Minecraft is a Scary Game.

Video Information

So my video about why mario 64 is a light-hearted yet disturbing game did really well and so i thought hey i’ve had creepy experiences in many other games too why not get all these experiences off my chest as well that’s why i decided to make a video about one of my favorite

Games of all time that i’ve been playing for almost half my life minecraft come join me in this video and let’s explore what makes minecraft so creepy eerie and unsettling both early and modern minecraft the intended and the unintended the fictitious and the real and then at the end here my stories of

Creepy experiences i had in the game such as the player apparitions and the ghost horse that came out of nowhere and went away with a bang let’s dig straight down to bedrock and find out why minecraft is so creepy let’s go from least to most interesting and start with the things that are

Probably on everyone’s mind first of all the cave noises now i just want to mention that absolutely none of them are sounds that actual caves make the only ones i could actually explain are the ones that sound like mine cards or creaking structures like mine shafts

But the rest are just random strings and weird huffs and droning noises It’s less of an actual ambience and more of the feeling that the caves give the player they are the equivalent of that one weird shadow you saw in the corner of your eye that goes away the second you look at it there’s nothing there of course or is there

There’s underwater ambience too though it doesn’t have the same effect on me i mean i might have thalasso there so i don’t like large dark bodies of water either but the seas in minecraft are often just too beautiful for me to feel scared in them they’re also not that deep compared to

The horrors that we call earth’s ocean no what really freaks me out is when something is happening but i can’t see it and that’s where minecraft’s fog comes in a really cheap yet effective way to increase frames on a bad pc and also really effective way to turn underpants from white to brown

But unlike cave noises this time you know there’s something beyond the fog it’s not just weird sounds but there might actually be a creeper there that you just can’t see so you suspect something is there but you just can’t be sure but you also can’t let your guard down quite yet

And there might still be hiding something there that you didn’t even know existed in the game at all yes that’s right i’m of course talking about my minecraft skin that i’ve made myself when falling kingdom came out and have used ever since jokes aside it’s very obviously

Herobrine and both you and i know why it’s on the list but for the two people who have never even heard of him herobrine or herobrine was the first minecraft creepypasta the story goes that someone started up a new world and single player because of the red pc they had to play

With the four cranked all the way up but then they noticed something moving in the fog someone with the default skin just with white eyes after a while they began to see seemingly man-made structures that they didn’t create themselves and after going on forums they found out that other people had similar experiences

Eventually herobrine was revealed to be the brother of notch but who then said that his brother was no longer with us obviously it’s all fake and we all knew it but did we i can only speak for myself but while i knew it was made up

I still wanted to believe it didn’t help that the update logs kept saying that they removed him keeping the mystery life constantly and what also didn’t help was that i had the peak conditions for scaring myself even further because my pc sucked and i

Had to play with the fork all the way up too and you know when you finish a horror movie and then you make fun of how bad and not scary it was but then you check every door 10 times to make sure it’s really locked anyway i just felt watched like there really

Was someone out there looking at me it’s basically what happened to me in mario 64 by the way go watch that video too i know there was nothing there but the game’s atmosphere and my gut convinced me otherwise and i made myself even more anxious because i like to role play a lot

By pretending i was really living in my house reading books listening to music and looking out into the distance to see if i maybe spotted another person a similar phenomena phenomena phenomenon phenomena phenomenon phenomenon huh a similar phenomenon would be israel created by the york’s cast during the let’s play of mykret’s

Alpha stage i never watched york scares much myself but my friend ben reported similar feelings to how i felt towards herobrine like he was being watched and that something beyond comprehension could pop up at any moment man kids really are stupid aren’t they hm how old was i oh like 15

16 shut up i mean early minecraft was really creepy okay even creepier than mono on minecraft early minecraft was different i’m not talking about fewer enemies blocks of features i’m just saying that it had a different aura to it not necessarily a negative one just an aura first of all players back

Then were a lot more vulnerable there’s a really good video about this called minecraft is bad at survival which goes into more depth with this to summarize enemies were way more threatening especially since you couldn’t spin to avoid them and carrying food items was a lot more difficult as they didn’t stack

Not to mention combat itself was also a lot more different nope the creeper gotta get my shield ready okay now charge him hit him and retreat that was close better raise my shield in case he blows up oh god is that a creeper no no no no no come on please please

Come on come on come on this made encounters way more dangerous as you couldn’t easily run away from them and recover with a full stack of stakes fun story after watching the video i mentioned earlier i began playing minecraft’s alpha beta again and i swear i flinched every single time

I had a zombie or skeleton in a dark cave because i knew that if they surrounded me there was no quick way out alive but intended game mechanics aside it was also unintentionally creepy or at least weird at times and that is because of its buggy and glitchy nature i’m mostly talking about

Things related to the primitive world generation such as floating trees above ponds which they’ll have in my tube but even when it was working as intended it could sometimes generate some things which didn’t really make a lot of sense such as floating islands in the sky huge overhangs or just giant fields of

Nothing but stone everything was unpredictable and you never really knew what to expect these days world generation is way more than i say generic at times and the only oddities you’re gonna find is floating ships or villager houses in the ground the only truly weird things i’ve experienced in modern minecraft in that

Regard were a vanishing nether brick block see my video about the time i drank another and a single hole in the ocean aside from that early minecraft updates were also very unpredictable as well such as leaf decay being turned on then off and then on again and then off again and so on

Or how the game sometimes received new blocks features and even mobs and entire game mechanics so not only was everything very new to players at the time but the game was an ever-changing uncertain machine that made it almost impossible to know what was happening in the game at any time

If you didn’t read the update pages basically you had to expect the unexpected i remember one time i was walking through my village when i saw that it began snowing in a tiger biome in the distance it was weird because at the time they didn’t generate with snow in them anymore

And so i figured that they had decided to add seasons to the game and that it was winter only later did i find out that they simply re-added the snow in a recent update and i know this was a bug but remember when guests fired their fireballs not at

The player character but at the very view itself so you could go into third person and the guests would seemingly try to attack the very person playing the game trying to break the fourth wall quite literally in this case and this lack of certainty combined with the unpredictability of the game as a

Whole made some concepts like herobrine not all that implausible i mean who hasn’t come across things that look like man-made structures before or who swore they spotted something in the fog ahead and hey if hatsune miku decided to randomly add new kiri just like the enderman to the game

Who’s to know what else she might add too if it’s not exactly herobrine then what if it’s something like him minecraft doesn’t just scare when it acts in unintended ways however there’s a lot of things in the game which are meant to give people a sense of

Uneasiness one of the oldest examples is probably disc 11. it’s not even a music disc it’s just a recording of the last moments of someone who presumably fell victim to enderman hurried footsteps running from eerie noises cutting fiddling with machinery and books then suddenly the noises get closer the person panics runs away

Faster faster out of the cave they found him and then it just stops there’s no jump scare just a dirty feeling it’s really creepy hearing these video game noises combined with real world sounds kinda makes the entire thing feel like it happened to an actual person and you

Really shouldn’t have listened to it the other music discs aren’t that innocent either this 13 for example is just disturbing ambience made out of haven enemy noises the fact that it’s named 13 makes me think it’s a sequel to disc 11 like it tells the story of what happened after that disc

And hey maybe there’s a disc 12 that tells even more of the story i really do think like this one captures the feeling of early minecraft the best however a more modern example however are probably the skeleton horse traps imagine it’s dark raining and you just want to get back to your base

Suddenly you see a horse but not a regular one it’s a skeleton one how cool you gotta tame it so you approach it but suddenly lightning strikes the skeleton horse split into three each with a skeleton rider on top now that is unexpected and pretty scary when you weren’t expecting it

And according to the wiki they can even spawn in the middle of the ocean how messed up is that are you not safe anywhere oh and speaking of the ocean the guardians of the ocean monuments are also pretty disturbing something about their design just takes me off and not in a good way

It’s probably the single lifeless eye that follows the player around or maybe it’s the weird sounds they make probably the whole package the elder guardians however are even worse they don’t even look like they’re alive but rather like old stone statues that have come to life and both they

And regular guardians attack anything on site as if they are an ancient security system gone haywire not to mention the elder guardians even more disturbing noises it really sounds like how one would imagine a lovecraftian being from the sea oh and how can we forget about the jump scare

This one actually caught me off guard at least once or twice before the phantoms are another candidate they’re very fast deadly and worst of all unexpected since they only ever show up if the player hasn’t slept in over 3 days it’s easy to forget they even existed

That is if you even knew they existed to begin with it’s also a bit unsettling how the game essentially implies that their hallucinations i mean if you hadn’t slept for three days in real life it wouldn’t be unusual for you to see things like that too

To be honest though i gotta say that these things don’t really disturb me all that much anymore it’s probably just the fact that they’re all coded in and therefore have a clear pattern that i can comprehend but i can still imagine that these things actually scare new players once

They encounter them for the first time and that first encounter might create a sort of uneasy undertone in the game for them like they’re constantly on edge deep down what disturbs me personally however is the unspoken things going on in the game ones that aren’t outright shown but more

Implied because there’s not a definitive answer it makes it easier for the mind to go crazy have you ever really thought about the build structures you can find throughout the game most of them have one thing in common they’re abandoned temples ruins shipwrecks strongholds igloos and even entire fortresses bastions and cities

It makes me wonder who built them why were they abandoned were they made by humans or another race like the villagers whoever did it knew what they were doing and a lot of them don’t look very cheap either in the secret basement of the igloos you can see that someone attempted to cure

Villagers of being zombies so there is someone out there who knows how zombies work and how they can be cured but then why are the majority of zombies human my theory is that long ago humans used to live on that earth until a zombie outbreak occurred people

Were turned into zombies left and right and the rest didn’t know what to do one part of the population tried to cure them while others tried to seek refuge in other dimensions the first of which was the nether while the giant fortresses and bastions were built

But this was an extremely bad idea and the humans that died there were turned into skeletons and blazes and maybe even something worse the second plan was to build strongholds not just to contain former humans and giant cells found throughout the halls but also to reach yet another dimension the end

This is where they built the end cities but also ultimately reached the end giving the dimension its title the humans that made it there got slowly corrupted into endermen because of an overconsumption of chorus fruits and when a player another human looks at them it reminds them of who they once were

And then they start to get angry in return judging by the great loot you can get from ncds i assume that only the wealthiest people were allowed to make it there what happened to the rest well they were forced to roam the earth as zombies skeletons and perhaps even creepers

Or did they maybe some of them survived and over centuries slowly turned into what we now know as villagers they’re human-like enough and still live in human-like structures and since villages are the only mob that can also be turned into zombies it further proves this theory but it doesn’t explain where you the

Player comes from you’re just thrust into this world out of nowhere what is your purpose there are you meant to save it it’s like you are in a place where you shouldn’t be a place that was formerly ruled by humans but now no one can even remember the time anymore and yet

Even though it’s so populated by so many creatures you can’t help but feel very very lonely or maybe there’s someone else like you out there but who is to say how they feel towards you should you meet them or is it perhaps better if one of you remains shrouded in fog

All right everything it’s time for some really creepy and even scary things that have happened to me personally in my time playing minecraft let’s start with the oldest the disappearing villagers this was right after villagers were added to the game back then i used to search for the

Nearest village and set up my own base in one of the houses there i just liked the company of having villagers around me nowadays not so much anymore i just took over villages and built fences all around and just made them safer for everyone in general

One of them was my favorite and it’s the one i spent most of my time in it had around 10 to 20 villagers which was pretty cool for the time now even though the game had updated quite a lot my pc in fact did not therefore i was forced to play with the

Fog cranked almost all the way up so one morning i was walking through my foggy village when i noticed something was off it seemed there were fewer villagers this time this was weird so i figured i had left a hole in the fence somewhere but after checking everything no it was all fine

The next days i noticed that there really were fewer villagers after each night suddenly the town became less and less populated until it had only around 3 people populating it now this was before villagers were turned into zombies after getting killed so they just disappeared and probably left the dark spot

Somewhere which caused zombies to spawn and in return kill them but the fact that i didn’t even notice something was wrong right away and only when a good chunk of them had already disappeared made it pretty creepy i mean how can you notice a gradual progression like that

You can’t only when it’s too late it really reminds me of that one ghost village in jojo or silent hill a foggy town that consumes its inhabitants one after the other kind of thing of it i think this was the same town where i built a giant statue

Of herobrine because i liked him so much i don’t remember if this happened before or after though another story takes us back into more recent years specifically the time around 2018 to 2019 yes even though modern minecraft doesn’t freak me out as much anymore it still managed to give me some pretty

Solid scares this one happened a couple of times on various multiplayer servers and realms sometimes when i was riding around the world with another player like ben and he had ridden too far ahead i’d suddenly see a player apparition there’s no easy way to recreate this but basically

Imagine a regular player model with the same skin of that player just standing on some random hill no horse no items no armor not even a name just the player model standing there menacingly this was especially freaky when it happened during thunderstorms at night because both of us would be trying to

Get back home when lightning would crash and suddenly i’d see the other person staring at me from a hill but that was impossible they were supposed to be further up ahead and just as quickly as they appeared the apparition ceased i remember this happening to other

People as well but with my model too i know that it’s probably just server leg that can keep up with too many chunks being loaded but it’s still pretty disturbing it’s basically a modern day equivalent to herobrine come to think of it had this bug existed back then do you

Suppose people would have believed even harder in him i know i would have and our last story is my absolute favorite one because it’s an actual real-life creepypasta and i swear if i hadn’t recorded this incident i would have never believed it had actually happened

I am so glad that i did record it because i can finally show people this is the story of the kelpie a ghost horse that appeared out of nowhere it happened around the same time as the other story on another multiplayer server with ben drew

Both him and i had set up a base with me ruining it by putting unfunny memes everywhere and we had even got no hands on a nether portal and two horses one day out of complete nowhere we spotted a white horse swimming in the river

It was already tamed had a saddle on it but no name tag or anything this was a private multiplayer server that only ben and i could play on so it wasn’t like another player came along and put it there now that was unusual enough because both of our horses didn’t look anything like

It what made it even weirder however was that it didn’t even seem to react to anything at all you could hit it for hours and it wouldn’t even flinch let it don’t seem to take damage it also didn’t move it just stood there but the weirdest aspect of

It was when you started to ride it it would run at 300 kilometers an hour you were in fact riding it so fast that you would start to lag out because of the sheer amount of chunks the game had to load you can see in this clip that it only

Took bend around 10 seconds to do a whole trip around the mountains and end up on the roof of our house and even when falling from the highest of hills only the player would take damage it was as if the horse didn’t exist at all in fact it seemed like the more damage

He inflicted the faster it would go and like any good creepypasta both ben and i didn’t look this ghost i mean give horse in the mouth and just kept it around i mean why wouldn’t you want to have a horse that can go faster than chunks of loaded

Well i’ll tell you because after i just rode around for a while ben had to leave for a bit and well i’ll just show the clip in its entirety i have absolutely no idea what happened there afterwards the horses never appeared again the canopy had risen from the river

Mesmerized us with its speed and then vanished taking both of our horses with it the most logical explanation is that the horse was obviously glitched i assumed that the game had a hiccup and lost track of how many horses were already tamed so it added a third one

Perhaps it was white because that’s just what the default state of force looks like and it probably didn’t react to anything because the game wasn’t even sure it existed i mean how can you update the variables of something that’s not really there it then probably increased in speed each

Time it was hit because the knockback kept stacking on top of each other okay so far so good the horse glitched itself into existence and the game couldn’t keep up but then what happened at the end there why did it just suddenly die okay the game probably finally

Realized what was going on and killed it off but why did it take the other two horses with it we didn’t hit them a single time not even interact with them i only sat down on my horse to see if it was glitch 2 but then

Why did benz also die to this day this is the weirdest and creepiest experience i’ve ever had in minecraft i simply can’t wrap my head around that it’s just too unusual but i don’t even think i really want to i like the idea of having an unsolved mystery in minecraft after all

Isn’t this what we all thought the game was like back then like there was more to what we could see more to what was mentioned in update pages and on the wiki that sometimes the game would act in ways we couldn’t explain or comprehend and then wonder if it even happened at

All i mean it is a game of infinite possibilities so it’s not too implausible for more phenomena like this to happen that’s why i’m asking no begging you to please tell me your own creepy experiences in minecraft like that down below not because i want the extra interaction

For youtube to recommend my videos more to other people though that is a big plus but because i just eat mysteries like that up it’s the reason why i still love the concept of herobrine to the point of still having him as my skin after all these years

I am a very big fan of the creepy especially media that doesn’t have any right to be so creepy and i am very glad to have played minecraft because i could experience all these lovely uncomfortable disturbing feelings thank you very much for watching and a very big thanks to my patrons specifically

One truma 4-4 amira lemur aylar snake churchill lloyd critical flaw then caglion frozen spaghetti house jacob larson john woodhouse canvidasar kindly crits mickey googler muto muto onik andreth sprinklehen swagger dagger tea control this sad boo and tommy esto you can also support me by donating to my patreon

Subscribing or even just by watching my videos anything is appreciated and if you haven’t watched it yet i’d really recommend watching that video about mario 64 of mine which discusses very similar topics but for now i’d like to thank you very much for watching have a wonderful day and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft is a Scary Game.’, was uploaded by GermanPeter on 2020-09-09 18:35:38. It has garnered 214727 views and 13325 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:59 or 1439 seconds.

Minecraft is a game I grew up with, but it also managed to really weird me out and even scare me at times. Here’s why.

0:00 Intro 0:53 General Creepiness 3:01 The Man in the Fog 5:41 Early Minecraft was Scarier 9:07 Intentional Horror 12:37 Being Alone… or Not? 15:30 Scary Personal Experiences

▶Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GermanPeter ▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealGermanPeter ▶Discord: https://discord.gg/WKd9323

▶Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thalassophobia https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/6/68/1283223082465.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191227125247 https://mcupdate.tumblr.com/post/10199253666/minecraft-beta-18 https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Leaves https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Seecret_Updates https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Ghast https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/d/d7/Music_Disc_11_JE2_BE2.png/revision/latest?cb=20190717080014 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/a/aa/Music_Disc_13_JE1_BE1.png/revision/latest?cb=20200130150459 https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Skeleton_Horse

Sounds from Minecraft by Mojang Studios

▶Videos: Minecraft – Part 17: Yogcastle Construction Interrupted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tchKUw1PA1A Minecraft is Bad (at survival) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4A1w-Y_Wv5U

♫Music: Black Swan – Quincas Moreira Leoforos Alexandras – Dan Bodan Voices in My Head – Quincas Moreira In The Void – Amulets Nocturnally – Amulets The End – Coyote Hearing Hostile Planet – Quincas Moreira Birds – Silent Partner

Thanks for not digging straight down.

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  • Epic ATM 9 Adventure: Conquering Modium, Warden, and Thermal Series

    Epic ATM 9 Adventure: Conquering Modium, Warden, and Thermal SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ATM 9 – Episode 08: Acquiring AllTheModium, Slaying The Warden, and Delving the Thermal Series’, was uploaded by CaptainEnder101 on 2024-02-14 20:30:04. It has garnered 445 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:27 or 1587 seconds. #ATM9 #minecraft #captainender101 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is not just another 1.20.1 modpack – it is a testament to the evolution and diversity of Minecraft modding. With nearly 400 mods, this modpack offers an extensive selection that… Read More

  • New Vanilla SMP with Crazy Twists!

    New Vanilla SMP with Crazy Twists!Video Information This video, titled ‘The First Vanilla SMP Since Lifesteal’, was uploaded by Jack Squared on 2024-03-07 02:03:25. It has garnered 1293 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #smp Discord: https://discord.gg/wRTU6uXqD3 Tags: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs HACKER in DOGDAY Build Challenge!

    EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs HACKER in DOGDAY Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Benny and Meggy on 2024-03-16 18:44:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge! (Poppy Playtime) Benny and Meggy compete in a Minecraft Build … Read More

  • Ultimate scandal at hololive EN afterparty! 🐾

    Ultimate scandal at hololive EN afterparty! 🐾Video Information This video, titled ‘【#ホロドロケイ2024】fuzzy HERO THIEF afterparty 🐾【MOCOCO POV】’, was uploaded by FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-05-02 12:16:34. It has garnered 46632 views and 5398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:27 or 3567 seconds. let’s play one more time together!! ✨ Minecraft skins by @aozane 💕 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms). (∪・ω・∪ ♡:::::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪) #FUWAMOCO (Streams) #FWMCpix (Fanart) #helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A) #lilFWMC (Clips) #FWMCbeats (Music) #FWMCwww (Memes) #FWMCMORNING (Variety Show) ≪TWITTER≫ https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en @FUWAMOCOch ≪(∪・ω・∪三∪・ω・∪)≫ ≪CREDITS≫ BGM: solfa Opening: pre_sktch Stinger: コールスローイ… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS in Minecraft

    Ultimate Showdown: PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS ARMY in Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-10 08:00:33. It has garnered 970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS ARMY in Minecraft Mob Battle #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod,… Read More

  • INSANE Render Test Reveal from UnknownBG!!

    INSANE Render Test Reveal from UnknownBG!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Render Test. Tell me if these are good :D’, was uploaded by UnknownBG on 2024-03-13 05:49:35. It has garnered 179 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bridge #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc #minemen #4k #4kvideo #swrz #DualEast #iusehuzuni #ricefarmer11 #FADIC #minemanner #straight #texturepack #hypixel #fidy #averalls #kza #abstractperson #minecraftpvp #minecraftmontage Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft… Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.4 Brand New SkyBlock

    Welcome to Skygens! Custom Enchants! Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions! Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server! Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks! Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed! Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System! Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! play.theblind5.com 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mind-blowing find in Minecraft!!!

    Looks like this meme just hit the jackpot! Looks like mining for diamonds isn’t the only valuable discovery in Minecraft! Read More

  • “Blaze or Dog: The Fiery Furry Hero” 🔥🐶 #MinecraftLaughs

    "Blaze or Dog: The Fiery Furry Hero" 🔥🐶 #MinecraftLaughs When you can’t decide between having a loyal companion or a fiery protector in Minecraft, so you end up with a dog riding a blaze into battle. Talk about a dynamic duo! #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft!

    Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft! Minecraft: Class 61 Performance Schedule【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! In this channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content, viewers can immerse themselves in a world free from any elements that may impact their health and safety. About the Channel Greetings, everyone! I am Block Pavilion, a creator in the realm of Minecraft. I specialize in crafting hilarious and entertaining Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter. This channel is the one and only official channel of Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are unauthorized… Read More

  • Stretching My Limits in Minecraft AMA

    Stretching My Limits in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: A Game That Keeps Growing 🏌️‍♂️ Are you a fan of Minecraft? If so, you’re not alone! This popular game continues to captivate players around the world with its endless possibilities and engaging gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a harsh virtual world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Exploring the World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are dropped into a vast, blocky world where they can mine resources, craft tools, and build anything their imagination can conjure. The game’s open-ended nature allows for endless creativity, making it a favorite among gamers of all ages. Key Features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Get 500M RF!

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Get 500M RF!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | 500,000,000 RF FOR AN INGOT! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-05-25 22:00:01. It has garnered 19714 views and 700 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:19 or 2479 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | 500,000,000 RF FOR AN INGOT! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/lHV7xvXMjvo ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc Sky Revolutions Mod… Read More

  • Fexxon Shorts: Hilarious Minecraft Moments

    Fexxon Shorts: Hilarious Minecraft MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘@fexxongaming #minecraft #gaming #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #fexxongaming #funny #games #mcpe(3)’, was uploaded by Fexxon Shorts on 2024-05-11 05:15:01. It has garnered 430 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. @fexxongaming #minecraft #gaming #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #fexxongaming #funny #games #mcpe #fexxongaming #gamer #minecraft HI, Welcome to our Youtube Channel. 🛑 FEXXON GAMING 🛑 FEXXON GAMING 💢 ABOUT THIS VIDEO :- Friends, you must watch the video and if you like it, please like it, share it and subscribe to the channel. If you have any question, you can also comment on… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Explorer Gets Superpowers in VR Minecraft World

    Unbelievable: Explorer Gets Superpowers in VR Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Explorer Teleported To a VR Minecraft Universe & Gains Extraordinary Power’, was uploaded by Manga Reborn on 2024-05-26 16:00:04. It has garnered 2812 views and 162 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:18 or 3858 seconds. Explorer Teleported To a VR Minecraft World & Becomes Op MangaReborn doesn’t own any of the following images! This is made just for the entertainment purposed and nothing more. If you still have any issue regarding contact us at – [email protected] #anime#manga#manhwa#manhwarecap#mangarecap#waifu Read More

  • Aditya Slayer’s Mind-Blowing Realistic Shader for Minecraft PE! 🔥

    Aditya Slayer's Mind-Blowing Realistic Shader for Minecraft PE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20.70/72+ | Android Shader Mcpe 1.20’, was uploaded by Aditya Slayer on 2024-03-30 11:55:33. It has garnered 3148 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:40 or 160 seconds. Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20.70/72+ | Android Shader Mcpe 1.20 ✨ 𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙠: 👇 🔴 Please Open This Link In Chrome Only 🔴 Shader Link ➽ https://www.slayerofficial.in/2024/03/shader-mcpe-12080-android-pe.html Config Link ➽ https://www.slayerofficial.in/2024/01/shader-config-mcpe-120.html 👆👆☝️ ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ————————————–❤️————————————– ❗ How to open my links ? https://youtu.be/sjJNV9EBooU Credit Gone To Respective creators, If you are a creator and if you have a problem… Read More

  • “Ultimate Cactus Craft Challenge feat. James Marriott” #crafts #dreamsmp #mcyt

    "Ultimate Cactus Craft Challenge feat. James Marriott" #crafts #dreamsmp #mcytVideo Information This video, titled ‘James Marriot ‘Romanticise This’ badge #jamesmarriott #crafts #fyp #minecraft #mcyt #dreamsmp’, was uploaded by Cactusful on 2024-04-07 21:24:37. It has garnered 59 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. James Marriott Romanticise this badge !! This isn’t my normal kind of content but hope you enjoy 🙂 If you did enjoy , do you have any other badge suggestions?? Please consider liking or even subscribing it really means a lot !! thanks 🙂 REMEMBER to turn on the bell to never miss out on an upload Read More

  • Escape the Scary Luca in Maizen with JJ & Mikey!

    Escape the Scary Luca in Maizen with JJ & Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family HIDE From SCARY LUCA – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-15 23:00:15. It has garnered 40920 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family HIDE From SCARY LUCA – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Celica vs ItzEspeonUWU #2!

    Ultimate Showdown: Celica vs ItzEspeonUWU #2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vs ItzEspeonUWU #2’, was uploaded by Celica on 2024-01-07 09:45:03. It has garnered 52 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Hi there, I’m Celica I’m a guy who is a Splatoon 3 competitive player. I also love to play Smash Ultimate, Minecraft, Tetris Effect connected and more. I randomly upload stuff that occurred in Smash Ultimate, Splatoon 3, Tetris Effect Connected from time to time if anything happens! I upload stuff inconsistently but better than not 😂 Enjoy your stay if you like what I upload! :)… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Anvil vs Piston Showdown! #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Anvil vs Piston Showdown! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Anvil Vs Piston ll Minecraft Amazing Video ll #shorts #ytshorts #youtube #viral’, was uploaded by Classic_Gamer_Yt on 2024-05-20 07:05:44. It has garnered 10967 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Anvil Vs Piston ll Minecraft Amazing Video ll #shorts #ytshorts #youtube #viral #minecraft . ( @TechnoGamerzOfficial @AnshuBisht @Classic_gamer_yt_01 ) Queries:- _____________ Subscribe and like my channel and give me support guys☺. Keyword:- ______________ 1. Minecraft Let’s Play 2. Minecraft Survival Series 3. Minecraft Redstone Creations 4. Minecraft Building Tips 5. Minecraft Mod Showcase 6. Minecraft PvP Gameplay 7. Minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Avengers Fan Challenge – Write All 3 Names! #minecraft

    Ultimate Avengers Fan Challenge - Write All 3 Names! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU ARE TRUE AVENGERS FAN WRITE ALL THREE NAME #minecraft #viral #shorts #youtubeshorts #trending’, was uploaded by God gaming 27 on 2024-01-27 11:35:19. It has garnered 2470 views and 137 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbuilds #minecraftonly #mcpe #minecraftmeme #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecrafters #minecraftbuild #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftart #minecraftersonly #minecraftskin #minecraftforever #minecraftps3 #minecrafthouse #minecraftedit #minecraftdiaries#minecraft #meme #explorepage #bhfyp #tiktok #dankmemes #youtube #funnymemes #memesdaily #comedy #dank #lmao #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game #edgymemes #offensivememes #games #dankmeme #edgy#minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftbuilds #minecraftonly #minecraftmeme #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecrafters #minecraftbuild #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver… Read More

  • BlockBattles

    BlockBattlesBlock Battles is a unique twist on chess, reimagined within the world of Minecraft. This innovative concept was conceived by AustinFelt, and I have had the privilege of collaborating with him as the sole developer to shape the plugin from its initial stages to its current state. Together, we have worked tirelessly to build the plugin from scratch, pouring our passion and expertise into bringing this exciting gaming experience to life. play.blockbattles.org Read More

  • Focal Choice Modded Whitelisted Community Bluemap

    Focal Choice Community Servers Focal Choice Community Servers This is a network of community servers called Focal Choice. We host various modded servers with a combined cross-servers chat. Expert Style Packs TerraFirmaGreg Divine Journey 2 Stacia 2: Expert We also have a Create train-oriented world running in the Life in the Village 3 modpack, but will be migrating to a new modpack soon. We have various events in the works. Fun minigame-type-things. TerraFirmaGreg Difficulty: Normal Pack Version: 0.7.8 You can play solo or join the main group team. Realistic and challenging modpack. Stacia 2: Expert Difficulty: Normal Pack Version: Beta… Read More

  • Minecraft server pe.vuamc.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.5 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.5 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: pe.vuamc.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft BFFs & Betrayal

    I guess you could say this meme is mining its way to the top! Read More

  • Minecraft with my ride or die 💀 #bffs #minecraft

    Minecraft with my ride or die 💀 #bffs #minecraft When you and your best friend spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft, only for them to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced lava bucket. Friendship tested, griefing confirmed. #minecraftfails 😂🔥 Read More

Minecraft is a Scary Game.