Minecraft Livestream with Surprise Idiotsnadwhich

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Hey guys it’s me cl hello it’s CL yep mhm GNA just redo that whatever I’m just realizing how scuffed this face looks like uh whatever whatever I’ll fix it later when I can and when I redraw everything again anyways um doing some back rooms junk um so yeah hello hello yep yep yep

Yep so yeah um so this is for a Minecraft base that I have on an SMP and stuff I have all the materials I just um how am I doing today pretty tired actually I I’ve been left to take care of my animals well not really my animals

My parents animals whatever junk so I’ve been like trying to like make sure everything’s happy so just doing that mostly just tired but yeah uh 2023 is coming to an end and yippy I’m ending it off with back rooms junk and another video of Animation junk to let y’all know I have animation

Works that I am going to release later give me a second I’m going to check how loud is my okay thank you 35 is way better I was like why is it so loud and I’m like that’s why it’s loud that’s why yeah but I wanted to like hang out

With you guys so I’m like let’s do something easy I’m not in the mood to do anything intensive today you ever just when you when you do when shocked expression wow crazy out of breath more tired that’s kind of it I should probably be using world at why why are you guys like

This is okay I’m going to have to figure out how to get this to work so I’m going to need to make an extensively large extra part of this area and then have copying whatevers to duplicate frames from it’s F little goofy little funny little goofy funny

Yep yep yep yep so what I have going on here is um stuff some stuff based on Cane pixels and junk so I have the back room’s entrance which is made with diorite and junk because I’m I am very poor in this SMP so like I barely have diamonds

Barely um so basically I want it so where it expands out POV the rooms in the back yeah so what I wanted to do first is expand at least starting from that tree all the way over to at least that tree over there that’s how big I want these back rooms to

Be did you ever try to search up undertale last breath yeah that then my stuff shows up and then I’m like yippe I’m still on the top a little bit like that’s how you know my stuff’s good it’s because some of my junk just appears out of nowhere

And then like the other stuff’s usually like actually good like there is um a really wellmade um one that’s remade well yeah mine’s not on top anymore obviously obv because I freaking got taken down for like some of them the one that had all three phases got taken

Down which is really dumb put a lot of effort into that and scratchers like oh no evil skeleton with blood oh my goodness and I’m like buddy we’ve been making this for years stop taking down that we have made for years it’s been there for like

Forever okay it would be faster if I just where’s my world edit junk okay so it’s like slash give clo structure block structure block there we go thank you okay so now we’re just going to use these okay so we’re going to call this back rooms back rooms oh I can’t use shift

Okay back room one relative position relative position one no five five and boom Oh wait bounding box where is it is there something I need to render no is it just is it broken might be broken thanks to Minecraft’s updates and junk or maybe it’s my render distance what’s

Broken yeah maybe my render distance need to be turned up simulation distance eight come on come on choose it do it oh my God I don’t want to code this in to work at all cuz if I try it’s going to break on me oh there we go save mode there we go

Okay so I’m saving in a direction of X Y and Z so z x is like that so if I change Z okay so starting from here 1 two 3 4 five 1 2 3 for five and it should be expanding out but from the relative position but I don’t see

It that’s dumb I really don’t want to work on it like that though okay there we go and now let’s go and try to use it okay we’re going to just call back room back room one load what do you mean it’s not available it’s loaded right save to write a file

Save oh my God load structure loaded it loaded nothing okay so it’s not detecting anything you’re garbage uh okay what do you usually call forence per second uh frames per second yeah FPS yeah what are you what are you describing I can understand what you’re

Do I am just trying to get the Polish no structure block to basically become commands cheap and easy commands to build what I want cuz like I’m lazy and I don’t want to do it and basically what I want to do is build out the back rooms

Um like it worked before that’s the thing it worked before 1.20 and now it’s broken so might have to do something of Mojang there or maybe I’m just not using them correctly maybe I have command blocks I need to use to get structure whatevers I could try getting hold on I

Can try this hold on okay starting at F3 starting at this exact spot okay of of 198 136 type that in and then starting at 158 – 154 that will be my end point so slash fill this point 198 136 nope NOP why is it down okay why isn’t that working all right I need to figure this why okay from two to what I forgot how

To make this work uh I forgot how to make this work uh that’s fine that’s not this is fine this is fine I can instead of Slash fill I could do slash replace slash replace no no okay slf is my only option that’s great slash fill location location there we go that’s why

Why isn’t that working okay 19 8 136 now it’s working all right don’t know why I had to physically type that in that many times and then I’m going to go and replace that with hey Bales go thank God all right it finally worked all right it worked yay I can now do

This super easy so basically I’m just going to chunk it out so where instead of just physically building it I’m just going to place block here and then just build across cuz remember each area that they enter is got to look different and it’s going to be crazy

Okay so we’re just going to fill this up yep it worked yippe yippe yippe Yipp okay where am I trying to end up okay cool okay and then I can have it end up all the way down here cuz the plan is to try to make the back rooms seem linear unline which is the point and I’m trying to have my base

Somewhere within this within this place I want it to look super crazy also if you realized um if you stand at least like right here you can see this recreates the thumbnail that I used for this video so yeah this is the back room’s image the like the original like looking

Back rooms image yep I deleted holl and I hope my under was saved oh no yeah I don’t see you recovering any of it but like you could possibly try why would they delete it exactly why would they delete that actually now I think about it let’s just reminisce

Let’s like let’s go back a bit let’s let’s go back to the other rooms let’s go back to the other rooms let’s go check it out so what I’ve done here oh yeah I got a different Minecraft skin so it looks way different whatever doesn’t matter um so basically we’re gonna okay nope

Didn’t want a screenshot nope F1 yeah that’s what I want Okay cool so basically I’m just going to go and show you guys this really cool thing we’re going to walk into the back rooms we are now in the back rooms we are now in we are now in the back

Room problem is the back rooms looks like a freaking got strip bear of all of its like wallpaper and just looks weird doesn’t even look like carpet doesn’t even look good while compared to that one cuz like look at this way better so much better back rooms so much better back rooms

Than that back rooms like the heck is this kind of back rooms it’s like oh hey it’s still working over here wait a minute what did I do okay have one to one relative position have Indy load load wall and it’s like setting load what did I even

Do the heck okay yeah that’s when I changed the walls to Sandstone but like I got lazy didn’t want to do that then we got the pool room so I don’t know we got the pool rooms or in a sad attempt to recreate the pool rooms like stuff like this going

On like water columns will go up and down for no reason get random water areas wanted it to look nice but really it’s just a test world that I test things at Hypixel Sky Block stuff so we got our casual rated whatever junk oh yeah I also have the trans right shield and

Also I have literal plot armor which is very funny oh no your friends needed to stop opponent only this armor did something oh no you just equip this and it gives you 80 free hits you can take any damage of any kind of like being smacked around and you won’t

Die like hold on game mode s on on game oh I forgot I’m dying give me a second game mode C let me where’s the arrow I had an arrow that gave me infinite healing now that stop that oh yes the Undead Undead solution yep let me just get a bow to shoot

Myself there we go instant Health yeah just try to shoot me I only have 70 more hits and this instantly kills you cuz it’s a healing potion yep there we go there we go there we go y yep I have 65 hits oh no my time machine my time

Machine no my time machine owie oh I’m stepping in berries oh no my time machine oh no I could just hand this to like one of you guys will be really funny yeah yeah yep hilarious wait does this give me strength of any kind I don’t remember yeah I didn’t okay I

Didn’t give myself strength the million or anything World devour yeah I forgot yeah that’s the thing World eater World eater golden carrot smoss what else did I get myself I had a lot of other junk I remember giving myself it’s like crazy yep oh no 28 oh no 26 oh it’s it’s

Going oh no oh no my infinite health oh no oh no my my my strength I feel it leaving me oh no oh no um me dying I guess anyways I’m going to hit myself a murder drone Nite so I want to see how much damage this does oh

My goodness I lived I lived but luckily I will die because instant damage instant health will counteract each other oh yeah I should probably potion cuz like I have in instant health and instant death for like going on forever within my bloodstream so I’d probably get rid of that with

Milk oh wait no I can go pull out my uh 64 buckets of milk uh hold on let me just go and get my 64 buckets of milk real quick here we go here my 64 buckets of milk helped with that situation that’s that’s this is

Normal yeah yeah I have no idea what to do to just to let you know I have no idea what I’m doing I’m just here to hang out about some bunch of junk um yeah like I don’t know what I’m doing that’s pretty much the premise of what I’m

Doing today I don’t know what I’m doing that’s all you guys need to know someone once said this in don’t take the pills don’t take the pills what what pills crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats it’s

Crazy now I’m just gonna have to wait until someone continues it all right we’re just gonna start this here so our F3 position is 21 anys I’m hoping hopefully things going well and everyone else is in yep it’ be would be fun to know anys okay slash fill location current

-21 8 why is it negative 124 Boop oh right I keep forgetting it needs to know location first okay okay slash fill current biome then I need to hit – 21 8 124 hey Bales thank you perfect now we have a nice flat area to work

With and now we can get this working finally hey CL uh oh oh that’s up instantly that’s not supposed to happen all right hey chlo you just wanted to hang and chill with us while you build yeah pretty much um like I do want to like try to at

Least play with some of you guys like messing around oh yeah I still have this overly broken item yeah if you want to look at that description you don’t want to be at the wrong end of this weapon 9999 the Char knife item the pocket watch yep the really cringe Apple that I

Made one day when I was really tired the fireball spell if I want to use that lightning spell lightning spell Lightning Spell oh yeah right oh it’s everything’s on fire uhoh I lightning spells burning everything uhoh uhoh uhoh everything’s everything’s on fire uhoh uhoh lightning spell did problems uh-oh bad lightning spell

Bad everything was on fire yeah basically basically Char gets control yeah and then there’s trans rights and then there’s trans rights legal Edition cuz the trans right Shield supposed to give you like a bunch of armor for just holding it which makes it really funny when you try to get hit by

Somebody um the bucket is also a broken item to hold literally just hold it in your offhand or on you game mode s and watch happens to all your health and junk oh yeah right got to get rid of plot armor yeah you get rid of that and now

You have pretty much unlocked um one hit mode you are now only able to get hit once you are now basically a juggernaut uh you just hold this in your off hand and you just do whatever you want um doesn’t matter what you’re getting smacked around with uh you get hit a few

Times um and this bucket gives you like a bunch of damage um like resistance against anything really fun really fun yeah pretty much your sand yeah and it takes forever to kill you um basically you eat one golden carry it and it will allow you to survive for another 50

Years um unless someone um like example Shard uh decides to delete all of your inventory like multiple times while they’re playing God um yeah just don’t count on yourself being able to live that long um I lived a good I don’t know how long during a stream just picking up the

Stanley Parable bucket m multiple times as he dropped me in lava and got me mauled by monsters just show how damage resistance I am I’m going to fall off this area here fighting all these things look at this I am invulnerable to most of these things I am invulnerable to most of

These things look at this look at this just the worms beneath me worms beneath me that’s why oh never mind I am dead I was like I am God and then all a sudden I’m like oh never mind I got to really clean up under there it’s fine it’s fine though yep I’m

Just go the other way game mod creative if I need to get some junk out of there need put that on the ground uh you got a question yeah sure I’m just going to get an ender pearl because it’s faster yep I’m Invincible to dies one second later yeah no worry I’m just

Going to throw a bunch of liquid paint on everything or something oh wait no I got toxic mist or IRC the IRC potions might help actually okay so if I there some IRC instant recovery that should kill some of these things no we’re just going to add a normal amount of

Medicine add some medicine to keep make sure that our mobs are well handled as you can see there some of them are just straight up dead because that’s what the potion does as you can see my magic wand turns things to corpses as you can see that’s what a

Knife is a knife turns things into corpses have you ever tried getting a game for free even though you’re supposed to buy like APK I have no idea what that is uh I’ve heard of it before but I don’t exactly know APK is don’t exactly know skeleton technoblade oh yeah right

I still have my texture packs technoblade whatever go toxic Mist okay I’m not affected by anything right yeah the second you’re hit with one of these you’re kind of destined to die or be really annoyed by it actually you know what I should just rocket launcher give me my murder

Nanites and there we go better die all of you death death death death death death Death oh yeah right you can’t even shoot shoot them yeah you’re not allowed to shoot them crazy crazy I was crazy once locked me in a room rubber room rubber room rats crazy I was crazy

Once dang it they’re still affected by the IRC die thank you you’re perpetually healing just die thank you to like mix some medicines to like figure out which which is the cure can here just get cured get cured and die we need to shoot you what is the

Problem I’m going on scratch right now okay oh my goodness I have no idea what I’m doing I just have overly broken items and I’m just trying to make a base so I can do this for this SMP and yes this map will be accurate to

The one I will be doing in the S SMP if you do want to use this as a map uh for any random people um ex example Tim if Tim wants to do it because like I don’t know if they want to freaking use this map or something whatever doesn’t matter

They can use it I don’t care so basically go this way or something this way I want it so where we have I don’t know have something like right here I want some floor discrepancies where the floor adjusts upwards for like a section or some some

Areas so I’ll have this area maybe have a floor discrepancy so I’ll have this be like a straight up weird section yep and then I’ll have some pumpkins in here so of course it like lights up or something I have to like use torches for now cuz I have no pumpkins in actual

Ingame but it’s the best light source I have that’s cheap as heck so we’re just going to make those so I want to make a floor change discrepancy in the ground so basically that way and then and have it where this area goes all the way down so oh no it changed the

Floor they changed the floor over here no that’s fine okay that’s fine all right what should I add to my stuff okay um yeah I’ll review uh once I’m done trying to figure out what I need for back rooms I’m just going to have it be more casual

Back rooms where it’s just like yes this is the back rooms like this yeah so the ground just gives up and just says yeah this is the back rooms yep like that mhm so pretty much I this is like section one I’m going to have multiple sections of my base be sectioned around

Linal spaces not just the back rooms because I’m gonna call this place the complex like Kane pixels the complex or something which is actually what the back rooms is like for his series is called not the back rooms um yeah I’m going to have it where it’s like

That so I’m going to have it where it does this you see how far I want to take it so you can go left and meet this area okay waiting for my dad to leave so I can so I can do call things okay that’s

Fair to be honest I I’m going to guess that um a lot of people like Shard and stuff are just like completely unavailable right now so I’m just going to assume that and he’s probably in V uh VR chat right now cuz like last time I’ve I’ve like

Heard of him he’s just like I’ve been R chat I did cool things and I’m like neat I’m going to go and give myself God potion real quick so I can actually one maybe c yeah there we go and then also one hit enemies there we go

Perfect now I can Vision I can see so I can see my mistakes that I’ve done with the back rooms before which is good Sands okay that was just Sands yeah pretty much you one hit him and he crumpled like Sands yeah you punch him in the stomach he crumples to the ground

Yeah so I’m going to have some grounds do some stuff okay so I think I’ll start the area that does this basically it’s going to have areas like that then have this yeah I’m going to start having corridors like that oh it’s raining nice luckily my texture pack makes it actually look good

Yippee Enderman just walking by just going oh my God okay okay well let we go and there we go oh my goodness another junk I might try to stream tomorrow because New Year is in junk CU like American New Year’s gonna be passing around sooner or later now one’s going

To be like oh my goodness New Year’s in junk yippee and I’m going to be like yep okay so I’m G to have this be the weird Archway section which is going to stretch out for most of this area so that’s going to be a section over here is going to be some

Discrepancies some weird junk that’s going to happen like over here I’ll have a extremely large entryway like this that will lead out and Branch out to having a really small door so we’re going to next be going like five 4 like shush shush my voice is not like that I’m not that

Tired I’m not that tired your girl is not that Eep like shush anyways um I’m planning on trying to have video out soon that’s all I can say I am planning on having video out soon that’s kind of all I can say about that here is going to end what

Now um do stuff I guess just do as much as you can to get interesting interesting junk to happen death anyways um just gonna build up with here and then I’m going to have to get some bamboo blocks to like stand up okay stand here to stand here okay slash

Fill or need game mode three here 21 12 143 slash fill Boop Okay negative no 21 12ga 143 and then we go and replace it with bamboo Bamboo like stripped bamboo but I can’t find it okay stairs lighting stairs trap doors wall hanging sign potted bamboo strip bamboo block yeah there we

Go there we go let’s go there we go there we go very unnatural just how I like it okay so that’s what I’m going to have going on here just completely impassible like you’ll just walk up to here and just go like oh I can see under there

But just like I can’t get under there it’s like against the wall just like yep that’s the wall all right so I’m just going to have a wall made of that I mean a wall made of that I’m going to just have it where it’s like

This so far I have this front section basically built out so I have it where it’s like okay so yeah it’s not on I don’t think it’s on the third Block it’s like about here this is as far as I built out so far it’s not that far how I

Don’t have this wall this wall barely extends out at all this one’s like this way but yeah at least this is starting to look more strange now this is good okay so we got I want more weird elevating walls cuz the walls are less elevated and junk look weird and that means they’re

Better for being weird all right gonna have those be there be there I just need to go and designate this entire area to having something CU I want to have disjoint sections so they have weird going on where is it going on here let’s see here

My brain is tired I’m going to guess that I swore did I swear and it was audible or cuz I bet I swore and it was audible what kerosene I have no idea what that is I’m fixing my own your game yay yippe me go play okay

Okay if I had enough energy maybe undertale yellow tomorrow because for now I’m just trying to do some plans and junk because I don’t want to waste times making random junk not on camera or something uh anyone want to discuss D and D or something CU like I got some random

Ideas flying around cuz that would be cool oh boy that’s not supposed to be like that nice all right so we all right and then the Enderman are like uh oh actually I have a few Endermen just walking around my base so I’m not that surprised that they’re just

There I really love that I just changeed the texture of it so it looks better just looks way nicer everything’s dead it makes it way easier for me all right okay I should turn off mob drop slash game mode game rule uh um mob drops what okay drowning damage okay limited crafts ttles

Whatever okay what okay so item Decay um do mob loot mob loot is now false so if I go and try to kill a mob it won’t drop anything will it good it doesn’t drop anything yippe all right cool that’s amazing that means I can get rid of them

And they won’t cause me an issue okay so that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good okay what I want this to do is expand out to a bunch of weirder room so this area is going to have an extended area making it loop around a

Bit okay so I’m going to have it have this weird pillar in the center the back rooms pillar that’s usually in one of these videos Lial is heck pillar linal we’re going to have it get Lial come on just do what I want please h fine leave it be

Stubborn or I could just do this which is just way easier I guess I could try to get this to work or not never mind I did I did get it to work nice you know what screw it I’ll just make all this down looks a little weirder now but like sort of

Works it always looks like that it always did okay so where else am I going to change some detail over here and then after a while I’ll probably go and make some art for um there’s some video that I need to release later that’s going to need a

Thumbnail so I’m going to have to make a video thumbnail for that as well not every stream I do is going to be the most exciting thing on the planet but like hey at least it’s something cuz like I’m trying to at least stream once a week or something

Like it’s not the most exciting but you know okay there be treasure yippee y okay so this small joint section is going to just be left like this so just going to leave it like that just to let you know the only reason it’s this small because I’m going

To have to sculpt out this entire section and then build it myself that’s why I’m not working working with it too too much so my brain would be like oh my God it’s a lot of work that I don’t want to do boom just gonna have to keep building like this because it’s

Faster there we go I’m going to fix some attacks on my under follow you okay well hopefully it goes well for you oh my god guys SPID there spider in the back rooms spider dead in the back rooms that’s why yeah spider dead in the back rooms yeah I don’t think I’ll make

A roof cuz I know the idea already so I don’t need to do anything about that all right um what else I guess I could make the ceiling taller now that I think about it just to give it more Lial of a feeling I can make it more Lial this

Way yeah I could just I sanded somebody now they’re dead yep and I could put a corner whatever piece in the corner so it looks more out of place and placed it without Rand at random because I’m deciding to make stuff at random cuz if I assume it’s

Like a little too repetitive I’ll just change it to be less repetitive disjoint walls have this and that various calling actions uh sure actually isn’t there the new um I forgot where is it the under Delta traveler yeah Delta traveler’s like version of underfell Sands which is the

Or going to currently it’s this is the image uh I’m going to get out my headss in okay cool this is what my area currently looks like so far um but yeah after that yep actually you know what don’t even allow what OBS reconnected okay why are

You giving me heart attacks OBS this is not your job your job is not to give me a heart attack it’s to go and make sure that this game works guys like game working unsuccessfully I’m like what okay so over here is just going to be this random destroy section yeah my

Base is pretty much just going to be the back rooms I like Lial um so basically this is what happens someone’s going to try to kill me or something I just run into the back rooms you know I just open up the cane pixels portal and it just

Goes and it opens up and you just run through the back rooms and uh pretty much just try to get lost uh in the back rooms okay let me just get some bamboo whatever junk so I can so you’re going to decide to go through the crawl space level five level

Six level seven and not not all to L to name like the sub levels of of course that’s in the Fanon which is the level negative 1 negative negative2 leg level neg3 level ne4 level neg 5 level ne6 level exclamation mark level negative exclamation mark

Um and then we have all the other all the other junk for like different other Su levels of those Su levels which go even deeper like if you want me to name every single one well that’s what you’re going to get you’re going to get every

Single one even the sub levels oh and don’t even be counting on the joke ones too cuz like the joke ones too are like extremely funny we got the moai rooms which is literally just level zero but except has a bunch of moai heads sitting everywhere then we got like ones with

Like Among Us like in the back rooms of course cuz freaking Lial got destroyed by freaking kids content and then bing bada boom now we have like reir kids content plus back rooms because it’s like it’s more focused on the kids content which is like the best part about back rooms is

Just like how toned down everything is problem is hold on wouldn’t every Au just be alternative thailands because alternative TL are just having differently no no no Aus are just like alternative universes are completely different timelines and adjusted universes or like like slight alterations those are like slight manipulated timelines like after

Tail and junk or dust tail it’s like those aren’t like technically Aus those are technically um a set of uh slight alteration junk I like it’s kind of like what xtail like did xtail did yes English so where xtale says like oh you can’t have certain areas like

This or this because they have other junk like this that exists um so which is really cool well if there’s an alternative Universe with like slight alteration right it’s a slight alteration not a massive jump would it technically count like yes and no yeah it would technically count

Actually yeah now I think about it I just remembered like the freaking spiderverse exists and I remembered that movie and being like Oh yeah those alterations they count the slightest of things and I’m like oh yeah right those exist yeah it’s alterations yeah hold on let me get a

Ladder no that isn’t a level that isn’t a level you’re talking about level run if you’re talking about that you’re talking about level run which is just a hospital Hall and it’s just running down a hospital H and then luckily they renewed it so it’s different now where it’s

Instead where it’s just a bunch of Bones and like melting carcasses on the ground because they ran out of food and like developed on eating each other and junk because like they ran out of food cuz it’s just like if it’s really rare to run into that level canonically they

Should have just starved and died out and got desperate and whoop ddoo they’re Dead whoop DDO they’re dead oh no they’re dead oh no they died as most things happen because they did not get fed you do not feed the back rooms beasts guess what happens to the

Back rooms Beast they die the back rooms Beast just goes and then dies yes goodbye the back rooms Beast you are now 100% the dead in the cold cold cold ground all right and then we’re just going to go and put all the smooth stairs like in this

Direction and then I’ll have a second layer on the opposite side to reconnect on the other side to Loop l alternates yeah that’s a literal joke level if you wonder um wait which one level run no level run isn’t a fake level that’s an actual level joke levels are like able to

Figure out that what was supposed to be made as a joke and what wasn’t I don’t think that one was made as a joke which is unfortunate level run is genuinely level run it’s like unironically made and it’s kind of cringe for it but whatever

Level to end is just is a lie if you already didn’t know that yeah it’s a lie yeah it’s like really really dumb junk there level green Sands oh wait wait wait talking about Green Sands did anyone see the um the MMD uh music video

That um of the um the sand green Sands fight uh cuz green Sands fight got a um yeah they got a uh update I’ve listened to it at least 20 times yeah it’s actually extremely good for an absolute garbage post of like what it it’s what it’s supposed to be

It’s just an alternative green sand and it has like a music like of an anime and it’s just like but why it’s just got like its whole music theme of with green Sands actually made by the person who’s developing the mod and we’re like why why have they done this cuz it’s

Peak yeah that’s fair oh by the way I watched the under vent nice that’s nice okay so hopefully when someone’s like running through this entire thing they don’t try to cheat me out or something on junk I’ll just have it where this area is just like this extremely claustrophobic and linear just section

That just branches out to nothing it’ll seem like a secret or something or like or I could have it be a secret or something where I get cornered or something and I just completely go 180 haha you’ve been juked and tricked or something but it’s an actual just wall

That’s like in the ground and it’s like oh it’s just going to be there yep there it’s just a random corner to run into if you wish to do that I like the idea where ink would just give up yeah pretty much he already has actually he already has canonically

He already does not give a about the Universe um he just says he protects it but he doesn’t actually remember he’s kind of emotionless and he doesn’t understand his emotions very well so he’s just like oh no a bad thing happened and then just like straight up

Just walks away and he’s just like ink ink help me and then like I was just like oh L and then just walks away dang it Place correctly dang it n I’ll leave it doesn’t matter okay there we go it did it yippee all right was this one done as well yeah

It is okay cool it’s like make the tunnel extend farther till like it goes far like they won’t see it so when they run they’ll think they they aren’t in a corner no sure for the joke uh remember I can’t extend it that far because I’m actually currently living

Um underneath something that I can’t describe for if you know this information everyone else on the server will also know this information so no on that a lot so I’ll just extend this out a little bit for the funny um but I’ll get the idea um basically it’s just

Extend out have haha funny it’s a big end like have it be shadows at the end of the wall okay yeah sure yeah I won’t be able to sleep because like this area will literally be inept of me being able to get over here also ink doesn’t understands emotions because he be

What he be me for real for real okay sure sure sure when emotions un aren’t understandable fair so yeah yeah hold on let me just turn time set night okay let me go and get my 64 bucket of milk so I can drink this so if I gave myself a light that

Was okay let me give me second one two three four and then place the two pumpkin that would light up this area because of course I need it to two three four light up light up pumpkins to light up the area have it stray all the way

Down pretty much it’s just like oh you look down and you just see that the problem is like you can kind of tell from like the weird stripped whatever in the back of the room if I had like them pure black or something in the back of there that would

Work yeah black concrete at the back to be extra evil dude I’m not rich I don’t have these materials but sure I guess I can try um black concrete black W even more difficult to get you understand that they kill every mob on that server I can’t pick the stuff

Up like this is like more possible but like you understand that mobs are going to be spawning in this area you know that right I will not be able to sleep because my base is over here I sleep here well actually no like it’ll just spawn monsters into the back rooms that

I don’t want it will blow up the back rooms the back rooms will blow up and not in the way I want and there’s no way of turning off mobs in Mob griefing on This Server so this area is like a maybe okay I’ll just make it a small

Discrepancy so I’ll just have a bamboo sign that’s just going to be like don’t put anything here make smaller mobs will spawn here mobs will spawn and your base will be gone Boop isn’t there a device like a redstone Contraption you can use to get

Mods no there is not here we are you are you gaze up and look back down as you try as the sun in the dark demise falls upon you your worst to play your dirt be a thousand steps over a million steps ahead wow crazy the biggest speed speech

To ever be speech in speeching to ever be speech to ever be speechi okay so I’m going to have this where it extends out in this direction so I can have it connect up to the next area so this is how you get to the next

Area I’m just going to have it do this just going to have it connect up actually know what I’ll just straight up just build out like this it’s the great song lyrics yep okay I doubt you will have enough hay I have enough hay I have enough hay just

To let you know as long as I build the farm at least two more layers I could possibly have it grow enough to the point where I will break it on one side of the end of the map and then by the time I return it will all grow back

That’s that’s how far I’m willing to go with the amount of hay that I have you not understand the amount of hay that I currently have like actually I could get on the server and I could straight up just like hopefully not get banned for that you have an addiction no

No no I have no I have no Lial addiction I’m not I’m not that lional I swear doc I’m not that lional I swear doc I swear I’m not that Lial I swear there’s nothing there’s nothing back with my rooms y okay slash fill area

81 8 173 hey Bales boom done cool neat we have another section of junk set up oh you can do a really good fiz aoli impression no actually here I already heard your voice before and I bet you could because I know your voice is good um so

Okay yeah okay so this area over here is just going to be the nonsense section never run to the right unless you’re willing to get literally lost in the back rooms so you will just straight up be like oh guys guys where am I guys

Guys where guys I wonder where I am guys guys I I wonder I wonder where I am guys it’s crazy crazy guys I wonder where we are I wonder I wonder where we are guys guys I wonder orign I’m ready okay so like call time or right or ignore me okay okay yeah

Hold on let me give a second uh hold on let me F1 I’ll go in um yo I send you the impression hey this isn’t McDonald’s okay yeah sure all right I’m G to go and uh go into Discord so I can go on see if

Oh wait hold on how is um okay how’s this going to work um racist dust dust no okay okay okay we’re going to hear some bits we’re going to hear some good bits just give me a second just let me open up a few things to actually get this

Working and my computer to stop having a heart attack real quick whoa they say I can do a pretty good fality voice but hey this isn’t that bad God dang okay all right okay okay I’m going to continue continue the clip okay going to continue the clip l l everybody sing along with

The lul band ugly children yeah that’s really good yeah I say that’s really good yep that’s actually really good yep hold on let me just move this around so I can actually get my stuff together um oh oh oops a wrong person well that’s funny okay he’s like he sent the the

Racist dust thing to the wrong person that’s that’s hilarious all right that’s funny all right but anyways that’s amazing that’s really good all right just gonna I’m mean the air ducts of the back rooms the rooms of the back yep Lulu lands yep I’m in the

Rooms now he sound like MOX on dope no no no no we don’t not need to see that image we do not need to have that image in our brains no noo okay and let me just boop boop boop literally forgot we were forgot we were going to call

Uh yeah I don’t know if we’re okay if Shard wants to like I don’t know like I don’t think we’re you’re connected to anything with Shard yeah I don’t know we can all connect or something but like yeah oh you’re not going to call okay okay so I guess like

U sandwich can just be in call then because I was like wondering if you guys wanted to like 100% that not this time stream okay all right I’m GNA go and uh jump in a call with uh sandwich you won’t get to hear my beautiful very hurt voice oh okay yeah

Well hope you had arrogant real okay okay he um let just oh it’s time for the I forgot what I was going to say anyways I have no idea what you’re gonna say next but okay I win I don’t know what I want I just win in general okay voice crack never happen

Forget it ever existed I didn’t even hear it happen good oh no oh no oh yeah I did I already wait no I yeah yeah actually wait wait what was I say what was I talking about no idea you you just said something about like making an entrance and then you just and

Then you were trailed off and you were like wait making an entrance I dust trust phase three yeah yeah yeah sandwich sounds really chill yeah he’s also extremely quiet I have I have him set up on 200% on Discord his his phone is so

Quiet my voice is so good you had to put it up twice as loud so you could hear it more because voice I I don’t know your your voice is is so was so magnificent that to the point where I had to like like increase it for that rich quality

Real I’m gonna swear a word say Okay Shard he’s like just not in chat he not in chat Shard don’t do it don’t do it CH don’t do it I am going to produce profanity with my vocal cord no no no no no it’s kind of it’s just kind of cold in

General this isn’t General this is stream exactly it’s not like my room is any any warmer arm had a bit of a spasm for some reason that was weird anyways oh that’s that’s probably not a spasm that’s just called a cold chill that’s probably running down like your freaking neck we because you’re

Cold like happens when you’re cold if you’re cold you’re cold anyways dang the Bell s by an under TR was like I mean not under oh my God under traveler under Traveler shut up anyways I got to used to saying undertale cuz I was because I was being extremely autistic about undertale

Yellow earlier so I just said under traveler but Delta traveler fell satisfied it’s really fun yeah that’s true I have to say yeah like for a moment there it really did look like it was just going to be like a yes it’s another Sans fight fan

Game well at least they added like a dash yeah like oh dang this is oh dang not another oh my God this is Celeste never mind this is peak and it’s like exactly like they make you jump platforms and stuff wait do they even tell you that you can Dash or do you

Just or they just not tell you they like when you’re like about a couple attacks into the fight they tell you oh okay it’s like a it’s like you know it’s the aoba fight but like f Sands oh okay it’s just fand s Coba fight

Nice he like I will kick your doors in but except I’ll reput the hinges back on like that one murder drones moment where they freaking like kick down the doors to like hide in the cabin and they just put the the hinges back on the door I just remember that one I just

Remember that one clip from the second episode where where and just comes up and he’s like he just gives like the doorman an apology letter and he’s just all right well don’t do it again you go exactly it’s just like oh you murdered my friends and family oh I can know I

Can forgive you and it’s like you’re adorable being you just like and then everyone in the audience just like it’s like oh you committed Mass genocide oh we forgive you undertale moment that is like you show like the smallest amount of kindness and they’re like we forgive you for

Real Jesus Christ I’m shaking so bad he’s like you sure you don’t need water or something or I literally just drank water you might be just freezing I’m not even cold anymore I’m just shaking you’re you’re just a bit shaky you’re just a just a little shaky achy no bro shake the Quakes

H I have no idea what I’m doing all all right oh what Char after doing countless genocide run I want to change one time and gets forgiven by everyone except Sans Sans is like the most common person to just like deny not forgive them and everyone else is just weird for

Being like we forgive you and they’re like s’s just like the you doing and they’re like they killed my brother and they’re like but we forgive you bro who do you think that is bro they literally killed you what is wrong with you like it’s just like they kill all

Their friends and family except them and they’re like oh wow you want to make amends yeah let’s do that and then immediately like they’re all everyone in the underground just like has like a side eye to like look at them with it’s just like looking at them weird for like

You killed my friends and family but we can’t say anything about it or else you go on a rampage again just lit literally you killed every you killed everybody in the underground but you Spar but you Spar some Vulcans can’t even be evil right don’t do it again you C you

Clutch oh whoops I slipped and I slipped into 55 other monsters in my path oh no oh whoopsie me don’t do it again get do I love the word dos it like s just stares Char in the eye and slowly nods no that’ be funny there’s just like

Freaking like oh wait no that’s just the comic that’s the freaking undertale comics in junk where it’s just like Sans and Char like alive and just like you know it’s the fan and Char so like the fan and Char is like the evil one and frisk is just the nice one it’s Like it’s like I love the actual canonical Comics which actually have it wor foris cuz it’s just little less more of a peaceful person like example like a thought the movie or something freaking the thought or something I freaking forgot um basically where Sans has an idea to basically

Steal all the human souls and junk yeah that’s the thought yeah basically Sans does that and then Frisk like plays out of character for like how the Fanon wants to think and just like beat him up a little and they’re like whoa fris getting violent and they’re like that’s so

Unlike them and they’re like okay just until they plead for Mercy at least I find it how I find it how the PF run Clover is just like the tinest bit autistic and then in the genocide run Clover’s emo Clover’s just emo like just

He just came out of black like no no you just go out a Hot Topic my brain is trying to think of 50 different things at the same time it’s like it’s like difficult if I say like 20 different things before I land on what I

Mean bro play the Bro play the so like the the Shadow the Hedgehog 06 game and then was like I want to be just like that and got a gun and just jumped into the underground yeah and it’s like I want to avenge all those all those who have

Fallen he’s like watched like 10 animes real for real he watched 10 anime and like 12 like um like cartoons about gunslinging they for real say something all right I’m on some Cowboy [ __ ] let’s do oh wait I’m a cowboy baby I just remembered this one highlight of my stream just we’re rooted

We’re toed and we’re down for a good time it sounds like someone who would say like with like a beer in their hands with complete confidence and I said that because I shot cobus mask and just imagine someone like I don’t know someone in the Irish accent going we’re rooting we’re shooting but

We’re going to have a great time I love murder it’s my favorite time of the week oh boy it’s my favorite time of the week grabs their like weapons from the shed or something grabs their like murder weapons from the shed like oh boy my favorite time oh boy I go a

Killing I love murder it’s it’s so great it’s so fun to do oh yeah under player yeah under player I completely forgot yeah under player like that existed yeah oh yeah but the plot never went anywhere yeah was kind of weird actually I didn’t really enjoy the plot didn’t go

Anywhere what was there to enjoy like you know it’s bad when cringy little cringy little like 12-year-old me didn’t even like it and I used to like unironically watch the [ __ ] undertale Goa video so like it’s like yeah that’s fair it’s like sometimes like I get that

Bored but you know like when there I feel there’s nothing to watch so I just rewatch The Old with that plastered on top of it I don’t really care what the characters have to say too much it’s just like ah yes I want to rewatch the content but someone’s there to

Definitely watch it with me 100% that is so real it’s just like it’s like when you don’t have friends to play like to like watch stuff with so you just go and get the fake stuff to watch it with you just all right let me get a

Cardboard cut out of like a I don’t know you get Papyrus paper cut out and he just he’s just there and and you have your like phone behind him and he’s like like that he’s taped to and then you just have it play all the pre-recorded s like Papyrus sound effects

I just imagine someone pulling out like a a cardboard cut out of soroba and just parrying with it like they just whip it out and then it’s just this little cardboard Coba and it’s like badly done like a child and it just like completely blocks like a knife

Attack like real it’s like Coba is pure spite has traveled into this cardboard box of a being and is stronger than your than your very serious weapon that you have decided to bring with you Cobo is literally just a knock like the Coba is just a wish.com to boss yeah

Pretty much words yeah to be honest she kind of is is like she is technically a too boss oh yeah where Canon messageer hotland has Papyrus with his cut out of himself that has muscles and junk oh wait no isn’t that Snowden like Snowden where you fall down that one

Area and you have the statues s in like the first five minutes of Delta of the Delta sand animation be like no I’d Win For Real hold hold wait no go to screenshots come on I need to find it wait you actually screenshotted this junk wait I’m just hearing heavy breathing

And it’s just it’s concerning me I’m TR the hold in my [ __ ] lap wait oh oh oh I forgot oh oh I’m going have to you for that what are you going to do like shoot me to death a slap on the wrist like politicians yay it’s not murder and it’s

Like you may or may not have con caused an Insurrection at the White House but we can’t technically put you in jail yet until we get further evidence to do so so therefore we’re just going to have to give you a good old slap on the wrist

All right where’s my keyboard I’m gonna play some fan games I got I got pain killer blasting in the background like I’m I’m living the life right now I’m living the liino I I’m going to one left so hard uh oh uh oh I’ve turned back stream time oh no okay it’s

Back what is that okay just going to pretend I didn’t hear someone walking Halls what were the best undertale Comics um H that’s going to be I would say a thought was like one of the one of the better ones I would say like I lik hand plates A Lot H oh

Yeah hand plates one of the best yes one of the best hand plates I got to see like all 157 like voice acted episodes from that yo that’s that’s pretty NE like if you rewatched it twice you are an undertale fan that just sounds like autism it’s like that’s just me but it

Just sounds that just sounds extremely autistic I think it’s just typer fixations but it’s fine CH POV CH does not have knif oh no hyper like like hyper dust oh my God hyper dust it is me Hyper dust dust I going to commit the crime oh my neck cracked hard I don’t

Know if that’s a good thing or not um I guess some the something new Comics are like something okayish I guess I never those like undertale something new Comics basically Sans and Cara just mess around around in junk where Sans is like all apprehensive about it at first and he’s like and he’s

Like come on just try a little crime little murder you know it’s just a little bit of you know a little just a little fun you’re not even doing anything I want to have some fun come on I’ll be I’ll be your best friend come

On and then he’s just like straight up S it’s like no you psycho killer and then immediately it’s just like after this like kills him again it’s like that’s the 357 time said no to me Sans just I I hate you just actually wait hold on why you like Gremlin

Laughing because I finally get to use this I finally get to use this what is this it’s nihilism Chara the peak ISM oh yes the peak of nihilism char actually that’s fair nihilism CH is very Peak yeah you get it yeah I was like oh yeah did you see the

New uh video for that um yeah that’s where I got that from yeah I got a lot of new new things from that she whiz that is loud okay oh there is a game on game Dr that actually kind of takes something new but changes it to be very different

So you mean something different no it’s still something new something new to something different wow crazy fan game finally something New oh never mind I jinxed it oh I jinxed it really bad no why I hate you I hate you Sam buber Bale Sam under Bale oh it’s like oh wait what I remember I made an au timeline where it was all broken up that Frisk was taken over by

Char at the end of pacifist route to come to universe that Char and Sans were friends oh God I just I don’t know why but [ __ ] I’m mashing together three different alternative universes so we have detour or we have interrupted uh comic with like different kind of things

Interpretations going on so we have um a Frisk that’s been completely taken over by charara that was over the mercy button um and then we have um a Frisk that’s going to fight sanss gets swapped in places pretty much pretty much a pacifist route ending of with uh something

Else so there was kind of like that I’m so mad because there is there is literally zero narrow I guess aftertale sort of I guess that sort of counts but except it still has fan and chro which fan and chy does a lot of murder so uh I don’t think that would

Count yeah I do really like I like the cover art for like one of the last chapters though it was yeah aftertale was really nice um like their ending was like pretty neat as well problem is just kind of wish there was more instead of

Just like I got free and then it’s just like yippe they’re free it’s like the gaster thing like gaster had to get fully acclimated back into his like his garbage cuz he’s like wait I don’t know reality just literally this was my reaction to the finale there is no way

It cannot be that easy exactly and he was like buddy it was that easy and he’s like bruh and then he’s just like the entire time and he’s not going to like sit down and like be like oh my God it was a pie the entire time the solution

And he’s just like oh that’s a movie that sounds nice and then like I imagine like he has like mental breakdowns in junk and the old crew is to come together for him like every once in a while cuz he’s like still remembers like being stuck in a freaking void for how

Long cuz remember he’s basically locked in like the white rooms for like um like insanity people in white space oh hell no what I’m trying to say is that he’s been locked in a room that’s basically entirely white or like like from the freaking um insane asylum junk so pretty

Much the guy is going insane for multiple things I’m going to I might have to put you in a for that one it’s like I love Yeah writing is good it’s fun problem is it’s just can you make good writing that’s the problem that’s why I whenever I try to

Like make characters in junk I want to add story but none of them are good enough to have story ow okay wait what are you talking about I’m talking about Ryan George oh never mind I was just talking about writing or something I said Ryan George the funny

Sketch guy oh I have no idea who that is actually oh my God I might have to put you for that one no yeah I’m gonna put you in a room for that I decided okay so this is if do you mind if I like going to tell you about

The story line oh yeah sure um so it makes it like sans’s lost every battle with the human yeah that’s about right yeah no bro is fighting up against M he like gets a no hit run Sans uhoh Sans gets an uh- oh moment and it’s like actually no isn’t that burst

Tail I can’t tell if that’s like some random anime geek’s like freaking whatever ever dream or something cuz the art style is like very much like someone who would like play gench and impact oh my goodness like unironically play genin impact oh I literally I literally

Couldn’t get into it like I played it for 10 minutes and it never touched it again yeah the game freaking baby gates here so you don’t even get to play for like most of the parts of the game so like that’s what I do you know

Of and also most of the game’s good stuff’s locked behind mro transactions nothing like underage gambling to get you motivated to play the video game oh I finally did that underage gambling never mind I’m like underage gambling what I love underage gambling it’s better than overage gambling it’s better than overage

Gambling that’s because you’re still happy when it happens yeah I get to lose all my money but I don’t know what I don’t know what I’m doing so like it makes it even better I I love getting ADT at a young age yay yippe all because I wanted the

Funny new character of the new Sans doodle character and it’s like it’s like uh senis from the freaking like like weird other bit anyways I accidentally managed to get my dad into one punch what do I do oh uh uh I don’t know what to do about that One he’d be like he’d be like one of the greatest people exop uh yeah I don’t think you tell me like have him have you tell him him about me like ever yeah like as a as a transfem lesbian this is not going to turn out well for

Me for real that’s have headphones on when I dos like I’m technically like gay squared J Square I thought about it this way the homophobe that’s how they see us freaking gay squared all right I got bored of I got bored of one so now I’m doing that one

Bad time like a year and a half ago oh wait isn’t it like the more improved one where it’s like way better Sprites and jum nice wait is there there is a way better one yeah I don’t I think it’s attacks got improved as well you actually just have to be more

Specific now I cannot be more specific okay so I forgot it’s like I forgot the guy’s name uh let me go search up his YouTube channel oh shoot Wait no that’s not the right thing no that’s also not right thing no I freaking yeah my brain freaking

Like hyperfocused to the wrong thing and started clicking through things before accidentally needing to hide the screen first we actually seeing junk bro bro actually just wanted to watch some tow how oh hey laisy got more junk going yay oh it did yippe yeah they got like adorable design junk going

On I mostly just have a bunch of linal junk like like on the side of everything else have like just roll with it on the side with Charlie slimes dang it all my past view views of videos are all back rooms why are they all back rooms I like

The back room I like feeling linal it’s getting Lial in here guys I got to get I got to get Lial with you I’m going to I’m going to li no no ow my face ow D ow I forgot I shave my face and ow O freaking dang that that’s wild

Honestly I could just never I could never experience pain well I’m highly sensitive to this stuff so whatever like I can burn myself all I want but like it freaking hurts I can burn myself but it hurts like more than whatever I have way too many random junks saved in this

Whatever thing I’m just scrolling down to see if I could find any battles of this guy because like he hasn’t posted much good contents for like a while okay hold on I’m going to record like I’m going to record like a bit of so uh for later

Use what do you mean not huh like on your channel I mean like to show you which one it is okay okay so we got oh yeah there like small animators uploading again yippee I love it when that happens luckily I’m subscribed to over 50 of them so I get

To like could see one of them every month least one of them posted I also love underverse though so like yeah that’s true underverse also very good yes especially like oh wait oh wait H like I would say like on my list I would see I would put at least number five in

The best of my top lists for undertale Comics um the ER like not er no what is it freaking where error causes after tail Sands to become extremely glitchy and junk yeah that’s literally just a fatal error comic fatal error yes I love that comic yay I know hit like half of

This never mind you are now screaming you are now dying the heck oh oh my goodness I have too many subscribed to too many thing oh it’s called literally underplay never mind found it yeah I love play this guy is just like a sand with like brown clothing with like a gaster

Eye looking thing and then he has like this big top hat that’s literally the sky and then I don’t know that language the language is a bunch of funny to me might be Russian I forgot where it was there was like he has a lot of sans fight junk that I just

Have like seen lying around yeah I that’s where that’s where I get a lot of my fan games from like just YouTube in general it’s just like oh hey like oh hey what is that no I don’t think I’d be able to do that if I had like seven fingers in Spider Sense

His spider sense I could feel something feel something wrong and then immediately Gast or blaster in your face and you die okay I’m G to have to keep scrolling for a while I’ve hit the one year mark uh and I haven’t seen it yet there’s been too many fan games oh

No at this point I might as well just play the too gun game no no cuz There’s an actual There’s an actual one after something okay okay this is one thing Sans F Sans finally comes in emotionless killer yeah so something new yeah there is no reason for him to agree to the

Deal as he would have no memory of the resets of the Soul things is thinking is it’s knowing also this is just literally just killer yeah exactly after seven rounds of genocide remembers his life before genocides what do suddenly remember after seven he talked jokes and ate food in grilled

These but uh I don’t know why but I think it’s it’s just fan and sand yeah this is a fan and sand yeah like you have to canonically get him to do it that’s the best kind of like ways of having it happen Sans finally decides to resist

Cha yeah this is just something new this is literally just something new like just have it where it’s like basically just gives up pretty much like or something just have it where he suddenly just decides to give up after like Char breaks him down mentally and then have him

Join oh you clicked off stream a oh no oh no why does have a Papyrus encounter video uploaded why is it why is it Roblox and then VR chat no that’s Gmod I’m the tiniest bit stupid to be honest I kind of wish I had VR chat to like mess around with but

Like top five Chris what top five wait like what top five Chris dreamer did I hear you right yes I just read off a title that just says top five green top five Chris dreamer thinking about Sands for some reason it would have been even funni if

It was dream Sands I mean not green yeah Green Sands yeah oh God I don’t like I don’t like dream Sands I don’t like yeah dream Sands is like is just the pure canonical writing device of Good and Evil it’s terrible it’s like the best stories for

Me are just literally just stories that are mysterious that get you intrigued and they don’t have simple plot threads like I would say what anime do and try to like get the guy with all the girls or something freaking doing that this like is absolutely distasteful I hate

It they’re like aha I got all these peoples wow really cool and I’m like wow this just tells me you’re a lonely lonely man and it’s like and you’re sad in real life it’s like that really what it really says about you the woman don’t want you just go for the man

Solution like I don’t know what you’re on about the chaser there’s like a whole all like like the section of like the trans rdit where it’s just like the Chaser or something freaking where it’s like a trans woman that’s straight and stuff so it’s just like freaking having a bunch of

Chasers it’s stupid funny it’s like just freaking everyone just like oh my goodness woman oh my God I’m scared of those’re like ah a woman I’m like going to kill you stabby stabby I to kiss no it just reminds me of this one slim cyle clip or something where he

Freaking like has it where he’s like he’s like a demon or something for this F like funny like whatever video and then basically he’s just like he’s like the person he’s chasing which is crumb and they’re just like he’s like Mr demon I’m scared of like like like whatever freaking emotional whatever

Junk and he’s like me too and then freaking kills her first I don’t know the joke is like way better when you freaking hear the clip yourself but like you know me Landing with a like bunch of bad jokes but it’s fine anyways okay so Char we’re going to

Start a new G Route wow cool so I’m guessing they’re now remembering the route amazing they’re suddenly remember route and doing the funny uh killer Sands thing uh let me guess killer Sands kills Chara steals their soul or banishes them entirely by just straight up murdering them um and then takes over

Their timeline like mid 2023 I just remember that wait what I just I just looked that I just looked in why why do I say Geometry Dash level that it’s called L bottomy God Le bot make Suzie store cocaine what what the go I am just just random Youtube thumbnail titles

Just yeah why is yeah divet your literal um Au is Just Killer it’s just regular killer you’re not deriving from your Source material you’re not deriving from your Source material very well it seems is very on the rails um and very uh coping homework what do you mean one we germa

What does that mean One-Winged germa I guess it’s just like One-Winged Angel with germa theme or something you know like where he just does the screams or junk like for the theme idiot laughing at RB’s ads for almost night he laughs at ads for five years pretty

Much ufs toril event all right the undertale the undertale is real exactly Alli exactly Ali exactly undertale real yes why do I just like remember like the phone scam like animation junk which is just like they’re like oh my goodness undertale real yes it is me the real

Sansa skeleton could you please give me your credit card number with the funny numbers on the back and he was like oh my God undertale real and it’s like yes I have locked out of my account could you please spare me your undertale funny credit card number right

Now and it’s just like it continues going oh my God and it just keeps going things which one of which includes the B game oh so this is not where yeah yeah Sans usually Rebels wall and Snowden so you are deriving a little bit by stopping at

Metaton like but now you’re kind of getting to dust tail territory though where you’re like having Sans stop Midway to join in on the on the fun like by just having him kill on his own it’s like but yeah that’s but the thing is though oh wait

Uh you may continue what you were about to say I’m sorry yeah I just wanted to I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I just I just you know killed the I just killed the robot it was pretty fun U it’s like he’s like reporting to

Like a dead character on the ground and he’s like in the CCR TV Camera just lying on the ground and he’s just like leaning down to like talk to it and he’s just like yo it was really cool and really fun uh alfus you should get in on

This just gets on metaton news like y so I killed the host it was wild it was wild bro it was crazy he had like lights and lightsabers and junk it was really cool and then I stabbed him and then he died it’s so cool and I just imagine he’s going like

So cool so cool and then every single time he say so cool he’s like ending up with different like dust splatters from different characters that he’s just holding a knife that’s proceding getting more Dusty as like the animation goes on if I would if I could TRW would draw

That like if I had the motivation to have Sans just say so cool and then change the background yeah and also if I wasn’t willing to not make posts yeah I I am very much willing I just don’t know how to draw I could literally only draw like Frisk and flowy and I’ve

Done just copy characters and how people draw that’s pretty much like and then learn different techniques that way um cuz I’m mostly self-taught um like the only thing I’ve learned to do is draw dig I like drawing with my I like drawing by hand better honestly it’s fun

Yeah drawing by hand is pretty fun but it’s like you don’t really get to do much with it it’s stuck on the singular page with animation I get to Drew 100 drawings and they make something yeah but I don’t I don’t have the patience needed for an yeah all you

Have to do is draw the singular like looping frame of so cool so cool and then have it where you just change like the knife um with a separate Sprite can preceded make it like drip with more like dust or something to hit the ground and then you just have it maybe where

His hand shakes a bit it’s like just I don’t know how oh like I don’t know how people just make the smoothest animation for free for free for fun even I do that it’s just like that’s the sad part I do that I know okay

Oh I don’t think I could be that anymore so uh’s that’s that’s that’s his excuse that s is excuse to oh I I just I don’t feel like murder anymore I just put down the knife I’m watching myself like just accidentally no hit the the the uh the

Final Phase OFA fight just the first attack just first trying it just like oh okay sure yeah I could probably like no hit it if I wanted to like keep going and torturing myself for that long but like no yeah but I did it just first try like

Actually I didn’t know what it was I just did it yeah didn’t you do it also on stream where you accidentally first tried it and I heard you and you’re like oh my God first try and I’m like what and it’s like no hit no hit and I’m like

Oh that’s not your stream this is my stream oh on your stream ah it like you know hit it like like while we were racing like remember we were both doing genocide route yeah I just literally did it first try it was nice it was nice until the

Incident and then I got and then I got a fun event too yeah and you got a fun event now I know but now I know if you abort genocide in the Steamworks there will be new neutral dialogue so that’s there’s that to keep in mind yeah there’s just always new neutral dialogue

It’s like okay how long did it take for undertale to come out four or five years so technically it took them two extra years to build extra content for the um I would say the new mechanics like running and junk and like getting all the extra little options in there neutral dialogue what

Happened watching this video I sent you oh no oh no oh no I don’t like I don’t like where this is going not the not the not the way the my ter just starts playing for like this the split second wait wait okay I’m going to mute

I’m going to mute chat I’m I’m going to go in I’m going dark uh I’ll be right back no no the way he just flies off the skateboard yeah he just flies off the skateboard and when the chair hits the other guy but oh my God the the one with the

Dust trust pH one that one came that one traumatized me because that attack is actually I hate it like like the way I just I the way I thought it was over and then the music just picked back up and it’s like and freaking oh shoot he’s still

Going just yeah I did it what n reaction and then you’re like wait a minute wait a minute hey yo hey y you’re like hey hey he watch your J watch your watch your exactly precisely watch your jet watch and then like gets obliterated for real for

Real when you get obliterated for real for real okay I have now created the funny floor discrepancy so now when people are like walking around they’re going to be like what the heck is this and then they’re going to just fall down this and this is

Going to be an entrance to one of the three different areas that my base could possibly be at I think I’m getting a little bit too ambitious for one base and it’s starting to look like a mansion so when do I start building the Mansion start of the

B welcome to the underground is actually movie made 12 years ago nice toome how was the fall how the oh yeah did you see like the weird like edit thing where it’s just like where Sans just like all he says is how was the fall the entire time and it’s

Like on different like random speed edits to keep up with the song yeah exactly precisely and then it would like change speed depending on what his line was how was the fall how was the fall how was the fall yeah pretty much it would just keep going like that and it’s

Just like but why the deeper the deeper you fall the Messier you fall blaz dustrust again I’m going to Dust Till I trust what no don’t mind it plue for a split second that just happens sometimes it just happen you accidentally got a boss theme for two

Seconds hey stream listen to this [ __ ] real [Laughter] quick I love this my stupid mic actually does something useful for once being really good at playing music at garbage rates you get you have the funny mic automatically for just how bad your phone speaker

Is that’s not my phone I’m on my wait I oh wait yeah your phone is better oh right I can’t do that cuz Okay just kill me immediately please okay yeah SS no way oh no our table it’s broken sound effect oh wait wait wait a minute wait a minute guys

Guys want anyone want to see a small short film that I made with my with my uh one one of my associates in my class um of another back rooms video where I made it where this where this texture pack comes from if you’re wondering why

I have the back rooms pack plus 18.2 this is the reason why I have that texture pack because a friend of mine gave me that texture pack so we could make a school project thank God they have a Mac computer El i’ never be able to make texture textures because I can’t steal

The MC data from anywhere on my own computer so I just stole the data from him I don’t know guys I think another one bites the dust so basically killer becomes dust trust got it I mean dust Sands this is just dust Sands it’s like neutral dust Sands Sand’s just like I

Need to get more power so I’m sparing you letting you kill metaton this is straight up just like killer this is just this is either straight up killer or dust there is no difference this one real quick like he like he shares with Papyrus like no Papyrus is dead like

They killed Papyrus they ganged on him he freaking died you got like like sanss hit him in the back and he’s like a and then freaking like Char hit him in the front freaking like took out his body and then Sans crushed his skull with his foot those stupid hard like those stupid

Hard tail videos I was watching oh yeah just is like like really weird out of context now dies dies straight up I’m not straight okay just straight up I’m not straight though straight up but not straight actually you want toar the weirdest sanses I’ve ever heard what Lial sanses Lial they’ve gone

Lial I don’t know man I Sans in the back rooms I think omn God sand is a little bit weirder than that yeah that true that also what about level 999 Phase 1 million 2000 something and it’s just like has S as a pile of dust to two googly

Eyes that literally just sounds like average last breath exactly and it’s like where he just doesn’t die and gets a million phases and it’s like oh yes I’m still alive it’s like the like most childish thing ever because they’re like Sans is Invincible he can’t die but like he

Freaking just dies a million times and he’s just like this little pile of dust on the floor he’ll be like a speck of dust and his his boss theme will still be playing it like the most lowest slowest theme ever as he’s like trying to fight you bro Rel sets up finally it’s

Your your fine oh yeah I know and it’s just like this little speck of dust on the ground he’s like the singular Speck and it’s like and like the pixel next to it is like it’s like blue and that’s it it’s like flashing blue and green it it’s just

Like that’s the only sign of Life coming off that creature and then just gter is like bro is you good no like gaster’s like on his phone he’s like texting or something and he’s like I’m done I’m done you can kill him I’m done follower

To like bro you need to see this Blood really thinks he can still fight he’s like let me at him let me at him and I’m like bro stop you actually dead stop like for real you need to know when to quit Okay I’m going to make the house rooms bro I am

Weaving I’m weaving right now how many blankets have you made I hate you that was rhetorical okay oh okay so yeah it becomes it just stops the killer sand thing stops and it becomes um dust yeah we split the banana wow this is this is that that was such a great item

Guys to be honest this community is just everywhere at this point and I have no idea where it stops or begins it’s like the freaking oros cycle we just consume each other’s artwork and we spit out BS and it just like keeps going did it start at undertale though it

Did but like so that’s started and that was the fall owie that was so fruity why did I do that okay we got okay I want to recreate the limal image of the weird Pantry room thing over here I want to have it where it’s like

Blocked off here so it’s like oh you can’t see it and then you turn the corner and all a sudden you’re like oh what the heck is this there’s a man behind the tree would you do you want the egg take the egg real I’ve taken like 10 damage so much

I’m like the forth attack okay I remember where I remember I saw the um um the weird undertale real meme thing it sans’s like basically is getting told by gastra to like do something quickly as the core is going to blow up or something and he’s like oh

My God under te real or something or something I forgot he’s like Gast is just telling him to do something like freaking like like sans’s Morty something and S like Gast like Rick and he’s like oh my goodness we need to go get this thing fixed or

Something and he’s like oh my goodness undertale real something like that in this last Corridor it will be your judgment day you have caused the undergrounds demise and this will be our final showdown laughs laughs in hysterical because like the last Showdown just happened 50 million

Times you didn’t know what I was talking about did you no I did not I was I was making a bunch of references to [ __ ] Roblox undertale oh okay yeah it’s like yeah that’s why I don’t get it it’s Roblox yeah it’s literally the only thing I play on Roblox

Like mostly I just don’t play it because like they don’t support the creators well on there at all you know how much they’re paid like like I would say like a third maybe even a fourth of what fortnite pays for their stuff it’s that bad no they like the

Company takes most of the money for real like the people who you like you’re playing Roblox games for and people creating skins in junk most of their pay goes to the company itself fortnite even pays better it’s that scummy of a company all right let’s do this 38 HP

This music hit different in the back rooms oh [ __ ] I’m dead that’s so w i dieded I love that part though even even if it does give me nightmares I love that part it’s good song what wait what Char picks up a entire bucket of milk wait a minute where is this going

What and and this will help them help them do what why do they have a bucket of milk what do they need that calcium for just you thought you were a strong skeleton I have a strong skeleton of my own you’re like rips off their skin and flesh jumps

Out jumps out to dual jumps out of their literal skin to jeel me you exactly become skeleton all skeletons have to say Scag at least if not they are not a real skeleton if they are not a real skeleton they’re not a no actually that’ be like a weird

Movie or something he like I wish to be a real skeleton it’s like Pinocchio but except like they wish to be dead to me I just described a movie with a depressed kid so it doesn’t matter and then like like just I want to be a skeleton okay your wishes granted

Just kills them just like you are now granted and continu go and then it just and then it just does that for the rest of the 56 minutes oh then she finds a door that she hasn’t seen before and then anything just get so gaster gets

Out of the room yay glitch tail kicks in yay Gast decided to trap them in the funny rooms yippe they’re now stuck in the gaster rooms that reminds me of this that reminds me of this one thing I used to I did where I accidentally cre an

Au like on complete accident I just a Au I can’t tell this is the house that I die in wait choke and then got into it but uh I can explain what it is to you really quick I just realized how large and dedicated I’m starting to get

With this build this is becoming a problem okay are you ignoring me on purpose or like no like I’m sorry my my attention is very small on attention span I’m sorry okay so yes you made an undertale made an undertale Universe yes okay so basically what happens right

Mhm they uh they they try to make the core right right they’re in the process the core but uh like it’s kind of UN stable so they have to shut it down but gter like the little idiot he is decides that you know what no I’m going to still work on it

Anyways despite the fact that it that if it becomes unstable it could literally blow up the entirety of hot land and so he gets to work and then Char’s out exploring like they usually do wait well how did Chara get there if the core is being

Built H they just kind of stumble into to it they’re just kind of roaming around okay so this is aive Char this is aive Char got it yeah cuz they never went through with the plan oh so this is an alternative one where they never went through with the

Plan and stayed with the loving family but they’re still depressed Yeah so basically they’re around like i’ say as is like so they’re just exploring as usual right right ael’s just vibing taking orders from Char yeah they go to the no just Char Char’s oh Char’s just like

Going on their own going like let’s around find out yeah so they stumble into the core think it gets off and then like it goes off yeah it was not off so they get locked in they look for a way out they eventually find gaster and then bro was

And you know bro was kind of just like hey can can you do me a favor just just jump in there real quick no do it jump in there real quick Gast really opened up the white van and said hop in and complet jumps into the core and it like know

What I got powers let’s do it and then it just blows up the core blows up and you want to know what happens gaster’s dead yipp but you know what so you know how they say that gaster got split across time and space yeah I’d imagine that would have happened but the barrier

Stops all magic and that means all magic so instead said pieces of their soul got split across the underground so like the first one would reside in in the spare heart locket that they had just sitting in their wait so is Char still alive or they are they a corpse

Now they’re they’re a charred corpse they’re a charred corpse aha okay but seriously though there burned to a Cris anyways the third piece goes into the first Golden Flower in asor Garden so basically Chara falls into the core instead of gaster and now Chara is

Flowy Char is now F no I don’t think that would work because like you need to have like determination to come back and the only reason azriel was able to come back cuz his determination was injected to the flower giving it a will to live

For one and then for two giving it the essence of azreal pretty much making azreal into flowy but without a soul he couldn’t feel emotions yeah it’s literally just it’s lit yeah but Char has no dust to spread unless you like grind them into a fine powder I don’t think that’s and like

Blow it all over the dust I don’t like all over the flowers I don’t think that’s going to happen I mean I think I think you’re like a third of your soul counts as your essence I don’t know okay so let’s just say like when the core

Explosion went off a third of Charis soul went into a um a flower like it had like it was just like the outside Rim you know of the Soul you know like they do in um like I don’t know let’s just say call of the Void call of the Void or something

Yeah like Call of the Void or something I’m going to commit crime the second the second uh thing goes into into azreal that’s the only reason why he why he didn’t forget who they were because he has their memory still and then the third one goes into uh

Their heart locket which they kind of just left on the drawer it’s just kind of still there um uh divy wants to ask something um yeah yeah I got you don’t like they kind of have to wait for the response because it takes a good how many minutes

Or seconds to like respond with typing but what you just described also kind of reminds me of two different undertale Comics that I have read before it was like something steps or for steps or something whatever I’ve never heard of that in my life I think basically it’s an undertale

Universe where Frisk or something basically has a such a true reset to the point where Chara comes back um to like their first ever reset point or something and then they basically don’t follow the plan um not we are not doing that so pretty much Char is alive azriel’s alive no one’s

Dead all the children that would have died are alive um um uh uh there’s a different gaster gaster’s still dead but there’s a new guy called Victor who’s pretty much gaster um and that’s the person who’s housing Frisk cuz Frisk obviously with determination Lo won’t give them like fresh clothes and

Junk so they’re like the scientist is taking care of Frisk um like Frisk and Char girls basically for some reason I don’t know I guess like writer’s preference so they’re like teenagers pretty much much well fris is still a child cuz you know just fell down anyways the ruins is completely empty so

Uh like that’s a good news was okay so basically uh okay so basically after that right they they they they cry they cry they uh they put the they put the heart locket right in you know where the where you first fall in undertale they put the heart locket there and

Basically how that works is if if someone falls down and their soul is compatible with that half of the soul that piece of char will basically just you okay there’s a comic for that and that’s how that’s how that’s how I will Implement narara into this right uh-huh

And so I I decided that all three of the Soul Parts would be different interpretations of of char all right so like the part azreel has would be the Canon Char you know the one that you know was real the one that resides within flowy uh that’s the Fanon one you

Know the one that’s all genocidal scary and the one that resides in the heart is good old narara which I I I will make literally just niilm so yeah so you’re pretty much just going to have Chara bound to Frisk like with a third of their soul like the sh

Like outer shell basically they’re soulless with like whatever like with a holding a barely part of their soul like just to materialize and be a voice but not to really do anything yeah and then nitar is scared of of the flower of the flowy because like the flowy wants just straight up wants

Lock get of oh what about like that one’s a more like Blank Slate innocent one and then like this Chara basically has done the resets junk that was literally what I was talking about I it was interpr oh yeah yeah okay my unfortunately I was like

Trying to pay attention my brain is also very tired I’m sorry okay so like one one regular pacifist throughout later uh so after the souls disappear FIS kind of just stays underground right to help them get the souls back but that doesn’t happen so they just kind of have to you

Know start they kind of just take the place of undy wait who takes the place of undying wait what Frisk Frisk takes the place of undying so weather reforecast something yeah and then uh and then Papyrus is literally just the right hand Papyrus my right-hand man and it’s like the Alexander Hamilton

Starts playing for the freaking he’s like I need my right H oh my God I can’t I I literally cannot hear the word Alexander like like my best friend after I him what my was callil oh no I’m sorry it’s kind of funny actually well if you want to interpret

It that way but like yeah it’s it’s like yeah sorry if I make that reference and it hurts sorry just just was a funny thought anyways uh so yeah Papyrus finally gets into the Royal C after all this time nice because Frisk is now like running

The royal guard actually wait no wait no matter like what about we have it where um Frisk and undy basically both or whatevering or it’s like und’s too young or something und’s retired oh und’s like straight up retired okay yeah okay yeah she’s old but she still wants to fight

But she got kind of so you’re gonna have like an adult Frisk freaking just like ready to destroy another child but we have to like make them genderless and mysterious one of my friends something for this hold on let me see if I I’m imagining like this really anime-esque

Like looking Frisk that’s like gender neutral so they still have like a sort of fem face but like their body is just completely just generally just unable to be told what the heck they are like skinny as heck but like unable to tell agile is like unable to use like a bunch

Of magical items to like freaking destroy you C all right here it is this is this is what my friend Drew for this oh wait what just look in the chat okay oh yeah uh chat if you’re wondering why oh I’ve been on the BRB screen this

Entire time whoops yeah you have oh my goodness I’m blind oh oh oh what oh are are just just undyed shirt that just says girl kisser yeah I just I just theorized that just after you know afterwards she just kind of wears papyrus’s shirts he just has that yeah just like

She she gets the freak like the bod papus after like 1,000 years of just like grinding away his like bones are like cracking a bit or like they’re like all withy looking but it makes them look 10 times as cool okay so listen so I just I decided that

Something would happen with fris I decided that what fris calls like Papyrus Papa Papyrus like I actually just I just decided that they wouldn’t be able to reset but they uh but they’d be able to use magic instead of resetting oh okay so like they lose their ability to reset

But their determination changed their entire thing yeah NE so I decided that they that they’d live with tooro for a couple months learn Fire magic that just kind of you know Flame Off standing here I so endtale so we got first first steps undertale and other junks mixed

Together yeah and then later except undy old undy went to the beach that makes people old guys I went to the dark world that makes people old and I like what there’s no place that makes people old yeah you got to skip through the rocks and go and go

Through there and then it makes you old they’re like oh there no place that makes you old I say there are no such there are so no such places that make you old and then immediately it’s just like oh yeah I got old and you’re like yeah we told you

So anyways uh back to what I was explaining Yeah so basically after that undy would train them yep for years for years of fine tuning I’m thinking of more of an androgynous look though for like for Frisk though where you can’t really tell their intentions like a

Cloaked figure you know kind of like how undertale red was you know I don’t know I feel like they were I feel like they were n years old children are usually at years old that’s true but I don’t think gender specific would really fit the character

Or something or maybe give him a half Cape or something I don’t know I don’t know I just feel like like I feel like you could give him a cooler design like it feels like it h I did not I know I’m just saying whoever drew the design it feels Half Baked

That because like whenever I draw something usually sometimes it’s Half Baked so like it just fair which is why the pose is like that or like junk remember I’ve have a really high standards for art very high standards for my own art as well so like if I give criticism like

That that’s just because like I like freaking have high standards and I feel like Papyrus would just actually just still wear his battle body he just have he just have a helmet on no actually that would be that’d be interesting like what kind of helmet would it be like the trust like Papyrus

Helmet and junk like like where it gets like the funny voice in junk nuh the like the Royal Papyrus helmet like oh the Royal Papyrus helmet I don’t remember what that looks like but like with cool dud graped on it oh I’m gonna go and jump onto the crown

Re and see if people are going to not swear I’m going to going to make a dangerous move and hopefully like like maybe two people are online don’t die on me don’t die on me okay yeah I’m still recording I I have I have like I have a

Couple ideas for the end for like the end of the genocide R so like it killed everyone first dead bodies just laying on the ground right right and then and then you’re about to kill and then you’re about to kill AEL right like BR

Is ready to BR is ready to squar up but something happens uh he gets organ failure FL decides that it’s time to collect the FL decides that it’s time to collect the souls in the lock time what about like instead of having him becoming a mechanical monster like

He does normally we just have it where it’s like the undertale yellow thing but plus no that’s not what’s happening uh no El a like basically so basically what they proceed to do next is just push a Vine into Asal and rip the soul piece out themselves

Wait okay so oh wait shouldn’t azriel still be alive then I mean no cuz it’s still kind of went with it no but azreel didn’t follow them to the course before the explosion so yeah azriel’s still alive just has the soul piece in him oh so basically Azel gets

Killed okay yeah and then uh it’s kind of just like a death run where you’re just running away from flowey you’re you’re just running yeah I know and you’re running through all the different lands ah Eric corrupted probably because I’m streaming and then you know uh so so

Can’t play the server while streaming got it you reached the end of water you reach the end of waterfall where you fought Frisk and were and were their dead body LS and then and so you know how you know so uh Frisk is still wearing the locket right yep Frisk wearing the

Locket but here’s the thing though since they’re so was compatible with the soul piece there the soul is kind of used and that’s why they can do magic it can’t reset oh wait so if you’re not playing as Frisk are you playing as you’re playing as a totally different person

Oh do you have an idea on who this other person would be or we we were joking about it but then we just actually just decided to make it J like just the M character and is let’s say the 11 the 11 Fallen cuz there’s only seven human souls to

Need to break the barrier there was the eighth and then where did the other two come from and where did they go they were dead they died they just fell down the hole and they died uh no one of them one of them just lived out their lives other one got

Killed by Frisk so uh they’re level three um might as well just reduce the undertale like I no I re reduce the um the population by like a little bit and then the third one uh third one just kind of got third one just kind of slipped and

Fell this the third one slipped on some ice and broke their neck instantly yeah and so uh basically what flry decides to do to get the soul piece since it’s use of their soul is you know just grab grab their emergency Dagger from Dagger from out pocket just oh wait wouldn’t Azel

Have some uh attitude changes for the fact that um their souls like were merge together oh I didn’t that yeah they should have that yeah that’s I like that the only reason I have this information because I watch too much like random random anime junk from like just whatever I’m bored

As hell and there’s nothing to watch but so basically let’s say The Bravery uh Soul Falls first and asor tries to fight The Bravery soul and dies Soul goes up and then and then AEL has to step up his King and then that’s how the All Humans Must Die thing that’s

How that happened oh so basically the charara part of azrial just like said kill them all yeah PR yippe just kind of just kind of got the tiniest bit angry little angry and uh and so azriel is like training nonstop to pretty much like get kills and stuff

Because you know the human grind set you know yeah and then uh Tori kind of just went to the RS cuz the cuz you know her husband got killed so she just decided to go no like what about we have it where it’s just like halfway she just straight up

Dies before the player could even do anything about it like like I don’t know we just that happen something cuzz like they have a lot of the undertale comics have it where it’s like after like an offspring is produced by like the goat family or something like their immortality is

Removed and therefore they can die now yeah I I remember that like oh wait a minute she could die of old age yeah so we could just have her die of old age and have it like a big like twist where she just dies on her own accord before

Your player could even fight her let’s say around like the 50 she just kicks the bucket no cuz she lives past like seven kids they because you can’t change the time they fall died so she didn’t age AEL still yeah but like it wasn’t like a million years before the next one

They can live a long time and they’re like elves from freaking D and D or something they have a long ass like lifespans I love L I love the lore you know I like lore fantasy lore specifically yeah but like let Toro die just let her die let her die just

Like that doesn’t sound wrong at all you do not need toriel in my in my Au no it’s in my Au and then like wow wow yes it would it already is this is like the craziest alterate timeline of all time yeah you might as well start drinking something so it like

Gets even better and you’ll be just like Toby fox or zoon he like you just need to have enough of the drink oh yeah did I forget to mention too is built off a drunk oh that’s great yeah the guy has like a picture where he has like the biggest

Like like glass of beer that he’s just chugging I will do something like it’s so big it’s like a whole Barrel drum that he’s just Downing CL please sorry let me just finish this and then you can talk about that okay okay okay so anyways back to the back to the

Genocide thing so basically since the piece with uh I just decided to you know cut them open oh so they just do a little bit of um surgery uh surgery more like took the took the worn Dagger from out of frisk’s pocket and just kind of cut them open

Like just actually just brutally just okay so they don’t know fomy so they just uh they just like a fish yeah just Frisk how grome would you like to make this scene uh let’s let’s just make like let’s just make it so that you can literally just see their

Insides like really pixelated insides or like realistic insides like Overworld quality insides I wonder how restricted YouTube is going to make this YouTube stream yeah and then they just kind of fish around you know take some stuff out until they reach the soul kind of just put that in there and

Then you know you know and now and then they become the the full Char but wait which body would they possess like no they need a body they got all three of their soul pieces back they’re alive yes but they need a body to possess with the soul you can’t

You like they say you can’t make a body and clothes out of nothing you can put your soul in objects you can just return to the flowey thing it’s like you need to give them a proper body first like does it possess the player like what happens

Like once they put it in just you don’t you can’t just have it where it’s just like oh yes all the pieces are reassembled I can now just reform and I’m like they’re not like a god or anything it’s just putting their soul back together it’s like the gastard

Shouldn’t bring back his entire body like like his soul bits are scattered across the place it doesn’t mean his like entire body should come too how that wait if azriel H has a bit of himself and we what so you know how them like it’s literally just in the

Soul so you have to you know get the whole thing so they’re just so azriel’s just kind of fused together with Chara now and he going like Char what are you doing what are you doing like like azreel has been oh and frisk yeah oh so I just imagine like a a

Monstrosity like Fusion of the so there’s your out if you wanted it I have like great imagery we could use for that um like you want me to draw it or like like I can have it where it’s like an azrial Chara and frisk like faces melting together and we can have it

Where like their arms and stuff are like all stretching out to like towards the camera as they’re like melting together and all of them are like fighting to like get in a certain direction basically I’m going to take inspiration from I don’t know this one SCP that basically is like the sun

It it literally just sounds like you made an amalgamation yeah pretty much it is an amalgamation it’s amalgamation of three characters who have an unstable body to contain one we’re not talking about uh flesh mutations um just ignore that anyways so yeah basically they would would merge together all stretch

Out their arms towards the player or no towards the screen and stuff and like basically they have all three Souls merged together right so is though they’re not fighting back or anything they’re helping them cuz like you went on a genocide rout you get a murder on

Somebody what about like they all try to have like conflicting ideas on what to do so Frisk wants to kill you we have Chara who straight up just like like is just done they’re like I’m complete I’m content with what’s happening azriel is freaking out um we have the body like

Just doing multiple different things I feel like it’d be kind of funny how that is like you do all that and then you just have like a little little like a little Abomination that you just kill yeah and then you just kill the Abomination and then

Boom like yeah I’d say it’s kind of like um I don’t know it’s like the save the princess situation where you refracture the world and then all of a sudden you’re just like ah yes here you go here’s your character that’s just made out of too many reality here you go just

Like get it while it’s while it’s uh still amorph feting and pulsing and whatever but yeah that’s that’s uh ending of genocide still have to work on like f sequences dialog yeah I would say make it gaster based like for the genocide route on there but he’s already dead no like

Where it’s like the no the attacks the attacks gaster base you know like where it’s extremely weird and disturbing they throw every man in there yeah like have every man stand in the center and then it like gathers a bunch of like flowy pellets and junk and

Azrial stars and it’s like like that are melting in junk so like it’ll look like the azal stars are like doing something but they get stuck in every man or something and he starts screaming and it just releases a bunch of explosions all at once like you know

Like you know how the butterflies do it like I just imagine that like like the fire and the like yeah just have flowy like flowy attacks mixed with ai’s attacks um which I think it would be really cool anyways yeah I haven’t talked about

This in like a month so it feels good to get that that’s nice I’m just throwing in ideas to like really get it going but like I don’t think you’ll be able to make this PG enough to be a free game like for anyone to just download

I still be free like yeah it’ still be free I’m just saying I don’t know how well known it would be for how graphic it would be I feel like it either like I feel like it either die or be like or just straight up don’t have me as a

Director I I I mean I might if you do have me as a director I will add a lot of Gore because like it is my literal natural preset like like em like mature undertale fan game I like the sound of that you may like the sound of that I’m

Not so whatever on that on the name of that but like as a topic but like okay cuz like knowing the fan content that’s out there dear God oh oh no no yeah now you know now you know don’t you now you know violent violent violent not mature violent not

I was buff Spanton nice great job Shard great job sh I think a sh now’s your chance to be a big shot just like spam flexes freaking fires 50 bullets no actually that would be like a really weird boss fight extremely buff spam tin fight and it just like has it

Where he like flexes and does like a million bullets in your direction to check and the first thing I see is my my silly but recent reach my silly reaching for the officer’s sidearm what my brain just disassociated what the heck did I just

Hear no no just you need to read this I can’t explain how funny this is if it’ll send oh my God it’s so hilarious okay if I S all right all right let’s see how ridiculous this is I’m hoping I’m hoping it’s somewhat okay to tell

Stream cuz I have a feeling it’s not it it it kind of is I just can’t say it because it has a c oh oh is that all these cat photos yes oh it’s cat photos Okay online when I turn them up fire turn internal organs they are now chronically

Offline scroll up I sent you this other okay give me a second my brain is melting but yeah shards just like okay what what was your comment I used to be nothing but the email guy but but now I am the guy R did my thing in a Spam more spam Vibe that’s

Nice like the only reason I would get VR chat just specifically so I can make my character real and then I can pretend that like I have an actual perfect body for once yippe gender yipp nothing but the email guy but now I’m the noise

Guy no now you are the guy now you are the guy that’s what it said I am him no you have to have it where he’s like he flexes makes like a grunt like as he’s like flexing and then freaking is like now I’m the guy that’s that’s my limit that is my

Liit I would make the sound but then I would get freaking clipped and I don’t want to have those kind of sounds on the freaking internet yeah and as I’m saying I I know my limits and that is one of them it’s like not that it’s a limit vocally it’s a limit personally

Yeah cuz next you know that people take it out of context and if I get high enough in views guess what happens to those people trying to look for like how to take me down oh whoops I attacked a human citizen cats at the Chuck E

Cheese cats in the Chuck E cheese the Chucky Cheese the cats in the Chuck-E-Cheese opening tier one crate oh oh tier one crate and it looks garbage all of it oh my goodness like what kind of garbage gear will I get today wow candy dagger wow so crazy it’s like I want

It he’s like yo that’s crazy amazing absolutely thrilling anyways yeah uh it’s like I have a little running joke with my trans best friend by saying that if that I’m them if they were actually a guy and they are trans male no no no no no tell them don’t tell a TR trans

Mask person that no no oh no don’t tell them that the dysphoria don’t seriously don’t they ran along with it oh that must have hurt them a lot inside though what are we talking about dysphoria gender dysphoria crate anyways I am I’ve run out of ideas to do for

Minecraft I think I’ll just start drawing that thumbnail that I kind of need to do for like the New Year’s video that I’m supposed to post somewhere in the next two hours cuz like I have a bunch of Saved animations I do have a really detailed sneeze animation for some reason but

Yeah oh I getting called by my best so I’m G be right back all right all BR said rats when I told them I was in rats like damn I can’t steal their Spotlight damn crazy like damn it’s crazy I don’t know why I don’t know why I just decided to

Not I forgot there was like a second phrase to ding that’s crazy crazy I was crazy once but there’s like the second one is like damn that’s messed up yeah something something something damn that’s messed up or something I forgot there’s like another phrase to that damn that’s Last Breath fight simulator okay

Sure I like M Mr Squidward Mr Squidward close the door I’m showering do you want to see me boy no no no hey yo hey yo hey yo no no no no we’re not no no no we’re not getting that crazy no I remember there was I remember there was a starve remember

There was a starve Mr Crabs that was just sweet word close close the door I’m showering what paranormal who the [ __ ] is Paranormal okay I’ll let you slide on that one okay it was great it was amazing okay so last breath Sans Sans and then gameel last breath get get her pages

Oh but it’s Internet Explorer only okay why does it have the picture of Pimon just says Pon instead okay okay I have a question is this what it look is this what it looks like is this what it looks like oh it has sound yeah I was not expecting sound uh

That one okay as long as you oh oh it teleports oh that’s great hold on let me go and let me do my funny trick I have fixed it it’s now closer I have fixed it we are now playing last breath that’s a beautiful day it’s a

Beautiful day outside as usual the birds are singing the flowers are rooming got a country accident from out of nowhere oners like these monsters like me can’t afford not to carry no no I can’t remember I don’t be okay yeah yeah I can’t [Applause] [Applause] jump I live wow it’s undertale Last Breath Sands wow cool crazy what are these items what are these items okay I’m eating this first because I I can’t why did heal so much what is what is this span [Applause] Game [Applause] Oh yes he missed that animation’s so slow wow I’m so entertained this is exhilarating wow so cool so [Applause] cool Yippe I’ve heard better themes just to let you know this is not the best theme I’ve heard also it’s probably because I’ve coded this game before and I’m tired of the [Applause] music oh I was expecting a blaster to hit me last second but nope this is not hard mode this is actually easy mode whoop you do watch this surprise bones [Applause] Yippee I I’m very struggling to hear you actually for real for [Applause] real oh so it just they’re full heals nice oh shoot I’m getting a call from my from my parents give me a second give me a second I get all right I’m gonna enable okay I’m back all

Right well everyone I’m back parents just wanted to check in on me that’s that’s kind of the whole thing anyways so yeah I’m going to get back to what we were doing um hey you hi hello how you been doing oh I just like I immediately like

Click on the tab again and it just starts blasting I’m just going to turn off the music the second to go back in the tab because I can’t hear anything there we go better okay better I can actually hear you now hi all right so now that we’re fighting Sands

Like this it should be a little easy oh what the okay yep oh yeah I forgot it’s this attack oh nose oh nose oh NOS I’m dead just is orange bones nice wow crazy crazy yippy yippe yippe yippe oh luckily I remember some of it there’s no real way to handle that

Attack it’s crazy unfair yeah it’s like the balancing and also that it’s just got it’s plain boring and uncreative like the spinning bone is creative but like like that’s the only fun attack the basic attacks like these are like like you use as the platforming effect but like it’s boring as

Heck subtext of never got to give you up okay okay just going to eat go yep just gonna spinny spinny spinny spinny spinny spin oh I just hear your breath the entire time I just hear you just I’m just imagine you like you sound like my cousins whenever I’m playing

Games like this they’re just like they’re breathing down my neck they’re just like and I’m just like and I’m just sitting here like what the they’re just sitting here breathing and it’s all I hear all that grasps my attention it’s just like my little cousin’s just like oh what are you doing

Hyper breathing in intensifies I’m just playing Celeste the most transwoman game ever and I’m freaking getting breathed on what is this just a free fan that’s what it is but the fan has spit coming from it I hate it it’s moist and I hate it oh yeah that’s just because I

Hasyr they’re a little yeah they’re a little hydrated yeah I just realized that some of these sprits are just green screened in it’s so bad they’re just straight screened in they’re like you can see it just green screened like someone just like has like Sprites of it just green screened in and it’s

Hilarious like even the Sprites are like struggling to stick together cuz it looks like there’s like a shading effect on top of it or something I don’t know if that’s purposeful but it makes it look like it’s not even shaded but there’s like a second layer beneath it

Oh my goodness I’m not gonna okay I’m just bad at that attack um so yeah story time story I almost spill all water all over my [ __ ] keyboard I I so much I my heart is pounding I in fear of like of what just happened so like I would have gotten water all

Over my keyboard if I hadn’t drank it uh so much that that it wouldn’t spill out the O moment you know ocean man take me by the I don’t know why just remembered that ocean man they they really did cook the bad Monday simulator yeah bad Monday I

Like it yeah bad Monday simulator is pretty cool Yi but it’s like the attacks aren’t that good because they’re pretty unimaginative but like whatever like it’s it’s just Garfield basee but that’s it yeah but I’m getting extremely bored not that I just can’t beat the attacks no it’s just the attacks are

Boring the attacks of how many years ago are are boring me it’s like this is what I based my old attacks on when I was young why don’t don’t you play why don’t you play the games that I got you on right here right now because I had to change everything

About the time the title of the time stream to go and do the thingy also I think YouTube’s already like restricted this enough because like you know it’s mostly just a hangout stream so it gets chaotic as heck whenever it wants I like what do you mean it’s

Already restricted to it’s one left industrious like I’m saying restricted enough as in the fact that we literally have a fan game that already says the f word you already swore like four to five times already with dropping the f bomb multiple times and there there we go go

And now we have the sixf bomb that’s on the stream then it just doesn’t make it any better it’s not making this any better my stream’s been doing pretty fine it it it has like more views than three times my most viewed video I just have better advertisement I think I don’t

Know I don’t have that you should also because I make literal art for my thumbnails and maybe it’s just your thumbnails are plain I don’t I mean GRE said literally said I don’t like the thumbnail like someone just said I don’t like your thumbnail I don’t know I’ve been shoved

To the ceiling I remember when this used to be a a phenomenal thing and then now I’m just bored of it oh your your Edge tail stuff okay yeah cool I I could do that yippe why did why did my name have to cor spot with Bros like extreme autistic

Hyperfixation on the Hamilton musical like to be honest most of the people at my school know know this know this like feeder or whatever got my thumb stuck in something Mat I forgot what I was oh yeah uh it it it’s weird to see how you’re like the be right back screen it’s weird to see how you’re your art just and then looking back at your old scratch projects and seeing a guy it’s really

Weird oh I look back at my old scratch projects and all I see is just like either it’s a bunch of fnf and a bunch of old failed attempts of an undertale junk it’s like to be honest I was talented coming out of the gate it’s just like I don’t post as much

Cringe because I know that it doesn’t get views and unfortunately I was all about the numbers back then because attention kind of mattered just call me a guitar cuz I’m acoustic what was that kind of okay okay okay give me a second know why I just thought that I just I just decided

To call me a guitar cuz I’m acoustic why did sandwich do that are they are they artistic wait no no no have it where they had to reiterate it like five different times until landing on that shut up shut up don’t talk about that part the funny stutter anxiety

Sans I literally stutter all the time oh sorry like like right now like right now I stutter all the time yeah I don’t notice it that much just like I’m I notice uh more people with actual like doing it way more often it’s like I know like at least one person and they’ve

Have it so much worse yeah I didn’t say it was bad I just said I do it I know but at least it’s like unnoticeable to me which is good yeah but uh I’m unobservant I spin there is all right let’s I’m going to I’m going to one left cuz I’m

Bored I love one lefting sping the spin getting your turn ever you stupid idiot I hate you Sans Ed mode activated never mind interrupt my [ __ ] will you all right I’ll kill you I’ll murder you I hate you so much you killed everything you killed everything I liked

And then now you’re just going to step in here with the lab you’re going to notice that it’s open you’re G to step in here you’re a nosy little idiot and I’m gonna [ __ ] kill you and there’s the eighth one oh my God that’s so many humans fell into the

Underground it’s an omen that I should just say it more no no no I’m just going to write too many swears help [Applause] me wow no I’m out I don’t like that I don’t have any HP this isn’t good this isn’t great yeah Grill myself the [ __ ]

That I hate how my table if I shake it too much it just straight up has all the like weird little accessory bits on this table to start shaking and metallically clanging against the side what that go and I’m like why watch watch undertale on Netflix just imagine

It’s just like Minecraft story mode on Netflix don’t mind M don’t mind M you just screamed you like just straight up screamed I said don’t mind It I literally love one left yeah one left is pretty good it’s like not that uninspired it’s good it’s one Attack Phase making it where the attacks can get as crazy as they want and don’t have to stall yeah the theme’s also really good that’s also a second part why we like It I think it’s just sand themes are losing it on me because I’ve been listening to it for more than like a good 13 [Applause] Years oh yeah not 20 how many years would that be I’m so exhausted to the point where I don’t even know how long I’ve been listening to the sand theme for okay so we’ have count since my edgy years so we count it when I was like

11 so I would say a good six years all right good six years listening to sand themes I think I’m good like they got to be unique now like they can’t have the same repetitive limp node whatever going for like Motif going for the same how

Long guess what you’re going to have the same theme pickup in next 5 Seconds aren’t you this is literally the entirety of the battle theme music yippee test one test two wow now the attack is randomized nice I’ve noticed because the attacks are no longer the

Same you know what else is also not the same actually you know what what about if I play my uh megala warp game like it’s a really old game might as well play it this stream’s already restricted enough as it is I’m not getting paid in the future for anyone watching this junk

Okay so okay fire okay fire oh What oh I’m bad at paying [Applause] Attention Um best best death sentence um uh beheading I [Applause] guess well it’s it’s a good it’s quick it Guillotines really fast yeah but they stop that it’s got to be modern well like electric chair is a terrible way to go I don’t cyanide I don’t Know cide might be a good way to go I don’t know might hurt you know like I want it like instantaneous you know for me please like that’d be the best way to [Applause] Go just oh no how am I going to get paid now anyways yeah your attack that you that you have are way better than than what you had is before way better I got the dust H 4 now oh whoops I skipped it’s a habit I’m sorry no my

HP I wanted that looks like you’re ready well them what was that okay what the [ __ ] okay number 10 [Applause] know people say that Blas are useless against magic then why not use both of them bring it on let’s see you can do it again wow I love this basic attack that

It’s almost impossible to Dodge this one at least is more creative cuz it kind of forces your brain to be like what is going on I love that it forces your brain to think I love that nothing’s more beautiful than sensor to be honest human weapons are pretty rare down here those are two

Unrelated sentences took me a long time to get to this to get at this toy purchasing and transforming and make it more useful whoever to us Monster better to just Magic I think you need to take a writing class well that’s okay that’s fine that’s pretty good for a starter I thinko is a powerful yet gentle monster however the deaz in the ground is new and where he is now finish doesn’t finish sentence yeah that’s that’s

Amazing this is why I just skipped Text you can’t have him just Trail [Applause] off you have to Trail off for dramatic effect it does not work if you just Trail off mids sentence and then start blasting 12 is a good number it stands for eternity 1 through 12 week by week there

Is seven days in a week what do you mean there is so off there’s no more bullets left that makes no sense what dialogue are [Applause] You there I finished It it’s like none of the sentences are actually strung together it’s like if a 5-year-old like 5-year-old me wrote that garbage it freaking wrote that stuff I freaking that’s how I would write as a child I would write such cryptic garbage that no one could tell what I was saying

It sounded just cryptic as Heck you took all this from English Edge tail but had to alter okay that’s why none of it makes sense because it’s like translated that’s why it makes no Sense rewrite the sentences don’t just like whatever put in Creative Liberty a warl monster King to not many people use blasters as them yeah okay now I can I can kind of see why after all lasers are useless against the stronger opping In comparison magic is modern human abandon their Sorcerers instead they kill allies with gun however our ancestor develop unique Magic system season it with traditional martial art as you can see human couldn’t defeat unit monster and that’s why we stand still peace day I might as well just like I might as

Well just straight up just do like the funny dog thing from too where it just like has it where it’s like the badly translated Japanese to English and it’s like every happy happy day and then it’s just like from this little happy dogging me like from the total

Universe hey please don’t skip the text please I think it’s kind of deserved to skip the text after that it’s like to save you from save your dignity like I could barely tell English test one test two [Applause] [Applause] Oh if you made your own battle engine that would be neat [Applause] you like slam Dam who whoa whoa thought it was the Grand Slam what does it do seven damage for Dam well welcome to the town no I might as well just play all my

Old games cuz like why not it’s not like the stream’s getting monetized anyway like I don’t get monetized in the first place I’m just saying in the future like you could monetize your con your old content in the future um so technically YouTube’s algorithm basically says oh yeah you can start

Monetizing your junk now and you get an option to monetize ize your some of your videos and stuff so basically you have to literally click to tell it to do that or you can have it set as an auto option for each piece of content you make well

Um I I would you really be able to make money off this stream nope I would not because there’s too much cursing streams can actually make a lot of money if people keep rewatching it but like otherwise no Dum [ __ ] ass [ __ ] [ __ ] all I’m just going to give me a

Second let me just add contain swearing contain swears it’s specifically From Me featuring featuring a do sandwich just done I’m done holding back I’m just I’m going to say everything 19 not 19 in of Venom that’s wild oh hell no that creeper said you should kill yourself now

Did he have the like sparkling eyes as he said it you know where there has the sparkle eyes and go do it now and then freaking Sparkle Eyes and junk all right um uh divy uh which one of these is your uh killer or something oh it’s not on your own account

Oh is it like saved somewhere and your and your favorites no dust trust sad Dash there’s a lot of random gun Here n I’m just going to go and play some my old stuff where’s where’s my old junk I’ve accidentally created a hit tweet what the hell do I do okay not on my a with Sans fight would just be S going wait why are we fighting

Again and then your text in your box would be like wait why are we even doing this and the game closes nice H I forgot I forgot and then the game just closes what about it’s just like dementia tale where everyone slowly forgets that’s literally just what resetting

Does no no no like they forget everything like everything they forgo like why am I standing here and was like what am I doing just howy there I’m H they’re like how I’m and then like they stand there going like trying to search around like I can’t remember name but want to here Come do not take that out of context my brain is dead K yourself I want you to kill yourself now don’t know [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] s yeah I know this is like my old stuff and also look sans’s skull is like popping Off like what I talking about my old [Applause] content yep and now we have the multiverses we’re now getting beaten up by multiverses [Applause] now none of the art is mine just to let you [Applause] [Applause] know Why is glch that is not that is not a hard kill [Applause] s yeah also none of this is hitbox like good hitbox at all remember your entire heart is your hit boox um that’s not the undertale way yeah I know this is when I didn’t know how to do

That okay so yeah kill your luckily whatever you just said got censored drugs that’s what you’re seeing drugs also young me’s like terrible Recreation of a really professional animation cuz I could have I was testing my ability on what I could do this was like a project from like I don’t know

Good maybe eight years ago damn it’s old I don’t know maybe I was 13 I can’t [Applause] remember [Applause] [Applause] if I get to it if I get to it wow so crazy so cool so crazy so cool Yi [Applause] oh hey I be I beat it 302 that’s amazing yeah I beat it with 192 [Applause] before no that’s how many times you’ve been hit before you have to get less the

Less points you have the better oh so it’s golf it’s like Budget Golf yeah pretty much some people say world record 747 8037 952 I have like the least still and I’m the creator of the game that’s how you can tell this game’s been really unbeaten ah I forgot I forgot there is

More to that oopsy oopsy was my bad m actually I want to see what happens with the old gaster stuff I I like animation remake junk that I have over here that I stole sprits from from this one animator like this one time I want to See oh oh oh okay okay are you good I forgot how difficult I made this fan game Heal now oh finger blasters [Applause] interesting unfortunately I could not figure out how to draw a perfect Circle Excuse me my motor functions aren’t working as intended I’m really I’m really tired me just going to do a little something called a pro game remove also known as I’m just going to modify the code real quick so it does what I want just kidding I’m not going

To do that because if I do that I’m going to modify the game forever hey guys okay okay just remembered something funny but that’s fine with like dead dead sounding tone Oh you sent me an idea okay cool I’m going to go read that oh the cre ER yeah that’s how that’s

What I what I look okay so timeline Frisk kills torial and asgore another timeline after pass through your T takes over body then first squap places yeah that’s yeah that’s an interesting one we have the genocide Chara and the and then the normal cha or Frisk just swaps places basically

Mercy route and then whatever then they swap Frisk was like oh yes I’m nice and peaceful but I killed the leaders and and then all of a sudden like Chara is now here to ready to kill everyone else yippe oh well that’s so fan I feel like

Char would be like what the what the [ __ ] is wrong with you you killed you killed my parents exclus you know what like my family gone you how dare you like at this point like like as long as I’m not showing too much copyright junk I will be okay in the copyright

Department yeah cuz I’m cursing my [ __ ] mouth off yeah I don’t expect the stream to be good so I just wrote swears beware specifically like two and a half hours in CU I’m so good at the second you came into this stream everything went into the um a little bit more

Entertaining but also swear Road it’s like the swearing does make it funnier but the problem is is that at the same cost it did like cause YouTube’s algorithm to be like nah yeah like if I do get a chance to like I don’t know have it where we all like do

Something funny I don’t know maybe we all just like play something funny or something I don’t know collectively we just have like shards in the VC you’re in the VC we have like a few others in the VC or something I don’t know we all just mess

Around I have to like turn down everyone else just so you can be heard oh yeah this is on my old Alias Yep You’re going to chear these themes a lot [Applause] unfortunately don’t worry about it I’m ging t t TP I’m going to heal myself oh I didn’t expect to see the S this Early [Applause] [Applause] I forgot how fast I made these blasters Fire you’re taking forever to play I don’t even know where it [Applause] is like d I don’t even know where yours is I just playing my old content because I have nothing better to do well actually I do have something better to do I just don’t feel like It I do in fact have somewhere better to be just not right Now oh boy I’m straight up going to commit dies by this person [Applause] [Applause] I’m going to get deaded luckily if I stand in this exact spot I can barely get hit proceeds to get hit a million Times F yeah it’s a budget fdy yeah and plus it’s randomized as heck um only one person that like from oh hey there’s Last Breath there it is oh wow it’s the attack that I know of and now we have S SP again pretty much just keep stalling out

All the sanses until you get to phase [Applause] three yippe all my HP gone I love this sand so much oh dust Sands it is dust dust you’re here to kill me oh no oh no I’m going to get [Applause] [Applause] deaded I get Shield effects oh now we have we’re fighting Mario [Applause] now I’ve like from all I just wanted to add every fan game I saw into this game this development of a game took two years to [Applause] develop this is two years of content

That never saw the light of day outside of one person’s YouTube channel and it only got like 100k [Applause] and no one watched it oh oh yeah I have to do basic mathematics this isn’t good okay so four * 7 so that’s 28 and

Then we go get uh 29 so that’s nope this one no okay okay that’s 100 stay Still okay so that’s 48 so 56 um don’t know that one it’s actually just going to straight up kill me okay evil evil why did I do this to myself end thank [Applause] you okay just give me the instant noodles I’m tired Finally this attack where it’s actually fun yay I love this one it’s so much more fun than the other attack which instantly blasts me to death yippee I wonder where the Among Us comes Of like I wouldn’t say that but I don’t know I guess some s Lial level I guess like somewhat I am sort of a masochist but like whatever like I’ve shown those kind of traits before but [Applause] [Applause] whatever oh hey we finally got tears in the rain or Something you’re just going to make sans’s not hit me with TP I mean KR oh right I can just stay right here and I’ll be perfectly safe oh hey it’s azreel from that one fan game until I got revamped and I didn’t fix his [Applause] thing okay we made it to phase

Two now we’re fighting all the trios now now we fight the trios okay un finished frisk in my style nice just let you know whenever I do a late stream I will be un unnecessarily aggressive just because like I’m when I’m tired I become more [Applause]

Critical oh hey it’s my old recolor of the entirety of the of the good time Tri or [Applause] something well that’s what they used to call each other now it’s just like I I think it’s like great time Trier or something cuz like good time Trier sounds

Weird it sounds like a fan fiction but like whatever y yippe yippe I’m so eepy I have no idea what I’m doing today I just wanted a social interaction of some kind as my broken Spirit Withers [Applause] Away I was like isn’t there something else and I’m like oh yeah right blasters we do that oh yay and then they repeat that attack yippe yeah these attacks are just unnecessarily long that’s the whole point but like they’re supposed to cycle in between multiple ones and not play

The same ones over and over again oh wait oh I wish phase one showed like the sanss of the gun are the Among Us Sands of the gun would have been funny to [Applause] Show Oh no okay I need healing I need healing I need healing I need healing I need healing the most difficult one I’ve coded ever okay Knife Down Knife Down Knife Down knife down that’s why uh no don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die I come too

Far SC it I’m cheating anyways uh show KR make turns visible face sh oh hey we got just the [Applause] [Applause] duo I’m surprising how well this is like done for like old old me as a has done as a project I’ve just completely forgot for like I don’t know how much

Depression has consumed my [Applause] soul uh no worry the other Duo is also here the problem is is just that they’re not as strong [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Also I I have a little Crosshair oh okay this one again how do I live this okay I’m going to risk it okay that was a terrible terrible terrible first start okay okay I should be able to survive this now should be being the most point

Why is there KR it got rid of my KR shield no and I’m dead that’s why I hate that Trio so much no remove KR entirely just remove it oh hey bad time Trio perfect perfect [Applause] timing stellar [Applause] Trio dust Trio I can’t [Applause] remember there’s too [Applause]

Many it’s like the weirdest things of the fandom I don’t know I just like usually if they don’t seem very good like these ones I had no idea what what they would actually attack with and I’m just going off the fly which means it’s going to look

Bad and this is all based off the [Applause] original yeaha time [ __ ] does that mean I think that was karmatic time Trio it’s where the three of them are in like last breath [Applause] mode Le I give give myself the Delta run junk so you can use [Applause] TP

Hey after you check out my piece of art is it okay if I want off screen then I’m okay though it’s okay if you want to off stream okay I’ll probably check it out in a second I’m just my brain’s dying of everything oh they’re hero time Trio never

Mind I told you idiot I couldn’t hear you um I don’t know I didn’t turn on the turn counter I think that was all of them though I’m not I’m not going through that again all right we’re doing phase [Applause] [Applause] three why why is [Applause] he why is he yellow he’s not [Applause] yellow oh no Papyrus Breath [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it’s just like a mess that I’ve compiled together it’s just the undertale community in a in a freaking nutshell of its time an absolute [Applause] mess oh boy I hate this one okay so I move it like oh it’s stuck again move move move move move dang

It I hate it cuz I didn’t intend it to get stuck okay where’s safe Zone safe Zone safe Zone where’s safe safe wait it was safe it was safe Safe now we wait and we wait ow why it take so long wish you would have just died honestly no because it would straight up just did a ton of damage and it would have probably would have died yeah I said I wish you would have just you Inn thanks for playing this

Game took like an entire week to code I mean just doing it during free time like I don’t eat sleep or whatever yep thanks for playing the game anyways yeah title also there’s select Modes yippe now where is hold on I’m going to go and check what code I had for okay f one sand and phase two sand let me let me check the code Sands basically it’s the newest Sands I made very much isn’t yeah the newest Sands pretty much

Okay let me go and check this is phase one right yeah this is Phase One hold on last determine undertoad Science Under teror oh yeah under teror exists let me go and take that one under no under ter like oh okay inut that one Boop insert we have to get do the first

Attack every time there is no skipping [Applause] this the way megala warp works is that every single time you boot up the game there’s a random set of like different like whatevers you can play against so I’m open to dying because like that just means I get to fight a different SS

Encounter oh yeah I had to figure out how to time this right there we go wait did you just say cough syrup s [Applause] I forgot how much effort I put into these oh yeah that doesn’t give much yeah and I had to get extremely

Lucky but it gives you a lot of TP for survival yep a TP 100 yep to be honest I’m starting to realize why I don’t remember cuz I’m feeling the same way I did back on all those years ago which is also known as feeling nothing oh yay it’s doing this attack yay

Okay and then after that one what else do we have here they just lying around we have unders swap disbelief Sudden Change oh yeah sudden changes the one I want to play gun Sans with gun I love sanss with [Applause] Gun I love son a gun okay I sent you something okay cool if if it’s the link to your game then I would appreciate it cuz if I can’t find it that means I can’t play it cuz unfortunately I’m running on three brain cells here so I’m sorry

That’s his Sprite it’s just Sands with gun he also shoots you so he does that literally SS a gun you had to literally just [Applause] dance yeah oh yeah right I forgot how low the healing is oh yeah and then they do a double shot for if you’re the regular cuz that

Means you can just do that I just like his theme a lot and also because it’s funny cuz America SS he uses gun haha funny cuz you know it’s going to suddenly change your insides once I shoot the heck out of you haha funny and

Then he and then he he pulls out a gun and then he just boom boom and you and you’re dead I feel I forgot how many SES I added to the first phase there’s like too many it’s just too much content that one person can run into for the first phase

That it just straight up doesn’t matter and this is and do you understand why I never wanted to do a review for this game cuz like for one the copyright issues that I would have to go with every Creator ever for something like this to exist oh right one of the leaves just

Decides to straight up attack you cuz of course it does they’re like haha funny you thought I was a normal Leaf now I’m going to jump you would be funny haha [Applause] laughter Oh yeah gun gun blaster right and I just straight up drew a gun as a [Applause]

Blaster the only reason I like these characters cuz they have gun Funny this trans girl is tired as heck uh the cringe is killing me but like hey it’s content that I can’t [Applause] ignore I’m going to go in back to scratch to go see what I missed or you could or you could why laughter your breathing makes it 10 times better you’re just

Like the entire time it’s great just you just sound miserable I’m not I’m just extr tired same same but I’m also miserable so we could say both many Geno route pass oh I was supposed to let that go s okay okay I was like story told you it wasn’t M Sans lost

Every battle with the human suddenly Kur realized s could be their partner wow this is just killer oh wow it’s crazy that s to kill monster just like wow Crazy what is this music this is this is like after 174 time run of Gino s agree I’m going to read it like it’s a stop big stop sign just yep it really does seem like it was made by like someone like was in 13 or 14y

Old oh wow wow I’ve become the coolest guy in the room in the cool guy Club I have body count of the mounts yes [Applause] yeah this is Straight Up Just Killer it’s So so they’re like they played along and then they didn’t and then they’re like surprise I remember stabby stabby what else was what else what else backstory wow and then he starts bleeding yippee this is so horrifying wow crazy it’s like we haven’t heard of this before sh stop stop just stop just

Stop that is the greatest thing I’ve [Applause] ever that is the greatest thing I’ve ever read in my life Debug start core battle last Corridor battle what engine is this not that’s not the core oh it’s it’s like you when you think it’s professional and then these fral I’m not even going to read this seriously cuz it looks like it’s been made by like a seven-year-old it looks so

Bad it’s so bad like the art is like is so bad the story is bad as well but the engine they’re using is the only thing professional about this please I’m hoping the battle’s actually interesting wow he dodged wow crazy oh hey the falling is just slightly faster and less floaty

Wouldn’t you know [Applause] It look how cool those Graphics are it’s crazy gra waa look at those [Applause] graphics and he just goes like I’m like why does he pause us to go huh every few seconds you don’t even have to move you don’t even have to move it’s just you’re that fast and

Falling you don’t have to move it’s so terribly designed it’s it’s just hilarious at this [Applause] point it’s just comedically how funny it [Applause] [Applause] is okay I would have got hit like a good three times it would have done a lot of damage cuz scratch

And I expect scratch damage to be like a ton wow crazy crazy guys this is amazingly crazy how it’s particularly amazing that these attacks are wow so original wonder how old this game is probably has like a decent engine or something oh what the okay something interesting something new you could say wow

[Applause] crazy Wows wowe wowe get that knife out of your pocket and just stab yourself with it or just stab me with it you’re not not using it no people like okay that’s true yeah in one way and the other don’t question it the fandom is [Applause] [Applause] weird I’m In Too Deep with the fandom [Applause] Okay and that’s when I was in like 13 I didn’t know better on the internet and I was unsupervised it [Applause] happens as it happens when your child is unsupervised on the internet you know too much for the better and the worst and all you can do is protect the

Innocent or you can become a complete degenerate which I’ve decided to protect the innocent wow I mean I I could just I could just you know like I just like cursing a lot yep and you learned it from no one I presume uh wow crazy he betrayed us look

At the place that you fight metaton metaton is gone might be preparing for B you look PR to you go back you get the funny key I’m so tired same like someone just kill me right now end us right now oh hey funny box that was never there

Before I can’t wait till gaster decides to do the entire fortnite dance on us can’t wait till he does the fortnite Dance I apologize to this Creator but it’s probably old right I’m hoping that this is old oh check the check the profile I’ll check it later open the door you open the door you can’t see anything inside you decide to leave WD gaster pull a

Funny I want to I want to leave too but like uh like like this is I mean you’re the one playing it it’s not me so I can’t just go I can’t just abandon stream after making it unmonetized I have to you know you got a [ __ ] truck through is this it seriously

Oh is it just is it just death okay let me just go and try this on normal mode cuz someone requests go thank you core don’t care just go boo boo go ahead go faster tiptoe a little Faster oh so it does like that kind of damage me [Applause] Whoop-de-doo [Applause] Oh that does damage neat I just said I never detected it before [Applause] nice no I’m not going to try hard mode or excert mode why cuz I’m really don’t want it see look this attack is so weak that you literally you can just do this you don’t have to move really

Wow see bun cuz I know that does 22 but I’m going to have the move anyway it’s fine whatever uh it makes you replay attacks that’s great so you have better HP later or Worse that’s Fun yeah they probably spent a like a good few weeks making this at least mine had variety at least and it didn’t have a like a terrible storyline cuz mine didn’t have story it just had action which just un ends the best story having none like my whole thing is just that

Ink is like R relying on ink to be a good person little did I know in was not in fact a good person cuz in fact ink is just like says he’s the protector of everything really he isn’t and doesn’t give A if he protect the world he gets its paint allowance and he gets to [Applause] Consume Yesterday my brain cells are dying this came out last year oh my goodness this is an actual child’s code actual Child this is an actual child’s program that did child’s work and did it like the artwork is bad and so is the story though yeah they may be nice but it’s just like it’s actual Child like straight up story not that good straight up nice [Applause] cool I’m just saying how old is this kid like just a question how old so I can like continue to clown on him like at a decent morale rate months 70 months old and it’s like perfectly liable perfectly accountable for their actions they should know better think they should have

Known really all that HP gone why is all my HP items garbage I get you you guys wanted like my HP Cannon but like no oh and that does damage too nice thank you Blaster Blaster Blaster Blaster Blaster wow I’m so so so excited see what happen

Next wow so cool so cool so cool [Applause] so I swear this person’s like almost as old as me or is like younger I like by just a smidge I [Applause] Swear like I am like ashamed to be in the same generation as you to honest I could say that a lot with Jen Z but it’s fine [Applause] But nor do they have a concept of Justice like that damn crazy interesting The Blasters are extremely randoms I don’t think this played before or I based out on whatever the attacks were and I just never noticed that these Existed or we were clowning on them too much to [Applause] [Applause] Notice yeah there we go wow and he ran away yep you flee and your claps to the ground all right let’s see how old this person’s project is 2023 March the that’s not okay so the start of this year let’s see how how long they’ve been attached to two

Years okay they’re 12 all right we can clown on this kit wait is this this is a 12-year-old we make clown to our hearts content for my account is 6 years and 5 months old I am simply wiser than did I I accidentally open okay let me

Just okay let’s look back at some of the projects they have so they just have some of these projects some of these projects so they’re the most proud of that one which says something like the attacks were not bad I’m just saying the story and the Sprite Works garbage that’s all I’m

Saying not much of an artist but they’re a pretty good programmer and like just the engine sense like cuz whatever engine they’re using is good cuz I’ve made better Works using like even the art program from this game engine it’s like seriously don’t you hate it when the when the meta night holy

[ __ ] when the what I’m listening to [ __ ] metan night them okay W [ __ ] I’m I’m go I’ve gone a bit off the rails I’ve been off the rails you’re you’re better at being off of it than me I’m just kind of [ __ ] dead on the inside oh I’ve been dead on the

Inside I’ve been dead on the inside for a good 16 years just kidding oh could you like could you just like press F1 for help oh you you try and then you give up and then you and then you learn to accept it and when then you don’t and

Then you just sit there and sad and then you go and express yourself and and then basically it keeps you healthy for a while you but have you tried being a big shot I have holy [ __ ] never mind I cannot help you I did this is the big shot video

They got the funny 27k the recontainment fnf foundation actually you know what straight up I can actually just play hold on where is it where is it hold on I’m just going to go and play Early video access to like this game let me straight up just play an fnf

Mod because why not I act I just realized I have content to show you actually I have actual content tomorrow I can draw and make the thumbnail later I mean it’s not New Year’s yet so like you still good I got a day I got a

Singular day and then I have to feed the dogs and drunk cuz like I can’t believe I had pets okay that’s in your house I’ll eat your couch Li oh wait hold on uh then SC okay well that’s concluded I really hate turning her down but whatever it’s like one of my

Friends okay there we go this one and then I have to I set it to 180 okay and then I need to have the Y set to a different one okay set to -20 and then I need to go and have it where the BF Sprite is constantly

Hidden oh wait hold on I’m not putting it on this one hold on whoops no I’m using the other one never mind turbo warp I’m using turbo warp that’s why I’m like why is it so small and I’m like oh yeah right turbo warp whoopsies whoopsies whoopies

Whoops I’m making a video what should I add in it um basically whatever you want to express I wanted to express how down and sads I AMS today so I put a picture of the back rooms recreated and boom we have this stream which is me just trying to reconnect to

Anybody at this point cuz I try to turn my day around the breathing will just not not just not be unfunny if you had the funny mic it would be funnier okay I have okay where is it there we go get this and anything else to just straight up say kill this

Character okay hopefully YouTube’s okay with this cuz I’m oh whoops I pressed the evil button whatever I don’t care undoing this game okay we’re okay I can solid’s available all right [Applause] All right we’re going to play evils oh why is it why is it going this fast oh 60 FPS that’s better anyways what do you think of my little Sprite both [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yep [Applause] [Applause] I have a video format for this later I’ll have it even like set in a thing it’s in a five minute video it’s fine [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] The [Applause] [Applause] La [Applause] [Applause] I wonder how long I’ve been streaming for it’s like I only started like 7 right so it’s like 7ish 5 hours all right [Applause] Cool [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] O [Applause] I’m not going to let you get away this [Applause] [Applause] Time oh no Sand’s gone oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] no yippe and that was my little fnf animation thingy that’s supposed to go up later no not doing that one but y that one took so long to make know what since the stream’s already probably already bad enough I might as well just go and play this one as

Well it’s like why not play horror game why not I don’t make this type of content anymore or so I say until I like freaking dive back into Nostalgia for a bit but fnf was good and no one was complaining of what I was making cuz when my creativity actually

Shined it was actually fun but like that was it outside of that no have to wait for the 1,19 assets to load yay my favorite part of the video game I to see the thingy it’s crazy yep I only use this once during this solest stream it’s crazy

Anyways so yep it’s open now I’m just going to go and insert a bunch of junk inside give me a second got to modify everything got to modify everything luckily I live a little little bit crazy little crazy so I could do all this crazy stuff got to modify this so it

Says BF3 because like the weird Animation Sprite says that you need to have it say BF3 instead which is dumb because I’ve modified this before and then we go and get rid of the BF Sprite by literally completely hiding it um by having a certain Sprite not show

Anything by saying it hides and that’s the only time where it’s allowed to live okay there we go and now that it’s hidden should work now give me a second to figure out if this works and if not I have to fix it later okay it sort of works I just need

To go and set our height back down to like a good comfortable level of actually touching the ground she refuses to do that all right done done fixing then fixing things and after I’m done with this I’ll probably end stream cuz like freaking Tired do left un check and then we’re going to do end of stream 3 two 1 You guys I’m tired that’s why also I want to just like show off work that I’ve [Applause] [Applause] Done [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] He [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] E [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] A [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] E I have a lot of videos in my download folder and I don’t know why I have it there’s a status video or I did I didn’t complete okay anyways it’s there just one more thing left two one oh yeah I should probably have it where my character turns around give me

A second I’m going to have her where she turns around so she can actually fight the funny creature give me a second gonna have her fight the funny creature let me go before the ELD horor shows up then I have to have her turn around to negative 120 Reactivate Yeah I should probably like hold on let me turn off this Sprite entirely actually so instead of GF standing I can just delete her delete yep so when right kicks [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] in N [Applause] [Applause] A K [Applause] N [Applause] nope first time I saw your account when I was about to play your last breath Triple Threat yeah yeah sounds about right all right well anything else do I want to like mess around with before I close stream for for good tonight sandwich you good where you

G so what’s the last thing you want to do now I have no idea I’m G to get sandwich just tired so I don’t know like Beyond tired so like I’m not going to keep pushing button or something because it’s probably like I don’t know

500 a.m for them I don’t know all right well I think that’s it I think I’ll just end it off at that for now I’m not going to be streaming tomorrow I will have a video up tomorrow so good luck to people who want to watch that CU usually that’s what most people

On my channel came here for instead of live streams so I’m going to try to work on some animation or maybe something content and and try to put my life back together for for the rest of this week I have a lot going on so I just let you

Know oh yeah sure yeah go ahead like you can always use like the at system as well if you want well outside of that I think that’s it I’m going to like get going I hope everyone enjoyed stream sorry that it there was so much swearing in

Junk it’s it’s not usually like me to have so much swearing in but like you know sandwich but that’s fine um you still breathing May uh hope everyone had a great stream uh tonight well see you guys later bye- bye

This video, titled ‘Late Minecraft Hangout Strem (Contains swears beware) ft. Idotsnadwhich’, was uploaded by ChloAnimated on 2023-12-31 08:29:01. It has garnered 106 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:47:20 or 17240 seconds.

Pronouns:She/They Feel free to ask things while im drawing (as long as its approprite) I do voice training stuff so feel free to request stuff if u like. ———————————————————————————– Guidlines: Don’t be rude or inapproprite (watchin you guys). Don’t spam or advertise plz.


Sandwhich why? (he swore so much)

0:00:00 Backrooms and other junk 🙁 4:30:28 =-Fnf-Reskin-Sneak-peak-=

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    Minecraft 1.21 Update: Tricky Trials News Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 – The Tricky Trials Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready for an exciting journey through the latest update – The Tricky Trials! Packed with new features, mobs, weapons, and more, this update is sure to keep you on your toes. Let’s dive into the details of what Minecraft 1.21 has to offer. The Crafter One of the standout features of this update is the introduction of Trial Chambers, where players can test their skills and face challenging puzzles. These chambers offer a unique gameplay experience that will put your creativity and problem-solving abilities to the test…. Read More

  • Terrifying Tower Ride: FiroParks’ Minecraft Thrill

    Terrifying Tower Ride: FiroParks' Minecraft Thrill Step right up, to the Tower of Terror, In FiroParks, where the thrill is a bearer. Designed by TylerA0812 and ButteryBob, This droptower model will make your heart throb. With a height of 321.52 feet, And a drop of 295.30, a real feat. Max vertical angle at a daring 90°, You’ll be screaming with glee, can’t you see? The ride stats are impressive, no doubt, Opening on June 3, 2024, let it all out. With 50,000+ blocks to make it grand, In this Minecraft world, you’ll take a stand. So come on over, set your brightness to moody, Experience… Read More

  • Lions MC

    Lions MCThis is a fun multiplayer server with plugins that make things even better! We have a shop, pwarps, hopper filters and more! There is also zero whitelist. A great pwarp to visit is called Factory it has workstations with types of workbenches. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Check out this Minecraft Chad!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Check out this Minecraft Chad!"Looks like this Minecraft meme is a true diamond in the rough with that high score! Read More

  • Diamond Golem DESTROYS Golems | Epic Minecraft Battle! #minecraft #meme

    Diamond Golem DESTROYS Golems | Epic Minecraft Battle! #minecraft #meme Why did the Diamond Golem bring a shovel to the battle? To dig his opponents’ graves! #minecrafthumor #golembattle Read More

  • Escaping the Warden in Minecraft!

    Escaping the Warden in Minecraft! The Deep Dark Adventure in Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 8 In episode eight of Let’s Play Minecraft, our intrepid adventurer embarks on a quest to the Deep Dark in search of echo shards and ancient treasures. The journey is fraught with danger as the Warden lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. World Info Version: 1.20.1 Seed: -1056946488598000456 Mods Fabric Loader 0.15.7 Fabric API 0.92.0 by modmuss50 Sodium 0.5.8 by jellysquid3 Indium 1.0.30 by comp500 Replay Mod 2.6.15 by Johni0702 Simple Hud Utilities 2.6.0 by johnvictorfs Mod Menu 7.2.2 by Prospector Iris Shaders 1.6.17 by coderbot… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a modern and upbeat atmosphere, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and creativity. The video you just watched may not be about Minewind, but it’s clear that the excitement and passion for Minecraft are present. Just like the content creator in the video, you can join Minewind and be part of a community that values creativity, collaboration, and fun. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Caught! – Minecraft Prank

    Caught! - Minecraft Prank Exploring the Thrilling World of Minecraft with EmirhanCTN Embrace the excitement as EmirhanCTN delves into the captivating realm of Minecraft, where adventure, mystery, and suspense await at every turn. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends on a journey filled with thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and spine-tingling moments. Unveiling the Mysterious World of Minecraft Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft, where EmirhanCTN and his companions navigate through a landscape teeming with wonders and dangers. From daring escapes to chilling encounters, each episode promises an adrenaline-pumping experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Embracing the Thrills of Minecraft… Read More

  • Bazaar Maniacs Reveal Ultimate Investment Strategy!

    Bazaar Maniacs Reveal Ultimate Investment Strategy!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Investing Strategy will Transform Your Profile… | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by Bazaar Maniacs on 2024-06-13 01:43:18. It has garnered 6365 views and 275 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. How I make 600m every Traveling Zoo Event In Hypixel Skyblock #hypixelskyblock #hypixelskyblockmoney #minecraft Join The Official Bazaar Maniacs Discord! https://discord.com/invite/bzms – In this video I will be showcasing the new changes made to fairy souls. In this video I will show you how much money chum fishing makes per hour!. This is infact a Hypixel Skyblock Money Making… Read More

  • Exploring the Best Castle on Survival Island

    Exploring the Best Castle on Survival IslandVideo Information ऑलराइट गाइस सो कैसे हैं आप सभी लोग होप फुली सभी लोग बढ़िया होंगे एंड आगे भी बढ़िया रहना सो आज की वीडियो में तुम्हारा भाई एक न्यू वीडियो लेकर आ चुका है एंड इस वीडियो में तुम्हारा भाई विजिट कराने वाला है एक न्यू सर्वाइवल हाउस यानी कि एक न्यू कासल को एंड यह कासल देखने में तो बहुत ही बड़ा लग रहा है एंड बहुत ही अच्छे स्पेस में है बट यह कासल है आइसलैंड पे बना हुआ और इस कासल को आज हम विजिट करने वाले हैं तो बिना किसी देरी के इस वीडियो को… Read More

  • “Escape Minecraft Traps with Insane IQ😱 (World’s Tiniest Violin)” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Escape Minecraft Traps with Insane IQ😱 (World's Tiniest Violin)" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and baby that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit CU that makes me insan haven’t been the same since I Fire doesn’t mean… Read More

  • Unbelievable Loot Strategy in Hindustani Gamer’s Minecraft Shorts!

    Unbelievable Loot Strategy in Hindustani Gamer's Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best structure for loot #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by HINDUSTANI GAMER RED on 2024-02-03 05:22:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. the best structure for loot #minecraft #shorts #trending..#minecraft #shorts #trending the best structure loot of Minecraft #minecraft … Read More

  • Herobrine reveals ultimate cobblestone hack – #shorts

    Herobrine reveals ultimate cobblestone hack - #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘|| how to make cobalstone generator in Minecraft || #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Herobrine 314 on 2024-02-11 08:06:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. herobrine #minecraft #status #viral #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #viralvideo #viralsh #viralshort #viralshorts @hirobrine 314 … Read More

  • Insane Mods in Minecraft 1.20.1! EP 2

    Insane Mods in Minecraft 1.20.1! EP 2Video Information aquela mesa de encantamento é muito boa cara eu vou ver só que vai um XP Desgraçado é não não é muito ué eu gastei cinco level para deixar tudos os negócios nível TR tipo eu ia colocando colocando sabe então deve ser mais ou menos nvel vanila então Ah vou te ensinar um negócio tem de com não encanta só um coisa uma de cana velho Caral verdade nem me lembre escolher qualquer encantamento prote level máximo seis níveis não faz um só tipo assim não coloca eu sei dá para colocar um monte né vários então… Read More

  • Insane Mod Revealed in Minecraft Gameplay! #mods

    Insane Mod Revealed in Minecraft Gameplay! #modsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Мод на лаловую кирку! #minecraft #майнкрафт #shots #video #youtubeshorts #игры #youtube #mods #моды’, was uploaded by DAV222-Minecraft on 2024-01-13 16:52:33. It has garnered 2772 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Eyezrox – Insane Twist in Hardcore Mode!

    Eyezrox - Insane Twist in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘Thing Just Got Worse in Hardcore………..’, was uploaded by Eyezrox on 2024-05-03 10:52:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to my epic journey surviving a whopping 356 days in Minecraft Hardcore Mode, enhanced with some of the most … Read More

  • Insane Clay Collecting in Minecraft with Viewers!

    Insane Clay Collecting in Minecraft with Viewers!Video Information [Music] [Music] oh shoot oh shoot hold on boys hold on Cookie Clicker it’s more important all right um yo welcome Rory how’s it going dude turning PS4 wait turn on PS4 right now good M good M uh welcome uh ketchup welcome stop stop motion Sega as well um glad to see you guys here um as always you know um I been working off camera kind of um I’m crying right now what happened Luke what’s going on dude um why you crying sir but I’ve been working off camera um on this oh I say… Read More

  • RuthlessCraft Survival Apocalypse

    RuthlessCraft Survival ApocalypseThe server is mainly focused on: Severe weather effects that can make it very difficult to survive, Hardcore elements such as only getting a limited amount of lives and when you run out you’re temp banned, ability to train skills and mcmmo, economy, factions, pvp and pve, monsters with increased difficulty, boss monsters that are extremely hard to kill, and improved gameplay elements such as: special enchantments, a plugin that adds magic, and unique craftable items. Read More

  • QuaintSMP | SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    – Server Details: Version: 1.20.1 Community: Close-knit World: Long-term Gameplay: Proper survival Features: Shopping district, Minigame district Server Type: Forge with light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) – About the Server: I run a Hermitcraft-style server with 9 active players and looking to expand. We prioritize community and teamwork in building and projects. Seeking players aged 16+ but exceptions can be made for mature individuals. Goal is 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/X5JXDrpND4 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Please mojang, fix this mess”

    Well, looks like Mojang better watch out – this meme is clearly a top player in the game of internet humor! Read More

  • Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft’s Fastest Form!

    Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft's Fastest Form! Welcome, welcome, to the iron farm show, Where we craft the fastest form, don’t you know? Piqman here, with a tutorial so fine, In Minecraft world, where iron doth shine. First, gather materials, obsidian and more, Build a structure, like never before. Slabs on top, to stop Golems from spawning, A wall around, to keep the iron forming. Water flows, in a perfect design, Portal lit, with a flick so divine. Villagers placed, in beds they lay, Glass above, to keep them at bay. Zombies brought, to scare the night, In survival mode, it’s quite a fight. But with… Read More

  • From Noob to God: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    From Noob to God: The Ultimate Minecraft Showdown! “When a Minecraft noob tries to take on a pro, a hacker, and a god in a battle, it’s like bringing a wooden sword to a diamond armor fight. Good luck, buddy!” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #minecraftfail #minecraftbattle Read More

  • Diving Deep in Minecraft | Upgraded Strainers & Underwater Adventures!

    Diving Deep in Minecraft | Upgraded Strainers & Underwater Adventures! Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Ocean Depths Welcome back to Seaopolis Submerged, an ocean-based survival questing modpack that takes players on an underwater adventure like never before. In this unique world, players are submerged from the overworld into the depths of the ocean, the nether, and beyond. With a customized world filled with diverse mobs and structures, the challenge is to survive and thrive in this aquatic environment. Questing and Survival In this latest episode, players embark on a cold ocean quest line, completing tasks such as setting up strainers, expanding their base using the Room Opis mod, and automating… Read More

  • Unleashing Magical Chaos on SkyBoundSMP! EP 26

    Unleashing Magical Chaos on SkyBoundSMP! EP 26Video Information do a run cap of what happened last time on bound SMP last we saw Rune it was going to convince vast to join him and petro and Virgil down in the ancient city to try to defeat the warden and see what would happen the group got a little bit banged up about it but they managed to make it out okay and got to uncover the warden’s heart this blue crystal was like little pink crystals coming out of it that almost glowed in of itself and R and Virgil were very excited about this development… Read More

  • Minecraft Yandere Family Adopts Block Buddies

    Minecraft Yandere Family Adopts Block BuddiesVideo Information wait a second where am I right now oh my gosh T man who it’s TV man I’m so excited wa what in the heck what am I doing here with all these girls and where even am I right now uh hi TV man uh that’s a good question actually it’s a great question actually and I would like to know the answer what are you doing here I don’t know uh who even are you girls I have no idea where I am right now I didn’t even know you were real like skippity toilet like… Read More

  • 🔴Insane 6 Hour Dark Corrupt Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    🔴Insane 6 Hour Dark Corrupt Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information build wealth every day stream time build wealth every day that’s literally the same ad okay I’m ready see yeah uh I don’t think solid knows that the stream started yeah the white list oh no I don’t have I don’t have control over the server I I I’ll check oh no it works wait what wait oh solid’s on the ball today what the hell oh well that’s interesting I don’t think I can even turn off the white list yeah I’m no longer operator yeah I can’t turn off the white list I I hate I… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Funland Adventure & Insane Parkour

    EPIC Minecraft Funland Adventure & Insane ParkourVideo Information hello guys today I’m on my server that I’ve just started yesterday I know I’m really op it’s whatever what is that so it says fun and free com coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon and what does this say parkour school which one should we go first uh I’m going to parkour school and just saying my sister’s in with me uh yeah it’s going to be fun I’m going to try and finish the parkour let’s see oh that was just sad times I accidentally did it so I’m going to hold my w… Read More

  • 🔥 1M Subs in 24H !!! Minecraft Live Hindi #shorts 🔥

    🔥 1M Subs in 24H !!! Minecraft Live Hindi #shorts 🔥Video Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सभी लोग स्वागत है गाइस आज के इस नई स्ट्रीम पर साहिल प्ले वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सेकंड प्रतीक बढ़िया कैसे हो सभी लोग पारकर ओके पारकर के लिए देखता हूं मैं मॉडरेटर से बोलता हू ब्रो एसम ऑनलाइन ब्रदर मैंने आज होस्टिंग वालों से बात कर लिए है न्यू वीपीएस लच करने वाले हैं इसलिए उसको टाइम लगने वाला है जो है वह फर्स्ट ह बढ़िया डिजिटल गेमर वेलकम ू द स्ट्रीम स्वागत है आईम होल फर्स्ट नाइस यार वन प्लेयर दिखा रहा है कहां पर वन… Read More

  • Epic Monster School vs Bad Guys Showdown!

    Epic Monster School vs Bad Guys Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School vs Bad Guys: Bad Dancers Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Ansar. game. 1.1M views 5 days ago… on 2024-03-25 16:22:51. It has garnered 250 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. #monsterschool monster school, monster school animation, monster school minecraft, monster school challenge, monster school funny, minecraft monster school, школа монстров, монстр школа, minecraft school https://youtu.be/LKITpmjacHM Titan Cameraman And Herobrine Vs Skibidi Toilet – Minecraft Animation Monster School: Bad Monster vs Good Monster – Sad Storyhttps://youtu.be/Y7IoKEzk3ag?si=cVPBDEEfmt5Dhks- monster school, monster school animation, monster school minecraft, monster school challenge,… Read More

  • Malayalam Techies Save Village in Minecraft! 😱🔥

    Malayalam Techies Save Village in Minecraft! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#2 ഒരു village മുഴുവൻ രക്ഷിച്ചു 🥵🥵 Minecraft’, was uploaded by Malayalam Techies on 2024-03-18 10:21:45. It has garnered 2306 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:11 or 611 seconds. Social Medias:✅ Discord :❎ https://discord.gg/EpGFfDk9rj Vlog Channel :❎ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVYCwB8kV-i0RETEcS2qkDw Facebook :❎ Instagram :❎ https://www.instagram.com/malayalamtechies/ Referals:✅ Minecraft Hosting: Apex Hosting https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=5973 (Kindly Don’t Ask for Youtube Channel Promotion ) For Copyright and Promotions/Business: [email protected] Available for sponsorships, product reviews, Brand Collabs and website reviews. For Business / Sponsorship/ Queries Contact: Business mail – [email protected] #Malayalam Techies – മലയാളം ടെക്കീസ് Disclaimer- Copyright Disclaimer Under… Read More

  • Manpixel’s EPIC Minecraft War – You won’t believe what happens next! 😱 #shorts

    Manpixel's EPIC Minecraft War - You won't believe what happens next! 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] I’ll [Music] look [Applause] [Music] m This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 11 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-12 12:00:40. It has garnered 821 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • WX39 – CRAZY Mod Hacks for Minecraft 1.20.6!

    WX39 - CRAZY Mod Hacks for Minecraft 1.20.6!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.6 – Shaders, Zoom, and Optimisation Mods Install Tutorial’, was uploaded by wx39 on 2024-06-06 06:35:25. It has garnered 118 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:38 or 518 seconds. Download all the mods bundled together here: https://ufile.io/2vsb6jgw If you’re having trouble running the Iris Installer, there is a utility you can download called “JarFix”. It’ll fix the issue, though you may need to restart your PC after running it. If you’d rather download the mods individually, here are the relevant links: Iris Shaders – gives you shaders and the… Read More