Minecraft Players Simulate The Purge

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I’ll go in first there you go are you placing down i think you’re placing down yep that’s me you’re probably wondering how i ended up in this situation well it all started when forge labs gave me an invitation to his event known as the purge purge is a three hour event where

You try to be the last one standing each participant has seven in real life days to prepare themselves for the purge in any way they see fit they can max out their armor build a big base with defenses or just lay traps everywhere now there are a couple rules we must

Abide by one you are not allowed to enter anyone’s face unless inviting no stealing from anyone if it’s behind a closed door or is surrounded by a fence you can align yourself with a group or a person and after everybody has been taken out you can agree to sleep through

The purge together so you all win but really what’s the fun in that if you die automatically your personal information will be released including your social insurance number your address your phone number your credit card details as well as several compromising messages and pictures i have of all of you

My credit card just expired [Laughter] all right uh here it is with this look at this the purge begins go where you want do what you want it begins now right again oh my god all right run half a hot down let’s go oh run to that village

Just over here grab what you can gotta get there dude oh sean got lava oh no sean has lava shadow sean has lava he has lava yeah he got ice bucket challenge oh jesus be very careful uh these gourds are mine yours don’t ask a man to share his gourds

Considering every single one of us ran to that village i was scrambling to find useful loot like i don’t know what i was thinking here i guess i really needed that grindstone and i have no idea why oh that didn’t work so i decided since the village was basically picked clean i

Might as well move along you know oh my gosh i turn that off keep auto jumping okay anything else i need oh i need i gotta get some iron shield is gonna be important 50 000 people used to live here and now they’re all doing this town oh god you got me

Oh my gosh you killed the sheep i sure did you monster uh it wasn’t a pig okay oh okay yeah right right are you planning going down to the mines or something with someone not right now i like to get armored up first okay just because i don’t i don’t want to die

Yeah those those hearts could be detrimental later right yeah we got lagundo on the server so i gotta i heard that where is he you know he’s the pvp guy no if i’m the bar for pvp this server’s gonna last months i’m just saying all right like come on

All right let’s not kid ourselves here okay lagundo’s gonna be the one to look out for as i’m sure he has the most experience with pvp among the group of us but it’s not a bad thing to plant the idea in the kim’s head because this

Could work in my favor later yeah okay it’s getting it’s getting close to night yeah i just realized i don’t wanna i don’t wanna i won’t be alone y’all wanna huddle up for the first night yeah we can oh for me Thanks for caring is caring right yeah here i don’t have it i’ll go i’ll go in so i can find that okay look at these two i’m over here just minding my own business and they start helping themselves to the vein of ore i just found what a bunch what a bunch

Tell you what here for tonight what do you say we can we can all just kind of co-exist for tonight yeah i like that i like that okay here we go we have a torch now here let’s make a wall and i have a door oh

This is now a house i can choose i got a block that’s all i got by the rules like this is a house now people can’t come in unless we unless we let them and now we have a crafting table too provided by me there we go see

Teamwork time to i guess just mine gutsy oh gosh don’t walk over where i am you will die oh my goodness i said don’t walk over where i am how could you do this you gotta put up a fence or something at least did we lose

I think he went way down didn’t he also go uh what you stole my furnace i don’t know what you’re talking about this is unsorted furnace oh it’s climbed in we can barely hear you should i jump down okay i’m jumping down oh he wants water we don’t got water

This is just the first day you think we got water you want to sweep up uh we don’t have water we don’t even have a bucket you want to swim up but we don’t have uh the tools iron that’s my own so the first night it

Was going well no run-ins with any mobs lagundo was down in his hole and i was keeping a close eye on my iron because i knew that the other two were also on the hunt for it now usually i would share but i had to think about myself here

Because just as a reminder if you die before the purge you lose one heart permanently and the only way you can replenish it is by finding and eating an enchanted golden apple and they can be pretty tough to find plus i mean i’d rather keep all my hearts so if i do

Come across a couple enchanted golden apples i can trade them for favors or a truce during the purge who knows but right now i had to make it about me look at you yeah i found i found a good good little vein yeah i’m uh i’m out of stick and i’m too

Scared to go out oh steak here i got some bread thank you you want the bread back sure guys yeah if you throw down one iron i can get back up oh i don’t have it anymore i can drop one just one would be perfect you will get one no more

It looks uh very bright actually yeah it’s raining though i did find something fun that i am willing to share with you all since we’re since we’re cave cave rose so i do have a bit of this yeah so if you stand underneath it technically speaking it’s not pvp That’s true okay so lagundo was already looking for ways that caused our deaths so i got out of there as quick as i could plus it was time for me to leave anyway you know go my own way strip stone i don’t like those types of drops

So we’re not gonna do that all right maybe i can find some iron in here real quick oh oh nope nope jeez no this is a nice little cave for a second let’s uh take advantage of this oh that’s a nice vein look at this look at this

I left my furnaces but that’s okay i’ll just do that here any trees okay right here perfect perfect get back where’s anyone steals my stuff oh there’s another cave right there i just want iron i just want a a good amount of iron and then i can

Uh start going for diamonds it’s it’s weird detrimental i can’t even say the word it’s very important that i don’t die so i need to make sure i’m well equipped okay so i’m fully fully set and then i gotta start looking for a good spot okay where am i building

Oh that was lucky very close looks like a nice little spot this was the spot i wanted to set my base up here on that hill it was just perfect as it was surrounded by water not just that but due to the elevation it seemed like

I would have a good view of the area which would definitely be an advantage during the perch because i could see people coming maybe but for now i needed to finish getting suited up it’s gonna get dark here oh yeah gosh there’s so many places to go Okay he’s down this is not good just get the iron and get out Oh it’s so spooky make sure i don’t get lost okay it’s still night put a door there for now we’re gonna go down still night time okay all right i’ll just go down look for diamond maybe possibly hopefully copper sure why not why is the copper vein so big

No copper go away but i just have to mine it oh okay you gotta be careful in here any diamond usually they’re around lava areas like this down far enough you see here get that iron oh is that is that diamond could be emeralds too let’s get this

Iron real quick yeah it could be emeralds but i need emeralds anyway so i might as well go up oh wait wait wait wait no that’s diamonds make a little platform so if it falls doesn’t go in the lava Just one come on well it’s better than nothing i guess considering i only found one diamond i was hungry for more so i spent a little time strip mining in hopes i would stumble across some more but instead i stumbled across this huge opening oh look at this place i shouldn’t be down

Here but this is a good way to find diamonds hey spider you want to play two zombie come on oh there’s creepers oh wow this actually goes out quite a bit okay i’m gonna just ball this place up before the zombie gets here there there we go all right let’s just

Light this place up look for some diamonds don’t play around too much there’s that zombie oh my gosh holy look at them all that goes right back come on zombies geez spider calm yourself hey yeah serves your right and i’ll get some eyes out come on i wasn’t even ready

Oh here we go again oh look at me look at all them over there i know there’s diamonds down here just gotta get a second that look oh look at that it’s just one oh my gosh what’s with the one diamonds i want a vein with like eight

Or something oh that’s really tight come here oh yeah never mind no oh oh you [ __ ] you shot him into me oh there’s more diamonds look at that look at that what’s with the one diamonds oh my gosh look at all the zombies looking for diamonds guys leave me alone

Once i felt like i cleared the area and mined what i could i decided to make my way back topside to claim that area i seen earlier before anyone else did get it on my way sheep okay so this is just like an island okay sort of so just make a little bridge

Over i don’t want to make it too inviting no i claim this spot as my own yeah definitely this is definitely the spot this is where i’m setting up shop once i made it to the top of the hill or island island hill hill island whatever

It is i built a little hut set up my storage and planted my warning signs there done so i was summoned by steve to meet him at spawn for a deal what does this guy got up his sleeve i don’t know i’m gonna have to go and find out storming

As soon as i say that there’s a skeleton right here now leave me alone all right sneave it’s better be worth it you’re having quite a time getting over here oh come on i guess i could have just waited till it stopped raining but oh well hello biggies kim’s friend what’s this oh

Oh oh no no no uh i kind of feel bad about that but i mean who keeps their friends buried under stone maybe i don’t feel bad maybe i’m their hero you know yeah we’ll go with that because it makes me feel less guilty okay all right no no you in trouble

Yeah yes and horrible trouble yeah it’s a bad spot yeah i i i’m dead with all my stuff so far away oh no oh you have a diamond oh my god a couple things you got any food yeah i got a couple things oh thank you Oh behind you oh oh he’s got a sword I don’t know where my dog is that my dog yeah he must be did you lose all your stuff yeah kim has it right now oh he’s not super far away i’m just trying to get to him because uh i i just keep dying though this rainstorm three or six

Players yeah let’s all sleep oh yeah i’ll find a bed so that’s another thing if we want the night to end we all have to sleep so we can either be nice or we could use it to our own personal advantage because if someone is in

Trouble and needs to sleep to stay alive we could just ignore them and they could potentially lose a heart permanently so there’s that all right hey i’ll see you later all right have fun it will yes yes hello hello look at you yes how suited up that is a nice a nice looking

Sword yes and i got nice looking pickaxe too yeah me too oh nice yes yeah kim had some friends but i let them out by mistake i didn’t i didn’t realize what they were they were those blue fairy thingies yeah there’s literally nothing in here was there something in here at one point

Yeah there’s two two of those alley things alley things yeah those little flu fairies so we’ll we’ll um we’ll uh wait where’d you go i’m right here there you are we’ll deceive kim there we go oh yes now he’ll he’ll he’ll never notice no never noticed they look they look like

Twins exactly the same yeah exactly exactly i don’t have any uh cobblestones there’s nothing to notice there all right yeah yeah so one favor three diamonds how we feeling i’m feeling good about it okay good man yes so help yourself what’s what’s the uh what’s the job oh you’ll see [Laughter]

A pleasure doing business with you my lord wait wait wait it’s it’s a favor you’re gonna ask for later i’m assuming yes yes a stored favor okay okay okay it’ll be the favorite did you find a place yet no do you have any ideas yeah i’m wait i’m

Over here not too far i can show you yeah go on go on okay just come this way look cat get the cat you went ahead man what are you doing stop no okay yeah i’m done run cat run okay so you see like though all those trees over

There the spruce trees i’m in there you’re in the i got a bridge here somewhere i think oh i see it oh yeah right here i thought you like actually built a bridge but no it’s just deep slate yeah yeah maybe i’ll eventually build one but

I don’t want to make it too inviting right there we go keep up my property damn millennial that’s me yeah that’s it my house i said keep out oh i suppose i shouldn’t have come in here oh no it’s okay you gave me invitation it’s okay yeah my property okay i gotta get

I gotta get a farm going here look at you dig in the dirt with your sword yeah using the the wrong tools gonna get canceled man i’m gonna get cancer yeah people get angry over that oh no my property you need water yes yes yes i got water

What do you think i am a noob i don’t want to say it too loud in either direction oh okay we’re getting attacked here they are you’re messing up my beautiful beautiful garden my lawn it’s my kids so we can’t have nice things i’m not sure why i was trying to set

Things up during the night or why i wasn’t lighting the area up but steve stuck around and helped me out for a bit was he doing it out of the kindness of his heart or did he have an ulterior motive i don’t know i hear a witch

You can’t say that family friendly oh yeah i mean a wizard lady [Laughter] i’m gonna go fishing i’ll see you later okay uh oh uh oh uh oh kim found out his friends were swapped out i figured it might be a good idea to own up to my mistake i don’t

Need to be making enemies on the first day i headed over to the village to break the news to kim oh someone’s here shout out hello okay hey whoa with that diamond sword looking real good yeah these guys over here yeah yeah you do that i let them out i didn’t mean

To but yeah it was me oh it was you i broke it i was like i was like kim’s friend i was like who’s this and elsa and they’re like i’ll see you later yeah the thing is i have one that came suddenly came to me but the other one

Where’d he go so what do they do follow you around yeah that’s gonna give me stuff i had two of them and uh i lost wubba so you didn’t know what happened did you kill it no it flew out and then and then steve thought he would disguise it with

The pumpkin figured you wouldn’t you wouldn’t know that’s what happened we thought it was robert oh no how did you find one of those things uh outpost yeah yeah you pillaged your outpost oh i got i destroyed one and i released those guys that’s so cool i named them short and robert

I need diamonds i need them badly okay i wasn’t gonna be that nice not this early anyway i need diamonds just as bad so i i kept that to myself return to sender what is that yeah what is that he’s in the nether that’s uh when you hit the ghasts thing

Back to him oh oh no he’s playing a whole other game than us yeah he’s going to come flying uh flying in with a dragon eventually yeah you’ll see him flying over with his wings oh no see this was the thing i was concerned about and why i mentioned that lagundo

Would be the one to look out for see legundo loves his electrics zipping around and flying all over the place which will give him a big advantage so it’s definitely a factor i have to consider if i plan on surviving the purge at all oh okay you got a house you

Want to show us your house if you trust us yeah i know you guys can come no really all right it’s more of a hut than a house but hey kim your buddy’s back what do you mean oh right there katie’s back he’s back there’s my they’re back oh so they just

They just follow you around that’s cool why don’t you make it wider i don’t understand why you do this because i like to live on the edge i guess yeah okay i’m gonna throw an egg at you oh and i was worried for your dog hey this is where she’s at

Shadow’s hot very nice oh what is this are we allowed inside yeah you can go inside just don’t steal anything me and kim are homeless yes we are my health is so low now oh cause you’re like hey you lost two hearts right yeah okay we’re just gonna

Beat the game tonight oh probably wait do you want this research shallow or is it okay we were taking them is this your property no no i mean it’s gonna be i gotta clear it out eventually anyway to make you know my mega fortress however mega i can get it in seven days

So it was time to start really grinding for diamonds so i could craft the full diamond set and start enchanting stone cut cutter cutter what um block nope cutter no what is that thing called stone right here stone cutter oh What is he doing just staring at me are you coming you’re just gonna stand there all right i’ll come to you i guess come here oh oh you got friends okay all right do this oh oh oh you broke my shield Listen i’m just trying to get my farm set up i don’t need any hassle from you guys you’re just shooting okay own people here all right you guys you guys overextended you’re welcome let’s go get off my property i don’t know what was going on this day but i was minding

My own business working on my farm clearing out the area and i kept getting bothered by the locals oh oh hello oh oh oh wait i shouldn’t i shouldn’t kill him come here up here i could use you um i gotta get a boat it’s probably the best way where’d

You go come on there you go you got it move those feet oh come here oh oh no oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on gotta wait for me to put the boat down oh great phantoms too awesome come here there you go

Um now i got a problem do i can’t really keep in here they’ll keep hitting me you get them underneath them down oh no no stay there okay let’s do this quick okay real quick there you go i got ya oh oh no no no i forgot i forgot i forgot i

Forgot they they burned in the sun no oh no no no no no come on no ah yep good old shadow forgetting that they burned in the sun yep just yep okay so i’ve been in the area for two days irl and i have not come across one chicken this entire time i’m

Assuming they just don’t spawn in this biome maybe but either way i need to go out and find some because i want arrows i’ll get to luda village without competing hopefully i find something good ooh pumpkins i’ll take those a lot of pumpkins around here you guys got so many pumpkins

Okay you don’t got anything i want some food in here that’s not too bad not great but okay again a little disappointed nothing oh i got an emerald i guess but oh whoa whoa whoa whoa guys the force is on fire i don’t know if you i don’t know if you

Realize that here i’ll help i’ll help oh oh no no no no okay i was never very good at putting fires out there i got rid of the source we’re good just let it burn out and if it burns down your houses i apologize all right i gotta find chickens gotta

Stop getting distracted should i be going out at night though yeah oh i’m sure i’ll be fine should not be out here at night but that’s okay i’m in the water anyway so i think i’m relatively safe Oh jeez that was a squid scared the bejesus out of me not be smart to go at nighttime see they’re shooting at me already just run running through the forest looking for a village or maybe even an l post oh yeah ah fox don’t be screeching like that

You scare me what’s that what is that oh oh oh that’s a portal a broken portal but i want to see the chest it could have enchanted golden apple ah just a golden one shoot that’s okay it’s all right well you know what i’ll take the obsidian at least i walk away

With something right and look on the bright side sometimes you know finally i finally came across some chickens now here’s the thing i found chickens which is great but i’m like a thousand blocks away from my base so there’s no way i’m leading these guys

Back so i figured it would be smarter to wait for these fellas to lay some eggs come on chickens drop some eggs drop some eggs please it’s not very safe being out here what has my life come to i’m following chickens in the dark hoping that they drop some eggs awesome

Oh my gosh there’s creepers what am i doing what am i doing i built a little chicken shack because the chickens were taking a really long time to lay their eggs and i’m not going to get blown up by a creeper okay while staring at one of

These guys the entire time just waiting for chickens to lay their eggs come on chickens lay two more eggs for me then i can get out of this place yep it’s one more you can do it you just gotta put your back into it squeeze real hard and pop it out

Golden i can’t take anymore anyway you guys uh here there’s a jack lantern did you just pop in another i’m done i just couldn’t deal with these chickens anymore i had to leave i had to get back i had to stop wasting time so i

Jumped back in my boat to return home or at least i thought i was heading home am i going the right way is that a boat i don’t remember this and i feel like i would remember a boat on land so okay well i might as well check it out

Anyway got the great salute i was hoping to find an enchanted golden apple but it’s okay at this point i was positive that i was moving in the wrong direction and since i was on the edge of a dark forest i figured i’d take my chances and see if i

Could find a woodland mansion around because i could go for some totems right now found the woodland mansion why is it buried i don’t know why but i always feel the need to dig these wool piles up i always feel like there’s something in them and

I don’t know why and every time i dig them up there’s nothing there but i still gotta do it i i don’t get it i i don’t get it those mansions got some weird rooms oh oh no nope indicator hey oh look at that i think you’re big and

Tough haven’t met me yet anything in here No what is that oh oh whoa whoa whoa wait that’s the uh friend things kim had it hey let’s get out of here trying to save these guys that give my sword back thank you okay i think i just put something in their hand and they’ll follow me come here down here

There take that let’s free the others is there any more in here Blue oh yeah there’s two here come here you’re free come with me i’m gonna build an army i don’t think they attack right maybe they do now they probably don’t that’d be cool though oh there’s three of you in here must be nice and cramped look at all

These guys look at them and i don’t even think that’s all of them i freed at least 20 of them this is ridiculous i wonder if there’s any more That was close oh hey guys don’t push me off i just freed you Jeez i didn’t know there’s two of you got so many books that’s what i was looking for oh there’s an evoker okay i got one strategy for these guys oh no baby zombie get out of here you’re messing up my plan out come on all right all right okay As i was saying oh zombie oh my gosh guys all right as i was saying i have one strategy for these guys and that is to run up to them as quick as i can hit them as fast as i can and then run Because the vex hit hard and if i don’t take them down quick enough they keep pushing those guys out so i’m just gonna run outside and then hopefully they you know fade away i gotta get that totem did you drop a totem yeah perfect um sticks thank you oh hello creeper

Oh there’s someone behind him too oh no no i don’t want to hit my guys back no no do blow up no no no Sorry guys are you alright i can’t tell i have so many of them i’m sure they’re fine anything in the chicken butt no i didn’t go this way yet oh there’s a whole other upstairs Oh i hate these guys no no no no no no no no no no okay i’m done run run run i’m just gonna go outside i’m not going to even try i got like no food i got rotten flesh oh i don’t know if i can continue

Once i cleared the place out i was pretty happy i got two totems that will save me from potentially losing two hearts so with that i was starting to make my way back and this time i wasn’t alone i mean i understand their helpfulness but they were a tad bit

Annoying at times i’m not gonna lie alright guys you all get to come home with me i gotta make a boat just give me a second here stop giving me these things okay oh my gosh they keep throwing a bunch of wool at me guys i i don’t want this

I’m trying to build a boat where okay oh my gosh i am so confused i am so confused stop giving me the wall i need i need the wood listen we’ll turn around and we’ll go back oh my gosh you guys are ridiculous all right guys let’s go come on this is ridiculous

This is ridiculous look at this look at this okay let’s continue on continuing on it’s so dark out here don’t lose me is that mr magoo hello hello land ho i’m back the bees the bees oh yeah where’d they all go i had so much more can they not get annoying

Making all that noise yeah they do but you guys are in the boats yeah here i got something for you did you yeah yeah just just remember It might save your life something it might it just might that was close what was that was putting the lava down to do the the thing and uh i stood in it oh that’s good go down to about two hertz oh that’s not good no have i taken one more

Uh damage from the actual lava um or if it had not been raining actually because then i would have taken fire damage um then i would have died so let’s do it again where’s my obsidian there we go oh geez there he is jennifer lopez i can hear him rattling around over

There being spooky you really need to get uh get a roof yeah i know it’s kind of bad okay so i built this little you know catcher thingy so stuff will go in the chest i got myself my enchanting and this is all underneath my house my little tiny bachelor pad allies are

Still here i got a nice little pupster but i wanted to show you guys i want to actually record this because i’m telling you i already threw one i didn’t get a chicken if i throw the other 15 and i don’t get a chicken at least one chicken

I’m not gonna be happy okay so here we go Yep no surprise yep come on just need one one come on Please Oh my god i didn’t get one chicken i spent like four days just sitting there waiting for chickens there’s no chickens around here ah why oh that’s so frustrating upstairs you know what you can you can actually stay here here once you come inside you’re not going to come inside okay No just blew my house up your booger my beautiful dirt house i spent so much time making it oh this has got a big crater now Oh okay we’ll stay in there yeah i don’t remember putting a zombie villager down there maybe sneeb did when he was here last or maybe it’s a warning i mean whoever did it was able to come on my property and hide it without me knowing

But then again i i was gone for a bit so i might be thinking into this too much there’s a chicken right here right here right here come on chicken let’s go you me we’re going oh there’s two chickens look at that okay these guys aren’t that far away

From my base but jeez why couldn’t i get at least one chicken from 16 eggs i couldn’t get one chicken gosh i don’t even know if i’m going the right way anymore No no no no We’re not gonna make it i will make it i will sleep out here if i have to no i need those nope that’s not how you make a bed there we go okay chickens one chicken two chicken come on chicken so we had these alleys you couldn’t give

Them like a chicken oh my gosh am i even going the right way i don’t even i don’t even know where my base is that’s a problem in its own there’s water over here then maybe i’m in the right way oh my gosh i don’t recall going this far like at all dudes

Don’t be don’t be like that That’s water oh my gosh chickens where’d you go now where’s the second one Hey come on There’s my bridge okay guys over here come on chicken number two let’s go where’d you go oh you’re with me okay all right we’re going over the water all right can you guys swim no you can’t fly but can you swim okay you can swim a little bit

It’s gonna take us all day but you can do it come on you got it kick those little feet kick him kick him come on kick him let’s go here we go Come come on down now you’re trapped you’re all mine get down here yes silly gooses yeah get in there you know what you’re doing no get in there you go after i secured those chickens i was focused on getting my base built and i already had an idea of what i was gonna

Build but i was gonna need drip stone and a lot of it okay so i just found this thing underneath my base and this is what i was looking for because i have an idea for drip stone you know find me some of these things that’s cool follow from the sky

The allies are very nice if you’re just too lazy to like go grab stuff it’s kind of the best part about the fun don’t run out don’t run off don’t run out gotta get out of the mountain i don’t have any wood left not good oh i see son

I’m down to one ally ally ally ally ally i don’t know how to say it okay i’m breaking oh lapis um yeah oh nice i like that nice and chance can’t complain uh it’s all right can’t win them all okay so i want to fix my chest plate and

I want to change the name so if i die and someone picks it up maybe it’ll be nice enough to you know give it back or if they don’t and they die in front of me and i find my armor then i know who took it it was

Time time to get my base built and keep any of those pesky hostiles out and i’m not just talking about the mobs either first i gotta get rid of these trees there’s so many of them and they just clutter up my view plus i need the wood

So it just made sense to clear them out i wanted to go with something intimidating and rough you know put the fear into my enemies and i was thinking along the lines of a fort type base hence why i needed the drip stone so i started plotting out the perimeter of

The outer walls again i wanted it to look rough so i went a little random when placing the logs oh geez excuse me where was i again oh yeah with the perimeter completed i was ready to build up the wooden log pikes from the trees i

Just cut down look at that i’m recycling the height of the pikes was completely random again to give that an intimidating rough look once all the log pikes were put in place it was time to top them off with some drip stone to present a nice pointy end maybe just

Maybe anyone planning on flying will fall on one of them or accidentally fly too low while trying to enter that would be cool and funny you guys can stop pushing me off please thank you after the walls were completed i heard steve was struggling to get chickens so

I thought it would be a good opportunity to show him some kindness so maybe during the purge i could ask him for a favor or something you know that is not a that is not a sound i was drifting my boat what’s up how the heck am i supposed to

Get you want me to crawl under that small do you think i am are you still living in a hole oh wait you got you got something up here what’s this nope am i still what are you that’s that’s the emergency hole sir right where do you want your chickens uh

Should we sleep uh sure do you have a bed yep okay go to bed and don’t do it out here because then a creeper can drop on you in the night yeah we’re fine so i found these chickens like a thousand blocks out i couldn’t find chickens anywhere around here so i sat

There for like four days waiting for these chickens to basically squat out these eggs and i only had 16 of them because that’s all i had patience to wait around for and then i went back to my base i threw all 16 of them not one chicken not one chicken

Good man excellent chicken rng waste of time you got you got all the rng in the enchantments there it is there it is it’s like g’day there peeps how we done he’s looking at me you bought that one in the mouth oh that one’s a bit stuck yeah i think

It’s i think it’s because it’s the the slabs oh for a temporary leave of absence i don’t know why i’m looking in your ear your chest it’s kind of like when you go to your friend’s house and you open up their refrigerator and you don’t know why it’s just rolls yeah and they’re

Just like what are you doing in my fridge i was like it’s just a habit i’m sorry i do it when i’m bored yeah it’s the the the nosiness you left your boat here last time i was wondering where i got a third boat from oh yeah i just ran almost like

I’m drifting in here tokyo drift style oh yeah and then you just walk away you forgot you forgot your joyride because i got that fortune pickaxe now so i can get a lot of iron oh yeah mr rich guy over here i’m not rich with

My i i just got a diamond pickaxe with uh efficiency because the creeper destroyed my books he doesn’t like to read them words they make him feel things here you got it you gotta you gotta start cutting down your sugar cane gotta trim the proverbial bushes all right i’ll see you later

Okay so trying to get a villager because i wanna get mending and i’m hoping there’s at least one villager here still alive and he’s not a nitwit that would be a plus i don’t see any oh i heard him in here nope where are you at villager He sounds close where is he wait is he underneath he might be underneath someone might have dug him in a hole where is this guy i hear him is he like under here somewhere where is he now you sound like you’re over here i’m losing my mind here where is he

I hear you villager where are you you down here maybe there look there no no go in it no come here now we’re moving i don’t want to get on the walking path because then we’ll get stuck here i’m gonna build a nice little bridge and be on our way okay

Cool all right we’re doing it sort of all right we’re on our way let’s go let’s see the water okay now i just got to get them over i don’t know if i can get them up yeah i don’t think i’m going to be able to get them up

Not not today anyway because of my luck i’ll be trying to get them up there at night and a creeper will explode so no not dying on me ah finally 36 emeralds sit tight and uh don’t die okay cool see you later the next morning i went

Back down the old chap and got myself a mending book now i don’t feel comfortable leaving them down there and i’m gonna have to think of a way to get them up to the fort i figured the best way to do this was to just mine cart

Them up i had quite a bit of iron so i could spare it for some tracks plus i could use these for a getaway track during the purge or something maybe if i needed it i got him up the hill okay the next day it wasn’t that much of a

Struggle maybe a little bit but it wasn’t that bad alright the next step was to flare up my entrance to show these guys i ain’t playing around actually it was just because i like the build i’m sure these guys didn’t see me as a threat anyway maybe okay it was

Time to get rid of that skinny deep slight bridge and to make something more fitting for my fort so i started off with just building directly from my front door i wanted my fort visible and nice and centered as you cross the bridge that kind of help with the theme

Of being intimidating i texturized the bridge to look rough with planks missing and whatnot but i also added trapped doors to throw the guys off as they may think it’s trapped i wanted to create an environment that they would feel uneasy in you know oh no oh my gosh well That was embarrassing okay where was i oh yeah i finished off having the bridge anchored with big heavy logs and i put some railings on the sides using fences once the bridge was completed i started to work on terraforming the incline up to my fort because i was planning on

Laying down a path with stone that would lead right up to the front door but i had to fix the incline first you know to make it look more presentable i ended up going with deep slate for the path up as i liked the dark tone of the stone once

I had the main part of it complete i took some time to texturize it to help match the aesthetic of the bridge you know showing imperfections and roughness then to top it all off i added some lamp posts and that that was it my area was complete well the exterior was complete

Overall i felt like i achieved that atmosphere of intimidation of uneasiness of war and hopefully these guys will think twice before messing with me all right let’s go let’s go see how this looks actually feels pretty cool walking down this and it looks really cool walking up oh that’s that’s nice okay um

I’m kind of scared to kind of go over this the trapdoors aren’t going to open but pressure plates definitely putting those there later see you on purge night well who put that there i wonder i have a feeling it was probably either kim or sean look at that That looks so intimidating i love it it’s great okay let’s go see if anybody else got signs because i might not be the only one and someone might be trying to play with my head so pretty positive this is sean’s place says he’s got a sign

He does not have a sign blue neighbor okay yeah not threatening but maybe it might be confusing sneak attack i haven’t seen anybody build on snowy areas yet and i think they would be a good advantage because snow is a trap in itself uh you know you can get stuck in it so

Me though i would be dumb enough to forget and end up you know trapping myself so speaking of which i should probably build some leather boots let’s get these made so if i need them i have them is that oh is that kim’s base wait what is that what

Is that hold on here this might be kim’s base oh no no no no wait this is this is a pillager outpost i think this is the one that kim found early early on he said he destroyed one i gotta find kim’s place i don’t know where it’s at are we up here What why am i falling i got leather boots not working i don’t understand i got leather boots what what what is going on no no no stop oh my gosh i don’t have them on oh my gosh for some reason i think if i have leather boots in my hot part i’m

Technically wearing them all right okay yeah yeah okay let’s go back oh is that that might be lagundos another portal because i know he went through one earlier but then sean did too another racket of space i could go through there but uh do i trust it lagundo’s shifty sometimes

Could have trapped it i’m finding like everything but people’s bases but since i’m here you guys got carrots i could use carrots i want to make golden carrots you guys got carrots or what oh there we go but did you just take my carrot what i do

Want to do just because i was thinking of golden carrots so i want to get some oak because i want to make golden apples and i don’t have any oak around me at all so if i can get kind of an apple farm and when i mean firm i just mean plant them

Break them down and hope apples fall down it’s nothing it’s not gonna be anything special trust me yep oak saplings that’s what i want get myself an apple farm going all right just a couple more trees and then i’ll leave no no bugger Sneaking up on me um can i help you with something really you gonna steer me down oh oh now you’re stepping up yeah yeah that’s what i thought what am i doing where am i going i was looking for bases and uh no i don’t i don’t know what i’m

Doing you know what i’m gonna go look for nether portals i’m gonna go find some gold enchanted apples or whatever oh my gosh look at that that’s super cool i don’t like to find some bamboo too i don’t know if i feel like building anymore oh my gosh what’s filling that hole oh

Pillager tower that’s not destroyed is anybody home okay whatever it’s an easy clear goat horn okay what’s it do That’s kind of cool i didn’t want to make one too close to the other ones because i didn’t want them to connect in a weird way if it’s trapped maybe plus i know lagundo went in another already and more than likely picked the area clean if if there was a fortress right

Around so hopefully i went up far enough Oh i got no gold on me i have to be careful all right what do we got around here oh there’s a fortress right there no way i’ll go for the blaze powder now and i’ll go netherride hunting after because i can go netherride hunting closer to my base

All right can’t find a way in i’ll just make my own there is a withered around here oh diamond armor okay better warts i’ll take that right wither skeleton where did you go oh there you are never mind you’re gone oh now you’re back all right just that was easy enough okay

Right on there we go this is what i’m looking for look listen i just want to make an experience firm don’t worry about it look quick let’s go oh no leave me alone just trying to build a roof okay okay quick quick quick quick take two quick quick quick quick look at speed

Running although i’m horrible at speed runs hey okay that’s close perfect since i was here i figured i would find myself a blaze spawner so i could farm it for blaze powder and and some experience i took the time to build myself a little shack because you know i

Could sit and wait without worrying about mob’s surprise attacking me it just made sense [Laughter] there’s supposed to be no crimes [Laughter] hey that is awesome you found a pillager tower didn’t you yes i did i was looking for bamboo which i did find and then oh yeah yeah because i can i used to have like 20 of these guys and they all drop it perished we found one in the

We were sailing down here we saw one nice made kim thought it was his he goes you steal my guy you steal my guy so shadow um i have a question maybe come in yeah you can come in there’s not much i just no that’s fine

Uh it’s fine but now we don’t have to worry about like a creeper sneaking up behind us oh yeah okay i have a question and a proposal for you sure i know a place to get a bunch of really good gear oh okay hold on sorry to interrupt

Shadow yes you got my man still you have them who the zombie villager oh is that you that left it i was like why do i have a zombie in a boat okay he’s yours oh you caught a zombie villager in here no that’s like i got a villager in there

I named them robert or someone yeah i hear them i want you to drop this i want you to drop this drop it right now drop it right now i just right click it with an empty hand yeah i found a woodland mansion and i got

Like 30 of those guys that’s all you needed to do did you just get your first bit of potion first in another word [Laughter] [Applause] that’s right that’s right you’re looking for another wart yeah so uh shadow yes one kill dragon do i want to kill a dragon Is there a dragon yeah where oh oh you mean the ender dragon that way it’s like this way you want to kill dragon i’d be okay to kill a dragon but the only rules i the only request i’m making is the first electro we find is mine right like right now yeah

Okay well we need more pearls we need more pearls i don’t have enough oh sean we need to get your pearls too uh but we need pearls how many ender pearls do you have i don’t have any i didn’t want to take off any endermen

Oh you don’t put them in boats why does no one do you put things in boats i don’t know i guess i didn’t think about that i just seen sean die a few times to enderman i was like uh i’m kind of scared now [Laughter] okay that’s totally fair that’s totally fair

So we’re gonna kill the ender dragon yeah yeah can you get a god apple there no you can really that’s cities portals mansions and desert temples okay well then you can’t make them anymore eh nope you can’t yeah that’s uh that’s unfortunate i got i got i got a

Solid five hearts we’re all good oh nice oh dude oh now i’ll have to make it my mission to find one so i can make a deal with you i’ll get you to do something to kim like let all his animals out or something

So if we get a whole bunch of wool we can loot an ancient city like trivially it’s easy as long as you have like a whole bunch of wall uh i have two if you have like two stacks it is super easy to loot in ancient city i know

Where one is too how does that make oh an ancient city yeah an ancient city okay so are we are we doing this do we want to go kill a dragon yeah what do we get for killing the dragon like just a bunch of xp you get a ton of experience

And you could access the outer islands to potentially find an end city which has a bunch of enchanted diamond gear in its loot uh yeah let’s do that then okay okay so like you can get like protection for like awesome swords pickaxes all sorts of other stuff really quick

Without having to craft it or what about doing an ancient city with that that would really only get you god apple’s enchanted diamond hoes and like some random books like that’s it okay we could do that but we need wool like that requires way more prep okay so

We’ll do that we’ll do the dragon and i’ll just collect as i go so we need there’s a there’s a woodland mansion that has tons of wool in it that would be yeah that could work i could do it yeah just hold on okay if you all want to do

That instead i i’d be up to raid in ancient city yeah i wanted the city all right well then mansion all right wait oh we’re going for the ancient city now instead of killing the dragon uh then i should i’m gonna drop off i’m gonna go drop off my stuff meet at the

Village because i was geared up for a killing dragon oh so i’ll be right back so you’re going to kill laguna am i going to kill him yeah like at the purse man i don’t know i he’s going to be tough i know that yeah

He is he is going to that’s why we can’t let him get any in the loot of the ancient city oh yeah that’s right you got to be like ah i know there’s nothing in this chest and we’ll leave a little bit just give them like hoes and like bad enchants and

Stuff yeah we’ll do that that’s a good idea because once he starts flying oh i’m gonna have to like build something underground so he’ll have to come to me that’s when he first told me as long as i get the elytra i just need to go let’s

Go look let’s go look for the let’s go to find it he’s like you don’t want the electrode to do i’m like no i i don’t know how to use these okay good i need that if we can just give me an electrode we can’t let him get the electro that’s

Why i don’t yeah because i’ll never get him yeah oh jeez okay keep him out of the city i was kind of hope uh it’s gonna say it would be convenient if he died in the ancient city and he dropped all those fender pearls but then it’s just straight up war [Laughter]

Oh shut up you bring in the ghost oh yeah she just follows me around she’s my last one you should have seen it i had like 30 of them follow me around where’s the where’s the ancient city oh it’s in the mountain uh yeah there’s one in both of these

Mountains oh perfect so it’s like right here okay so quick trip and then come on back yeah you can boat pretty much to the woodland mansion i pretty much boated on the way back yeah okay i’m coming you must be because you’re saying everybody else is accounted for and i haven’t built my

Place yet yeah that’s wrong who’s that oh yeah that must be wrong that’s new Or just behind your base yeah oh oh gosh never again never again this casper just constantly pops into vision yeah no no it pops in like with michael jackson that sneeze place right there yeah wow i found another one of your ghost friends oh did you yeah

Yeah we’ll probably find more once we get closer to the mansion because i’m pretty sure i left some behind i’m just going to enchant my chest plate because i can actually i’m going to check my pickaxe that’s a good call i level 30 would give me unbreaking

Three but i don’t have level 30. oh i have i have levels can you enchant this level 30 no please no please friend it’s hard enough to chant my own stuff friend friends please let’s see what i got here oh no i pressed the button by mistake sorry lagoona oh shame

Oh my fishing rod i can get lucky to see here eat this actually i need that i need that sure i guess what you guys don’t know yet but what are you gonna mean that one purge night here [Laughter] oh you have another ghost yeah they’re

Gonna just flew up to you with an emerald they’re gonna they’re gonna pop up this is just all the ghosts you’ve lost yeah on the way that’s hilarious oh here’s another one here oh there’s another there’s like a half a dozen of them now following us so we’re on the right track we’re

Definitely on the right track that’s yeah that’s a good way to figure in and out here’s the mobs i lost along the way oh there’s also a village around here somewhere and i didn’t loot the portal oh i was thinking about it and then i forgot about it but i don’t know where

That’s at well the river is turning back away like it’s turning back away like it back out to the ocean that we just came from so maybe we have to get off at some point uh i didn’t think so start walking i mean we could have took the wrong canal too but

A river or whatever you want to call it oh yeah possibly is this a different village last one the one i was it was like a jungle village jungle yeah like i don’t like i guess like a ceviche yeah i don’t think i was here huh yeah i don’t think i was here

This is a different way i mean we could sleep here though oh yeah just trying to look for a bit through the night like oh wow this is a really cool village like actually it’s laid out like in a really cool way i just kicked the kid out of his bed yeah same

I kicked his parents out of there but oh jeez oh that scared me out of nowhere you start hearing screams i take them out do you see the dimension no but i see the the biome that it should be in okay oh tons of wool right here when you’re wool with legs

I mean if anyone has iron shearing it would be more efficient but i’ve also been defaulting to murder just to have food oh yeah oh don’t fall down that Yeah we’re close because there’s there’s a ship that i found it was on land oh hey okay i didn’t know what i’m guessing you looted this one for sure yeah if if it’s the same one it could be different um there’s a bunch of gold nuggets and

Some sand and stuff in it yeah that’s probably yeah i did then okay so we’re right right around where we’re supposed to be i killed everything so it should be safe oh there it is i’m going in boys wait a second this one’s like buried yeah yeah we’re coming in on the second

Floor yep there’s the old hole oh bunch of books here too if you want books oh yeah i’m 100 gonna get like level 30 bookcase worth of bugs yeah if we have like two stacks of wool all together for all of us it’ll save us so much time and

We could actually loot the ancient city like relatively safely well there’s actually three chickens i really wish i had shears though oh this takes so long no it does oh my goodness that is so much wool oh we’re set like we could totally loot the full ancient city no problem now

All right beautiful i’m trying to put you in a boat i’m not that easily tricked oh no you caught me i’m gonna steal your boat now after we got what we thought was enough wool we made our way back to the village near spawn to finally make our way to

The ancient city all right let’s do it let’s ride in ancient city okay where’s the engine setting i thought you said i thought you said you went to it i’ve been to one of it i i’ll show you what i’ve seen i i’m fairly certain that’s it okay

Is it just like under your house yes what have a warden in your basement yes yeah this is the right place okay crouch yeah i found out this is where i got chased by the warden oh really that was me sorry oh i don’t even

Have torches hold on hold on hold on box the shrieker in first before you even pick up the item because picking that up can set off the sensors where’s the shrieker is it down is down below us is this on a streaker right here what’s this thing that’s this catalyst that’s

What grows it oh can i pick that up yes with silk touch okay uh oh no you did it again that was my first okay i broke it so that’s here’s the thing though that’s still two that’s so we only have two more times to set it off before the warden spawns oh

So sean thought he had the ancient city under his base but it seemed to be just a patch of deep dark therefore we all decided to try the other mountain instead are you guys in the snow but you go down more keep falling i keep falling yeah just keep digging at your feet

You’re fine john get out of the blocks behind you i leave you guys for two minutes leave him unattended for 30 seconds and he’s just he’s just freezing today john’s basically walking around glass bones paper skin pretty much yeah you’re not wrong kim kim slipped into one of those cracks

And he’s like save me save me i was like yeah yeah oh it’s like oh no don’t good summary of a friendship save me oh my gosh i’ll be honest the soft snow is is it is cruel unforgiving very it’s fun i want to do something with it i just

Don’t know what so just here’s here’s the trick here’s the trick don’t use the don’t don’t step in the blue powdery bits oh oh oh oh i’m dying the blue powder probably helped without tomatoes that skeleton’s actually damaging oh no oh this ain’t good enough with these mountains oh that’s

Where we need to go please please don’t die i don’t wanna sneeze do you have food no i can give you one mutton that’s all i can afford to give you right now my man let’s go here here’s some potatoes some baked potatoes taters under the tree thank you sir thank you no Okay okay okay okay oh no oh okay okay i’m in a safe spot oh i’m gonna die oh oh there was your helmet we all are okay you don’t have a helmet apparently it broke i don’t know when my ears are getting cold okay this is a massive cave down there’s

A sir creepington over here don’t get it let it get in here with me you kill them this is good as i do uh we are we going down this are we gonna dig down oh yeah this totally looks ominous cue the spooky music oh oh god whoa that’s a lot of creepers

Good luck with that here we go there it is watch out watch out watch out boom i’m more most worried about the skeletons i’m gonna let somebody else go first because i’m starting to run low on food daddy you gotta totem you’re first no no shout out

Yeah john behind you jump behind you behind you i can’t believe you you should be uh jerk with lois all right get back i just got pillar back up Shadow yes yes i am below you i see yes i’m just i was just looking around dig down ow don’t get hit by uh skeletons hold on hold on are you guys just digging straight down dig strat oh my gosh i’m gonna die yeah in a second i’m just in it right now That sounds like a you problem shadow okay i’ll see you later i just got attacked like by six skeletons at once oh [Laughter] i put water there and then you flooded it and then i’m like oh they don’t need my water so i picked it up hey shadow right now once you flooded it i’m like oh they don’t need that water anymore i’m gonna save it yeah so we could use it i was

Getting elsewhere i was getting attacked by six skeletons and steve was like that sounds like a you problem and then he dies like karma whose stuff is all this i’ll sneeze why doesn’t he hold this totem okay we’re just starting to get into the deep

Slate layer do not jump down this it is not safe repeat stop flooding it well i can’t get down i can’t breathe that’s okay i’m literally digging like i can’t dig with other people stand here oh okay well it’s it’s coming down anyway i’m going to drown i’m going to drown

I’m going to drown it’s going down i can’t say it’s so claustrophobic it’s like it’s like this is a nightmare this is a nightmare four guys in a two foot wide hole with a bunch of water yeah and we’re drowning and one guy’s already dropped to his desk yeah we’ve already lost steve

Why can’t we just dig down like the normal way this is the normal way this is not the normal way you dig down two blocks stop breaking things underneath oh my god you’re scaring me this is why i told you all not to be here i’m the one standing on two

Separate blocks stop them stop drowning me stop i’m gonna just start i’m gonna feel the thing and then you’ll never get to this ancient city No we’re not we’re gonna get each other killed okay water coming down found it found it found i found it found it found i found it stop stop stop stop stop oh shhh shoot what this is like the worst possible entry position ever we are in the it’s a no it’s a double

It’s a double agent city it’s a double ancient city there’s two portals oh it’s a double ancient city and we’re in the middle of two and we’re in the middle of like nine shriekers a little bit of water right there leroy interest oh a minute oh minute i’m in it

Okay okay i’m leaving i’m down here We need oh you just summoned the warden so i’m leaving i’m not gonna lie this was the first time i was ever in an ancient city and i had no previous exposure to the mechanics of it either so i was scared and at this point i was wishing i left

Some of my items back at my base for example my pickaxe i really didn’t want to have to spend the time making that and enchanting it again i am not in a good spot right now what am i doing shadow i can’t crawl just stop because yeah there’s like multiple shriekers right there

Okay and we are in the middle of it and that’s a problem i’m just moving away from it you see those two right there that’s our biggest problem is entering right next to those is like next to impossible well i got i got in here yeah and you set off two

What is this one more uh that’s a warden oh i got to get i gotta get that look oh no no no no no i don’t wanna i don’t wanna go to the engine if you open the chest it’s gonna set it off so is it just oh sean you almost

You almost dug under me oh god so is that is it just four times or four times on one shrieker four times total on a 10 minute cooldown oh so hold on i’m gonna try to get to you shadow jeez i really leory jenkins this one didn’t i

Yeah a little bit i’m gonna get these two shriekers right here by your entrance point fully wooled and then once that’s done this is a little bit less scuffed okay i’m just over here i’m not even moving did mob spawn down here no these two shriekers right here by our

Entrance are now rolled that’s safe however this whole space is not safe because there’s streakers in that structure to your to your right so here we go you have wool on your hot bar uh i do now yeah yeah get that get that going that’s your main building block in this

Space do me a favor look around out there and find any shriekers around this structure that you and i are in a in slash on okay and just surround them bible on all sides gosh this is so dark it is dark and terrifying okay not the sensors the

Shriekers oh so not the not the like wiggly bits the bone ones okay can can i have the mouth okay i found one oh no how do i get down you can jump while crouching as well all right can i break the wool yes but picking it up might set off the

Sensor it’s tricky okay hold on okay wait wait there’s a center don’t worry about that structure right now don’t worry about that structure right now oh but i just i just see one i just want to cover it yeah get it covered or wait that’s not one

This is a block hold on i’m coming over so you can take it so you can look uh that’s a catalyst above the right chest that’s a catalyst and if you open a chest they’ll set it off right diamonds right there okay all right we’re gonna i’m gonna do something

Well opening a chest set it off yes open opening the chest is a hundred percent of vibration all right i think we’ve cleared these two do you want to take you do okay so here come here all right here come here shout out ready

Okay you you do left i do right okay we just open it together that way if we trigger it we only trigger it once okay ready yep three two one go what’d you get did you get a god apple oh i got two you got two god apples i got two

Yo the loot in the loot in this place is ridiculous shadow yep we do not tell sean that we have those two okay inside this box is a shrieker okay okay okay ready yeah same deal three two one go i just got an amazing diamond hoe i got

Some c5 on breaking three fortune three i gotta i gotta walk oh i got a hoe too where’d you go where’d you go where are you we’re down and we’re in it if you come down slowly in the water yeah it’s safe like this coming slowly in the water crouch and hit

The ground right where you are right where you’re at and then come towards us yeah like this not like that hit the ground get out of the water get out of the water get out of the water get out of the water okay you can’t splash it’s fine

Before we no no before we go much further shadow do you want to do the thing what thing do you want to show them one of the things that we found i got an apple what’s that oh oh man please heaven we can make a deal and since we got a

Witness here i can give this to you but i need you to do something to kim what do you want something that will mess him up i don’t know what his his fort looks like but like releases animals are set fired or something i’ll leave that to you i will

Okay i just pick it like okay throw something on the ground now yes oh wait it’s just a regular golden apple yeah this is oh whoops here there oh oh oh thank god nice all right so we’ve looted this in one other structure so far yeah oh oh

There’s two of them right over here i’ll cover these ones yeah like we can we can just continue Okay i don’t know how this works so i’m just gonna take everything i’m taking these two towers shadow two towers yeah this one and the one next to it okay My gosh [Applause] I covered this Oh i felt horrible i couldn’t even believe i tried to run like i said this was the first time i was ever in an ancient city the first time hunted by the warden so i panicked and i didn’t think the situation through at all now i had the

Coordinates where i died and i know i was in an isolated area so my items should be all together in that two by one area but i only had five minutes to get there before it all despawned i had no armor no tools and to make matters

Worse it was raining giving the mobs the opportunity to spawn and spoil my attempt oh come on what is it gonna be raining oh gosh i don’t wanna lose that stuff oh please snow i gotta get some tools to kind of try to dig down okay here’s the

Oh no i can’t i can’t go this way i can’t i’m gonna have to dig down and of course knight’s coming ah i’m not gonna get it back am i okay i gotta get these torches nope can’t go that way either oh come on great all right just die skeletons down there

Can’t go this way either okay i can’t do this it didn’t matter what i did i seem to get stopped in every direction i couldn’t fight mobs as i didn’t have the time or the armor to mess around with them i resorted to just climbing up the mountain finding my coordinates and

Digging down but i knew in my heart that the five minutes have passed and my items despawned but i had that little glint of hope that i could be wrong as i made my way down to where the warden took me out my heart sank it was all

Gone no golden enchanted apple no pickaxe nothing i was gonna have to start over great but did that stop me no it just meant that i needed to focus oh the only thing that just is disheartening is laguna’s got good stuff now ah falling behind boy yeah that’s okay

This base is phenomenal though i was i was um i was just saying before i was like oh my god robert’s base looks really good mine’s garbage and then i like went a little bit further west and it’s like oh my god shadow space is even better okay

No the the palisades are very nice very nice i just figured i had the uh the wood and i was like i can make this look really scary it looks like somewhere i would want to be during a defensive sort of event oh that guy died yeah unfortunate it happens

That guy just got a head start yeah he’s just i don’t need a new experience he’s got the any percent speed run right there yeah i need experience you buggers i’ll bounce back it’s not a big deal so first things first i needed an easy way to get experience and i didn’t want

To spend the time building a mob farm so instead i moved my chickens outside and put them in a big pen as i was gonna use these guys as an experienced source because i would get experience from breeding them and uh well you know the other thing but before i wasted more

Levels i needed redemption i had to go back i knew there were chests still unlooted i wasn’t going to let this one setback stop me so i went back to the ancient city was i being smart or was i being dumb i don’t know but i’m sure

This guy is gonna let me know pretty quick okay this time gordon like right at his thing here i don’t even know if there’s anything in here but shrieker break these things should be good to open this can open it generation take a book i guess all right oh all right here okay

See any sensors though i’m gonna break it down here swift sneak echo shard what’s an echo shirt i need an apple i didn’t know those things were right there what name tag take a name tag online chanting what am i doing i just summoned the warden

It’s down there somewhere i get it here trying to be a little bit more safer i hate how it’s so dark that’s covered there’s one there i don’t know if it needs to be on the outside break this one oh [Applause] Go away oh it’s it came from the i had it covered but i guess there was a corner of it i i don’t understand i don’t understand my heart is through my roof right now if i i don’t have room for her from something i just gotta keep moving okay i think

I’m good ugh why am i down here oh yeah i want an enchanting apple because i want to get that heart back so i came up with an idea i can make a spawn point down here so if i die i’ll spawn here okay what i’m gonna do

Is down here there is really no reason for me to wear any of this like at all so drop off anything that’s important i don’t need those i’m gonna need food or at least i deem important where’s that oh i need that wall so if i die i’ll be

Right here right is that a fair assumption okay let’s do this okay they’re all covered so it should be good yes change an apple and eat that right now nice i probably should have used that for another time but i just gotta make sure you have the hearts i

Have this covered i even got one of those sensors covered in there because it’s with them but if this thing gets set off um trouble so let’s try it infinity i got infinity cool i was feeling pretty good at this point i went to the ancient city looted some

Stuff and survived i wanted to celebrate but i had no one to celebrate with so i grabbed a bunch of bones and i went to make some friends and i made a lot of them actually let’s just hope they don’t end up like those la’s that i had i even

Made them all sit just in case you know and i ended that day with some enchanting it’s feeling pretty good you know i never really i haven’t figured out whose place that is yet i want to say it’s roberts but i don’t know oh there’s sean know what he’s doing looks

Like he’s cutting down trees what are you up to where’d he go oh there he is he’s either collecting wood for himself or he’s breaking robert’s trees down if that’s robert’s place i don’t know should probably go over and check why has he got so much sugar cane

Yeah i should probably go over and investigate just gotta wait for sean to leave all right dog goes come here i’m over here we’re gonna set you up over here instead okay you guys are gonna guard the front door you don’t let anybody in all right cool oh wait come here

I gotta sit them down before they all disperse on me come on there you guys all right don’t let anybody in okay leaving that up to you all right i’m gonna go out and investigate i’m gonna take an infinity bow the reason why i’m taking the infinity bow it’s because if i get

Caught on someone’s property or caught sneaking around in general i’ll give them the bow uh to say that oh hey i was really here just to give you this so it kind of distracts them from what i was actually doing like i said i don’t know

If this is robert’s house or not but what i’m shooting arrows for we’re going to go over we’re going to check kind of get the lay of the land because the purge is happening in a couple days and um i don’t need to have any unexpected surprises if i’m happening to run

Through someone’s field i’m just going to sneak in here All right what what do they got going on over here Hello oh okay so this goes back so is this like a second level of defense or something or is this two different places someone just like live right next to the other person all right i don’t want to enter anything counted against the rules right hello anybody home okay um stay out I don’t know which way is technically the door like which side is the entrance or the exit so i’m just gonna say i’m safe and walk over here just to check this place out okay it must be two different places because i don’t see why they would have

Two different farms set up okay this may be robert and shawn’s place all right let’s uh let’s get out of here before i get caught what am i what am i making what what am i making okay this this is what i wanted golden carrots don’t know why i was putting

Torches around it okay okay what am i doing okay i’m just gonna stop okay so robert left a saddle at the village for sneave um i i don’t know what the deal is or why they’re doing it but i’m gonna run over and i’m gonna steal the saddle

To put doubt in sneeves mind about robert because i don’t want any like side alliances here you know i want him to think that robert like cheated him or something you know is anybody there i don’t think so no i think i’m good oh

This is the one is this the one yes okay okay all right perfect All right now i just gotta wait Yeah this isn’t gonna be easy i i don’t have patience Oh there’s sean Where is he going What are you up to sean is he gonna go live up there actually you know what while he’s up there i’m gonna go i’m gonna do a little prank on him make sure he’s not coming back nothing destructive but i don’t know i’m just i want to get rid of these sensors

I just want to mess with people uh right here’s good okay good all right so far so good all right all right and now i wait for sneave all right so sneeve never came either he didn’t care about the saddle or or he just forgot but i

Also kept an eye on sean’s place to see if he would return and notice that warden sensor like at all but i i got caught instead which was fine this is why i brought that bow hello hey what’s going on not much what are you doing just the man

I’m looking for look remember you remember how laguna said he he wanted to fly yeah i’m trying to prepare against that so um i know oh you’re not keen on it either i know you i know you’re more of a crossbow guy but just in case you’re running

We’ll be able to take him down oh thank you hopefully yes yeah absolutely thank you just don’t just don’t die before don’t don’t lose it before the purge though you know no i’ll put it in a chest thank you yeah no problem okay it was time to get focused again because i was

Still a long ways away from where i wanted to be so i figured out that i could just trade paper for emeralds emeralds that i needed for mending books or any other books that i want to trade so i knew i needed to expand that sugarcane farm and that’s what i did

Sean also made good with his promise for giving him that enchanting golden apple in the ancient city he took kim’s experience farm offline so that was good i finally got back to where i was before the warden incident and recrafted my pickaxe so in order to keep my chicken

Experience farm up and running i wanted to increase the growth rate of the chickens so i was jumping in and collecting all the eggs that i could so i took the time to sit there and throw them against the wall you know so chickens would hatch but after a while i

Found this was very time consuming so i decided to build a redstone auto egg thrower thing instead and it worked it was great all i had to do was load it up and it did the rest but i need to i need to put a hopper on it though so i

Can just load up a load up a bunch of chests that’s good works that’s all i wanted just just something to throw the eggs for me you know and i built an iron army for some reason well that’s actually a lie i actually was under the impression that

They would attack my attackers which they do just not players so it was kind of useless at this point now but i didn’t learn that until later so it’s not my fault okay maybe a little with only two days left i noticed a new structure in front of my base was this

Lagundo’s place either way i i had to go over and check it out the place didn’t have a door so technically i’m not breaking any rules so i popped up for a second looked around but i didn’t find much so i left time was running out and

I had to focus on grinding at experience rolling for in chance and repeating that process until my set was complete and that’s what i did for most of the day and when i couldn’t get the enchants i rolled i went out to villages to try to get other books off other villagers to

Stop wasting time shadow hello hey buddy what’s up knock knock knock knock can i come in yep so i have a request for you slash an offer okay i guess kind of can i clean up these iron golems for you no please why because i need some iron and or can i

Borrow an anvil yeah there’s an anvil in here i don’t want you to kill them they help me what how do they help you i don’t know if somebody attacks me i guess like no they won’t they won’t they don’t attack if somebody attacks you oh no

Because they only attack on dead mobs oh okay that’s okay okay you still don’t want you still want to keep him yeah okay but can i borrow an anvil yeah you can you can take that one i can take this one yeah oh buddy oh okay that works honestly something

Cool you might notice i took a hit oh like look i i took a hit like oh geez this is very loud over here do i know i got i made a an egg shooter so i don’t have to do it myself that’s brilliant in all honesty

That’s a lot of chickens yeah i get exp pretty fast with this is very loud so i took a bit of a hit not gonna lie took a hit uh last time you saw me i was in diamond armor oh where’d you take the hit

Uh to the face with a creeper oh yeah i was at the stronghold i go up a ladder and then there’s just a creeper standing there waiting to ruin my day oh jeez so now i have a fortune pickaxe oh there you go i had a fortune book and i’m like oh

Thank god so now i have a fortune pickaxe now i can go mine for diamonds yeah because when when i died to the warden that was the one thing i was upset about was the fortune pickaxe i tried to recover your stuff absolutely it took too long for the warden to

Despawn by the time i got to where you were it was just it was just gone oh no it’s fine i’m i’m back i’m back but everybody has such a cool looking base i have a tiny little hut i need to build out like an outer wall yeah

I still don’t know what i want to do on the inside yet i mean purge is in two days yeah so do you have any plans for yeah i got a few plans for some things because um you do realize your house is very flammable that’s okay that’s okay

Okay just i’m not sure like i went with snow because it was specifically not flammable oh yeah it’s super easy to farm that’s true that’s true um so yeah yeah yeah that’s something um have you made any plans for perchlite not yet nothing yet are you open for recommendations

For partnership partnership i’m i mean yeah i’d be down for a party last two we’re the last two standing you want to be the last two dominion for the win okay the last two standing okay okay i can get down with that as it as a token of hmm how do i put

This as a token of friendship a show of good faith into this alliance this potential alliance i’m gonna tell you uh i’m really upset that you told them about leather boots oh i’m really upset i was gonna use that for something oh you’re gonna use it for a trap because i didn’t know

Yeah i was like oh they’ll just sink through it and they won’t know oh i thought i thought robert i thought robert know maybe not maybe maybe so that’s that’s kind of that’s kind of the plan but yeah that’s i’m gonna have to go come up with a different idea now

But they might not even bring they might not bring leather boots they might not bring them which is fine but i was literally hoping that i could just freeze them to death and they’d panic oh yeah that’s true so i’m gonna have to come up with something a little more creative yeah

So yeah so just in case like if you if you come over to the snow hut i’m gonna be building like an outer wall okay uh just bring a pair of leather boots okay yeah i got i got tons of leather i can make them okay perfect just in case do

You have any information in return or is that like payment for the anvil yeah that’s payment for the anvil i don’t have really any any information i just know everybody’s low in hearts except for us and robert maybe let me tell you with having less than 24

Hours left before the purge i had a few more things i wanted to do i wanted to obtain a full set of netherrick gear i wanted a good amount of ender pearls that i could use in sticky situations and i wanted to start brewing so i had

Potions during the event since i was out near the other village i decided to use another portal that was around the area i fixed it up and went through i don’t know if this portal was trapped or not but look at this this portal was floating over a body of lava and i

Couldn’t teleport back through because i couldn’t get off the portal frame and i had no blocks to build out to get to a ledge or even just walk back into the portal and teleport back i was in trouble now here is the thing i wasn’t recording at this point it was the very

Start of my day and i don’t know if i forgot or just didn’t realize it but i was in big trouble and matters got worse when a ghast decided to roll up on me and he shot me right off the portal at this point i was panicking because i

Took the last three days in real life to get my armor maxed out and i was about to lose it all again i swam as quick as i could and was thankful for the protection i had enchanted on my armor as it was buying me some time and

Delaying the fire damage although you can’t see it right now but i was getting low on hearts i was pretty much down to two hearts and was munching down on food as frantically as i could at this point i was relieved that i survived just sitting down in my hole this was scary

More scary than any 100 days hardcore i’ve ever done since i was here i figured i’d go hunting a little bit for ancient debris before heading back to my base once i got my armor back safe and sound in a chest at my base i went back

To the nether to finish finding the last ancient debris i needed for my full set of netherrite armor after my weapons and my armor was complete i had an extra sword left over and i figured i’d gain some favor with kim so i decided to take a trip over and see him hello

Oh this is you i thought this was robert oh yeah no this is me there you are is robert in the back there you can just get in oh perfect is is he back there uh no that is sean that older tower is strong oh geez

I thought this was all robert i was like why is he building so much stuff oh yeah no no no this is me other tower there is sean and um robert should be in front of you right across the bridge oh i think that’s lagundo no ligundo is

Behind sean again oh he’s over there yeah he’s right behind sean oh okay okay okay you might you i don’t know you may be able to able to see it i’m not sure okay i don’t know someone uh i egged my how did they even get up there they’re

Not allowed to go up there to my base but ugh they could have thrown eggs up there no no no i mean maybe but no no no no ah i don’t think so they were i mean they could perhaps actually anyway i got i got this sword i don’t

Know if it be any use to you let me look at this uh oh wow oh wow that that is that is wow and then uh i’m gonna i’m gonna give you these two things to help you out a little bit oh are you kidding me now you can have them so

Here here’s the thing so so robert and lagundo got wings yeah and the rest of us don’t yeah so i like to try to play nice with the grounders a little bit so they they those those two can fight it out maybe yeah i was hoping the same i was

Hoping laguna and the robert would have like a one-and-one in a match or something yeah because lagundo came over to me playing nice and i don’t i don’t know if i trust them dude this sword my goodness as i was getting my brewing station set

Up i was thinking that there was a good chance that no one else had the chance to capture dragon’s breath as legundo probably speed ran to his electra because i wanted to craft some special arrows specifically arrows of harmony and to do that i needed to obtain dragon

Spread and the only way you could get that was well to gather up dragon’s breath from the ender dragon so i had an idea to respawn the ender dragon and capture some myself plus considering i wanted to go to the end to farm ender pearls anyway it was a no-brainer for me

So i was off to the nether to obtain some gas tiers because they were required to build the end crystals once i got the end crystals crafted i headed out to the stronghold that i heard had an open portal i had three objectives in the end the first one was to gather as

Many ender pearls as i could the second was to respawn the dragon with the end crystals and three capture as much dragon breath as i could after that i defeated the ender dragon and i headed back to the overworld i was pretty much set for the purge i had my nether right

Gear fully enchanted i had potions galore and i had a ton of arrows of harming so what else was there to do well i decided to go out and look for more ancient cities they normally spawn under mountains so it wasn’t that hard to find them i was able to obtain a lot

Of enchanted golden apples because the ancient city i specifically went into was basically three ancient cities together once i emerged from the ancient cities i had about eight enchanted golden apples all together and considering i had all my hearts it was time to go get some favors time to get

People on my side what is this guy up to what’s up how’s it going oh not too bad [Laughter] i hate these hills yeah so i built a ladder up to kim’s base around here oh nice yeah i really appreciate that by the way oh full netherrace look at that guy yeah

He’s scary he’s got the wings he’s got the totem i say we all go for robert first you know what i don’t i don’t that would be a mistake i’m gonna keep dying if i keep falling down here so shadow you have to tell us what is your plan tomorrow’s the big day

You guys want to know a secret yeah let’s all meet in kim’s base and discuss okay i was throwing chickens in your uh your tower kim oh no you gave me you gave me that idea we’ve been doing i’ve been doing that not so much oh how did i give you that idea

When i came by earlier you’re like who put chickens in my tower and then i was like you probably can throw them up from here yeah [Laughter] we talk over here where it’s quiet this is my park we talk in the park we’re talking about the park okay here here’s nice yeah so

I got a secret what’s your secret mr lagundo i don’t know if he’s making deals at you guys but he came over to my base last night and he asked me if we wanted to be the last man standing oh and i was a little hesitant because i

Don’t know the way he asked i felt like he might betray me you know what he’s he’s been doing it to everyone he said it to me too oh geez that’s what i thought did not say to me he did not say to you kim no

You just said good luck oh i didn’t even say that he came up and he came up and gave me three golden apples to heal myself the gold god apples oh he gave me two speaking of which um so oh yeah look at that i got a few of them here oh oh

Oh my goodness no no no no no kim got them all wait what are you so many god apples i i was i found um an ancient city like wayne one of those still done way down south and there’s three of them like together

Oh the robber just got it i need i need them so bad i have three hearts kim has like seven no i have only one but here here sean there’s only more oh my goodness shadow shadow oh my god i can’t believe this hey take this bucket no that’s it that’s

All i have i’m pulling god shadow do you want gunpowder no if you guys like spider eyes i’ll take spider eyes celebrate well i i found i’ve been finding them like throughout the whole week but i found like six of them just today in that ancient city

That is why the ancient city well there it was three together and i got that swift speed on so i can like crawl and i’m really oh wait oh my god not these pants these pants oh my goodness yeah i can like crawl and i’m like walking so the

Warden’s got nothing on me that was absolutely insane yeah okay so then let’s we’ll let you in on our plan okay we’re bringing the warden to laguna’s base area yes nice we’re gonna we’re gonna drag him up through a ton oh my god will that summon him yeah no he can i

Don’t know can you no let’s try it go ahead put it down yeah throw it here yeah i’m not even scared i know it won’t work are you sure about that yeah no it won’t work oh that’s two it has uh you see in the center of it

It’s supposed to be brighter because it’s not bright it means it’s not a active one oh we’re gonna make an elevator underneath his base and have it oh nice what if we have to put what if we oh what if you put the skulk [ __ ] all over

The ground you know like that how are you how are you doing that oh i’ve tried that in uh creative mode i did not get it to work what about the catalyst that that other block yeah i put i put it in kim’s uh the catalyst so when things die near it

It’ll turn stuff into like i’ve tested all of this in uh creator mode like it won’t work you need to have the ones in the deep dark Yeah [Applause] even though you generate it by using the what you did to macau farm even though these ones do spawn it won’t spawn to the warden the only way is a spawn egg yep all i ask is just uh keep me in your favors a little bit uh maybe not come

Right after me at first at purge don’t worry we will not or at least i will not i’ll tell you that yeah my plan is to eliminate lagundo at all costs it’s gonna be a tough one yeah but i think i think it’s doable

We have it like kim has this way out to bring the warden up to the surface with sand and water can you put a catalyst down on here uh you gotta dig the one up that i put over here it’s in the cows okay i gotta kill some cows beautiful farm

A beautiful place ah look at this mess it’s all right there you don’t need them anymore do you no there’s just bring it over here he’s basically killing all of my cows i’m trying to find the catalyst here i found it wait where is it oh here it is oh

Wait that’s not it i hope you guys are planning to stay to help me clean up this mess i can kill them all oh my god there’s you’re actually letting everything out oh i didn’t why is this chicken out how did the chicken escape oh look it’s making more of these

Sensors oh i just put that one down it will spawn all the type of or not centered it’s going to my base oh jeez it’s spreading oh what are we doing here i told you to pick up the catalyst why are you killing things out here uh because i couldn’t find the catalyst

How’d your chickens get out oh oh do you have a catalyst it should be in here but i think it’s gone i placed it in here and it’s not here anymore do you have a catalyst shadow there it is right there it just broke if it just shattered right

Here to pick it up okay i’m gonna bring these chickens back into your coop somewhere completely different like i even know this won’t work why are we still doing this yeah i don’t know what happened here kim you’re gonna say help me clean up this mess

I can’t believe you did why did you what are you doing sean we’re trying to summon the warden wait literally all of his cows are gone you didn’t need all those cows did you i’ll help you corral them kim yeah i want the cows

No i don’t want to go i want it’s got gone okay we gotta clean this up i’m getting the cows kim don’t worry nice thank you i’ll help i’ll help i’ll help you clean up this mess drawn okay yeah this is here come on cow every cow

That comes gets a point come on in this is team effort no more killing who took out the fences there was a gate there i guess they’re coming out robert they’re following you out i don’t have them oh i might have been me actually oh i missed i missed hold on all right

I killed him okay i was bringing them over and you just killed him just slaughter everything kim’s farm oh well well well just another uh it’s another crazy day it comes to farms and you’re throwing chicken eggs to make it better well i mean we lost a lot

Yeah we’re gonna populate the area i tried to make it make this place like a really peaceful beautiful place yeah you can’t deal with shaun around huh i’m helping clean up right now okay i don’t know if those are for me so if you have so many goddamn poles i can

Only assume everyone else has fold yeah no i don’t have any more left i i got my full hearts and i just figured i give them out i think yeah and uh lagoon also has full hearts because he uh completed a finished game oh yeah yeah

There’s a there’s a glitch if you go to the end but the thing is if you um eat a god apple after you get full hearts it goes back to where it was oh okay that’s interesting note that’s going to be a big point in my video okay so what do we do

I am gonna oh what after well i’ll tell you guys right now yeah i won’t be making any like traps in my base no traps no because the only person i was really building them for was people that fly and they’re just probably gonna fly over them anyway so there’s no point

I don’t have wings at least if i do something underground i might put a couple but it’s only me that has wings at this point i think yeah yeah there’s no way i’m getting it i just i’ll end up hurting myself that’s why i’m not taking them so what’s this what about steve

Oh my god why are you i i don’t know sneeze plan is what does he typically do is he like me or is he like lagundo uh he’s he’s he’s more like you oh yeah he goes with the wind yeah he’s not he’s not a pvp or at all okay

Yeah but good at pvp yeah i think so oh my god what is with these things i slept last night that’s ronda maybe you made them angry i think because sean didn’t sleep they’re just after anyone oh here i i got a bunch of these things

Too i’m never i’m never going to use all them oh generation are we okay i have it i have the plan to kill lagundo okay but it’s gonna require all of us to work together on this okay i like the sound of that all right we’re gonna rig the main town to blow

Okay okay we’re gonna lure him to the town under the pretense that we want to talk when i give the signal which will be you know what things are just about to get a little bit crazy around here when i say that the town’s going to blow

I don’t know how i i don’t know what that looks like i don’t know i have enough tnt to level the entire town okay so we have to find a way that we can all get away and he’ll be stuck and the bomb will go off

We’ll be hard cause he can fly right you have to get him inside somewhere yeah he probably won’t go inside so how do we let’s go to the town and discuss yeah maybe we can yeah let’s not make more mess here are you frank what did i say anything ah

I wasn’t that worried this time because i just realized i have more hearts i feel like i’m i’m like cheated or got mold yeah so you used to play with so few hearts same here yeah i i gotta say shadow i’m i’m really grateful for what you did yeah so mine

I think we all want to take out lagundo yeah how do you make an iron golem uh uh four blocks than a jack-o-lantern oh i have to be a jaclyn how do you make a jack-o-lantern uh shears with a pumpkin i made about like 10 gollums and then i

Found out they don’t attack players that’s why you had them yeah i was so confused i’m not making them anymore i was egging your house shadow and just like where’s your money uh for you yeah just i hope you were home but you weren’t so i just threw some eggs over

And oh yeah i can tear down this i don’t need help anymore we shouldn’t succeed okay so hmm like i can use our like our small alliance to advantage to kind of get him into a place that’s true yes that’s a good idea it’s a very good idea actually

I want to fill this in i don’t know if he’ll betray me or not he might but i don’t know he might i’m not sure he did ask me for the final two as well so i feel like it can be open so he’s trying to get no one to attack him ah

That makes sense so he’s gonna have to inevitably trust one of us so we might need to fake a fight that could work we fake a fight in the town call for backup he comes detonate the trap yeah cause we could use someone as bait and we could chase them in into

Something like underneath underneath the village like we’re taking them where he falls and then he falls into cobwebs ah yeah cobwebs i got a bunch of those oh really yeah so the other thing too is that we need to um i have an idea

What we do that we learn we learn we use someone on the space but the person has a portal like a uh understanding right yeah yeah so and he will blow it up so he saw where he won’t die because someone would save him in the last second oh yeah but he’s

Gonna use ender pearls a hundred percent nobody but we’re gonna put it in a place like say oh you can explain you better yeah i mean we want to get him in a spot that he won’t be able to throw a pearl yeah but i mean like say if my pearl is

Like in rob’s house and robbie will like break the block so i teleport to his house and i was originally in a spot where i couldn’t escape even though i had her pearls yeah so what i’m thinking is like let’s say he’s chasing us which i don’t know

If he would he probably won’t chase you into a house like this but let’s say you did there’s like some sort of pre-built like drop or something like this right you got a trap door i land on it and then i like you know what i mean so

It’s like this i i would land here then i’d hit the trapdoor and he’d keep going and then i’d hit the button with the tnt he dies yeah smart also so you like close the trap door and go in uh in a hole yeah but then he could just like look up

Throw the ender pro up and then he’s out or use his wings and fly out that’s the problem he needs he’s very hard to wings in a one hole like this up is it yeah crash and loose heart but do you think i think laguna’s smart enough not

To chase someone down to a one by one hole yeah but we just like we make him feel safe that’s it and then have the trap go off before he even knows it’s going off but no totems right here i think he i think he thinks that we’re allowed to have one

One totem i don’t know i’m gonna say no totems on well if there is a totem then you what you down to one heart you just someone just finishes them off at that point uh that’s true too but if he flies away for health after told him i think he get like three

Golden hearts and then like two or one hurt that’s enough time for him to fly off yeah it’s true then i chase him and we get into an aerial battle yeah yeah that’d be cool you could do that that could work but i think i think the key

Lies in getting him somewhere neutral like this because the first few minutes of the game i’m going to assume that everyone’s going to probably stay in their houses and everyone’s going to be a little bit worried to be the one person going out on purge night um oh you’ll see me guys yeah

I i’m gonna be i’m not gonna be able to help myself i’m gonna probably leave the house um and so i think the fighting won’t kick off immediately i think everyone’s gonna be cautious i think that’s when we propose some sort of meeting here although he probably won’t want to

Attend it he’ll probably do this thing where he’s gonna sit on the hill and go i’m good up here i’m oh oh you figured it out oh he’s gonna go on this hill right here because that’s his base right yeah he’ll land there and he’ll watch from there

And that’s where we could set the trap off we could set the trap from here like let’s say we had a little button right here we’ll click the button here trap goes off there and then once once he’s low once he gets hit once we see he

Gets hit i’ll chase after him yeah finish him off but that that relies on him landing on the hill to mark the hill where the explosives are too so we can see where he is and just wait for him to get a little closer that’s gonna be so funny i

Mean i could i could go up there to where he’s like okay i’ll go up with him yeah hopefully and then hopefully i’m not too close yeah it’s tough because with the wings he can just take off in a second it’s like we have to get him inside something

Yeah i think so too i think it’s gonna be a lot of work and like there’s a higher risk for it not even working at all how hard would it be to run a wire from that hill to here because i’ll do i’ll use the tnt like we can have multiple

Scenarios that we get him we can do that and if he if he doesn’t go on the hill then we we go to option b where we stage a fight like i’ll hit you kim or something like that we’ll start fighting once i get low i’ll run to a house

He’s not going to go into a building that’s the thing how do we know that robert would you go into a building i won’t go into any building if i see someone going to a building i would never go into that building especially with the wings yeah because laguna’s pretty like a

Hardcore like robert i guess yeah so yeah i would charge right into the building no second thought yeah that’s why i think in the open is where we you know what i would do if i saw someone go into like one of these small little buildings i’d literally play cnt

Outside of it and blow it up yeah yeah just fly up and blow it up like i’m gonna have stocks i have stocks of tnt yeah so do i i’m just literally gonna blow everything up imagine if you can drop it from the sky that would be so opie that would be crazy

Can you maybe i can place like block like like build towers and leave like one block up everywhere every so often like something that looks blue like a sky or something yeah i don’t know what to do and go up and just drop tnt down that way they don’t

Hear it until it hits the ground i say i say our best approach is to get him with the get him with the cobweb and then i don’t know surround him with something quickly before he throws a pearl but it’s gonna be so hard to do i think it’s

Like actually can you pearl when you’re in a cobweb i don’t know if he doesn’t like i don’t have any cobwebs on me you can only mine them right with soap touch uh no shears you can get cheers he’s gonna carry everything that he can to counter everything hmm

That’s true he might just cut him away that’s why i think it’s like i think it’s like a one one shot one kill type thing yeah because he’s going to be he’s going to have potions galore too he’s not going to he’s not going to chase anyone into anything

It’s got to be an ambush and it’s got to be quick and he he we need to hit him before he knows it’s out he’s only he’s the only other threat yeah i know then then i don’t know what we’d do for himself to sacrifice chase yeah

I will chase him i will i will finish him off but you guys have to get it started then why do we take the fight to him then um i think we have to see how he plays it out if he plays defensively and doesn’t really come out and do

Anything he doesn’t come out with him i’m just saying if he doesn’t if he’s on the defense in his space and like flying around look the word might be a good way of like i don’t know i’m just interested to see what he does like because he promised three of us to

Be the end too right so who’s he going to go to first yeah to huddle up kim kim he didn’t but he didn’t promise you no you’re not so i bet i was like good enough to be worth his time i guess i don’t know thing is

Even if we brought the ward into his house he’s just not gonna be in his house anymore he’s gonna fly away yeah that’s true i i can make some like slow arrows to slow him down yeah that could work is there any arrows that’ll keep him on the ground like grounded

That should be unable i don’t i don’t know maybe kind of arrows are there arrow slow falling regeneration heir of the turtle master arrow swiftness arrow leaping arrow poison are you a poison arrow oh lingering i can make some poison arrows but it’s pretty pretty bad they don’t last it’s like

Three seconds or 11 seconds of poison yeah okay um yeah we gotta do something we gotta do it fast because she’s gonna get online so if we’re setting a trap for him it needs to be done now okay okay robert yeah go to laguna’s house and

Fly down as if you’re him and make like and as if we’re all meeting here right now do what you would do if you’re being cautious so we’re all meeting blah blah blah let’s see what he’s doing he’s flying that way isn’t it like basically impossible to hit someone while they’re flying

Well we don’t uh i don’t know never tried is there a need for hi idiots hi idiots i’m not coming down there idiots yeah yeah do you think he’d land he probably won’t he might land actually because he’s going to try some and then maybe i’ll land on a roof

Yeah he might land on a roof because it’s close enough for him to hear yeah hey guys stay away from me i’m not coming down there so then what happens if we shoot him where would you go i just like go right here you can’t

Shoot me anymore and then if you guys if you guys keep pushing up i just fly away but what if we rig the roofs with tnt holy roofs yeah that’s a good idea and then we can have them all connected so it doesn’t matter which one he lands on they’re all gonna go

Yeah yeah he’ll go on the roof he’ll think oh that’s good content i’m going to go on the roof yeah it’s a good vantage point it’s close enough yeah because if we get okay in the center of the the village he’ll have to land on the roof to hear us

So you can be that roofer there’s a good roof you can land on too but what if we are down in this like little canyon here there’s like yeah then it encourages them to go on another roof yeah so then he’s going to go on one of

Those three or four that one we can take out we can take out all those houses and just leave it so that one roof over there is the only roof you’ll fly down on no that’s that’s too suspicious yeah yeah how can we wire this up can we wire all

The roofs to go that you won’t see wait why would it be sketchy if we took these down it would just seem like they’re not here oh they’re gone all of a sudden on purge night they’ve been here the whole time i’m sure if one tooth if these three

Were gone they wouldn’t make a difference i think with the amount of tnts we have like just like using all of them wouldn’t be a problem i mean you could get if you were down here he would have to be on one of those houses

To like hear us if you want to get the high ground you would need to be on those houses yeah i think he would go for one of those three you could get someone to sneak in the house and light it if you have invisibility is this is someone sad in there

But would they hear it light oh yeah yeah he’d hear it light and they’re slow to to to explode that’s why i’ve talked about having a chain reaction where the the bomb went off on the ground and then just whoop right now so like the thing is like i’m

Trying to think of a way we can get him into a big area right it’s like maybe like the opening of a cave mouth or something and so we’re at the bottom of it and then one of us that is at the top like in the in the

The ceiling and everything and then you can light tnt and drop it down and no one will hear it because it’s way up in the sky and it’ll explode once it hits the ground yeah what if we um the only way we can we can get them with tnt is if we drop

It from above so we want to okay okay okay okay then what if we what if we build a big pillar up right above those three houses right now uh we’ll destroy all the block except for one you’ll fly up there you won’t be involved in this meeting me and you will

Pretend that we’re gonna kill each other still it’ll be us three who meet here okay you drop the tnt okay um the thing is uh we have to do some testing i don’t know how how far it’ll fall before it explodes yeah we’ll have to figure that out okay let’s build a tower

Well you build the tower i’ll go get some tnt and we’ll try it so the plan is to have a floating platform with tt support you’re gonna see it like what block won’t he see up there yeah especially when he’s not have shaders on i think he’s oh yeah he will

See without shaders i could do a glass block and then no he’ll see it i can use invisibility potions and just sit up there for however long i have invisibility potions for okay let’s put a glass block up there and see if we can see it i’ll go get some tnt

Oh okay my sculpture okay oh we’re all back okay rob my skulk box kim oh sorry can you fly he was hoping yeah can you fly oh yeah yeah that wouldn’t be funny if you couldn’t that would have been so funny if you could keep them there

And what about if you go on that can you fly ahead of that oh i can’t we got him grounded oh nice cobwebs of the way now i don’t know if i could if i can throw him at his feet like oh i moved away i was like where

Are you going oh i can i can just throw him right at his feet so you get him somewhere right there has to be tnt there and then once he’s there you have to just litter the ground cobwebs i got a better idea than tnt the adding crystals oh yeah

Yeah if they’re clear place they’ll they’ll one shot you you think so they do i was watching a guide so i can go and just i can farm up gas tears like crazy so i’m thinking like what if someone has the invisibility potion right there there has to be two layers to this

So i think if he sees all three of us standing together there are all four of us he’s not gonna come down if he sees three of us he still might not come down if he sees two people he might so what if there’s like

I don’t know someone as a backup is on that hill because again i i don’t know i think he’s gonna land on that hill that’s my personal guess um and he’s gonna look down at us if someone was sitting there crouched invisibility potion it’s got an end crystal ready to go

They place down the end crystal like this right maybe two or whatever they i don’t know how you detonate them but you do uh i think maybe someone down here shoots them or something like that and then this person portals away it blows up immediately he doesn’t have

Time to react or you web him then you put the ant crystal down blow it and run away um same plan but on the rooftop someone’s sitting in the attic of one of the houses or if someone’s on top of one of the houses invisible um they do this honestly

I think it’s it’s as easy as me flying straight to him if he’s on the ground without him knowing about it throw down cobwebs throw down the thing and just get away then shoot it can you can you fly while invisible um well you’ll see the elytra yeah you’ll see what you’re wearing

So your armor would have to be off so like he wouldn’t he wouldn’t see me coming in as a thing so he’ll be standing wherever i won’t be near you guys i’ll be at my house looking down he’ll hear it he’ll hear and he’ll start looking around you can hear from flying

People come in whenever i hear an electron or fireworks i like start looking up immediately he’ll do the same and he knows you have one so it’s like i wouldn’t i would be at my house so i wouldn’t need a firework to get down i’d glide all the way to him

Really fast and before you see you yeah but no no i’ll do it like watch say you’re lagundo on that house right on the hill i think he’ll be yeah the webs are good but the only he’s he might counter it with a bucket of

Water which he can get out and of course he’s gonna carry a [ __ ] world of everything yeah yeah i know i think i think the best thing is getting them in somewhere yeah but you’re gonna have to have someone with them and you’re like i’m going down after them come on laguna and

He might follow yeah someone’s gonna get us trust so i think who’s who’s closest logan on this server right now probably shadow i he i gave him i told him that i absolutely will not attack him no matter what and he gave me two golden apples for that

So maybe you should be out there with him well when did he ask you about the final two shadow uh yesterday okay so that’s more that’s more recently than me um i think that maybe you bring it up to him again yeah and then we’ll okay i got it maybe i’ll all assault

Your base like i’ll light your gate on fire or something like that okay and i’ll like do some sort of i’ll figure out what it is i won’t actually try to kill you but i’ll do something which will start a feud between us okay you have to come after me and maybe

I don’t know like i i was gonna say come to my tower but he’s not gonna go in there it’s gotta be like the town or something like that or i i don’t know we you basically start chasing me and you call him in to help

Yeah or i or or you act like i’m gonna kill you and then he comes to help and that’s when we get him inside there’s got to be a cave around here right that’s close there’s a cave yeah there’s a big cave right here actually hold on he knows that he’s gone mining

In it before there’s a huge cave right below robert’s house we’ve seen it robert yeah i uh out of raid and pillagers fell down oh my god there’s a cave okay if we can get him in here somehow how do we get everything down here in here like this is so much space

Like i don’t know about jumping down i mean if he starts to warm up to me and he’s and he doesn’t follow me i’ll be like come on lagundo i thought you i thought you want to do this together you’re gonna betray me and then he might

Be like okay let’s go yeah that’s true yeah so then what do we what’s the trap that we have waiting for him in here like tnt ready to break to blow and then how do you get out and on him well i’ll probably be running in front of him so

We can have like a checkpoint to where we’re gonna rig at the blow and i know where that checkpoint is so i just keep running and if he’s coming in behind me someone can be there to set it off yeah yeah yeah yeah and then robert and kim

You’re down in the you’re down in here too hiding right like let’s say you’re like here right you know like in a little corner like this yeah yeah coming behind him this is a dead end he knows it’s a dead end but maybe that’s all the

Reason why he would chase us in because he knows it it goes down then we have him sealed you guys actively work to seal any holes out and then we got him so steel once he once he’s right here seal this yeah or something some sort of way too hard to steal this

Well we’ll make it we’ll make it more easy to seal we’ll like add blocks yeah we can do this let’s do it let’s do it so now maybe there’s a stasis portal here that you guys have that you can hit once i’m at the back yeah so i was thinking like you go

Through here right he chases you yeah yeah we report you back here and he’s stuck shadow too both both shadow and me get ported back out maybe we have to make this area smaller yeah we’ll just we’ll just start cooking some cobblestone well i got silk touch

Oh perfect so yeah you can just see lso then you have to really make make him come in after me okay is there a way to set off a signal so say it is a pressure plate that sends a signal so the one with the end pearls can like know exactly when

You’re standing or ready to be teleported i just i think yeah once you see the window pass then you just hit it we can we can wire it so that like there’s a pressure plate right here john’s like when you get ollie back here you hit the pressure plate

Yeah you get sent back well both me and shadow need to be sent back yeah because it’s gonna the order is gonna be me then it’s gonna be if if he goes in first i’ll let him go in first and that just won’t go in that far

Yeah but i i can’t see him going in first yeah okay you kind of have to like make this look better with i don’t i don’t have a silk touch on my pickaxe i got it i got sewn and then i even got some ore there too see oh perfect

I actually have no idea how to do this yeah what’s that t yeah i feel like just playing close enough to be a chain reaction oh yeah so if one goes off they’ll go off yeah oh yeah they don’t all need their own wiring no no just as long bones blows off there

Will be a chain reaction of explosions yeah because you’ll you’ll be back some of them will be back here just to charge them right yeah also maybe we should try lower the ceiling because like he so he can’t like fly too high up so that he avoids explosion yeah

Almost every block you stand on has tnt so like the entire floor below is tnt okay um the walls all back here are tnt we’re gonna load the ceiling with tnt too um and then it’s all triggered to uh this one spot right here we can move

That though we can bring it around here or whatever um and so he’ll instinctively try to turn around and run out that’s where robert and kim will have the obsidian um nice and they’ll plug the hole hit the button or hit the button then plug the hole and uh

Lagundo will die should we should we go above two with tnt yeah we’re going to i’m gonna i i just need to get a bit more yeah i think robertson end crystals too so so what what i’m gonna do if depends depends who he attaches to

But yeah whoever runs in here if i run him first for example and he’s not coming in we’ll just pretend that we’re fighting i’ll be like no he’s killing me what do you do and help me yeah so then he’ll come in the whole thing is tnt the entire thing is

Rigged to blow with the walls and everything so you gotta see up here yeah you gotta put the n crystals up there and then maybe put one back here too oh that was like one big explosion yeah a massive one in the worst case if the tnt doesn’t kill him we just

The four of us just come in so how do we how do we pour it out you said there’s a stasis chamber so basically we’re gonna throw i gotta look up how to build it it’s not that complicated it’s like an ender pearl that’s floating in water um

And uh you have a body basically hit it so it the ender pearl falls on the ground and it’s going to be me and uh robert right or who yeah do that yeah okay so once a troll in here so what would we do we would lock it up

Uh fired it one of us would like lit the tnts yeah you’ll both be sitting here and listening so you can hear what’s going on and i’ll say now or something like that right and that’s it you throw the ender pearl in there all right you go somewhere else how do we

Activate it i’ll say you you close the trapdoor so say okay i’m ready okay or whatever they’re killing me no no go to the back go to the back of the cave go to the back of the hip so i can make sure i can hear you all right they’re coming do it

It doesn’t teleport you because it’s in that water not everything oh it technically didn’t land yet all right now we need two of them though but that’s perfect all right guys i’m gonna test it oh my god you’re gonna you’re gonna let it go i’m gonna stand far back here okay um

So like place a tnt like right here so that it it hits it and then i’m gonna see if this damages me yeah i guess you might as well you got totem there’s a lot of tnt about me by the way last test uh shoot it with a bow oh wow oh

My god okay you killed me all right yeah there’s my my totem’s gone what are you gonna do how does your armor look is it broken all right let’s get out of here everyone knows the plan right yep purge begins wait 10 minutes robert and kim then you guys go to positions

About five minutes after that i will go over to laguna or shadowmax i’ll start causing trouble and then i’ll close the fight and i’ll start trying to pull laguna out to help there was only one thing left to do one thing left before the purge started i

Had to destroy my brewing area i could only take so many potions and there was no way i was leaving them here for people to grab them absolutely not so with that i filled the area with tnt and let her go what is going on here these are all your dogs shadow

Sorry i was on mute what is this what are you guys up to nothing i gotta i gotta get back to my base shadow what happened uh either sean just tried to blow up kim or they just tried to blow me up from flying next to their base ah

Wait why is there crater in the middle of your home um too many things to let live basically oh okay people could use against me oh no poor villagers okay so hey are we still friends yeah are we still friends dominion to the end oh yeah dominion wins this oh yeah okay

We’ll do it um they have a lot of tnt oh do they and they might be coming this way i’m not sure i’m gonna fly by and do like a little bit of recon okay maybe a little bit of scare tactics uh what you got what’s your plan

Uh i’m going out to to kill i i don’t got much of a fortress here so okay um if all else fails we can regroup do you have leather boots no no you should make a pair of leather boots if you need to come to my house

Make a pair of leather boots okay because you will need them it will not go well if i’ll sink yes you will sink and die so don’t don’t come to my house with the leather boots okay i’m gonna go check on everybody see what everybody’s up to okay okay i’ll wait here

Shut up shut up are you home i’m home i’m here uh there’s steve steve’s under the ground i’m sure you’ve talked to him already i haven’t talked to him um how do you still stand with us with the plan a hundred percent but all right he’s coming back i think

All right i’m gonna head out okay and we’re back and we’re back so i have the three of them convinced that they should be fighting each other you want to go cause some chaos yeah in a second wait i thought sean was coming over here yeah i just really want i

Really want that bridge thing i want to see if he falls for it oh that would be wonderful and you could totally get you know do you know how to make a stasis a pearl stasis chamber no you want to make one real quick because

I have two pearls how do you how do you make it so you you throw like a pearl into a bubble column with a trapdoor over it and then you have to have something that’ll close the trapdoor for it to hit and then it’ll summon you back oh uh is it safe

It yeah it won’t hurt you i i’m kind of kind of nervous that it would no i mean it’ll hurt you as much as it’ll hurt you as much as uh an ender pearl would hurt you so like what is it two hearts i think

Yeah okay so so yeah so you take like two hearts of damage from from the pearl but just know uh hi robert what’s going on over here what’s up are those phantoms after you they are after you after me i they’re after someone there they’ve been after sniff and wherever

Sneeve is they’ve just been hovering over him like i’ve seen them over his body whoa explosion yeah i had some items that you know i i can’t take with me so i see where’s sean i heard sean might be coming here he started super quietly i don’t i didn’t i don’t know where

Steve is he’s the only one i don’t know where it is i’m just trying to keep tabs on everyone recon recon ability do you know what sneave’s up to anyone know what she’s up to no i don’t know it’s playing at all practically boneless uh look out somebody’s coming

I’m right here on the trees oh there he is what do you want i told you already what at the very beginning i said see you on purge night oh oh oh oh okay okay oh you want to do it oh whoa i can’t i can’t chase him wait for the

Tnt to go off what’s happening i’m chasing sean right now he said he was coming after me so i gotta go get him oh oh my gosh there’s so many mobs are you attacking me right now lugundo i’m coming for you what are you why are you doing this we made a promise

Where is he going i don’t see him what was that explosion uh that was a creeper where is he at oh it went down here uh what what do you mean fall into the obvious funnel of death he’s okay now who hit me hey what’s up

Hey hey we don’t have to do this look you’re cornered we don’t all we don’t have to do this he’s he’s so corny ow we do not let’s talk about this okay three of us can work together what are we gonna do wait laguna you made a deal

With him too i just that he wouldn’t attack me why don’t we just work together then wouldn’t that make sense because i’m gonna or that i’m gonna kill him no no all right sean you’ve become bait why no no no no no no no oh lagundo out oh oh oh

Actually fighting yeah i’m gonna die i thought you were helping me go bugaboo He never pearl who didn’t have a pro no way oh you know what when when they reset when he reset the um when he reset the server he might not you know what i mean like he rolled back oh my god what a idiot no no i know how how

I had golden apples and blast resistance oh yeah that would make sense hello what the hell’s going on here madness who did the wither are they down there oh yeah absolutely oh my gosh these mobs who’s the wither after who’s that shadow that’s me what happened he didn’t have a pearl in there

Oh my god all right where’s kim did kim survive uh yeah he’s still alive yeah we got it we gotta we can’t we gotta fight together and get lagundo and then we can go after each other after the thing is my the things didn’t go off my uh the end

Crystals they didn’t blow up oh no no that they’re still in there or that i guess they blew up already but it was explosion maybe a creeper i have to go find kim okay slime by zombie crazy the weather’s here look at that plus who’s back uh oh it’s shadow

It’s just long it’s just a ballistic this is ridiculous Oh bugaboo right bugaboo huh i don’t like this area there’s too many holes not used to this area what you made deals with sean now can’t do anything they’re flying around where’s kim kim’s gotta be at his base should go there at least what was that kim are you here kim kim hello

Give him kim kim don’t know where he’s at what’s that sound what is it why is that happening lugundo fell all right it’s on like donkey kong kim look at him goes out give me you there now he’s gone just that’s three how did he wait wait what do you mean

Kim’s gone he’s still alive no no no but it’s just us three how did he die he said he fell from a high place he was chasing me oh i don’t know all right i i tried to i threatened kim in front of a gundog to make it seem

Like i was gonna kill kim and then i tried to kill a gundo and he turned on me yeah yeah well he’s dead now so i guess uh we’ll go our separate ways because you don’t you don’t want to okay well i guess we can hunt out kim we

Can hunt kim down let’s do that okay let’s do that and then and then we’ll fight to the death or we can sleep whatever you want to do yeah there’s uh there’s three withers in the other village right now oh there’s okay that’s why i keep hearing the ding so we define kim

Uh i’m gonna look towards the village i don’t think he’s gonna be there oh weather’s coming uh oh okay oh what it’s not safe here anymore with her oh jeez he might be at sean’s place what i figured he’d be around here somewhere um i didn’t mean to hit you cam i’m sorry

Are you sure about that oh my god what’s happening here i don’t know i’m running around because the withers shooting so what happened to lagoon i need answers he fell i don’t know who’s shooting oh is it video bubbles yeah it’s above us oh no robert who released the withers robert oh no

Oh no they’re both here kim you gotta get out of here it’s not good not good okay robert’s still around there okay okay i got to do something it’s i just can’t i can’t get away a quick quick enough with the with the the withers around so that’s a problem

My god just jump up it’s like the worst terrain to keep me on why is that so slow oh we stuck up in laguna’s place okay that’s fine shadow why did you attack me did you throw the potions potions no i don’t got potions not throwable ones

What’s happening here i don’t know if i need you or not what do you do to steve i don’t know i think a zombie got him listen rob roberts flying around that’s that’s not a good thing right here come here i was trying to find you the whole

Time oh okay because i was gonna say the wither i’ve been taking the withers away oh okay so so how we how we doing this we gotta we gotta we gotta stand off here i i don’t know one of you guys threw a potion at me and i i don’t know what to

Say about that okay he’s killing this guy i’ll tell you right now i’ll tell you right now was it like that you guys have been uh you guys have been crazy man what are you shooting at me for now i don’t know try to kill me get back here

All right all right we’re going we’re going well don’t kill me why you killing me where is he running away to i don’t know what to say at the end of this there you go i knew it get up is it going to fall down a truce do you want to end tonight

And sleep together yeah we can end tonight all right um i don’t have a bed are there any beds here i don’t think so i think there’s still beds left over oh this place is full of dogs oh those are my dogs just don’t hit me all right we’ll sleep here what

There’s tnt that’s gt don’t sleep there yeah we’ll just get rid of that well that’s why kim kept trying to go over this house oh why can’t i shoot this oh rain okay hold on don’t don’t stay back okay there’s beds in here i just want i want the beds

There’s only those two pieces okay whatever um yeah i guess we can sleep this is that’s okay wait why is it obstructed no no no no i didn’t mean i clicked the wrong button i meant to hit right click and i put left left click here okay i’ll go in

First there you go are you placing down i think you’re placing down okay okay okay die shut up okay okay okay so get back here you can’t fly this guy look at this guy all right let’s uh oh don’t throw my ball away let’s try speed anything else no we’re good

Where’s he going oh that’s snow nope that’s still snow oh my god get back here flying away [Laughter] oh looks like the wings didn’t work in your favor on this one oh jeez congratulations I didn’t kill anybody congratulations shadow

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Players Simulate The Purge’, was uploaded by ShadowMech on 2022-08-16 00:50:57. It has garnered 1231193 views and 17825 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:03 or 10263 seconds.

I spent 100 hours preparing for The Purge Event held by Forge Labs. Watch as Forge Labs, Legundo, Unsorted Guy, Quickboy, Sneve and ShadowMech try and survive over 100 hours in preparation for The Purge, where all crime is allowed! Who will survive the night? Please enjoy the Series! #ScenarioSMP #ShadowMech #ForgeLabs #EP1 #Legundo #Quickboy #Unsorted_Guy #Sneve

🔴SUBSCRIBE ▶ https://www.youtube.com/c/ShadowMech 💥Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/ShadowMech

ShadowMerch is Available – https://crowdmade.com/collections/shadowmech

Check them out! Forge Lab’s Video: https://youtu.be/PoK182NmF0I

Legundo’s Video: https://youtu.be/nWC68OXESxU

Kim’s (Unsorted Guy) Video: https://youtu.be/V0ADw796TJM

Sneve’s Video: https://youtu.be/zyLdKpHuplQ

Data Pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/contrition/

Follow my socials: ► 2nd #Shorts Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWWg… ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/ShadowMech_ ► Discord – https://discordapp.com/invite/qKqqENR56g ► CurseForge – https://www.curseforge.com/members/shadowmechofficial ► TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@shadowmech.official

#Minecraft​ #HardcoreMinecraft​

  • Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette

    Diamond Digs and TNT Tricks: Wheat Cube Roulette In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to share news in a rhythmic stream. From TNT Russian Roulette to diamond digs, Every update, every twist, I’ll give you the gigs. With a wink and a nod, and a playful tone, I’ll bring you the facts in a style all my own. So subscribe today, join the fun and the hype, As we journey through Minecraft, in rhyme and type. Read More

  • Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial

    Guard Your Realm: Vulcan Anticheat Tips | Minecraft 1.8-1.20 Hindi Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Vulcan plugin is the key to keep your server clean. Protecting from hackers, with cheats they deploy, Vulcan stands strong, like a shield of alloy. Roiz Gaming, the master of Minecraft lore, Shares tips and tricks, to keep your server secure. Join the channel, for perks and more, And dive into the world of Minecraft galore. From KillAura to Vape, the cheats they try, But with Vulcan plugin, they can’t fly high. Stay vigilant, keep your server tight, With Roiz Gaming, your future is bright. So craft your world, with… Read More

  • New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1

    New World, Who Dis? Minecraft Java EP 1 Minecraft Java Edition Playthrough – EP 1 – A New World Embarking on a New Adventure Nine-year-old Alexa Grace D. Elizaga takes on the challenge of playing Minecraft Java Edition in Survival Mode for the first time. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, she sets out to explore a brand new world. Surviving the Unknown As Alexa navigates through the game, she encounters challenges like finding sheep for wool and dealing with the dangers of nighttime. Her survival instincts kick in as she builds a makeshift shelter and crafts essential tools to stay safe. Exploring the Terrain Despite… Read More

  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

    Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide Minecraft Tipped Arrows: A Powerful Battle Tool Are you ready to take your Minecraft battles to the next level? Tipped arrows are a game-changer when it comes to combat, offering a variety of effects that can give you the upper hand against your enemies. In this quick guide, you’ll learn how to craft these powerful arrows and unleash their full potential in the game. Ingredients Needed To create tipped arrows in Minecraft, you’ll need the following ingredients: Arrow: The base ammunition for your tipped arrows. Potion: A potion of your choice to add the desired effect to your arrows…. Read More

  • Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19

    Regal Tumble: Minecraft Kings Fall in Episode 19 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fallen Kings Episode 19, a mesmerizing dream. The sequel to Ghost of The Past, a tale so grand, Witness the war from the past, in the present land. Crafted with care, each animation scene, With music that sets the perfect scene. Featuring ONLAP and Vindsvept’s fantasy tunes, Setting the mood, under the Minecraft moons. Aliaksei Yukhnevich, Colin Root, and more, Their music adds depth, to the Minecraft lore. Victor Cooper and Vitalii Suzdin’s sounds, Bring life to the battles, where victory resounds. Timur Haisyn’s Brutal Fervour, a fierce track, Perfect… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies!

    Ultimate Minecraft Party Supplies! Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary with Free Party Supplies Addon! 🎉 Are you ready to throw the ultimate virtual party in Minecraft? Look no further! To celebrate Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, you can now get your hands on a special party supplies addon completely free of charge. This addon includes unique decorations, party supplies, and more to take your in-game celebration to the next level. Keep reading to find out how to access and use these special items for your own virtual party! How to Get the Free Party Supplies Addon To get your hands on the free party supplies addon,… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of hardcore survival gameplay in Minecraft? Do you enjoy exploring secret bases and uncovering hidden treasures? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a thriving community of players and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own epic adventure. Build, explore, and survive in a world full of surprises and mysteries waiting to… Read More

  • New City Gate Revealed!

    New City Gate Revealed! Exploring Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond #6 In the latest episode of Minecraft: Create Above and Beyond, Lennert embarks on the monumental task of constructing a grand city wall, starting with the majestic city gate. Alongside this ambitious project, he delves into completing the Farmer’s Delight Buddycards set, beginning with graded Buddycards sets, pays homage to a statue of a pig, and much more! Building the City Wall Lennert’s journey begins with the construction of the impressive city wall, a vital structure that will define the boundaries of his burgeoning city. The meticulous planning and intricate design of the… Read More

  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

    Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial Unlocking X-Ray Vision in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? In this guide, we will show you how to obtain X-Ray vision in Minecraft Java Edition using a special X-Ray texture pack. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Downloading the X-Ray Texture Pack To begin, open your browser and search for the X-Ray resource pack. Be cautious of potential harmful websites and only download from trusted sources. Once you find a reliable website, navigate to the file section and download the pack that corresponds to your game version. Using the wrong version may… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Pre Release

    Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Pre Release Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release: What to Expect Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The first Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release is now available, with the official release of Tricky Trials just around the corner. Let’s dive into what this latest update has in store for players. Tricky Trials: A New Adventure Awaits One of the most anticipated features of this update is the introduction of Tricky Trials. Players can look forward to embarking on a new adventure filled with challenges, puzzles, and rewards. Get ready to test your skills and creativity in this exciting addition to the game! Enhancements and Improvements In addition… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!

    Unbelievable NEW Magic in Minecraft! MUST SEE Witchery Expansion Addon!Video Information apa lagi Uh oke Guys Langsung aja kita review untuk edonnya langsung aja oh ya BT sini juga sudah cosplay menjadi penyihir ya guys ya Oke Langsung aja kita ganti kamera guys dan langsung kita coba dari pertama yaitu ada black hole spell langsung kita cobain kayak gini guys Boom untuk Black hole-nya guys Wah berputar-putar kayak gitu guys ya Awas cuy Black hole-nya ini sangat besar banget si kita gak bisa keluar guys ya gila cuy Oh my God gila guys ya Black ho-nya sangat apa ya menyedot banget gitu guys ya kayak kita terserap banget gitu… Read More

  • Sneaky Start in Neon Minecraft UHC

    Sneaky Start in Neon Minecraft UHCVideo Information I just have the Sur as neon thingy I’m not white listed oh snap neon thingy is a good point okay try not to don’t don’t fight people until it starts please yes I’m tting you to yeah yeah everyone sit down I sent my name into the Discord hog yo what’s up boar 209 oh I can Whit list as well I forgot I have powers let’s go and do that real quick consumption of minerals did somebody say minerals I’m just going to use voice chat mod I’m going to leave this PC now all right… Read More

  • EPIC St Gamers Water Bucket Clutch! Must See! #viral

    EPIC St Gamers Water Bucket Clutch! Must See! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘clutch with water bucket #trending #viral #like #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by ST GAMERS on 2024-05-05 13:35:36. It has garnered 464 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour – Insane Profile Pixel Art (PPL Request)

    Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Parkour - Insane Profile Pixel Art (PPL Request)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,601’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 13:28:32. It has garnered 114 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,601 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Ultimate Noob Fail in Minecraft Swimming! 😭 #viral

    Ultimate Noob Fail in Minecraft Swimming! 😭 #viralVideo Information अरे स्विमिंग पूल इधर क्या कर रहा है और यह क्या लिखा हुआ है डेंजर डीप वाटर अरे यार पानी बहुत गहरा है वरना तो मैं नहा लेता इसमें अरे नब की इतनी हिम्मत की स्विमिंग पूल के पास खड़ चलो मैं इसको पानी में गिरा देता हूं स्विमिंग पूल के पास क्यों खड़े हो यह लो प्र ऐसा मत करो मुझे स्विमिंग नहीं आती प्लीज मुझे निकालो सरी न मैं तो जा रहा हूं चलो यार मैं फिशिंग करने चलता हूं अरे यार यह तो न पानी में डूब र मैं इनको जल्दी से बचा देता हूं… Read More

  • PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!

    PrestonPlayz: Exposing REAL Minecraft Myths!Video Information these are the scariest Minecraft wies you were not supposed to know starting with a myth sent on Discord from Among Us Red who says guys watch this and tell me there isn’t something wrong with this cave also notice the seed the seed is Kei blood should be a four there huh anyways all right let’s look at this evidence huh oh wow we’re changing the render distance to four and the entity distance to 50% wait why now okay so something is apparently wrong with the cave in the seed it’s not actually the Overworld I… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! My FIRST GOD POKEMON MAX EVOLUTION! Minecraft PixelmonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON!! | Minecraft Pixelmon | Minecadia’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-03-31 19:00:20. It has garnered 2583 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:11 or 1571 seconds. MY FIRST FULLY EVOLVED MAXED *GOD* POKEMON! ———————————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Minecadia.com (Pixelmon Diamond!) ———————————————————————————————– Mod Pack Tutorial: https://minecadia.com/pixelmon-modpack ———————————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Pixelmon! ———————————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC Read More

  • Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustsee

    Insane Rustic Mountains Build #mustseeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiked Mountains Server Hub Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Rustic on 2024-05-27 10:31:02. It has garnered 408 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft server hub build in progress will have a video and download link up in next few days! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #gaming #games #gameplay Read More

  • EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰

    EPIC DANGER GAMES in Minecraft 🥰Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by DANGER GAMES on 2024-02-25 01:19:49. It has garnered 504 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION 🥰 #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftvideo #minecraftshort #shortsvideo techno gamerz anshu bisht notgamerfleet minecraft notgamerfleet minecraft anshu bisht technogamerz minecraft techno gamerz minecraft technogamerz #94 minecraft minecraft episode I.m bixu I.m bixu minecraft minecraft pe minecraft shorts shorts Read More

  • BlockHeart SMP | whitelist | 18+

    Welcome to BlockHeart Server The BlockHeart server is back for its newest, biggest, and best season! Join our close-knit community with fantastic bases, a community capital city, a vibrant shopping district, games events, competitions, and more. Inspired by popular servers like Zack Scott, Coffinland, and HermitCraft. Content creators are welcome to cover the server. Rules: No verbal abuse, griefing, stealing, or unlawful killing Have fun and respect others Avoid creating lag machines Apply to Join: Please reply with: Age Discord ID IGN Gender Nationality Favorite movie and video game Minecraft build style and project idea A joke 🙂 Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Quartz slabs for the trapper!

    Minecraft Memes - Quartz slabs for the trapper!Quartz bricks slabs? More like quartz bricks drabs, am I right? These memes are really paving the way for some prime building material humor. Read More

  • Minecraft: Doggo vs Iron Golem 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: Doggo vs Iron Golem 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When your dog is more powerful than a giant iron golem, you know you’ve been playing Minecraft too much! #SuperDogWins #FerrousWroughtnautFails 🐶💪🏼🤖 Read More

  • Debunking Minecraft’s 666 Seed Myth

    Debunking Minecraft's 666 Seed Myth Minecraft’s Scary Myths Unveiled Exploring the eerie and mysterious side of Minecraft, players have delved into the realm of scary myths that send shivers down their spines. From haunted seeds to chilling entities, the game is filled with spine-tingling secrets waiting to be uncovered. Testing Scary Minecraft Things That Are Actually Real! Players have embarked on a journey to test the validity of the scariest Minecraft seeds, unraveling the truth behind these spine-chilling tales. Through their exploration, they have encountered myths that seem to come to life within the game. Busting Minecraft Myths Content creators like Eyestreem, Proboiz Darkheroes,… Read More

  • Ultimate TNT House Battle: Noob vs Pro!

    Ultimate TNT House Battle: Noob vs Pro!Video Information This video, titled ‘GIANT TNT HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! TNT BASE vs TNT CASTLE in Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!’, was uploaded by Pip & Louie on 2024-05-24 11:00:26. It has garnered 8622 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:24 or 2964 seconds. GIANT TNT HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! TNT BASE vs TNT CASTLE in Minecraft NOOB vs PRO! Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJwsGpZmSPPNFqzR94otTqA?sub_confirmation=1 We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t… Read More

  • Scary White Cartoon Cat vs Noob and Zombie

    Scary White Cartoon Cat vs Noob and ZombieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SCARY WHITE CARTOON CAT vs NOBB AND ZOMBIE’, was uploaded by Noob and Zombie on 2024-03-20 11:00:02. It has garnered 6394 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:17 or 497 seconds. Hello friends. In this video, a white cartoon cat finds out that a noob and zombie defeated his brother, and wants to take revenge. Taking the noob and the zombie by surprise, he will steal them into his lair. Noob will have to face the maniac. Can a noob survive? Read More

  • CREEPER vs PLAYER in Minecraft! Epic Showdown!

    CREEPER vs PLAYER in Minecraft! Epic Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘creeper vs player in Minecraft #shorts #minecraft #mincraftchallenge’, was uploaded by Meetislive on 2024-05-10 02:11:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WE SURVIVED 100 DAYS ON A MYSTERIOUS MOUNTAIN (TRY HARD CHALLENGE) PART 3 Instagram … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horse Adventure: 100 Days with Abigail Pinehaven

    Insane Minecraft Horse Adventure: 100 Days with Abigail PinehavenVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in Minecraft LIVE | Horse Edition #7’, was uploaded by Abigail Pinehaven on 2024-04-13 17:12:27. It has garnered 8502 views and 418 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:01 or 7321 seconds. Abigail Pinehaven survives 100 days in Minecraft live! Join us every step of the way as we discover a new world, tame wild horses, build stables and create the equestrian dream. ⛏️Come visit my survival server – IP: PinecraftEquestrian.com Discord: https://discord.gg/6VYpfth9vp 💰Want your very own model horse? Visit our shop! https://pinehavenponies.co.uk/ 100 Days LIVE playlist: 100 Days in Minecraft LIVE:… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft Server – Join Our Elite Team Now 👾

    SECRET Minecraft Server - Join Our Elite Team Now 👾Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Whitelisted Server. (Members Only)’, was uploaded by Team View on 2024-04-09 04:13:40. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:03 or 10743 seconds. Game: Oaklands In this stream I play Minecraft, Only Members can Join. Who Can Join? Members ▶Roblox Team View CREW Shirt and Pants: Shirt: https://www.roblox.com/catalog/12590288700/The-Official-Team-View-CREW-Shirt-2023 Pants: https://www.roblox.com/catalog/12513447780/The-Official-Team-View-CREW-Pants-2023 ▶Oaklands Game Link: https://www.roblox.com/games/9938675423/Oaklands ▶Subscribe to Typical Developers: https://www.youtube.com/@typicaldevs ▶Join the Typical Developers Discord for more info: https://discord.gg/typical ▶ N8te’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@N8te. ▶ Hoofer’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqvTls1vFQIjWXvQUEBYcGg ▶ Theofficialbrick: https://www.youtube.com/@Theofficialbrick My NEW Discord Server is OPEN to the… Read More

  • Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named Gracie

    Unbelievable! How I turned into a mermaid named GracieVideo Information This video, titled ‘The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid!’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2024-03-10 16:00:35. It has garnered 2419 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:09 or 6369 seconds. The SECRET Way I BECAME a Mermaid! Gracie, Jamesy, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft. Follow Jamesy! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyMCYT?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1 Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!

    EPIC Bedwars Madness ft. Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars and Hardcore then bedwars again’, was uploaded by TeamUnderstone on 2024-05-24 21:37:11. It has garnered 188 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds. #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel am very bored and my internet is sort of stable so why not try to livestream again? also if you feel like damm this guy isent a complete moron and i might wanna watch him again then join the discord (idk dont really got a reason for people to join it) or just subscribe becouse that helps https://discord.gg/GQx66SfVNg Pc Specs… Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!

    Unleash Ultimate Power in Life Steal SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Becoming Overpowered In This Life steal Smp’, was uploaded by Fire_line gaming on 2024-03-26 02:48:04. It has garnered 276 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:47 or 5507 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, #minecraft #livestream #gaming #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks… Read More

  • Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮

    Unbelievable! ZEEL H GAMER dominates ALL games! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MAX ATTITUDE VS ALL GAMES IMPOSSIBLE🍷#minecraft#freefire#pubg’, was uploaded by ZEEL H GAMER on 2024-03-24 14:32:04. It has garnered 5629 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • ManaRush

    ManaRushManaMC is a Survival Multiplayer Server where killing your enemies will grant you 10 Mana, but be aware for others, because upon death you lose 10 Mana as well. This Mana can be used to purchase perks and upgraded items from the special Mana Shop, and provides a large competition to outperform your opponents. Manamc.net Read More

  • HomiezClub SMP Vanilla Whitelist Java

    HomiezClub SMP HomiezClub SMP Homiezclub is a 100% vanilla survival server focused on collaborating to help each other achieve our Minecraft survival dreams. From building, to adventuring, to redstoning we do it all. There is room for just about any playstyle on our server and we love to hear new ideas. Key Features: 3 years old Awesome people and builds Whitelisted server Java and Bedrock compatible Server Information: Whitelisted for exclusive experience No required mods, but recommended modpack available Reset end cities with major updates We strive to provide the best collaborative, chill vanilla survival experience! Java 1.20.6, Bedrock Allowed… Read More

  • Minesory!

    Minesory!Welcome to Minesory – Your Ultimate Minecraft Adventure Awaits!Dive into the enchanting world of Minesory, where your imagination knows no bounds! Whether you’re a seasoned builder, an adventurous explorer, or a redstone engineer, Minesory offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience for players of all ages and skill levels.🌍 Why Minesory?At Minesory, we believe in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and fun environment for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Our dedicated staff team works tirelessly to ensure the server runs smoothly, and our community-driven approach means your feedback and ideas are always valued.Join Us Today!Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey? Join Minesory… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real crafty creeper tactics

    Wow, this meme is scoring higher than my grades in high school! Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” Read More

  • CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人

    CSGO甩手舞 ft. 方块人 Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocky Adventures Embark on a journey through the pixelated universe of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Dive into the world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities as you explore the vast landscapes and build your own unique creations. Meet Blocky Xuan: The Mastermind Behind Minecraft Shenanigans Blocky Xuan, the creative genius behind a myriad of Minecraft animations, brings humor and joy to players worldwide. With a knack for storytelling and a passion for spreading happiness, Blocky Xuan’s animations are a must-watch for any Minecraft enthusiast. Discover Blocky… Read More

Minecraft Players Simulate The Purge