50 off of people for an Uber ride that she didn’t need nor pay for

Because her dad had taken her like he does every day and so she gets busted and it comes out that her dad takes her and whatnot so she spent that money she scammed off people that morning to buy drugs that’s where she spent it she didn’t need an Uber she didn’t

Need a ride her ride is already covered every day and she [ __ ] up on a line live stream and said Daddy and now she’s trying to say she never said daddy she said saddy so that’s what this is about um any of my mods can you please

Pin um can you please pin what I just uh wrote Please how that came about was she had said that her dad had passed away and so she said her son had brain cancer which he did not said her dad had passed away which he did not nobody in the family even knew that um I was I’m following

Her sisters and they did a live the other night um and This Woman’s oldest daughter was on there as well and she um lied about everything even her family supposedly you know family started calling families he died it’s like no didn’t um and so because she said her

Dad passed away and her dad was the one driving her around to to her clinic now let me back up a little bit what oh my goodness where have you been where have you been little boy a big guy anyways so uh Lisa like I said is an addict um she

Goes to the methodone Clinic every day she’s on benzo dipine she’s on CL uh I’m G to mess this up but um clapin cladin or however you say it she’s on those medications she’s on methodone and she uh goes to the methodone Clinic every day they know

She’s dirty testing dirty but they still give her her methodone she will beg for money on Tik Tok and then turn around and take that money and uh will buy additional candy on the street she went through one of her her medications uh she got 30 of 30

Days surv she went through them in four days and so you guys if you really want um I’m blocked on both my my accounts on Tik Tok with her um you can go to Alpha Hunter and he started um uh you know outing her as well I’ve been outing her

On my Tik Tok uh but I can’t play her lives because she’s got me blocked on both my accounts so you can go to Alpha Hunter he plays her lives so but that’s just one of them guys it’s insane so this is her child talking to

Her and these are shared videos guys and thank you everybody who Shar these screen is broke so sure does Michel she sure does that’s why this is a huge problem and another reason I am trying so hard hard to bring as much attention to her as I could

Possibly bring to her I know I have a small platform but I’m hoping somebody with a bigger platform will catch on to this one and fly with it because somebody needs to get her attention Michael because if she keeps doing what she’s doing that little boy isn’t going to have

Parents because she is going to follow his dad’s footsteps if she doesn’t quit what she’s doing it’s it’s at that point Michael And I’m really trying to push Tech and SP and all of them um so that people are drawn to the content and Drawn to Lisa Richards and covering her and maybe one of the voices that may cover her maybe one of them will get through to

Her I hope for the kids sake I can’t stand her but I’m more trying for Jace than I am for her it’s for his sake really because if the right person catches on to her and starts covering her and maybe can get through to her and get her to

Get help get her to to quit maybe if enough attention is drawn to her somebody out there will be able to get through her thick her thick head I know shell but I’m going to try anyway in my own way you know until there’s nothing left to try for

Anyway right Michael that’s exact exactly right but anyway this is Tech again Tech is amazing and this will help you gain Insight Tangled and to why people are upset with her I played this one to help Shelly and Tech um not Tech sorry I got Tech on the

Brain um to help Shelly and Tangled kind of get a deeper understanding of who she is and kind of like the backstory and the lore to her I wouldn’t say that shell I love you but um on this occasion I don’t know that I agree because here’s

Why I get what you’re saying and I can understand your perspective on that I respect it but my opinion is if that does happen to him that it’ll make it worse because he lost his dad that way and if he loses his mother that way I cannot imagine the trauma and the

Lifelong effect that’s going to have on him I know she’s not I know but I’m a sucker CH I am a sucker I’m a big old squishy softy and I can’t help it um I have to try and although I hate her I feel for the the heartache that’s going to calls her

Son I don’t really feel much for her cuz she’s a junkie and I hate junkies that’s a fair point Chile that is a fair point I really can’t argue with that one I guess the best way to put this and the best way maybe to understand

It I’m going to try to put words to this but in trying to put her out there where somebody can get through to her and me trying as hard as I do with some of these people or kind of like me trying to save the family I couldn’t

Save if that makes any sense at all it probably doesn’t um but that’s where I’m coming from I guess no they aren’t shile and I can speak um from experience on that mine was not definitely was not um that I feel really bad for her son I don’t really know Michael shayy makes

Some really good points but to me at least I feel like losing her see jaay loves his mother he loves her and he’s desperately trying to save her and if she Minecrafts he’s going to feel like he didn’t do enough and I think that will do more damage like irreversible

Damage and I can’t stand the thought of that I can’t that poor the best thing that could happen for him is that someone some kind Angelic Soul get him out of that situation and adopt him and get him away from every one of them because her family are just as

Guilty as she is because they know what’s going on and they’re doing nothing about it personally that’s the way I see it so I don’t think he needs to go to family I think he needs to go to somebody completely unrelated far away and break the

Cycle and I think he needs to be adopted by somebody who can give him the childhood he deserves and for never to look back I think that would be what would be best for him because I don’t see her ever changing I don’t see it happening

Honestly I can sit here and hope until I’m blue in the face but at the end of the day I don’t see it changing I know I did Michael and I think those are the moments worth saving part of this makes me very sad and part

Of this triggers the [ __ ] out of me I’m not going to lie I find Lisa extremely triggering for me personally and for personal reasons and I desperate want her to wake the [ __ ] up but I don’t see it happening anyway here’s her talking to her daughter whom she loves very much right Michael

Same that’s her son outing her well my my phone ain’t broke my screen is broke my SC my screen um for gas in the morning for my sister there’s another one put gas in my dad’s truck she does this every day to uh get money week stressed as I can you know I don’t want him worried about you know how how

Lis get into the clinic how am I going to get to my doctors like I don’t want him worried about any of that stuff you know what I mean so um so we’re trying to figure it all out on our own we really are we really that for the for

All the Liars in the chat Haley just sent me $2 on cash app and it went through how about that how about that the cash app is not you about saying [ __ ] thank you you ungrateful [ __ ] instead of mocking that person for sending you the $2 how about

That they’re just lying to you so that you don’t send me a couple dollars for gas they have no shame it’s a family out here trying to make it if you’re not sending the money then don’t worry about it how does that sound mind your own business

If you’re not a nice person which obviously you’re not worry about somebody else okay our family trying to make it through this until Friday the cash app is pinned at the top in memory of cool it does work it does it is for gas so here’s the thing with

That you hear it in there the mass the manipulation that she’s trying to pull the sympathy she’s trying to pull she pulls that on every one of her videos or her um she changes her cash app a lot her previous cash apps get shut down by cash

App for fraud she changes them she creates new ones she changes her you her uh uh Tik Tok name constantly the one that I have in the information is her latest one she had a crazy oh it’s trash she had a crazy one before that and it was very vulgar I’m surprised Tik

Tok let it stay up um she like I said she’s constantly on here begging and crying and and the crazy thing is her family her sisters during that last video or the live the other night with them they said that she’s always done that her daughter was

On there as well and they apparently she always has been like that anytime she doesn’t get away she will whine like that that high pitched wine um you know there’s only so much of that I can stand excuse me and the reason you know I’m exposing her R to anyways is I’ve

Not given any money to her because I saw right through her but for those that you know think oh you know she’s down on her luck and this that or the other guys she’s not this is her way of getting money for candy and you guys all know

What candy means but this that’s what she does um she her and her child are living off of her child’s survivor benefits from his dad his dad passed away a couple years ago uh due to an Odin and um this little boy is 10 years old this little boy will be 11

Next month and during that live with her sisters and her daughter her daughters even said that this is all they’ve known this and this Lisa has never been really a mom to them Lisa’s been more of a friend to them so um again you know I’m not

Bullying I’m not asking I’m just just trying to get it out there like everybody else is doing Alpha Hunter is covering her as well um I have other videos on my Tik Tok which is the same same name as this Buddy’s mom and uh you know exposing her there’s a lot of

Anti-cam groups on Tik Tok that also are you know exposing her I mean the lies you know what was it Saturday she was trying to raise money to take her son to the pool the pool hasn’t even opened yet okay Sunday she was trying to raise quote unquote raise money to take her

Son to the museum the museum didn’t he didn’t even want to go to the museum she was or was that Friday Friday was pool Saturday was a museum or something like that anyways um when she was questioning about it on her next live she said yes

They went and they were she was asked about certain spots at the Museum um one of them was a little kids thing at the very beginning like I’m talking little little little kids uh at the beginning of the museum he would not have wanted to go to

That and the other one was about some submarine exhibit or something and um according to her sister that’s been closed for two years and her sister was there last month but that particular exhibit had been closed for two years so that you know tells everybody that she they didn’t go they didn’t go

But I don’t know what I’ve ever done to you to any of you now here’s this one on the TP I don’t know what I’ve ever done to you to any of you guys that you guys Treat Me So Bad um that’s why have nobody

Around I was rooting for you we were all rooting for you I know so that particular video was Saturday okay she nodded off she was so high that she nodded off on the live for a good five minutes and when I say she’s a master manipulator she is um her son

Had to come in and wake her up and people from the live that were watching it actually called the police the police came knocked on her door while she was still live and she actually told them that it was a skit for Tik Tok and they

Believed her see you know and I know there’s going to be questions or comments about you know why doesn’t CPS get called um CPS is well aware of her CPS has been in their life for six years from my understanding uh her son has been taken from her she straightens

Right up they give him back and she goes right back to always so they’re uh the family the sisters are working on some things to help him but this woman that’s all she does she come on here and wine and wine and wine and wine about money about needing help

About oh well I don’t get paid till this day and and you I want my son wants to do this and my son wants to do that and he doesn’t want to okay that little boy cannot stand when she’s on Tik Tok live begging um if that was my

Mom I wouldn’t I’d be embarrassed as all for this you know and uh I I feel bad for that little boy I really do and I know this is goingon to sound crazy but with what I’m seeing with her and watching the live from the

Other day with her daughter um I get I can’t help but think about the the show and I know it’s a character I do I do I know it’s not a real thing but actually in some cases it is but uh if you guys ever watch that show mom and reminds me

Of that show with her and her kids the oldest daughter taking care of the youngest son you know and again um there I thank you for everybody that’s sharing these videos uh I can’t name everybody but oh here’s the even a better one if for nodding

On the cash T you know what I mean plus gifts also help a lot it’s it’s better than nothing I appreciate every you guys s that you’re using Look at her she is knotted the [ __ ] out she is completely out at this point in that video look at her Michael look at her face dude she has completely nodded the [ __ ] out and I’m glad you made it Michael Our Lives certainly wouldn’t be the samees without you and I am definitely

Glad to know you I’m proud of you man and I’m probably gonna get because of the music so um I don’t I didn’t know there were music in those videos anyways so um that’s you know one of the many beggars on Tik Tok and that’s why I say

With with her and several other people people um you know they need to change the name and it’s more and more every day but they need to change the name of the Tik Tok to B talk because that’s all that’s ever on there and it’s incredible and you say anything to these people

They’ll mute you they’ll block you they’ll report you I actually have uh on my page uh one where I reported some or I called somebody else out um I got reported and my video was taken down for frauds and scam frauds and scams it’s like

How how how my fra in this cam I’m not the one on there begging for Money H so and then whenever whenever she gets mad and she’s not getting her away she ends the live or if she gets the amount of Mone she wants she ends the live which she doesn’t say goodbye and then um those that that do send her money the ones that do send her money

She blocks because I need help so I’m gonna try to let her in if she’s still in here um remove violating I’m going to get off and check and see I would walk home if it was just me but my son cannot walk feeling good guys so here’s the even better one

Whiny look at her face okay and you’re right sh she does she’s not crying she’s smiling ing she’s so stupid she’s trying to settle the fact that she’s crying but her dupers Delight won’t let her she is literally sitting here talking about her son not feeling good and them having to walk home

Begging for money pretending to cry while smiling look at her she’s not crying she’s smiling look at her with my counselor because I didn’t want to bring him out here and have him listen to me beg and plead with you guys I’ll ride home so he’s there with her

Puzles and I Wasing I could get enough that’s where my son full it because that’s a methodone Clinic that she goes to and they do offer rights to and from and on top of that her do you see it Michael do you see her smiling because I can see it she’s [ __ ]

Smiling her sister gives her rights to and fromont it was another wait for her to get money hang on I got to go check on my dog butter buddy buddy come here what are you doing bubblers what’s my bubba doing what’s Mama’s body doing where’s my bers come here you want to say

Hi hi oh Yep this is my bubba she’s Wy ow got this is my schneer PLO black lab mix i i i i your nails got or doggy doggy doggy doggy so but you know with Lisa it’s a broken record guys it’s a broken record she is always on there

Begging and she sits there and mies up stuff left and rights um all to get that extra money and you know when um and you one way a Telltale sign that somebody’s you know being a a scammer is if they sit there and they tell you okay guys I

Need help with food okay I need so much money for food or I need this bill paid or that bill paid and you offer to call the company say example T-Mobile there’s one person on there that uh begs every week to pay her phone bill okay and

People offer to call the company and pay it directly no they won’t take it they won’t take it yes they will um there’s other people on there that are begging for houses cars um you know and you their car payments um their house payments um you know different little [ __ ] and it’s

Like pay directly to the company and if they say or even food order you know many of them are offered food pickup orders or delivery orders no no no no no I don’t have a way to get it um no I’m not giving out my address because I you

Know had threats made against me or this that or the other so that’s a Telltale son right there guys they’re scamming okay and it’s incredible but this girl every single time they there was people that when she made up the the story about going to the museum there were people that

Actually offer to call the museum and pay one person actually paid oh yes yep yep every single day you know um there’s several of them on there she’s one of the big ones every once in a while I will see this one and when he goes live

He claims to live on $92 a month section eight and that he’s been trying for well over a year to get uh SSI and he makes sure in his posts or his his descriptions of his lives he makes sure to uh say there’s no Uber there’s no lift there’s no delivery

Services I lives too far out and this that and the other but with her it’s it’s crazy it’s like well you have your cigarettes you make sure to have your cigarettes but yet you don’t have the money for a gas and like I said her she

Uses it at that as an excuse to get the money claiming she needs to get a lift or an Uber okay to go to her Clinic every day except Sunday well I know for a fact uh her sister takes her her sister admitted that on the

Video the other day on the live the other night her sister sister admitted she’s the one that takes her every single day and she sits out in the car and waits for her to get done um this girl even outed that her sister was pregnant before her sister told

Anybody her sister had no plans on telling anybody to a certain point like most of us do you know most of us wait until we’re past a certain point well because that’s that’s this that that is this generation that is our society right now um you know there’s

There’s several of them on there and I’ll get to the to you know get to them but with her they think they’re entitled at the entitlement you know I’ve seen so many um there’s another one on there that talks about how um people like me my husband has a very successful

Business he’s considered an essential his the job that he does is considered essential so in this other person’s eyes I’m rich but I’m not I’m not rich by any means okay um I live within my means I budget out my money I you know do what needs to be

Done you know but they think because people like me or Poss you know that have a little extra money each month um that they feel obligated we must give it to them because they need it no matter what my mother-in-law was like that but this it’s just the entitlement

Attitude and how you know and she’s even like I don’t understand why people have to be so mean exactly Mrs Robinson exactly these people don’t want to work that’s our gener this gen you know the Gen Z gen you know Millennials they don’t want to work and you know but with

Her she’s she’s never worked a day in her life and I got that directly from her daughter oh excuse me I take that back she worked worked for one week one job in her entire life it’s crazy but she is something else you know and I’ve seen videos with her to where she’s

Begging for money for food now they get food stamps also um and she’s begging for food money for food and he come her son will come in and say mom get off I’m hungry mom get off get off live I’m hungry I’m hungry oh I’m trying buddy

I’m trying buddy to make some money so we can get you get some food and he’s like Mom we have a refrigerator kitchen full of food I’m trying buddy I’m trying buddy and she keeps he keeps tell Mom we have food you know and so she does it

When she needs her fix and then she’ll say oh you’re so mean to me and and that’s a number one key with all these guys why do you have to be so mean and rude and and it’s just like it’s not about being mean it’s not about being rude you know

Why why should I give you the money I worked hard for and just up and give it to you because quote unquote you need it it’s like that’s not my responsibility okay you know in Lisa’s case she’s a grown ass woman she’s like 38 I think she is

And you know that’s your responsibility you’re a big girl you you got to pull up those big girl panties and take care of your kid but she won’t do it she wants other people to do it and it’s really sad with all these people that actually do give her

Money you know they feel sorry for her and that’s what a lot of them do you know um there’s another one oh my God this one was hilarious there was another one on on there she claims that her husband died 6 months ago what’s really funny is the fact that

Um as she’s sitting there live saying that her husband died six months ago he walks through the damn front door okay she he outed her without even knowing it outed the scam it was funny oh it was funny and and you know things like saying that your child has cancer

Or that your father passed away or your husband passed away or another one Lisa did was said that her her daughter was unived by somebody and it’s like why would anybody put that garbage out in the universe because you know Karma has a funny way of coming back at

You and you know by saying stuff like that that’s actually putting it out there I forgot about that one Michael she did she came on live stream and told everybody that her daughter got un alive after after she faked stage three cancer for her son that wasn’t enough so

She had to fake the death of her daughter too and uh you know it’s it’s sad that these people feel they need to do this and what’s even sadder is the fact that those people that keep giving to her are feeding her addiction you know just like

Scammy girl you know which she’s still doing her her BS and it’s it’s incredible to watch these people how they feel sorry sorry for her it’s my neighbor’s dog but it is you know and it’s really interesting to sit back and watch some of these people it’s like every day it’s

Some something new it’s some you know I had forgot about that one Michael but she legitimately did uh oh she faked the death of her Dad too yeah she said her daughter was murdered I hate her so much another scam another lie you know there’s one on there that um he actually

Lives he’s homeless and he lives in a for and that man makes $300 to $400 a day it’s crazy just by begging just by begging and people buy into it and it’s what that you know um another thing too I want to say about with Lisa Lisa if you come across this

Video because I’m going to post this link in my Tik Tok all right if you you I’m inviting you on my live onto my YouTube you know you have to unblock me of course and I know this will never happen but um come on live on my YouTube

And you know explain tell us why you do it why you make up stuff you you know I mean I know a lot about you um I know more than some people on you on Facebook because like I said Alpha Hunter is now covering her and you know these people already

Spreading lies or not lies but rumors about her on on YouTube or Shez on Facebook you know the best one I’ve heard so far is that her son was taken from her last night by her by the aunt and then when she’s live today he’s actually in in her live talking to her

It’s like no I already know for a fact that none of her sisters are going to up and just take him because they want to do it the legal way so um but I’m gonna you know post a link to this video on my Tik Tok and Lisa you know Lisa Richards hunt

Whatever your last name is okay Lisa Jay day by day I’m inviting you to come live with me on my YouTube channel and explain why you go live all the time and ask for money and I i’ really like to know but I know it’ll never happen

Because of the fact that you’ve blocked me on two of my accounts because you don’t want the truth out there and just like a typical scammer when people get when people tell the truth about you you try and shut us up so that you can continue getting more pable you’re right Michael completely

Right about that I hope this is helping you guys uh understand the Lisa lore a little better I hope people more victims and I know that sounds crazy but it does uh there are people that are reporting that once they send her money she will block them and like today’s live she was

Saying she wanted to test out her cash app so told people oh yeah just send me $5 and I’ll send you back 10 it’s like wait you’re on live begging for money because you don’t have money but yet you’re wanting somebody to send you five

Dollar to test out your new cash app and like I said earlier she does that too she creates new cash apps because those one the previous ones get reported so much that cash app shuts them down for fraud so she’ll just go in and create a

New one and you know but you’re on there begging for money and asking somebody to send you money but then you once they send it to test your cash app out you’re going to turn on and send that money back to them plus money how does that make any sense totally makes no

Sense and you know again guys I’m not bashing I’m not harassing I’m not bullying this girl okay um I’m just raising awareness about it because of the fact that there are so many people in here that are gullible enough to believe this up story and they’ll get taken they will get

Taken I always do that I don’t know why the thing for my the string for my my tea bag fill in the water and I can see it but with her it’s it’s I can only stand so much of that whining and from what I’ve heard from her

Sisters that’s been all her life she’s the oldest of four there’s two younger sisters and a younger brother and she’s always been that way and I’ve seen pictures of wi before the candy addiction she was so pretty she really was and if you go watch her um just to

Let you know in the event you can’t find her she deactivates after she gets enough money because she’s afraid that Tik tok’s gonna ban her account it’s not going to matter she has other accounts as well as she just creates new ones but um prior to all this candy candy using

She was really pretty she was she was really really pretty um but I guess you that’s what candy does to you excuse me and what I mean when I’m referencing candy you guys know exactly what I mean starts with a d Dr so um but I don’t know it’s it’s something else

And I feel for her son I really do because he’s living in that you know he is living that life right now and it’s that’s all he knows that’s all any of their kids know her kids know and somebody need needs to help him and you know like I said before anybody

You know if you guys are going to mention CPS CPS CPS or the police the police have been out there multiple times CPS has been out there multiple times CPS has been inv involved in her life for six years and you know I mean

We all know how CPS is if you’ve got a clean house you know you’ve got food in your cupboards food in your fridge clean clothes clean house that’s all they care about you know it doesn’t other than that they don’t care so and just it’s something else with her it really

Is okay so anyways you know that’s my rant on Lisa um I’m sure I’m sure I can I’ll be thinking of more but in the meantime guys I want to play my scoop game okay now I’m G to tell you show you how it works and my dog is probably out there

Waiting for that squirr there’s a squirrel a couple of them actually that that’s the end of that one and here’s the one where she lies about her son having cancer but she wasn’t a nurse and she didn’t have a job but that’s where she said that then she could go home

But let me start this one over for those who weren’t here the last time I started this one and for those who don’t know this is sp she also covers Lisa Richards and she’s amazing as a lot of y’all know that me and Lisa we go way back we go way back

Um Lisa WR out to me I want to say how do been in February she said she was in a DV situation hi granddaddy dingding she she’s stable that’s that’s it Cuda I’m so happy um I I seen that in the um in the mod chat too somebody said you say ding-

Ding’s name three times and he appears and sure as the hell be enough just as soon as they said that he was in the comment section of ever who they were streaming I can’t remember who it was now but hi Leslie but as everybody knows

Me and her go way back you know she wanted help with the DV situation but I think that she thought that help was going to come in like the forms of me throwing cash at her and y’all know that’s not how it works you um you know resources will get

You a lot farther than cash will so um the first account that I came across Lisa on was Angels moving silence and I guess when she seen that I wasn’t just going to throw her money then you know she stopped messaging me and stuff but on February the

17th she was on a live stream and she was claiming that her um I’m sorry y’all I’m trying to get to where you can’t see my other pictures and videos but it don’t matter it don’t matter what I got on here don’t matter um I came into her live stream hi Sarah

And she was talking about her son having stage three brain cancer let’s watch this right here and then I can go home so you heard her say and then she can go home so she was telling people that she was a nurse and that she had a job but she

Wasn’t a nurse and she didn’t have a job but that’s where she said that then she could go home but so can and for those who don’t know Lisa Richards has like eight felonies by the way anybody can anybody for the 10th time help with getting us some food letting him

Get a toy anything no nobody is going to no just screw us because I don’t know why that’s the cool thing to do this week and then you’ll go in the next person’s live and it’ll be okay because everybody’s in there is K in their butt I’m not

Lying I Hest to go was lying I want my baby that’s my baby and I want him to be here with me I wish to God that I was lying about this but I’m sorry y I really should have put trigger War warnings up on this um

Introduction um but again we’re going to be talking about child cancer um parents dying um all sorts of things so just be prepared for that that’s what we’re talking about now is she saying her that Jay 10-year-old son has stage three terminal brain cancer there’s

Nothing else I can say I gave you guys everything that I had other than I have to get up in the the uh cabinets above the fridge pull out my little shoe boxes and go through some paperwork hi Nicole I have created my own problems how have I created my own problems when

My son has cancer when in the heck are you guys even saying now you guys are just being mean what did I do to deserve my son dying a stage three breaker the whole time she’s saying this stuff her son is um in the bedroom playing the video game anybody what have I

Done he’s nine or he he just turned 10 he’s nine he just turned 10 or you guys know what I mean he just turned 10 he’s 10 years old he made it to be 10 we didn’t think he was going to but he did don’t look like she’s crying out

Wait a minute Lisa I just caught this you dumb [ __ ] so if you just now found out he had stage three terminal brain cancer which he does not have by the way if you just now found out and he’s already 10 and had been for quite some time at this

Point then how in the [ __ ] did you not expect him to turn 10 or to make it to be 10 if you just now found out he had stage three brain cancer if you just now found out he had cancer and he’s been 10 for quite some

Time why would you not think he would make it to be 10 if you’re just now finding out you dumb [ __ ] do you know how many parents have lost their children to just can’t answerer not not nothing else not car wrecks not not and I mean they’re

Little children not you know 15 16 17 18 I’m talking about their small children 12 and under due to cancer due to car accidents due to murder due to Drowning due to and and here she is nothing wrong with her son she’s trying to get money and so she’s willing to say that

Her son has St stage three terminal brain cancer not crying hard enough stop whing you’re lying I’m just getting it everywhere oh wow I’m sorry to hear that 954 so I know that this has got to be hard for you to hear someone needs to call

DCF why because I’m asking for food for my son when I said we already have food he just wants Burger King and a toy and I don’t get paid yet get a life seriously unbelievable no what’s unbelievable you crass [ __ ] is that you’re sitting here faking brain cancer on your son for

Your pill addiction if your son had stage three terminal brain cancer you’d be on here worried about a lot more than some [ __ ] Burger King and a toy you’d be begging for treatment you’d be begging to save his life not Burger King in a [ __ ] toy which coincidentally adds up to the exact

Amount you would need for a bump of heroin and two Xanax pills odd coincidence is it not Lisa people sit on the internet all day have nothing better to do you guys could last a day in my shoes taking care of a sick kid like

This so just like Jen just like Jen just like a lot of these manipulative scammers who know how to do it like um let me see how many people if I can see how many people’s in our room okay I can’t see how many people is in

There but you can bet that there’s hundreds in there so let’s just say that there’s 300 on the low end that’s in there out of that 300 hi R Williams Virginia Ray I’m sorry my mind how many of them in there do you think has lost children not one

Day you mean not last one day taking care of of such a sick child like you do right when your son is completely healthy there’s not a thing wrong with your son Lisa so nobody would last one day in your shoes taking care of your totally sick son who’s sick from your fake

Cancer what is he sick from Lisa because it’s not cancer he’s sick he’s sick of your [ __ ] that’s what he’s sick of if he’s sick from anything it’s from your [ __ ] notless one single day taking care of such a sick child [ __ ] [ __ ] your son isn’t

Sick so what exactly would they not last a day in your shoes from [ __ ] so when she gets like this you know she blubs and and work mix up and stuff so a lot of people was under the assumption she said he was born in ‘ 07

But that was her other son Cole junr and she didn’t even know he had just had a birthday her name is Lisa hunt nice try but no go I didn’t out myself with the math of the birthday I have another son his birthday is October 8 2007 Chase’s birthday is July 17

2012 but you guys aren’t going to believe that either so who cares I have four kids yeah I guess 2007 cert did turn 16 so yeah he stays with my dead husband’s mother because I have to put all my time into Chas so she’s making excuses do you know

How many parents that have sick children that still take care of other children but she’s saying that the reason she don’t have her other son hi Rocky is that she can’t yeah all scammers can’t change the batteries in their smoke detectors hi Carrie so she’s acting like she can’t

Take care of her other son because she’s got to take care of her dying son Jace no jce is only Jace was born July have y’all hear little baby pandas snores my baby panda toddled in here and went to sleep and is currently snoring 17th 2012 he’s only

10 unless I miss something there too but I don’t think so so did anybody catch the birth date did anybody catch the birth date cuz I think it was in October or September she said Jay had a birthday coming up and I think she just said his was in July

Well that mom celly usually I can I just I get flustered sometimes you know I a lot of stuff coming at me in all directions I used to be able to know my kids date of birth birth weight height and if I sit down and think I do you

Have to think about when your kids birthdays are are you that high your birthday should be in July because you sure do lie hey Katherine love and peace to you as well she’s so high that she cannot remember her own children’s birthdays that’s how much she loves her kids you

Know all of that it’s just when you have a lot of stuff coming at you I want you know he’s not going to be 11 into October he was born in July 17th of 2012 right that means what since she’s not he’s not going to turn 11 till October because he

Turned 10 in Jun July I don’t know how to She’s So High look at her eyes Michael she can’t even hold them open and she’s so [ __ ] up that she can’t get her [ __ ] straight she said oh he won’t be 11 until October cuz his birthday’s in July

That’s how [ __ ] up she is if you want to know how [ __ ] up she is right now listen to that again he won’t turn 11 until October because his birthday is in July what let me see here let me see see if I can figure out

How to back this up a little I don’t know where I don’t know where I’m at in this so I’m not I don’t I’m not sure where I’m at I’m not gonna in October he’d be 11 or July he’d be 11 okay okay so in July

He’d be 11 but I could swore be damned and I know that there’s a video out there that said that in October was his birthday because she was trying to get him gifts right right October is my my other son I have two girls hi Iris I have a daughter

Who’s 21 a daughter who’s 17 a son who is 16 I thought he was 15 but he just turned 16 in October and Jas is my baby and he’s 10 21 she was born in ‘ 02 she was born January 6 2002 and my daughter Nicole her birthday is July

15th hers is July 15 2005 is Nicole her and Jay were born two days apart I actually almost had Jayce on Nikki’s birthday she was so mad look my son had brain surgery oh something to eat my birthday is July the 28th she does she legitimately just said

Her son wouldn’t turn 11 until October because his birthday is in July that’s how [ __ ] up she is love you Kathleen and U so I’m a Leo July the 28th I share a freaking birthday with Leticia I’m just getting attacked no I don’t have four boys I have two girls and two

Boys not lying about cancer windows I tried I don’t know what that means if somebody is willing to Door Dash that will be wonderful I didn’t I didn’t just say I have four boys I said I had two two girls and two boys that’s what I have Al food

Sheine can you at least show proof of the medication okay no certified UFO pilot I offered her food she declined she wants money when did you offer me food show the proof and show where I declined go ahead so I don’t know if y’all seen

It when it was pinned up here that said um that they would door Dash the food or something because you guys are just making [ __ ] up in the comments so I’m gonna upload all these onto YouTube The reason I haven’t I don’t know if every

Once in a while y’all see drop down up here um but none of those are my mods anymore and you they don’t have any names to them or anything we’re just talking [ __ ] you know so that nobody helps me that is absolutely not true one bit sorry I must hit the wrong

Button notice how she can’t cry for her son having stage three terminal brain cancer but she sure can turn on the Waterworks when she’s begging for money that’s odd what happened to it’s not moving I don’t know why it just frose up like that just give me a second oh um favorite

Recent my albums okay I think that I put all them in here where we can just go these okay let me share again with y’all and let me just show y’all the ones that I that I have um on that’s in my eyecloud um from February to August there’s

72 in here that pertains somehow to her and her lies and her but this is where we were at someone needs to call DCF okay no certified UFO pilot I offered her food she declined she wants money when did you offer me food show the proof and show where I declined

Go cuz you guys are just making [ __ ] up in the comments so that nobody helps me that is absolutely not true one bit that never happened ever I seen one person say they a door Dash me I I went right away I friended them so that I can message them

Afterwards and give them Mone no there was a few people one of them said that they would send her Pizza a couple of them said that they’d send her door Dash my address privately other than that nobody has offered me food or anything and said that I denied it that’s not

True I never seen anything about no pizza no I’m not mad bro [ __ ] like a melody my feelings are Hur that this is what human kind has come to that a mother struggling with a mother lying about her son having stage three terminal brain cancer so she can get

Xanax that’s what’s disgusting that’s what’s trifling her children is less important than somebody that gets on the internet ignores their kid puts makeup on all day and flashes her boobies all in the camera and then throw thousands of dollars at her and all I wanted to do

Before I went to sleep because my son’s asleep was get money so that when he woke up we could order door Dash or Uber Eats or something a pizza anything and all I’ve gotten was bashed and told a liar and when I show proof of one thing

I get you know I I show proof and then that’s not good enough and then I show something else and that’s not good if I get like I’m getting nothing so um since we we’ve done spent let’s see the other one was four minutes four five six seven

Eight no eight nine 10 11 12 so we done spent almost 13 minutes have y’all seen her show any proof of anything I haven’t I’m trying to pull y’all’s comments up now on the out of nothing hi Winnie hi Simone yes whoever wrote that donate to

The CH okay Simone um if you read what the um intro said before you come in it says the lies and scams of Lisa Richards and then if you seen the description it said that you know we was going to go back to the cancer deaths and all of

This this is from February February the 17th if I’m not mistaken um and we’re we’re just showing the lies how they have evolved and and how pretty much now she just gets on and cries and and apparently people are still sending her money and I’ve been I’ve been watching

Her like I said since February we’re we’re in December so they to the Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital yes absolutely they do wonderful F things wonderful things every day there’s great doctors and nurses and everything there they’re great people absolutely donate to them so somebody told the people in the

Chat to donate to St Jude door Dash is very expensive very expensive ere eats very expensive if I missed anybody please say hi again um I just now pulled up and if anybody’s mod over on my Tik Tok that’s not a mod over here let me know and one

Of us will mod you up hi Alicia your old account guys I never had an old account you guys are confusing me with that one girl that sits online all day asking for uh money and Gifts that’s not me so I will say this I I have um

I’ve got all of her accounts and think that this might be in her first account now um she did say she was a nurse in this account well Simone she she probably does she I agree she probably does deserve Jace to be taken away until she gets better

Um because this is all chaos for him this is all chaos for him um but not one addict on this Earth can say that they were a good parent so but you know we didn’t go to this extreme right here don’t what I say nobody believes me I I don’t understand what

Hell and here’s the thing once you told so many lies it’s so hard to believe anything H oh is that the bush are you a bush baby we all love Queen over here she’s so beautiful okay let me just see what this at the top says here now she’s saying

That wasn’t her saying she was a nurse okay so apparently okay so her account did have another name um I’m pretty sure I’ve got that account name too then I I want to say we’ll just continue we let’s just um continue here because we’re gonna find them out we’re gonna find them

Out okay so this is somebody let’s let me see if this is a broken Pez dispenser y’all know I’ve always loved broken Pez dispenser so uh and and I saved this you know they probably got all their videos taken but it says she made a new account

Now she says she’s not a nurse lying about her son having bread cancer so through the chemo and the surgeries and everything like that or should I um or is that giving up but I also want to let him leave in peace and not put him through all that

Pain did y’all hear what she just said Thank you KK hi Don did y’all hear what she just said let’s go back and listen to this and and I’m sorry trigger warning I am so sorry that anybody who has lost a child has to endure this but

But through the chemo and the surgeries and everything like that or should I um or is that giving up but I also want to let him leave in peace and not put him through all that pain you know so because she hasn’t got the money she’s

Doubled down on the cancer story and she says she don’t know whether to you know let him have the chemo and the surgeries or to not let him have any of that and just die in peace so it’s a hard battle that I battle with every day that she battles with every day

Knowing good and well this little boy is healthy he may not be too damn happy but he is very healthy and she’s literally got him on a deathbed when there is mothers out there as we speak kneeling by their child’s bed praying that they just make it through the night

So I’m just not sure right John I always say you shouldn’t pull your nuts on your own you shouldn’t pull your nuts on anybody but especially your children and this is all to get money for some Burger King okay that that’s what she’s saying she’s

On here for we know it’s for the pills but she’s saying that this is all to get some money for some Burger King yes let him go he should leave in peace my son is dadd he passed years ago that’s what I’m thinking um you know just let him go in

Peace you know you hear this a mother said that just let him go in peace her son died a year ago now there there’s literally nothing wrong with her child yeah he’s done uh Kemo and radiation his next oncology appointment I think isn’t what what are we in uh February not until April

April so this is a little boy who has terminal a 10-year-old terminal stage three brain cancer and his appointment his next oncology appointment is two months out the kind of the kind of tumor he had was Dia diaba I couldn’t pronounce it it was like Dia Abal

I if I know parents and if their child had a cancer I can assure you that they could say it forwards backwards and spell it for you it was like really long and it was really um I’m not crying right now she’s not crying right now she’s talking about

Letting her son just if you don’t want to help me cry yeah whatever help like I just was asking like I said for a couple dollars to get something to eat that’s all I’m asking for do y’all see this do y’all see this not one tear shed she even says I’m not

Crying when she’s talking about letting her son die of cancer but when we get back to the money here we go I’ve answered everyone’s questions to the best of my ability I’m not a healthare professional I’m just a mother and um and I understand that you guys are very

Wary of everybody because you know you see no ma’am any [ __ ] can give birth Lisa doesn’t make you a mother you didn’t mother your other three children you aren’t mothering this one either any birthgiver who can come on here and fake stage three brain cancer on their own

Children for drug money is no mother at all you are not a mother you’re just a [ __ ] egg donor and a piece of [ __ ] don’t call yourself a mother because you [ __ ] aren’t one see this all the time and and then people should be ashamed of them I can

Assure you we do not see this all the time beggars scammers yes this absolutely not because the real people that need help can’t get it because I’m getting backlash for people that got scammed from other people you know and that’s all right she’s getting the backlash of

Other people that’s scammed and Amy I’m so glad that you beat it there you go [ __ ] around yes everyone is struggling yes my camera is blurry I I apologize and I would be completely transparent with you nobody has sent me not even 50 cents so I have nothing for when he makes up

So exactly why people don’t believe her you you you literally said your child had brain cancer and you wonder why people won’t believe you you this one and this one is a repeat I just uploaded them okay so this one is trying to make it in life this is this

Account he never seemed to learn the lesson I’m not sure why um he’d go years and years and years and years with with behaving himself and then he’d always go back and uh that’s why he you know had the problems he has and uh like I said I

Saved his life and I had to gave anything for that man and he was the funny thing of it was he got up and went to work every day he was a great father you’d have never known it You’ have never known it and um but it eventually took

Him uh M ZM I have four kids uh two daughters my daughter is 20 about to be 21 my other daughter is 17 about to be 18 let me ask y’all this do y’all remember when she um made the other account and acted like that she was this

Lady who who who drained her 401k to help the homeless people and now she needed donations to continue helping the homeless people who remembers that uh my son that you just saw Cole junr CU my ex- H’s name was Cole C and Lisa I know you

Watch my YouTube you You’ done said it we all heard you say it so at any time you want to come up here and clear any of this up you’re more than welcome I’ll drop you a link um he just turned 15 and Jay just turned time

So wow Deb you’ve been married 32 years see that that would have been me and U big Cole so big Cole had left her and I think he had already married another lady when he passed away oh yeah oh yeah she she took her glasses off and come through with her hair down

And cuz we went through all our 20s together and you know it’s not going to happen I was with my husband forever and he never once laid a hand on me I am not g to start that [ __ ] now when I’m 36 he and saying it okay so here we go

Right here is I don’t know if y’all seen the drop down up there said Lisa girl messaged me she says she I guess she didn’t know I was in here she said that Lisa’s on live right now um you know with a whole different story and this is about the

DV and tell somebody gets him out or however that works and he’s not coming back here my kids mean more to me than that and no way no way Jose so when ask about the DV situation I ask her about the DV situation she says oh he’s never

Coming back here I said no way Jose I was like yep another [ __ ] lie another [ __ ] lie no domestic violence and this is February the 17 my catch up in the live description is there I um it all adds up and honestly when I

Get paid I either owe out most of what I get paid and it’s just a never ending cycle once you’re in the hole you just can’t get out you know that’s all oh pory yeah that’s what that’s what me and my husband used to do we get them

What we could get them for Christmas now when he was here he was a carpenter so we had more money than just me doing it by myself but um you know we got them what we could get which was a lot looking back compared to now but um

And guys um I have enough to get home I have enough to get so this is when she was acting like a nurse let me see I can’t see what the account says up there but this is when she was acting like she was a nurse home um I actually have

Enough to get home and uh but if you look in her glasses right here you can see a pee pad right there and either her dog or her cat right there to probably depending on what HR says um get to work on Wednesday so appreciate everybody very very very very

Very much for um your help um if you would like the money back on Friday um when I get paid on the 13th I can send back the money because I do appreciate it it’s like like the loan that’s the way I look at it so I really really

Appreciate that okay um Mimi Liz 6 take care Lisa you too Mimi thank you so much take care thank you for being um open-minded and not mean and um listen see that right there like there is her um I thought it was a pead maybe that’s a door that’s right there but there’s

You could tell she’s at home know what I have to say Okay um again if anybody can help with any food for me and my son to eat lunch or dinner um I would appreciate it but that is not necessary if you don’t want to and this was nookie’s video we all know

Nookie and um September of October um of this year or last year because I think oh no no no never mind never mind never mind never mind I don’t know what I was thinking do we have that live stream I know we’ve got a lot

Fiona I would say since um the very end of January maybe the beginning of February um because like I said the first time I started recording her was I I want to say what did I say February the 14th February 13 somewhere through there we do have a lot we do have a

Lot this is another one from um Nookie my dad did pass away I am not a nurse my dad so did y’all just hear that her dad passed away and she is not a nurse is De though he did pass away uh best Betsy Thompson there is a

Food bank in my town but um they only run certain days of the week I think it’s like Tuesday they run and uh I didn’t get there this week for over a year yeah I know she are just messing with me at this point I know she reach

Out to me in the beginning of February about a DV situation like I said and the more I looked into it the more I was I was not comfortable with um with even engaging in a conversation of her of of this DV situation because I did not

Believe it yeah this is when her dad died and the and the um Funeral Home set up the cash app for people who wanted to donate I don’t have all the proof right away you guys said you’d send money if I went and showed you them I went and woke

Them up and showed you them like I’m not understanding you guys are just it’s not excuses it’s just the truth and so she literally went almost overnight she went from having like 50 60 people in her live streams to over four and 500 in her live streams the

Cancer is really what started bringing people in it’s so only I could see it so there were if somebody sent gordes I’d be fine with that I want it for the food I don’t need need the money the door and I sitting there asking for $20 and to get my son

Something to eat and for myself and um asking for uh you know to get him some medical supplies at CBS maybe buy him to G or something make it make so her son’s dying of stage three terminal brain cancer her dad died and she’s worried about some damn cheeseburgers and a [ __ ] toy

Amy and one of my beautiful mods have too one of my beautiful mods have too and a sibling is day a little brighter because I’m all by myself and I’m just getting hit with all this negativity just beating me down beating me down because it’s a train wreck Sarah it’s a

Train wreck like you cover your eyes because you don’t want to see the train that’s about to hit this car but you cannot look away you spread your fingers and Peep through your fingers because it’s something you don’t see every day it’s very irritating very irritating I it’s

Like I just I can’t man and I don’t know if y’all can hear that but her phone’s going off text message text message it is very irritating very very irritating very so this here is on Twitter okay um it says can you please help me I’m begging my Tik Tock name is Lisa

Angel girl okay that was her first Tik Tock name Lisa Angel girl and then it went to Angels move in silence um or something like That so it says I need your help my live got banned because a bunch of trolls came in and reported it for no reason can you please look into this my name is Lisa girl please I use my Tik Tok for my business for her business I didn’t do anything you can

Watch the live please I did that Tik Tok and it came back that I did it but I didn’t that never works I threatened to unal Alive someone I did not they they say whatever to get your live band my name is Lisa girl please

Take another look at my live I just that to help my business Please my live got banned because everyone was reporting me for no reason thinking it was funny please take another look it’s Lisa girl please I use this for my business please take another look at my last live my name’s Lisa girl orola were in their mad trolling and

They kept reporting me I didn’t do any please fix this this is how I run my business please take another L it’s just how she runs her Business angels moving silenced oh here we go broken Pez dispenser where are you because they had they always put up some good videos Ronnie does not want Jace okay none of that family does Lisa has let him run a muck so long Ronnie has that new

Baby listen if they if if they wanted what was best for Jay somebody would have done and stepped in right here y’all this is it in me memory of Annabella who remembers it Callie that’s a really good question but I think we know that answer hi my name is Melinda I help the

Homeless people and I go out every day cold hot no matter what it is I give them blankets I give them pillows I give them whatever they may need I have I have exhausted my 401k and I’ve also exhausted my life savings um I just need

Some help if anybody can help me I’d really like to keep continue to help them I also rent rooms for the homeless people that um you know that they have kids I need to rent them a room for the night so that they’re not freezing out

My cold and my cash apps in my bio if anybody can help me just a few dollars goes long way I would really appreciate it I would really like to continue doing this if you could help me I really appreciate it thank you and God bless you

All them have smoke detectors tell on you every time oh yeah she had a I did Alysa hi shant Shantel Gucci is that your name multiple personalities now this account here is you’re a [ __ ] something um I can’t remember what the rest of that one was if uh if you

Guys can’t help or don’t want to help you guys just want to sit here and uh troll me and yell at me that’s that’s okay too so uh all I need is one person with a good heart to send 20 bucks and this would all be over this is April the 6th

There you go shell the magical 20 [Laughter] bucks um whoever just said what is it for it’s for my I have three kids it’s for their Easter basket it’s for the little you know trinkets trading cards um makeup Little Things That Go into the Easter basket and then hopefully my um

My thing will be done by then my food stamps and I can put a bunch of candy in it too yes it is yes it is who uses is my name a lot yeah here we go with the Easter baskets my dad doesn’t have any money but he knows

Everything um she hopes she can put a bunch of candy in it Shelly wink wink nudge nudge I bet she does what she could put a bunch of candy in it I’d be in here doing this if my dad had money right so it’s you’re a [ __ ] lazy ass pig doesn’t doesn’t at

All and that’s because she gave somebody her login info and they changed her name to that guys I can’t do Walmart because the closest Walmart to me is in Cranberry Township it’s about a 3030 [ __ ] around and find out tonight minute drive from where I’m at and I don’t try and I don’t

Have gas money to take for to pay somebody to take me there so I appreciate the offer but Walmart pickup isn’t the answer yeah this is a recap of all the lies of course Walmart pickup is not the answer Lisa because Walmart pickup is not going to give you [ __ ] Xanax or

Heroin is very sad it is it is Felix wifey it’s just a recap this one here is um around Easter time um April the 6 and there’s a lot uploaded onto this YouTube channel I’m all for it I’m all for it I I need a break and this has stopped

The scamming um video here I just want to get this account is trying to survive to the $100 goal so I can go lay down I was up all weekend I was up um I was up all weekend I didn’t sleep through last night at all and I

Got5 I need 95 more if we can get even closer oh so this here is from one of the sisters is there a way to blow this up let me see if this plus button makes me it does not um let me see if I can read this

Says would you be willing to answer a few questions sure what’s your relationship with your mom she never mentioned you it’s all right and she lies about everything she says she doesn’t have any siblings yet has two sisters and a brother she told everyone my dad died a few months ago

And he’s very much still alive this has got to be a sister she also said my nephew has cancer yeah this got to be a sister and he doesn’t oh she says she’s a nurse and hasn’t had a job and had okay guys the panda is

Tired I’ve went a long time tonight to make up for being gone for so long but I will come back tomorrow night and finish up this stream and we will continue to do the the lore and backstory on leaka Richards until everybody is caught up then we’ll start back with the newer

Stuff but tomorrow I intend on covering a couple of more streams that will help understand the whole backstory and lore but yeah I’m tired so good night everybody love you

This video, titled ‘angie fakes minecraft and lisa r. ,cherryberry amanda soutar and amanda bowden’, was uploaded by trashpanda the dark printhess on 2023-12-28 09:04:35. It has garnered 115 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:17:04 or 22624 seconds.

#lolscow #drama #react #lisarchards #cherryberry #amandasoutar #amandabowden

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    10-Hour Castle Build in Minecraft! The Epic Castle Build in Minecraft Resource Gathering and Preparation After spending hours collecting resources, ShadowClawMCYT embarked on a monumental task – building a castle in Minecraft. With over 3,000 snow blocks and countless other materials, the challenge was set. The Castle Construction Utilizing a layer-by-layer building style, ShadowClawMCYT began constructing the castle walls and towers. The meticulous process led to the creation of a grand structure that stood out in the Minecraft world. The Manor and Details The main Manor within the castle featured intricate details, from mud brick gradients to oak planks and stripped oak logs. Each… Read More

  • Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2

    Cave Dwellers & Crop Tenders: Minecraft 1.8.9 Achievements Pt.2 In Minecraft 1.8.9, achievements in sight, Mining, farming, building, all day and night. Expanding my farm, animals in tow, Enchanting room, portal room, watch them grow. Fence around my base, to keep safe and sound, Baking a cake, fishing around. Learning new skills, editing with care, Becoming a pro, with videos rare. Noise suppression for the mic, text commentary too, Speeding up the boring, for a better view. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we tell, Join me in the game, where stories swell. Read More

  • Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge

    Ultimate 0 CPS Bridging Challenge Minecraft’s Most Insane 0 CPS Bridger Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the most insane 0 CPS Bridger! Dive into the world of bridging like never before and witness the incredible skills of this Minecraft pro. Server Information For those eager to join the action, the server IP for this epic gameplay is: (Premium) play.bridger.land (Offline) cracked.bridger.land 0 CPS Godbridge Tutorial Learn the secrets behind the 0 CPS Bridger’s incredible moves with this tutorial video. Starting at 2 minutes and 57 seconds, you’ll uncover the techniques that make this player stand out from the rest. Check out the… Read More

  • Everyone’s guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥

    Everyone's guilty of this in Minecraft!🔥 Remember spending hours meticulously building your dream house in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch? Good times. #minecraftfails #oops #memories Read More

  • Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Monster Monkey Portal Prank in Minecraft The Creation of the Monster Monkey Portal in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing embarks on a journey to create a portal like no other. This time, it’s the Monster Monkey portal from the Zoonomaly game. Join UzeMing as he delves into the realm of monsters and anomalies in Minecraft. The Monster Monkey Anomaly The Monster Monkey is a peculiar creature with the face of an ape, long tusks, and remarkably long arms that it uses to move around. In the Zoonomaly game, these creatures are dangerous and will hunt down anything… Read More

  • Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server

    Boost Your Minecraft Experience with Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft gameplay and stand out from the crowd? Look no further! We have the perfect recommendation for you. While watching the latest YouTube video on the best Minecraft sound effect to make your videos go viral, it became clear that to truly elevate your Minecraft experience, you need to join a server that offers a unique and exciting environment. That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community, thrilling gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player… Read More

  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More

  • TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!

    TV Witch & Nurse Fight for Love in Minecraft!Video Information hey guys Mikey and I are walking around the village and doing our usual things we just go out and have fun nothing out of the ordinary we should head for home now we’ve seen all we can see it’s true there’s nothing interesting here we should find something to do it’s getting boring follow me I don’t think we’re going to find anything interesting today then what are we going to do with you just go home what else do you have to offer I don’t know I thought you had something to offer look at the… Read More

  • RTGame’s Epic Minecraft Finale

    RTGame's Epic Minecraft FinaleVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you threw my sandwich away my sandwich my sandwich [Music] [Music] Dre you see behavioral extres the roller Coter [Music] hey folks you hear me hello how y all doing hope everyone is having a lovely [Music] day hi howdy he’s stopping the Minecraft series cuz he’s dying of old age it’s true you know that’s that’s what gets us all old man now he’s been playing Minecraft for years Ley coffee thank you for the 10 gift Subs it’s very kind to you haven’t even started the stream yet thanks everyone subbing it’s… Read More

  • Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!

    Insane Vertical Stream on 2b2t! 5k Subs Goal!Video Information yo what is up guys welcome we’re back back from the dead resurrected good to see everyone here Hank Mr felra 2v yata havlin stormi undefeated quick Vibes DS Switzer what is up guys happy weekend good morning Alpha I hope everyone is doing really good so what are we doing today well we’re doing the normal stuff the stuff we like to do but to begin with uh we are heading towards a specific location um Banner hunting once again see I’ve got a very interesting location to check out so we’re going to go there first… Read More

  • Shocking EPIC Rainforest Cafe Tour! | Lotus SMP S2 LIVE!

    Shocking EPIC Rainforest Cafe Tour! | Lotus SMP S2 LIVE!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we are live how’s it going everyone welcome welcome welcome to the stream how’s everyone doing welcome spaer welcome Rose welcome Edam welcome reneer welcome bot rcks even though that’s just a bot nerie welcome and wait is this two different Sparger accounts or cuz one has a Garfield profile picture and the other one has the like default Panda profile picture from Xbox 360 um St an account welcome yes welcome me welcome myself how are you guys all doing today yes welcome I am welcome to the stream I… Read More

  • Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30

    Minecraft Villagers Gone Wild! | Eternals Smp Ep.30Video Information This video, titled ‘Moving Villagers in Minecraft | Eternals Smp Ep.30’, was uploaded by StumpsMC on 2024-05-28 23:35:17. It has garnered 530 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:35 or 1415 seconds. Transporting Villagers in Minecraft to their new Trading Hall Home using Boats and Minecarts, today we knock out the boring and repetitive stuff! Welcome to the most annoying part of the progress we are making here on the Eternals Smp Season 2 Episode 30! #minecraft #gaming #minecraftgameplay Check Out The Eternals Smp Members! @Gag3r @mikeymacmc @BiglyShronk @redgabs @armorbluegaming @sarnose @ProKitman @Skraby @OddManMC… Read More

  • Uncovering Ryder and Pomni’s Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!

    Uncovering Ryder and Pomni's Secret Bunker in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SUPER Secret BUNKER of RYDER and POMNI in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Myzen TV on 2024-02-28 13:30:16. It has garnered 32966 views and 155 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:01 or 601 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found SUPER Secret BUNKER of RYDER and POMNI in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #Minecraft

    Shocking Heart-to-Heart With Gizoku and Onri! 💔 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【アツクラ】ぎぞくさん&おんりーちゃんのほのぼのトーク♡ #ぎぞく #おんりー #アツクラ #shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by ぎぞくの切り抜き【ますメロン畑】 on 2024-06-05 22:00:12. It has garnered 3033 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. This is the clipping channel of GzK Gizoku, a game commentator and distributor (..◜ᴗ◝..) *Permission has been obtained from the person in question. So cute♡ ▷Clip source[Live broadcast]Continued: I will magically modify the 5 super rare weapons I have completed into the strongest weapons.[Minecraft]#Atsukura https://www.youtube.com/live/DifIR7xFwfg?si=biaEJRbJ_tZGKVGs ▷GzK Gizokusan https://youtube.com/@GzKgizok ▷Onlychan https://youtube.com/@QnlyQ ▷Please subscribe here too🙇‍♀️ https://youtube.com/@masumelon.garden [2023. Atsukura Clippings Playlist] https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3LA99o4hnuQ7tn8aTtS4xPzLSQ7_v4Q&si=1Xk2QbSNR6kuSRSP [2024. Atsukura Clippings Playlist] https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3LA99o4hnuOUqsUKTww5osL6dcYxTmI&si=kxN3CsUb7bYYDgC7… Read More

  • ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!

    ¡Asombrosos Mods de Supervivencia para Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.81!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 12 MEJORES ADDONS SURVIVAL Para MINECRAFT 1.20+ (Bedrock/PE) MODS PARA MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.20.81’, was uploaded by Santiago Gamer289 on 2024-05-20 23:23:28. It has garnered 43587 views and 1594 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. ======================================== – Business/Contact: [email protected] – PayPal – Donations: https://www.paypal.me/SantiagoG2899 – Become a Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzby-W-oH8kM2yhvIixXgcQ/join ======================================== Many make the mistake of adding too many addons that do not They integrate well with the game, filling it with low quality content. These addons only take up space and make it difficult to find the best ones. Therefore,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building Real Shiv Temple in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘om namah shivaya shiv temple in minecraft#gaming#minecraft#trending #omnamahshivaya#temple#bholenath’, was uploaded by Gaming Omshankar on 2024-03-21 14:26:18. It has garnered 5286 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. om namah shivaya shiv temple in minecraft#gaming#minecraft#trending #omnamahshivaya#temple#bholenath Jaishreeram minecraft minecraft techno gamerz minecraft in hindi minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft 100 days minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft video minecraft house tutorial minecraft game minecraft videos car for sale car for sale simulator car for sale simulator 2023 download android car for sale simulator 2023 iphone car for sale game car for sale… Read More

  • SuperiorCraft

    SuperiorCraftSuperiorCraft is a Minecraft server dedicated to fun, engagement, and playing with your friends. We love to see our players engage and have fun on our server. mc.superiorcraft.net Read More

  • Enclave Kingdoms Bedrock: Factions, Semi-vanilla, PvP, Whitelist

    Enclave Kingdoms! A bedrock server that is faction based with various add-ons like new armor and weapons to keep things interesting. Message me or comment if you are interested! Factions: Legion of the Sea Kamereon Kazoku Warriors Guild Mercenaries Each faction gets their own special abilities and perks in certain environments. What can you do? Start a war Win a war (don’t lose) Become a faction leader Overthrow your faction leader Become a spy Get hunted down by a bounty hunter if you are found out And so much more! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “This ain’t Minecraft, suckers!”

    Minecraft Memes - "This ain't Minecraft, suckers!"Well, I guess this meme must be playing a different game on its own score board! Read More

  • Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial

    Crafty Modern Minecraft House Build: Easy Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, We build modern houses, no need for chains. With walls and windows, and farms to tend, Every detail crafted, every moment we spend. From building walls to training our skills, We’ll make mistakes, but we pay the bills. Subscribe to our channel, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re wild and free. Join us on Instagram, and on YouTube too, For more Minecraft fun, just for you. We build, we train, we make mistakes, But in the end, our creations are great. So leap into the verse,… Read More

  • “Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!” 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme

    "Hotter than a Blaze in the Nether!" 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #meme When you accidentally walk through the wrong nether portal and end up in a world made entirely of diamond ore… talk about a first world problem! #minecraft #shorts #meme Read More

  • 7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base

    7 Dias de Sobrevivência em Minecraft: Construindo e Protegendo Minha Base The Adventures of Minecraft – 7 Days of Survival: Building, Modifying, and Protecting My Base Embark on a thrilling journey in the world of Minecraft with Fabulas do Luar as they dive into the challenges of survival, building, modifying, and protecting their base. Join them as they explore the vast landscapes, encounter dangerous creatures, and unleash their creativity in this exciting gameplay series. Building a Strong Foundation From crafting tools to constructing shelters, Fabulas do Luar demonstrates the importance of building a strong foundation in Minecraft. Watch as they gather resources, mine for valuable materials, and create intricate structures… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax – Minecraft Circus Ep.2

    SHOCKING! Ragatha Falls on Jax - Minecraft Circus Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-05-02 20:00:11. It has garnered 6832 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:56 or 3716 seconds. RAGATHA FELL ON JAX! IS HE HAPPY ABOUT IT?! AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2 in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends. Be sure to watch… Read More

  • Terrifying Cloud Minecraft

    Terrifying Cloud MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But It’s Terrifying’, was uploaded by cloud on 2024-04-24 20:00:12. It has garnered 929 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:19 or 2539 seconds. 3 Players survive the Minecraft Mod Fear Nightfall for the first time and regret it. Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/u4uptwqgPy Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjQ6Ao2dJO5wPGnRGbk0oKg/join In the video titled “Minecraft’s Scariest Mod: Fear Nightfall,” players explore one of Minecraft’s most intense and terrifying mods. This 42-minute episode captures their journey through dark, suspense-filled environments amplified by the mod’s enhancements to the game’s horror… Read More

  • “Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher’s Love Story in Minecraft” #clickbait #myworld

    "Escape from Tsinghua: Teacher's Love Story in Minecraft" #clickbait #myworldVideo Information This video, titled ‘【逃离清华】87:老师为了爱情把车和房子都买了#minecraft #mc #我的世界’, was uploaded by 我的世界细狗 on 2024-06-04 10:30:30. It has garnered 11508 views and 419 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Hello everyone, I am a dog. I like my world. Hobbies: playing on the computer, pit teacher. Passive: automatically generate traps around. Update Minecraft game videos every day! Thank you for watching! Subscription link:https://goo.su/2QSMxoX Welcome everyone to subscribe to my channel! #MyWorld#Game#MC Read More

  • Shocking! People still play JoJo?!

    Shocking! People still play JoJo?!Video Information This video, titled ‘People still play this game?’, was uploaded by JoJo on 2024-04-28 14:00:42. It has garnered 2157 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:55 or 235 seconds. This video will review Minecraft and see how good it is. You already know… Please like, comment and subscribe. I love you :* #minecraft #games #gamereview #review #memes #funny #videogames 0:00 Intro 0:18 Review 3:37 Score Read More

  • Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraft

    Insane Logic Revealed in 10 Seconds! 😱 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Logic in a few seconds 😂 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Deiiic Shorts on 2024-04-25 14:30:04. It has garnered 11326 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ⭐️! Everything you want is here! ⭐️ 👉 My Graphic Designer and his networks: 👉Twitter: https://twitter.com/digmantbt 👉Discord: Digman#2622 👉Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnph… 👉Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/aratzx55/ 👉Twich : https://www.twitch.tv/deiiicmc 👉Twiiter : https://twitter.com/DeiiicHD 👉I find: https://trovo.live/Deiiic 👉YouNow : https://www.younow.com/Deiiic ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🚀 SERVERS WHERE I PLAY🚀 ►🔥 Play.Zonecraft.es ►🔥 mc.latinplay.es ► 🌝DI SCORD🌝 🔥 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/evJTnMnK ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PREGUNTAS QUE PROGRAMAS UTILIZO ETC ► 💥 🔥 OBS ►⚡️… Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire’s Bride

    Intense Minecraft Roleplay: The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Challenger – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-04-23 22:00:02. It has garnered 4017 views and 433 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Never get too comfortable… ❀⊱┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄⊰❀ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: https://discord.gg/csE3sZbQcx Check out Merch! – https://queen-kat-productions.creator-spring.com/ Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – https://twitter.com/Viiceroy_ Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/DemonUnderBeds Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/SleakRL Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/IngaPotejto Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/coraliacries Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/kiwi_artz Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – https://twitter.com/edenfinity Damien (Thumbnail Artist)… Read More

  • Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVE

    Blind Minecraft Streamer Overcomes Obstacles LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m a bit blind for a Minecraft streamer’, was uploaded by PixlplutoLIVE on 2024-03-17 00:08:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I can’t believe it takes me so long to actually see something right in front of me go watch the full vod up on my channel now! Read More

  • 🔥Minecraft TikTok Hack Goes Viral! 🤯🎮 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming

    🔥Minecraft TikTok Hack Goes Viral! 🤯🎮 #shorts #Minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Viral Tiktok Hack 😯🤯 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming #viral #tiktokvideo #PD_Devil’, was uploaded by 𝐏𝐃 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 on 2024-05-31 18:29:53. It has garnered 434 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Viral Tiktok Hack 😯🤯 #shorts #Minecraft #gaming #viral #tiktokvideo #PD_Devil #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered_insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#yout minecraft shorts skibidi toilet techno gamerz dream herobrine roblox dafuq boom minecraft shorts jj and mikey poppy playtime chapter 3 mikey and jj gamerfleet anshu bisht chipi chipi chapa chapa minecraft house minecraft water logic proboiz 95 minecraft video jj and mikey minecraft minecraft videos minecraft… Read More

  • Tamil MLG Stunt in Chipi Chipi – Viral Minecraft Shorts!

    Tamil MLG Stunt in Chipi Chipi - Viral Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi mlg #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #mlg #chipichipi #stunt’, was uploaded by NCG-Tamil on 2024-04-23 04:01:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Chipi Chipi mlg #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #mlg #chipichipi #stunt A New mlg is here Important :- —————– ☀This is … Read More

  • SbeveMC

    SbeveMCSbeveMC is our SMP server. We have a shop system different from other servers and we really try to have our players grind. Our server recently died due to an admin who was abusing we had to remove that admin and here we are attempting to grow again!!! Have fun!!! Bedrock Port is 19998 sbevemc.apexmc.co Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels: Click here Online Map Check out our in-game map online: Click here Features Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Bedrock and Java cross-play (no Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, and player teleportation commands Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server shops, public market,… Read More