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Today we’re gonna see who can build the safest underwater house what a house underwater that’s right Widow is gonna be super cool we have 10 minutes to build it so which side do you want to build on the red side or the green side today I’m feeling like picking green so

I’m gonna go on the green side well then today I’m feeling the color red let’s go green is way better no red is way better whatever just go Bill all right good luck okay now let’s start in our house we’ll Begin by selecting this box and then we’ll go all the way up

Here and select this block now let’s set all this to Glass and boom we have the structure of our house basically done but now we need to select this block and then this block right here now let’s set all this to Air and now the inside of

Our house is all Hollow so let’s go inside and see what it looks like and whoa this looks super cool all we have to do now is build our trap and obviously all of our traps are gonna be made with the best block in the world

AKA diamond block so let’s start off by making the entrance of the house right here all we’re gonna do is build with diamond blocks and this room is going to be a smaller room because it’s gonna to be a fake entrance so let’s just keep building like this and now that we have

This roommate all we have to do is get some lava some signs and of course a painting then let’s break this wall right here and then let’s put the painting right here so this totally looks like a real interest but when Widow walks in he’s gonna be in this

Room which will obviously be filled with lava so let’s just fill it up real quick and now when he walks in he’s just gonna walk it straight to Lava and die so let’s put a sign here that says I dare you to enter so once rudo sees the sun

He’s obviously going to want to enter and then die but now that we have the fake entrance let’s move on to making the real engine let’s go all the way back here to the side and let’s make a little entrance right here then let’s make a huge room right here and let’s

Also make the inside of it Hollow there you go now let’s get this thing called a secret door and if you guys didn’t know this is a door that basically copies over a block and acts like fake blocks so let’s just put this right here and

Boom what I was gonna think this is a fake but instead it really is a door then let’s also put a fake diamond door right here so it camouflages both of them and this looks perfect so widow’s gonna have to go through this door and then press this door to get in

And after he gets in he’s gonna be in this massive room which will consist of the deadliest parkour jumps so let’s start off by building a platform right here so once he gets in he has somewhere to stand then let’s get this thing called fake water now if you guys didn’t

Know fake water is basically lava that looks like water so let’s just paste this down right here and rudo’s gonna think that he’s not gonna die to this water but instead he really is and it’s gonna hurt badly so let’s just keep doing this right here and boom now we

Have our fake water and if I take damage to this fake water all of you guys have to subscribe so to test it out let’s go to Game Mode survival and let’s jump on the water come on and boom we’re taking damage so everyone hit that subscribe

Button so let’s just put more fake water right here so there’s two levels of it and now let’s start building our parkour we’ll start out by making weirdo do a super simple jump right here and after he gets here I want him to do some jumps with this block called chain and chains

Are super super skinny even skinnier than fences and iron bars so what was gonna have to jump from here to here and if he slips a little bit he dies our friend makes this change up what I want him to do is come over here and make

Another one right here then let’s add another one right here so widow’s gonna have to jump from here to here then we’ll just keep adding on over here some more right here and the final one right here so let’s try out this parkour for ourselves there you go okay that was

Super scary and boom weird he died so this definitely won’t be easy for wudo now that we have this deadly Park where we need to make something even more scary so let’s break out this room right here and we need to make sure that it’s properly done so let’s build some

Diamond walls and after we do that let’s build another room inside of this room right here and this room is gonna consist of a game called find a button where wudo has to find a button that’ll open a door for him to exit but it’s not

Gonna be any normal type of find the button this one is gonna be super deadly because wudo’s gonna be on a time crunch she’s gonna have to find the button before drowning because the inside of this room is gonna be full of water so let’s get this item called torch lever

And as you guys didn’t know this is basically a torch that acts like a lever so when I click it you guys will hear the same sound that I’ll ever make so now let’s just Spam this all around the wall and we need to make sure we don’t

Have to press almost all of them to continue because I really want him to drown inside of this room and after we do that all we need to do is get some water and now let’s just fill this whole room with water and this room is going

To be especially hard for wood up because not only is it going to be drowning he’s also going to have a hard time navigating around so now that we have this room done all we need to do is get this thing caught an iron door and also get a pressure plate let’s place

The iron door right here and let’s put the pressure plate right here so once water enters this room he can’t go back out let’s also put an iron door right here but this will be the one he’ll be using to escape after that let’s just take some Redstone real quick and now

Let’s use this Redstone to Route this lever all the way to the door and boom there you go all the Redstone is routered now when we press this lever the door should open this room is going to be super deadly and I can’t wait to

See what wuro does once he gets here but now we need to move on to the next room and let’s just say the next room is going to be even deadlier than the last one so all we need to do is build a hallway to it right here and this

Hallway is gonna consist of dispensers Fireballs rest on repeaters and of course Redstone so let’s put a bunch of dispensers facing this way real quick and then let’s get pressure plates now we’re just gonna put the pressure paste right in front of the dispensers after that we’re gonna fill up each of the

Dispensers with fire charges so now whenever rudo walks through the saw he’s gonna be lit up with fire and I can’t wait to see his reaction once that happens and there you go this is the last dispenser all we have to do is now clean this hallway up so let’s just do

This real quick let’s also put some diamonds above the dispenser so he can’t walk past it and now let’s pose up this hallway on top so after Voodoo completes this room he’s gonna have to come over here and walk through this hallway that’s gonna launch Fireballs at him and

I feel like this hallway is a little short so we’ll keep this dispenser trap going a little bit more let’s just paste down a few more pressure plates and now let’s fill all these dispensers I’ll put fire charges then let’s just clean up this hallway once again and this looks

Much better look how long this hallway is that he’s gonna have to escape from and once what was done with that he’s going to be entered into this room which is gonna consists of some mobs that are really dangerous so let’s set this wall to diamond blocks let’s also said this

Was the diamond blocks also after that let’s also set this block to Diamond walls and boom we have our mini room done so now all we need to do is ask some dispensers right here after that we need to take our wrestling repeaters and put it behind the dispensers there you

Go and then we need to take the Redstone and Route all them together and then bring the Red Zone all the way over here to the entrance and now let’s get this item called secret pressure plate this item basically copies over a block but acts like a real pressure plate so let’s

Put it right here so what’s Voodoo steps on this thing all the dispensers will activate and the mob that’s gonna be in these dispensers is called drown and if you guys don’t know drowns are basically zombies that are born in the water I mean check this thing out he looks sick

So all we have to do is put a lot of these drums inside this dispenser and we’ll be good and obviously rudo can’t fight the drowns empty-handed so let’s go over here and let’s put two dispensers down for him one of these will contain another right Sword and the

Other will contain another right chest plate these are literally the best items you can get in the game so if Voodoo doesn’t survive with these I don’t know if he’s any good at the game so let’s just put them inside right here and then let’s get pressure placed and put them

Right above the dispenser so when wudo walks past it he’ll get the netherized sword and he’ll also get the chest plane and after wudo’s done fighting these mobs I want him to go to the next room which you’ll have to do by finding a secret door which is an item that acts

Like regular blocks but instead it’s an actual door so if we right click this right here boom we can enter the next room so widow’s gonna be super confused on where to go next once he gets into this room and this next room was gonna be super crazy because wudo’s gonna be

Met with two options so let’s just quickly finish this room up real quick and for this next part woodle’s gonna have to answer some questions and all these questions will literally be life or death so if he answers any of them incorrectly he dies so let’s just get

Some signs real quick and let’s also get some paintings the first question is gonna be what’s better water or soda and obviously the correct answer is water so let’s just put this right here and let’s put soda right here I’m actually really interested to see what wudo picks

Because water is so much better than soda and matter of fact this water are so much better I want you guys to comment hashtag water let’s confuse all the other people in the comments section all right now let’s put these paintings right here and then behind soda what

We’re gonna do is just break these two blocks right here and of course put some lava and now we can move on to the next question which is can turtles lie yes or no and obviously the correct answer is no but knowing Moodle he probably does

Think Turtles fly so let’s just put some signs here again and behind yes let’s put some lava so now let’s just close up the wrong answer and we can give rudo his final question which is should the viewers subscribe and the answer to this question is yes sir or no sir and

Obviously the correct answer is yes sir so everyone watching this video should totally subscribe now let’s just repeat the same thing that we’ve been doing for all these traps and let’s just put some lava behind this and now that we’re done with the trivia questions let’s just

Clean up the room by adding some diamond blocks on top and not for this room moodle’s gonna move on to a room that’s gonna be kind of weird all we need to do for this room is build out these walls real quick and in this room we need to

Dig out a big hole right here and we need to make sure no water gets inside so let’s just block it off right here and we need to do the same with another hole right here this will all make all make sense once I start explaining to

You guys exactly what I’m doing so let’s just make sure water doesn’t get inside this one either and now that we have these two holes made what we’re gonna do is make a redstone Contraption and for this contraption all we need is redstone some Redstone repeaters or redstone

Torch and some sticky pistons so let’s just put the sticky piston right here then let’s break out all these blocks right here after that all we need to do is Route the Redstone from here all the way to here we need to break this block and put a diamond block right here and

We used to also put a redstone repeater right here and now all we need to do is put a diamond block right here and put a redstone torch right here and for that all we need to do is get a pressure plate and if you guys don’t know how

This trap works all I have to do is put this pressure plate right here and once I jump on it I’m gonna fall to my dad so let’s quickly try this out in three two one boom and whoa yeah so widow’s gonna fall down here and basically just die so

Now all we have to do is just clean this room up a bit and boom there you go it’s totally camouflaged now let’s repeat this exact trap to this area right here except this one is gonna have water all the way down there so rudo can actually

Survive so let’s also clean this one up real quick to make sure wudo truly doesn’t find out what’s Behind These doors then let’s get a sign and the sign will say pick a door and we obviously know what the right answer is it’s this one right here but if he chooses to pick

This one he’s just gonna fall to his dad and once Pluto does pick the right answer and go all the way down here we’re gonna create a huge room for him after that let’s select this position right here and let’s go all the way over here to select this position boom then

Let’s just set all this to Air and the reason why we’re creating this room is so wudu can have space to fight a mob boss so let’s just carry out the rest of this room real quick and now that the room is clear we can start making this

Trap so let’s go over here and break this block right here and let’s put a chest right here this chest is gonna consist of the items rudo needs in order to kill the boss inside of here so let’s just put these things inside and let’s also give him some golden apples after

That let’s get a pressure plate let’s also get some Redstone and then let’s put the pressure plate right here and let’s start routing this Redstone right here and now that the Redstone Contraption is done let’s get them all mob is going to be this boss called The

Elder Guardian and if you guys didn’t know this is literally the most dangerous sea creature there is in Minecraft it’s super big and it does a lot of damage so wudo’s gonna have a hard time killing this thing and after Voodoo kills this boss what we’re gonna

Do is get some chests and put them right here and inside this chest is gonna be lime concrete and watermelon because rural loves the color green and he also loves watermelon that’s only if he can complete this trap and the many other traps inside of our house which I think

Is going to be really hard for him to do without dying a few times because look at this house it looks insane rudo’s definitely gonna have a hard time going through this house and I can’t wait to see it all right time is up wait

It is are you done with your build wudo I’ve been done building for like 10 years just come on over to the middle and let me show you my build all right if you say so I’m coming Moodle all right good luck trying to find me because I’m hanging out with my

Family right now wait where are you Bruno I can’t see you I can’t see you psych I know that’s you though you know it’s me I look like a turtle no you don’t Widow you’re not a turtle you’re just a man in a turtle suit anyway

What’s this over here oh my God this is one of the coolest underwater houses that I’ve ever been produced in Minecraft as you can see I have this amazing choice of dirt to use for my house because it’s really strong underwater and uh yeah this is the

Entrance so all you have to do is come over here and pick a door my friend I’m your friend I was never your friend I’m picking this door wait no I died I am your friend I’m your best friend so I’m gonna pick that door come on and

Whoa there we go that’s a better answer now take a look at this this is some pretty difficult lava parkour that’s completely underwater so good luck um well I have to say why is this house so small come on go real estate is really expensive underwater you can’t

Really get a lot of big property down here so I had to make it kind of tiny um okay this is a little bit too small but whatever a Three Buck parkour is gonna be so easy come on three two one boom and a boom and boom wait wait wait

No I’m dying I’m dying I’m dying what’s going on oh wait I live wait you punched me in that’s not fair okay well that parkour was super easy the only reason why I died is because you punched me yeah yeah yeah keep on telling yourself that you just suck at parkour

Anyways there’s three buttons inside this room and you have to choose the right one if you want to be able to open this door so this is find the button pretty much but it’s extra extra extra hard it’s supposed to be extra hard but there’s only three buttons what are you

Talking about let me just press this one okay nothing happens this one okay nothing happens that means the only one that’s good is this one and boom it works what how did you figure that out that was like super hard for me to set up um there’s only three buttons so it

Was super easy to figure out man come on okay fine you know what whatever now you have to make it past this super hard mind maze mine maze win this does look super scary there’s one two three four five six Minds what do you know what’s gonna happen if all these blow up

Everything’s gonna blow up and you’re gonna die mom go so you better not make any mistakes why would you put mice near your turtle family you’re so evil wudo wait what are you talking about they’re not near my family they’re just near you or your family’s outside anyways how do

I get past these mines I definitely don’t want to die or touch any of them so maybe I can jump onto right here and then do some Parkour skills to jump in three two one and boom whoa that was super scary oh my gosh you barely made

It past you are so lucky those things are ready to explode this is your final challenge so just open the store and head inside all right there seems to be a pressure plate here maybe I’ll get something super cool come on and a wooden shovel would have really

And this is supposed to be my final challenge just the Slime yup it’s the Slime King King Slime um Widow it doesn’t even do damage to me look it’s literally just hugging me wait a second I think King Slime is broken King Slime attack it’s not really

Attacking me weirdo it’s kind of hugging me which I kind of like I love this slime but he doesn’t even have a name I’ll give him a name I’m I’ll call him one go nope you gotta call him King Slime so you’re gonna die what the heck

Why’d you kill me what is wrong with you why would you kill me but at least you let my slime friend live so I guess I’ll accept that but what’s inside this chest well it’s a very very special surprise for you so just open it on up um okay

I’m very special surprise let me see what’s inside and a red Candlewood or really just one red candle yeah it’s your favorite color I think you’d love it I mean red is my favorite color so I guess I like it but it’s not that cool trust me my base is gonna give you

Something even cooler oh yeah well let’s go take a look then let’s go I’m gonna blow up oh wait never mind I’m not gonna blow up the mines okay let’s see your base all right take a look at the best underwater base in the world whoa this actually looks pretty sick it looks

Like a giant aquarium I know Uno that’s the point it’s supposed to be super super cool and lesser say it has the deadliest traps in the world but here’s the interest rudo it says I dare you to enter I dare you to enter you know what

Then I will enter I’m going in right here how did you fall for that again man uh it’s always you and your silly little tricks show me where the real entrance is that’s your first death Buddha I would look around the house if I were you for a real entrance all right

It’s gotta be around here somewhere I know that for a fact you probably hit him or something or it’s probably under like a little door or something like that I know you’re super tricky with your little hiding spaces and I just gotta come over here and nice

I can literally see it is this fake glass no it is in Widow what are you talking about this is literally real glass go find the entrance somewhere else no no no that’s a glass door and I just found it all right well it seems you’re kind of smart but how do

You get inside the house now oh I just opened this door I know there’s another door in here I thought that would trick you Widow but I guess not okay well then welcome to the hardest Parkour in the world where um there’s water underneath instead of lava this time so be careful

With a water super dangerous what are you talking about manga water is not that dangerous look I’m just gonna do these parkour jumps just like this it’s super super easy and I’m never gonna slip it but wait a second why is it killing me why is it killing me you’re

Dying because this water is super poisonous there you go that’s your second dad why in the world would you poison me like that that is super mean sorry what up but I thought you were meant to be a turtle I thought you would be immune to all types of water

But I guess not you’re a human what are you talking about Turtles are not immune to poisonous water oh are you serious come on I have to do this parkour it’s literally so easy I just gotta hop like this do this super big jumping oh that was really really

Hard I gotta go just like this you’re almost there you got this one last jump and boom there we go now I just gotta go to the store and I made it good job now go inside here you only have a limited amount of time to find the right torch

You’re gonna die to Drowning oh oh I am gonna die to Drowning if I don’t find the right torch what’s going on um what’s going on which one of these do I press which one of these do I press oh no oh no I’m drowning Michael I’m

Drowning no oh oh no oh there you go what are you drowned I thought you were supposed to be a turtle why aren’t you surviving underwater you better hurry up and find the right torch food or you’re gonna drown it again okay come on it has

To be one of these right and oh wait a second it’s this one it’s right here you found it that quick whatever I guess you died once so that’s like your third death poodle good job that was so easy literally nothing can stand a chance against me because I’m the most

Powerful turtle ever now what is this why are there some suspicious dispensers pointing this way are you sure nothing can stand a chance against you I would go through this hallway if I were you come on come on go go go okay I just gotta be extra fast

Oh wait I made it wait how in the world did you beat all those Fireballs wait you didn’t know Turtles can run really really fast oh whatever you’re lying there’s no way you cheated or something or whatever here go on to the next section there’s some stuff

Waiting for you okay I’ll just walk over here and whoa what the heck is this why there’s so many skeletons I don’t know but good luck killing them wait they’re not supposed to be skeletons they’re supposed to be zombies what’s going on oh my God I think it’s probably some

Underwater powers or something because these skeletons are so strong and oh I killed them wait did you hack my house or something Widow no why would I do that whatever you probably did something but I’ll excuse it because the next traps are even more insane I get out of this room

Um I would find a secret door if I were you a secret door come on the Trick’s getting old I know you always have these secret doors somewhere and oh look I found it oh my gosh whatever you did find it but there’s no way you’re

Gonna be able to go to the next ones without dying let’s see what’s better water or soda well obviously water is better I’m a turtle I can’t drink so that’s bad for me that’s right Widow water is way better than soda anyways what’s this over here can turtles fly

Yes or no I told you not to tell anyone this it’s super secret just pick the right answer we would always stop talking yes Turtles can fly we can secretly grow wings but no one’s supposed to know wait wait a second you’re dying Turtles can fly why don’t you make

That the wrong answer no they can Widow you don’t have any proof for it okay you know what fun I’m just gonna show you when you’re not recording trust me Turtles can let’s go okay and welcome to the next section now this is the hardest question of all time should the viewers

Drive I don’t know should they subscribe of course they should subscribe wait wait I found the wrong one I found the wrong one hell wait you went in the wrong hole no trust me I’m serious I didn’t mean to go on the wrong one it’s yes obviously ever should

Subscribe everyone subscribe thank you little you’re a smart man anyways welcome to the next section where you have to pick a door okay Mom go another little door trick you’re always pulling this on me it’s probably the left one right yep it is you died wait what how

Did you make the diamond blocks fall into me like that that was genius and that was another death Woodrow you’re dying so many times in my house okay fine you know what I’m just gonna go through this door and whoa where am I going whoa what is this place

It’s a place with the world’s greatest boss okay fine now let’s go here and take this armor and well what’s going on what is this oh no oh no what is that thing is it the guardian that’s right it’s not just any Guardian it’s the Elder Guardian it’s a good luck okay

Margo this is gonna be so easy the Elder Guardian is supposed to be in water it’s at a huge disadvantage I’m gonna kill this thing so easily wait how did you kill us so fast are you like a PVP genius come on you already know

I’m a PVP genius I’m the best PVP ever oh I guess but you weren’t supposed to kill that thing but since you did you can open this chest right here oh let’s see whoa what I love green you got all my favorite green colors look at

Slime concrete let’s go yep and I also have a lot of melons for you I know you love watermelon look they’re red and green both of our favorite colors together isn’t that super super awesome yup in our houses we’re both super fun adventures do you know how the

Viewers can go on an adventure by watching the video on screen that’s right click on the video on screen if you want to see me and Moodle go on another adventure it’s my favorite go watch it

This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: SAFEST UNDERWATER HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by MongoTV on 2022-11-03 18:03:08. It has garnered 1042660 views and 19531 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:31 or 1351 seconds.

Mongo and Wudo do an Underwater Security House Build Challenge! The Underwater houses include Traps, Parkour, and many other things for the other player to complete. Who makes the better security house? Does Mongo win? Does Wudo lose? Watch the video to find out!

#Minecraft #Mongo #NoobVsPro

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    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft: Return to the End Island” by 方块轩. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers endless possibilities and adventures? Imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated community of players and unique… Read More

  • Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots

    Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots: Flying with Chickens Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to new heights? Join the Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots (CTS) and get ready for some exciting new features! Developed by Jeb, these snapshots are a fork of 1.16 and offer a unique gameplay experience that you won’t want to miss. How to Join CTS If you’re ready to dive into the world of CTS, follow these simple steps: Check out this tutorial on how to download CTS: Download CTS Tutorial Learn how to join CTS from version 1.20.1: Join CTS Tutorial Join the Nexia… Read More

  • Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing

    Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Industrial Foregoing and More! Exploring the world of Minecraft with a selection of mods from version 1.20.1 can be an exciting and challenging experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun as our player delves into the realm of Industrial Foregoing and beyond! Mastering Industrial Foregoing Industrial Foregoing is a mod that introduces advanced machinery and automation to the game. While the learning curve may be steep, the rewards are well worth the effort. Our player may still be struggling at times, but each setback is… Read More


    BECOME THE ALPHA WOLF'S LUCKY BLOCK FANGIRL NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA WOLF FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-10 17:00:03. It has garnered 12131 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!! Will Shad get away from his fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded Song

    Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Music Video)Kick the buddy Forever Alex Gets Grounded Song 2024’, was uploaded by TEFMVVM465 SpongebobDO NOT HAVE (Spongeomar) on 2024-03-22 17:43:21. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. You Want To Watch Minecraft Lore, Click On The Link:     • Minecraft Lore #TeamTEFMVVM465SpongeBobDONOTHAVE Credit To Anyone Who Owns This Content I Own Nothing. Credit to anyone who own their content in this video. Like,Subscribe,Hit The Bell And Comment! ————————————————————————————————————- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 2011, allowance is made for “fair… Read More

  • VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.

    VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.Video Information This video, titled ‘TÔI ĐÃ BỊ VENOM KIỂM SOÁT Tập 8 #spiderman #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #venomvsspiderman’, was uploaded by Thích Xem Minecraft on 2024-05-26 04:45:01. It has garnered 6510 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. This video follows the journey of a Minecraft player in hardcore mode, where the player dies permanently. Players transform into Spiderman and must face many challenges to become an Avenger. Getting Started: The player starts the game as a normal person, but is quickly bitten by a spider and gains superpowers. Then he meets Iron Man,… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-21 14:49:09. It has garnered 441 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axyspy/ Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java Edition

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴PUBLIC SMP | Java | Cracked | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7’, was uploaded by 1st Gaming on 2024-01-12 20:20:49. It has garnered 131 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:08 or 6188 seconds. #minecraftlive #minecraftnepal #minecraftshorts Discord-https://discord.gg/pebNABVm3v SERVER IP – ​java ip – play.unityrealms.fun pe ip – play.unityrealms.fun port- 25841 minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft live,minecraft java edition,minecraft house,minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft video,minecraft techno gamerz,minecraft in hindi,minecraft hacks,chapati hindustani gamer minecraft,chapati and loggy minecraft,mythpat,live insaan,techno gamerz,beast boy shub,gaming,gameplay,livestream,gaming live stream,smp,live smp,minecraft hindi,gamerfleet,gokuldham,loggy,india,HEROBRINE,herobrine smp,SMP,UJJWAL,minecraft,minecraft stream ,minecraft smp live ,minecraft multiplayer ,smp for… Read More

  • MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon – Change Camera in One Click!

    MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon - Change Camera in One Click!Video Information This video, titled ‘F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click’, was uploaded by Not Ghost Playz on 2024-04-27 04:12:03. It has garnered 24 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds. F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click So in this video I gave F5 BUTTON MODfor Minecraft PE ◆ Download Link – •https://linkpays.in/oxs6s –»Also in Comment Section ✓ credits goes to their respective owners I’m not trying to steal any credits and add-ons developed by you… Ignore… Read More

  • Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Can I Protect My Beacon In This DEADLY Event? #shorts’, was uploaded by Slord on 2024-03-03 07:47:00. It has garnered 10870 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. you can ask me about anything – packs, servers, my setup – i will respond join my discord! https://discord.gg/RH4cuddCeh Minecraft, PvP, Funny, Memes, Combo, MMC, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh Jirz block hit I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and Turtilz and itzglimpse and NotNico and Mellomelt and TapL and Technoblade and Grian and Stimpy or… Read More

  • INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!

    INSANE PvP WATERMELON combos with Kuibrid Titanium!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-02-13 04:36:30. It has garnered 336 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:17 or 4337 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open space rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat how to do 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endgame, minecraft endgame does not… Read More

  • SCARY Life of APHMAU in Minecraft! Parody Story

    SCARY Life of APHMAU in Minecraft! Parody StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU Having A SCARY LIFE in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-03-24 15:57:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Aphmau Locked on ONE BLOCK But We’re ELEMENTAL in Minecraft! – Parody … Read More

  • The Real SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Friendly Community

    Greetings from The Real SMP! Are you seeking a fun and inclusive Semi-Vanilla server? Look no further! Our goal is to provide a server that brightens your day with stable and secure gameplay. Our server runs continuously with strong anti-cheat measures to ensure a fair gaming experience. Features: Player Shops Spawn Protection Giveaways Join us to be part of a vibrant community! Discord Server: Join our Discord IP: mc.therealsmp.com Website: Visit our website Read More

  • MConquest 1.5

    MConquest is a completely Player-Driven world that includes lives and the ability to steal them! Here we like to do Semi-RP, although it isn’t required!Make factions, Kill others! & become the King of the server!Everyone from builders, fighters, normal players & even streamers are welcomed here!Hop on, forge teams enemies and allies & be sure to have fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Stupid titles ruining my meme!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Stupid titles ruining my meme!"“Why am I forced to add a title? Because even this Minecraft meme has a higher score than me on a test.” Read More

  • Monsters Pack Attack: Modded Minecraft Mayhem!

    Monsters Pack Attack: Modded Minecraft Mayhem! In the land of Minecraft, a pack of monsters did appear, Chasing after us, spreading nothing but fear. But fear not, for we were armed with mods, Ready to take on any odds. From The Fog, a modpack we did play, With twists and turns at every corner, come what may. The Mezzmo Guardian leading the way, Crafting stories with each passing day. Subscribe to his channel, join the fun, For Minecraft adventures, second to none. Follow him on Kick, TikTok, and more, For gaming content galore. So come along, join the ride, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Who will make the sculk scream louder?

    Who will make the sculk scream louder? I bet the Ender Dragon’s death will generate the most sculk, because it’s going to be a real “drag-on” for those poor mobs! Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World Creating a Super Flat World in Minecraft with Aternos Are you looking to expand your Minecraft world with a flat landscape to build your dream creations? With Aternos, you can easily create a super flat world to unleash your creativity. Follow the steps below to get started! Step 1: Visit Aternos Official Website Begin by visiting the official Aternos website to access their server hosting services. Aternos provides a user-friendly platform for Minecraft players to set up and customize their servers. Step 2: Navigate to the World Section Once you are on the Aternos website, navigate to the World… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Glitch: JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED!

    EPIC Minecraft Glitch: JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED Toghether in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ World on 2024-04-30 17:00:17. It has garnered 12565 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:14 or 974 seconds. JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED Toghether in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Friend Pranked with Scary Myths

    Friend Pranked with Scary MythsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fooling My Friend With Scary Myths Until He Notices…’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-05-16 12:00:39. It has garnered 870444 views and 14131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:50 or 1790 seconds. Get the Defunct Skin Pack now on the Minecraft Marketplace!! https://gg.firegames.gg/defunct ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – http://preston.gg/subscribeplayz 👕 FIRE MERCH – http://www.firemerch.com/ 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – http://firemerch.app/download 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@preston ☛ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/prestonplayz/ ☛ Twitter – https://twitter.com/Preston 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ https://fire.vip/discord —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR… Read More

  • TentenCubify: Ultimate Toilet Titan Showdown!

    TentenCubify: Ultimate Toilet Titan Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Warden + VS Titan Skibidi Toilet Multiverse minecraft addon’, was uploaded by TentenCubify on 2024-06-01 11:00:22. It has garnered 59 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Minecraft, warden, Titan skibidi Toilet Multiverse, warden +, titan drillman, tri titan, tri titan upgrade, minecraft build,build battle,build battle minecraft,battle royale,minecraft battle royale,minecraft mob battle,mob battle,minecraft battle mod,minecraft video,minecraft song,minecraft animation,minecraft movie,minecraft music,bionic,bionic minecraft,animatic battle,tentencubify,battle,rap battle,animatic battle,animatic,minecraft animation,meme animation,anime,battle cats,death battle,battle through the heavens,one animation,bfdi,the battle cats,battle for dream island,animation vs,animation vs minecraft,minecraft animation movie,minecraft movie,steve minecraft,steve minecraft animation,minecraft song,minecraft animation… Read More

  • Unbelievable Redstone Puzzle by Oyo Jodha Gamerz! #shorts #minecraft

    Unbelievable Redstone Puzzle by Oyo Jodha Gamerz! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How i make redstone puzzle #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #music’, was uploaded by Oyo Jodha Gamerz on 2024-05-29 01:30:02. It has garnered 8160 views and 399 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20

    INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Open Member Server Minecraft PE Official Versi 1.20 Zephyr Smp Npc Susano And On 24 Jm Senjata Legen’, was uploaded by AFKEWERRRR on 2024-02-27 01:16:28. It has garnered 1868 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. 💫 ZephyrSMP – Server Indonesia 💫 ➦ MCBE/PE:————————————— | ➢ play.zephyrsmp.my.id | ➢ 25581 | ➢ 1.20.60-62 | | LINK ALTERNATIF JOIN | ➢ https://s.id/ZephyrAlternatif ➥————————————————————— ✨️ WhastApp ➜ https://s.id/ZephyrSMPGroup ✨️ Discord ➜ https://s.id/ZephyrSMPDiscord ✨️ Vote ➜ https://bit.ly/ZephyrSMPVT ————————————————————————————————————————— 💫 Server Rules – ZephyrSMP 💫 SERVER RULES 1. Avoid Using Cheats/Hacking 2…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Logic EXPOSED! 😱 #shorts #trolling

    Insane Minecraft Logic EXPOSED! 😱 #shorts #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LOGIC (Troll Face memes) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-28 16:25:00. It has garnered 547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks shorts bhoot mami free fire minecraft shorts yes… Read More

  • JJ HEROICALLY RESCUES Mikey from Minecraft Maizen!

    JJ HEROICALLY RESCUES Mikey from Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ SAVES Mikey from DEATH in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Pepper – Minecraft on 2024-01-08 20:30:05. It has garnered 66 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:26 or 1166 seconds. JJ SAVES Mikey from DEATH in Minecraft Maizen NOOB FROGGY present a funny minecraft Machinima Noob vs Pro challenge. #minecraft #NoobVsPro #noob #pro #hacker #animation #huggywuggy #poppyplaytime Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I started A Survival Series In Minecraft|| LIVE|| EP-1 #shorts#minecraftshorts#trending’, was uploaded by MrDamN on 2024-03-21 23:16:44. It has garnered 8 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:39 or 3159 seconds. I started A Survival Series In Minecraft|| LIVE|| EP-1 #shorts#minecraftshorts#trendingshorts 🎮 Welcome, fellow gamers! It’s time for an epic Minecraft adventure in our SMP Live session! Join me for a stream filled with laughter, excitement, and all-around good vibes. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just love a good chill stream, this is the place to be! Hop into… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯

    Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA CHAPA 🤣 With Minecraft Sounds🤯 #minecraft #shorts @DZking980’, was uploaded by DZ KING 980 on 2024-03-28 17:52:16. It has garnered 27198 views and 994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA CHAPA 🤣 With Minecraft Sounds😂 #minecraft #shorts #dzking980 @DZking980 #yt #youtubeshorts #youtubeshorts #youtubevideos #youtube #ytshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #ytshort #youtubechannel #gaming #gamer #gamingvideos #gameplay #games #game #gta #totalgaming #gaming #tranding #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #trend #trendingvideo #trendingvideo #shortsviral #shortvideo #share #shorts #short #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #status #song #viral #videos #viralvideo #video #vlog #vlog #viralshort #viralvideos #dzking980… Read More

  • Spork SMP – 1.20.4 – Semi-vanilla – Whitelist – Modded terrain

    Datapack Driven Custom Weapons & Modded Terrain Generations Our server features several server-side terrain generation mods including: Tectonic Yung’s Better Minecraft These mods are server-side only, allowing you to join with a vanilla launcher. The datapacks, in combination with the resource pack, introduce custom combat features and weapons of varying rarity and powers inspired by other games and media. Discord: Join our Discord server Read More

  • NZNetwork Minecraft – Online for more than 13 years.

    NZNetwork Minecraft - Online for more than 13 years.NZnetwork MinecraftWe are now open GLOBALLY to all players around the world! – All you old players who have moved overseas can now join with no VPN!Come join one of the worlds longest running Minecraft servers (Since 2010!)Low Ping for NZ/AUS Players ✔–> Some screenshots on this server advertisement are built by the user twitter.com/kimandjax Come watch Kim do some epic builds on https://www.twitch.tv/kimandjax it’s well worth it! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EntrepreneurUnusual6 predicted it: Epic meme material!

    Looks like this meme is really mining for laughs with that score of 66! Keep digging for more humor! Read More