Minecraft Sevtech Ages Episode 121: FIltered Hoppers, Hellfire Dust, HIbachi and the Rabbit hole

Video Information

Hey guys it’s just a guy here with another episode of septic sorry I missed day or two um really sick and I just didn’t feel like doing anything but uh I’ve been trying to set up this episode figure out what I’m going to do but I’ve run into some

Problems first of all the next major thing I need is a blast oven to make steel right um the problem with that is blast bricks oops take nether brick right unfortunately only way to get nether brick is unfired nether brick which is another sludge which is just hellfire dust and potage

Which you know stills the problem but the problem with all this is me now they don’t that hellfire dust they don’t have a hopper recipe just yet but it needs to be cooked in a stoke kiln so I don’t have that the only other way to get it is a transmutation from a

Basic craft to turn the nether bricks the big ones that I have I thought I could use into the little ones but nothing else gets rid of that you can’t uncraft it in any way you have to use that the saw does not cut it up

Eventually it just goes all the way into quarters and so yeah and I don’t have access to the transmutation table yet it’s stage three but I don’t have access to it yet it’s just gobbly still um so yeah so it looks like I’m gonna have to go the pretty still kill well still

Killing is nowhere in the engineer manual by the way but I do notice that in the thing here the hibachi better with you mods allow you to have a still fire beneath your cauldron crucible we’re sure what I need right that’s still crucible I think well that also

Gives me the filtered hopper I need to get the hell fired us so I figured why not we’ll start there hopefully I don’t run into something major I don’t have I could make the engineer’s workbench now but I just sort of got in out of engineering because I don’t have stuff

To look at for now but let’s try the filtered hopper so as Chernobyl lusco I am still tired I slept like all yesterday and all the day before corners there’s no way I don’t have a pressure plate that I had tons of pressure plates in my box here huh they all do

I guess not hmm I thought I’d put a bunch in there for crafting purposes and I hate how this thing is back to okay now it’s not filtering I don’t know there’s a thin slab mmm no corners must be use them all up I know I should have

Pressure plates I thought I’d be in this boxes when I only keep my miscellanies window so I had so many from when I was in the between lens when I still have some of my backpacks no way to be able to go that is very weird

I should have tons of oak pressure plate very very weird I mean they’re not hard to make but still I’ll hear some corners and some moldings no I’m confused oh I know I think I’ve put some stuff in here when we have it door was gone no yes not really

I had like 18 or 20 of them that’s crazy well whatever it’s not like hard to make okay hopper go okay yeah what can this do create a bunch of stuff I need to put urns under anything maybe make an urn I’m sure I guess urn I’m not sure I see

A recipe to do stuff with I got the filter hopper for whatever that does we already have the bellows because we didn’t understand it in the last episode the last age that we needed this first so let’s try placing our filtered hopper and see what happens and to our recipes

So if we put food through the top it gets created soul sand ground netherrack into okay I give this to Hellfire dust we haven’t earned under it we get a lot more but we don’t have an urn don’t need sawdust so I think I have a few souls in

I’m not sure if I do where I put it Oh No I thought I got everything from the nether but soul Stan I’m pretty sure I picked up a bunch with another wart never actually finished emptying my inventory oh there we go we need some ground netherrack oh by the way the lava

Add another rack I don’t know if it’s a glitch or what but if you put it in here it only goes for a couple ticks use and then it breaks sometimes it lasts longer but often you don’t even get like 250 mil abuts but most of I was like fifty

Before breaks so it it’s not a very efficient way to do it it like gets a couple durability ticks and eventually it breaks so yeah it’s it’s not the best system okay grind grind grind really weird sound my parents think my parents still down here right now I don’t have any person

Anymore they’re all Eagles now I think really weird squealing noises okay weird whatever that’s not a very efficient system okay oh God okay that’s actually throw these in how many Hellfire Destin we need poor to make eight Wow what’s Kitaj again almost any tree wood yeah I think I should have

Some of that somewhere although I have any idea where one of those miscellaneous random crap items oh well we’ll just make more I don’t know why light woodworking um she ran kind of low and oak it’s my go-to would don’t that usually always works on every mod this does work

Oh it’s a Stoke cauldron to make right just technically a colder and I guess but maybe we get to find some other way to make Ritesh already had why don’t we get the Tash make pink soap let’s see what to make from that but know how to get it it’s

Just really really slow we sure it’s a search option here don’t want with liter stains I’d uh filter hopper makes a lot of noise Wow make the laxative so I cannot make pattach that is still cold Hren can’t get us still caldron without having a hibachi I guess that’s an interesting problem

Nicely vegan now wow that’s interesting from I swear I keep running the dead ends these intermixing mods just aren’t well explained between the two – is not included in here at all that’s an interesting problem how am I gonna get stoked cauldron when I can’t make them

Let’s see what else can I do with Hellfire just ah kind of Cole not last thing oil pure it’s not a coal good for a match pickup when i guess i say it all the smell to put things on fire burns uh for a long time hmm I’m sort of stuck

Here again that’s where every time I try to find something to do I find something I can’t do well let’s make the engineering table because I guess that’s the only I can do I’ve all these engineering good stuffing like a treated wood fence treated sticks that’s just a waste

I need a bigger chest okay get our workbench yay I feel more accomplished if it wasn’t like the six thing I tried to do I’ll give her some stuff so our workbench um I need to expand and make an engineering section or something but for now it’s gonna go over here I guess

Okay not sure how this works at all no idea no clue but hey I’m sure if I looked somewhere because these things aren’t particularly organized very well it’ll tell me don’t think it was under no it’s under construction probably crossing home cool toolbox no I mean this is look at

This this organization like seriously overview resources now where I was aa workbench now this is where you modify tools okay okay so that’s for upgrading the tools I don’t have okay that that’s fine what else do we have working for us now the vacuum tube which

Something we need for a lot of thing storage drawler troller but i’m pretty sure i don’t have the resources for that so now I need something amazing what am i spelling it George you now my messes up controllers yes that’s interesting ball dror controller okayed in other words

Storage it so I needed platinum plates and redstone engineering blocks and a block of that another stuff but I only found two pieces of so yeah that’s not happening I’m rapidly running out of options here let’s look at that Bochy Rina I’m died nearby that wasn’t so it needs concentrated Hellfire which is Something else out here again I swear wasn’t that eight of these so that’s how this thing goes okay you get eight of these together to make us four Hellfire and that makes the Boche and then I can make the potage okay that’s that’s that’s something we finally

Understand I not sure what I just did there I swear I had something in my hand and I touched this and it’s gone what was my engineering book I’m not sure where my oh I put it on the stove okay yeah come on come back to me there that

Was funny okay so we have to get more nether dust quite a bit more luckily we got quite a bit more cooking perks of doing that in your base it gets squished gasps meat though and nothing else get rid of I guess that was interesting it’d have been a bit scary you thought

Wasn’t in a place that squished him that sucks though the whole thing’s gone can you get a better filter an offer I guess not force anymore please gonna cast quite a few gears luckily you can make gear that have like wood chunks now if you cut a

Slab into four pieces in those four corners going to Aguirre eventually you have to make them out of sticks and stuff anymore okay so that sucks I barely did like eight of them before it broke I don’t know if it’s how fast you do it or just how many random chance anytime

You do it I’m gonna go with how many maybe it’s I don’t know she’s got about eight of them it’s kind of funny to do in a place where they can’t live though and I think this is I lost them I can make they get more in pieces and stuff

That’s who’s got a ghast here though I mean the way to get him I guess really um bad inventory going on right now there was this thing wolf me how did I get cooked wolf meat in lamb tour it’s just so weird do I try to get rid of some of this junk

Soul sand doesn’t seem to get consumed or any of these times so far okay so let’s see seems like if you do it rapidly you get different audio cues if you wait get the same or not next time I think he’s outside And where’s my bow this might be dangerous my vase is not bulletproof wow that was a weak one or I got a really good bone I didn’t know it I’m the king of gas oh nothing special this tree is actually filled with apples by the way seems like it just constant over

Time each leaf block has a chance to napple the longer it stays up the more apples you get by chopped it down right now all those with the apples so yeah guys it seems like I’m gonna be at this for a while because these things keep

Breaking like every eight or so I do have 24 of these but each one takes 8 and I need a block I think right yeah a block only no I don’t I just need three okay that might be enough at a heating element I tell you make a smeltery controller

Now blaze Connor and hemp okay we might be able to get this done by this episode did not think of how long this would take to cook though that will give us three heating element going on long and I thought but there’s been so many failures oh right the freaking oh it’s a

Colder recipe any string which we got tons of I even have any on me oh it’s from throwing it all the way of course not there we go give her that one one string Oh make couple these we’re so full and junk okay let’s just ease this

Sword ears hammer the goody stuff make some room okay through these then we just need to blaze powders which I think I could all but still over here I don’t think I very many anywhere else although I don’t have a lot in general because I view some I have at least 40

Or so I don’t know when that spawn is gonna break I wanted those it’s gonna suck it was already broken okay mmm hey after that I think it’s just bricks right any stone yeah we almost there guys ever since h2 we’ve been driving it for this thing I’m trying to figure out

Where I put my fellows made those like so long ago right I think it’s women they’re either fellows so what do you actually want the highlighter thing it’s not on I don’t want it most the time go it would be nice right now probably one of these things

These are my sort of important but random chest I think I got to lead it over anything although they might be in misplace and all that TT’s I’ve been salvaged from traps they’re actually made any it huh that’s my twilight force though my tween land stuff hi kind of a loss

It should have been in this chest this is where my sort of random 2d stuff goes understand blaze powder hmm very weird well now if it’s not in this chest for some reason I don’t know where Wow I lost my bellows these are just some random chests I forgot about the

Honest I wonder if they were on my inventory one of those times I died and couldn’t get my body or this should be over here because when I remodeled this they were hooked up very weird oh here they go baby aha there we go finally yeah I know

Where everything is guys I don’t need a drawer controller know what you’re talking about I have tried to organize there’s only so much you can do a chest and a million things in modpacks but luckily this should be done and this upset gonna be finally over soon we can

Achieve our goal finally achieving something now watch me I’ll be able to fill this there we go needs a redstone signal to light there we go guys the bocce so we got a stoked cauldron technic well we’ll build that in the next episode they’re just gonna take some

Doing some redstone finicky and figure out which end goes where and stuff but yeah guys that’ll be this episode wow that expands a lot still cauldron Gipp – yes result the book of single on how to assemble the kiln okay but yeah guys this will be this and we’re out of here

Catch you later guys bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sevtech Ages Episode 121: FIltered Hoppers, Hellfire Dust, HIbachi and the Rabbit hole’, was uploaded by Justa Guy on 2018-09-25 18:00:06. It has garnered 1212 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:30 or 2010 seconds.

Welcome to episode 121 of Sevtech Ages, a Minecraft Mod by darkosto. Immersive Engineering seems to be an amazing mod but today we struggle with understanding the steps required to get it working. Still we make progress with getting the Hibachi and stuff ready to use!

Watch the Entire Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY0Ovv3fzjE&list=PLVxfL3CNjiFuCs7gVEr020cOsVamP1cGU

Skip to Age One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpKMP92sBTM&index=26&list=PLVxfL3CNjiFuCs7gVEr020cOsVamP1cGU

Skip to Age Two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rf9znh-EsAU&list=PLVxfL3CNjiFuCs7gVEr020cOsVamP1cGU&index=52

Skip to Age Three: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhcG8_Sq3s8&index=117&list=PLVxfL3CNjiFuCs7gVEr020cOsVamP1cGU

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    Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you ever wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together I’m just Mak my tracks and doing my time do you ever have a wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and it more [Music] time do you ever ever wonder if we could have done a better we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:51:28. It has garnered 208 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More


    ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET vs MINECRAFT VILLAGER - EPIC SHOWDOWNVideo Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Floosh COOL on 2024-01-13 08:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this captivating episode titled “Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft … Read More

  • Circutieers

    CircutieersWelcome to the Circuiteers Network! We are a Gaming Network, and community! Join our discord at: http://discord.circuiteers.com Join our Minecraft server at: circuiteers.com We are under constant expansion and we want your help to make us grow bigger than ever before! The rules can be found ingame by typing /rules If you enjoy the server consider checking out our store at: http://store.circuiteers.com We hope you enjoy your stay with the Circuiteers Network! circuiteers.com Read More

  • Real Endgame City SMP 1.20.1 Whitelist Events City Building Urban Area Endgame Plugins No resets Capitalism

    Welcome to Our 3-Year Old SMP! Join our small, long-term server focused on building, community, and chill gameplay. Explore our evolving world where empty areas become bases, bases become towns, and towns become cities! Server Features: Check out our Server Trailer Discover existing towns and a large city with player-built structures Custom mobs with leveled end-game challenges Custom enchants for unique gameplay Join Us Today! Interested in joining our whitelist server? Join our Discord: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Agree or go to the nether”

    I agree, that meme is definitely worth at least 760 chuckles! Read More

  • Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2

    Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2 In the world of gaming, we take the stage, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that engage. From Roblox Murder Mystery to Death Ball fun, We spin the finest rhymes, our journey just begun. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers at heart, With passion for Roblox, Minecraft, and BTD6 art. Join us on our channel, subscribe and see, The gaming world through rhymes, wild and free. In Murder Mystery 2, the action unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. Dancing and battling, in every round, We face the challenges, with victory bound. From the Sheriff to the Murderer’s hand, We… Read More

  • Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls!

    Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls! “When everything goes wrong in Minecraft, just remember: at least you’re not being chased by a creeper in real life!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #memes #майнкрафт Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles like Gojo vs Sukuna!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles like Gojo vs Sukuna! Are you a fan of intense gaming showdowns like Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server for an experience like no other. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and see what all the excitement is about. Subscribe now and let the gaming fun begin! #minecraft #gaming #playgame #player #minecraftserver #adventure #community #subscribe #minewind Read More

  • Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed!

    Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed! The Luckiest Seed in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with the luckiest seed ever discovered? In this video, the Minecraft enthusiast MontifinyXD uncovers a seed that promises thrilling gameplay and exciting discoveries. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft 1.21 and explore the wonders of this incredible seed! Exploring the Luckiest Seed MontifinyXD, along with their team of skilled players, sets out to explore the vast landscapes and hidden treasures of the luckiest seed in Minecraft. This seed is packed with unique features, challenging dungeons, and bountiful resources waiting to be discovered…. Read More

  • Get Ready for the END in Hardcore Minecraft Day 9!

    Get Ready for the END in Hardcore Minecraft Day 9!Video Information oh man okay here we go we should be Live come on are we live streaming are we live streaming all right we should be live we should be live boys oh my God finally okay there we go right just give it a second let a few people join oh man here we go look at this cake guys look at this cake 9,800 subscribers and that’s all down to you guys by the way that’s all down to you guys thank you thank you all right there we go so hello everyone and welcome back to… Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantment Glitch in Old Minecraft

    Ultimate Enchantment Glitch in Old MinecraftVideo Information पहले के माक वर्जन में अगर हम लोग या कोल्डन के अंदर पानी डाल देते थे तो वो या कभी या उससे बाहर आता ही नहीं था लाइक आज के जमाने में अगर हम लोग इसके अंदर पानी डाल दें एंड देन यहां पर या इसके अंदर हम पानी वापस निकाल भी सकते हैं हम लोगों को या एं चेंट करने के लिए इतनी ज्यादा एक्सपी की जरूरत होती है बट पहले के माइक वजस में इससे भी ज्यादा एक्सपी की जरूरत होती थी लाइक आज के जमाने में हम लोगों को अगर इं चट मेंट लगानी होती… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Sword Stand Tutorial🔥 #Vincenzo

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Sword Stand Tutorial🔥 #VincenzoVideo Information This video, titled ‘#newshorts #vincenzo #smooth #youtube #best #bestplayer #mincraftcraftswordstand🤩👍#new’, was uploaded by Zymon_gamer’s_yt on 2024-03-10 16:39:11. It has garnered 80 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft, minecraft in hindi, minecraft house, minecraft gameplay, minecraft videos, structure, ujjwal, minecraft mods, history, techno gamerz, creeper, raid, mobs, update, nether, sea, monster, red, dragon, fit, fitmc, server, anarchy, hack, grief, spawn, battle, tour, oldest, 2b2t, builds, client, dream, incursion, herobrine, tutorial, hacked, flying, mojang, glitch, exploit, redstone, campfire, live, smp, parody, furnace, blast, technoblade, house, memes, piglin, song, hoglin, forest, 1.17, anchor,… Read More

  • Ascend the Minecraft Realms: Time to Shine!

    Ascend the Minecraft Realms: Time to Shine!Video Information for [Music] hello hello yeah I was just checking it Scrooge I do not have any additions I downloaded the version that you saw that you that you found yeah no addition the very same version as you did you okay did update your essential try that as well if you didn’t update your essential oh yeah it’s a very beautiful menu Jor like actually one of the best I tried getting the essential tried getting the essential thing right where you saw the ascend no not the essential where you saw the Ascend oh give me a… Read More

Minecraft Sevtech Ages Episode 121: FIltered Hoppers, Hellfire Dust, HIbachi and the Rabbit hole