Minecraft | ROBOT SUPERSUITS! (Guns, Gadgets, Jetpacks & More!) | Mod Showcase

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Well that was a pretty unsuccessful journey all I got was his chicken and I didn’t even have time to cook hit oh my god how are you doing guys um try us what’s going on Troy Horace why why are you dressed like that why you just like that again we’ve

Done this before what’s going on what is going on here go grim what is oh my goodness general general what are you even doing here dan welcome I know this visit is a little bit unexpected but he’s back who who’s back it’s Denton last time he had used the

Cloning machine store a part of himself which means when you destroyed him when he invaded the lab that that wasn’t really him however you did destroy all of his men which is good but it’s still hiding away ever since hatching an even more evil plan that is almost complete

He has no men surrounding him and he’s locked away in the city statue but his plan is almost complete and it’ll destroy the whole city so I bought you your suit I know you haven’t used it for a while but you’re going to need to use it now it’s our only hope

Wow wow I can’t believe it the little slime how can even be back anyway of course I would Don the suit again but only if I can teach my team team TDM how to use it before we go so that we can stop Denton together as you wish all right guys

Let’s get to work Well so things are getting really really crazy so we’ve got a nice little package here on the right-hand side in the form of the nice ender chest and we’ve also got this amazing thing here now I’m going to explain what all of these things are now because it’s gonna be a

Little bit confusing but we need to Don the suit again to stop Denton the evil Punk so what we’ve got in here is what is on the left which is a power armor tinker table and I’m the suit that we’re gonna be wearing is an awesome super

Suit that I haven’t worn in absolutely years it’s a really old thing I used to do we won’t talk too much about it I didn’t get banished or anything don’t don’t even listen to those rumors but anyway let’s go for the power armor tinker table and I’m gonna teach you all

Of the crazy secrets that I’ve learnt so that you can stop evil in your city as well as Denton today so first we’re going to need to craft our power of a tinker table and this is the table you can use and is the only table you can

Use to be able to make changes and also build on your suit and it costs for lapis lazuli one emerald and then three no four iron ingots I used to be a superhero but my counting not quite up to scratch so now we need the basis of

The suit I need a power armor helmet power armor chest plate power armor leggings the boots and also the power fist now the power fist is what gives you your fire power it’s crazy so I’m what you’re gonna need is pretty much iron and these orange kind of swirly

Things which is called wiring and all that needs is two golden nuggets on what redstone and you’ll get eight wiring which is pretty damn good and then you need to craft it like this do you get your kind of normal helmet shaped recipe but you have three iron

And then two wiring and that similar thing that kind of happens down all this armor so you’ve got the normal chest plate recipe but instead of iron here you’ve got two wiring then with the leggings you got two wiring here and then with the boots you’ve got two

Wiring here so it’s not too expensive to make but the rest will be pretty expensive then the fists will require two wiring just like this and two iron gets like this and then one wiring in the bottom right-hand corner as well and that will give you your power fist and

This is gonna be amazing you can also hover over and shift and as you can see there it says no installed modules which is what you’re going to need this bad boy for so let’s grab our amazing Power Suit and then we can start applying up

It’s which will include I would array of items including some of these but this is not all of them so I don’t to show you every single crafting recipe because you can look at the superhero guide in the description below so that you can figure out all the kind of superpowers

That you want and what you’re gonna need to craft for them so stuff like army you’re going to need plating you can get basic advanced and you can get one above that as well which is the force field and you have to get are the conjunction

Of all of these ingredients so that you can make your super suit what you want it to be so stuff like basic plating will require wiring an iron same as this but it gets more expensive the more you go up so this will required diamonds and

A piece of wiring and the force field emitter will require solenoids which are kind of like a combination of iron and wiring and you’re also going to need ender pearls as well control circuits you’re going to need this array of ingredients myofiber gel doesn’t have a

Recipe just now so i think you have to find it from a drop then you got iron thrusters which is going to make your jetpacks and flying machines and all some stuff like that requires force field emitters solenoids and other cool stuff and then your MV capacitor which

Is a version of power for your power suits as well because you’re gonna need power up all this incredible stuff and this requires just a nice little collection of materials here so that’s not too expensive but when you’re gonna need multiple different ingredients it gets a little bit expensive but this is

Opie so hum yeah it’s gonna be awesome right then let’s start making our amazing suit and i’m gonna show you all the powers you can have right now and then we’ll get to destroying dentin because we have think we still got time we need to wait till sundown really and

It’s not gonna take too long so let’s get to this and begin by right-clicking this table and this will come up now if you don’t have your armor in the inventory then none of this will come up it’ll tell you don’t have any so you need to play some in your imagery first

To be able to use them or wear them I think you can wear them as well and we’re gonna start with the helmet so when you click a certain part of your armor you will have all of the upgrades that you can give to it so with all of

Them there is an armor slot and you can upgrade it four times you can have basic iron plating diamond plating energy shield or heat sink you’ve also got your energy which does keep your suit going and you can actually use this with industrial craft and I think a universal electricity as

Well but when you’ve just got this by yourself then you just kind of craft the batteries and put them in so we’re gonna go a four what are we on the helmet in the minute so you’re going to need power for your different elements and pretty much the only useful things on the

Helmet are the water electrolyzer and the night vision now the water electrolyzer is as follows when you’re an out of air this module will jog the water around you electrolyzing a small bubble to breathe from so basically while you’re drowning when your last bubble disappears you’ll get a full bar

But you’ll also kind of use up some of your batteries so let’s put some of this battery on and as you can see when you click each upgrade it will provide you with a certain amount of ingredients you’re going to need to make it so for an advanced battery you’re going to eat

An MU capacitor and then you click install if this mu capacitor is in your imagery so click install and then you’ll be able to choose your different options now this tinker section can get a bit um a bit heavy and a bit kind of confusing but basically the more powerful your

Stuff is the more power it’s going to use up and also the heavier it is so do pay attention to the weight because the heavier the suit you’re wearing the least things your amount to do and the slower you will walk as well so let’s make the battery size fooled just so

That we can use as much of the stuff as possible and we are going to install the water electrolyzer and we’ve also got night vision which allows you to see at night and underwater as well and then we have special which is flight control which it can be used later on so we

Won’t go over that just now we’re gonna get the water electrolyzer which requires one LV capacitor install that and this doesn’t have any tinkerer kind of things at all and then we’ve got night vision as well which requires a hologram emitter and a control circuit click install and you’ll be able to have

That installed on the helmet so now we’ve got that on the helmet I’m just gonna pop that bad boy I’m gonna pop them all on actually let’s do this and I’ll tell you how much energy you’ve got as well so we’ve got 12 K out of 50 K

Which is pretty awesome and we’re going to have a look at how this works so you can see here we’ve got night vision and we be able to see under the water very very nice and also when I go into game-mode 0 you’ll be able to see that

When I run out of breath it will zap the water and also take away some of my power which is located on the right hand side by a blue bar so my power isn’t full up too much but that is still quite a lot of power and we need two bubbles

Down to go and then it will zap the water there you go take a little bit of power and refill the bar straight away so how cool is that I think that’s really handy especially be like building underwater going on an ocean trip or something or just have a boat with a

Hole in it yeah that’s pretty handy and now we’re gonna move on to let’s go on to where we starting let’s go on to the chest plate and let’s add some armor to it so you have different armor sizes go for energy shield which is one of the most powerful

Ones and you can have the strength of the armor tweaked as well so the highest you go it takes up the most energy and gives you six points of armor which is pretty damn cool and will add some weight as well so let’s add a battery

Tear because this is when it gets too serious seriously cool stuff so we’ve got a nice collection of upgrades for the chest plate we’ve got parachute we’ve got glider and we’ve got jetpack so let’s install as some of these and I’m able to install all of these some in

Creative mode at the moment but originally you will need to have all the ingredients which are down here so for the jetpack for example you will need an iron thruster so you can control and tinker with the jetpacks thrust so if I just put it on a minimum amount of just

Hold space you’ll see that I don’t go up very far but if I am just put this on and then put the thrust all the way to the top I’ll hold space and I’ll go all the way to the top and keep on going but that’s in exchange for some power as

Well so you could see the difference but it will take loads more power obviously we also have the activate camouflage which is actually a way to go invisible so if I just install this you will see that I am now invisible I can’t see me the general can’t see me so I’m that’s

Probably not the best right now because the general is gonna need to see me and if you ever want to uninstall something just click the salvage button and I think you have a chance of getting these back I think the longer you’ve been using it the less chance you have

Because all the parts are going to be rotten and stuff but I’m take that off and you’re all good and then we’ve got the cooling system which again will allow you to cool down your heat producing modules so the things to note the parachute the glider and the jetpack

So let’s go into the air and we can do two things we can actually hover to the ground through from holding shift I can actually glide to the ground which is really cool now I don’t know if you have a parachute above you don’t but wow I’ve

Forgot to show you how awesome I look look at this oh my goodness I look amazing Wow look at that rendering look at detail yes this is still minecraft it looks amazing and this is a suit that I have not worn for absolutely ages again we won’t talk about the story but we

Have the parachute which we just looked at but let me just get of normal flying mode you can actually control the way you’re gliding with the other one which is called the glider you can actually kind of fly around almost when you’re falling so if you jump off a

Mounting hole shift and then forward you can kind of turn your falling momentum into forward momentum which is really cool so you’re kind of gliding to the ground and then you can just hold shift to use your parachute so very very handy stuff and again it will take power every

Time you use it right then onto the leggings now and this has some cool ones let’s just put an advanced battery on here and increase the battery size and we have kind of some extra chips which will allow you to upgrade your armor so that you can have some really cool buffs

The first one is sprint assist you have jump assist swim booze and uphill step assists so let’s up install all of these and these all have tinkering I think so you all kind of had different power distributions and stuff like that so the sprint assist let’s put all of them this

Far so there’s one way you can actually Eva just have it effecting when you double tap up or your W key or you can have it while you’re walking so let’s just have it normal when you double tap so look how fast I’m sprinting around i’ma go trails looks fantastic today

He’s looking the part for today’s mission but if we armed the sprint that’s really cool and now if I put walking assist on it we’ll only it will work all the time which is really cool so let me just put that on on walking assist and now I am walking faster and

Then I will sprint faster as well very nice but also consumes a lot of power so let me just turn that down because that’s way too fast we don’t want too much walking assist then we’ve got the jump assist if I put all these to max I

Will just jump normally and you go all the way up in the air I’m just tapping the spacebar right now look how amazing that is that’s quite a way to jump which is very handy you’ve got the swim boost which obviously is going to be able to

Add extra thrust when you are swimming and then let me just turn this down and then we’re also going to have the uphill step assist which is kind of interesting so just jetpack over here you will be able to see that I can oh my god I’m so

Heavy right now that’s the bad thing about having all the upgrades is that you’re really heavy but if you’ve got the sprint assist it’s a bit easier but as you can see I’ll walk up to this and it will just instantly allow me to pop up one block which means you don’t have

To press space you don’t have to jump you can kind of just walk up anything as long as it is one block which is really really handy so let’s get back into the lab again here we go with the jetpack so amazing need to kind

Of work out how to do it’s it’s a lot different than creative flying but let’s carry on I think we’ve only got one more thing to look at the Stuber look yeah we do which are the boots and they kind of have only two upgrades the first one is

The jet boots which are similar to the jet pack and we’ll just kind of burst you into the air and then we also have the shock absorbers which I’m going to install because they work as kind of like a feather falling enchantment so you don’t take damage when you fall

Because when you’re armed boosting in together with a jet pack if you don’t have that feather falling upgrade you will take full damage which is bad so um yeah that that’s not really advised now we’ve gotten through all of the power suit upgrades my suit is powered to the

Max and it also looks absolutely amazing but what we’re gonna do now is the power glove which is pretty much the most interesting thing and it’s a multi-tool weapon so it can act like different things depending on how many upgrades you’ve applied to it so for example it

Can be an axe it can also be a pickaxe and it can also be a shovel so let me just install all of these I’ve never just install all the upgrades then I’ll show you it is it can also be shears it can also be something so you can farm

Large areas at the same time and I’m just going to install all of these and make sure we know what we’re doing and just kind of try them all out so we’ve also got some awesome weapons which are not obviously included in normal minecraft but it will it will give us

Some amazing amazing stuff so let’s put the battery up and put some of these all the way up to half and stuff so they work really well and here we go there’s that one the voltage goes up but remember the more you put on the more

Power you’re going to need and I think that’s pretty much it or there’s the blink drive as well so let’s install that and up the range to the maximum right then so all you need to do with the power glove as I speed around this world oh my god it’s turning tonight we’re

Gonna have to leave soon but we should have enough time before it kind of sets so we can go to the city and destroy Denton boys his masterful plan comes to actually you know I’m just gonna I’m just gonna jetpack over here and what the amazing thing about the power fist

Is is that it can do everything in one tool so you’re not going to need to carry any swords any shears any hose anything and it also looks amazing look at my power claw unequip it I got my chicken in my hand and now I’ve got my power fist Wow it’s

Crazy so to change what the power fist does you just need to shift and move your mouse wheel as you can see it’s kind of moving around there I’m think I’m gonna start with is this I guess which is the one that can um I can’t

Really remember all the names but it can not only cut your opponents in half but it can share trees as well so if I hold right click you’ll see they will charge up let go and out comes a spinning disc and it will chop up leaves and your

Opponents as well how crazy is that look at that that free D rendering is beautiful and let’s move to the next one which is oh god it’s the kind of like the historical machine gun actually so if you hold right click you will see they all kind of power up and I’ve

Heated up too much oh god you see on the right hand side my meter that looks like lava has powered up and what that means is that it’s getting too hot so I’ve got a lot of power in this bad boy gun here and the more I use it the more my suit

Will heat up it’s bad it’s awful so here we go yeah we’re too hot we’re on fire and we’ll take damage at the same time but let’s move on to the next one which is I think this is called the plasma cannon and this is the most awesome one

Check this out you hold right click power it up like you would a bow and look at me I’m gonna flip and robot superhero it’s crazy and then let go and it will explode this explode this cactus here boom oh my god that’s cool daddy that is crazy cool and now we’re

Gonna jump and just hit the ground boom yes beautiful and if you upgrade all of the power and stuff you can get bigger explosions which are awesome i think i’m gonna select that one to destroy dentin width because he’s a punk alright let’s move on to the next one

Which is kind of like a portable a table which we were using early on you right-click and you just get to upgrade while you’re on the move so you don’t need to take that table with you anywhere this one i’m not too sure what happens i think you can move machines

Around with it and it apparently works with loads of mods as wells where that is really really cool and really handy this one is quite confusing as well because when you right-click it kind of puts down kind of a landmine i guess but i’m not sure what it does just yet so

You got to be able to haven’t researched that a little bit more and find out for yourself and then we move on to this which is the HOH now this is awesome now you right-click the ground I’m gonna need some dirt actually where’s the dirt at let’s go over here

Amazing jetpack no I’ve fallen in water Oh God I still need to get used to the suit I haven’t worn it in absolutely years but if we right-click on this dirt here I think it’s because there’s loads of snow around actually let me just edit this

Quickly here we go and upgrade the whole section where is it here we go and put the radius massive you can actually hoe a ton of ground at the same times there’s two select the home again and here we go right click and look at all that the tilled ground is everywhere and

The higher the radius the more we’ll be able to do at the same time look at that fantastic absolutely beautiful right then we’ve got a little bit of time left and we’ve also got shears which would just allow us to use shears as normal we then have this one which is really cool

It’s kinda like an ender pearl in a gun so if you right-click you’ll be able to be teleported wherever you like and of course you can change the radius and whenever you like in the workbench as well and I think that’s pretty much it also work as an axe a pickaxe and a

Shovel too which is amazing next teleport back to the lab come on ranged me here we go beautiful jump over and now I think that is everything that you need to learn about this amazing Power Suit now me and Trey or us are gonna go to the city and take down this

Denton Punk I can’t believe I’m having to do this again but but let’s go I’ll meet you there guys I think guys I am here I’ve been flying around for ages and what I’m looking for is a beacon because apparently that is what Denton is using for the power for his amazing

Project well not amazing kind of destructive and annoying so if we look out for a beacon while I’m using my jetpack here we should be good to go let me just get on top of this building and see what’s going down can anyone see a beacon anywhere let me just get into my

Normal view I desperately need to find this beacon because otherwise the whole town is just gonna destroy it look how amazing the city is as well we do not want this to happen guys we do not want it to happen to at all and oh my god

There it is I didn’t even see it I didn’t even see the statue there I think um I think the general did mention he was in the the city statue so let’s let’s go to the top and get this punk Denton are you within – oh he’s here oh

My god let’s punch this out Denton what the hell is wrong with you nice mask by the way buddy what are you doing it’s this stuff this is the source of your power what what is going on no Denton no you cannot do this you cannot do this again I’m gonna destroy

It I’m gonna select this plasma gun and you’re going to you’ve got to perish with this statue and this cannon as well you’ve even used a golden laptop how dare you how dare you give me a good reason why I shouldn’t do this you don’t have one are you ready for

This Denton you’re going down and I may go down with it I don’t care Denton you’re going down goodbye Oh what the hell are that for for where am I dan dan you’re finally awake what what even happened general I feel awful the blast from the old plasma cannon

Destroyed the head of the city statue with took the evil plan Denton was hatching with it however when police searched the scene Denton with nowhere to be seen and he were collapsed on the floor this war is not over yet but at least you’ve stopped it but now wow really

It’s just ways a pain in my butt why why is he always a pain in my butt but anyway guys I slept in my power suit wow that must been uncomfortable but anyway thanks a lot for watching guys Denton is it’s still out there unfortunately I’m

Anna stop him now and hopefully you can stop the evil in your city terrorizing your Minecraft world with this amazing mod too and if you want to check it out and try it yourself please check the description below to try it out and also if you enjoyed the video and loved

Seeing Denton get foiled at yet again then please do hit that like button it is greatly appreciated and also if this happens to be the first video that you’ve seen by me then please do out subscribe button for daily Minecraft videos Denton I will get you thanks love

Watching guys thanks for your support and help in ridding Denton from the city and I will see you all next time good

DanTDM on 2014-01-25 20:38:10. It has garnered 12162826 views and 126822 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:05 or 1265 seconds.

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Today, we’ve got a spot of bother from an old acquaintance and the only way to stop him is by using a special Robot Supersuit that I haven’t worn in years. This suits is so powerful that it can shoot amazing plasma balls, transform into a jetpack and tonnes more, all to be seen in this video!

► Get the Robot Supersuits Mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1636785-070-534-machinemuses-modular-powersuits-updated-for-152/

► Want To Send Me Something? :: The Diamond Minecart / DanTDM Office 34 67-68 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8JY UK

► Merchandise! US: http://thediamondminecart.spreadshirt.com UK: http://thediamondminecartuk.spreadshirt.co.uk EU: http://thediamondminecart.spreadshirt.net

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— Find Me! — Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DiamondMinecart Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheDiamondMinecart Instagram: DanTDM Skydaz: http://www.skydaz.com — Easy Mod Installers!

— Credits — All titles and images created by TheDiamondMinecart Title song: Super Street Fighter Remix – AntoineLavenant – https://soundcloud.com/antoinelavenant

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    Insane Minecraft adventure in new 1.19.2 dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft world survival 1.19.2 live episode 12 | kết thúc hành trình aether + new dimension |’, was uploaded by ApollisGDVN on 2024-01-13 17:15:14. It has garnered 88 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:33 or 4053 seconds. livestream on youtube by OBS studio, no micro sound quality 720p, 10~30 fps gameplay Mod forge i’m used: ( tổng cộng : 38 mod ) -Aether -Aquamirae -ava -awesomedungeonether -azurelib -bygonenether -cave+dweller+reimagined -celestisynth -citadel -deep+blood -deeperdarker -dragonmounts -geckolib -GOATMAN -illageandspillage -L_Enders_Cataclysm -libraryferret -mermod -mutantmonsters -mutantmore -obscure_api -piglinproliferation -player-animation-lib -PuzzlesLib -sculkhorde -SmartBrainLib -sons-of-sins -spore… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Starting a VR Minecraft SMP!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Starting a VR Minecraft SMP!Video Information सो अभी के टाइम पर youtube2 एडिशन के लिए कोई ऐसी परफेक्ट एसएमपी अभी तक नहीं बनी है बट अब से मैं शुरू करने जा रहा हूं एक पॉकेट एडिशन एसएमपी उस एसएमपी में आप में से कुछ बंदे भी जॉइन हो सकते हैं बट उसके लिए आपको लॉन्ग वीडियो देखनी होगी उसमें मैंने बताया कि आप कैसे जॉइन हो सकते हैं सो चैनल नेम के नीचे जो लिंक आ रहा है उसे दबा के लॉन्ग वीडियो देखो This video, titled ‘I STARTED🤩MINECRAFT PE SMP#shorts #smp #shortsfeed #minecraft #tecnogamerz #viral #vrminecraft’, was uploaded by Siz Gamerz on 2024-01-11… Read More

  • INSANE HACKS – Moving the Warden SAFELY!

    INSANE HACKS - Moving the Warden SAFELY!Video Information the warden is a big scary monster and we should be terrified of him right a he’s just so cute I captured one of these wardens in my Mob Zoo in Hardcore Minecraft and along the way I had to come up with a pretty good idea for how to move them safely since my world was created in 1.16 and I have updated over the last 3 years my nearest ancient city was thousands of blocks away so I had to come up with a foolproof design to safely move the Warden such a far distance now… Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft Power Stream – TheSlayer350

    Unreal Minecraft Power Stream - TheSlayer350Video Information think I press the right buttons everything [Music] set [ __ ] are you I’m live hey what’s up what’s going on sup rck sup Apple how’s it going sorry for the major inconvenience earlier alarm didn’t go off I wasr and I was snoozing sound and sleep had a really good dream too and then I woke up and like something is not right so I I check my phone I’m like my phone isn’t on so that mean my alarm didn’t go off crap it’s 9:20 so yeah I hope you’re doing all right all right Rick you… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattle

    Epic Minecraft Mob Battle: Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden! #memebattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tonic Mutant Warden vs Null Warden #minecraft #mobbattle #shorts #short #meme #video #viral #memes’, was uploaded by Minecraft Bedrock Edition Battles on 2024-01-10 13:42:11. It has garnered 998 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Like and Subscribe. If you like this Short 1v1 Mob Battle Want to see more more battles, check out my Channel right now. #Minecraft #minecraft #Short #Shorts #ShortVideo #short #shorts #minecraftshorts #meme #memes #Meme #Memes #viral #video Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Clutch with Realistic Graphics 😮⚔️#shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending’, was uploaded by Prince Arena (137) on 2024-03-24 00:34:45. It has garnered 846 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. (Dream On). Minecraft Clutch With Realistic Graphics.😮⚔️😮#shorts #shortfeed #viral #tending if you guys enjoy the vedio pls leave a like and subscribe the channel domsto. Copyright Disclaimer : Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use… Read More

  • Stormcraft

    Stormcraft_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__ Storm Craft __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Stormcraft is a community-driven survival minecraft Network, our motto is ‘for the players, by the players’ and we stand by that every minute of the day. Our Network currently has: Sanctuary (SMP) , Islands (Skyblocks) , Creative , Missilewars and Anarchy The community we have built on Stormcraft so far is amazing and we couldn’t be happier but we hope you’ll find a new home here on Storm Craft. Looking forward to having you join us mc.stormcraft.net Read More

  • Hardcore Anarchy – Anarchy

    Welcome to Hardcore Anarchy IP: hardcoreanarchy.gay New anarchy server with three months of uptime and over 450 deaths/bans. “Hardcore Anarchy” provides a platform for those who enjoy vanilla Minecraft with a twist. Are you up for the challenge? Check out our badass leaderboards website here to see who is the biggest degenerate on the server. This server is not pay2win, so prepare for the elements when you spawn because there are no protected areas. Think you have what it takes to survive? Join now and test your skills against the toughest Minecraft players. Can you outlast the competition and become… Read More

  • DuckyBlock

    DuckyBlockWelcome to DuckyBlock! 🐣We are an 18+ Minecraft server for adults, cross-platform for both Java and Bedrock! Join us on any platform you have Minecraft on.In order to join the server, you will need to join our Discord to have your age verified. You can join our Discord server here: discord.gg/wuuxK9nY83Some features!👍 Always updated to latest version🗡️ Survival🏡 Land claims⭐ Slimefun🆙 McMMO⛏️ PyroMining🎣 PyroFishing🧑‍🌾 PyroFarming💖 Inclusive communityWhat are you waiting for? Join us! Hope to see you online soon. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft memez r lit 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft memez r lit 🔥Looks like this meme is definitely mining for laughs with a score of 9! Read More

  • “Caught a sassy lizard 🦎” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "Caught a sassy lizard 🦎" 🔥 #minecraft #meme Looks like this sneaky lizard got caught trying to steal diamonds in Minecraft! Watch out for those crafty reptiles in the game! 🦎💎 #minecraftmischief #lizardthief Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft Together Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video that had us in stitches. While it may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the ultimate power and fun that awaits on the Minewind server. Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, engage in epic battles, and form lasting friendships with fellow gamers. That’s the essence of Minewind – a vibrant Minecraft server that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a unique blend of PvP, survival, and role-playing… Read More

  • Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft!

    Building the Ultimate Secret House in Minecraft! Minecraft Server Experience: Building a Beautiful Home Exploring the Angkortoch Server Embark on a journey to the Angkortoch server, a vibrant Minecraft community where creativity knows no bounds. Join fellow players in crafting, building, and exploring the vast virtual world. Features and Events Discover the plethora of features and events that await you on the Angkortoch server. From gold shovels to home villagers, cleaning tasks to house building challenges, there’s never a dull moment in this dynamic Minecraft realm. Gold Shovel Unleash your inner miner with the gold shovel, a tool that promises efficiency and style. Dig, mine, and… Read More

  • Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky Duck

    Unveiling the Scary Truth About Sqannky DuckVideo Information we’ll check the tower for emeralds I’m not here for you creepers all right um oh [ __ ] uhoh uh-oh oh [ __ ] well cyber I it seems that I found him it seems I found him it seems that I have found him oh [ __ ] dude he is fast he is fast oh no oh no back back up yeah what you going to do oh [ __ ] he’s fast on the water too what This video, titled ‘Why is he so scary!!!! #shorts #minecraft #gaming #scary #minecraftmemes #herobrine #funny #mcyt’, was uploaded by Sqannky Duck on 2024-03-31 15:47:57. It… Read More

  • Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17

    Villager FREAKS OUT in Minecraft?! 😱 #Leonardiño17Video Information minicraft pero invasión zombie estoy un poco aquí cogiendo de Carbón y nos llevamos un poco de remolacha y patatas y Vamos a sembrar un poco de esto porque después nos hará falta es quea con lo que tienes ahí maliante de verdad estoy cansado Ya ustedes yo no saben robar miércoles juegan al Minecraft si solo van aar cuando V ala cabo de verdad como si sembrar fuera fácil te llevas todo sea ahora solo falta que te lleves todas las C A ver a ver me quies que te lo voy a perdonar sea por esta… Read More


    FABIIN CRAFT - Minecraft ORESPAWN #2 - EPIC TWILIGHT FOREST BOSSVideo Information E aí rapaziada suave segundo episódio da nossa série aqui de or spaw último episódio foi no canal do foi no canal do hoje a gente tá com a participação especial do God link dele vai tá aí na descrição e Rapaziada esse episódio aqui tá sendo gravado em live tá vai ser o primeiro link fixado aí nos comentários bom Rapaziada no último episódio a gente fez essa essa mansão aqui que eu posso chamar de lar aqui junto com meus amiguinhos e aquilo ali é uma cama vula aqui tá dormindo por enquanto um galo gigante… Read More


    🔥JOIN HARSHAD'S CRAZY PAPERMC SMP PARTY NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Harshad Is Live playing PAPERMC SMP random games | ANYONE WANT JOIN | MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER SERVER |’, was uploaded by HARSHAD GAMING LIVE 009 🇮🇳 on 2024-01-10 22:17:08. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:20:01 or 8401 seconds. Have a good time ! WhatsApp link :https://chat.whatsapp.com/IpBMTZaq7GsFsmNDz40fPX Welcome to our Live Streaming if you like this then Please 👇 Subscribe | Share | Like #MINECRAFTLIVE #MINECRAFTLIVESTREAM #MINECRAFTWITHSUBSCRIBERS #minecraftliveindia #minecraftlive #livetaid #MINECRAFTINDIA #minecraftivewithsubs #minecraft #memes #Youtube #dankmemes #fortnite #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #gamer #minecraftbuilds #dank #youtube #lol #funnymemes #memesdaily #edgymemes… Read More


    INSANE!! Buying HIGHEST SCHOOL RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY!’, was uploaded by Lemon Craft3535 on 2024-02-28 11:00:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. WHY DID I BUY THIS HIGHEST SCHOOL BUS RAINBOW TOWER in Minecraft? NORTH TRUONG CAR FACILITY! Read More

  • Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!

    Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!Video Information pai o que que é seru homem da casa o homem da casa é quem manda é quem resolve tudo e é quem tem a última palavra eu quero seu nome da casa igual This video, titled ‘#naoflopa #roblox #lulucagames #games #robloxmemes #memeblox #pkxd #memesroblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by ♡JuhEpicGaming♡ on 2024-02-19 19:07:28. It has garnered 7685 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • “Bimasakti’s Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥” #freefire #gaming

    "Bimasakti's Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥" #freefire #gamingVideo Information SA [音楽] This video, titled ‘Bimasakti New Trick😎😈 #freefire #battleroyale #trending #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-04-05 14:48:30. It has garnered 10180 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)

    SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)Video Information hey wait he didn’t ask them for anything they just specifically blame her so kick them out what is this note see you after school looks like it was left by Hooligans what have you done stupid Hooligans you will definitely feel bad after we leave here Mikey I really like studying this is really cool I hope I get a good grade today sorry for being late we have a very important reason we were really busy so sorry can I sit down Mikey it’s good that we weren’t late I wouldn’t want to be scolded like… Read More

  • Fatality SMP – Vanilla, Whitelist, 18+

    Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Hey there, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a server that captures the essence of adventure, community, and pure vanilla gameplay? Look no further! Our 18+ SMP (Survival Multiplayer) server is the perfect place for players who enjoy a mature, community-oriented gaming experience. Why Join Us? Pure Vanilla Experience: No mods, no plugins – just Minecraft as it was meant to be played. (Fabric, Ledger) Community-Driven Events: Participate in weekly events, build contests, and community projects. (Ran by Players) Mature & Friendly Community: Join a group… Read More

  • Darkness Realms (ATM9)

    Darkness Realms (ATM9)https://discord.gg/v6wjwFwkVxHey Welcome to our brand new Server!We are Darkness Realms!Custom pluginsMinecraft chat to discorddiscord chat to minecraftCratesVoteFriendly StaffGiveAways! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird app

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird appElon Musk might have the power to send rockets to Mars, but banning someone from Twitter might be just out of his reach! Read More

  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

    Commentary Comedy: Minecraft's SquareXuan Animation Roars In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news in rhymes, like a lively dream. From updates to secrets, I’ll keep you in the loop, With humor and fun, no need for a scoop. Cube Xuan, the creator, with animations so bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. But beware of pirated content, it’s not the same, Stick to the official channel, for the real game. From funny moments to classroom series so neat, Each video a treat, making your day complete. So subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, In the world of… Read More

  • Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP)

    Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP) When you have -7282 IQ, you’re probably the type of player who tries to mine diamonds with a wooden pickaxe and wonders why it takes so long. But with a 6969 IQ, you’re the kind of player who builds a redstone contraption to automatically mine diamonds while you sit back and sip on a potion of invisibility. Talk about an epic gamer moment! #minecraftgenius Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re a fan of sci-fi and futuristic themes, then you’ll love what Minewind has to offer. With its unique blend of technology and imagination, Minewind is the perfect place to let your creativity run wild. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world filled with endless possibilities, where you can build, craft, and survive alongside fellow gamers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why should you join Minewind Minecraft Server? Well, just like K-9… Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods The Exciting World of Minecraft Texture Packs Discovering a New Texture Pack Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players stumble upon a remarkable new texture pack – the Peep Texture Pack. This pack promises a unique visual experience, setting it apart from the default textures. Unveiling the Features Upon closer inspection, the Peep Texture Pack reveals intricately designed outlines and smooth animations. The default textures, such as blocks and items, receive a fresh and appealing makeover, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Personal Anecdotes and Minecraft Adventures As players delve into the game, they encounter various challenges and adventures. From… Read More

  • SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOW

    SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOWVideo Information whoa streaming streaming streaming streaming oh yes that’s for sure’s once the live pops up we can start the live stream got to find it oh there it is all righty let’s add everyone real quick and then we can start I got plans at everyone sends now streamy there we go all right now now everyone knows that I’m live so damn these villagers are allowed hold on we should leave leave the library real quick welcome scabs to the stream good to have you here welcome um um but yeah so I didn’t do that so… Read More

Minecraft | ROBOT SUPERSUITS! (Guns, Gadgets, Jetpacks & More!) | Mod Showcase