Minecraft Let’s Play Ep. 30 – Alchemist Shop Interior Decorating

Video Information

Do [Applause] what’s going on my crew this is rusty and welcome back to another episode of rusty builds in today’s episode we are got some villagers uh we’ve been making some villagers uh i’ve been making some villagers off camera uh over here we i made a villager farm uh oh we got another villager

Uh i made a villager farm and it’s producing quite well uh we just need to get the little guys out of here there he goes he usually runs out there we’ve also got a couple other interesting things going on so when we last talked on stream uh i was showing you guys that

I had made a wonderful beautiful storage uh setup in the warehouse and it’s down here uh we’re gonna need some food because i have run out again so we’ll take that and that um yes so i’ve got a nice storage setup here that pretty much has everything that we

Need and my thought process is oh whoops that was the wrong thing to be eating uh my pro thought process was that we are going to basically uh try and keep everything organized for sure uh but take our uh shulker box to our new builds and that way we just fill it up

With all the materials that we want to use for a build and then head over there oh we got a farmer now or no no no that’s not a farmer he is a leather worker uh because of the cauldron so the next one of these guys that grows up should

Hopefully be a farmer because i want them to kind of be a little bit self-sustaining um but i want to take this sword because back here we had a little thunderstorm and it produced some guys okay okay are they gonna hit each other i don’t wanna hit i wanna try and avoid hitting

Yes kill each other perfect strike each other dead okay okay one more crap okay look at this we got three more horses um that one’s crappy i think all of these are kind of a crappy horse breed uh yeah so they don’t really do much but they

Look cool so speaking of stuff going on over in this direction i guess is he what are you doing um i of course planted this humongous garden uh and after i sort of got went through and uh planted it all i realized that i should be planting not wheat because you

Need three wheat to make one bread and then after planting a whole bunch of beet i realized carrots actually produce way more uh of a harvest carrots and potatoes than beet so we’ve kind of gone through a little bit of a transformation process but in the

End we’ve got quite a bit of stuff so one of the things that i have done in here is created this chest full of decorative decorative blocks and then this one right here for um tool stations and then here for decorative blocks that are or decorative things

So what’s cool is we can take pull from this looks like we’ve got a little bit of redundancies here uh we can take from this and sort of pick and choose what type of stuff we would like to throw into our build um so a couple things that we’re gonna put in

Basically every build but also trying to figure out here uh if there’s anything oh this might be interesting to play around with uh if there’s anything that we can do that isn’t necessarily uh going to be something that we can’t use uh so i think

I want to go and grab some warped stuff uh i don’t know exactly everything that we’re gonna do but we’ll grab basically all of it um and then dark oak for some of that stuff okay so let’s go to the build and we’ll see what we can throw together let’s start

Off with the things that we know that we want to do so for instance my envisionment was to put uh the bookshelves here we’ll have a chair here actually i think we’ll put it no that just doesn’t look like a chair at all um

Oh you know what i need i need my axe so i think what instead we’ll put in this area here and maybe this is not a good place for this to be um like the the maybe it’s not a good place for like scaffolding to be but we can put

At least a marker here that we want candles in this area um but then again we’ve got the lantern here which kind of ooh maybe we could put a lantern on the inside like hanging from here that might look cool this is just a little reading nook uh meant to be something where

Because he’s um a researcher alchemist person now what i wanted to figure out was if we put some shelving up here um we have a cat the cats just randomly spawn around that’s kind of funny uh let’s get some clay slash pots where’s our kitty where’s our new kitty

Oh there’s a new kitty i guess we won’t have to worry about creepers alright so we’ve got the ability now with these flower pots where i would like to see what we can put in here i think if i put one up there and then we put in a crimson fungus beautiful

That’s perfect that’s exactly what we want and then i’m thinking maybe right here we can put in another uh with warped fungus uh kind of getting the magical feel now uh and then maybe what we can do with the floor here is do a couple of these warped nilium and

Plant on those some warped roots cool so now we’re getting some vibes here um where we’re just sort of showcasing a little bit of this uh magical sort of feeling and i think this will look maybe even better if we do put a warped stem here oh well

I guess we get some free iron all right so put the campfire in and we’re gonna just place this block here to kind of make it look like there’s some the fumigation happening and then i think we’ll put switch these so that we can have the cauldron on the other side

Uh and then this heat chimney thing is good to go actually we might do something like this do we still have that the iron golem died i don’t know how i don’t know where his iron is but he he’s clearly dead all right so i don’t think we yeah we

Don’t have enough blocks to make this fully happen so i guess for now we’ll do something like this yeah kind of looks like some shelves i didn’t think about that before we could be using some of the internal stuff for for some shelving interesting thought um okay i might actually convert all of

The downstairs part of this area into the deep slate actually now that i’m seeing that maybe we can get away with like a desk like this oh yes because the alchemy desk can be right here and then we’ll put one of the wither skulls facing this way that’s kind of cool

Um and then what can we do for like a alchemy sort of table setup let’s do redstone let’s do redstone okay so we’ve got some redstone here now um and then i was thinking we could do yes perfect so we’ll put the splash post into them and that way it looks like

Something’s cooking up here uh and then i think adding some shelving uh up here maybe might be like the best thing and i think we will use some spruce shelving for that we also got to think about other ways we can decorate this area but at least downstairs that would be the main

Cooking area uh and then i was thinking actually uh putting sort of a half wall here there’s no way to there we go see see how you can do stuff like that that’s actually like really cool and then one more maybe if we do yeah like that okay look

At that you do that half wall thing and then we’ve got this little spot down here and we’ve got all these things up here uh if you wanted to i wish what we could do is have it actually down here and then we could put the crystal on top of it but

Unfortunately can’t this is like a really cool nook area we could actually complete this by putting this on this side as well but we sadly need more spruce so let’s get some more spruce and finish that up i am not ashamed of my spruce trap door diction it’s not a problem okay

I want everybody to know that there we go and then we could yeah even do something like that so now we’ve got this like really cool display uh going on here that think about using in your house is actually we could probably no we can’t put these here

Because it comes into contact here uh but creates a really nice feel and look and uh kind of gives the vibe that there’s a lot put into this uh okay and then for over here just to give this extra feeling uh we’re gonna put another warped table type situation over here

A little pot with a mushroom and then i think maybe another oh candles let’s do some candles perfect um and then that kind of i think fixes that i suppose what we could do actually is put some more bookcases in that area and instead of it being a reading nook

We could maybe put that here and then have this window be a little bit bigger on this side or maybe yeah let’s do it like this so put some window panes in there and that gives this feeling um once we put an item frame on the side of this

And then some more books in here that um this is sort of a reading area a study area and kind of a goes upstairs it’s got stuff growing little reagents and different things uh and then up here like i said i wanted to actually add in some shelving so

I’ve been playing around with the idea of actually putting the shelving on these window pieces what that actually seems to do is allow for you to be able to um not really look make it look like it’s blocked or anything i want to see can we put oh we can that’s super cool

I love it i think we’ll get some carpets and put a little carpet here and put a little carpet downstairs and then at least this upstairs is done uh i’m starting to learn how like easy decorations and different things can really be uh in a build and it feels like it’s

Hard at first but once you get into it and start to understand the way the dynamics work and the way the feel is um like with stuff like this it really gets a lot easier uh to deal with uh a lot less scary so even up above here where we’ve got

This like transition piece uh we can actually even just take this one candle uh and put that there and then when we come up right it doesn’t feel like there’s something crazy going on up here uh but when you come down there’s that little candle there

Giving a little bit of light so now all we need to do is we need to transition this i want to do a couple little shelving inward shelving stuff like this uh maybe do a couple campfires in here that are extinguished for a little pantry uh but yeah that’s i think

That is sort of where we’re gonna be at with this one okay so uh the plan is to do that and do this and then we can theoretically put different things there now we can’t put like carrots but we can put um raw food or any food that can really be

Cooked maybe chorus fruit no we can’t do chorus fruit okay so that’s that uh and then i wanted to set up some different shelving and different things so we can do something like this i’m thinking all right got a couple more bookshelves we’ve got a a a bunch of decorative

Stuff that we still need to work on uh getting because i want to be able to have some more decorative things going on in here but i want to put uh at least a couple bookshelves above here kind of give the idea that uh he or she is Doing some research uh on things and if we do that then one of the things that we can probably do here can i help you um is i’d like to see a table here but i guess we can’t if we’re doing that with this but if we do watch this

I think we can put a table here and we’re gonna have to put a different type of table because this isn’t gonna bode well we can do a shelf here and even though we don’t have access to it necessarily uh it still will work out okay

So i think what will be cool here too is having a bunch of glowberries um glowing around here uh and then maybe put some candles there uh and then we need some more pots and just give this feeling that when you walk in here you’re walking into someone’s house

Even though it’s the alchemist shop and you would think that the alchemist is going to be like oh yeah i sell different things and kind of have a little station here but it’s more of like uh you know you you need a potion of some kind

Uh and so you come in here and you’re like hey uh i need this potion and he or she is like uh okay put in an order um so these guys are gonna get annoying but there’s that for a little bit of light and then we’ll have

That up there for some light and look what it does it gets some pretty good light in so i’m pretty happy with that uh so now we just need some item frames and some oh my god y’all need to stop all right now we just need something to

Put there uh and ah yes i wanted to get carpet uh we’ve got enough mushrooms so maybe we’ll put something else here i’ve got these hanging this thing i don’t think is gonna grow but maybe if we get some bone meal too we can also get this to grow but i think carpet’s

Perfect thing to be putting down here because i’m not really sure what else to put in the centerpiece of this room uh at the moment all right so i had a thought about the uh sort of food so i had a thought about the sort of dining room table type scenario i was

Thinking maybe if we did something like this uh or maybe back by one uh we can kind of make it look like this person is somebody who sort of sits by the fire a little bit has a little spot right here and then maybe this is a good spot to actually have the

Scaffolding um actually sitting here in uh where the person eats basically uh so i think i’m just gonna get some carpets and then i think we’re actually done angela was known in spencer city as one of the oldest residents almost no one knew her stories she never talked much to the people in

The city walking into her shop you’d hear a distant what do you need she would rarely greet the person and make them leave their order on the downstairs desk sometimes at night there would be an explosion heard in her shop rumors of skeleton horses roaming the

Streets at night but no one not even the city guard dared question angela she was truly a mysterious woman okay hope you guys enjoyed that uh i am looking forward to this week uh just kind of summarize some thoughts and different things um i do want to spend some time away i

Think from spencer city for now uh and so i think next episode maybe we’ll go either into our nether build and start working on a plan of some sort um or otherwise i think what i might do is obviously i’m gonna continue to work on the the stuff over here but we might

Actually head to um oh we got another iron golem uh we might actually head over to uh our main area and do some work on our main base i’m looking to possibly start doing some farms and different things and i want to kind of locate a lot of those material farms

Over by that area so not sure what the next episode is really gonna hold but i want to at least get you guys a little bit excited and hyped up for something a little bit different um just to move away from this build although it’s looking fantastic and

Going great really what we need to do right now is just change up some of these roofs uh but other than that really feeling good about it so anyways guys that is gonna do it for today’s episode um hopefully i can get a lot done off

Camera and these next uh in this week but otherwise we’ll see you guys next time until then happy mining and crafting you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play Ep. 30 – Alchemist Shop Interior Decorating’, was uploaded by Rusty Games on 2022-03-15 19:00:10. It has garnered 119 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:18 or 1278 seconds.

In this episode, we will be talking about our nether build ideas and then hopping over to the Gilded Boar to decorate the inside where the famil lives!

Stay tuned for the story portion of the video towards the end of the video!

Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 1:11 – New Storage Setup 2:04 – A Surprise That Happened Off Camera 3:23 – I’m A Bad Farmer 4:06 – Organization of The Warehouse 5:27 – Decorating Things We Already Know 7:00 – Making A Decorative Shelf 8:13 – Making a Cooking Area 9:17 – Making An Alchemy Desk 10:28 – Completing the Shelf 12:25 – Fixing Our Reading Nook 13:05 – More Shelving 14:32 – Working On The Kitchen 17:05 – Lighting Candles 17:54 – Finishing The Kitchen 18:52 – Angela’s Story 19:35 – Final Thoughts

Shutters idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DEeWz8uJwQ&ab_channel=Tobefoxy

Music in video by C418 Sounds by: https://www.zapsplat.com/

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Recommended Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8T_6nVNxF4&list=PLG_x5BjhfE2jDEPPaJyjFKmX5_gv_f543 __________________________________________________________________________________________________

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    ULTIMATE Minecraft Mod Challenge - 1 Life Left! 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Hardest Mod – 1 Life LAST Attempt | Better than Wolves Mob Enhanced’, was uploaded by TdLmc on 2024-03-17 21:19:37. It has garnered 27937 views and 1193 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:32 or 14192 seconds. The Last BTW Video will be from this Stream. We are bringing the most aggressive starting strategies with us in order to try to take this mod down. See rules below 1. The Version will be Better than Wolves CE 2.1.4 (on MC v1.5.2) 2. Addons used will be M.E.A (mob enhancement), Crafting Guide (recipes), and… Read More

  • “BLOCK WAVE GAMER – Terrifying Minecraft Horror Story” #minecraft #shorts

    "BLOCK WAVE GAMER - Terrifying Minecraft Horror Story" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft horror story 🛸 #minecraft #shorts #horrorstory’, was uploaded by Block wave gamer on 2024-03-23 02:30:26. It has garnered 3881 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minecraft minecraft haunted gaming minecraft horror herobrine defused devil minecraft scary minecraft smp ujjwal loggy gamer chapati gamer rawnee herobrine smp gaming hindi techno gamerz monster school minecraft secret mine minecraft dark conjuring craft tecno gamerz minecraft roleplay minecraft story horror minecraft horror story scary funny creepypasta hindi minecraft creepypasta minecraft horror video minecraft horror shorts minecraft scary mysteries minecraft creepypasta… Read More


    🔥INSANE HANUMAN JI PIXEL ART!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘HANUMAN JI PIXEL🎨ART IN MINECRAFT #pixelart #viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:01:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • Mikey TRICKS JJ into BETRAYAL?! | Minecraft Maizen

    Mikey TRICKS JJ into BETRAYAL?! | Minecraft MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Did JJ Became EVIL And HURT Mikey ?! – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Funny Mikey on 2024-03-21 22:33:08. It has garnered 2266 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:39 or 939 seconds. Why Did JJ Became EVIL And HURT Mikey ?! – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg Have a good day! subscribe to the channel and like the video Video Every Day! This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: 12K+ FURNITURE ADDONS for MCPE!Video Information This video, titled ‘12,000+ FURNITURE ADDON items to Minecraft Bedrock Edition!’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-05-28 19:03:49. It has garnered 23884 views and 687 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:52 or 1552 seconds. 12,000+ New furniture decorations in your Minecraft Survival World ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Elemental Ecko’s: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=f8ca8722-bdd4-4b8a-b025-e0420fc8d312 Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=e048b07d-1553-41e7-9728-1cc92a62674f In this video, we explore the ultimate furniture mod for Minecraft Bedrock Edition, featuring over… Read More

  • RedFoxRealms

    RedFoxRealmsBrand new WIP minecraft server Bedrock and java compatible Econonmy, Claims, Trading, Shops, Custom build, Creative build world(WIP), Parkour(WIP), Games(WIP), Kits, Grief prevention, and many many more. Bedrock Players SERVER NAME: RedFox Realms IP: PORT: 26194 Java Players SERVER NAME: RedFox Realms IP: redfoxrealms.apexmc.co Read More

  • Survival SMP – Vanilla

    Welcome to our Genuine SMP Server! If you’re looking for a better survival experience, you’re in the right place. To join our private discord and be part of the fun, please fill out our form here. Hurry, as the server will start soon! Read More

  • Galaxy Network

    Venture into the most epic Minecraft universe! Build, explore and conquer unique worlds with cosmic events and an incredible community. Join us and discover a galaxy of possibilities! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Plant-based propaganda: tree whisperer”

    Minecraft Memes - "Plant-based propaganda: tree whisperer"This meme must have rolled a critical hit with a score of 12! Read More

  • Mine Ops Nerf Fortnite: Battle Blast!

    Mine Ops Nerf Fortnite: Battle Blast! In the world of Nerf Ops, the mission is clear, To take down the Minecraft boss without any fear. Aaron, Mitch, and Kevin, a formidable team, Ready to conquer, fulfill their dream. With guns in hand, they enter the fray, Facing henchmen and obstacles in their way. The boss looms large, a formidable foe, But our heroes are ready, their skills on show. Dodging and weaving, they fight with might, Each move calculated, each shot just right. The medallion is theirs, victory in sight, As they open the loot vault, bathed in the light. The Nerf Ops Squad emerges… Read More

  • MINECRAFT MEME: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God 🔥

    MINECRAFT MEME: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God 🔥 “When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you still call yourself a ‘pro gamer’.” #minecraftfail #minecraftprobs #gamerlife Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Building Possibilities! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival servers and looking for new ideas to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! We have a fantastic recommendation for you. While watching the latest video from Ponycraft on how to build a 4×4 easy survival house in Minecraft, it became clear that the key to a successful Minecraft survival experience is finding the right server to play on. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind Minecraft Server, with the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET, offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re into building structures, exploring new worlds,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Building Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Building Hacks Exploring Creative Builds in Minecraft Bedrock Edition Are you looking to add some unique and creative elements to your Minecraft world in the Bedrock Edition? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into two fascinating constructions that you can incorporate into your gameplay. 1. The Toaster One of the innovative builds you can create in Minecraft Bedrock Edition is a toaster. Imagine having a functional toaster in your virtual world! This build adds a touch of realism to your kitchen setup. To create a toaster, you can use a combination of redstone components and decorative blocks to… Read More


    INSANE FLOATING GARDENS in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Floating Gardens | Ep.14 | Minecraft Oasis SoS’, was uploaded by iHasCupquake Minecraft on 2024-05-29 20:45:00. It has garnered 393 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:44 or 3404 seconds. Welcome to Paradise! Minecraft Oasis REMASTERED. Enjoy your favorite series but better quality! Today we find our very first fossil using the fossil archeology mod! – NEW Merch in my shop! ► http://bit.ly/iHCStore Music Credit ——————————————————— Starlit Everglades “Sparkling Zebras” Read More

Minecraft Let’s Play Ep. 30 – Alchemist Shop Interior Decorating