Minecraft: How to Build a Medieval Castle | Huge Medieval Castle Tutorial – Part 12

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Hey everyone how you doing blue here back with part 12 of our minecraft medieval castle tutorial so before we get started how are you all doing i hope you’re all doing very well and staying safe today we’ve got a bunch of work to do in the castle so hopefully

This one should keep you guys at busy for a while i know it’s been a few days since i’ve posted a castle tutorial but i have been busy working on a few upcoming projects that you’re gonna see very soon now with that being said guys we are

Gonna dive straight in because we have got a bunch of work to get done so let’s get building okay let’s dive straight in and get a bunch of work done i’ve got so much i want to get done today so hopefully we can get it all finished up in today’s episode

So if we head into the feast room where it was in the last episode we’re gonna head over into the corner here just next to the stage and we’re going to go inside here and from inside here first of all we just want to clear a bit of room so if

We go through this gap here and into this big main room here we’re going to go ahead and what we’re going to do is all of the stone we’re going to just break it from the top of the ceiling here right go around this edge here break it all the way through

To the room up there okay and we’re going to bring it down this side here making sure you just stand along with the roof there okay and basically we want to get rid of all this curved piece here okay and we’re going to take it all the

Way through until we get to the room here so we cut off from this corner piece here so it’s a little bit awkward to see let me just fly back a little bit so basically we just want to clear this whole section off here okay so let me

Get this out of the way first now once we get to this point guys make sure you don’t destroy this log in the corner we can get rid of this piece here for the moment and then we want to get these underside blocks here and these three stone blocks or stone bricks and

Whatever else if it’s been textured out of the way here we also want to get the top layer of this stone here just out of the way okay so we should have something like that now up at the top here we’re gonna go ahead and as you can see

This goes up to the top floor so we’re from the barracks here we’re now above the uh feast hall inside here and what we want to do is probably just bring this one up just to there’s no no really particular height we’re just going to bring it up so high

Out of the way for now and then just break off this piece here for the corner just like that we can leave that towel point up there for now and we can leave this bit here um we will be breaking a little bit more

Of the walls later on in here but we get back to that once we get over to that area so now that we’ve got a bit of a clearer area to work with we can start getting in a stairway so first of all i’m gonna break this one

Block here now there’s a possibility that there might be a couple of slight differences with your castle guys because this is another copy of my castle which is in my docs world it should be identical to the one in my flat testing world but i wanted to move

Over to this world because i’ve only got like three layers in my flat world so if i dig down past that we’re gonna be going into the void so i wanted to move into this world so that we can dig down and make dungeons under the castle at some point

Now with that being said guys as you can see we’ve got this pillar in the corner here now okay so then i’m going to go ahead in the center and just put in our smooth sandstone if we turn over to the wall here we can see we’ve got our stripped logs again

Here let’s repeat the pattern of every other block so bring them all the way over to here and we’re going gonna raise those until they are the same height which should be five blocks high then across the top we’re just going to put a pillar coming all the way across

To here for the moment get your smooth sandstone and we’re going to raise them inside the gaps here make sure that behind the back here you’ve got one or two torches okay because you don’t want mob spawning behind it now go ahead raise these up like so

And then at the very top here for now i’m just going to put some of our spruce planks behind it now let’s start with the stairway so first of all where the uh feast hole is here right here we’re gonna put two stairs like this with a two by two square of our

Planks put upside down stairs against that side normal stairs on top upside down stairs behind them and then some normal stairs on top again behind these ones we’re gonna put some planks again in a two by two square and then we’re gonna put some upside down stairs there normal stairs here

Then we’re gonna go upside down normal stairs upside down and then normal stairs okay now where this little area is up here we’re gonna go ahead and wrap our planks around the top edge like this and then from that corner there we put one there and then just bring them all

The way across for the moment like so now what we want to do here is section off the area so what we do is from this um this spruce strip spruce log we’re gonna bring it across to this side okay let’s break this one for the moment and

Right here next to the wall we’re gonna bring this one up right here so that it’s right by the side of our stairs as we come to the top leave a two block gaps to the side and then bring another pillar all the way up just like this

And then put one more in the corner here like so and then in this single block gap we’re gonna put in our smooth sandstone at the top here we’re gonna put two of these smooth sandstone like this and then underneath here we’re gonna put two of our spruce stairs and then of course

Two spruce doors on the inside like this they should be placed on the same block as the stair but from the inside okay just like so now for the stairway here i actually think one really cool effect here is actually if you place a trapdoor against the stair there and place it down

Against all of the stairs all the way down even this one at the very bottom here then come on to the actual top of the stair itself put a trapdoor on top there one there one there and just repeat the same thing as you come all the way around

And you get this really nice kind of banister kind of effect with the stairs i think it looks really cool now once you’ve got that in place we’re going to break this block right here which is the opposite side of the stairway here and we’re going to go

Ahead with our strip spruce log and we’re going to bring that all the way up to the very top again like this now on the inside here i’m just going to make a little table just like that and for now um for now we’re just going

To put a lantern there just to keep it lit up and it’s a little bit dark at the moment and then underneath here we can use that for a bit of storage a little bit later on right now we’ve got that in place i want

To make a walkway that can come over so we can get into the secret passageway in the wall that we made in last episode so if we go back to where we just was we’re gonna start by breaking these two put in some planks stretch one layer of planks across here

Stretch two layers of planks and then we should be able to break that one put an upside down stair in that way and then bring the stairs all the way across to here and then i think from this one here because this is actually going to be

Seen on that edge so we’ll leave that there but those two at the back there can be turned into planks something like that now at the back here we’ve got this wall again we’re not going to really use this area so i’m going to get rid of that

Torch and what i’m going to do is either fill like this with some some em old blocks that you don’t use it could be dirt gravel whatever you want it doesn’t matter or you can leave your torch down do the same as what we’ve done below

And then we’re gonna just break that one and that one for now and then raise it all the way up to the ceiling here just like that and then we bring one over here as well and then we put the smooth sandstone on there and there

Now in the corner here you can go ahead and just fill it with any block you want it doesn’t matter and then i think yeah i do well i’m gonna just put the sandstone in there actually i was thinking to put a log in the corner here

But to be honest i don’t think you really need it and if we’ve done that one oh we could actually do that there we go let’s do that break that one and what we’ll do is we’ll put another strip log just into that corner just there okay just like that

So now that kind of just neatens off the walkway there and then what we can do is put our banister all the way around here or our fence should i say and then this side here we can bring the fence all the way across like this and i

Think what i’m gonna just do is put one log in the corner there like that just to kind of uh make it look a little bit neater now with the um with the logs here we’re gonna raise those up until they are in line with the seed in here so we’re

Going to put three more on top of those like that Now over in the corner here i’m going to go ahead and from underneath here we’ve got this stone bit here now i’m going to break these two here for a minute and then these two behind if you’ve got spruce planks in there already or something then just make sure that

You’re one two over so that you’re in line with the wall above and then break those two there okay if we jump up i’m gonna break these two here put in two stairs there two stairs here and then we’re just gonna step them down so just break one there

Bring one further back bring it down and then put some here and then underneath here we’re just going to crouch put a couple of upside down stairs there and then upside down ones underneath those as well then back to the stripped spruce logs now at this point what we’re gonna do

Here is break these ones here out of the way so that we are flush with the wall okay so you can see the wall comes across here so now i’m gonna put a pillar right here okay which is right next to that bottom stair and in line with this block here

And we put another one this side here which goes all the way up to touch the seat in there then from there we can just go ahead and break that stone there for now and we’re going to bring that all the way over to this one make sure this one sticks upwards so

Then we’re going to join to here and then from here we’re just going to go all the way over from here to there okay and then i guess just to knead it off we could just put another pillow across there if you wanted to it’s entirely up

To you just adds a little bit of kind of a supported look this one here just going to join up to here now for the planks we’re going to go ahead and fill up this little area here and then i guess this one and these ones

Actually we don’t need to put none on those because we’re going to be filling up from the front across here which is going to come over this way now before we finish up underneath here what i want to do is i want to grab some

Of our stone and i just want to extend the stone down this side of the stairway just so that the blocks if we just come up here just so that the walkway the stone wall here blends down with everything else okay now if you wanted to it’s up to you you

Haven’t got to if you want to make the stairway a little bit neater here you can just put some stairs so that it looks a little bit more a little bit more neater as you come down but that’s entirely up to you right now the next thing we’re going to

Do is start getting in some of our floors so we already know this is going to be our first floor up here okay and then we can walk up and down our stairway so the floor level here we’re just going to continue it all the way

Across and fill all of the floor level in here so from here we’re just going to bring it all the way across here and this you just fill in everything you can see at the same level okay so let’s go ahead and get that floor all in place

Okay once you’ve got that floor all in place make sure that you’ve got everything well up in here you do not want any mob spawning and breaking any of your hard work then what we’re going to do is we’re going to come under it there’s just one

Thing i want to quickly do and that is where this pillar is here i want to put another one directly underneath here just feel like it just needs a bit of support there and then one at the back here by this side of the stair

Okay so now when we come up here we can go ahead we can put a pillar on here here here and then we can go ahead and put one on that corner there like that and then we can just go ahead and put some fences all the way around here just like that

It just kind of just supports it all off it just kind of gives you a little bit of a view downstairs um it’s not essential that you have that but i just think it looks good and in fact guys i did make a small area i just realized break this one here

Sorry i do apologize guys that’s my little mistake there break these ones these should be planks and then the pillar should be in one okay so we in one right there there we go and then the pillar can go there and then we can wrap that around like this

Now of course guys you can go ahead put trapdoors on here if you want or you could even just not have this and you can actually have your trapdoors running around the edge if you wanted as well um and of course you don’t even need to

Have this if you don’t want to this is just um it’s it’s just to make it look nice it’s just so you could actually look down and you know like if the guards are in here they could look down and talk to each other and stuff stuff like that

Now let’s put a little upside down stair there and there and then one up there and one on there as well that looks good and then what i’m going to quickly do is grab my lantern here and then what we’ll do is we’ll go ahead

Get rid of that torch for now and we’ll put a lantern up there we can get rid of this torch and we can put our lantern i guess for now we’ll just put one about there yeah that should brighten things up a little bit right okay now on to the next floor guys

At the very top here we want to go ahead and extend this level all the way through to the back here and again make sure you put some torches about because you don’t want any creeper spawning and blowing up your work so go ahead fill in at this level here

And fill it up all the way to the back here and then just get some torches on top as well all right guys once you’re done you should have something that looks a bit like this and i think what i’m gonna just do is change that out for a stone

Brick just there i just think it looks a bit better then we’re gonna head downstairs okay now down here i think for now we’ve got enough lights and that in here for now but we will come back and add some more light in a little bit later in this

Corner here i’m going to actually change that for sandstone and just connect it to there so that way it kind of blends in with everything else we’ve got across there yep that looks good now if we come down here i’m going to go ahead and i’m going to put a lantern right there

Just to brighten up down here and there we go that looks pretty good let’s go in here quickly now inside here you can see we’ve got three sections of walls here which are five blocks long each okay this one here in the middle i want to break one two three from the middle

And then on the outside here we’re going to place an upside down stair there two fences a slab on top of the fence and a slab on the top half of that stair there and then from the inside we’re just gonna go ahead and put a door

And then it just gives us a little bit of a nicer entrance here Just something like that nothing too crazy just a nice simple little entrance and there we go that finishes up here now i’ll tell you what we’ll quickly do some decorating in here just to decorate this room down here so it’s done before we move on

So first of all guys we’re going to go ahead and grab some bricks because we’re going to make a little brick fireplace so let’s get some bricks and some brick stairs i’m also also gonna get ourselves a campfire for this one it’s pretty simple here as you come through those double doors in

This corner over here put down your campfire we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna put a stair that way i stare that way and then i stare that way and a stair that way and then one two three just like that and we’ve got ourselves a nice little fireplace in the corner

On the wall here we’re gonna go from the ground up to two of our spruce trap doors here two over here and then two over here in fact we won’t bother with these two because they’re gonna get affected by the pillars that we put across in a minute

Which we’ll go ahead and do now so grab your strip spruce logs and from the corner here where this pillar here starts we’re going to bring that all the way across at the very top there and join onto this wall here then we’re going to go to this one here

Bring that all the way across like that go ahead and just fill this area here with any block of your choice it doesn’t matter it’s going to be covered up anyway and then we’re just going to continue the pattern right where the pillars are so every other block all the way across

Making these beams on the ceiling so once you finish you should have something like this and like the other corner guys just make sure you go ahead and just put some blocks in the corner here just to fill that gap something like that nice and simple then we’re gonna go ahead and grab

Ourself our spruce stairs and for the spruce stairs we’re gonna put an upside down one underneath the pillar like this but not this corner one okay not where this little gap is only where the ones are on every other block and then in the gaps we’re gonna go ahead and do that

On the opposite side we’re gonna do the same thing so where the beam is here all the way across and then one in those gaps like that again skipping this little corner here because we’re going to fill that with some um probably some barrels let’s get rid of that torch for the moment

In the corner here we’re just going to put a row of our scaffolding let’s go for one two three barrels like this we’ll put two up there and then one two three four at the very top like that and then in the gaps just go ahead and

Put your scaffolding kind of looks a bit like a um like a wine sauce dispenser or wine a little wine cellar sort of thing let’s grab our tripwire hooks and we’re going to put some taps on the front of those like that and we’ll just do that underneath one of those

Okay now where the fireplace is over in the corner here for a little bit of extra decoration we’re going to grab our polish and the site and we’re going to make like a little kind of surround area like this with the polish and the site and then on these three on the corners

Here we’re just gonna put something like that you could put it all the way across if you wanted just so it seemed like it’s secured or you can make a little one and just leave it like that it’s entirely up to you which way you prefer

Then leave a one block gap i’m gonna put a chair there i think there there and maybe here okay so there’s that two there and two here and then just put a little um trap door dark out trap door behind it like this to make a little sort of seated

Area up on the shelf i’m going to put a flower pot like that maybe we can put a with a skeleton skull with a crouch and place one on there and then maybe we’ll just put a couple of the sea pickles on that one just to decorate the corner up a little

Bit something like that so for this one i’m going to keep it pretty simple we’re going to go ahead and put a pillar up in the corner here and i’m just going to put one underneath this one in front here just to double it out we’ll do the same here

The block behind can be any block it doesn’t particularly matter then we’re going to put some bookshelves across all the way like this and then get rid of that one there if you wanted to you could also go ahead and put a stair that way they stay that

Way and then have like a little resting area there um upside down stairs at the very top and then if we got any lanterns we got no lands here let’s grab ourselves a lantern And we could go ahead and just put an actually rather than putting a lantern under there let’s just go ahead and do it on the ceiling so i’m gonna go two blocks in from that very first pillar here put one there and then that one now i’m

Gonna put one in the same spot okay at this end here on the same log we’re gonna do one there and then this one here one there so we’ve got two blocks we’ve got this d stair and then two blocks before we put it down just to brighten up the area let’s get

Rid of some of these torches now and see how light it is Yeah i think that’ll do that’s pretty light in here now Now i don’t really know really what else we could put in here we could put another little sort of little unit over here a bit of decoration maybe some flowers maybe a couple of those in the center and then what we’ll do is we’ll grab these again with the dark oak trap doors

And we’ll get ourselves some dark oak stairs and what we’ll do is we’ll put a table here for demand to sit out have a drink eat or play cards or something so what i think we’ll do leave a one block gap in fact leave a two block gap put two

Leave a two block gap from this side and a two block gap on that side put two stairs here and then put two upside down stairs like this and then break these two then we’re gonna go one two three four five and then i think we put two stairs like this

And then a table all the way across here and we should go one two three seats on this side and then three on this side and again trap doors as the little backings and we’ll do the same on this side one two three there we go nice little table

And we’ll go ahead and we’ll put a couple of flower pots like this maybe even a couple of sea pickles like that yeah i think that would do if you really wanted to you could go ahead as well and put some maybe some item frames on there

To make it look like a little little place but the uh the uh soldiers may use for eating and then i think one last thing just to finish off this room guys we’re going to get ourselves maybe some carpet i’m going to go for the green one here

And we could just go ahead and just make a little bit of a um a little bit of carpet rug i just roughed up this is the barracks so it’s been trod on and probably worn away so we’re gonna just make a little kind of rough kind of rug of sauce

You can make a neater rug if you want but i think something like that is good i think i’m happy with that okay and really guys the wrist is just down to any sort of little preferences you guys might have if you have anything you’d like to put in here go ahead and

Do so i mean we can get some barrels so it looks like there’s a bit of storage going on in here um maybe we could get some weapons let’s get a sword this is only the chill-out room remember this ain’t the armory or anything like

That this is just a chill out room so what i think we’ll do here is maybe we could have over here a little one of those over there and then yeah maybe just a bit of storage just a few a few barrels here and there just sort of sitting up in the corners

Maybe something like that you can always put something like that on them you know just to say there’s weapons in them yeah i think something like that it’s just a little chill out room for the soldiers it’s nothing sort of um not nothing really functional really in here it’s just really a room

For the soldiers go ahead put some paintings up if you want or something like that but yeah i think i’m good with this guys it’s a nice simple little room go ahead and decorate it as you please if you guys want to have more decorations but for

Now i think that’s gonna do i’m gonna head outside here underneath the stairs here i’m gonna add a little bit of storage so let’s go ahead and put in a few crates angled at some different angles if we can um maybe something like that that

Maybe that one can stand up and one in like that yeah that should do and then again for this wall over here we could just make a little table if we wanted maybe something like that guy ahead just here we could put a flower pot on it a couple of these

And then get ourselves a sapling maybe or a flower anything of your that you do you want and go ahead and put that in there okay guys right that’s this corner done for the moment we’re gonna now head over to the opposite side of the castle so

Let’s head back to the frame room back into here and we’re gonna go straight across into this section now in here we’re going to make another stairwell that’s going to go all the way up to the top floor into a library so to start with let’s get in some of the

Walls so first of all we’re going to repeat the same pattern we have on the other side here with the pillars so we’re gonna leave the one block gap there put a pillar here two three four five and six do the same on this one here so that we

Can still see the stone in the middle join those together in this corner here we’re gonna put a pillar up all the way again and then put three across joint into here put three across here and then one here which should be all the way up to the ceiling

Okay so we’ve got a three block gap a five block gap and then a three block gap now behind the back here i think what we’re going to do is just get some planks now first of all make sure you’ve got a torch in there and in there in those

Gaps otherwise you’re gonna get mobs spawning once we fill this up so let’s fill this all the way to the ceiling like this with the um spruce planks just like this and i’m going to extend it one more so i’m going to bring it all the way over to

This just to fill that corner in like that then where the window is we’re gonna get rid of those we’re gonna bring these all the way up like this leave the one underneath the window then go all the way around to the ceiling get with that torch for

Now put two there leave that one above the window as well and what we do is we put a normal stair and an upside down stair there let’s just imagine there’s a pillar in the corner there and we could go ahead and just fill three of these with the spruce planks Okay and then we’re gonna go ahead and bring the pillar up here which is in line with this pillar okay Just like this now from this pillar over here we’ve got this big gap we’re gonna put a pillar on every other block all the way across like this and we’re going to raise those to the ceiling at this point guys grab your bone blocks but make sure that the behind that this

Area here is all lit up okay see we’ve got all of the lights in here and before i forget go ahead from the corner here and does that go anywhere no that don’t go nowhere so go ahead put in a block here and then bring your planks all the way across here

To this corner i’m not sure if we’re gonna be able to use this as a walkway just yet but i’m hoping that we might be able to connect it up somehow so for now we’re gonna just fill it like that and then in front of these gaps here we’re

Gonna put our bone blocks all the way up to the ceiling once you’ve done that put your upside down stairs in the gaps like this then you want to get yourself some spruce fences and some lanterns and we’re going to do the same thing that we’ve done on the other side so lanterns

Can go there and there on this one we can put one there and we can put one there and probably in the gap i think a stare at each side like this and a normal stair in the center just to make a little kind of um almost like a little table something

Like that i think would work really well Okay that’s looking good now for the stairway we’re gonna come directly through the wall through the doorway here rather and if we count right in the middle here we want to come all the way up until we’re in line with this first wall here and then a stair each side to make it

Line up perfectly with the door then we’re going to get our strip spruce log put one at this side of the stair here and we want to raise that up as far as we can for the moment and then the same on this side here just like so

Now we’re gonna go behind here and this is kind of gonna be a repeated pattern so we’re gonna put a three by three square of planks here okay then upside down stair on all of these a normal stair on top of those one more upside down stair one more normal stair

So we start with one stay but then we’re going to be going two stairs and then move the other way and then we’re gonna put a three by three then again this way we’re gonna we’re now gonna go this direction actually want it to kind of curl oops curl around

As we go up so again we’re gonna do two stairs again using the upside down stairs and then normal stairs on top and complete the pattern like this then from here we’re gonna bring this over and make a three by three okay then let’s continue with that so we’re

Gonna go stairs on here bring one stair there upside down ones they’re normal ones again back to the three by three with the planks this time we’re gonna head in this way again back to where we start into the direction that we started so once they’re there then we’re gonna go behind

Two stairs here and another stair here now it’s starting to get a bit dark here so let’s open up and make a little bit of light up here so basically from where this one ends okay from where the edges here we’re gonna break this one here and just break everything above us for

The moment in a square everything above the um the walkway here okay so just get rid of all of these so we have some open space like this now just to brighten it up i’m gonna just quickly get myself some torches and what i’m gonna do is just i’m gonna just

Put a few on the walls we’ll be taking these down as we head up now for the stairway down here i’m gonna head back down to the bottom for a moment and then what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna well we haven’t actually got far enough

To make our first light in area yet so let’s just leave that for now then over here we’re gonna make another doorway so let’s break these ones here so we should now have four blocks high three blocks wide and then from this one okay which is gonna match up with the doorway

We have here we’re gonna go ahead and jump behind here let’s get rid of that torch bring that up so we are level with the beam that comes across here join the beam up there and then underneath here we’re gonna go ahead put a stair there and a stair there

Okay oh we nearly fell down or we did fall down something like that and then for now i’m just gonna put that torch underneath there to keep that lit let’s get ourselves a couple of stone brick stairs and we’re gonna paste place those at each side like this

For now we can just put a torch down i guess to just help keep it a bit brighter in here okay and that’s looking pretty good so now we’ve got this walkway that now kind of curves up the stairs here and what we want to do is we just want to

Continue it so we got up to here we’ve got two so we’re gonna do another three by three okay upside down stairs here normal stairs here second set of normal stairs and then again one two and three then curve it here we’re gonna go a stair when actually

We’re gonna hold there for a moment because we’re on this floor now so what we’re going to actually do here is we’re going to bring these three across like this because we’ve got that extra one there it’s going to make a four by four a four by

One two three four five a four by five i do apologize guys now this pillar here let’s bring this one all the way up to the top here let’s extend the pillar over bring this one up in the corner here and we’re gonna take it all the way down to this corner

Just like that and then we’re gonna go one near one there and again continue those up to the roof here or the ceiling shall i say and then obviously the bone blocks can go in those gaps as well now what i’m going to do guys is if we

Stand here right in the middle of the 3×3 we’re going to put a light lantern right above there and one right above there again above the ground for that one let’s get rid of that torch and then over here again right above the center point of that one

Which would be that block there perfect that lights it up down here a bit more and then in this gap here let’s put our bone block all the way to there and there we go that’s created a nice stairway that wraps up all the way to the top

I think at this point here let’s get a beam and we want to bring a beam across like this and where we’ve got the um this one here we want to put a pillar here and a pillar here which will leave us a three block gap here and then we’re

Gonna take that one all the way to the ceiling just like that and then this one here we’re gonna actually jump and we’re gonna go up higher as we can with this one up to this point here okay so we’re now just one block above that floor level that we’ve reached Now let me just quickly come back down the stairs here because i just want to finish off this last wall here so opposite this little bit of wall at the same height i want to bring the pillar across here and then at the very top here i want to

Put a pillar in the middle and then the bone block at each side and then down here we’re gonna put upside down stairs at each side get rid of this torch here two upside down stairs one here and then a lantern in the middle at the top there

Just to complete the rest of the walkway here okay and that just makes it look a bit nicer and then up here we can go ahead put one lantern there and maybe maybe one there which is two two blocks gap from that end okay so we’ve got a storage area down

Here as well guys if you want to store anything like a bunch of um barrels or something like that go ahead and make a little storage area it’s entirely up to you how you want to do it something like that and then i’d use the lantern maybe and

Just stick one on top of one of the barrels like that just to brighten it up so it ain’t too dark down there yeah that looks good okay later on guys you can always come back and decorate on here you could put an armor stand if you want or maybe just

Some flowers or flower pots or something like that just go ahead and decorate as you please but we’re gonna come back to that a little bit later on now let’s head up the stairway all the way to the top to this level now i want to create a library but i

Only want the library to be in this half because i want to use the other side for something else so what we’re going to do is where the stairway comes up in the very corner here if you remember we got a four block gap here so this side here we’re going

To have a wall so let’s go one two three four five let’s get rid of that torch there leave a free block gap we’ll do another one here leave a three block gap and that should bring us directly to the corner here right in line with this wall

Now at this point here i’m going to just come on to the outside here and this stonework here we’re going to get rid of most of this so let’s get rid of this indentation bit that sticks out here to match the part of the cast on the outside okay

Then this one here we’re going to break that all the way down and then this one here and we’re just going to take that all the way across until we get to this one here and they take that down as well and then clear this bit in the middle

Now over here we got the two stone blocks let’s get rid of those and put in two full blocks of spruce planks and then where you’ve got that up that stair there we can put an upside down stair like that just for the moment we’re gonna put an upside down stair

There for the moment as well break these two and again we’re gonna put in four planks like that okay now if i’m not outside you will see this but it actually blends in better than the stones do so don’t worry about that it will look fine from the outside

Okay now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna bring a bit of an area here for the library so where this this uh this pillar here is we’re gonna leave a three block gap and we’re gonna put a pillar here bring it up to the same height

Then we’re gonna leave a three block gap in front of this okay and then we’re gonna do another pillow bringing it again to the same height which is one two three four five now at this point here we’re gonna go one two three we can put one there and then one two

Three would leave us there so what we’ll do is we’re gonna go one two three four five and then on the six block we’re gonna do a pillar there okay at the same height So now what we’re gonna do here is you should have something like this on this part of the build we’re going to get our strips logs first of all and in those gaps between the windows we want to bring the pillars all the way up

To the very top of the roof making sure they’re pointing upwards and then extend it out one more okay just like that again we’re gonna do the same on this side all the way to the top and then bring it out one more just like so

Then where we got this window here let’s do the same thing so we want two of them like this going all the way up okay and then over this side here we’ll do the same thing okay once you’ve got that all in place we’re gonna start by putting in some

Planks across here let’s break these three blocks here and we can put some planks across there as well those three planes as you can see they line up with the stairs on the outside okay and they should be the same here so break that one there and also that one

There because you can see there’s a block behind it and then just fill that with some planks for the moment like so at the very top here we’re gonna put some planks there and the same in this area here and then finally this little bit here Now what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna extend this bit out by one Just like this and then we’re gonna put an upside down spruce there like so okay to make a nice bit of shape there now for this one here i think what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go ahead and put a pillar across here like this

Um and then i think we’ll do a second pillar and then two upside down stairs like that and in fact that top one there what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna actually put stairs going across like that okay where this window is here we want a

Stair facing that way and then an upside down stair like that and then we can fill the extra in with the normal spruce planks okay and repeat that on this one over here just like so in the corners here just go ahead and fill this with any blocks that you have

You know it doesn’t matter just it can be dirt if you wanted to it doesn’t matter just go ahead filled out with any blocks of your choice or you can go ahead and put a torch in the corner it doesn’t matter whichever you guys prefer and then we should have something like

This which just gives us a bit of a nicer look on the inside now i want to have i think a bookshelf coming across this side here so what i do is put a pillar in this corner bring it all the way up to there then we’re going to bring a

Pillar all the way over and then in this corner here we’re going to bring it all the way up like this okay so we should have in the center one two three four five six blocks gap over on this side here we’re going to do something similar so we’re going to

Bring a pillar all the way up to here which i think is the same height it is we’re going to go one two and let me just i’m just going to leave that for a second because i need to work out the walkway here so if we had one there

A free block gap would leave a pillar just there for us to walk in round here and then we could go ahead put one here and then bring every other block to there which would change that up so we could leave a four block gap

Yeah okay so from here guys you want to come from this pillar here leave a three block gap to here which will leave a free block gap between that one as well one diagonal one here and then one more just here then what we’re gonna do now

Is we’re gonna put a pillow all the way across the top of these all the way across to this one let’s put one on top of that one and then bring it over to this one one on top of this one join this one all the way over to this

One and put one straight on top of that one okay now we can bring these up so let’s bring these up to the same level just like this okay all the way like so i’m gonna join that one to that one and then this one here is hmm

Okay what we’re going to do here is we’re going to erase these ones one more and then i’m going to join them across like so in fact guys i do apologize that’s going to be a little bit tight let’s go ahead and what we’ll do is we’ll put a pillar

Here all the way up so we have a three block gap here break this top piece break this one down and then this one down and then what i think we’re gonna just do is we’re gonna do every other block like that for the inside break these ones in here

And put a pillow going across like this and then in here we can join a pillar across there Underneath this piece here i think it’ll probably look neat up if we just put a pillar coming across and then one standing up on that corner maybe like so let’s raise these ones to the same height as the rest there make sure it’s not as high as this one okay we want it

As the same height as the wrist then we’re just going to join these ones like so okay right i think that’s got the shape layout looking good now so what we’re going to do here is we’re going to bring a stairway now up to what’s going to be a landing for the library

So for this point we’re going to use this pillar we just put in and we’re going to put some stairs across there Upside down stairs here and then we should be able to go one more set of stairs here and again this should give us a free buy free platform we can put in our spruce planks which it does upside down stairs again normal stairs upside down stairs

Normal stairs on top and again this will leave us with a three by three platform in the corner here and then at this point guys we’re gonna get a spruce stairs going from here and then we’re gonna go one upside down ones locks upside down stairs and then i think one more lot

That would leave us a one two three block gap like so Okay so that’s slightly less than i wanted i wanted four blocks gap so what would be the best bit here guys and i do apologize on i said to you guys there might be some errors along the way here so what we’re going to do we’re going to make that two

Stairs break those ones there and then on the very tops here we’re gonna make this part of our platform so that’s gonna be spruce okay spruce planks put spruce planks across the top here like this then we’re going to put one in that corner there let’s just get rid of this top layer

Here for a minute this row and we’re just going to move it basically just down by one block just like so then we can just continue now so let’s get rid of that torch let’s bring our planks all the way across now all the way until we’re level with this

Side okay so now you can see guys we’ve got the walkway going all the way down this one and this one here don’t need to actually be spruce planks we can use those for our walkway that’s fine okay right now so this point here is working out where we want the landing to

Go so i think we could probably just have it overhang from about here so let’s get our spruce planks let’s bring that all the way across directly from that block there and we’ll stop it right there that’ll give us our balcony then from there we can go one two three

We go back by four but we’re going to bring this all the way over to this side here let’s just quickly just fill this one in okay just like that and then from the corner here we’re gonna just bring that out and join it with this one just like so Yeah and that actually works out really good now this pillar here i’m going to continue this one all the way up until we’re in line with the seed in there and then i’m just going to fill this bit here for now with some spruce planks to there and then up here

I think what we’re gonna do is add more spruce planks to there and then i’m gonna add two more spruce planks to there then we’re gonna get our spruce stairs bring them to here wrap them round and then put spruce planks here okay so it kind of looks like it indents over

And then we’re gonna just bring upside down stairs across to just to there for the moment okay because i’m not certain what we’re gonna do just yet with the rest of this bit okay now that’s looking pretty good i think what i’m gonna quickly do is grab myself

Some of our bookshelves and guys we’re gonna need quite a few of them here okay so we’re gonna go ahead fill this section here all the way up with bookshelves and in fact guys look because we actually end up going behind there maybe we should just make this a little

Section here so what we’ll do is we’ll bring the pillar right here down in front okay so if we come down to here that way we’ll have a three blocks of um of bookshelves and then inside here we can just leave that as to any blocks you want

Put another one across here and then we can have a little two section here of our books okay so a little smaller bookshelf just there okay i think that just makes it look a little bit better um gives you a little bit more sort of um room yeah we’ll go with that

Then we’re going to continue our upside down stairs all the way across here to this pillar here and then in this section on this side again we’re going to go ahead with some bookshelves make sure you don’t accidentally break any walls and get that all filled in like so

Now let’s go ahead and get our bone block again because we’re going to go ahead and just fill in a few of our other walls now so down here just underneath here by the stairs we’re going to go ahead fill this up with the bone block

Now in here we’re going to go ahead and continue with our bookshelves so i think what we might do here is we might actually set these in a little bit just like this on the corner okay just like that so from the outside here we’ve got a little bit of an indentation

And the reason i do that is because we can now put in some um upside down stairs on this side if you wanted you could do that and then get rid of that and that bottom row there of the books and then we can go ahead and put in some

Upside down stairs at each side like this and maybe even a lantern in the center there to keep it all lit up okay i think that is looking okay guys i’m pretty happy with that down this side here we can go ahead and do something pretty much the same so go

Ahead with your stairs and maybe a lantern there this is actually going to be a doorway which is going to go into another part of the castle okay which is going to take us into this part of the castle so we’ll work on that another time for now

But for now i think this one is looking pretty good one little thing that i think looks pretty nice here is getting yourself some spruce trap spruce fences and we can go ahead and make like a ladder so if we bring it all the way up and connect to here

Something like that and what we can do is we can then go ahead and put in some blocks all the way down to there join into that and it just makes it just look you know like you can actually climb up the ladder and uh have a look

At some of the books that are higher up now if you wanted to as well another good little trick here is to get a loon block because if you face them sideways it looks like empty shelves okay kind of look like an empty shelf so

If you want to make some of the shelves look like some of the books have been taken away go ahead doing that that’ll also save you on a few bookshelves as well if you wanted to on this side as well you could go ahead and do the same thing and make a ladder Bring it to the same height and again just make sure you get rid of those and just just connect it up like that i just feel that it looks better when it’s connected and don’t worry we’re going to change some of the stuff up there so that it all blends in nicely

Okay i think that is looking pretty good now underneath here guys let’s just go ahead and neaten up some of the areas here so we’re gonna put in some of our upside down stairs underneath these ones we can go ahead and put in some stairs

Like this and in fact we keep using the spruce stairs we’ve got so much spruce here let’s go ahead and let’s get our dark oak stairs and let’s um do the details with dark oak because it’s just gonna make it stand out a bit more and

Just um break away from all of the spruce wood there we go something like that let’s go ahead i think i might change these ones out as well because we’ve got so much spruce in here i think doing this will just break it up and um yeah just make it feel a little

Bit more yeah just a little bit different yeah that is good then we’re going to go ahead and put in a lantern underneath for those ones now what do we have down further here anything nothing to be concerned about there at the very top here guys what you could

Do if you wanted to make a little bit of extra room like for storage or something you could extend this so this is when you come down from the library you come down here and you’ll have this little section here what you could do here is extend that by one

And then you can go ahead and let’s grab the stairs put in a stair upside down stair underneath let’s just bring it down to this level here i think it’d be better and then just extend all the way to the back here um actually we won’t go all the way because

We’ve got the window there so would have to stay at the other block height yeah so it’s up to you you can either extend it all the way to the back and then just block your window off i mean you’re not going to really notice it from the outside anyway

Or what you can do is just go ahead and just extend it from this height and that way it’ll go all the way to the top of the window you can change that one there for a full block there we go and you’ve got a bit of a storage area up here

If you do that i would suggest going ahead and getting your lanterns low and then underneath here well to be honest it’s actually fairly bright maybe just put one lantern up in there yeah i think that looks good okay now if we go round all the way you can see it’s actually

Starting to look pretty nice on this stairway make sure whenever you get dark hairs make sure you put a lantern above each one um because it’s gonna get pretty dark on the stairway here otherwise so every point here i didn’t put them here because we’ve got lanterns coming across

Here so we don’t really need them just there um but anywhere else you’ve got a roof covering right on your flat platforms make sure you put a lantern okay so this is the top part of the library and again i do know that it’s a

Bit dark up here guys so let’s just put a few lanterns just to light things up just a little bit make it a little bit brighter up here so what we do is we’re going to put in a fence coming all the way across here join into this side

Um which you can actually from here you can see out the window and see our nice view of the city um so let’s see what we can do let’s bring our stairs around here then i think what we do is we get our slabs for the moment and just where that

Stone is there let’s just cover that all the way across with our slabs okay yeah just like that okay then i think on this side here we’re gonna go ahead with our stairs bring our stairs all the way over and we’re gonna just stop right there

Right when we get to that end in fact you know what we’ll stop there when it gets to the same point here um i think what i’ll do is break that one and we’re going to just extend that all the way across to there and then

Yeah then we’ll just fill that bit there right okay you know down here i’m gonna put one more layer like this of the planks and i think maybe it would work better if we’ve done that here as well and then we can put these stairs like

So and it just blend better with that bottom piece there for the uh for the ladder for the books there we go that looks a bit better already now at the top here guys let’s just continue with the stairs we bring them all the way across until we’re in the

Same in line with what we have on this side these ones here can actually extend a little bit further so we can extend these ones over until we reach the end of the wood here end of this platform okay so once we’re in line with that we’re going to just stop there

And we’re going to just continue that up on here i do apologize guys if it’s a little bit dark i’ll brighten it up in a second for you to see but just basically on the ceiling here we just want to put the upside down stairs so that they’re um

They’re visib their vis they’re in line basically with this piece here okay so they all stop there and then this side here they stop in line with the platform here now go ahead get your stripped spruce log or even spruce log it doesn’t matter

Uh you want to first put a row all the way across the scene in here of any block of your choice it don’t matter because it’s going to be covered so go ahead at the very top and cover that in like that and then put a second one just below it

And make sure below you put the stripped log or the normal spruce log or something like that and then i think what we’re going to do is we want to bring a chandelier down so let’s go from the front here one and put the light torch so you guys can

See what i’m kind of doing here i will be removing those in a sec so from the corner there we’re gonna go one two three i think the fourth one here is roughly where the chandelier can come down so i’m gonna put two blocks like that

So first of all we’re gonna go one two three of our iron bars now guys in the new snapshots you can actually get chains so you probably want to get chains in here which you can connect to your lanterns which would be really awesome um but i’m not playing in the latest

Snapshots so we’re gonna just go with the iron bars for now we’re then gonna surround this one like surround that one like that one on each side okay so something like this one probably fits a bit better guys because um yeah because because of the size of it i

Think it’s just a bit too big for what it was so here as you can see i’ve used an iron bar in the middle there rather than the extra spruce fence and then we’ve got two iron bars and two spruce fences at the top we can get rid of

Those little lanterns in the ceiling now and there we go we’ve got a nice light just there now the top floor here i want sealed off from the rest of the castle now because we’ve got the entrance already down here so i want to seal this piece off so what

We’re going to do is from this corner here we’re going to go one two three three four like this okay And then we’re gonna go a free block gap one two three four three block gap one two three four okay all the way across like so from this one here that’s gonna be a little bit awkward keeping that in place okay so what we’ll do is this one’s gonna actually have to

Be slightly oh hang on no that’s off we’ve got four there let’s go one two three i do apologize guys one two three four there so we’ve got a three book gap and a three block gap and then that one should be one two three yeah and i should line up that corner

Which is perfect then we bring this one up by four break this one this one and these ones here here we’re going to just bring the beam over and then bring this one up again to the floor level just here right where this little sort of groove is

And then here i do the same thing like that let’s go ahead and we’re gonna get the bone block we’re gonna fill that gap like that yeah and i think that’s gonna work i think that should do so once you get up here guys

Well um that is a stair yep okay so we can just put in another little sort of table bit like this and i would say a bit like so and then i think from here we’re going to do some more of our our bookshelves so let’s bring this one up again and

We’re gonna bring it to one more to there i think and then what i’m gonna do is just break that one and go one and two and three i think then we should be able to get in three and then one two three four five should be able to reach this one

Yeah we can do yep so this one’s gonna have a four yeah four block gap here and one net and then here bring this one up as well so we’ve got one two three four five and then just join this pillar here join the pillar all the way over to this one and

Then in this corner down here just break the stair and just fill it in like that i think that’s gonna work best behind here just gonna put one more row like this of our of our spruce planks just to make it match up for the moment but i think that looks good

Now go ahead get your bookshelves and in here guys we’re going to just continue this all the way around the little edge here so we’ve got an inset for the bookshelves and remember you probably don’t need those bottom ones there because we’re gonna go ahead and put in a little

Shelfing unit so we can go like this and the same over here Okay let’s get our spruce stairs and just go like that on this shelf here i’m actually just gonna put a lantern there because we got an even number in the middle put a lantern there and then a couple of stairs like so one more bookshelf in this little corner

Here let’s go ahead and fill this one up right okay everything else is looking pretty good guys we’re gonna get some tables down here another time um because i haven’t got enough time in today’s episode to get that all in place we’re gonna get a few lectures up here um

Yeah i think that’s going to be pretty good when it’s all done the next floor at the top here i might actually use the stripped spruce logs as the flooring so we can get in a beam across there then we can just get in some of the spruce stairs here

And then grab our lanterns and we can put one in those yeah we might do that let’s break those i think we’re just gonna just we’re gonna just test it for a minute um well this one actually will be fine because we’re actually going to be

Putting in a bit of a thing for the window here so that will actually be fine because we’ll be covering most of this here so what we’re going to just do is we’re going to just throw spruce planks behind that one for now and then here we’re going to go ahead

Bring this all the way around with your spruce planks and then just fill all of this centerpiece in here but what we’re going to do is we’re actually just going to come i tell before we actually get the full flooring in guys we’re going to actually

Just go ahead and put a little bit of an extended stairway in here for the next floor so i think we could actually do this hiding this so let’s just try something first of all so if we just done one here on the corner we could come up to here

Have a plank in here then we could get our slab we can break these ones oops and we can actually leave that as a double block there put in some slabs here like this and in fact that one there we actually use as a normal block and that one

So yeah so then we can actually yeah that’d be good so right so what we’ve got stairs from there going upwards full block there full block there what we’re gonna do aha perfect there we go we can extend that as a floor in the wall here we can just change

These ones here to some stone that’s fine and then we can extend this like this across there and the stairs here we can extend them by one more because this is leading up into the top the top part of the cast of the tower now i don’t want to um

I don’t want to leave it a free block wide i want to make it look a little bit narrow as for the stairway as it’s coming up and as you can see that kind of fits in perfect so what we can do at this point is bring this one all the way over

We can connect across probably to about there we need to make sure we can go under so let’s just actually put stairs there give us yourself plenty of room and then this side here we can just fill the rest of this with the uh spruce planks Excellent once you’ve done that guys let’s go ahead and we can extend the pillars here so that they attach to the ceiling like this it just finishes it off and makes it look a bit better then we can get ourself our spruce trap doors right and then what we’re going to do is

A spruce trap door here to seal off the stairs and then if we go around the back here we’re gonna go to the stair put a trapdoor against all of these stairs on the way up like this and then like we did on the stairs before on top

Of the stairs on the inside we’re gonna put a trapdoor like this then we get this bit of room that goes all the way up around here let’s put our trapdoors all the way around the edge Ah that one wants to be a stone one our typical okay we can leave that as a stone and put a trap door there just to kind of maybe ruffle up to look at the floor yeah that looks good get rid of one let’s open up all of our trapdoors

And that works out a really cool little stairway coming up there actually so much better than i expected it to work out which is perfect okay let’s get rid of some of the torches down the stairway here i think that’s the last of them and then what we

Can do is we’ve got torches there so underneath here is actually going to be a little bit tougher let’s put a light in there right in that corner And then i think what we’ll do for that one is we’re gonna break those and we’re just gonna put some full blocks all the way down like that and that way we can put in a torch right there And there may be an upside down stair there just to look make it look like it’s a bit more supported finally just back upstairs one more time and actually before we do that guys get yourself some spruce slabs and as you come down your walkway here

You’ll see you’ll have a gap in the center go ahead and put in a slab okay just like this there we go all the way down until you get to the bottom okay guys now i did want to make one more last section for the towers up here

So what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna just break this stone here for a minute at the very top okay so these two and then these three okay same on this one three and then two and once you’ve got that done i think we’re gonna make a last

Floor in the tower here which is gonna be right here i think one above one above where the windows are finished okay just go ahead there’s first of all just go ahead and just fill this all in okay so just fill it in with your planks

Cover all of this as your flooring make sure you put some torches on top as well because you will get mob spawn otherwise all right guys so i’m not sure what i’m gonna be doing for the connection between here and this top part of the towers just yet um but just make sure

Like i said make sure you go ahead and you put some lanterns in here or some kind of light in to keep it all well lit up okay so make sure you go ahead and do something like that we’re gonna make a stairwell going up to that level um

Probably in the next episode or the one after i’m not sure exactly what we’re going to be doing just yet um but we’re just trying to get some of the layout in place so we’ve got a lot of the layout in place today we’ve got all of this

Stairway that leads up leads now to a library so we got the library here like i said we’re gonna do a bit more decorating in here but unfortunately i don’t have time for that today oh before we finish up guys one little bit otherwise i’m gonna end up missing it

We’re gonna just fill this little section here okay so let’s put a pillar here break that one and then put a pillow there we’re gonna put a pillow in the middle going all the way up to the top there and then another one just there break

That stair put one there and then grab your bone block and then place that right in those gaps make sure you get rid of anything that’s in the way there you want it to go all the way to the ceiling just like that just to cover in that section otherwise

That’s going to be showing okay the rest we can work from the other side but there we go guys i mean i think that looks pretty cool i really like the look of this it’s really starting to shape up nicely now we’re getting a lot of detail in place

Um we’re probably gonna go ahead and make a bit more detail around here get some tables in place and some other bits and bobs like that but for now i think this will do you know we’ve got enough detail there for now and the area is in

General is looking pretty cool so i’m pretty happy with what we have so far i hope you guys are enjoying the look of this and enjoying the way that the castle is shaping up i can’t wait to get started with the rest of the car so i’ve

Got so many plans and so many ideas so there’s gonna be plenty more to come guys okay guys one last thing is i keep getting a lot of people ask me how many more episodes and i keep saying i don’t know i really don’t know guys we’ve got

So much areas to decorate in this castle i mean look we got all the space below the castle as well which goes down underneath here we’ve got all of these rooms underneath the castle there is just so much room to fill here and i’m thinking of digging down further and

Building a fully automatic sorting system for all of your items if you’re planning in survival this would be really helpful for sorting out your items and it’s going to be great for storage as well so you know we’re going to have a bunch of things that are going on here let me

Know if you guys would like to see a fully automatic storage system in here i’ve got a really cool idea and it would be huge it’s gonna mean sorting out you know probably about two to three hundred items or more um i don’t know we’ll have to see how

Big we can make it so it is going to be a huge build um if you’re building it in survival but it certainly will be worth it and will save you a whole ton of time trying to store everything in individual boxes and keeping it all organized the

System will just do it for you so let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in seeing in the basement of the castle like right down dug under the ground um we’ll dig a big area to build it in and stuff like that so let me know if that’s something you’d be

Interested in guys but for now i think we’re gonna go ahead and wrap it up just there so as always thank you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy it don’t forget to smash that like button and if you’re new to the channel please consider subscribing just don’t forget

To hit that bell so you get notified every time i post a new video but for now this is blue now signing out and i’ll catch you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Medieval Castle | Huge Medieval Castle Tutorial – Part 12’, was uploaded by BlueNerd on 2020-04-20 13:57:41. It has garnered 355666 views and 5249 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:22 or 4642 seconds.

Welcome to my Minecraft how to build a medieval Castle tutorials series. In this series we will be building this huge medieval castle complete with houses, blacksmith, stables, archery, barracks, huge castle, storage area, walls, gate, courtyard and a full interior.

In part 12 we will continue the interior and laying out some of the stairways and rooms. We will also work on a soldier chill out room and a library for the castle.

Thank you so much for watching, and i’ll see you on the next episode!! Give that LIKE button some love!!!

#minecraft #howto #build #medieval #castle #tutorial


► Medieval Castle Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZ36uW8BdjiIOv97eaT6M0dYHj6Z43Ys ► Medieval Docks Village Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZ36uW8BdjhTh0iS5xWsyvJRXDzr2rye


► Texture Pack: Default with Jermsy Boys Better Leaves ► Shaders: BSL ► BlueNerd Texture Pack: http://bluenerdminecraft.com/bluenerd-1-14-vanilla-plus-texture-pack-download/


❤️ Want More? Subscribe and Never Miss A Video ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ANc72wQdusmOHwOL1-93g?sub_confirmation=1

💻 Follow Me:

► Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlueNerdYT ► Discord: https://discord.gg/mmPqzEK ► Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/bluenerd


  • Minecraft: Mastering the Basics

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  • Insane osomatsu! Minecraft Server Live Stream | BaiganSMP #3

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  • Minecraft Pomni Transformation: Mind-Blowing Abstraction with Digital Circus Mod!

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  • EcoSurvival

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  • 🏔️ Highworlds SMP – CONTENT CREATOR – 18+

    Highworlds Creator Community 🔈10 Members actively looking for more 🔈 📹 Content Creators ONLY 📹 📚 Highworlds is a Hermitcraft like content creator Hybrid Survival SMP. About Highworlds: Collaborate with a welcoming community still in development. Stream and record your gameplay. Engage in weekly group sessions and creative freedom throughout the week. Craft your own story in the world. Join Us: Anchor yourself in a new world with fellow creators. Participate in community events or create your own. Experience a server with dynmap plugin, 11 datapacks, and custom Modpack with SVC. Join our Discord to connect with admin team and… Read More


    “We’re breaking the meta with this one… because we literally broke the block in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Stone Thrown, Husamettin’s Zone: Minecraft’s Mysterious Monster

    Stone Thrown, Husamettin's Zone: Minecraft's Mysterious Monster In the Minecraft world, danger lurks in the night, Endermen and monsters ready to fight. But fear not, for heroes like us are here, To face the challenges without any fear. Hüsamettin, a brave protector in our midst, Shielding us from danger with a mighty twist. Fakir freezing time, a clever move indeed, To outsmart the monsters and make them concede. But tragedy strikes, as Hüsamettin falls, A sacrifice made to protect us all. We mourn his loss, a hero so true, His bravery and courage shining through. Now we must seek the mysterious monster’s lair, To avenge Hüsamettin… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Fortnite gameplay and looking for a new and exciting gaming experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, endless possibilities for creativity, and thrilling gameplay, Minewind is the place to be for all gaming enthusiasts. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in intense PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More

  • Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft

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  • 🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!

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  • The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨

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  • Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades – Skip Tutorial Now!

    Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades - Skip Tutorial Now!Video Information remember when bricks used to look like this but now they look like this or when diamonds used to actually be useful and these are the downgrades both big and small that have happened to Minecraft but first we got another downgrade to talk about since remember when the Subscribe button used to be red yeah I missed that too surprisingly but you can actually fix that still since when you subscribe it’ll turn rainbow for a split second so watch closely try it for yourself and thank you it helps out a ton to most finding out… Read More

  • Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)

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  • Insane Minecraft Build – You WON’T believe this!

    Insane Minecraft Build - You WON'T believe this!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build like or not’, was uploaded by Not Gaming Bhangu on 2024-01-07 03:30:28. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft build like or not #minecraftratingyourbuilds, #minecraftbuildlikeapro,#minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecrafters #minecraftdaily #minecrafter #minecrafthouse #minecraftonly #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuildings #minecraftxbox #minecraftideas #minecrafts #minecraftuniverse #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafthouses #minecraftart #minecraftforever #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftcreations #minecraftersonly #minecraftps #gaming #mcpe #minecraftbuilding minecraft build, minecraft builds, minecraft build hacks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft building tips, minecraft build challenge, minecraft builds house, minecraft builds aesthetic, minecraft build ideas, minecraft build… Read More

  • Mikey & JJ’s Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft Maizen

    Mikey & JJ's Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft MaizenVideo Information oh I had a good night’s sleep I had such a sweet dream all right let’s get started wait what’s that outside my window is that ice that’s the first time I’ve seen something like that is it really that cold outside I don’t know what’s going on here at all I guess I’ll have to go outside anyway it’s completely abnormal I need to go to Mikey’s now and find him then we can really figure out what’s going on with the weather outside my window anyway let’s go outside JJ don’t go outside I’m really Frozen… Read More

  • Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!

    Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you ever wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together I’m just Mak my tracks and doing my time do you ever have a wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and it more [Music] time do you ever ever wonder if we could have done a better we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:51:28. It has garnered 208 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More


    ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET vs MINECRAFT VILLAGER - EPIC SHOWDOWNVideo Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Floosh COOL on 2024-01-13 08:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this captivating episode titled “Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft … Read More

  • Circutieers

    CircutieersWelcome to the Circuiteers Network! We are a Gaming Network, and community! Join our discord at: http://discord.circuiteers.com Join our Minecraft server at: circuiteers.com We are under constant expansion and we want your help to make us grow bigger than ever before! The rules can be found ingame by typing /rules If you enjoy the server consider checking out our store at: http://store.circuiteers.com We hope you enjoy your stay with the Circuiteers Network! circuiteers.com Read More

  • Real Endgame City SMP 1.20.1 Whitelist Events City Building Urban Area Endgame Plugins No resets Capitalism

    Welcome to Our 3-Year Old SMP! Join our small, long-term server focused on building, community, and chill gameplay. Explore our evolving world where empty areas become bases, bases become towns, and towns become cities! Server Features: Check out our Server Trailer Discover existing towns and a large city with player-built structures Custom mobs with leveled end-game challenges Custom enchants for unique gameplay Join Us Today! Interested in joining our whitelist server? Join our Discord: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Agree or go to the nether”

    I agree, that meme is definitely worth at least 760 chuckles! Read More

  • Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2

    Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2 In the world of gaming, we take the stage, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that engage. From Roblox Murder Mystery to Death Ball fun, We spin the finest rhymes, our journey just begun. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers at heart, With passion for Roblox, Minecraft, and BTD6 art. Join us on our channel, subscribe and see, The gaming world through rhymes, wild and free. In Murder Mystery 2, the action unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. Dancing and battling, in every round, We face the challenges, with victory bound. From the Sheriff to the Murderer’s hand, We… Read More

  • Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls!

    Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls! “When everything goes wrong in Minecraft, just remember: at least you’re not being chased by a creeper in real life!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #memes #майнкрафт Read More

Minecraft: How to Build a Medieval Castle | Huge Medieval Castle Tutorial – Part 12