Minecraft: How To Build A Medieval Blacksmith (Minecraft Build Tutorial)

Video Information

What’s up everyone how you are doing a blue nerd here and welcome back to another minecraft build tutorial today we are back in the docks with this blacksmith build and as always guys you can go ahead and build this in any world we are going to be building it in a flat

World um but i’m just going to be showcasing it here on the docks now this build is actually a pretty simple build guys we’ve got a nice little forge down at the front here so we’ve got a little workstation down in the side there we’ve got a little folder here

The build itself has two floors so we’ve got the ground floor for a little shop area and then the upstairs for a kind of little apartment we’ve got the working chimney on the side as well and we’ve also got a stairway around this side here so we can get up to the

Top of the build now like i said guys it’s a pretty simple build and we are going to be doing it in a flat world but if you’ve been following along with the series and you want to build this in exactly the same location we’re going to go ahead

And show you exactly where to build it okay guys if you want to build this in exactly the same location you want to head to the front of the docks and come all the way down to the back to this warehouse that we built a few episodes

Back and you want to head round to the left-hand back corner of it which is going to be this corner just here okay now starting from this little pillar that sticks out here we’re going to go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and then behind this

We’re gonna count this one from the corner so there’ll be one here we’re gonna go two three four five six and then we’re gonna be starting on that seventh block for that corner there okay so right on that right hand corner will be the seventh block and that’s where we’re gonna build it

From guys so go ahead get everything all in place and with that being said let’s go ahead and build this okay guys here is a layout of the floor plan so we got the red block which is one block the blue blocks that are five blocks the orange blocks are eight

Blocks and the green blocks are nine blocks now we’re going to go ahead and build this in the flat world and i’m gonna run all of the resources you’re gonna need on screen now so be sure to pause the video if you need to guys but with that being said let’s get building

Okay starting from the front right hand corner we’re gonna go ahead and place in a stone brick just here with five cobblestone to the left and then a stone brick on the corner behind the stone brick we’re gonna place nine cobblestone in a row all the way backwards

And then a stone brick on the corner we’re gonna place five cobblestone to the right and then a stone brick on the corner and then finally nine cobblestone coming all the way down connecting to this corner so we should now have a seven by eleven rectangle now with the cobblestone here we’re

Going to count from the left hand corner here and we’re going to go two blocks back on the third one you want to place a row of cobblestone which is eight blocks long coming across to the left place another six behind it so one two three four five six

And then to the right we’re gonna now go seven to join it all the way up to here now for this next bit guys we’re gonna go ahead for now and just fill in all of the floor in here with cobblestone and we will texture it up a little bit later

But for now we’re just going to use a cobblestone okay now we’re going to go around and raise the stone bricks until they are six blocks high so there’s already one the bottoms we want five more on top so one two three four five okay and we’re gonna do that for

All four corners once you’re done you wanna head back and get your cobblestone again and across the front here we’re gonna go ahead and fill this wall all the way in like this with the cobblestone all the way until we get to the same height as the pillars

And do the same for the back wall as well now we’re going to go ahead and raise the walls on the side so for this we’re going to bring a wall all the way down to the back here and same again across this side the only difference is here we’re going

To bring these ones up one block lower okay so we’re going to bring them up by four in total okay now the walls are all in place guys let’s work on the little outside area here so first of all let’s get our stone bricks and starting from this little

Corner here we’re gonna leave a free block gap so one two three on the third one here we’re gonna go ahead and break this one put in a stone brick there and we’re gonna run up the stone brick all the way around that outer edge until we connect

With the wall on the other side and then we’re gonna go ahead and bring it up by one bring it all the way down here and all the way across to this side here okay from that corner there leave a three block gap and place another one just

Here with one just in front of it now get your stone brick stairs place an upside down one here and here and then get your cobblestone wall and place three in this gap here and then we’re gonna put three stanbridge slabs in the gap just there

To make a little stairway up to the working area now on the left hand corner over here we’re gonna go ahead and put two cobblestone walls and then on this block here we’re gonna place four cobblestone walls just like so and then both of them are

Gonna have a stone brick on the top like this now we’re gonna go ahead from this left hand one put a slab to the side of the top half of it and we’re gonna basically go up one over one up one over one with the slabs okay

Then we’re gonna break this one here actually no we’re not gonna break that one there we’re gonna keep that on there we’re gonna break that one there and that one there okay so it should be full block slab full block slab full block okay and then it will it will continue

So it’d be um a slab there and we will bring it all the way over like so and then you just want to break the slab on that one and the slab on that one so that the whole row should be full block slab four block slab four block slab

Full block slab okay so as you can see it’s in line with this wall here so it doesn’t go onto the wall it stays in line with it okay now with the stone bricks again guys we’re gonna come over to the back left hand side corner place one two

Three on this corner and then join this one all the way across to here then we’re gonna join this one all the way over to the wall here and then just fill in this two block gap across the back here then we’re going to get some stone brick

Slabs and just place them underneath this edge here like so and i think that is looking pretty good right now for the doorway we’re going to go to here so where this first full block is okay right where the walkway is we’re going to start a three by three square

So go free up and three across like that okay so it’s a three by three hole and then put some cobblestone stairs upside down at the very top like this on the inside we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna put in some stone bricks all

The way up so there should be four of them four of them here put one in the middle and then from the outside put an upside down one there for our little doorway okay now before we move on guys this is probably a good time to go ahead and add

In a few texture variations so we’re gonna go ahead on all of these walls and the flooring as well and go ahead and put in some stone like this just scatter it around there is no special pattern or any particular way that you need to do it

Just make sure it’s a bit random you then also want to go ahead and dot in a few underside i would probably use less underside than i do with the stone and then just go ahead and add in a few of your stone bricks as well again not too

Many of these just a few of them so you kind of get a bit of a rough wall something like this now you can also do a different one where is where you use more stone towards the top and then keep more of the cobblestone towards the bottom

Making it look a little bit more rougher at the bottom but smoother at the top something more like that depends on what sort of look you want to go for guys but just go ahead and do this around the wall down the back here this one down here as well and then this

Stone brick wall here i would probably go ahead and just text this one here with maybe some crack stone bricks and maybe the odd cobblestone but i wouldn’t go ahead and do the whole wall with it maybe just a few cobblestone and then some crack stone bricks

In there but for the main walls over here you want to go ahead and text it out with your stone and the sight and cobblestone and your stone bricks and get it all looking nice so we’re going to quickly go around and do that before we do anything else

Okay once you’re done you should have something that kind of looks a bit like this okay so we’ve got our cobblestone our stone and the site and stone bricks all kind of blended in there for the wall here that was stone bricks we’ve gone ahead and added in some crack stone

Bricks and then some of our cobblestone just to make it look a little bit rough and then we’ve also gone ahead and done the flooring as well guys we’ve again mixed in the same ones here now if you want you can mix in different ones for

The floor in here it’s entirely up to you um if you want to mix it up so it looks a bit more different i would probably go with something like stone bricks and polished andesite maybe some crack stone bricks as well something like that if you want to keep the

Flooring looking different but i’m gonna go with this look because i think it looks pretty cool okay once you’re done you should have something that looks kind of like this so as you can see we’ve got our variations here with the cobblestone stone and the side and stone bricks all

In the walls around here at the side of the house here where we’re gonna have the forgery we’re gonna have stone uh cobblestone stone and crack stone something like this that kind of just makes it look a little bit rough now for the floor i have gone ahead and

Just done the same thing even on the inside we’re going to head just put in stone um undecide and stone bricks so blended that all in now if you wanted to you could go ahead and just use um stone crackstone and polished the site for the floor in here if you wanted it

To look a little bit different and stand out but it’s entirely up to you how you guys want to do it now let’s go ahead and start working on the upper part of the house so first of all we’re going to get our spruce stairs and starting from the left hand corner

Here if this bit sticks out we’re gonna place one here and then one on every other block and then go directly down to the back of the build and do exactly the same starting from the corner only two corners just break that top stone brick like this

And then we’re gonna get our stripped spruce log and we’re gonna run it from that stair there all the way down to this stair here and we’re gonna do exactly the same on this side here so bring this there all the way across Okay now from this corner here we’re gonna go one two three four of our spruce logs we’re gonna do the same on this corner here making sure it’s four and the same down the back once you’re done go ahead and get your spruce planks and on the same level here

That we have this log we’re going to go ahead and just fill in a floor once your flooring is all in place get your spruce slabs and on the top half of these gaps you want to place in the slab and we’re going to do the same down at

The back here as well just like so okay that’s looking good now on the right hand side of the build here we’re going to make a stairway going up to the second floor so we’re going to start from the corner block here you want to go in by one two three

And on that third block you’re gonna place a stair a spruce there that is and then step them all the way up if we can get them in the right place like so and then place an upside down stair underneath at the very top here we’re going to go

Ahead and put a stair to actually one facing backwards one to the side and then one facing the back like this okay and then we’re gonna have our doorway just on this block here i think now get your strip spruce logs and if we’re looking from the front now okay on

The right hand side here we want to place one log on every other block like this okay and then we want to raise them to the same height as the others so they should be four blocks high and then of course we’re going to repeat the same pattern on this side of the

Build again going every other block and raising them to four blocks now here guys is entirely up to you what color you want to do this i’m probably going to use the white concrete i think it looks really nice but you can use any color concrete terracotta or wall block of your choice

Now just before we move any further as well guys if you are building this in survival and you want to put in the lava pit if you’re going to use the lava pit i would suggest turning fire tick off in game okay so you simply would do slash

Game rule do fire tick false okay i will put the um the game rule in the in the description below so if you’re not sure how to do it in java just check out the description of the video and i’ll have it all linked in there this would just

Stop anything on the house from burning because we are building in wood and this is gonna be a forge um i think most people turn fire tick off now but it’s entirely up to you if you do it or you don’t if you aren’t gonna turn off fire tick i would suggest

Rather than using the lava just put in a couple of campfires and that will do the job now we’re going to go ahead guys and just before we put in our walls here we are going to go ahead right in the middle here at the front we’re going to

Go of our spruce logs and we’re going to go one two three four okay so we’re level with the others and then one or two on top okay so six in total and then at the back as well we can do exactly the same thing making sure it is six blocks high

Now we’re simply going to go around and just fill in all of these gaps like this in between these pillars so this is pretty simple at these sides and then once you’ve done the size of your builds guys we’re going to go ahead and do the same on the front in the two

Block gaps like this and then once we get to the same height here at four we’re going to put two on top and then one here okay and then we actually need to put one more spruce log on on the top like that one more strip spruce log and then

We can bring this all the way across joining up to this side then we’re going to do the same on this side so let’s bring out white concrete all the way up two on here one on there let’s repeat that on the back okay once you’re done let’s go ahead and

We’re gonna go ahead and break a two window here and here okay so one from the bottom right the side of the log and then more that’s the same place but like i said we’re gonna go two up from the bottom and break two here and a two here

Okay just making sure that they are two blocks up from the ground around the right hand side here guys now this is where it kind of becomes up to you what you guys want to do um our doorway is gonna go right here so let’s break that one out there for two blocks

And then over here i think we’re gonna end up having windows so we’ll probably end up having a window here and a window here let’s get our spruce stairs and we’re gonna put these two as um stairs there and then break those ones there and then put in upside down stairs there

So there’ll just be single high windows i mean if you wanted to you could even do this one you know you could do this one next to it as well you can do as many as you want i’m gonna actually stick with the three i think the three look pretty good so

I’m gonna stick with free now just while we’ve got our slabs on us guys we’re gonna go ahead just outside these little windows and just put in a slab like this and around the back here if you go ahead and break windows in the same place you can also do the same with

Your slabs or you can keep this back wall a whole piece you don’t have to actually have any windows there whatsoever if you don’t want to now before you do anything else guys with your stone brick stairs quickly place an upside down one under the window and an upside down one in that

Top gap of the window like that okay just to create a little bit of shape now we’re gonna go ahead and start working on the roof that’s gonna lead up to the top here so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna start from down here so right on this top one here let’s

Place a slab there and then overhang this edge here so now we’re gonna go across up across up across up okay constantly with the slabs all the way until we get to this point here okay now at this point here we are two blocks we’re one block away so there’s one

Block there and we are two blocks away from the top of the roof so put a stair here a stair there and then underneath we’re gonna put a stair right there and then behind here we can go ahead and we can turn this slab here into a full block Right okay so now we’re just going to basically repeat the pattern so let’s bring this bit all the way across to the back here again we’re going to step it all the way up so just keep stepping this roof all the way up half a block at

A time and then once we are one block from the wall we’re gonna stop we’re not gonna put the one on top we’re gonna go stair and a stair upside down stair underneath and then just to kill just to clear up this bit here guys we’re going to get

Our stone bricks and just fill in across here so you don’t need to put one here where that full block is again that full block there we’re going to go to where the slab is bring it across here and then across here so it should be six across that one then four

Then two and then we’re just going to squeeze one in just there that looks pretty good now we’ll replace that slab actually that is actually a slab we can actually put a full block there like so right that’s looking good let’s start working on the roof and guys

If you’re if you’re up to this point with me um you might want to go ahead if you’re planning survival and put in some torches and stuff to light up some of the area because mobs are going to end up spawning there otherwise now where we’ve got the top of the house

Here we’re going to start getting in the frame for the roof so let’s bring our stairs across from there and put one overhang in this side and then this side is gonna be just simple guys so just stairs go in a normal one upside down one all the way until we reach the

Center once you get to the center put an upside down one in the middle one facing out on top and then upside down one on that one okay and then on this side here let’s repeat that so at the top here we’re gonna place a stair overhang one and then repeat the stair

Upside down pattern all the way up along this edge here we’re just going to run our stairs all the way to the back of the build once you get to the center upside down stair normal stair on top facing backwards and then upside down and stay in front

And again from this side guys we’ve got a stair there let’s bring two over and then overhang an extra one on the corner and then step them back up to the center piece as normal Okay right now once you get to this point guys what we’re going to do is go on to the inside here and then where that roof is there we’re going to go up to this little block here and we’re going to run upside down stairs all the way across

Now i might do it this way to make it a bit easier while i’m building okay so i can place the stairs straight on front of that but you guys could put the stairs across on top first it’s entirely up to you then we’re going to put some

Upside down stairs across this one and then turn around guys and then these two blocks here do exactly the same so upside down stair and an upside down stair there okay and again just run those all the way across to the other side okay once you’re done it’s just time to

Fill in the roof which is pretty simple really we’re just going to use our spruce slab spruce stairs and just make a row across these ones on this side just like so on this side here we’re going to do exactly the same thing so we’re going to

Bring stairs across on these three here all the way to that side and also this one here we’ll bring the stairs all the way across to this side okay right once you’ve done that guys let’s go ahead and we’re gonna bring this stair across here then we’re gonna get our planks bring

The full planks across as well so planks across this one this one and this one and then of course get your slabs and then go ahead and put your slabs in as well just like so okay now that is a roofing all in place pretty much so before we go ahead and

Work on this piece on the area underneath here what we’re going to do is we’re going to go ahead and get in the um the forged chimney okay so we’re gonna go over to the back corner here we’ve got these three blocks here we’re gonna place one here and one here

And we’re gonna raise those first of all all the way up to the ceiling at the bottom here you want to place a full block like this with a stair on top okay at the side you want a stair facing inwards a stair facing inwards and then

An upside down one in the center like that and then you could go ahead and you can put in your lava in here but before we do that let’s go ahead and finish off the rest of the chimney here so now we’ve got the stair here we’ll

Leave a one block gap and on the next one up put an upside down stair then we’re gonna go ahead and put a stair there bring two across like this and then put an upside down stair on this one and then we’re simply gonna just go ahead

And just fill these ones in here okay and then once they’re underneath on that one just there and then you can go ahead and break that one and that one and that one inside so we now have a gap now if you wanted to in here it’s entirely

Up to you you could go ahead and just leave a couple at the top there just to make sure it’s a bit more full and if you wanted to you could break this bit of wall here if you wanted and go ahead and put in some stone bricks i’m gonna

Just leave it with these cobblestone i think it looks fine as it is all right guys now that we’ve got that in place let’s head up to the roof here okay now where the main roof is we’re going to go to this end block here and we’re going to go one two three

Four five six seven and then we’re gonna break that eighth one okay now we’re gonna break one two three from the bottom one in front of it there and this one here break this one here and then actually we can place that one there so it’s the ninth

One you want to break not the eighth okay the ninth one then you’re going to get your stone bricks and you just as you want to just place one two three one here and then one here now we’ve got this kind of little plus sign so let’s go

One and two here one two here two and two okay to there and then what we’re gonna do is temporarily we’re gonna put a block there a block in the center with one on top break that one there then we’re gonna put some upside down stairs against the block there like this

All the way around and then break the two inner blocks like this and that gives us a nice little chimney now let’s go ahead and put in some andesite walls on top of those we’re gonna put a campfire in the center and then some brick slabs on top of these just like that

And then now what we can do is we can come underneath here we can break these two blocks on the floor put in some campfires now guys before you place your lava make sure you have your fire tick turned off if you don’t have fire tick turned off in the

Game then i would suggest rather than breaking the floor just place your two campfires here and just use your um use this like that um because otherwise you’ll end up burning parts of the house down now for me obviously i’ve got fire tick turned off so i’ve got the two campfires

Down now i’m gonna put lava there and then lava there on that full block and then that way the smoke particles will flow all the way through okay let’s go ahead and decorate the area a little bit now guys so first of all on the outside here let’s go ahead

And turn the forge into a little kind of working area so we’re gonna start by placing an anvil in this little corner here we’re gonna put a smithing table here and here leaving a one block gap then we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna put a lever

On this one here just like so we’re gonna put a grindstone on the wall just here a cauldron over here we’re gonna put another anvil just there i think i think that looks pretty good and then we’re gonna get a little bit of some shelfing going in here so on this

Slab here on this uh slab the stone slab you want to place a uh trapdoor going all the way across here and then bring two across like this then we’re gonna go ahead and i think we’re gonna probably go a barrel in there um we could just put a block any block

In there it doesn’t matter maybe put a barrel on this one and then maybe a chest here then we’re gonna place a chest here we’re going to crouch and place the chest next to it so that they’re separate um and then what we’re going to do is that one underneath there we can

Actually break that and we’re going to just quickly grab let’s grab ourself a spruce and we’re going to place that one in the wall there like that so it looks a little bit more supported and then let’s get ourselves a spruce fence and we’re going to make it look like

This side is attached to the ceiling so it looks like it’s got a bit more support and i think that looks pretty good now get your slabs and on the inside here we’re going to put slabs in across that row and slabs in across this row here

Slabs in these two and then put a full block in the gap at the top there and then at this side here i don’t think we need to know okay that’s looking pretty good let’s get ourself an iron trapdoor so an iron trapdoor and an iron pressure plate

And we’re just going to make this look like a little bit more of a better work station so let’s go ahead and put the iron trap door in the center there we can put the pressure plate on the top of that um smithing table and i think that is looking pretty good

Okay i think that is mostly everything in place now guys i’ll probably go ahead and get yourself a bucket of water get some lanterns as well because you want to make sure the area is lit up at all times put your water bucket in there let’s put a lantern on the outside here

I think that will do okay that’s looking pretty good let’s get our glass panes and go ahead and just fill in our windows so we’ve got two in here and two of these ones at the back let’s do exactly the same i’m going to leave the back at the

Bottom down here playing because we’re going to leave that just that with the wall closed off that way it gives us a bit more room to do what we want with add your windows down the sides here now on the front here i’m going to go ahead and put in some trapdoors

Just like this and i think i’m going to put a couple down the bottom here as well just for a little bit of detail to break up that stone yeah something kind of like that i think that looks pretty good now if you wanted to make it look a

Little bit stronger guys one thing you can do is you can get yourself some stone bricks and some stone brick stairs place one on your corners of a stair on top like that it just makes it look a little bit more supported and we’re gonna do the same down the back

Just like that but that’s optional of course guys you haven’t got to do that i just think it just makes it look a little bit more supported now that is pretty much it for the outside here guys let’s go ahead and get ours there we’re going to put an upside

Down stair there well you haven’t got two but if you want to you can put an upside down stair there just to make a little bit more detail on the outside and you can run it on every block down the back here and where the door is going to go this

Two block door i would go ahead and put an upside down stair in that gap there as well and to make this easier right on this top stairs here we’re going to just run some slabs around the edges here like this place a trapdoor here and then one two

Three on here we can then open these like this and then break those blocks that we just placed now place a trapdoor on all of these stairs that are on the normal one facing upwards as normal like this okay and then at the bottom here we’re gonna

Place one here and then we’re gonna go ahead and place one there one there one there one there all the way up like that okay so basically you have to put a trapdoor on top of all of the trapdoors except for the one on the ground

Now you will need to crouch in order to place them and then you want to go ahead and open them up to create a nice little barrier for our walkway just like so and of course why not go and add a little lantern up there for a little bit

Of lightness and then we can get onto our stairs and from the inside here go ahead and place a door and now it’s pretty dark in here so be sure to come in here and lighten up all of the inside here make yourself a stairway going downstairs

Um i’m not gonna do it in the tutorial guys but i am gonna show you exactly what i’ve done on the interior of my of my blacksmith in the village so you guys can see exactly what i’ve done give you a little bit of an idea of what

To do um but before we go ahead and do that just one more thing i would suggest just to add a little bit more of a warm look is get yourself some granite and some polished granite and on the chimney you could go ahead and literally just

Place where you’ve got your full full stone uh full bricks go ahead and change some of them up for either a polished or a normal um block of granite like this okay and just make sure you keep your blocks in the ground and then when you get to

The top here go ahead and just change a couple of these not too many just a couple just to add that little bit of variation in there and you can even do it with the stairs as well if you wanted to but i’m gonna just leave that as it is

Um i think i’m gonna get one more right in there and that just adds a little bit more of a ruffle look to the rest of the build now i think we’ve done everything let’s just come down here and on the lower ground here we want to make sure we get

In our spruce door here as well um and then again you want to make sure you get some lighting in here and the interior but like i said i will show you my interior in just a minute guys but i think i think that is everything that we need

Now everything now is done the roof is all done all of the layout of the build is done and i think it looks pretty cool so guys let’s go ahead and head back into our world and take a look at the interior and see what i’ve done

Okay guys now i didn’t do too much for the interior i did keep it pretty simple so the outside here is still the same let’s go on the inside here and close the door behind us now as you can see as we come in here this is going to actually be a little

Working area so what i’ve done is either section wall where the door is we’ve got a one block and then i made a section in wall here with a door at the bottom there we’ve got two upside down stairs facing each other here to make a bit of a desk and then

Another one going across with a little um trapdoor here just to make it look like a bit of a shop we’ve got an armor stand here with some barrels in the corner there at the very top here if we go around the back here you can see we’ve got some

Storage at the top with the barrels going all the way around we’ve got a brewing stand up there a couple of chests some chests in the corner iron frames on the wall here to kind of show what the blacksmith is selling which i thought looked pretty good

And then inside here we go into the house so in here takes us into a little kitchen storage area so we’ve got ourselves a furnace with a iron pressure plate on top a cauldron some barrels some shelving at the top there with some chests on it some more storage down here

Um an i item frame on the wall there which i was supposed to put some items in i barreled down here and i made a little stairway that kills down coals down so from here we can walk all the way around and all the way up

Now i do apologize guys it seems a little bit laggy for some reason um but i’m not sure what’s causing that anyway we’ve got the bookcases across the wall here so this staircase here guys it goes down by two steps we’ve got a full block here two more stairs a full

Block and then it turns in for the kitchen um okay so we’ve got a little barrel down here as well and a dark oak pillar here that goes all the way to the ceiling just to section it off nicely up here now like i said up here we just got some

Bookshelves some brewing stands some barrels this door here is the one that leads out and down the side i’ve got a little table here i made another partitioning wall here um which i thought looked pretty good and this sections into the bedroom we got a um a crafting table sorry guys and some

Chests around the side here some flower pots with some oak saplings in um we’ve got a little pressure plate at that side over there a little uni over this side where it’s just got some stairs and upside down stairs some signs in front and then we got the

Armor stand on top with some of the um what are they called i always forget the names of these they see pickle um and then we got a head on there from the skeleton and then just made a bit of shelf in and then for the season as you can see guys

I made a little bit of a shape here with the stripped strip spruce logs and then some spruce stairs as well to create a nice bit of a shape and then obviously making sure that we’re getting in at the lighting as well but that’s about it guys like i said

It’s pretty simple really i didn’t really do too much with the interior but i wanted to do the interior to give you guys a little showcase and so you guys could kind of see what i’ve been doing anyway guys i just about wraps up this tutorial so as always i thank you guys

So much for watching if you did enjoy it please don’t forget to hit that like button subscribe and don’t forget to hit the notification bell so you get notified every time i post a new video but for now this is bruno signing out and i will catch you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build A Medieval Blacksmith (Minecraft Build Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BlueNerd on 2020-01-23 17:52:33. It has garnered 1054191 views and 31521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:39 or 2199 seconds.

Welcome to another Minecraft Build Tutorial. Today I will show you in minecraft how to build a medieval blacksmith.

This village blacksmith is an easy build that doesn’t require too many resources. I would also recommend turning off the FireTick gamerule. You can do this in Java by typing the following command “/gamerule doFireTick false”.

This build uses stone bricks, cobblestone, stone, spruce planks, stripped spruce logs, bricks, glass panes and a few other easy to gather materials.

Thank you so much for watching, and i’ll see you on the next episode!! Give that LIKE button some love!!!

► Texture Pack: http://bluenerdminecraft.com/bluenerd-1-14-vanilla-plus-texture-pack-download/

#Minecraft #Tutorial #House


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Minecraft: How To Build A Medieval Blacksmith (Minecraft Build Tutorial)