Minecraft Spectrum Mod – How to Guide 1.5 Magic Update. Part 3.

Video Information

Welcome to part three of my Spectrum walkthrough this is where we’re going to finish up this mod uh the first thing we need to address are the storm Stones which are these things right here I had done this in the last episode except for this is probably the footage got

Corrupted storm zones are created by lightning strikes on copper rods lightning rods are really good for this because they will attract anything in the thunderstorm and I actually got these by throwing a channeling chart in it at the rod now because the hitbox is so small you really have to hit the rod

For that to show up now these useful things are used in just about everything including the ocean Workshop the enchanting station you name it it’s it’s used in it so it’s very nice to have a bunch of them because you’re going to go through a lot of them

And it’s necessary to unlock some pieces of equipment that will be used later on the next thing we need to do is to purify some of this raw Azure right almost anything that is purified smelted or anything of that nature is going to be done in the fusion Shrine in this

Case it is going to be raw Azurite water neolith and diamonds that was much faster and I thought it was going to be now with this in hand we can make an advancement in a few different areas most note will be in a ring which is needed for something that

Is buried underground and if you’re a bit of a mole rat like I am you’ve probably found one and thought how in the world do I get into this without breaking it I’ll show you this particular recipe starts with a fanciful tough ring which you can just

Make out of tough and regular crafting station Liquid Crystal Azure right blue pigment a tough ring well that tougher that model holy crap that’s that’s kind of fun though so it’s a tough ring goes in your hand now if you look in survival I have two hearts

So the two blue Hearts aren’t necessary so let’s go find that hidden thing underground that was a new treatment to me so I had to go look it up and apparently I’m carrying too much 13. I can’t jump not even a full block

So if I get rid of this and get rid of this I can jump again that’s fascinating no note to self Beware of the amount of strategic you’re carry with you here we are this is what we’re looking for oh these two blue hearts are the same as

Those two blue hearts on my bar if I take that ring off then the hearts go away but as it is can walk through this door and now I can’t the hearts aren’t necessary to gain access which I think is a very clever mechanic because now that I put back on

I have to wait for the heart to come back now there’s these chests scattered into place and there is a puzzle on the inside I’m not going to show you how to break it I’ll let you do that yourself it’s not a difficult one just a hint for

You look at the exit and follow it backwards if you know anything about Redstone it’s not going to be difficult puzzle the real prize comes through this door now in here we have a number of different things and a book so this is to copy enchantments from any

Item into the book but there’s two other items that can spawn in this chest hey look at that music disc that’s nice the other thing that can spot on this chest is called a Jade Vine bulb okay so I’ve been ignoring this for far too long

And now it’s time to deal with it but I wanted to show you something so this is the stuff that eats the Bedrock if we come over here it has consumed all the Bedrock and even the Bedrock is infesting other bedrock now you’re probably asking yourself how

Do we deal with this it’s even turning the lightning rods into this garbage well there’s something called a bottle of decay the screen pigment of raw Azurite neolith and some powder there you go now this is kind of necessary for lots of different reasons because this will Decay away anything

Is reverting to dirt even the original Source blocks all of this was converted same thing goes with the Bedrock all of this Bedrock that’s been eaten apart done here will get converted back to normal bedrock so we’re just gonna drop some of this right about here and watch the show foreign Here is converting still inside the mountain all the stone all the ore all the inside every everything that was converted is now dirt I think it’s reverted back to its original state Bird’s just fine though if you need lots of dirt this is a way to get dirt

Something else I did want to show you though this is where I put the midnight solution and it came down and hit this lava flow and where it hit the lava actually turned it into terracotta so if you need terracotta throw some midnight solution done it and

As long as you don’t take out the lava source you have endless terracotta and that should be everything returned back to well not completely normal but at least it’s not going to destroy the world anymore and that’s progress in the right direction and now that we’ve created the Decay way

We can make a spirit instiller this as far as I know is the last and final structure or pedestal that is necessary there might be one in the future but for the time being this is the last one in this update so we’re going to go ahead click the little eyeball and we’re

Going to just drop it like right about here now I don’t know if this is a bug or working as intended but according to the structure book there’s no blocks above the Chimes here but there is one required here because if you put the chime up break the block the chime Falls

So you will need a block above the chime or it will not stay foreign there you go I’ve been flying around the world going to the different areas because I’m looking for this this is what we need for the next piece so the bulb can be Resurrected with some liquid Crystal vegetal inside

The distiller and you get a germinated Jade Vine bulb there we go now this is very interesting because it only grows in the Moonlight we expose it to Sun you plant it in the sun it dies almost instantly and you get another Dead one and the after Resurrected

So that’s kind of tough to do because if it has any hint of Sunday completely decays instantly and it needs to grow being attached to a fence actually this might be good case use case for the Ender glass all right so what I’ve done is I’ve set

Up some radiating under glass or some interglass they’ve got a daylight since you’re attached to it if we turn the sensor off the glass goes transparent so this means when it’s night time this should open up but it’s day time it should close because this only needs to have sunlight

Which this is actually probably the most ideal setup we’re just going to attach these like this we’ve got them planted in place and now we wait this is going to take several nights because they only grow mature in this Moonlight of a full moon at the end of

The first full moon cycle will gain some length at the end of I don’t know if the third or fourth one they’ll turn a little reddish pink and then you can right click them with a bottle and you can get the next item out of it now before that

Stage you can right click them with an empty hand and get Jade petals and that will open it up to a couple recipes and the next couple things that you can do while you wait for this to mature and here we have a completed and mature Jane to vibe

And here we have it a completed and mature Jade Vine so we’re just going to right click it with a bottle hey gets the Moonshine we’re gonna take all of this now it says moonshine we get to do something that was desperately needed we get to make a budding obsidian block

It’s like there’s a budding amethyst block and topaz block and the dream block no more making not uh Onyx I said obsidian no more making Onyx bloxes number no more making Onyx in the fusion table when we can just make a block but to do this we need a block of Onyx

Which you make with four pieces of Onyx shards now this recipe requires midnight operation block of Onyx and the Moonstruck nectar now you’ve noticed down here I have the midnight aberration of my bar and it’s slowly decaying when the midnight solution first appears they appear so you want to take these things

And shove them in to adjust as quickly as possible because they’re longer than an inventory the longer they slowly turn into gunpowder so we’re gonna very quickly throw those in there and get the better inventory take of blocks of Onyx put it there and administrate detector there

So now we have a budding Onyx and this is nice because we can set it here and it will just grow Onyx shards for us which is fantastic very handy for these to be renewable taking renewability there’s an item that is provided that you get uh not not

Early on but about halfway through the progress we’ve done called a crystal apoc Theory and with the crystal block of theory does is you place it in a geode and when all the geodes get to be full sized it automatically harvests the entire geode for you which is fantastic

Especially if you’re doing this on top of a yode of any kind just to demonstrate I’m gonna go find one what I’ve done here is I’ve found a geode and I’ve punched out everything so all we have exposed all the budding amethysts and then sped up the tick

Speed so they grow near instantly so we’re going to plop this down and instantly we have two stacks of shards and the longer this sits here it’ll just automatically Farm the shards as they grow saving you quite a bit of time now I imagine with the Ender Hopper

You can actually pull this right into your inner chest these aren’t a geode but very nice very nice I was just on the impression that this had to be placed inside of a bounding boxes of geode but apparently it just needs to be able to set a certain proximity and that’s fantastic news

Because that means you can space these a bit more appropriately and maximize your output because these are going to be the hardest ones for you to get but once you have you know this much and if you’ve got the midnight aberration you can make walls of these things which is fantastic

So while we wait for that to mature I’ve been playing around with the potion workstop and the cinder Hearth and I’ve finally figured something else out here this does do all base vanilla recipes I just happen to pick the one where the recipe is wrong now I don’t know if this

Is by Design or if it was a bug they just got it wrong in the mod but I did file a bug report noting that the recipe for breakdance that they have in here is actually incorrect I also noted the report that the developer saying you’re supposed to be able to make splash

Potions but it’s not working so I also noted that that was broken these both might be bugs and they might be fixed or they might be by Design and I’m just something else I’m not understanding so you know take as a creative assault that this is just something I’ve kind of

Discovered as I’ve played around with this that being said onto the potion making so this is the splash potion for regeneration you see I did one right here now the achievement to move on is to create a level four potion which I figured out how to do we’re going to

Pull the gun powder out Bring it put glowstone dust the Shimmer Stone Gem and some topaz powder in and we’re going to drop in a bottle and that should give us a little more potion that gives a level three potion how very interesting there appears to be some randomization

With how this is generated what I tested this before I got it on the first shot but this time I mean look at all the potions I made to get that one but it does work this recipe does work I imagine there are others that do too but this is the only

One I found that would produce an accurate regeneration three and I had a chance of making a return Edition four so with that out of the way let’s have a chat about the cinder hearth so for the cinder Hearth this runs off of the experience or or the knowledge

Gem and ink now the thing you need to bear in mind for this is the orange ink is absolutely necessary for the Hearth to run at all these other ink gives different bonuses the black one will reduce the cost of everything else in the book it tells you what each ink does

And if in your interface and you click right here you can see the bonuses you get for actually using the hearth or melting Redstone you can get redstone and glowstone you can get diamonds you know there’s a few different variations but for the most part it is dependent on

What other colors you have here how much there is now the other thing to bear in mind is you can only have as much ink in here as it is an equal Mountain here see how here I’ve got 3.66 K here I’ve also got 3.66 K so if this is very low and

Your bottle is two you’re gonna need to refill it before you can move the filters back up just a matter of dropping the ore in and it will smelt down now it is faster than regular furnace but because you’re smelting it you’re not always guaranteed

The same type of rate as you would for using efficiency 5 to break it this looks like about everyone orders giving you about two of these and I already got one diamond out of it that’s fantastic it’s a hit or miss it wasn’t not getting that straight diamond or whatever is

Worth smelting all this extra ore for this brings us back to our Color Picker now the thing I figured out with this while playing around with those is that this is kind of necessary for some of these other functions and I imagine when the next update comes out

It’ll be more necessary I’ve taken ink flask from the center hearth and if I shift and right click with the brush I get these uh this little display menu if I click yellow and then orange because I have the orange ink flask on me in my inventory

And face right click I can shoot Blobs of orange paint I can appropriately color anything that is considered a spectrum block and wool plus sheeps so any color block any bright block now the pigment palette does the same thing as the model does except for it allows you to store it on

The palette itself and it’s the same basic thing you shift and right click you pick a color uh we’ll do this one and ah I kind of wish there was some way to pull the ink out of this and put it in the center Hearth or put it back into

The Color Picker but once it’s on the palette is just kind of on the palette but it’s just Mobile Ink so you can use your brush let’s create some memories this is accomplished by uh well murdering animals or things with the sword was Treasure Hunter on it

What happens is it has a chance of dropping a custom mob head on death and you come over here to The Distillery you put VeggieTale here you put the mob head here and you put something that that mob really likes in this bowl and then the magic happens and you’re given an egg

Now it’s time to address the cow in the field now when I was trying to do the memories achievement I decided just to spawn God or a couple hundred cows in this title of space and just go to town with the treasure hunter sword and when

I picked up the head I got an additional recipe for this Idol now there are a number of different idols and looking through them each one does something a little bit different so it might be worthwhile to have a couple of animals of these types nearby with the idol

Nearby just to get these additional benefits out of them now there’s a few more achievements related to the memories and collecting heads there’s one to click the head of the Ender Dragon there’s one to click the head of a Wither and there’s one to create an idol

For a slime and this one actually sounds humorous but I do know there’s a hidden one right here for the withered which is create a Wither out of Wither skulls uh I’m not going to step through these in this walk through I’ll do it in a separate video

Uh same thing with these I’m not going to step through them although I already did this one this one is this one is not difficult to do uh I actually have the materials right here and it is very simply copy two books to another book so I have

Two feather falling four books I put one here one here the last one here and it will just copy the book that simple there’s not much to that one uh that’s a bug that should have been a feather falling for a book anyway there’s one more thing

I really want to cover in this walkthrough and that is the potion pendant make the potion pendant of course and the fusion Shrine like you do most things you put in some liquid glycerol pink pigment I don’t need these four glass but there’s a stack Gene Gem and the pendant And there’s the potion pendant now this is kind of nifty because what it does is you you get to wear a potion where is my brewing stand ah here you are I think that’s what we’re gonna call it for this I’ve decided oh look I’ve got regeneration hearts in

The corner I think this is what we’re gonna call up for this episode like I said there’s one more coming I’m not gonna go over some of the other blocks some of the last achievements uh there’s a few things here we didn’t touch on the bottomless bundle

And uh some of these other other ones that we’ll get into on the next one this video is getting quite long as it is so we’ll follow up on those on one more video I want to go over a lot of these other blocks like the Redstone components I know

There’s one or two here I haven’t unlocked yet but because I don’t have the items and some of these other magical blocks the compacting chest is amazing honestly and it’s probably one of my favorite things out of this whole thing because I attached this to a a gold farm

And it automatically takes in that gets compacts them into bars which then put them into blocks saved me so much space it was fantastic so there’s some really cool things in here that are very very helpful if you’re in a long-term world and you’re doing really big projects in big farms we’re

Gonna wrap this episode up here I want to thank everyone uh in the Spectrum Discord and some of the comments I’ve gotten and especially the developer who’s been very very kind and I will see you all again very soon goodbye for now

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spectrum Mod – How to Guide 1.5 Magic Update. Part 3.’, was uploaded by Enki on 2022-09-24 20:48:26. It has garnered 15347 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:30 or 1230 seconds.

This is the last and final piece of the How-To for the main progression section of The Mod Spectrum for Fabric. Spectrum is a full magic, and utility mod that handles everything from Redstone, spewing magical paint.

Spectrum Discord: https://discord.gg/4byKMZzPQm


Timecodes 0:00 intro 0:09 Stormstones 0:47 Purification of Raw Azurite 1:23 Azurite Dike Ring 1:56 Encumbrance Advancement 2:24 Secret structure underground – An Impenetrable fort advancement 3:21 Why you don’t leave bottles of ruins to run rampant in your world 3:57 Bottle of Decay to clean up your world 5:08 interactions with midnight solution 5:46 Spirit instiller 6:28 Finding the jade vine bulb 6:49 Germinating the Jade Vine Bulb 7:16 Growing the Jade vine 8:52 Moonshine 9:00 Budding Onyx Block 10:31 Crystal Apothecary 11:50 Dive into the potion workshop 12:39 Potion on the finish advancement 13:39 Cinderhearth 15:13 Color picker 15:29 uses for the paint brush 15:57 Pigment Palette 16:08 Wilhelm Scream 16:26 Creating memories 16:56 Idols 17:25 Additional advancements 18:03 Lossless compression 18:30 Potion pendent 19:54 Additional blocks 20:15 outro

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    EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! ๐Ÿ˜‚Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Prominence Ep. 19 – Horse Pee’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-03-19 17:00:01. It has garnered 17546 views and 719 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:47 or 5927 seconds. In Prominence II: Void’s Invasion, we must defend the world from the void because an old dude got a bit too old and can’t do it anymore. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Prominence Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZxI3UfnUfgE-uizeScOO-Yx My Links: โ— My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez โ— Servers (code… Read More

  • Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft Parody

    Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive In All COUNTRIES In Minecraft – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-03-24 08:41:55. It has garnered 7576 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:01 or 1441 seconds. In this hilarious Minecraft parody video, JJ and Mikey take on the ultimate challenge of surviving in all different countries within the game. From navigating through the bustling streets of Tokyo to exploring the snowy landscapes of Russia, the dynamic duo must use their wit and creativity to overcome various obstacles and dangers. With their… Read More

  • CornutSMP

    CornutSMPjust a smp server absolutely no rules but if you get annoying you will get banned, 13+ only, you can team with anyone and make sure to join the discord Cornut.mc.gg Read More

  • SentinelCraft SMP 1.20.4: Husks Towns/Claims, Server Map, McMMO, Jobs, Stats, Community

    Server Information: IP: play.sentinelcraft.net Minecraft Version: 1.20.4 Features: Survival, Towns, Claims, Economy, No Grief, McMMO, Jobs About SentinelCraft: SentinelCraft is a mature and friendly Minecraft server established in May 2013. Join our community for a unique survival experience with no raiding or griefing. Build, create towns, make land claims, and participate in community events while forming long-lasting friendships. Join Us: Visit our Discord here or our website here to learn more and join the fun! Check out our server preview on YouTube here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ever been this screwed in Minecraft?

    “When you realize you’ve been mining for hours and it’s suddenly morning in real life but still night in Minecraft. Time flies when you’re placing blocks, am I right?” Read More

  • Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3!

    Speedy Games Galore: Racing to the Top 3! In the world of games, speed is the key, Minecraft, Guitar Hero, and Geometry Dash, you see. Fastest hand games, they take the lead, With skills and reflexes, they succeed. Minecraft, a world of blocks and fun, Building and crafting, under the sun. Guitar Hero, rocking out with a guitar in hand, Hitting those notes, in a rock band. Geometry Dash, a rhythm-based game, Jumping and dodging, never the same. Speed and precision, to conquer each level, With quick reflexes, you must revel. So there you have it, the fastest games around, In the gaming world, where speed is… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Mess! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • 500 Day Minecraft World Tour: The Untold Story

    500 Day Minecraft World Tour: The Untold Story Welcome to the 500 Day Minecraft World Tour and Lore! Embark on a journey through the Sylvan Frontier, a fairycore region in a Minecraft survival world that has been meticulously crafted over 500 days. This world is a blend of survival and worldbuilding, inspired by renowned Minecraft creators like Fwhip, Mogswamp, and Shovel241. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and every build tells a story. Exploring the Sylvan Frontier The Sylvan Frontier is a magical realm where the Entios, fairy-like beings, reside in charming cottagecore builds. Acorn Abode, the quaint homes of the Entios, exude a… Read More

  • “Unheard of Minecraft Marble Magic in Kids Zone!” #minecraft #magic

    "Unheard of Minecraft Marble Magic in Kids Zone!" #minecraft #magicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft nostalgic marble magic #minecraft #magic #marble #us #usa #unitedstates’, was uploaded by Kids Zone on 2024-01-16 09:21:49. It has garnered 6 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Rowan’s Wild Minecraft Crowd Control Adventures!

    Rowan's Wild Minecraft Crowd Control Adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Survival Minecraft with Crowd Control! โ› || Ep. 3 ||’, was uploaded by Rowan on 2024-03-22 04:16:13. It has garnered 121 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:33 or 7593 seconds. Welcome to a Rowan stream! What is Crowd Control? Crowd Control is a stream add-on that let’s you make changes in the game the streamer is playing. For Minecraft that means you can summon mobs/place torches/steal my tools… Or you can be nice and restore my hunger, give me extra hearts, or spawn in loot! It’s completely up to… Read More

  • Unbelievable: _rgk’s Mind-Blowing Potato Upgrade

    Unbelievable: _rgk's Mind-Blowing Potato UpgradeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Potato Update’, was uploaded by _rgk on 2024-04-01 17:02:41. It has garnered 114 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:06 or 186 seconds. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP… Read More

  • I RULE Minecraft like a GOD! (VIRAL SHORTS)

    I RULE Minecraft like a GOD! (VIRAL SHORTS)Video Information This video, titled ‘I am the God of minecraft #viral #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Max gaming on 2024-02-19 15:44:39. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #minecraft #viralshorts I am the god with these effects. Read More

  • INSANE UPGRADE! Minecraft Server Ep. 15

    INSANE UPGRADE! Minecraft Server Ep. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘The Survival Series Minecraft Server Just Got a Upgrade! | Ep. 15 | Minecraft Survival Series’, was uploaded by COOL OWNER on 2024-01-12 21:34:04. It has garnered 250 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:01 or 661 seconds. I love mods! So why not add them to the server? #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmods In today’s video, I’m going to add 260+ mods, on my Minecraft Survival Series SMP! Hope you enjoy and remember to Like & Sub! Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • Discovering Secret Treasure in Ocean Monument! ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ”ฅใ€Minecraftใ€‘

    Discovering Secret Treasure in Ocean Monument! ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿ”ฅใ€Minecraftใ€‘Video Information This video, titled ‘ใ€ Minecraft ใ€‘LET’S GOOO KITA KE OCEAN MONUMEN!!’, was uploaded by Fukutsuki Kairi on 2024-02-28 15:31:57. It has garnered 1197 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:22 or 10402 seconds. Top Up All Games & Trusted Vouchers Hassle-Free? Just Gemushop.com ๐Ÿ˜‰ and don’t forget to use the voucher code DISKONKAIRI to get an additional discount of 3% for every transaction above IDR 50,000. Follow the social media for interesting events too! ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป https://linktr.ee/gemushopid ================================================================== Halo semua, your pretty sleepy here, kairi chan desu! Now, gimme your money! https://trakteer.id/Kairi%20Chan/tip?quantity=1 Stream Rules [ID]… Read More

  • SHOCKING LIVE: On1can Streams on Hive!

    SHOCKING LIVE: On1can Streams on Hive!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดHIVE LIVE BUT IM LIVE ON HIVE :3 ๐Ÿ”ด’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-15 09:34:29. It has garnered 216 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:33 or 6813 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream ๐Ÿ™‚ BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2w9qWzb5Cm #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp #bedwars Read More

  • Insane Luck! Minecraft One Lucky Block Challenge!

    Insane Luck! Minecraft One Lucky Block Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Weโ€™re On ONE SUPER LUCKY BLOCK!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-06-03 03:00:14. It has garnered 303384 views and 4622 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:04 or 1144 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Nico and his friends are on ONE SUPER LUCKY BLOCK! Using the lucky block they can get super lucky items or unlucky items! What will they find inside the lucky block? Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More


    APHMAU's SECRET BLOOD MOON FAMILY PARODY!Video Information This video, titled ‘APHMAU Having a BLOOD MOON FAMILY in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL)’, was uploaded by Aphmau Fan on 2024-03-25 18:36:54. It has garnered 30363 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:28 or 1228 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Aphmau Locked on ONE BLOCK But We’re ELEMENTAL in Minecraft! – Parody Story(Ein,Aaron and KC GIRL) ๐Ÿ”ฅ Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Ein or Aaron? ๐Ÿ˜… This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft… Read More

  • Spread of Civilization – ValhallaMMO – Seasons – Realistic Economy – Real Farming – Dynamic Borders

    Join the Fight for the Brand New Mill of Fertility and Hellsword Objectives! Double Experience Weekend – Time to Play! ๐ŸŽ‰ Join Us on Spread of Civilization Today! ๐ŸŽ‰ Server Details: IP: Discord: Join Discord Dynmap: View Dynmap Version: Java 1.20.4 About Spread of Civilization: Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative Minecraft server that offers a unique and realistic gameplay experience. Collaborate, trade, engage in diplomacy, and interact with the world in a way that feels real! Features: Real Economy: Engage in player-to-player trade, set up shops, and become a master craftsman! Infrastructure Over Teleports: Build connections with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare!

    Minecraft Memes - Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare!I guess you could say this meme really mined my craft – I mean, scared the living daylights out of me! Read More

  • Motor Gang Trio: EfeKan, Ali, and Baby at Work!

    Motor Gang Trio: EfeKan, Ali, and Baby at Work! In the world of Minecraft, a gang was born, Ali, Efekan, and Baby, workers sworn. Together they built, with blocks and with glee, Their motor gang, as far as the eye could see. With tools in hand, they crafted and mined, Their adventures in Minecraft, one of a kind. From building grand structures to exploring the land, Their teamwork and skills, always in demand. So join them now, in their epic quest, As they build and explore, giving their best. Subscribe to their channel, for more fun in store, In the world of Minecraft, they’ll always soar. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Spiciest Seed Memes

    Minecraft's Spiciest Seed Memes “Trying to find the best seed in Minecraft is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is made of pixels and the needle is a diamond block.” Read More

Minecraft Spectrum Mod – How to Guide 1.5 Magic Update. Part 3.