Minecraft Skibidi: Choose the Right Round Pit

Video Information

I found new round pits with skib bitty monsters in Minecraft hi guys I’m with you guys zomac today let’s take a look at some new round pits look I’ve got a lot of interesting skibbidy characters here this is a giant Gman for example that’s the Spiker woman that’s the girl

Spikerman yeah next we’ve got twean the regular ski Bey toilet that’s the spikerman actually okay here we’ve got the chamber man the little Twee woman baby that’s the multi-headed toilet and the policeman well let’s get started WR in the comments which one I should pick now I’m probably going to go for this

Red giant Skitty gon here all right well get your likes subscribe and we’re off oh guys I’ve gotten somewhere I don’t know where in some pits look there’s a huge Chamberlain looking at me and there’s some kind of secret room I think we should go down to the secret room

First and see what’s in there but here guys oh wait wait she’s good she’s good don’t touch her oh how do I get back up I don’t understand that okay that’s okay okay we’ll figure it out okay great I think I need to save her but to save her

I have to walk from there okay well we’ll definitely save her later but first we have to deal with this Chamberlain oh my gosh man it’s huge it’s gigantic I think it’s very strong well I got over it pretty quickly though it’s very strange but I got over it

Right okay we’re putting on the jetpack just in case look I’ve got to fly over these things because there’s no way I’m going to jump over here so I’ve got to fly fly fly like this uh-oh a little bit of Lu lava man no big deal here guys ski

Bitty toilet with a Halo on his head but it’s okay we’re going to take off like this and get to the next block that’s pretty good let’s keep going okay neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat neat

Neat wo whoo whoo whoa whoo whoa whoo whoa whoo whoa whoo whoa whoo whoa whoo whoo whoo whoa whoo whoa whoa whoo whoo whoo it’s the first time I’ve ever jumped into a hole like this where it’s all Skitty and I’m honestly kind of scared okay okay fine let’s fly here

Great we’re here then we fly on I haven’t met anyone yet but I need to go through this jetpack challenge like this and here guys is the TV man okay well we’ve done TV man and we’ve done basically all the characters and now we need to go downstairs there’s a diamond

Sword here and now we’re going to be able to save that t we baby woman just like guys from this trouble that she’s in she’s in real trouble I started hitting her unintentionally I thought she was an evil character but she’s a good character I’m sorry I hit you

Unintentionally okay great we saved her and we go straight to the next room we open the next room and here we have oh there they are the characters they’re upstairs oh someone how many the Gman that’s who the Skitty Bandit then comes the speaker woman and of course the

Multi-headed Skitty toilet okay well let’s deal with this one first whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wow he jumped on top of me guys he just jumped on me I didn’t

Even see that coming oh I have a jetpack and I can use the jetpack to take off and fight these monsters now I’m going to reload my gun real quick and we can fight the multi-headed ski Bey good we got him and the Gman wow it’s not just a

Gman it’s a Gman hacker it’s really big honestly I’m scared to fight all of them because I think they’re very strong and if I get close to them they’ll just deal with me in a couple seconds so I’m not going to get close to them I’m just

Going to shoot them from afar like this oh he’s got a lever of him I think I’m going to need it but I’ve got to deal with the speaker woman first Speaker woman wait why are you attacking me right away what did I ever do to you

Good good good yeah oh there’s a Gman left I forgot about him Gman hacker Gman great all right we’ve done the Gman hacker we’ve got the lever good good we’ve got the lever we open the next door and here we have guys look at the characters ban ban igy speak speaker

What speaker man hey hey hey hey I mean you started hitting me have you forgotten who I am I’m a Zombie the strongest man on the planet they’re fighting me there’s speaker man then ban ban green I don’t even know what his name is then ban bolina goes of course

Twean and there’s little speaker baby little speaker man anyway there you go all right well let’s deal with this green I don’t know snot I can’t even call it something else but it really looks like some kind of snot we’re dealing with them too and we’re dealing

With the next characters too good good we’ve basically handled everyone here so biggie maybe you should give me something oh he’ll give me seven of these poppies and 16 dandelions for flowers okay good so I need okay how many dandelions 16 dandelions that’s a lot of dandelions but I think I can get

Them here I’ve already got seven on this site how many seven pieces great and then we fly to this site and here we get up to 16 and here in principle it looks like exactly 16 dendelion no more no less so in principle it’s hard to make a

Mistake there are no more flowers here they prepared this area especially for me and I collected all the flowers so we collect poppies too great good I have seven poppies and 16 dandelion and now we can swap with him for a key and this key will help me yes key oh that’s it

Put it down great it’ll help me open the next door and see what’s in there we open it and here we have guys it’s all watery waterfalls of some kind it’s my first time at this location and here who’s hitting me hey hey who’s hitting me some invisible guy some invisible guy

Is hitting me I can’t even see him okay that’s it ah he’s not hitting me guys I think I got him well here ah no here he is here he is somewhere here hey you sure kill him good good the toilet K is done okay look look there’s a suspicious

Arrow wait a minute what do I have here oh I have a glass window here that I can’t break and there’s a door okay okay wait a minute what’s the secret Arrow let’s see what’s in there okay let’s go down carefully carefully carefully swim and we’ve got look what’s the secret

Room wow I’m underglass wow I didn’t even know it worked like that and I’m underglass now guys and we can deal well we can go to the next room and fight other characters well I honestly don’t know guys I’m already scared of this location it’s really kind of scary oh

And here right away the speaker woman meets me from the doorstep and want to destroy me but I’m not just any zombie I’m a golden Zombie by the way B ban why can’t I see him his nickname is only glowing why can’t I see him it’s really

Really weird and confusing but I think I’m going to fight him okay okay okay let’s fight you real quick too no no no get it great oh Mr basty oh speaker oh man Mr basty is defending speaker hey speaker are you nice Oh no you’re not good you’re evil well you’re the speaker

Man have you forgotten I’m a Zombie you can’t handle me so so we need to reload the gun we need to reload the gun that’s it we’ve dealt with the speaker man but how to free our friend Mr B day that’s a good question we need to find something

So so there’s nothing here there’s nothing here either let’s look somewhere anyway oh there’s a policeman here he must have a key or a pickaxe 100% no he doesn’t have anything either maybe I’m here somewhere oh there’s a pickaxe by the way which I found and now we can

Rescue Mr beaste our friend Mr beasty because he’s in real trouble guys and we can’t leave Mr beaste in trouble he’ll never make rollers and he’ll leave us without rollers forever and we don’t want Mr beay to leave us without rollers all right yeah yeah I got it all right

Thank you zombie yes please Mr B please listen we went through all the trials it was really hard enough you see how many trials we really went through I can even go back and show you the trials I went through but I think you’ve already seen

It all if you haven’t seen it then make sure you guys rewatch it if you’ve rewound it by accident I don’t know we just fought so many battles with everyone and it was really a very cool cool battle and I really enjoyed going into these beautiful pits I hope that in

The sea we jumped into the tunnels and look at this we’re in some tinty room and we’re immediately met by a skib gimon the hacker also guys the speaker man and basically I don’t see the others yet and then there’s the cameraman hiding behind giman and I didn’t see him

Right away let’s go fight these monsters because well they’re really threatening our danger they’re really quite strong and I’m a zombie and I can definitely handle them okay okay all right here we go look look there’s monsters nice great we got it let’s deal with this one and

Speaker man why are you so strong how much HP do you have no I realized that well wait no he’s evil I thought thought he might be good because there are good speaker men and there are evil ones like this one and he’s evil he’s got a lot of

XP because he’s a huge giant size okay let’s see what we have here we’ve just got some weird stuff here and I guess I jumped in here for nothing huh yeah I guess I jumped in here wrong but I’m fine I’ve got a block oh great okay well

We need to find the key and I think I know ah here here we have to go through here I know where to find this key there’s a reason for the stop signs and here we go up here here we go wow what a secret room there’s a whole

Secret these ski Bey monsters have come up with and we guys are going to go on to fight I say fight these characters let’s open this door let’s open it and look at this wow just look at this there’s a lot of monsters it’s so good

That look at the way I can do 1 2 3 4 just you guys in four shots and I’ve handled these monsters but I better finish them off because oh they basically got it on their own because they can go back and if they go back

They’ll just drop me on these spikes and I’ll never get out of there it’s a beautiful room look at this it’s like this it looks really cool I like it a lot but again the speaker man I have to fight him too the speaker man so he

Doesn’t bother me by the way the speaker man is weaker than the one over there I fought with that one you saw how much I fought with him I took a lot of HP to defeat him and I got gold I got diamonds and I have a lot of diamonds now okay

Well open the next door and here we have guys look tvom is here let’s fight her good fight with tvom cameraman calm down you’re so fast cheeky take that I also have a shotgun here shotgun just took him down in one hit also here we have the speaker woman let’s fight the

Speaker woman too hey speaker woman calm down you’re being so mean to me oh and TW man look at him he’s not nice he’s got a mean face he’s looking at me I’m nice I’m funny he’s looking at me real mean look at him this door is not easy

To open we have to King to open it it we have to color code it we’re going to take these colors and we’re going to put them in these chests okay the first one that translates to Blue so blue to Blue then gray to gray great then red to Red

Great and green of course to Green that’s good now we’re supposed to take this lever and put it over here somewhere and yeah the door opens great good well that’s great let’s get our weapons back I’ve put some weapons back in the chest and this well let’s reload everything we’ve got

Here let’s reload this one let’s reload this one too okay and we should reload this one too well that’s wasted that’s me of course reloading started well everything now we are fine all weapons are reloaded and now we can cope with these monsters here we are met by

The cameraman look what he is guys moving all animated cool really very interesting looks well the lava destroyed him let’s move move on the main thing is to be careful not to get on the lava otherwise we’ll start to burn and we need to pass this test carefully oh the spikes of course

Also interfere with the cameraman let’s destroy the cameraman too get it okay we destroyed the cameraman yeah there’s a lot of spikes there’s a lot of spikes there’s a lot of spikes oh how’s this yep these are hard tests oh I’m in the wrong place I think I went I think I

Went I think I went or did I go through it right well I think I went through it right I don’t know I got a little confused but that’s okay we go into the next room and here we’re met by a ski bitty cop ski bitty paradise and he’s

Like n no no no no get this I can shoot like this and just destroy all the monsters yeah no that’s not really an option to move around like this and shoot them they’re really strong but I think I’m not weak either my weapons my weapons wo let’s do it with a sword

Let’s do it quick whoo whoo What skiy C this one regular skib you just use a sword I can even do it with a sword so wait a minute what are these arrows there’s something guys I think there’s a secret here I think there’s a secret because look there’s glass and there’s

No way through and we need to get through we need to find a pickaxe and I don’t see a pickaxe so do you guys see a pickaxe anywhere help me find one if you see a pickaxe anywhere please help me I don’t see one I need a pickaxe so here

It is here it is here it is that’s it I found it now great it’s not for nothing guys I’ve been looking for it because I just can’t break it with my hands but with a pickaxe of course I can break these diamonds and here we have a new

Secret room in which I wonder what we have here look at this oh wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow that was fast that’s cool by the way diamonds you know what I can tell you man I can’t go back look at this I can’t go back I can’t go back I

Can’t go back I can’t go back I can’t go back that’s awesome guys I can’t go back it’s impossible see I’m jumping in one place and I’m just teleporting back I wanted to pick you up I just wanted a weapon like this like when I throw it it

Comes back to me quickly and I wanted to get back to these emeralds well here we are met as always the speaker man who we can’t live without but I think it’s okay it’s not the first time we’ve dealt with the speaker man we’ve also got twean

It’s not the first time we’ve dealt with him and then skidi that what’s his name military I mean skid the Bandit and we have the last speaker here there are two more speakers but they are weak in the first room there were really strong speakers and I fought with them for a

Long time but in principle we have coped with all of them I want to take these emeralds can I break it oh I can break it that’s good that’s good I’m going to take my emeralds I don’t want to take these emeralds because emeralds are

Really good I can go to The Villages and trade and get some cool stuff some stuff so I’ll take a couple of emeralds and I can throw away the gold it’s it’s not as useful as emeralds so I don’t need them but we guys we broke one of the paths

It’s crazy I thought we could use it to get back it turns out we can’t by the way we could do it like this look at this oh and see the weapon comes to me here it’s a really cool thing but I don’t need it anymore great well

Basically we’ve dealt with all the monsters we fought them all and we have to go back to the tunnels wao where am I oh look there Skitty gim Man TV man ski bitty toilet wow and this some weird fish hanging there wow all right come on

Let’s go Jim maybe hacker gimon I hope you’re kind no guys I don’t think he’s being nice wow he’s headbutting you saw him headbutting me like this Pam headbutting me that’s very dangerous and then guys look there’s zombies infected we got to be careful if they hit me

They’ll infect me too okay TV man oops oops I’m going down no no zombies please no zombies no zombies uh what’s in here oh a stove great I’m going to need a stove I guess to get past the challenge let’s go upstairs I need to find out

What the TV man wants guys maybe he’s kind maybe I hit him for nothing I think he’s kind hey TV man are you kind oh he’s not hitting me oh no he does I thought he was kind but no guys he’s evil unfortunately and he started

Hitting me wow this is quite a location look at this sausages or something Peppers hanging fish hanging I like fish why don’t you guys Post in the comments if you guys like fish all right okay let’s move on let’s go to the test fish is delicious of course but we need to

Move on to the challenge okay let’s take the other weapons and here we have guys look at these dangerous challenges one mistake and we fall into the lava there’s also a TV baby and a cameraman you got to pum pom it like this cameraman get it get it get it all right

We got the cameraman down let’s go we have to be careful not to fall into the lava look at this thing right here guys I’m not even doing anything ah oops oops oops oops oops oops oops oops little mistake guys because of the lava and

Fell down there hey TV baby hey hey Zoom back hey how’s it going yeah I’m good I’m good how are you I’m just going through the trials they’re really hard I agree it’s the first time I’ve ever been through something like this it’s really

Hard but I think I can pass I’m a zambuk after all all right good good let’s go through oh my gosh this is really hard Guys these arrows just don’t like me at all they keep pulling me somewhere but we seem to be going through it gently

It’s a really dangerous test as as dangerous as it can be we go gently through and oh wow she’s Lifting me up wow that’s cool I get a bunch of diamonds that I can give away for free just for you guys subscribe to the channel and hit the bell and I’ll give

You those diamonds here you go here’s a bunch and a bunch and a bunch of diamonds they’re going to go up too by the way look they’re going to go up right yes yeah guys they’re going up like that too that’s pretty cool okay guys the diamonds are here if if you

Want them you can take them and we’re in the Next Room and here we’re greeted by skidy with a Halo on his head and also guys we have here and we have on skidy a bandit and a big huge giant speaker man let’s go ahead and take him down on

Speaker man get it wow he’s strong guys wow how much HP does he have all right yeah we got him with the rifle and we got a locked door right oh Mr baste hey Mr B hi oh man you got a lock door in

Here oh Mr B hey what’s up what’s up oh I got locked out again by these skidi toilets please save me no problem no problem of course not I’ll save you now we got to break it somehow it won’t break you can get out yourself it

Opens you can get out if you need to okay I think Mr bisty will come out but in the meantime I need to find the key to the door because I need to go further in and I think there’s a secret room in here right yeah guys I had a good

Feeling there was a key in here somewhere all right we’ve got the key and we can move on open this gold lock here open everything Mr Mr B I think you can come out the door opens by itself the important thing is that I’ve dealt with all the monsters and now you have

Nothing to fear oh there’s a spiderweb wait a minute if I go through like this yeah no I can’t do that I can’t open the door the spider webs are in the way okay wait a minute let me think about it oh a sword that’s great and a lot of gold

Well I’ll leave the gold for you and very many millions of dollars that looks like Mr B’s money stolen now Mr based now here’s some money money lots of money that’s all your money still in the trunk over there I think your money’s been stolen oh thank you I agree yes my

Money’s been stolen good good then Mr beasa I think Mr Bea can handle it guys and we go through the next challenge break all the cobwebs and open the next door and here guys we have a dangerous challenge here we have a skiy helicopter TV woman and also speaker woman and

There’s like speaker baby but he’s supposed to be kind as far as I know speaker baby is kind okay we’re throwing TV woman into the lava great that one needs to go in the lava too speaker woman all right all right all right all right we’re dropping everyone so we can

Do the test as safely as possible so where do we need to go uh this way I guess then guys we’re going this way good good good we’ve got to be careful not to fall down oh I think I went the wrong way I think I went the wrong way

I’m a Fool guys we should have gone the other way it turns out okay I figured it out now all right let’s keep going and we guys are slowly making our way through the trials these are very dangerous very tough but I think we’re going to do great yeah good

Job guys we did it and hello speaker baby so you got a bunch of golden apples here I’m going to um I’m going to steal one take a couple and eat them well I just like to eat golden apples and cookies well I’ll save the cookies for

My subscribers I think they like golden apples guys oh I mean cookies let me know in the comments if you like cookies if you need anything there’s some bags here come and get them that’s where speaker baby will meet you and we’re on to the next challenge and here we have

Ski Bey the policeman waiting for us and we also have another skib Bey toilet and a cameraman well I’ve got some cool weapons that I can use to deal with them the main thing is to pass carefully there are a lot of chainsaws that can just very dangerously hit me and that’s

It guys and I won’t get there and I won’t be able to get the video out I need to see what’s interesting about this place maybe there’s something hidden in here there’s some more guys look at this some bushes that’s the first time I’ve seen bushes like that in

Minecraft what are these bushes is that a lemon or something they’re some kind of rubies on a bush guys that’s the first time I’ve ever seen one of those in my life I remember when I was a kid oh great who are you boy boy I didn’t

Walk here for nothing guys I didn’t walk here for nothing I found a cake woohoo I love cake actually and and strawberry it’s really good okay well we’ve done it then we’re definitely done with all the monsters now we can move on to the next challenge we open the next door and

There are only three characters waiting for us it’s skidd the scientist I was going to say no it’s not skibidi the scientist it’s skibidi and Nimbus tewi woman again and speaker man well okay I’ve dealt with them it’s not the first time I’ve handled them I think it’s

Going to be pretty easy here great and speaker man you get one too he here great let’s take him down real quick yeah we got him all right listen up well I think we’ve passed all the tests we saved everyone we could and couldn’t save it was really really cool it was a

Really cool challenge let me know in the comments what your favorite challenges were and I’ll tell you right off the bat I like the sauce I really like it a lot when these saws are spinning like this I rarely see that in Minecraft and I think

That’s a feature of our videos so guys for this feature is worth to put a like subscribe to the channel and of course click on the Bell to not miss new videos because the more views the more guys will be looking for new all sorts of holes basements behind all kinds of cool

Rooms well we’re going back in we came back friends threw me from somewhere in the sky that’s what we have V got with round pits I hope you like this video be sure to put a like And subscribe to my Channel with you was zomb back and round pits bye-bye bye-bye [Applause] [Applause]

This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT ROUND PIT SKIBIDI IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Skibidi Zombak on 2023-12-18 13:00:37. It has garnered 3910 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:36 or 1416 seconds.


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  • Svegon vanilla server

    Svegon vanilla serverI run small servers from a group of friends and potentially a few outsiders. This server focuses of vanilla experience, so I only added a few plugins to make sure people don’t grief you or scam you. 😉 sub.falix.gg Read More

  • dotMINE SMP Server

    Server Information: The IP address is mc.dotmine.se. Features include history, /back, /home commands, land claim, kr€£ plugin, mcmmo, public farms, market for purchasing items. Players are friendly and the server supports both Swedish and English languages. Additional features include /ah, locked chests and doors via LWC. View the map hosted on map.dotMINE.se. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sheep Farming Shenanigans 🐑

    Minecraft Memes - Sheep Farming Shenanigans 🐑Why did the sheep bring a laptop to the Minecraft farm? To make sure they had PLENTY of RAM! 🐏💻 Read More

  • Tree-Waiting Skyblock: Hardcore EP 1

    Tree-Waiting Skyblock: Hardcore EP 1 In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, On a skyblock island, where survival is the win. Pollution and temperature, seasons to endure, Challenges aplenty, but victory is sure. I forgot to record the audio, a mistake to rue, But fear not, for now it’s here, for me and for you. Join me on this journey, through highs and through lows, As we conquer the skyblock, where the story unfolds. Minecraft hardcore mode, a test of skill and might, But with determination, we’ll conquer the night. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And let’s dive… Read More

  • Not a diamond block, just a trash panda! 🔥

    Not a diamond block, just a trash panda! 🔥 When you finally find a rare block in Minecraft and it turns out to be a raccoon instead of a diamond block. Talk about a disappointment! #MinecraftProblems 😂🦝💎 Read More

  • Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide

    Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide Unlock Limited-Edition Capes in Minecraft! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add some flair to your character? Well, you’re in luck! Minecraft is offering limited-edition capes that you can easily obtain. These exclusive capes are available until May 31, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to customize your avatar. The codes for these capes will expire on June 30, so act fast to secure yours! How to Get the TikTok Cape The TikTok cape is a trendy addition to your Minecraft wardrobe. To get this stylish cape, simply follow these steps: Visit the official Minecraft website. Log… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live with Viewers CS’s and More!

    INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Hive Live with Viewers CS's and More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live ||With Viewers!||Cs’s And More!||Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by ItzMqgicX on 2024-05-26 03:03:10. It has garnered 101 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:52 or 4972 seconds. Yo and welcome! Im Magic/Mqgic.I will be streaming HiveMC and you can join and play! enjoy your time with us.We raid a streamer after EVERY stream! We love supporting small streamers in The HIVEMC Community! Like always there are rules that i shall be going over: [Dont curse [Don’t be toxic [No racism ofc [No stream sniping [Have fun! [how to get raided]… Read More

  • FREEZE your PC with Ice Dragon! | Minecraft Fairycore Part 6

    FREEZE your PC with Ice Dragon! | Minecraft Fairycore Part 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Ice Dragon literally FREEZES my PC ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 6’, was uploaded by allizzles on 2024-03-01 00:41:08. It has garnered 1988 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:16 or 3976 seconds. Ice Dragon literally FREEZES my PC ♡ Minecraft Fairycore Let’s Play | Part 6 In today’s episode, I terraform the fairy cave, make a skeleton farm, do lots of exploration and stumble upon the dragons of this fairycore world! 🧺 ⊹ Welcome to my fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ♡ Join me on this singleplayer adventure, where… Read More

  • GamingInn – EPIC Minecraft Decor Hack! #minecraft

    GamingInn - EPIC Minecraft Decor Hack! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘COOL DECORATION HACK in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by GamingInn on 2024-04-29 10:19:07. It has garnered 700 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Welcome to another exciting Minecraft shorts video! In this quick guide, we’ll explore some incredibly cool decoration hacks that will elevate your Minecraft world to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, these tips are sure to inspire your creativity and add flair to your builds. In this Minecraft shorts episode, we’ll cover a range of innovative… Read More

  • Insane! Buying ALL Bedrock Addons in Trollsiv3!

    Insane! Buying ALL Bedrock Addons in Trollsiv3!Video Information This video, titled ‘Part 2: BUYING EVERY BEDROCK ADDONS!! AddaCraft planting and chilling!’, was uploaded by trollsiv3 on 2024-03-23 00:00:17. It has garnered 969 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:12 or 1692 seconds. Game: Minecraft Bedrock Welcome to my channel “trollsiv3”, where the popping excitement never stops! ♠ Connect with me : ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trollsiv3/ ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@trollsiv3yt ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trollsiv3 ► Merch: https://trollsiv3.myspreadshop.com ► Dubby: https://www.dubby.gg/discount/trolls?… ♠ Editor : ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/basilbaig ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebasilbaig Welcome to my Minecraft adventures! 🎮🌟 Hey there, fellow gamers and Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎉👋 Join me on… Read More

  • Secret Inventory Hacks Revealed by RealJayden in 2024!

    Secret Inventory Hacks Revealed by RealJayden in 2024!Video Information This video, titled ‘Inventory Hacks Everyone Should Know in 2024!’, was uploaded by RealJayden on 2024-01-12 14:00:38. It has garnered 5727 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Inventory Hacks Everyone Should Know in 2024! Use Apex Hosting to host your Minecraft Server with Friends! ➜ https://billing.apexminecrafthosting.com/aff.php?aff=9190 ★Social Media★ Instagram ➜ http://instagram.com/RealJaydenLive Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/fnQ5PbT Sub-Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/RealJayden/ #minecrafttricks #minecrafthacks #minecraftprotip #shorts Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE: Stealing the End Portal at 5pm on SMP!!” #shorts #clickbait

    "UNBELIEVABLE: Stealing the End Portal at 5pm on SMP!!" #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘public lifesteal smp end portal on 5pm #minecraftshort #minecraft #shortsfeed #lifestealsmp #shorts’, was uploaded by DHRUV YT on 2024-03-02 14:34:39. It has garnered 90 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. welcome my channel DEVIL KING ZERO SUBCRIBE LIKE COMMENT join now minecraft smp Ip = DEVILBOYSPLAYFUN.aternos.me Port = 21492 PLAY on Minecraft server survival with friends 👭👬 insta id Dhruv___yt Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack – Clandor’s Sauce Sets Them on Fire! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hack - Clandor's Sauce Sets Them on Fire! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘They just watched me burn! #shorts #minecraft #fire’, was uploaded by Clandor’s Sauce on 2024-01-09 19:22:20. It has garnered 1866 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. they just watched me burn in funny minecraft twitch clips streamer moments toothless memes shorts. In funny minecraft twitch clips streamer moments toothless memes shorts they just watched me burn! Watch the full stream here – https://youtu.be/bI7YaXCHBb4 Watch me live here – https://www.twitch.tv/classyclandor #shorts #minecraft #fire Read More

  • Unbelievable win against top YouTuber in Minecraft! #epic

    Unbelievable win against top YouTuber in Minecraft! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘I won against this youtuber #minecraft #fb #fyp #hypixelbridge #hypixel #pvp #bedwars #4k’, was uploaded by Itscalledme on 2024-03-24 19:45:20. It has garnered 500 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I found a good pvp strategy? Texture pack: Asda 16x Version: 1.8.9 Song used in the video is not mine best minecraft client for pvp, best client for fps boost, best client for cracked minecraft, best offline client for minecraft, smoothest fps boosting client bedwars, bedrush, i mastered bedrush, how to get better at bedrush, secret bedrush… Read More

  • INSANE SHIZO CRAFT – Epic Arena Battle Madness!

    INSANE SHIZO CRAFT - Epic Arena Battle Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enter The Arena – Skibidi Toilet Factory x Upgraded Titan Tv Man x Speakerman #Shorts’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-05-18 20:03:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hc7SaWZvnY-1FHUTWdf2Q?sub_confirmation=1 Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in the vibrant universe of Minecraft… Read More

  • Midnight Projects

    Midnight ProjectsMidNight is a brand new 24/7 anarchy minecraft server. We have 60 player slots with a Semi-Active community. MidNight is crossplay between Java edition and Bedrock Edition (aka Windows 10 edition) midnightsmp.us.to Read More

  • ⬆️ Straight Up ⬆️ Anarchy SMP 1.20.6 Five Year Anniversary No Map Resets

    Server IP: StraightUp.Minecraft.Best Watch our trailer Located in Dallas, USA Join us on Discord: Discord Link About Straight Up: Founded in April 2019, Straight Up is a small anarchy server focused on a laid-back survival experience. PvP and griefing are allowed, with no land claims or protections. Stable server performance. No world resets. Enjoy minor quality of life changes and an effective anticheat system. Just Straight Up survival Minecraft. Read More

  • Torture Chamber SMP

    Torture Chamber SMPwelcome to the torture chamber smpanyone can just enter the IP and join! no need for verificationour server is 1.12.2 which is pretty coolwe dont have any rules besides dont grief and dont be an edgelordhave fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Unpopular opinion: Just noticed this Minecraft change”

    “I guess you could say this meme has some serious Minecraft levels of popularity!” Read More

  • Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale!

    Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale! In the world of Minecraft, a new trend has begun, Unboxing Piglin Vs Hoglin, it’s all in good fun. Riyaan shares his love for these toys so cute, Kids everywhere are sure to give a hoot. With each unboxing video, more joy to spread, Minecraft fans rejoice, no need to dread. The Piglin and Hoglin, a battle to see, In Riyaan’s world, it’s all about glee. Stay tuned for more unboxings, coming your way, Minecraft madness, every single day. Trending and viral, a sight to behold, In the world of gaming, stories untold. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Hypixel Mini Games Madness

    Minecraft Mayhem: Hypixel Mini Games Madness Hypixel Mini Games Madness Live Stream In Minecraft! Get ready for an epic adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Hypixel Mini Games Madness Live Stream! Dive into a virtual universe filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, there’s something for everyone in this thrilling event. Explore the Hypixel Minecraft Server Step into the Hypixel Minecraft server, a hub of creativity and fun. With a wide range of mini-games to choose from, including SkyWars, Bed Wars, and Build Battle, the possibilities are endless. Test your skills, team up with friends,… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • Insane Church Build & Mob Farm in Minecraft 1.20!

    Insane Church Build & Mob Farm in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Church on the Island Base & Mob Farm – Survival Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by Jagiero on 2024-05-26 19:39:57. It has garnered 1775 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:31 or 1291 seconds. In today’s episode I build a simple quick and easy mob farm at spawn, then add a church to the island base! But this is a special church, a local church for local people, and it has.. a secret! —– Twitter: http://twitter.com/Jagiero Instagram: http://instagram.com/jagiero —– Shaders: Complimentary Reimagined #minecraft #survival #church Read More

  • Kidnapped & Tied to Rail: Scary Train Eater vs JJ in Minecraft

    Kidnapped & Tied to Rail: Scary Train Eater vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary TRAIN EATER Kidnapped MIKEY and TIED UP to RAIL vs JJ in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Myzen TV on 2024-03-17 12:04:55. It has garnered 7206 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:04 or 604 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by Maizen TV! Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Thuong GrayVN!

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Thuong GrayVN!Video Information This video, titled ‘Thời Gian Bất Ổn #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thuong GrayVN on 2024-05-11 13:35:11. It has garnered 165614 views and 15996 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Idea by Toan MC Join this channel as a member to enjoy privileges: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2GmtmrLRRSGem7t0NYmYBw/join Everyone watching the video, if you find it interesting, please give it a like and share. Subscribe to support me: https://www.youtube.com/@thuonggrayvn —————————————­—————- ▶𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠: https://www.facebook.com/thuonggrayvien/ ▶𝙁𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2077505195751108/?ref=share ▶TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thuonggrayvn/ ▶𝘿𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 Server: https://discord.com/invite/xrbRdjDG9x ————————————————– —– #ThuongGrayVN #Minecraft #MinecraftSinhTon #SinhTon #Survival #MinecraftSurvival #Hardcore #farming #Wonderzoo #MinecraftSoThu #MinecraftZoo #minecraft100days ——————— ———————————- ©… Read More

  • Unleashing the Enderghost in The End!

    Unleashing the Enderghost in The End!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival: Transforming The End “The Enderghost, Power of the End”‘, was uploaded by Joey James on 2024-01-13 13:07:38. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:41 or 4361 seconds. I hope you enjoy this episode of Minecraft. I’m working hard to put out more content that will only get better. I hope everyone will come along on the journey with me as I get better and recording, editing, and building! I look forward to showing everyone what I have to offer in the future. {Key Details} 00:00… Read More

  • Le.Le7 – Opponent’s shoes make video end | Minecraft

    Le.Le7 - Opponent's shoes make video end | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft doch das Video endet, wenn der Gegner Dia Schuhe hat #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Le.Le7 on 2024-03-31 19:12:35. It has garnered 9747 views and 369 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraftmemes #gamingshorts #challenge #gameplay #community #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More