Minecraft: JSano Fan Server – S2 E22 – Brewing Lab

Video Information

What’s up guys marygamer here and welcome back to the jsano fan server and today we are doing some more works on the house um going to kind of turn a blind eye to some of the contracts we’ve got a few contracts out there at the moment i’ve actually got

Two that i have to do but we kind of did a little contract video yesterday i don’t know why i broke both of them um but i’ll show you what the basement’s starting to look like i ended up putting the water in so we’ve got the nice fancy fancy water feature going on

And now for the good part boom now i know it’s a bit overkill with the lights i might actually change the amount that’s in this section here because i think there’s maybe a bit too many in that part but um yeah it took them took me a while to it

Would have taken me a much much more longer to be honest to get all the materials that i needed if it wasn’t for uh some of the members on the server i’ll give a shout out to ace maxis scott and rad they helped me a lot

Um with just getting me the wood ace got me a huge amount of glowstone to do all these lamps and that’s the amount of wood they gave me and they’ve given me so much that um i’ve got wood for days oh that sounded dirty

But um as you can see we’ve got all the chests that we need for um our storage room so we might start on that a bit today but first thing i want to do is make one of these because we need to get bookcases which you know everyone doesn’t have any so

That’s a bit frustrating but uh this is going to be all for the books i know you don’t need all of them but i kind of just want it full of books i think it’ll just look really nice so this will become our enchanting room eventually

Um today as in what we’re going to do i want to plan out our potion room i want to maybe do one of these farms so i think originally um what was i said like wheat uh carrots potatoes sugarcane uh pumpkins and melons i did realize i don’t have a a um

What should i call it oh i forgot netherwar farm in here so i think that netherwart farm will be in here where this is going to be so we kind of need to plan out this i don’t overly know how big this is going to be

But i do know this is going to be in the going into the ravine so i have to kind of plan some stuff around this and this isn’t going to be easy stuff because this room’s going to be relatively big um because you know we’re going to have a

Little farm in here we’re going to have our brewing area and i probably should light up all of this uh this area can i get a torch on the other side i could probably get a torch there um let’s just destroy that for now but um yeah so that’s what we’re doing today

I will do a cut in a minute just so i’ve kind of get the room planned down then we can just start replacing the blocks and i want to do at least one of these farms on camera today and that’s really all we’re going to be doing today and

Maybe fiddling around with this actually getting this ready i decided to put the cyan rim um i asked in the last episode if you guys liked it but after that i kind of placed it down anyway to see what it looked like and i really really

Liked it so i think i’m going to go with that and i think like in the walls we’re going to have lights as well i think because you want to be able to see them or in the floor because i think the walls is going to be

This and the base will be like this with lights and along this row here we’ll have ice because i think i hope that it is not actually that’s what we can test now is i believe i have one ice block in my house so i’ll go grab that or test that

And hopefully that doesn’t melt and we can then probably do a cut there when i place that and i’ll go space out our potion room and we’ll be back but uh i really do hope the uh ice doesn’t melt because if it does then um

I had to do a little replanting i think uh i’m pretty sure and we need to make steve’s house soon yeah here it was had one oh i’m gonna drop the torches had one lonesome block of ice so hopefully that doesn’t melt i think i’ll just

Place it in one of the corners and we got a pig for nothing i need to repair the windows as well i’ve been breaking the windows because i keep on sporting in them when i sleep um what else was there okay good i didn’t replace that all right let’s go test this quickly

And tell me what you guys think of this as well i was thinking lava but then i think it would set all this stuff on fire which would be a big problem so if we just place him there he might be safe i think he’s safe at in that distance

Like we’ll have to place a hell of a lot more to really know if it is but what i’m going to do here now is do a little cut here go make that room into its relative size then we’ll start replacing some of the blocks make it look more

To match the rest of the house so um see you guys in a second okay guys welcome back um kind of planned out this uh i ran out of blocks there that’s why there’s a gap there but this is kind of going to be the room size

I think like along here we’ll have like chests and like brewing stands this is where the netherwart farm is going to be these blocks right here uh one two three four five okay so we don’t have a hundred percent enough for actually one block short but um i’ll break this

Now we’ll start replacing these blocks with actually what the room is going to look like that doesn’t not go there so we’re actually one cyan block short but that’s nothing too hard to do um let’s actually dig up most of the floor now and replace it with this we’ll have

Maybe some crafting tables and cauldrons and we have a lot of things in this room but um i think the farm will work on today instead of doing it uh in there because they’re a bit bigger farms we’ll we’ll focus in here for a while

Um we’ll see how long it takes us to do the nether war farm and i don’t think so that should take us too long so then we might go do maybe like the wheat or potato farm or something because i am getting starting to run low on food like i’ve got potatoes there

That i went back and got from spawn but um as in what’s like as in how am i trying to say this like i’m not exactly like 100 like reliant on myself yet as to say like i don’t have my own farms i actually haven’t built really any farms since being on

The server they’ve all been really basic you know temp farms but um i just it’s kind of got down to the point where this house is going to start providing more food and i am really starting to run out of food which is starting to become a very big problem for me

Let’s do that so we’re still trying to keep the traditional you know courts and stuff uh the roofs will be this as well i have a guess i might do a little pattern in this as well not sure i think we need to go away from the steps and slabs though unfortunately

Because you get this sort of stuff like it looks like this spruce and can’t change it really can’t i think even if i did spruce it go even a darker color so it’s unfortunate that it does that um but i’m not too fussed by actually adds

A bit more detail to the room i have i guess but uh yeah it is a bit annoying when you think about it so we might just do some simple light design in this room as well so but for starters i just realized i don’t have enough wood on me

Just run back to that chest because all those guys give me all that wood and that hasn’t melted yet so that’s a good sign i have a guess it’s a good sign i probably should only need a stack oh we actually might need more than a stack oh actually

No it should be good but uh yeah potions like i’m quite a big fan of potions now like i never used to brew many at all and now i’ve and about a month ago i didn’t even know the uh recipes of my heart and now like

I look at it now i’m like yep you know i i remember potions you know i remember what things do you know fire resistance you know you do your whole awkward potion that’s another wart with um then you do your magma cream then you do um redstone to expand like extend its uh

Life and all that sort of stuff so i kind of got used to memorizing all that then you had like the invisibility potions that i had to go and memorize and they’re the same as night vision so it wasn’t really like i actually enjoyed learning uh learning it and i think

It’s about time i have a room dedicated to the stuff now this time we’re going to kind of have something similar to this now i think how we’re going to do this i think we should have like something like this like how we have with these but with that

So it’s going to be a bit different but uh hopefully this design works out a bit better i know i need to fill in more i’m going to actually go around and light this whole place up just so i don’t hear mobs all the time um let’s just do that for now

Now how many blocks is one two three four five six seven eight so you could have maybe three cauldrons right here and three cauldrons right here let’s just cover that before the spider gets us so we can have cauldrons there so that means yep we’re gonna definitely need more wood i think

Let’s just grab i think only another stack will be all we need but just to be sure it’s best to have those extra blocks but um yeah so we’ll have cauldrons along here so we’re going to have a lot of cauldrons so i think cauldrons are going to be here

Um this all will have to be replaced with quartz and then we’ll have we’ll have like brewing stands standing on here then on this side we’ll have chests i think like we’re gonna have chests anyway for all this stuff in the um chest room anyway

But uh just to be on the safe side you know might as well do all that uh should it be like that or should we have like it boxed off and have sorry for the clicking that’s just the stupid chair again yeah i think maybe having it boxed off will be nice

Something like that because then you can have your cauldrons here maybe put like trap doors on top of it make them look like they have lids or something you have your two brewing stands here uh that means with this side oh god let’s just do that good um

Let’s do this so with this side we’re gonna have maybe some should we just repeat the same pattern yeah i say just repeat the same pattern why not make it make it simple don’t make it difficult because then as for storage you know then i just get

Most the recipe most of the stuff oh that leaves me on my own bye marauder nice knowing you um yes that just i have a guess makes it come on come on gravel there we go uh just makes it a bit more i think i’m trying to think is just maybe a bit

More structured bit more neater but then i can never walk will be here but then we should have like a chest like right here or something where the nether wall will go into so we’ve got that that that is how it’s right yeah so then you have that that that that and that

I need this back wall built up then you’re gonna have that you want these to be quartz so this is gonna actually really i really do like the look of how these two blocks mix with each other and then with just the cyan um hardened clay it really does

Add for a bit more detail and this indents out one so yeah all right well let’s do that i actually didn’t need that that goes up like this and then let’s just do that and where did that go oh that’s over there now all right

All right there we go then we have the cyan block right there so i kind of want to go back and get that cyan block yeah let’s go back and get a few things to build this this is looking good which is what i want i still don’t know exactly how i’m going

To set up the farm i’m thinking i’m literally thinking why aren’t you going in there um it’s just going to be a simple you know you have pistons that lift up that hits there’s water that’s one thing we need to test this water break hello pig does water break um nether wart

Because if water doesn’t break nether warp because i don’t know because you don’t have water in the nether so you’d never know so that’s an interesting test because then i can’t use that method well if that’s the case we’ll just make it so we break it but we need more

Okay we have clay there we don’t have any more hardened clay though okay we’ll have to start cooking that up oh i have a line in there i did not know that don’t find nope don’t have iron in that one damn yeah because i need a bit of iron uh we

Need to convert all those chests that we have for the storage room into um into hidden chests because i want them all you know piled next to each other all very neatly so we need hidden chests to do that uh let’s grab the netherwart grab that

Um i swear i had some buckets somewhere buckets buckets buckets where are you where are you i’ll take that one chest um oh dear i swear i had oh there they are awesome uh okay let’s do this little test so if we place that there that there and

Let’s grab the buckets and let’s go that now does this break okay it does break it awesome okay i was wondering why i was lagging a bit but i think it’s just the server just being a bit laggy for me at the moment all right well that’s good what we’ll do we only

Need one yeah we only need one uh we need pistons pistons we need pistons and we need maybe like a lever should we have a lever we’ll do a lever for now i think but uh s no i have pistons around here somewhere yep just normal pistons uh we need to

Convert some of them into sticky pistons take buttons for the hell of it hey headphone cord got wrapped around my hand then for a second um levers levers levers where are we okay we don’t have any levers we can just make some all right let’s go

Back over there uh do we have enough soul sand was that all the soul sand i have let’s check these chests who killed your new account that’s obviously them seeing me in my new account for the first time oh who killed your new account i was in there probably sir maxis um

Rulon was shot by rulon using rule how was that he was shot by himself interesting uh soul saying so yeah i knew i had more soul saying let’s just take that that should do us okie dokie now if this design works well because i’ve never really

I’ve only done it once using like an automatic foam i did an automatic wig farm about i can’t remember when it was back when i used to play the xbox 360 version of minecraft but um i did doing a small automatic wheat farm then right back then

So i can’t exactly remember how it’s done but i should be right all right that’s looking good the fact that that hasn’t melted yet all right and we still don’t have that cyan block but i have i guess that’s okay because we still need a rip through all this area

So all this is going to be all right let’s just you probably want it linked into that hopper hopper and chest so we’ll probably need her oh good we brought the iron with us anyway so we’ll want the piston here oh and that’s a first we need to make

Oh we have a crafting table on us sweet didn’t have to go run back all right so let’s put one in there and one there let’s grab one of them all right if you go there uh if you’re extended here that means that you’re holding a block here

I kind of i’m thinking maybe having one back yeah having one back so have that there so then it drops it pulls a cord so now let’s have our soul sand all here so then one will be here as well so we’ll have actually a tiny bit growing behind it so let’s

Just plant all that now let’s break this and how are we going to want this to happen oh that wow that grew freaking quick um now all this is going to be quartz block behind here so i’m not worried about that it’s more about getting this piston powered now you’ll want

Uh that there so that means that the hopper is going to go here yeah we can have a chest like right we have like right here or something or yeah someone like that um let’s get let’s get our redstone out for a tick uh that’s gonna go oh wait will that be

Powered if i do that i don’t think it will i think it has to go like that then come this way um let’s just let’s just use a button for now but uh should we say the button go the button should go here where this cyan block is so let’s break this for

Now so we can actually maneuver around here let’s say we put the button not there let’s put that there let’s move the torches and let’s put the torches up on here so we’ve got the button there that’s gonna activate that but it needs to be so that’s obviously gonna push him up

Now we need to make it so he’s on so my redstone is shocking today it will be today i have not planned this ahead at all um i’ll be back with you guys in a second when i’ve actually planned the redstone out because i’ve got a few ideas but i

Don’t actually know as in space because i’m worried about the hoppers at the moment so i’ll actually be with you guys just back in a second okay guys i’m back uh pretty much done the design uh it’s not perfect i do need a fiddle with a few things

But um as you as you can see the uh i got a hopper here the hopper actually i need to get more iron that’s what i haven’t actually finished it needs to be another few hoppers here that go to chest here uh that goes to a chest a

Hopper here than a chest here but um and i need to have something over here that guards it from overflowing so i might put carpet along here but the button goes here so that’s where the button goes and i guess that’s now i need to make the water tick go longer as well

Because as you can see we got that there might put like a light behind there so it kind of lights up a bit more but when you press the button it hits all that and most of it goes into the hopper like if we go here and check uh

Actually none of it went into the hopper funny enough although it wasn’t exactly fully grown either so i need to make the tick go longer so that uh it gives like when the piston drops it hits a clock so then it then comes back up

So it has enough time for the water to carry the stuff into the hoppers so um that’s probably going to conclude this episode i’m going to do that off camera because i know what i have to do it actually only took me a few minutes but i don’t actually have all the

Supplies to finish it off because i need to go caving so i think that’s going to conclude this episode hasn’t been a very long one but um it’s good enough for now for me and next episode you guys will see the completed version of this and we’ll start working on the chest room

And i might have maybe done a few more of the other farms as well so i hope you guys enjoyed it and i will see you guys next time so catch you later guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: JSano Fan Server – S2 E22 – Brewing Lab’, was uploaded by TheMerryGamer on 2013-09-13 02:30:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Hello everyone, and welcome to my series on “Jsano’s Fan Server”. As some of you may know I enter a competition to win a spot …

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    INSANE FOX BUILD! Watch LaceyCrafts' Timelapse 🦊 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fox Build Timelapse!🦊 #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by LaceyCrafts on 2024-03-25 09:02:52. It has garnered 5504 views and 156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Read More


    MINESENDBrand new Minecraft SMP for Java & Bedrock players! Come play now! Latest minecraft version support, unique features and friendly community. – Both Java and Bedrock – Newest Minecraft Version – Bedrock Port: 19132 play.minesend.com Read More

  • United Lands SMP 1.20.2: Towny Earth, War, Economy, PvE/PvP, Alcohol, Lite-RP, Grief Protection, Cross Platform, Non-P2W

    Welcome to United Lands Discover our unique Towny-based Earth SMP experience! Key Features: 📸 Video Trailer: Watch our exciting trailer showcasing war, masterwork gear, and vibrant towns on the server. Watch here. 🌎 Explore the World: Delve into our 1:500 Earth-based map! Nations can claim unlimited lands with low upkeep costs. Discounts available for larger groups. ⚒️ Gameplay: Engage in town building, land claiming, and immersive RP. Collect custom items like rifles and unique food. ⬆️ Progression: Choose from 7 unique jobs, unlock powerful components of Masterwork Armor, and access player upgrades for convenience. 💰 Thriving Economy: Experience a player-driven… Read More

  • CalamitySMP

    CalamitySMP is a HermitCraft type server. We currently have Crates, Creative world, and a Gaming world coming soon. We have plans on using beauty quests to add various quests for everyone to do! We have a unique economy where you can trade in Diamonds, Gold Ore, and Iron Ore to receive money to pay for anything and everything on the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, oh man

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper, oh manLooks like this Minecraft meme is really crafting its way to the top! Read More

  • Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Episode 11 Incident

    Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Episode 11 Incident In Minecraft, we craft, we build, we farm, Creating our world, full of charm. Iron farms to gather resources galore, Building our dreams, we always want more. Join me on Twitch, for a live stream delight, As we play and create, all through the night. Symphonic Sorcery sets the timelapse mood, Melodie Music, our spirits renewed. So come along, let’s play and explore, In Minecraft, there’s always more in store. From building to farming, we do it all, Creating our world, standing tall. Read More

  • GORGON SLAYS GOLEMS: Epic Minecraft Showdown

    GORGON SLAYS GOLEMS: Epic Minecraft Showdown Gorgon: “I’ll turn you all to stone with just one look!” All Golems: “That’s cool, we’re already made of stone. Nice try though!” Read More

  • PHONK Objects in Minecraft Animation

    PHONK Objects in Minecraft Animation The DRIP BOX: Objects when PHONK 🗣🔊🔥🔥🔥🔥🎶 | Minecraft Animation Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft Animation with a touch of PHONK music? The DRIP BOX brings you an exciting blend of creativity and entertainment in this unique Minecraft Animation. Let’s explore what this animation has to offer! Animation Details Created using Mine Imator 2.0, the latest version of the animation software, The DRIP BOX features stunning visuals and smooth animations. The talented team at FTP Studios handled the animation, modeling, sound design, editing, and lighting, ensuring a high-quality viewing experience. Music Chum The animation… Read More

  • DuckBoi’s Insane Adventure in Diablo IV: Episode 1

    DuckBoi's Insane Adventure in Diablo IV: Episode 1Video Information e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everybody hope you’re all doing absolutely wonderful today how is it all how’s it going how’s it going seven people bloody E I don’t really comment on the amount of people that watch the streams that often but I’d just like to say it thanks for the Love of All Things hly I cannot Envision Why seven people would be sitting here watching the stream starting soon screen um you’re all amazing so thank you very much but without further Ado let’s get into this… Read More

  • Real Minecraft Found on Google Earth!

    Real Minecraft Found on Google Earth!Video Information [музыка] Oh Oh [музыка] This video, titled ‘I Found A Real Minecraft 😲 in Google Earth & Maps’, was uploaded by Google Earth Secrets on 2024-05-25 02:30:01. It has garnered 60 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. I Found A Real Minecraft 😲 in Google Earth & Maps My Instagram account link 👇👇👇 https://www.instagram.com/maheshlohar_36/ #google_earth_secrets #maps Your Queries:- Google Earth Secrets Google Earth Google Maps Google Secrets top 10 google maps how to delete location in google map google map car godzilla on google earth google map amazing video how… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Микола Якимець dominates on MISTERKRAK 1.20.32


  • Turn Minecraft Into a MONEY-Making Machine with Fexxon Gaming’s Lucky Block Plugin

    Turn Minecraft Into a MONEY-Making Machine with Fexxon Gaming's Lucky Block PluginVideo Information माट बट अलग वाले लकी ब्लॉक गवस ओपी आइटम जी हां दोस्तों आपने बिल्कुल सही सुना है आज एकदम अलग वाले लकी ब्लॉक मैं आपके लिए लेके आया हूं जो कि हमको देने वाले ओपी आइटम तो बहुत ज्यादा मजा आने वाला है आज की वीडियो में तो अभी तो मैं लोकेशन देख रहा हूं हमको यहां पे तोड़ना चाहिए कि यह पहाड़ जो सामने देख पा रहे हो इसकी चौती में जाके तोड़ना चाहिए तो बाकी यहां पे मुर्गी वर्गी सही है तो मेरे को लगता है मेरे को पहाड़ के ऊपर तोड़ना चाहिए एक काम करते… Read More

  • Insane Battles with RashuFruitzBlueBerriz & Tuxedo Steve

    Insane Battles with RashuFruitzBlueBerriz & Tuxedo SteveVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE MODE/ BUTCHER OF BRIX/TUXEDO STEVE’, was uploaded by RashuFruitzBlueBerriz on 2024-04-29 08:06:12. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:48 or 648 seconds. Hello, my name is RashuFruitz, but my real name is Anthony, I am passionate about having insight, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, compassion, respect, and having belief in others, I am also passionate about taking care of your health and working a job and/career that you love, because think about it, we humans spend most of our lives considerably working, so, If we… Read More

  • Shocking Find: Scary Ghost in Mikey’s Minecraft Bed?!

    Shocking Find: Scary Ghost in Mikey's Minecraft Bed?!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Found Scary Ghost Mikey Family Under His Bed in Minecraft ?!’, was uploaded by MayJay on 2024-05-24 20:48:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • EPIC comeback vs Ender Dragon ft. Kaela Kovalskia

    EPIC comeback vs Ender Dragon ft. Kaela KovalskiaVideo Information [Music] e e [Music] hi hello hello welcome back long time no see welcome welcome we’re back to the Minecraft hello we going to fight the Ender Dragon if you ask me am I ready or not no I’m not but it’s okay I have practiced once off stream and I don’t know I might be I might I might die a few times in this battle it’s okay I will not use the bad Strat I’ve tried the bad Strat like bad bad as in bad bat for you to sleep but [Music] somehow I don’t know… Read More

  • CaptainSparklez 2 Faces His Darkest Fears in DeceasedCraft Ep. 19

    CaptainSparklez 2 Faces His Darkest Fears in DeceasedCraft Ep. 19Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of dead crap brought to you by the like button and also Apex hosting code captain sparkle Link in the description is going to grab you 25% off a Minecraft server you can play the series with your friends check them out so what I’ve done just in the last few minutes is I dug into the area where we had the engineers workbench only to discover there was a Wandering trador he’s lost Health not because I was trying to break a piece of wood and I hit him… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Duel: Skibidi Villager VS Mikey

    Insane Minecraft Duel: Skibidi Villager VS MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘🚽 Skibidi Villager Vs Mikey #short #minecraftshorts #skibiditoilet’, was uploaded by SU GAMER XY on 2024-01-07 19:09:52. It has garnered 2838 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. 🚽Skibidi Toilet vs Mikey🐢 – Minecraft Animation Read More

  • southcraft

    southcraftModalidades | Practice | BoxPvP | UHC | Survival | FullPvP Ip: southcraft.xyz Puerto: 19132 Version: 1.16 – 1.20.1 Compatibilidad: Java y Bedrock Hacemos eventos todas las semanas con premios de dinero real. southcraft.xyz Read More

  • ⛰️ WildSurvival SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Grief Protection Quests Custom Enchants Earnable Ranks Jobs

    Welcome to WildSurvival play.wildsurvival.me Version 1.16-1.20.6 Discord: Join us here! About us! Wild Survival is a recently re-opened survival multiplayer server with a vibrant community of passionate players and active staff team. Join WildSurvival today and be part of our inclusive community. Features: ✅ Free/Earnable Ranks ✅ Seasonal Biomes & Weather ✅ Custom Enchants ✅ Jobs ✅ Dynamic Player Driven Economy ✅ McMMO Skills ✅ Quests & Events ✅ Regular Updates & Active Staff Join WildSurvival today and start your adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Is sailing the most dangerous job ever?”

    It’s not just you, I heard the unemployment rate for pirates is through the roof! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Top Minecraft Mods for Visually Impaired Players

    Top Minecraft Mods for Visually Impaired Players Minecraft Mods for Visual Impairment Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience to make it more accessible for individuals with visual impairments? Fabinho Detonadista has got you covered with some of the best mods to adapt Minecraft for those with visual challenges. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft accessibility! Color Blindness Texture Pack Addons If you or someone you know struggles with color blindness, these texture pack addons can make a world of difference. Fabinho recommends the iSIGHT Monochromacy Color Blindness Texture Pack Addon Type 1 and Type 2. These addons modify the colors of blocks in… Read More

Minecraft: JSano Fan Server – S2 E22 – Brewing Lab