Minecraft madness with Tess – You won’t believe what happens next!

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One second guys I haven’t typed it still says speedrun on my uh Tik Tok Minecraft stream so I’m just changing that to uh not cuz we did the speedrun yesterday um so if you were here for that 5 hours of long long long long long

Speed running it took us 2 hours to find diamonds it was a bit of a nightmare but you know it’s all good it’s all good boss go lay down go lay down the dog knows instantly when I start streaming he just knows he just knows how are we all doing today

Guys we are back on the Tuda world the last thing we did was make well it was originally a creeper Farm wasn’t it but then do you know other people have been doing it again and I’ve seen it going out um with the three gaps and it’s

Working fine um so maybe it was just a glitch in like an update or something that stopped my farm from working I don’t know I’m going to have to check cuz I’ve got it on a uh creative world to see so I can check to see if it still

Actually doesn’t do the spiders anymore cuz you know as long as you’ve got less than three you know you shouldn’t get them spawning so I changed the creeper Farm anyway didn’t I and it turned into a multi I turned it into a multi mob farm but actually it’s amazing guys I was AFK

Overnight I ended up with 104 levels and so much loot I can’t even tell you there’s so much you don’t need a singular creeper farm with this with this Farm you just don’t um you don’t need any other mob farm or XP farm cuz you get so much XP and so

Much loot it’s ridiculous um so yeah it’s crazy and I’ll get a tutorial made I think for it I’ve just got this so like if Phantoms if you’re AFK and Phantoms decide to come along they’re not going to get you um so what I did is I I had a few

Layers of chests and I thought oh that would be great that’ll be fine no that’s not enough you get so much loot look at all these extra chests I’ve added and that’s still not enough it’s it’s ridiculous it is ridiculous the amount of loot you get from just being there

Just for like that was just for a minute and we’ve got all that it’s it’s crazy so that is the Tuda world I mean at some point on this game I wanted to go do the warden but I’m at 121 levels now like I go Splat all the time and I just I’m

Scared to die now with all these levels I don’t want to um that’s all the old stuff that we’ve got isn’t it um where’s all my other stuff I thought I had um oh here it is I guess I took it out and put it in here then I must have

Done it was like don’t want to get unived I got some Rockets which is cool that’s why we originally did it wasn’t it so we could get gunpowder for Rockets we should have rockets for days now um don’t need any of that stuff but I might leave it there as like

Um you know just in case it breaks or something because things do don’t they thank you so much for the follows there in stream we’ve had three new followers and Drago thank you for the sparkler I’m not getting any noise I’m not getting any ding-dong

Noise um so um will you dingdong me if I get gift please guys so I I’m not getting noises today I’m not getting follower noises I’m not getting ding-dong noises um so yes oh my gosh we’ve had a few followers coming out uh Ty Jade Amelia thank you Autumn also a late dingdong

Thank you there Florence yes yes right um I mean I’ve got I’ve got my elyra on so it’s safe to go for a jump isn’t it should we take our our box what’s in there I mean we can go pack that away back in our chuda house but yeah look I

Started to sort out the loot that we was coming in I’m not even joking about how much loot it gives you it’s ridiculous boss don’t jump up off you go off you go I don’t want to fall off here particularly um so yeah it was like so

In some respects that update that messed up the creeper Farms I mean I’ve seen people make them now again similar to the one one that I made I mean the mechanics of it was different but the mechanics would work exactly the same so it they must have fixed it and it must

Have just been a short-term glitch but I’m so glad that we made oh my gosh what was that so much for not wanting to lose my 121 levels please say my elyra is not in the lava no no guys did you actually just see

That no please no no no no we don’t want to have to go back to the end no please say my elyra is still good cuz there was lava there there was lots that I think I’ve probably lost a lot of stuff oh my gosh please no please no what even is a

Creeper doing through here it’s going to cuz it’s broken the portal it’s going to resport us back in the other place isn’t it what what what what what where is all of my stuff did it glitch and spawn Us in the wrong area what that did look like that spawn

Didn’t it when we spawned in I’m so confused let me go to here that’s why you always have spare elytra yes me too but unfortunately my spare elytra that’s not that portal what what is going on the game be glitchy that that looked like that portal didn’t

It the only other portal that’s near here is still a little bit of a distance away not too far I suppose um which is that’s the one we just came out of and it’s the end portal which um was over here wasn’t it oh my

Gosh if that was you you’d just give up we’ve done so much on this world done so much um but I don’t want to lose all my stuff again yes it’s this what why oh my God go um what have I got please say we’ve got the

Elytra what is even with that how did that happen we do have the elytra yes let’s get our gold boots on as well cuz this area is full of pigs how did that even happen oh my gosh no bars please don’t because you could end up knocking me in

The lava and we don’t want that like I don’t even know that was so weird like obviously a creeper had come through the portal at some point but um yeah I guess we need more blocks to fix all that and we need to a flint and steel or something that will light

It again and I’m not looking at you not looking at you it’s like it has to be one of three portals cuz there’s only three close together here the rest are quite a distance so there’s no way it would have spawned us there um I don’t

Know even know how it would but I think that portal is actually the end portal and then unless this one is and I’m confused let me just check if we go through here it could be the end this is the end oh your breath and count to

10 uh yeah this is the end pole so that was the other portal okay the earth move then for this is the end right okay so I’ve got some blocks that I can fix stuff with using um thing have we got a flint and steel or just some flint and some

Steel there’s always steel I’ve got steel everywhere I’m going to steal some bread one here as well because uh I’m getting low on that although I could we’ve got to go put some of the stuff away haven’t we so actually um that’ll be Lava uh steel uh Flint somewhere won’t there apparently

No apparently no is that no that’s undersight we’ve got no gravel either well I’ll put that iron back then and we’ll uh light light that portal at another point when we need to go back through there I guess just need to remember yes let the Sky Fall when it crumbles we will stand

To face it all together I did the parody of that let the end fall let it crumble avoid endies eyeballs we’ll beat the game together at the end I do have my boots on they’re just unhappy cuz they’re chilling in lava I can’t believe that just happened

Happed I was so happy about having 121 levels as well nope well I guess it’s good to go to get the warden Now isn’t it I was just like don’t want to go play with the warden I don’t want to lose all my levels but we don’t care now I’ll

Just sleep let’s just sleep while here um back to zero level well I’ve got seven cuz I managed to pick up a little bit of XP but but yeah I’m back to low low levels meow hello Cat don’t know what this cat’s called this one’s Sparky Sparky brought me a

Cat brought me a couple of parrots and because I don’t own them like I’m trying to click on that not doing anything can’t own it can’t do anything cuz I didn’t um feed it the seeds but there were two parrots and one of them for what whatever reason decided it was

Going to chill with me so it was following me as if it was my bird and then all of a sudden it flew into a tree stayed there and just wouldn’t respond to me again so it’s over the other side by the Tuda build just chilling don’t know it you you know you

Got to love Minecraft and its glitches uh who here hasn’t been on the Tuda World um because I know some of you that are quite new to me um and some of you that were here I think it October since we were last on here because we did the

Halloween special build didn’t we um and then I had my operation and I was unwell um so and then we did the Christmas build um so yeah okay so you haven’t done this this is an iron farm um it’s awesome it is my own design and

It works really well on Bedrock um there are more efficient ones on Java but I’m not a Java player so you’d have to uh sort of sort them yourself unfortunately one thing it does do there’s the Iron Golem in there at the moment it does produce cats as well like this so cats

Are un alived so I’m sorry about that um but cats do give you string so it’s useful for string um but yeah you uh if you uh AFK overnight you’ll have more than double chest full of iron there is a tutorial on YouTube for that one um if

You did want to make it um we have a wool Farm um lots and lots and lots and lots of wool we’ve got more wool than we will ever need um I need to dye some to get some cuz you if you dye the Sheep the

Wool that is produced from the Sheep um is colored so I need to uh dye some of my wool yes Ty he’s Tak my foot he’s taking your foot Bosley’s got you as so we’ve got a wol farm and um we have this farm this one I have put uh it’s kind of

JC play’s one but it’s I’ve changed it a little bit but it’s so close to theirs you know just go check YouTube for there that this is a kelp Farm a yeah kelp farm so it makes bone meal but um there’s his three across and I’ve

Just added an extra one and made it four across so yeah um so that one isn’t my design really I’ve just added an extra bit on it so that’s the only thing I’ve done different all the other Farms are you know just well they’re ones that

I’ve just built from my head but they’re ones that every you know they work the same for everyone really um cuz mechanics are mechanics what have we got here we got pumpkin and melon farm here just hidden down here so we’ got pumpkins and melons being made um and we got

The honeycomb farm and the wheat farm down here don’t we we’ve got we got some bees giving us uh lots of the honeycomb so because I want to do lots of decoration with candles but I’ve got so much honeycomb now um also I think I

Might um use my not iron the other metal oh gosh my brain Al Bosley go away stop hurting me um help the the metal that is not iron copper thank you pet Bud yes and Poppy you guys got me you guys got me yes copper I’m thinking of making

Roofs um out of copper and letting them start to part oxidize and then if you use the honeycomb on them and polish them they stay that color so it’ll be like a textured roof but it won’t carry on oxidizing it will stay at that level of oxidization so we’ve got our Wheat Farm

Here where’s the button it’s here isn’t it we do this woohoo and it just Farms it all I suppose now I’ve done that I’m going to have to plant the seeds but we needed it didn’t we for what did we need all the wheat for we

Needed it for a block didn’t we of some sort what block was it was it mud was it the mud that we needed it for the mud bricks mud blocks yeah I think it was I think it was I think it was the mud um trying to think now this is this

Is me using my brain that’s hilarious can you just just yeah that’s the biggest joke today right so we’ve got three layers of this I was going to add some more layers but we did three layers on stream we’ve built all the all of everything on

Stream as we’ve done but this is our functional area it’s not pretty um we’ve got a pretty area that is not functional is Although our village hall is actually our Trader Village as well so that is functional we’ve got um all the villagers in there with all the tasty trades

Um so that part is but we’ve only got a couple of buildings over there we’re building a whole chuda SL Port style town but it is all in survival so it’s a lot of work and we are on hard as well because that’s that’s how we roll we

Don’t do any of this easy stuff I do my speedruns on easy actually because it’s just well hopefully quicker but sometimes my speed runs are not quicker are they it doesn’t matter how whether it’s easy hard or ah stepen peaceful I’m joking with that I know you cannot do speedruns on Peaceful

But um Tess hey how you doing Kaitlyn are you good my name or that followed you hi Tess Hi how are you doing I just read what your username was cuz I actually thought thought that was the text so uh yeah just I’m having a senior

Moment guys I have them often I’m over 40 so I’m allowed Senor moments I’m allowed as many senior moments as I like cuz I am old ow Buzz stop jumping up me go and lay down oh my gosh does anyone want my dog all right this is the last one now and then

We’ll H hey h you want my dog everyone wants Bosley guys you like any of you that have been here for a while will know at Christmas time I’ve got a picture in the background normally of Bosley and you guys always comment on it and my sister

It’s actually made out of like sequin art and my sister makes it and she makes presents every Christmas she’s really really really um sort of creative and crafty and such um Artic artistic yeah um so and this year and I know I showed some of you on

Christmas day so if you were in the Christmas Day stream you will have seen this if not you will not have um she made me and this is crazy I don’t even know how she did this it’s Bosley she’s made me like a little Bosley how do you see

That so yeah I’m going to have to uh get it on display once the decorations are down but oh my gosh needle felting I get yes yeah I don’t even know just how talented is that I don’t I couldn’t do stuff like that I

Like to draw um I love art and I like to draw but my drawings are not very good I’m just um enthusiastic I’m just enthusiastic I’m not I’m not good at any of this creative stuff I just enjoy doing the creative stuff but yeah like we’ll have to find a place R

Where are we going now ah stop let’s go fly a kite up to the highest why am I thinging when I can fly now cuz I was showing you the stuff here I don’t think there’s any more Farms on this be is there I don’t think so should

We go to the tudder area the tudder area is just over here we’ve got a village and then our chuda area is just a here where we’ve started to build that is a village villager area where we we’re breeding villagers but our chuda area is he living on planet test don’t think he’ll

Fit it needed to be 3D not 2D there is our there’s our chuda Port town so far that we’ve got built obviously it’s a building progress um but you saw my hole in the wall where I slept a minute ago yeah ah totally meant to do

That um I actually have a house normally in my build I just have a hole in the wall like you saw before but when I built this there was a spare area in here which I’ll show I’ll show you this in a bit but I’ll show you my bedroom I

Actually for once in a build have a bedroom there was just this little tiny spare area up here and I was just like what should we do h on myself a little bedroom I’ve added a little flower got some pictures and some plants look at me

Go oh my Gosh n thank you for the happy Fridays and the sparklers Adam thank you for the sparklers uh margin thank you for the Roses as well guys please dingdong me in chat if I get a gift it is not it’s not ding- donging so if you do gift and I

Miss it please let me know because I’d feel terrible thank you so much um Tess what happened to the world where you built the Enchanted Forest the egg pire bz stop it go away um we still got that we still got that it’s it was a realm um but we

Hadn’t been on it for so long I’ve I’ve got it downloaded as a world at the moment um and when we go back on to it then I’ll put it back up as a realm because I was paying £7 each month and not using it so I thought you know I’m

Just going to stop paying for that at the moment and then when we start doing it again we’ll we’ll do that dingdong thank you so much monkey for the flame heart thank you for ding donging me okay so in our in our uh Tuda this is the um Town

Hall so we are in the town hall at uh at the village and and this is actually our Village Hall as well upstairs we’ve got our storage so all this has um storage and stch in um so it’s it’s pretty cool we’ve got all of our all of our goodies one or two

Diamonds there guys look look how we’re doing and we actually didn’t we just get the template before we finished I made the creeper Farm we got the template just before so we can actually start adding netherite and have netherite armor and stuff um so that’s good that

Was that was a fun stream yes we didn’t get unived by the brutes about a million times oh my gosh that was so difficult the first Bastion we went to didn’t have the template in we searched and searched it wasn’t there um we got to a second um

Bastion um Sparky um what I don’t know if Sparky’s in chat at the moment but Sparky one of my mods a lot of you know Sparkles um was also in the Stream helping me but we just we got unived a lot but we got the template in the end

We got out of there um this is the Villager Hall lots and lots of villagers lots and lots of Trades all of my Librarians are downstairs in the other part which I will just show you um down here there’s more storage we got a look at you got some lava and some water

There and just cooking system and little all the little machines that you may need and I don’t know why my bed’s there I think it’s just so I can run in and sleep there quickly rather than running all the way upstairs um and our Village area with

The Librarians is in here it’s been changed a bit because um we uh made it larger to give them all a bed because they were just refusing to update until they slept and we want to zombify them again cuz they’re getting expensive to buy I mean that’s only one

So that one’s okay but um we zombified them healed them and got all the cheap trades because yeah why not so we’ve got lots of the good books so we’ve got all the good things that we we need we’ve got all that sorted we’ve got 20,000 likes yes guys

It wasn’t in the first Bastion you went to because it was the wrong type yes yeah but I didn’t know that at the time it the whole um template thing was all new to me and I was just like it’s in a Bastion this is a Bastion let’s go do

The Bastion and yeah it weren’t there but the second one we went to it was but yeah we ended up un alived a lot on that stream if you were there it was fun Bastion are not fun places are they they could put the netherite I suppose

It does make it more difficult so it adds a dynamic to the game which is good it’s good it’s good so I can’t argue with that but I don’t like the new um certain biomes for certain villager trades I that’s just annoying that’s just annoying cuz it

Means like you’ve got a kind of make villager trading halls in all different biomes and just fly there you can’t just have one like we’ve got this here just in our Village Hall you can’t just do that we’ve only just finished this this was the thing that we did before the

Thing wasn’t it did we do the inside did we decorate the inside we haven’t it’s still empty so we should do that shouldn’t we really we’ve just literally put the bones in on it it’s just got its bones it’s got no interior Decor um so we really need it’s got three

Floors as well Posh tudah house it’s Posh house right for tudah times tudah SL medieval um so yeah it’s got no interior so we need to think on that it’s been because it’s been so long since we’ve done this world it’s all kind of like woo very

Um fuzzy in my brain about what’s there um yeah how long have you been live for I’ve been live nearly half an hour um so welcome into stream I’m just going to have a sip of my coffee because coffee guys it’s life come on it’s life coffee is life and I got

This my lipstick is coming off I’ve got a different lipstick on today I don’t know don’t know if I like it my other lipstick I’ve left in the car and I’m normally sort of Browns and purples but this one’s quite pink so and it’s uh

Very C offy on my cup it’s like doesn’t stick very well to your lips so come offe yeah that’s a word come off you on my coffee I don’t know I’m mad PS5 no Xbox so it is bedrock Edition so same Edition as um as it but yeah no magic

Potion that is such a gorgeous like um animation that’s the word I’m thinking of um it looks nice though thank you River yeah this Cup’s really cute I got it from tesos and inside it’s got even though you can see on my lipstick there it’s got like an

Inscription I don’t know if you can see that and it says see the good in all things and I can look at that and then I look at my coffee and think oh coffee coffee is good so yeah I know I’m mad I’m mad I’m mad so

This is where we’ve got to on the Tuda world as far as building here we’ve decided to go with the uh Spruce and dark we were playing with colors you see because this is all thing we we were like playing with like oh what color

Should we make our deck so I think we went for the darker one in the end um um but yeah we were just playing with colors and textures and stuff um the same with our wall when we were making our wall We we played with our wall

Quite a bit didn’t we taking out blocks adding blocks and changing the archways but I think this is what we we ended up with eventually um I don’t know if if I’m going to do there’s no like texturing along there but what we did have

Planned um is I’ll go up here so you can see a bit better it’s really weird I keep forgetting that I’ve got Rockets now and I can just fly cuz we didn’t have elytra for the longest time did we um I’ve sort of um terraformed all the land there

There’s going to be a bridge that goes across there at some point and we’re going to have some boats um we going to have lots of Tuda buildings they’re going to go all the way up you can’t see can you um let’s go over here see you can see

Better this is why I chose this area because when I got here we’d already decided we were going to do a cha medieval style build and then I saw that land and I thought okay so Tuda buildings all along here going up the side of the mountain there going up the

Side of there and with like a fort or a castle on the top a fort slash Castle style thing right on the top I could just see that with the shape of the land it was just saying build me here build me here cuz we actually originally

Decided on a different area and I was just coming having a little walk around searching for it’s B I wonder what that noise was I was walking around looking for a village which we found there’s one just the other side of theill Hill there

Um and I was just like I need a village I need a village I need a village and I came across this piece of land and I was like no I’m changing my area I’m going back I’m getting all the stuff that I’ve mined so far and we’re coming here and

That’s it we’re we’re stopping here um this is near where my uh parrot is isn’t it the parrot that went up in the tree it’s in one of these trees here oh you can hear it it’s it’s I can’t see it there no that’s a pig it’s in one of the

Trees here you can hear it but you cannot I can’t see it at the moment but yeah it just decided it was following me all the way to here and then decided to get off get off me and it wasn’t even it’s not like mine oh there’s a bed here

Not mine so I can’t sleep in it in case someone’s got it as their spawn point so there’s a whole little thing going on in here look this was the original place cuz I had my mods come in um into this world and help gather resources and this is

Kind of where they were just dropping them all off um yeah but our tudah build that is all we have so far um we do need to get more done but I don’t know now that we’ve lost the levels whether it’s worth going to hog the warden cuz I still have not

Beat the warden um don’t know what do we reckon 30k likes yes guys you smashed that extra 10K in there yes thank you for 30,000 likes let’s up the like goal to 40 you are awesome I’ve got the best followers on Tik Tok I just know it I know

It Go beat it you reckon Grace you reckon we can do it right so my hair is caught on the microphone um what would you say the fastest way to get logs build the bigger trees um plant the ones that you can plant in fours so that would be either

Spruce jungle or um dark oak um probably Spruce is the best way if you’re just wantan in any wood if you want a specific wood um obviously you have to build that specific tree um and then you just dig go up when they we’re built cuz they

Build into Big Trees so you get more wood from them so that is the BET oh I can’t even get for a door today that’s good yeah going to beat the warden and you can’t even get for an iron door that sounds fun um yeah just just build the

Bigger trees that gets you more wood so yeah either Spruce jungle or dark o will do that why am I walking I can fly now I keep forgetting that I have all the lovely rockets and we’ve got all that gunpowder so I will not need to walk or do that walk or ever

Again I can just fly it I keep forgetting I just my brain does not remember oh that’s when we went I still haven’t packed that away and I didn’t pack the stuff away while we were in the thing did I that’s an empty Sher I should leave that there this is

All stuff that needs packing away but if we got anything useful in any of those not really that was when I went for a little journey but actually I’ve got my empty one on me haven’t I and I’ll put some iron blocks in that we’ll get our iron blocks in

There and uh need pumpkins as well don’t we I’m going to make make my my strategy for killing the um wither is uh make an army of iron golems and then let the Golems do it I’ve never beat the Wither yet so I’m hoping I still get the achievement if the Golems

Do it I don’t know if I will um but we’ve got plenty of iron as you can see this we’ve got IR am for days just so much it’s ridiculous um we are never going to want for iron ever I all these seeds here from from

The farm that were extra let me just stick the seeds in this composter as well why is there weird stuff in the composter I can’t imagine I would have put that in the composter I don’t even know that’s odd maybe I did on one of my weird

Moments I am weird sometimes you know guys taking the dog for a tur cuz he’s sad he’s wet so not on my bed he’s not wet he’s been in the garden he’s not wet yeah he’s not wet anymore he’s not wet anymore okay okay that should be enough iron

That’s more iron than I’m going to need right this is going to be fun I probably should take a bed down there and sleep near there shouldn’t I though cuz the deep dark is directly below us by the way guys we when we first got to this

Area we were exploring down and we dug into the deep dark and I was just like really I cuz at this point I didn’t even have iron uh I was was like yeah I am so not prepared to take on the warden yet we’ll wait until till I get all the iron

Um so that’s what we did have I taken no I haven’t taken all the pumpkins over that is good I thought oh maybe I’ve taken all the pumpkins over to the Trader Village cuz that’s why I’ve got the pumpkin and melon farm um really it’s because I want to trade with with

The Villagers cuz they give me cool stuff they just have a few pumpkins and they’re like here have all these emeralds they’re all yours or have all this food and stuff like that so that is why I like a oh no that dog just ate the Villager um llamas oh the drama

Llama he thought you called him sorry he sounded like you said his name did I no I said dog so maybe that was it Willie thank you so much for the Roses thank you so much I’ve just noticed that it’s not ding donging at me when I get a gift

So if you do gift and I miss it please please please please let me know in chat right what are we doing what are we doing um we’re going to see the warden we’re off to see the warden the wonderful Warden of Minecraft any mods if you feel like joining and uh

Coming along for the ride yeah feel free I’m going to take a bed I need all the help I can get let’s make a bed right there is a bed we will take a bed with us let’s put all this other stuff back actually I might as well take

That wood with us just in case what would we need wood for we got tools maybe I should leave my lightra behind and take a chest plate that’s probably wiser isn’t it because there’s a good chance I am getting un alived um and I lost my other elytra so I do

Only have I think I’ve got one spare one now but I don’t I want to sort of have a bunch if possible so we’ll leave the the elytra there have we got diamonds here or are they all over there now we’ve got some diamonds I’ll make a diamond chest

Plate and we’ll go from there we’ll go from there well we we’re good we’re good cuz I don’t I mean is it annoying losing diamonds yeah of course it is but um you just it’s easy to get diamonds isn’t it so so easy whereas there’s only so much elytra find in it

Can be a pain and then actually Escape in the end alive and not flying into the void you know live on stream cuz that would be a silly thing to do I’d never do anything like that you know go loot like three of The Fortress the end cities and then

Then be like yes we’ve got all this loot straight into the void that would be a silly silly thing to do I totally didn’t do that live on stream yeah that was a while ago now though that was about a year ago wasn’t it um didn’t feel good didn’t feel good

Cuz I literally had had looted all these things had loads of good stuff loads of good stuff I had all my good armor and tools and stuff on me as well um and then went for for a fly into the void because why not the void wanted it will

You stop scratching me with your claws what you’re going to come say hi he’s saying hi to everyone thank you for the kisses that’s very nice but I don’t look can you see this can you see this I’m getting beaten up off you go off you

Go he gets so jealous and I don’t know why he does it when I’m talking on stream because when I’m talking on my headphones like playing a game with friends and stuff he’s not quite as bad um your attention to a bunch of people on the internet and he’s jealous

Yeah that’s what it is he’s jealous you’re back welcome back ADF hey Tess hey Donna hey Jack kifi right let’s go let’s go did any of my I can’t actually see if any of my mod drains I can’t have um it’s literally below us though if I remember correctly let’s go do this

Let’s let’s go have fun wasn’t there a gap down here somewhere where we could get down can’t fly anymore cuz I don’t have my light on we can drop that I’ve got feather falling on my boots and I know I’ve got my other boots where are my good boots

Did I lose them or have I put them in a chest somewhere this we’re talking back in October September October I can’t remember that long I’ve either got them somewhere or I’ve put them in a or I I lost them might have died and lost them we have

40K likes yes guys I’m going to up the light go to 50 because why not why not let’s go um thank you for 40,000 likes you guys are awesome do you know yesterday were you guys here yesterday we did like 5 Hour stream I don’t believe I was

Streaming that long but I was we ended up with over 330,000 likes it was like 334,000 by the industry which is crazy crazy insane so if you were here yesterday as well oh my gosh thank you for that um whenever I hit over 100 it’s just like wow it

Really is it’s crazy and I think anyone that streams will tell you the same um it’s so kind I don’t actually I haven’t got any other torches with me so this could be bad I’m not very prepared am I uh silk touch there we are Fortune let’s get this coal here with the

Fortune that will give me a little bit more I got some wood on me didn’t I I carried the wood so at least I have Co so I can make some torches and we might as well use the fortune so we get extra coal because it seems silly not to

Right um oh that’d be like a gravel never dig straight up so what I’m doing right now don’t do it never dig straight up in Minecraft what advice would you give never dig straight up NE never dig straight down so what am I doing right let’s just make the Torches

We can do those without a crafting table which is nice we got a whole bunch of coal there guys that’s so cool um is there any more I can’t actually see it’s so dark there is actually still some more there right okay I think that’s it now

Right let’s go let’s carry on going down and see if we can’t find I know the deep dark is directly below us but I can’t remember exactly where it is ow all right mean you see that Skelly be mean and it’s a little bit dark on this Edge as well isn’t it

So maybe I’ll just light up here put a couple torches there all let’s go um I still don’t remember the way down though to it I mean what level negative 22 so we need to keep going down that looks that’s not a down that’s just somewhere someone’s mind that looks dark that way

So yeah that’s probably not the route down that we’ve taken looks light this way so it’s probably this way right free slime anyone wants some slime ding dong oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Kiki thank you for your first time gift of the good game Izzy thank you for the

Rose and the uh flame heart and Kiki thank you for the good games and Willow thank you for ding donging thank you so much guys if I get a gift type dingdong into the chat please because I’m not hearing any noise from the ding-dong you

Guys can hear it I can’t and also the follower noise I cannot hear either but guys we’ve had 40 new followers this Stream So if you are new to me you are so welcome I’m Tess this is our Tuda world not that it looks Tuda at the

Moment if you were here at the start of the stream we had a bit of a catastrophic moment I had 121 levels went through the portal and uh as I went through there was a creep there didn’t know blew me up bam goodbye level 121 levels I I

Literally only just said minutes before I I was thinking about doing the warden but I’ve got 121 levels so I don’t want to do the warden with all these levels and then bam I’m dead um is there a tunnel here or something there’s a bit that goes out to like a

Proper um deep [ __ ] area isn’t there um oh is it here yes look at this um so safe so safe there’s some XP down here so someone’s been here and I don’t think it was me I think I saw this and I was like right I’m out so long and thanks for all

The fish sh you know can I I want to go down I want to dig stairs down so we can get back up again though um I don’t think this I’m I remember a bit where we were right down at like low level and uh so this isn’t

The bit that I went down before but someone else been down here cuz there is XP here so they’ve been mining some skook for some nice XP which is quite cool quite good for getting XP from if you find a deep dark I don’t know if the uh ho glitch

Has been fixed but there was a glitch for a little while I’m sure they fixed it already um but if you used a silk touch hoe you could hoe the skull it would collect the skull and it would collect the XP as well and then you could lay the skull again and collect

The XP um what was great about that because there are faster ways of getting XP but what was great is it’s portable so if you were ever out anywhere you could just lay a load of skull down and mine it get the XP you’d repair all your

Tools and everything it was such a good glitch I don’t know if it’s still current I haven’t got a silk touch hoe to try it with guys um I don’t know if any of you know that whether that glitch is still current but that was on Bedrock it was so good light

Goal yes ding dong as well Kiki thank you so much for the good games let’s change the light go you guys are awesome right what should we make the light goal now you guys have just smashing the um jumps at 10K so I’m going to up it to 75 so a 25k

Jump um also there might be areas in a bit where I can’t update it so so easily cuz we’re going in into an area that’s not the safest let’s be honest there are safer locations to be than the deep dark aren’t there I don’t see any um shrier

Blocks here at the moment the part that I went to had the blocks because um it I made I I set it off it oh oh there’s lights over there H cuz I know I made it all go dark and I was like no I’m out out of here I’m out

Of here this is before I even had iron armor or any of that so I was just like yeah I’m not ready for this um and I’ve never never completed it never done the warden so should be getting an achievement today guys as well so that’s

Good cuz some people are like when they see everything that we’ve built they’re like have you done all this on survival and then I’m like yeah and they’re like Pro it like well how do you want me to prove that but when I get an achievement because I’ve got like most of the

Minecraft achievements anyway I don’t get achievements very often I’m sure you’ll get one for doing the warden won’t you I don’t know but I’m assuming you do um yeah so I should get an achievement shouldn’t I does any of you beat the warden do we get an achievement

Okay we got some blocks there so we should be making oh no no no no no no no no no I haven’t laid my bed or anything yet we’re not ready we’re not ready everyone sh quiet quiet ding dog ding dog I don’t know if the warden can hear the

Ding-dongs oh my God gosh no wait what did you do I set off the shrier I I need to be really really quiet the warden’s coming I’m going to beat the warden today that is my plan but near that lava is not a good place

Cuz my plan I’ve got a Shuler chest and I’m going to build a bunch of iron golems and the Golems are just going to play with the warden and I’m just going to sit there going woo look at that that was easy right um but yeah I haven’t put my bed down

And I haven’t made the Golems yet so I’m so not prepared definitely set your spawn point yes we need to do that first oh my gosh is it it’s still dark isn’t it oh no it’s gone light now okay B stop moaning I think can we dig in here

Is that going to I think we’re far enough away to dig here okay make a little bed area here and then carry on going across and put our chests and stuff down put make a chest and put some stuff down and keep our stuff safe I’ve got my rockets on me

What do I have have my rockets on me for I should have put them in the chest um the uh Warden if any of you have not seen the warden he is a mob he is the toughest mob in the game uh it was he

Was added um as part of the caves and cliff update and I’ve never beat him I’ve hugged him a couple of times just for fun um but um yeah that’s that’s as far as I’ve gone um is hogging him he’s uh so tough yeah you you have

Top armor top everything he hits you and that’s it you are unived you’re legit too scared to go see the warden it is a scary experience respawn Point set okay okay look let’s let’s go I don’t have loads of wood left I’ve I’ve used it all I’ve used all the

Wood if used it all um there’s loads of this stuff that we don’t need but um I’m leaving that in the chest I don’t care care about the axe so much um I do need a pickaxe on me I’m going to make an iron one I’m going to

Leave that in the chest as well because that seems like a wise thing to do um if you get me if you if you get what I’m saying right okay so we’ve made a sleep point before I make all these um Golems I’m going to make an area I’m

Going to try and make that area safe so the is not going into the lava can I make just a bucket and use that water and cover that I’m going to give that a go it might I don’t know if I can get that water successfully but we’ll try I’ll uh go up

It and uh scoop it out but it might end up with me going in the lava so actually before I do I’ll take my bread and oh I’ll take everything off CU to go scoop that up it’s not I did sleep didn’t I I did didn’t I I have now anyway so we’re

Good ah let me out right let’s cover this lava I don’t know if it’s going to make too much noise and set off the shers though why is that not covering it’s going to get dark in here s you heard nothing oh nope they did hear something he did hear

Something we only set one off so it’s normally two isn’t it one should be all right do you stream every day I do stream most days okay so we’re all right are we we might not be now uhoh uhoh uhoh okay we didn’t do it we didn’t do

It I really want to cover that lava um the reason being is if we can cover that lava then I can set my Golems out and they will just go for a little walk right um let me light up this area when it when the warden comes it gets dark

Anyway so it doesn’t matter how much we light up this area then but for now we’ll light it up a bit nope oh no he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming it’s coming we’re going to get on the liveed here guys he’s coming can we see him there he is there

He is he coming for us I think he he’s definitely yeah he can smell us here we are here we are and hi hi Warden by me what why are you not hurting me oh there we go bye Tess okay but I’m going to be spawning right

Next to him go away go away go away go away go go I want to respawn go chill no one’s no one’s alive on the world go go back into the ground I don’t want to lose all my armor off you go if I respawn right now I’m going to

Respawn right next to him and he’s just going to un alive me instantly isn’t he should we try should we try he’s literally should still be out there he is can you hear my dog he’s killing an old bottle because I’m talking on stream un alive yes on

Live off you go off you go he’s going yes no no he’s not yes he is he’s pretending he’s going BOS can you stop doing that mate that’s not loud at all can we can we not he’s literally going mad with a bottle I apologize for my noisy

Dog please just go away so I can get my stuff back I want my stuff it’s going to de spawn off you go Warden off you see my stuff right next to him like maybe I should put my armor and stuff in the chest if I can get

It could you use a bow and shoot him from there no you couldn’t they can he can go through the wall so even if you dig yourself into the wall you are not safe um so so yeah like I just want him to go so I can

Grab my stuff back while I’m not making noise I’m crouching cuz if I walk I’ll make noise and he will just get me straight away oh he’s going back into the ground this he’s going he’s going he’s going guys no he’s not it look like he was

Then but he can smell as well so if I get too close you know I mean I probably should take a bath oh ooh all right he could smell me he could smell me give me my stuff back can I get it into the chest really

Quickly and then he can un alive me all he wants can’t he because I’ll just stay still and quiet did I get it all I don’t even know he’s going to un alive me now ding dong we’ve got a gift we’ve got a few gifts let me thank you for the

Gifts um Ryan thank you for the sparkler Mr Wolf thank you for the good game smiley face thank you for the heart meat around thank you for the heart meat Abby thank you for the flame heart Mah guys thank you so much for those gifts my

Gift noise is not working in um so yeah um how long does it take for the warden to disappear like if I chill here how long will it take for him to disappear out the way I’m sorry about my dog what’s that noise the noise in the background on the mic

Is my dog killing a plastic bottle because I was like ah and he was got all excited and the noise on the screen is the warden um BOS bring it here I’m going to take it off you that is so noisy bring it here can I have it thank you thanks

Thanks let go it’s still got a little bit of drink in he would have literally got it’s not killed it yet completely can we not leave it now leave leave leave leave leave it good boy come here go find a ball go find a ball where’s your ball go

Find your ball go get a ball where’s your ball go get your toy get your ball or your toy not a bottle bottles and bottles are loud what’s the busing sound why can’t we hear game sound you can’t hear game sound oh I don’t know Jimmy is anyone

Else just got a buzz in with no game sound guys um let me know let me know yes you can’t hear the game sound no he can’t hear the game just hear buzzing okay I’ve unplugged it and plugged it back in is that helped at all

Is that helped at all can you hear me now no that’s not helped at all H yes it has for you okay why is the warden not going away none of you can hear game okay let me have a look at H it’s coming through can I only hear you and not the

Game that is so bizarre that is so bizarre I’m sorry about that it’s the the mic is showing is it’s moving the game sound on the on the showing it’s actually moving it’s very strange and now there’s an echo test Echo um what about now how are doing now can you hear me

Now it’s because she’s in the cave still echoing oh my gosh now you have an echo good good I love It right what about now how are we doing now what about now how are we doing now yep yep no Echo only one test good okay do we have game sound yet though and why is the warden still there BOS go away go away go away lay down no game sound really weird

And the warden is kind of annoying now he’s normally gone by now isn’t he maybe if I just dig away and come back he’s going to dig through there here isn’t he he does like the echo blast through the wall yeah there we go I will try and escape the

Area but I don’t know how successful we are going to be with that just keep going just keep going just keep going just keep going just keep going just keep going oh my gosh it’s so dark as well with the water and it’s so difficult to see so I’m sorry if you’re having

Trouble seeing on stream guys I am also not having the easiest time but I’m going to try and get away from there because the warden he is just not despawning for whatever reason normally you give it a little while you’re standing nice and still and he just

Disappears back into the ground and goes away but today he just wants to stay chilling there so um yes Bosley we hear you yay he’s gone away finally oh my gosh that took a while didn’t it right let’s go back that took a while for him to go all right we’re good we’re

Good right so now I’m going to make a slightly larger area here and build a whole load of golems and then once once the Golems are built I’m going to make a hole in the wall set off the warden again and the Golems are going to hug the warden and

The warden is going to go sleeping forever that’s that’s uh yeah Warden head Heaven I’ve never beat the warden before so this is going to be interesting to see if it works I need to do three high D knife for for Golems as well otherwise they’re not going to fit oh that be

Gravel I haven’t got shovel on me so a pickaxe we’ll do how much gravel we got gravel all the way up oh good I wonder if I can ah tried to lay the gr uh ah tried to lay it really quick it didn’t work is there going to be tons of gravel

Is it worth making a shovel it might be cuz there’s more than a tiny bit that’s annoying but it’s fine I’ve got loads of iron with us cuz we’re doing we’re making Iron Golems so that’s why we have tons of iron with us um that Shuler chest is full of iron

Blocks so yeah that’s that’s our tactic bz shush my dog is being such a pain he wasn’t happy with me saying that he like M but how much how many Golems do you reckon we need to make guys what is your thoughts on that what’s your thoughts I reckon we need at least

30 maybe even 50 because the warden is tough has any of you killed the warden with golems before let me know in stream oh I heard a noise I heard a follow noise so I’ve got now I’ve played with the settings I’ve got follower noises you still have no game

Noise but I can hear the follower um so uh Claire thank you so much for your follow welcome to the stream um has any of you done the let’s hug the ward with golems tactic before BOS stop whining I’m sorry if my dog is making your dog whine or moan my

Dog is just a pain I have no other excuses um you have how many did it take when you did it Joe Joe when you did the Golem hug Warden tactic how many Golems did it take you um something we can all find out together seven is that

All no surely you need more than seven oh 70 70 okay that makes more sense about 70 oh my gosh hopefully I can keep digging in here and it’s not going to set off the shriekers cuz I’m far enough away from the shers but just out there are the

Shriekers and any noise does Set It Off as we know as we we found out ourselves just uh a few minutes ago um but yeah that is the warden any of you that have not met the warden the warden be scary it took you 20 Golems okay should

We start with 20 and then if that does not work we’ll then make more um what I’ll do is I’ll get the floor I I’ll make the bodies of the golems and then we’ll stick the pumpkins on after it’s been ages since I’ve made Golems it’s just normal pumpkins on it

Isn’t it do I need to Jacko do they need to be Jacko do they need faces um it’s been so long my brain is not working can’t remember how else do you kill the warden there is ways that you can trap the warden and and then shoot shoot him

Um but yeah he is he he’s he doesn’t die in lava or TNT or any of that so those sort of things do not work uh he is proper tough um mostly it’s a case of avoiding the warden what a lot of people will do when they want to do the

Um the ancient cities they will sneak around either crawling or using carpets because that makes you quiet and they will remove all of the shriekers cuz if the shriekers aren’t set off the warden doesn’t appear so that’s that’s um so people often don’t actually un alive the

Warden they just um remove the risk of them spawning so which is a is a valid tactic it’s a valid tactic but um yeah do you reckon we can fit 20 golems in here you reckon we can fit 20 in here we’ll see we’ll see I’ll start and

If I need to clear more out I’ll clear more out um I think I just break my fingers you breaked your fingers did you also learn English as well no I was learning guitar you breaked your fingers learning guitar yeah fair enough to why doesn’t it smell of anything

Mom you have to open the lid you banana three it’s vanilla four is I just wanted so you just came over here did a big fart and then walked off thank you child my son’s so Charming six I don’t think there’s going to be enough for 20 at all is there s eight

Oh nine I don’t know if that will work cuz it’s touching actually don’t actually know do you guys know whe that would work don’t I think we’re going to have to make it bigger aren’t we 11 yeah we’ll just make it bigger we’ll make it bigger it won’t work if they’re tou if

They touch you’re pretty sure it works touching should we try it guys cuz actually there’s a people in chat say it does people say it doesn’t so we can try it it might be different in Bedrock and Java as as well um that’s also something to consider because some things work in

Bedrock that don’t work in Java and vice versa um because I know there’s some things that I’m sure about and um people have done them and I’m like how is that even a thing and they’re like well it is in Java it’s a thing and then other

Times I’ve said oh you can do this when I’ve been watching a stream you know do this do this do this and people are like it’s not working and I’m like oh well I don’t understand that but it’s because it’s the difference like go oh my gosh I didn’t notice thank you

Guys thank you 78,000 likes you guys have smashed it I’m going to up it to 100,000 do you know yesterday we ended up at you ready for this we ended up at 334,000 likes yeah yep yep yep and uh Abby thank you for the flame heart

Jasmine thank you for the rose and Libby thank you for the heart me let’s change the light goal I’m upping it to 100,000 that is insane it’s always amazing um like I’ve got no doubt you guys are going to hit the 100,000 it’s always amazing when we do always always um

If you had them all facing the same way one in front of the other it works okay you need carved pumpkins do they need to be carved I couldn’t remember I had a vague recollection that they did need to be carved but that’s fine we’ve got enough iron I will just carve

Them can I put the pumpkin on and carve it and then it will work does that work should we see if that works that’d be interesting wouldn’t it I’ll try it on one and I won’t place the pumpkin on all of them but we’ve got 11 set out so far so

We’re going to start with 20 aren’t we so I’m just clearing this area so we can fit more in we’ll start with 20 golems and see if that works see if the the warden goes to Warden heaven or not um and do you get does anyone know do you

Get an achievement for killing the warden because I’ve never done it um and that would be nice if we did probably you think so see I have a recollection of someone saying at some point that they they got the warden and they did not get an

Achievement but I don’t know if it was the warden or if it was something else I’m thinking of but you guys know what my brain is like so I just don’t know Dig Down that probably would not be wise we are in the deep dark we are in

The deep dark the warden we’ve already set the warden off once we’re going to go hug the warden I’m making an army of iron golems to take with me cuz I’m too scared to take the warden on by myself and any of you that have taken on the

Warden I think you’ll get me you get me we’re on hard as well so you know you’ve got to take that into consideration and Bedrock as far as I’m aware the mobs on Bedrock are actually tougher than on Java how that’s fair I don’t know it must be something to do

With the programming but the warden is tough enough as it is it doesn’t need to be more difficult um yeah you do get an achievement it’s called Warden out okay thank you thank you nice um oh you get one from uh going around the shers do you know haven’t spent much

Time in the ancient cities we did a little bit on the egg pie didn’t we when the ancient city first came in we found it we went for a little raid we’ve got our um boots but I haven’t done the ancient city on this world at all um I

Saw I saw the deep dark and I was like that’s it I’m out um didn’t even have iron at the time though so my plan was um to um build the uh thing so that’s 13 now that’s going to be touching isn’t it 13 14 15 16

17 we need a little bit more space don’t we 17 18 if we’re going to do 20 we need a space for two more golems and uh yeah it’s all fun isn’t it I’m quite excited to see what happens I am I am how many of you in chat we’ve got uh

Just over a 100 people in Tik Tok and uh 10 over in YouTube and twitch um how many of you have got the golum before not the golum the w Warden my brain see in your moment how many of you have unived the warden before y my favorite Idol hey Amelia how you

Doing nope you’ve done it twice nice nice this will be my first time cuz people have said to me before you know have you done the world I’m like no I haven’t and you would think that I do you know I I got my statistics for my Minecraft guys I spent over

2,000 hours in 2023 on Minecraft over 2,000 hours all those hours that is pure streaming and creating for you guys that’s insane 2,000 hours I I couldn’t believe it when I got the statistics through I was just like yeah and in all them hours I have not

Beaten the warden right so that’s 20 right let’s put all the stuff back in the chest if I can find the way back we have slept we’ll put our stuff in our chest so it’s safe so like we’re not losing it let’s we’ve only got enough to make I don’t even

Have enough to make another chest do I no okay we don’t need chests who needs chests chests what are these things you’re talking about do I want my sword on me to play with the warden a little bit with probably not do I I don’t need my sword who needs

Swords we also don’t need swords I keep my blocks on me rather than the iron cuz the irons’s more useful to have than blocks um I need to make um thingies don’t I um shears to carve these pumpkins there we go have I got the

Pumpkins on me no I put them in the chest cuz why not so will it work if I Shear them on the Golem oh no we don’t need them we don’t need them look look at this okay it just we just need the pumpkin there we go ah totally meant to do

That floating pumpkins can’t lay it with the torch there they nope not doing good at laying pumpkins am I have you have had any seen anyone have so much issue laying pumpkins before yeah you sent a gift of a rose Amelia thank you for the rose and Libby thank you for the heart Me it’s not making the dingdong noise still it was making the follower noise for a little while but I think that’s stopped as well unless I haven’t had a a new follower for a while is that all of them is that all of them okay we’ve got 20 Golems

Let’s let’s go do this why not why not let’s go do this let’s go uh is this big enough for him to get out it’s not let me get my uh pickaxe and let them out need to make an area big enough for them to get out but I don’t want them to

Set it off before I’m ready really scram you’ve made yourself some scram yeah all right sausage and turkey sandwiches sausage and turkey sandwiches sounds like a good scram to me right okay come on Warden watch now he’s not going to come now I want him to come there we go

Warden make a noise come at me here he comes I thought I heard him just no W done hey that is definitely coming now okay can we make this more open ah oh they’re running at him can we see what’s going on is he is he un

Alived I don’t know I he’s he stopped making the noise but oh no he’s not un alived we can’t see what’s going on can we not really cuz it’s dark come on Golems nope he’s got the Golems shall I make more as we go along do you reckon we can do that

Well we can definitely do that can’t we we can just keep making Golems ah sonic boomed we might get un alived here oh he’s disappeared he almost un alived us but he didn’t finish the job have we got our bread let’s eat shall we and Carry On

Building don’t want that I want to eat our bread let’s going to make some more Golems out here cuz seems like a sensible thing to do he’s un alived a lot of our friends that’s not kind don’t go in the L youa whoa there he is quick Golems do it

Do it give him hugs there’s more on him now there’s another one no it’s not why is that not work there maybe you can’t do it on uh obsid obsidian is that a thing yeah that is a thing it doesn’t work on obsidian I did not know that did you guys know

That where’s the Golem go why does he keep disappearing he’s scared of the Golems oh whoa go get get my Army of Golems go get can I hit him as well ah I shouldn’t have hit him he was just like nope not having that oh my

Gosh he did not like being hit did he he’s destroyed them all what how did he destroy them all 20 is not enough 20 is not enough you need more yes we do let me grab my stuff back wonder if the Golem’s keeping busy if I can uh just chill and make

Cover this lav for a bit he’s going to come at me again isn’t he I’m not here you don’t see [Applause] me well we learned something new today you cannot make Golems on obsidian unless you already knew that guys I did not I did not know that

Um but yeah I’m just gonna continue starting to make these shapes and just hopefully the Golems will get him at some point he’s got to have some form of low XP now surely ow after all those Golems he’s got to have he’s got to have ah can’t see me I’m invisible quick Golems

No why are you not working as well why is that one not working is it there’s a torch there I don’t know oh it’s has now so maybe the other one on the obsidian will work then maybe it just was having a moment did we do it did

He okay so it does kill the Golem but he just keeps coming back maybe I need to get the last hitting oh that’s kind of frustrating it block drops a block it drops a block cuz they did totally un alive him then I saw it and I’ve got a couple of those

Blocks right so I need to get the last hit in is what is what we’re saying then yeah or do they just keep respawning do they just keep respawning you need the last hit yes okay we will do that let’s get a few more Golems chilling

Here before we go back out there and I’ll actually put my armor and stuff back on and hopefully we can get the last hit in um and I’ll use my sword we won’t go too near the lava so if the worst does happen can you move thank you we can uh

Yeah it won’t go in there okay so we need to get the last hit in to actually classes killing the Golem okay I wasn’t sure if that would be a thing it it makes sense though doesn’t it really um they do keep respawning you can even have multiple spawn born at the same

Time okay so once you kill it it just keeps coming back I thought you know it would be like okay well we’ve done it now so we have killed the Golem three times today then that’s not bad killing the Golem three times in one stream let’s go not

The Golem the warden I know what I was saying I know what these things are oh sorry oops where’s my pickaxe that’s not going to work I’ll just I’ll make it here I’ll make it here that’s not going to work cuz that’s like that we have to get my pickaxe

Frustrating Okay so we’ve got we’ve got like look I had another one we did kill it three times then um pickaxe that’s a pickaxe I know what a pickaxe looks like now we need to do the pumpkin L fine fine if you’re going to be like

That Ding Dong it ding dong yes Jasmine thank you so much for the rose Amelia for the Thank God It’s Friday and Jasmine for the rose Amelia for the rose and that’s as far as my screen goes let me go back up Libby thank you for the

Heart me Jasmine for the rose Abby for the heart me I think I’m up to dat if you have gifted and I haven’t said thank you um my thing’s not making the sound sometimes it was not making them at all and then I had weird stuff it’s not

Making game sound either as well for whatever reason I’m confused I need a tech um but yeah we’re all good we’re all good do I sent you a thank God it’s Friday thank you Amelia and bethan thank you for the rose as well and also in for the follow on Twitch as well

Welcome into stream we are playing with the warden we’re playing with the warden that’s what all these Golems are about we’re playing with the warden and I need to get the last hit in I need to get the last hit in so if I make tons then even if the Golems get him

Eventually I should if he just keeps respawning I should get the last hit in right eventually I think better than thank you for the roses and the Rosa and the sparkler River thank you for the Roses you guys are so kind you guys are so so kind right we’ve

Got tons of Golems now how many Golems do you reckon we’ve made now so the Golems are pretty tough against the warden we just need to get that last hit in um but we’ve got so much iron and stuff with us we we’re good

For you know all of all of it let’s grab some more iron and make a couple more they’re going out there aren’t they they’re going to set him off just outside there is is where the shers are to set him off you see if you

Have only just in chat so um yeah that’s why I’m kind of making them in here so they’re not setting the warden off but if they go out there they will oh you can hear the shrier going in a little bit must be quite loud with all these Golems here though

So it’s actually making a noise of H I hear something but it’s it’s not it’s doing the noise but not the noise you know oh my gosh that’s a quote test quote it’s doing the not the W like go oh my gosh guys we’ve made over 100,000 likes yes you are all

Awesome that is it that is all I can say because i’ like 100,000 is insane any day any day I’ll take 100K oh my gosh yesterday we got 334,000 that was a lot 125k new goal guys let’s do this let’s do this we’ve got

This we have got this I know you have I know you have I need to get the last hit on the ward to get the achievement though I’m guessing doesn’t count if the Golem hits him they’re just here for moral support this is my this is my Army of Cheers

They’re going to cheer me on you guys can cheer me on the Golems can cheer me on and we’ll hug a warden again we’ve got him three times but I haven’t officially got him at all cuz the Golems got him so um I have not ever officially killed the

Warden but I was witness to it so that counts right that’s iron Tess oh my gosh what am I like that’s too easy do you reckon do you reckon I can’t do the Golem other than that I’m bad at the game I stream it and I play for hours

Each week but I’m I’m not good I’m good at building pretty things that’s my talent in the game actual um fighting and stuff nope nope it build pretty things right this is going to be enough for sure right should we uh should we try should

We have a few turns that should kill the Golem two or three times yeah not the Golem why do I keep cuz I’m making Golems the word Golem is my mind that should kill the warden two or three times oh my gosh my brain is insane I’ve got the worst brain ever

Guys right so I do need my armor and stuff because um before I can take a sonic boom from the warden and not get un alived but one here and I’m dead so I need to avoid being hit but I can be Sonic boomed just once second sonic boom and I’m gone um

So that’s what I need to keep that in mind so when I’m going up to him I need to sort of get him and then move back or would it be better to bring a bow and arrow would that still count go back up to the spawn get a bow and arrow and

Shoot them from distance well that work do you think would I still get the achievement maybe probably wouldn’t be able to hit with the bow and arrow with all the Golems around him though would I um we’ll try it like this first we’ll see see what this is like I’ll put all

This stuff back in here um we need the armor I don’t have much armor do I I’ll leave the boots we don’t really need the boots um I know guess we uh go with this I don’t know I don’t know guys what do you reckon the one in the corner didn’t

Spawn did it not it’s done that a couple of times wait it’s done that it’s we’ve got one on the the obsidian and it didn’t do it and I was like oh do they not spawn on obsidian I’ll just take this to see if we can get it to spawn

Now um have we got a I’m going to make a standard pick um to knock some of this wall out cuz I want to kind of keep my diamond Enchanted ones cuz they’re quite nice and we got the netherite blueprint now so it’d be nice to um upgrade all of

Our nicer things to netherite at some point cuz we do now own the blueprint that was a fun stream getting that far oh so all those Golems are out there not setting it off that’s interesting isn’t it that the Golems aren’t setting it off n pleas let me not that

Out make stairs for you look so it’s easier for you to go up and down um can you move move move thatd be in a pain they’re getting in my way ah helps for use the pickaxe oo that’s a hole should we see if we can make this

Now we took it off before it didn’t want to make it no it’s still not doing it so yeah maybe on obsidian is a thing that it doesn’t build it I don’t know are you stood on lava what how how why is the shers not going off we were out here

A minute ago and it they were going crazy at this will that burn up I’ve got more blocks on me I don’t need to use pumpkins okay get mad let’s do this where is he I can’t see him there he is let me hit him let me hit him

Oh well that didn’t work let me go back let me go back let me hit him let me hit him let me hit him oh nope let’s do this let’s do this ah they’ve un alived him where’s my stuff there some of it there it is let me get my uh where’s

My sword where’s my sword there’s my heart oh my gosh there’s my sword ah I need to get that last hit in or it doesn’t count ah they’ve un alived him again he’ll be back he’ll be back back yeah where is he I got I got a couple of hits on him

Then I think I think I got a couple of hits that first time then ah oh I’m hitting just the Golems now that’s three times cuz we’ve got three of the things where is he where is he come at me bro ah see as soon as he hits me so I need

To get him maybe I do need a bow and arrow and shoot him from afar use a bow maybe yeah I’m thinking that um maybe I need to go back to the surface will all these Golems still be here if I go up to the surface do you think

I don’t want to be all the way over there I want to be over here so I’m close ah I almost got there in time I was so close to that last hit then yeah spawn over here mate spawn here spawn here now he spawned up there again so far

Oh I’ve got a Golem ah he got me do she got the light goal yes guys we’ve got the new light go and some gifts as well um um I don’t know what your name is all of the Emojis s thank you so much for 50 20 24s and Jade for five sparklers

Why is he spawning all the way over there I want him to spawn here so it’s close to the bed um but I do think we might have to go and get the bow and arrow cuz getting that last hit in the timing for it is difficult

Huh um I don’t have my sword back um there it is okay got my sword oh he’s down here now keep him there keep him there keep him there don’t don’t un alive him yet ah they un alived him ding dong days Ting Tong thank you for all of those Lightnings as

Well is that an Enderman joining the party seriously Enderman seriously what even is that what’s the new light goal let’s up the light goal to 150 I think we are going to have to get get a bow and arrow to try and do this it’s just not happening is it guys

Thank you so much 135,000 likes in Tik Tok that is insane and awesome and Brilliant but I think we do need to go back up to the surface and get a bow and arrow because I’m hoping all these Golems will stay spawned in and we won’t have to

Remake them is my I’m just getting my uh stuff oh maybe I’m not whoa can I get all my things is it just I don’t I can’t see all my stuff it’s so dark there’s my leggings last hit oh my gosh I got a couple of hits

There that was quite cool all my stuff is in one place together though I think now so that’s that’s cool as well I just got un alived again just as I got back he’s back again where’s my sword that’s the thing I kind of want my sword is it down

There no it is not sword where’s my sword hang on got it got it got it oh wait wait wait wait wait did I get the last hit there I mustn’t I didn’t get an achievement I must not have got the last hit that is so so

Unfortunate did you see that though the Golem blocked you oh my gosh that is so unfortunate that we didn’t get the last hit in there whoa nope we’ve got one Golem left we’ve got one Golem left whoa see you have we got any more up here no that is the last

Golem oh my gosh we’re going to have to go and get this bow and arrow aren’t we let’s grab our stuffs so it doesn’t despawn you can’t see me I’m making loads of noise he’s going to come get me there’s literally no way he’s

Not oh yeah he knows where I am see you I’m gone I don’t even know if I’ve got all my stuff I’m gone I don’t know if he can get me from here I think he still can we need to go up to the surface and get some things I don’t even

Know if I’ve got all my good stuff or if it’s in the chest or it’s not in the chest I can’t actually remember that’s the way we’ve got to go though up there so hopefully I can get up here quick enough before he decides to come through the floor at me

Yeah no I’ve gone you don’t know where I am oh he’s sniffing he’s sniffing me out he doesn’t know where I am I’m going to go get my stuff it’s getting quieter I know you guys haven’t got game sound which is so frustrating as I go up here though you might hear

Me I’m trying to crouch and be as quiet as I can but I need to get back to my stuff cuz it is some of the stuff is actually quite good still it’s lighter now but I can still hear the heartbeat noise you know if you’ve ever taken on the warden that

Heartbeat noise but it’s not got the louder sound to it oh I can hear him moving he’s underneath me can literally hear it here the heartbeat’s getting quieter might have lost him oh yes heartbeat’s Gone heartbeat’s Gone heartbeat’s Gone yes let me grab my

Stuff I can move again let’s go get a a bow and arrow build some more golems and do that again with a bow and arrow and see if we can uh shoot shoot him from afar if I got all my stuff I think the only good things that I had on me were

The Sword and the armor look at that nine times we beat him but we I never got the last hitting on any of them that one was so unfortunate it looked like I did as well it’s cheating it’s cheating guys cheating it’s uh up the water wasn’t it I

Think ow Splat totally meant to do that I think just up that water takes us all the way out doesn’t it should we see should we see lagging I don’t know I was yesterday I don’t know if I am today I need some food don’t I oh I’m actually not that

Low I this one food bar why did I look at that and think oh I need to eat quickly then I’m having having a senior moment guys why can I not get up the water either it turns out I can’t swim today either do you know at this rate it’s

Easier to jump up the blocks I don’t even know where I can’t swim today um right and then there’s something going up there but there’s the outside by the looks of it that looks like daylight maybe so we’ll get out up there it’s all good it’s all

Good Let’s Go Fly a Kite up to the highest height okay I’ll shut up shall I um bow what do we reckon would be best on the bow I’m not sure I know I’ve got infinity and Flame I’m not sure if we’ve got any power um but probably power would and uh

Infinity and Flame would be the best in chance for it right because then we don’t need to take a bunch of arrows although we do have a load of arrows so we could go for mending instead but think oh I didn’t even know that was there

Someone’s got a hole in there don’t know who’s that is Um I leave some in the chest over here we’ll go back over because the enchants are all with the um villagers which are over there I’m going to keep I haven’t got my rockets on me anyway so I’m going to keep my elyra off just for

Um wow see there’s my other spare elytra but that is all the elytra I’ve got now I lost my other elytra cuz I’ve died twice with it on I had four lots and now I’ve got two um so I was so grateful that that didn’t just go in the lava for a minute

Ago right should we make a bow though to enchant that is not enough wood it was night time almost wasn’t it so we’ll go for a nap I need to remember when we get back down I need to remember to sleep down underground please please remind me because you guys know what my

Brain is like at remembering anything at all um like sometimes I worry that I upset people because I say I’ll do something and I don’t do it and it’s actually not because I’m not doing it it’s because my brain completely forgets about it it really is that

Bad um good fella thank you for the sparkler that’s so kind um and I’ve heard a couple of follower noises there Oscar and Kart thank you for your follows as well we’ve had nearly a hundred new followers this Stream So if you are new to me you are

So welcome this is our survival world we’re building a pretty chewter town but today specifically we are doing oh there’s a bow there what’s that one that’s got Unbreaking on maybe we could add that in how many levels have I got oh I guess we got to do a lot of

Villager trading to get those levels up to add the in chance on the bow right I’m sure I’ve got bow somewhere I’m sure I have let me just check the chests I’m sure I’ve got like a good one unless I died with it and that’s why I

Don’t have my boots either cuz I don’t know where my super duper feather falling boots are either here is it here no probably over at the tudah house but it’d be silly not to check here first right it’ be absolutely ridiculous not to check here

First right okay so let’s go to the Tuda house and check our actual area and then we’ll go back underground and we’ll re hog the water hopefully we’ll get the achievement I can’t believe every single time so we’ve got nine blocks there we had another three that’s 11 times no 12 12 times

We’ve killed the warden and not one of them was the last hit mine so I haven’t got the achievement which is frustrating so [Applause] how long have you been live Tess I’ve been live just over two hours um so I really would like to get this achievement from the warden before before the end of stream if I can um but I’ve decided I need a bow so we’ve come

Back up here to uh get the bow my elyra is back over there my Rockets are underground so I’m having to do it the oldfashioned way you know good old walking um let me just check that I haven’t put my boots and stuff in here

Oh yes good bow good bow I did have a good bow see I knew I did look at me go that’s where my good bow is have I got an arrow because it’s got Infinity on it so just one Arrow will do just one I can get rid of the other bows that

Aren’t any good but I do have a bow I do have a bow so we haven’t got to do the whole trading with villagers and stuff this bow and arrow is plenty is plenty enough so we’ll get rid of those there’s got to be an arrow somewhere there there

We go we got Arrow I got bow still don’t know where my super duper boots are though are they my super duper boots no they are just standard diamond boots someone ate my good boots like I’ve I’ve either dyed and forgot that I’ve dyed with them on or

I’ve put them somewhere and completely forgot where I put them I I literally I can’t remember at this point if any of you have got good memories back from September when I did that let me know which box my boots are in or if they’re in like lava somewhere

Which is probably more likely knowing me oh it was so much quicker with the Rockets but yeah I’m not taking my elytra to meet the warden that’s that’s staying in the chest we know where that is that is staying safe I’ve already lost two elytras I don’t need to lose

Another I’ve got two left and then it will be a case of uh playing in the end again oh we’ve played in the end so many times um do you know what though when I did I did the end on my own um one time um did four cities didn’t die at

All but I wasn’t streaming and actually streaming does take some of your focus cuz you’re reading messages and you’re thinking about what’s going on and stuff so actually um like believe it or not I am slightly better at playing when I’m not streaming but when I’m when I’m streaming because you’re doing multiple

Things it kind of takes your attention and the dog likes to bark when I’m streaming as well don’t you mate yes yes you do right let’s go down it’s down here isn’t it so let’s let’s go down we’ve got our bow we’ve got our Arrow we’ve got loads of iron and stuff down

There so we’ll continue to make the Golems down there yes Bosley I agree with whatever you just said guys thank you so much for the follows as well there I’m sorry if my dog is making your your dog bark lay down lay down no that doesn’t mean come

Cuddle up to me it no it doesn’t mean come cuddle up to me lay down means lay down yes hello yes I love you too you’re not cute lay down lay down H my dog’s saying look at me I’m cute look look I’m cute look at me I’m

Cute lay down lay down he’s he’s not listening to me he never listens to me you know he’ll listen to Tyler he’ll listen to Phil he just looks at me and wags his tail right I’ve got an extra bit to go down an easier bit don’t I and I dug up

With the torch just over here a bit didn’t I so it makes it easier to see you remember just at the bottom of the water was it over this way or over that way I’m trying to remember stop barking it was over this way

Then I am so sorry if my dog is making your dog bark much apologies no it’s not where is the bit that goes down there’s the water I’m confused it I’m confused it doesn’t take me a lot to get confused does it maybe it’s the other side of

Here that’s way too dark there’s no torches there so it’s definitely not that way see here it’s here it’s here it’s here see I knew where it was all along I’m not lost your dogs are scared of other dogs barking I am so sorry if my dog is

Scaring your dog he he gets really Barky when and a pain when I’m streaming I think he cuz I at the moment Tyler’s in his room Phil’s not here so I’m the only one in the living room and I’m talking so I must be talking to him um but

Obviously I’m not I’m talking to you guys um but you know dog logic he’s a dog he’s a loud dog logic cuz well cuz he is a dog and that’s what dog logic is okay so we’re good good right build a billion Golems again and uh and we can

Go can’t believe all those Golems he got all those Golems but we did get him nine times in that amount of Golems we did get him nine times thank you Crystal for the follow that’s so kind we’ve had just over 100 followers this Stream So if you’re new to me

You’re so welcome we’re not going to build this many but you know that one has not wanted to build and yeah sometimes they they aren’t but uh it says no I don’t know why maybe it’s cuz the torch there I don’t know or the red stone connecting

To it cuz the red stone looks like it’s activated actually that would be why so it won’t work on the obsidian and it won’t work if it’s connected to Redstone makes sense I suppose suppose it does suppose it does so if we build it here instead it will work because it’s not

Touching the Redstone ah nope why is the Redstone still at it’s not it is still activated don’t know don’t know then don’t know why that one’s not working there just says no in this corner then I figured it would be because of the Redstone but H okay move that

Over it’s a bit dark in this corner isn’t it I probably need more torches here carve the pumpkin do you think do you think if we carved it it would work it’s working without the carved pumpkin at the moment I do have the shears to carve it if if

Need be but it is working without most of the time I think it’s just by the Redstone I think the red stone is doing something to it or stopping it do something or I don’t know it’s not working on obsidian either maybe it would if we carved it maybe we should

Try that try it with a carve pumpkin cuz we’ve got some iron down there in like the t- shape already maybe we should try that have you forgotten about the light goal have we hit the light light goal I’m sure I’ve set it to 150 and it says 148 to me

Um unless it’s frozen has it frozen says 149 now so it’s not frozen so it is moving you need to set respawn thank you thank you thank you you are awesome I had completely forgot thank you so much you are amazing I need you in my life

Because I forget stuff like that thank you so much right let’s yes it’s hit the like goal now guys thank you so much next like goal we’re at 150,000 likes in TI Tock yes if you are watching in Tik Tok and you have given any of

Those likes thank you so much I am up in the light goal to 175,000 yes yes yes yes yes and we’ve just got a bunch of followers all at once guys we’ve had over 110 new followers this Stream So if you are new to me you are so welcome

Into the stream can we move Please Mr Gollum ah totally meant to do that you’re in my way all right he says I’ll move shall I thanks that’s my bosle voice actually bosy has his own voice it really annoys the family because uh he talks and I I

Challen I channel the dog I say I’m channeling him and this is his voice he talks like this and he says he says things like Tyla what you doing and and Daddy I want Foodies and stuff like that you know cuz cuz that’s what dogs think a challeng CH Channel him

Although the one time he was being really mean to Tyler he was being really mean to Tyler Bosley was saying Tyler Tyler I’m mommy’s baby and you’re adopted how how mean is that how mean is that right Tyler’s my son by the way if any of you didn’t know so

Yeah sometimes he will make an appearance on stream it just depends on how he’s how he’s feeling Guys Tyler has autism so sometimes he just he’s not peoply so he doesn’t want to appear in the background but sometimes he will come and say hi to you guys it all

Depends on how he’s feeling on that day um yeah why are we making all of those cuz we are hugging the warden we have already killed the warden 11 times was it 12 times I can’t remember um this stream but to get the achievement we need the last hit and the Golems are

Stolen the last hit each time and it was because I was using my sword so I’ve gone back up to the surface and I’ve got my bow and arrow so I’m going to try and hit him from afar because when I got too close I’m a one hit and I was just insta

Killed um but if he uses his Sonic Boom I’m a two hit so I’ve got more of a chance but then I’ve got to hit the warden and not hit the golems and they kind of Spawn uh you know surround him a bit so it’s a bit difficult but

Yeah um but we made a bunch and we’ve killed him so many times but unless you do this doesn’t work in this corner does it oh it does now all right all right prove me wrong just make me look like an idiot game weren’t working before was it

Cuz it was uh activating something with the Redstone don’t know don’t know Minecraft physics I don’t I don’t even try and explain Minecraft physics some of it is crazy isn’t it thank you for answering you are so welcome I do try and get as many comments as I can I do

Answer messages in chat but sometimes it’s really busy and sometimes I miss them um I know sometimes I’ve like read a comment above someone’s comment and in a comment below someone’s comment and I’ve just it’s it’s just the way my brain it misses some sometimes so I do

Apologize and if I don’t get your comment like wait 20 or 30 seconds cuz there is a stream delay there is like a delay within the stream and then if I haven’t got it after about 30 seconds feel free to type your message again um but obviously wait that 30 seconds

Because otherwise it’s just like spamming the chat and making it more difficult to get comments because of the the um sort of the delay that there is right we don’t need all of this iron I’m going to put this back now I’m going to keep a stack on me and we’ll like

Maybe build some as we we are being attacked and that but um right should we go and wake up the Golem then and see see if we can’t I’m going to also I hope we don’t lose this but an arrow I’m going to cuz it’s got

Infinity I’m going to put some of the arrows in there cuz if we lose the arrow but we find the bow cuz we may get unived let’s let’s be honest my apologies for coughing at you oh my gosh we’ve got some gifts as well um Jack did I thank you for the

Rose dvx thank you for the heart me cool fellow thank thank you for the sparkler dvx thank you for the sparkler the 2024 and all those lightning bolts that’s so cool thank you right come at me bro come at me come at me let’s do this let’s do

This no wake up wake wake up it’s gone dark wake up wake up wake up like I’ll jump on top of the shrier yes here we go right it’s over there is it yeah I can’t see properly oh I’m getting the Golems no that’s not working no

I need the last hit to get the achievement but I’m getting the Golems here oh I got them I got him got a hit on him I did not get the last hit on him Ah that’s not fair ooh might be better getting him from above maybe no still getting the GOL

I got him got him got him got the Golem oh he’s trying to get me he’s trying to get me nope no he’s like hit me with your bow he gets mad he be mad we just need the last hit to get the on him we’ve got him so many times but

That last hit is just it’s not happening um and then we don’t get the achievement if we don’t get the last hit which is so unfair like I should just get the achievement I’m with all the Golems they’re my Golem Army we’re all buddies we’re Golem buddies but let’s get in back shall

We you just sent 843 likes thank you so much I’m hiding hiding have I got my sword I don’t have my sword back oh no that’s not that’s not happening where’s my sword my sword’s good where’s my sword this is where I died so my sword should be here right where’s my

Sword oh I picked it up I’ve picked it up now I did pick it up okay right right well we we we is getting my sword back was important R all right I’ll let them get him a bit and then we can’t see his health bar otherwise that would make this so much

Easier ow oh my gosh nope he got us he got us I tried to run in there and snab him with my sword ah we’ve got we’ve got a bow and arrow we don’t have our sword there’s our sword okay I’m good I’m good we got our sword everything’s

Good I can’t see to get him I keep hitting the Golems cuz it’s so dark oh I think I hit him then didn’t get the last hit on him though did I take care cat have a good one thank you for being in stream oh my goly goly goodness let oh nope

Whoa dope ow he’s like nope let me get the last hit on him let me get the last hit ah nope ah they got him I wanted the last hit there obviously that’s what I’m doing it for I don’t have my hat where’s my hat there’s my

Hat I don’t have my bow where’s my bow ah there’s my bow look all these things we’ve got now the the blocks that you get for killing them we’ve got nine up on the surface we’ve got seven here bodyguards yes I know but it’s not enough because I can’t get the last hit

In it’s not happening I’m trying I want the achievement it’s not fair and we still haven’t found the actual um thing here have we the city that we can uh raid all the good tasty stuff out of it’s going to be around here somewhere obviously but

Um where quite that is H is a a mystery a mystery it’s a mystery try less Golems do you think just about this many and we’ll have a go okay let’s let’s try less do you want some uh healing there we go let’s heal you as well they’d seem better days

Hadn’t they what about these ones should we uh you’ve seen bit days as well oh so as soon as I hit him he is focused on getting me but if I don’t hit him the Golems can get him so I just need to judge when that last shot

Is and uh get it that was that was the Golem I’m shooting the Golem that’s nice of me you need some health we’ve got we’ve got a bow and arrow that’s all good we’ve got our sword we’re good the Golems will deal with him while I’m fiddling around with my stuffs right

Just need to get that last hit in it’s just timing it I guess and CU you don’t know cuz while I’m not hitting him he’s he’s good he’s not hitting me ah but as soon as I hit him ah the Golem got the last hit in

Again I’ve got a couple of hits on him but just trying to heal the Golems ah I hit him with the iron trus golem seven looking good thank you so close I know why can’t we get that last hit in as if we get the last

Hit in we get the achievement I don’t know if we’re going to get the achievement this stream we might have to like try on another stream cuz I’ve have been here 2 and a half hours now two and a half hours guys of test time right oh I can’t see there’s obviously

Fighting going on oh no he’s killed them all he’s killed them all I need to go get my stuff back I need my stuff he’s killed them all we got the goet the warden so so many times though I can’t do that there it’s not working I haven’t got my pickaxe on

Me try seven two he’s coming after me sniffing me out three here he comes last hit last hit oh they got him I almost got that last hit in there didn’t I let’s go get our stuff from over there that’s going to cause him to spawn but maybe we can

Run back so it’s all closer if it’s closer it’s it’s better cuz I don’t want to lose all my good stuff you don’t see me I’m invisible hopefully I’ve got all my stuff I can’t actually see and I’m not hanging around there to to try no My Sword I still

Don’t have my sword we need to go back and get my sword oh he Sonic boomed me fine that stuff’s going to last longer they he can play with the Golems there while I find our sword it’s so dark isn’t it sword there it is okay did the Golems kill him it sounds

Like he’s over there now did they get him no ding dong ding dong uh Bambi thank you so much for those gifts that have just come in oh my gosh I was looking at the the chat and not the screen it was ending that way anyway wasn’t it come on let’s be

Honest Mr Warden will you desist I need to go out there so I can uh no I want to go out there so I can build the Golems to at least protect me let me out okay thanks ow well I got lots of building done there didn’t I well that’s one more

Block and there two of them there’s two of them someone was saying that multiple can spawn weren’t they wow there’s two of them just chilling let me grab my stuffs I want my stuff I want my good stuff and then I’ll run away so you disappear and then once you’re

Disappeared I’ll come back and we’ll do the same same again ow oh you’re the only one liking I do you know what we’re at 172,000 likes you must have very sore fingers there are so many likes today everyone thank you right I will get my stuff I will run

Away um because I’m not been going to be able to build them quick enough am I let me get my stuff okay it’s a little bit closer now each time we’ll get the stuff a little bit closer oh have I got it all have I got

It have I got it can I run can I run can I run can I run can I run let’s go ah oh we didn’t quite Escape we were close we were close to escaping close right let’s go get our stuff we were close ah can smell me it’s

Sniffing do I smell that bad that you can smell me through the floor I really need a shower if I smell that bad maybe we should like as a precaution have a few Golems built up here like so when we do do the running away thing if we need to again

Whoa I did not fall from a high place I just got Sonic boomed through the air oh my gosh I don’t want to lose my good stuff I don’t want to lose my good stuff oh he’s here no no no NOP that’s not what’s happening did you just die by chance uh

Only once or twice I only died once or twice guys how many times did she die once or twice Tyler once or twice once or twice I died once or twice what are you trying to do uh hug the warden it’s not going so great

Right ah I tried to do the whole Golem thing but if they’re there I might be able to run away now it’s not going to work is it they’re so quick and they can hear you they can smell you oh I don’t know if I’ve got all my stuff

It’s getting quieter I may or may not have all my stuff I don’t know the heartbeats getting quieter I don’t have my leggings I don’t have my leggings okay but I’ve got my sword I don’t have the other pickaxe but that’s okay cuz it was an iron one hello I still hear the

Heartbeat I kind of want to go look for my leggings did I get my food I got food I got food guys I got the food I got the food okay so we can eat me and slimy are going to go take take on the warden come on let’s let’s

Take on the warden together me and my slime buddy let’s go let’s go you coming come on come on come on slimy come on slimy let’s go let’s go we can take on the warden together no problem it’s still doing the heartbeat so he’s still chilling he’s still chilling there I

Don’t know where my leggings are oh he’s sniffing maybe I should just go away a little bit and see if I can get him gone um and then if he does go go we can hopefully get our leggings again okay heartbeat stopped heartbeat sto right let’s go let’s get our

Leg oh no it’s back again I was just far enough away for it to not register I want my leggings I want my good leggings my good leggings are somewhere I can he’s sniffing again nope he’s getting louder I’m going I think we may have lost our leggings

Think we may have lost our leggings I don’t know it might be the end for our leggings This is the End hold your breath and count it 10 ding dong Alfredo thank you so much for the Roser and the tick Tok do you think he’s gone again or do you

Think he’s back the sound has gone no it’s back when I get over here ow slime arm army I got a slime Army I want my leggings I want my leggings it’s still making the heartbeats so we’re close enough for him to get us zombies spawning in now I’m

There come on zombies let’s go get the warden come follow me I want my leggings I’m going to go back down see if I can get my leggings quickly he’s sniffing again it was over here I died wasn’t it oh no no yeah he’s definitely uh pegged me he’s definitely pegged

Me he’s definitely pegged me insta Darkness he’s just like my leggings are gone aren’t they they’re gone they’re gone goodbye good leggings goodbye good leggings they are gone forever the other stuff is doesn’t matter about does it cuz it wasn’t that great but the leggings were quite tasty just don’t make a

Noise go into the chunk and he despawn okay I can hear the heartbeat I can hear the heartbeat your accent is pretty thank you so much right I hear the heartbeat so hopefully he should despawn yeah get some wool we could take some wool down couldn’t we D his hotbeat is not going

Away there was two of them though wasn’t there there were two of them after me at once two of them if I go back down I think he’s going to come after me can I see my leggings oh he’s picked me again I think I hear him I think he’s underneath

Me I think he’s underneath me I think he’s underneath me Alfredo thank you for the good games and sparklers as well thank you so much lumper thank you for the follow you’ve been desperate to know what that stuff is it’s where the warden lives the warden is um

We’ve lost our leggings this is not good there’s no way they haven’t despawned right there’s no way they haven’t despawned they’ve they’ve going to have despawned I’m pretty sure shall we for the ls make a few Golems here out of the area which is just over here over here it gets safe

Right is it up here where is it safe over here okay so here I can hear the heartbeat again but it’s not going dark so this is right at the edge of the level of the area so if we make a few Golems here and then the

Warden comes out they’ll deal with the warden right and we can go back and just see if our leggings by any small stretch are about unlikely but you never know right can still hear the heartbeat it’s getting louder but obviously we know that’s where he’s chilling down there or

There were two weren’t there I don’t know if one’s disappeared gone back into the ground and the other one’s just after me or if they’re both still about um but I’m going to bring my iron Army to see my leggings are gone they’re gone but I I mean we got most of the

Stuff back so we can’t be too upset really but it would have been nice to have lost nothing but to be fair we are taking on the ward and the chances of losing nothing are slim especially as I’m doing it on my own and I’m terrible at the game like maybe your

Leggings broke um I’m pretty sure they didn’t they were pretty full and I had mending on them so um pretty sure they didn’t um but they will have come off at some point and uh it’s getting darker the further down we go let me lay that block that should be enough Golems right

To get him oh I think is coming I hear him louder now very loud actually oh Sonic booms a Sonic booming me so he can’t get up that high but he can Sonic Boom through the floor right okay okay we’re going to get Sonic Boom

But might be able to get them at some point cuz they don’t seem to be able to get me there so if I just respawn G grab all my stuff where’s the sword gone I mean I got the there’s the Sword eventually right do you see where I’m going with that should should un alive him right I did that that was me and I didn’t get an achievement there is an achievement there is no achievement what is with that I killed him then there were no

Golems what is with that guys guys why didn’t I get the achievement I’m going to cry there’s no ACH what what what give me I wanted an achievement I’m going to cry now me my stuff at least well we’ve beat the Golem like 15 times there’s no I’ve got no bow and

Arrow I’ve got no arrow for my bow ow so we thought that I’ve got the arrow now um we thought it was because uh cuz the Golems were getting them but there’s not an achievement the achievements can take ages to come through sometimes okay so

It must be that if you do get an achievement we must have got it cuz I definitely got that one Golem there uh Warden then right me my uh sword where’s he gone I put stuff away he’s he’s mad guys he a he ain’t happy so I’m just going to try and put

Everything in there except for The Sword and the bow and the arrow so literally all the things that we pick up will be that we’ve got to get him event right buy one to the achievement give me the achievement oh we got him again so that’s twice and there’s no way in them

Two times that we didn’t get them cuz they were no Golems there at that point right there was no way so where’s my achievement give me the achievement game I’m going to cry I’m going to cry there’s no achievement for killing the warden see I’ve been told that

Before but other people have said there are you need to change the light go I do I was so engrossed in hugging the warden there um we’ve lost our leggings guys I don’t think they’re around here they were up up above I’ll go check that they’re not

Still there but I think our good leggings are are way despawned by now um I’m pretty sure it was up here that I got unived um I got un alived here and I was unived over here first and I think I didn’t pick them up from over here so yeah there’s definitely no

Leggings in there are there definitely no leggings okay so our leggings are gone um there is an achievement for killing it there isn’t there is there isn’t there is see that it’s so mixed so mixed maybe it’s the difference between Java and Bedrock are

You guys able to check um can one of you check on whether it’s just like maybe there is in Java and there’s not on Bedrock um cuz well until today I hadn’t beaten the warden now I’ve beaten the warden about 20 times so I’m not even joking if you’ve

Been here the entire stream you’ll know you’ll know I’m not even joking you’ll know oh my gosh um like we might even get a world record how many times can you beat the warden in one game it’s insane I mean there’s 14 of the blocks we got nine up there as well

Haven’t we so that’s 23 at least and that’s without the blocks that we’ve probably missed so we’ve done the warden at least 25 times this stream 25 times who does the warden in 25 times in 2 hours just crazy people that’s who and that’s definitely me we have lost our leggings

We didn’t have decent boots with us cuz I don’t know where I’ve put my decent boots but my decent leggings have gone to legging Heaven we’ve lost them who knows where uh I believe we lost them up there and they’ve despawned cuz we were trying to get them back but didn’t

Happen everything else I don’t think I want that can just all stay there um can be a thing for whoever comes down here and plays with the warden next I guess there’s so much iron there so much iron there’s no achievement for killing the warden just these silly blocks well

We’ve got a load of these blocks look these these are our bragging rights I guess look bragging rights can’t you just mine those anyway do I need silk touch I’ve got silk touch haven’t I yeah probably I’ll mine it with silk touch just to make sure um cuz they probably disappear I don’t

Even know if they do disappear or not well we need to find the city now don’t we really um I think that’s for another stream though but what I’ll do is I’ll grab a whole bunch of wood yeah there is an achievement see some of you are

Saying there is some of you are saying there’s not but we watched me like two of the times I definitely killed the warden cuz there were no other golems around there was there was none left so I got the warden and then maybe the rest of the

Times I didn’t maybe the the Golems got the last hitting and that could have been why it only it only does it on Java does it first result it’s says but I’m looking in for him saying there isn’t okay I’ve checked Minecraft fandom there is none

Okay Tess do you have the Monster Hunter achievement how do I check my achievements how do I check guys um is it in my Xbox actually or is it on the Minecraft thing I don’t even know there isn’t an achievement on either version okay thank you

Um I don’t know if I’ve got the monster what how all achievements would that be it would that be it no just Minecraft how do I I’m only 67% through have I got Monster Hunter I don’t know where have you been was the last one that was the cat one wasn’t

It um jeel sniper super fuel car I don’t know if I’ve got Monster Hunter the beginning the beginning M go robt what’s that no that’s that’s not Monster Hunter it begins with an M that begins with an M but also not Monster Hunter so these are my achievements

Guys so maybe maybe not I don’t know I don’t go after the achievements but as we were killing the warden so many times I figured it would be nice to get an achievement for it but apparently no apparently no I’ve got quite a few though and uh I

Wonder when my first achievement would be maybe that would be when I first started playing and people keep asking and I’m like ages ago I can’t remember but possibly guys we’re back to 2017 here no i’ I’ve started playing way before 2017 um so yeah that’s not all the way

Back maybe it’s on the Xbox Minecraft Bedrock Edition cuz before that it was Xbox One Edition or something wasn’t it so this could be when Bedrock came out right you just went past it did I did I I had I have it then if I’ve ah there we

Go yes I do have Monster Hunter yay look at me attack and destroy a monster everyone’s done that right that’s not a difficult achievement I thought it was going to be like some super thing I thought that was going to be like some super thing so there are they

Are my achievements there you go guys so nothing special there I think we need to come back down here um next stream with a bunch of wool and um fill our inventory with wool and go for a look around and see if we can’t find the actual City I don’t know

If any of um my mods that have been on this world have actually uh um found have have been down into there or not I know I did see some XP as we were going down so they’ve explored it but whether they’ve like done anything as in raided the cities or not

I don’t know your guess is as good as mine cuz uh I’m quite easy I’m just like okay well we’ve got the che to build and I don’t want stuff built around the che to build but other than that you know do what you like you know build where you like build

What you like sort of thing yeah you’ve been in this cave but not very far yes so you are probably not the result of the XP that was chilling down there oh it’s going to be nice to get the elytra back on I’m so glad I didn’t

Take the elytra down there as well because we did lose the leggings didn’t we so there was there’s a high chance we probably would have lost the elytra as well we’ve got all our other stuff we did lose other stuff too more than the leggings but it was rubbish stuff like

Iron bits iron tools and stuff like that and some yeah stuff that’s irrelevant but the leggings is kind of annoying cuz they were a good pair they had a decent enchants they were ready to be turned into netherite type ones which we still need to do because we only just got our netherite

Blueprints so we can do that now we we’ve got them we can do it so uh be silly just to continue chilling with the iron stuff when we’ve got netherite stuff right or we have the ability to have the netherite stuff I think we’ve got a decent amount of netherite as well

Um but we might have to do a netherite stream as well where we just go streaming I don’t know if we do should we do strip mining or should we just uh cuz we’ve got the farm now that’s got so much um gunpowder I could just make a bunch of TNT

Um sup test sup its we could make a bunch of TNT and just blow up than never dying stop what dying stop dying well hopefully no I it’s not on my to-do list anyway Ty Alive by the way sorry he is alive he is alive he is yeah he’s just

Laid down by my feet he’s being quiet for once so was it this one we put the the last no it was over here wasn’t it oh tickle in my throat and my coffee is empty Tyler is it yeah so what have we got another nine

That that’s that’s at least 23 times we did the um thing today I I think we probably did it more than that but we did didn’t get the um what’s it um did I leave my Rockets did I leave my Rockets underground did I I did didn’t I I’ll test you

Banana yes I’m calling myself a banana there in a minute ah I left my Rockets underground what am I doing I’m going through there in a minute so I’ll make you coffee you’re going through there in a minute you’ll make me a coffee that’s very kind

Tyler thank you uh we got the elytra I’ll swap my uh chest plate for the elytra um just making sure I didn’t take my rockets off here I really didn’t I left them underground because I am an absolute banana I’m not going all the way down there for Rockets I’ll make

More but I think the TNT is all the way back at the farm as well I left all the TNT back at the mob farm oh guys I am I am something truly special oh my brain I don’t know if it gets worse than this guys

Seriously if I ever got like some sort of mental like if I started to go scile or anything you wouldn’t be able to know you wouldn’t tell you couldn’t tell because I’m just oh my gosh I feel mad sometimes first do you know what’s needed what is

Needed what’s needed Seth tell me tell me tell me what I need other than a brain I can confirm it gets worse Cheers Cheers end crystals yes I really want to redo the dragon actually um so we do need to go play with some gas um yeah I can’t remember we’ve got that

Whole bit just as we come in to through here um I’ll just quickly show you what I’m thinking in my head when now you’ve Miss uh blah blah said that um this whole area is like lava so if we manage to cover the lava with some blocks the gas will spawn in

We can Arrow the GS might be able to Arrow this gas but the tiar is going to fall straight into the lava isn’t it but if we put stuff over The Lava then the tears will fall on the ground so we can probably just it’ll be dangerous so I’ll probably have to have

A few fire potions with me because I’m going to go swimming in the lava a few times aren’t I let’s be honest but if we go if we do that on one of the streams that can be a that can be a thing yeah it’s gone straight in the

Lava you see that’s why we need to feel that thing but this is a good area for gas to spawn in and then we can uh I want to respawn the dragon um all the times actually is that in there or is that just that’s just XP isn’t it there’s no tear

Okay won’t bother going over to it then if there’s no tear but we could do that respawn the dragon get the end crystals cuz that’s what we need for respawning the dragon isn’t it um can’t fly over there but I’m going to what is it that I need from over there I needed

Something I don’t know I need a brain I know that much my dog is pretending to choke he’s not actually choking if you can hear him in the background he is not actually choking um when he wants to go out sometimes he will pretend that he’s

Choking like he’s going to be sick you know like dogs do because before when he’s been like that we’ve been like open the door and like ow out so he could be like sick in the garden not in the house so now whenever he wants to go out and

He’s not being let out he will pretend because he’s too smart for his own good he’ll pretend that he’s he’s going to be sick so you let him out so he does it all the time now so we’re we’re sus to him now when he first started to do it

We were like letting him out and then as soon as we’d open the door he’s like I’m fine now see you later he’s such a naughty boy but he’s he’s smart he’s smart he’s too intelligent for his own good uh that is so smart it is smart it really is hello

You yes you don’t look like you’re about to be sick at all do you no not at all I know you’re lying to me I know this because I’ve known you 11 years so I know that you’re just pretending Border Collies are one of the SM smartest dog breeds though they are

Sometimes the things he does are so smart you’re like oh my gosh I can’t believe that a dog is doing that and then other times he’s so dumb you’re just like really and you’re supposed to be smart I’m just going to go sleep cuz it’s dark um and then I’ll

Try and remember what I needed to come over here for cuz there was something I needed to get from here um you’ve got a border color yourself you going to come say hi Oh and you’re beating me you’re pulling my hair out beating me yeah beating me up you’re beating me up oh

You you did a bully He’s a Bully he’s a a bully yes he is smart he’s too smart for his own good um did we sleep I think we did didn’t we unless I just walked up the bed um which for me would be likely oh what am I

Doing what am I doing I’m going mad I’m making F noises now I enjoyed the Christmas stream I enjoyed the Christmas stream with Phil he was a bit mad he was a bit mad it was a good one it was a good one right guys so I’m going to end the

Stream here I’ve been here I’ve been live nearly 3 hours we have beat the warden at least 23 times this stream before this stream I’d never beat the warden before bz stop barking um have you seen a corgi before I have seen corgies yeah

Um yes I know it I know we beat the warden 23 times we’ve got oh I’ve put them in the chest we’ve got well it could have been more than 23 we’ve got 23 of the blocks that you get that they drop but could have be more could be

More but I’m very upset cuz you don’t get an achievement I’m going to cry I expected an achievement um that in itself is accomplishment to be honest yes yes it is I may have had some help from Golems but two times I didn’t cuz I was like I want this

Achievement so twice I didn’t get get any help from the Golems the rest of the time I may or may not have got the Golems to un alive the warden for me but yeah we got there in the end we will be back on here I think maybe we’re

Going to go back down and explore see if we can actually find the city down there um but I’ll need walls to do that because I want to be able to walk without the the warden spawning in all of the time so but you made the Golems so it’s all

You right then we made the Golems so it is all me but yeah this is our survival world and this is the chuda SL medieval build that I have spoke about and said we’ll be back on after we’ve done the Christmas build so this is what we are

At at the moment there’s still loads to go it is a build in progress cuz it’s a huge build huge build um and I did say to you guys what should we do when we get back um should I do a different world should we go back on this and

People wanted to come back on here so that is what we are doing um and we’ll see where it goes that building is so pretty thank you so much thank you so much I appreciate that I’m not keen on the village roof it this it I don’t know I

Think the upy bit is too upy bitty but I don’t know the roof may be getting changed I don’t know it may be it may be getting changed I’m not sure um we’re at 200,000 likes yes guys what a way to end stream 200,000 how long did it take to build

Not too long we we um planned it in Creative first the build didn’t take so long it’s more getting the materials in survival and actually the white is wool um I would have liked it to have been caught but that would have taken forever and I’ve got a automatic wool farm so it

Just collects the wool so I just AFK buy it and get all the wo um so yeah you love The Village hul thank you um so yeah in survival the actual building of things actually takes less than the mining of stuff but you do have to mine all the

Stuff don’t you which is it’s just one of those things can you get a shout out please hey Devils welcome to stream I’ve got you but I am off now I will see you guys hopefully tomorrow I love you all and thank you for being in stream with me

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – come say hi’, was uploaded by Minecraft With Tess on 2023-12-30 04:05:38. It has garnered 181 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:33 or 11793 seconds.

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    Wiki Wonders: Minecraft's Lore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, The Minecraft Wiki is where knowledge arrives. A community-driven site, filled with facts and lore, For players to explore, and learn even more. From English to Russian, and French to Thai, The Wiki is global, reaching the sky. With updates and tips, for players to see, The history of Minecraft, told in poetry. So leap into the verse, with a playful spin, And let the Minecraft Wiki, be your next win. Explore the depths of the game, with a curious eye, And let the Wiki guide you, as you reach for… Read More

  • Resource Rush: Wither Storm’s Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Resource Rush: Wither Storm's Hardcore Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With the Wither Storm looming, danger within. Gathering resources, preparing for the fight, In this hardcore mode, survival is tight. Uncut and epic, this series will unfold, With twists and turns, stories untold. The final boss awaits, a challenge so grand, Will our hero prevail, with sword in hand? Stay tuned for more, as the journey unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told. With the Wither Storm lurking, ready to strike, Our hero must be brave, in the darkest of night. So join us now, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Axes = Ultimate Power

    Well, I guess you could say axes are really… cutting edge in Minecraft! Read More

  • 🔥REAL LIFE MINECRAFT WITH CHATGPT 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny

    🔥REAL LIFE MINECRAFT WITH CHATGPT 😂 #minecraft #meme #funny “Cuando ChatGPT intenta construir una casa en Minecraft en la vida real y termina creando un desastre de proporciones épicas. ¡Al menos no hay creepers en la vida real, verdad?” 😂 #minecraftfails #chatGPT #constructiondisasters Read More

  • The Monster’s Arrest in EcoSMP

    The Monster's Arrest in EcoSMP The Monster Has Been Arrested | Monster Marauder Part 14 Breaking news on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server! EcoSMP officials have successfully apprehended the notorious Monster Marauder. The monster is now being transported to a top-secret facility, ensuring the safety of all EcoSMP towns. But the question remains – what about the stolen treasure? The Hunt for the Stolen Treasure The Monster Marauder, in a final act of defiance, taunted authorities by claiming that the stolen treasure would never be found. However, hope is not lost as brave adventurers have discovered six mysterious keys scattered across the server…. Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27 Exploring the World of Minecraft on Day 27 of the Wood Challenge Today, the Minecraft adventurer delved into a world with trees scattered far and wide. Despite the current ease of access to wood, the player anticipates challenges as the days progress. Will the scarcity of trees become a hindrance after day 100? Only time will tell. Shoutouts to the Community Our intrepid gamer took a moment to send greetings to fellow content creators on YouTube and TikTok. Among those mentioned were: TikTok: @elspleex, @algun_pana_insano, @gero_haxx, @eric_rodriguez15, @cactuki_18 YouTube: @Juadre77, @Pinguin_pro13, @lautaroarcepalma1165, @user-cb3dv9pw8l, @kitsunebi-di8gs, @Agua_gamer_creeper, @TizianoYsa Become a Channel… Read More

  • INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴

    INSANELY RARE Minecraft Advancement Hunting LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt | Episode 3 (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-06-04 08:41:19. It has garnered 64 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:45 or 6405 seconds. The marks the second episode of the LIVE Series where I will try to get every Minecraft advancement. However, I have a mod that adds over 1000+ advancements to the game! Come join and have some fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House Build

    Minecraft Bedrock: The Conjuring 2 House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE CONJURING 2 HOUSE IN MINECRAFT BEDROCK…’, was uploaded by Pucheku Gaming on 2024-03-22 07:32:34. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ ☠️░H░ ░o░ ░r░ ░r░ ░o░ ░r░ ☠️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ 🗡️WELCOME TO PUCHEKU GAMING NEW VIDEO⚔️ ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• New Video •.•] The Conjuring-2 In Minecraft ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Links•.•] Discord :-https://discord.com/invite/jbxXR3JppS YouTube :-https://www.youtube.com/@Pucheku_Gaming ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Download Links•.•] Creator:- ┗—————————————————————————ᐷ [•.• Popular Videos •.•] ✅How To Make Replay In Mcpe:- https://youtu.be/h85eClPgHqc?feature=shared ✨Mcpe Best Useful Mod:- https://youtu.be/pytubFlBDCA?feature=shared 🤯How To Add Shader On Pojav Launcher Rendering Replay:-… Read More

  • Exploring Cursed Cave in Minecraft! 😱 #Viral

    Exploring Cursed Cave in Minecraft! 😱 #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘First time visit in cave in survival😱😱😱😱😱 #minecraft #vairalshort #technogamerz #anshubisht’, was uploaded by All_rounder_gamerz on 2024-04-20 01:30:34. It has garnered 6445 views and 231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • AndrewAllCaps predicts the future?! 🤯

    AndrewAllCaps predicts the future?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘3_14_2024(2)’, was uploaded by AndrewAllCaps on 2024-03-15 04:03:57. It has garnered 249 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:44 or 14024 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive 🥭🥭Please refer to the Rules below..🥭🥭 1. ✿― RULES ― ✿ ➤ No spoilers or backseating. ➤ Refrain from all homophobic, racist, sexist, and transphobic comments. ➤ No NSFW jokes. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. ➤ No harassment. ➤ Follow the Youtube TOS. (This means the Chat is 13+) ➤ No doxing threats or jokes. ➤ Read the room before making jokes or bringing… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft 1.21 MASTER gameplay ️” #viral #trending #memes

    "INSANE Minecraft 1.21 MASTER gameplay ️" #viral #trending #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘But Minecraft 1. 21 are insane ️ #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #clutch #funny #respect #memes’, was uploaded by MASTER on 2024-04-06 07:44:18. It has garnered 30 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock… Read More

  • MINECRAFT SMP Glitch: Epic Rage and Rhymes! Episode 12

    MINECRAFT SMP Glitch: Epic Rage and Rhymes! Episode 12Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Rhymes and Rage!’ | Episode 12’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-05 21:11:25. It has garnered 119 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:40 or 7360 seconds. The Pallid SMP is a Collaborative YouTube Project within a Minecraft Realm! #PallidSMP (Arc 4) | Access To Power | With The Factions established all of the various civilisations in Pallid continue to grow, competing to become the most powerful clan on the server! Looking for a shorter version ⬇️ Pallid SMP (FMC’s Cut): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqhqAwPyX5VcCbg-p4ScbgYgWhqDvhuLP&si=jwhODjCwH814RA2n Other Creators |🎞️🎥| FAiTZ 0VERK1LL:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Twitch Moments! 😱

    Insane Minecraft Twitch Moments! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘twitch: isqntiiiii #clipstwitch #minecraft #clips #humor #twtichclips #stream #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by iSqntii on 2024-01-15 18:08:31. It has garnered 2812 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with CRAZY twists! 🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with CRAZY twists! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bed Wars With Friends’, was uploaded by E24xhunter10 on 2024-04-09 12:51:50. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:47 or 6947 seconds. Hey everyone im biring you some minecraft bed war hope you enjoy. GOD be with you all. Read More

  • OMZ Trapped on GIRLS ONLY Plane in Minecraft?! – Parody Story

    OMZ Trapped on GIRLS ONLY Plane in Minecraft?! - Parody StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘OMZ Stuck on a GIRL ONLY Plane in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Roxy and Lily,Crystal)’, was uploaded by Omz Fan on 2024-03-04 13:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This video is a parody of the best minecraft YouTuber! Please do not write angry comments, because this is a video of an Omz … Read More

  • Games3D

    Games3DGames3D is a vanilla Minecraft 1.20.1 anarchy server in Germany. The server does not have rules, zero admins and no plugins. Here you can play the latest version of minecraft with your friends or alone. Hop on to the games3d.net anarchy server and fight for your survival and against players. Server IP: games3d.net games3d.net Read More

  • Sharkcicle SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist Beta 1.20.4 Dynmap

    Welcome to Sharkcicle SMP! The Sharkcicle SMP is a Semi-Vanilla survival server with added data packs and plugins! Our community is excited to welcome new players to participate in events and join in on the fun, including our newly added skyblock! About Us Our community has been thriving since December 2021 with no plans to reset the world. We encourage long-term projects and player creativity that will last for years! Player Rules No griefing builds or landscapes. No hacking or glitch abuse. Be respectful and kind to everyone. Respect boundaries and other players. No discrimination or hate speech. No PvP… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Math? Who’s she? Minecraft slayed that b*tch!

    Looks like Minecraft really dug a grave for your math skills! Good thing you have a high score in memes instead. Read More

  • Craft a Dispenser, Minecraft Style: Quick & Painless!

    Craft a Dispenser, Minecraft Style: Quick & Painless! In Minecraft’s world, a dispenser is key, To hold and dispense items, just wait and see. Craft it with bows and cobblestone too, A redstone dust to power, it’s what you must do. Load it up with arrows, or maybe some food, Dispense them with style, in a playful mood. An automatic dispenser, a redstone trick, Connect it to a clock, watch items flick. So there you have it, a dispenser so neat, In Minecraft’s world, it’s quite a feat. Now go and craft one, in your own game, And watch as your items, dispense without shame. Read More

  • Warden gets roasted by ore golems!

    Warden gets roasted by ore golems! When the warden sees all those ore golems in Minecraft, he’s probably thinking, “I signed up to guard prisoners, not fight a bunch of walking rocks!” Good luck, buddy. Read More

  • Why Minecraft Needs to Get Real

    Why Minecraft Needs to Get Real Why Minecraft Should Be More Realistic Minecraft, a beloved sandbox game, has captured the hearts of millions with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. While the game offers a vast world to explore and build in, some players argue that it lacks realism in certain aspects. Let’s delve into why Minecraft should consider adding more realistic elements to enhance the gaming experience. Realistic Environment Imagine being able to chop down trees and witness them fall or bounce realistically. This small detail could add a whole new level of immersion to the game. Players could also benefit from a more… Read More

  • 🔥SECRET TUNNEL DISCOVERED!😱 | Minecraft Hindi SMP Gameplay Part 2

    🔥SECRET TUNNEL DISCOVERED!😱 | Minecraft Hindi SMP Gameplay Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘|| I found a secrate tunel 😈😈 || Minecraft server or smp gameplay in hindi part 2’, was uploaded by N Flame YT on 2024-04-11 09:29:00. It has garnered 384 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:12 or 552 seconds. || I found a secrate tunel 😈😈 || Minecraft server or smp gameplay in hindi part 2 #minecraft #gamingvideos #youtuber #games #gaming #livetipsandtricks #livestream #turnip_live #turnipclub #turnip #mcpe server #mcpe #server #mcpe smp #mcpe #smp #potion #trap #gaming #mobile #mobile gang #moble #gang #2 #2024 #aprial #thusday #11 #thank #you #5k… Read More

  • Sly Amaya’s Spicy Wafer Challenge

    Sly Amaya's Spicy Wafer ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमाया ने तीखी वेफर कैसे खायी?👺🙀#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-23 11:30:32. It has garnered 559 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and… Read More


    ULTIMATE SURVIVAL CAVE IN MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #майнкрафт #survival #выживание #cave #minecraftsurvival #apollyon #nightprowler #mods’, was uploaded by HLBALINT on 2024-05-31 07:41:05. It has garnered 9970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE CHALLENGE: 1000 Days with Mod in Hardcore Minecraft!

    INSANE CHALLENGE: 1000 Days with Mod in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days with the Create Mod in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by RagePlaysGames on 2024-06-06 15:00:16. It has garnered 42994 views and 1298 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:43 or 25123 seconds. I Survived 1000 Days with the Create Mod In Hardcore Minecraft! This is a Hardcore Modded Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in which I play Hardcore Minecraft with Create Mod 1.19.2 with the goal of surviving 1000 days! Create is a mod offering a variety of tools and blocks for Building, Decoration and Aesthetic Automation. ► World Download:… Read More

  • Ultimate Gaming Showdown: Minecraft GTA 5 is HERE! 🔥

    Ultimate Gaming Showdown: Minecraft GTA 5 is HERE! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘3 2 1 Go! edit Minecraft| Gamerfleet,Techno,yessmartypie | #shorts #viral minecraft gta 5’, was uploaded by XTREME GAMINGz 888 on 2024-01-17 02:30:30. It has garnered 2513 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. 3 2 1 Go! edit minecraft| Gamerfleet,Techno,yessmartypie | #shorts #viral #youtubeshorts #subscribe Minecraft Minecraft PE Minecraft viral video Minecraft viral short GAMERFLEET TECHNO GAMERZ TOTAL GAMING gamerfleet gamer fleet gamerfleet minecraft gamerfleet youtube youtube anshu bisht youtube gamerfleet techno gamerz techno gamerz gta 5 techno gamerz minecraft techno gaming minecraft techno gaming gta v minecraft techno… Read More

  • Insane Battle: 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem! #crazyfight!

    Insane Battle: 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem! #crazyfight!Video Information This video, titled ‘5 withers vs 1000 iron golem #shorts’, was uploaded by Flukzee on 2024-02-28 18:05:34. It has garnered 296 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. 5 withers vs 1000 iron golem #shorts TAGS minecraft, minecraft, games, family friendly, mine, compote, monster school, trolling, funny, challenge, minecraft challenge, minecraft pe, minecraft but, in mine, trolling trap, in minecraft, noob , minecraft 1.18, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, shady man and noob, minecraft survival, minecraft school, dream smp, roleplay, mine, survival, tutorial, minecraft animation, shady line and noob, bedrock, minecraft video,… Read More

  • 🔥 MALVANI YT – NEW Minecraft Game! 👀

    🔥 MALVANI YT - NEW Minecraft Game! 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New Game || Day 1 || Malvani Yt With Squad’, was uploaded by MALVANI YT on 2024-03-29 18:42:42. It has garnered 206 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:43 or 10663 seconds. || श्री || ❤|| जय शिवराय ||❤ 🙏 Welcome To My YouTube Channel🙏 ————————————————————————- If you are new to my channel dont forget to subscribe✌ ————————————————————————– 1⃣ Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/malvani_yt 2⃣ WhatsApp Channel :- https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaQgBM24o7qHeJk1hN1E 3⃣ Discord Link :- https://discord.com/invite/fHdjS5TSaC 🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸🔸 ❤‍🔥Since the start of my career, I have been consistent with my gameplay and always been working hard… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Can You Beat De Stille Gamer’s Record?

    The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Can You Beat De Stille Gamer's Record?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monumenta Stream 23’, was uploaded by De Stille Gamer on 2024-05-17 21:01:39. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:17 or 14657 seconds. Discord server: https://discord.gg/q2xGtA6krV Music Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Pu68lCYo0wvehhYlVvYMq?si=38910937940e478e Read More

  • Insane Speedrun of Pikmin 3 on Wii U by Janota

    Insane Speedrun of Pikmin 3 on Wii U by JanotaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pikmin 3 Wii U Speedrun’, was uploaded by Janota on 2024-06-05 07:38:42. It has garnered 94 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:39 or 8679 seconds. I have a Minecraft Server going on if you want to join click the discord link https://discord.gg/WcbaZsWtQuQ https://patreon.com/janota Read More

  • Greenhall

    GreenhallMultiplatform MC server for all to enjoy. This is a new venture for me, so please be patient. I am also open to install any mods or plugins required. Let me know… greenhall.montuori.net Read More

  • 💎ChillZone SMP 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired WhiteList Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here: Apply Here ChillZone ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer enjoyment. Quick Links: 🌐 Website 🗺️ Dynmap 📷 Gallery 📊 Player Statistics Our Values: Community – All players have a say in what happens, suggestions are taken seriously. Welcoming – Committed to creating a diverse environment. Stability – Top-of-the-line hardware for a stable experience. Updates – Frequent updates for a fresh experience, committed to the latest Minecraft version. Some of Our Features: – Simple claims plugin for land protection and sharing. – Vanilla Tweaks, Discord Linking,… Read More