Minecraft SMP: How DillPickle Became the RICHEST Player!

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I’m live what’s up everyone we in I don’t really know what to do with this like door area but today we’re going to finish digging out that mob farm we’re going to design this house because I joined and they built a they built a spruce box uh yeah it look pretty bad I can’t lie I’m not going to lie it was pretty bad but I did some I did some work on the front I pushed this section out um I split it in half and then on the interior being glowing o nice you improve the overhang it looks good yeah we added this overhang here to give us more space to kind of work around and then we can put some B we have a balcony up here you know it’s it’s turning out it’s turning out too not too bad what’s up Charlie what’s up Fusion how you guys doing yeah um that’s the main goal make this house look good finish the mob farm hole over here um yeah I’m going to finish the Cross Beam hi connect please do not call me a [Music] fanboy I don’t know what my chat was yesterday uh hi Jacob yeah yesterday there was this thing where where a a new chatter came in and just boy and then left you’re sorry but it’s funny oh you said uh WTF to the fact that I have full netherite yeah fine thing my laptop is going to explode for using complimentary shaders cuz my GP doesn’t exist cuz I’m using integrated Graphics real I’m using complimentary reimagined on low right now I think it’s low what’s up cyber bladed and totems yeah we also have totems we did we did some raids here okay um I don’t know I gotta figure out what I want to show around the house oh little maybe uh yeah but in a in a second cuz I’m cutting down trees to fix up the house like the house isn’t done but yeah I can show you the inside of it so far what is that that that is that wood box thing yeah Joan they made a they made a spruce box but I’m making it better I’m making it better we’re making it better I you haven’t been on for 2 days and you really downgraded your opness to really op wow he just made me say naughty word huh you made me say op penis it looks kind of weird with the Cherry I don’t think so I think that it’s kind of a nice I don’t know it is kind of a weird color PW I’m not going to lie but we’re working with it we’re working with it it looks it looks decent like the Cherry logs are fine they do have a little bit of a pinkish tone but it’s not like anything like that you can’t work with um upgraded yes upgraded we upgraded the um overpowered I don’t know least it’s better than Green season 10 base isn’t his season 10 base like Blue did the B to get removed uh I put it up not even not yet thewood looks good yeah I I think it’s all right I don’t know let’s see I just need to figure out something to do here I’ll probably just put some windows up there that’s a lot of chests it’s not even that many chests and literally with remarkably optimized uh chests aren’t laggy anymore more because of a for finally making a damn house screw you friendly banter so so friendly um yeah super super friendly anyways I’m making another window yeah so this is the house this is my basement and this is this is the main floor and this is the top floor uh down here [Music] I just copied the style of the oh yeah it’s boring sense bro doesn’t have a roof I have a roof how did bro get it he just went mining huh I’m not he wanted to get it first I don’t really care to much I’m just going to wait till the mob Farm’s done cuz then it’ll be much faster I just wanted it so you’re evicting me from my own basement uh well you did do that but now I have a different basement so have fun evicting me from this one loser oh god oh I’m going to place this door here and then what here and then here and then here and then I’ll look go you got to go by all right I’ll see you Jacob and then once we have a roof on top it’ll look a lot better do the same be honest haven’t really played much Minecraft because you hate playing it alone and you got no one one to play with yeah I used to feel that way but there’s also a lot of communities you can use to meet friends use Bund to make your pfp right whichit I oh you use bun to make your pfp right no I use I use mimat my pfp is made in blender cuz my friend made it for me but all of my thumbnails are made in minimat if you use the right settings monater come like incredible he taught me the right settings somewhat yeah as long as you do it right manator looks good did a ghost just open my door why is my door open all of a sudden and it got way better if you download my minator 2.0 is actually incredible with the subsurface scattering and stuff absolutely changed welcome back welcome [Music] back what are we doing this entrance here chat question um how did a design earlier but now it doesn’t work so well with that log there but that’s fine CU it’s kind of needed there um you’re getting really bored so you’re going to head out again all right I’ll see you connecting do you still have those dark oak fences we should put them on the balcony uh there should be some in the wood chest I have two uh no I can just make some so I’m murdering something in butter and it looks amazing but it’s taking so long cuz it’s an animation L yeah okay that’s why that’s why R got a 48 bro well and now he doesn’t even red berer that much anymore um I don’t know I don’t know what I want to do for the entrance I had an idea I think that’s pretty good yeah giving it like a trim and giving it a little bit of depth with the stairs yeah that works all right I’m going look up entrance designs on Google got a cou all right um Minecraft have a nice stream glowing yeah th um what do we not that good any I find one that’ll kind of fit with a like weird deep site one something like that could work you could also just copy another design with a different block palette right yeah but not they not all them would work I don’t know if we have enough vertical space for some of these two like I like the one I had before but then I don’t have the same vertical space anymore yeah but the Cross Beam defin definitely helped it yeah it helps put up the wall cuz it was just a big flat [Music] wall what about some walls there like some like a wall here and a wall there oh I was going to do fences so it’s not the same fences would also make that out of dark oak yeah I just don’t have I’m really just designing right now I don’t have dark oak right now [Music] I don’t know I don’t know you can do deep SL outside the door died 62 times so a lot of those are player death like more than half of them been ring for an hour it’s only 25 out of 130 frames uh you got to do that stuff overnight I remember in our uh we had a BL I had a blender I had like a 3D animation class this like kind of just like a blender class in U Middle School I only had it for one trimester so third of the year but every time we had to render an animation we would just leave our our like School computers there every night especially cuz School computers are integrated Graphics is rough 62 deaths 37 of them are player deaths and that still doesn’t count the times that I killed myself uh although they did give us better computers for that class they had double the RAM and a better processor but integrated Graphics is still integrated graphic unless it’s on the the new like the new D TR cor bro the new uh yeah the new Intel uh lineup that’s going to come out this year well it’s already come out in some laptops but not for desktops the integrated Graphics are so much better like it it it would rival like budget GPU it it Ral like budget gpus like what I have now which is crazy for ING Graphics how old am I I’m uh 15 16 I forgot that it was my birthday like 2 weeks ago BR doesn’t even know his own age why can you craft a knife because of the food mod they added it’s like breath of the wild cooking basically I don’t know I would even like with this it’s kind of a bigger wall we kind of need some on the left and right I think the fences are better there cuz it’s more color that just looks like some sort of like gravestone or something yeah having it all be the exact same ooh I don’t know man and not hold on I’m going to look at more designs and not that good oh yeah now I owe you a diamond that’s my bad did you hit me I hit you so you would pick something up it was all just so you could like so you would pick the thing up but now you got a diamond here go I just went Mining and got like over two stacks so I’m chilling [Music] nice um yeah I I’m not I’m not sure need help law if you want aren’t you rendering something bro computer is about to absolutely [Music] explode who’s going to recreate Hiroshima oh twinky keeps joining and leaving what’s wrong with that it’s just annoying cuz the chat message keeps popping up [Music] um all why the wait the water bucket did a weird little blippy thing you use your water bucket a lot uh-huh it’s always in my uh sixth seventh seventh [Music] what if we here what if I could do the original design I have I could do the original design I don’t know how to do it uh like what if what if this this entrance oh might keep bone meal in my inventory bro uh I didn’t think about that I was going to say what if this like uh entrance part is lower one block H we could do that it would affect below but not by a [Music] on um I would just have to do like a red bit of ter I I need to edit you can’t can you I’m pretty sure you can pause a render should be able to where’ you say going I’m going to move the portal to the basement it would just fit the vibe better also it kind of like doesn’t it like stick out of our back wall yeah maybe Twinkie like swimming in lava is my FPS capped no I’m just using shaders and these shaders are really intensive it does go over 60 sometimes like if I were to look at the floor I would get like 68 I’m running at like 55 to 60 more closer to 60 though it’s not too bad it’s like 60 to 65 you’re going to have to fix that back corner where you know the way the portal was oh I do that later we just clear this out and then boom now it’s more open I got to move the beacons down a block right that’s falling all the way to the bottom well it’s fine I have whatever aha we have resistance to I survived that barely well with three heart spare that’s not too bad with FEA falling three I mean it’s quite the drop what up ran how you doing yo by ran all [Music] right we need elyra miles do you have a are we when are we fighting the Ender Dragon is it like next weekend you have like a do you have like a estimate I mean no rush but like what about you and would be nice it would be nice I’m doing I’m doing good it would be nice having access to the end for like an ender Ender for exp like just like a server Ender Ender farm that everyone can use where did you where did where did you where’ you put the where’ you put the glass one of them fell down the hole oh I fell down the hole good thing I’m Invincible yep resistance too baby we don’t take no damage yeah it’s just going to take half an hour to get out of this hole yeah I really do need an elytra and an Ender Ender maybe also some shulker boxes so I can actually you know what’s up have storage yeah elytra would be nice getting around with them I mean I like the early game but uh I like though when did season 7 start it started uh uh basically a week ago today yeah pretty exactly a week ago today right yeah yeah you’re so underr thank you hey should I bone meal this actually we should probably make like some like nice little paths oh I can make a path real quick hold on I need a I need Co dir and uh there you go I was waiting gravel Co dir and gravel why do we have a separ May a little bit of I guess we have a separate gravel maybe a bit of cobblestone all right we’ll do and just mix in a couple one or two pieces of each and then some Cobble all right bing bang bong okay that’s pretty pretty it’s pretty thunderous I’m going to going to sleep real quick all right are you late made this you’re late to stream by 20 minutes Ran So you’re not really late yeah not really need to fix the floor in here yeah who’s the new member all right so we got how many new members did we get quite a few of them yeah two of them all right we got we got two new members one of them is kopy Kpop Fe and the other one is aszx who’s my IRL friend so those are the new members Jacob’s the first one who got a video out okay but like why does he upload stuff if if the render is broken yeah it’s cuz he doesn’t he’s lazy he doesn’t want to render it I would never upload a video if that honestly like I’ll rerender a video for like the smallest thing even I would do that but I was also taught by you so I have the same mindset as you if it’s not correct do it [Music] again me and someone else my video at today actually hold on I’m going to check that my lethal company video is at 884 views not bad ni it hasn’t really moved but uh oh a bot spammed in in the Discord let me ban him all right um I know that’s all right I can work on it later W Jacob here yeah Jacob is here W actually I will who he is I’ll make this going to be this going to be Big Boy by the way go check out a game called Hino pet want to make some of this it it’s good okay I can uh oh yeah my detail is so good oh God and then and then I haven’t seen it yet so uh and then I don’t know it’s and then I I don’t know that’s like that’s like about it and then but then and then chat like um all I did was added I added signs that looks pretty goofy hold on where are you oh what inside fixing the inside look in the basement [Music] what if we just like made the basement slightly smaller or you know see it yeah that works too watching both streams no way bill has more DeLay So you’re watching me W do you guys have any advice for starting a YouTube channel Duncan’s the one that’s to ask that uh uh just make your first video everyone thinks about their first video so much but like the way you’re going to learn how to do YouTube is by making videos each video is going to be better than the last for the most part um so you just got to just make your first video it’s going to be bad like your first video is meant to be the worst thing you’re ever going to create and you’re just going to get better from there like just make the first video I hate my first video but I learned a lot from it so yeah exactly don’t get the sickness called laziness Jacob you logged on with shaders that’s crazy okay I understand Jacob’s posting videos but they could easily be higher quality I know that he has the the ability in him to make them better quality he’s just lazy and he doesn’t want to I mean he’s uploading yeah he’s kind of in that quantity over quality mindset I’m not going to lie you know I specifically told him before he posted his first video that you always do uh quality over quantity like I’ll delay a video a week if it’s not going to be finished in time like yeah exactly he’ll just posted post it anyways um you want to start a gaming channel I would suggest uh finding a smaller Niche than just gaming because well this is what Duncan taught me uh don’t variety gamer everything is frozen oh let’s not smack talk he’s posting is doing his own thing you do yours he does his no he’s fine with it and I and he should take it as a suggestion to go for quality over quantity um yeah so I wouldn’t do I wouldn’t really do a general gaming channel like gaming is a bit too broad like me specifically I do only Minecraft or actually even more specific I only do smps on this channel like even like there are people who you like might think like do like more variety but like even then they still have like a smaller Niche cuz you know the audience for YouTube channel is only going to like you got to think who’s going to watch your channel who’s the people are going to watch my channel are the people who like playing on Minecraft smps you know they’re not going to watch me play valerant you know um yeah just pick like a select Niche you know like Point Crow he does basically entirely Nintendo games you know breath of the wild and like Mario and stuff um small ant he kind of does like speed running um the people where’s the bone meal will watch gaming channel are fortnite kids yeah the people who will watch like a gaming channel I’m not sure I got 75 Subs yeah I’m I’m 3/4 to 2 100 and now I’m debating whether or not I should make a 100 sub special and I’m pretty I’m I’m siding with the fact that I should not cuz 100 Subs it’s a first goal sure but I mean I did I make I don’t even remember if I made 100 sub special no I think I did cuz at the time I got 100 subs from only from I basically got my 100 subs from shorts so like it didn’t really feel like anything cuz I I didn’t even get it from like I don’t know I just got it from like a couple shorts that did well cuz like can’t even lie shorts are just free Subs but those subs never do anything bro well it depends you have to do it right but how I wasn’t yeah shorts can work yeah you were definitely you were definitely uh past 100 Subs since like since before you um you built the cherry blossom right cherry blossom that was that was way after yeah still got 100 subs from only fans you might get timed out that’s that’s a that’s a dunin remaking Bank yeah 100% making so much bank right now I made a hey I’ve made um the wag or anything um L made a $24 off of mod wi uh ad Revenue so um um we balling we balling the side house still goes crazy also big tip is to try new things cuz I found myself editing the same video style dozens of time over just jav a history and it ruined it yeah um I used to I’m trying to I don’t know I used to just do I used to do myp views a lot different uh I’m going to do them more similar to how I did the two videos that I made last season where it’s going to be faster pace and it’s more going to tell a story rather than you know before was just oh this is how much progress I made and you know that was it like that was kind of like my season five you know it was kind of just what I was doing huh look up hi what behind the beacons where in the in the no like in on the on the mountain oh that behind the beacon I turned on hit boxes oh yeah so real bro oh right did you finish the front door yeah that’s pretty good it’s all right it’s not bad uh make a make another path that goes to like the the trading Hall like make a make a cut off of here okay I’ll go sleep oh a my shovel is too fast what I mind the door instead of the i m the flower and the dirt that’s the problem with having haste to at your base sometimes you mine too fast it is nice though the honestly the biggest thing is the speed and jump boost jump boost is so nice for building jumping up two and a half blocks like dude I can scill everything how do you get the clouds it’s complimentary imagined it’s the best Shader ever well rethinking voxos is probably better cuz it’s the same Shader but with voxal base lighting but let’s be real here nobody’s running that unless they’re absolutely balling with your GPU uhhuh dude I run that in like 10 frames bro like on the lowest PR Duncan that’s just normal dirt yeah I put everything back where did you even put it um places I got it don’t worry about it put the put the gravel in the gravel chest is a gravel chest yeah it was a gravel and sand chest but we expanded the storage should I expand the storage more I’m going to expand the storage more maybe not actually it kind of fits in probably fine pretty nice but we could add two more chests on the other side I don’t think you need to OHP oh there goes that quartz d i me to go get more gravel I wait I have 14 where did all my gravel go I had so much gravel oh it’s in my loot pile I should probably move my loot pile over it’s set spawn though so your loot pile that’s why I haven’t done it uh the loot that I had when I lived in Jacob’s basement and then he evicted me oh okay it’s just sitting in a bunch of chests at spawn all right now we got a path Subs minimum GPU for RTX 470 that’s what I’m saying I ruined uh the shaders on Ultra my PC display doesn’t post oh you run the the shaders an ultra and your PC just I don’t know if it would do that I mean my game has crashed when trying to load those Shades before you’re the very first YouTuber to reped to my comment I reply to all the comics comments except for I I replied to pretty much all the comments except for like stupid ones how how do how do how do how do I how I get evicted yeah so uh I lived in a basement and the owner the basement moved out yeah I still live in a basement nope I live in a house I’m in a room in a house in his mother’s basement nope M okay the interior up here could literally use a little bit of War yeah so does so the Mr landlord that I lived with uh he he moved out so I got evicted hey make the tops the not pink weird weird pink you’re not going to see it it’s fine what did I just do oh I have Spruce Wood now um yeah it’s it’s coming along it’s coming along oh that sucks well it’s a it’s just it’s on the server so it’s not a um and then I guess we just put the roof on like I don’t know good job on 1. 6 2K subs thank you oh should I get the sub count back up hold on hello let me get this link I got evicted I should probably should probably specify that when I say that I get evicted URL it sounds like it’s just a really sad story but it’s it’s Minecraft you got evicted cuz he’s a loser nope the owner moved out the owner being Jacob oh we got a we got the sub count y dude I’m Lally such a w swimmer there’s another Diamond I need to remember that if I’m hitting you I need to hit you with my like sword or something make count dude I’m just passively getting diamonds from you just hitting me it’s such a w I think I’ve only had to give you one you had to give me like three or four three three honestly just you yeah just punked you a lot telling you you’re aggressive bro season 5 was peaceful until glowing and and then and then glowing joined season six and like not in a bad like not necessarily in a bad way but just Java became more violent like you made everybody on the server more violent you know you know what might have had to do with that was the fact that the whole season was around tag because it never ended I mean we had secret assassin on season 5 yeah but did that last the whole season uh what do we know yeah that was for like what two months I don’t know it lasted for quite a while actually two and a half months of the six month season and tag lasted what like so this is how you create your scaffolding now two blocks at a time it looks weird but well look I’m going to literally fix that we have wool huh wool yeah why I don’t know what do we what do okay what what do we want to do for like for like the the triangle our block like underneath the roof you know what I’m saying the triangle the triangle all section underneath underneath the roof a triangle all block yeah the block that shaped like a triangle hey yo D offer all right huh what do you mean by off yo Dill offer all right what I’m confused no the block that would go why why are these ones sideways that’s my bad I it kind of looks good though if you look at it from the front but I’m talking about the block that would go here what do we do there what we do there not Cobblestone that’s for sure uh we have but with the roof there it honestly really comes together yeah we actually have a house so I would give you nothing for I want my useful r that that L for me but I am kind [Music] person you know wait hold on here you go that look good that definitely does not look good oh my lordy Lord oh I remember someone asked for for the pickle Ru um in my Ser in my server I think that is a pickle roll I made a not a pickle roll and it’s red and I gave it to them it’s like a gray red they’re the only person who has a special role that nobody else can [Laughter] get [Music] [Music] um you didn’t make it show up separately so now I don’t know who has that actually I can go into the server settings and go into rules and see it’s like the sticks guy I think or something mhm not a pickle zaham no zaham yeah saber him you know you know except choose one uh know you know you know how there’s the the uh user is suspected to be in like an online gang or whatever thing thing that that everyone puts in their Discord username yeah the this guy has it but it’s like translated and it’s user pury chai he Co suspect kaha Hey Jo Susi cheese yah user car carig though yay user Co report Caro now of course I don’t know what language that is and I don’t know how to say those words so they were all butchered but it says sussy cheese where’s the wool chest we have so many we need to get uh we need to get glow stuff I already have some hold on where is it it’s not in here hold on I have to go to my loot you’re going to try to get on the smv when you apply W oh yeah the Portal’s downstairs now also look at the portal and and let me know if if it if it looks good or if it’s just kind of gross cuz lowkey I’m undecided like it looks okay but uh oh oh perfect amount of blocks that’s not horrible white wool is definitely better than gray wool I think actually I don’t actually know what the gry wool looks like cuz I didn’t see it but I don’t know I don’t know what block to put there oh let me look at the your [Music] portal uh I don’t like how it’s so short you need the special roll no honestly like I would probably just put the portal there without the nether brick I think that the nether brick is a nice accent but I don’t think that having it squared off like that is it’s like really you can just remove the slabs um what did you just say did my did my just cut out my head dude that’s so cool why do they do that what what did he just say they completely disconnected that’s not good they not supposed to happen I can’t hear anything hey chilling I’m back you’re bug you were bugging my headphone disconnected where the white dye can you get some white dye and and dye the signs and then I’ll go around with my or Glo ink sacks I’ll go get more okay but my dog walked in what’s your dog’s name Zoe why do you have a chest named Duncan oh we all have our own chest why do you have a chest named Duncan I I don’t know I just it’s a lot of chests like I’m not trying to look at all that um glowing what do we do for a roof block could it look [Music] weird it looks so weird what we do what we do I’m trying to edit at the same time as watching this chat chat what do we do for this roof block right here this roof block that’s a lot of white dye also put the dye you know what I’m just going to make a d chest you’re making chest for like a lot of really Niche things like this could be just sorted into a more General chest hey what are the most important ones wood building blocks uh Oracle 5860 Sigma I agree is that twinky yeah I don’t know why his name is Oracle did you get your old account back he had an old account he had an account that he lost access to Yo nuh-uh I’m just look at our building blocks and see huh I wonder how you know what I said if you aren’t in chat I’ll go find find more glow squids with my um totally legit and not cheating at all I’m going to see what the gr wo look like why hacks was the grey R not the play if miles is still watching your stream I think that this is going to be so funny cuz all he hears is my is me talking about fly hacks and then not my POV oh yeah you’re using fly hacks I am but miles hasn’t told me not to so grey wool is not the play absolutely not what do you mean that’s why I took it down grey wo is not the white W was not that bad but I don’t know I don’t know if I don’t think it works out well well I don’t I don’t know if not too bad is the way way I would describe it white wool yeah no great wool was bad but I didn’t I didn’t think the white W was that bad but it wasn’t good yeah it’s fine wait we got we got wait wait wait wait we got we got where did the quartz go what do you mean in the building blocks chest why would they be in ores no but like the the quartz ore oh into the quartz chest we have so much quartz so the quartz building block don’t go in the quartz chest but the quartz go in the quartz chest yeah that makes sense I don’t know it’s it’s just there’s too many categories and we have too many items so we’ll have to figure it out but I don’t know it works the white block for the roof block I don’t think is that [Music] bad smooth make it smooth so it actually connects how do I do that I believe just put it into the uh the stone cutter and it should be an option otherwise I believe that it is still just the 2x two crafting recipe nope because that would make uh quartz bricks all right then put it in the stone cutter oh I think it’s [Music] outside um no I you have you have to SM you have to smelt it to get smooth do you yeah I think it’s the same for deep slate cuz you can’t get smooth deep slate with the stone cutter SM what do you mean smooth deep slate or uh polished that’s the four that’s the 2x two that’s how it’s it how you get it mhm I thought that made the the bricks nope okay I don’t actually know how to make the bricks in I think smelting course makes it smooth um okay I was right okay I where running why did I go to Miles space um well you go to miles’s base a lot Hey where’s the dirt chest what do you mean I go to mil space a lot uh top I see it top right to the center and by Center I mean the center of our whole base it’s left to the center actually I think it’s the exact center it’s the exact center top Center cuz we love dirt here mhm you also love building blocks oh Bo and whatever else is in that line I can’t remember I think Cobblestone is in that line this we we got to strike back against the mafia soon we got to get Derek to like get on bro before like 900 p.m. yeah bro he’s like bro I swear my guy does not respond ever and now everything’s orange because of the sunset so like the white blocks are not [Music] orange they wouldn’t be on my screen but it’s not that bad it’s not that bad I’ll just talk the shaders off I have a just I just hit I just hit the but that look that looked good reverse clutching onto pointed drip Stone what reverse clutching falling and putting pointed dripstone like beneath you instead of a water bucket so you’re basically doing more damage to yourself dubs um or now we big hole I jumped in oh okay what the there’s diamonds down here how is there still diamondss down here this is the original Ravine did I go the wrong way I went a different way where in the original Little Ravine wa where were you looking for again blow insects o but uh I need to find like a water cave boom all right creeper come here oh man come stand on my block and attempt to blow me up but be unsuccessful asking a creeper to blow him that that you hey where’s the cour chest you literally just sounded like the one kid that would always like be a tattletail to the teacher I know H glowing v a creeper to blow him I mean I’m not wrong you are [Music] though did you not just ask a creeper to blow you blow me up yeah that’s not the same you think I meant by blow you know what you meant by blow you’re so dirty minded bro uh-huh it’s not what I thought you me it’s what you actually meant no no you’re so dirty minded bro can’t believe can’t believe can’t believe you were thinking I can’t believe you were thinking that oh I can’t believe it [Music] um going throw that out uh throw that out uh throw that out okay I got space now I’m using my wall hacks your wall hacks fly through walls on God woo what was that whoa on drift Stone all right I got all the quartz smon and then put it in and then we and then we build a roof you know I’ll put it in what this is what I was saying like you’re so dirty minded bro I what did you think you you I’ll put the I’ll put the in place uhhm mhm yeah yeah yeah yeah sure buddy sure buddy I think you’re the one that’s dirty minded cuz you’re the one that that thought I meant something that I just did not mean no no no yeah yeah yeah no no no yeah no no no yeah yeah no yeah no yeah yeah no no yeah yeah why do Canadians talk like that bro why do they go no yeah and then like yeah no like it makes sense you just don’t understand our dial yeah no yeah no no yeah no yeah no no no no that’s a whole sentence and it’s correct okay let’s say whole correct sentence nuh-uh yuh oh there’s soone glow squid you’re Canadian so oh you’re not Canadian so you don’t understand I was about to say you’re Canadian and you don’t understand that’s Canadians it’s fine Canadians don’t exist I’m just one tapping all these squids bro and you’re abusing animals now oh my God no you’re American yeah oh I jumped in a hole where’s [Music] [Laughter] our what our back wall is really bad actually yeah our back wall is so bad no one’s going to look at it anyways our back wall is absolutely horrible no one’s going to look oh my God that’s if it was like against the it was like fully against the mountain that would be fine dude it’s so bad I dude I was putting the roof stuff back there and then I looked at it bro it looks fine no one looks at the back of a build anyway what if I do I’m I’m that guy hey but you’re not going to care cuz you built the house well I’m doing it anyway that looks so bad bro it’s only a little bit it’s only a little bit at work W stream thank you don’t you hate those people who after checkout continue talking to the cashier for 5 minutes before leaving it’s usually when you know the cashier I just don’t go shopping yeah neither do I I mean I have to when I when I go to my grandparents but that’s a small town so whenever that happens I’m just like all right on to the next aisle but I’m usually shopping with my mom and that doesn’t really happen that much but like so real though just let the keep the L moving it does happen and it’s annoying I actually have people oh he um he put the whole thing but without spaces oh and then added phobia at the end so he’s he’s scared of B phobia yep yes sir you know it all right yo level 20 honestly like nobody cares about the side of the house either like think about it oh exactly no one’s going to look at it like people only look at the front you think about it like if you think about it that are actually like but like but like if you think about it though nothing actually matters um yeah I honestly I think that that having no we are such a we are such a tiny minuscule part of this uh universe that nothing my God there’s no shot this kid’s pulling that card it’s a conversation about a house yeah no one at the really I don’t have to build the house white magician suit Coco magician suit stage what this rain is killing my FPS please sleep if you can why is the rain killing your FPS are you using particle rain yeah well for the other effects I don’t I have like the rain off but it still I honestly don’t even have particle rain on like cave D is enough FPS I don’t have the mod nothing actually why I partic why do I have physics I don’t remember I don’t even think I have particle rain I think that rain just kills my FPS yes oh you know what it is it’s probably in in the visuals in feather oh maybe you think so uh huh let’s see well I don’t I don’t I don’t see that so yeah I don’t know why so imagine there was a man on stage in a white magician suit in front of him is reting their gas case which glass case with a wooden board separating it in half on top of the board there’s a thin piece of fabc on top of the fabric there are a few stacked wooden blocks the man Smiles pulls out the fabric and watches as the blocks don’t move after pulling out he does a dance and shouts cooco cooco co co cooco cocaine he didn’t actually write cocaine it’s just me I mean uh I don’t have a cocaine addiction by the way hey all our chests are glowy now okay oh because of my Shad they’re like they’re like actually glowing are they a tiny little bit your diamonds on the ground oh Tri the toggle shaders and now dude so free keep rolling in yo punch me punch me punch me I hit you with a sword so punch me punch me punch me it was worth it I’m asleep now now it w be raining see that’s what I’m saying it’s been raining all day on the server I also have shaders on but it’s killing my frames so I’m going to turn them to uh very low that’s cuz you’re on like 96 rer distance could be oh my game might have crashed it didn’t crash oh we’re chilling ew this looks like a rat’s uh butthole my build no the shaders which shaders are you using complimentary on very low so bad this very high isn’t even that much of a of a difference it’s just that it actually adds lighting that looks good what is I’m loading very low what the hell that broke my game oh [Music] okay uh everything looks fuzzy on very low low is fine that’s what I was using the only thing bad about low is the shadow quality if I go on medium it fixes that after medium the difference is pretty much neg negligible and it’s kind of just point of dimiss diminishing return like Ure is like entirely useless I would never go above high oh there we go my game crashed sick so flipping cool so imagine my game I made it crash Why was writing a whole essay for me this too much man how many paragraphs how many paragraphs so M name man on the stage playing no g g d g f fbb FG D and octaves on the planer while he’s playing them a man in French in a French hat comes out thrashes his head back and says no vvv uh no I actually can’t imagine that oh glo’s back Je he’s still a little messed up in the head from when he’s dropped as a child [Music] but so medium versus high what’s the difference not much just bump up settings you know higher reflection quality higher Shadow quality what looks best for for like screenshots when it doesn’t matter your FPS uh [Music] Ultra I mean obviously ultra’s going to look the best but I’m just saying there’s a point of diminishing return after like medium like the performance doesn’t isn’t worth the tiny visual increase [Music] uhuh I me off the building would that count I was punching you I mean you’re pushing me intentionally so I take damage so I would say [Music] yeah [Music] wait oopsies oh that’s not even that bad what I loaded uh Ultra accidentally I can’t even run te- shaders do bitty Coke okay my render distance is insane then just turn your Shadow distance down 24 Shadow distance will help with shaders at high render distance which I don’t think you need the shaders in all your 32 [Music] chunks you thing had it set to 12 and now it’s set to eight well some shaders not t- shaders have their own shadow distance that increases depending on the preset so like complimentary I think Ultra takes you up to like 16 um it’s probably at like six for me yeah it’s at six on low oh right and then we do that and then that and then do that and then it work going to place that frun of the house is finished and you know really that’s all you need to do front of the house welcome love dust what am I doing According to some people at least playing on just Java and right now he’s building the house and I’m watching oh you build a spruce box and I made it not a box because it’s absolutely awful I made the wrong stare I’m going to cry now good yeah no offense your box was ugly thank you so much for that like absolutely abysal yeah honestly i’ prefer to just not play with shaders and and have my 64 chunks of render distance I’m Different I don’t care about seeing far um unless I’m like like maybe if I was exploring but I’m only doing stuff in these I just want to be able to see into the other side of the universe all right I could care less especially I have to fly over there to even have the chunks loaded in so like what does it matter I’m only going to be any eight chunks i’ rather those chunks well uh my sister only plays bedrocks so when I’m playing Minecraft with her yes I play Bedrock but I don’t play Bedrock at all mostly play I mostly play Bedrock runs so good though dude it runs so good dude I dude the chunks look so fast like dude my I5 can load those chunks instantly bro it’s you trying to watch by on stream by with a DOT was by who who made that one which Youtuber quitting hold on let me fly to spawn and free cam which you which which Youtuber qu this time oh my God Mr Beast posted a video this was not what I expected [Music] Duncan I flew to spawn and free cam my distance is that high okay I I don’t care my render distance is a little high I have okay you need to go sleep but you subed and will watch my videos see you bro all right I’ll see you I’ll see you around oh there goes the floor you know what that’s fine I need to empty my inventory the GPU is uh is crying right now R Jazz I don’t know who that is g the GPU is crying right [Music] now man this is crazy I can see everything um I need you either yeah I know what I’m going to do loading all these [Music] chunks [Music] okay you have fun with that boom boom boom and then [Music] oh man boom a tiny little something so I’m going to add something to this wall 20 26 FPS can you join uh it’s a somewhat private SMP you can applications for Content creators open before the beginning of each season but that won’t be for another like six s months all right complimentary reimagined on Ultra let’s see it he’s being weird I’m blowing up my computer it won’t even matter that much cuz your Shadow distance isn’t that High I mean it’ll be laggy but not anything that you wouldn’t expect I swear I didn’t place it there man this screenshot would look great if miles finished his [Music] base do he not have a house wait did I finish the back side of our house I did oh uh he has a house very incomplete who cares about the back of the house all you need to detail is the front baby I’m actually kind of happy with how this turned out I honestly didn’t think i’ would be able to make the front look good cuz I didn’t I it was it was really bad at the start it was I can’t lie I did not I don’t I didn’t love the color palette I’d like it now I didn’t love the color palette and the flat walls dude I thought it was over man I did not think I was I was going to be able to pull through and make this look good but I think it I think it actually turned out pretty decent H where are windows at the front we have two three no two well we have a balcony that’s like that’s like a really big window that you can walk into too uhhuh and what about on the lower level or on the left side of the house or really anywhere but the very front yeah I’ll like do that later I don’t really care about Windows that much there’s enough detail on the inside where it doesn’t matter I just want to see out of the house yeah you can see out of the house when you’re on the top floor um well the top floor is the top floor is open so you can still see those windows you love D forestation yo me too you’re kind of getting in the way [Music] mister I’m not going to give you any of my diamonds yeah miss you can do that all you want I don’t [Music] care you you have fun with that well [Music] [Music] there we go I’m a lot better at this challenge than you are well yeah you’re not Bo good at it you are are you stacked uh somewhat I don’t have netherite but I have we have a decent villager set up to buy Max gear Max gear besides so we can you know get levels yeah we don’t have access to the nether yet [Music] and [Music] um we do this and this and then this and then this and and then I knew today was going to be a boring stream well there are things you can do you’re just choosing to do nothing you saw things I can do cuz yeah do you want to place stairs and straight lines across the roof or you can mine out the mob farm or you can go mining or work on your own base like or working your own thing like my base um just pick some actually do we want to do the thing or only the only like the outside is uh Stone and then everything else is like Spruce or something we could do that we could also do the inside with like full blocks that also looks nice what oh like when you have B blocks instead of stairs on so you still have the trim but I think it would probably just be better as stairs here hey there another slab over here yeah if you want to start on that you just got to make some Spruce stairs and then it’s a bit of straight lines we have Swift snake in speed so like honestly won’t even take that long we’re way too stacked for this house all six beacons yeah the six Beacon effects go so crazy at this stage of the game no one else even has diamond armor yet and we have six beacons uh n i touch grass in Minecraft just don’t touch glass actually I am wearing diamond boots I mean I’m not my even my Minecraft character isn’t even physically touching the grass oh that was a pretty bad voice crack [Music] is it’s fine don’t worry about it what’s up Charlie Charlie on how you doing speed and Swift sneak is so broken it’s so good it’s like too fast bro oh okay I’m going to make a bunch of spruce stairs too okay but like why can’t a stone cutter cut wood bro you tell me it can cut stone but I can’t cut wood makes no sense yeah Mojang add a wood cutter I just allow the stone cter to cut wood like wood is a wood is less hard than Stone but they break in different ways Duncan you think that you would be able to to make uh what am I doing working on a house wooden pieces in a stone cutter in real life no no but you also wouldn’t be cutting stone with the saw you would actually be cutting wood with the saw yeah that that’s also another thing but I’m going to go gra some Spruce Wood cuz we’re out I’ll just mine one of these I’ll cut down the smaller one it’s good so far thank you I thought it was a lost cause at the start cuz I built a spruce box but you know what I popped out the front I added some other stuff and you know what it turned out not too bad that’s crazy he a really tall tree like these big spr trees are big but this is a really big spruce tree it’s n it’s average uh I don’t know I was mining some earlier they don’t this is definitely above [Music] average mhm yeah talk about average size a lot for a Minecraft stream H wish I could build so good as you hey all it takes is like practice I accidentally made way too many uh Bru stairs and I’m probably going to use them all anyways so yeah roofs take like insane amount how are we going to do the little like bit on the you know what that’s for you to figure out what little bit you’ll see the little Gap not in the top but in the in the oh in the corner well if you were to smush two stairs together there it would form a full block so you just put a full block there and it ends up looking [Music] right okay yeah um boom Oh about to do this water wet water wet water wet why are you saying that cuz water’s wet okay why else would I be saying it I don’t know it’s just a little random uhhuh yeah well I’ve been playing Minecraft for like 3 years and I’m still bad at building uh well but you’re better than you were 3 years ago aren’t you well assuming you’ve been building you’re not going to get good at building if you don’t build think it’s I don’t really think of myself as a very good Builder I love very good at building houses terraforming I can kind of do I can do terraforming because I’ve studied normal Minecraft terrain but I can I can do terraforming that looks better than Minecraft terrain yeah I can’t do that but if you need an area to like that’s been like nuked to be like fixed so it looks normal again I can do that or turning an area from like gravel to grass like I did with the shopping district last season that’s not that hard Minecraft turn is pretty simple I don’t care pay up buddy pay up did I dude I smile every time I look every time you’re about to hit me bro is that evil grin yeah buddy cuz you got to pay up it’s in front of the end chest okay I’m not delivering it to you cuz through you [Music] okay hey can I come come up I’m coming up the roof is done so neat all right we finished for the most part yay I know um we interior could probably use a little bit of little bit of uh you think little bit we should make some Cross Beam that would look nice yeah we’re just a little bit vertically constricted put it on top of here right next to put it on either side of this actually put like Cherry along either side toss the Cherry I have only 20 that’s [Music] fine like that and then all the way along I don’t know it kind of just looks like a stripe I don’t think that looks that [Music] good press the process I’m I’m not trusting the process um it is not public but applications join application open before every season for Content creators I’m trying to get like famous so far it’s not working so well well just you know keep I don’t know how you’re trying to get famous but you know keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll get better at it I don’t know yeah I told you it looks like a stripe I was not trust in the process the one like the one that’s actually attached to the beam on the inside though looks decent this side though honestly I don’t even think either them look decent I was thinking we just put a flat roof there not out of spruce cuz that would be like the same color as the walls uh so just put dark oak maybe I don’t know it Stills the same texture as spru though and for a big surface like a roof yeah so what are we going to do another deep slate brick um let’s do like deep slate brick moment do we got what know I know also we got like these things like right here what these yes and if we break them it’s outside huh that pretty cool actually we could just put slabs there oh wait put that one going to fix it you can’t place two different slabs in one block like fortnite and stuff you play Minecraft more or you know keep up the content whatever or and you’ll get [Music] there it just takes time and hard work and you know dedication and stuff all the all the good stuff that was really close to punching you there yeah um in the bigger bit like the bigger roof bit we could just do like a like a like another floor as well we could have like a little ladder up and it could just be like extra storage or something I us just cover it up cuz you can really only you can barely even move I don’t know it’s usually just not worth it and it’s like a weird space to work with yeah well I’ve kind of lost hope well you know your content will slowly improve the more videos you publish you got to be consistent with making videos you know you just got to keep going can why do we have so much coal we the skeletons cool but I like I’ve already turned coal like I’ve already put some in the furnaces oh wait hold on did you when you broke the furnaces you turned it back into coal blocks that’s what happened all right what very cool um um Chad pick up pick up block for the roof your most you has like 1.3k that’s not bad yeah that’s that’s pretty good if you’re starting [Music] out um I can remove the dirt scaffolding [Music] now um ew tall grass and I’ll get a screenshot of it prove that I made a starter house can you can you can you break the crafting table uh we’re going to go to cam wait we’re going to go to Atmosphere we’re going to go sun and moon we’re going to change this to like I still think there should be some more windows oh on the size well that doesn’t matter for the screenshot okay hold on uh the shaders are applying um I yeah the sides are like really bare where the Sun at I’m going to do more it do really matter for the X tier cuz nobody’s actually going to look there cuz it’s kind of the sides are kind of like I mean one of them is like pretty much against the mountain and one of them is facing like nothing um like the screenshot more what [Music] where hold on I’m taking a screenshot a says that they like it I got to fix the lighting a little bit more thank you P I totally did this myself all me yo get out of the screenshot buddy [Music] but I’m looking all cinematic and I’ll tou you we’re going to enable the time changer I’m going to change the time to like not that that’s uh not that good change the time to I’m back we’ll change it to 50 where’s my window open oh um maybe hey I think his game crashed I was just changing the time too fast with ultra settings and then it um it went to the saving World screen and that’s when I went [Laughter] oh yeah I think that um I think his game might have crashed a little bit guys No Cap just a just a riddle bit just a riddle don’t worry it’s opening back up we’re like we’re like we’re like basically back in game we’re like Jeff Bezos we’re basically in game right now unfortunate yeah he clashed we are basically in game OBS OBS just won’t capture my game I’m on the server and OBS still Ain Capt so I’m going give it a moment oh I still got the ultra shaders on you hit me nuh-uh then why was I on fire huh pay up uh I don’t know maybe it was maybe it was the sunlight the sunlight buddy buddy said the sunlight I think it might have been the sunlight you don’t get enough of it so you got lit in fire buddy buddy buddy said the sunlight buddy said the sunlight okay goodbye time changer it’s actually like basically the same time when I turned the time changer off turn the shaders to low and then and then we’re good we good again hi hold on it’s like it’s like loading it’s like said the just had to it’s uh still loading oh yeah and we’re on 45 of okay anyways pay up again pay up pay up pay up pay up let me go get a normal diamond and not a diamond block you still have to give it to me at some point I’m not going to punch you you yep well you’re not going to make me not right [Music] now why do I pay him if I hit him uh we have a pacifist challenge cuz we kept killing each other this season and last season yeah well I would just be on at all times last season and you would just come by my base and just attack me for no reason well we would always be next to each other we had the same base no even after I moved like once cuz I was in a call with Rowan and I took your cherry leaves or something uh-huh yeah but you hit me just as much you can’t make this just about me hitting you like you do the same thing like yeah but usually I was hitting you in self-defense like most of my hits on you were from self-defense I’m not going to say that didn’t start some attacks as well I don’t know about that I don’t know you stole my cherry leaves and and I murdered you was was pretty funny I was going to murder you yeah and I and I almost murdered you yeah and that was it was pretty funny on your end I was having a bad day funny so it really wasn’t that funny on my end honestly dude that was hilarious uh-huh yeah uhuh I need more cherry logs I’m I’m adding more windows cuz you wanted me to I’m actually going to copy that [Music] screenshot [Music] oh right um what was I doing oh yeah getting Cherry [Music] logs and then we’re almost done and then we just uh mob farm mob farm we still need to figure out a block for the roof on the inside uh I can figure that out bamboo why’ you say it like that bamboo um what about stripped have you even checked the test what test a chest chest chest for what what’s the chest why’d you go silent okay whatever he like whatever he died all right I got this amount of logs that should be I got a stack and 40 that should be enough um I already plant those trees though you little oblivious boy well you never mentioned anything about a chest and we have a lot of chests so the wood chest you’re cutting down all the cherry trees for wood oh we have we have a lot it’s fine it doesn’t really matter um not really a lot we have a some um do I want to supposed to replant the spruce tree no I mean we don’t really need Spruce Wood anymore you could probably just get rid of those honestly they don’t look that good do you need to go that’s fine thanks for stopping by yeah they destroy the scenic I’ll see you later man 1 2 SC four 5 six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 so halfway be like two and an efficiency 5 axe you can’t insta mine logs yep it’s stupid not even with a netherite axe like [Music] bro yeah at least give the netherite axe some usefulness cuz so far all it does is increase damage and durability durability is a big they have so much nobody’s going to be using an axe enough that they need that extra durability really uh I mean like what you’re going to even if you’re chopping down a whole Forest you don’t need that extra durability uh kind of I mean diamond stuff really doesn’t last that long it’s so worth it to go for netherite but we really should have have gotten insta mine for logs I mean you can mine logs your bed now good night yeah all right good night connecting I’m new to the stream what is going on I’m just finishing up the the house bill going where are you working on right now uh just general tasks okay like right now I’m going to buy some food cuz I’m out you want to add some windows you can just you just got to do the same thing on the other side what about downstairs Duncan well downstairs would look bad in the exterior and where would we put them we have a staircase straight down the middle I think having them up there is perfectly fine not every wall needs to have a window on it that would just be too much especially for a wooden house like this ain’t some of that modern stuff this adds a little something to the side of the house the side of the sides of the house are pretty bare but not that it matters too much they’re both kind of facing nothing so I’m not like super worried I’m just going to do the same thing at the front I add like the trap doors to the side of shutters and then add like stairs up and down I have those I does not know how to put gravel into the right chest it’s like basically a decoration block uhhuh yeah but it it’s it’s a block that’s useful enough that it has its own category okay I just forget that we have a gravel chest cuz no one actually makes a gravel chest not going to lie um we have more of those dark oak trap doors we do never mind oh we have more dark oak right a little bit I’ll just turn the rest into trap doors actually we need uh eight on each side we need 16 trap doors we don’t even have enough we don’t have enough dark oak saplings and grow them with PL Trail makers Airborne what I got the saplings okay [Music] me personally I would put wood saplings in the wood chest okay why uh because if if I’m just looking for everything wood like I would put saplings in there cuz if I if I need okay if I need to get wood I’m looking in the wood chest to see if we have the wood first and then if we don’t have the wood then I’m the second thing I’m going to go to is the sapling to plant the tree so I’d rather just that just be in the same chest and it would still make sense there I mean sure it makes sense in nature but I’d I don’t know it doesn’t really matter but like it really does not matter at all but [Music] yeah it would just all be in the same place all right done all our saplings are in our wood [Music] chest you happy now I don’t really care that much you still need to go into the nature chest to get the bone meal so uh I guess besides Minecraft what’s your favorite game um let’s see well fortnite technically the game I have the most hours in outside of Minecraft absolutely absolutely I’ve played fortnite twice y the first time it was 15 minutes the second time it was probably like 2 hours um Terraria is probably my most hours in a game outside of M inecraft I then I would go rocket league and then probably like Call of Duty zombies but rocket league and ter are mostly cuz I was playing with Parker not but I mean I still think they would be like top five I do like cod zombies but they looky fell off after bo3 um Cold War was the only acceptable one after bo3 can’t why but maybe maybe the Cod 2024 will bring it back we can only help but Vanguard zombies was so bad well cod vanguards as a whole was horrible actually cod as a whole recently has been horrible I mean their campaign is like 3 hours long bro no oh my God Derek is here yes is this like a miracle maybe hope Cod goes up I don’t really care about Call of Duty multiplayer or like even the campaigns I like the zombies though Eric we fixed the house I mean I fix the house saw you fixed the house buddy fixed the buddy buddy buddy that is so crazy buddy that is so crazy buddy that is so that is so crazy there there you saw right I fixed the house yeah yeah yeah I saw that the house was fixed um yeah you saw the house was fixed you didn’t see who fixed the house I mean glowing helped but like no it was me it was all me he did nothing uhhuh don’t believe it’s lies sure buddy yeah can you mine that dark oak tree what do you mean or did you already mine it can I have the wood there’s like two two and a half stacks in our chest just go in the wood chest okay but now that the house is finished like we can just like mob farm Derek you came back for the most fun part yeah yay who’s the guy that just joined that’s Derek our other uh friend aom living in this [Music] house W man yeah I mean like PE Cod Modern Warfare 2 we we I said I don’t play multiplayer story time I have a story time okay I’ll be down there in a second OWI in my opinion Peak Cod was Black Ops 3 Black Ops well for COD zombies it was 100% Black Ops 3 kind of Black [Music] Ops I mean we’re we’re about to get a bunch from digging this out so I don’t care that’s why I said that’s that’s that’s why I said he could have it only for a price though and house you’re also going to have an infinite supply of deep slate after you build the tunnel Boris bro you get so much deep slate if you actually go by and collect it all but will I but I’m just I’m trying to be rich not in deep slate but in diamonds you know yeah but you will be rich in diamonds if you sell deep slate but but I cannot pick it up like if I were to have sold deep slate earlier in the game like earlier in the season last season I would have been rolling absolutely so I bad at typing you’re good bro bo3 zombies is just so Peak dude like they were just like have you seen like any cod zombies map tier lists like all the maps are from bo3 like like all like the top five are just like the bo3 maps oh and then they had the zombie Chronicles DLC like a year like the next cods game had come out but they went back to bo3 for uh the uh the zombie Chronicles DLC which brought remakes to a bunch of good maps yeah derzon Ro is the best map of all time Origins is the second best which was a BO2 map BO2 was also really good but the maps are very hit and miss it’s either like the worst map of all time or the best map of all time like there’s no in between like they had Die Rise which was known to be the worst zombies map of all time or they have Origins which is like most people’s which is a lot of people’s favorite so they got both you guys going to join yeah one seconding I just doing it on my own right now well I’m finishing up the house I saw something I wanted to add and I got distracted whoops uh Derek the only thing we need to add is a ceiling to the inside but we didn’t know what block to use so we kind of just put it off okay so we got an ideas we want to use use it for that yeah’s just going to have two Mega bases or maybe just one we don’t know uh we’ll see I don’t know cuz we only have 6 months so I don’t know if you’re going to do the the mega six month a year it’s kind of just when people lose interest yeah nothing’s set in stone at all so we’ll see I’m personally not going to lose interest just because I like hanging out with people but I I doubt I’ll lose interest either I I didn’t even lose interest last season like I was about to get back to it I was just you were just busy yeah I was just busy I didn’t have I forgot to pay you didn’t pay up like if I had the time I would have been on just Java I just had so much time I was actually back at my computer like my main setup and I was just enjoying life I did that whole like uh industrial district thing no but what do you mean no yeah no I didn’t yeah you got to add the yah before it and then sorry Activision is doing Dy thing isn’t it damn that’s crazy I said sorry wait why am I dumping my inventory here I’ll bring I’ll whip out the chest again glowing let’s go I’m sorry what I’ll be your chest anytime sorry I have to quote that literally every time you you say something about a chest a chest where we like dumped our stuff all right I get I guess I get the back one yeah you can have the bigger one I don’t really care I didn’t bring my water bucket n it doesn’t matter someone did H someone had a very full inventory when they Min this me can we like stop the throwing chickens down here yeah no I was only doing it doing it for for for for a little bit it just kind of accumulates a lot he like already did it yesterday and now we’re now I’m going to be picking up chickens and eggs and filling them my inventory you know how much raw meat is everywhere I know someone in the Stream is not Canadian but how they say sorry sorry oh yeah Sor a very with a very American accent I don’t say sorry you just don’t really have a Canadian accent no I say the Canadian things but I don’t like I over apologize why my music stopped I talk for too long never mind oh no I grew up with you tub [Music] so anyway’s going you said you had a story time oh yeah so it’s not really much of a story time but uh I was talking to my dad the other day and he was talking about how he uh he was talking like a like a 15-year-old uh to one of the the kids cuz he works at as an EA which is like a youth worker at a middle school and and he was talking like a 15-year-old so he was talking to this kid cuz someone shoved the toilet or the the soap dispenser in the toilet or something um that and also an umbrella and so the kid that he was talking to uh he my my dad asked the kid If he if he knew who did it and the kid responded with no but I can find out and he said all right once you find out just tell me we’ll keep it on the down low and that was that was what he thought talking like a 15-year-old was like and I was just like okay I mean I would probably say down low I don’t really think that’s that crazy but that’s not a that’s not a new term yeah and that’s not something that we would really say that much like that’s not talking like a 15-year-old that’s just a term that’s Lally like my grandma says that well I got a story time well let me well do it I got a story time chat on September 11th 20 okay 2008 I was born worst day of my life no on September 11th 2001 New York don’t worry don’t worry my bad that was not that was not the best story time that’s my fault a couple kissed at 7:00 a.m. in the morning I got I got a better one I got a better don’t ask what happened after um in Germany [Laughter] uh I he seed keep it on the mute would be better for real what bro I hate these layers where it’s a mix of stone and deep slate cuz like it’s like it’s like satisfying insta Mining and then you get that like one block that isn’t that you can’t insta mine honestly like a full deep slate layer is better than this B the end of that sentence is a shop sold pizza for real bro on September 11 2001 suddenly all the airports in the US decided to close I don’t know why wa all the flights got cancelled that was a little weird just random coincidence the airspace was shut down just yeah so so so crazy so crazy yeah I don’t know someone must have messed up like the times or something I I don’t know something happens um no that was before I was born yeah I wouldn’t know before I was born too now I know who schlags chat huh huh schlat J is that what is that what you mean by schlag I don’t know I don’t know what he means by schlag oh and then he said is now I know who is schlags chat oh they have totems too okay say yeah [Music] um do I have a story time well I have a lot of story times but I’ve have told a lot St based off of hermitcraft absolutely this is like a carbon copy of hermitcraft but mil doing my own thing next season actually not I’m not well it’s not this well I’m not going to be on next season you made a ceiling yeah what block do you make it out of uh Crimson planks okay interesting I don’t know how that’s going to look that’s an interesting block of choice isn’t it like red yeah it’s like it’s purple o actually red purple I’m going I’m going to take a look I’m going to take a lookie yeah that might look good with the the um the bark of the Cherry I’mma take a looky overpowered loot R take a bad I it’s very it’s a very different color yeah oh actually you know what very vibrant you know what it kind of works in a way yeah it’s weird but it works I don’t know I feel okay I feel to make it better hold on I feel like we should have more we should have more logs like there’s a log here on the outside right so like what if I just added a log right here in the wall yeah and on the other side and on the other side like if we had a little bit more cherry logs actually going up there it would make man that that went down real far cuz we have a basement on that side oh yeah I made a basement F we got hops o Duncan huh can you also make make the trim on the bottom what’s going on clue me in um we’re mining out a hole from a mob farm and we just finished up a house there we go I missed uh most of the actual good house construction okay wait where are the let’s let’s do the same for the back wall where are the logs on the back wall there we go that actually looks nice okay wait right here and right here we got to make pillars I made holes right here this is fire and right here and right behind the chests got it yeah we’ll F that I went out looks good thank got [Music] it I wish there was like an efficiency 5 in chat you could be able to get in an ancient city and insta M deep SL yeah although I do think it’s fair enough I think it’s fair enough that you can’t instam mine deep slate because insta mining insta mining before they added deep slate was a bit broken like if I wanted Stone I would just go to like y level 15 insta mine and I would get so many diamonds and this is when all the ores like spawned hella down there I would get so many diamonds so many iron so much gold so so much of everything it was honestly broken I feel like fair enough that we can’t in some my deep SL I think I I’m honestly fine with that just and like it’s not like there isn’t ways around it like you could blow it up still all I’m saying is that with haste to and efficiency 5 on you can so which I think honestly I think it’s better to have it so you can’t instant mine deep slate I mean honestly this one goes to Java Edition yeah they made the right call can you instamine wood on Bedrock you should I feel like you should be able to inst wood though oh yeah absolutely how can you inst deep slate with not Inson wood that’s crazy you’re back what’s up Charlie to be fair there’s no logic in in in like e how easy it is to break stuff because glass exists uh I mean unless you just want me to expect that smelting normal sand turns glass into Bulletproof glass that needs to be mined like but also breaking it with your fist and breaking it with a pickaxe take the same amount of time would that be realistic that’s CU glass just shatters what you just you can shatter a glass like the same with your fist and with a pickaxe I mean actually it would be much easier with a pickaxe but yeah exactly but it wouldn’t it’s not that hard to do it with your fist though especially if it can punch down trees well yeah I understand that the player is super strong but why doesn’t glass break faster I don’t know oh there’s so much deep sled I hate it like I get like little pockets of insta mine but like old deep slate it feels gross two two types of blocks to be able to insta mine it would be like logs and honestly just wood and like just glass being able to instamine glass I don’t care too much cuz I don’t really find myself in a spot where I’m mining glass that much no but if you make a like a like a thing out of glass Bedrock they could change the the spawn rates of or for yeah I’m still live I stream until 5 Jakob well most of the time it’s 4 it kind of depends on what we’re doing and like kind of how energetic we still are at four yeah but if you know the stre at four but this is if the stream is going good we we go to five you know if the stream is kind of going not so good then we just end at four do you do SMP stuff or no I’m playing SMP right now and this is for YouTube videos this this will be in a YouTube video I should record reper mod I have been so it’s fine it was only like a couple layers and going that way I was picking up some blocks I’m going to dump my inventory same uh I don’t I’m not too sure if I’ll even make this into a time lapse cuz I think for the video I wanted like last time I think the problem the LA the last video took too long till I was actually like working on getting netherite I don’t know I think how big is this damn farm going to be uh it’s going to be really big pretty big yeah it gets you a lot of mob drops a lot of gunpowder all stuff that we can sell and use for rockets and and TNT and it’s actually really easy to build it’s just a bunch of like it’s mostly just a bunch of slab platforms for them to spawn on yeah it just takes so much time mining it out what was I going to get I was getting something public or private uh private but applications open up for Content creators before the start of each season but then will be for like 6 7even months what’s the TNT for La well last season it was for something uh this season we don’t have a plan yet uh the TNT would probably be for Min Nether and then yeah right what what did I what what why did I go here what was I looking for I thought you empting your inventory I did and then I was going to look for something in our chest I don’t know I’m going to jump back down and immediately remember I hope you do so I have to go all the way back up yeah M Derek where you at I am just quickly making an entrance for the pumpkin farm cuz feel like it tell you there oh there’s so much deep SL now feel Bland but whatever can I just go to all deep slate all deep slate is 100% way better much lower do we have to make it we’re going to Y level zero so we’re almost done oh sick you’re going to get your villagers working and you’re you’re going to build a mega string duper cool who’s doing that Jacob nice um make sure you record that after I get netherite I’ll be doing I’ll be finishing the the getting rich video by you know and then we just got to doing all the diamond mining strategies by doing shops bro and then um um I might make a shop yeah we’ll probably we’ll make a shop but my next goal will be the cherry bossom tree so I’ll just make a cherry Leaf farm and a cherry log Farm Cherry Leaf Farm is technical oh yeah that’s right that was just an idea we we’ll think about it I don’t we sell we’re going to sell mob drops oh and we’re also going to sell books right yeah and fireworks yeah okay fireworks sold like hot cakes last season yeah I mean they always do same books books always sell like hotak totems as well oh my God I made Bank off totems oh yeah raid Farms are nice but I’m not too worried about that cuz like someone like totem shop we we have some totems and I don’t know I’m not going to pay for a totem if it’s uh a like more than one Diamond per totem I’ll do one Diamond per totem cuz I don’t really care yeah one d diamond per totem is fine but more than that I mean I could make a raid Farm it honestly it takes like an afternoon to make a raid Farm it’s like it takes like 2 hours can you sell me copper slabs no get the copper yourself and then make it into slabs but like including transporting the Villager and setting it up and stuff I would say it’s more closer to an afternoon and you know getting the materials and stuff but I mean building itself doesn’t take that long I don’t know easier than the mob farm honestly the mob farm soone is digging I mean technically I could I mean technically I could build the mob farm above ground but it would just be ugly nice nice bro this is so horrible it feels so gross what about lime glazed terracotta why would we sell that it’s very specific they gave me nine buggies instead of 10 what are buggy well I know buggies from Terraria the fish bait that you get from the jungle a bar playing Minecraft down Z right yeah three more blocks story we won be next stream uh tomorrow at the same time I’m playing TR makers and trying to make a mortar nice I’m going to head off and play some fortnite all right see you later thanks for stopping by we better get a victory Royale huh what is that you ready one one two three four there we go I was going to split the diamonds anyway so I thought I would get four hits in oh okay nine oh you got you got McDonald’s nuggies and you got nine instead of 10 D oh honestly the only the only time a restaurant has massively like messed up my order is that went to mod pizza and I asked for a and I got a like a small I got a small pizza and they gave me a they gave me a large but for the price of a small pizza and I would not complaining I got a big one Suffering From Success that’s the most damage I’m going to do to you on the season block it off I mean it it would it a lot of pizzas it was it was a w 100% I think we’re fully in TR to get the pitchforks for real bro they got to give you that extra nugie last level right other than other than the extra blocks like toughen and andesite yeah I think [Music] so so I believe that it’s all deep slated at zero and Below right yeah your thing just froze what about kelp blocks no we aren’t going to sell you the random stuff that you desire get it yourself the only reason I would make a kelp Farm is if I wanted bone meal personally I would just hook it up to like a a bone meal Farm couldn’t you make like a couldn’t you make like a cuz think about it you can make like an exp form if you did like bamboo and kelp cuz you could have bamboo for the fuel and kelp for uh the cook and then it would be it would be an exp form yeah a passive X Farm yeah but also someone else got a small pizza instead of a large the price of the large h um yeah we went to mod with Parker is me my older brother my younger brother I me with my neighbor before they moved to Utah yo need yo have chunk loader huh you need yo have chunk loader for real oh actually that says louder I need to have my chunk louder guys what does that mean hey no diamond pay up pay up it was a misclick [Music] boo I speak an algorithm well your algorithm needs some better spelling that how you spell [Music] alith here’s your one Diamond Mr I was at a flat 52 Oho now you have 49 like the 49ers who lost the Super Bowl I’m not a football dude I just like the Super Bowl parties cuz there’s a lot of food yeah but like honestly I don’t even go to superv parties anymore cuz the the the Seahawks stopped doing good bro when they when they win the Super Bowl in like when they win their last Super Bowl in like 2014 but they fell off so hard they like like stopped doing good whatsoever they were selling like swear they used to be good like swear they used to like make it in the Super Bowl sometimes you know they don’t do that no more had the same culture that that uh that that football has cuz I would go to a Stanley Cup party but once again the Vancouver Canucks are not good same same thing with this as the Seahawks the Canucks are not like they’re doing really well uh this year they’re like number one in the league or something Seahawks is not do so good this year I mean I don’t really follow with it but I didn’t make it into the playoff into the playoffs so it doesn’t even matter I’m just paying attd is 247 are number one in the league the last time they were number one in the league was like 20 years ago or something I don’t know how many years ago it was it was a long time ago though they have not been they they’ve never won a Stanley Cup and they are one of the first hockey teams to ever exist so Boos yeah like Jacob’s going to get a a Canuck tattoo I wouldn’t be that into it to get a tattoo I can’t lie something on my body for a sports team I mean I’m not into sports whatsoever but I mean like even for a sports guy that’s kind of a lot cuz uh yeah they’re kind of permanent I don’t know about that bro what do you mean bro you so mad about the one Nuggie he’s mad cuz he’s missing some meat don’t worry I’ll give him his extra meat tonight your school is starting an official dodgeball team that’s sick dude honestly I would huh you hit me I didn’t even click I genuinely didn’t even click I don’t know how that hey flat 50 H you’ll hit me don’t worry but you hit me more than I do so I’ll likely go up like with varsity and JV dude that is sick I wish my scho a dodgeball team yeah oh my God that would that would be fire Varsity dodgeball has got to go crazy is that what baseball players do in their off season bro they they they be pelting that ball bro they want to replace my food in fridge in my fridge with money dude you should come to my house I I don’t want you to do that yeah how much do did the item cost that’s Point like is it a good conversion I’m a try out bro I’m I’m a x short stop all right go crazy oh you going to be like competing against other schools is like the whole District going to be doing uh dodge ball that’s crazy huh that’s pretty cool yeah my school just has like the usual stuff football we got a pretty good marching band um we got has nothing I pay one penny less a private school so pennies are irrelevant we did the science lab where uh we uh we dissolved pennies like the inside of them cuz like only the outside of a penny is copper like they’re only like 2% copper so like only the outside is copper so we shaved down uh four little we shaved down a little bits off the penny to expose the zinc and then we put it in this acid and then it uh dissolve the zinc and then it was just a copper shell of a penny and then we weighed and we’re like oh my God pennies are 2% copper and 98% zinc we have Mr Richards who is Mr Richards I don’t know like big hole that’s almost a worse name than boom quea your entire family watches football so you’re kind of forced to keep up yeah my dad watches football but the rest of my family isn’t big on it do you guys enjoy school no uh-huh I just dread Mondays bro I’m just a make it to Friday type of guy yeah just got to make it to Friday bro but we we we finished big hole yours is boring as hell ours is probably also boring like my school is really boring glowing your school’s kind of like hella short though and you don’t even have Fridays like but you can’t even complain bro I have almost three stacks of iron blocks boom boom queer oh actually my h those are my are they’re my Ender Chest boom quea and shorts M I go to the dump look for computer parts and get gold out of it and sell it only very old computers had slight bits of gold yeah I don’t think that that would actually be very profitable not really I mean I mean You’ get the parts for free but it kind of just be a waste of time I don’t know maybe it’s a w sideous so but all right what else what else should we do I I’m I’ll just build the mob farm off stream cuz it’s boring I mean I could guess it would be fine for stream content but I I have to watch a tutorial for the first bit to make sure I get the height in like spacing and stuff right and then and then I can do the rest um what do you mean you don’t have Fridays oh yeah I just don’t have school on Friday yeah Friday is like extra help day dude I wish and bro you bro like you can literally sleep in on school days dude I have to wake up at 6 wait sleep in is a bit of a is a bit of an overstatement okay what time do you have to leave for school me personally like what8 8:45 8:45 dude I wish did I would wake up in time for that on the weekend like that’s sleeping in for me that’s just cuz I’m used to waking at 6 sleeping in because I have to wake up at 600 most of the week so my body is kind of just used to that like I wake up at like 7:30 on the weekend oh hell no well I’m forced to wake up dude I have to leave for school at 6:30 all right that’s when the bus three hours after I go to sleep exactly this is why you’re lucky bro you wake up at 5: yeah most people in my school wake up at 5: I just don’t really do anything in the morning yeah me neither I kind of just like wake up and leave what the sorry but what did he do I punched him down I’m not allowed to punch Duncan so do it I’m standing right on the edge I’m standing right here glowing right here is it really worth it I get G game time for a bit I wake up at 2 a.m. and then I just stay awake that’s crazy I can never wake up at 2 a.m. my other brother wakes up at like four I think for work bro has the night shift we at 4 to work at Blue origin but he he he works he only has to work three days a week um but it’s it’s I think it’s like it’s like 12h hour days so he works 36 hours but he gets paid for four for 40 hours since he has to like get up so early since it’s so early in the morning so yeah 36 hours could space for 40 he likes it cuz then he has like the rest of the week off I would do that too you wake up at at like 5: in the morning yeah yeah that seems like a like a pretty common Trend yeah for high school she like five people wake up W up pretty early people people wake up pretty early waking up that early dude it just feels so awful Jacob wakes up that early but that’s cuz he works out which I don’t believe actually doing it consist like waking up early one time is fine like if I have to wake up at like 3 to catch a flight to you know wherever like I’ve done that it’s not that bad but dude uh yeah even if we remove the blocks to the Mo to the uh villager breeder it wouldn’t work we’re missing a bed then we make another bed that’s what I’m doing all right well I don’t know there’s not much else to do right now so I’m probably going to end it here we kind of I kind of finished everything I wanted to do I wanted to finish the house and I think it looks pretty good and finish digging out the hole so I think I think we’re going to end it here yeah I think the I think the ending here would would work so we’re going to get some good lighting we’re going to get in front of the house and we’re going to say goodbye boom good enough lighting we’re going to turn on Ultra Ultra all right Shadow quality is about to get a massive bump you have a view bobbing mod uh feather client has minimal view bobbing oh also how my camera tilts that’s a mod called camera overhaul um it’s still loading Ultra in fact take your take your take your armor off too okay and to away 20 frames 40 40 okay 45 ofv all right goodbye everyone I’ll see you on the next one later bye everyone oh

This video, titled ‘Becoming the RICHEST Member on This Minecraft SMP!’, was uploaded by DillPickle on 2024-03-03 00:44:18. It has garnered 142 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:30 or 9090 seconds.

I’ll be trying to become the richest member on the JustJava SMP!

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    🔥 EPIC Gamer Legends - LIVE: Blaze SMP Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE: Minecraft on the Blaze SMP’, was uploaded by Legends gamer on 2024-05-30 07:52:18. It has garnered 80 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:57 or 7077 seconds. Join my discord server! https://discord.gg/P6XHpJdRsU Roblox:https://www.roblox.com/users/1229011144/profile GAME LINK: https://www.twitch.tv/blazeplayz9999 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge 😱🔥 #shorts #viral

    Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge 😱🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour 🔥 #shorts #viral #trending #minecraft #shortvideo #shortfeed #ytshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by AnkushplaysMC on 2024-05-17 18:25:00. It has garnered 12713 views and 792 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of FAIR USE. @SenpaiSpider… Read More

  • RealWorld

    RealWorldWelcome to our Minecraft haven! Dive into a colossal 30,000 by 30,000 block world filled with endless wonders. Here, the possibilities are as vast as the terrain itself. Sharpen your skills with MCmmo, becoming a true master of mining, combat, and more. Forge alliances and build thriving communities using Towny, fostering a unique camaraderie among players. Streamline your gameplay with Essentials, making your adventures seamless. Navigate this expansive world effortlessly with our detailed Dynmap, a cartographic masterpiece at your fingertips. But that’s not all – we’ve also introduced a gold-based economy, enabling you to trade and barter with fellow adventurers…. Read More

  • Ender Craft SMP 1.20.4

    Server Name: Ender Craft SMP Owners: BoomitsBrenda, Dash610 Extra Worlds: Creative World, The Void (Dedicated event/mini game world) Today is opening day at Ender Craft SMP! We have a fresh world just waiting for new players with loads of features: 1 player sleep Player Markets Custom Enchantments Custom Armor Mini Games Custom biomes Protected Claims Player/Entity Teleport Options Protected Post Office Live Map Rules: Rated Mature server (18+), no spamming/advertising, no politics, harassment, racism, PvP is fair game outside of Spawn and Player Claim areas Join our discord to get started! 😊 https://discord.gg/rZe2XBgd Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Avocado Almighty”

    I guess you could say this vertical slab is truly avoca-dope! Read More

  • Shelfie Mess, Minecraft Stress: Fix it or Regret!

    Shelfie Mess, Minecraft Stress: Fix it or Regret! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We bring you the news in our rhyming vibes. Updates and tutorials, all in a rhyme, Keeping you informed, having a good time. From building tips to new features in the game, We cover it all, without any shame. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Your favorite news reporter, always on the beat, Crafting Minecraft news with a rhythmic feat. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin, Bringing you the latest, let the rhymes begin. So join… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme

    Spicy Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • My First Minecraft House

    My First Minecraft House Minecraft PE #5: Building a Home and Meeting Skeleton Horse “Haddi” In the fifth episode of Minecraft PE, the player embarks on an exciting journey to build their first home. Along the way, they encounter a unique skeleton horse, which they affectionately name “Haddi”. The video showcases the player’s creativity and survival skills in the Minecraft world. Exploring Survival Series in Minecraft PE The Minecraft PE survival series is a popular gameplay format where players navigate the challenges of the game to build, survive, and thrive in the virtual world. It requires strategic thinking, resource management, and quick decision-making… Read More

  • Grandma McFlurry’s ULTIMATE Showdown! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 10

    Grandma McFlurry's ULTIMATE Showdown! - Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 10Video Information This video, titled ‘Grandma McFlurry Judgement Day! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 10 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-04 04:40:36. It has garnered 37392 views and 1211 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:22 or 9262 seconds. Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Power: Arox Ascends to God

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Power: Arox Ascends to GodVideo Information This video, titled ‘Breaking Minecraft With Superhero Mods To Become God’, was uploaded by Arox on 2024-03-24 15:15:02. It has garnered 30840 views and 1413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:32 or 572 seconds. It’s so Gojover ~-~-~-~ LIKE if you want to see more videos like this in the future! SUBSCRIBE to see more of my content! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtA2e4sExK466Dgnmve1Wlw?sub_confirmation=1 Join my Discord server ► https://discord.gg/RvmU3uN6Hn Follow me on Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/aroxagain Follow me on Tiktok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@aroxagain #minecraft #super #superhero It’s pronounced air-rocks. Enjoy the video. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Insane God Seed in Minecraft 1.21 🔥 #BLSm10 #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE! Insane God Seed in Minecraft 1.21 🔥 #BLSm10 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft God Seed | 1.19 |1.20 |1.21 #BLSm10 #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by BLS m10 on 2024-04-06 00:17:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft God Seed | 1.19 |1.20 |1.21 #BLSm10 #viral #minecraft minecraft skin minecraft skin thumbnail minecraft pe minecraft … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Warden vs IronGolem!

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Warden vs IronGolem!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Warden vs IronGolem: The Clash of Titans in Minecraft!”‘, was uploaded by Rahul Basista YT on 2024-03-12 17:00:49. It has garnered 1074 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:32 or 512 seconds. 200 Wardens Vs 2000 IronGolems | Minecraft | IOS mobile gameplay MINECRAFT | IOS MOBILE GAMEPLAY| 200 WARDENS VS 2000 IRONGOLEMS| EPIC BATTLE MINECRAFT NEW UPDATE 1.21.71 #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes 1. #Minecraft 2. #MinecraftGameplay 3. #MinecraftTutorial 4. #MinecraftBuilding 5. #MinecraftSurvival 6. #MinecraftAdventure 7. #MinecraftMods 8. #MinecraftServers 9. #MinecraftMultiplayer 10. #MinecraftCreative 11. #MinecraftRedstone 12. #MinecraftLetsPlay 13. #MinecraftChallenge 14. #MinecraftWorld… Read More

  • Zombie Piglin Ranks Up in Brawl Stars 🤯🔥 #Minecraft

    Zombie Piglin Ranks Up in Brawl Stars 🤯🔥 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Brawl star Rank push Zombie Piglin 💪…#minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by I_SHOW_SOME on 2024-05-24 10:31:00. It has garnered 10781 views and 288 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Brawl star Rank push Zombie Piglin 💪…#minecraftshorts #minecraft Tags – #minecraftshorts #minecraft #trendingshorts #viral Thanks for watching guys 😄😉 Read More

  • SURVIVAL MADNESS: BennySoChill City Build 🔥

    SURVIVAL MADNESS: BennySoChill City Build 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft PS5 Survival Ep 144 – Building A City (Playing with Viewers)’, was uploaded by BennySoChill on 2024-04-10 04:24:06. It has garnered 269 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:38 or 8918 seconds. Welcome to my channel, where I upload gaming videos and also do livestreams! Most of my videos consist of Minecraft and other games. When I livestream I typically livestream Minecraft and GTA. If you enjoy make sure to subscribe thanks! 🎮 ONLINE USERNAMES 🎮 PlayStation: BennySoChill Xbox/Microsoft: BennySoChill DISCORD SERVER: -Discord: https://discord.gg/aJAeFF7bsU MY SOCIALS: -Snapchat: bennysochill -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bennysochill_/ Read More

  • INSANE NEW DRAG MOUSEM!! BedWars Turkish

    INSANE NEW DRAG MOUSEM!! BedWars TurkishVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars Oynuyoruz (Yeni Drag Mousem!!) | Glarios Model 0 | Minecraft BedWars Türkçe’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-18 01:39:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord: https://bit.ly/3wrwNGY ⭐️İnstagram: https://bit.ly/3SHE3pK ⭐️Twitch: https://bit.ly/48iaotb ⭐️VK: … Read More

  • EPIC Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City Duel + Minecraft Anime Roleplay

    EPIC Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City Duel + Minecraft Anime RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City #4 I Pendulum Prism! I Minecraft Anime Roleplay’, was uploaded by RiotStone on 2024-04-05 17:30:01. It has garnered 631 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:26 or 1946 seconds. Hey guys sorry for the worse video quality in this video, my OBS updated and changed the video output scale so it didn’t look right, next video should be back to normal! Subscribe and check out my things My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theriotstone Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Riot_Stone Cast: Harvey – https://youtube.com/@TrueKingRp Ryder – https://www.youtube.com/@Roadkill7111 Cade – https://www.youtube.com/@riotstone Bionic – https://www.youtube.com/@bionicplayz Scroll – https://www.youtube.com/@scrollofwinter8611… Read More


    EPIC MINI MILITARY PACK FOR MINECRAFT PRISMA 3DVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINI MILITARY PACK MINECRAFT FOR PRISMA 3D | #Prisma3D’, was uploaded by Грибок on 2024-01-04 10:44:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Guys, be kind and don’t swear in the comments and show respect to each other 😀 … Read More

  • ratatouille smp

    ratatouille smpsmp with reguarly added mods ijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdfijjdifdsfsdf Read More

  • Celestialrealm Coldwar Edition – Modded

    CelestialRealm Cold War Edition 24/7 Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest-based hub shop and player market. Justice System: Uphold the law and maintain order. Or be a crime boss. Either way, the justice system enhances your experience. Empower Your Avatar:… Read More

  • BanglaVerse

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.banglaverse.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Searching for that one diamond spice 💎

    Minecraft Memes - Searching for that one diamond spice 💎Maybe he’s stuck in a block like a sneaky little blockhead! Read More

  • Muslim Wolf’s Minecraft Mix-Up: Episode 6

    Muslim Wolf's Minecraft Mix-Up: Episode 6 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muslim Wolf roams, living out his dream. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, Each episode a new adventure to see. From mining to farming, his skills are top-notch, Facing challenges head-on, never a botch. With each new chapter, the story unfolds, In the vast world of Minecraft, where legends are told. So join Muslim Wolf on his journey so grand, In the land of blocks, where creativity stands. Watch as he builds, fights, and explores, In the world of Minecraft, where excitement soars. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft!

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More


    EPIC ONE BLOCK WORLD DECORATING | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY The Exciting World of Minecraft One Block Gameplay Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new challenges and adventures within the game. One such popular trend is the Minecraft One Block gameplay, where players are tasked with surviving and thriving on a single block that continuously evolves and changes. Exploring the One Block Challenge The One Block Challenge in Minecraft presents a unique twist to the traditional gameplay. Players start on a single block and must strategically mine and craft their way to expand their world. With each block broken, new resources and challenges emerge, keeping players engaged… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay with Kiki Ch.!

    EPIC Minecraft Gameplay with Kiki Ch.!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft and being humble!! [ Collab MAYBE! ]’, was uploaded by Kiki Ch. on 2024-06-15 11:36:07. It has garnered 1812 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 08:53:56 or 32036 seconds. Thank you my champyons for tuning in to today’s stream! Welcome to Rabbitville ₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎ Support me! Donate: https://streamlabs.com/kikich2 Merch: https://www.nekonexusshop.com/category/kikins Twitter: https://twitter.com/bunnyonvt Send me feedback: https://marshmallow-qa.com/bunnyonvt Buy your very own Kiki Bodypillow! https://diipoo.com/shop/kiki-daki/ ~ Credits: Model artist – https://twitter.com/XI_HO_ Model Rigging – https://twitter.com/XI_HO_ Model touchups – https://twitter.com/necrodeer Model update art – https://twitter.com/diabolik_angle Character sheet – https://twitter.com/Ririchi_NEET… Read More

  • Building a House with a Dumb Dog

    Building a House with a Dumb DogVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Dumb Dog Tries To Build House【UTAHIME MOCHIZUKI | SPECIALITE】’, was uploaded by Utahime Mochizuki | Specialite EN on 2024-04-19 03:12:27. It has garnered 394 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPm_htRQjzhgFikcO_LTvTA/join TREAT UTA?: https://streamlabs.com/utahimemochizuki/tip This game is being streamed and monetized following the guidelines of Mojang. https://www.minecraft.net/ja-jp/terms/r3 My Socials – X(Twitter) : https://x.com/UtahimeMochi — Stream Rules: ~RULES~ COME ON, DON’T ACT UP – English only – Be kind and respectful of others – Please stay on topic – no… Read More

  • 🔥 Diablo EXPLODES on Minecraft Redwins! 🔥

    🔥 Diablo EXPLODES on Minecraft Redwins! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥🔥LIVE ON🔥JOGANDO MINECRAFT NO REDWINS’, was uploaded by Diablo on 2024-03-29 17:44:56. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:45 or 4545 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/CMf2HxnShc Ip: redwins.com.br Mcpe Ip: mcpe.redwins.com.br ignore tags: Rankup server 1.8, Skywars server 1.8, Server with machines 1.8, Minecraft server, Serv, rankup server op pirate 1.8, op, god items , vip, ke, disclosing pirated servers 1.8, 1.8, how to get op on any minecraft server 1.5.2 up to 1.11 force op minecraft all versions how to hack minecraft servers 1.8 Minecraft server 1.7 Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER!

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-02-04 14:00:04. It has garnered 681201 views and 5986 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:56 or 2816 seconds. HUNTERS vs MORPH SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing Minecraft manhunt but Dash can SHAPESHIFT into any mob! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Minecraft SMP Season 5 Recap 🐺 Week #2 Highlights 🔥

    Minecraft SMP Season 5 Recap 🐺 Week #2 Highlights 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🐺 JXT SMP Season 5 💨 | Week #2 RECAP #minecraft #gaming #jxtsmp #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by jxt gaming on 2024-05-20 13:32:04. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:58 or 1318 seconds. Checkout my other media: YouTube Short Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qi… Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jxtgaming101/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2eQkpj47ra Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jxtgaming Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jxtgaming101/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jxtgaming?lan… Twitter: https://twitter.com/jxt_gaming Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jxtgaming101 #minecraft #builds #Minecraftbuilds #bedrockedition #javaedition #jxtgaming #gamingcommunity #gamerslife #consolegamer #gamermemes #gamers #gamer #gamingislife #videogamer #videogames #gamingmemes Read More