Minecraft Thaumcraft 5 #8 – Alchemy

Video Information

Kyouda guys bird here welcome to episode 8 of thorn graft 5 we’re standing outside the first hobbit hole that we’ve built here I’ve got the front up that I did last time but a creeper decided that he didn’t like I’ve got the kind of the pumpkin jack-o’-lantern thing going on

Not sure if I want to put some trapdoors on the side if I did want to it’d have to move the fence over but I’ve also done a bit of work on the inside as well welcome to the interior so I’ve basically just gone through and used a

Stone bricks some stairs and basically the oak wood as well as some oak and spruce on the floor and you may also notice that we’ve got some iron bars in here as well which do a fairly nice job of separating the chests out here we’ve got a full one over here separating the

Chests out making sort of a wall but not really looks really nice I’ve also speckled around some of the mossy stone bricks and the cracked stone bricks because I found some vines off-camera as well where I did another Explorer job and I’ve managed to find where they have got them in the wood

Chests here now I found a silver wood tree so these are basically I didn’t find a magical forest unfortunately I found a single silver wood tree and I didn’t get a sapling out of it so these blocks are extremely valuable and they’re what’s going to hopefully a propel us forward with a

Cincher distillation in the next couple of episodes but before we get to essentia distillation what we have to do is start off with basic alchemy I have my crucible set up outside here today’s episode is going to be all about the crucible so to set up what you have here

Like me the actual crucible itself you need to craft a cauldron in a workbench which I did a few episodes ago which is just like a u-shape with iron ingots that’s seven iron and then underneath that you need to have some kind of heat source and your beginners heat source is

Going to be a block of lava basically later on we’ll be able to use neat order but to start off you need to use lava the final thing that you need to do to get prepared is to put some water inside which you can just do with a an iron

Bucket and then you need to let it let leave it for a couple of seconds and then it will start bubbling bling let words bubbling like this which basically means that it’s boiling and it’s ready to be used for crafting up stuff and that’s basically let’s get the

Old full Manama corn out that’s pretty much a summary of this page here you you want to try and be as efficient as you can with your recipes which we’ll get into in a just a little bit this shows you it right here you matter then you take your cauldron obviously and plunk

It in the world and then tap it with your wand and that take it and and this just shows you about balanced shards which I don’t think have changed and silly small news which hasn’t changed either alright so let’s get started with some alchemy the first thing that we’re

Going to craft up here is some neat order which we discovered a few episodes ago to fill the basic recipe it takes three engies luke sandport india and your actual crucible and your catalyst is glowstone dust and that’s that gets you a yellow neat order out and it looks

Like there’s different kinds of neat or but we’re obviously going to have to discover that later on probably by researching balance Chad’s probably would be a good guest there so you need to go around your house your your base and you need to go through and you know

Hold shift over everything and scan the items and find some stuff that has the aspects inside that you need and so to make neat or we’re going to need looks port India and in use and a cold for example is a feeling nice one because that has port in T&N use inside it

Already but it only has two we need three so we’re going to need to throw multiple pieces of coal inside our crucible and let’s see so there’s two in this and then the recipe is for three so two times three is six the maths kind of works around I’m

Trying to explain this if you if you’ve got maths skills you already know what I’m on about but if you throw three lots of coal in there with a two pretension to in use each that is going to give you a total of six for 20 and six in years

Inside your crucible and in order to make up the looks I’m going to use torches here because torches only have one looks inside them so we can pour our six torches inside three of these that’s going to make us too neat once I get some glowstone dust and I’ve

Just realized I don’t have glows to dust a bird I Wow I thought I’d totally be able to make that today there is actually a really big plea done I’m going to need to head to the nether man crap Oh so yeah the bed has also moved as well I

Moved that downstairs here now this is just in the cave very man I’m going to need to head to the nether I’m not sure if I’ll do that this episode yeah that might be something that I do actually just take a quick break in the middle of

The episode bigger idea come on round sleep the nard whoo then I wish would be a little bit more lenient about when you could sleep like just reset the day anytime you want to be a feeling nice idea Dinnerbone get on that alright so the other thankfully I do I had a

Back-up plan I did have a back-up plan here another thing that we can also craft now and the crucible is phormium so thor Miam to craft that you’re going to need your iron ingots as catalysts which I actually do need to go and get and you’re going to need to ordered all

In terror inside the crucible as well and I was looking around at my chests for items that would have taro and Otto and be able to use it efficiently in the past I’ve used the stuff smooth sandstone because that has ordered one sided and that’s relatively easy to make

And come by just make some sandstone into smooth sandstone but that has an awful lot of peda DTO and other stuff or just Purdy – that would go into the earth a little bit of terror as well what am I looking for here I came in

Here for iron that’s right iron get my iron out you actually bring a heap of it let’s do I think I set it out for 32 so you can probably if you’ve got pain attention my inventory you can all very probably already I see what item I’ve

Gone with here its chiseled stone bricks because they have terror and order go inside more ready and one of each so we can efficiently use our crucible here so basically all you need to do is a let’s stand up to the crucible like so to use

It you take your items in grow them in I don’t have my goggles of revealing on so it’s not going to tell me is it no but did we go that stormy and let’s just quickly head back and get my goggles of revealing on to be able to see the

Aspect I hope that’s how it works it should be I just keep all my magic stuff in there when I’m not using it because I don’t really need it on right now because we haven’t made too much progress into TC yet let’s see let’s try

That again so if I do that again there we go you can see the aspects that are inside now do that again that’s to auditor to Terra and you get yourself some phormium let’s try a mixing it up a bit let’s try throwing six a new or

Eight or maybe even ten let’s go for broke here hopefully we don’t run out of water I think there’s actually a way to shift click it empty if I recall if I shift click on it with the hand or is it a bucket okay you can top it up I just

Thought that a my bucket the nerve cool let’s actually fill up this other bucket while we’re here so that doesn’t happen again right so that’s that topped up so ago we’ve got ten of them let’s get five iron down and tried this out a little

But I tried the 70c before it had a really bad time but I think we’re a little bit better now we’ve got ten in there quickly for those in a get used up for me um comes out it’s beautiful alright let’s try that again let’s do twelve this time getting dangerous

Getting dangerous the water levels a little low let’s just top that up each time we should be good let’s try that again that and they’re very good that out in it comes lickety-split it’s fairly easy to use if you have basically the using your aspects efficiently is

What I’m trying to say I think otherwise what ends up happening is that it gets turned into flux doesn’t it it says it right here something like that here we go degrade into flux and let me that’s bad it’s really bad would that happen says goop everywhere all over your base for

Days let’s see that’s filled back up again let’s take I basically going to turn all of this into Thor Miam if I can let’s do ten patches a ten at a time just try and use it all up oh hello oh oh oh oh dear what have I

Done this my Talman in our did i oh dear what have we done wrong here let that’s happened egg that that’s a thing that is now happening this is turd black it’s probably because it’s got full of so much stuff and it’s got this little uh you really shouldn’t be doing it it’s

Kind of releasing it into the atmosphere I guess is what that little effect means yeah that’s what the purple clatters whoops-a-daisy here whatever there I thought I did it properly maybe if I break this really quick and not yeah oh dear I was hoping that we

Just got to get rid of it but it looks like as it was a bit too smart for that and now there’s a whole heap of flux in the air let’s have a look with this dude now what would I need to go to oh my

Goodness the vici hoobs got up quite a bit oh dear so project don’t do what I did and just toss stuff in there I guess this happened and my last series and I did it again great well it’s gonna happen isn’t it and that’s actually all

My iron go on I need to go get some more I and thankfully I’ve got a decent amount of it now I’ve had a look around for some more iron nodes as well and they all seem to be monos very interesting little back for weed right

There I must have thrown in the wrong amount of iron I’ll have to look back at the footage let’s get rid of this piece of dirt before it destroys my beautiful lovely grass let’s try that again I just want to use the rest of this up on

Camera here and then what I’m gonna do is head to the nether I think it’s a batch of ten give five iron okay go at it alright so that’s ten of that something must have gone wrong okay there we go oh dear let’s see get the rest of that

Don’t think that’ll use up the rest of the water that’s in there you that’s getting a little low so you could do like 20 at a time if you I guess I think it’s gotten a little bit more lenient in the amount of stuff you

Can get out of a single use of the water but I just want to play it safe he says as he spills flux into the air right that’s this should be the last batch and there we go that’s 32 for me and so that’s how you make phormium on the

Cheap and by the way to make the way that you make those are chisel blocks for those of you who don’t know how to make them you can make them now I think before the only I don’t think you could make them before but you basically just

Take two stone brick slabs like this but you just get out of stone bricks what you get out of stone would you get out of cobblestones so you know they’re free and infinite basically you get this thing and that’s that’s how you make them two slabs up and down like this how

You get that so I’ve got a whole bunch of thorium here now now what I’d like to do is hit into here and craft up some brand-spanking-new thorium armor or year time for an upgrade yeah let’s get the pants going and I guess we’ll throw the

Boots down as well so we can double tap yeah does that increase the protection at all I don’t think it did but that does look pretty cool doesn’t it Oh looks like we’ve got the air I can’t remember if the phormium helmet had this kind of band around it and was sort of

Like this weird facade face thing on the front of it I will lease my banks it’s got enough room in it for my beak to stick out yeah Thor Miam is a pretty cool armor type isn’t it and it’s a nice thing to get us started and I think what

We’re gonna do now guys is take a quick break I’m going to head to the nether I guess we need to get a nether this is going to be the nether episode as well we need to get some city in which means I need to craft a diamond pick the first

Thing they’ll be making out of diamonds and when we return we’ll have the near the portal up and running and we’re gonna jump through well I wasn’t expecting to head to the nether today but apparently that is now happening world Loden there we go so just for

Locale locations sake I am right here this is a little area that I haven’t really been and I haven’t even lawn mowing over here yet I just wanted an area out of the way because I’m not quite sure where I want to put the nether portal yet so anyway let’s just

Get it down anyway just gonna plop it in the middle of the paddock as it were I stick that up now I’m going to hurt myself on the on the rebound an tyre this like in like parkour champion over there that might be good thing speaking

Of parkour how cool things are map now I was thinking somebody suggested that we should do the Twilight forest mod or add the Twilight forest to the series and I was sort of thinking I came up with the idea today might be good idea to start a

Twilight forest sort of you know a separate series here on the channel let me know what you guys think about a different series I think somebody else suggests a Betania as well so if you’re going any other monster disciplines for potential series other than tc5 that

You’d like to see on the channel or do feel free to let me know we’ve got the achievement right there we need to go deeper I hope we’re not over avoid okay we’re not over avoid we are surrounded by fire okay I think this is pretty good we’ve

Got a decent spawn here we’ve got a nice big flat area a nice roof and we’re pretty high up where yeah the lover is way down there I can’t even see it with this small little render distance that I have it’s only satellite eight I haven’t

Set at 16 but the I don’t know I guess just things settling into frame rate seems to have kind of drop down and hadn’t had to reduce the frame rate I’m just seeing if I can find any easy glare stone and I’m not having too much success there is some over there to

Bring a little bit of cobble hopefully enough to be had a bridge over there is this like solid well some of it was that’s why I stood on the cobblestone when I placed it and hopefully a gas Dickens isn’t going to come along and

Wreck a day here but if they do we can probably just like do a runner because the projectiles will take a while and I’m not hearing any ghasts so good start good start indeed let’s get up there I’ve got a little bit more to go just

Need to get a little bit of glowstone to demonstrate how to bake and eat or I didn’t I did it if it didn’t even occur to me that glowstone would need to be a thing I just kind of started this thinking oh yeah I’ll be able to make

Neat or no problem it’s a basic thing right yes but the nether is not quite a damn basic let’s get some of this glowstone out don’t know fortune or anything so that’s okay because like the nether is like infinite and eventually we’ll be at

A I fly in the nether so you know I’m not too concerned about wasting potential here to get a fortune pick I am level 30 now so I can get my first level 30 enchant and then chanting actually works differently in 1.8 you have to use lapis you laser line now

Whenever you enchant something we’d need three lapis for a little 30 and China and even then it actually you costs three levels it’s a little bit confusing if you level 30 a level and 30 enchant will cost three levels and three lapis but you have to be little birdie

Yeah it’s a little weird makes a little bit more sense what you’ve seen how it works all right we got our lapis now we can do some detour crafting and finish this episode off let’s just get a little bit going I put all my stuff away

Let’s get that and my torches I believe I just threw them in here along with the rest mud junk speaking of which I could actually just take this knee towards I took material that this guy doesn’t know about no apparently he does know about

It write it up get back in there I’m not sure foreskin phormium I haven’t tried scanning this stuff maybe that’ll do something primo no no that was not going to happen oh is this filled up with what add a little bit of water okay so let’s do our

Ratio trick get three Cole six of that and two glowstone dust in that order and throw them in and see what happens in that guy’s I don’t have my goggles of revealing that weakens we can still do this there we go that’s two pieces of yellow neat or an hour hopefully this

Will actually work like in the original TC for the original si there it is looks like a neat or okay it’s kind of like not like the orange of the TC for variety or before now looks to be a very very strong yellow so I’m guessing that

The various different colors that we saw in the film anomic on are gonna be you know different colors and stuff well I’m gonna need to find some inventive way to use this here in the world I think what we’ll do is just take this other piece

And we’re gonna stick there nice a nice little chandelier maybe yeah that can work and then I can probably get rid of this guy now yeah it’s still pretty bright in here and that works yeah that works fairly well my salaah bling but they kept the little hole bird hole here

That’s gonna be it for this episode guys okay you enjoyed it and I’ll see you well I forgot to say thanks for watching thanks for watching her and I’ll see you in the next episode you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Thaumcraft 5 #8 – Alchemy’, was uploaded by Birdtross on 2015-12-17 17:00:03. It has garnered 6796 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:45 or 1125 seconds.

Kia ora! Today we take a look at how to (and how NOT to) perform basic alchemy in Thaumcraft 5!

Thaumcraft 5 is a mod based around magic and the ways it can be converted and used to perform all kinds of neat tasks in the game Minecraft! Join Birdtross as he plays spoiler-free through Thaumcraft 5 without any extra mods or special tools.

More info on Thaumcraft 5 can be found at: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1292130-thaumcraft-5-0-3-updated-2015-11-9

Thaumcraft 5 Playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4FK51vK87I_DGYjoUImq6eRgaAjM2CYS

Livestream: http://www.twitch.com/Birdtross Twitter: http://twitter.com/Birdtross

Purchase Minecraft from: https://minecraft.net/

Thanks for watching, and kia kaha! 😀

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    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

    Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Roleplay Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into the realm of roleplay to create captivating stories and adventures. One such thrilling scenario is becoming a police commissioner for a day! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. From building magnificent structures to crafting intricate storylines, the possibilities are endless. Roleplaying as a Police Commissioner Imagine stepping into the shoes of a police commissioner in the virtual world of Minecraft. With your authority, you can enforce justice, maintain order, and… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

    🔥LIVE - CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I seem to have lost some pertinent files to live streaming and I’m trying to find them but they are uh Missing where or where could they be oh I’m in the wrong file of course they’re not in that one that’s arcane oh want Kraken there we go overlays animated [Music] um nope I don’t want that [Music] one uh I want screens [Music] animated I think it’s [Music] that h [Music] um well close but not quite well there I am I’m still missing things though I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?Video Information these are the scariest seeds that should never be used starting with c290 X2 the myth of the terrifying living Island and it looks pretty normal I spawned on a a a a sand area not very scary if I’m going to be honest with y’all oh man I love these rumors so much cuz apparently we have to put the render distance to five to make it to come alive I don’t know if that’s going to really do anything but we got to follow now it looks like we’re on an island but nothing happened to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!

    Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!Video Information yep my game all right all right I’m live let’s go first live stream on the Miguel [Music] SMP so I don’t really know what I’m doing right now but I’m just adjusting some things cuz well this is literally my first stream everything good going to go check see if the stream is and I’ll get to some plan to some plan the game on the Miguel SMP no give a rundown of what the Miguel smpp is because some of you guys may not no actually like basically everybody won’t know who it is even though… Read More

  • Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!

    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

    Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum - Episode 05Video Information [Music] what’s up everybody this is super tilt and welcome back to my Arcanum Institute gameplay series uh I don’t even remember what we did last time but uh in between I did make some Source crystals uh I you know farming some amethysts off of that and we also uh I also figured out how to do uh lava with this old thing we got a couple things of lava here uh basically if you put any smooth Stone within a 3X3 under this thing eventually as you throw at it to fill up the you know… Read More

  • 🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMP

    🔥Unleash Epic Dragon Riders in Minecraft SMPVideo Information sh [Music] sh [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone oh my gosh Le you’re on time I can’t believe it how did you do it this time hi everyone Hi bre hello ano hi coffee table on Twitch and YouTube hi set hi hi JD hi meno hi noodles hi Coco Al coffee table why were you in here so early welcome in everyone today was a scheduled work stream but I did some work before stream because gy woke me up early because gy woke up early to play Minecraft and… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclips

    Unleashing EPIC Valorant hacks?! 🔥 #SGGAMER000 #valorantclipsVideo Information here has to go This video, titled ‘raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #shorts’, was uploaded by SGGAMER000 on 2024-03-19 03:38:34. It has garnered 446 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. raze hacking firemc #valorant #valorantclips #loyalsmp #valorantshorts #valorantlive #short #minecraft #lapatasmp #valorant #valorantshorts #valorantlive #applemc #valorantindia #lifesteal ⚠️ IGNORE TAGS⚠️ pojavlauncher how to join fake loyal smp fake loyal smp ip fake loyalsmp Lapata smp war Loyal smp war lapata smp season 5 lapata smp niz gamer psd1 lapata smp psd1 boys psd1 senpai spider how i… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Compilation!Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n stranded in the open Dy out tears of Sorrow lacking all emotion staring down the barel waiting for the final gates to open to a new tomorrow moving with the motion following the light that set me free [Music] a yeah This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request Compilation Part 952 )’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-14 06:05:42. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:03 or 183 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art… Read More

  • Champions of Equestria

    Champions of EquestriaLooking for a place to horse around? Perhaps a game or two? How about an active community to be apart of? Champions of Equestria has got all that, so come take a look see yourself by joining our still expanding community with a friendly staff, active userbase, and upcoming game servers! We are coming up on a year old and still going strong, so come and find a home in our community! This is a multi-world server including Creative, Survival PvE, and Factions PvP worlds. It also has a cross world currency system where you gain money from selling items… Read More

  • Xapros SMP Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap – 1.20.4 – Events

    Server Information Our server features some of the new 1.21 blocks such as tuff blocks, copper blocks, and crafter! Join us for holiday themed events, minigames, and collectable items. Whitelist only server with 5-15 daily players, welcoming new members of all ages. Experience zero lag, 24/7 uptime, and no resets for your base. No land claims, tps, or mods that break the vanilla feeling. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Apply now by joining our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/NeekSj856k Read More

  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft’s Satisfying Twist

    Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft's Satisfying Twist In the world of Minecraft, sand art takes flight, Creating pixel pictures, a true delight. With torches and sand, a masterpiece is born, A Creeper with a Labrador hat, not to be torn. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, Satisfying creations, for you and me. Share with your friends, spread the joy, In the world of Minecraft, where art employs. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting stories in a rhythmic beat. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In every update, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for building and exploring, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn new building tips or an experienced player seeking a fresh challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

Minecraft Thaumcraft 5 #8 – Alchemy