Minecraft FNAF Multiplayer Survival | We Are Racing For Victory! [Part 8]

Video Information

Huh Uh-huh All right what is up stream guys what is up hope everyone’s doing good so sorry for the delay the stream delay i wanted to originally start streaming like like almost 40 minutes ago um and right as i was about right as we were about the stream uh junkie was

Having some audio issues so oh my gosh that was a complete mess to fix it and we figured out what the issue was and it was just one simple set in and we were both sharing like one brain cell the entire time and then when we figured out

Like a bruh we’re so dumb um because basically what had happened was uh so yeah there was this i was originally one stream start streaming like 40 minutes ago uh but junkie was having some issues on his end i’m like oh okay he was like oh yeah you’re

Sounding kind of weird on my end i’m like oh wait what and i figured out so you guys know during my last minecart stream i got my new webcam right well my webcam has a built-in microphone and minecraft defaulted that with the proximity mod to my default microphone

For minecraft so it was coming out crap on junkies in and took us like 30 minutes to figure that out and he had to figure out another setting where his audio was also screwed up but we got all fixed that’s all that matters now so everything’s fixed we’re finally

Back with some more minecraft for nap multiplayer survival so i hope everyone’s uh hope everyone’s doing good and we’re gonna hop in so uh yeah welcome back to some more minecraft multiverse i need to pull my chat up to the left side of my screen so that way i

Can actually see you guys and yes alerts are on um unlike the beginning of the last stream so yeah live stream was quite a wild ride i’m not gonna lie but uh here we got a friend so hopefully junkie will help me keep my sanity so uh

Yeah and also i’m not gonna have webcam on during this stream because this is the minecraft fnaf multiverse series and i’ve been doing it without webcam so far so i’m keep doing that for this um so well yeah anyways we have this beautiful boy oh hello there beautiful boy look at this

Beautiful boy hello there hello yeah this this is this is this guy he’s pretty cool uh-huh i’m very cool thank you for the two dollar super chat yes very very cool so cool so cool of course so mr junkie man are you gonna have you told everyone

How you only have one brain cell oh yeah actually i actually bought a second one so i actually have two now that’s cap bro you probably bought a dead one well actually i didn’t check maybe i do i’m not sure i haven’t checked i’ll test it out uh-huh yeah so um

Alright so this is this is x-man i know if you guys know him he’s he’s you know pretty i’m kind of a small youtuber you know if you could subscribe to my channel that would mean a lot you know i’m almost at i’m almost at uh nine subscribers

On nine subscribers yeah a whole nine it’s almost crazy bro all right he’s like halfway there he’s at four point five subscribers four point five yeah yeah oh no but i’m irrelevant nobody cares about me no it’s okay i care about you buddy you can get 10 subscribers by

The end of 2025 i believe in you okay maybe i’ll hit nine at 20 25. yeah we’ll see we’ll see but if you didn’t know uh we had uh so much it was so easy setting this stuff up there was no problem whatsoever it was

All no delay at all not like we were going to start 40 minutes ago or anything like that yeah bro it was it was good why is someone calling me when i’m already in the car that’s not actually i’m telling you not nicole we’re in like a discord call yeah i

Don’t know do you ever have that moment too whenever you like start streaming or something like everyone on discord immediately starts messaging you and calling you and stuff oh yeah that always happens why why do people do that i don’t understand why people do that it’s so annoying because yeah

Oh wait he’s actually active because they probably like you know if you’re like i know you’re like you’re active on this like no one will know because you’re like i wonder what they’re thinking like oh he just oh he just started a stream i

Wonder if he’s gonna hop in a vc with me and stop everything he’s doing yeah i’m like huh he’s already in the vc with someone else i wonder if you could leave that too yeah okay if yeah it was very easy setting all the stuff up very very simple

Yeah so anyways do you know what we’re doing today mr junkie man i actually do because i had some inside information it’s pretty pretty epic it’s already in the thumbnail and title too so i like everyone else yeah but guys can hear actually your x-men fine i’m going to quickly check check my

Phone cause i got chat of my phone i swear if you have more audio issues i’m going to have to kill you you better not have any audio issues by the way people on my stream as well let me know if the audio is fine amazing lovely amazing quality amazing

Everything perfect aspect ratio perfect yes sure yeah oh i i just realized something what hey do you have any like this the remnant or agony in your hand uh i can’t right yeah i just realized it’s actually like three it’s actually transparent like the purple parts are transparent

The straw on this cup is transparent in my hand yeah yeah did you not know that i never knew that that’s crazy you learned something new every day that’s true thank you for the uh i don’t know what we’re saying thank you for the super chat puppy great cool video essentially

What i’m first going to do quickly is i’m going to i need to empty my faz bags bro that’s that’s cool let’s have fun doing that oh okay gotta turn amazing up just to slap it yep you’re just fixing your yay uh i need to quickly do that

Okay i’m gonna let you fix that stuff i’m gonna go to my house alrighty oh gosh it’s night time all right so oh dear gosh hello chica all right we’re gonna go up here while junky’s fixing up his audio and stuff yeah it’s all it’s all junky’s fault

That we’re late oh gosh i’m stuck in a tree thank you bad browie bowie what i don’t know how to pronounce your last name i’m sorry but thank you for the 2 super chat i really appreciate it thank you bad so anyways as you guys remember at the

End of our last episode we went to the other uh multiverse we went through the fazbear multiverse and we got all this unique stuff and all my inventories my fastbacks are still full from that i have not emptied my uh my inventory at all yet so uh

Oh my gosh i don’t think i have any room in oh my gosh i’m running out of room oh okay let’s just uh yeah so we’re gonna empty our faz back really quick but yes guys today’s theme is we are building a race track so we are going to be

Building a racetrack today and i think this will be i think this will be fun so me and junkie kind of like how we did with the pizzerias is we’re going to be building our own unique race tracks thank you puppytube again for another superchat thank you thank you um all right so

We’re gonna we’re gonna leave these uh these other chips in here we’re gonna at least have one of each on it on on us what if i can speak um all right we’re just gonna take all this stuff out of our freddy fazz bags just for right now

And we just got to start getting stuff together to build an epic race is that a glitch chocolate oh it’s a glitch shot plushy i thought it was like glitch traps head i was like oh bro i have no room i have no room to have any more wood where’s my wood

Uh i have two barrels okay let’s put some of these down thank you shovel fanaf for the uh super chat banana soup yes yes yes yes also congratulations on hitting 3000 subscribers bro congratulations man keep it up all right for right now because i’m poor

Um also i got rid of my axe do i have any diamonds left i have four i have four diamonds left hey thank you hello there pal all right um i hear a skeleton or somebody getting shot i have no idea if junkies nearby brain cells why can’t you

Work i need i need sticks i need sticks i need give me planks i need to make a new i need to make a new is my other one bro i only have i’m after this i’m going to only have one diamond to my name thank you bro bad

Thank you bad again for another super chat thank you oh junkie are you what are you doing uh i i saw those chests they’re pretty nice are you trying to steal my chests yeah okay go away oh my gosh why did you just put down a fury outside

I just heard something you know how you have like the actually i’m gonna turn off the i think i know how to change you know how i think i can’t take off the all right let’s talk again yeah i’m talking this is me talking okay i’ll fix it so um i

Have to turn off the 3d audio sadly because you know because it’s like quieter when you go i don’t think it’s like going to turn around as you hear it from like one side because for some reason it’s only when i’m like facing you without hear properly but then i

Turn aside i can’t really hear you very well so i have to turn that off sadly but it’s fine okay cool lovely stuff uh so why do you up to sir i was emptying some my freddy fazbear why do you keep putting furies in here why they’re midgets in my house

Well they’re new friends kill them why do why don’t they all attack okay i guess we yeah i kill kill kill kill kill him you guys are useless i was hoping you would die from that bro imagine that’d be cringe do you wanna all right so you ready

Are you do you have your big brain of how you’re gonna make your epic race track oh yeah but we’re making a race track yeah did you not tell your stream that uh Yeah we’re making a racetrack today yeah um also guys if you want to see my pov don’t check out my stream i just i just deafened yeah junkies also live right now so if you want to check out his stuff you can if you want um you know

Yeah yeah that’s a great message you said right there yeah i i love having positive messages definitely yeah that’s it oh i hear a golden freddy oh golden freddy’s in my cow farm oh wow now let’s hold him for get out of there oh he dead you can have cows i should probably

Breed oh my gosh shadow bonnie he’s dead oh no i’m not gonna die from shadow bonnie again no no no no i thought it’s gonna happen sometimes the stream to be honest it would never happen i would never oh dear god thanks high score chica

I would never die oh my helmet i am bald i’m bald don’t look at me you know you can have this as a present to fix your baldness what that’s for you i can’t put that on my head bro yes you can no you probably need a hat i need a hat

To hide my baldness i have a present i can i can make you a present oh my god there i got a hat i got a hat no yo we got the same drip wait okay so like oh wait i have to i’ve got i had my um

Skin stuff on so i gotta take that off take that off take that off take that off take it off there you go okay cool look at that i’m not proper not proper cool guy stuff okay cool yeah yeah definitely pumps uh i have one i feel like i have one though somewhere

Somewhere uh somewhere why do i have two bags why do i have my okay whatever uh i still got all the stuff from um that one the warehouse stuff we found uh-huh yeah anyway um so yeah yes yeah yeah yeah yes all right time to build racetrack

She was doing a beautiful dance what’s wrong with you bro she was on my stove no i don’t care i’m good i’m gonna steal the stove thank you why that cost me eight cobblestone also ah i don’t know yet foxy boy oh no we gotta save it

What did you you fill in my house with midgets get off my property get off of my property all right oh my god this dude this ah there’s midges i’m dying i’m gonna get killed by midgets good oh my god bro get off of my lawn oh my god my sword’s almost broken

Let’s go okay you should die i need i need time now stop what have you done get out of the way i’m trying to put the thing back oh god is that is that who i think it get out of my house i’m trying i’m trying to

Bro why are you attacking me i did nothing to you oh i saw some particles oh no stop get off my property pretty hoppy off my property okay i’m gonna go up here wait is it just me or do uh leaves look weird what do you mean weird is it just me

I’m not trying to probably have like some video sentence for your leaves okay because i kind of like they’re not like see-through what the heck is this yeah you probably saw that’s probably in your minecraft settings that’s an option installed oh yeah that’s old school minecraft bro

Oh yeah i knew that definitely that fix it no uh smooth lighting no uh fancy graphics there we go fancy graphics that fixed it all right we’re good sweep yay alrighty all right okay we’re making a racetrack yeah we’re gonna make a racetrack and it’s also gonna be fine that themed right

Yeah of course so you gotta have some fnaf stuff placed around it of course yes okay and uh and basically how it’s gonna work is we’re gonna we’re gonna go on each other’s race track right we’re gonna do we’re gonna have two races right we’re gonna have a race on your

Track and a race on my track and we’re gonna do three laps all right okay all right so yeah that’s the plan you gotta have a uh you gotta also make sure you have a uh start in line slash finish line of course of course yes i would never not have one those

Uh-huh okay i have this do i need an axe uh i’m gonna just steal some of your sticks real quick why are you stealing my sticks go to your house bro well my house is like so you want the dragon stick bro you want this dragon stick oh dying dragons ouched out that

Would be really awesome i love dragon sticks oh my lovely luckily iron is like very plentiful stealing my iron bro no i’m saying i’m saying it’s because i’m using my own iron for once i know i’m i’m learning yeah there’s like a lot of iron in this mod

I think i’ll get more diamonds yeah but luckily i might because i remember i forgot you can find the um the gooey people yeah so if we need diamonds we can go on our own adventure to the gooey lands which place alrighty so uh how long we’re going to give ourselves on the

Clock i mean we don’t really have to have a timer we can just like do it like kind of like whenever we’re both kind of done yeah yeah i wasn’t getting like around like two hours two to three hours yeah that’s that’s that’s fine that’s that’d be good yeah

Yeah also just saying to all the people who are coming okay there’s there’s one point one thousand in your chat let’s see how many are in my chat it’s probably fun oh let’s go oh my god there’s a million let’s go how many people are are you watching your stream junkie that’s

There’s a million there’s there’s 19 19 i know there’s 20 there’s 20 that’s 20. that’s funny i’m gonna egg 20 people that’s not nice guys uh join my stream and i say one word and then all right i don’t know if you want to i better see that i can’t go this

You guys better hey guys i i actually i’m gonna put a secret easter egg this is this is a genuine thing i’m gonna do i’m gonna put an easter egg see a secret easter egg somewhere on my racetrack and um if someone can find it and say it in chat uh i’ll

I i’ve known i’m giving a shout out yeah so you might have to watch my pov to uh see where where that is you know yeah sure go watch go watch his pov i i guess yeah you should you should you definitely do that where

I need my oh it’s probably in this chest yeah probably don’t let me sure all right okay why is it okay it’s not broken nevermind all right uh okay so uh when should we start mister uh we can go ahead and start whenever you want okay i’m gonna start right now bye

Okay bye bye bye bye cringe guy am i right chat all right he’s cringe quickly doing some enchantments you know making sure i’m i’m as buffy as i possibly can be because again this is like not our final gear i’m wearing a freaking nightguard hat okay but gotta get some more pride

On so anyways chad yes we are making a race track today so junkie’s making his own i’m making my own and it’s gonna be a fanathon to racetrack um he’s probably gonna be cringe and do something like a roxanne one or something i have no idea

What junky’s plan is um i kind of have somewhat of a plan for a racetrack i’m gonna kind of like do it like kind of like it’s like going through the fnaf games and that way i can put in like different plushies and stuff from all

The fnaf games and stuff i think that would be kind of cool i have no idea where i’m gonna build the racetrack at though i have not decided yet it would be kind of cool to do it around the mountains but like i don’t know

Um i gotta fi okay that’s our first goal is to find a place to build the racetracks thank you for the two dollar super chat tell junkie i said i like you more okay we’ll do jacob will do thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah

Junkies cringe he has he has broken headphones too yeah like he’s having all the he had all these audio issues and he’s also like oh yeah by the way my headphones are broken i’m like that’s probably why you’re having so many audio issues also who is is that circus baby

Thickest baby bro guys i found baby yo i found a wild uh circus baby i think she’s stuck in the trees you need some help there thick baby oh dear god hi bonnie oh and she did yeah also my sword’s probably gonna break soon so uh

That’s not good i need to get minded on this sword but uh we have no villagers yet is that it ah that cursed being over there i hate him with a passion i hate him with a passion if you guys saw my last minecraft finesse stream it was on this one yeah

He’s coming for revenge he’s coming to kill me where’s my sword no no not again not again i will not die again oh no no no no no no no not again not again not again no no no no no no no no no no

No not again i will not die to shadow bonnie again he was coming for me bro oh my gosh if you guys don’t know i did a stream the other day where i was trying to be where i was doing my own unique stream not on this world but it

Was a minecraft nav stream i was trying to be minecraft from start to finish to beat the ender dragon i got i had all the eyes i got to the stronghold all i had to do was find the portal and shadow bonnie kills me and he almost killed me again god dang bro

Thank you sunrise for the two dollar super chat thank you for keeping those sims at bay i was just wanting to find a place to build my race track oh my gosh um yeah also i think i am gonna use this uh this gray concrete in here i don’t know

If i should use gray concrete or what i don’t know what i should use i have so much of like this light gray concrete should i use i think i might use this stuff for like the main track and then use this silver concrete for like the middle

I think that’s what i’m gonna do so let’s uh let’s take some of this and let’s put this in our freddy fazz bag um let’s put this oh my gosh bro no no there’s midgets all over my property bro uh okay let’s hope i don’t get freaking attacked

By shadow bonnie again like oh my gosh bro he’s so flipping annoying okay we could build a race track through here i think this would be kind of cool to like have it like dig into the mountain kind of like have it like circle up through here

I think this would be a cool place to have it i think we build it right here i think this would be kind of cool and then we like can have it like dig through the mountain and go above the mountain as well i think that would be kind of cool

I think this is where i’m gonna build my racetrack you know we have it like it can start up here um it can like go through the mountain and come back through here i think this would be very cool bro i think that would be very cool

Okay yeah this is where i’m building my racetrack right here i’m building over here so first things first we gotta get rid of all these trees i think this would be a great place to try and build it but yeah hope everyone’s having a lovely lovely day today hope everyone’s doing

Good look behind you x-men i swear if shadow bonnie just come came back from me i would have not been a happy boy would not be a happy boy so uh yeah so again my idea for my racetrack theme is uh i’m also gonna i guess i’ll leave unmuted i don’t know

If junkie’s gonna stalk me or not um but yeah my idea for my racetrack is like since we have all the plushies and stuff and all these like fnaf blocks and props and stuff i want to kind of like place them around everywhere and stuff i think that would be kind of cool

So i have some gucci i have some gucci ideas all right but yeah i think this would be a perfect place and luckily since we have all these chips and stuff we’re super fast because we got haste and speed and stuff so this is going to make like building stuff and

Doing stuff in this world so much easier and more efficient so yeah when’s the next going on random for nf9 says i see i see a couple people asking that um i don’t know yet i don’t know i have no clue yet i have sims in my basement and haters oh

My gosh okay well yeah don’t don’t don’t uh don’t don’t get on son’s bad side all right or else uh you’ll get locked up in his basement so uh you don’t wanna you don’t want that to happen to you all right i think this is definitely more than

Enough trees that need to be chopped down chop i’ll chop down this one too bro i’m kind of scared i feel like shadow bonnie is gonna teleport on me again or something i don’t know all right let’s also get this tree right here and if we need to we can flatten out

This area as well yeah let’s just get rid of all these trees right here There we go all right um i think this is pretty good let’s get rid of this tree right here too i think vayne’s at your door oh no i hope not ooh okay no no no no no we’re not doing that on this train no no no no no no i take

That back i wish i could take that back i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i apologize i apologize it’d be great if we could get like proper like you know enchantments and stuff like it like a proper efficiency this shovel has efficiency one and we

Have pace and it just feels so slow thank you for the two dollar super chat though jacob thank you thank you yeah if you need it if you want to donate guys you guys should go donate to junkies so that way you can get freaking new um new headphones bro

You need some new headphones man oh i see the puppet down there bro okay um i’m trying to think right now what my plan is of where i want the starting line to be shadow bonnie is simple yeah shadow bonnie’s simping for my death bro

Man he’s trying to turn me into a toy i ain’t no toy oh is that shadow freddy over there too why are the shadows stalking me oh my gosh bro the shadows shadows are stalking me all right should i just get rid of this hill might as well you know let’s just mine

This whole hill down I’m gonna watch some of junkies video bro you’re gonna go watch junkie instead of my stream how could you betrayed i’ve been betrayed by my own chat i have sadness i’ve developed sadness y’all i’m sad why would you ever consider watching junkie instead of me why would

You ever go check out his channel it’s not like it’s in the description or anything like that why would you ever go do that it’s not like he’s almost had 16 000 subscribers too or anything like that and it’ll probably mean a lot if you guys wouldn’t subscribe to him to

Get him to 16 000 but why would you do that huh why would you do that there’s no way you would do that okay uh let’s mine one more of this layer down and uh it’s gonna be very very gucci all right i would never watch junkie he sucks facts

Good good facts good facts okay enough bullying junkie i wouldn’t be able to do this stream if you didn’t join so yeah thank you son again for another two dollar super chat x-man time to put you in the basement you said you said oo-woo

It wasn’t me that was cap i was framed i was framed i was framed i’m sorry it wasn’t me oh no chad how did i get out of this one it wasn’t me i didn’t mean to i took it back instantly right oh i have my back

Here among us equals monkey what huh okay sure i guess i made a save that took like a week yeah i’ll do uh go on go the next going on random for nathan says it’ll be part 50 which is insane and yes that one will be

A stream i don’t know when i’m gonna do it yet it’ll probably be sometime at the beginning of july i mean what july’s over it’s august now sometime at the beginning of august it’s so weird that it’s finally august it’s august 1st guys how does that make y’all feel

Oh i know and then i know it’s going to be back to school for some of y’all yeah isn’t that fun imagine having to go back to school lol oh god hi bonnie oh yeah there’s shadow freddy down there why are the shadows stalking me why is freddy fazbear here

Get out of here freddy fazbear there’s two shadow freddies the shadows hate me bro and there’s a tiny music man also i think we’re on uh we’re on day 100 of the server oh snap day it’s day 100 bro day 100 yo all right so where’s our starting line going to be

I think it’d be kind of cool to have it like go like across like like have like the racetrack go around here and then kind of like zoom down there and like dig a hole through here and have it go through there i think that would be kind of cool

I think that would be very cool okay yeah we gotta flatten this out more we have to go down two layers we’re just gonna make this completely flat and this will be kind of like the start area so time to get to digging where’s my audio kind of glitching it’s probably fine

Uh yeah so now we just got to flatten all this right here and then we can finally get started i need higher efficiency bro i need more books that’s why i need more like bookshelves i need leather i could go to the nether and kill hoglands for leather or like trade so i

Want to get like higher enchantment stuff [Applause] i need to go get more diamonds too so that’s gonna be fun so after i flatten this out i’m gonna go back to my house so i can empty my inventory a bit and then what should i do should i go hop into

The uh depending if it’s still day or night i’ll either go to the nether to kill hoglings to get leather or go to the uh is the moon going down the moon’s going down okay next night all right when it turns nighttime again i’m going to go into the uh multiverse

And get more diamonds because i have like no diamonds left um so i need to go get more diamonds so i can go kill those fazgoo monsters and get um get some more diamonds so that should be good all right isn’t this fun this is so fun all right Someone tells me this is going to take us probably longer than two to three hours to make i don’t know i still got a good while though i just wish i had efficiency oh my pickaxe has efficiency too bro does not feel like efficiency i feel like it

Should be a bit faster since i have based on that okay okay get out of here mangle all right isn’t this fun just you know digging away junkie stole he stole for me what what do you mean junkie stole junkie stole from bro what did he steal chad what do you steal

Snitch snitch chat snitch what do you steal what do you steal for me what did he steal chat what do you steal i need to know somebody’s about to get about to get beat this is boring i know i know this is i know it’s just digging dirt i know

Listen once we get like done with this we’ll be able to start like actually building it once i mind this like this last layer of stone right here then we can finally start your blocks what blocks you stole some of your blocks which ones i need to know silver concrete bro

That’s it that’s it that’s it somebody we’ll steal from him later okay we’ll steal from him later don’t tell him i said that i’ll steal from this house later okay don’t tell me i said that though oh my god my pickaxe is gonna break yeah i need to get more diamonds bro

Now i can make multiple diamond tools and get efficiency and just combine them and then anvil that’s kind of my plan instead of having to get leather because i don’t really want to go get leather right now does it cost money to super chat yeah that’s what super chat is

Um it’s basically like donated money so yeah that’s how super chat works but you don’t have to super chat at all it’s only if you want like your little if you want your message and your name to pop up on screen or if you just want to be

Nice you know it’s completely optional don’t feel like you have to or anything like that so it’s just an option [Applause] all right i gotta pick up all this dirt why is there an enderman oh my god see the shadows are plotting to kill me oh my i almost died bro

The shadows want me dead the shadow animatronics hate me guys they hate me they hate me there’s another withered shadow freddy bro the shadows want me to die ow thank you for the two dollar super chat oh my gosh thank you jacob bro junkie doing something with sexy foxy huh what

What do you mean chad i’m gonna have to sue this guy i’m gonna have to sue junkie bro what is he doing turn it on so huh it’s enabled for everyone everyone can super chat if they want foxy boy i don’t know huh my brain hurt bro all right Boom dirt okay so now that this is flattened out we can finally go and start building so we’re going to go back to my house all right go back over here dupe you don’t want to know oh no oh no no no no no thank you though jacob

Again bro there’s so many midgets in my house i can’t stand these midgets look at this wait what he’s did he steal from this one i don’t i don’t know i need to take some of these yeah i think straight up stole i’m gonna sue miss sue and he’s

Gonna make him pay for what he did bully okay let’s get rid of some of this dirt i don’t need all this dirt uh thank you though jacob okay um yeah i don’t know why the alerts are like kind of delayed i don’t know why youtube does that

Because i can see him in chat a little sooner like kitkat just super chatted one dollar thank you cat hopefully it’ll pop up on the alerts in a minute i might use some of this wood all right oh i need silver concrete too for like the stripes

I mean do you need white lines i was gonna add like white lines and stuff to it but maybe not i don’t know Oh foxy boy oh i see what you’re saying no it does not cost you money at all to enable super chat so basically how it works foxy boy is like as long as your channel is monetized you can enable super chats so you just have to go to

Your youtube studio and go to your monetization stuff and then there should be like a tab where you can like enable super chats and super things and stuff like that it does not cost you any money at all to do that foxy boy so yeah sub go to go check out fortnite with

Fred on steam lol what is there a new one out is there a new one out bro is there a new fortnite with fred out if so i have not been informed about that or is that just self-promotion right there oh inkman sent that oh

Oh hey ink man i didn’t realize you were the one who super chatted that let me check steam really quick i just want to see i got so much stuff i need a review i need to do a uh there’s a new pop goes player model pack out i need to review that

Yeah if you guys have not checked out the fred add-ons you really need to make sure you do Yeah you guys need to go check out uh the fred stuff chat if you have not you need to go get the fred’s especially the fred map inkman always wants me to promote the fred map apparently got updated again thank you for the super chat though i’m gonna actually exit this out go

And then there we go all right isn’t this fun i’ll try having fun on this stream okay so we’re gonna have the fnaf guard how big is it it’s like about two blocks i think we should have we should probably have the raceway be like five blocks wide

I think that would be good so we get out our fads back our freddy fazbear we get some of these blocks i don’t have no idea if this is going to be enough or not It should be okay so i i think we have it like right here we’re gonna have like five right so we could like make it like a like swiggle swiggle boom kind of like that i think that would be kind of cool fingerless gloves look bad and look bad

I’ve never really worn i mean i’ve worn finger fingerless gloves before oh no not really my thing they’re okay i suppose thank you kitkat i’ve been watching you since i was three what hey yo whoa okay cool dang oh my gosh that’s that’s that’s nuts hard to believe right there

Wait i’m asking for a company name to enable it what is that wait it’s asking for a company just like put your um put your youtube username just do foxy boy as the company name yeah youtube’s kind of kind of sucks like that so yeah just put your youtube username as the

Company name see i’m streaming and i’m helping people okay all right so dupe one two three Oh this hurts my brain cells bro oh it needs to be like doop doop doop doop oh don’t hurt my brain cells bro I want to like turn right and then go ahead and turn it like this right here Because like what i was wanting to do was like have it like this and then maybe we could uh do something kind of like this Thank you again kitkat you’ve always inspired me all thank you i’m glad i’m glad i’ve been able to do that for you all right um oh my god this hurts my brain do i really i don’t i feel like i’m gonna run out of light gray concrete i’m not gonna lie

I think it would be good to uh do a white strip in the middle yeah we’re definitely going to like run out of this concrete bro um And then yeah we’ll have it like kind of like it goes like over here and then goes like across this way and then it’s gonna like go down through here and then yeah we’re gonna have to put like all the fnaf props and stuff left Oh ink man gmod fnap stuff but troll bruh why would you do that oh my god i didn’t i didn’t see that i wasn’t paying attention i just saw like i scrolled up i just saw the inkman part because i know that’s his name it’s like

Ink man and stuff i didn’t see the butt troll part bruh bruh i got i’m disappointed in myself that i got trolled right there i’m disappointed in myself all right so since it’s turned to night time let’s go get some more diamonds um so we have to go over to the arcade

Cabinet do i have a negative energy on me oh we have an arcade right here Okay let’s go back to my house and we’re gonna go we’re gonna go into the uh glitchy plains or what the gooey biome into the freddy multiverse and get some diops okay wait what okay lag spike right there i have no i have nowhere to really put this

I guess it goes there um i have yeah i have a negative energy right here all right guess we’re going inside the freddy fazbear multiverse anything i can like you know get out one of these faz bags no i could do i i have extra fastbacks laying around somewhere

I can switch them out is this an empty one no that one’s filled with plushies do i not have any weapon all my okay i guess i have no more empty fast bags bro just wanted to empty out some of this uh you know some of this garbage All right i love having way too much stuff uh put that in there but that that sweet okay let’s go to the flip side we’re gonna go get some diamonds thank you for the two dollar super chat i like them subscribed on all my devices sweet as you should as you should

There we go okay we gotta get those these uh these gooey monsters boom oh he dropped no fasgo All right is there any gooey monsters we just need fasgoo bro Where all the fasgoo monsters at there’s like okay let’s go find a uh there’s another gooey bomb over here let’s go over here oh it’s felix the shark oh hello twisted wolf Creepers bro there’s creepers what bro where the gooey at with the gooey people at why is there no gooey people They’re all like i swear it’s like messed up bro there’s like one gooey monster and then that was it there’s fetch yeah the moon’s going up Thank you for the one dollar super chat and thank you ah here’s a gooey monster all right hello buddy yeah give me that sweet fast goo it’d be so good if i could get like a loot in so i could get more fast go so each faz goo i get equals one diamond

There we go this is what we’re needing because yeah i was like completely out of diamonds so this will help out the agony oh i don’t know where that’s i probably don’t want to run into it is that spring bonnie go spring bonnie hey yo wait what

Hey thank you too much gaming for the five gifted members hey thank you so much thank you i really appreciate it thank you so much oh my gosh thank you so much bro thank you all right so yeah now we’re gonna have healthy just being like doo doo doo doo for

Everyone who got a membership from him thank you so much uh there’s a gooey monster on this building oh it’s not me to place that cobble all right let’s go up here and kill him i need the freddy fazgoo oh there’s melons up here too dang i didn’t know

There’s like proper like farms and stuff up here that’s good but yeah congratulations everyone who just became a member right there sweet on there’s some more monsters over here oh we’re getting all the gooey monsters oh let’s go oh yeah there’s so many let’s go boop boop

I forget i also have the fury chip too let’s summon it oh it didn’t even work okay sometimes it doesn’t work all right mr creeker’s gone uh there’s some more gooeys over here thank you again for uh for gifting memberships that means a lot to me thank you

So yeah you can only um if people are wondering you can only gift memberships if you are a member yourself so that’s how it works oh i think my i think my google just crashed hopefully is my stream all good chat yeah it’s good yeah my google my google just died like

My chat was like frozen yeah my chat’s been frozen for like five minutes bro oh my god i was like what the heck is wrong with it there you go thank you sunrise to sim for the two dollar super chat junkie paid you for shadow bonnie to chase you what

What what is this guy oh my gosh i’m getting robbed right now also i think someone else donated a five dollar super chat i don’t know if i missed that one or not but thank you for that as well all right um yeah if we oh my gosh we got we got we

Have like two stacks of diamonds okay i think we’re fine yeah let’s go ahead oh my gosh but there’s so many gooey monsters though i’m getting all the diamonds yeah my sword’s about to break bro if only i’ve ended it’s got two hits left on it thank you for two dollars super chat

Though okay let’s put the let’s put the sword up all right let’s uh uh oh i didn’t get a clock Oh no i’m stuck in here oh no i can’t leave i don’t have a clock uh oh oh no thank you for the super chat though i’m not saying right now oh guys we’re trapped we’re trapped because that’s like a that’s like kind of like a bug with this

Mod it’s like sometimes it doesn’t give you the clock oh no uh Oh my gosh bro luckily this is a uh yeah if i was doing the single player i’d have to kill myself and then come back and pick up my stuff um luckily it’s multiplayer oh my god bro so annoying i have no idea where the uh where the spawns at

Which way did i come from all right let’s head i think we got to go this way oh my gosh bro Oh god don’t run into those guys Hey thank you cece afton for becoming a member thank you yeah i’m lost Let me give him my chords uh negative 74 one negative two three five those are my chords at least i got fasgu uh where’s the fast good steve’s i could actually just trade with fascist steve’s for a second while i’m waiting for junkie to come save me now

I like how i gave him cords and then i just ran away from them Where the heck is the where the fast good steve’s at Bruh There’s like no fat did they all die okay i can just use the fascia steve at my house oh wait there’s one right here sweet cause you gotta go up to these guys and trade with them Hey buddy Thank you son making your animatronic from performing got your life all sweet thank you you have a clock at your house yes should be All right so uh we’re just doing some uh some trading right now all junkies uh on his way to save me you have to do this kind of slow because it’s like kind of buggy because if i would shift click i would only get like half the amount of diamonds i would so

You have to go like very slow because with this trading it’s a little buggy just to be kind of slow with it but if you do it too fast it like bugs out and you get less boom look at all those diamonds we just got bro thank you fazgoo steve

Yeah i thought i missed a message uh let me see if it’s still there if i can read it uh i think it’s gone oh i should be able to use her activity uh i have to go to my settings to pull it up and like youtube

Let me see if i can find that message for you because it’s already gone super chat is it for the monster why do you why do you put the dolls in miniature pizzeria like a museum because i can thank you kitkat for the one dollar again thank you kitkat but yeah so my

Idea with this um yeah thank you monster x yup just read it um but yeah my idea with this race track is to have like the plushies and stuff placed around i think that would be kind of cool so yeah i guess i should pay junkies some

Diamonds oh i think i should have like 10 extra diamonds i have like 11 okay i’ll give junkie 11 diamonds okay let’s go back on over here bro i was just wanting to get some diamonds and i got trapped for all wasting so much daylight there

Goes half of a minecraft day i’ll never get back um i need a clock to leave bro No no nope no clock yeah for now whenever i go in here i got to make sure i have a clock I don’t want my op sword anymore thank you for the one dollar super chat plushies thank you oh my god’s frozen and pull up obs okay isn’t this fun we’re trapped and we’re just waiting on junkie what is junkie doing is he slow Yeah i was like this tree right here Oh my god what is junkie doing bro i’m getting so many notifications on my phone so many people are why is everyone uploading right now what is junkie doing is he just like is he like oh he’s here All right gotta wait for junkie to save me junkie where is he where’s my savior junkie is blind what is he near Y’all see him anywhere man i just wanted to go home you know i just wanted to come out here get some diamonds it went completely wrong he should be here any second though thank you for the 2 super chat now he making out with sexy foxy yeah junkie would be

Making out with sexy foxy i’m not going to lie I i don’t know which way i came from that’s why i’m just like standing still Oh it’s like this way i gotta go this way I think he’s like at near zero zero Yay i love being lost isn’t this so much fun hello oh hi hey uh you’re one o’clock i would love one thank you so much i could just click on it and then no drop it please here i’ll hear some diamonds oh you’re coming all the way here to save me

Oh thank god i appreciate it why’d you drop a water flush because i have like no space anyway uh Here’s a clock for you thank you good sir thank you yes you’re like i could’ve just left you there you know so i could have like an extra oh it was very very funny alrighty yeah you have your legos energy i got my own oh nice okay let’s go all right

All righty lovely um yeah all right very cool thank you for the diamond sir it took me like ages to find the clocks because i couldn’t find them anywhere but i found the clocks what’s up yeah nice i’ll put them back here also did my chat said you stole from me question mark

Oh that is that is the question mark yeah did you see what you want do you want to see where i do you want to see what i stole what’d you steal you stole some blocks yeah why is it all got geez oh i know i took something bad never mind oh okay

I took some of this the silver concrete because i i had no civil concrete and then i remembered you had you broke down that entire location and you had so much and then i i felt bad because i had them so i decided hey might as well take something so it’s faith communism

You have to take five points off of your score have you started building yet uh i have yes how how is it going let’s get it’s going how’s it going i mean i feel like this is going to take longer than two hours to make

Probably to be honest yeah but i i have some cool ideas for what i could do for mine um probably i know there’s a losing a loser mentality to have but i’ll probably end up losing considering i’ve lost every other one but you never know

I might come out on top yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna win maybe this one you’re gonna lose like you do every single time because you’re a big loser all right probably are you at 16 000 subscribers yet uh oh you are congratulations oh i am yeah yeah my 16k yeah last time

I got to 14k during a stream and i’m at 16k during a stream wow congratulations on hitting 16 000 subscribers junkie thank you and uh soon uh you’ll be at 900k so very very good one day hopefully one day one day one day all right uh well uh thank you i mean

I’m not thank you um thank me for saving you and now i will be on my way so have fun okay bye have fun okay oh no problem which way like are you building in like which direction which way are you built where are you building that uh that way building that way

Oh wow maybe we could even meet up that’d be crazy that seems like a lot of effort that i currently do not possess at all alright bye bye all right sweet now that we have diamonds we can actually like make a uh diamond helmet

And then i want to try to if i could get another efficiency two diamond pickaxe i’ll be great because then i could get to efficiency three um i’m just gonna shovel oh i have like no lapis though i have four things of lapis bruh why does lap just have to exist bro

I’m no lapis don’t okay welp uh there goes that idea that helmet in there um i have enough levels i just don’t have enough lapis Wait what that’s another minecraft bug sometimes when you leave the multiverse you lose all your levels bruh well guess where uh we’re doing that later then that’s another bug in the multiverse is that you lose all your when you go to the multiverse and leave it you lose all

Of your levels it’s so i think it’s whenever you use a clock you lose all of your levels oh it’s so annoying bro man man now it’s night time i’m going to die i have no weapon anymore oh my gosh bro we just we went from like

Popping off to being poor poorer than poor bro all right let’s get back to work this racetrack is uh kind of bootleggy all right um you have any dirt how do i not have dirt in any of these fast bags okay there you go there’s some dirt

I want to go ahead and uh take this to dirt for now Yeah this is going to take i don’t even know if we’re going to be able to finish this race track i’ve been streaming for like an hour and this is all we’ve done crap oh no um okay so all right yeah let’s dig all of this out right here You have to dig all this out for now because we’re going to replace it with like some dirt anyways off and there’s phantoms i feel is sadness i don’t have my open sword anymore oh my god bro why do phantoms exist thorns on something i have thorns one

I was like how are they taking damage there we go Okay um I was thinking that right here oh if i don’t kill myself All right let’s go up oh my god phantoms Let me see if junkie wants to sleep because these phantoms are annoying yeah these handsomes are so freaking annoying bro all right we’re going to sleep we’re going to sleep oh my god bruh we gotta wait for junkie to go to sleep now we’re always just waiting on junkie man

Always waiting on junkie springtrap fat um i think the uh i’m pretty sure that’s like a youtube feature or something with the super chat he’s saying that the super chat’s the one next to i think that’s like youtube giving you like an option to give one out or something

That’s just a youtube feature all right sweet it’s daytime phantoms are gone those phantoms are just really annoying i hate phantoms i did not have an op sword on me i could not get rid of them now they’re finally burning bro thank goodness Ah don’t you love the sound of phantoms just dying it’s not great um let’s go around here and then uh i wanted to I want to be like right here then we can uh yeah kind of like this and then it’s going to go down this way and then kind of like loop through and stuff i have a good idea for this but this is just going to take freaking forever to make okay so um Let’s do it like this yeah this is like the edge of it okay okay okay okay um owie got a boo-boo oh i got another one oh it’s in that that glitch The freaking balloon Okay um yeah there’s still a couple of bugs so this is going to be this i’m just don’t mind me just slowly slowly dying over here uh i think yeah we have it like this And then what is it like is it six blocks one two three four five six yeah it’s six blocks so it’s right there first yeah and then this this this this that oh god this is going to be a fun thing to do oh no that ain’t right that ain’t right at all

So this right here is just concrete look at this racetrack isn’t it so cool isn’t it so freaking cool it’s so cool right Um okay i think instead of making it like i’m just i’m okay we’re gonna get rid of this i’m just lazy bro i’m making this straight too many turns bro we don’t we don’t got enough time to add all these turns and make it all nice and fancy all right too much effort There we go have it like this Oh that what is this oh it has to go like right there that’s why okay there we go and this is just going to be a straight path let’s go to like right here there we go we’re getting some improvements we’re getting some improvements there we go it’s starting to come together

See isn’t this good guys what would you rate my racetrack so far isn’t this so good doesn’t it look so freaking good i think it looks great Okay um so we have this dupe uh like it’s gonna have to be like that yeah zoom and then you turn right right yeah you’re gonna have two one two one two one two one two one two oh god and this is where the silver concrete’s gonna go there we go

Hey thank you plushies for becoming a member hey thank you so much all right so if we do it like that i think that’s good Um and we’ll do the silver concrete last and we’ll have like props and all that stuff around here Oh we could add like a ring like through here like a little hidden bonus ring right right there bonus path or something okay i have ideas i have i have the big brain ideas guys i have big big big big big big big big brain ideas okay yeah um

Yeah we’re gonna have to like get rid of these trees right here just perfectly perfectly perfectly in the way yeah gotta get rid of all these trees right here welcome back to chopping tree simulator hope you uh hope you’re having fun with this oh my god my inventory is full

Uh i’m gonna have to make some like chests or something Okay um we’ll figure it out so go like through here and we’re gonna place it on top so it’s gonna be like this this oh whoops my brain hurt thank you for the uh two dollar super i mean thank you for the one dollar super chat june 30th what thank you Oh Okay um Get rid of all these trees this is going to be the freddy fazz track this is what we’re calling it freddy faztrack welcome to freddie fast track bro this is gonna be the best race track of all time all right i have to go bye all right see you later

Gamer78 hope you enjoyed the stream pal thank you for tuning in all right um Oh yeah there’s so many trees around here so i’m thinking maybe we could have it like here and then it like dips down into your or we could have it like go around and then dip down and then well no that’s like the end right there though right

Yeah um how are we gonna do this we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out once the time comes uh give me my dirt get rid of some of these trees there’s so many trees in the way at least this is helping us get more wood for future projects

Maybe we could build some stuff out of birchwood with this since i have so freaking much guys whose racetrack do you think is going to be better mine are junkies obviously mine right right guys junkies racetrack is going to be called roxy race raceway i know wow imagine bro

Imagine imagine a name like that bro how original he’s probably gonna make it completely like roxanne themed and just have like a bunch of roxanne plushies all around it bro imagine It couldn’t be me now it’s turning night time again so if an animatronic comes over here i’m kind of dead i’m going to die so i don’t have a good weapon all i have is this axe that’s that’s it um okay And fix this up and yeah we’re gonna have to like get all of this out right here There we go we just gotta dig all this right here hello arctic velora i swear an animatronic’s going to like come up behind me and snipe me oh i got all my levels back what okay now my levels are back oh my gosh bro this is mine gotta be so buggy bro

I wish we i wish we could have enabled the uh plugin where only one person has to sleep that would be nice So it’s gonna be like this boom do [Applause] make it look somewhat natural There you go perfect i think this is coming along pretty good now we’re actually making uh making some good progress and yeah and then we’re gonna do all the decor right now we’re just making the track and then we’re gonna do all the decorations last all right i have ideas for the decorations

Okay perfect isn’t this so fun all right ow oh it’s toy freddy and bonnie god dang okay this is gonna take so much longer to kill them i don’t have any like oh my gosh and i’m it’s bugged again oh vr toy freddy plushie i’ll take that

I can use it for my waist track my waste track my waste track gotta use it for the waste track all right um so many saplings bro is that a regular stat yep the sunrise plus you we need it oh oh oh bro oh my gosh why are all the shadows here

Oh he actually killed him pretty easily dang it’s kind of scared okay um i think it’s shadow bonnie and withered shadow freddy we gotta worry about okay um [Applause] But kind of like this oh hello there baby easy oh yeah it also helps that i have like uh i was gonna say strength i don’t have strength that’d be good if a strength chip was added to this mod um okay i’m gonna have it go here

And then yeah i guess we’ll just have it like go ahead and dip down in here let’s uh let’s go and get all get all these trees out of here There we go oh god we have like no inventory space let’s put like the plushies in there we go All right this is gonna be the best race track ever All right gross birch yeah we gotta chop down all the birch trees bro get these birch trees out of here hello yendo He did we got a cupcake from him nice thank you for the little cupcake i probably should just make another fnaf item should i just go ahead and try to craft like a uh ow bro imagine getting killed all right You’re gonna die before you go to the end again oh my god mystic you should have been um here earlier in the stream shadow bonnie showed up again and almost killed me again he got me down to like one heart i was like bruh and i had my op sword on

Me too i was like bro how am i losing to this guy ow bro he can set me on fire what just set me on fire Oh Oh my gosh but thank you for the two dollars [ __ ] oh god no no no no it’s like it’s like a slag it’s lag lag it’s like it’s lag it’s lag it’s like slag okay we’re lying for a second freddy frost bear bro no way ow

Thank you jacob for the two dollar super chat back rooms i should just make the bathrooms bro that’s like the racetrack just goes into the back rooms row i can make it out of the birch wood that’d be a great idea oh my god but i

Don’t think i’ll have a um i don’t think i have enough time for that okay we’re gonna make a crafting table we’re gonna make some chests we’re just gonna dump like all the uh the plushies and stuff in it so that way we can that way we can use

These plushies for like decorations and stuff and all this stuff we like we’ve uh we’ve collected from like the last episode i think this would be a good idea put all this stuff in here uh yeah there’s my sword it’s almost broken okay that’s that bag’s back clear

Uh we got a couple plushies in here all right organize it up yeah i’m definitely using this stuff placing all these plushies and stuff around the racetrack i think that would be cool butters puppets mask i think that summons the puppet uh oh freddy fazbear withered freddy fazbear he day yet

Rip and rest withered fuddy i feel like i’m gonna sneeze i’ll leave like two stacks of those birch logs i have so much birch so many birch logs all right um the back pulls what huh We’re gonna have yeah we’re just gonna have this be like a super sharp turn right here so oh it needs to go one more like this right oh god grim fox god that where the heck did you come from ow oh my gosh bro if i died i would have cried thank you

Back fools what what are you on about pal this bucket of candy okay so we have um i swear if he says he’s done i’m a flip out Do Oh frick put my balloon up where’s my balloon where’s my balloon say like ten percent Where’s my balloon bro did i put in the chest over here The back rooms is in the oh the back pools is another level of the back rooms uh okay see i’m not that educated on back rooms like i know there’s all the different levels of the back rooms but i don’t know they have their own unique

Names so okay good to know good to know thank you for educating me on this it’s wherever i think my balloon’s in here yep it is oh we’re up here let’s put that in there kind of need some dirt okay I think this is going good going good going good okay so it’s gonna go like this yeah this is gonna be a completely sharp turn because i have developed laziness all right the first part up there it looks nice and smooth and stuff this is just going to be sharp turns um

Oh and then we could have it like could have it zigzag okay this is what we could do we could have it like go down through here and makes it go in there and then do something over there and it comes back over here and then goes back around i

Think that’s a good idea and then we can do all the decorations and stuff Okay so yeah we needed to go down this is going to be like kind of a steep drop right here so it’s going to go here here here here and then here i think i think that yeah this is where we gotta have a turn i think we could actually have it like

One bit lower one two three no Uh so that’s one one two three four there we go Wow thank you so much for super chatting that thank you so much you know thank you thank you so much for taking time out of your out of your day to uh you know super chat that really really appreciative thank you so much All right That’s gonna be this right here there we go ain’t this looking snazzy looking pretty good thank you for the one dollar super chat What we’re doing i don’t think i’m gonna have enough time to do what i’m thinking of doing because what i wanted to do was have it like that’s the start it goes zoom zoom and then you go through like you go down there you do a zigzag and then like go

Through the mountain right here and pop out on this side and then like come back around through here and then go back up around there but i don’t think i’m gonna have enough time to do that i think what i’m gonna have to do is like have it go down zoom

And then instead of going into the mountain it just goes up like right there i think that’s that’s what i’m gonna have to do so that way i can have more time for decorations and stuff because yeah all right well let’s get started now uh Yeah like this and yeah i’m probably gonna i probably won’t have enough concrete anyway to do what i was wanting to do thank you for the two dollar super chat for one part you should do a tunnel yeah that’s what i originally was one to do

But i don’t think i’m gonna have enough time and i don’t think i’m gonna have enough resources so yeah rip and rest uh All right um This right here um should i i just don’t think i would have enough time but that would look so cool it would look really cool I can go get more silver uh i just don’t know if i’m have enough uh concrete blocks i guess what i could do is then like have it go in and then come back and then instead of as if it being like goes like around through there it

Could just like shoot up right here or like hug this wall or no it has to like go up like that and then connect back up there yeah okay i think i have an idea all right you know what screw it we’ll do it um We’re going to take this out anyways and yeah we’re going to patch it up and make everything look nice at near the end when we do all the decorations and stuff um have it like this yeah Thank you for the super chat you should also make a reacts channel to react to your videos and memes i don’t know i don’t know i know a lot of people have asked like oh you should make a reaction channel that would be kind of full funny or something cool i don’t know

I i don’t i don’t know i i need to give it more thought i have thought about it but i have not decided yet so i don’t know yet if i were to do something like that or not Oh yeah speaking of other channels today i uploaded on x-men 10-2-3-5 like highlights of my last stream so if you don’t want to watch if you missed my live stream and you don’t want to watch all of it and you just want to see the

Best parts you can go over to x-men 7235 and i uploaded a highlights video it’s about like 15 minutes and it’s like all the best moments pretty much all the times i died and suffered and cried during the stream all the funny parts so uh make sure to check that out if you

Want to okay wow oh my gosh it’s doing the uh i hate that glitch okay um that would be so cool though to have it like go through here and then for it to come out on the other side what is this negative it’s 64.

Um oh whoops i just took a screenshot i just took another screenshot yeah this is where it pops out it pops out like right here see that it would be so perfect uh i really want to i want to i want to i want to dang it this is going to be

Pain to do a tunnel though it’s going to be so pain but it’s going to be it would be so cool it’s gonna take so long to make that’s the problem i have to go back and do all the decorations and stuff ah tunnel or no tunnel because this is like

It this is where i got to decide do i want to like go ahead and go up here and go back around um dang it fine i’ll do a tunnel i’ll do a tunnel i’ll do a tunnel and then yeah that way i can like loop

It and have it like dig into the mountain and go back okay okay i have an idea how am i gonna get it down there though it’s gonna be like really tricky to do okay whoops i need to dig that much um You know what screw it we’ll just do it like this [Applause] uh and then that way we could have like pizzeria walls and stuff in this tunnel to make it look even cooler Oh yeah i want it to oh it needs to go right here because i want i have the uh great concrete right here so this is the edge there’s that and then it’s gonna be like this I mean if i want i could have like the tunnel part be like thinner i’m a villager huh good thing i don’t have the uh audio stuff enabled on super chats where it like reads out the message that would be so annoying just go all right um Oh there’s some gravel yeah it needs to be three blocks tall i think no it needs to be like two blocks at least but it would be better to have it as three I know i need to go whenever i go back to my house i need to enchant my stuff i hear a skeleton oh i think there’s a skeleton in here yep there we go It’s gonna be so much fun i’m gonna have to do this like zigzag style too Where is it it’s gonna be like right here Let’s just say it’s like Thank you for the one dollar super chat thank you i’ll be like Right there And then we’re gonna have to mine all this out okay let’s go uh let’s go back home so i can enchant my okay that’s a minor error that’s fine that’s fine we can fix this not realize i messed this part up easy fix just gonna fix this now

All you have to do is that and then we just gotta break this and then replace it with this there we go it’s gonna do this side too oh all right oh but i want to go and do this okay that’s enough for now enough for

Now no for now let’s go home go home that way i can enchant my pickaxe oh hey nightmare bonnie roxanne’s over here too she heard she heard we were going racing oh god she wants to go race thank you the last agent for the one dollar super chat thank you thank you All right so now that we’re home don’t like those golden freddy sounds i’m not gonna lie um arrows can go in there give me my lapis we’re going into my basement we are enchanting because come on that’s not it that’s not what i wanted where’s my where’d my other shovel go

Did i put it i made a brand new diamond shovel and i don’t know where it’s at bruh okay well we have enough diamonds so let’s just craft a new one oh wait oh it’s right here perfect oh my my boots broke man yeah efficiency one

That’s not going to go up to efficiency one bruh okay so at least we can get our uh shovel to efficiency too and yeah i don’t have enough lapis anyways and let’s crack ourselves some new boots thank you for the one dollar uh super chat thank you oh i don’t think this is

Going to should be enough actually feather fallen one or we’ll just get a feather falling on our boots okay there we go we got we got an upgraded uh look ready shovel you know what let’s go let’s go let’s go over to junkies you know he still blocks from us let’s go

See if we can steal some lapis all right and let’s kill golden freddy though i need to remember i can use my fury chip if needed all right let’s shh okay guys we gotta be quiet okay we’re gonna go we’re gonna go loot junkies pizzeria all right guys be very quiet I have no idea if he’s over here or not oh there’s arctic laura okay he’s got all his chests right here he’s got an easter bunny plushy oh no not bucket bob oh he just exploded okay uh Nope nope No hey thank you dan the man for becoming a member thank you Brother all right let’s go over here junkie’s house is so far away oh is that his is that his race track what is that is that what he’s building Oh my god that looks It looks so much better than mine man this racetrack looks so much better than mine right now oh no All right let’s see tell me he has some freaking lapis though Okay shh guys chad be quiet be quiet He has none i came over here for nothing he has no lapis i mean i could go mine for some i don’t want to go mine for lapis thank you for the one dollar superchat i was just wanting this so that way i could get you know a higher efficiency pickaxe but okay

Whatever all right let’s go let’s go we gotta go back to our uh our uh you know raceway we got a speed build guys we gotta build should we sneak around his this thing see what it’s looking like i gotta make sure he doesn’t hear me i have no idea where he’s at

Is he over there Oh he’s over there oh go the other way go the other way hey guys wow thank you for the one dollar super chat uh oh uh oh he sees me he sees me run oh no room do you have a horse bro room room hi hello how is it going

It’s actually going pretty well uh how would you how much percent how much percentage would you say you’ve done so far 15. oh god 15. okay yeah um i’m glad because i thought a lot of people were saying oh x-men is almost done it’s like oh no but um what’s yours at

Uh let’s say 30 maybe 30. yeah i’m kind of i’m kind of doing a thing it’s weird okay that’s crazy have fun yeah you’re not stealing right i i can’t believe i can’t trust chat sometimes chat saying i’m you’re still he’s stealing your stuff sure buddy see ya he’s just watching me

You guys are snitches you guys are snitches you’re about to get some stitches okay you guys are snitches who did it oh snitched that’s it i didn’t even get to steal anything bro he had no lapis he didn’t have anything i wanted all right yeah i think i think our track he definitely

Has better decorations right now but i think our track is better i have no idea how big his racetrack is so oh my god actually mine’s probably more like 25 percent but we gotta give him that false hope you know and yeah junkies has not won a

Challenge yet on this world so he’s trying really hard to win wait is he nearby hey i see your name tag i see your name tag what you doing hey boy hop up my property that’s what i thought that’s when i thought i saw his name tag he was stalking me

He’s trying to hear out the goods i was trying to figure out what i was up to thank you for the super chat i should ask him for i should have asked him for lapis what did you snitch on me bro did you snatch huh someone snitched i’m gonna find out who

And uh they’re not gonna be invited to the mickey mouse clubhouse all right so all right gravel is so fun i love gravel so much you know it’s like one of the best blocks in all of minecraft do you nearby again i swear junkies probably like stalking

Me right now i don’t know we could go stalk him that might be a lot of effort though maybe in a minute i don’t know um so I gotta dig like this thank you for the two dollar super chat Like let’s throw those party hats out There we go now we just got to dig all of this out all this has to go thank you for the two dollar super chat no yeah that’s what i thought okay i’m kind of good okay so i’m pretty sure if we have it like This i think this is i think this will be snazzy all right so two There we go and then yeah we just fill this in right here sweet and now we just gotta make it three blocks tall and then that’s our that this will be our fat the fast tunnel welcome to the freddy faz tunnel bro guys Oh my gosh i’ve been streaming for almost two hours oh no i’m on a stream and holy crap that’s good what is his racetrack good is his racetrack better than mine is it better than mine is it really oh my gosh bro okay we gotta start working on the

Decorations man we gotta we need to work on decorations i’m not done i haven’t finished building the track yet okay so um let’s have it like this and then we’re gonna have it like just go on now up again Um We’ll have it like go up like right here Get rid of these trees we’re gonna make a comeback in the decorations all right once we get there once we work on the decorations ours is gonna be better than his okay it’s gonna be the best we have the best race track ever okay we’re going to beat junkie in this

I’m gonna start streaming too all right have fun foxy boy with your stream good luck all right um okay wait oh that is no no no no no no no no i thought something was kind of weird about this It needs to be like that then it can start going up All right thank you for the two dollar super chat nah man you are you’re dead what no come on guys come on no i’m not come on chat have have some uh have some faith in me bro i’m going to i’m going to win okay [Applause] he said he was at 30 percent

Oh god oh no we’re just trying to we’re giving him some uh some false false hope right now all right giving him false hope wait what false hope that he could uh that he can win all right That’s what we’re doing um how am i going to make this connect up hey hey i see you what you doing what you doing bro you stalking me no what you doing hippity hoppity off my properties what you doing there pal there’s nothing in there this is plushies nothing here

What you doing on my property pal huh that’s what i thought get out of here did he go to my house boy What is he doing okay you know what we’re going to take this opportunity to go see what he’s up to all right he went the other way we’re going this way i want to see what his is looking like because you guys are flipping oh my what is this what is this

Huh does it go down is it built i guess this is like the starting line wait what wait what are there boats what i’m supposed to use okay you guys got me worried about nothing man oh it’s nearby chad i don’t know what you’re talking about what is this racetrack what

He’s there he’s there i saw his name back i saw his name jack we gotta go we gotta go bro chad you guys got me worried about nothing man this racetrack sucks mine’s way better if i can get back over to mine yeah dead in these no bruh

Bruh you you guys be trolling he stole my pizzeria floor blocks that’s it i’m not to see him all right we got nothing to worry about it all had me worried that i was going to like die or like lose a toe or something you know but i ain’t worried at all no I think it would be faster to just oh my god okay um we gotta think how am i gonna connect this back up because i mean i could have it like you know it goes like up and then like goes back through the mountain like right here we could do

Yeah let’s do that let’s do that we’ll have it like here it’s going to turn and then go like right underneath that i think that would be good All right we just got to get this to no i know that sound oh my gosh no does he see no okay oh jesus oh my god he hit so hard wait where’s my fury chip go fury there they’ll take care of shadow freddy for me oh my god shadow freddy’s freaking spooky

That’s what i thought we dropped the uh drop the phantom balloon boy plushie i’ll take it oh my gosh i might need to take a quick uh bathroom break really quick oh my gosh there’s so many people on my racetrack these plushies are so nice to me though

They’re so nice they’re so good they’re so gucci yeah we need to collect as many of these uh plushies as possible so we can use them decorations all right um i think i’m gonna quickly go to the bathroom real quick yeah i need to take a bath and break so i shall be

Right back uh let’s just dig right here all right i’ll be i’ll be right back chat all right brb i’ll be back in like one to two minutes Uh Um Do All right i’m back trap what do you mean junkie’s stealing what’s junky stealing you doing what oh it’s the moon oh oh in scrap trap oh oh my gosh oh gosh oh geez you broke my chest plate oh Dang i need to go craft a new chest plate also my pants are about to break too they’re like good uh fallen off uh Um oh do i not have my diamonds on me i just want to add some diamonds in one of these okay i do we gotta make a new someone there what was that creeper blew up that junkie or one of the uh plushies that did that all right Yeah we’re getting so close to 900 000 subscribers it’s insane i think we’re about to hit eight hundred and ninety five thousand this is insane so thank you guys so much for all the support so subscribe if you have not all right it’s for you but look at this racetrack isn’t this

Racetrack so cool maybe when it turns day time we could do like a practice run on it for fun Oh jesus glitch trap oh my gosh he’s going to make me smell his fingers god he came out of nowhere oh my gosh hi glitch trap you want to smell my fingers pal come on smell them smell my fingers oh gosh he has his own babies oh go go my minions

There you go what do you drop you drop burnt foxy and shut up nickel That’s not creepy at all Okay i just i drink the soda while i was looking inside my faz bag all right what happened to your microphone what do you mean is something wrong with the audio sounds good to me Oh hello there little little uh little bitty baby oh god uh oh i need to like organize this better And boom there we go that’s this part done so um might actually have it connect back up over here instead going back under i don’t i don’t know just don’t fine i’ll go back i’ll do what i was originally doing go through here is this five

One two three four five yeah that’s five okay um Where’s my get some dirt okay Yeah so we’re gonna do more Two and then Right here oh well that’s that’s already All right um that way you get this nice beautiful view of everything and then i need to make it go back up Oh yeah it would just be um be right here Dang oh dang this efficiency tube shovels fast i just have to click okay um boop boop Yeah i think we’re i think we’re easily going to win this challenge i wouldn’t even bet anything dang we should have i could have gotten something for free oh wait okay so this is right there one two i think it would have instead i mean look there we just do it like

This yeah yeah Or I feel like it would be better if it was all just like flat right here that way it gives enough room okay yeah we’re going to make all this uh get rid of all this stuff i just did we have to make this um lower i’m just thinking about this like bridge

Parts that we could have like because it’s gonna go underneath and i need to be able to have like a roof yeah let me just break that block okay okay um why are you spamming the sun emoji what why is there simp in the chat oh no

Don’t tell me the sims are back okay so this is going to go all the way over here right boop boop so yeah that’s what that’s gonna be i’ll finish that part off in a second um okay big brain time come on so let’s just go ahead and dig through here

Where’s the other side of this mountain should have popped out right now there it is yeah there’s a mini arena right there yeah we’ll have it like right here Okay so Now everything’s just sun bro oh my god i should not have said it every and i should not have said anything because now this the chat is just filled with suns oh my god every time junkie dies i just go l [Applause] oh my gosh how do you die bro how do you

Fall is he doing something up high or something or did you just die doing something stupid man we got this in the back bro i haven’t put down any decorations yet all right time to concentrate it’s gonna go like right here this is gonna be very cool Then yeah this is all just silver concrete uh-oh okay good i got more Oh wait that’s a little too much just be like that okay chad you guys are some sassy sussy vodkas right now y’all know that you guys are guys y’all are being sent for sun right now you’re dollar symptom for the sun what have you all done y’all

Were supposed to stop the sims not join them what have you all done y’all are sipping you sipping sips you disgust me look at what you all done you’ve disgraced my name i just got a notification what was that oh youtube notifications youtube notifications youtube notifications i have so freaking many youtube notifications

[Applause] okay i think that’s good um There we go hey thank you for the five dollar super chat among us be like susmongus oh no why why must you curse this land with your sassy bakkenness i have more i need to get my face back out where’s my that’s all that do i need to get more

Dang i do not have that much concrete left i know there’s more in my chest at home i’m barely gonna have enough like concrete to finish this Where’s the uh where’s the engine it’s right here did i just hear oh this is sheep well when i just get some sheep or something on the weird sheep um oh gosh how am i gonna do oh it needs to like go off doesn’t it thank you for the

One dollar super chat thank you thank you you can go away um That’s true all right we’ll have it like come up should i just turn like right up here yeah it Should we go oh yeah no this looks really good i like this i like the track now we just got to go and uh once we finish this up we gotta go get decorations and make it look nice so now we just built down built down fill down

Now we built a little too far but that’s fine and then boom it’s all connected sweet the tracks connected all we got to do is finish building this uh this track oh i’m not gonna have enough gray concrete dang i’m gonna have to go back home get some more

When will you make the next fanath wars video um i don’t know yet i know eventually i probably will but i don’t know i’ve been kind of taking a bit of a break from making role plays but yeah there’ll be more coming out soon during august thank

You for the two dollar super chat by the way sun sims for moon and calls him that is that is cap if i’ve ever heard any cat before that is the definition of cap bro where did you even get that information from yeah see all we need is just some great

Concrete to finish this part and then boom it’s all done it’s all perfect oh i gotta make this uh this part right here a bit uh you know it’s gotta be three blocks it looks all nice and neat oh my gosh but yeah this looks really good i’m really proud of this

It’s much better much better than junkies i’m just casually roasting junkie whenever i can um okay let’s see here Oh is there any in here nope okay we need some uh silver concrete and then like everything else we already have over here because i want to use like birch wood and cobblestone to decorate everything we already got like that in my fazbag and stuff so go back home really quick grab

Like another stack or two of some great concrete thank you star wars fan boy for the one dollar super chat thank you i’m gonna go over here my house is still filled with some midgets um yeah we got this i’ll just take these oh yeah let’s also take uh

Some of these pizzeria blocks i also take this green concrete i guess i’ll use it for i’ve got some of these i guess thank you for the two dollar super chat i got i got it from the fbi what Expected light rain soon ugh it’s gonna rain soon it’s gonna rain it’s gonna rain I saw some plushies i want to take these okay nap time it is not time i just don’t want phantoms to spawn that’s why i’m getting junky to sleep sweet it’s daytime all right he is stealing your plushies why is he what i swear i’m gonna have to assume he

Has his own pleasure he’s got like a giant double chest filled with plushies so do i did he steal from this chest it looks like they’re all there still okay let me get on my freddy fazbag stuff some of this stuff in here just went and got some more supplies okay um

And then we’re gonna go right here and finish this Yes we’re done with the track guys the track is complete should we take it for should we go on a test drive let’s go on a test drive you guys ready you don’t even have to stay in the lines oh my okay this is actually all right let’s go

Look at this this is so cool and i’ll have to add like barriers and stuff so you don’t fall at the track oh gosh my my car’s taking damage oh no oh look at that oh that’s so cool oh that’s so cool oh lag oh my cart took two hearts of damage right

There oh that was so cool that’s so cool so yeah we gotta add like walks on the side or like walls or something so that way um the car doesn’t like fly off the track because it’s kind of hard to control the cart but that that that is cool that was

Cool i like that thank you for the five dollar super chat pov me playing minecraft with my eight double chests of eggs oh no i’m not spawning so many chickens okay whatever we’re gonna use as the barriers just cobblestone or something and that’s all i really got a lot of is cobblestone

So i could do like cobblestone walls i just don’t know how i would do it for like this part where it’s like close or something um we can think of something i think we need to do like cobblestone walls everywhere should i have like the sides of it be

Cobblestone like go around and make everything on the sides be cobblestone and put cobblestone walls on top i think that’s what i’m gonna have to end up doing i have no idea how much cobblestone i have i think i would have enough cobblestone yeah i would have enough i think i would

Because i need to make them like walls and stuff or okay i just turned all that into cobblestone walls probably should not have done that um oh yeah we also have to have decorations and stuff too okay so pizzeria floor because we gotta make this a final track okay we’ll have it right

Here this will be the um the line of starting right boom start in line And then we could add like a giant like you know like sign or something right here that says like start or just like a sign in general pillars or something um how should we do this have it like this right What i was thinking of like birch thank you for the one dollar super chat star wars fan thank you thank you oh god if i can build and then we have like this right here That looks ugly that looks ugly okay maybe no birch let’s get rid of all the birch and then actually maybe instead of like cobblestone we could do it like like this Like that that looks cool i like that and i don’t think i’ve oh i have a couple torches okay i was like i don’t think i’ve really been using torches at all there we go that looks cool i like it i like it okay boom there we go

It’s pretty cool is that roxy raceway no this is our own unique fnaf track right here we’re making our own this is the freddie this mine is going to be called the freddy fazz track all right this is the freddy faz track go around here we’re gonna have like

Decorations and stuff on the sides so um what would be like i could use oh i’m trying to think what to do what should i do okay i think like right here though we’re definitely gonna have to add like um cobblestone walls like right here so you don’t go

Like flying off the track i have to get rid of these trees right here There you go just have this whole side right here Like that Okay um Yeah have it like this oh did i just miss a super chat if so thank you so much i think i might have missed one i don’t know if i did or didn’t but if i did thank you i’m not paying attention i’m not gonna lie bad habit of doing that okay oh

We haven’t even added like any like fanaf decorations yet we’re just like doing all the like you know basics you know of the racetrack you know how’s that guys someone goes stock junkie stream for me how’s that how’s his stuff going is he is he going good I think yeah i would say like we’re like over 50 i think we’re like 60 done ish we just got to go around and uh uh you know do stuff There you go yeah adding the cobblestone walls definitely helps bring it to life some i don’t know if i need to make those like double walls or not and then we could add like some like fanaf stuff right here like do like the nap falls or something um bro it’s horrible now

Oh no rip junky bro it looked kind of good from like far away but then when i went up close i’m like bro what is that what is that track so i don’t know hopefully it’s like tidying it up bro uh all i i want junkie to win one of these

Challenges bro he has that’s like the trend with this is that he doesn’t win anything like doesn’t win any of the any of our minecraft nav challenges okay oh yeah you could like go off I mean Uh i might have to go let the dog goes out I want to wait where’s my car I want to see if you could like yep you can’t you can fall off of that now we know we’re gonna go on this like backwards we okay so yeah we’re gonna have to add more walls right here Yeah chat i think i might need to go afk for like 10 minutes slip dogs outside yeah all right let me find junkie and tell him then we go fk for like 10 minutes oh god i wonder why he’s dying is he up there ow i fell in a hole heard a

Pillager mr junkie hello hello hello uh i want to record a message for you junkie yo hello hi how’s it going oh yeah it’s going going great yeah definitely um yeah i gotta i gotta go afk for like 10 minutes so oh yeah that’s fine i have to go like dogs outside

So uh that’s that’s good that’s fine all right that’s cool yeah yeah all right have fun with the doggos yep all right stream i’m going to go afk for like 10 minutes um i’ll be back in like 10 minutes so don’t go anywhere i’ll be back in 10 minutes alright chat

I mean if you guys want in the meantime y’all can uh watch junky’s stream he’s still he’s streaming right now i’m not going to end my stream don’t worry um i’m just going to go afk for like 10 minutes so i can go let the dogs outside so i will put junkies stream

In chat so if you want to watch junky stream for right now so you don’t get bored and that way you guys will know when i’m back because i’ll join the game so yeah so that’s junky stream so go check out his stream i’ll be back in like 10 minutes all right brb Do My So Do Do Do Do Do do do Do so Do Do do So Do hey guys i’m back i just need to wash my hands really quick so give me one more second already thank you guys for being patient oh gosh if i missed any super chats sorry in advance i think my airpod died uh-oh hang on yeah my airpods Junkies stealing from you i know i know i clicked on a stream for uh for one second and i see that he’s in my house i’m like why the heck this is dude in my house oh god i need to fix my sounds hang on minecraft someone got to say yeah my airpod

Died okay yep i’m back i also got me a snack i gotta go let my uh dogs outside that’s where he’s at so let me go let him outside for a bit but uh his uh eyes back about to join back into the server but yeah i went ahead

And got me a snack because i’m hungry i haven’t really eaten that much today so i want to get me a snack Junkie is a thief we’re gonna have to go beat him up in a second Once we join back we’re just gonna go kill him all right i go i come back and i see someone call me daddy x-man why X-men go clap junkies cheeks w X-men is the best yes i am junkie is a sympt for your stuff yeah no kidding Yo give me a second to snack a little bit i’m starving and then we’ll help again junkie equals smelly monkey yes yes he does junkie is smelly monkey confirmed why is everyone so suss i have no clue By the way guys whose race track do you guys like so far more do you like it do you guys like mine or do you guys like junkies right now who’s racetrack do you guys currently like i’ve been streaming for almost 2 hours and 45 minutes Someone just said eat up daddy so i’ma stop eating now i’m i’m done snacking now what the hell thank you mr cheese for the two dollar super chat when will you make banaflores part two um someone asked this earlier i don’t know yet it’s not really on my list of things i

Want to do or like need to do right now um but um it was something i’ll probably end up doing some time down the road i don’t know when yeah probably not in august though i see your vote minecraft what the heck i see your vocabulary has improved bro

Minecraft’s roasting me right now man i’m getting roasted by minecraft i just now noticed that i shut up minecraft shut up Yeah we gotta go and finish this racetrack on up all right let’s go let’s go back let’s join Where’s this full at where’s junkie where is he at Thank you for your two dollar super chat junkie is bald yeah junkie is bald where is he at though oh there he is hello is he afk guys everyone on uh junkie stream i’m back come back to my stream i just got a youtube notification is junky afk

Yeah he’s afk guys guys guys come back to my stream everyone leave junky stream everyone unlike it and dislike his stream come come back to my stream all right have no one be in this stream come to my stream instead leave junky stream leave it leave it leave it also junkies bald confirmed

That’s what you get for stealing my stuff Oh my gosh yeah junkie i think junkie went afk yeah junky went afk and i just went over to the stream and just talked to this chat bro oh my god All right we gotta go we gotta go how the tables have turned i was afk and people went over to his stream now now i’m back and he’s afk now people are coming to my stream why is this tree like halfway chopped down what

Oh this is where oh no not again no no no no no no no no no shadow bonnie no no shout out bonnie’s back i knew these ties were too peaceful where is he oh come on die die shadow bonnie no i gotta eat food no Thank you can you give me a shout out also i love you well your name’s on screen so enjoy oh my god Oh oh i’m so slow now i don’t even have the bro i feel so slow without the speed chip oh this is weird i love the speed chip anymore and i feel so freaking slow i feel like i have slowness on oh my god i just got wrecked by shadow bonnie bro

Oh my god oh my god why does shadow bonnie hate me bro shadow bonnie has like started a war with me and freaking minecraft okay i got the speed chip back thank goodness um oh my god God dang man i just got bro is this all my stuff oh my god all my stuff went all over the place bro where’s my stuff my freddy fazbear this got my pick out got my pickaxe got my ax my dirt got my walls i think that’s everything that’s everything i had right

I don’t think i’m missing anything else i’m so then oh well i guess it’s gone yeah i got all my stuff yeah my inventory’s full that’s everything welp has got robbed all right um junkies it’s still afk dang okay put some of this stuff up Oh my pickaxe is gonna break soon okay fix up my inventory uh yeah i got all three of my faz bags okay time to continue all right i’m trying to make this like so freaking close but i’m like too lazy to move it Um yeah let’s just go ahead and fill this up with dirt right here i don’t know what i’m gonna put like right here oh my god let me put something we could have like a plushy mountain right here or something we could do like a uh

A show state we could do like a show stage right here you know like have a stage right here have like the animatronics on it i think that would be kind of cool we’ll do that i have like the f1 crew so it’ll be like kind of like this so

So great i have all these chests like right here in the way um probably like one over actually I don’t really have yeah i have one of all the uh fanathon plushies i guess i’ll just use cobble i don’t want to i hate to like just use like cobblestone for all this but i don’t really have like a lot of any other type of

Block i don’t want to use the pizzeria walls yet Okay Thank you mr cheese do you have a hex plushie yes i do have the hex plushies i have the fan fx plushies yes i have all of them they’re very good and cuddly and snuggly okay i don’t think i need to say that about them but yes i do have them oh my

Gosh there’s indo binders on my track yeah i gotta make sure that animatronics don’t walk on my track too that’s gonna be something all right i gotta do something here for now let’s just have like all this just be like you know cobblestone and maybe we could build up with something Yeah we could do it like this Torches still too oh that’s not even the right spot nope that one’s not either and then we can just do um i heard another creeper why are there so many creepers blowing up nearby i think it’s like some of my like the some of the plush babies or something just like

Blowing stuff up or something i have no clue if oh if i wanted i could actually add like like some plushies like on the sides right here you know that’d be kind of cool we can figure something out right now this is uh this is good enough

All right hello fbi how’s your day going my day’s going okay could be better you know could uh could have already finished this track by now i’ve been streaming for almost three hours that’s um a lot longer than i was you know planning for but you know all good all good and fun

Okay All right so we need more cobble walls um Ah this is gonna look awful That’s what i was thinking of you know it’s like there’d be like cobble walls all over the sides hello oh my god suitless afton is cursed he’s dead oh my gosh bro we have any more like cursed animatronics get added to this mod uh oh i hate that freaking micro glitch so much

Hello fun guy okay you dropped one single piece of iron now let’s go do cobblestone is junkies what happened to oh is he back oh no he’s a okay okay oh my gosh nightmare fox never foxy toy chica and mingle are not here okay nightmare foxy go away

Oh my god he’s so loud there’s a creeper oh god it’s all your fault never foxy Oh my god i heard golden freddy or something bro man he just that creeper just blew up my racetrack yeah hope everyone’s been having a fantastic day All right how do i want to do this stage i was thinking like we could have like you know freddy bonnie chica foxy kind of like that And then oh am i on a cobblestone no oh my i’m gonna need to like get some cobblestone for this or like i think i should have more in my house or something i don’t i don’t know Uh That’s kind of cool like that yeah we could like you know do something like that and have like the plushies like right there or we could space it oh no we don’t have enough room Or we could uh I was gonna say we could have like individual slots maybe we could have like fredbear and spring bonnie here and then like fnaf one on the other side or something i have an idea okay so that’s gonna be one slot oh wait oh we can have three okay let’s do this this

And that and then like that um I’m gonna turn these into this I think this might look kind of cool oh whoops oh wait that’s not oh yeah that is what i wanted to do a lot huh hold on a little wait a second if we need to we can have it like that just for you know now we don’t need This Oh i thought there was like an animatronic right there for a second tonight just me losing my sanity okay pretty fast bag it’s gotta be no are they all in this chest i have a puppet plush i do okay uh spring bonnie and a fredbear plushie do fred oh that looks weird bro

Is it because of the block on top oh We can’t have We could have walls but they look yeah we’ll do walls like this actually oh am i able to oh Puppet looks fine i think it’s just because of the top block isn’t it wait is it not really it’s fine like that good enough So you’re racing you got your plushies right there boom you’re gonna zoom by them um Oh my god phantom angle go away i have no idea where junky went junkie’s just dead oh no junky what happened okay and we’re gonna do like the same thing we did right here but on this side so we’ll have it like right here To figure out something to do there um so that’s oh yeah so one two three four that’s four yeah we’ll have it like this so we’re gonna have four animatronics right here and then should have them all in here so we need a freddy a bonnie Foxy since no one’s gonna really like you know see this we’ll put some uh put some dirt and then this Go Yeah it’s all just birch wood i just think it gives it a bit of you know a bit more a bit more of a decorative style to it And then we can have i’m about to make some more stairs yeah we need to make some more stairs why you gotta be sus i don’t know what you’re talking about i’m not the sus one here it’s chat chat is being suss all right chad is the uh chad is being the

Sussy bacchus all right i’m just trying to do my stream you know my normal little stream right here with my friend and chat is being a sussy baka all right Okay right we’re gonna put this back cut this back Is junkie still afk Hmm What if you like chat hmm i would i well i mean i would say oh crap this is kind of a corner because i would say like yeah no i would never like chat but then they would turn on me so no i guess i gotta say yes i do like

Chat that’s chad’s nice you guys are wonderful um give me give me one second actually hang on one Do Whoops i forgot to unmute i’m back chat um i don’t i don’t know where junkies at um Yeah i don’t know i don’t know why you want afk either like he’s doing something irl or something he’s going to be afk forever i’m sure i don’t know hmm i don’t know it’s uh He’s been afk for like 20 minutes right it’s been like a bit over 20 minutes yeah he’s been okay for like 20 minutes Yeah i don’t know where he’s at huh um you guys should go over to junkie’s stream and uh give him some love i know how early i went over there and joked and stuff um for like everyone unlike the stream everyone just leave it’ll be funny and

Stuff but uh if you did unlike the unlikely stream go back and relike it okay it’s just it’s just a funny little joke all right go go go give junkies stream some love all right He’s taking a dump watch that be it watch that be it oh no yeah i have no idea uh where he’s at or uh what he’s doing i’m gonna run out of cobblestone in a minute oh god glitch trap is here and he’s making me smell his fingers he’s still in game Go try to find him he could just straight up be afk i don’t know Do do I think he’s afk thank you for the five dollar super chat oh god glitch ups here and he’s making me smells yeah good good make it let him smell it wait what let him make you smell his fingers thank you for the two dollar super chat will you have

Fania and friends in your finale oh gosh i have no clue i like this though i like how he has the plushies here yeah he’s just afk in a wall i don’t know i don’t know where he’s at um What do we do what do we do chad yeah he’s just i like the furnaces that’s a cool touch let’s have a little look at his track it’s more he’s got more of that like old-school track is he done is he just waiting for me to finish

Why is there a whole creeper blow up his track what there’s so many like um a very unique track though does he go boating and stuff like that he did did he say anything when he went if he’s like oh i’ll be right back or something did he say something like that

I don’t know he could have something personal come up or something i know i’ve had that before where i’ve been um i haven’t had it happen in a while but i’ve been like in a stream with somebody and then they had to go afk because something uh irl came up or something

So it could just be like where he just needs to like leave his computer for a bit so no clue no clue yeah he said white brb okay all right so yeah i i could see some people were like he’s upset because my track is better than his

Which i don’t i don’t think that would be the case i don’t think that’s why he would do a okay um and if so i didn’t i would never i would never try to make somebody feel that way you know be like oh i’m the best you suck you’re the

Loser no like i do say some stuff like that sometimes but it’s all in joke and fun and stuff like that um so yeah i just want to make sure he’s all good that’s all x-men do you hate shadow bonnie yes i do he killed me he

Killed me over and over and over and over again thank you for the two dollars he went to go get milk dang i guess he’s not come back for a while um yeah so yeah i don’t know either you just need to go afk or something personal came up you never

Know what’s going on in people’s lives nowadays you know there’s always stuff going on behind the scenes and stuff um i guess i do have a bit of a mini story i could tell you guys um i was kind of debating on if i should tell this story or not

During this stream um hello blura let me kill plural oh god nightmare mangle no no no i will say it’s not a happy story okay it’s it’s not a happy story um but yeah no life is definitely not easy for anyone you have no idea what uh what

People are going through and stuff like i know there’s a lot of people in chat right now um who who’s probably going through some hard times right now you never know you never know what people are going through um that’s why that’s why i love being

Able to you know do youtube is like a way to help like distract people from their daily lives and stuff because like yeah life is stressful life sucks at times you know it’s just unavoidable unavoidable at sometimes wow i really can’t speak um but yeah it does suck at sometimes you

Know um that’s kind of like why i’ve been uh you know missing some uploads and stuff like that i was just like not motivated just feeling kind of like down just needed some like time to myself you know um but yeah so i do have a bit of a story

You know uh this happened to me yesterday all right so as you guys know not it was like not yesterday but the day before okay so on the 30th right on july today’s august 1st july 30th on the night of july 30th is when i did my five-hour minecraft stream right

Where i stayed up like till like 4 a.m 5 a.m i stayed up till like 5 a.m and so then boom it’s now the 31st right um so it was like 5 30 it was like it was like around 5am when i went to sleep all

Right so it’s like the night of the third it’s like the 35 a.m 31st i go to sleep it’s like after i entered that livestream that live stream was so fun i can say with confidence that was my best live stream i think i’ve ever done

On all of youtube was my last one my minecraft and f1 but anyways whatever whenever that ended and stuff i was i was having fun i know at the end i just like in the stream without like saying anything and stuff but like right after i ended it i

Was just dying with laughter i i had so much fun doing it like i um there’s like times like you can tell like even like once i died to like shadow bonnie and stuff and like at this stronghold and stuff i just could not believe that i

Was like in disbelief and stuff and you could like and i was just trying to be like act like really upset about it and stuff but you could like kind of see in my webcam like i’m just like smiling though and stuff because i thought it was so funny i’m like because i’m

Thinking my mind like what in the world are the odds of that like that is hilarious that that happened but it like sucks because i’m like yeah i just lost all that progress but i was like it’s funny and stuff and i do plan on doing a

Part two to that stream by the way i know some people were wondering i do plan to do a part two of that stream i don’t know when yet um but i will have face kim again for that one but yeah you never know what’s going on with people but anyways anyways anyways

Had an amazing stream that was an amazing stream it was like five hour stream it was amazing right i had a blast with it um anyways after the stream ended i’m happy i go to bed it’s like 5 a.m i go to bed

Um i wake up at 10 my dad wakes me up he’s like hey got you some food i was like okay cool i get up i get up 10 a.m so i had like what like roughly like five hours yeah i had roughly like five hours five

Hours of sleep so i’m like pretty exhausted get up eat a little something um drink a little something then i’m like alright you know what i’m still tired i’m gonna go take me a nap so i go and take me a nap you know i just lay down chill vibe to like three

And then three o’clock rolls around and my dad needs help with me i need to my dad needs my help right so he needs my help he needs help with the jet skis if you don’t know i have jet skis we have jet skis and stuff

And i told them i told them on the 30th like before i did my five hour stream like yeah tomorrow tomorrow on the 31st i’ll help you with the jet skis and stuff because we gotta we had to get them out of the water and stuff because we got some maintenance and stuff

That uh that we need to get done on them right so um it’s like three i wake back up you know i’m still like pretty exhausted because you know i’m just really tired because like after like streaming in general like whenever i do a live stream like after after i’m after i finish

Streaming i go lay down that’s the first thing i do after i finish stream is i go lay down because i’m always i always get i always get so exhausted doing live streams and stuff so like i get like even tired more tired than normal and stuff because it’s me

Just constantly talking like 24 7. um okay where was i at with this um so yeah anyways anyways it’s three i’m like i’m really freaking i’m still like really freaking tired i’m really exhausted because i just woke back up he’s like hey i need your help come help i’m like

Okay yeah sure so i get up you know haven’t really had anything to drink i’m kind of starving i’m like okay i i quickly shoved down two bananas down my throat i’m like oh yummy snack all right i’m ready to go so i quickly two bananas and uh i head on out i

Go get on the jet ski and we go over and we meet up at this place hey thank you for the super chat did you get to get the milk uh not yet not yet probably one day but not yet um but yeah so anyways

Um anyways we go get the jet skis and this was yesterday this was yesterday so we go get on our jet skis we go drive up because we have to go to the boat ramp so the boat ramp is basically where you get your boat on the um

On the on the trailer on the trailer so we had to get them on their trailer so we had to get them on the jet ski trailers right so we go meet up um my cousin he drove my truck so we have to go meet up with my cousin he’s at the

Boat ramp he’s got the ramp in the water we go over there we pull up we get the jet skis on all nice and tight boom there we go jet skis are on and then we hop off right me and my dad we get off the jet skis and stuff and he’s tying

Them up making sure they’re good i walk and it’s like we’re still like halfway like they’re still in the water right it’s the ramp it’s the boat ramp and the ramps like in the water and stuff so like we’re like walking in the water and stuff like that and it’s like on this

Slick cobblestone stuff anyways i walk over like it’s like i’m walking away from the trailer to like you know get out of the water and stuff i walk up and i start walking and stuff and then accidentally you know and i take a bad step right and i completely just fell

I just completely like wiped out like right there on this slick cobblestone it’s like this stuff it’s like cobblestone it’s like these like small little rocks and stuff i completely like slipped on it it’s like all this like algae like slick stuff and i just completely fall i fall over and i just

Like i’m just like i’m just like embarrassed i’m like i’m like god oh my god dang it how did that happen and stuff so anyways i get back up you know i’m like well that was embarrassing you know uh thank you mr cheese again for another super chat stuff um

I get back up i’m like okay well that uh that sucked but hey i’m okay so and then i’m like and then all of a sudden i’m like wait a minute hold on a second something something ain’t feeling right something ain’t feeling right at all i’m like something’s not right i

Start not feeling too good i’m like what the heck wait why am i not i’m like why am i not feeling well all of a sudden i look down and i notice i’m like oh you know that would probably explain why i’m not feeling too well um yeah i’m like that would probably

Explain why i’m not too feeling too well it’s because uh it’s because my my my knee my left knee was completely covered in blood i’m like oh so yeah i cracked open my knee on the rocks and it’s like it’s pretty bad cut and like my knees

Just bleeding out i’m like oh that’s not good i’m not feeling good i think i’m i think i might pass out i think i’m not feeling good so and like they know my dad my cousin they know i’m injured and stuff they’re like okay just getting we’re going home we’ll get you patched

Up don’t worry you’ll be fine so get in you know my knees currently bleeding out all over the place and yes this was yesterday and um i’m just like oh god i don’t feel good and then it got really bad it got really bad because then i’m like i’m not

Feeling good i’m like like fading in and out of reality in the back seat um as my knees bleed now i have a towel wrapped around it and stuff and then i’m like i’m like why am i why am i feeling so dizzy and stuff because i was like i

Was like i’m like i don’t think i’m losing that much blood to be like where i’m feeling like i’m going to pass out from like blood loss or anything like that and then like right after i thought of that i look over to my i look over to

My left right because like because i you know i fell so i also like landed on my arms and stuff like that too um and i look over and i look at my i look at my left arm and i’m like oh wait i’m not just bleeding on my knees like also my

Um what you may call it my uh my elbow is also bleeding out as well i’m like oh oh my so yeah my elbow is like all scratched up it’s bleeding out too i’m like oh great and then and then it hits me and stuff and i just like i’m just

Like oh my god like what in the world and then i just i just completely like it was like one of those things where like all of a sudden like boom i just felt like even more sick all of a sudden i just and what’s awful is i threw up

All over in the back seat like after that i’m like oh my god like is this happening is this like real is this like a dream or something like what the hell is happening and stuff um and we think the reason why i threw up and stuff is because like i had just

Woken up i was freaking exhausted and i hadn’t had any water that day like i said like i just like i just shoved like i just ate two bananas like that had no water today and completely just threw that all up so uh yeah fun day so see

You never know what’s going on in people’s lives even when everything seems happy and stuff there’s always crap going on behind the scenes so uh yeah uh thank you for the 200 super chat yeah i’m fine now don’t worry guys um i was originally one in the stream

Yesterday but because of that i’m like no i’m taking today off i i don’t feel good and i just after that um yeah after all that stuff like after i threw up and stuff like i felt better after i threw up i’m like like what the heck and i got all cleaned

Up and stuff so i’m all good um so uh yeah you know that was uh that was fun that was a fun little experience experience where i thought i was like oh just gonna do this really quick going to be like less than 30 minutes adventure and stuff and it just

Completely took out my entire day yesterday so that was fun that was fun yeah Yeah no i’m fine i’m good i’m good because uh we uh after that got um because like once i got home i drank some water um got rubbing alcohol on it so it cleans out the wound um it was not a fun experience i will tell you that

But it’s like but like once i like once i got home i felt so much better because and then i like sat down chilled for a bit and stuff i clean i got cleaned up you know and i just i just laid out i just laid down all of yesterday so yeah

So yeah it’s still like it does hurt a little bit when i walk um but i think that’s just like you know it’s it’s definitely bruised up it’s like a little little swollen kind of on it like right below my i say like on my knee it’s like right

Below my kneecap it’s like you see like if you look at your kneecap it’s like right underneath your kneecap that’s where it is so yeah But yeah you never know what uh what people are going on through in life and stuff so that’s why you always you know gotta gotta consider what other people are going through and stuff like that so even when everything seems happy on screen and stuff like that you

Never you never know what’s going on behind the scenes so i’m making another chest but yeah i’ve had i’ve had a lot of stuff happen to me so that’s that’s life for you life is uh not easy for anyone even if it seems like it’s easy for somebody else you

Know you’re like wow i wish i could be like this person they seem so positive all the time they seem like their life is perfect it’s not behind the scenes i’m sure they’re also going through some stuff you know so yep fun stuff yeah i don’t know where uh

Or junkies i messaged him on discord i think he’s just straight up afk i think he’s afk um so i think something came up personal wise with him that’s normally um what it is um because i uh i had a god this was a freaking forever um i’m

Not gonna say who this was but this was like a stream like forever ago when i when my channel wasn’t really even that popular at all i was doing a stream with somebody i forget what we were playing we were doing so i think we’re just chilling we’re just streaming

And chilling you know this was like a good handful of years ago with one of my old friends i don’t really talk i don’t talk to them anymore but this this they they had to go afk for a bit i’m like oh okay and they never came back i’m like

What the where did they go and then like and then they were streaming on their channel too and stuff and their stream’s just running for like over 12 hours they’re just gone and stuff i’m like what and i found out like two days they later they’re like yeah the reason why i

Had to go afk is because uh my mom got arrested i’m like oh god i’m like dang that that sucks and i’m like yeah that was fun so never know what’s going on in people’s lives so i don’t know And someone chat said junkie’s probably playing fania yeah you’re probably right he probably has to get a quick finia session in um but life can be fun for everyone thank you for the 5 super chat you know Junkie junkie ate taco bell oh no he’s trapped in the bathroom oh no so yeah just make sure to always show people love because you never know and then that’s like the thing with like bullies and stuff too with like school bullies and stuff i never really got bullied in school

Um i think i i got a little i got bullied a little in elementary school but i didn’t in middle school or high school because i was actually able to like stand up for myself you know um i did get bullied a little in elementary school

Um but that’s the thing with bullies and stuff like when you first like see one you’re like oh my god they’re so mean they beat me up they’re so mean they’re so cruel but again it’s the same thing applies with them you gotta like you gotta think like oh they’re probably

Going through some personal crap or something and just trying to take their uh take their anger out on somebody else or something like that that’s not that’s normally the case for most bullies and stuff i mean yeah sure there are a good there’s there is a small handful of

People out there who are just purely cruel and stuff like that so that’s the case sometimes but yeah well this was just this was supposed to be a minecraft uh building racetracks stream and this is now life advice with x-man 723 which i don’t know if this is good

Advice or not i think it’s good advice hopefully you take it the right way i don’t want anyone to take anything i’m saying the completely wrong way i’m just trying to make light of everything so yeah now junkie’s still afk he’s still in the game too so

I don’t know i’m sure we’ll find out or if he doesn’t want to whenever he comes back and he doesn’t want to talk about what’s going on or something that’s completely fine too because again it could be something completely personal or something like that no clue i’ve no clue where he’s at

So yeah that’s all good should i keep working on my racetrack i probably should when will you do five last nights at freddy’s part 20. i know during my popco stream i um i said that uh i said i would get part 20 out um five last nights at freddy’s before july

Ends and now it’s august 1st i don’t know when part 20 is going to come out i have an idea for probably 20. i’ve just i’ve i’ve just recently have not really been in the mood to do roleplay i didn’t really do many role plays during july um

Which is why my channels kind of kind of died a little um i say die it still gets like over 50 000 views which is still freaking insane to think about you know because i used to not be able to get that back in the day so it’s still like good stuff um

But uh yeah i haven’t really been doing any role plays i just haven’t really been in the mood to do role plays i haven’t really been motivated to do role plays i have ideas for role plays i’m not out of ideas i have so many ideas for role plays that

I want to do it’s just motivation for like recording them and stuff because they do take a while to like set up and record and stuff so yeah i’ve been having fun with these streams though streams are so nice to do because you just like you just stream it and

Then you don’t have to worry about like editing or anything like like once it’s done streaming you’re just done you don’t have to worry about it so that’s a nice thing about streaming so yeah and if also if junkie comes back and he’s like hey bro uh i gotta go or

Something like that that’s completely fine and we uh we could just finish up the racetrack or something another stream too if we need to so i have no idea how long junkie’s going to be afk for it could be like five minutes or like 12 hours you never know so you know So yeah X-men junkies here okay i have no clue i have no clue i think he’s a he’s a oh he’s oh he’s typing oh all right if it’s something personal i’m not gonna say it on stream we’re gonna just chill for a minute chat if that’s cool Thank you for the super chat Are you balloon boy i am not balloon boy So So x-men is 19. he can cuss if he wants to yeah that’s true i can’t i’m 19 so i’m i don’t i can do whatever i want Hmm Do No i just miss a super chat so thank you So All right all right shiats so i don’t know if uh junkie’s gonna continue streaming or stop streaming i just deemed with him um so yeah like i was saying earlier you never know what’s going on people’s uh lives and stuff you basically basically he just said that today has

Not really been the best day ever for him and yeah that’s that’s that’s completely fine it’s okay to have down days and stuff like that so um i told him i i told him that if he wants to if he wants to stop streaming if he wants to get off um because i

Don’t want him to feel like oh since since he’s doing a stream with me he has to be here and he has to stream with me no i never want that to feel like and stuff like i’ve had that feeling with some of my friends like in the past like

I could tell like some people weren’t like some of my friends weren’t really interested in gmod finance i’m like i don’t it’s like one thing i i’m like i don’t want you to do gmon finaf if you don’t want to you know um because like kind of like how oofy

Man and foxy rock stop doing gmod fnaf it’s just because like they didn’t really enjoy it anymore and that’s completely fine you know it’s completely fine for them to go and uh do something else and stuff like that um okay wait what point was that oh

My gosh i just lost so many brain cells again i just lost so many brain cells but like that’s something i i want to make sure it’s like i i want to make sure like i never make somebody feel like they’re forced to do something or like oh you

Have to do this right here right now no matter what and stuff so yeah but yeah junkies uh junkies basically just had a little bit of a rough day and he said he might hop back on he doesn’t know yet he’s kind of busy at the moment so

It’s all good so he’s either gonna stop streaming or he’s gonna continue and come back so i don’t know um i guess in the meantime while we wait i don’t know when he’s gonna come back maybe in like 30-ish minutes or something like that so yeah go show junkie some love he’s been

Having a bit of a rough day so if you guys can go over to a stream go over to his channel give it a like you know send positive vibes over there send some love um so yeah He also said that uh whenever i went afk and uh some of y’all went over to his stream and stuff he said that some of y’all were being like kind of negative or something which i don’t think that’s the case i don’t think you guys are negative i’m sure you guys are probably

Like joking like oh my god it sucks this stream it’s cringe um that’s how i always like to that’s how i always react to like hate messages and stuff like as jokes you know that’s how i normally take in stuff i’ve been doing youtube for a long time and stuff

So i i think maybe just having like so many people just go over to a stream at once and just send a bunch of messages might have overwhelmed him a little bit um because yeah that that’s something is like you know knowing how to like react to certain things and stuff so yeah

But yeah we need nice vibes and stuff all right i was not really expecting the stream to take this turn but hey it is what it is and that’s okay you know you live and you learn we all have moments like this where things go downhill so it’s completely fine Toy freddy plays now we do not need to bring up toy freddy plays games right now chat we do not need to bring him up so yeah if somebody somebody um somebody could keep an eye on jokey stream to let me know if he comes back or ends it or

Something let me know in chat have you looked at the theft king drama oh how could i not that was like all over like fnaf and twitter and stuff oh my gosh that was that was a mess um i will say that that was uh the whole theft king stuff that

Was that was a messy why is the world so negative why can’t we just have positive vibes man why can’t we just be positive bro i hate negativity so much that’s the only thing i’m negative about is negativity bro oh my gosh why can’t we just be positive why can’t we be vibes

Um i’ve seen some people like man i miss the old days of social media when everyone would be so positive and whenever somebody would see and i i see someone else like make a video so i’m like wow that’s a really cool idea that’s really inspiring thank you so

Much but now people are like oh my god this is cringe oh you could have done this different oh you could have done that which some of that’s just general advice for like improvement stuff like oh i wish you would have done this instead but some people can be like so

Cruel about it and stuff and then like the whole like cancel culture and stuff like that’s awful i hate cancel culture so much oh my gosh i can’t even speak yeah i don’t know it sucks how negative the world’s gotten you know it used to not be this negative

But uh it sucks you know so but that’s why i love being youtuber a youtuber that’s uh this is this is what i said earlier so that way i can make videos and stuff um to distract you guys you guys from your chaotic days and stuff

And whenever you have a bad day or something i love seeing messages like that whenever somebody’s like yeah hey i’ve been going through a hard time your videos have been making my life a bit better so thank you and stuff like that so like that’s just so meaningful to me and stuff so

Because yeah because i never did i never like when i did whenever i started youtube i was like oh this is not a job this is a fun it’s a hobby you know just making videos for fun and stuff because i didn’t i never got paid at first i

Didn’t even know when i started making youtube videos i didn’t even know you could like make money off of youtube and stuff and that is such a huge benefit though to make that’s like a bonus is to make money and stuff i’m just doing what i love doing

You know trying to make people’s day better and then i’m able to make a living off of it you know and it’s so nice thank you so much for the 2 super chat what happened to the multiple choice series are you talking about the uh life of stylized pretty fast i know

That’s something work in progress i’ve been lazy okay i’m lazy fine i’ll say i’ve been lazy i know that’s something on my list of many things i need to do all right that’s something i need to do yeah yeah cause like i also have bad days too

It’s not only just y’all like yeah no that’s what i do the same thing whenever i’m bad like having a bad day and stuff like it’s fine to feel down for like a couple minutes and stuff but it’s not good to like build filled down for like

Two to three days that’s when it starts getting bad because it can affect your mental health but it’s fine to be upset or like feel down for like a couple hours or something like that’s how i felt yesterday um i felt like kind of like after like i

Fell and hit and like scraped up my knee and bled all over the place and threw up all over in the back of my truck i was like pretty upset i was like i was like i was like damn like this this sucks you know there’s freaking sucks it’s like i had no

Control over it you know just it ruined my day yesterday you know so but i’m like okay i’m like yeah and it’s never good to like try to like force a smile or something like that i know some people are like that like oh if you’re

Upset just wear a smile you know just wear a smile um which sometimes you have to sometimes you have to man up just wear a smile and stuff sometimes um but it’s not good to like fake it like all the time and stuff like whenever you’re alone or something

You just need to be upset just be upset and stuff but again like i was saying earlier it’s not good to be upset forever um so it’s like if you need to uh if you need to take time to yourself um that’s fine but that’s also something

Good is youtube and stuff like yeah i’ve gotten upset too and stuff but then like how i feel better is i watch other people’s videos and stuff and people and other content creators who i enjoy golden freddy why are you here now it’s not the time so yeah

I um i don’t know if junkie left the game or if he got disconnected because uh he was afk because you can get disconnected for being afraid too long on minecraft servers which is stupid Yeah i don’t know if he i don’t know if he purposely left the game or if he got disconnected because that can happen sometimes whenever you’re afk too long in minecraft yeah we’ll see we’ll we’ll keep chilling here for a while he hasn’t ended his stream yet so

We’ll keep vibing and keep chilling I’m kind of sleepy though yeah whenever i was doing this room today i wasn’t planning on it being this long and stuff so yeah so for anyone out there who’s having a hard time or anything like that it’s gonna be okay something like i always think about

Something that makes me feel a little bit a little better whenever i’m feeling like upset about something is like is this gonna like like let me like just sit back and think is this gonna matter within a month or a year from now is this going to affect me still in a month

Or a year and most of the time it’s probably not um so because it’s like if you just like had a bad day or something like that it’s like you feel upset about it or like get a bad grade or something get yelled at or anything like that

You just feel upset about it it’s like you gotta think like is this gonna is this gonna is it gonna matter within like a month from now is is am i still gonna be held against for like whatever i did like a month from now yeah is people gonna still care

About what happened and the answer to that is most the time is no it’s not going to really it’s not going to matter within a month and it’s it’s okay you know the balloon is a weapon the balloon is a weapon yeah it does 15 attack damage

I could be using the balloon instead of my i probably should have been using my balloon instead of the axe dang thanks for pointing that out build one of your finash statues in survival oh my god i haven’t made one of those finesse statues in so long yo

Yeah i like a lot of my old videos because you can tell like i was just doing whatever i wanted to do like sure like nowadays um like especially with my main channel and stuff i feel like it needs to be fnaf-based it has to be finance-based and stuff which it’s been

Kind of nice you know being able to do the poppy playtime stuff being able to do some videos like i still love fnaf you know um it does feel a little dead right now at the moment i’m not gonna lie um you know because like there’s like

Really not been that much fanaf news like sure there’s the dlc but we were teased about that like two to three months ago um and that’s not going to happen till like next year and stuff so it’s like it’s like kind of the vibes to fanath

Are like kind of dead right now but i know they’ll get resurrected next year or like at the end of the year what if an f plus comes out Oh oh thank you junkie thanks for supporting me your great guest oh thank you junkie junkie you did not have to super chat right there you do not have to super chat especially since you need the money for your headphones um okay but anyways enough joking around um yeah

Junkie you do not have to super chat that never feel like you need to give me money at all um just wanna make sure you’re okay pal that’s all this one makes you all right all right so hope you’re doing okay if you’re listening to the stream hope you’re

Doing a good junkie chat loves you chat misses yeah we hope you’re all good and again if you need to go stop your stream you need to get off that’s completely fine too so don’t feel like you have to be forced to be here and stuff if you feel

Uncomfortable or anything you need to go take a break go sit down for a bit just walk away for a minute that’s completely fine you know yeah what about the fnaf movie oh yeah apparently we’re supposed to get fnaf movie news like at the end of this year have you guys

Seen that like twitter stuff where it’s like jason blum is like oh we’re gonna get fnaf news is eerily close or whatever and then that was like three or four months ago hopefully we get hopefully we get fnaf movie news i don’t know if we’re gonna get any movie news on august 8th

August 8th is a week from today that’s nuts to think about i don’t really have a plan yet for what i’m gonna do for like my video on finance anniversary um last year i did the golden era video um but yeah finance anniversary is coming up so hopefully we get something good on

It i know like there was one year where we got absolutely nothing so money for you thank you i don’t i don’t need it chat i don’t need money you know i’m sure there’s like a lot of people here who definitely need it way more than me

And stuff so it’s always kind to super chat and stuff um that way i’m able to like you know be able to like have money you know so i can put it back into youtube like buy like other games and stuff to play um on the channel and stuff

Um or be able to work on stuff for like memberships and stuff like that and like be able to gift out memberships and stuff um so yeah Okay sorry um all right You need red bull i don’t need red bull i don’t i’ve never drank uh i’ve never had red bull before yeah i guess like right now we’re just kind of chilling right now so you know surviving just chilling but yeah um i know somebody asked earlier about

Theft king and all that stuff i don’t really i don’t want to get into it to be honest in the stream because that’s the thing that’s why i never really talk about drama or like negative vibes and stuff because like i said earlier it’s like i love being able to do youtube and

You know and distract people from all the negativity in the world and stuff which is why that’s one thing i kind of hate about like drama channels and stuff like that because it always like focuses mainly it mainly focuses on like all the negativity and stuff it just brings

People down and stuff makes people upset and stuff um so that’s why i always like to stay positive and stuff and try not to you know say anything negative or like be negative towards somebody else or anything like that so You know this is it’s a fun time we live in in this world and the world is heating up and stuff oh yeah we have to remember junkie uh junkie lives in ireland so he’s probably going through that heatwave stuff too so that’s fine i’m in i’m in the us i got

My i got my cozy ac but i knew i know how it feels to not have ac um because like a couple months like three to four months ago my ac broke in my room up here so i would have like no ac up here and it was freaking hot i was

Like boiling and stuff and it was so hard to like record videos because i was like i would have to come in here like like turn off all my fans because i have like all these fans set up and stuff i would turn them all off so that way when my microphone wouldn’t

Pick them up and then i have to record and stuff like after i’m done recording i’m just completely like sweating and stuff like that sucked that sucks so it’s hard not having like ac and stuff so you know x-men did you vibe to the new the living

Tombstone song yeah no that song was amazing bro i loved that song i loved it and stuff and like as everyone said um it had some nostalgic vibes into it too like the original finale song so yeah i know there’s a i really loved it i loved

The new one yup heat wave with no ac yeah that sucks bro that sucks that sucks meanwhile wall junkies afk are taking a break can you give us one thing from era three um i know how originally i was like this is the thing i hate i saw a meme about this

Um about how like there’s a meme basically it’s like me before summer i have so many plans i’m gonna do them all during summer and then when summer comes you do none of them you just lay around in lazy and it’s so true because i like before

Summer came i was like oh my god i have all these ideas i’m gonna finish error two by the end of summer which obviously that did not happen error two is still nowhere near to be in it’s getting it’s like over seventy five percent done error two is like over seventy five

Percent done it’s getting close thank you you’ve helped me with my adhd thank you yeah oh my gosh yeah see you never know what people are going through or what people are having to um put up with and stuff and deal with and stuff like i i don’t have adhd um so

But i’m glad i’m glad i could help i’ve had friends though who’ve had it and stuff so yeah but i’m glad i’m glad i could be of assistance to you good sir hope you’re having a good day and if not hopefully it gets better so yeah yeah

Yeah see um isn’t this a nice uh lovely racetrack though it’s very decorative right it’s a very decorative this is a great racetrack look i was like wee and stuff and then they use the fnaf decor we have like four final plushies this is how we can call it a

Final track boom just throwing a freddy plush and we can call it fnaf cart bro this is basically mario kart oh my gosh yeah i know my racetrack’s still a bit of a mess i like junkies racetrack though i know some i know some people

Like it’s kind of like a bit of a mess and stuff it’s very different it’s not what i was expecting i have to give props to that it’s very like more like an old school style i like it and stuff and it like has unique stuff because

That’s how i had like some water and stuff i thought that was cool because it has like some uniqueness and stuff because for me i was going with um with like a uh more modern themed but that’s kind of cool because it was like kind of like a mix you know

His his track is like the definition of a mario kart track it’s like it’s like switches like themes like halfway through it’s like how in mario kart it’s like you gotta like have the glider cart or something like you fly into the air or go underwater at certain points and

Stuff it’s kind of like a track like that i like it i like that theme Yeah you just never know what uh what people are going through and stuff obviously like i i um how i told y’all earlier about how i uh how i hurt my knee yesterday um i do still have like a lot of stuff uh going on behind the scenes and stuff

Um which i don’t know if i will ever talk about it or not maybe one day um but life is not easy for anyone all right that’s uh that’s basically the main message to receive from this so yeah all right hang on one second i need to check something

All right junkie’s gonna end the stream junkie’s gonna end the stream so i hope you’re doing good junkie if you’re still listening to this part of the stream hope you have an amazing afternoon take it easy man you deserve it you’ve been working hard bro junkie’s been working hard he’s been getting all

Those uploads i’ve been slacking on uploads recently bro he’s been staying on those uploads like bro so yeah yeah i’m probably gonna end my stream here too i don’t want to get i don’t want to be like okay i’m going to go do all this stuff without him no i don’t

Want to do that so we’ll probably um maybe do like a part two of like finishing up the racetracks and stuff like that in like a different stream sometime in the future i think that’s what we’ll do um so that way we can give junkie more time to finish his

And stuff because i’m sure his wasn’t really finished yet um so i’ll probably end the stream here in a minute i want to keep talking with you guys though for a couple minutes but i’ll probably end the stream here in a uh in a second so yeah

Also should i just keep the thumbnail as like what it is it’s just like me and i in a race car that was like a bit of a lazy thumbnail i did that like right before i started streaming um you know my other thumbnail was much better for my last stream which again

Like i said earlier i’m gonna do a part two to defeat in the ender dragon with the fnaf mod i don’t know when i’m gonna do that stream yet because i gotta do um a review so yeah my video for tomorrow which i need to record is gonna be a pop

Goes player model review because there’s a new pop goes player model pack out so i need to record that and stuff and i need to stack back up on videos i know i have those two channel member videos and stuff eventually um sometime today’s sunday or no it’s monday frank

Oh my god my brain hurts yesterday yesterday felt like it did not exist because i was just in bed all day yesterday because my knee um but um what you may call it uh sometime this week hopefully i’ll get that pill pack video i know that one’s been like a

Channel member video for so long so hopefully i’ll release that sometime this week but probably my next video that’s going to come out is going to be a pop goes player model pack um and stuff so yeah i don’t know when i’m going to do my next live stream on my main channel

It’s like i want it i want to keep streaming i love stream but i just have to work on other stuff i have other stuff i need to do um another stuff i need to work on and stuff um because i need to figure out what i’m doing for a finesse anniversary next

Week let me play about that i’ll end the stream in like 10 minutes i’ll let this stream get to four hours and then i’ll end it because we’re at three minutes and 52 so i’ll stop streaming in like eight eight-ish minutes should i just go ahead and get off the

World yeah i’ll go ahead and log off i shall log off you will oh whoops what i do what is this huh oh what the hell okay there we go Yeah we’re gonna vibe we’re gonna vibe for a minute i’m also hungry you know I wasn’t planning on the stream being this long you know so So I forgot i was still in that call All right i just took his own discord i have a broken arm that sucks i’ve only broken um one of my bones i broke my wrist my right wrist and third when i was in third grade that’s the only bone i’ve ever broken in my body is my right wrist

Just into my stream hope you have a great day all right you too junkie you too take it easy bro take it easy hope you enjoy your afternoon hopefully your day gets better bro so see you later junkie thank you for thank you for doing this stream with me i know you did

Another stream earlier today which i know i rarely can ever do that like do two streams back to back but thank you so much for joining me in the stream junkie so yeah x-men do you have a girlfriend no i do not i am lonely oh so lonely i am lonely

Actually it’s not that bad though being lonely you know it’s nice you know get the vibe get the chill don’t have to have someone nagging at you i don’t know Hey game best i miss things um kinda i don’t know when you got here when you left or something i’m gonna end my stream in like five minutes When are you making another roblox video i have no clue i’m no clue Someone chat said how do i have a girlfriend and you don’t i don’t know oh i ain’t cool Now come on guys come on obviously obviously y’all know sexy foxy is my girlfriend right y’all know that right Come on chat get with the program y’all should have known by now all right it’s confirmed You love your fans of course i love my fans you guys are awesome you guys have done so much for me you know because i want to be able to do this right here right now if it weren’t for you guys Thank you pleasures for the one dollar super trap oh god that was very sexy [ __ ] you guys Have i done He told but you told me it was nightmare grey bird statue i don’t know that’s cap bro that is cap never grabber statue thing is oh sexy [ __ ] oh she was on the screen for a second oh that was so hot i mean what uh number three thing he’s

Unfortunately kind of become a dead character like spring button spring bunny’s also kind of been i love spring bunny he’s been kind of like a dead character um ooh baby thick wait what um there’s also bloor waifu I lost my train of thought i was going to say something i completely forgot what it was i just lost my train of thought i’m going to exit on minecraft so i’ve pulled up on the main menu All right Just chilling we just chilling i don’t know i don’t know if i said this before or not but i do have a i do have another sexy foxy video planned it’s a great one i don’t know what i’m gonna do i’ve had it planned for like four months

See that’s the thing like with my ideas i was saying earlier like i have so many ideas i’ve had ideas that like i’ve had for like over like a year or two i just haven’t done yet because i just haven’t gotten around to it yeah i got so many ideas Oh something about dead characters yeah um yeah nightmare graveyard statue things kind of become a dead character spring bunny’s kind of a dead character no one really likes spring bunny anymore in the old days it was always about spring bunny spring money was the hip with the cool kids now everyone’s like

Smell my fingers and oh soup what was that what i just made was that old noise bro what was that i’ve never made that noise before oh dang only the og’s bow down before spring bunny Face cam i’ll have i’ll probably have face came on during my um i don’t feel like having face came on because you know i’m still a bit of a mess from yesterday um but i’ll probably have face cam on whenever i do my next uh you know uh fanaf

Uh beating the ender dragon shrimp whenever i do part two of that um oh yeah banana soup and then a soup all that face came on whenever i do my uh my next uh the same uh the next oh my god i’m losing brain cells if you can’t tell

Oh my god my brain cells are dying I’ll do face cam again whenever i do um i do my part two of beating the ender dragon with the fnaf mod and then i’ll also probably have it on whenever i do my 900k stream which i don’t know when that’s gonna be it’s whenever we hit 900k so yeah When’s the next stream i have no idea when the next room is going to be i have to work on so many videos and stuff um so yeah tomorrow will probably be a pop goes player model review video it’ll probably be a bit of a short one that

Way i can catch up on videos and hopefully get some role plays recorded because i know people love the role plays and stuff so Honey stop slacking on those and get back on the grind I think i think july like this year i think july is like the worst my channel is performed So far for 2022. january was easily the best month um because that’s when security breach came out like it came out like mid-december so everyone was on the ground in january um uh oh actually wait oh no it was may may was i think oh wait what

Oh maybe was slightly better than july hold on let me pull this up on let me see what this says what month was better july or may Oh it’s like 50 50. okay so like july and may are like the worst months my channel’s performed so far this year but it’s but if you compare the stats of like how well my how my channel performed of july to like last year it’s that’s like so freaking good that’s so

Freaking good so it’s insane like all the support you guys have shown me so thank you guys so much for all the support i only wish we could show i wish everyone could feel the support i get and stuff like everyone who needs it and stuff so yeah Um when’s my next video it’ll probably be uploaded tomorrow 3 p.m est time you know got to get back into it so yeah it’ll probably be apopka’s review video of the player models on gm1 it’s like of the original models from the original pop goes i never did play the original pop goes

I’m kind of just waiting for evergreen to come out so that way i get like a a pure pop goes experience you know bro april was by far my best i got 500k views and 10 plus subs yeah well uh january january was the best month for

My main channel in january of 2022. yeah january is like the best month overall on my entire channel like i thought i i i’m not gonna lie uh before security came out i thought i had already peaked and stuff because like november 2021 november before security came out

Like fnaf was like kind of dead like kind of how it is like right now it’s like kind of dead and stuff um so no one’s like really looking it up or anything like that like any new people basically um so like at that point i was like i had

Already hit my peak you know i’m just vibing i’m just chilling from now on and then my channel spikes up in uh january because yeah in january i got 77 000 subscribers which is freaking nuts that’s insane i got over 34 million views which is also freaking loud so yeah

You’re literally almost out one million subs dude i remember when you hit 500k i know it’s insane about also like how fast and so at the beginning of this year at the beginning of this year i didn’t even have 700 i didn’t even have 700 000 subscribers i was still

Around like 680 000 at the beginning of this year because at the beginning of this year i hit 700 000 and 800 000 within a month of each other it was freaking nuts like my channel like spiked up at the beginning of this year and then now we’re just kind of

Chilling we’re just we’re like now we’re just chilling to that one million mark we’re just gonna slide over the finish line you know we were we’re running the r we were running like most of this race and now we’re just now we’re just sliding across the track you know oh my gosh

But yeah yeah there are three though i still have a lot of planning to do um i think i’ve said this before in other streams but i’ll go and say it now um whenever era 2 is over i do plan on making a a u video basically like my

Gmod for fau so far because i know some people are like really confused on my au and my lore and stuff like that and i gotta admit it’s kind of confusing too so i plan on making this whatever era two’s done whenever the final error two

Video comes out i’m gonna try i’m gonna work on this really long video where it’s gonna be basically be like all the highlights of era two um and basically it like the main story like summarize so that way everyone can be on the same page in the lore and stuff and no one

Gets confused or anything like that um because yeah there’s definitely some stuff in that playlist that’s like retconned and stuff like that example like how springtrap and baby are in the freddie and friends uh switch bodies video you know and how there was like in that first like freddy friends thanksgiving video

There’s fixed foxy in it so i found your i found you april 2020 i think you had like 500k i wish there was like uh detailed statistics no that’s like oh where’s the where’s like a bar you know total subscribe oh here it is on social blade

I can show i can share my screen i guess so you guys can see what i’m showing thank you x-men fan for the uh one dollar super chat why does everyone have to do x-men why can’t just be x-man but thank you i appreciate it um i’m not showing anything yeah no okay

Here let’s uh i’ll show my screen so yeah you can see on social blade social blade is close to being accurate with stats um so yeah you can see with subscribers and stuff um this is based on weekly and stuff um so yeah and uh in 2021

In june 2021 so like a year ago i had 600 000 subscribers so it’s kind of nuts here let me pull uh chat back over so i can actually you know see it um but yeah and then as you can see there’s like a bit of a jump

December january yeah as you can see like at the beginning of january i um had 690 and then boom it went up to 700 and then boom like right at the like right at the uh like right at the end of february i was at 800 so and then like it’s just kind

Of like chilling now see i know it’s freaking nuts it’s nuts how stats work and stuff it’s insane but uh yeah and oh yeah also mr beast uh he hit a hundred thousand subscribers recently which that’s also insane to think about i don’t think i would ever hit that many

Subscribers for me my goal has always been like to try to hit a mill and stuff you know like once my like originally obviously originally i used to be like oh i want to get 100 000 subscribers that would be really cool i’m sure that’s most goals for small youtubers out there

Is to hit 100 000 subscribers which is amazing goal to hit you know um but and then i’m like okay there’s like one thing i’ve always liked felt like is reasonable within reach is a mill for my channel and stuff like how it’s been performing and stuff i don’t think i’m

Ever gonna get 10 million subscribers i’m be honest i don’t think i am ever going to if i ever do that would be freaking awesome but i don’t think i am ever going to get there but my goal is to just hit a mill you know that’s kind

Of my goal so you know 100 mil Wait did i say he had one mill what what did i say mr estate he hit a hundred million subscribers that’s what i meant to say if i said something else i i’m sorry i’m i’m brain cell lacking but yeah i know that’s freaking nuts that’s freaking nuts it just shows you

How time’s like flown by and stuff it’s something we all knew was gonna happen but then it’s like it’s finally here like oh my god bro what in the world what’s happening to time i like how i said i was going to stream like eight minutes ago and i’m still here

Yeah i should probably end the stream here in a second all right i think that’s everything i think we’re good i think we’re chilling so it’s probably gonna be a little while before i do my next stream on my main channel i said i said he hit 100k

Then yeah i met a hundred and a hundred million subscribers that’s freaking nuts that’s freaking nuts yeah that’s freaking out it’s bro but yeah thank you guys so much for all the support you know and if my youtube if like all of a sudden my channel just was like stuck

At like 890 000 subscribers i would be fine with it that’s that’s that’s more than i ever thought i would ever get whenever i was doing youtube and stuff like whenever i did youtube at first like i was my plan was to never get famous or anything like that i was

Just doing it for fun you know um and i was just doing what i enjoyed and having fun and stuff and i remember it meant so much to me whenever i would get like five views or like five comments or something it just meant so much to know

That at least one person or two people out there would take time out of their their day to watch something that i made you know so it’s really cool it’s really cool so yeah All right anyways wait let me check something yeah we’re so close to hitting 895 we’ll probably hit it tomorrow we’ll probably hit 895 000 subscribers tomorrow so that’s insane then we’ll be 5k away bro that would be so freaking cool if i hit 900 uh 900k on finance anniversary i don’t

Think i’m going to be able to that’ll be so freaking cool i don’t think so though i don’t think that’s going to happen but that would be that’ll be freaking cool um which in all honesty i don’t even know if i would want it to hit because i

Don’t know if there’s going to be like some huge finance news or something come out because i’m sure like all the fnaf youtubers are going to be uploading on august 8th and stuff so that would just be a chaotic it’s probably going to be a chaotic day like next week it’s going to

Be a chaotic day on fnaf youtube infanta twitter infanta for reddit because everyone’s going to be posting who’s in the community and stuff will you ever make a going on random playtime saves probably not be honest i get burnt out enough from going on running for f9 saves

What is your favorite thumbnail you’ve ever made um originally originally originally originally originally i said whenever my uh poppy uh puppy play time chapter two thumbnail um finath in poppy playtime chapter two with golden freddy and stuff when i made that thumbnail that was like the best

Time though i ever made but like my my thumbnail skill is it’s hard to think like that’s the thing i love about sfm and thumbnails and stuff you just improve improve improve improve and improve it’s so freaking cool um because you look at my old thumbnails from like

2018 from like s when i first started doing sfm thumbnails they’re so crap but now they’re like so cool and they keep getting better and better and better originally i i still love that thumbnail though but i think there’s like definitely like one or two that might be

A bit better i don’t know which ones though let me scroll through i like the pillpack hide and seek 34 thumbnail i like that one too um the afton family marathon thumbnail that was also pretty good one i liked it because it’s like um that’s like i

Rarely do uh i really do it where a character fades into another character like how scrap trap faded into springtrap in that thumbnail for the after family marathon i really like that thumbnail um the freddie and friends go camping thumbnail that was a good thumbnail i like that one um

Also freddie and friends play hide and seek four that was also a good thing i liked also i love the finance freddy’s four role play thumbnail bro i’ve i had the speed run making that thumbnail like right after i made that thumbnail i published that video for the

Final four role play on finance anniversary because uh because i was having to go somewhere yeah that thumbnail right there i had a speedrun making that thumbnail but i’m so glad of how it turned out i made that thumbnail within like 30 minutes except it goes somewhere that’s a good thumbnail

Oh no all right anyways anyways anyways anyways i should probably get going i’ve been here much longer than i thought it would be so uh yeah thank you guys so much for watching the stream today hope you guys hoped you guys had fun and again earlier um if you’re having a

Bad day or life’s rough it’s gonna be all right it’s gonna be okay you’re gonna be all right so just keep going just try to try to keep staying in those positive vibes and uh whatever whatever you’re going through will eventually blow over and you’ll get through it so uh

Yeah anyways thank you guys so much for watching thank you guys so much again for all the support it means so so much i can never express how grateful i am for every single one of y’all so uh yeah anyways thank you guys so much for watching the stream

And um i guess i’ll see you guys tomorrow in my video tomorrow so hope you enjoyed hopefully we get 900 000 subscribers this month that would be freaking cool um but uh in the end i just hope you guys have a fantastic day so yeah thank you guys so

Much for watching thanks so much for all the support i’ll see you guys next time all right goodbye Bye guys bye stream bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft FNAF Multiplayer Survival | We Are Racing For Victory! [Part 8]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 on 2022-08-01 22:18:39. It has garnered 75936 views and 2418 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:55 or 15175 seconds.

Joined By: @FNAFJunkie Mod Maker: @lemonpush628

The Multiverse of Freddy’s Mod ————————————————– https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-multiverse-of-freddys-fnaf-mod

Other YouTube Channels! —————————————– @Xman7232 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames

My Social Media! ————————— My Steam – https://steamcommunity.com/id/Xman723/ My Twitter – https://twitter.com/Xman_723 My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/xman723 My Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/xman_723/?hl=en My TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@xman.723?

Become A Channel Member! ———————————————- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkBaUD34z1bB1oEp5MjTqeA/join

Advanced Channel Members! ———————————————– Modern Jack bibipoke 09 didjoe10 GamingWaalie scout THE EXE MEGA-TUBE DatZachBoi Desira Johnson Dumb_animal_fun Amazing Day Roxy Darth Eevee RyMan 39 KeithTheDeveloper Funtime freddy rip TJgamer12 The Original Event Average_coffee Ismong Us Its yo boi Adam A person Endo Bendo GamingWithAiden yt Theo Ashley Luther spooky420 Oscar Lopez Max Clark place Spring Bonnie 69 Fnaf and the gang A Boy Withered Blaze futime freddy game’s deirdre robbins Jeremy Fritz austin tipton jelly God Lefty The puppet master gaming god

And This Video I Guess – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISwlu5z1ROc

#fnaf #fivenightsatfreddys #minecraft

  • Crafty Chats: Classmates Clash in My World Block Xuan

    Crafty Chats: Classmates Clash in My World Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, like a beacon of light. With each video, a new adventure unfolds, In the classroom, with classmates, stories are told. Through song adaptations, the fun never ends, In Fangkuaixuan’s world, joy always transcends. So join the fun, subscribe and stay tuned, For Minecraft content that will leave you marooned. In a world of blocks, where imagination reigns, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, where happiness remains. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Info Items Add-On

    Ultimate Minecraft Info Items Add-On Exploring the Info Items Add-On in Minecraft Bedrock Edition Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition with the Info Items Add-On! This exciting addition brings seven new informational items to your worlds, enhancing your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of these new features: Guide Book The Guide Book serves as your companion, providing valuable information on how to craft and use the new Info Items. It’s a handy tool to have as you navigate through the world of Minecraft. Vanilla Items Enhance your gameplay with the Depth Meter, Speedometer, Light Level Sensor, Biome Sensor,… Read More

  • Bedwars Showdown: Taking on the #1 Player

    Bedwars Showdown: Taking on the #1 Player Fighting the #1 Minecraft Bedwars Player Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft challenge on Hypixel’s BedWars, our protagonist takes on the daunting task of beating every single Ranked Bedwars level. Following a previous video where they played 100 games of Ranked Bedwars, this new adventure escalates to facing off against Dewier, the best-ranked BedWars player of all time. Can they emerge victorious against all odds? Watch the video to find out! Exploring Hypixel BedWars Tier Testing Embarking on a journey through the world of Hypixel BedWars tier testing, our protagonist undergoes rigorous challenges against players of varying skill levels. From… Read More

  • Minecraft Mindbender: Spot the Difficult Difference! #MinecraftMyQuiz

    Minecraft Mindbender: Spot the Difficult Difference! #MinecraftMyQuiz In the world of Minecraft, a quiz is here, Spot the difference, have no fear. A village adorned with carp streamers so bright, Can you see the change, spot it right? Watch closely, don’t miss a beat, For the difference is subtle, not easy to defeat. Aha moment awaits, when you find the shift, In this Minecraft world, a fun brain training gift. So come along, join the fun, In this spot the difference challenge, second to none. Minecraft MyQuiz, a game so grand, Test your skills in this blocky land. Read More

  • Potion Seller Prank in Minecraft

    Potion Seller Prank in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Becoming a Potion Seller in Crimecraft SMP Join Archie O’Grady, formerly known as Crossbow TV, in an exciting Minecraft journey on the modded multiplayer server Crimecraft SMP hosted by Finn Sowle. This season brings a unique twist as each player has a special origin. Archie teams up with BeafMan the Elytrian to utilize his Salesman origin and bring potions to the inhabitants of the Crimecraft server. Meet the Players: BeafMan: @BeafMann Finn Sowle: @finnsowle TheKarmaLegend: @TheKarmaLegend EmilyAnneTV: EmilyAnneTV Twitch OPPeaches: OPPeaches Twitch Zuite: @zuite_ BluSpring: @BluSpringg FlopsyMimi: @FlopsyMimi EmaMae: @iamemamae Lucia19KidTech: Lucia19KidTech Twitch Archie O’Grady’s Social Media:… Read More

  • Destroying F5 with Minecraft Shaders in 2024

    Destroying F5 with Minecraft Shaders in 2024 The Power of POCO F5 in Minecraft with Shaders in 2024 Introduction In a world where technology and gaming collide, the POCO F5 stands out as a powerhouse device for gaming enthusiasts. The year 2024 brings new challenges and opportunities for Minecraft players looking to enhance their gaming experience with shaders. Testing the Limits The video showcases various tests on the POCO F5, including Warzone, FC Mobile, and CarX Street. However, the real highlight comes when Minecraft is introduced. From simple 256 x 256 textures to ultra-demanding 4096 x 4096 textures, the POCO F5 proves its capability to handle… Read More

  • Mine Ops Nerf Fortnite: Battle Blast!

    Mine Ops Nerf Fortnite: Battle Blast! In the world of Nerf Ops, the mission is clear, To take down the Minecraft boss without any fear. Aaron, Mitch, and Kevin, a formidable team, Ready to conquer, fulfill their dream. With guns in hand, they enter the fray, Facing henchmen and obstacles in their way. The boss looms large, a formidable foe, But our heroes are ready, their skills on show. Dodging and weaving, they fight with might, Each move calculated, each shot just right. The medallion is theirs, victory in sight, As they open the loot vault, bathed in the light. The Nerf Ops Squad emerges… Read More

  • 100 Days of Minecraft Madness

    100 Days of Minecraft Madness Exploring 100 Days of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft as Boubou takes on the challenge of surviving 100 days in Hardcore mode. Despite facing technical difficulties, Boubou perseveres to showcase genuine gameplay without any cheats. Survival Against the Odds Witness the intense struggle as Boubou navigates the treacherous terrain of Minecraft, narrowly escaping danger and overcoming obstacles. With each passing day, the stakes grow higher, testing Boubou’s skills and determination. Setting Goals and Pushing Limits Join Boubou as they set ambitious goals and strive to achieve them within the confines of… Read More

  • Seek & Peek: Minecraft’s Easy Game Trick

    Seek & Peek: Minecraft's Easy Game Trick In the world of Scratch, a game so easy, Creating fun with code, feeling breezy. Start with a backdrop, choose with care, Design a start page, make it rare. Add a button sprite, keep it neat, Rename and color, make it sweet. Code to start the project off right, Broadcast a message, shining bright. Change the backdrop, when the button’s pressed, Show the start screen, be your best. Mechanics of the game, code with speed, Each block and sprite, fulfill the need. Fixing problems, all is well, Showing off the code, a tale to tell. Explore Scratch, learn and… Read More

  • Ultimate Command Blocks Guide

    Ultimate Command Blocks Guide The Power of Command Blocks in Minecraft Bedrock/PE Command Blocks are a powerful tool in Minecraft Bedrock/PE that allows players to automate tasks, create complex systems, and enhance gameplay. Let’s dive into the world of Command Blocks and explore their various features and functions. Impulse Command Blocks Impulse Command Blocks are used for executing a command immediately upon receiving a redstone signal. Players can specify the command input, list of @ targets, previous output, block type, condition, needs redstone, execute on first tick, delay in ticks, and cancel changes. Repeater Command Blocks Repeater Command Blocks, on the other hand,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Spiciest Minecraft Meme

    Looks like that birch tree is branching out into new heights! Read More

  • Koala Zoonomaly: Minecraft PE’s Monster Portal

    Koala Zoonomaly: Minecraft PE's Monster Portal In Minecraft, a koala Zoonomaly Monster Portal was made, With a white, black koala, a unique creature displayed. No fur, tail, or nose, just big ears and teeth, A mix of human and koala, a strange sight beneath. To support the video, just click subscribe, Like, comment, and share, keep the fun alive. Follow on Instagram and TikTok too, For more Minecraft creations, all for you. In the world of Minecraft, creativity thrives, With portals and monsters, in virtual lives. So keep on building, exploring, and more, In this blocky world, let your imagination soar. Read More

  • Minecraft fails that will make you scream #shorts

    Minecraft fails that will make you scream #shorts “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the entire village wants to cancel you for animal cruelty #cursedminecraftmoments” Read More

  • Escape Plan: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    Escape Plan: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus: I Wanna Go Home Minecraft Note Block Cover The Minecraft community is buzzing with excitement over the latest creation from Logan Pettipas. The song “I Wanna Go Home” featuring LoganneDigmaVO and longestsoloever has been transformed into a mesmerizing Minecraft Note Block Cover. Let’s dive into the details of this incredible musical creation! The Song Breakdown The Minecraft Note Block Cover of “I Wanna Go Home” follows a structured format, with different sections highlighted throughout the song: Verse 1 (Jax): Kicking off the song with Jax’s vocals setting the tone. Pre-Chorus (Pomni): Transitioning into the catchy… Read More

  • 100 Days of Minecraft Adventure

    100 Days of Minecraft Adventure Exploring the 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you follow along with the 100 days challenge. Day 13 brings exciting developments as the player completes work on the ground, showcasing dedication and hard work. The journey has been filled with fun moments and challenges, making each day a unique experience. Completing Ground Work Day 13 marks the completion of essential ground work in the game. The player has put in a significant amount of effort to finish tasks, showcasing their determination and perseverance. From building structures to gathering resources,… Read More

  • INSANE SEED on Huggy’s Nightmare in Minecraft!

    INSANE SEED on Huggy's Nightmare in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘What’s On Nightmare Huggys SECRET SEED In Minecraft? (Ps5/XboxSeriesS/PS4/XboxOne/PE/MCPE)’, was uploaded by Drewsmc on 2024-02-23 20:27:43. It has garnered 2657 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:06 or 726 seconds. What’s On Nightmare Huggys SECRET SEED In Minecraft? For Minecraft Xbox Series S, Minecraft Xbox One and Minecraft Pocket Edition/MCPE Also Minecraft Ps4 edition and ps5 edition because all console editions are technically the same apart from the new xbox one bedrock version of minecraft which is different. ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Drewsmc1 ►FACE REVEAL Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/drewsmc1/ 🔥 NEW MERCH: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/33623440 SECOND MINECRAFT CHANNEL… Read More

  • Wild Live Battle Royale Fun

    Wild Live Battle Royale FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – PLAYING BATTLE ROYALE 👑’, was uploaded by W4CKY on 2024-04-21 17:27:48. It has garnered 229 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:20 or 4700 seconds. #200pumpedbtw #gaming #fnclip #fortniteclips #memes #ambient #ambient #fortnite #asmr #fypシ゚viral #robloxedit #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #music #dance #subscribe #support #robloxshorts #robux #sounds #drake #liluzivert #rap ##crazy #music #vbucks #eminem #juicewrld #fyp Read More


    BHAYVAH GAMER REVEALS 5 EPIC MINECRAFT MODS🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 5 MIND BLOWING🤯 MODS FOR MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION🔥BEST MODS AND ADDONS FOR MCPE’, was uploaded by Bhavya Hindi Gamer on 2024-05-05 10:00:12. It has garnered 391 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:09 or 369 seconds. TOP 5 MIND BLOWING🤯 MODS FOR MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION🔥BEST MODS AND ADDONS FOR MCPE 1.https://mcpedl.com/the-better-first-person-pack/ 2.https://www.mediafire.com/file/9xlodry8k7yva71/ElytraModels5.1.mcpack/file 3.https://mcpedl.com/raiyons-tree-capitator-addon/ 4.https://mcpedl.com/shield-corrections/ 5.https://www.9minecraft.net/the-ty-els-settings-overlay-ui-pack/ 6.https://www.9minecraft.net/damage-indicator-addon-mcpe/ how to use litematica in pojavlauncher 1.20.1 minecraft pe mods survival mods for minecraft pe 1.20 minecraft survival 1.20 minecraft survival gameplay best lag fix client for minecraft pe 1.20 best texture pack for… Read More

  • INSANE Mini Gamers in Pakistan! Minecraft Mayhem

    INSANE Mini Gamers in Pakistan! Minecraft MayhemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft # Shorts’, was uploaded by Mini Gamers 🇵🇰 on 2024-01-04 18:53:25. It has garnered 607 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Medium Range Unlock Reaction!!

    Unbelievable Medium Range Unlock Reaction!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CW FLORUS T05 – XNX – LDC – POR | Me dan rango Media y pasa esto (?’, was uploaded by Faqu on 2024-05-13 04:05:25. It has garnered 235 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:27 or 627 seconds. T1 REY RECRUITS VILLEROS BIEN TURROS VISOR AND ADIDAS CLOTHING. . . . . Minecraft Server: MC.FLORUS.CC Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlorusNetwork YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FlorusNetwork Store: https://tienda.florus.cc/ Discord general: https://discord.florus.cc/ Ts3: ts.florus.cc . . . . Etiquetas (IGNORAR) #MinecraftHCF #HCF #PvP #CWS #SKILLWARS #DN ⛔TAGS IGNORAR⛔ CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, LIGA MINECUB, CLAN WARS,… Read More

  • Crazy twist in Minecraft story Part 4-3!

    Crazy twist in Minecraft story Part 4-3!Video Information This video, titled ‘#shorts 【#マイクラ 】マイクラオリジナルストーリー Part4-3 一部 その2 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by Kaz animation on 2024-01-14 00:54:15. It has garnered 538 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Check out the main story on my channel! If you find it interesting, please subscribe to my channel. I’d also be happy if you left a comment – A brief explanation – The mobs of the Nether are declining in power. Meanwhile, there is a Demon Beast Army in the Demon Realm, and the Nether Star is also targeted by the Demon Beast Army…. Read More

  • VR Minecraft Solo Stream: Epic Gameplay with Turnip!

    VR Minecraft Solo Stream: Epic Gameplay with Turnip!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : 👍 Good stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-04-20 03:08:29. It has garnered 260 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:47 or 2147 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip vr gaming 143k: https://profile.turnip.gg/b3KacgFhCKb9ySqj8 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See… Read More

  • Unlock MILLIONS of Orbs with OP Pickaxe Enchants! 🤑

    Unlock MILLIONS of Orbs with OP Pickaxe Enchants! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST STARTER PICKAXE ENCHANTS MAKES *MILLIONS* OF ORBS! | Minecraft Prison | OPLegends’, was uploaded by RiverMC on 2024-03-27 19:09:43. It has garnered 1190 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:37 or 577 seconds. OPLegends Server Informations: ⛏️ Server IP (Java) ➜ river.oplegends.com ⛏️ Server IP (Bedrock) ➜ river.oplegends.com // Port: 19132 🎙️ Discord ➜ htpps://discord.gg/oplegends/ 🛒 Store ➜ https://store.oplegends.com/ MY LINKS: 📞 Discord Contact ➜ ralebu (without tag, new discord feature) 👥 Join my Discord Community ➜ / discord 📱 Telegram Contact ➜ @rale1122 🔴 Follow me on Kick (Live)… Read More

  • Daziz Gamez EPIC Minecraft Moon Turns Blue!

    Daziz Gamez EPIC Minecraft Moon Turns Blue!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ketika Minecraft Tapi Bulan Berubah Warna Biru’, was uploaded by Daziz Gamez on 2024-05-24 06:08:32. It has garnered 33752 views and 5674 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Subscribe and like if you like Comment and share if you are kind 😀 k Minecraft is a game for placing blocks and going on adventures. Explore the infinite world and build various things from the simplest like houses to the most magnificent like palaces. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or dig deep into the world in survival mode, crafting… Read More

  • OceanSMP

    OceanSMPThe OceanSMP is a new minecraft server that features a lifesteal gamemode, fully custom cooded events, teams, player bounties, and much more, come visit us at discord.gg/oceansmp or play the server at Play.OceanSMP.Com Play.OceanSMP.Com Read More

  • MCSugars SMP 1.20.6 – No Whitelist – Diamond Economy – Land Claims – Player Warps – Chest Shops – Java & Bedrock

    Welcome to MCSugars IP: mcsugars.com Bedrock: mcsugars.com : 19132 Discord: Join our Discord community About Us MCSugars is a SMP server with a diamond economy. Project your land, create player warps, and build your own chest shop to become the richest! Server Features Anti-pay to win system Free items with /free command NEW creative server available Access to worldedit commands on creative Resource worlds for safe resource collection Map-art world for creating cool map arts Server Details World border: 50000 Map size: 2,500,000,000 blocks Read More

  • DragonFruitSMP

    DragonFruitSMPAbout:DragonFruitSMP is a 1.20+ survival server featuring cosmetics, land claims, an auction house and more. If you’re looking for a new Minecraft server to join then you’ve found it! The first 30 people to join the server and Discord receive a free APPLE rank!Note: The server is currently in Beta. If you encounter any bugs you can report them on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Buddy can’t hide diggin’!

    Why not, but Yuta better watch out for those spooky haunted houses and creepy Endermen! Read More

  • Minecraft Night Fright: Stop This Horror!

    Minecraft Night Fright: Stop This Horror! In the world of Minecraft, when the sun goes down, The mobs come out, wearing a scary frown. Creepers and zombies, lurking in the night, Ready to give players a fright. But fear not, brave gamers, for you have the power, To survive the night, hour by hour. With your sword and your shield, you’ll conquer the dark, And emerge victorious, leaving your mark. So keep on crafting, building, and exploring, In the world of Minecraft, never boring. And remember, when the night is near, Face your fears with courage, never fear. Read More

  • Quắt Tờ Phắc: The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever!

    Quắt Tờ Phắc: The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraft #memes” Read More

  • McVincient’s Top 5 Mind-Blowing Scratch Games!

    McVincient's Top 5 Mind-Blowing Scratch Games! Exploring the Top 5 MIND-BLOWING Scratch Games in Minecraft 🤯 When it comes to creativity and innovation, the Minecraft community never fails to impress. In a recent video, a content creator showcased the top 5 mind-blowing Scratch games found within the Minecraft universe. Let’s dive into these exciting creations that push the boundaries of what is possible in the game! Minecraft 3D – A Visual Marvel Minecraft 3D takes the iconic blocky world of Minecraft and transforms it into a stunning three-dimensional experience. With enhanced graphics and smooth animations, players can explore their favorite Minecraft landscapes in a whole… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Review

    Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Review Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update: A Comprehensive Review The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update has brought a wave of excitement among players worldwide. From the introduction of the Armadillo to the challenging Trial Chambers, this update is packed with new features that promise to enhance the gaming experience. The Armadillo: A New Companion One of the standout additions in the 1.21 update is the Armadillo, a unique creature that players can now encounter in the game. This adorable companion adds a new dynamic to gameplay, offering both protection and companionship as players navigate the Minecraft world. Trial Chambers: Test… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art! Anime Gohan #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art! Anime Gohan #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:Pixel Art Anime Gohan#shorts’, was uploaded by MİNPİX on 2024-06-07 13:50:48. It has garnered 480 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Dog Army: Unleashing Chaos

    Minecraft Dog Army: Unleashing ChaosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can We Create a Dog Army in Minecraft 1.21?’, was uploaded by EarthTwister on 2024-04-25 15:38:11. It has garnered 268 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:51 or 6111 seconds. Today, we’re going after man’s best friend! Dogs… and armadillos! Let’s start a dog army so (maybe) we can stay safer in Minecraft Hardcore! Thanks for watching! If you have enjoyed, make sure you hit that like button and subscribe if you’re new! This video is inspired by many Other Minecraft Youtubers like fWhip, Gemini Tay, Farzy, aCookiegod, Mumbo Jumbo, GoodtimewithScar,… Read More

  • 5G gamer transforms into end rod! 😱

    5G gamer transforms into end rod! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘You are end rod👾’, was uploaded by 5g gamer on 2024-02-16 02:27:00. It has garnered 641 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. How to make a dancing armor stand in Minecraft||#shorts #minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,shorts minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft seed,camman18 minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft facts,minecraft how to,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft rarest,minecraft update,minecraft 1.20,minecraft animation,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft tiktok your queries:- #@5ggamer875 #gaming #viral #minecraft I survived in the Minecraft Jungle, this is what happened… Trapped in the Jungle, only chance… Read More

  • OMG! Survive omzBlox Five Nights in Minecraft!

    OMG! Survive omzBlox Five Nights in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Five Nights at OMZ in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by OmzBlox on 2024-05-17 19:30:04. It has garnered 115965 views and 1979 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:06 or 13446 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Roxy Lily Alexa Luke and Heather are playing Five Nights at OMZ in Minecraft… I make vids on Dating a SUPERHERO in Minecraft! i Survived the World’s STRICTEST Babysitter WEIRD STRICT vs Most Secure House In Minecraft! One ELEMENTAL COLOR Build Challenge in Minecraft! Omz made a SUPERHERO MOVIE in Minecraft! I Built a Secret Room Cash Nico Jeffy Johnny Aphmau… Read More

  • SHARD – Lost in Infinity #shorts

    SHARD - Lost in Infinity #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘tourner dans le vide #shorts’, was uploaded by shard on 2024-05-31 10:00:47. It has garnered 1551 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #mark3s #minecraft #minemen #shorts shit to get me more views (ignore) notziz, umz2k9, umz, uzm2k9, uzm, Intel_I7, Debuffy, minemen, minemen.club, na.minemen.club, eu.minemen.club, Stimpay, Zigy, Stimpy, SkylandkitsXD, Hackusated, GF0, Soft, CrazyPvP, Soft PvP, crazy, Soft 1v1, Crazypvp 1v1, Stimpy 1v1, P0KEMON, Drena, Drena, Drena, Drena PvP, Drena 1v1, Drena, Drena YouTube, Drena, Drena, minecraft regedit auto install, minecraft op regedit settings, TcpNoDelayMod, Minecraft regedit settings, How… Read More

  • EPIC Season Finale Bopathon Tomorrow🔥

    EPIC Season Finale Bopathon Tomorrow🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[2024-04-17]🔴SEASON FINALE BOPATHON TMRW🔴Hinge with YBG and Emily🔴MINECRAFT WITH EFFY🔴’, was uploaded by Jasontheween Clips on 2024-04-22 04:14:41. It has garnered 2856 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 07:26:31 or 26791 seconds. VOD From April, 17, 2024 0:00:00 Intro 0:25:17 Reddit 1:22:30 Checking up on old Contacts 2:39:49 Irene Call 3:26:05 Hinge With YBG and Emily 5:35:53 Stall for Next Segment 6:12:38 One Question With Viewers 6:43:38 Minecraft With Effy 7:21:30 Outro Follow Jason’s Socials: Socials: https://pillar.io/jasontheweenie Discord: https://discord.gg/jasontheweenie Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasontheween/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/jasontheweenie/ Jasontheween Clips Socials: https://linktr.ee/jasontheweenclips *NOT AFFILIATED WITH JASONTHEWEEN*… Read More

  • INSANE Gorilla Tag VR Gameplay! WATCH NOW!

    INSANE Gorilla Tag VR Gameplay! WATCH NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Gorilla Tag Live!’, was uploaded by C4GAMING VR on 2024-04-22 17:46:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DISCORD: discord.gg/Ns6TsU2yzt #live #Gorillatag #gorilla #Tag #minecraft. Read More

  • Unleash the Power of MithycalCraft in Minecraft Java!

    Unleash the Power of MithycalCraft in Minecraft Java!Video Information vale vale vale vale vale Okay creo que ya ya estamos en directo no no estás en directo No creo que no eh la verdad creo que no he empezado vale Hola hablo desde el gym Ah Hola Ángel Cómo estás bienvenido ahí en el gym este chacal Ángel Cómo están bienvenidos Pablo gros Buenas noches De hecho sí Buenas noches Pues aquí yo ya digamos que esperando el inicio de hecho estamos tanto en Twitch si no me equivoco estamos en Twitch y en YouTube Vamos a a ver si pues esto lo puedo subir en las… Read More

Minecraft FNAF Multiplayer Survival | We Are Racing For Victory! [Part 8]