Minecraft Players Simulate A Medieval Heist

Video Information

100 Marauders are about to attempt The Heist of a Lifetime on the mainland there are 100 wealthy merchants so wealthy even their horses are wearing Supreme the Marauders have come here to steal everything and in this video we’ll see how it all unfolds and hey only 33 of my

Audience actually watches the full video Try watching until the end and I promise you won’t regret it in our last event we met a player named Tech wizard who had found an artifact of the Gods once his quest for the artifact was complete he set sail All the Way South to a place

Known as The Cliffs of Mir he even took along another player we had met in that video named mince the two players arrive at the Cliffs of Mir to find all of our Merchants gathered around their leaders my fellow Merchants please listen closely we’ve received reports of

Marauders in the area and I have no doubt they’re here to steal our RIS our hoes and our product which by the way do not eat the product I saw some of you doing that earlier I trust that you guys are intelligent enough and competent enough to follow instructions so please

Form four lines the merchants as cunning as ever decide to form a blob on one side of this blob is a group of players who insist they’re going to create a church even no there’s a church right there we made sure that these people have more than like one Collective brain cell right

So Legacy gives up trying to sort his people and hopes for the best the merchants head off in Every Which Way some of them start running through buildings for Loot and others wander off never to be seen again Tech wizard solicits the help of a few townspeople

To escort him back to his Mansion he doesn’t actually live in the Cliffs of Mir and since there are reports of marauders he doesn’t want to risk making the journey alone the group heads off towards his home on the coast not all of the merchants started off at the cliffs

A handful of them spawned over at Pearl Point here they were under the leadership of 233 neon who briefed his people about the marauder sightings he instructed them to form two groups one to collect resources and another to guard the town I had really hoped this group was more organized than the others

But they definitely were not the merchants who were tasked at guarding the town decide to run off and explore the Wilderness instead leaving the town completely exposed just west of Pearl Point the Marauders have been setting up camp on an island and today they begin the first stage of their Heist against

The merchants today is the day we get off this god-forsaken island we’re going to separate into a few groups I some of you to scout the mainland for our new base and I need the rest to go deeper into enemy territory to find resources the merchants cannot no we are coming

Good luck everyone and I’ll see you on the mainland wait are these players actually listening to their leaders what a beautiful sight the scouts are sticking together and handle this shark attack like it’s nothing they are doing such an amazing job at listening to orders wait never mind the one advantage

That the Marauders had is that the merchants didn’t know where they were going to come from but it appears this group of Scouts decided to run straight into Pearl Point and attack the town perfect well played Marauders all the merchants fled for their lives or were killed on site another group of Scouts

Had come across a large Mansion The Marauder Scouts carefully approached the Mansion making sure to be as stealthy as so they bust in taking the mansion by force but nobody was home so they claim it as their new base not five minutes later a familiar face shows up outside

It was Tech wizard with a flower in hand I’m a neutral party I have no I have no role to play in the conflict between Marauders and Merchants do you have any weapons I think it’s a psychopath kid drop that weapon drop both of those weapons this is literally my house okay

There’s too many of you coming hold on I want to talk to you guys go back come over here but then the Marauders spot Tech Wizard’s escorts and begin chasing the merchants away Tech wizard stays behind and speaks with the marauder leader named Oni only what businesses do you have in these parts

You’re not even in the right part of the map you’re so far from everything I know where a better base is for you guys oh now we’ve returned after we kill all the merchants but you gotta help us out with that I can provide information I just have access to my home yeah

We will make sure that your house will stay on your on its place nothing gets destroyed now two parties are claiming this Mansion is theirs the actual homeowner and an armed gang of marauders but Tech has a trick up his sleeve what the Marauders don’t know is there’s a

Hidden dungeon inside the basement of his Mansion which is protected by Magic this means that only Wizards may enter the dungeon if tech wizard can somehow find a way to get to his dungeon safely maybe he can use something in there to help fight off the Marauders inside but

As Tech wizard descends the staircase he sees two Marauders already inside of his dungeon is someone in my house claiming to be a wizard are you kidding me Tech speaks with welkomen who says that he too is a wizard and he’s taken on an apprentice named conlud it appears that

The marauder Wizards have stolen Tex artifacts including his enchanting table and potion stands which means the Marauders now have a huge Advantage Tech wizard is forced to change his strategy and work with the Marauders so that maybe later he can take back his Mansion back at the cliffs Legacy and Bill

Instruct their team to create a giant Tower made of crafting tables I’m pretty sure they were calling it Big Bertha which suits how terribly ugly it is at this point Tech Wizard’s escorts arrive home safely and inform Legacy of the marauder activity at the Mansion a few

Minutes later a group of players burst into town and announced the fate of Pearl Point it has been wiped off the map and burned to the ground but that wasn’t exactly true 233 neon and his fellow Pearl Point Merchants carefully returned back to the town and finds Pearl Point has been left nearly

Abandoned by The Marauder group that originally attacked there were only a few Marauders Left Behind which the merchants quickly chase away and secure themselves a few prisoners neon decides it’s best to join up with the other Merchants at the Cliffs of Mir so the group rounds up their prisoners and

Makes their way on the road sounds like a smart plan right taking prisoners along along a main road during a Marauder attack guess what happens not two minutes later they walk straight into 20 Marauders oh my God run run everybody run after safely escaping the group finds a handful of merchants

Beginning to create a church in the wilderness I’m still confused as to why this is happening but all the power to them neon’s group continues their Retreat back to the Cliffs at this point every single Marauder had made their way toward the mansion and Tech wizard was

Not happy one group of marauders managed to capture a few Merchant prisoners on the road they bring one prisoner forward who is requested to speak with a leader it was mints Tech Wizard’s traveling companion from the north I have to kill Legacy mince explains his mission to assassinate the merchant leader and he

Says that Harry is an accomplice so Oni agrees not to harm the two of them the Marauders allow Tech wizard mince and Harry to sail back to the Cliffs of Mir so they can blend in with the merchants and eventually sabotage them Tech wizard doesn’t act actually want this outcome

But he still has to act friendly with the Marauders so he can reclaim his Mansion Oni then meets with the two Marauder wizards they discuss plans to begin enchanting gear for their best PVP players and brewing potions to spread among their team this cooperation with the Marauders puts them at a huge

Advantage the Mansion continues to expand creating support systems for all 100 Marauders and a few bonus areas for the more disheveled members yep that’s a meth addict now if you’ve seen my previous event you’ll know there aren’t just two groups of players across this map I’ve scattered multiple groups of

Farmers and each Farm sells different Commodities to the players due to the marauder threat horses were selling like mad and these two farmers were getting filthy rich but Mega Hemlock and search one weren’t planning on cashing out just yet these two were proper entrepreneurs and they dreamed of an Empire so they

Began using their wealth to hire workers so they could expand their operations two other Farmers decided they were being oppressed by the oligarchy and decide they’re going to join forces with the other Farms to create a monopoly Mega Hemlock agrees to the deal and the farmer’s Federation is born they begin

Building walls around their headquarters and establish a safe Community while they build more members keep showing up including this Merchant no I know this guy bro I got mugged broaders come closer so we don’t get ambushed apparently when dinosaur Digger was mugged the Marauders interrogated him for secret information on the merchants

Dino feared that the merchants would execute him for revealing their plans so he joins the farmers Federation for safety the Federation continues to build up their defenses another group of players took on the role of being Pirates they used The Marauder Invasion as a way to sneak onto the mainland and

Cause as much trouble as they could Long John on and Captain Sam were exploring a farm when suddenly Captain Sam makes an astounding Discovery you found another right hoe he was headed in a barrel in the wall a player named Abraham the leader of the church approaches these two pirates in an

Effort to recruit them into his religion it was a very nice hoe you have what Father Abraham doesn’t know is that long John had a terrible experience with a priest when he was a child Long John snaps may the Lord bless me killing the father in Cold Blood the Pirates

Continue their Journey causing trouble with whoever they come across obsessed with loot they kill both merchants and Marauders a little while later the Pirates came face to face with mega Hemlock and search one leaders of the farmer’s Federation the Pirates recognized that after killing so many people they need allies to help them

Stay alive so they make a mutual protection deal with the Federation the group heads back to their HQ and to officiate their friendship the Pirates trade their prized netherite hoe for two Saddles and two leaves neon the leader of Pearl Point arrives safely to the Cliffs of Mir they are

Coming here the Marauders are coming they have larger numbers they have good armor they have horses we have to outnumber them or something we have to make traps we need to get everyone geared just in general there’s too many of us who don’t have armor neon briefs

Legacy on what’s happened at Pearl point and how they were ambushed on the trail by a large group of marauders with Enchanted gear and diamond weapons a merchant named Abdul confirms these findings after one of his previous scouting missions Abdul proposes they form a militia to counter-attack the

Marauders and drive them further away from the Merchant’s main base Legacy approves Abdul’s request and they begin forming a squad a few minutes later Tech wizard arrives at the cliffs and reports to Legacy that Pearl Point is currently empty and that the Marauders are all at his Mansion so they begin debating

Whether they should move everyone over to Pearl Point in my opinion these guys have big enough walls to hold off an attack but hey I’m not playing so my opinions don’t count I guess Abdul’s militia arrives at Gerard farm and successfully drives the Marauders back to the mansion but as soon as the

Militia returns to the cliffs a Marauder scouting party arrives just outside the wall outside the front gate guys they’ve opened fire they’ve opened fire the merchants defend their territory and drive the scouts away but to the leaders this is a very bad sign they’re scouting now if we’re gonna leave we’ll leave now

Yeah another chance Legacy and Bill fear these Scouts will soon bring back the entire Marauder team they know where we are if we’re gonna leave and survive the time is now altogether the merchants March West to Pearl Point by now the church had built up a proper

Foundation to their Temple and when they learned of Father Abraham’s death they began to pray for his Ascension into heaven suddenly a God Appears right so it was actually just our admins Who convinced these players to worship them for no particular reason the admins gave the church a book with a few

Commandments inside one of which I 100 percent agree with please speak with your lawyer before using the get out of hell free card the members dedicate their building to the previous pastor and officially name themselves the Church of Abraham since they no longer had a leader Corgi farmer decides to

Bring up a vote and he nominates Drew blue as a candidate for their new pastor the members unanimously vote in favor of Drew and promote him to Father drew the gods are pleased and they deliver a gift the disc of pigstep After a long journey the merchants arrive at Pearl Point I’m lying to you it was probably like five minutes of walking but alas they were here and they began to set up their new base over at the farmers Federation Mega Hemlock was flexing his wealth by showing off his

Brand new piano you see you see this this thing bro you know what is supposed to be what it actually is it’s true purpose you’re a pirate bro you’re a pirate let me just show you bro foreign [Applause] Thank you get ratio of bozos oh I’m dead foreign ERS claim an immense Victory after ambushing the merchants at Pearl Point as it turns out the Marauders never intentionally created the Ambush they were headed there also thinking it was abandoned nevertheless they claimed Pearl Point and begin fortifying in case

Of a merchant counter-attack that Day celebration activities were in order the Marauders played games in the center of town including the marauder Olympics and duck duck goose the original meth addict business also began to franchise two separate locations were opened in town and started competing for each other’s

Customers by making wild claims about their product what are the consequences of taking meth uh none the next morning Bill a merchant leader returns to Pearl Point to speak with the Marauders okay mince was the hero from the outlands he was trying to kill Legacy I was the one

Who ordered him to do that Legacy led the merchants to ruin and that’s why I wanted him gone you ended up killing him I am no threats to the Marauders I can be your prisoner okay yeah we’ll take you prisoner they proceed to take bill into their town and deliberate his

Future eventually choosing to release him in order to continue his efforts to sabotage the merchants any surviving Merchants made their way back to the Cliffs of Mir 233 neon was now in charge and his number one priority was growing their defenses he knew a Marauder attack

Was coming and they had very little time to prepare all hands were on Deck as the merchants built up their defenses throughout the day every player was contributing what they could until their resources ran dry as night fell The Marauder leaders gathered their men you have proven your courage and today you

Fought like true Warriors tomorrow at dawn we make the final push to Victory and we bathed in The Riches of the spoiled merchants and at the break of dawn the Marauders depart Pearl Point and March onto the Cliffs of Mir but while they do this the farmers

Federation has a genius Ploy Pearl Point was now empty and what the Marauders didn’t know is that this town was the source of the Merchant’s wealth see in the oceans just outside of pearl point there was a pearl farm for which the town was named after the farmers Federation took this opportunity and

Claimed the town for themselves fully establishing the Federation as a new superpower in the region the Marauders March East until the walls of the Cliffs of Mir came into view foreign [Applause] God Whatever You can play in future events if you join my Discord hey thanks for watching the entire video I want you to leave a comment telling me your favorite moment and obviously subscribe

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Players Simulate A Medieval Heist’, was uploaded by Protagnst on 2023-03-25 14:00:20. It has garnered 65418 views and 1621 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:53 or 1133 seconds.

200 players are divided into factions with different motives. Will the Marauders be able to steal the Merchant’s treasure? How will the Farmers & Pirates align themselves?


PLAY WITH US IN FUTURE EVENTS: https://discord.gg/xMfdfuXvYa

DOWNLOAD THE MAP: patreon.com/protagnst

Watch WelcominTV’s (Marauder Wizard) perspective here: @WelcominTV

This video was an authentic representation of what actually happened in the 200 player civilization event. Certain players were provided motives and roleplay elements to their characters to help propel the storyline. The only ‘scripted’ moments were the leader’s speeches.

#minecraftcivilization #minecraft #200players #minecraftsimulation #roleplay #100players

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    Unbelievable 2B2T Revelations: Razoon's Anarchy AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Story of 2b2t: Minecraft’s Biggest Anarchy Server’, was uploaded by Razoon on 2024-06-09 18:00:06. It has garnered 1160 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:30 or 450 seconds. 2b2t has a dark and fascinating history. Here’s why. Current Subscriber Count: 3,041 (Consider adding to this number!) ❤️ This video was inspired by: @CalebIsSalty 🔥 Credits for the scenes of 2b2t spawn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjucMemBeFg 📝 Sources: https://2b2t.miraheze.org/wiki/Hausemaster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2b2t#:~:text=The%202b2t%20Minecraft%20server%20was,referred%20to%20as%20 https://2b2t.miraheze.org/wiki/Crystal_PvP#:~:text=This%20combat%20form%20was%20first,with%20its%20own%20unique%20form. https://www.2b2t.org/2023-08-14/ https://2b2t.miraheze.org/wiki/Crystal_PvP 0:00 – Setting the Stage 0:26 – 2b2t’s Beginning 1:56 – 2b2t’s Peak Days 2:50 – 2b2t’s Destruction 3:37 – Creation… Read More

  • Minecraft Mystery: Syringeon’s Secret Seed REVEALED!

    Minecraft Mystery: Syringeon's Secret Seed REVEALED!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: What Is Syringeon Hiding On His SEED? (Ps5/XboxSeriesS/PS4/XboxOne/PE/MCPE)’, was uploaded by Drewsmc on 2024-06-12 16:15:02. It has garnered 811 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:19 or 859 seconds. What Is Syringeon Hiding On His SEED? For Minecraft Xbox Series S, Minecraft Xbox One and Minecraft Pocket Edition/MCPE Also Minecraft Ps4 edition and ps5 edition because all console editions are technically the same apart from the new xbox one bedrock version of minecraft which is different. ►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Drewsmc1 ►FACE REVEAL Instagram :https://www.instagram.com/drewsmc1/ 🔥 NEW MERCH: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/33623440 SECOND MINECRAFT CHANNEL ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7LEEvPCzPAtHLbQeYuJo6w… Read More

  • Insane House Build with Epic Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18

    Insane House Build with Epic Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a house with Texture | Nearcraft 2 Ep 18 | Minecraft 1.20 SMP’, was uploaded by Breadley on 2024-03-15 21:45:02. It has garnered 59 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:14 or 1994 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuild #aestheticminecraft Welcome back to Nearcraft! A 1.20 vanilla minecraft server, with a few datapacks and plugins. Today, we’re expanding our base and adding a farmhouse, paths, a sheep farm, other small farms, and experimenting with texture. We also go AFK during an election and… well, you’ll have to watch and find out what happens…. Read More

  • Uncover Secret Witch House in Minecraft Village 🧙‍♀️ #shorts #trending

    Uncover Secret Witch House in Minecraft Village 🧙‍♀️ #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Witch secert house in Village Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #trending’, was uploaded by Cod Gaming on 2024-03-19 08:11:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Witch secert house horror minecraft short Witch house minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft animation … Read More

  • Unlock Hyperfrost’s Secret in Minecraft LIVE! #TwitchSurvivalKick

    Unlock Hyperfrost's Secret in Minecraft LIVE! #TwitchSurvivalKickVideo Information This video, titled ‘tene xrai? | hyperfrost_ en #Twitch #minecraft #mine #kick #twitch #survival #stream’, was uploaded by hyperfrost_ on 2024-05-31 14:37:00. It has garnered 454 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #shorts Read More

  • INSANE! AndrewAllCaps Tackles Hardcore Modded Minecraft 3×2

    INSANE! AndrewAllCaps Tackles Hardcore Modded Minecraft 3x2Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT 】Hardcore, Modded, Amplified RERUN 3×2’, was uploaded by AndrewAllCaps on 2024-05-22 14:24:28. It has garnered 64 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:31 or 7051 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive 🥭🥭Please refer to the Rules below..🥭🥭 1. ✿― RULES ― ✿ ➤ No spoilers or backseating. ➤ Refrain from all homophobic, racist, sexist, and transphobic comments. ➤ No NSFW jokes. If someone asks you to stop, then stop. ➤ No harassment. ➤ Follow the Youtube TOS. (This means the Chat is 13+) ➤ No doxing threats or jokes. ➤ Read the… Read More

  • OP Minecraft Mic – CRAZY Attitude and Love Song 😱🔥

    OP Minecraft Mic - CRAZY Attitude and Love Song 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘op Nice 🙂🙂#minecraft #attitude #microphone #love #miner #bts #video #song #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by MR. status 7 on 2024-02-19 01:21:43. It has garnered 22 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Blocks of Champions

    Blocks of ChampionsBlocks of Champions is a new Network server that just came out from the events to the open world of Minecraft servers! You will be able to find some mini games in our server and play in the events! play.blocksofchampions.com Read More

  • Arex Server Modded 1.20.1 Whitelist Age 14+

    Welcome to our Modded Minecraft Server! We are a friendly community looking to grow our server. Currently, 7 out of 20 slots are filled. We are seeking new dedicated members who enjoy playing modded Minecraft. Our server does not have a specific theme, but we have a variety of mods including Terralith, Create, Alex’s Mobs, and Caves. The modpack consists of 47 mods and we add more based on player requests. The general age range of our community is 14-18 and we are welcoming and have a good sense of humor. While there may be some power imbalances among teams… Read More

  • Bluerage

    BluerageBluerage is different from many other vanilla and semi-vanilla projects. We want to stand out from the crowd of similar servers in this format, and therefore, without the help of mods, we changed certain aspects of survival.So, the entire server world consists of small islands, water villages, new underwater structures and a huge ocean – players will need to swim across the ocean to start exploring the world. However, it’s not so easy to get into a boat and sail, because beyond the islands the Grayness extends over almost the entire surface of the ocean. Gray makes it difficult for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He’s tripping out in Minecraft

    He’s on a trip to craft some unforgettable memories! Read More

  • 3D Minecraft Thumbnail: Banaye Swag Wala | Hindi Mein

    3D Minecraft Thumbnail: Banaye Swag Wala | Hindi Mein In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. Creating 3D thumbnails, a work of art, Capturing attention right from the start. With a laptop in hand and IQOO 7 Legend by my side, I craft thumbnails with passion, taking it in stride. From gameplay recordings to headphones that sing, Every detail matters, every little thing. So join me on this journey, let’s dive right in, Creating thumbnails that make you grin. With Minecraft as our canvas, the possibilities are vast, Let’s make magic together, let’s have a blast. So hit… Read More

  • Diamonds or death? 💎🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Diamonds or death? 💎🔥 #minecraftmemes I’ll choose the “ore-ganic” option and just eat dirt to survive in Minecraft! #dirtislife 😂🌿 Read More

  • Top 10 Tricky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds!

    Top 10 Tricky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds! Exploring the Top 10 Minecraft 1.21 Trial Chamber Seeds! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 10 best new trial chamber seeds for Minecraft 1.21 in both Java and Bedrock editions. The Tricky Trials Update introduces exciting trial chambers at spawn, offering players a unique and challenging gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover these captivating seeds! Seed 10: Cliff Mansion Seed Seed ID: 8823677569925680079 Begin your journey with the Cliff Mansion Seed, where you’ll encounter a majestic mansion perched atop a cliff. Explore the intricate chambers within the mansion and uncover hidden treasures… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft SMP_V4 with Mods! #horror

    Terrifying Minecraft SMP_V4 with Mods! #horrorVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nightmare SMP_V4 #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods #smp #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by BobbyBboley on 2024-04-29 08:01:56. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #herobrine #herobrineinminecraft #scary #horrorgaming #weird #forest #fear #entity303vsherobrine #entity303 #mod #nightmare #demon #gameplay #gaming #game #gamer #minecraft #minecraftworld #minecrafthorror #scary #horrorgaming #minecraft #zombiesurvival #apocalypse #endoftheword #minecrafthorror #backrooms #weird #nightmare #demon #survival #minecraftsurvival #vhsrecords #vhstapes #vhsrecording #playthrough #gameplay #game #gamer #film #scary #horrorstory #horrorstories #creepy #creepystories #foryou #foryoupage #weird #strange #unknown #monster #creature #gameplay #playthrough #fullplaythrough #gameplay #gameplaywalkthrough #fullplaythrough #zombiegamingchannel #playthrough #horrorgaming #game #gaming… Read More

Minecraft Players Simulate A Medieval Heist