Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play : Castle Tower and Full Netherite Armor

Video Information

Hey folks whip here and welcome back to the hardcore survival world where we finally have this lovely little totem of undying in our hand and i’m so very excited for it last episode we took a little bit of a break from the castle right over there and since then holy cow

I’ve been doing a lot of work gathering up jungle wood like crazy because today my friends we’re going to be doing an absolute massive amount of building here on the castle if y’all are excited please be sure to click that like button down below and let’s get rocking we have to do a

Tiny bit of prep work here first and foremost so we can know what the heck we’re doing and that is going to involve getting ourselves all the way up to the top right up there but i want to make sure that whatever we have down here is going to be something that’ll be

Interesting to look at and i have a lot more variation to it it’s very easy inside of a minecraft world just to kind of be boring and just have everywhere being pretty flat so i want to make sure that we’re having a lot of additional height variation

Coming all the way up here with the final little bit of the slab action and then i think right about out here we can incorporate the full blocks and that’ll be a good point to bring a flattened out layer for ourselves up here what are we at right

Now we’re up at 84. that seems pretty dang good to me well it’s a lot of blocks in a weird little skinny line going all the way up there doesn’t feel like very much but it should be feeling pretty good later on that’s gonna be the bottom layer of

Where we start to build what i’m calling the castle bell tower today before we get to the big boy right over there we’ve gotta check out a little bit of building work that i’ve been doing in between episodes and that my friend has been the beachfront right over here i

Love this place last episode we added these two additional houses down here they look absolutely beautiful and i thought it was time to make the front area actually look pretty good out here too so we got a bunch of smooth sandstone and sand and dirt and all that a little

Bit of wheat that’s gonna be growing up around here we got some rocks on the shore but that does bring me over here where this this has to be fixed my friends in the last episode we didn’t build a field we didn’t add any more fields to this area so for sure

Today i want to expand the beetroot field i want to expand the netherwart field and i actually also would love to on top of creeper hill here bring ourselves a brand new potato field that will come in here shortly though because first we have 57 levels and i need to get my enchanted

Armor sorted this is protection 3 and feather falling 4 and what are we able to get on this guy protection 4 that is exactly what we want on the boots and on breaking three holy cow those are some really good boots right there what else would we

Need i guess we would need depth strider on them a very important one here is gonna be a brand new sword for ourselves because the current one we have is only sharpness two and that’s really not the best thing ever unbreaking three please give me something good

Knock back not not what i wanted we’ll take that just take that back but first the other item we also want to get some more enchants on is gonna be a new diamond helmet because i really want to have a better respiration on here and we also need aqua affinity i don’t remember

If that’s on the helmet or the boots though i think it’s the helmet okay you know that’s a pretty dang good diamond sword over here i guess we can hold on to that one for now i will have to find some way to get some more sharpness books that might be through

Villager trading though i’m seeing respiration three over here oh my gosh that is an amazing helmet holy cow but we need fire we need the blast protection on the helmet because that’s very important to surviving in hardcore we are down to 36 levels now so i should

Probably do the little bit of item combining that i can to make sure that we can actually get this pretty close to god armor as much as we can so if i want to make as crazy of boots as we can right now that’s going to be 26 levels i don’t

Think that is worth it so right now what we’re gonna be rocking instead is getting rid of fire protection and unfortunately losing depth strider but we’re getting feather falling four and protection four seems pretty worthwhile to me so we’re gonna throw those guys right back on

Here we did i did it i did it i’m down to two levels 57 to two in about two minutes lovely but we do know have a looting three sharpness three fire aspect two diamond sword as well which is really cool so i’m gonna leave this guy in here

And that’s gonna be absolutely awesome i’m sorry my cows i have looting three now it’s nothing personal i also have fire aspects so i get instant steak off you all close your eyes i guess steak really is for dinner for uh the foreseeable future at this point

Everybody but that was so worth it we’re just gonna leave those two stacks in there and this leather is coming with me because we need to go to mooshland and buy some more mending books by the way if you were curious where all those levels came from this

This is where they all came from 64 blocks of emeralds worth of trading pumpkins and melons to these farmer villagers and just like that we are almost up to level 30 again i’ve just got one more of the dudes to stop by thank you very much for the multiple

Stacks of emeralds my friends ooh they’re up to two emeralds now come on you are you’re killing me over here bud you’re killing me two emeralds for a mending buck how outrageous and done i remember that i can actually trade for a bunch of the polished goods with these stone masons

Over here so that’s gonna be super nice because i need quite a few of these for the new build that we’re gonna be working with today i’m so excited to show it all to you here you go nova i know you’ve been keeping all these guys in line making

Sure they’re working hard for us so you can have a stake before we head back on over to get some work going on i’m gonna repair the shovel here real quick at the spider farm which has been working so well so just finished sharing all of our woolly

Friends over there and i’ll tell you what folks i owe it to you all from the last episode because we forgot to get the fields planted down it is time for yet another field planted montage [Applause] And there we have it my friends we’ve got the beetroot field expanded over here i added two additional trees on top we’ve got a giant potato field right over there on the end it and even the nether waters being expanded as well unfortunately ran out of salsa and i do want to eventually

Have it coming down basically to the river’s edge but it is looking so good for now i’m really really wanting to put like a lighthouse or something out here and take down that little island it could be so fun in this area we have to have some buildings out here

We put a road after all so let me know what ideas you all have i’ll tell you what though folks i’ve gotta get the grind on gathering a bunch more blocks to get moving forward with that castle build and i also would love to actually get some netherride armor today so i think

I’m gonna grind here for a little while break a bunch of blocks and then you know after we get really burnt out on that it’ll be time to go into the nether and explode a bunch of beds because that’ll be fun now i’ve got like 99 problems but birchwood

It ain’t one of them anymore folks but what is the problem is we need to dive into the nether and hopefully not explode ourselves when we go looking for some ancient debris and i really gotta remove this pumpkin and melon patch here so we can actually get a

Pathway going through there because i’ve been uh parkouring across the tops of pumpkins for uh part far too long in my lovely ender chest i’ve got stacks of wool and i’ve got a bunch of spruce wood but i think i might go get a little bit more

White wall first just one more super quick round of shearing an auto wolf farm would be super nice here uh but we’ll get to that here soon i feel like the otto wolf arm is something that isn’t quite essential to us right now it’s nice but it’s not essential i don’t

Have viruses potions but if we need it we do have the golden apples and then i have a fire as this gold helmet over here that we can throw on but i think the blast protection is the most important seeing as we’re actually going to be exploding the beds in a sniper gas

Sniper gas sniper aiming aiming oh please don’t hit a piggy first try definitely and another one oh nailed it i’m not putting the gold armor on right now actually you know what until we get down there do the exploding probably worthwhile to wear it because uh there’s a lot of piglens and endermen

Around here now i know mining through a basalt delta is not the best typically for finding ancient debris because there’s so much basalt and blackstone underneath them it’s impossible to actually blow things up so we’re probably going to be headed off what is that direction east we just need

To get all the way down this i think is actually where our original portal was and that’s lava that’s not going to work to get us down okay new path needed there we are y level 12. that’s what you’re supposed to do this on right i’m gonna make a little

Bit of a tunnel right over here so going off in this direction and then another little one going off in this direction gonna do double torch right there so we can remember where the exit is and now my friends we get to the fun part of let’s explode a bunch of stuff

In the nether and hopefully not kill ourselves so blast protection for helmet you’re going right back on there i will not be using my glorious magenta bed and i should probably make a double chest or two just so we can have a little bit of storage down here

Now let’s start going straight up this direction over here moving ourselves forwards a few blocks do you say right there and the farthest we can click on the bed is from all the way back in here and what i like to do is just step right back in here we’ve got the blast

Production on so we’re going to be safe from the explosion let’s do that oh perfect okay did we get anything first one appears to be unsuccessful but moving on to right over here another one right at the end and go we’ve got our first one from the mining

Trip so far check that out right there look at that ancient debris right in the room oh a second one and a third one now i believe we already have three back at home so that’s pretty sweet that’s a good find to get ourselves started We’ve only got two pieces of wool left which means it’s pretty much done zone that up to 19 ancient debris now and i think i would like to try and get a little bit more so i was thinking well i’ve got these pickaxes because we can repair them

And this guy well actually both of them will be able to instant mind everything i might as well just do a little bit of roaring action around here and see if i can’t find any the old manual way of just so we can break as many blocks as you can oh

My gosh it actually worked well for one i’ve got one very dead flippy picky at this point in time my friends because i have been breaking things like crazy all the way around here just going absolutely insane just different directions all the way somehow even ended up down there

But check this out we have 36 blocks of ancient debris that is absolutely amazing i also went back and gathered up a lot of the nether gold ore so we can smelt that down too but oh it’s an ancient another right now they have been down here too long and listening to

Re-worrying so much that i don’t even know words anymore but it’s ancient netherright debris armory times of diamondy goodness back home in the overworld now feeling good and oh my gosh am i ready let’s head back over here and i’ve got all the furnaces ready to go at this point in time i’m

Gonna smelt down all of the nether gold as well so it goes directly into some ingots for us and i think what i’m gonna do in here is um we’re just gonna go with those guys in there and we’ll do these ones in here and they’ll start smelting down and then from there

Half stack and now i wait oh my gosh i had two more that need to be smelted down inside of here oh 39 another right scraps for ourselves that feels good and oh my gosh we finally got some gold back i used all of the gold to make a bunch more golden

Apples over here kind of forgot that uh you know we need to actually use that stuff to make these netherette ingots which we’re getting nine of them all right so that’s good let me make sure the door is closed nothing can get in here taking off all of the armor because

First and foremost we are doing full another right arm right there’s the helmet there’s the chest the legs and the boots oh that feels so good cover me in debris oh oh it’s so good so good i feel so much stronger now already oh boy now we have five of them left

That is perfect i also put sharpness five on the nether right sword recently and sweeping edge three got some more villager stuff sorted out in between working all this stuff and then we got the pickaxe right in here i’m gonna do this shovel i still want to

Get up to efficiency 4 but we’ll use it for now that guy is ready to rock there too and the final one which is going to be great is i want to put it on our fortune pickaxe i know it’s going to take it down just a touch

But it’ll increase the durability on it so you know that’s great it’s also got mending can repair that later but oh this one little bit right here like took like two and a half hours something like that and oh we are so much stronger already full nether right tools full nether at

Armor i’m ready i’m ready creepers i’m gonna come get you just kidding please stay away i will tell y’all what though folks it is time to keep the hype a roll in here let’s go ahead and kick this off in a good old-fashioned time-lapse mode and build up the castle bell tower There it is my friends the castle bell tower i am in love with this build from down here it looks absolutely amazing i can’t wait to get the rest of the structures in around here and i’m so glad that i built this central piece first you can see i

Started adding a few extra buildings around it being this white diorite structure right over there we got a chimney popping up to the top there and then we’ve got this little archway right here that’s going to be leading into another building reason being that it’s important to

Build the central one right over here is we run into a few issues like the archway right here needs to go into a building right but then that building is going to be roughly as tall as this central guard tower on the gatehouse so building this really sets the scale for

Everything else so i should have put that stuff down the terrain a few blocks but it’s okay we’ll make it work out we’ve got access to get up to the top which will go up to here soon but i think for now i’m actually going to be taking that down i started adding

In a little bit of foliage around here with these leaf blocks on the wall and i was thinking we could do a little bit of something right in here that could be kind of cool to add into something right like this and then i got the puzzle in here as

Well so we’ve got ourselves a little bit of a plant potter and then i did bring some dark oak fences with over here with me too so we can throw these guys in and i want to build one of those little spruce trees we’ve been doing around the area i absolutely

Love including foliage and trees and just life in little plant potters and things like that all over the castles that i build so we can quickly come all the way up here and i think i’m gonna remove this little warp trap door since i was mostly used

For spawn proofing i love this a little bit we did these pressure plates and warp trap doors right in there and it looks so good but bringing this stuff all the way right up here and then sure let’s just go like another two blocks up and bam little tree in the

Corner i know it blocks the window that we have for the diorite build right over here but i think that’s totally okay to have uh we still got to get the whole inside of this thing sorted out but it’s going to be very cool in here i’ve set it up

To put two thick walls on it seeing as i popped all the glass back here so we could give it a recessed feeling when you’re looking at these windows from the front i think it looks so much better with it pushed back just a touch there

Next up however is i want to finish up the roadway so we can get at least a little bit wider along here seeing as it’s kind of dangerous to walk up right now so i need to get a bunch of slabs of that stuff and i also need to see if we

Have any andesite left and i’m not feeling too hopeful right now oh just kidding we have plenty perfect now the plan is to roughly have about five blocks wide going up this entire section so we can have a lot of that stuff working out but the original idea was

All of these building outlines as where the road would be going over to so i think for now what i’m going to focus on is actually this upper section because again building from the middle going outwards and then we can easily push these buildings back in but like bringing

The cobblestone area that we have up top all the way out to line up with this cobblestone outline that we originally made here i think it’s gonna help me out personally a lot with being able to see how much space we have to work with with detailing and whatnot

Upper section is now finished up for this main plaza area and these dudes will not leave me alone it looks like a few of them are starting to walk away so i’m curious if we take these guys out you know we’ve had a few problems with them so far inside this world

Yes it looks like we’ve split the crew and uh i apparently can’t hit any of them no wonder i had problems and goodbye okay but got a big old flat sheet of cobblestone up here and now it’s time to start incorporating a lot of the andeside i’m leaving this road down

There because uh one i’m starting to run out a little bit of cobblestone i only got 39 left realizing the way i like to do texture variation recently instead of just having a splatter of where it’s randomized all over the place i like to create little blobs or different shapes throughout i really

Like to avoid these checker patterns that we have right in here so i think what that means is i can start moving off this way a little bit more there is a little bit of extra stuff we’ll be adding around this place to make the road a bit more detailed and

Things like that that will eventually add to the other structures as well but for now we’re just getting the base pallet down the front roadway is shaped out here as well now too i’ve got enough cobblestone back from breaking everything up there that i was able to

Throw all this stuff in i’ve got to finish up this bit of the section red in there too so we can have a nice little front entrance point and ooh this is going to be a great sunset right over the tower through our brand new gateway

Dang does that look good yep it’s a good world everybody it’s a good hardcore world ran back over to the storage room to grab some smooth smooth stone over here and i use even more pillagers what the heck why are there so many in this world but anyways i was gonna

Say this building looks amazing i am so happy with this but what i wanted to show y’all is there’s a cool way that you can just add a little bit of detail to your castle area super super easily and that is by coming along these points and we’re gonna

Actually give it a little bit of a rounded edge along here and then bringing this out and then we’ll do it right along here because all you need to do is take a bit of a block and turn it into a border it can easily make your road look a lot fancier

Especially when you start to do this on both sides so we have it over here then we also eventually are going to put it over on this side whenever that building is built out but you follow the shape of the building that you’ve created and then just do that all the way along

And i think it looks amazing also one thing i forgot to point out is we have this back little staircase here and a very cool little balcony it didn’t show up too well in the time lapse but i love this thing i can’t wait to get it

In here and actually have some stuff you know inside this big old building of emptiness right now that’ll be uh something we deal with later but i love having these little staircases around the area eventually that land’s gonna come down here we’ve got a bridge probably on this same layer i’m standing

On right now i’m thinking we’ll just take it across from here what are we on 82 yeah 82 is a good height because then we only need to bring everything up there about like 15 blocks yeah totally fine this is looking really good but i think we can do a few things like

Adding some plant potters with some bushes coming up out of them right along there which we’ll get to in just a second but one final detail we can add into the road to help smooth this area out a little bit further is if we come in here and just start adding

In some stair blocks like these guys we can really help to smooth out the shape that we had whereas before it was feeling a bit harsh and now we can use it just a few of the stairs like that it can help to smooth that little bit of the lip going

Up to the next half slab level the goal of this is to just simply make it feel a little bit smoother as we’re going so say we may be doing right there and then we do one right here it helps this feel a little bit more rounded

Then we could do another one right back in here and perfect went over to grab some composters and some more leaves and it’s finally time it’s time everybody we got to take this melon and pumpkin farm out of here it’s been here for way too

Long i’m not even using it more so it’s just a parkour course to get across so that i can actually get over to the castle and it needs to just turn into a roadway one thing i really want to stress as we’re working throughout this world is i’ve

Really got to figure out a way that we can just not have a functional minecraft world that if we’re using pathways to get around i want to turn to something that we’re actually going to use and walk on and make it look like we’ve been walking

On it which means we need to come right down over here and start working some path blocks right back up here it’s gonna feel so much better just having this roadway connected but i definitely need to wait for all these things to die out in the

Grass to grow back so it might be a little bit of a project that we tackle every now and then but for now we can expand the enchanting tower staircase over a little bit i’m so not used to having these now the right tools it’s just like whew

So much stuff is broken maybe we don’t need efficiency for all right as soon as that stuff all grows back in here that’ll be totally fine we can get the slabs in and that’ll be working out as the night is setting this is what i was talking about for the

Plant potters make sure not to right click on the composter but i want to bring in composters with a little bit of the acacia leaf action on top of them i think something like that will work out really nicely we could maybe i might try moving this one here to the

Front no i like it on the sidebar something we can do on the front here instead though is these little guys which i love also added a lantern up there and a few lanterns over and that way as well and i’ve got to find a good way to light this stuff

Up do we think light gray carpets with light sources hidden under them is the way to go i’m trying to think of something because i don’t want to just have torch spam everywhere let me know what ideas you have but i am very impatient and i want to

See this map updated over here so i think if i take oh please tell me it’s it’s going to be exactly no no no it’s not yes yep it’s going to be exactly split on these two okay well what are we gonna get a giant cobblestone square it looks like oh boy

And what is behind map number three more cobblestone map number four more cobblestone oh it’s looking good oh i also need to update these though we added a bunch of big fields over here and you know i guess some houses on the beach too that kind of did happen

I love watching maps develop as you explore them again i love that oh that looks so good i know mooshland is taking a little bit of a hold as we originally were going to go hard on that project but i’m so excited working in this area so far i hope you

All are enjoying this one next thing i wanted to work on as a final little bit here is i need to start getting some more coarse dirt and some slabs actually on these pathways so i don’t have to jump up every single block so i’m gonna go get a bunch of spruce

Slabby boys for ourselves and see if i can’t uh find some coarse dirt here too coarse dirt has been added to the entire front roadway and i started working on a little bit of a retaining wall over here too which i really like we got some lanterns on the front and of course

Incorporate a little bit of granite so it ties back into the build itself but oh my gosh it’s so nice having all of these pathways finished up as i’m jumping just for the speed here we don’t have to jump at all to get back home one thing i am absolutely

Loving though is the amount of vines that are hanging down here so it’s making me want to build like a big old tree right in this area those kind of block the line of sight for the castle so you can almost barely see it when you’re down

Here and then when you come up you lose a lot of it due to a tree being in your face and i think that’s kind of a fun way we could play around with this so i might throw an oak tree or more of a willowy tree up there

But then we need a pond too with it oh build ideas build ideas everywhere i couldn’t help myself here folks i had to come out here with nacho or is this are you quesadilla i don’t remember what your name is sorry buddy but anyways i had to come all the way

Out here because i wanted to see this build one more time slap on some fancy shmancy shaders over here and i think the part that i’m loving so much right now is because i haven’t looked out of shaders is the little village right over here that we’ve been working on

And i love the transition from little village to giant castle on the hill in the distance and it is looking absolutely magical oh i’m so excited for this we got the sun setting so we’re getting the great picture right now oh it’s looking so good i

Can’t wait to keep working on this stuff let me know what you think we should be tackling next as far as the castle build goes i’m thinking we should do the stables but if you have any other ideas please be sure to let me know down in the

Comments below and while you’re down there please be sure to hit click that like button my friends is that’s going to have to do it for today’s episode if you’re enjoying everything here please be sure to click that subscribe button as well if you have not already

But with that my friends i will catch you on the flip side

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play : Castle Tower and Full Netherite Armor’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2021-05-18 17:15:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Time to explode ourselves in the Nether to craft full Netherite Armor then off to build up a brand new Castle Belltower as part of …

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  • BudderCraft Network – Bedrock Support – Anti-cheat – No toxicity – Survival – Skyblock – Prison – Parkour – KitPvP – Factions – Tower Defense – Mini Games

    BudderCraft Server BudderCraft Server We are an in-development/beta server dedicated to providing a variety of feature-rich modes, strict prevention of cheating, and fostering a friendly community with no toxic behavior. Development and Updates Our small development team is constantly working on re-imagining game modes. Updates may take time, but we encourage players to join, playtest, and provide feedback. Cheating Policy We have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating. Any form of cheating will result in an unpardonable ban. Mods are not allowed except for specific ones. Piracy is also strictly prohibited. Community Guidelines We strive to create a fun and friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: U/Blood076 fixed itLooks like this meme has a perfect score of 365, must be doing some serious mining for those upvotes! Read More

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft’s Anime Masterpiece

    Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: Minecraft's Anime Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, a new mod has arrived, Jujutsu Kaisen fans, get ready to be revived. With sorceries and spells, your gameplay will ignite, Crafting and building, in a whole new light. Daosao Gamers, bringing you the best, In the realm of mods, they pass the test. So grab your pickaxe, and join the fun, In this anime world, where battles are won. Subscribe for more, turn on the bell, For updates and gameplay, they do it well. Like, share, and comment, show your support, For Daosao Gamers, the Minecraft cohort. Read More

  • Bro’s Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Bro's Mixtape Fire in Minecraft XXL Cypher! 🔥 #minecraftmemes Bro thought he was about to drop some sick rhymes in the Minecraft XXL 2016 Freshman Cypher, but all he could come up with was “Creeper, oh man” on repeat. #minecraftfail #notsofreshman Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed!

    Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed! The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Seed for Version 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure? Look no further than this incredible survival seed for version 1.21! Packed with diverse biomes, fascinating structures, and endless possibilities, this seed is perfect for both Bedrock and Java editions. Get ready to explore and conquer new territories in the world of Minecraft! Key Locations to Explore Here are some key coordinates to help you navigate this exciting seed: Village: 216 ~ -344 Shipwreck: 680 ~ 184 Ocean Monument: 760 ~ 168 Join the Community Looking for fellow Minecraft enthusiasts to… Read More


    EPIC BATTLE: RayeMC GOD vs SUPER CAMERAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by RayeMC on 2024-03-12 04:00:26. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:43 or 1303 seconds. I Cheated in a GOD SPEAKERAN vs SUPER CAMERAMAN Minecraft Mob Battle There are a lot of popular characters you may recognize in this video! Skibidi TV Woman and Camera Woman for example! Keep watching to see who else shows up 🙂 Very cool people who’ve I’ve taken inspiration from – Jamesy, Nico, Cash, Aphmau, GEVidsTV, Omz, and Cobey! #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?

    Why Did I Get Struck by Lightning?Video Information This video, titled ‘¿Por que razón me cayo un rayo? 🤣🤣 #minecraft #humor #minecraftseries #shorts #funny’, was uploaded by Burguir on 2024-02-13 09:01:42. It has garnered 2441 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!

    Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-02 16:31:55. It has garnered 629 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:32:59 or 23579 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by idk someguy on 2024-03-12 15:39:35. It has garnered 164226 views and 10692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:33 or 1113 seconds. Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to… Read More

  • Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!

    Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Computers Minecraft Addon Gives You Java Debug Screen Powers?’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-03-16 17:15:00. It has garnered 38966 views and 1097 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. This addon brings light level, biome location and more to your survival worlds. This can be done with the NEW Computers addon. ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=fd6e3c20-5a7e-4f95-ad16-cd2486d13ae5 Giveaway – https://twitter.com/eckoxsoldier/status/1768939195035193556 Discover… Read More

  • Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!

    Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-05-11 17:58:56. It has garnered 5169 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:06 or 6486 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing COMPILATION. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygaming

    NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE || 24/7 SERVER JAVA + PE || JOIN FAST #livegaming #friskyGaming’, was uploaded by Frisky Gaming on 2024-02-18 05:00:37. It has garnered 59 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:51 or 9291 seconds. Hi there Thank you for connectiong , hope you are enjoying our video/live, please subscribe and keep me motivated.. #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftlive #livegaming #friskyGaming for Ip and port join our discord TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7… Read More

  • INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won’t believe what happened!

    INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won't believe what happened!Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Nothing Happened! Right?’ | Episode 11’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-03 22:53:34. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:50 or 12230 seconds. The Pallid SMP is a Collaborative YouTube Project within a Minecraft Realm! #PallidSMP (Arc 4) | Access To Power | With The Factions established all of the various civilisations in Pallid continue to grow, competing to become the most powerful clan on the server! Looking for a shorter version ⬇️ Pallid SMP (FMC’s Cut): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqhqAwPyX5VcCbg-p4ScbgYgWhqDvhuLP&si=jwhODjCwH814RA2n Other Creators |🎞️🎥| FAiTZ 0VERK1LL:… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!

    Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode Edit | Warriors – Imagine Dragons’, was uploaded by Moments Replayed on 2024-05-23 14:30:57. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:24 or 204 seconds. Welcome to my fan-made edit of “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons, featuring scenes from Minecraft Story Mode. I created this video to celebrate and share my love for this incredible song and the amazing story of Minecraft Story Mode. I hope you enjoy the visuals and the effort put into this edit. // Credits: Music: “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons Video Editing:… Read More

  • Wavey SMP

    Wavey SMPA new Minecraft SMP with plugins such as a shop and better world generation which includes new mobs and dungeons. There is a PvP and Parkour world coming soon! Our TikTok and Discord links are below TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJVrfo8J/ waveysmp.ddns.net Read More

  • Horizon SMP – Semi-vanilla SMP – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Horizon SMP! Hello! My name is Cookie and I want to welcome you to the Horizon SMP! We are a friendly, open community of players looking to have a good time playing minecraft together. Invite your friends! We are on JAVA 1.20.6, professionally hosted and have long time support for our worlds! (we are on our newest season, after nearly 4 years of operation. We have lots of history and are looking for new players! Join our discord via the code below. Discord Code: F6maNHMK Read More

  • Deep Survival

    Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What real veterans fear…in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - What real veterans fear...in MinecraftReal veterans fear creepers more than they fear enemy soldiers. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2

    Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2 When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. It’s like the universe’s way of saying, “You thought you were in control? Think again!” 🤯🤯 Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft Seeds: Java & Bedrock Edition

    Uncovering Minecraft Seeds: Java & Bedrock Edition Minecraft Seed Finder Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to uncover the seed of your world to utilize it in a seed map? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you on how to find the seed in Minecraft for both the Java and Bedrock editions. Exploring Minecraft Seeds When delving into the vast world of Minecraft, the seed serves as a unique identifier for generating the terrain and structures within your world. By discovering the seed, players can share their world with others or revisit specific locations with ease. Java Edition Seed Finding In the Java Edition… Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbait

    🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fallen Summoner vs Magician #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 金くれちゃんねる@お金下さい🍈👑 on 2024-05-19 15:37:34. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxVOD on 2024-03-08 22:02:53. It has garnered 818 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:11 or 6911 seconds. WaxFraud live stream on 03/07/23 https://twitch.tv/waxfraud we back Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!

    SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to join this public minecraft server? | minecraft public smp’, was uploaded by Shulky Playz on 2024-04-17 01:30:07. It has garnered 496 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Hi everyone , i am shulky and welcome to my channel i hope you enjoy this video😊 make sure to subscribe this channel for future updates my social media instagram- https://www.instagram.com/shulky_playz?igsh=MWQycGZsMDluZDRiZw== discord username – shulkyplayz discord server – https://discord.com/invite/wkruacCD also watch this – https://youtu.be/3iw-jC2F0yU?si=fqwH6DgNP6dpTIAI public server (shulky smp) ip address- ip – SHULKY_SMP.aternos.me port – 29986 _______!______!_____!_____!______!______!______!__ #… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD – Reaching the SKY! 🚀

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD - Reaching the SKY! 🚀Video Information I’m at the lowest point in Minecraft and I want to reach the sun to do that I’m going to have to climb this crazy Tower of structures and complete challenges along the way here we are at the bottom of the world G Dude Looks Like I’m in jail or something all right there’s no time to waste it’s time to jump into the sun why do I want to go to the sun I don’t know seems like a nice place for a summer home or something oh gosh bad guys I don’t like that I… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/Shaders

    Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/ShadersVideo Information I know you told your friend you’re not okay and tell me what’s WR why you never said you felt that way guess you’re trying to stay strong and fake smile until I look away but I’ve known you too long it hurts to watch your blue eyes Fade to gr as you fade away as you fade [Music] yeah I’m about to fade away cuz every time I wake up I feel like it’s Monday something’s going wrong with all the chemicals up in my brain all a sudden I don’t look at anything the same way… Read More


    "INSANE TEIVRIM CRAFT BUILDING IN MINECRAFT!!" #minecraft #buildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Импровизирую на лету – строю в майнкрафт #minecraft #майнкрафт #bildings’, was uploaded by TEIVRIM CRAFT on 2024-05-10 03:14:53. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:39 or 5739 seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, mine, shorts, in minecraft, compote, video minecraft, survival, games, compot, minecraft shorts, trolling, compote in minecraft, fixie, noob, fixie minecraft, trolling trap, minecraft animation, novel compote, Edison, trolling in minecraft, edison, minecraft but, mcpc, in mine, mcpe, air, fixeye, minecraft video, noob, minecraft server, girl in minecraft, minecraft pe, meme, domer, minecraft hardcore, steve, edisonpts, memes,… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft City Revival – No Talking!

    Epic Minecraft City Revival - No Talking!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream: City Renaissance Challenge Episode Twenty Three (no talking)’, was uploaded by Green Newbie on 2024-03-25 02:33:29. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:50 or 6710 seconds. Continuing our journey with the City Renaissance Challenge: https://grzi.github.io/city-renaissance-challenge-minecraft/ We worked on the bridge today and changed it from a dirt bridge into something a little nicer. Read More

  • “Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!” #clickbait

    "Insane 2B2T Minecraft Noob Builds Mega Base in 22Days!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Noob Plays 2B2T ✅ Try Building MEGA Base ✅ Day 22 IRL #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #2’, was uploaded by MrDon on 2024-03-22 01:50:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Decided to try minecraft and it was more fun than i have always thought. Made me want to try build a mega base and a lot of the … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: Drawing EnderDragon in Minecraft!Video Information तेरी बातों में ऐसा उलझा जिया बैठे ही बैठे मैंने दिल खो दिया तेरी बातों में ऐसा उझा जिया This video, titled ‘easy Minecraft EnderDragon sketch #minecraftshorts #ytshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Alok art studio on 2024-04-22 17:41:00. It has garnered 123 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

Minecraft Hardcore Let’s Play : Castle Tower and Full Netherite Armor