Minecraft Education Edition: Demo Lesson with Coding Agent

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Hey guys this is britter and today we’re gonna try out minecraft education edition i had an issue and the lesson wasn’t loading but we’re back all right so hour of code ai for good a village is threatened by fire and needs your help program your coding assistant the agent

To navigate the forest and collect data about fires then write code to help prevent the spread of fire save the village and bring life back to the forest learn coding basics and explore a real world example of artificial intelligence all right let’s go import Started Well it doesn’t freeze up on us Ai is used to collect and analyze forest data more than 25 of the world’s population depend on force for their livelihoods look at us learning stuff and things three things are needed to keep a fire going fuel oxygen and a heat source All right talk to the researcher are you the researcher welcome to the research center here you will learn how to use how we use ai and coding to prevent fires your first task is to use coding to open this gate press c to start coding all right fire research center

Starting tutorial open the gate okay seems simple enough onstart opengate use opengate and fire research center when you’re ready click play to run your code this is really neat we open the door quest complete all right looks like now we need to talk to the engineer

This is the agent you can program the agent like you did with the gate code the agent to move three steps forward to stop on the marker press c to start coding all right Meet your agent our agent’s funny looking Onstart program your agent to move three steps forward move forward bye three all right Good job agent you’re so smart guys we’re coding this is pretty awesome all right this is the researcher what what are you gonna tell us to do it looks like immersive reader what the agent needs to collect data about flammable materials that could pose a fire hazard code the

Agent to move four spaces forward toward the dry brush and then analyze forward to collect the data all right so this will read it to us too that’s pretty awesome all right let’s move four steps forward to the dry brush all right we need to onstart move agent forward

Four move your agent to analyze your brush use agent analyze forward last okay let’s see if we got it oh yeah find and talk to the technician on top of the tower there he is press w to climb a ladder press w to climb a ladder all right we’re climbing climbing climbing

All right technician what do you got for us look over the edge of the building and you’ll see the agent training maze don’t worry you can’t fall off choose a path button below use code to move the agent through the maze to reach the dry brush and analyze it we’re gonna choose

We’re doing pretty good let’s do the long path all right so it looks like we’re here and we gotta get there so let’s press c i wonder if we can make this window all right okay all right that makes it bigger can we move it to the side

Move your agent to analyze dry brush okay i wish i could see i wish we could see the whole board here so on start we’re going to go forward one two on start agent move forward by two and then we’re gonna have our agent turn left and then Let’s see if i can adjust our view here so we can see the whole thing all right we’re going to turn left and then we’re going to go one two three four agent move forward by four agent turn right agent move forward by two All right agent turn right one two three four agent move forward by four agent turn left all right agent go forward by two i think we’re getting the hang of this guys all right agent move four by two agent turn left agent move forward by two all right we’re turning left then we’ll

Move one two turning right and then moving forward by two We’re going to turn right again move forward by one and turn left and move four by one two and then we’re gonna move analyze forward all right let’s see if we did it i’m a little worried about this one guys look at him go heck yeah we’re coding geniuses

All right find the head of our research okay go through our maze here it looks like the head of research is right up here hey there agent all right fire research center here’s the head teaching the agent to predict fire hazards is our best tool for prevention come

Inside and the ai specialist will assist you in training the agent will do all right this computer will help teach the agent about plants that are fire hazards watch the images on the monitor if a plant looks yellow and dry it is a fire hazard so press the yes

Button if a plant looks green and healthy it is not a fire hazard so press the no button got it all right all right so this one is not a fire hazard awesome this one is a fire hazard not a fire hazard is a fire hazard congratulations

Talk to the scientist all right where’s the scientist he’s not this way where oh where is the scientist all right to successfully prevent fires the agent will need to remove dangerous plants from the area now let’s put our training to the test code the agent to destroy all the plants

That pose a fire hazard exit the chat window to start coding alright all right eliminate all hazards the agent is ready for a real test program the agent to destroy only fire hazards that appear in front of it click the play button to run your code in the game so on start

While hazards remain do if agent text drive brush move forward then agent destroy [Laughter] all right let’s see if that does it i don’t i feel like we did something all right good job agent you’re doing it heck yeah we did it guys all right talk to the analyst hello using images the agent can now detect where fires are likely to start

Code the agent to alert the team if a potential fire hazard location is found on the computer monitor okay let’s see let’s see let’s see alert the team okay while agent look for hazards do if hazards found then alert team all right and why on start while agent looks for hazards do

If hazard found an alert team all right let’s see good job agent find the helicopter and talk to the fire captain had a pad this way cool helicopter all right fire captain what you got for me i can’t believe how quickly the agent learned to predict fires we need to hurry to this

Location at risk of fire let me know when you’re ready to go fire can strike at any moment we are ready all right you gonna let me out of here oh i got to talk to him i just got a message from the command center there’s a storm rolling in with a

High chance of lightning we’ll need to start clearing this area of dry brush before it gets here have the agent clear that line of dry brush to remove a fire risk okay so save the village onstart while hazards remain do if agent detects drive brush forward then agent destroy

Forward uh let’s see if this does it i think agent detects yep let’s try it nope didn’t work okay what do we got to do while hazards are mean okay now agent move forward all right so we’re gonna have agent one two three four five six seven eight

I don’t think that’s the way we need to give out this guys um all right while hazards remain on start while hazards remain do if agent detect dry brush and agent destroy forward if agent then forward agent destroy forward and then does anybody know what we’re supposed to do else agent move forward

By one all right onstart agent move forward by one monster agent move forward while true i don’t think that’s right nope you missed one buddy Nope all right so agent let’s take this this part needs to go out while true Where did my agent go agent agent where are you agent come back uh use agent move forward to ensure agent moves forward after destroying okay so we did that but he missed the very first plant so how do we get them to come back I just got a message okay all right are you back yet can we try this again Okay while hazards remain due if agent detects drive brush forward then agent destroy forward and then we have to have the agent move forward by one all right let’s try this okay the agent still didn’t come back guys i feel like there’s a there he goes okay now let’s try good job

Okay that doesn’t make him keep moving forward onstart while hazards remain agent move forward if agent detects now i gotta delete that one if agent detects dry brush forward then agent destroy forward agent move forward by one Oh i think we finally got it guys at last Good job buddy thanks nevis this is the first time i’m checking it out it’s pretty cool oh no Where you have firefighter all right great job you and your agent were able to clear the fire hazards before the storm came in and saved the village while you are here why don’t you help restore the area by planting flowers and spawning animals okay So it looks like we took a picture of the area and now we’re gonna reforest all right on start player walk no let me take a look another look here all right Onstart play button around your code alright so place decimal money all right let’s see on start net on start come on come on on start so i can’t put that inside spawn animal i don’t want to spawn animal yet i want to what do i do here guys if you want to play

Replace scorch soil with green grass try changing the coordinates on the place block at two zero minus one zero okay so place blocks at zero minus one zero all right i spawn animal at what kind of animal are we going to spawn let’s do a llama all right let’s see what this does

Okay so we got one piece of grass and one llama all right so all right that’s just one coordinate so how do we do while true Can we repeat on start all right how do i do this on start on player walk excuse me while All right that’s only gonna place where’s my agent at here that’s only placing one block right there so let’s try see onstar repeat four times on oh here we go i’ll save that on player walk place play all right i don’t think that’s right either when i walk it’s placing blocks However i don’t know that this is how i’m supposed to be doing this yes no anybody have any tips here all right uh maybe i need to just place i’m officially confused guys place on player walk we’re gonna place those but that’s not doing what i wanted to do i really would like

It to place the blocks underneath me on player walk nope on can we get this scorched no dry no i want it to place on broken where’s the scorched earth here does anyone know what this is right here no all right anybody does anybody know however do i do this

All right guys i feel like this game is for like seven-year-olds and i cannot figure this out click the play to run your code now you are the hero plant new crop spawn animals into this area click play to run your code okay i got that however so this should be negative one

On player walk place block let’s see there we go now we’re replacing stuff i’m gonna break these blocks i accidentally made let’s make this look better i wish i had a shovel that’s looking much better come on let’s run let’s run let’s get some green grass going in here

Oh it’s only on walk let me change that on player walk on player sprint all right on player walk duplicate we’re going to put this in here on player jump maybe bounce we will place some flowers i think all right let’s do some dark oak let’s get rid of that all right

So now let’s try all didn’t plant a tree though all right we’re getting green grass it is not however planting trees why isn’t he helping me do this does anyone know hey pennywise how are you does anyone know what i am doing wrong here i am getting green grass my tree does not

Want to be planted i am trying to plant a tree when i bounce it’s not working quite how i expected it to Bouncing no tree is being planted you know how to fix this penny i’m also not sure okay it is let me put green grass on the ground dirt no all right there’s got to be something we’re missing here uh if you want to replace scorch soil with green grass try

Changing the coordinates all right i did that i changed the coordinates to zero negative one on my walk and run yes i’m trying to grow a tree i think i have to grow trees and spawn some animals so on player walk don’t want to spawn an animal every time i walk uh

Repeat spawn an animal at negative one i’ll just do four eight we’ll spawn let’s spawn a cow this time try making a bigger place of grass for a tree okay all right how big you think four by four hi zamir i’m failing at minecraft education right now trying to learn

How are you doing tonight All right i’m bouncing no tree this is bizarre I mean it’s looking a little better than when the fire took it out what do you guys think I have to get a sapling where might i get that from the firefighter let me stop breaking green grass Where is my agent he is not being helpful let’s see what our picture looks like All right so you say we need to get a sapling i don’t see that as an option here on player Let’s just change it to walk and see if that changes oh okay now we got way too many saplings all right i need to change turn that off all right so we planted some trees let’s get rid of this change this back to grass now i got too many saplings here

Have you guys played this before anybody do you guys know how green i have to how many animals i have to spawn to get this back to normal i know i have to get rid of the dry grass because it’s a fire hazard there’s a storm coming however

I’m not sure how many animals i need to spawn i know i need more trees let’s i need to fix this all right so this should not be at negative one for a tree so let’s put the tree back let’s do some spruce let’s do it zero

All right all right that gave us one tree let’s run a little bit now walk now run how many trees do you think i need do i need a lot i feel like this is a lot of trees back here to put back what do you guys think any of you beat this Oh we’re too high up so dear me tiempo i can’t speak spanish samir i’m sorry i think that’s spanish excuse me if i’m wrong helicopter the agent with the plants i have to go to the elephant see i don’t know where my agent is all right

Okay i don’t know where my agent is i don’t know how to complete this quest let’s see now you are the hero plant new crop spawn animals into this area click play to run your code in the game you want to replace scorch soil i already did that so this is grass negative

One on player walk while how can i make it while true that while true that there is scorched grass i can’t seem to find that on here while there’s all right guys i need some major help while true do on player walk place while true place spawn animal All right so this is placing a path we don’t want that place regular grass place does anybody know what i’m supposed to do right now any help would be greatly appreciated oh all right please at negative one okay there’s our cats they have come all at once

We’ve got a lot of cows all right i need to turn that off all right this needs to go away we’ve got way too many cows where is my agent he ran away i am so confused about what i’m supposed to be doing here i feel like i’ve just made this area

Worse it looked better when it was burnt i’ve got a thousand cows here somebody help me Hello izuku do you know what i’m doing wrong here because i have not a clue not the first clue what i’m doing wrong but i know i’m not doing it right all right i have a llama because i supposed to go over here how are you doing tonight izuku am i

Saying that right Awesome so we had a little thunderstorm it caught this whole area on fire and i’m supposed to be reforesting the area although i cannot figure out exactly what i’m supposed to be doing it tells me to reforest it and to spawn some animals which as you can see i’ve spawned a thousand cows

But i’m not sure what else i need to do It tells me oh is this this is the fire this is the firefighter you and your agent were able to clear the fire hazards while you’re here why don’t you help restore the area okay so maybe i need to just plant some flowers now so while do you know what this wild true

Wild what’s true let’s plant some dandelions Whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s happening whoa okay all right am i just gonna keep dying Oh no what do i do what do i do let’s change this get rid of that Yeah i actually really like this too um except for i keep dying And all right let’s do these dandelions do i do dandelions now i’m i’m stuck down here I’m completely stuck i can’t fly i’m sorry i am not okay okay i don’t want to multiply i just want to get out of here While true i’m not sure what was making me fall before and now i don’t know how to fall to start over again i’m not even sure why i fell all right so let’s see if we can do this while on player bounce place a block nope i’m not getting any further to the

Top okay let’s get rid of that no while So it doesn’t say what coordinates we’re at on player bounce place block wow okay um broken place play All right i’m officially stuck and inventory jump i have nothing in my inventory that’s helpful i cannot get out of here I have nothing guys i’m stuck how do i get out of here While boss now you are the hero planting crops spawn animals i just i don’t even know what to do guys i am officially stuck and i don’t know how to get out of here and I’m completely stuck i have no clue what to do no clue i i’m not even quite sure how i got myself in this predicament uh on player walk place block uh oh all right guys i am now completely trapped i’m gonna drown to death or suffocate i suffocated myself guys i suffocated myself

I am officially suffocated no it didn’t even suffocate me it just kept me in here Okay guys coco and tea how are you doing i’m sure that you will never see someone play it as awful as i have either i have gotten myself buried in hole and i’m not sure how to get out on player climb i would be doing better if i could get

Out of this hole i’ve placed myself in have you played this game before do you have any advice gonna place lava and try to just kill myself at this point on player walk let’s try oh my gosh okay what is this now it’s all green i don’t know what’s happening

Okay i’m gonna go ahead and in this stream and hopefully the next time i come back with this i will have learned a little bit better um have a good night guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Education Edition: Demo Lesson with Coding Agent’, was uploaded by Brit3R on 2020-10-13 14:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Master English with Dronio and Minecraft! Click for FREE lessonVideo Information какой самый сильный моб в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это варден или Эндер дракон но нет это было бы очень легко кто-то скажет что это Иссушитель но этот моб намного сильнее и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это заряженный крипер Он запросто может убить игрока в незеритовой броне с одного удара Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской версия игры стареет Итак я заспавнился и пока что я на максимальной… Read More

  • Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smp

    Unbelievable! DanoDiggle Uncovers Hidden Secrets in IgnitorSMP! #minecraft #smpVideo Information hey guys how are we doing how is life treating you how is how was the weekend cuz it’s now like Sunday evening you know weekend’s kind of over which is lowkey really sad but it is what it is but like how was it you know hopefully it was a fun slay weekend maybe it wasn’t I hope it was though but you you never know you never know let me get that I am in a cave kind of in the middle of nowhere to be honest but when am I not exiled hello how’s your… Read More

  • 🔥RAJ GAMERZ domination in Valorant rank push!🚀

    🔥RAJ GAMERZ domination in Valorant rank push!🚀Video Information hello bro person to complete the game okay he won he just won the match and we will start in 2 minutes stay t gold to in party unated [Music] body [Laughter] for hell auto adjust auto adjust second sunset or l and doing oh okay okay okay good [Music] uh thanks for subscribing I don’t know how to spell this name good job good job good job okay okay okay okay rules br r you oh okay okay okay you can see yes going B on my way uh Val wait Val has a rank yeah valent… Read More

  • Insane Combo – Playing Fortnite in Minecraft! | Nim-Nite

    Insane Combo - Playing Fortnite in Minecraft! | Nim-NiteVideo Information like crab so um this is a Minecraft fortnite server that literally just came out and um it’s been super hard to get in and I finally just got in so I’m going to try to play it and see what happens okay so the back story for this is that there’s this dude named nimsy and he is the first person to make the Minecraft fortnite M with like the entire OG map and all the guns and actually working building system so I decided I wanted to try it and I did not realize how hard… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Rhino vs All Mobs! #GeorgeXT

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battle: Rhino vs All Mobs! #GeorgeXTVideo Information [Music] here [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] a h ow owow [Music] h [Music] light [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah yeah n This video, titled ‘minecraft rhinoceros vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-09 15:25:54. It has garnered 1856 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:07 or 247 seconds. minecraft rhinoceros vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles… Read More

  • Goon Squad

    Goon SquadHi! The Goon Squad community is glad to announce the opening of our Minecraft server, currently running MC Eternal modpack. The server is dedicated, running 12+ GBs RAM, so no lag here! It’s 100 slots, so there’s plenty of room for you and all your friends! No banned items. 24/7 Uptime. Restarts at 12 AM and 8AM Rules: No Griefing PvP must be consensual No racism/sexism/generally hateful remarks Staff: Destle, Owner Skutha, Owner Bugzie, Admin Wits, Server Moderator IP: goonsquad.mcserver.us Discord: https://discord.gg/6583eS Modpack: MC Eternal 1.3.5 goonsquad.mcserver.us Read More

  • VanillaPlus Vanilla Whitelist Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.4 – Bedrock Support Welcome to VanillaPlus, a whitelisted vanilla SMP community focused on playing Minecraft on the latest version with no additional addons or benefits. We offer a texture pack, data packs for quality of life improvements, and crafting packs to reduce grinding. Join our Discord at https://discord.gg/uuTfJydwTs to get started on play.vanillaplus.uk with a code from our Discord bot. All players are welcome to join us in building automated farms, bases, and selling items at the spawn shopping area. We now support bedrock and account linking! Check us out on PMC: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/vanillaplus-whitelisted-vanilla-smp-always-the-latest-version/ Read More

  • Legendary realm

    We have mini games such as one in the chamber and spleef, if you don’t want to play the mini games we also have survival with land claims and a PvP arena Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Twitter bots go wild over hacked accounts & stolen NFTs!

    Minecraft Memes - Twitter bots go wild over hacked accounts & stolen NFTs!Twitter bots be like: “IPTV account hacked? NFTs stolen? Sounds like a personal problem, have you tried turning it off and on again?” Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Rick’s Wild Ride

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Rick's Wild Ride When you’re trying to look cute but end up looking like a confused emoji trying to flirt with a sparkly star. #fail 😂🌟 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed!

    Join Minewind: Where Friendliness is Guaranteed! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we’re diving into the magical world of Minecraft with a cozy Cottage Witch modpack adventure. Join us as we explore new lands, encounter friendly creatures, and face the perils of the unknown. From towering trees to mystical biomes, there’s always something exciting around the corner. But why stop there? If you’re looking for a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With endless possibilities, friendly communities, and exciting adventures waiting for you, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new horizons. So grab your gear, set… Read More

  • Customize Default Model Tutorial

    Customize Default Model Tutorial Customize Your Minecraft Model with Yes Steve Model Tutorial Are you tired of the limited models available in Yes Steve Model for Minecraft? Do you want to create your own custom model but don’t have the time to start from scratch? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you through the easiest and fastest way to customize the default model without the need for complex animations. Let’s dive in! Importing and Exporting Models Before you begin customizing your model, make sure you have the default model file for Yes Steve Model. Navigate to your .minecraft folder, then locate the… Read More

  • INSANE ENCHANTING HACK in Minecraft 1.19.2! 😱

    INSANE ENCHANTING HACK in Minecraft 1.19.2! 😱Video Information hello there everyone the inada here and welcome back to Episode 22 of our FTB Skies let’s play series where today we’re working on getting our enchantment factory set up from industrial 4 going enchantment applicator all that good stuff and uh working on getting ourselves some enchants at least trying to that’s the goal at least anyway let’s get started welcome back my friends another wonderful night here in the world of the andrada where today well stuff and things are going to happen we’ve got some industrial forgoing to work with let’s break down our clock… Read More

  • WARNING: Never Use Seed 232 in Minecraft

    WARNING: Never Use Seed 232 in MinecraftVideo Information s guys what is up welcome back to another pixel Razer video where today we are doing another horror Seed video where today we continue on with the series of I believe it’s season 6 where you guys comment a seed that you guys want me to try to do and we play on that seed now today we are doing a seed I’ve never heard of but it’s similar to 2323 I know you guys in the comment section have been freaking out about 2323 but today it’s similar but it’s not the same it’s 232 but… Read More

  • Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global Ideologies

    Worldbox: The Surprising Future of Global IdeologiesVideo Information Какая идеология самая сильнейшая в этом мире у нас есть демократизм фашизм анархизм коммунизм консерватизм либерализм монархизм Социализм синдикализм и у каждой идеологии по 1.000 человек и у каждого человека в своём государстве есть определённая качество отключим Восстание отключим голод и старость отключим природные катаклизмы и другие бедствия а также отключим все ненужные эпохи и Как видим уже каждая государство построила себе костёр и несколько домов ещё хочу сказать что каждая черта в каждом государстве даёт свои какие-то определённые качества и Как видим анархисты уже основали второе поселение например черта анархист даёт плюс два к военному делу плюс… Read More

  • Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Adventure

    Uncharted Territories: Mind-Blowing Minecraft AdventureVideo Information k This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-11 18:30:08. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡… Read More

  • Matt’s new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!

    Matt's new Minecraft Server GOES CRAZY LIVE!!Video Information friends friends friends friends friends friends friends you are tuning in to friends with mat from Friends withm mat.com and just remember if you’re watching this live stream then you are friends with Matt now I’ve got some serious business to get to because I just started a brand new Minecraft server today today and we’ve already got an enchanting table at level 30 we’ve already got we’ve we already got what we’ve already got a whole city built we’ve already got all of the caves and caverns like mapped out torches everywhere actually there’s really not torches… Read More

  • EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft Parody

    EPIC Base Build Inside Moving Train 🚂 Minecraft ParodyVideo Information look JJ it’s a whole bunch of diamonds pick up your pickaxe and get to work we don’t have much time it’ll be night soon and the zombies will attack us yeah Mikey we found a whole mountain of diamonds and now we are extremely rich now you’re super rich all the villagers will be jealous of us do you think I can buy a whole box of carrots with one Diamond definitely with this vein of diamonds a new Village I hope the villagers won’t take all our diamonds away from us but we’ll be open to… Read More

  • Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant – 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug Gaming

    Insane Weekend of Fall Guys, Minecraft, Valorant - 150 Sub Goal! Larry Bug GamingVideo Information ब हेलो हेलो हेलो एवरीवन वेलकम बैक टू द स्ट्रीम और आज फिर हम लोग मा नहीं खेल पाएंगे क्योंकि मा ही नहीं क्या करें हमा दो के सामने हम चिल्ला चिल्ला पर क्या करे बताओ [संगीत] थ सिपल तो आज खेलने वाले है या ने वाले है य अभी बस सा साइड हो जाए हमारे दोस्त पता नहीं क्या है या चलो य लोग बलोर ब कर रहे तो बता तुम लोग बता अलग से ता मा चल नहीं रहा आज पास होया नागे या फ ना चाहोगे गु जोर से आ रही है पर क्या बोल… Read More

  • Unveiling Lilyville’s Top Traitor RON9IE – Minecraft PvP Drama 😡

    Unveiling Lilyville's Top Traitor RON9IE - Minecraft PvP Drama 😡Video Information This video, titled ‘Revealing Biggest Traitor OF LILYVILLE gamerfleet pvp god RON9IE hacker 😡 Minecraft Live’, was uploaded by Happy Adi Gamer on 2024-01-14 06:52:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags :— gamerfleet live stream lilyville day 9 gamerfleet live stream herobrine smp gamerfleet stream lilyville lilyville new member … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mishaps with Bang RA

    Insane Minecraft Mishaps with Bang RAVideo Information [Musik] kebanyakan malah hancur [Musik] semua [Musik] kebanyakan terus diapain Buset Kaget gua Anjing Lah iya kocak ini adalah orang-orang yang [Musik] tolong Gimana cara cancelnya [Musik] cancelnya I’m so sorry my friend foreign This video, titled ‘Hal Stupid yang Gw Lakuin di Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-23 05:50:00. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Stupid Things I Do in Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play Minecraft games, brothers and sisters. Donation link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link… Read More

Minecraft Education Edition: Demo Lesson with Coding Agent