Minecraft – Server Mini-games – 🔴 Live

Video Information

Hello this is stumpy and welcome to a another live stream uh a rarity uh around here we’re doing an actual minecraft live stream it’s about that it’s like a rarity that i’m like playing the game that everyone always wants me to play in live streams i don’t like doing minecraft live

Streams too much just because they have a uh a tendency to get a little bit too chaotic and often like the uh the styles of like videos i’d like to make wouldn’t work so well with live streams but i did feel like it’s been too long since the last time i went down

A uh server mini game uh rabbit hole so i just wanted to see what’s up see what’s new i think i’ve kind of learned my lesson from some of the the last times i’ve done this uh i’m gonna avoid games where people can stream snipe too much

Like i remember doing like bed wars with squid and stuff and it just didn’t work because just we would start and everyone would just like squish us immediately i also put the latency up a little bit which means that compared to usual there’s more of a

Delay from what i say to what i can read from you so if i seem like a little bit less responsive or just like if you’re all shouting at me because something’s going wrong and i don’t realize for a while oh yes because there’s a bit more delay

To what’s going to help with that so what i’m going to try and do is play games where like stream snipers wouldn’t have an advantage uh against me or be able to troll me and also just games that are gonna be like i guess probably like a little bit more

Casual and a little bit more like um a little bit easier for a newcomer who’s going to be not amazing on the controls and like as i said if i did like vegetables or something i would just get absolutely destroyed from people that play this all the time

Uh seeing as i never play this stuff so uh yeah uh got uh mate what’s see that oh look as i move my chair no if you said this if you look at it have a look on may’s back as i move my check and you see like the

Lights going up and down i thought there was like some like a glitch on my monitor or something is it like i think it’s just like the side of my chair it’s like really like sunny now it was like really overcast it was like tipping it down with rain

We went out for a walk i got dressed up in my coat and we dressed up the dogs in their little coats and we went out for a rainy walk and i got home that’s just like blazing sunshine i guess that’s uh that’s living in england for you uh

Hello to uh to dominic does stuff welcome to the stream uh hello to uh to dewey hello to richard19779 who says hi uh hello to uh d-y-n-a hello to twa this is that who just says oh i think that was in in response to when i uh i

Zoomed in on may uh for those of you that aren’t normally around here on my usual streams and uh are just jumping in for for minecraft and hasn’t seen may yet this is may our dog we have two dogs we have alex and may which is one of them uh as i

Said we have just got back from a watch she’s a little bit sleepy hello to everyone who’s just saying hi now it’s just the chat is consumed by people uh saying uh hello so all right i’m gonna say thank you to a few donations that have come through

And then we’re gonna jump straight into the gameplay and i’ll explain what version of minecraft i’m playing what servers what mini games all of that stuff i saw loads of people asking all of those questions in the the chat before the stream started so i know a lot of people are curious

I want to know whether they can join whether they can play with me i’ll explain all of that in just one moment uh before that i want to say thank you to rachel who says uh who plays the guitar in the back oh so that guitar is a bass guitar which

Gracie just bought me and i haven’t learned to play yet so it’s like it’s it’s it’s been played like hardly at all i can’t play i can play a little bit of guitar but i can’t play the bass guitar it’s kind of just i guess set dressing at the uh at the moment

Uh thank you um as well to 2020 who says uh play splatoon splatfest it’s going on now uh i would do but i’m doing minecraft like i’ve already said that i’m doing minecraft i didn’t actually realize it was going on now i think it might be the last one as well

I think it’s wrote to uh to ronnie as well as big r uh and uh and uh milana who says uh hey stumpy i hope you’re having a lovely day and i am hello as well too ollie who says hello stumpy uh he’s been telling me about this live stream

All morning thank you so much for for making his day well i’m so glad you’re able to catch it ollie yeah i actually started the stream earlier originally it was gonna like not start until like an hour and a half away um but i was just sitting here and i was just like

Ready like sooner than i thought i would be so i was like let’s just start like if i’m ready and they’re here let’s just go start early uh thank you so uh to harry as well as give me money please a kid in the uh the country

Uh fun fun han solo’s cousin uh mabel plays and uh blind guy music thank you all so much right then let me explain what we’re doing then so i’m doing bedrock i am playing it on pc but i’m going to be using a controller but basically what that means

Is that if you have bedrock which could be like on your phone or maze off good night may sleep well may goodnight um yeah so if you ever on uh mobile like playstation xbox uh switch pc uh i know your toaster i don’t know what

Else is it on i mean it’s not everything isn’t it so it means that that’s the highest chance you can join me so i’m not going to be inviting anyone in particular or like like you know specifically like setting up a party uh or anything um basically because there’s like like

Three thousand five hundred people here so there’s just no way to do that have i got a mark on my wait is that is that what was that on my monitor screen wait one second it looks like there’s a mark on my wall oh wait no it’s not can you see that you

See like can you guys see that there like that mark because that’s not on the wall look let’s see let’s see it’s over my finger is that like a mark on the lid can you guys see that or is that just like what i can see

Sorry guys we’ve got to get to the bottom you know if i like um what’s the good way like i’ll point to it with this screwdriver i don’t know if the bit right if you can’t see is there like like a little black smudge there can you guys see the little black smudge

See see that on the end on the end of the screwdriver there’s a little a little black smudge i don’t know you can’t you can see so well what is that then like what’s causing that little black side i don’t know why i’m like looking closer here

Look look it’s on my helmet i do on the end of my nose look wait there we go now it looks like i’ve got a i’ve got a bit of a dirty dirty nose there god makes my nose look so big doing that okay i’m not gonna do that

Angle let’s look straight down the lens from now on what is that why is that do you reckon it’s to see this bottle oh i got my pointer now see this like border around the outside do you reckon when ollie who made it like cut out the middle

He missed a bit so if i get rid of that border let’s see if it uh let’s see if it disappear if it disappears did it go ah look that means every stream i’ve done that’s had this border on there’s been a little tiny black speck

And none of us have noticed it anyway you’re not interested in this are you you want to see me play minecraft so uh so let’s do that then yeah yeah thank you as well to chase the spooky man as well as chloe wales uh jose santos uh killer bob uh luca

Youtube and elizabeth as well thank you all so much for the the donations so i asked everyone in the chat before the stream started what’s the uh the best server to play on bedrock and uh i didn’t do like an official poll but i was just kind of looking at like

What everyone was saying it’s so weird of how delayed the chat is now compared to normal because you’re all talking about the black smudge still and i’m like that’s like old news to me now anyway yeah so overall most people said uh the hive is the best server uh

To play on bedrock so i was like saw it i do the hype then i went to join it and uh it says it says this it says the use of vpn or proxy services is not allowed on the hive which i think is fair enough that’s probably for security reasons the

Problem is is i’m not using a vpn or a proxy service i don’t fully understand what a proxy service is and i’ve never used a vpn so for some reason uh i can’t join hive so sorry um i just thought i’d kind of mention that now

Uh just because um oh did you get a glimpse of my worlds then i’m trying if there’s any spoilers yeah was there anything i don’t know if you saw any spoilers from my watch maybe you just got an easter egg over of future things i’m going to be building uh yeah so

I just wanted to show you all that now because i know everyone’s going to be telling me to join hive um but i can’t i just want you to see that i did try don’t know why it’s not working uh if anyone has had that problem

Maybe uh maybe tweet me uh and i’ll try and like sort it out after the stream so i don’t want to be messing around with internet settings and stuff before we start uh everyone’s showing what to play a lot of people are saying to do mineplex

So i did write down like a little list of um i promise you that is english i know my handwriting doesn’t look like english it looks like hieroglyphics but i promise you that is english but yeah uh mineplex uh i thought i could do a bit of block hunt on mineplex

Also snow fight and bomb lobbers which i don’t know what they are but uh it’s gonna be quite fun doesn’t it i mean snow fighting bomb lobbers sounds quite i think it’s bottom lobbers i literally can’t even read my my own hand right in there so it could could have been anything

Oh why is this one why is this one not letting me join now oh mine did mineplex was working hmm let’s try and get that sorted thank you to uh to fun fun han solo cousin again who says can uh can i say hi to mr black smudge you can

Josh says uh how do you handle people saying your career is pointless and weird because it’s non-traditional i’m studying history and archaeology at uni and in australia it’s kind of seen as pointless and a joke unlike europe um like i think just by doing youtube uh we tried different server then uh the

Other one i was gonna do was i was gonna do some galaxies it seems to be a bit of a smaller server not everyone was a was shouting for me to do it but it looked like it might have some fun games there’s one game in particular i wanted

To try here there we go this one’s working um yeah so i think just by doing youtube you kind of just get a fixed skin because you’re gonna get people just telling you like not to do like all sorts of things and just being rude and horrible

And everyone has having like like you you get used to hearing loads of people’s opinions on you when you don’t ask for their opinions whether they’re positive or negative so i think it’s maybe a little bit different but i think you kind of got to have the same mindset

As like like throughout all of life is to really focus on what you actually want to do rather than like what’s expected of you and i think that’s something that me and squashy have like especially recently like really actively done there’s so much things in life

It’s like you should do this and then you get married and then you have a child and then you do that you know there’s all these set things as exactly that’s the way you’re meant to do and you’ve got to just be like well do

You actually want to do it or are you kind of just going through the motions and it sounds like you’re doing exactly what you want to do uh despite what everyone else is kind of saying or assuming you would do and it sounds like you’ve uh you’ve got it pretty sordid so um

Right then oh wow okay hi guys oh look at all my friend requests oh yeah i kind of forgot it goes a little bit like this right okay let’s let’s say what because this is everyone in the stream let’s all go let’s all go stand in a corner somewhere

We won’t crowd out the lobby we’ll take a big picture together um and then and then we’ll go into the the game and things will calm down a little bit so right before you see where i’ve gone i’ve just gone gone around to the right i’ll stand up for this little bush and

Try not to fall down we can all go around we get a screenshot and then we’re we’re going to the the gameplay so yeah as i said i’m not going to be um actively inviting anyone to like to to join me uh just because um i kind of want to

Leave it up to like the game to decide you know leave it up to chance but obviously you’re watching the stream you can see which server i’m on you can see which game i’m on i’m in the the eu region um so like if you want to try and get into the game

With me uh then feel free to try it i love minecraft clouds oh crowds i love it like because in real life i’d be super stressed right now if i was getting bustled around like this but in minecraft just so funny just like crowds of like minecraft characters all grouping

Together i mean you can’t even see me anymore yeah right okay let’s go let’s go play right bye everyone bye everyone oh oh i don’t know what i did then uh so yeah i wanted to play there’s a there’s a game i’d actually seen i remember who it was

But i saw someone playing it ages ago i thought it was a really interesting idea and it might be one that will be a little bit of an easier one to start off with uh but where are the games it’s called fill the gaps and it looks like it’s not the

Most the most popular game in the world but basically i had one game of this earlier just to make sure everything would be working before i started the the stream uh basically it shows you a build and you’ve got to try and memorize it as much as possible

Uh it will then take away that build and give you the same build but it will take away some of like the uh the blocks and items from it and you need to kind of from memory try and fill in the the gaps uh and try and be the first person to

Either complete it i think or you know at least uh fill in more than what the the other people do um so yeah a relatively simple game i thought this might be uh quite a fun one to to start off with uh so it looks like we’re doing a winter

Themed version of it and uh so there’s going to be a build that’s going to appear in it in just a moment thank you to ettenblue dog who says stanford you are my mentor i’ve always looked up to you please notice me i have noticed you

Thank you to uh to stephen mcguinness as well as a crescent moon foxy all right okay i’ve got to focus now let’s go oh where’s the middle where’s the middle here we go oh this is a simple this is much simpler than the one i had before

Uh this top bit might be a bit weird so we’ve got like a a t and then two dots and then so it’s dark there standard okay then oh okay okay i was straightened the thing is oh i think that’s the same this is missing here

The thing is it’s simple which will make it easier but it’s easier for everyone so it doesn’t give me an advantage it just means that uh everyone is kind of doing doing the same so i’ve got 42 percent or 71 percent on the i’m nearly there there’s like oh

The candy cane the candy cane the candy cane the candy cane uh is that it did i do it oh i don’t know 85 85 85 uh percent complete uh anything on the glas of the handle there wasn’t one here was there no it’s really hard to tell if there’s any more holes

In this glass as i make my way around but i don’t think there are what about the white glass on the the top i think all of this froth was filled in but let me just make sure and just place these down because i don’t think it matters if you place one

In the wrong place uh oh sorry so many people have finished oh god they’re all waiting for me where’s the la where’s where’s this last bit does anyone know can anyone help me out um is there anything i can kind of take a glimpse of what other people are doing

There wasn’t one like at the top of the candy cane was there oh on the inside oh what down here ah here yes i figured oh that’s so annoying and there was just that one last block that i couldn’t find uh place the correct blocks for bonus xp

Okay oh are we doing it now um we didn’t even see like what the uh the other one would be so i guess oh i guess there should be an eye here i assume um and then is this meant to be filled in on the the face

Okay and then it looks like here oh so is this like nothing to do with the actual game is this just like xp to just like unlock stuff on the server maybe yes there’s just like loads missing here okay we’re going to fill in the uh the rest of the other hat

Of the the snowman this is a cool game though i thought i said look i think i was doing so well there’s just that one that i missed on the inside and there’s a few other people that took a while as well so i reckon they were like um

I reckon they were in like the same situation like i reckon they had done like most of the the rest of it but then they were just missing that like that one bit in the the middle all right how’s how’s the side of his head meant to be

It’s your scarsman to go around here all right it’s only a few seconds left of this thank you so much to uh to to coop coops who says uh hi there something i just wanted to say thank you for being here throughout my childhood it’s been a really great seven years and

I wanted to thank you for being here with me i just want to say thank you for for making a change thank you so much for the uh the very generous donation oh wait is it doing another bonus xp one oh no i think i think i think this is

Just like the next real round oh okay this is uh this one’s a little bit more complicated than the other than the last one so we got all white wall there and then okay there’s no roof at the top and then so we’ve got on either side we’ve got those

The the fences oh that was not long enough that was not long enough for me to to remember that hopefully like a lot of it i can just tell by looking at it what that doesn’t go there or is that just a normal like uh dark oak block i think there

Uh and then that goes there so is that someone having a look they come in stealing all of my ideas right that’s bruce there and there so go away oh it’s always a spectator oh okay they’re just they’re just here watching just checking on me why does that make me more nervous

Even though there’s like 4 000 people watching me the fact that there’s someone like right there watching right what’s going on here there’s like a like loads missing around this place the other one was definitely much easier so is this going to be dark oak up to the top

There no it’s not it just kind of like stops to there hmm oh was that the right place no it wasn’t right okay let’s just get this floor done and then try and get this place down here like that and then all the windows are obviously done

So let’s just try and get these done so is this just like another bonus xp round then so i thought we understood what this game was like when i did the first round when it was like it shows you like which percentage left you have to do

Because i don’t really care about the bonus xp i just want to do like the uh the main game oh it does says it does say like 74 complete so let’s see let’s see how uh how close we can get it to fully complete i think are those windows done or is

There meant to be like ah no it’s not there was meant to be another upside down what about here there isn’t uh these fences are all filled in there um so i’m assuming it’s only the blocks that i have in my quick select could be the the ones that still need to be

Placed all right so that stairs there is there are any more stairs missing on this side uh 81 complete not bad this is the bit i’m not sure about because it looks like something should go up to the the top here maybe i can like have a look at what

Everyone else is doing so everyone else has got that weird gap at the top as well looks like no one’s uh no one’s finished it in yet i don’t know if i’ve got any chance of finding these last few things the roof looks done has anyone got any any suggestions

Is there anything is there any other like really obvious bits i’m seeing oh there’s another fence here i missed that one well that’s probably all the way up to 85 percent so close oh is that meant to be oh is there going to be another stair here

Oh that was wrong one there we go there is kind of see if i can at least get to 90 would be good oh someone finished it someone got their their whole thing done what a show-off what a show-off hmm oh this roof here ah

Is that meant to be a block there god how did i miss that one uh the corner in the corner the fair game over go this is where it’s backfired me putting the uh the latency up oh so who won why are we leveled up my season two battle pass is now prestige

Level two don’t mean to brag guys but my yeah that was fun i like that game let’s say let’s go do that again right where are we now i am a bit of a uh a server noob so i already don’t know what’s uh what’s going on

Most of the time here right here we go games played two builds finished one 38 blocks placed games one zero i’ve got to win one right i’ve got to try win one that’s going to be the the challenge uh thank you to uh to trek for the donation as well as celeb commentaries

He says hi stumpy i know you might get this a lot uh but you generally made my childhood a better time i want to say a math a massive thank you for all you’re done thank you so much uh thank you as well to uh to intend oh oh we’re in intern

Zoom who says that will you play breath of the world too when it comes out and i will play breath of the wild too when it comes out uh play prop hunt uh says frankie you know what prop hunt i will prove it it’s on my it’s on my list it’s on my

List of uh of games that i want to to play so i will i will go check out from prop hunt in a bit oh this is one that’s going to confuse me all of these stairs actually doesn’t look too bad so it’s just blocks around the bottom stairs upside down stairs stairs

And then at the top here uh we have the blocks oh this this actually seems relatively simple so i just wanna i just wanna do this as fast as i can that’s gonna be my challenge it’s i don’t think it’s gonna be about getting it right

It’s about gonna be doing it quick and trying to do it quicker than everyone else does right any blocks missing on here oh well that’s nice it like it like turns them round for you so you don’t press press them in the uh the wrong way around right that’s the column there done

Uh we’re already 75 i’m doing good i’m doing good here uh any more stairs missing here yep another stair there uh i think there might be like one block left oh i did it oh did i do that first was that was that did i do that first i think i did

Oh so is this a case where i can like place am i just doing the bonus while everyone else is finishing is that what it was did it wasn’t was i thought how do you know how do i know if i was first i think i was i didn’t see it

Uh pop up saying for anyone else that they were first so i think i think i got that first then and this is just like bonus xp but i don’t really uh i don’t really care too much about bonus xp i’m just in it i’m seeing it for the big points

Yeah yeah everyone’s saying they think i was i was first everyone say gg thank you to uh to bonnie plays he says there’s times you’re the best big fan love you uh thank you as well to have a fun fun hands on the cousin who says use this to buy a cake

Also thank you to her to green machine plays uh who says hey can i have a shout out it’s for a vid yes you can here’s your shout out hope hope i’m in a good video right now whatever you’re whatever you’re using this for oh hi

Guys hello all right then let’s go let’s go get some bonus xp we have a bit of time now and then and then i guess we do round number two i really want to get a win i really like this i think this is my best chance like i think i will do

Better at the uh the ones that are simpler but i can do it fast just because i’m quite um what’s the word um like rubbish at minecraft or there’s rubbish at thinking i guess then i i think the ones that are more difficult like there’s always there’s always going

To be one block or one stare that i that i get wrong uh but i think that um if it’s one that’s like really really fast but i could just like go through it i think i might have a a bit of a a chance oh these ones are like tricky though

It’s kind of funny how you can like like even though like i’m not copying anything from memory you can just kind of guess what blocks would make sense and kind of just kind of like carry on filling these in thank you to uh to the terminator gen 9000

Who says uh hey uh you the best uh you make me happier thank you so much uh silverdragon says try the jurassic world map in the the marketplace i’m just going to do uh do mini games for for now rather than playing any maps but

I guess that uh it sounds like it’s a pretty cool map if anyone else wants to uh to check it out okay right that’s the end of the bonus so now we go to round two i think like the next main round and then i think this is the one that

Really uh really matters see this one says place the one correct blocks for bonus xp but we do have one to copy please be simple please be simple oh this doesn’t look simple this does not look simple okay so these all go up and out there oh what’s going on in the

Middle here so we’ve got like a box of like columns there and then fences and all of the the middles at the bottom it’s the the crawl let’s break a block away i just smashed it up oh dad i think i’m just gonna just look and just try and like

Guess where the obvious missing blocks are i think that’s going to be the way to do it there’s no way i can like remember specifically uh how it was and looks like there’s a lot of these just like normal creeper blocks missing uh there’s some wooden floor missing

Anywhere of the wooden floor they’re missing not that i can see right let’s go and do these columns there’s going to be a bunch of these columns missing oh yeah one going across the middle there it’s so nice i don’t need to worry about placing them the right way around

Because that would like slow me down so much and then oh this is meant to be normal sandstone i think no well they’re not gonna be was this meant to be a fence uh oh yeah it’s meant to be like normal samsung but i don’t have that do i

No it looks like it looks like it’s meant to be normal sandstone but i don’t think i’ve got it uh oh extra things oh and okay that’s nothing to relate to the the game uh so that goes there uh oh oh oh that just turned oh there it just

Turned into normal sounds so it looks like smooth sandstone in my inventory ah that slowed me down that slowed me down that might have ruined my uh my chances right there you know i will keep boldly going forward you know what because i did win the first round

Maybe getting like a uh a respectable second place this round i still might be uh in with a in with a chance uh i’m only 65 done though i thought i thought i was almost finished here um what else are we missing right everyone else be keeping an eye out

Because when i start panicking and i think i’ve finished it all in but i haven’t you’re all gonna have to to help me all out here all right let’s look on the uh the outside again so i haven’t done much with the yeah these kind of colony bits here

I haven’t done much with these oh this is meant to be a stair there right you can sort out which way round it needs to be game oh that’s missing now that’s probably all the way up to 85 already i’m trying to focus on these yeah these columns here

Because these are quite like tricky awkward areas then there’s a bunch of yeah a bunch of stairs in here that could be very easy to to miss so let’s go and have a look around the outside there another creeper block oh no is that not a creeper block was that just normal block

Wait what’s meant to be there then oh that’s stairs oh oh i finished why did it uh so i had i had 53 uh seconds reminding uh remaining i can see everything there’s another stampy cat going going here look here stampede stamp look there’s one here

Look look look here here here under this block oh they’re not looking come look i’ll help you i hope you fellow cat well if i just keep waiting under me under me under here look no i’m not waving i’m telling you to place a block here i try to help you out

I wonder if i won this round then i think there’s a i think there’s a chart i think there’s just a different uh decent chance thank you uh to uh to a militia who says um uh melissa sorry he says oh you got first because your color

Is red and the first color was red where do i see that i’m red or is it where i see team bonus round okay that’s good then i don’t know if i won that second round i might have been in with a chance oh hi squashy you’re looking a bit different to today

Who won where does it say who won did i win oh oh wait i think i did oh i’m on the podium yes first place stampy long nose oh that was only my second ever game i like this game can i do i know you probably want to see something else but

Can i do one more can i can i do one more of her or fill the gaps and then we’ll move over to do uh to do prop hunt or something yeah i know i probably shouldn’t i know i should leave it there and end on a victory

But i want to but i’m having fun and it’s my stream and i can do what i want so i’m going to have a uh i could have another game over i’ll fill the gaps thank you too much sr gaming who says hi zombie come and get a shout out you can

I have watched you uh since you built the pick a pet pet shop uh keep on following your dreams oh thank you so much thank you to uh to george gaming youtube as well as vh gamer who says hey yo stampy you’re my favorite youtuber

Oh well we’re in we’re in i didn’t i didn’t even say to do it but we’re in oh this is cool it’s like we’re in like a giant picnic right see if i can see if i can get two wins in a row god if we gotta build like a bug or

Something like anything like natural like that will be so much more complicated let’s give it a go though oh a juice box this is a little bit complicated right that pattern there looks relatively simple this isn’t too bad oh then we’ve got stairs around the straw

God look at this straw though so this top bit is symmetrical for the straw though so that’s good to know the straw she looks pretty pretty filled in uh you are missing there uh let’s go check the uh the pattern around the side oh this is actually

Quite obvious this is actually one of the ones i got another chance of winning here as i said i’m better at the ones that i can do it faster rather than the uh the more complicated ones just because i’m too dumb to to work them all out don’t get in my way

Don’t get in my way hello hello no no guys guys yeah nice to see you nice to see you all but i’ve got a juice box to build i don’t want placing the robot don’t get in my way like it’s fine people please yeah hello but please watch from a

Distance because i got to build a juice box and i i’m at 88 done already uh you can go down there uh you can go there and oh i did it i did it oh so i’m black oh i think i was first i think i finished it it was almost the

Exact same timing as red team did you see that i i know i think i think i was like literally a millisecond before the red team they came out right at the same time but if you look at them like in the order it came up with the black one first so i

Think i won that so hello friend um i’m fine for you to be here please don’t be in the way when i’m placing blocks though okay i like your eyes though very lovely oh hello little bit of corn hello oh no the cord fell over [Laughter]

Well i thought this would be a a safe game for uh for stream sniping at least it’s all just very friendly everyone just uh coming up to to wave to her to say hello right i’ve got a good chance to get another win here i think as long as i get like second

Place in the next round i got a decent chance the only thing is if the red team if they win the the first round then they might end up getting the uh the big old full victory so that’s the uh that’s the part i need to to worry about thank you to samuel

Patrick who says uh hey i’m a regular watching these amazing streams uh a minecraft stream my favorite thanks for making my day uh give may some fuss for for me okay i will do right one second hello sweetheart hello oh your tongue’s sticky now there we go mate that was from samuel i

Don’t know if you can see i don’t know you probably can’t but her little uh her little tongue’s just like slightly sticking out that means she’s uh she’s sleepy and thank you to her to caleb who says isn’t it crazy that i’ve watched you for seven years it is

It’s crazy i’ve been doing videos for seven years to be honest i think it’s wrong to squid boy he says i can’t believe you’re still going strong after around 10 years uh keep it up big part of my childhood uh meatball play says uh i love ukulele uh is the the second one

Any good uh it is this is the only one i’ve played and i’m gonna carry on streaming through the uh the rest of it if you want to see but yeah i’ve been really enjoying it so far i think it’s world tour to links mods uh who says uh hey stanford you’ve always

Been an inspiration to me i grew up watching your vids uh can you check out my marketplace called uh color block thanks uh yeah i don’t really play any marketplace maps but i’ll definitely like look it up just to see what it’s about color blocks could be uh could be kind

Of anything to be honest all right then all right we’re going into the uh the next proper round now at a good start oh i think this is all just fiend around us being tiny people i love this reminds me of the um oh what was the uh

The map called the bedroom map for the battle minigame oh no oh this looks complicated right cars with the quarter blocks then they all got blue windows we’ve got the carpet over the top we’ve got stairs out of them we’ve got butt buttons on the tires remember buttons on the tires

That’s the important thing to remember unless let’s get them out of the way because that’s going to be the thing i’m going to forget about otherwise is that the only one missing uh nope there needs to be one there this needs to be red for you um can’t

See anything obviously missing else on the uh the green one uh oh i’m padding oh what else is missing uh oh any of the car the carpet the carpet on the top the carpet along the top there uh any of the uh the fronts of the cars

Missing not that i can see oh here we go is this this red one down here thank you for letting me know probably a little bit cheating oh this oh this is meant to be down right to the back there oh it might only be one more block i’m

85 done i’m 85 done what else is missing um oh can you see anything else missing oh no no no no on panic you know or red red there oh that’s it oh i did it i was first place again it was first place again i think i won

I think i’ve owned it i think i’ve won two games in a row or fill the gaps you know what it kind of makes me want to keep going it kind of makes me want to see like how long i can keep the win streak going

Because like like it’s because a two win win streak that’s that i don’t know i don’t think if you can even consider that a streak i think you need to like win at least like three times for it to be considered a streak i think winning twice is just like it’s

Just winning twice you know and i think three is the first point where you can say it’s like a three game win streak so tell you what why don’t i keep doing fill the gaps until i lose and then i’ll know what my win streak is

Hopefully uh we’ll get it over three and then we’ll go do some uh some prop hunt does that sound fair i mean that sounds fair that’s what i want to do thank you to uh to crash kai for becoming a member uh salem boyce says do you still play

Minecraft on a handheld console uh yeah so i still play minecraft on switch not so much now just because i used to play minecraft on switch like when i went places and at the moment i ain’t really going places so uh yeah i would play bedrock it’s not the

Best on switch if i’m honest like compared to the uh the console edition on switch or even on the like playstation vita um it doesn’t run amazingly on switch but it’s usually uh enough for for what i need it to do i don’t really play on phone or much uh anymore

Uh thank you again for another donation trip who says um oh hey stephanie uh hey stephanie please see this one i sent free including this one i love your vids for a long time and i just want uh to shout out uh please i love your your vids uh thank you so much

I think it might have auto corrected i think you put they put a stamp in it said uh stephanie i read that it seems to just be like putting me um straight back into games because i’m just in like the main lobby here and every time i’ve gone back here it’s

Kind of just like throw me like straight back into a game so um i don’t know if it’s going to to do that now it doesn’t look like it is actually all right let’s go let’s go back there so yeah let’s see if we get the uh the win streak

Let’s go let’s look for people playing it now right yeah we’re doing fill the gap solo if you do um if you do get into a game with me please like just play the game don’t let me win don’t like try to to help me don’t try to troll me and get

In my way please just play the the game normally uh because that that wastes more fun that way it’s more fun for for you uh and then um uh yeah more fun four for me and if you do want to just go and uh say hello or like wave to the stream

Uh just do them in the bonus rounds do it in between the actual main game and then you can still say hello be seen on screen but then in the actual game we can play it properly thank you very much welcome to my ted talk what’s this is this another tiny are we

On like a dining room table oh i don’t know what this is uh oh okay no no this oh this is this is looking all right actually oh no it’s not i just saw this bit okay right right right what’s on the top oh it’s enormous okay then the top’s pretty flat okay

It’s not the uh the most ridiculous one right there’s loads of gaps right in the top oh they were only 16 done here it looks like this is going to be a um a one with lots more things missing on it uh by the looks of it because the uh

The race car one there wasn’t many things missing they were just kind of tricky to to spot uh this one seems uh like there’s a lot more tricky oh hello fizzy elephant please please wave wave on the bonus front look you’re gonna lose you’re gonna lose uh is there anything missing up there

Sometimes it’s worth just throwing in blocks just to say let’s go around and do like all of the obvious ones for now and then we then like if there is any left after the obvious ones uh then we go back and it looks like there will be because i’ve only done 64

And i was thinking i was getting close to it being almost completely done oh what about here okay there’s meant to be a trunk there anything else around the bottom there not that i can see right what about this uh this top area oh there meant to be any along there no

I’ve only got 72 percent down here oh these no i can’t i keep trying to fill them into like the same places let’s maybe look from the top here what’s missing oh no i’ve got no chance of winning this one i’m being so unbelievably slow it is ridiculous

What about here oh okay there there was two missing oh that’s probably up to 80. let’s have a little check around this uh this top as well oh oh here there’s one missing there are there any more missing oh here here here i think there’s two missing here actually

Ah there’s a bunch missing out that’s probably up to 92 oh 96 is that all of the the top done now i think oh one team’s finished one team has finished i i think it’s got to be another one around the top up here somewhere i just i just don’t know which one

Let’s just go place these blocks everywhere and just see if one sticks there’s gonna be somewhere is it not one around the top here oh here there we go oh i got it oh i got it and so on greentime i was second place i was second play second place is okay

Second place is alright so i think if i if i win the second round i think i’ve still got a good chance to win overall the win streak might still be uh might still be possible thank you to uh to deku who says uh hello something i’ve

Been watching you for five years uh thank you for always making use uh making me smile you are more than welcome thank you for uh for watching the other stream i thank you to sr gaming uh for the uh the donation and hi guy hi guys now’s the time to

Come and say hello now’s the time it was like sub to stampy in the uh in the chat uh will you ever do an adventure map with squid again asks hog buddy uh maybe like we don’t have anything uh planned at the uh the the moment uh

But i never like rule out the possibility uh but yeah nothing uh nothing coming up anytime soon i would uh say i please say hi to ethan he’s nine or one of your biggest fans and it’s his dream in uh in life to meet you and play games one day ah

Thank you so much ethan thank you for for watching uh my stream hopefully uh you enjoy it hopefully you’re rooting for me in the uh the chat i need all of the uh the support i can get uh right then oh this is cool it’s like a western themed one

Right okay i want to super concentrate here i i want to keep the wind streak going ah i’m inside of a chicken uh oh it’s a carriage oh no oh this is just the type of one i’m bad at oh look what is going on how am i going to remember this

Roof it’s like it’s not big but it’s all it’s all stairs and fell oh i just might as well quit now no i like i like big simple ones oh already looking at it i can’t even tell right i’m assuming there’s meant to be wall there

Wall here okay let’s just try and get like all of the uh the wall that’s missing on the roof is there any meant to be any along there or there’s meant to be some there or that you know what that that one actually could have been a bit of a

Tricky one i wonder if that that bit of wall missing is going to mess anyone else up right hopefully that’s all of the uh the wall done um oh it just hurts my head this this type of one just hurts my head um there’s got to be stuff missing in here

Oh there’s there’s a bit of floor missing down there it’s kind of hard to even go in the carriage uh there’s a block missing there uh the block is missing on the floor uh what about these this is there meant to be anything around here they’re probably actually

You know what i’m up to 70 done and no one else has finished yet so maybe uh maybe there’s still a bit of a chance oh what was what was the deal with the roof because there’s just one fence pole there was a mentally fences ah

This fence is here god this is a tricky one isn’t it um oh here is there meant to be a fence oh is it meant to be more wool there and then it’s whether there’s a fence this side but not on uh not on the other side

Okay i think that’s just like the way the the build is what about these wheels let’s check these wheels the wheels look complete oh no there’s one bit missing there that’s 88 anyone else see uh the thing’s a chat so delayed but yeah please uh shout out if you do

See anything that’s obviously missing uh what about these ceiling areas are there any uh any missing along there so these all have fences in but they all seem filled in uh oh there are there meant to be stairs in these sides no i don’t think there are on them i

Can’t place half slabs either that’s not an option is there meant to be a fence going down there or is that just oh oh there there’s a fence oh 94 complete i’m so close i’m so close so close but yet so far uh any more fences around here missing

Any more stairs down here oh the cacti the cacti the cacti uh is there any on the blocks oh was that one i think that might have done one there were there meant to be any more like sandstone blocks around these how would i even like remember that if

They were like meant to be around these bits here um it looks like that’s uh that’s it for for there to be fair no one has finished yet that does show like just how difficult this one is compared to all of the other ones like i think i’ve probably got one or

Maybe two blocks left to go until until i’m done here uh oh missing fence sand on the top oh here no it’s not meant to be wall there uh maybe a pole on the top game over well i got i got 94 complete and then oh i didn’t win i didn’t will

Gigi everyone gg oh where where am i on the podium oh second place says i’m happy with the second place do we the second i saw that character or everyone saying there’s a fence inside i was missing a fence inside see that’s the problem is i’ve got the delayed chat now

Everyone say i’m sorry guys gg everyone gg uh that is a fun game though i do like that game uh let’s do something else then so should we do um should we do some prop hunt on um oh sorry block hunt on mineplex should we uh should we give that a go if

It lets me jog so it didn’t let me join my mindflex a second ago let’s give it another go and thank you to her to awesome boy for the donation he says hello stampy as well as a dd baby as well thank you so much right then or winter event during the

Event you’ll be able to do okay jorly good jolly good uh yeah so i might try out some of these new modes there but let’s try an old-fashioned uh gamer block hunt first shall we oh failed to connect to target server okay this doesn’t work there are versions of this on um

On other maps as well welcome to the winter event i know you’ve already welcomed me uh select oh no no oh don’t keep popping up that better not keep popping out that’d be so annoying uh to your hiders or team hunters no don’t don’t start doing this don’t

Have that popping up all the time that would get so annoying hopefully there’s a way to turn that off uh oh i’m a hunter i’m a hunter so i got an axe i’ve got an infinity bow and an arrow it’s me ollie and frederick mioli and

Frederick going on the uh the the hunt so yeah if you don’t know how this game is basically people uh select um i’m assuming i don’t think i’ve played on mineplex for a while uh but the um uh or the hunters being released so yeah basically people pick items

And then they disguise themselves as those items don’t you do this they just guys yourself has those items and then the other hunters need to try and track them down so if you see any like blocks moving around and stuff uh then i know that they’re there

And it looks like they can shoot arrows at us as well or there’s a tnt oh this pop-up is there a way to uh to stop the pop-up coming up and if everyone could like please not send me party invites uh nah this might be unplayable does anyone

Know if there’s a way to stop the invites popping up because otherwise this is gonna get really annoying please stop invite i’m not gonna join anyone’s party all you’re gonna do is annoy me while i try to play the game oh damn right do i just quit then do i

Just quit or is there does anyone know of like maybe see if there’s like can i get to like settings in any way there’s got to be a way to like not have this happen because otherwise um oh slash party toggle someone says right uh let me grab my old keyboard

Uh oh no that didn’t work everyone’s saying slash party toggle let me try let me did i do that wrong slash party space oh why do did i spell it all right oh i did tubble party topple i don’t think it’s doing anything i like like people aren’t gonna stop

Doing the uh the environment there’s one right there what can i get no they’re so close but i can’t get them because of all the party invites you will be removed for inactivity well i would like to play the game oh was it done no no okay it’s still going it’s

Still going right okay we’re gonna have to quit we’re gonna have to to quit uh oh people are saying to not do it with a space do it with no space yeah because we might have to just try a different uh a different server like i just typed what people told me to

Type maybe like from the uh the main hub there’ll be a um like just going through the menus there’d be a way to do it thank you to isabelle who just says for freedom and happiness i reference some of you might get oh hi rocky uh your voice in the background

Means it’s saturday lol says rocky thank you very much to tyler floyd he just says hello as well as daniel pollard as well uh i ki so awesome man says to play the hive the hive wasn’t working for me the high thinks i’m trying to join on a proxy server

Where i don’t even really understand what a proxy server is um so there was a prop hunt game on a galaxy and uh galaxies seemed to be working well for me earlier so let’s uh let’s just go back to galaxy then let’s just go and give that another let’s see if

That works there we go galactic works um yeah so here we go prop hunt let’s just tell her let’s just try and go straight into a game really quick before people uh the stream catches up and knows where i am and then hopefully we’ll get into uh

Just a random game right punch any piece of furniture to transform into it run and hide from the seekers using power-ups uh to your advantage if you die you switch team uh survive to win as hiders and kill the hiders as the seeker very well explained uh so the power-ups

Uh oh you can vote on a map mall park tropical oh let’s get a tropical resort that’d be nice that’ll be a nice break from the uh the cold weather we have uh outside at the other moment are you using a vpn i’m not using any vpn it but

I think it thinks i am so it’s uh it’s not letting me uh not letting me join uh as i hide a punch any furniture in the model to become it as a seeker okie dokies so which am i do i know which one i’ll collect power

So you collect them in the game and uh looks like i’m a seeker at the moment i think i’m gonna yeah i’ve got a pumpkin on my head i think there’s a banana on our team and they’ve just like slumped their head down next to me

And it looks like we don’t have like weapons here i think i just might have to go and like attack them but i guess i guess we’ll say i think it’s just put us in darkness while all of the other hiders are hiding uh oh are you oh ow

Why are you hurting me little beach ball oh not a player oh do you get hurt when it’s not a player oh someone’s just froze me that’s one of the other power-ups ow is this just to stop you like spamming too much it like hurts you

When uh when you hit someone the thing is these maps get easier the more you play them because you are you start learning like where like items are normally oh does something just move then guys get so paranoid i was just like yeah you little fish tank

Oh so some people just got frozen oh where are you what are you is this a power up oh quick step ah i can run faster oh so i didn’t know the seekers got power up as well oh oh they’re oh there’s something’s on fire someone’s on fire banana get them

Get the banana they’re on fire you are out of here i know you’re on our team now that was so funny seeing a banana chasing after a flaming whatever it was it was like a sand castle i think it was a banana chasing after a flaming sand castle we just witnessed

Which is uh not something i was expecting to see today but i’m very glad about it a lot of items in there it’s a cool idea to make it so it hurts you because it does stop you hitting everything there’s a power up up over here

Again how do we uh how do we see how many uh how many seekers are left is there any way we can uh not seek a sorry how many hiders are left is there any way for it to uh to show up oh here we go there’s four oh there’s still six hiders

Apparently oh oh there’s a sandcastle on the run sandcastle on the road get him let’s get that sandcastle oh oh they got in the water that was a mistake or where have they gone oh where are they gone have they gone underneath can we even get oh no there

They are they’re the other they are can are they are you allowed to switch again or are they always going to be a sand castle that’s the question oh no they’re going for the power up because if they go inside the house are we just going to be looking for like a

Sand castle running around let’s try and trap them off oh where’d they go do they go inside oh here they are i got you i got you sneaky little sand castle right looks like it’s five and five now five five seekers and uh and five you know i can’t wait to

Be a hider i can’t wait to be a hide i can’t wait to be a little sneaky sandcastle running around the place all right come on banana let’s get serious now so i don’t know for this because because this is prop hunt not block hunt i guess they can’t turn into just blocks

I guess they have to be like actual items just go punch everything i’m looking all the way up here what i kind of want to do is i kind of if i go in like third person oh or is one going to go for the power up

Let’s watch that power up see if one of the oh did someone just get it or did it just disappear oh there’s a little flower pot at the top here you got to be a person right you are a person i mean it was a very sneaky place to be fair

But i was like that’s got to be a person there would not be a flower pot at the top of there they’re just there looking at all of the the action from down below lol i am the banana hello super cheesy muffin are you is it super cheesy muffin maybe

You have a different name on a in the game as you do compared to one here right nothing looks too suspicious in here i think that’s a good strategy though if you look out for the um the power-ups and almost use them as bait and then wait till you see like a

Fishbowl or something running towards it and try and get it oh the hiders won the hide is one we ran out of time i think i did it right there though i could i got a couple uh a couple of the items and then of course it gets easier

Because the more that get far found the more seekers there are and then the uh the more people are going to to look for them thank you to uh to osunmi who says hey stampy your sunny disposition has helped uh so many people including myself i

Love how you don’t care about views and i just care about making others happy i speak for so many people thank you oh thank you so much for all of your your kind words thank you guys welcome to infinite dark he says hi stumpy i’ve been watching you since you started

Stampy’s lovely world thank you for always being here for me you are more than welcome hello to tyler mitchell welcome back says the high somebody help you squeeze here and uh uh how are you squeaky alex and may we’re all doing good we’re a bit sleepy after a long rainy

Walk as you can probably see oh oh you can’t see me amazing hiding where is she there she is she uh she switches back and forth between the comfy bed and the also very comfy uh floor oh i’m a hider i’m a hider i’m a hider

Oh what do i hide as is the question oh i don’t have much time don’t have much time i’m gonna hide as uh can i be the bench oh no can i not gonna be a plant am i a plant oh i’m a plant oh there’s

Loads of plants oh guys don’t be we can’t all be plants uh right there’s one in front of this look let’s go like does that look real does that look legit look at that the other flood next to me would you just like do it oh no look the

One next to me is one key look but mate mate you’re wonky look the other one look the one to the right of me you’ve got to turn you’re a bit wonky they’re going to spot you this is scary because i can’t even really see when they’re coming

Oh oh blindness i don’t i don’t know if i’m in a good place here i didn’t really think about it i didn’t really think i didn’t really think my hiding position through oh i’m so scared oh sorry oh you know oh no i got to move you know what because people are people

Are going to be watching the stream aren’t they they’re going to be looking they’re going to be looking for flower pots can i change what item i don’t think i can change what item i am can i i can look right you know what my strategy is going to have to be

I’m going to be a roma i’m going to have to be a no not an aroma not a smell i’m going to i’m gonna have to roam oh i gotta power up or blindness because if i stay still if i stay still then people watching the

Oh oh go after the other rubik’s cube not me yeah if i stay still people watching the stream will be able to work out where i am no i got caught baby prop hunt isn’t the uh isn’t the best game to play on stream even with the delay

It just means people [ __ ] oh wait a minute i’m a seeker now i’m gonna i’m gonna turn on you a little bit come here little book come here come here little but where you going little book where you go i got her oh did i hit the wrong thing oh they’ve turned invisible

Well i i saw their trail i saw that they were sprinting why i imagine if i got them oh there they are they are they they are there they are did i get them yes i got them i think i’m fighting without this seeker but i think i think when i’m when i’m

The hider i just need to keep on the move non-stop because if i do try and stay still and hide because people are from the stream are joining the game it’s just going to be so obvious who i’m waiting you’re a person you’re a player chairs don’t live inside

Of walls you’re a person you can’t fool me that’s so satisfying when you walk around and there’s just like one bit of furniture that’s a little bit wonky god i said you know i’m so paranoid of books now oh this is why there’s another book

Book on the run book on the run this is gonna be one story which has a tragic ending time to close the book on this chapter of prop hunt oh i can’t even get them can’t even get them uh oh those they stopped they gave up they gave up

Okay i just like there’s one left there’s one hider left guys come on we’ve got to find them we’ve got one minute and 20 seconds to find the last one right everyone’s spread out don’t follow me everyone’s spread out uh we’re gonna oh we got a quick step as well

Just look for any weird wonky bit of furniture oh this is oh look at that that’d be a good hiding place imagine a little book sitting down there i mean maybe it wouldn’t have been a good hiding place because i just looked there and found it but

I don’t know maybe uh maybe make note for a for future rounds uh does this school have a have a pool i don’t know i haven’t seen a pool area no just a bit oh there’s a power up here oh so that’s uh i think that’s given them blindness

So we’re not allowed in the uh in the toilets oh are you wonky no see some of these items are kind of just placed a bit sideways anyway oh there’s cakes here could i have been a cake could i have lived lived my dream god this last person’s doing so well oh

Up there are you a person no oh where are they 10 seconds if there’s only one person left and eight seekers someone find them just punch everything punch everything oh they they did it i want to see what they were can i spectate them oh what were they

God they did good well done here if that person’s watching the stream well done good hiding thank you to uh to carl nolan who says uh thank you so much for making my childhood love you thank you as well to uh to adam who says can you please say hi

To adam duran i can i just did and thank you to alana who says they’re re-watching skyden right then let’s uh let’s do this again and as i said i think when i hide i just got to be all over the place because if i stay still i’m going to know just a

High school shoe or whatever your name is in this All right i want to be i want to be a seeker again i’m not a seeker sorry a hider this is fun hiding as the little uh item and then when you get found you like change anyway oh i am a hider i am a hider

Uh oh let’s go hide then can i can i be a flower oh i can’t be a flower oh i gotta get out of here oh no they’re gonna be coming any second guys we gotta go we gotta go we gotta run oh what should i be i can speed up a

Rubik’s cube oh i’m a book i’m a book i’m a book i’m gonna be a book in the garden i’m gonna be down here i can’t i can’t go under the bridge it won’t let me don’t like this don’t like this right i just need to remember

That like there’s going to be a good 20-second delay between what i say and what they see or there’s a seeker there all right they’re going that way all right let’s go let’s go i’m going to keep switching but like which room i’m in because of the people watching the stream

Oh that’s totally that’s a lap it’s so weird how many like other items i’m seeing now that i’m the uh the hider compared to when i was the other seeker well you know if i stay oh no oh no i can mean the flower bed

I’m just a book in a flower bed nothing to see here just a totally average book that’s in a flower bed but you know at least from here i have a pretty wide view of all or they coming are they coming this way i thought i think all the seekers have

Been turned invisible all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s move around no go go go go go go go go go go let’s get out of here let’s get out of here are they chasing i think we’re good you know what let’s stay by this football

Because i can use them as bait if someone comes over oh there’s a torn menu oh i can torn oh no i shouldn’t talk oh no did they see me how did they not see me i was like taunting right by them oh they’re standing still is that them

Watching the stream is that them going wait a minute they’re that’s me they’re in the orange car behind me i’ve never been going down they turn around oh they’ve got the power up they’ve got the pharah so that there’s still six hiders left oh okay they’re coming they’re going

They’re coming right let’s go oh no we’re a really bad time to get blinded not a good time to get blinded i just gotta run oh they’re everywhere oh they’re everywhere they’re everywhere i’m gonna go home this is it let’s go oh there there’s the football there’s my football for bait

Well if i actually got away here god this uh this level seems uh way bigger i think it’s just because so much of it’s outside but compared to the uh the school there seems to be like a lot more places i can run to you know what i think i gave them the

Still hi i don’t you’re being as discreet as i am your little house plant bouncing around the place i cannot believe that i’m still in i wonder if i can like hide like under and oh look if i i could hide like in another item ah look

Just a book under a sunbed nothing to see here all right i’m gonna i’m gonna stay here hidden so then hopefully like no one will just find me naturally and then then i’ll change hiding position um once uh once i see people start showing up

And then i know that these streams go oh okay there’s people coming by looks of it sell them on their way i saw like usernames coming oh yeah oh there there’s another stampede let’s get out of here come on come on plan pop let’s just hide around here there’s a

Minute remaining am i actually going to to win this i actually got to win this even with the uh the people watching the stream you know maybe maybe i should change item let’s let’s be a a little a little cup i think that is because they might be looking for the

Book let’s change this to something something equally as small there’s only three seekers you know what and there’s five hiders i got 30 seconds you know i’m going to stay here i’m going to stay here then if i see one coming i’m just going to try running for the la

Or there’s a book or they’re i think they’ve been chased all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s get out of here it’s dangerous running across the middle because you can get caught from like any direction what was that oh no no no there’s only like 15 seconds left

You can’t catch me now let’s get the power up get the power please be a good one uh oh we won we won victory that was fun that was fun i can’t believe i managed to win a hiding ground you know i i was going to end it there

But i’m going to do one more girl of it because that was fun i want to do another go of it and as i said my stream i can do what i want yeah thank you to her to blue sky for the ear donation uh rustic says what do

You think of squid’s new minecraft skin i didn’t know he had a new minecraft skin so uh no opinion on it yet what’s he gonna be oh is he done like is he done like a real life one of him i don’t know oh ben says uh oh piss uh we’ve unblocked your

Ip on cubecraft uh says uh says ben oh as uh is that does ben work for uh cubecraft then and wants me to uh to go check it out we’ll check out cubecraft after this well are there any like um like i need quite casual games

So i think i had a look on cubecraft and it looked really like polished and like the lobby looked really cool and stuff but a lot of the games seem to be like the uh the proper like kind of more hardcore pvp games which uh i just don’t really want

To do those kind of games while streaming and i’d be really bad at them anyway so um yeah i’m not sure if there’s any recommended recommendations for q craft oh no the school i don’t like the school the school’s stressful i don’t know why i don’t know why i find

The school stressful rather than the other ones i think this is all inside just makes it feels a bit more uh claustrophobic uh all right let’s be a rubik’s cube for now and let’s uh let’s be on there all the seekers are released oh i i got no chance here i got no

Chance um you know if i if i go here i could jump out the window if need be if things get dangerous there’s a power up here i might go grab this oh why am i blind uh right let’s get to one of these windows so i can jump out

Oh oh there’s still there’s six seekers and only four hiders already got we have done so badly oh cheeky banana cheeky banana just a football joe oh look guys there’s a book over here suspicious looking book oh when it says hidden it says our or appears still to other players

Oh that’s cool so i can turn around and look around on my screen um people are saying the latency on stampy’s stream is 30 seconds god they’re getting really serious about their stream sniping aren’t they oh no oh real bad time to be turned invisible

Let’s try and be a bin let’s try and be a bin down here i need to appear still okay i’ll hit him again oh oh oh i’m a plant pot oh that was scary right just go go go go go go go all right i need to get like they’re all looking

Outside and like in the sports area so i need to get somewhere else let’s go up here and just try and be a cactus let me be a cat let me be a cactus please wanna be a cactus what oh nothing to see here can i be a [ __ ] what

Can i be can i be a chair okay i’m a chair i’m a chair just oh now i’m a book why do i keep oh prop swap oh is this like a power-up i think this is one of the other power-ups the seekers have okay now i’m just a book

Oh won’t let me jump out oh it’s because of the uh the top up there the thing is though is a lot of these um a lot of these rooms look the same so they might not know which one i’m in and look they’re going over to like where i was

Oh god they’re chasing around them got me why banana you’re so good for potassium but so bad for hitting props oh but to be fair look it says the seekers win which means i win because i was on the seekers team at the uh

At the end of the game i was on the seekers team because i lost um right so yeah uh fill the gaps i did that i’m on galaxies that’s been my favorite so far and then i did i did prop hunt uh yeah i was gonna do um uh

Snow fight and uh bomb lobbers on my plex but then i kept getting the invites so um apparently cubecraft i’m unblocked on so are there any more like casual kind of fun silly games on cubecraft or are they are they all like battle pvp games because yeah i had a look at them

And they all seem like they’re all kind of quite serious battle games are any of these like more um more casual fun game or gay or games that i can’t get like targeted on uh i guess um now i can’t do hive oh mind where play mine where

Everyone say oh everyone’s saying mine where okay we’ll see what mine where is oh frankie just donated and said that you could play minewear on a uncrew pro uh cubecraft uh intensityzoom says what’s your favorite episode of lovely world out of all of them i think they’re all very special

In their own ways um i don’t know what my favorite is it’s weird to say which one’s my favorite is because it’s like like i don’t have a favorite to watch because obviously like i don’t watch them because i’m in them i try to think like what my favorite to

A record was i really liked doing what’s it called uh hero helpers because it was like such a unique one in the fact like i think it’s i’m pretty sure it’s the only like lovely world episode i did um that like wasn’t from my perspective throughout most of the episode and like

Normally i don’t have any cuts or anything but uh that was one of them where um like it kind of showed like other people’s views and like i it was a hit the target battle but like i wasn’t the hero i was helpless and it was all down to my helpers saving me

So i think that was quite a uh quite a a unique one so yeah that’s the one i’d go for i think it’s once you went to chucky’s it says i’ve watched your video since i was a kid i love your videos thank you so much

Uh so what did you say uh or my mine where right i have no idea what this is so i guess um you’re all seeing me uh discovering it live uh we’re still working on some new games and features if you have any suggestions feel free to submit them on our forums

We’ll do emoji buddies good or hello wait wait a minute wait a minute hello hello hi friend hi friend what are you what is what is you what is your day-to-day life like little friend yeah yeah so sorry sorry this is like your bodyguard right i’ll back off right okay mine

Where how do we play mine where are there any instructions anywhere oh pet buddies oh my god look at this little kid how do we play play mine where i want to um i want to know before we jump in in case it throws me straight in

Especially if it’s a team gang so i don’t want to mess things up uh oh mine wears a ripoff of wario where oh is there like lots of little mini games then okay i’ll just this will be fun oh this sounds perfect for what i want to do to be fair

Oh clank star says i should be unblocked on the hive as well oh really oh cool maybe we could uh check out the uh the hive after that as well yeah i don’t know what was going on with hive um i i have joined it before in like the past

Uh but i’ve moved house since then and we’ve got a new router or sorry i reckon it’s something to do with our router or our internet or something uh win the most micro games this is going to be really difficult because i have like no idea what these are uh or cactus slap

What do we do just slap the cactuses oh oh ah uh you got slapped into a cactus it does it doesn’t tell you what you need to do in the games or do you just have to like work it out i was like oh you have to hit people into the cactus

I was there just hitting the cactus with a stick yeah i think i misunderstood to get oh i failed uh tnt tag go uh next oh do i have to hit them with the tnt uh you were selected to be tagged oh oh we gotta do we have to give them the tnt

Then if they’re holding it when they blow up they lose ah i think that’s what it is oh wait did i get exploded then i was trying to get up there oh it’s so slow jumping up here though but i want to get up to the

The high ground if i can oh i fell down let’s just stay down here success okay so it wasn’t saying i was exploded there was just an explosion right knock back oh do you have to know what what i like i just fell straight through the hole i didn’t even like start then

God this is fun though i do feel like i need to uh need to learn a little a little bit better uh i’ve got eight points at the moment so not looking at too good for for me are they still playing oh they’re still playing down there uh ignite the tnt go okay

I’ve ignited you don’t fall off ignited you uh oh there’s one last one over here oh don’t knock me off i was just trying to punch each other now i got two of them i think i did like about average Uh speed up what are we doing now uh stand on diamond go i didn’t fall off the platform i was pushed i didn’t know i didn’t really knock back sticks failed you fell because you threw yourself off the stage wait i didn’t then i’ll jump in the void

I did jump in the void i didn’t ever try spawned falling onto the void what what stop dude why is it knocking us all off dodge the anvils i think it’s broken like loads of the uh the flaws just like every time like there’s a bunch of us we get spawned in

And we just fall immediately off like oh i want to be dodging the anvils that’s a bit annoying there’s like three rounds in a row i’ve lost just because it spawned me like off the edge Okay looks like uh looks like i’m actually on the the area now there we go oh oh i see we’re gonna shoot the floor away to knock them down i’m a bit i was trying to shoot it so i could like have an area to like get back up to the top oh

Hey rocket willing uh the map is glitched says frankie yeah i think it’s got like more holes in it oh yeah somebody said bro it’s glitched yeah yeah speed up dymo pandas and they’re all careful careful now i just want to get away from everyone else because they keep knocking me off

Oh tower climb go well no it didn’t right you know i’m just gonna quit i’m gonna try loading it again because like the game seems really fun but um yeah the map was glitched so there’s just no point carrying on oh the map got griefed or is it like someone hacking or something

All right i feel i feel like i’ve kind of learned like the uh the sorts of games that there are so i’ve kind of got like a bit of a better idea hey maybe you’ll say hello just say hello hey sweetheart you’ve been there we’re sleepy haven’t you you’re just starting

To wake up there you go girl right she’s gonna play a bit more minecraft then we’ll play fetch or something okay deal deal deal let’s give this let’s give this another shot then it seems like it’s fun like yeah i don’t know if that was um just the game broke or whether someone

Like messed it up somehow now broadway says to do uh do egg wars i don’t know i don’t want to do any like pvp stuff because um i don’t really fancy doing it really maybe if it wasn’t like console edition maybe but i’m just a bit slow and rubbish on bedrock

All right looks like it’s going to start up win the most micro games i will try my best everyone’s saying ah i should go she’s going back to bed uh oh i’ve got to stay oh climb the tower climb the tower go oh let me up

Let me have no sun oh it’s so annoying it’s just let me climb oh here we go oh did i do it i think i did it that was a success right like i wasn’t the fastest but i think i’ve made old they’re all still going

I think i think we all did it explosive catch oh we were just throwing tear teach i was just like bomberman oh run away oh right away did i get blown oh i died i died from explosions thank you to lucky tiger for the donation as well as warby club and a cow

Man and then clank star was the person who said i should be unblocked on uh on hive so uh we can give that a go see if it’s working platform plummet oh is it just some of these oh oh they’re falling away oh i think they change color when they’re going to fall

Away so you want to stay oh i can’t see ever why are we all on the same one oh no no i only went to jump away because everyone was going on the same one i couldn’t see that was a fun one oh mine oh okay

Oh i got up why is everyone hitting me or did i get it or did i get killed i think i got killed i think that would just hit me with a pickaxe i went to mine the oil someone just like whacked me with a pickaxe

Oh look oh look at that i’m in last place i mean look dead last place see on the right i got seven points and now we’re going faster i fell to mine lapis oh did i just mind the wrong one oh we’re back to cactus slap right i know this one now

I know you want to slap other people into the cactuses and not slap the cactuses as i tried last time still didn’t do any better Still in last place i’ll stand on diamond right no don’t knock me off don’t knock me off don’t knock me okay i know i’m knocking you off but that does give no no no no no why can’t we all just be friends no i see that squid who jumped off right at

The last second i’ll find the item oh which which item which item where does it say what the item is oh oh a stick i was don’t be in the last oh was it in the last chest you couldn’t find the stick i didn’t know where it was gonna tell me

Where i needed to find it uh jump in the void Is that it there we go there’s one i can actually do because that’s what i’ve done every round anyway oh i jumped first oh no powerful emily jumped first oh avoid tnt here we go again i think if i just stand here i should be

Okay what i avoided oh did we all just get blown up i think there’s like one person survived that oh tnt tag again got a lot of tnt in this game yeah so it looks like it really um uh it really messed up the other round

Because like there’s no holes in the uh the floor of the arena at all now um whereas in the other one we just kept like falling off like every single go i’m enjoying this but i’m rubbish at it am i still in last place yep still in last place Uh or one in the chamber oh do we are we oh we got one arrow oh i got someone i hit someone what about the sword oh wait oh oh i got another bow was that because i hit someone with it i got another arrow back

Is that the way it worked oh i got killed i was slain by a powerful emily uh some of these work better in third person apparently less is better uh picking winning color oh is it just random oh yeah it’s just random but i i i picked the wrong

Side oh i can’t believe how bad i’ve done every round here uh bouncing gladiators oh okay oh can we get in the top up here then what we’re going to do just knock each other off oh is always the slime going to disappear soon okay

Oh where did i fail i thought i just had to not not be uh not fall down oh dodging anvils this is the one i wanted to do to be fair oh no no guys don’t get too close okay i think i found a spot where like none were dropping okay maybe not

Maybe not yay i did i did one this one because like no one can knock me around anywhere i could just do my thing all right floor is lava okay so where it goes orange well it’s always where the lava is going to appear right there’s a yellow bit here

Let’s stay here until it starts changing color oh i did it well here we go i think i’m still in last place but at least i’ve i got a few successes in a row uh tnt run starting in five seconds oh dear oh dear no oh oh we got another layer we’ve got

Another layer oh oh i see it’s the troll from where you run makes it drop i understand now all right let me try and do like a big loop around the hour okay i’m dead it’s annoying because as soon as the game’s over that’s the time when i

Understand what it is i was meant to do but it’s too late at that point because i’ve already failed at that place i failed i i think i was yeah i was last place gg to all of the uh the victors that was good fun but it is like it’s like

Frustrating fun because like you could do it’s like one of the guys always a bit like a fool guys where you could do like everything you need to do perfect but then like you just get messed up by someone else but this kind of kind of adds to the uh the chaos

Uh so yeah apparently um i’m probably i should be able to join hive now fingers crossed yay oh that’s good i’m glad that’s working now because hive was a was by far the um the most recommended uh game to to play sorry let’s read through our oh hello

Oh my god look so much like mei with a little tongue sticking out hello i know it’s a doge not a corgi but close enough uh survival games uh murder mystery i know murder mystery is very popular i’ve never done murder mystery is that is that one that would work okay on

Stream or not uh treasure wars sky wars snow wars just build hide and seek oh defront might be fun as well right i’m leaning between hide and seek again because that’s fun uh def run or uh or murder mystery what do you uh what do you think would be the uh the

Best option thank you to uh to to chas with the kill forever becoming a member you are now uh now an egg oh murder mystery would work so let’s do murder mystery because i’ve never done murder mystery and i don’t fully know what it is

And i feel like it should be part of a i feel like every minecrafter should play it at some point i’ve heard about it for years but i’ve never played it before so um let’s see what let’s see what it is oh the game’s starting oh how do i see the um

How do i see the rules is it up anywhere oh loads of people are saying to do death run though okay maybe we could do death run after this then oh did not tell me oh i didn’t i didn’t see where it tells me the rules uh innocent try to survive

Okay so is it is it like um is there like secret people that are gonna try and kill me but i don’t know who they are how would i have any idea if anyone’s a a baddie or not oh there’s a coin i got a coin

Oh are you friend oh oh hi guys do the uh do the murderers do they have to use like a sword or something it will be fine as long as you’re not the murderer collect coins oh there’s only one only one person is the the murderer

How we meant to uh work out which one it is obviously we’re not talking to each other oh the murderer has a sword i guess they have a sword but they might be able to like put it away so you can’t see he was saying for me to get 10 coins

Let’s follow this cactus round a little bit it’d be too obvious for the cactus to be the murderer why is this so tense it is ted’s because i know that i look at someone the chances are that they are friendly but i just don’t know uh you can turn

Off friend invites by typing slash toggles in chat okay thank you lewis oh lewis you’re a you’re you’re a hiver thanks for the thanks for the tip yeah i think i i think i will do that the uh the text is a bit obnoxious on the uh on the screen

To be fair it isn’t like the corner where my little my little face is anyway can i sit down on the chair is that probably not a good thing to do when there’s a murder in the house oh what was that wait i don’t know why i don’t trust the way okay

Are we friendly your hair matches the furniture perfectly by the way oh we good you keep on walking now the thing is is um because all of the invites coming through i think oh what are you holding oh they’ve got a bow ah is that them it’s the show it’s the

Shark guy guys it’s the show i think it’s a shark guy was he a shark i think i think it’s like a shark with a tiny little face on his stomach he’s holding a bow is that if he’s holding the bow does that mean he’s the murderer

Right i think it’s the shark guy so what do i do what do i do if i think he’s the murderer oh game over did i win did i win right okay let’s uh let’s try and sort out these uh these invites sorry i know i probably should be doing

Like slash hub and stuff but uh i don’t know the um the way you meant to really do it with a controller oh no he’s a good oh he’s good oh he’s good he’s the [ __ ] he’s the sh there’s a sheriff in this game right i think um oh why don’t let me

Join now oh it’s uh oh my minecraft bedrock is just having a minecraft bedrock moment is it okay okay minecraft bread rock it’s been a long day hasn’t it oh dear okay very colorful uh yeah i think my games are a little bit broken right i’m just gonna

I’m just gonna quit minecraft and load it back up again and then we’re uh we go back on hive and uh and give it another go yeah i think i think to be fair it was my fault i didn’t read the rules of murder mystery uh before uh before

Going in so i think that was a that was a little bit my fault for uh for just having no idea i was just running around i’m just running around collecting coins having a really fun time there we go yeah it’s i fixed minecraft it was just having one of its uh

It has these little moments so every now and then doesn’t it oh wait why why is my whole like little windows thing up down there you go away okay uh so yeah what did what did luis aka splodger say you can turn a friend invite by typing slash toggles in chat right

Brought the menu up uh so is it party invites i want oh friend invites i want to get rid of uh go to party invites receive friend no get rid of them send friend no can i get rid of them i don’t want anything uh receive custom

Server invites no i don’t want them uh set plus rank when i don’t know what that is but don’t want it okay i don’t want any notifications okay this should uh clear up the uh the screen uh a little bit so everyone was saying to do her to do def run

I do want to do high guide and seek again because i do like that but let’s uh let’s check out death run so what do we do in death run where does it show us the uh show us the rules back to harp your locker

Where are the rules to be fair i don’t have time to read anyone we’re starting in like three seconds so i guess we’re uh i guess we’re going straight in uh activate the traps to kill the runners and try to stop them from finishing okay

Oh so here are the runners oh so how do i activate the traps oh oh dear oh i do i did a charcoal next trap okay yeah i i need oh i see so doesn’t matter which one i just so i gotta go like when they go here

I do that and oh i made a bunch of water appear right next trap oh should shoot them shoot them oh okay i’m doing it way too i need to do it earlier i set someone on fire right i’m going to get you i’m going to get you oh i blocked them off

Okay so i was just to slow them down right wait for them to come but uh it’s like the little gg that appears on them i’m just being a bully what was that was that but it’s just steams running at them i think it was just like whenever it was meant to be

Loaded in a bit slow oh it was like a big rolling thing i know it’s like obviously like a little weird like bedrock glitch but like it’s so funny when you see it at first there’s a bunch of steel oh god there’s those people still going are these people that like started again I was always there is that it oh this is the end oh god the problem is is this this is so fun bullying all these people but i just know i’m gonna have to be the one doing the running soon i guess we could uh go back and try and

Oh oh can i only activate the traps once oh here we go i can do this again oh i’m so sorry oh why are you jumping in you can’t go on that and then it’s all cooled out oh they’ve made it though you’re free to the end right

What did the uh the trap do does it make the red ones disappear whoa did they fly then were they cheating were they flying i don’t know maybe it was a bit glitchy thank you to um to samuel again he says why are you such an entertaining youtuber you’re really

Uh such a nice genuine guy thank you so much any plans for the next den also tell us she uh she is epic uh my game overview i got 12 kills very nice so there are plans for another den actually but they’re kind of at the moment plans that aren’t

Being made by me so uh nothing to announce yet but uh new dens probably will happen i mean we haven’t finished based on yet so there’s no uh no real rush uh oh they used a leap says sierra this part of they used a feather okay it looks like there’s a little bit

More uh more depth to this game than i first bought so where do you get like the uh the power ups and stuff and oh here oh here’s the feather so do you just have this on cool cooldown and then oh that’s just chooses whether i want the other players to be visible

I want the other players to be visible because i want to see them when they get stuck in traps well you know what i’m going to do i’m going to wait slightly behind the crowd let’s let them all run they can all get blown up and knocked off and smashed and crushed

And poked and prodded and i’m gonna sneak behind them all and hopefully avoid the traps so i reckon these red blocks are gonna get like taken away and it looks like you can’t go in the uh the water so the leap is it like a one-time use thing or um

All right let me just use it to see ah oh yes i can use it every 15 seconds oh no i just that wasn’t even a trap i just jumped in because i’m rubbish but it’s kind of nice not to be in like the main big group though just because um

I feel a bit safe all right let’s go jump across i guess what i want to be doing as well is looking over oh big job uh looking over to the right to see if there’s someone there waiting and then i can have my feather ready

To um to leap through if need be beep there’s no way i was gonna make that parkour otherwise thank you to it to not dark knight spectator says i love the streams and videos keep up the good work thanks so much oh don’t shoot me don’t shoot me oh

That’s scary when you just see the dispensers facing at you and i know oh glee bleep bleep i was gonna fall are you gonna come on can i okay just standing there just down there okay maybe they were it was on cooldown uh i finished by the way

I wanted to to do it so was that was i 11th i think i was 11 out of how many how many are in here uh like one two well i don’t know because some might be the uh the other people um i think i did all right though i mean

That wasn’t that wasn’t the worst right thank you to uh to potato pie who says i um hey stampede big fan uh what’s your cps i don’t know what a cps is uh i don’t know what a cps is i think he’s going to uh to dipper pines

Who says hey stampy i just wanted to let you know you’ve always made my day when i was down thank you for everything keep up the good work you’re the best oh thank you so much everyone’s been so friendly today i love it uh melissa says uh there is a cool

Down on the tricks oh okay yeah i kind of worked that out with the uh the the feather i gotta get on the podium though look oh look how epic it is to be on the podium okay i’m gonna have another i’ve enjoyed this this is good fun

Oh clicks per second people are saying oh i’ve never like um i’ve never measured it there was actually um a game that i used to play on playstation 2 which would have um like how fast you can press x i think i got up to like 15 uh like

Clicks or presses i guess per second i don’t know what it would be on uh on pc i’m not a huge pc gamer all right looks like i’m running again well i’m gonna go for the podium here i’m gonna go all out you know i’m gonna wait for the first

Trap to go because that’s gonna hello it’s gonna get everyone and then i’m gonna go right now i’m gonna go full speed ahead for the whole rest of the the go here because i reckon that the uh most people doing the the traps now oh no

I got blown up i got blown up and then i leaped as well oh they’re gonna do the trap here i don’t even know what it is let’s just try and sneak around all right keep on oh i fell right into the fire i think i could have jumped over there

Oh no i’m falling into every trap there is now right i do have my leap available so i’ll be ready to use it if i see a traps about to happen i’ll be ready to to use it straight away right okay i think i was going to fall

Then i think i had to use oh this is good that trap’s just gone off so this one’s on cool down now so now it’s going to be a really good time to try and run through this one and yes i managed to to make it through

So i’m through checkpoint four of nine at the moment did a polar bear just land on my head is that am i imagining things oh it was snow it was i think i got like avalanched in oh no this is going to shoot like i said no

I got killed by the the wave of killer steve i’ve been hit by like every trap today i’ll be so unlucky all right go go go go go go okay they’re not here the person staying off the traps isn’t there so how many people are saying off the uh

Off the traps thing compared to the uh the runners so i keep just seeing the the same one oh people are finishing already i’ve only just got over halfway through and some people are finishing already god have i got any chance of getting on the podium not sure if i do you know

I realize i’ve got my um like the top of the uh the display for minecraft at the top of the screen i’ll get rid of that after this let’s just leap let’s just play it safe god i’m gonna be in last place here oh wait what’s the uh

What’s the deal with this one have they just set the trap off or do you have to leap oh oh wait a minute what are they oh there’s invisible blocks above here good to know right all all going in my brain ready for next time oh no don’t you came over that’s so

Close all right see if i get rid of them get rid of that there we go that’s better all right we’ll give this another go i can’t end on that one thank you to cletus he says uh sophie i love your videos you were my entire childhood

Uh dipper says uh oh can i say happy birthday i can do uh yeah absolutely happy happy birthday i don’t know if it’s today or if it was very recently but happy birthday dipper pines anyone else in the uh the chat feel free to to wish dipper pines a happy birthday as well

Thank you to uh to uh to diet butter as well as austin who says hi stamping my work watching your stream and trying not to get caught don’t let me get you in trouble don’t let me don’t use me as an excuse oh it’s the same person there trying to

To do the traps bro you know what i’m just gonna leap straight over this one so yeah i knew they were going to do the trap oh no that was never going to end well all right go go go go go go go go okay no one’s there no one’s okay they’ve

Moved on they’ve moved on to the next group so i’m going to keep on going on fire okay this is good because there’s no one here sending craps this is a kind of a good position to be in because if i was at the very front i’d

Have all of the traps going off on me so hopefully they’re going to get taken out and then when we get closer to the end that’s when i can like dip into the lead i just want to make sure i don’t fail like loads of times in a row and they’re

Not getting like really far behind oh that was good timing actually because that blew up right before i got here so it’s um it needs to be reset right i got my i got my leap if i need to use it where does it say which position i am in

It says my deaths and how many checkpoints i’m through does it say what position you’re in oh okay no okay it’s all right because i got through the checkpoint oh no did it not i got i got through that checkpoint right or did i and this is just the next

Bit or maybe i did this is just the next area um okay maybe this isn’t quite as as good a position i think i prefer to be uh a little bit further forward now we’re getting into the the later parts of the round but i will

Keep on going i struggle with this ice i know if i try and rush it i’m going to fall in but there we go that wasn’t too bad and it looks like there’s no one setting off the traps around me just because i’m so far behind now but on the downside i am

Also so far behind not died in a little while though still no one’s staying off the uh the trailer you know there’s still oh i just did a chance you know as i said i’m not i’m not going to win i’m just going for a podium finish is my objective that’s my goal

Oh no oh i i hit the ice right at the end it gives you like a giant speed boost here oh no they got rid of it oh i was actually in a pretty great position there oh i can just sprint over all of that

I didn’t realize that uh i was in ninth place i don’t think i was it would have been podium then but i think i’d have been like pretty high up there oh different pine says thank you so much stampy and everyone else give advice to say thank you to everyone

Wishing them a happy birthday at least i managed to finish because there’s only like another 20 seconds on the uh the the clock so it was a i was getting a little bit close there oh everyone’s there saying don’t jump don’t jump yeah i realized now i was going fast enough

To run over i know for next time though i know for next time this is my first time ever doing death run remember thank you to uh to blue who says i haven’t watched any of your videos since 2015 well welcome back hopefully you enjoyed the stream uh 144 experience uh nine checkpoints

Hits seven death zero kills i mean i was the uh one of the runners uh right let’s see what i’m gonna be this time just wanna get on the podium just once when i get on the podium thank you to her to zoe for the uh the donation as well as octo echo

Says hi stampy and melissa said it was her birthday six days ago happy birthday for uh for six days ago oh i’m saying off the traps i’m setting off the traps all right these are going to get dropped straight don’t even try look at the they’re all trying to be cautious and

Wait nope yeah right instead of these traps uh oh these guys are in the lead oh these guys are good look how cautious they’re being these people just got blown completely up all right i’ll fire fire arrows let’s wait i i want to try and get the people that are in the lead

To give the uh the people forever backer a chance oh this is to melt the ice oh they just missed their jump anyway oh there we go i ready to get someone okay they’re there on this one they’re on that one let’s get up to this one

What was that i’ll release the beasts oh they’re just like the spike trap flood the floor so this will make a bunch of water appear let’s see if we can get a few see if we get a few a few in one big oh they’re all waiting look at that person

Wait let’s try and get that one i don’t know why they’re being so patient yeah why is that so funny they were so patient for so long expecting it and then the second ago i’m like yeah nope i’m such a bully right just do some fire arrows goodbye

Oh it’s just so it’s you know it’s so nice being mean because hit me out because i’ll remove the red blocks because i spent so long oh they’re good they’re very good um but yeah being the one having this happening to them and then like losing so much so this is

Like this is my chance you’re right hello hello they know it’s some cool down having a little dance oh is this the i think this is the last one oh we want you to to go back and uh get someone here what does this do i’ll remove the red blocks

Although they said they’re leave but they fell in any way oh if they can make it across without that though oh so oh so when it’s um oh sorry mate they’re just going to say hello so when it shows the uh the magma cream that means that this person is using the

Trap already so i can’t use it ah okay but you still get points for when you uh when you’re taking them out it’s part of the game so it’s okay i mean it’s part of the game to try and take them out i don’t know whether the uh

They’re going ha ha ha and laughing maniacally i don’t know if that’s part of the game i don’t know whether taking such pleasure in purposely trying to be mean that’s not part of the game that’s just me maybe me yeah yeah uh thank you to uh to bethany jade who

Says uh please say hi to caleb he sick and adores you hi caleb thanks for for watching the stream hopefully you’re enjoying watching me being mean to people on deaf run it’s part of the game it’s part of the game don’t be mean to people otherwise

Uh oh no morale no this is this is karma now this is where i get a taste of my own medicine oh dude right wait for it and go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yo i actually in that one i can kind of

See where they’re gonna fire and dodge that trap’s just been done so i should be clear for here i can leap if need be oh i should have let on i spent me all the way back to the beginning oh no i died right before the checkpoint

Oh no that has slowed me down so yeah let’s just leap i think that one mistake that one little mistake has set me back so much well you know what at least at least i’m with a huddle here at least i don’t think i’m in dead last

I’m close to it but i don’t think i’m quite there yet so um what i think i’ll do is i keep on going and i’ll stay within the uh the hope of getting a podium finish it’s been pretty smooth after oh boy oh whoa that i nearly saved myself then

I just went like the wrong way around okay so these are the ones where yeah you’re gonna look at the pattern on the floor through the water in front of that okay i think my uh oh no there’s a guy there no oh i made it i jumped just in time i

Keep going because they’re going to be after me yeah my chance of a podium finish i think ever have left here but i will uh keep on going for this cool this is a different level to the uh the other ones so the the emeralds that you jump really high

The red blocks are the ones that can disappear i’m starting to to learn the rules how does someone die there i can just run down these without jumping it’s it’s actually quite peaceful when there’s a not the people sitting off the traps hi there’s people that are like they’re

So much better than me they like run past me knowing they’ll be fine and turn around and wave while i’m still running i’ve finished every time though at least so that’s the uh the good thing uh hi avery says hi stumpy haven’t been here for a while how are you doing i’m

Doing good hope you’re doing well as well avery thank you as well to the uh the sleeping rabbit who says hey stampy uh huge fan i’ve been watching since 2013. i just wanted to say thanks for being my childhood uh i watched your videos uh to remember the happy times thank you thank

You so much thank you so much to kylie who says i can’t thank you more for giving me my whole childhood uh el romo says last round i was in your game reminds me of you running away from me and shouting veggie support over one year ago how time flies i remember that

If i remember that yo defront is a bit fun isn’t it it is a bit fun i’m still after my podium finish i feel like i’m going to be here all night but i want to be i want that to be me i want to be up

There all giant and all amazing looking uh i only had three deaths that round though which isn’t actually too bad i’m definitely uh i’m definitely getting better at the uh the running side which is uh which is good hello to her to epic flame as well as a mango cat plays

Uh what region are you in i’m playing on the eu one sonic hello to the uh the pie train hello to uh to thai guy 47 hello to uh to geneva says i wish i could i could join so the game is just joinable so it’s just going to be kind of like

Anyone who just randomly has a chance to get in we’ll be able to join oh we’re off we’re offer off oh i like to look at this one this is a nice looking level probably gonna get killed here oh no i made it through i made it through

I’m in the uh i’m in the front runner pack here actually oh this is this has gone very well actually oh there’s someone there doing the trap okay they just the whole oh no oh i fell in oh that was about i was doing so well until that one mistake there that might

Have been my downfall there’s so many people in these games it makes it so difficult to be fair i probably should turn it off so i can’t see other players when i’m in the game it would definitely make it much easier but it’s really funny seeing it when they die

So you know i know if i if i keep failing and don’t get my podium finished maybe i’ll resort to that just to give myself a bit of a a better chance let’s just leak just to go a bit faster here because i need to try and catch up

Looks like i’m so far behind no one’s uh doing the traps around me anyway cut off a little bit of the grip oh okay just run fast just run fast okay i made that across that was fun oh there was oh this trap’s just been set off

So it should be safe to go across and then the big jump up i wonder i wonder what position i think this might be my best position i think this might be my my best run yet i got my uh my finger hovering over the trigger to leap the second i suspect to

Trap i think that might have been a trap there and that’s it that’s done oh where was i where was i uh 11th 11th i said you know i’ll tell you i’m gonna i know it’s probably saved somewhere but i’m gonna write down eleventh and we’ll see whether i can improve uh

From that as we uh as we go forward that will be my my target to to be thank you so much to uh great username as well by the way for a huge very generous donation says hi i’ve been watching you uh forever from 2015 to now so like uh like six years

Uh i am the ultimate super chat person thing lol i think you are thank you so much hope you are really enjoying the the stream god i did not expect that oh hi fizzy hi fizzy elephant there are only two deaths definitely doing better in that department

Thank you to her to angel uh for becoming a member as well as lightning he says uh it’s my birthday on wednesday i’m turning 19 i’ve been watching since 2009 wow have a a really amazing uh 19th birthday i know it’s probably a probably a little bit of a weird one uh

Just considering everything that’s going on right now but hopefully you managed to have a fun time with whatever you end up doing hi guys hello hi steve hi steve hi steve hi flower cow uh right okay we’re running oh yeah okay oh it’s the same level it’s the same

Level i look at the giraffes i’m like tony not been looking at any of the uh the scenery whatsoever right i think this first one might be a run for it if i get the uh oh god it would be someone you know i’m going to turn plays off

Oh oh oh oh they are oh blah plays small what i was making them all tiny oh that’s oh this is the best of both because i can see where i’m going but i will also see when everyone else falls off and stuff which is just quite funny

Ah this is smart okay perfect oh go fast here they were about to do the trap i think they’re gonna do the trap here well i managed to get past you know uh elephant walk that area was monkey madness we are now on dodging all of these uh these traps quite well oh

That was good this trap’s just gone off so we can wait for that to pass and now we go oh no they’re waiting there for this trap though right i am going to leap oh what a save what to say i’m probably gonna die here though yeah i died okay

There was nothing i could do about that one i dodged a lot of traps in a row there okay yep i knew that was coming knew that was coming go ahead there’s people further ahead don’t worry about us get the uh get the front runners we’re

Not the ones you need to worry about i’m right in like the uh the main pack for where they’re setting off these traps let’s just leap there oh no i used my leak but i still fell anyway okay this one’s fine because that was just blown up oh

Oh and that that one’s just got set off as well okay so at least i’m clear for the uh the traps for a little bit but i have been a really slow down here oh no oh i jumped it i managed to jump it though

Oh then i got i got a lot i’ve overtook that person am i in the lead i’m going i’m dead here surely yeah okay i was dead then oh i should have waited to be fair really should have waited there if i had my leap i would have

I would have done it oh no and people are finishing now oh that was was that the end oh that was the i think i was in first place i think i was in first place i finished 11th i finished 11th again rocket willing Oh that’s like the most live vindictive massive donation ever because uh because rocco says i am the ultimate super chat person thing lol and donated a hundred dollars rocket willing donated a hundred and one dollars to not bp that is ridiculous uh for those who don’t know rocket

Willing is a uh a regular on the uh the um uh on the other live streams and always pulling off these sorts of shenanigans not normally big donations like that but always joking around well that’s funny thank you to her to deezey who’s just says hi stampy

Uh lord says would you rather go to iraq or greece uh i guess it would be greece just because i’ve been to greece a bunch i actually had my uh i had my honeymoon in greece speaking of my honeymoon which isn’t something i thought i was going to be saying

In this live stream is um hello uh we actually uh chatted uh squishy and i about our honeymoon and we said a really funny really um kind of gross story about our honeymoon at the end of this week’s space then so i think just because this stream of like when it’s going

I think i’m probably gonna upload this week’s space then tomorrow uh rather than today because i know it normally goes out on saturday but i’ve only just finished editing it today and it’s not uploaded yet so i think i might wait till tomorrow uh to upload it

Uh but yeah there’s a little uh we have a little chat at the end of it uh about my honeymoon it’s just weird that it it kind of came up oh no i don’t know what happened then i mean i died there must have been a trap

I don’t know if even using like uh the leap would have helped me there this has still been uh so far so good like i know there’s people ahead of me but they’re like the um the bigger targets for the uh the traps so hopefully i’ll be able to catch up

With them okay yeah so this trap just got set off which is perfect timing is that so satisfying when you see the trap just get set off ahead of you and then you know you’re you’re safe and clear right i’m gonna leap here oh and i’m glad i did because

I think that trap was going to go right on me oh i did i’m in the end what was i 12 that was worse that was worse that was by far my best go and it got well i did worse phineas finished what is that phineas phineas

Is that phineas like here i don’t even finish is even watching i don’t know if i’ve seen him today but is that actual phineas phineas phineas that i know from the uh from the discord thank you to tom turner who says hey stampy i’m a fully grown adult now

When i first started watching your videos i was also a fully grown adult uh still playing halo come on master chief collection uh yes i do still play halo eagerly uh looking forward to halo infinite um yeah you must be uh you must be as old as i am then if you were

If you’ve been watching for that long and you were an adult uh back then it is you phineas oh i didn’t know you managed to get into the uh the game yeah i hadn’t seen you in the um i mean it’s probably just me not looking or

Maybe you didn’t say anything but i haven’t seen you in the uh the chat to seeing you uh pop up is fun like i know obviously like most people here when they’re like crowding around they obviously are watching this stream but it’s uh it’s fun to see a uh familiar face pop up

Happy birthday to her to andrea rogers uh i’ve been watching you play forever um i’ve been watching you play a little i’ve been watching you forever playing with you is my dream ah well hopefully you’re hoping you get in we are playing a high this would probably be one of your best chances

I will probably do more streams like this in the future just because this one’s been so much fun and yeah i hope you have an amazing birthday all right let’s just leap straight yeah oh you know let’s wait let’s just wait because i can save my leap because i’m probably gonna need it

Now oh the beasts oh the beasts oh that’s good that that trap just went off so we can oh steady get past here that’s about to get blown up oh no just just do it so i can go okay there we go they blew up let’s go

Let’s go let’s just get over there i don’t even know what’s going to happen there but i do not want to be around when it does no oh that was so close that was so like dropped away just before i could jump around i’m in a bad position here i’m getting hit

By every single trap at the moment is this a speed boost oh it is oh no no oh that was bad that was bad that was bad that was bad uh i think i might have just um just thrown away my chances of my my dream podium finish someone’s finished already someone’s

Already finished yeah that’s four players yeah there’s the uh there’s my podium dreams i feel like if like a few people get out ahead where they’re kind of buy them so steady so they’re um like away from the main group oh they’re gonna blow me up i can see them coming after me

Ah did they get me did i no i did they did get me oh this is the end though oh is this my best though uh no play okay we’re up we’re up my last best was uh was eleventh i just gotta i just got ninth so we’re

Moving up we’re into the uh we’re into the top ten ladies and gentlemen i bet you didn’t know you’re watching a top 10 deaf run youtuber live stream but you are that’s exactly what you’re watching tuscany says there’s a role in my youtube thank you as well to uh to five tman456

And uh frankie says i was the fizzy that came in third lol oh you really are cool with people watching this video like that and robert says i load up an old version of your lovely world and let us play some mini games please i’m sure i’m not

The only ones to one who wants to play i did actually do that before i think that my first ever minecraft stream i did that and it got a little bit too chaotic uh anyway back in just one second i’m just gonna go take my uh take my jumper

Off i’m getting a bit hot Right i’m back i still want you to see me like struggling to get like a tight turtleneck off and like pulling my t-shirt up and all my hair all over the place that would not ha that would not have made an elegant gift to be uh

Shared on twitter when the uh the stream ends there’s always some little moment from the stream that gets shared around at the end of the uh the stream i think that would have been it oh where where are we going okay this way uh okay this is good let’s wait let’s

Wait everyone else just diving all in and then this i think i can jump over this if it comes but i think we’re okay might be in a nice position here just a little bit behind the uh the front line for all of the other traps

So this one’s just gone as well uh okay yeah there we go now i can keep on going now i’m a little bit worried there’s too many traps going on here and i think there’s a few people that are far ahead that are managing to get past all of

These i think that trap was about to get set up oh no that one got me though yeah no i’m right in the uh the epicenter of all of these traps getting set off it’s not good and this is a this is a longer oh there’s a big wall

This is a longer level as well here this is up to nine i think that’s just that’s me sealing my my fate it’s really just one big mistake or one big bit of a bit of bad luck from these traps and it can really uh put you all the way back right something

Bad is going to happen there because i can see them all lurking so let’s just get way past that if we can no the ice the ice it’s so frustrating adam just says man this guy dot dot he’s still rocking yeah it’s amazing when people come and go

Like oh my god stampy like you’re still alive as if like the moment you stop like watching or thinking about some they just they stop existing i guess for you they do oh all right let’s leave i don’t even want to wait for that to recharge

I think this has been like one of the runs where like i’ve done pretty good but just the amount of traps i’ve been hit by and i get it i understand it’s the point i know it’s the uh the part of the game but i feel like any trap that there was

I was hit by it oh they’re all waiting here at the ending right what place did we get oh it might not be too bad actually i got 12. i got travis i wasn’t it wasn’t awful could have could have been worse thank you to uh

To vip charles for the donation as well as uh m cleo uh for becoming a member you are an hour an egg uh your appearance has changed so much i don’t think it has two i think i’ve just grown the bit of stubble i think just for people

That haven’t seen me in literal years that’s the uh that’s the the surprising part right gg everyone gg i’m not really i you know what i think i’m gonna do one more game of this and then throw it in then i might try to try out a hide and seek

Because i want to see um what hide and seek is like on hive you know all of the uh the games that we’ve actually managed to get in here they’ve all been winners they’ve all been um they’ve all been fun haven’t they like we haven’t had any like dud games

Like i’ve had done individual yeah well i had that one time on the um that warrior ware style game where uh like the game glitched but then the actual game itself was really fun i was just very bad at it right we’re running this way

If i get right to the front here ready to get to the front of the uh the uh the queue okay let’s just wait let’s just wait oh a lot of them use that oh maybe i should have used my leap there oh but then a lot of them died straight

Away here okay this is this is a fine start let’s just leap here oh no i even with my leap i failed oh see see what i mean it’s just that one little mistake and that can really uh kind of seal your fate for the whole rest of the game there

Let’s go over these barrier blocks i mean i guess like once again i’ve said it before but the big bright side is now now i’m so far behind i’m just not a very big target so if it’s you know if the people setting off the traps are really good

And really like focus on the uh the people that are in the lead then that that’s gonna be our my big opportunity because i’m done i’m dodging all of these traps okay but i just feel like they’re slowing us down even more while the people that were really in the lead are

Just kind of getting like even more ahead and that i was kind of messed oh dear oh no we’re all just dying here i was kind of messed up a bit by that speed boost i didn’t expect it to come in like i could have got across that

Without the the red ones being there if i hadn’t sealed my fate before i definitely have now oh there’s someone lurking there let’s just leap over this let’s just get way past that that leap is really fun oh everyone’s finishing now oh no the fire the fire

Can i beat ninth place or can i get eight can i get eighth place can i get eight do i got my leap i got my leap leap bleep bleep did i get in oh i finished ninth again i’m going again i’m going to go i was so close

I was so close i know like eighth place is like hardly something to like you know call your mom about but well in fact i was so close to gay night it’s one of those uh it’s one of those games danny gaming says my mom won’t let

Me donate two pounds that’s okay you get a shout out anyway thanks for watching danny gaming everyone is welcome to just sit back relax and just enjoy the show there’s zero obligation to do any sort of donations or super chats or become a member you can just enjoy the enjoy the gameplay

If you can if this gameplay can be enjoyable this this level of gameplay i should probably be um standing up a bit in between games if you’ve been uh watching the stream for the uh for the whole way through maybe like stand up have a bit of a bit of a stretch

Say hello to maymay hello sweet only your tongue sticking out i love our little tongue sticking out ah guys turn it i actually thought i um i had a bit of a sore throat earlier and i was like oh maybe this will be a bit of a uh

A shorter stream today but i’ve actually been enjoying it so yeah if you’ve been sitting down for a long time stand up have a walk around maybe go make yourself something to drink a little do some star jumps do some squats i’ll do my star jumps and squats in a

Minute after the stream i probably do i promise you i’ll do them let’s do them after the stream okay right okay i’ve got to be i’ve got to beat knife i’ve got about i’ve given up on my dream of getting a podium finish i just want to get better than ninth place

All right let’s just leap over you go go go don’t fall don’t fall oh okay oh i made it oh i’m right in the front runners i’m i think i’m in fourth place at the moment and i got the checkpoint oh guys i’m still leaping hello hello

I thought they’re gonna set the trap off but they just waved okay i think i’m gonna die here oh oh no messed up again i i could have survived that i messed up because i saw that they were there and i panicked but i’d already got over

The uh the red block which is the one that they can make disappear so i could have made it okay so podium is definitely out the window now but i’m still close enough up like i’m probably in like ninth place now i reckon but there’s a lot of people grouped up together me

There that are hopefully gonna get wiped out by a big trap this is my there’s my oh there we go that was two down so i reckon i’m in about like sixth place now maybe hello sorry i would wave back to you i see you waving

But i’m a bit i’m a bit focused oh was that oh i lived faster though oh i’m going to die here i think this is me dead oh no they just waved oh good yeah please just wave to me don’t set up the traps no don’t cheat you should treat me as

Unfairly as everyone else all right i’ve got to wait here now you know i’m just going to leave this just because i don’t trust my ability to do that parkour probably going to die now i reckon oh no i can’t go past uh they’re going to do a trap here okay

Okay this is going good actually uh oh this is the last bit this is the last checkpoint and my leaf is about to recharge leap leap oh i did it oh what was i second place i got second place i don’t think i’ve ever been so happy to

Get second place in anything ever i was trying to beat ninth place and i got second oh let’s can we can we say um we say gg in the chat can i say i don’t have to type it g g gg everyone gg oh i think i’ve got i got um i’ve got

Youtube rank got you very fancy thank you um i don’t know if anyone uh from the uh the hive is still watching i feel like i probably didn’t um i probably didn’t thank you enough for for sorting out high for me i know it’s kind of i guess in your

Your best interest as well for the uh the the server to look good but yeah no hive seems good well to be fair i gotta be totally honest now um not that i would be like anything otherwise but when i when the minecraft bedrock first came to xbox

And i was playing the games like it was broken like like i didn’t i i played for our servers and all of them had like game breaking block um bugs it was too laggy people were like hacking it was unplayable um all of the uh the the micro transaction stuff the way like

Literal pay to win like literal buy to be stronger stuff and like stuff where oh if you want to choose your rank you got to do some really difficult parkour there was like it was awful like the bedrock servers were awful but this has been a like 95 percent smooth positive lag three

Free experience and i have bad internet you know cons you know not great internet at least and i’m streaming like this is good like this is that i feel like like i don’t know when it happened just because i haven’t played them in a while but i feel like

Minecraft bedrock servers must have had like a turnaround at some point and maybe there wasn’t one individual point it’s just been gradual uh improvement but um you know it’s been fun and i think i think i’ve been picking the right sort of games to play i think

I would start getting frustrated if i did more pvp stuff and that and that’s where like the problems um with uh the stampedes jumping up and down i think that’s where like the things with cross play comes in like i wouldn’t want to be playing with

A controller going up against on with a mouse and keyboard and if i was using like touch screen on my phone i wouldn’t want to go up against anyone who isn’t also doing touchscreen on their phone because that would be a a big disadvantage so um i do think there are some issues

Around there and uh some of the uh the monetization stuff like it um yeah i i think it’s just that i tend to to to be a little bit cold on free to play games in general unless they’re done very very well um so i think it’s more my thoughts on like

You know i would rather buy a game outright you know rather than do free to play stuff even if i was getting the same content so i think that’s just my view on free to play games which is probably a little bit like outdated so that’s nothing even to do with minecraft bedrock

Anyway rather than giving another ted talk shall we uh should we do some uh some hide and seek there’s so many stampies oh what are you what are you what are you are you a llama or an alpaca hello hello you are my favorite

I hope you end up in my game right we’re going to do um we’re going to do some hide and seek shall i uh shall i let it let you actually see this shall we uh where’s hide and seek is down here thank you to uh to tech demo

Who says do pokemon dlc or terraria of cr terraria creative modes in 2012. uh i think i’m kind of done with um with both of those games for now uh i’m afraid to say so i probably won’t be playing either of them thanks so much for watching though the stream though

Uh the sleeping rabbit says hi stumpy i was just gonna ask will there ever be any more stumpy plushies or oh not anymore uh thanks for the the time i’ll choose your block oh uh polished granite please um no plans at the moment there probably won’t be any more major

Merch i think at like this point it um it just doesn’t really uh make the uh the most sense for for me at the uh at the moment um yeah i don’t even know how i’d go about like trying to to to do more more merch to be honest so um

Yeah i’m afraid i’m afraid not so bad ah oh no this is a bad this is this is not a good one to do and i forgot about this see this is much more hide and seek than like prop hunt because you actually become a block

Because i know that there’s going to be people um watching the uh the the stream so uh yeah i’m gonna get found out immediately here oh well we’ll stay hiding for as long as we as we can um thank you so much to uh to minshuki’s euphoria i think that’s

How you pronounce that says hi some people watching you since 2013. thank you for always cheering me up i hope you have a a good day uh thank you so much i’m having a very good day and thank you again to our to roko for another oh one second

Okay we’re good oh yeah for another hugely generous donation wanting to step up rocket willing again they just sent one of the uh the super chats that you could uh i i think you could probably see go across your your screen and thank you to add to luke olsen uh uh as well

Right i think you know i don’t think hide and seek’s gonna work uh oh hi frankie you’ve been getting in a lot of these games frankie well done um uh yeah i think that um yeah hide and seek just isn’t gonna really work i’m afraid i think just because um

So how do i how do i get out of here uh oh oh i know we’re still gonna i’m a blockbuster i got to look for for blocks that are out of place yeah i think just because of the way i’m doing on the stream like with stream snipers

Like i i don’t think it will uh it will really work out like unless i had a like a huge delay i think this is more of a game that i could do like a video on rather than do a an actual uh an actual live stream the

The one where you like the prop hunt one where i could turn into like a book and stuff i could kind of do a little bit more because i could kind of run around and dodge and stuff but it was just one giant block going around i think that probably um

That probably wouldn’t work too well but uh yeah seems like a super polished version of the uh of the the game so i think after this round i will uh call it a day for the uh the stream oh i run out of energy um yeah i think i’ll end it there but

I can uh ask for more suggestions for other servers and mini games and we could uh maybe try out something uh something else in the the future oh this level’s huge so um oh rocket willing i did this for the lols stepping up by uh by one dollar again

Right that’s uh that’s it for both of you though we’re not playing this game of stepping up though because yeah i just feel bad that you’re wasting all of my money on my silly stream i wouldn’t feel so bad if it if i was like good

Like if you were watching like the best minecraft player i feel like yeah yeah no you sh you should pay to watch me but no no no one should pay to see this sort of quality no one no one should pay to see a confused cat chasing after a bush with bunny ears

No one should pay to see that sort of entertainment that’s not the right sort of entertainment oh is this great she telling me to do quacktopia well let me let me scroll back let me see what that was oh yeah she tell me to play quactopia if you don’t know cracktopia

Is squishy server the person recommending it are you a real bush i’m so sure that was a fake one because look it look like there should be like one on either side uh how many more of this there’s one block hiding there’s 14 people looking and one one block hider

Hmm i don’t know like the uh the levels well enough to know where they’d be but look there’s so many of our seekers surely between us all we should be able to track them down right but there are a lot of places where there is just like really random

Collections of blocks so it is really hard to like guess where they’re where they’d be thank you to uh oh did we do it oh we found all the hiders i won yay i mean i kind of won because i started off as a uh as a hider

So i guess kind of i technically probably didn’t really win but hey i was a secret at the end and that’s when it says that i that i won uh thank you to cloudy uh he says hi simply you are my childhood thank you uh you’re my favorite thank you so much

Thank you as well to uh to tesla uh gizmo says uh i suggest you do a series on a game called east shade it’s a cute little story game based uh that’s open world and is an all-round beautiful game right tell you what let me uh let me

Write that down because i have a really bad memory and i will forget otherwise while i write this down you can have a little a little corgi cam and see uh see may down there let me try and get out of the way as what’s the game called east shade so i have

No idea what it is normally i’ll be honest i’m such a big nerd when someone suggests a game to me i’ve normally already heard of it because i play um so many games but i’ve never heard of e-shades or at least at least give it a google and see

Whether it is a as beautiful as you think and uh you say to do a series on it um i don’t know if i’ll do a series on it but if it’s a like a nice little story game that’s exactly the type of game squishy and i like to to play through

Together so maybe that could be a that could be one that we go to to play through uh thank you to um to sola stampy who says hello stampy i’m a huge fan i have a random question for you have you ever considered voice acting in a movie tv show or video game

Do you mean you haven’t been following my robust tv acting and video game acting career have you not heard of minecraft story mode with my starring role as the titular character of the youtuber in a mansion who shouts panic panic panic panic yeah i mean like i would love it that

Would that would be like it wouldn’t be my dream job because like this is my dream job like sitting here with my dog playing video games chatting to you guys like i’m living my dream job but if i didn’t have this job i’d love to do voice acting but i can’t act like

Like i wouldn’t ever like audition to do something because i can’t do it like i’m not an actor like acting is like a like it’s a it’s a skill it’s a learned skill you know it’s like building boats you know i wouldn’t be like

Oh yeah i’m sure i could work out how to build a boat no you need to learn how to build a boat and you could be naturally talented at the beginning but you still need to learn what you need to do and i’ve had no acting training whatsoever

So i know there’s a small amount of crossover from what i do on youtube but no i’d love to do it but i don’t think i could yeah thanks for your question back thank you to her to for your mode it says hi sam’s been watching you for over

Seven years i’m now 14. uh can you create uh you can create custom servers uh by doing cs thanks for making my childhood very useful any tips like that are very helpful to me uh rib says can you say hi to your dog and i can do hi me hi rip says hello

She does not seem interested right now she seems very very sleepy i swear sometimes she does go hyper and go mad and run around she doesn’t sleep all of the the time uh thank you to uh to um uh elia who says thank you for being so heartwarping uh heartwarming sorry

I think as well to her to belle who says uh when the uh the lovely uh book came out it was during the time my school had a book fair there was one copy left and i fought for it almost got suspended in brackets oops

Just came home to see my mum had got me one oh that is such a good story that is such a good story wait so did you end up with two of them then right did you did you wait did you get you said you fought for it and you almost

Got suspended did you end up with two copies or did you lose out in the battle at the uh the book fair yeah oh so the stampy says oh yeah i forgot you’re in story mode i mean i was joking that’s not like that that’s a cameo not uh acting uh

What were your thoughts on that game i personally uh i personally loved it it’s so weird to judge because like like it’s special to me because i was in it and just being such a big gamer nerd being in a video game was just super cool and the fact it

Was a minecraft game um like so i love it just but you know because i was idiot but i also really enjoyed it anyway like i do wish it was more um a bit more puzzly and i wish the gameplay had a bit more minecrafty stuff in it

Rather than just the story but i know that when they were like making the game they had a very tight budget and it was kind of right before especially season two right before uh telltale went down so i know that there was probably a lot more mechanics

And gameplay stuff they wanted to add but they couldn’t like the times when you got to like build your own statue and it would stay in the world forever that kind of stuff was like really cool um so i would have loved to see more of that stuff but yeah overall i really

Enjoyed it um thank you as well to um oh to tesla again you said can you shout out chase i can and oh cloudy says thank you so much you made your my year i’m so glad i mean to be fair making your year is uh

Isn’t too big of a deal because the years just started but at least uh at least made your month thank you to uh to drift maniac who says hi stampy i’m a big fan of all your vids i know all belle there was the uh the person with the uh

The book fair story uh bell’s come back and said i still have both copies sitting on my bookshelf now after all these years my little brother enjoys them oh that’s so good to hear oh that was such a lovely story to end the stream on but that is the stream ending

Sorry to anyone who has uh just jumped in you have missed your chance but i’ll be doing this again so i’ve been streaming through a game called ukulele uh to everyone who’s only here because of minecraft check it out the game’s awesome my next stream is going to be on ukulele

People that only watch minecraft give it a chance because it’s fun and i promise you streams that aren’t minecraft or terraria are also fun drop by once in a while all right you never right you’re never cool come say hello but that is gonna be the end of this

Dream we will be back with minecraft at some point in the future you know what we noticed that there’s a black splodge here which is part of the uh part of the border and i haven’t noticed it for like a year and now i’ve noticed it it’s all i see i

Will fix it i will fix it if i haven’t fixed it by the next stream tell me off and now have a shout at me but yeah that’s the end of the stream here big thank you to her to harry pelly before i go for the

Last minute donation but for now i want to thank you all very much for watching and i will see you all later bye You You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Server Mini-games – 🔴 Live’, was uploaded by stampylonghead on 2021-01-16 16:57:28. It has garnered 310310 views and 10088 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:39 or 9099 seconds.

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    Unlock Martin's EVIL Lair on Channel 64 SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Minecraft EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR on Channel 64 SMP’, was uploaded by martin_smartin on 2024-02-18 04:33:45. It has garnered 69 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:01 or 6301 seconds. Join me on Channel 64 SMP as I’m building my EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR live in #minecraft . This is all prep work for the next episode so if you like sneak peeks, you came to the right stream. Channel 64 is the home to great adventures and storytelling with friends. I hope you want to come along and take part in… Read More

  • INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!

    INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultra Hardcore – Ziua 650+ [LIVE]’, was uploaded by BlueSmen on 2024-02-18 13:23:39. It has garnered 2203 views and 239 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:48 or 11628 seconds. 🎮 Gamivo : https://www.gamivo.com/?glv=BluMC 💰 Use code BLUMC for 5% discount 🎁 Minecraft figures: https://www.instagram.com/blu.crafters/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌐 You can find me here: https://linktr.ee/blue.smen 🌀 Animelist : https://myanimelist.net/animelist/BlueSmen 🔥 Playlist of the series: https://tinyurl.com/UHCPlaylist ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📡 Do you want a Cheap Host? : https://bisecthosting.com/blu25 💳 Use code BLU25 for a 25% discount #BlueSmen #MinecraftHardcore #UltraHardcore Read More

  • "INSANE Hive custom servers LIVE with viewers!"

    <p>"INSANE Hive custom servers <em>LIVE</em> with viewers!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Custom servers *LIVE*! (With viewers)’, was uploaded by splu4ug on 2024-04-22 20:16:28. It has garnered 623 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:55 or 9355 seconds. Today I will be streaming Bedwars cs’s on the Hive minecraft bedrock edition featured server (we may do some other cs’s too like treasure wars and skywars)! Discord: @skylord Discord server: https://discord.gg/Mcw5V3bggY Xbox: @splu4ug @spluwg Hello and I am splu4ug, I am a Minecraft bedrock edition player that grinds the Hive (The Hive is a featured server on Minecraft bedrock edition, Unlike minecraft java… Read More

  • Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!

    Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zombies Get Revenge #minecraft #funny #minecraftmemes #memes #funnyshorts #fight #fighting’, was uploaded by Abz on 2024-04-03 18:13:30. It has garnered 417 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #phonk Read More

  • 😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥

    😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric’, was uploaded by Minecraft TGK on 2024-05-03 10:30:19. It has garnered 983 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric Witness the transformation of your Minecraft world as you integrate these cutting-edge mods, each one designed to enhance the core experience in its own remarkable way. Embark on thrilling adventures, construct intricate builds, and delve into the depths of enchantment – the opportunities… Read More

  • Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!

    Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 Building Our New Mansion in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Play with me in Second Life on 2024-02-25 15:10:47. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. Visit me at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kryophelis/185/31/41 [ No Copyright ] Soft Piano Music For Relaxation | Snowing Background | Relax Music Meditation https://youtu.be/DRnyxlaqqLk [ No Copyright ] Coffee House Jazz | Calm Jazz Music | Relaxing Music | Relax Music Meditation https://youtu.be/5mgYnwhM4eg Please help: https://www.patreon.com/Charles_Brobst Please like and subscribe. Hit that RED button! Then ring a ding my little bell…. Read More

  • TurtleWorldSMP S2

    TurtleWorldSMP S2Create mod based server with a ton of other mods Enjoying Modded Minecraft together Open to all that wanna play with others to have a good ole time Read More

  • Torrent Network: Lifesteal MMORPG, Survival, Creative, Quests, Boss Fights

    Minecraft GANG Lifesteal Server Announcement Attention all Minecraft players! A new custom Lifesteal server has just launched. If you’re wondering what makes this server custom, let me tell you, everything is unique. From terrain to skills, advanced enchantments to boss fights, regenerating loot chests to custom structures. You can even start a team, betray your friends, and start a war! If this piques your interest, join us at torrentsmp.com on any version, Java or Bedrock. For more information, join our Discord at https://discord.gg/torrent. Read More

Minecraft – Server Mini-games – 🔴 Live