Minecraft SDMP Vandalism

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hello everybody and welcome back to the SDM PP brought to you by the like button um I need to ask nopy about my hat because it hasn’t been returned hello Noy do you have my hat I lent him the hat for a thing last time but if I do go loot things it would be good to have the Hat again cuz what what does it do again it adds like a hello yes hey holy [ __ ] what is that armor I I’m looking very fancy now huh right yeah you look like you look like a superhero you look like you know when you know when actors like they don’t want to get ripped for a movie and they put like that suit on is that I thought at this point they’re like forced to get ripped yeah yeah they take a lot of steroids definitely do yeah there’s a lot of TR they took a bunch of steroids did you take a bunch of cap captain sparkle steroids um you didn’t need to call me out like that my bad my bad let’s let’s let’s just zip over that topic yeah listen um I just saw your message about the Hat yeah uh there’s a small issue with that uh what happened to the Hat okay so I have the Hat okay I I can give you the Hat uhhuh I just haven’t done the bit yet with the hat ah got it and the and the bit has been postponed until next weekend um okay do you do you think that I could have the hat and then I’ll give it back to you because next weekend a little ways away and I will I will be back before then no I I I understand that I understand that completely I understand your your Viewpoint the issue is I I will need the Hat until next weekend because as you can see let me just put it on uhhuh you see it too right you see it too it’s not I’m just not imagining like the hat is way too small I it no it looks perfect actually no I trust me it’s really small I don’t I don’t have any blood circulation into my brain when I wear it okay so I let me take it off your hands and and bring it back to my head and then I can have my blood cut off I I understand I understand I understand what you’re saying the issue is with that I will need the Hat until next weekend to stretch it out I need to stretch out the the fabric so it fits my head um you see I don’t know I don’t know about the uh terms of the deal being being that way oh God yeah oh God the the blood isn’t circulating right oh God if you take it off you’ll feel a lot better can’t take it off need need do you want me to put you out of your misery no no it’s fine it’s fine I can give you the Hat here you have the Hat we’re we’re done we’re done don’t you don’t have to kill me you know we don’t have to do that uh it’s fine yeah I don’t know man I must have a small head because it actually feels perfectly fine right now the head is fine yeah yeah know I know like my head is like way too way too big for that if anything I’ve just helped you out like I’m sorry your head was getting squished but I’ll you know when you need it back next weekend you can come to me and I’ll I’ll lend it to you and then you can squish your head how how’s it going by the way are you the paparazzi are you the car Paparazzi TMZ this is TMZ actually that’s so cool I didn’t know that we had TMZ here on the on the server yeah we have TMZ now on the sleep deprived server wow yeah does TMZ talk at all no this is kind of like a different kind of TMZ they just they just put a camera on your face and they just hope you say something right or like they hope that you punch them so that they can then sue you or something like that yes yes really annoying with with your personal space and then you you punch them and then they have a headline tomor you can end up on TMZ you know Captain Sparkles punches of of of an innocent Paparazzi honestly you know what I could probably use some publicity to be honest you know oh yeah yeah I think I should I think I should get some headline coverage K into gear I think I yeah here we get out of my face yeah did we get a did we get a headline do we get a headline I think that’s a headline let’s go oh thank goodness I’m looking at TMZ right now I’m looking at TMZ right now really I’m on there Sparkles punched punched an innocent paparazzi that’s the headline actually wait let’s go do we have the article oh my God the mid the mid punch shot wow look look at did you see this oh my God Front Page News oh God God oh God the camera’s even slanted cuz cuz the the photographer was hit in the middle of taking the picture that is that is really bad that’s a really bad look for you yeah but I mean it’s actually I I got to give credit to the photographer is a it’s a decent shot every you know they say any publicity is good publicity so I think it works out oh God oh God I see a new article Captain Sparkles his kingdom has fallen oh God I don’t think think it in dude I you know this happened I punched the paparazzi and then I just got a raid it it’s the pr is work the pr is working right it’sing yeah exactly thank you Curry for raiding me because I punched the paparazzi might have to start punching people senselessly okay hey um Paparazzi what if I just what if I just uh are you ready for the shot are you ready for the shot get the shot sh I’m losing I’m losing it Captain Sparkles goes on rampage Oh look The the blood flying out wow what a graphic shot oh God that cannot be a good look that cannot be a good look but you know what you’re going to get some publicity after this let’s go reputation slowly but surely declining but you know what if you get the views does it even matter does it even matter I I would I would I would I would frame this I would frame this this will this will get you a lot of publicity okay all right wait I need to I need to make a frame do I have any frames actually I do have a frame this is great where should I put it should I hang it I’m going to hang it right over the window here my nose is bleeding I’m sorry but also but also not sorry wait oh shoot I know how these work okay good oh yeah there we go perfect commemorating that moment that I made it to the front page of TMZ may I enter your house yes absolutely thank you I put it right over the the window there that is wow that is a that is that is honestly I like the framing on that one I do like the framing on that one yeah you just get a little bit of the car there as well so you know the car enthusiasts will be like oh that’s such a good photo too and they’ll hang it up on their wall or something like that and also also it could be like a wealthy man is punching you know a guy in a in a in an adus track suit who’s clearly poor is that could be another is this a are you like is it like squid game participant Chic O um whoa I be okay now I’m being framed okay now I’m being framed what is this what is this that you’ve planted in my hand unbelievable I did these aren’t mine these aren’t this isn’t mine you planted that in my house nope no nope you can’t you can’t be doing this no no no no no no I I draw the line at illicit paraphanalia okay we can no we condone violence we will do that for the views for the clicks I will not I will not pick up I’ll not pick up those substances no no you’re trespassing this is private property this is private property you can’t hang those on my wall nuh-uh no get out of here with that guys this isn’t me guys this isn’t me I would you know me I I am clean as a whistle I am clean as a whistle I have never partaken in any of what TMZ you’ve gone you’ve you’ve gone so low you used to be a reputable journalist Source now you’re like Nightcrawler all right you’ve lost the SE movie I’ve seen that movie that’s what I’m doing yeah that’s yeah you admit it you admit to it nope pick it up okay TMZ speaks you I backed you into a corner now you know that there’s nothing for you here need this for the need this for the mid roll hold this for for the for the mid roll what do you mean for the mid roll you’re not going to be getting ads by doing this this is all demonetized just uh just for the for the headline can you just hold this for a second I can’t I can’t do that again I I draw I we accept violence but we draw the line substances let see how you can good you can dodge oh I can dodge good oh I can dodge real good no no NOP Frick I backed myself into a corner um TMZ will never see me here TMZ has no idea that I’m here why would they be trying to frame me Curry way Curry way and Curry way viewers I swear I swear I’m I only condone the punches I would never I would never have what TMZ is claiming I have okay I would never have any of that stuff all right make sure to tell my story keep my reputation intact okay I have a reputation here to uphold of someone who is merely violent but maintains a very lucid state of mind at all times all right okay I think we’re good I think we’re safe I think we the coast is clear TMZ doesn’t realize I was in my house the entire time I don’t need I don’t need these sullying my image okay let it be known I’m a decisive person who takes action when needed what the freak no no no no no they’re back TMZ is back never mind TMZ is leaving again Wick Stick thank you for two months much appreciated thank you for still thank you for still trusting me in this time and Izzy Shadow thank you for the eight months I saw Ted use a ball and chain and I thought it might be helpful for you in mining Endeavors anyway slay have a good day I’ve heard of the Ballin chain it it’s a twilight forest thing and um you get it from the underground Knights and stuff like that but it would involve me having to go to the Twilight Forest otherwise I’d have to buy it off of someone which is why is TMC camping outside of my house uh Seline Dragon thank you for the eight months why is TMZ camping outside of my house what are you doing out there what is this what is this the clearly it’s at the front it’s on the outside of my house anyone could have put those there we’re not in a gated community anyone could have put them there anyone could have put these anywhere this is not evidence of anything this is an abuse of power hey hey did you get the pictures this is an Abus of power these this is all stage this is all stage black for so much it’s planted what is this had no [ __ ] idea you can black for so much money I don’t know what this is so much so much M it’s ridiculous that’s your watch yeah right click it it seems to be a bit [Music] tight think the TMZ employees are so do you know what here what it’s is that your watch no it’s TMZ’s watch apparently is that why they call you Captain Sparkles cuz you have the sparkly watches no it’s cuz I have shiny skin like Edward Cullen oh yeah hold on drugs no those okay it’s on the outside of my house anyone anyone could have put those there okay so you’re saying that wasn’t you no no I’m saying TMZ is trying to frame me right now okay that would be a really bad look if he started punching people senselessly and started selling drugs no I accept I accept the punching senselessly that’s okay you know what but I draw the line at the drugs at drugs yeah see well I’m going to put that back here and take a picture of it that’s plant it’s planted I have I have video evidence of the planting taking place right now hold on I’m getting my camera all right two can play this game two can nope NOP I don’t think so I I put up something even worse than that Captain Sparkles there you go I’ve just taken this is photographic evidence of you two framing me photographic evidence of that it’s photographic and video evidence of YouTube framing me and ruining my reputation this is this is a watch store you’ll be hearing from my you’ll be hearing from my lawyers for a defamation case okay no we got to go he definitely has the best lawyers is there drama over here there is I’m being framed by TMZ what yes TMZ yeah did you know Captain beats up people beats up people senselessly well that’s true that part that part is that part is true um oh that’s true yeah but the but the part where I was framed with the illegal substance is that was not true oh no I think that was true I think it said drugs very clearly on your building it said drugs yeah but it’s the outside anyone could have put that there just like anyone could have put the watch there that watch is um that’s a little tight isn’t it is that yeah is that yours is that your hand yeah you’re going to have to adjust oh God who put these there yeah oh what the Yeah that wasn’t me that wasn’t me like I said I’m being framed who wears a watch that tight though I like I’m surprised that they have any circulation whatsoever maybe they don’t this is like preamputation yeah maybe yeah that’s that’s probably why they’re really pale now yeah there’s just nothing flowing through that but it it looks it looks fancy it looks fancy you know the really nice watch I mean I don’t know I think I think having a nice watch photo raises the value of the home a bit so I do agree with that no this is definitely it definitely looks more luxurious now you know you got the golden watch you got the two cars cars and watches are a thing that they they go together uh I guess so I’ve been told by other people with cars who really like watches but I’m like huh okay you can’t drive a watch you know what I’m saying you can’t drive a watch yeah it’s kind of pointless yeah but even it’s of it I mean you can just check the time on your phone I know exactly it’s kind of it’s weird I’ve never gotten the whole thing yeah you can’t have like a you can’t drive like a cors and like put it into you know put it into third gear and drive like 700 miles an hour but like a a watch you know I mean come on just get a phone exactly like the phone is super like I just looked right now it’s 5’11 boom yeah thanks to my phone that was quick yeah that was quick yeah I just tapped the screen yeah can I have dirt are you need dirt okay I’m being framed watch watch this I’m being framed again I I’m going to get V I’m photographic video evidence TMZ is infiltrating my house right now to take photos of me Dr next to what I don’t know I would I would I would start looking into a lawyer you know I would start I would really start looking into a lawyer who should I get to repres I’m going to be honest we came here to Blackmail you and get some good good photos of you beating up people but I I don’t want I don’t know what this is now no I’m not I’m not part of this has it gone too far it’s gone too far yeah this has gone above and beyond what are you do you vandalizing now you moved on from framing to vandalizing huh this is really bad Captain Sparkles I would I would start considering Extreme Measures at this point no this is I I’m I’m want no this is going to be my evidence on my side in court oh you’re going to counter suit yes absolutely look I’m being trapped I’m being harassed in my I’m being harassed in my home I’ve been harassed oh no that’s bad that’s bad look at what you’ve done look at what you’ve done yeah get get a lot of evidence get a lot of I’ve got to I’ve got to make an Evidence fer make sure you built a good case against that it kind of looks like kind of looks like that’s my arm with the watch on it yeah it does Captain sparkle what is what is that sparkle what is that that is um please stop this at once get this off of my house oh no this is this is clearly vandalism I do like that picture though it looks like you have a really thick arm Diamond wow there diamonds hiding in my hiding in my house that’s cool it it just dropped from my lucky rock you can have it yeah you better believe I can have it I think that’s what we call a that’s what we call a bribe a reverse bribe yeah that’s what we call a reverse bribe you broke my item frames you broke it you are vandalizing every thing oh my god wow my house is in shambles it’s in Ruins cap cap you know what T TMZ can do this all day you don’t you don’t want to go against TMZ on this one don’t I know it don’t I know it I’ve heard yeah I’ve heard things about TM stop that one is off limits that one is off limits that one is off limits yeah that one that one goes way too far wait can I put up a picture if it’s not that one no not no not that one not that one no okay you can have this hold no stop you do not no what are you doing sorry what’s in there what are you doing can you just check what’s in there top right top right I forgot my uh a poppy um one down two to the left left one down two to the left a seeds I mean three to the left yeah no um yeah yeah seeds I know right I know right Captain Sparkles yes you need to see this what do you think of this um I it looks like a nice on a nice man with a ponytail uhhuh yeah just be honest I know that’s your HOA coworker but come on I I mean it’s not flattering is it it’s not a flattering flattering angle even you have to admit I mean it’s like the it’s it’s not a hairstyle that I would necessarily wear myself but I respect people’s individuality yeah that’s a good message that’s a good M yeah yeah yeah like that inspirational yeah I try I try to be looks like yeah good onion onion look like an onion is this is this should that go there yeah keep that picture please okay sounds good until he comes around this place just yeah make it bigger I think you should make it bigger a little bigger okay yeah yeah yeah yeah and now he’s like looking at your cars he’s looking at your cars oh yeah he is I mean who wouldn’t right they’re pretty cool he’s like oh man I really wish I had [Laughter] those looks really jealous of your cars alternatively you could do that no oh he’s not going to like that he’s not going to like that honestly keep it there is Nightmare yeah yeah do you have do you have a reverse IM like like that mirror and you can put them like facing each other I don’t I got it from from Rea you can put one on the other side of the building and like have them looking at each other that’s true let me do that yeah go do that me just cook that up real quick I’m getting I got to get my evidence in order here oh that’s evidence right there oh yeah that’s evidence right there that is just not correct that is also slander there we go evidence I’m getting I’m getting my court case in order okay yep yep court case I will be attending do we have a courthouse I think Josh has one in this house do someone have a camera that seems biased though you can’t just have the courthouse in your house it has to be a dedicated oh well I don’t know if he like lives lives there but you know the big one that’s you have do you have a camera and some paper I have a camera and paper yes perfect um wait can you give me the camera because I have the picture on my oh I will give it back I will give it back yeah no I know I know I know I’m not trustworthy lending items but I will give this one back mhm it’s very it’s it’s good of you to grow as a person thank you thank you okay this is perfect what oh dear what the hell things to happen in New York is 911 and that haircut [ __ ] oh no what have you done what did you do to the memorial no what the [ __ ] happened to the one of the towers is gone one The Towers fell oh there we go there we go that is beautiful that’s perfect beautiful that this is worse the 9911 I’m going to be completely honest I he needs to see this honestly you’re going to take another photo now of the two together and you’re going to bring it to them oh that’sa by the way why is there a photo of me standing looking over my shoulder at the sorry this is my now you don’t get to keep this there will be no further framing this actually goes kind of hard I’m not going to lie it looks pretty cool yeah it makes it it makes it to look better yeah what is what is gobus gigaa yeah what is that what is this yeah what what is that I didn’t make it I didn’t make it I know that’s that’s from you keep it oh yeah um exposed this is my creature it was newly discovered and I is that what’s on your head actually um maybe Justin what have you done wait what Justin what wait me did did you do it you just oh God did you do have a curse have a curse I I don’t have a curse oh God was it was it Luka it was not me it was not me I swear I don’t have a curse huh oh dear I think it might it might be J schlatt’s minions coming oh yeah is is this minion oh what the where are they don’t look better now Wait what hey what the [ __ ] 911 time 2 they look better now I think he done he did it again oh my God it’s 912 guys I I think I might have too many images in the old photo album here uh onion what is this yeah bro got the onion cut onion fade my man buil like a like a sweet onion what the f brought onion to the barber and so just just do whatever the [ __ ] this is yall know green onions yo I love green onions dude onions do I have something for you who just what someone just farted who was that youa no someone farted oh what was that oh that’s that’s rough that’s rough I knew it guys that wasn’t me okay oh God dud TMZ where’s the evidence that wasn’t me dude you guys don’t understand it’s it’s whatever see it oh my God wait should we figure out this raid yeah where are they it’s happening at the Village uh downtown I think I guess yeah just the main the main I’m going to I’m going to get some glowstone for it stop looking at my house TMZ make sure to like the video for raids and um subscribe to the channel and stuff like that okay where is this happening what is going on time to wear the good armor oh maybe did someone fix it I think it’s gone oh it’s gone wait no is it just gone over here is it actually closer to well there’s no villagers this way unless someone’s got a secret basement filled with people that would be unbrand wait let me see oh oh my go it is all here there’s villagers underneath what the look wait what is going on over wait where the hell are they they’re down there oh there’s cows us what wait someone actually has secret villagers what the the is what is going on under us we we got hold on hold on we got to investigate what is this there’s a whole underground civilization look at this okay we have there’s Golems under there there’s like wait they’re right through here they’re right through here look there’s one right here Blue’s death trap uh oh seat ah what bird look at this I saw what the hell this what is this this seems like a uh violation of HOA protocol to house an underground civilization let’s go and find out where those guys are look they’re right underneath us I don’t have an axe on me right now does anyone have an axe I do yeah I’m going through Stone hello and Marcel are living down here okay well I’ll leave them be no we got to protect them where oh man what the where the I don’t know where the bad guys are they just live in this cave who’s whose villagers are these what is going on someone whose basement is this dude it’s I wonder if this is Josh’s because it has bricks and quartz to trade what well there’s a Golem yeah look look he’s doing evil experiments there’s a zombie in here he’s got a rail I I think I understand what’s going on he’s trying to make he’s trying to infect uh villagers to get them to have lower prices what what sick bastard what sick bastard kidnpped these innocent villagers and put them in the stone basement surrounded by zombies wait where’s this’s the entrance where where’s the yeah where’s the pillagers at uh is this oh it’s just like clearly oh who whose house is this God the whole time this is toen oh I kind of remember him popping out of this I think at some point when he was tracking us doing the HOA inspections apparently people are doing The Raid some I mean there might be a Gollum or they might just be dying or something like that how is I I just I don’t understand wait I heard the oh re just got struck by oh wait here they are here they are oh [ __ ] no he stole my sword oh [ __ ] don’t don’t get after him boys get in yeah he’s going to steal your sword get him get him with a take my sword take my gun try to try to take it from me yeah yeah come and take it take it with your soft liberal hands you’re where are the others oh nice yeah bet you put lotion on them hands don’t you liberal uh I have no no idea where they are I think I see them I don’t know how to get there though there’s villagers underground but I don’t oh that’s those are vill okay [Music] yeah one wait they they must be finding him is over here you find him no I don’t know where the last one is I see him he’s over here where right over here he’s trying to kill the Sheep oh God you sick son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] up got them um all right there may be a ravagers coming in is there a ravager dude who did someone pull up with like a level three uh I don’t know who everyone is denying it I haven’t left the confines of this place uh at all so me just I just joined I’m building my little train station uh where someone must know where they are two who is doing this Havoc dude pure Havoc pure chaos it’s not even happening over here it’s it’s over there I have no idea it’s cuz of these two villagers underneath that’s that’s literally the reason yeah I just I don’t know where the guy oh wait you guys see him are you what’s the what’s the situation Captain I don’t know other people are handling everything apparently they got soft hands they do got soft hands liberal son of a [ __ ] I’ll get you I bet you don’t mess with is my house the center of attention it really is get out of my house also a furry and watches bird on Twitch get out of my house big pants who was born in October voluntary ex hands you guys they do come and take my come and take my zombie sword you want it come take it come take my crossbo wait are there villagers over here yeah there’s one in here too oh those must have been the ones that did it these are L I think Who’s down there like they they’re trying to cancel the Ender Dragon the Liberals are trying to cancel the Ender Dragon a [ __ ] I hope you don’t mind the little Landscaping I’m doing I’m trying to do some community service and make look nice you you seem like you are very artistic so by all means make it look pretty yay HOA approved yeah what should I do what should I do to make my house prettier okay all right more flowers more flowers or not enough flowers I put so many flowers in more cars more more cars more yeah honestly yeah more cars or more flowers you choose he where is the last one I want that bar off my screen come on now oh it’s up here it’s the witch Jesus what the where’ it go you get a mace it’s over behind the house how did you just do that fan I’m a fan of that dang thank you thank you I’ll be here all week you’re too kind that was good where is oh there he is come here there there are so many more oh there we go got him hey maybe one of us can get the uh Vex sword I don’t know I think I think put him back oh [ __ ] than FR I didn’t mean to do that there we go good I was trying to take off my God it’s a little man God damn it little man where’s the little man not not there anymore a you guys killed the little man oh uh there are a few people in bird’s house I got this what are they doing in your they’re [ __ ] dying that’s what they’re doing get trying to kill chat try CH chat’s safe we’re good chat you’ll be okay chat does the sdmp have St your ground laws it does now [Laughter] come and take it you you want my Enderman sword come and take it you want my crossbow come take you want hey you want my neptunium bow come and take it with your soft hands I’d love to see you try soft-handed liberal you want my mending fishing rod come and [ __ ] take [ __ ] dig that [ __ ] there’s supposed to be one more I don’t know where the hell he is oh no wait hey oh there were no no ravagers easy get I didn’t even do anything I I killed a billion people I need to I need to go uh trade real quick I’m gonna be right back Lial the hat too oh my God was the one who did it the whole time just to go trade what they did to the tow wait I need the hat so badly fck you guys have the Hat you guys have the look like Jack septica no oh this isn’t this isn’t that hat this is different hat it’s like the the straw hat is the really really good one yeah right man oh dude the the freaking hero of the village plus the straw hat oh God that would be so op hey have a have a ruby man the house I’m sure bird has one I’m sure bird has one I wonder if I could borrow it from him God but then he’s going to hold over even more favors over my head man it’s going to hold more fa favors over my head I can’t do it like a first I gave you all those hexit paddles and now you expect me to give you the the hero of the village hat and stuff like that like I don’t know that that’s going to be a good idea I don’t like to owe too many favors I don’t like to owe too many favors it’s not a good thing just borrowing I know but he’s still probably going to consider it a favor oh maybe I can ask I don’t know okay what do we have here let me grab this what the [ __ ] did you do you ruined the whole place [ __ ] up Rift whole landscaping business my flowers oh did you ruin my landscape yay yeah it’s fine my yard is my yard needs to be pretty I’m sorry I was just I was just trying to I was just no no no no it’s it’s okay no everything’s good everything’s good okay thank goodness just go this way we should I’m gonna continue my work property I think this is like squatting what we’re doing right now it’s okay as long as you guys you know respecting the Landscaping that RI skin is doing you know yeah actually speaking of landscaping I’m going to go get back to my Landscaping see you fellas have fun Landscaping thank you your garage is very decorated now I will say I mean it is you’re in it and I thought it would be great if you would just stay in it that’s true uh I’m also bald for some reason someone decided to make me bald they didn’t even really match my skull shape properly it looks like I’m wearing it’s a bit of a it’s a bit of a cap wig yeah yeah it’s a really bad bald cap what is this thing on the what is this creature that’s a gobby I believe standing next to my that’s a gobby yeah why is it saying H because Justin’s behind it oh I oh I didn’t mean to do that I didn’t mean to do that that was a misclick wow sweet ride have you seen my gnome it’s attracted to bald people oh no it’s it’s not a gobby it’s a gnome sorry sorry sorry there’s a lot of there’s a lot of layers to this and and the the Minecraft Fallen Kingdom King is still in a bird cage for some Reas he is because I haven’t forgiven the uh Astro HOA violation wait I’ve just received mail oh from RZA breaking news the self-proclaimed Steven Spielberg of Minecraft AKA Captain Sparkles has reportedly deleted the meta in folder by accident more as the story unfolds oh boy oh boy did you really do that I’ve done it I had it I did it a bunch of times and I do it again too good Lord oh God Captain you’re Menace Screw The Meta in folder nobody likes the meta in folder do you want the meta in folder take it this is nope got it what is it I don’t I don’t want this I don’t want this is not the Captain Sparkles I grew up on what is this it’s a postcard from Reon yeah it’s it’s the yeah meta but what is this the meta INF folder oh he does not play Minecraft is a folder that you do not want to have imagine trying to accuse me of doing something that that is essential for modded Minecraft does it have Herobrine it I mean probably I think it’s haunted by herobrine unbelievable her he’s not real right what do you mean like well he’s not he’s not like in the game he was once he’s in the game he’s in the game because I well because I saw in the patch notes for this last update that they that they they took him out they lie every time no it’s a lie it’s a lie yeah what are you talking about why they lie about it’s it’s it’s it’s uh it’s it’s Mo what is it Mojang moang yeah Mojang why would they lie every night every night there’s a one in 10,562 chants of him showing up that’s a real and haunting you that’s a real fact yeah what does he do does he oh you don’t want to know no app data why is you don’t you don’t delete the app data folder do you know Captain Sparkles no you that’s you don’t do that that would be a bad idea yeah you wouldn’t be a even be able to play the game if you did that which is actually crazy I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to do anything that’s like that’s like second to system 32 I’m pretty sure yeah oh yeah I have that in my recycle bin right now oh are you planning to empty it probably after the stream yeah okay I bet it’s occupying a lot of it yeah ites take it does take up a lot of space yeah I was going to say you you might want to free that up you know for more important things like more like more Minecraft images so I can prank Captain Sparkles I mean maybe or maybe not actually if you don’t have enough room on your PC maybe Herobrine can’t show up like he won’t actually that’s a good point if if I don’t have enough I don’t have enough uh dedicated Wham I can probably keep him out I had thought about that that’s a good way to combat him actually bit of a deep cut right come on guys you know super Kai 64 to the server is my question God we should that’s that’s dedicated Wham that’s dedicated that’s the dedicated Wham guy yeah yeah oh why isn’t he on here it’s a good question for if we Super 64 that’ be kind of funny actually what’s what’s the question ah [Music] crap what does this what does this one do for you what oh my god did you say a crap or did you say off frap I I what what does that one do to you God I yeah that gets me too God I haven’t seen that window in so many years yeah you know that gif of the of the Disney character that like goes back in time and becomes a kid again like he’s like a grandpa and then he’s like they zoom into his eye and then he’s like a kid maybe possibly yeah this is what that image I’ll do you one better okay is a classic no yeah God how old is this like like 12 years old I I remember the horrors of 100 gigabyte files this was a remember bad cam Jesus I never I never used that I never used that this is back when back when the C was like 25 whoa more like more like 19 okay come on man it was like 1998 actually I mean you know no need to you know no need to hide it you’re what 42 no I swear I’m not you guys got a Windows Life movie maker on your PC I used to um maybe you guys got um C you guys used studio so you guys use Sony Vegas good Sony Vegas oh yeah us I still edit withas c yeah of Vegas that was like it was half in Russian I got it off of like off of whatever that pirating website was and half of it was in Russia and I taught myself how to edit on it I edited like I edit a ton of Superga I edited a bunch of super mega videos on a on on a cracked Russian version ofy Vegas when I first started working actually know Russian now no I I I don’t remember any of it now but but like I I knew the characters and stuff at least when when I was like actually using it there God there’s a there’s a bunch of old super mega videos that were edited on on Russian Sunny Vegas and it would crash every two hours so I’d have to like get off of it so that I wouldn’t be on too long that was oh man good times good how much information did that steal off of your PC I don’t know uh all I know is I my my credit score has been a solid two for the last uh 10 years okay I’m pretty sure it can’t go below 400 so that’s impressive yeah yeah well I mean I don’t know if it’s like a Russian thing or something but yeah they hacked it so bad that it’s out of bounds it’s it’s it’s minus two that’s what my credit score is it’s minus two okay I tried to get a loan I tried to get a loan for a car and the guy just laughed at me I’m sorry if there was Bitcoin at that time that that the guy who made that is now a multi-millionaire oh dude I wish I could go back in time and and do you guys know about that guy that he has like 700 million dollar in his Bitcoin wallet but he forgot the password oh yeah and he’s been trying to like hire people to get into it has like one guess left yeah he’s got one guess left and then he’s locked out forever that would suck yeah that’d be luckily I’m a millionaire off of the sdmp so I don’t have to worry about these trivial things I mean you know who couldn’t do with an extra 700 mil no matter what you know that’s true I wouldn’t sneeze at it you know I wouldn’t sne you got you got what like 300 million in your savings no it’s more like a billion but you know listen got a Shady Side and I don’t mean this with any disrespect right when I think of Fallen Kingdom I feel really really old and and I I don’t want to imagine how you feel when you think of that well because Captain was even older I mean that without any disrespect and I mean if I mean if if we’re if we’re feeling old looking back on that and we were kids when it came out I mean imagine how old Captain Sparkles guys I’m going to go trade with villagers oh the Portal’s over here damn [Laughter] it no God damn it dude I gotta I can’t waste the uh hero of the village effect um I can’t waste the stupid is it not it’s not fixed yet freaking heck Michael what have you done Michael what have you done hey so um er uh Centum thanks for two months you bro ravioli 39 months Mick schnitzel with a sub uh assassin’s deagle with 200 bits and Serena blueberry with 49 months I’m going to I’m going to put an official notice on Michael’s house and require him to report to the HOA General in order to answer for what has happened here doesn’t he live with me well I think he lives more at Olive Garden currently so which is fine but also at the same time this is ridiculous okay where is where is my other man’s uh he’s over here yeah okay going so fast it’s hard to keep track hey buddy wow it’s still 23 what kind of hero of the village is this I thought I was going to get good deals here I thought I was going to get great deals here also I didn’t bring any other saplings and stuff I had to get out in a hurry guys I was the weight of age was really Weighing on me I had to leave I might have forgotten some things um can you can you what are you what the freak are you doing Shane I mean Chen God dang oh is that it you’re done you’re finished okay what about over here I’m too F too fast for my own oh wait that’s Mr uh sorry that’s Fortune guy um mending for eight maybe is good to to do maybe I should oh my God I forgot to bring books this is what happens when I’m driven out of my home I only have 25 minutes left to go back and forth I don’t know what yeah with this memory loss I’m not sure I can make it back and forth in time God dang it am I going mimic hunting today I don’t know man I want to I want to see if the if the hero or the villager trading hat is at yah’s place and also I must create a formal a formal ho way complaint to Michael for this look at this look at this it’s still frecked it’s still frecked okay who is yoinking me in who is this what is this is it you UNF freet dude what is going on bro there is a there is a Yony guy inside of there trying to pull you to your doom that is a Next Level freaking thing that’s crazy oh my God someone is going to get blackold into into the bomb what can easily just get to my house Jesus Christ what are you got what are you doing in my garage oh I’m sorry I’m sorry Captain Captain we need to AP we need to apologize we weren’t familiar with your game please don’t kill us we would really like to apologize I mean I don’t know what what this guy was talking about earlier you know that I I didn’t say anything you were the one that said what are you doing to my garage it was just no I didn’t do anything it’s not me it’s not me you need to understand it’s not me I I I was just look I I just I just make my little jokes I all right I apologize Captain I can make this right I can make this we we can make how are to make this right I I know I I know things that I can make for you that that that will please you you’ll never be able to die again if I give this to you it’s not even an undying totem what is what just give me some time I I need I need some time to assemble the materials but I’ll make this for okay so he’s got to he’s got to find the Infinity Stones I I really do but I I have I can I can make this right I can make this right for you Captain I promise figure this out you have three days oh God 72 72 actual hours okay I think I can still I think I can get this to you by the end of the day but I may I may not be here by the end of this real day day oh no so you have three days you’re you’re in some trouble Man I mean we’ll make this right I’ll make this right Captain I promise I’ll make this right look at the picture remember remember remember what you’re dealing with oh God I have the picture of you don’t need to look at the picture any longer I’m staring right at his nipple why do you keep looking right at me why do you keep looking at the picture because it’s in my inventory well I mean Captain to be honest how can you not look at this I mean this is great look at this it’s it was raining go I gotta go really sorry I don’t know what these what these people are doing he got the 4 GT Miami blue colors oh my God he got the Miami blue paint job with the Racing Stripes i you know got a cosplay got a cosplay as the georan GT sometimes this is this is impressive man damn what’s your what’s your meal prep routine like man I mean how do I I gotta catch up man what are you eating my my dude stri and straight donkey milk every day oh my [Laughter] God what what was this Captain what happened um what was that all about that was that was for charity by the way you know okay okay well that’s for charity yeah no look Captain I’m gonna I’m gonna just I’m gonna go about my day I’m gonna get the you start a cleaning service all right are you looking for your house to be cleaned Good Luck Good Luck Captain I’ll be back in a bit you have come on Kell days let’s get out of here we got to go back to my place he’s going to be I have to keep that picture all this just to trade with some [Music] villagers dang it man I’m going to go check the yahi shop real quick and also bring um stuff and and things I uh really thought that as once I left I thought that I would be safe I thought that they would be gone but I wait wait I’m not I don’t even I don’t even know what I’m doing at this point anymore this is it’s truly feeding my social anxiety how do you how do people do interactions with other other people in ways that are not intimidating to existence and stuff Lando friendo thank you for subbing and uh much much appreciated and and whatnot and things are we now getting uh tick talk links wow look at that the Y I forgot that the YMCA is slot machine wager any valuables then push the button does it automatically work now by the way do we have any do we have any like okay move freely in water villager hat six diamond blocks each this is worth isn’t it I believe that this is worth also what the freak does it mean swim freely in water or move freely I’m pretty sure I can move freely and do not get the sinking thing do not do not do it okay I won’t do it if you don’t think I should do it you just sink water acts like air but no breathing you will just die of fall damage if you land in water wait why would anyone do that why is that a 60 Diamond thing I don’t understand that seems like a bad deal if I had to say anything hey hey hey hey just Sonic I’m I’m really sorry I forgot I forgot to give your camera back I’m really sorry I don’t want to thank you no no it’s okay um I really apologize I I really do apologize I forgive you for that one thanks for getting me publicity with TMZ hey TMZ you want to do it again you want to do it again here quick quick little quick little 3 two one good good good good good okay put it on the front page put it on the front page okay um I need I need money I need my money all my money give me my money okay good good good okay I’m buying that I’m buying that I got I got oh sorry um hold on I also have I’ve been the recipient of of You’ve got mail um this is from this is from tip 11000 uh with cheer 1000 deep in the valley of Earth and stone stood a kingdom all on its why what kind of what kind of words are you trying to put in there tip um all mot said it not not allowed uh stood a kingdom all on its own King protected his domain thwarting all of his enemies campaigns but then came an enemy the likes of which had never been seen before he was a dangerous man evil to the Bone V vill’s name was Hera brone and when he formed his lines the mob stormed the kingdom and the battle did bone battle was a fierce one we fought till the last breath but the kingdom had fallen the battle was lost to death why why is it why is it censored why did mubot do this thank you for the bone T tip thanks for the bone um wait it’s going to be faster to go this way faster to get to the YMCA yeah unfortunately you can’t even type what it’s supposed to be because it’ll just keep getting deleted it’s really a lost cause wait we can send him mad libs with the postcards we just provide blanks you can you you could send me postcards that have blanks in them and then I can just improvise I Lov doing Mad Libs when I was younger I had a little I had a phase right after I found out what Mad Libs were where I just like I just ended up doing so many of them it was great uh six diamond blocks huh I don’t have a freaking I never bring my crafting table this is terrible he six diamond blocks here we go yeah this is good this a good one right here that was worth it honestly going to the nether for an adventure what kind of Adventure I also don’t know who this is it might not be towards me it was it was towards Bird come peep my place before you go yeah sorry I shouldn’t I shouldn’t interject it was probably not intended for me I think it’s actually faster for me to just run back this way because the portal load times and stuff like that social anxiety right I’ll still ask what kind of Adventure right now is that what’s going on personally yeah I prefer to not answer that I guess it was asking bird instead of saying bird Kelly and I it was bird comma Kelly and I are going on an adventure which now that I now that I think of it makes more sense in the way that it was responded um but anyway here we are looking for a biome in the nether with bone blocks and netherite that’s pretty epic um I have to trade a couple guys but can do after the bone biome it was a nogo literally zero bone tip tip knew tip knew it was all about the bones Captain Kars thank you for 37 months very cool oh God I don’t like that oh schlat might see the image potentially now it’s possible schlatt has seen capade is this a confirmed fact oh no well I guess it wouldn’t shock him then okay so how does this go here oh that’s so cool hey I guess you haven’t you haven’t lowered your prices what about here oh my God oh my God I’m not shift clicking yet cuz I need to have inventory space holy freck it it what whoa okay I had to sell mending in an insane markup I mean I feel like people know that wait what about here what is is this what is happen this is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life oh my God wait what what is this what are we what the what the what in the freaking what the freak what’s the next thing oh it’s the rat bro should bring the Villager to spawn oh that’s such a tedious process though it’s such a tedious thing to do but maybe um okay by the way it’s only 17 why is this 17 that’s crazy so it just for enchantment things it’s insane um have you restoned oh God the problem is I’m holding up I’m holding up the The Travelers with this um let me just I guess buy out the other stuff here and then it’s all I can do right oh God my inventory is completely full I can’t even do I can’t do more I could get here with the village again to be fair yeah it could be done it could be done holy freak that’s gnarly okay I also got mail all right I got to run back I got to run back upgrade my backpack I don’t think it’s what’s clipped wait what what needs to be clipped what did I do what did I do that’s TM zable again God dang it oh schlat seeing cap made ah got it man I am hungry really [Music] hungry sepper conversation this isn’t about you this classic chat just me thinking that something in game might be related to my stream or something like that in chat being like you think we’re talking about you be gone old man I thought we taught you a lesson old man um okay God oh my God we pop off oh my God we pop off so much wait this is crazy this is so crazy this is the craziest thing um God thinking I’m the center of attention jeez how I just you know what I need an ego check I really do I I just sit me down and and tell me why it’s not all about me you know okay so I guess we could just bring some of this okay cool cool um oh god what have we okay we’ve got a couple postcards here real quick um this one from kendi artista it Cheer 11 or cheer 1000 if the king’s design was based off the Burger King mascot and what was the prince’s design based off of # real Falling Kingdom lore hours um just a guy I saw on the sidewalk and now we have Mr Norton with a I’m um I’m sure that mubot liked that message a lot thank you thank you uh for this tip 11,000 why did my beautifully written poem get booted but that didn’t life isn’t fair sometimes um wait are they over here your your turtle is like your turtle’s like right hey what’s up Captain Hey I’m um talking about stair Turtle I’m ready you want to see a cool postcard I got I can’t hear you if you’re talking oh I said I’m ready but do you want to see a cool postcard whoa wait what I it one of the ones with the effects and [ __ ] yeah how do they do this I bad that’s terrifying all right uh you can be cursed too now oh cool I love curses that was awesome thanks no problem uh yeah B we’re going to hit up the nether man if you want to come with no I want to work on my place I’ve been putting off for too long it’s been an eyes sore oh yeah you have a bit of a bug infestation that the ho oh no this is Lark’s place oh that’s mine down there yours well not my place but it’s going to be a museum wait what do you mean where the Dome the Dome it’s like a glass Dome you see that where come on I don’t see the glass Dome it’ll it’ll chunk you out a little bit once you once it loads in oh who who’s who has the pumpkin house that’s AST oh huh we going to be doing multiple levels in here and then we’ll have uh different booths so other people can come set up their stuff too yeah I’m going to have to put that that’s a bit of violation right there yeah well under construction right now it’s it’s not going to be here when we open up man yeah we’ll have a that that way uh there won’t be so many pictures of like fan art and stuff like me and Justin had in in the main spawn area if you want to see them you can come here oh got it so it’s to it’s to take the lag and then move it over here yeah and then we’re going to have uh we’re going to have Boost Set up so other people like yourself if you got fan art you don’t want lagging up your place you just slap it here okay that’s a cool idea I’m really glad I put those optimization mods in I haven’t done that yet but my i’ I’ve never had any issues with any of them to be like honest I but everybody else is complaining so I figured I mean I may or may not be part of the problem at spawn so here here we are what was that made a little fart sound nothing at all it was the whoopy cushion oh yeah the the cushion okay well okay Justin’s Justin’s waiting yeah I’m carbon carbon monoxide dioxide build up good luck man hope you find some bone things I do too I don’t know what we’re looking for not you again oh no it’s you again also hello let me put the let me put these postcards back really quick every slot count oh God it’s all full oh jeez okay ready ready ready all right let’s do it to the nether whoa whoa what’s happening oh my where are we we’re in an HOA violation right now I’m going to be taking Michael mchill to court we’re in J shot’s head no you see what happened you want do you want to see what has gone on here this used to be a beautiful continuous Highway Jesus Christ God damn whoever did that I’m oh wow captain I don’t know who put whatever that mob there but I swear to God I swear to God me all right you get yed too I got yed yeah so I almost killed it so that used to be a a continuous path of ice up there yeah and then Michael and I think Hunter as an accomplice just took half of it and moved it up just destroying my highway why would they do I don’t know I don’t know that’s why I have to take them to court yeah um okay so we’re looking for a we’re looking for a biome that has bones bone blocks that thing Kelly Kelly says that there’s what’s it called biomes here what is it called Kell do you know I don’t know I just know that there’s biomes that have bones in it okay well I mean Soul Sand the Soul Sand Valley has bones in it yeah is that what you mean yeah oh okay I thought there was like a special that’s what it is yeah uh Soul Sand Valley okay I see it yeah so there’s one 400 blocks uh that way all right well I guess we get walking um oh did someone already make a tunnel to it over here or something let’s see uh-oh there’s a bunch of lava oh no h yeah maybe let’s go around do we want to oh no I don’t know it might be better to go back up uh and use the highway if we can possibly yeah yeah let’s do that sorry I got myself pulled down here let’s um okay buddy it might be quicker to go back up here into the Weezer portal okay yeah okay and then back in spawn now go back in and then back in okay yeah okay okay let’s do it let’s do it okay beautiful oh I didn’t know it would take us to different portals that’s cool yeah so um I guess bird did say that the closest one already had a lot of its stuff stolen I don’t know if we need to go elsewhere but I don’t know we can just oh that’s true I mean we might as well go check it out ourselves really quick and just see I guess like oh I got yed again you almost went through that’s jeez hey all right uh okay um over over the this way is cool oh the the zombies damn it it it yed me and now I’m going slow there um hold on we could take the ice path for a little bit of it if we just you know go up here this is so upsetting this is so upsetting um come on KY oops yeah there we go uhoh uhoh oh okay this is where we’re supposed to be nice yeah you know what I just realized I don’t have any gold on that’s why I wear my helmet your crown yeah but they didn’t that’s true maybe maybe because they know we’re famous this looks like trick that’s not funny that’s not funny that’s some that’s some Looney Tune [ __ ] that’s some that’s some on the side of a brick wall stuff dude that’s evil that’s so evil wait put it back sorry sorry I just okay um yeah we uh me and Lark well I I kind of me and yahi set it up but I’ve actually gone off of it before so with anyway I need some Netherrack cuz we’re probably going to want to build actually wait we could just drop down here to be fair and then just travel on you would you let’s just drop down and and go where’s don’t worry it’s fine that was stylish slies thanks for raiding come on Justin you good he’s going to MLG water bucket clutch oh that was scary that was a great water bucket clutch right there thank you that was that was that was that was very nerve-wracking for me um it is 100 73 away there’s so many portals everywhere this is terrifying dude I’m so afraid of the nether oh my don’t fall I don’t like this I don’t like this just walk across man hold shift you won’t fall over this you’ll get here one day there you go oh oh my God I’m not even joking I I I my my my fingers are tingling from that I’m so proud of you that was a really impressive maneuver that you did there thank you thank you I I know it was I know it was I’m I’m a grown man congratulations thank you H dude this is a dead end how about we go over here just you just need to like you know wall ride no problem H really doesn’t want to connect to the biome what do you guys need the uh bone for we’re trying to make something out of bone uh like a museum for the swords that he wants to make oh I was thinking it’d be cool to have like a yeah armor on display in a museum too at some point maybe yeah yeah we’re trying to make a huge skull okay that you walk into and then it’s like that’s the museum so we want to use real bone cuz it’s uh it’s it’s more authentic that way yeah right right even though it’s not bones of the enemies that you vanquished it’s just some bones it’s just bones that we found yeah but but I mean you know uh pre pre-killed bones some someone in my chat just said Justin you live in LA you should be used to this kind of environment and you’re so you’re so right this is this is Downtown LA um this is Little Tokyo at 2 a.m. I don’t think it’s that it’s been pretty cold here actually true I I just mean you know just the the vibe of it gotcha a little bit of a hex Escape yeah I mean Little Tokyo is pretty okay it’s more just you know you go a few blocks away from that not so that’s yeah she go two blocks away from Little Tokyo and oh God 32- 30 uh7 God I hate imagine if water or lava was like flowing at you there I know there’s someone died from that uh beginning of the server it’s on yeah wasn’t it Josh was it Josh oh well at least he lost all his stuff to it I’m pretty sure oh I see it there it is the Soul Sand uh I think just mine mine through this wall I don’t like it man terrify this place it’s fine when you get to know’s going to jump out and spook me he’s going to try to bite my fingers it’s only one in 10,000 chance right so you’re good whoa okay oh there’s a for or a fortress here what the we dog our way into a fortress yeah what you look at that a terrible Fortress I didn’t know this was here damn I wish I would have brought a pickaxe what is this um okay so the Soul Sand Valley is somewhere I guess we just go into the Fortress and see let’s check it out man has no one been in here no they had to have been in here there’s no way a dice ooh increases accessory drop Chance by 20% those are really good all the all the stuff that you wear like flippers or like your running shoes you get a 20% buff if you have that to find more huh so no one’s been in here how has no one been in this thing oh shoot in here what was that I need to I said maybe I can find a pickaxe in here I forgot to bring one that’s that’s usually a good thing to have on you yeah I wonder if no one’s been in here because it is just likeo inside it’s just inside a a cavern or something everything’s so red and scary sorry it’s a bit of a a detour that thing it’s a Magma Cube oh it looked a lot harder to kill than oh oh it’s this kind of Fortress no way this thing’s huge dude I didn’t know it was the one with like the big castle door and stuff it’s pretty freaking huge how is no one I do not understand how we are the first people to find this this is crazy can we go into these doors um oh cool I’ve just made it worse usually there’s like a bunch of stuff uh up top and in a bunch of like barrels and oh yeah oh yeah there’s Goods around here a diamond a singular Diamond there’s another dice if you want it oh I’ll take another dice wow this is a pretty good drop oh wait I need to I need to put my hat on I need to put my hat on extra looting come on give me a skull give me a skull no skull what the heck lame but usually there’s like good stuff up top oh and everybody is here come on skull skull skull am I one hitting God dang okay this is kind of dooo actually H never mind it’s not as great as I remember it feel they’re probably cap we have ventured down into it okay oh yeah they’re going to go into like the underground part of the whole thing okay this stuff is not super cool here so maybe maybe it’s whatever oh wait you can craft the dice into other things is that what it is a balls hey buddy okay okay I see so like I could put it into got it got it I should have um so that’s the Golden Horseshoe but okay I could put it into a different one I don’t know which one I should do man that’s so cool okay I’m going to go down I’m going to go down wait where’s the staircase down where is the staircase face down I swear I don’t think that oh you’re right put the book on though wait no no oh yeah yeah put the book on du for sure for sure what am I doing how do I go down I swear there’s like a I we should do this real quick yeah grab some of that where’s the staircase down just mine down that’s going to take ages I might end up in like freaking lava or something like that I don’t want to do that oh I see them I see them down there um k3tv thank you for the 23 months almost 2 years thanks for the awesome content oish do also there with uh 60 months yo potato badge let’s go oh God where was the down skis man I don’t know where it is I don’t know where it is I thought it was in the castle but this goes up this also goes go up they all they all go up see oh there it is okay cool found it found it only one I’ve looting four and I only got one what a ripoff where are they hello anybody home oh there they are where I don’t see where they’re at oh another dice let’s go I guess they haven’t been here yet more diamond also like doesn’t he usually have some stuff oh just kind of lame stuff where are they where are they I feel like I’ve distracted them so much from their initial Mission oh there they are hey I was wondering uh where you guys got to sorry I I feel like I’ve distracted you a lot from why you initially came here no this is fun this is fun oh cool cool there there’s really nothing over this way uh I don’t know if there’s I mean the place is pretty huge I just I’m just looking for I’m I’m looking I’m looking for a pickaxe you know uh you might be able to find like a gold pickaxe but I don’t think you’re going to find anything great a I found an iron axe so far so so we’re we’re we’re on track you could craft a golden pickaxe have you gotten how many diamonds have you gotten I have one diamond on me so I have enough for a hoe I think that’s enough for a shovel actually oh you’re right it’s two it’s two for a ho here would you like to owe me two diamonds sure hey thank you my friend yep yep uh I do need sticks now hold on um can I help you with that I can yes yes there you go yes yeah the sticks ready to go uh I I now I got to find a crafting table thanks captain no problem oh man Sparkles you’re the best thanks dude there’s your crafting table back yeah no problem man anything else that you need while we’re here I don’t think so man thanks Uncle Sparkles you’re the best okay [Laughter] great where to guys well uh do you want to find the bones yeah I would like to find the bones I really would let’s go find the bones we got Captain lone shark here with us today yeah my interest rate is uh 50% per month okay so I’ll have start cutting diamonds in half yeah sometimes you do have to fractionally pay so uh where was that oh it was over here when I make you this thing that uh that that I that I have promised you so you don’t you don’t find me and kill me in real life I think you’ll be extremely pleased I don’t you know what if that thing is if that thing is really cool you might not even owe me a uh the two diamonds okay okay I will admit like I’m kind of scared that the uh God that thing is cool what is that what just makes loud fancy noises don’t uh don’t look too close you know maybe maybe it’s a surprise maybe it’s a surprise okay got it got it it’s one of the Infinity Stones I see it’s it it pretty much is an Infinity Gauntlet um I am worried that this Soul Sand Valley might kind of be dooo so just don’t be mad at me if it turns out to be that way uh I won’t hold it against you too much okay thanks I haven’t even gotten a single skull I I’ll write a twit longer about it okay no I I haven’t gotten into too much drama and you know I’ve I’ve it’s probably been bad you know for for publicity so if you need to do that please do that okay yeah it’ll be it’ll be good for the MP as a whole the more drama the better okay yeah there’s not enough on This Server people are too nice I [Applause] agree more need more burning hatred okay so we’re in the Soul Sand Valley here we just need to like find the surface I can almost smell it we’re close can you okay cool yeah you can smell the bones I do smell the bones I smell some kind of bone I don’t know okay that’s uh lava surely I’m not just going to end up I think I think I’m going too high I’m going to be honest with you yeah no I think I think maybe too high right now um let’s go elsewhere now Captain I I I saw this thing on Reddit in 2012 it said the golden rule of Minecraft is you never dig straight down so just make sure you’re not digging straight down you know I don’t know if you know that I I do that sometimes in fact it’s it can be a decent idea I’m going to do it right now oh no don’t go down there nothing down here yet why is this this place is Terri I’m not even in a Soul Sand Valley anymore it’s terrible oh so we’re now now we’re more lost I don’t know why there’s no okay I’m sorry this it’s a bit of a disaster right now this is the quite possibly the worst Soul Sand Valley that has ever existed in Minecraft Kelly I I think we might have hired the wrong guide for the nether so so I’m I’m going to be honest with you I think that this Soul Sand Valley is a total loss okay uh so oh no but it’s it’s okay because oh God I need to switch to my rock I could be getting good stuff here hold on your rock you’re yeah my rock I’m I’m I’m only I’m using the book right now instead of the rock like I’m not going to get any ancient debris what is ancient debris armor stuff upgrades for tools you know all that neite scrap yeah I see that’s what I meant that’s what I meant okay so yeah this is um I did just find an ancient debris which is pretty cool you just oh uh can I get that my my apologies captain no no worries at all no worries at all please don’t kill us I feel like I I would never do that you’re kind of like I think you might have just got did you pick up a I did pick up a netherite scrap yes okay cool cool cool thank you thank you just giving you all the goods here okay so what’s happened is that the Soul Sand Valley that we found that didn’t didn’t really exist um it was it was a a bit of bad luck it was a lie it was a lie uh big big Minecraft wanted us to think there was a Soul Sand Valley there and they lied to us pretty much you got it you hit the nail on the head um so um H yeah I’m trying to think you know we may uh need to just go in like an entirely different direction um unless there’s a better Soul Sand Valley that’s yeah know it’s still pointing to the same still pointing to the same one so I guess just keep going you uh so the options are head back to spawn and and go the other way and then search again or just like keep going what do you think is the best idea catching Sparkles I would potentially head back to spawn okay then run the other way cuz I know a long path there that’s pretty easy to do and then search again let’s do it I have to pee though so okay yeah I can I can keep you covered really quick if you need do that thank you yes it was coming out all right okay good was it clear uh fairly yes okay good very good it wasn’t opaque I’ll tell you that much no been hdden hidden the Jack Daniels a little too often um no it wasn’t opaque oh okay I see I see I see what you mean so uh anyway let’s go back to spawn um you were wondering what kind of toilet it was it’s uh it was it’s a one of the Toto uh Japanese ones oh nice okay is it is it made out of netherite or no yes oh nice okay yeah actually I’m trying to think of like what’s what’s going to be the quickest way here of traveling through the open maybe this way all right I’m down yikes little sure thing Captain yeah hey guys care to join they can make it I believe in them um uh retro guy gaming thanks for 21 months in baby Cola TM with uh 9 months I was introduced to your channel when looking for mods for Minecraft you reviewed the clay soldiers mod back when you a Batman skin watching since 2011 hey that’s this is terrifying that’s not very nice of you to say I don’t have oh no I’m going to die TP 11,200 bits I think I figured it out I had to remove spaces between lines so it fit there’s no space after the period I bet muot saw that as a link oh I gotcha so much right now it it is hot in here I can understand why you’d be sweating uh nice job yeah I was like it’s not too bad it’s not he’s just making it to be a way bigger deal for real screaming no need to be a baby uh I’m almost there guys I’m almost there hey everyone I made it did it I was so brave D congrats you did great my my hands are actually sweating so bad right now my my keyboard is my keyboard is like lubricated I mean that’s good you always want to keep your keyboard well well lubed that’s true oh Lord on he walk AC here he just touched that lava and he didn’t catch on fire that’s what watch out Kelly there’s no no Rock there here you go Queen what are those things uh those are these are Striders Striders that’s cool by the way I’m pretty sure that your full set of armor uh doesn’t take damage in lava really yeah so you have nothing at all to worry about fire resistance yeah there fire resistance too oh dude well look the last time I was on an adventure with Captain Sparkles I died embarrassingly I just don’t want to do it again I died in a dungeon and I had good stuff then Swagger had to carry it back oh hey what is this it’s a Bastion wow we’re hit we’re just finding everything today what’s up Bastion what does this say oh someone’s been here though um it is a place where uh Pigmen uh exist including brutes I don’t know if there are any brutes they would they would kill us potentially I can take them okay I mean you might be able to in that armor yeah I think someone’s been here before ooh Soul speed oh was there stuff in it yeah there was a there was an enchanted book looks like no one no one it maybe Soul speed no the do you see the wood all around yeah oh you’re right you’re so right this is also uh this is the less exciting Bastion this one’s kind of poopy man hey at least we found one that’s pretty cool just on accurate uh come on up though oh I got to wait for Kelly by the way if you if you open a chest with the pigs nearby oh you probably can’t hear me that is a special Pigman he’s going to be oh here uhoh it’s a toasting piglin yeah if you guys open a chest by the way with any pigs nearby they get really mad okay lazy potato thank you for the Thousand bits and a postcard when we getting 24-hour Farming Simulator uh I don’t know is that here how terrifying what a what a terrible Place upes more upes yeah I think it’s been a little bit looted saded yeah I mean if you need some arrows there’s some stuff but otherwise um let’s see keep on heading over here yes sir I have such a bad fear of Lights it’s okay if you fall in the lava it’s like falling into water that’s true then I’ll be all alone and scared and and oh shoot there we go look at that um there’s some portals over there oh God there is no need to be scared hey it’s my ice path we’re home free don’t be so timid man you can do it you can do it oh my God come on don’t you have a [ __ ] umbrella sorry this is uh this is some of the best speed I’ve ever witnessed man I don’t have a fishing rod okay come on down buddy you did it I’m so proud of you oh my God my hands are so sweaty oh all right up we go I really am twitching in my chair where did he go up he’s too he’s too Swift up where are you guys going up I’m looking for you Captain how is the staircase HOA approve uh we’re kind of out of jurisdiction right now okay okay be be brave Justin you did it be brave holy [ __ ] careful Kelly I got you buddy okay we’re good all right right come on up oh my God don’t punch him terrifying I won’t all right okay that was the first part of the quest we’re we’re off to a good start we most certainly are God damn this thing not again oh no I’m okay I’m okay this freaking guy uh hold on ow I’m on fire now that’s great this this is get out of there God damn it okay who why is he there is someone saving him for something or should we just kill him it is literally there for Ying people into the hole ah did it again up in the boat somebody go okay run after us okay that’s all we get out of the boat okay that was that was nice sorry okay now we just go this way deserved it all right all this for some bone blocks so um it is there is a Soul Sand Valley in this direction cool it is 400 blocks away oh I can smell it m you did say you could smell those bones yeah they need to invent a thing where you can smell games no I don’t think that would be super nice why could you imagine like hopping in the nether with with with the the smelling stuff on probably smell kind of Burnie um smell like just like just someone like ripped ass just for you think it smells like fart in here I think so huh why do you think that I I guess just wishful thinking I don’t know oh you’re that’s that you’re into that smell though no I wouldn’t say I’m into it I’m just I think we’re getting off topic let’s just continue okay gotcha all good we’re we’re looking for bones we’re um bones are uh 300ish away I hope so close I can’t wait I’m so excited I’m going to scream I think I might let out a little boyish giggle when I see the bones unless somebody’s already been here and stolen all of your bones if someone took my bones I’m you’d be pretty boned in that case yeah you don’t want to know what I’m what what I’m going to do if there’s no bones here Captain you you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry okay there we go all right there we go uhoh you’re doing it guys you’re doing it I think I think I I think I heard a I think I heard a uh some kind of some kind of it was probably just a whoopy cushion honestly okay wait how did I just get launched into the air that was weird is that a whoopy cushion too I think so oh it’s because he’s a rare tricky petty theft wow wow this guy is actually really annoying okay we’re all right we’re all right you’re all right we’re all right that’s good yeah snip them oh jeez that was uh I wish I were that strong what the heck yeah if you keep playing Minecraft maybe someday you’ll be as cracked as I am captain okay well um 100 blocks away over the water not the water but basically oh wait no over here can we wow that’s a really bad Jesus Christ that could have been fun I got captured as I was midair there ooh that would have been bad that would have been bad dang would have been good content though but okay what we found here it is all right bone City hey look there’s bones over there H look at that look at that this bones let me let me by the way this this is the phase C bone oh it actually is yeah what the hell did you ever meet any of the F guys Captain I think at some point yeah maybe they were uh they were interesting very interesting not many of them though I don’t think I am having a hard time remembering well hey at least we got bone blocks finally couldn’t have done it without Captain Sparkles I um I’m sorry that I had to uh put you through a bit of a det tour first but it feels better right having worked for it well here’s the thing man I I’ve been trying to to meet more people and make more friends on here and by doing more Adventures like that you know I get to meet more people and and and and and have some fun you know so I’m glad you feel I’m glad you feel that way there’s uh some silence happening from Kelly so I’m not sure oh sorry I Wason I I I I think I speak for both of us when I say that it’s been very fun on this little Adventure so far I’ve been very you know I’ve been shaking a lot though my my mouse is actually uh I just took my my hand off my mouse for the first time since we got here and it’s wobbling uh you can well you can actually see an outline of my hand from the moisture on my mouth because I was so afraid of falling because I captain when I you’ll understand why I’m afraid of dying when I when I give you this this item that I have it’s it’s just it’s very scary I I I would just hate to lose it it’s this is because it’s a really cool thing it takes a long time to make got it long okay okay well um but but we we did it we got some bone blocks Kelly how many do you have I have 10 I have 26 dang you’re getting beat you’re getting beat hard yeah I I know I know but hey at least we at least we found a a biome with some bone blocks you know um is that a Nature’s compass that you used yes okay I got to make one of those um they are very very useful for things like this um yeah I am I’m ordering a a a dinner at the moment I’m going to get some Thai food no steak no pork chops no they don’t they don’t usually we don’t usually do like a filet minion from a Tai food place now usually you don’t you don’t survive off of just Minecraft food um God that’s really hypocritical of me kind of is I mean you made your whole living the only reason you can pay for that food is because of Minecraft that’s so right you are what you eat and I’m not eating [Laughter] Minecraft Captain do you have any do you have any Minecraft art hanging in your house um I have a I don’t actually like hanging I have I have some artifacts some memorabilia like uh like a yes Cara I have ordered food okay yeah that’s what I was going to no I can see it on your face how did you know because I knew um so I have I have a a crown from winning MCC and that’s on a Shelf pry Co right over there so that’s like real life minecraft stuff um I also have a plushy next to it that I stole accidentally um you’re a thief accidentally yeah okay well I I don’t know if I don’t know if the court of law will look at it any different but no I think I think they would understand that it was accidental um it’s Al it’s also it’s it’s the second time I’ve accidentally stolen okay so you’re you’re a kleptomaniac you’re no no no no no no cuz let me tell you about the first time I accidentally stole okay I my mom was at a shop like I don’t know buying hair clips and lotion or something what the Phantom photographer who’s that yeah what so my mom was buying like lotion and hair clips and she I I thought it would be funny if I took one of the hair clips and I clipped it onto the back of her shirt and oh then I didn’t think about this again and she walked out of the store and theft happened oh no yeah Captain Sparkles she still wore that hair clip all of my growing up that you that she stole well it was more me she didn’t know so you come from a you come from a family of Thieves yeah basically explains a lot doesn’t it this is some this is an insane Captain Sparkles lore drop that we’re getting today yeah this is insane to me we got a we got a good Scoop on the nothing but lag stream exactly yeah chat yeah I did I did tell her and she was like well you know well yeah cuz we going to that point yeah exactly it’s gone like you don’t you don’t go back in and go hey I accidentally stole this $2 piece of plastic it’s like it’s not worth the time no it’s not so um yeah but I I learned yeah it’s true I you I learned how to use accomplices at a young age yeah and and now you’re a now you’re a repeat offender so I am yeah so I I basically I I was at twitchcon and they had all these plushies out and I thought they were giving them to the people who are on each team for each plushy you know I was on the yellow at Yaks and I thought that we each you know got a yellow yak plushy and that was apparently not the case and you had to buy it they made you buy it well no I think there were just more samples to show people and uh so it wasn’t really for sale or for taking or for anything well see that’s not even stealing you should have just been given that so I think it okay so I think it’s your I think it’s your god-given right to take that plush okay well this is a good I appreciate the change in perspective here you you are still a thief for the hair clip but not not for the plush got it okay the hair clip is like way worse first degree felony yeah that’s you’re going to rot in jail for that one buddy that’s going to be like hands cut off or something yeah damn even IE poked out by the way there there are more bone blocks usually okay let’s uh let’s keep an eye out for more of them oh what was that what the hell that was a uh I think if you run into these you can produce the same Oh I thought it was a creeper did sound like [Laughter] it um all right okay so the uh unfortunate thing is I guess this it doesn’t really it might continue over here though maybe oh it looks like it does all that you got to do is build across the lava you know you can just jump down you’re fire resistant I just just jump down all right I’ll do it I did it I did it good job man good job I’m finally a man oh well the unfortunate part is that that was it for the that Soul Sand Valley apparently wow that’s such a small little section yeah this you’re actually getting like hugely ripped off but wait maybe like under there might be underneath like a different another layer possibly or above or is that not yeah I mean there could be it just above look pretty empty but or is there more to the right I don’t know I feel like I’m disappointing you guys and but the problem is I didn’t generate the nether no it’s not you Captain okay it’s actually schlatt cuz he made the world absolutely I mean I I mean we can blame schlatt for a lot of things okay can I can I help you cuz this actually hurts a little bit what why okay so when you don’t have to you don’t have to walk forward turn around Place walk forward forward turn around place just just hold back hold shift yeah just hold back and shift but what if I fall off that’s why you’re holding shift but what if shift doesn’t work what if I then you need a new keyboard and you could get one from our sponsor Logitech with code Captain Sparkles to get 10% off does this please you it does now you know how you can make it even faster is did you know in Minecraft you move quicker on a diagonal than straight so if you hold back and to the left or right then you will go even quicker let me try so shift and then back toward back left or right so you’re kind of 45 degree in it so it be like this and then oh [ __ ] hold on I believe you meant Oh shift oh shift yeah yeah yeah hold on I just got to get warmed up yeah yeah now he’s doing it I’m kind of it took me a second but I’m getting it yeah perfect kind of it’s like it’s like watching a it’s like watching U an elephant that was just born try to stand for the first [Laughter] time okay let’s just see there if there are bones down here you can drop down or I guess he doesn’t have to I can just check man this Soul Sand Valley actually just sucks massively huge huge suckage this is like incredibly bad and now we’re in nether waste again what is what is going on here this is so terrible search for a visceral Heap 960 tell the captain captain it looks like the Soul Sand Valley goes uh it looks like it’s up above us oh yeah there is a little bit there but also there is a uh someone said there’s another biome called a visceral Heap that might help with bones um okay let’s go there I might not be able to Acom uh accompany you there because of the incoming food but um that’s okay it is if you would like to go there at a th000 comma 0er it’s pretty easy to remember 1,000 Z really M okay cool yeah we can hit that also Captain I just got to say check this out man you were right oh yeah you can just climb up the lava all the way yeah yeah I can just swim ow Tallyho oh you don’t got the full set ah man that’s embarrassing oh uh never mind I I take it back uh hey we could talk about this right like Q Jaws music imag could you imagine chasing someone and trying to like I’m going to get you I’m going to I’m going to kick your ass and you’re just going this slow yeah we’re uh this is like one of those you get molasses dreams I get molasses dreams I haven’t in a while but this is kind of like uh this is essentially how OJ was being chased in the Bronco if you think about it what did you just pocket web me I did didn’t I promise what the heck okay let’s let’s dig our way up ah lovely great this is awesome now we got a little shelf we’ll just keep going I guess get me out God damn it okay why can’t I there we go I really hope you guys can find some bones up here I know the fact that we have like 30 so far is insane it’s honestly not looking great yeah this is I think I think this might just be we might have to just call it here boys I I think you should try going to the visceral Heap yeah let’s do that instead K I think uh I think we’re going to I think we’re going to go somewhere else because this is this is not this ain’t it Chief your fastest way to get there might just be go back to spawn and then head straight out to uh think the the East okay Captain I when you’re crouching I can’t hear you I know I wasn’t talking I was just making sure that it was East yeah so you would just go to spawn and then and then very very East unless there’s a closer one to spawn if if it’s search again there but probably not so it’s just 1,000 yeah pretty much yeah cool all right well I guess we’ll probably head back over in spawn Direction now yeah I mean I I’ll do the same we can we can go our separate ways at spawn I do feel bad though I wanted this to be a monumentally successful Journey hey it’s all right man no worries I’m glad you’re not the friendship that we made along the way was the real Adventure mhm some doctor some Dr Sue [ __ ] you know stuff sorry excuse me K I apologize Dr Seuss probably wouldn’t say bad words you don’t think so no I think he just did other bad things like cheat on his wife yeah multiple times at least he didn’t say at least he never said [Laughter] damn ah man I’m so much like I’m not afraid of the nether anymore now that I know I’m lava resistant this is great you’re uh you’re no longer persa from your hands no my my mouse isn’t covered in sweat anymore I’m I’m feeling good that’s good I feel I feel a lot more confident now I’m just trying to remember where it is that we uh came from this is cool oh yeah it was over here I remember this torch oh God they’re mad at no I’m usually a friend there we go I’m a friend you’re not a friend oh hold on come on what you doing oh Kell [Music] hey what’s your problem bone head uh Kelly Kelly has seen pretty block and she is now Gathering oh the pink stuff I actually should have harvested some more but another day another time I use those in my Fountain ooh that’s right the the master you know captain for the longest time I thought that you were making a uh a triangle shaped like a conventional triangle shaped house and I never realized that you were doing like a you were you were just doing that that one line for your place so this whole time I thought you were going to finish it and just yesterday I realized oh it’s done I’m sorry but what do you mean I had no idea what are you what are you trying to say about my house I’m not trying to say anything about your house I’m just saying you know I I thought it was supposed to be like a like a finished triangle shape like like a like how a child would draw a house on on a piece of paper oh like you thought there was going to be a matching a matching other side to the whole thing yeah yeah yeah yeah uh-huh and are you like disappointed that it doesn’t no actually I’m I’m I’m I’m kind of pleased because I think it’s a lot more creative than that oh thank you um I’m just trying to remember where the tunnel was it might be up here yeah it’s um bro doesn’t know there’s a staircase going to take it right here uh nice Tower goober where was that uh where was that cave hold on oh right here it’s right here H the the illuminated thing right right here ah back to civilization but I’m I’m glad that you are supportive of my half half of a house according to you yeah it’s not half a house it’s a whole house it just looked like half of a house to my my brain a halfway house sure that what I should call it the halfway house I wouldn’t call it that but I yeah no you don’t like that name no I I I kind of don’t I think it’s I think it’s uh I think it’s kind of mean to you oh okay there we go I I thought I fell in a big I’m not great at this Minecraft thing man hit that your your brain was just like I’m not sure what to do about this now yeah my brain kind of shut off for a second it’s like when you put a piece of steak in front of a dog makes sense do you have a dog uh not with me in LA but I do have dogs back uh back home I have five border col are you double housing it no I have one house I’m just I I mean back with my family before I moved out here gotcha gotcha I wish I had two houses do you have two houses no and I would never wish to have I would never wish to have two houses it’s so stressful you know how stressful it is to maintain a structure and land I wouldn’t wish it on anyone no Captain actually I I don’t know what that’s like I have no idea what that’s like I have a one bedroom apartment I’d love to have a house though I no but it’s like it’s actually it’s actually kind of stressful though uhhuh yeah um yeah it is having two houses would be like doubly as stressful holy freak actually yeah I guess I haven’t cuz then you got to worry about robbers and and thieves and Ruffians breaking in yeah but no like what okay no here’s the thing what if what if this is you know you you it’s it’s really rainy and there’s a big leak but you’re not there you have no idea that it’s super duper leaky and you’re it’s getting demolished and freaking destroyed and you’re not there you know and now you get back and all of a sudden your house has mold all over it and the roof is fricked and the walls are peeling off because of the leak you know that’s are you speaking from experience well no I’m just well in a way in that like I’ve had leak problems before at my actual house and if it wasn’t my actual house where I would have noticed it immediately then yeah it would have been really bad Captain I I I got to I got to be honest man you’re talking about like leaks and mold and like just recently you said you had a rat infestation what kind of house are you living in dude this is what this is what happens scammed on your house this is homeownership man this is what I’m telling you it’s not all it’s not all sunshine and rainbows you got a rat infest you’re like my what my walls start peeling and there’s a leak in my roof and there’s mold everywhere yeah this is a legitimate concern my dude’s living in a log cabin in 1754 I don’t know those houses were probably built sturdier than today man that’s true yeah houses these days are made out of paper machine pretty much pretty much see this is what I’m saying two houses would be so stressful unless you like unless you’re like absolutely Omega balling and you like have staff maintaining the other house and checking in on it which is like who wants that who wants to employ people to maintain their other houses then you have like more employees and stuff to worry about and oh God my just Joe for real in my chat said it kind of sounds like you’re describing a dumpster more than a house have a little concern I don’t think you have to worry about leaks and dumpsters they’re just metal boxes that’s true a dumpster might be better dude this thing this whole time we’re talking I’m getting yed by the stupid zombie my god dude I oh my God I’m reconsidering I should maybe live in a dumpster cuz if it leaks it’s not a big deal and also you know it’s it seems pretty solid structure survive an earthquake pretty well yeah I mean it’s literally just sheet metal it’s not like nothing’s it can’t fall apart I mean Apartments houses have like cement and stuff that’s going to crack if there’s an yeah exact there may be rats though but I guess I’ve already dealt with that you’ve got rats where you are now you you’re you’re you’re talking about you’re talking about your your walls peeling mold growing in your house a rat infestation people breaking in like it honestly sounds like you’re living out of a Denny’s bathroom I didn’t say anything about breaking in who’s breaking into a Denny’s bathroom specifically oh you’d be surprised man see I can tell you haven’t had to struggle you ain’t bring into a Denny’s B I I know what that’s like 3 I haven’t I haven’t broken into a Denny’s bathroom before oh it’s like when you it’s they’re the only one open and you really you have a problem yeah okay uh it’s like a it’s like that I tried putting a block here and he still pulled me oh my God it’s like in a dude what the you seemed that a really serious case of the hiccups can we help with that I dude I know I got gas man um I it’s like that scene in uh that Will Smith movie pursuit of happiness when he asked to sleep in that uh that public bathroom I haven’t seen that is that like your living situation right now you haven’t seen Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith and Jaden Smith Jaden Smith plays his son in the movie God that’s crazy I know that’s so real okay I know it’s it’s pretty crazy and then and then Will Smith he uh he he he’s trying to sell like dental equipment and stuff no man it’s a it’s a classic movie Man but yeah that’s kind of your living situation right now there’s this really sad scene in the movie where Will Smith is trying to sleep on like a toilet with his son and someone’s trying to get in to take a [ __ ] in the bathroom at like 2: a.m. he’s just sitting there like he’s just sitting there crying while someone’s like trying to get into the bathroom I’m just just sounds depressing man well I’m just imagining you playing Minecraft while someone’s trying to get in to take a [ __ ] and you’re like a single tier’s like rolling down your face CU you’re like you’re like try to be quiet like I’m in here okay guys we’re getting on the stmp I’m in here I’m man Fallen Kingdom didn’t have to be a documentary okay God [Laughter] dang oh man good times good times man good times I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to go and eat my food with the rats all right well yeah give him a give him a nice bite man give give him a nice little nice little make sure to share nicely um again just head head east 1,000 blocks and you’ll make it all right I I oh I got to Capt you yeah man well uh I’ll I’ll I’ll head on this adventure as soon as uh soon as Kelly’s back and I’ll I’ll have your gift for you the next time you’re on that’s promise wa actually hold on it I’m just checking there might be oh hold on there’s a closer one at oh yeah 640 comma 97 so wait I wait 640 sorry Captain I I’m not making this up I just as I’m sitting here with you pumpkin oh as I’m sitting here with you I muted pumpkin Fallen Kingdom just came on on Spotify as I’m talking to you that’s that’s excellent hey muted pumpkin bye muted pumpkin bye bye guys I’m sorry the Soul Sand Valley’s sucked hey we we’ll get it next time Captain we’ll get it next time I believe in I believe in that okay farewell see you what a nice group of people I’m sorry I couldn’t lead them to more bones um that’s it’s very very unfortunate how those Soul Sand valleys all played out there um muted pumpkin looks like nopeify I I don’t see the resemblance quite frankly I don’t know where you would get that from um they look nothing alike in my mind so um all right well everybody I I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s adventures and um and and make sure to like the video uh subscribe to the channel check the playlist for more of the STM p and um yeah um oh yeah of course check out our sponsors Apex and Logitech and use code Captain Sparkles to do all the awesome stuff and um that’s it farewell see you next time

This video, titled ‘Vandalism – Minecraft SDMP #18’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-04-17 00:00:17. It has garnered 49810 views and 1984 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:39 or 8679 seconds.

Hello and welcome to the Swimming Drake Multiplayer server featuring Multiple Sleep Deprived Players. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez SDMP Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZwuiLkP2vN7lCGFNT9lcMLH

My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron

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  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER!

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  • Minecraft SMP Season 5 Recap 🐺 Week #2 Highlights 🔥

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  • Join Ennard for Epic Minecraft Live Adventures!

    Join Ennard for Epic Minecraft Live Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Liveing haray more time to spend with Ennard maybe minecraft live’, was uploaded by Ennard Vlogs Vi on 2024-03-27 11:23:21. It has garnered 133 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:55 or 8515 seconds. yay Read More

  • “Insane Free Fire vs Minecraft Live Stream!” ❤️

    "Insane Free Fire vs Minecraft Live Stream!" ❤️Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire – Minecraft Live Stream❤️’, was uploaded by Gaming Shafayat on 2024-05-15 22:13:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our gaming channel! Dive into a world of epic adventures, intense battles, and endless excitement! Join us as we … Read More

  • VR Monke EzGameplay: EPIC Minecraft Panzee SMP Live!

    VR Monke EzGameplay: EPIC Minecraft Panzee SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Panzee SMP (Live)’, was uploaded by Ezra The Monke VR on 2024-06-06 01:42:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:26 or 8066 seconds. #minecraft #smp #minecraftsmp #funny Read More


    INSANE LEGO STORE ENCOUNTERS!! 😂😂 #memeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The types of people in the store🤣🤣🤣 #meme #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by LEGO FUN TIME studio on 2024-02-28 09:52:02. It has garnered 4571 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #roblox #party #music #dance #dancevideo #debut #firstvideo #firsrshortvideo #vtuber #vtube #visual #visualyoutuber #sweet #cute #girl #waifu #anime #visualeffects #montage #fun #animation #letsplay #tutorial #popular #2023 #shorts #video #videogames #roblox #robloxshorts#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #animation #allay #minecraftallay #minecraftallmoments #3d #3danimation #3deffects #film #minecraftfilm #fun #funnyshorts #meme #joke #skibiditoilet #montagevideo #film #minecraftallmoments #minecraftfilm #minecraftshorts#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #animation #allay #minecraftallay #minecraftallmoments… Read More

  • BorrowBox

    BorrowBoxBorrowBox – The Ultimate Box Mining Adventure 1. Welcome to BorrowBox, where box mining reigns supreme 2. Dive into compact resetting mines filled with treasures 3. Engage in intense PvP battles in confined arenas 4. Claim victory, earn respect, and become a legend 5. Keep your loot safe with our keep inventory feature 6. Experience a truly one-of-a-kind Minecraft adventure 7. Our dedicated team ensures fresh updates and events 8. Join our vibrant community for endless fun 9. IP: BorrowBox.minehut.GG – Join the adventure 10. Explore compact worlds and uncover hidden riches 11. Challenge fellow miners in epic showdowns 12…. Read More

  • feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. Players can sethome and tpa, and use Lapis as a currency. Play your way on feather64. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or unauthorized mods. Do not use duplication exploits Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule details available on our website: feather64.net. Community Players from all over are welcome on feather64. Enjoy a community with active players and supportive members. Join our Discord server for updates and interaction. Information No Staff Nonsense Environment IP:… Read More


    MESSAGE GAMESThis is a server created by ozi games! To join, You must enter the ip: ozigames.aternos.me . Note: you have to be on version 1.20.6.This server will get more games the more players it gets! This is a free to play server and nothing pay to win and players like me the owner dont like ptw servers. Read More