Minecraft Hacks: Cheating or Genius?

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This is every Minecraft hack that feels like cheating and hey according to YouTube no one’s ever subscribed to the Channel with the back of their finger so if you’re up to the challenge whack the back of your index finger on that sub button below it’s free and it UPS out a

Ton on the surface sand doesn’t seem that important I mean it’s irritating it’s course and it gets everywhere but ask anyone in the technical community then sand gets pretty important and most importantly it’s not renewable and for how much sand we can start to need for big projects and more importantly other

Gravity blocks like concrete powder then that’s why we start to see duplication machines like this one where we literally break the frames around the end portal just to get more of the stuff but like most duplication in Minecraft since there’s no other way to farm this

That’s where a lot of players start to see this as a gray area and it seems like Mojang agrees considering they haven’t patched it out and speaking of duplicators that Mojang’s okay with duplicating TNT and Minecraft is a glitch there’s no two ways to look at it

But considering the fact that there’s no actual way to move TNT on top of flying machines considering that in Java you can’t move a dispenser it’s a container block that’s actually why Mojang is considered to leave this in for so long are they happy about it not really but

For some reason it’s just not in the cards to get movable tile entities in Java and while I can’t say that I understand that one I can’t understand why some people would feel like this is cheating because you’re using one block of TNT that you crafted to get enough to

Blow up the entire world that doesn’t seem fair but it is necessary in a lot of farms with the help of the nether portal and a shield we’re able to give ourselves complete invincibility at least as long as you don’t eat food since the way that this works is that if

You hold up your shield and then walk through the nether portal then when you come into the next dimension even though visually we’re not holding up our Shield anymore the game still treats it like we are and so as long as we don’t use any other things with the interact button

We’re able to Sprint and completely block all attacks that are coming towards us which could be helpful if you’re not ready to tackle the nether just yet for the price of an iron in and five planks it gets a lot less scary to deal with those piglins it’s possible to

Get all of the illegal items that you’d only ever see in Creative admin commands entirely in your survival world the way we do this is actually through an April Fool’s update since back in the one block at a time snapshot that mojing did for for April fools the Enderman could

Spawn holding illegal items and well most of us would have just tried out that snapshot in a world that wasn’t important you are able to update that world like any other snapshot meaning that you can then have this Enderman that’s holding a structure Block kill it

Get it to drop its item and now you’ve got something that you shouldn’t even be able to have in the base game and honestly it’s probably something that most players who are visiting your world wouldn’t even recognize that’s how rare it is but it also means you need to play

This terrible snapshot so I guess you did have to work for it in the end cauldrons are weird and they’re so weird in fact that they’re actually able to break the logic of the game see if you were to take a cauldron and put it underwater then you can fill it up with

A lava bucket and Visually you’ll have lava underwater literally at the bottom of the ocean but that’s not the strangest part since if you were to actually step inside of the lava then sure enough even though the rest of us is encased in water we’re still able to

Burn to death in the bottom of that cauldron and at that point that’s just embarrassing it’s kind of like stubbing your toe on a pillow probably technically possible but everyone’s going to laugh at if it happens with the help of this machine I’ll never run out

Of items in my off hand and the reason for this has something to do with a concept called item shadowing which to grossly oversimplify cuz I don’t even frankly understand it all the way that this works is that we’re using some amount of update suppression with all

These rails to then trick the game to think that this item slot in this chest corresponds with the item slot that we’re holding and just like this we’ll never run out of rockets when we’re exploring our world at least that’s how Doc M used it on hermitcraft and I feel

Like that’s a pretty practical application but considering that update suppressions been patched out in the past I think it’s pretty obvious that mojen stance on this is that it’s cheating so more of a use it before you lose it kind of thing enchanting in Minecraft is not random though all the

Steps that you have to do to manipulate it are going to feel pretty random see it’s possible to use third party software like we can see here to then figure out the exact enchantment seat of your world just like your world has a seed to generate off of it also has a

Seed for how your enchantments are going to load and once we crack that code we can set it up where if you just throw out a couple of blocks like this you get the exact enchantments that you want when using the enchanting table and no

Matter how cool this is I am going to go out on a limb and say that if you’re using third party software to crack your game that’s probably not going to be allowed on most servers but it’s completely possible and it’s not patched out so take that as the hall pass if you

Will as you can see I’m not in this boat but even though that’s easy to see that’s also not true at least according to the server see when you stand on top of a boat like this and then right click it really really fast then it’s possible

To desync from the actual server and have it think that you’re still inside of the boat well we’re still able to walk around on our client why would you do this well the interesting thing is that everything that we do while we’re outside of the boat on our end is still

Going to be processed even though we’re inside of the boat on the server so anything that we do while we’re technically outside of the boat is eventually going to update to the server which means to build up a tall tower jump off of it take no fall damage and

Then when we need to hit shift and teleport right back to the boat like we were supposed to be which is definitely weird but it’s also a really cool magic trick so impress your friends if you can with this one while playing version 1.8.9 if you were to look at an anvil

Sideways like this then because of a GL glitch that actually changes all other anvils in the world’s Collision boxes so if we look at this sideways Anvil and then walk backwards into a wall of anvils we’ll phase through as if there was no Collision box whatsoever and

While I love how goofy this trick is to pull off I also like imagining how goofy it must have been to discover this and I would have loved to imagine how surprised someone was when they built a weird wall of anvils only for it to get

Even weirder here’s how to put more than 64 items into a stack or really I should say 64 glass bottles since as Ray Works points out the way that this happens is by using a brewing stand like this and then when you put 64 glass bottles in

Each of the three Slots of the brewing stand if you click them in order 1 2 3 you not just be holding 64 glass bottles in your hand but rather the second stack will bring you up to 127 and the third stack will bring you up to 190 but as

Cool as this is it’s also not anything permanent since you’ve already Tred to put 190 glass bottles into one of the slots in your inventory from here it’ll just deposit 64 glass bottles at a time but you could throw it outside of the UI menu you and it’ll drop 190 on the floor

For whatever that’s worth maybe you just want to take all the bottles of milk Off the Wall I don’t know as wey demonstrates in this video If you were to place blocks at the exact right height while you’re falling then you can actually trick the game into not

Registering any fall damage when you land now the reason that this happens is that the game thinks that we’re stepping onto the blocks instead of just falling onto them and you wouldn’t take fall damage if you were just stepping onto any regular block down here in the Overworld so nothing happens but before

You go get excited to try and learn this skill I will War it doesn’t work in newer versions and I have a feeling if you tried it it’d be a rude awakening even if you could get the timing down by placing a piston underneath the end

Portal in a system like this then when you push yourself with a piston that’ll get the game to teleport you to the end but not to where we normally spawn in the obsidian platform rather it just teleports to the exact same coordinates to the Overworld stronghold which usually means that you can completely

Skip the ender dragon fight if you do this although the Ender Dragon might not be the only thing that you’re missing out on since when you do this you’ll usually just spawn above the void so make sure that you have some kind of ender pearl or slow falling potion to

Help yourself out here otherwise you’ll have successfully built a machine just to lose your stuff in the end what fun that is normally a pig spawner is something that we only ever see with creative mode commands and spawn X but on some seeds it’s possible to generate this quintuple Pig spawner setup and

There’s no cheats involved but there definitely is a glitch since what happens here is that some other block overrides the NBT data of the spawner and so it just defaults to the pig one and then if you were to place down some wellit grass blocks next to it it

Actually does work can you a prettyy solid pig farm just nothing compared to a hogin farm with the help of a boat and a flowing water source place like this we’re able to drop ourselves completely through a sheet of Bedrock all we got to do is place our boat right at the edge

Of the flowing water like so and then jump in right before it exits frame and honestly this just feels so funny to me because where would be most useful is if you got trapped on top of the nether roof but we can’t place water over there so you’re really just stuck to using

This in the Overworld where it takes you to a short death if you were to get yourself crouching down underneath a trapo like this with a pist in a bunch of slabs around you then when we flip the lever that’ll push the slab inside of our Collision box we’ll be able to

See right down into all the caves below us and then if you have something like OptiFine Zoom or spy glass to help you find the finer details this could help you to keep track of everything that’s beneath you in your world whether that’s your friend’s secret base or a dark

Patch that’s giv the Hostile Mobs a hiding place better our condition’s broken I mean that’s not news to anyone who’s ever played it and we’ve definitely showcased that on this channel but I think this particular glitch using bone meal can very easily show how some of the oversights are now

If you start off in a pl’s biome and bone meal the ground you get grass and flowers that much as expected but then when you bone meal some of that grass into Tall Grass it doesn’t always take the bone meal out of your inventory and

Then with a pair of shears we can take that new tall grass and turn it into more bone meal in a composter essentially giving us infinite bone meal if you also have infinite time to get it and if you were playing on something like Sky Block this could be

Particularly useful get it on top of the nether roof is a useful tool in Minecraft at least for those of us on Java on Bedrock you can’t place anything but on Java we can build entire Farms up here on the roof so the question then is

How do we get up there and really all it’s going to take is finding yourself a little hole in the Bedrock roof like this where we can get up as high as possible to a y level of 124 and then by placing down ladders and having yourself

An ender pearl we can squeeze our way up right to the top and then be able to throw our ender pearl right through the solid bedrock and land on top of the roof just make sure that you also brought some form of obsidian to help you out there like we mentioned that bow

Trick from before not going to be your Saving Grace this time but where a bow can be more useful is here in the Overworld says if you go into third person and then angle your camera just right and you’ll notice that at the right angle it’s actually possible to

See right through the water and everything will be completely clear no filters no Darkness just a clean shot of what you’re looking for and so if you’re trying to scope out ocean ruins to get yourself a sniffer egg or maybe a pirate ship to find yourself some buried

Treasure this is a trick worth using I mean you’re already in the boat anyways it seems pretty good now in this video we’ve already shown off more than a few ways to break the mechanics of Bedrock by phasing through it both up and down

But what if you just want to get rid of Bedrock entirely and that’s where a design like this one can come in handy now as Salon up lays out in this video all we have to do is place two obsidian diagonally like so and then with a

Piston and two blocks of TNT we can align oursel underneath this trap door and place our piston just right in the corner so that when the TNT blows up we have successfully confused the game into thinking that the Piston broke the Bedrock just if you’re doing this on the

Nether roof make sure that you’re doing this in the spot where the Bedrock roofs only one Bedrock thick since after all there’s nothing Lamer than Breaking Bedrock only to check underneath and there was more bad Rock there duplication glitches always seem to find themselves into Minecraft and some of

Them are just so strange that there’s really no reason to fix them at least no good reason and for that I’d say this trip wire hook duplication glitch is one of them now here we’re using a design that eagle IED 621 have shown off in the past where we basically place the trip

Wire hook on top of an iron trap door and then when it gives off a redstone signal it breaks and gives us two when we should have just gotten one but before you think this is completely useless I should point out that you can actually trade tripwire hooks for

Emeralds with villagers and at that point it’s a lot easier to see the reason for building one of these I just might also raise some eyebrows from your friends as they’re wondering what in the world this contraption could be much more useful of a duplication glitch

Comes in the form of carpet and no not exactly for decorating your house although I’m not going to judge but rather we’re going to be using this duplicated carpet as a means for fuel now the idea here is pretty simple we’re using dead coral fans and slime blocks

To duplicate our carpet much in the same way that we’ve use it to duplicate TNT in the past and then when you automate this system with a redstone clock we could have that machine go back and forth and give us a whole bunch of carpet to flow into your furnaces I hope

You like the smell of burnt wool villagers are stupid and you probably know that by trying to get their AI to move anywhere that you want them to but there’s no greater Showcase of that than this example from Green’s hermitcraft world since if you trade with a cured

Librarian to get glass blocks then we can craft those into glass paints and then sell them to a cartographer villager for profit and if you’re wondering just how crazy this can get green literally traded up from two pumpkins to a full Emerald Beacon which I think is more than enough as a proof

Of concept top of a bucket of powdered snow we’re able to turn this grass block into a glitched grass block only found in older versions now usually you can’t see the top texture of a snowy grass block it’s covered by a snow layer hence making it snowy and if you break it off

It would usually become a grass block but by placing powdered snow repeatedly on top of this grass block then we can lag out the game andj just away where we’re left with this silver grass block but unfortunately we can’t pick it up soak touch would just give you a grass

Block and that’s not exactly what we want but if you want to show it off in your World it definitely is cool do you know that shulkers aren’t the only ones that are able to live in shulker shells sure enough if we follow the lead of this Reddit post posted on the glitch’s

Subred it then if we crawl into a tunnel and then position ourselves on top of a shulker box then when we open up that shulker box we’re supposed to phase through it but with a block underneath it we’re just going to get stuck inside which looks very cool in first person

But for anyone in third person it would just look ridiculous so maybe don’t let your friends see you trying this one out with the help of a punch two bow we’re going to be able to shoot ourselves right into the sky quite literally L since while playing on Bedrock Edition

It’s possible that if you turn off Friendly Fire and then shoot a bunch of arrows into the sky then once they land in your friend they’re not taking any damage from it but they are still getting knocked up into the sky giving you one of the cheapest and perhaps the

Stupidest elevators you can find in Minecraft if you were to update an old 1.17 super flat world into the recent versions then that increased World height that we’re used to is going to glitch it out which essentially allows us to build blocks underneath the Bedrock which up until this point has

Never been possible I mean sure we could drop things like shulkers and boats down into the void but that’s not building this is and it only takes one look at what MOG swamps been able to do with this with their ocean base to see that it’s pretty cool if not a little

Mind-bending to see something like this built under Bedrock bed Rock’s bone meal isn’t just broken for tall grass but it’s also broken for the flowers too and here all it takes to build yourself an AFK flower farm just a hold down right click with a whole bunch of bone meal on

This flower since here it’ll only grow more of the flower that you wanted to grow instead of a bunch of ugly grass and stuff mixing it up which I’d say is pretty nice but if you try this on two tall flowers you’re just going to get more of those two tall flowers popping

Off when chiseled bookshelves were added in they were also added with a duplication glitch and the way that this worked is that once a chiseled bookshelf was filled up with books then if you held down right click with a book of your choice you can actually duplicate

It and since we can store our enchanted books inside of these bookshelves that quickly became a way for us to get a whole bunch of mending Unbreaking 3 you name it and what’s even more cursed is that this also allowed us to stack books into one item slot which is something

That historically we’ve only been able to do with the grindstone and curse of binding books I think this is a lot more useful in both cases when you’re looking for materials in Minecraft you’re going to have to branch mine a couple times and while that’s fine it doesn’t always

Feel like the fastest but lucky for you there might be a way to fix that the way that it works in Minecraft you actually mine faster when you mine at Max reach distance instead of right up close taking that into consideration maybe take a couple of steps back and save

Yourself some time after all if you’re going to be digging into straight line for a while why not at least shave off some seconds where you can and while I can’t guarantee this will improve your luck finding diamonds I can at least say it’ll help you find out faster this is

One of the fastest ways to kill the Wither and you don’t even need a sword to do it that’s right by using just the bedrock in the end and some high explosion power fireworks you can spam those underneath and kill the Wither in just a matter of seconds just make sure

To spawn it in like this so that it gets stuck inside the Bedrock otherwise this method won’t be nearly as effective but do it right and we’ll get ourselves our Nether Star in 10 seconds flat all without taking any damage ourselves opening a chest next to Pig is a

Dangerous Gamble and breaking it doesn’t work either so instead place a hopper underneath the chest and then wait for all the items to pour out see the piglins don’t care if you open the hopper so you can enjoy all of the riches that they drip feet out of the

Chest and then after that chest is empty why not trade all the gold that you found inside back to the piglins that way they get to keep their gold and we get to stay on their good side in Bedrock addition it’s possible to jump six blocks high without using any potion

Effects simply have your friend hold up a shield and then punch them repeatedly because if you have a wall behind you for support you can use that knockback to launch yourself right up to the ceiling and if you both have a shield on hand you can each switch back and forth

And use this to effectively climb up to build limit just make sure you don’t punch them when their Shields down or this whole thing could fall apart literally using water log leaves we can see through walls and here’s how if you’re on Bedrock first dig a canal of

Water fill it up with leaves and then go beside them and till the soil with a hoe and by doing this we get exactly one pixel of window to see through the world and it would seem that the reason this works is because the game doesn’t render

Blocks the player can’t see and since the water inside is supposed to be invisible from all sides it’s not actually rendered though it doesn’t recognize that we tilt the soil next to it so we do get a sneak peek through the glitch like so I think every kids wanted

To be a spy at some point I mean why else would there be so many different spy items available at Book Fairs it’s supply and demand folks so while I’m not saying you’ll become a full James Bond in Minecraft this might at least put you one step closer secret messages are a

Classic bit of spy technology but even when you use the message command that isn’t always secure so if that’s the case let’s turned to invisible ink otherwise known as nether high now laid out on the ground these don’t look like much but give your friend a map and now

It’s a hidden message no matter where you go in the world you’ve got yourself a private messaging app and better yet the server mods will be none the wiser stop building your Cobblestone generators like this but rather build it like this as you’ll notice by using a

Water log stair instead of a water source block we get a few benefits namely you can’t accidentally create obsidian since the water doesn’t flow out of the back of the stair and even though this has been marked on the bug tracker it’s been open for years so I’m

Not that worried about it getting patched soon if at all you see when you water log something it keeps the properties of a water source block meaning that just by pouring a water bucket on your chest that sucker isn’t going to explode anytime soon I see that

As a small price to pay for indestructible chests this is a lot easier to clean up before you visit the deep dark you probably want to brew up a slow falling potion as simply Stark points out chugging one of these can help us get around the skull shers and

Sensors without setting them off I mean you could fall from any height in land on a block next to it and as long as you’re not moving side to side you will not set off any of the sensors making this indispensable to have oh or give slow fall into the mobs that you’re

Trying to pull on a lead and that way you can fly around with them on elytra without having to worry about them dying of fall damage when you reach your destination by this point we’ve talked about making a bubble elevator using kelp which is helpful but it requires a

Couple of different items so instead let’s get the job done simpler by just carrying around ice with this all we have to do is pillar up ice above a soul sand block and then mine it with a non-s silk touch pickaxe on the way back down

Then when we reach the bottom all of them will be water source blocks and we can fly right back up to the top keeping our elevators fast and helping us build them about as quickly instead of using six planks to craft a shield why not use

Five and craft yourself a bow now as crazy as it seems a bow can actually be very useful for defense like in this situation where if we were to fight the Enderman by ourselves we probably wouldn’t Faire too well but if we place it in a boat beforehand then as soon as

We start attacking it it won’t even teleport away and it can’t hit us I mean the boat is so strong that if you were to put an exploding creeper in in your back seat and row the boat you’ll barely take any damage when it explodes and as

Much as I love Shields you can’t exactly say the same for them so if you’re already crafted one of these to get across the Seven Seas it’s worth keeping in your hot bar to get you out of a sticky situation honey blocks are great for redstone traps and traps without

Redstone let me explain with the honey Block’s unique properties if any mob stands on top of it they can’t easily jump over which means that if we were to put a mob or a villager inside of a composter or a cauldron with a honey block underneath they’re not able to

Jump out and just like that we found the sticky situation that’ll keep your villagers inside of the trading Hall and to go one step further add an extra ring of Honey blocks around them and then any baby zombies can jump in to try to kill

The mob as well that way we make sure we keep the mob safe and sound all will they stay put this trick will help you find buried treasure every single time because instead of trying to guess where the X means on the map if you instead

Line yourself up and then use the F3 debug screen to move to where the chunk info line has a nine in the first and third spots then if you dig straight down you’ll be right on top of the chest which is particularly useful if the the

Chest happens to spawn out in the water next to the Shoreline because digging around aimlessly is already a Time waster we don’t need to make that any worse by having to dig slower underwat if you’ve ever tried to get a skeleton hit a creeper then you know it’s not an

Easy task but it’s a necessary one if we want to fill out our music disc collection so we’ll have to get creative and luckily this user has the right idea see Minecraft counts ass cyst the same way that it does kills meaning if we have a skeleton shoot a piece of TNT

Ignite it and then that kills the creeper we’ll get the music disc the same way simple as that if you have only three dirt blocks you’re rich or at least richer than you might think since if you have three dirt blocks it’s actually possible to trade that up to an

Emerald now the way that we do this in 1.19 is that we turn our dirt into mud using a water bottle and then dry it out on a dripstone rack like such to get ourselves our very own clay blocks which if we then break we can trade with a

Stone Mason to get ourselves an emerald it’s not exactly the fastest trade but it’s definitely possible and this proves that even when your dirt poor you’re still not as poor as you think you are while the Swift sneak enchantment is meant to help out down in the ancient

Cities it can also be useful above ground for when you’re trying to speed bridge and looking at this comparison between no Swift sneak and Swift sneak 3 you can really see that there’s a massive difference and honestly I’m just glad that there’s a method now to speed Bridge without ever learning how to

Speed Bridge because if you’re like me I could never get down the timing looting is one of the quintessential enchantments in Minecraft which means it’s a bummer when it’s only limited to swords or so you’d think you see if you Chuck your looting three sword to your

Off hand slot then you can use something like a bow and still have the enchantment applied and from where I’m standing that’s all upside folks not only do you save from damaging your prized weapon but you also gain a bunch of range sure you still do have to walk

In close to collect the items but look at the alternative if you’re asking if I’d rather walk up to a creeper and fight it or just pick up a pile of gunpowder I think the choice is clear let’s say you built a path up to your base using gravel but later on you

Decided that andesite would actually work better for the build so how do you replace it do you go through that whole path removing every piece of gravel and then place and aide into the empty holes because if you’re doing that you’re wasting time rather what you should be

Doing is if you have an insta mine tool and then the block you want to replace in your offhand every time that you hit left click and right click at the same time on a block you’re able to instantly replace it with the block that you want

To use helping you clean up those mistakes without any extra headache starting a farm is often a big undertaking so whether you got that potato from a zombie drop or it’s the only one you have left over from a village trip the fact still stands that

You’re going to need a lot more of those things to get the farm going so to help out on that that fortune 3 tool that you got in your hot box isn’t just good for lapis and diamonds no it can actually increase your crop yield as well sure

Just how much that increases averages out to just be about one more per block but folks as you grow to a big farm that can add up really fast giving you more spuds to plant and more to fortune 3 down the road let’s face it mine carts

Aren’t very fast which is a shame because roller coasters are a ton of fun so instead of a normal Railway place your rails like this for an extra speed buff now it might look silly and the travel animation’s definitely unique to say the least but the speed boost that

We can achieve more than makes up for it you don’t even need powered rails to do it and honestly the slowest part of the process might just be figuring out how to build all those weird circles but trust me it’ll pay off instead of using boats why not use Dolphins crazy as it

Sounds if you get a dolphin onto a lead you can enjoy the Dolphins Grace buff for however long your journey is and to get even more out of this trick try wearing some death Strat 3 boots to give you that extra speed right across the 7 Seas because with just those two things

We can start to travel over 36 blocks per second just like that you travel two chunks every second that passes by that’s some serious speed nobody likes waiting whether it’s waiting in line waiting for files to download or a video to buffer nobody likes their time wasted which largely makes Nether Portals a

Pain to deal with in survival mode not only do you have to wait for the whole sickness animation to play out but then you’ve also got to let an entire other dimension load on the other side it’s not exactly Speedy to say the least but

If you got some items we might be able to cut that down you see by using nether portal chunk loading all it takes is throwing an item to the other side and then all of a sudden it’ll do all of the loading for you so going forward maybe

Take the time to hit the q key might just save you some down the road if you’re having trouble finding the dead coral for a TNT duplication machine don’t sweat it just use glass no joke even though it’s a less popular way of Performing this glitch all it takes is a

Setup like so using observers to make an equally effective TNT duplication machine and you might find this could be even more effective on a Sky Block world where Coral isn’t exactly close by and in any case it’s just nice to be able to build one of these without having to

Need silk touch right away if you want to be a pro at Minecraft then you got to be able to MLG clutch but if your reaction ‘s like mine then that’s disconcerting it’s just not going to happen so a simpler option for us slow pokes is to use Coors fruit instead

Strangely enough the random teleport feature is actually predictable or at least predictable enough for us to use the way it works it will always teleport you to Solid Ground so if you’re in midair off a shuler’s levitation effect then you can just Chomp on one of these

And be teleported right back to safety and look I’m not going to lie it maybe doesn’t look as cool as a water bucket save but being able to survive a deadly fall I think that’s good enough for me looting desert temples is a fun Pastime for sure but what if you’re trying to

Get the valuables without wasting your precious time well that’s where this method comes in see while most of us would just spend the seconds to individually loot each and every one of these chests this user’s method is a lot more straightforward and instead we use

The TNT from the trap below to blow up the chamber and the chest with it and while that sounds dangerous it’s worth noting that by standing in the pit down here it’ll let us survive with barely a scratch sustained and afterwards we not only have that treasure on our inventory

But a ton of blocks to build our way out as well who doesn’t love roller coasters no one I want to hang around with that’s for sure and it’s because of this mutual love of roller coasters that I’m sure we’ve all tried to set up a throw ride

Once or twice but the real test is what your friends think though it’s pretty boring to just set them off and wait till they get back so to make that Journey a bit more inclusive why not upgrade your ride you see since Minecarts can pick up entities and boats

Happen to be entities you can essentially make a two-person Cedar mine cart to ride the rails so not only do you get a goofy ride to go around in but you can also build up some surprising propulsion by rowing the boat which I think we all can agree are pretty great

Things if you’ve only got yourself one bucket of water but you still need an infinite water source just wait for nighttime since if you kill a skeleton and get some bone meal then you can use that to create seagrass which if you grow seagrass inside of flowing water

It’ll turn that into a full water source block so whether you’re playing in a desert on a Sky Block Island or you just don’t want to craft another bucket a bit of bone meal will solve your problem just the same I think we all can agree the channeling enchantments pretty great

For one not only is it fun to summon lightning like your last name is odinson but that very lightning allows you to change and manipulate different mobs so when you’re fed up with typical mushrooms and you’re looking for a change well bam it’s great but obviously all that lighning can get pretty

Dangerous so if you’re trying to do your magic without all the pain of electrocution maybe try this you see by placing down an item frame all you have to do is zap that and the job gets done the same way except this time no one’s getting hurt in the process which is

Nice because really there’s no point in converting a corpse Endermen aren’t always the easiest to kill and while they’re teleporting might be fine in a desert or plains biome when you’re fighting them in the end the last thing you want is to get sneak attacked so to

Cut their magic show short all we need is five planks and a plan after we craft a boat all we need to do is place that right down next to an Enderman and that sucker will be locked right into place no joke as long as you don’t break the

Boat you’re free to slice Dice and slay the foe with no hassle to you I mean they do still have pretty massive arms so I wouldn’t recommend getting too close to the bash Zone but as long as you keep us you and your axe had Harm’s

Way then I think you’ll find this works pretty well the new nether stem blocks are a great addition except for when you’re trying to smelt something unlike regular logs these can’t be used as fuel in a furnace they don’t burn to a flint and steel so why should a furnace be any

Different but this intentional piece of game design might just have an unintentional workaround If instead you take those logs out of the furnace and into a crafting grid then we can craft them into sticks which by themselves would work as a fuel source but we can actually do one better Folks by crafting

Those very sticks in the ladders now we’re actually getting the best bang for our buck when it comes to smelting which I’ve got to say is a big Improvement when the alternative was not smelting anything at all Redstone is one of my favorite parts of Minecraft but the

Circuitry isn’t exactly a looker now that doesn’t discount its personality I’m sure what’s on the inside counts but to our Builder friends it’s all about outward appearances so in that case how about we find ourselves a happy middle ground I wasn’t aware of this until recently but you can actually throw down

Item frames on top of redstone dust meaning if you add in a colored map of your choice then you can effectively cover up your tracks now obviously if you’re using a bunch of these item frame and map combos I do have to warn of some potential lag but if you got yourself a

Beefy computer then I’d be hardpressed to say this isn’t worth a shot anvil cost can get annoying pretty fast I mean all it takes is a few enchanted books in the wrong order and Bam it’s too expensive to use and this can get remarkably frustrating when you go to

Repair something so before you find yourself in that hassle maybe try this apparently by just renaming the tool every time you go to repair it’s enough to stop the repair cost from Jack backing up each time at that point the game treats it as a simple name change

Operation and forgets the rest just some minor change like adding a space or a number to the end is good enough it does not need to be fancy trust me or if you’re not a fan of loud noises these aelia bushes can also keep monsters at

Bay because of the way that the mob’s pathfinding AI Works they can jump over aelia bushes but obviously we can do that just fine so if you’re looking for a prettier alternative to the carpet and fence trick this hedge maze is definitely worth a shot and thankfully these don’t automatically grow into

Aelia trees meaning this fenceless defense is here to stay and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they’re right and have a good one all right

This video, titled ’61 Minecraft Hacks That Feel Like Cheating’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-01-07 14:03:00. It has garnered 356969 views and 13893 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:36 or 1776 seconds.

These are the Minecraft things that feel like cheating!

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character is drawn by @MagnaGallina

Edited by Adamais, Brennan Moore, and Yashtin Rivera Script by notna Researched by MonocleMC, Jonah Walters, and Frankie Mundo Footage collected by Santiago Cachero, Jordan Cross, Abelardo Robles, Camden Saxe, Brennan Moore, Jaden Moore, and Frankie Mundo —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @Antlerboy —— Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. —— Other Credits: https://youtu.be/QGetF8q2Cag?si=_V2yyJIe1ul7H9Ts https://youtu.be/3OtmrYVjIb0?si=5NvBwTIAx0qxtIp0 https://youtu.be/w-3G7nafyy8?si=BVmsszv8-dZJOBA9 https://youtu.be/mnXFj0aOveE https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/mm3h0v/tip_if_you_hold_a_bow_in_your_offhand_and_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/mis7i8/this_exists_in_vanilla_survival_elytra_ride/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/lrf6bi/i_found_out_that_quickly_switching_between_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/gdbwve/pro_tip_if_mobs_keep_spawning_near_your_house/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/frxvqj/pro_tip_this_is_how_you_protect_your_chest/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ha56e6/pro_tip_4_use_flint_and_steel_to_kill_silverfish/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/fzpz3b/pro_tip_make_one_of_your_floors_a_slab_so_you_can/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/mem2j1/if_you_stand_at_the_maximum_reach_while_mining/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/c8lld0/til_waterlogged_blocks_can_be_used_in_cobblestone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ih9w1v/you_can_use_mycelium_and_grass_spreading_to_make/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/i2fea7/you_can_use_the_116_nether_stemshyphae_to_write/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/kzutf1/if_you_are_afraid_of_accidentally_killing/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ekjjly/til_you_can_fit_2_people_in_a_minecart_if_you_put/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/f5anuq/you_can_make_a_timer_using_turtle_eggs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/ihs959/if_you_use_a_bamboo_farm_or_a_witch_farm_for/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/m82pgu/you_can_make_invisible_ink_with_waxed_copper/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/gsk070/you_can_use_item_frames_and_maps_to_hide_redstone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/k0d67g/using_honey_blocks_you_can_make_villagers_stay/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/gnkx1g/apparently_you_can_make_some_small_animations/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/gv7358/a_perfect_death_swap_trap_using_inverted_slabs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/kolwje/til_you_can_destroy_an_item_using_an_anvil/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/dvwjdc/tip_suspicious_stew_made_with_dandelions_or_blue/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/c0s4ax/building_tip_string_tripwire_can_be_used_as_a/

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  • Join Minewind Server for Exclusive Capes and Gifts!

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  • Uncover the Hilarious World of Minecraft

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  • Mastering Minecraft: World Border Tutorial

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  • SkyblockGuides

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  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

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  • -+- ⭐ TMF Country SMP⭐ [1.20.4] -+-

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  • Transformando Minecraft en un juego de terror

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Control in the Circle

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Server Guide

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  • Survive the UNKNOWN tunnel in Zombie Craft!

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  • The Ultimate Little Nightmares Finale

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  • Ultimate Duplication Glitch for Minecraft 1.20 | HINDI

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  • INSANE Masked Cowboy SNOW SLED BUILD!! 😱🔥 #viral

    INSANE Masked Cowboy SNOW SLED BUILD!! 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘SNOW SLED BUILD TUTORIAL | #shorts #minecraft #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Masked Cowboy on 2023-12-22 12:00:22. It has garnered 6079 views and 153 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. SNOW SLED BUILD TUTORIAL Like 👍🏻 Share 📤 Subscribe 🔔 #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuildhacks #minecrafthacks #minecraftshorts #minecrafter #minecraftjava #minecrafthack #buildhacks #minecraftchristmas #snowsledding #viral #shorts #ytshorts #viralshorts #youtubeshorts ( Snow Sled, Minecrafter, Minecraft, Christmas, Ideas, Build, Tutorial ) Thanks For Watching… 🙏🏻 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modding Hacks in 2024!

    Insane Minecraft Modding Hacks in 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Mod Minecraft In 2024’, was uploaded by KoPlexis on 2024-04-10 11:00:47. It has garnered 711 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #minecraft #modrinth #ad ⭐️⭐️Welcome To The Retro Squad ⭐️⭐️ // SUPPORT THE CHANNEL (& get something back) 👇❤️ Member here: 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChA5h1297uIFGIxBySc–lg/join https://modrinth.com/ Get a server and start playing with your friends for as low as $2.99 USE CODE KoPlexis 25%off a server https://bisecthosting.com/KoPlexis #AD Thank You For Watching I Hope you like today’s video. ✨Discord✨ https://discord.gg/Ueja8bxw4E ✨Twitter✨ https://twitter.com/koplexis ✨Reddit✨ https://www.reddit.com/r/KoPlexis/ ✨Roblox✨ https://www.roblox.com/users/121567432/profile ✨Channel… Read More

  • Unstoppable Armor vs Lava Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Unstoppable Armor vs Lava Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘which armor finish the 10 block’s lava #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Crafty Cube on 2024-04-07 00:08:59. It has garnered 2733 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft in 1 Night!!

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft in 1 Night!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival 2 Pt 1 : Can i beat Minecraft in 1 night? LIVE’, was uploaded by Mnamelu on 2024-02-07 13:18:23. It has garnered 111 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:12 or 7932 seconds. K. Musician / Artist I Like Video Games 19 Ela Booty Toeballs Sussy Baka uwu chun li Jus memin’ on u I am the 6th Lu in my family 🗿 I don’t eat beans Don’t take me or my friends seriously 🌚🔪 THAT WASN’T CHOCOLATE…. Nose reveal @ 1k subs 👃 Might stream randomly. Read More

  • Insane new strat – OP speed but LETHAL💀 #Minecraft

    Insane new strat - OP speed but LETHAL💀 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘faster… but weaker😭 #minecraft #bedwars #shorts #pvp’, was uploaded by Just void on 2024-05-04 17:39:05. It has garnered 8502 views and 239 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Read More

  • “Skeleton takes on all blocks in epic Minecraft battle! 😍” #shorts #clickbait

    "Skeleton takes on all blocks in epic Minecraft battle! 😍" #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Skeleton vs All block 😍 #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by SD GAMERZ on 2024-03-21 12:30:45. It has garnered 1399 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Skeleton vs All block 😍 #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts #shorts #short #youtubeshort #shortsvideo #shortsvideos #shortsfeed #trending #viral #minecraft #minecraftshort #minrcraftshorts #minecraftshortvideo #minecrafttrendingshort #minecrafttrendingvideo #ytshort #ytshorts #yessmartypie #yessmartypieshorts #ezio18rip #dreamboy #minecraftvideo #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft #shorts #minecraftbut #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecrafttiktok #helpshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecrafttiktok #minecraftvideoideas #minecraftmod #minecrafttrendingvideoidea #minecraftbut #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecrafttrendingshorts #shorts #trendingshorts #minecrafttiktok #shortsminecraft #minecraftbut minecraft shorts minecraft shorts shorts minecraft… Read More

  • DankMC

    DankMCBanner is a joke but welcome to the DankPods unofficial mc server, where you can find idiots like us who like ipods and shit. mc.dankpaws.com Read More

  • WarpedRealm SMP PvE SMP-RPG

    WarpedRealm.com A thrilling Minecraft survival server with custom dimensions, challenging mobs and bosses, and an in-game ranking system with over 32 ranks. Custom items like powerful staffs, tomes, and hammers, unique crafting system, custom resource pack with emotes and furniture, player-driven economy, player shops, mini dungeons, upgradable spawners, jobs, skills, custom armor sets, and grief prevention claims. Join us today and start your adventure! IP: WarpedRealm.com Discord Gallery Wiki Store (Not P2W) Features: The WarpedRealm server features a variety of custom mobs, bosses, items, and special abilities. Other features include custom resource pack, in-game ranks, custom dimensions, mini dungeons, upgradable… Read More

  • Craftway

    CraftwayWelcome to Craftway, your ultimate Minecraft server experience!Craftway offers a diverse array of thrilling game modes to suit all types of players. Whether you’re looking to test your survival skills, engage in epic PvP battles, or build your empire, Craftway has something for everyone. Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect:Skyblock: Start on a small floating island and expand into a sprawling aerial base, complete with challenges and resource management.Custom Item KitPvP: Dive into action-packed PvP battles with unique kits featuring custom items that add a fresh twist to combat.Survival SMP: Join a community of like-minded players in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Arachnid with a Fascinating Smile 😂

    I guess the spider was trying to fake everyone out with its sneaky teeth-eye disguise! Read More

  • “Big Brain Plays in Minecraft” 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes #animation

    "Big Brain Plays in Minecraft" 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes #animation When you accidentally hit your friend’s pet pig in Minecraft and have a “brain moment” where you realize you should have just stuck to mining diamonds instead of angering the pig army. #minecraftproblems #piggyrevenge Read More

  • Pranking My Friends with Fake Food in Minecraft

    Pranking My Friends with Fake Food in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a leading figure in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original animations that are not only humorous but also spread joy and happiness to his audience. Unique Content and Channels With a focus on originality and creativity, 方块轩’s channel stands out as the official destination for his content. Any videos related to 方块轩 on other channels are unauthorized copies and do not have his endorsement. By subscribing… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Avoid Terrible Mistakes!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Avoid Terrible Mistakes! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious Minecraft prank video titled “I Made a TERRIBLE Mistake…” and it got us thinking – why not join the Minewind Minecraft Server for even more epic moments like this? Imagine the thrill of pulling off crazy pranks, building giant structures, and surviving in a challenging environment with a community of like-minded players. With Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, you can dive into a world of endless possibilities and unforgettable adventures. Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind today and start creating your own unique Minecraft story alongside fellow gamers… Read More

  • Bedrock Redstone: Sneaky Double Piston Trick!

    Bedrock Redstone: Sneaky Double Piston Trick! Mastering the Double Piston Extender in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch Are you ready to take your redstone contraptions to the next level in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch? Look no further than the Double Piston Extender! This essential redstone component allows you to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for your creations. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of building a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender using redstone components. Understanding Redstone Basics Before diving into the construction of the Double Piston Extender, it’s important to have a… Read More

  • Kurrgas reveals SHOCKING truth about his girlfriend in Minecraft 😂

    Kurrgas reveals SHOCKING truth about his girlfriend in Minecraft 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘She a lil Luco 😂 #follow #minecraft #sidemensunday #funnymemes #comedy #comedymemes #green #newmeme’, was uploaded by Kurrgas on 2024-03-22 06:45:00. It has garnered 31 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND COMMENT I WILL REPLY TO EVERYONE!!!!!! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCny5… +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (WARNINGS: ALOT OF ADULT HUMOR AND FLASHING LIGHTS!!!!!!) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Follow my Social Media Twitter – https://twitter.com/Kurrgas Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/kurrgas/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Kurrgas TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@kurrgas Snapchat – https://www.snapchat.com/add/kurrgas Clothing – https://kurrgas.creator-spring.com/ PayPal – https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/kurrgas Apple Music – https://music.apple.com/gb/artist/kurrgas/1596982993… Read More

  • Must-See Minecraft Mods 1.20.1-1.20.4

    Must-See Minecraft Mods 1.20.1-1.20.4Video Information This video, titled ’28 NEW Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.20.4)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-01-21 23:00:01. It has garnered 92572 views and 2916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. 28 NEW Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.20.4) Hey guys, my channel just got the membership feature! If you’re into Resource Packs, Data Packs, and more Mods, consider joining. I’ll be uploading related videos from time to time *^____^* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLFF7Hp5s-0 0:00 -Let’s Do: BloomingNature 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/lets-do-bloomingnature 2:39 -Spice of Life: Valheim Edition 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/spice-of-life-valheim-edition… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Twists! Click Now! #shortfeed #viral

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Twists! Click Now! #shortfeed #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft unexpected moments #shortfeed #viral #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-05 07:04:51. It has garnered 11431 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending… Read More