Minecraft Madness | eSports | Elevation YTH

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Yikes [Laughter] he did it silent why did he do it silent hey what’s up we’re live what’s up guys we’re live i already see j dot in here i see grace to see abigail how are you guys doing we’re playing minecraft uh john thank you so much hey get off the camera

Get out of here where did you get him i didn’t why didn’t i get anything dude i said tall i said tall okay pet peeve i hate it when people are like hey what do you want from starbucks i’ll get it and i’m like tall tall flat white and they come back with

Like a venti i’m like i said tall like it’s not they’re not doing you a favor by getting you more like mine’s like a self-control thing like i know i’m gonna drink this whole thing and guess what i’m gonna be up all night yeah but actually though i’m acting super ungrateful john that’s

Great thank you so much man servant’s heart that’s right okay guys this is what we’re doing today we’re getting eleanor in here we’re getting jad in here and we’re gonna see if i can uh if i or gabe can have more kills than eleanor i think i think we can i don’t

Think that’s gonna be an issue uh should be the east thing i do all year i don’t know man i i i don’t think we should sleep on eleanor i mean she could have been like practicing all week for this what’s up karthik hi how are you

Uh are we on sorry eleanor yeah no one told me y’all right hey esther says is this can anyone else confirm that or is it just esther yeah eleanor said that’s not hard youth nation okay confirmed we fixed it or there wasn’t no problem why aren’t you talking

He hasn’t been talking the entire time we’re 30 oh it’s good now but it wasn’t before you could hear it in both ears yo what’s up seth we’re good now okay what’s up annie how are you eleanor is just better no i mean well i think eleanor is good but yeah i

Think jdot’s really the one who takes it what do you think about me uh professionally [Laughter] okay uh let’s see are you guys on they’re not even on see what i’m saying like how are we supposed to play i’m not even on yet okay uh let’s let’s start with a quick little

Dub yeah we’ll do this i don’t want to play i don’t we’ve never lost a game on no stream that’s a good do you do you guys like pickles and pickles are some of my favorite i would like that annie i’m doing i’m doing great

Um what version are we playing on uh one point eight point nine of course high pixel emerson it is a bit of trash what did you say well here’s what i don’t understand we’re over here trying to stream and now johan’s talking yeah so see what i think is frustrating is that

When you’re supposed to talk you don’t and when you’re not supposed to you do and so i think we can talk about it offline and talk about it offline maybe um yeah eleanor you know what make a compilation of all the games we’ve lost you won’t be able to okay stop uh he’s

Launching the game okay let’s uh let’s do this can we can we get serious for a second good vibes good fight good vibes check good vibes okay i’m scared wait this is my hand it’s eleanor just eleanor just logged on to him okay then all righty then we need to johan stream

Guys i call johan i accidentally called johan johan to zack yeah you did cameron yeah he probably thinks you actually think that’s his name at some point i’ve kind of pulled myself into thinking that it’s his name yeah cause i noticed that i called you

Out so i was like for a second i was like leighton calls jonah and johan so much that i started to believe that your name was johan you’re like am i pronouncing it wrong oh wow we’re going to lose i can already feel it like that no dude i i can tell man

I can just tell this is not gonna be a good one you play with the music on uh gabe like the the minecraft music no typically not but we headed up earlier so here we are yeah i was like i turned mine off well i wish i would have But i’m in the game now and And already i bet sweats are already like starting to like run our way they somehow know that we’re not good it happens every time every time oh dude what how music like real music minecraft music is awesome but that but it’s not great for bed wars

I think i think people could i love minecraft music i’m not here for like peaceful minecraft vibes what’d you say share the stream john russia said share the stream that means you have to do this there’s a guy coming this guy coming i’m cool i’m here i’m good

You’re trash kid now i’m gonna go now i’m going to you yep come with come on come on come on come on come on i need help need help need help oh this kid’s uh apparently the best player to ever play the game apparently cool i love how i just played the best

Players ever oh but he killed both of us how did he kill both of us hey wait make sure he doesn’t get our bed make sure everything in our bed yeah we’re good we’re good i don’t have enough i’m pushing back yeah dude do it oh he’s

Back he’s back he’s back he’s back he’s here he’s on top will you can you you think you can oh i’m coming down i hit him with the tnt you’re trash kid oh man of course man this is why i get shears always buy shears early man this is so

Annoying look at this here lord help us this kid’s done so need help need help oh i got i don’t have a pickaxe bro or i wouldn’t they knock you he did i’m dead here bop i bought the wrong thing because i was too uh frazzled we got this we got this this

Is uh this pushes it Don’t let this kid get close again coming back oh my gosh dude i swear the spawn right man just give me do you think you can hold here yes it’s just him so i’m just gonna push his back like oh i don’t really know what he’s trying

To do but if he can do it now it’d be great he dropped on me he could he’s gonna kill me what is this game bro like i don’t even see the guy it’s so frustrating man this game’s so bad got him he just killed him too i think

We got him let’s go you’re bad you’re bad he almost cut her bad dude it was so close can you come hold yeah yeah why fix bed oh my gosh that was so close i do say every game is bad because they all are bad

Make a good game no one makes good games dude that’s the problem I can’t think of one good game i can also [Laughter] guys we love halo we this is the second we’ve talked about it on stream it means a lot to us um i’m gonna push it out let’s see i’m trying to catch up on sounds like a worship instrumental that’s hilarious

I is esther is it just esther esther’s pc that’s having those problems everyone else isn’t just hearing us through one are they Okay let’s focus on some diamonds some demons catch up on cat catch up on chat yo what’s up nate they said it’s the best time of the week let’s go youth nation ask him nate you want to play wait later later tomorrow tomorrow oh you’re talking about uh orizon yeah

Copy cool there’s no i don’t know why i’m over here i thought there was diamond there i was deceived oh white also pushed over there is white oh they’re dead wow this is a really weird game yeah i agree it’s one of the more unusual games we’ve played

Saying our mics are all on the left oh you fixed it cool some run through we did tight oh guys i feel pretty confident i feel pretty confident i feel pretty confident guys [Laughter] john some run through we did um i need cheers i’m a bit frazzled right

Now i don’t think i i know exactly what i’m doing let’s see let’s do this let’s get um that and then let’s do that there you go oh my what happened i don’t want to talk about it you’re trash kid who’s alive i didn’t know oh blue’s alive i’m about to go

Bully blue bully niche gotta stop looks have the shears don’t use them i have no i don’t have to get over wow this is such a weird game i don’t like it i don’t like oh there’s yellow i see yellow he’s somehow going to be behind me in two seconds i don’t know

How but he will blue’s just holding this line for whatever weird reason oh hi blue hi hi knockback wow you’re bad you’re actually really bad i’m sorry dude I don’t know how i just don’t understand like that my pickaxe is going too how it took eight years to get there and then when i get there it doesn’t even work uh i’m catching up with chat catching up catching one chat uh game sound they fixed it they fixed it

Someone’s going to get ice cream what type of ice cream do you guys like i don’t know if i’m a big ice cream fan hi spirit wolf wait what yeah i’m like i do i like it but i don’t love it you know what i really like why is everyone saying leighton don’t

Forget oh i won’t forget your announcement um you know i really like those fruit the fruit pops like coconut fruit yeah dude that sounds like some boujee no they’re not i like just like chat let me hear but like call me a classic guy just like a good vanilla ice cream

But do you like buy it in a little in a carton and then you’re like yeah i’m just gonna eat some ice cream now you do that what the heck was sometimes i mean is someone shooting stuff at me i think someone’s shooting stuff at me dude we gotta go handle yellow dude

Yellow’s a problem right now oh we’re actually competing right now gabe well yeah of course you’ve never lost the game on stream why did you expect a game on stream never lost a game on stream ellen doesn’t like coconut it’s not bougie it’s just yeah i don’t like i don’t like coconut either

Like oh oh shoot you good well i didn’t know if i swore i just saw a block breaking that was really weird um it’s not bougie um it’s like a for me it’s like a mexican thing they have like these like mexican uh i can always find them at

Like the hispanic supermarkets like fiesta and stuff oh that’s cool um and they’re like fruit bars i don’t i don’t know they’re awesome some they do strawberry too and there’s like pieces of strawberry in it they’re they’re awesome that does sound pretty good i’m not gonna lie dude hold on

Hold on got it got yellow let’s go hold hold hold hold they’re not here so i don’t know where they are they may be invis they may be interesting back to base we gotta handle pink we gotta handle oh it’s us guys where’s big i’ll buy trap i don’t know where yellow is

Oh there it is they’re there they’re there yeah they’re there they’re there i can’t throw them someone’s here they’re good you sure both of them yeah one’s coming one’s coming at me you can where’s oh i got a second i’m on my way i’m on my way i’m coming through i’m sprinting

I’m sprinting i’m sprinting i’m sprinting i’m here i’m making time you’re here i’m here oh let’s go if you ran right past it no i knew where he was i didn’t want to get i didn’t want to hear his hand handle him handle him this guy’s name is long tail duck and

He’s a duck it’s inappropriate shouldn’t joke about that you hold king hold okay hold he holding holding this holding a baby running away like that baby niche movement feels a little bit better today it’s overall you feel better nice i’m on full chase for this win dude we’re gonna win

I really don’t feel like we’re gonna win of course he somehow hit me of course of course of course that’s just how the game works you’re right of course i’m sorry i forgot the game is bad i totally forgot that’s on me that’s on me that’s on me guys that’s on me

Catch up on chat cap catch up with chat uh chocolate ice cream i just don’t like go buy ice cream very often i feel like do you ever like go out for ice cream like you’re like no i do that’s what i’m saying i just don’t you know what i really like

But i don’t like to go get it is um cold not cold stone marble slab sweet cream with sprinkles hmm that’s that’s solid well we just have this one yellow guy dude we win we’ll shoot we play together we play together we play together okay everyone just calm down

She’s not in the game she wasn’t logged in when we started okay hang on hang on let me let me let me beef us up real quick no he’s trying to get emerald right now we have to we’ve got it we got to handle this

Can you just hold back yeah okay i have a bunch of gold i i need to i need to use that on it he’s right here yeah he has he has diamond he’s done he’s on his way and he has tnt okay Yeah i figured that’s what he was doing uh just hold hold hold on we have we have uh blast proof we have glass so yeah if we just play it together here let him let him do it he wants it can’t oh just hold

We just gotta if he wants to drop he can do it but he can’t die it’s it’s like he he loses so many so many ways don’t let the tnt yeah this guy’s so lame he’s gonna watch the fireball this guy’s so lame this guy’s actually the lame can you buy

A fireball yeah yeah just don’t just be careful just stay back and let him yeah if he gets our bed it’s not a big deal we just have to be able to handle this kid just get a fireball knuckle down then we’ll we’ll hand on get him let’s go [Applause] [Laughter]

It’s actually the first game of the night okay hold on we gotta go back i’m shaking wait are we good are we good are we good what happened oh cool i lost connection there we go i’m back uh oh party uh lobby no let’s peel on me i think i don’t

Think i’m in your game now lobby has already been here i’m gonna disconnect for him oh i’m turning back in now just to find me oh my goodness that was no you’re still in my party oh yeah i don’t know i forget what it is every time okay uh

Let’s see what’s going on the movement was there yeah it’s the clicks man i don’t know how to click uh a million clicks per second apparently uh you know what first game man what i think it was the teamwork i think we just get each other and we just knew what we

Were doing yeah and we came out aggressively you know we got that first and nate goes never lost on stream that’s right baby [Laughter] stuck right now so yeah i don’t know that is really strange yeah i’m not a big ice cream person i hate to go back to it but people are

Still talking about it ew eleanor said i’m shocked how am i a boomerang eleanor if you can explain how i’m somehow a boomer would love would love to hear the explanation uh you won’t be able to though so that’s embarrassing nation okay uh do slash hub oh yeah

Oh no that’s just gonna take me back to that’s not what i wanted will it bring my whole party with me though yeah see it doesn’t bring every time man just make it easy like why is it gotta be confusing you know what i’m saying

Yeah make it easy make it easy i have to remember this okay let’s go back to bedwars lobby oh yeah someone asked us about e-groups somebody oh true ashley oh hey ashley how are you doing what are you doing well we’re playing minecraft right now ashley uh just kind

Of chilling hanging out hanging out with you guys uh giving you all the space to just just chill on a thursday night you know um annie wants to play oh we will play we’ll do open party games at the end like we did last week for sure yeah 100 100 happening annie

Actually annie do you have high pixel if annie has high pixels we should just get annie and eleanor in there on our team yeah that’s what we should do if danny has high pixel okay um did we land on anything with the ice cream thought okay here’s a here’s what i’m going to

Say about ice cream okay so today at work we have this meeting called grilled cheese massacre um and we had some food trucks there one being an acai bowl and i i think that’s stupid like just put it in a smoothie and let me drink it like i don’t want to

Chew my smoothie but i don’t feel the same way about ice cream and milkshakes i equally love ice cream and milkshakes ice cream is just like i don’t know there’s something about like you’re having a bad day you go home you’re feeling down in the dumps and like

You just like eat some ice cream put on a movie really yeah i just so i don’t buy it i just don’t like i don’t think it i just it just doesn’t and then you have to like if i go buy it at the store i have to

Worry about hurrying up and getting it in the freezer because the thing’s going to melt how fast do you think it’s going to melt in my head it very quick in my head that’s what i think in my head okay um oh no she said no she doesn’t have hypex one shucks

Ice creams are a part of like they are they are good i can’t see but i don’t want to say i hope they’re back i don’t want to say ice cream’s not good ice cream is good i just don’t think i i just don’t eat it often it’s just not really like

Oh i should oh i could kill some ice cream right now i don’t know well i think you should start thinking about that a little more what is john doing okay okay let’s get jada in here let’s get j-dot in here j dot nation we got j-dot in here

Let’s get eleanor even though she’s rude oh man even though she’s mean it’s fine whatever i guess woman part of their heart i think i’m rooting for eleanor today i hope eleanor curious the less work i have to do the better no i feel that okay let’s see destiny talks about

Acai evil i don’t think i’ve ever had acai before jalen sits in the back what do you i don’t understand we should just put a cut out of jalen back here if you missed it we’re just gonna cut out a jalen over here how many how many beverages do you think

I can drink on stream i’m sorry i’m reading chat what are you talking about you are why do you have water lemonade in in an americano yeah man eleanor goes dude i literally don’t know i hate you don hey hey okay is eleanor in here yeah she is

And you’re here we’re all here gangs all here right here quads let’s do quads baby man we haven’t done quads in a while someone said get a wellness check on john listen john he just had he had a rough day now he’s just he’s just here recording doing his best

We had live recording he gave his all last night he moshed a little too hard dude live recording was it was nutty guys it was it was a really crazy time it was awesome it was like my life incredible worship but also like uh like a metal show at the same time which

Yeah i couldn’t ask for more that’s exactly everything i’ve ever wanted in the last morning loud okay jumping on into this uh little little boys versus girls action girl actually eleanor versus girl okay okay get focus focus what is this i hate it i don’t like it i don’t like it

Hey at least we’re green we’re like camouflaged uh j-dot’s gonna handle uh making the bed he always does yeah yep always dies that’s not my job that’s not my job that’s not my job lucky for you now’s my end okay okay what do i buy first buy some blocks okay okay okay okay

There we go there we go jay dot i kinda wanna sit back a little bit okay okay i’m gonna sit back i think and yellow is already pushing ella’s already here yellow’s here yeah yellow’s here two two two two two two two what i uh we both fell we both we we both

Gabe you just fall off no no no no no no no no no no no they’re here they’re here they’re here we need to collect we got a clutch we got a clutch we got a clutch someone clutch oh i got one i got one i got one i got one

Did we get the other guy i got the other one there we go baby here we go baby we got it we have to handle yellow right now how did i fall off dude it’s it’s it’s easy this map’s bad that’s bad bad map i love that ashley’s new here that’s

Awesome who else is new oh i’m new to the e group who’s that spy trap what’s up spy trap uh if anyone’s trying to come anyone’s trying to play we’re gonna play party games later and we’re gonna play with everybody okay uh yellow’s here

This guy he’s lame oh i hit him i hit him i hit him it was worth the throw it was worth the throw i don’t care i hit him i still want to start doing that climb up thing and then we like both look at and stare at each other for like

It feels like forever nice yellow’s actually annoying oh dude i keep falling man i can’t i haven’t been killed yet i’ve just fallen Oh did could i have bought that and i need 12. let’s try let’s go oh let’s go let’s go good stuff good job it’s going off man shade outs being jadot baby carrie nash carrie nation i’m not even mad about it dog i’m not even mad i need cheers

See in my head i’m just not thinking like what i need to get i have to buy like 50 things god jesus i don’t you fall again i don’t know no i got killed i got killed i don’t know how that feels so much better but it does Got him my kill mikey eleanor mine that’s my kill oh oh we push now we push now we push now we push now we push now we push now we push now got it let’s go baby oh bad kids bad kids bad kids got one baby

Did you call me bad john oh red john what is red john don’t don are they teaming no they should i can’t hear what he said it’s best that way what do you say he said i think not wow he got me no he’s he was getting me bro

Oh you really got me john you feel big now i think you’re cool huh i think you’re cool i think you’re cool because you’re bullying me on stream man we’ll see you know we’ll see what stream oh yeah yeah yeah knock me back 80 blocks i love that i love that i love

That i love that i forgot that that’s a thing i hate this game i don’t like how far we’re having to run for for red but well i mean we can go the other i think yeah but i don’t i almost like having one way in one way out like that

Because then we can control who’s who’s who’s coming what the what was that i don’t know i thought that was oh it’s fireball is that back at home i’m here dude they destroyed everything they destroyed everything oh my gosh it’s just these two this is oh my god they destroyed our home base

Our home yeah yeah i’m here but like our bed is exposed okay i’m coming they’re just eating uh fireballs across the map we need to get some glass well of course i don’t have enough stuff of course i don’t have enough stuff oh spin like half of my life getting enough

Here it’s there i had to just leave quick dude josiah got worked earlier today in corn hall yeah dude we oh so did john so did john john’s bad uh let me know chat you want to see me in leighton stream uh cornhole that would be so much fun because

We are elevation champs technically we’re technically i’m just saying technically technic i mean not even technically like we just are yeah i mean we won right what happened to this what are we building over here what’s eleanor building are you building a ship a spaceship what is this

This is so weird champ i hate it when people do stuff like that they sit up there and like like look you drop down and drop down could handle that would be awesome another red another right over here we’re getting we’re getting pushed from both sides we’re getting pushed from both sides

Need help big time oh we got red let’s go jade i got red jade i got bed i got bed you got bed i need help too red bed for attention he ran back we got this kid but i don’t i don’t have any blocks i can’t get over there

Okay so now the thing that sucks about this is now we have to wait for invis because that’s exactly what they’re going to play now they’re going to play invis do we have have we got any doubt josiah said i got carried dude just imagine being so bad at cornhole that you’re thinking

That i got carried you’re trash you’re trash asia actual trash trash can niche he’s just trying to get between us man he’s trying to he’s trying to break our bond i know i don’t i don’t like that i don’t like that people are trying to do that i’ve noticed

I can’t i haven’t had time to look it does look like a ship as i say it did look a bit like a spaceship okay no keep that don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that let’s get ourselves a nice uh nice sword

Just treat ourselves we can sit on diamond for a bit we have no diamonds yeah this is nutty i don’t think i can make that you yeah i think so well i’m declaring war oh j that was killed there’s one mid two mid two mid one with diamond already which is

Mega lame this is going to be difficult they’re just going to sit emeralds that’s exactly what they’re going to do they’re going to sit emeralds until they can get invis they’re going to try and get our bed how many are live on red three so you can never get in between gabe and

I you wish you wish dude there we go two two four two four two four dude everything’s so expensive dude i swear i’m i swear i hit that i hit that guy like 80 times i swear i promise i promise did you say everything’s so expensive yes

Like it’s a real money or something dude i don’t have any cash about this we’re playing fours man it’s just so much more expensive than duo’s yeah i know come on guys we got to keep the win streak up yeah we got to protect home

We got to protect home at all costs i have a trap up right now so perfect here’s some protection where are these guys man we got to keep an eye on them i see them i see they’re at home they’re at home oh yeah j-dot’s about to engage big ugh no that guy

Wait there’s a guy behind man i didn’t see him boring no i think it’s three yeah i think you’re right it’s by trap it’s three uh josiah it didn’t stop recording actually only during dress rehearsal not live which actually counts so joke’s on you okay

What a low blow what a low blow yeah just hi what camera are you on sorry if he wanted we went there right we went there right did we i mean you did you i didn’t it was already there okay hopefully this other guy doesn’t just like

Surprise me i’m trying to flank around right now this is nutty this team’s being lame oh nice that he may handle that over there ah how’s that guy alive bro see what’s annoying is i don’t want to build any of these bridges out that guy’s got to be one health right

How am i not getting any hit that guy just killed every single one of us except me he’s about to kill me that’s why i mean i didn’t mean it like that i didn’t mean it like that i promise he’s in biz yeah he’s in biz so we gotta protect home

Oh yep he’s here yep what happened what happened to our what happened to our trap he was in this it was a minor traps go off though there’s fatigue wait for me i think you have to have this one for invis wait for me wait for me [ __ ] out please no dang it

Of course i’m on fire of course i’m dead why what is going on i thought we had a trap how do we not have a trap up we had a trap up it’s just you have to have a special trap for invis there’s like an enemy that’s never happened to me ever

There’s no way that guy’s alive there’s just no way i’m reading i’m reading chat i gotta get caught up on chat i don’t know how he lost that doesn’t make any sense oh my gosh this guy has the same skin as me well you did just copy and paste and she

Ended up just about to do that this is the first time i’ve seen a guy with the same skin as me okay let me be excited oh my god dude this guy’s doing this he was he thought it was cool too he was trying to get my attention

Josiah this isn’t how you troll people i i understand you’re trying it’s just not it’s not it doesn’t it’s not gonna work dog it’s not okay i kind of like this man yeah to be fair that last map was a little lame but we didn’t lose yeah

We’ve only won we’ve only played one game tonight yeah yeah yeah that one doesn’t count doesn’t count game doesn’t count guys already here all right love that and that guy might hit every shot so i don’t even care i wasn’t even paying attention on starting chat doesn’t count doesn’t count

Didn’t count oh my doesn’t count doesn’t matter it doesn’t count i think everyone’s dead now right i just want to make sure before we go in no eleanor still alive somehow i just don’t know i didn’t count i didn’t count how am i toxic esther you’re toxic

Maybe you know you know maybe you’re gonna do a self-evaluation like eating okay uh did we land on the ice cream okay i’m done i don’t want to talk any more ice cream i can’t i can’t um i just saw a dude whatever dog still on a win streak we’ve only we’ve

Only won one we’ve only played one game played one game only a lot i’m not worried about it at all i’m not worried about it but you know what else we could say what i mean me and you are undefeated i mean i’m just saying okay

There we go okay okay whoa this map is what is that out there all right john you can come and talk at any moment at any moment come in the game you don’t want to stress me out can i get that on record someone clip it i stress you out you literally purposely

Troll me every day you do things to make me mad it’s what you do oh man look man don’t take things firstly bro look man i don’t know who you’re talking to that way hey shouldn’t joke about that are we good i have no idea i can look up and people are probably

Already invis somehow it’s every time man every single time i’m just gonna have to do a better job i’ll just stay back i think it’s gonna have to be it’s gonna have to be it layton is cancel cancel layton wow that’s awesome that’s one of our mods guys uh he’s a

Youth director here john rush basically telling to cancel me so um again he isn’t he is an employee he is hired on paid by the church uh and he’s the one that’s putting that in chat so um at any moment just just wanted everyone to know

Look what you did john can you cancel someone for trying to for can someone who’s trying to cancel someone get cancelled no nate what’s good abigail says keep latest thanks jdot yes i know i know it was neat i just feel like i should stay back because if if someone doesn’t stay back

Then i’m just doomed i feel like that’s what happened last time i get it man i don’t think we have any problems here oh we just got to go handle yellow and red can we get a uh a trap i just spent all of your diamond okay

I’m gonna go back i’ll go back yellow’s here too um i don’t know if they’re one if they’re one point anymore our one one diamond uh i can check there may be two there one yeah okay cool whoa okay now that i have that i’m gonna go out and do stuff

Get some shears okay spawn rate’s so bad dude i’mma spin tight gameplay both of us just farming [Laughter] what the heck dude okay let’s do this two blue mid okay one i’m with eleanor i got him eleanor filter don’t worry illinois bad i’ve fallen off okay i’m gonna i’m gonna help i’m gonna

Help red oh this guy’s gonna end up behind me somehow weird uh josiah we actually already won oh dude i’m about to go down now yep i’m back well honored that nate stopped in that makes me feel happy okay oh so we still need to handle red redness

I’m gonna go farm some more diamond copy copy copy copy i see yellow yellow red reds mid oh they’re hitting our blocks this is lame nothing’s worse than getting to somewhere where you could like start building over and having no blocks i’m just like well i guess i can’t do anything here

I gotta turn back oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Fight love that really really really really really really love that how’d that guy instantly trigger the alarm and then destroy our bed in the same breath we’re not upgrading bed that’s the problem didn’t kill me i don’t care that’s the issue is we’re not upgrading bad dude because i just don’t care i’m

Pissed off that was lame lame sauce dude well you guys got to play together now and handle red i mean yellow and red i can go i can go see what they’re doing they’ve been fighting for a while but i mean we’ve got to upgrade our bed quicker

We kept it on on wood and wool the entire time so red and yellow are fighting right now if someone um one back for red there’s one back for red right now not anymore reds red’s free red’s free oh but he just died to yellow where’s j-dot at i don’t know

Yeah wood in stone and then uh i like getting the blast proof glass yeah you just need that that’s that’s that’s usually the move again yellow’s on red right now two yellow on red oh uh only one yellow is home right now nah man nice oh if you would have done that like

Two seconds later you would have gotten that elim well so yellow someone needs to make a play on yellow i don’t think you’re gonna want this there’s a red guy uh sitting on top of yellow oh dude i think i got that actually entire yellow at home all four

I’m gonna get that right again i’m just gonna play it safe here you know yeah where is j dot j dot’s like hiding is she not hacking trying to keep up with j dot i was behind them but did i select the player oh there it is

Do you see him uh yeah he’s he’s out oh is that a different home is that where he is oh i’m doing the auto teleport i don’t want that dude stop telling oh cool i can watch jdot’s perspective hiding he’s going invis i think just gonna go invis here

I’ll have an iron golem he’s in phase he’s going to make a play right now the iron golem is going to attack him oh this is bad this is really bad red and yellow or fighting mid iron golem is an issue nice nice dude j-dot’s so smart

Oh jade out so smart here let’s go he could he could die here though fighting each other on yellow right now okay it’s a 3v4 ugh yeah it does take monomo it takes forever okay yellow is pushing on this yeah i think j dot’s dead here yeah unfortunate unfortunate niche i’ll throw

No stay stay alive just die or okay i already made my mind eleanor’s last alive let’s see where illinois is eleanor’s just standing still on the bed i can’t tell if she’s deceit i’m throwing don’t throw don’t throw no no no no no no no don’t throw stay alive stay alive stay

Alive as long as possible you can clutch this we believe in you chad believes in you we all believe in you don’t throw do not throw listen vo whoa listen you’re good i’m bad is that it that’s all can i oh eleanor what are you buying where’s eleanor buying i got to do

Something here eleanor their bed is still up they are making a move they’re on their way there’s one yellow mid he’s got a tnt or a fireball or something thanks for stopping by this is gonna be fun go make a move on them eleanor yellow’s on their way

One of the one of the guys disconnected one of the guys disconnected three v one three v one three one you can do this you can do this oh guys invis i think oh no that’s just like that’s j jdot and me it’s the spectators and here we go eleanor on the lonely

Road now only one alive for green team and she’s going to have to clutch it not doing anything very bold strategy gabe and she goes invis here this could be big this could be big for eleanor as she goes invis starting to pursue yellow team

This could be it guys this could be it now eleanor get this box right here eleanor come on eleanor this box oh i think they saw her i think they saw her uh oh oh yeah no you have your sword you have your sword eleanor no you they can see

You they can see you oh man oh man oh no a combat carl what’s that from do you know what that’s right i don’t know where you’re from johan do you know what that’s from oh no a con it’s a combat carl first person who tells me that is i’ll

Cash out you five dollars uh we’ll give you a headset first person we have any more headsets why are you looking at me like that oh that’s nutty that’s insane you gotta make it happen i can’t do my announcement yeah tell them your announcement yeah oh this is that okay

You have to say it right here all right this is actually um it’s not super serious but yeah it is it is weighty um somebody in our community um passed away from coven 19 um this last week yep and another person in our community is deciding to hold a war zone fundraiser tournament

To help cover the cost of his funeral which is really cool it’s tomorrow night um and me um leighton and gabe um and nate bailey he said yes he can do it are gonna play in it i just thought it’d be really cool just

A cool way a simple way that we can help and so i put all the info in the discord already including like a graphic so like if our team can get that up on our instagram that’ll be great but really just like whether you sign up to play or not

Um just spreading awareness and it’s just a simple way to like have fun and like do something like really positive so that’s what really elevation youth and youth nation gaming are um are all about so all the information is in the discord we’ll be posting about it on our socials

Um and more information about the family affected um is on there but it’d be fun to see y’all um over there uh tomorrow night that’s my announcement that’s awesome it’s gonna be a good time absolutely yeah this would be cool to see our whole community come together for something

Thanks john everyone say thank you john thanks john i don’t know if that was helpful jada i don’t know if i was helping him or making it worse i can’t i can’t tell i have there’s wood in there also i got extra wood okay greens here

A greens here uh hey guys greens here oh no did you just fall off someone just fell off i think it was j-dot not this dude it’s so boring with this kid trying to run away oh i’m cool dude i’m gonna run away he’s coming look at me i’m running away

Of course i don’t have enough what is this guy doing you can’t do it you’re gonna drop down you don’t have any explosives bro what are you doing oh who was that that was Let’s knock this guy off bro what does this guy do he’s down get down let’s go okay i guess there is the the bridge was not fully built out there hey man my bridge looks good apparently vlog and jadot are fighting in the chat is andy here eddie bentley let’s go

He was in the building at one point sure and we told him to come and say hi but he’s not here anymore so we got to get some of that we got to get these blocks out here this is uh this is messy this is our this is only

Our second game of the night we already had one the first one uh gabe and i and now as a full uh quad squad we are trying to get a dub we’re to get it i don’t think we’re connected anywhere yeah we’re not connected anywhere

Just what did you say what uh traps you bought last time like what did you uh the alarm i do the uh the one that it um yeah yeah there we go j dot’s building up i didn’t want to do it i wasn’t going to say it

But i didn’t want to do it you know what i mean i didn’t want to ruin it of course i don’t have enough why did i think i was going to have enough okay let’s go everyone’s still alive right now blue and blue and yellow are the ones we have so

Green is over at blue’s base i don’t know if they’re going to try to like build around you’re bad you’re bad you’re bad you’re bad you’re bad dude you’re bad don’t don’t you’re bad that kid didn’t fall how did that kid not fall see that doesn’t make sense

Why didn’t knockback affect him it affected me game’s bad i’m uninstalling installing right now uh and it’s done what else are we playing oh yeah that’s over here it was mid yellow’s mid yellow’s in wow get straight line there’s no way there’s no way Nice there we go there we go j dot ah keep my composure latent keep your composure keep your composure remain in control you are in control remain in control what is up everybody welcome to where’s the green we’re his green team where are these guys dude they’re babies i don’t like it

Oh there are there got two here we got two here this is this is not even worth it’s not even worth it fight this guy’s a one this guy’s one hit and he’s somehow alive it’s so weird champ imagine running away you’re a baby we’ve got a handle there it is is anyone

Home is anyone home i don’t think anyone’s home i think we’re gonna dude he’s one hit he’s one hit he’s one hit please please please somebody how did i do like the guy got lost bro the guy got around me unbelievable that guy walked through me that guy walked straight through me that

Guy Andy says jayda is doing so good ever since i started teaching how to play fight okay andy we just sent them home so this is not gonna be a very profitable push but i don’t mind someone chilling back let’s see what they do well i didn’t want to go that’s why i

Jumped off i don’t actually want to go because they’re home so it’s not worth it’s not worth going to push i’m gonna die This game’s so boring uh green is here but yeah i’m just gonna stay behind i don’t know how that guy just doesn’t the knock back that guy doesn’t go anywhere that just that actually blows my mind i don’t this doesn’t make any sense this is a really bad place to be in here

Hey leighton there’s a guy you just yep yep i know i know i know i know i know i’m trying to see if i can come over here i need blocks now i’m stuck i fell off ah i fell off Why are we doing it over sky you know everything about that i have it everything’s just like super high in the air like what if we just like we’re on the ground you know and we didn’t dive and we didn’t have to build bridges and stuff

That’s a wild idea it feels like i feel like it would just be like 15 times more fun hey enderman uh eleanor is playing with us um who’s from the uk oh of course oh somehow won that let’s love that it’s pretty much just a 50 50 at this point

I’m gonna die here uh the bedrock server i don’t know if it’s gonna be bedrock it’s probably gonna be java um but we’re still working on finding the person who will be creating it so there’s a bunch of moving parts we’re looking for someone to create the ufx server which will be different

So there’s a couple things i like i think he just has a better i think he just has a better um sword than me i think that’s how he wins that yeah i kind of forget to buy like a nice swords a green here green here green here green here

Of course he of course he of course he landed that of course oh and i don’t have i don’t have armor either well that explains a lot there’s too much to think about too much to think about i forget about all the little oh you asked that question earlier and i

Missed it i’m sorry i’m trying to play too i’m trying to play i got john cancelling me i’m falling off every three seconds it’s it’s so it’s too much no i’m kidding it’s a knockback i need armor Time i don’t get it man i just don’t how does that guy was that guy getting more health that guy that guy had to have a a gold a gold i yeah i know enderman i got it i like i said i also went to town last week but um

We have people trying to make it it’s a couple moving parts but uh just be on the lookout for it yeah i’m sorry i just don’t get it i just don’t i don’t i can film myself not wanting to play this game ever again i can feel it like i can feel it

Those guys gonna come hit me both these guys are gonna hit me down but together hit me protect me thanks you get me oh they have oh they have ob they have obsidian oh those guys are lame do you see what they built imagine carrying that much you see what

They built unbelievable look we still have we still have a wool on our these guys have a full enclosure okay how would they not beat us yet if i swing in their direction i can’t tell if you’re trying to burn me or not it doesn’t really make any sense

Yeah green fortress is nutty and i’m gonna die here too yeah and he doesn’t even there’s no way there’s no way i don’t hit that there’s no way i don’t hit that i don’t have that that doesn’t make any sense oh he’s somehow going to land and kill everybody everybody

Good job gabe damn baby okay okay this is this is not fun i don’t know if we just stop pushing i i mean i don’t know what we else we can do yeah i just feel like we just keep feeding kills at this point well let’s let’s go for emerald and then

Try to like build up our resources i think i’m gonna build another bridge to that other they’re already they’re already coming back i have to fight on this bridge somehow this guy’s gonna 360 no scope me he’s already here he’s here he’s here and he landed that of course he did cool

I guess we’re playing with the best minecraft bedwars player just of all time and it has to be he’s just chilling over there dude i see you you think i don’t see you dude look at this guy i’ll go over there dude i’ll go over there i will don’t make me do it

I’m gonna do it i don’t care that you broke your elbow how how how watch this it wasn’t even close I don’t like using texture packs on on bedwars i’m not a fan not a fan broth maybe i like them some doors okay here we go this guy’s still over here these guys are helping him out look at these guys these guys got those diamonds and left in the time that we’ve been

Doing what are we doing what am i doing what game am i playing i don’t know what this is i’ve never seen this before my first day playing minecraft yeah j-dot just said they have two layers of obsidian i think we just i think we just yeah

What’s going on with this game it’s a weird game it’s because green’s playing mad sweaty i think we just sit back honestly i don’t think we’re gonna get through that not even invis i don’t think we’ll get through come on man that was perfect too that was perfect

Oh just a little high just a little high i don’t even know i’m here i don’t even care that i’m here they know oh just kidding just kidding let me off let me off oh he’s back he’s back i need help i need every person here i need every person here

Can everybody be here the best the world’s best minecraft players here and he just dropped down and now he’s gonna go do this weird champ diamond thing again he’s gonna turn around on me right when i get over here and knock me off i’m gonna get mad i’m gonna complain i

Already know what’s gonna happen and look at that he hit me through a bush i love that i love that he did that i think that’s so realistic look and look exactly what happened it’s not fun it’s not fun it’s really not there’s no part of this

Game that is fun there’s no point tonight that i’ve been like wow i’m really enjoying myself I think actually is it is it j dot is it skill based matchmaking because if so that explains why we’re getting all of your really good players in here true oh dang it thank you bleep i am really fun i’m really having really fun i am really fun

I am really happy um could someone uh never mind it’s not skill-based matchmaking it’s just random oh okay eleanor what are you you work at hypixel eleanor i guess i’ll take some emerald i don’t know what i just don’t do i don’t know what to do you know

This is a pretty bad game isn’t it yeah oh look he’s yelling at him j-dot’s not happy either i think we’re all kind of frustrated right now yeah all of us yeah all of us are kind of frustrated right now interesting he’s back again he’s going to do the

Drum thing and then go work he has he has diamond we’re gonna have to all be on how did not hit oh is that guy investing that screen turn oh it’s a screen turn screen to your niche so i don’t understand why they’re not pushing like that’s why well that’s why

Jdot said play the game properly because they’re just kind of aiming well so i’m just gonna sit i’m gonna sit on home and whenever they you know what i do you know what i’m gonna do i know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna start hitting the emerald man

I’m gonna hide inside the box so whenever they get in there i’m gonna be right there [Applause] holder here always right here i’m gonna hide inside here look they’re not gonna see it coming okay i’m gonna hide inside the bed guys let him do it let him get it i got

It i got it from here guys andy said they’re playing bedwars like they’re on creative mode yeah and annie sorry annie we are a little upset right now this is the importance of maintaining composure right just being composed yeah be we can’t break the monitor they are they’re like actually like

Have been building up like big time no they won’t enderman they won’t see it they won’t i won’t see any of this coming now this is gameplay this is this is the the most quality gameplay you’ll see all day it’s right here jesus uh-oh start trash talking says build less

Uh sid we’re gonna do uh party games here in just a little bit probably sooner rather than later i don’t want to play this game anymore but wars isn’t fun right now i’ll be afk why is it gonna afk me oh it doesn’t like that ah it doesn’t like that i’m doing it

Lame it won’t let me do it i don’t really know what to do i mean we need to get emeril that’s that’s honestly our if we’re gonna like beat them they all have diamond armor that’s a good point i guess we could just keep grinding uh and this guy’s coming back

Great well you know what i’m ready to die i’m prepared oh dude this is so lame it’s just so lame i’m gonna build up and uh go to the top okay dude come on man what’s he up i don’t know i lost oh he’s up top he’s up here he’s on top

He’s right here just chilling up there dude just do it man like i don’t i don’t really understand and he says praying for you guys honestly at this point it’s really wanted to be over i may destroy our own bed we’ve waited this long it’s like

How did we used to play these i don’t know remember we used to go to the end all the time it was deep quarantine we really had nothing else to do this guy’s so lame dude well it wouldn’t let me esther i didn’t like that i was afk

Which i wasn’t i was probably more focused just look at this man the other three guys aren’t even playing i’m just gonna go maybe if he sees me run away he’ll he’ll break bad i just don’t care this is really unfortunate yeah c418 is the best i love minecraft music Look at these guys this is so lame dude come on guys look how long she’s gonna take me to break in stone on this oh i don’t know here i got their attention oh now we have to wait six more minutes oh this guy’s here

Oh i got knocked back 18 000 steps and he has diamonds so it’s going to take all of us wow how all three of us were hitting this guy how is he still bye volo thanks for stopping by Are we really gonna play for game over i guess i guess we do do we have enough we’ve gone this long yeah do it j dots i j dot’s not happy guys j that’s not happy with it i don’t i’m not either i mean none of us

Are i don’t like the way they’re playing now don’t take this the wrong way theo but your lyrics are lame where’s that from two movies tonight that no one can no one’s gotten that’s great don’t take this the wrong way theo oh my i hate it man i hate it wait wait

They probably are awesome well we’re not going to go up benderman we know that the ladder’s there we just don’t we don’t want to go up we’re just feeding we’ve been feeding kills for the past 10 minutes there we go my mom’s the only one that guy was school of rock

Don’t take this the wrong way theo lyrics arlene dude i just watched scholar rock too like only like a couple weeks ago unbelievable Oh yeah there he is around somehow got around me and now i’m still gonna die i promise i promise i clicked i clicked so many times dude i don’t i mean where are we at what else do we have to do other than just doing the same thing

Oh well andy also watched it last week i’m so glad we decided to play bedwars well it doesn’t really matter so the thing is it doesn’t matter where we go at this point we’re just kind of doomed with the obsidian thing it’s just not and now they’re just doing this stuff on

They’re they you know what they want us to quit i’m not going to where’s jaydon i don’t know i have a feeling j-dot’s not too happy for himself dude look at what i’m running down right now this is their bridge [Applause] did they leave i don’t

Another last game of bad words we’re not playing anymore last game no bad wars this game’s so unfun it’s so unfun i mean what does it even take to i’m not gonna i’m not gonna give him i’m not gonna uh i’m not gonna quit i’m not gonna do it i

Won’t move but i’m not gonna quit see if you can get away though they can’t they blocked us in i got passed they blocked us in bro oh no you know what you guys should do you know what you guys should do what you guys should go get um iron

Golems and throw them in here what does that cost go buy arn golems j dot if you can hear me go buy iron golems and throw them in here throw them in this room oh no i’m in trouble oh man i had to go out without any builds [Applause] What’s your house doing I don’t watch that guy trolling back j dot troll them back jada j dot j oh i missed that fire ball oh he hit that oh he almost fell off those guys couldn’t push him you knocked one jade i got one of them come on j dot please come on j dot

We couldn’t stay together there there’s nothing we could really do and to be fair i kind of gave in but well we’re going to lose that now they’re both here it’s too close you gotta get out of there wow those guys had the audacity to say gg that’s kind of nutty

Well that was so that was so incredibly unfun i feel bad i’m sorry guys i do i do p lobby no slp warp there you go um so i’m not playing that anymore playing no that’s done we’re gonna play party games now wow can you imagine how good or not

Would be if after the first game we played we just stopped we should have did something else honestly i traded all to just play survival we should have done we we had a conversation as a full room we had a conversation and last minute we’re like you know what we’ll just play

Bed wars we want to do survival and and one thumbnail later here we are look at us now yeah that’s true jaydon okay well who cares we’re done i mean party games with you guys so uh let us know and we’ll add you right now or you can see my name it’s

Colonies of bees if you add me we’ll invite you to the party play some party games let’s do it let’s do it more fun yeah even though i’m so bad so bad at party games 1v1 party game one video oh yeah vo whoa i know you won friends

Bleep is also on oh yeah get in here get in here everybody get in here friend feel low invite there you go got a couple people i got bleep and i got vo in here okay good vibes positive vibe that was really demoralized let’s just both take a second just

It’s not helping i can’t see this is why and this is why oh andy are we not already are you gonna play with us andy yes please i thought we were all ready are you guys even in an e-group together yeah that’s why i was like [Laughter] hold on hold on hold on

No no you’re already in already in i didn’t see it in invite alm is that your name just add me it’s easier if you just add me i did invite you i should have leo just add me it’s easier um i swore i gotta be able to party eleanor

Uh via whoa no okay we’re gonna start real quick we’re about to start how am i how’s my boomer showing oops whoops there you go ty eleanor killed it okay party game just played we just got to play something we gotta play something and just do something

I’m done i’m done i can’t play i can’t play bad words anymore okay i hate it when drinks do this this drink is just like it’s just oh it’s impatient yeah i was like oh i love that oh i’m stuck oh some people are stuck yeah some people are stuck hackers

Layton’s hacking latent hacking latency how am i hacking dude latency dumpster deal you’re bad let’s go i wanna win please please please please please please wow imagine having to hack to win just to feel like you’re cool why do you do that why do you do that bad game’s bad [Applause] the ship is gonna uh fire cannons at us i did form a simple party eleanor i had like five people in it i thought i had someone else in it that wasn’t it that was indeed um not in it apparently i thought i had invited How did i get hit how did i get hit second i don’t think i got hit i think the game’s broken uh he broke the game gabe broke the game did your code not uh hack into the mainframe i don’t understand run run run run elenor how are you alive are you alive

Eleanor be honest are you hacking eleanor’s the ones attacking got him who’s back here hiding in this in his house oh man i’m gonna die how there’s no games broken someone broke again andy no add me colonies of bees i don’t know what server that’s why it’s

It’s a hypixel but i don’t know what um like which lobby we’re in good job gabe thanks man you’re doing good i appreciate it i’m real proud of you dude see this is why we’re friends oh i just hit a button don’t leave my bed i’m going back oh man there we go

Oh there’s one all right accepting friend request accepting foreign there go aom i just added you i just accepted your invite okay this is not not good this is not good guys i need like a thousand coins um yeah i don’t know technically it doesn’t really it doesn’t it doesn’t really count again

That one doesn’t really count that one doesn’t really count oh dude this game this is my game baby get away from me bleep i hate that i can’t see anything like it’s just like i feel like my game just breaks there’s so much going on oh cool i’m getting teams i’m getting

Teamed by jada and vol guys come on be cool oh that game gives me a headache bro there’s too much going on there’s too much explosions everything’s loud what exactly is in the pool oh oh this is kind of that’s kind of fun i just keep landing in the pool water

Yeah because it keeps filling up i don’t know what’s happening this is like oh wow i don’t know how i missed that that’s insane oh insane in the membrane all righty then got that oh i thought it was done got that no way i missed that there’s no way

This doesn’t really count for me i thought i don’t know how the game worked uh games no no bad there’s no way i hit that 100 percent 100 percent hit that 100 percent of that 100 how did he not hit that okay i’m maybe i’m just missing some

Information on how the game works right something feels off there with the game oh no not this one oh no oh no how did that hit me i’m saying like i don’t know it doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t make any sense everybody went down does no one have particle effects on

Maybe i don’t know that’s weird okay whatever i don’t know how we all oh there we go dude i’m telling you look at jayda look at j dot and vo will both go for me both of them go straight for me it’s so weird champ

It’s so weird champ get out of here look jdot’s now doing the oh j dot Oh let’s go easy dub i think it’s the first time i ever played okay i never saw a friend request from what’s up caleb i never saw a friend request from um andy and the last thing any said was what server are you guys that’s a boomer thing i don’t make fun

Of you if i accepted where’s alm he’s not here i don’t know why rising star 90 why is that your name why is that your name in [Laughter] can i search is that what am i doing this way there’s another i hit this like i swear i did except

Already friends with that person It says i’m already friends with them but they won’t [ __ ] up i’m bad at the fish lap game jadot you’re cheating i’m pretty sure i could i could i could i could get you and vl banned for for teaming i’m i have footage of it we’re recording the whole thing we we

Can you know we’ll we’ll send that in the hypixel i know [Laughter] um okay let’s get add friend there we go andy rising star 90. why is that andy’s name there we go i accept it i i invited oh someone teach andy how to accept the friendly class someone sent a video

Don’t record it send a video to andy you just gotta hit t and then click on it okay we’re moving on what’s up caleb i’m moving on we’re moving on it’s taking too long love it love that this drink is just filling everywhere okay

Oh no oh no oh there is a is there a gaming e-room for girls i believe we started one yeah we’ll have to check or if not you could start one annie i think there’s plenty of interest for that oh i’m done you like can’t tell

I followed the cr i followed the herd and every single one wow how did i live that that’s insane you guys let me know oh my gosh oh my who lived it’s so toxic Wow again we’re gonna stop inviting people who uh purposely team how are you not dead uh what hi john everyone say bye to john see you tomorrow night we might even go live on twitch for the uh twitch niche oh i hate this one so much

Look at this it’s like in a bad angle i like can’t see oh i hate this this is taking so long dude holy cow yeah i’m still going dang [Applause] Oh this one not this one not this one not this one no i don’t like this one no i don’t like this one this guy’s perfect so dang just getting targeted which is pretty unfun from jdot and dlo wow wow wow oh this one feels like it changes every time

Oh this one’s weird i haven’t placed one Um esther it’s from spongebob oh how’d i miss that Controls are these Wow why can’t i go through the ring right i feel like i should be able to go through the ring Andy said i added you don’t make fun of me or drive to balance i didn’t unplug the ethernet oh gosh it’s so funny oh no not this one this one’s weird i don’t like this one what do i need redstone what else a compass how do i make a compass does anyone know

How to make a compass gape do you know how to make a compass no idea how to make a compass it tells you though on the wall oh it’s oh that’s what i’m making yeah i thought i had to put that in it like that was how i had to make it

Yo that had me shook for like a good time like i have to put the compass inside of that doesn’t make any sense like some pants oh of course of course of course of course i need one more oh my god i love that you saw that happen uh johan you knew

It’s like i don’t want to do the math let’s just figure this out it’s not enough yikes what’s up mark um we may we may play one more i’m not entirely sure i think this may be the last one but we’re just on um hypixel right now my my friend

My name is uh colonies a bees [Applause] i earned arcade games coins i don’t know where i can cash those as they’re real can i get real cash for that one one more what do you think yeah let’s do let’s do one more one uh we’ll play one more

Adds a couple more people real quick um let’s see if we can get um shooting star night um mark knight if your brother wanted to play now’s the time right now oh uh andy accept hit t and then click on the invite to explain it to him i mean i i had to

Be explained to me when i first oh that’s funny the teacher meets the master j dot versus andy did he accept is he in i don’t think he’s here no he’s not that’s what i thought yeah he’s here i think he’s here just to make sure he gotcha there he is

Okay okay we are starting now or never i’ll wait 10 more seconds and then we’ll start okay let’s do it last game of the night party games seemingly what may go down in history as the toughest night of minecraft it started so strong which i felt like

We prophesied earlier by we knew we didn’t i felt like we knew i felt like we knew but i started oh here we go johan this one’s for you this one’s for you tight lag love that i’ve been practicing for this oh there’s one on the left why is that

Over there that’s so far over to the right how am i supposed to see that you know okay that doesn’t even seem to make any sense dude why did you say that you jinxed it what happened well i can watch what come on why did they why did they make you finish

When they had top three already that was kind of weird right now gabe was like trying to finish i’m doing it oh it’s so funny okay okay okay ah Hey look at andy uh we are playing uh falcon on high pixel right now but it’s gonna be oh man i should have eyes on the prize man eyes on the prize no uh this is gonna be our last game of the night that wasn’t that hard though eleanor i

Don’t think that was a hard night that was fun though That was good that was good oh whoa not this one again i don’t like this one i don’t like it either it’s weird no i just don’t like the um i don’t like running into the ring my ears are bleeding my ears are bleeding my ears are bleeding oh my gosh

Oh my gosh that’s so loud ring and still missed it How did i miss that i don’t know how i missed that so bad This one is kind of like this one’s more slow paced you know what i mean yeah Ah i’m stuck Oh Okay i swore i jumped i i could go back in time and remember jumping i promise i did Pop yeah i did i do remember that i found no oh no oh no it’s a combat carl it’s from toy story by the way so that was fun whenever he has the little dynamite strap back him sid strap the dynamite back oh that’s what i meant to do

Oh well finished really quick i feel like i don’t even know this is just like i hate this one so much right yeah it’s the worst i’m just like i try to switch through all the things and like remember like oh gosh what’s this one oh yeah yeah yeah no she’s tron right

I feel like i don’t have a zero uh turning point radius on this bad boy once i keep saying i’m out of gas oh are you just constantly out of gas here That was scary did i get hit oh i guess i ran into the wall what tight game nation that pretty much sums up tonight i ran into the wall and that’s how i Dodged let’s go let’s go baby baby nation Come on start ah of course how did i miss that that’s insane gosh i hate this one so much i got third oh my this spider maze is like a new one i’ve never i don’t like it come on let me move oh man i don’t like it i don’t like it i

Want to leave i want to leave i want to leave Eating again also really cool to see esther and um abigail esther’s ministering to abigail in a tough time he’s really cool in chat love you guys um so about this game oh that was the last this was the last game yeah what did we not get that we usually get i felt like

Uh the one where everything explodes [Applause] well it was a fun game it was indeed okay i just disconnected because i’m over it over minecraft um i’m not going to play it for i have to take a break if i ever want to play minecraft again

I think it’s better for my mental health to take a break from minecraft to be fair and jdot’s still saying at least layton didn’t win that’s like toxic though right to be fair and sad i’d never play this game yeah can you join my eager binderman

Absolutely go in there we would love to have you in the in group i would love to have you in the group where you see him the thing is you know you say we need to take a break but we had already taken like a good two or three months break before we

Started playing this yeah you’re right so i’m starting to think maybe we still like the game i think i don’t like hypixel yeah i agree yeah i think that’s what i’m realizing yeah i just want to play minecraft not uh minecraft in a sheep’s costume trying to be something else

And high pitch get right yeah ah what a night we’ve been through a lot together gabe but tonight was it tested us it tested our relationship it doesn’t my mac died i can’t see chat it’s probably just jadot saying at least layton didn’t win [Laughter] just mad weird champ well at least i

Don’t play this game five hours a day j not true um no seriously though i love you guys uh it’s been a great night uh mark said minecraft nation jdot said at least layton didn’t win enderman is in high school awesome if you go to uh elevationchurch.cc you can check it out

And also we have um our chat house can put um put a link a direct link to our e-group in there so i’m sure i’m pretty sure we still have some um some openings so if you want to join that’d be awesome um enterman we’d love to have you

Um thanks annie okay shout out to annie any annie was uh yeah first time in chat tonight i believe yeah i believe i have to check chat through my phone my mac died it’s my fault um at least they got to hang out with someone was egroup that’s right andy

Uh of course they were berating me the whole time made the interaction less yeah less real and authentic really and special you’re saying that’s not what e group looks like no an e-group doesn’t look like just yelling at your friends at least you didn’t win it’s saying hey i’m glad you won

Yeah that’s what [ __ ] probably what day is he group it’s on tuesdays it’s on tuesdays um tuesdays at seven every other tuesday um but no guys we love y’all it’s been a great time um remember church this weekend don’t miss it on the elevation church youtube and facebook

Elevation church app you can check it out make sure that you’re following youth nation gaming on instagram for all of our updates we have awesome stuff coming up again minecraft servers it’s in the works we’re trying to work on it uh of course the main focus right now is the ufx minecraft server

It’s going to be a whole thing yeah and we just had a meeting today uh with monster d face about a lot of cool fortnite stuff so great stuff on the horizon but um well i guess until next time yeah prayers up rhythm high big love see y’all use nation You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Madness | eSports | Elevation YTH’, was uploaded by Elevation YTH on 2021-06-04 01:23:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Part two of Minecraft Madness ensues! Wanna be a part of the action? To stay up-to-date on all things gaming or sign up for the …

  • Lost in Blocks: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3 – The Hunt Begins!

    Lost in Blocks: Minecraft Story Mode Ep 3 - The Hunt Begins! In Minecraft Story Mode, we dive deep, Exploring the world, secrets to keep. Episode 3, The Last Place You Look, Adventure awaits, like an open book. No commentary, just gameplay pure, Robert.T.Gaming, the one to allure. An hour long journey, full of delight, Subscribe for more, day or night. Deviantart pictures, creative and bold, Check them out, stories untold. Minecraft world, a place to explore, In every corner, there’s always more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so tight, Minecraft Story Mode, a true delight. Join the adventure, with every spin, Let the story sing, let the truth… Read More

  • Master Netherite Mining in Minecraft 1.21

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  • Outsmarting a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

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  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Game Time || Hit Subscribe & Like! #shorts

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft Game Time || Hit Subscribe & Like! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Steve and Alex team up, a dynamic dream. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Together they conquer, hand in hand. New updates arrive, with features galore, From caves to cliffs, there’s always more. Redstone contraptions, mobs to fight, In this pixelated world, day turns to night. So subscribe and like, if you enjoy the show, For Minecraft adventures, we’re ready to go. Join us on this journey, through valleys and heights, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • Hide and Seek: Little vs Giant in Minecraft

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft 1.21 Seed!

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  • Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft

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  • Real Life Minecraft: How to Open a Door Like This!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

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  • Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins!

    Ultimate Enderman Farm in 5 Mins! The Perfect 5-min Enderman Farm! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than this perfect 5-minute Enderman Farm tutorial! In this exciting video, you’ll learn how to build an extremely easy and highly efficient Enderman XP farm. With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, you’ll be able to create your own Enderman farm in no time. Don’t miss this opportunity to dominate the world of Minecraft and obtain valuable resources in a simple and effective way! Building the Enderman Farm Follow along as the tutorial guides you through the process of building… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP DAY 4: GUAVACADO RISESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day #0004 – Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by guavacado on 2024-04-07 06:26:53. It has garnered 135 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. Next episode we will finish the town hall and gear up for our next creation ! join the server: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #smp #letsplay #roleplay #gaming #chill #minecraftmarketplace #server #series #casual #join #whitelist #nostalgia #multiplayer #javaedition #theboys #playtogether Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft SMP with ModeTrevor at Night! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft SMP with ModeTrevor at Night! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Late Night Minecraft SMP!!!’, was uploaded by ModeTrevor on 2024-04-10 09:47:59. It has garnered 67 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:42 or 3642 seconds. / https://www.youtube.com/@trevormode – Main Channel https://www.instagram.com/modetrevor/ – Instagram https://www.tiktok.com/@modetrevor – Tiktok https://discord.gg/HNq6VKTDKz – Discordt Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SURVIVAL Battle: Neopolis VS Yugudorashiru!!

    EPIC Minecraft SURVIVAL Battle: Neopolis VS Yugudorashiru!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】🚨 #ネオポリスVSゆぐどらしる 🚿マイクラDEサバゲー対決⚔️【ぶいすぽ/神成きゅぴ】’, was uploaded by 神成きゅぴ / Kaminari Qpi on 2024-02-29 15:07:45. It has garnered 29725 views and likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:08 or 9848 seconds. Thumbnail illustration →https://twitter.com/kv7c9t 🌩 Yugudorashiru @radaooo @peintooon @FuwaMinato @gutitubo @ShishidoAkari @itoitoi_Q @Francisco_T @kurotansan @LaurenIroas ​​@KaminariQpi Neopolis @AkiRosenthal @ExAlbio @Shirayuki_Reid @Ran_Hinokuma @ShibuyaHAL @tototmix @MOTHER3rd @Syusetu_kohaku @akagaminotomo 🖤I posted a cover of singing Delicate Lips🖤 Please listen to it a lot~~~~~~~~~💄https://youtu.be/wEi5sMGKrL8?si=CemXK6NxRMOZrDIl ˗ˋˏ Register for membership here ˎˊ˗https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMp55EbT_ZlqiMS3lCj01BQ/join (Bonus: Member badge & stamp / Members only distribution /???♡) ˗ˋˏ Merchandise & voice on sale ˎˊ˗ Acrylic key chain:https://store.vspo.jp/products/keyring-vol1?variant=44623903817915… Read More


    EPIC SHOWDOWN: NOOB VS PRO! POMNI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! 🏠🔥 | Minecraft (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB VS PRO: POMNI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE | Minecraft (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Esoni TV on 2024-02-17 01:59:26. It has garnered 294052 views and 8120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:44 or 1724 seconds. Play Honkai: Star Rail with me: https://hoyo.link/5GRgFOAL Try Star Rail Simulator with me: https://www.roblox.com/games/15840422464/Star-Rail-Simulator #StarrailSimulator #Honkaistarrail Pomni Build Battle! Shame vs Shame Noob Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Aphmau e like your vid if your build is good!! Build credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cbCcOS5jCw&t=196s Panuorin nyo din sila: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, SheyyynPlayz, Ar Ar Plays, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_,… Read More

  • INSANE HACKER ATTACKS SmallPotato95 in SUMO! 💥

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  • HorizonGate

    HorizonGate_-_-_-_-_-_-_**Hey!** -_-_-_-_-_- > **Horiziongate** > Do you want a Minecraft server with interesting gameplay? > *Then this is the perfect place for you* > **============/Features/============** > | – We offer support > | – Friendly members > | – Helpful staff > | – Exciting gamemodes > | – Beginner friendly > | – Weekly events > | – Fair rules > *We hope to see you in game* **==================================**> > 《 Discord: 》 https://discord.gg/5uswAwvBqP projectsurvive.nl Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4 Discord DiscordSRV Dynmap Voice Plugin No Whitelist Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to our Long-Lasting SMP Community! If you’re tired of SMPs dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, centered around Minecraft and other games. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow players and participate in major build projects. We are welcoming new members who share our interests and values. While we have few rules, we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. No hackers or griefers allowed. Respect your fellow players and enjoy a friendly and mature community atmosphere. All members must join our Discord to access the Minecraft server. Click here to… Read More

  • Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Version

    Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Versionmorefun.apexmc.co has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome /day /night /weather /pay /godmode /heal /feed /lightning /fireball. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Join our Discord to participate with the community: DiscordRules:1. No cheats/exploits2. No griefing / stealing3. Respect fellow players4. No spam or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Java HQ: The Superior Minecraft Edition

    Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, Java is still the headquarters for all the coding wizards! Score of 33, must be some serious programming going on in there! Read More

  • Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun

    Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun Welcome to Minecraft Lands, Episode 611, Where the adventures never end, always so much fun. Lo Do Vo here, your guide through the game, Bringing you updates, never the same. In this blocky world, where creativity thrives, We build, we mine, in our virtual lives. From crafting tools to battling mobs, We conquer challenges, no time for sobs. So join me now, as we explore and play, In Minecraft Lands, where we’ll stay. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share, Let’s spread the joy, everywhere.🎮🌟 Thank you for watching, until next time, Keep on gaming, in rhythm and rhyme. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #shorts #subscribe #like Read More

  • Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft

    Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft The Mysterious Herobrine in Minecraft One of the most intriguing and debated characters in the world of Minecraft is Herobrine. This mysterious figure has captured the imagination of players worldwide, with many claiming to have encountered him in the game. Let’s delve into the enigmatic world of Herobrine and explore the myths and legends surrounding this iconic character. The Legend of Herobrine Herobrine is often described as a ghostly figure with glowing white eyes, haunting players in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. While some believe him to be a hostile entity that seeks to harm players, others see him… Read More

  • Furi Ferntail: HARASSING 60 NERDS in Minecraft!? Cross the Void!

    Furi Ferntail: HARASSING 60 NERDS in Minecraft!? Cross the Void!Video Information This video, titled ‘HARASSING 60 NERDS IN MINECRAFT – Can you cross the Void?’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-09 22:20:22. It has garnered 1738 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:37 or 9997 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣… Read More

  • Kingdom of Madness Rises Pt. 2: PrinceZam VOD

    Kingdom of Madness Rises Pt. 2: PrinceZam VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Kingdom Of Madness Rises 2/2 | PrinceZam FULL VOD’, was uploaded by PrinceZamVODs on 2024-05-18 16:30:11. It has garnered 251 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:52 or 20692 seconds. PrinceZam streams Minecraft VOD TITLE: I’m Going To Kill Tyrad | Originally Streamed on 01/28/2024 Follow Me: Twitch – https://twitch.tv/PrinceZamLive Twitter – https://twitter.com/PrinceZamLive Discord – https://discord.gg/FXZnFRuTBq Subscribe to my Channels: Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrinceZam 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PrinceZamLive #PrinceZam #Minecraft #Lifesteal Read More

  • Insane 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

    Insane 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘ERSTES MAL 100 Tage Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by relativCharlie on 2024-01-16 15:00:29. It has garnered 2451 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Hello there, I want to play 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore for the first time. Charlie is going on a journey for the first time in his life to spend 100 days in a single hardcore world. The thing is, he only has one attempt, one life, one chance. In doing so, he learns more about himself and the question of whether normal Minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Armor Stand Dance! 😱 #ViralHacks

    EPIC Minecraft Armor Stand Dance! 😱 #ViralHacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘dancing armor stand 😅 ll #Minecraft #Minecraft hacks #Minecraft viral hacks’, was uploaded by A.Rgeming_543 on 2024-01-05 09:35:00. It has garnered 2512 views and 111 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. dancing armor stand 😅 ll #Minecraft #Minecraft hacks #Minecraft viral hacks #Minecraft shorts Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! My CRAZY Adventure in Minecraft Treasure Hunt

    UNBELIEVABLE! My CRAZY Adventure in Minecraft Treasure HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Participated In Treasure Hunt On a Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by MR EKAM on 2024-04-06 04:49:56. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:55 or 535 seconds. DISCORD JOIN :- https://discord.gg/ck4eWds8 minecraft public smp minecraft public smps minecraft public smp servers best minecraft public smp cracked minecraft public smp servers minecraft public smp ip minecraft public smp thumbnail minecraft public smp live thumbnail minecraft public smp logo minecraft public smp ip and port minecraft public smp live minecraft public smp pe how to make a public smp… Read More

  • Casco – The Scariest Minecraft Horror Mod!

    Casco - The Scariest Minecraft Horror Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is Minecraft Most Terrifying Mod…(Minecraft Horror Mods)’, was uploaded by Casco on 2024-04-09 14:47:00. It has garnered 689 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE: Jeffy Transforms Into a Minecraft Ninja!

    INSANE: Jeffy Transforms Into a Minecraft Ninja!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy Becomes A NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-01-14 17:00:24. It has garnered 115601 views and 1215 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:21 or 621 seconds. Jeffy Becomes A NINJA in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! SUB TO @heresmarvin ! ►► SUBSCRIBE to Here’s Marvin for videos inspired by SML! Including Marvin gaming, Marvin reacts, SML Movie & more! If you don’t like and subscribe, Marvin will BEAT JEFFY! #minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! 😂

    EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Prominence Ep. 19 – Horse Pee’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-03-19 17:00:01. It has garnered 17546 views and 719 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:47 or 5927 seconds. In Prominence II: Void’s Invasion, we must defend the world from the void because an old dude got a bit too old and can’t do it anymore. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Prominence Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZxI3UfnUfgE-uizeScOO-Yx My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● Servers (code… Read More

  • Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft Parody

    Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive In All COUNTRIES In Minecraft – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-03-24 08:41:55. It has garnered 7576 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:01 or 1441 seconds. In this hilarious Minecraft parody video, JJ and Mikey take on the ultimate challenge of surviving in all different countries within the game. From navigating through the bustling streets of Tokyo to exploring the snowy landscapes of Russia, the dynamic duo must use their wit and creativity to overcome various obstacles and dangers. With their… Read More

  • CornutSMP

    CornutSMPjust a smp server absolutely no rules but if you get annoying you will get banned, 13+ only, you can team with anyone and make sure to join the discord Cornut.mc.gg Read More

  • SentinelCraft SMP 1.20.4: Husks Towns/Claims, Server Map, McMMO, Jobs, Stats, Community

    Server Information: IP: play.sentinelcraft.net Minecraft Version: 1.20.4 Features: Survival, Towns, Claims, Economy, No Grief, McMMO, Jobs About SentinelCraft: SentinelCraft is a mature and friendly Minecraft server established in May 2013. Join our community for a unique survival experience with no raiding or griefing. Build, create towns, make land claims, and participate in community events while forming long-lasting friendships. Join Us: Visit our Discord here or our website here to learn more and join the fun! Check out our server preview on YouTube here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ever been this screwed in Minecraft?

    “When you realize you’ve been mining for hours and it’s suddenly morning in real life but still night in Minecraft. Time flies when you’re placing blocks, am I right?” Read More

  • Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3!

    Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3! In the world of games, speed is the key, Minecraft, Guitar Hero, and Geometry Dash, you see. Fastest hand games, they take the lead, With skills and reflexes, they succeed. Minecraft, a world of blocks and fun, Building and crafting, under the sun. Guitar Hero, rocking out with a guitar in hand, Hitting those notes, in a rock band. Geometry Dash, a rhythm-based game, Jumping and dodging, never the same. Speed and precision, to conquer each level, With quick reflexes, you must revel. So there you have it, the fastest games around, In the gaming world, where speed is… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Mess! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • 500 Day Minecraft World Tour: The Untold Story

    500 Day Minecraft World Tour: The Untold Story Welcome to the 500 Day Minecraft World Tour and Lore! Embark on a journey through the Sylvan Frontier, a fairycore region in a Minecraft survival world that has been meticulously crafted over 500 days. This world is a blend of survival and worldbuilding, inspired by renowned Minecraft creators like Fwhip, Mogswamp, and Shovel241. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and every build tells a story. Exploring the Sylvan Frontier The Sylvan Frontier is a magical realm where the Entios, fairy-like beings, reside in charming cottagecore builds. Acorn Abode, the quaint homes of the Entios, exude a… Read More

  • “Unheard of Minecraft Marble Magic in Kids Zone!” #minecraft #magic

    "Unheard of Minecraft Marble Magic in Kids Zone!" #minecraft #magicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft nostalgic marble magic #minecraft #magic #marble #us #usa #unitedstates’, was uploaded by Kids Zone on 2024-01-16 09:21:49. It has garnered 6 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Rowan’s Wild Minecraft Crowd Control Adventures!

    Rowan's Wild Minecraft Crowd Control Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Survival Minecraft with Crowd Control! ⛏ || Ep. 3 ||’, was uploaded by Rowan on 2024-03-22 04:16:13. It has garnered 121 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:33 or 7593 seconds. Welcome to a Rowan stream! What is Crowd Control? Crowd Control is a stream add-on that let’s you make changes in the game the streamer is playing. For Minecraft that means you can summon mobs/place torches/steal my tools… Or you can be nice and restore my hunger, give me extra hearts, or spawn in loot! It’s completely up to… Read More

  • Unbelievable: _rgk’s Mind-Blowing Potato Upgrade

    Unbelievable: _rgk's Mind-Blowing Potato UpgradeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Potato Update’, was uploaded by _rgk on 2024-04-01 17:02:41. It has garnered 114 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:06 or 186 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP… Read More

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