Minecraft Tutorial: Create EPIC Glowing Rainbow!

Video Information

Hey guys ADHD here in today’s video I’m going to be showing you guys how to build this awesome transparent rainbows like this glowing transparent rainbow really it’s frickin epic I built the first time out of regular wool and it really didn’t come out that good because

You could see the color lines a little bit too bibley you know I mean like you can just really see where all the colors started and ended and you know an actual rainbow that’s more transparent they kind of fade into each other and that’s kind of how this actually is now so you

Use the actual stained glass and I think it looks absolutely epic but once I use just a stained glass it was kind of like too transparent because the further I got it was like almost able to unable to see it so basically I did is I line the

Entire back of it will seal and as you can see here and it looks frickin awesome on the back of this one just feel n turns but you can easily double layer this over on the other side you can see you know the same as you do on this side

And I just love it a lot though because it looks really cool and I’m measuring us how it looks at night time before we get into actual actual tutorial so let me see a obviously is a little bit unrealistic cuz you couldn’t see a rainbow at night

Time but oh my gosh guys that thing looks epic I love the way this looks like you know just backing up and you can still see from a distance I just like this thing a lot one of my favorite like light show tight builds I’ve done

In a while except I’m like three or four I’ve this is definitely my favorite one to be honest I think it looks really cool you could feel like your house underneath it if you wanted to I don’t know probably a pot of gold over here I

Don’t know whatever you want to do but anyway we’re going into the tutorial right now guys so for this build you’re going to need different types of stained glass you’re going to need a red orange yellow lime scion blue and also purple and of course you’re going to see

Lanterns and if you guys are on Pocket Edition I apologize you probably it’s gonna be you know you can’t get this exact same way you could maybe just do it out of wool and then use regular glass in front of it I’m not a hundred percent sure I wasn’t like what

Something I kept in mind as I designed it I just kind of was going for the most realistic rainbow I could but anyway guys you know again if you’re in pocket edition I apologize like I said maybe just try and do that a wool or a clear

Glass to put wool behind it but anyway guys let’s get into tutorial alright guys so let’s go get started right now if you ask me a huge favor and scroll down and hit that like button that would greatly appreciate it if you’re new here definitely subscribing but loads crazy

Stuff all the time here but anyway let’s get started so as always guys but any point you get slugged going too fast you can always pause a rewind it in order to catch up so where do we start with our red stained glass we working from red to orange to yellow

To neon lime Zion blue and purple so kind of get them in that order if you can and then we’re gonna start right now so starting where to go with red stained clay our surest in glass up with about five blocks so one two three four five

Just like that then we’re going to go diagonal and we’re going to agonal and then up five so 1 2 3 4 5 then we’re go to agonal and up 3 1 2 3 then diagonal and up to 1/2 then diagonal up to once more 1 2 then diagonal the tough one so

Like that and then diagonal and then up to 1/2 then diagonal up one and then diagonal up to 1/2 then diagonal a total of 3 so 1 2 3 pure diagonal just like this alright then we’re to go up diagonal and then to the right one diagonal then the right

One then we’re going to haggle 1 then we’re going to agonal and then right one just like this so definitely – alright then we’re going to agonal up 1 then we’re going to agonal up 1 and to the right 1 so 2 again and then we’re going to go diagonal and

Up 1 and to the right 1 for another 2 just like that then we’re up diagonal and then up 3 so 1 are dug up I mean down side wait for the right 3 1 2 3 just like this then diagonal and up for our diagonal and right 4 1 2 3 4

Alright and then we’re going to agonal and right a total of 10 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 alright so this is basically where our first half ends in order to continue from here so I’ll back up so you take a

Look at this real quick and see where I’ve got alright and you asked me feel free to pause you can see the separations from here so you know you positive you need to all right I never keep going from here so next what we’re gonna do is we wrote

And go to the right a total of 5.5 get five diagonals so all right my bad let’s – for for my bet eyes are down and then down down diagonal to the right three so one two three four so just like this all right and then you

Go down and diagonal three our down sorry down in to the right 3 so 1 2 3 then down to the right 2 1 2 then down to the right 2 1 2 and then down to the right 1 then down to the right 2 then down to the right 1

Then down to the right so I’m gonna see make sure here I messed you guys up there 1 & 2 gets a – sorry hasn’t like messed up here actually 3 then 2 2 1 2 and then 1 ok so from here now we’re gonna go basically another two diagonal are down our

Diagonal to the right two and then we’re gonna go down to agonal total 3 so 1 2 3 just like that alright I’m sorry for Polly I’ll back up to you guys in case you guys messed up there I’ll back up and take a look at the thing as a whole

Alright I’m actually looking mine to double-check it yes I think we’re good here right and this within you were onward so from here now we’re gonna do is we’re gonna die agonal then down to yeah so diagonal then down just 1 then 2 then we’re going

Down in diagonal 1 then down diagonal 2 then down and diagonal 1 then down diagonal 2 then down to agonal 2 and then down diagonal 3 1 2 3 then down diagonal 5 1 2 3 4 5 then down diagonal 5 again 1 2 3 4 and 5

Ok perfect and let me back up so you take a look at this whole thing as a whole real quick just to make sure everybody has what I have so this is what it should look like so we’ll go through everything again 5 and you skip

This part if you do have it perfectly it’s five then diagonal then 5 diagonal then 3 then diagonal 2 then 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 and I’ll just scan the whole thing so you can positively need to so you can go back real quick if you need to be

Like hey then mess up here so I’m just going to scan the whole thing you can pause as you need to like I said all right because once you have this part done it’s extremely easy all right so now we have that done this is the

First one so now all we’re going to do is I’m gonna drink my swiftness poster this is the long part and we’re pretty much done with the actual designing guys if this is where it gets really really simple as I said so let me just get my

Notes out for this part it actually did need notes for this but I typically don’t need notes but this one actually did listen how we’re gonna do guys is you’re turning out your red stained glass and all you’re gonna do is double up this red row so literally I’m just

Going to go around the entire thing just like this there’s no like you know measurements or anything I’m just taking just like because I just brought the notes up in order for me to know what colors are next to be honest but you know all I’m doing is literally is

Doubling up everything on this block you know so just go along the whole thing one more time just like this but you got to make sure you don’t miss any blocks because if you miss a block then it’s going to look kind of weird at the end

So you got to make sure you don’t miss any blocks this build is really simple but if you mess up you know it’s kind of like pixel art if you mess up you know it kind of messes up the whole thing so you got to make sure you’re not missing

Any blocks as you’re going down are doing too many blocks for that matter even alright so there he goes now I have my red done so Reds completely out the way so that’s what it should look like at the red and she looking the exact same thing but just one layer inside

Alright and once you’ve done that now we’re gonna do orange so I’m gonna take my orange and I’m gonna go through the whole thing I’m gonna do the first one with you guys then the second one I’m gonna skip ahead alright so just like this I’m going to

Take the orange all the way through and again I’m making sure it’s a little bit easier we’re using a different color because that way you know you’re not you know doubling up or doing too many but when you’re doing that second row you know kind of complete blend together and

It’s kind of like hey I just do the same area twice or you know I mean start with my dead notification in the background I apologize for that it’s definitely one of this is actually a challenge for me to leave you this is actually a challenge for me too that never tutorial

Anything quite like this but you know it’s a fun you know that’s what I love about doing new challenging tutorials for me as it gets it gives me a chance to get better so you know the future I do something like this I’ll be a little better

If they have the experience of doing this one alright so that’s the first row of the orange now I’m going to do it the same exact way guys again but I’m just gonna head for this one because it taking in some more time I’ve already

Showed you I do it once but I’m mission uh skip ahead real quick and you know guys just pause the video right now and double up on your orange right now and I’ll be back with you guys and we get started on yellow okay it’s now orange

Is done as you can see it looks the same and now you guys kind of see how that one looks way better than this one and it’s like you can already kind of see how like the color is left this is how it looked like when I built the first

Time just making a completely transparent for some reason just to transparent it looks a little bit weird alright so now we’re do the yellow so yellow the same exact thing we’re done double layer this whole thing um but you know just got to make sure again guys

You don’t miss any blocks I’m just a check in with you guys on all the different colors so now what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna again do the whole yellow it once I’m done with this I’m gonna do one more layer so every color

Is two layers guys so you know just do every cut layer you know twice so I’m doing yellow right here but I’m gonna skip ahead and I’m gonna get started I’ll be back with you guys we go start on green okay so now my yellow is done

And you can see I actually had a little bow you can’t see it but I actually a little bit trouble my yellow I actually messed up at a part the best part though about this being like multi colors oh guys is let’s see mess up on one part

You don’t have to start over completely you just have to like remove let’s say I messed up on yellow I took to remove the yellow row and start over on that you know let’s say I messed up on orange got to just remove all the orange just

Trying to adjust the yellow and adjust the red but you don’t have to completely start over so now I’m gonna started using my lime green and the same exact thing we’re just going to go over it it’s pretty self-explanatory at this point but I’m still gonna check in with

You guys in every color show you got my process to you you guys can get now you know kind of like you know the journey with you guys as you’re doing yours so I’m gonna go you know good skip ahead but go ahead and pause the video right

Now finish up the green room okay so green is now done it thing looks pretty awesome if you ask me so now we’re going to start our next color which is going to be the Scion stained glass and again guys making sure they are all you know

Together and stuff so you are to two rows in each time so you wanna make sure you have so now again starting on the side row again there’s just a little mini check-ins basically just to make sure like you know you guys are still going good and you know again like the

Road to the end of the journey basically so again two rows of sign now okay so now our Scion Row is done so now we’re going to go to blue and as you can see it’s starting to get a little bit faster because you know obviously as

You’re getting closer and closer to the center things are moving a little bit quicker so now we’re going to start with the blue so yeah two rows of blue now and it’s just it’s just about doing it now it’s one of the definitely the most like I guess like laborious builds we’ve

Done in a while but you know it’s not really that hard like I said it’s just laborious yeah I’m gonna skip head again guys go and pause the video and do two layers of blue all right so blues up the way our final color guys is purple

Stained glass so let’s get started on that one and we’ll be done with it actually well not done but you know done with the actual rainbow itself so again yet again guys pause this video and go ahead and skip ahead alright you pause the video and uh

You know finish the purple then two rows of purple and I’m gonna skip ahead okay guys so our rainbow is actually done I think it looks freakin awesome I think it’s actually looked better than the originals I did change up the circular pattern a little bit he actually does

Look a little I mean they’re very similar I did change up the pattern a little tiny bit on the actual circling I’m just gonna thought this the new design of work a little better um but yeah this looks and great I just doing something looks better somehow

But anyway so now we’re gonna do is risk and get the easiest part and hold it what’s not the easiest part what is the easiest part it’s like the easiest part as far as like you know brain work goes but it’s almost you know tedious part

Because all we have to do is basically align the entire back of this thing using C Lantern so we’re to take our C lanterns and go along the entire thing guys so this I’m definitely gonna skip a four because they take a little bit time

But again all I’m doing is taking my C lanterns here and I’m running it around the back of the entire thing so from here all the way around up until that side guys so go ahead and pause this video and do this real quick alright guys so now here I ten with this

Part it’s took frickin forever but it’s finally done I think this looked absolutely awesome so this is what it should look like in the back and it’s kind of like weird back here but if you wanted to like I said you could double layer it all you do is basically

The exact same thing which is in the front back here in the back so that way it looks same on both sides but if you’re building this like for me like all my stuff is on this side of the world so you wouldn’t really even see the back but depending on you your

Business like a top of a hill or something like that you may not need to do it but if you are building in the middle of your world you might want double layer it so that way you know look same both sides but anyway guys that’s about

It thank you guys so much for watching this video if you guys are new here definitely subscribe I would greatly appreciate it if you guys want to check out some other bills that would be awesome too you know the tons of those the world have a game boy house right

Here I’m working on a boma one or whatever I kept row so his name has pronounced our bomo and I’m working on like a house made out of him you know but I’m a hard person sure I’m gonna do it yet see look how great those rainbows

Looking over here they look awesome many of the guys that’s about it thank you so much for watching this video and as always I’ll see you guys in the next one adios

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make An EPIC!! GLOWING RAINBOW!!’, was uploaded by ADHDcraft on 2016-09-08 17:30:01. It has garnered 158769 views and 2712 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:11 or 851 seconds.

In this video I will be showing you guys how to build a Rainbow that glows. It a weird Idea, but I think it is pretty interesting!

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Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make An EPIC!! GLOWING RAINBOW!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fg37H2P8BY

ADHDcraft https://www.youtube.com/EternalHatredXD

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  • Survive Ancient Cities in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20!

    Survive Ancient Cities in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20!Video Information have you ever been awake at night in a dark room and just out of the corner of your eye you feel like you just saw something move so you look around and there’s nothing there but you know you just know you saw something so you get up and walk around the house you check all the rooms looking listening oh you heard a creek now you’re sure something is there well that was probably just this guy well he may look scary in the dark but Wally Warden let me tell you he’s not such a… Read More

  • Joining a Minecraft Cult!? 😱 Chuck Nasty’s Story

    Joining a Minecraft Cult!? 😱 Chuck Nasty's StoryVideo Information recently my viewers have been getting up to some unusual Shenanigans see while most YouTubers and streamers have fan bases that Troll and act egregiously sus jinxy this your door Dash driver I nutted in the ranch my fan base started a cult that wasn’t a joke the Chuck Imperium a group that started on my members only Discord server and uh oh boy they are the real deal they have an official Minecraft server they made a flag and they even claim territory in real life that is my face on a flag on the top of… Read More


    TV NURSE RESCUES JJ IN MINECRAFT! BEAT MIKEY TODAY!Video Information [Music] ah I’m so hungry and I haven’t slept well hi everyone it’s me JJ and recently my life went downhill and now I live in a very bad place on the street and eat whatever I can get my hands on by the way I’m very hungry maybe I could get something left for me by someone who passed by and I could get something to eat so what’s going on here I left this box for someone to give me food but they didn’t put anything in it I’ll be hungry again I’ll have to look… Read More

  • Insane Edatersgg Modpack Tutorial – Mind-Blowing Cheenis99 Minecraft Installation

    Insane Edatersgg Modpack Tutorial - Mind-Blowing Cheenis99 Minecraft InstallationVideo Information attention degenerates this is how to access the Minecraft eata GG server and get whitelisted first to get whitelisted you’ll click the next button you’ll enter all of your information here so that we can dox you press submit and then re go to the link on the first page of the form click the click here to download the file okay this brings you to Mega wait for this to load hit download in the top left and while that’s downloading go to curse forge.com hit Cur get curse Forge app in the top right and then… Read More

  • EPIC Real-Life Minecraft with DIAMOND REACHES in RTX Texture Pack!

    EPIC Real-Life Minecraft with DIAMOND REACHES in RTX Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in Real Life POV – DIAMOND REACHES in Realistic Minecraft RTX Texture Pack 創世神第一人稱真人版’, was uploaded by Skreeper on 2024-05-23 14:10:31. It has garnered 6802 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:03 or 663 seconds. Minecraft in Real Life POV – DIAMOND REACHES in Realistic Minecraft RTX Texture Pack 創世神第一人稱真人版 🔥 Hallo My name is SKREEPER ! Today will show how to survive in Minecraft in real life (Minecraft Real POV), That in Realistic Minecraft videos about zombie, Creeper steve and Alex in my adventures. How to make TNT trap… Read More

  • 👧 Squeezy Girl 2 Game – Play Now! 📱 #shorts #androidgames

    👧 Squeezy Girl 2 Game - Play Now! 📱 #shorts #androidgamesVideo Information [संगीत] ओके तो आज अपन ये लेवल कंप्लीट करेंगे ये कलिंगड़ पे बैठ गई ओके लेमन देन एप्पल ओ नो यस गई ओ या बनाना पर भी बैठ गई This video, titled ‘Squeezy Girl 2 Game || Mobile Games #shorts #gameplay #games #gaming #androidgames #minecraft’, was uploaded by BHUSH GAMING on 2024-02-21 11:44:09. It has garnered 8985 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Unstoppable Minecraft PvP Master Takes Down Legends 🔥🔪

    Unstoppable Minecraft PvP Master Takes Down Legends 🔥🔪Video Information okay hang on let me load up Minecraft okay please tell me this is working okay we’re back in uni okay but my schedule is a bit my thing’s a bit messed okay hang on um like that maybe like that okay are we back oh okay we got the Minecraft coming up like this okay it’s working Asian Jeff yo what’s up St Man Ke as well what’s up we’re back in uni we’re chilling we’re actually back let me drink some water y what’s up guys okay we’re back did you miss me what’s up Asian… Read More

  • Doni’s Secret Minecraft Dimension Uncovered

    Doni's Secret Minecraft Dimension UncoveredVideo Information hello hello oh Donnie why did you tell me to join bro what’s going on here man likea finally bro what something bad happened I don’t know how it happened and where’s Linux he’s he’s not okay why what do you mean he’s not okay yo what happened to my boy bro hold on he went in here what what is poop he went into poop what is this no he went inside he opened up like a hole and then he went inside why you telling me just open up anywhere Inside Man you don’t know where… Read More

  • Dream Lands Craft SMP

    Dream Lands Craft SMPDream Lands Craft is first and foremost a Survival server trying to enhance the vanilla experience by making the late game much more interesting by adding leveled progression in terms of Elite and Infernal mobs which spawn in addition to normal mobs, unique items, jobs. The server economy allows you to buy and sell many different items for in-game money which can be used to buy gear, building blocks, ranks… You can claim your own land which can not be griefed so you can work on building megaprojects, you can play in the MobArena and much more. Almost everything you… Read More

  • Newland Realms 18+

    Join Our Adult-Only Bedrock Realm! We are looking for more members to join our casual, cooperative Bedrock realm. With around 12 members already, we are seeking to expand our community. Our mega-base cavern is carved out of a snowy mountain, and we are constantly expanding and building new chambers. We have been active for 4 months and have no plans of stopping. Our main rules include no PvP, no mob/item/xp farms, and no disrespectful speech. If you are interested in joining our community, message me for more information. We also have a Discord for members to join if they’d like! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Meme #33

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Meme #33Looks like this meme is on a winning streak! Score of 73 in the Minecraftifying Memes league, watch out world! Read More

  • Spot the Block: Minecraft Quiz Challenge!

    Spot the Block: Minecraft Quiz Challenge! In the world of Minecraft, a quiz is set, Can you spot the changes, can you bet? Watch closely, observe with care, One small detail, different, beware. Aha! Moment, brain training in play, Spot the difference, in a Minecraft way. For those seeking answers, a challenge awaits, In the world of blocks, where creativity creates. Explore new ideas, in the Minecraft land, From reproducing maps, to elevators grand. Learn to use barrier blocks, with skill and might, Ride an Ender Dragon, take flight in the night. Create PVP battles, Splatoon-style fun, With command blocks, victory can be won. So… Read More

  • Only 0.04% of players know this spicy Minecraft secret #hotmemes

    Only 0.04% of players know this spicy Minecraft secret #hotmemes Only 0.04% of Minecraft players have the patience and dedication to build this secret feature…the rest of us are too busy accidentally setting our houses on fire with lava buckets. Read More

  • Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE!

    Ultimate Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE! The Exciting World of Minecraft Furniture Mods Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spruce up your virtual world with some stylish furniture? Look no further! The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE Malayalam is here to take your gameplay to the next level. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting mod and how it can enhance your Minecraft experience. What Does the Furniture Mod Offer? The Furniture Mod for Minecraft PE and Bedrock Edition brings a wide range of furniture options to your game. From modern sofas and elegant tables to cozy beds and decorative lamps, this mod… Read More

  • Minecraft Barrel Tutorial

    Minecraft Barrel Tutorial Minecraft Barrels: Crafting and Uses In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for new ways to store and organize their items. One popular storage solution that has gained traction is the humble barrel. These cylindrical containers offer a unique aesthetic and functionality that sets them apart from traditional chests. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft barrels and explore their crafting recipe and various uses in-game. Crafting a Barrel in Minecraft To craft a barrel in Minecraft, players will need the following materials: 6 Oak Planks: Gather oak wood and convert it into planks at a… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on One Chunk in Minecraft’, was uploaded by WelcominTV on 2024-06-01 14:00:03. It has garnered 254222 views and 7424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:37 or 2917 seconds. I attempt to survive Hardcore Minecraft while on only One Chunk. During these 100 days I have to use limited resources, stave off starvation, and beat the game with limited land. Can I survive all 100 days?…. Watch to the end to find out! 👍 Can we get 30000 likes for an even harder 100 Days!?👍 #hardcore #100Days #minecraft ────────────────────────────────── 😵‍💫BRAND… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Mob Madness!

    Real Life Minecraft Mob Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mobs in Real Life! (EXTRA CURSED)’, was uploaded by MR.LOKIGAMER on 2024-02-15 09:34:50. It has garnered 44 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. Minecraft Mobs in Real Life! (EXTRA CURSED) Minecraft, But Scary Cursed MOBS are ULTRA REALISTIC Challenge with ETHAN! Can you Believe the END?!! #Eystreem #Minecraft Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, funny, secret, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft mobs in real life extra scary, minecraft mobs in real life, minecraft mobs, minecraft scary mobs, minecraft myths scary, mobs in real life cursed minecraft, extremely… Read More