Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Subway (Restaurant) “2019 City Tutorial”

Video Information

[Applause] Hey what’s up youtube in this video i’ll be showing you how to make a subway restaurant if you enjoyed this tutorial please do hit that like button i’d really appreciate it this is the first city build that i have made in a really long time and if you guys would like to

See more of these and more remakes of my older builds but made much better and to a much better scale that you can build in your cities i’d just really appreciate it if you could let me know in the comments and hit that like button

And not only that i will also show you how to make the inside which you’re gonna have to make it to the end to see but without any further ado let’s get started now before we begin building i think it’s important to tell you that these are all of the materials that we

Are going to be using to make the outside of our subway and the amounts of those materials should be visible as well and now for a very different set of materials these are the materials that we will be using for the inside of our subway i will show you

These inside materials again later on just in case you want to focus on the outside the amount of space required to make subway is a 16 by 17 block area this will also include the small car park outside of the front of the building i would make this grid if you

Are making this in a city please pause the video make sure that you have all those materials make sure you have enough of them and once you are ready we can begin so step one i’m going to come all the way to the front left hand

Corner of the grid if you have no interest in the grid bear with me one second move it inwards by one two three four five six seven and then right by one this is the starting position i want you to play six terracotta coming up from the ground

One two three four five six go right by five one two three four five go up by two one two go left one up one left by three one two three go down left down i want you to place a layer of birchwood planks behind the empty space that we

Have created it looks very much like a tetris block but the birchwood planks add quite a bit to the build what i also want you to do is prepare the roof by placing a stone slab on top of this terracotta block right here extend the stone slab to the right

And then take this right slab extend it towards you in one then up in up in up extend both of these to the left and then take this bottom left hand side block and extend it left down left down left this will be important later

I also want you to extend the right side of this entrance down to the ground using terracotta to put this into perspective this is where the entrance is and i want you to place black concrete coming inwards diagonally from both sides extend the black concrete up by two on each side

With black glass in between i then want you to place or better yet first of all destroy between the entrance place stone slabs in there and then oak doors just to kind of like better personify that this is where the entrance is indeed is

What i then want you to do is above here above the entrance line between the two rows of terracotta i want you to place yellow concrete green yellow green do the same pattern on top to fill in the empty space and take the bottom row and extend it one row towards you

Like that now we’re going to focus on the rest of the restaurant i’m going to take the bottom right corner of the entrance and i’m going to extend it backwards by one using terracotta we’re then going to extend right by eight one two three four five six seven eight

And then upwards by six one two three four five six extend all the way over to the left and connect back to the entrance as you do it by the way like that and then extend down like so and from the outside i then want you to place a row of vertical

Terracotta like this to turn this into a box place two rows of green concrete coming down from the top of the build then place a row of terracotta this is the window space the window space is very simple all we have to do is place some white concrete

On the ends of the window space that is indeed vertical and then black stained glass in between like this so from the outside looking in we’ll have something which should look like that later on we will elaborate with the rest of the build and we will add details and

Stuff that look really good come to the top right corner of the build and moving backwards from this corner block place seven terracotta one two three four five six seven i want you to extend that seventh block down to the ground i also want you to place two rows of

Green concrete directly underneath the rows of terracotta and fill in the right side of the build using terracotta build it down from the ground up towards the top we have to do the back of the build also so on the back of the build we pretty much want to copy the front

We start by extending this top block to the right by eight one two three four five six seven eight connect all the way down to the ground then we want to place an additional row of terracotta on the inside of the right two rows of green concrete underneath

The top to keep with that subway branding and then terracotta building up from the ground there is no window on this particular back part of the build i then want you to extend this row of terracotta on the right one row towards you then extend it one row upwards and then right up

Right by free down right extend it down to the ground to give us the shape the shape is very important indeed i want you to leave two rows from the top and then place a horizontal row of terracotta The reason that we’re doing this is because we’re going to place birchwood planks behind this empty space that we have created same as we have on the front we’re then going to place two rows of terracotta coming down one two seal it up at the bottom

And then on the inside of this we’re going to have white concrete coming in from each end of the empty space black glass in between and that will give us a very nice effect like this on the left side of the build we simply seal it up using

Just terracotta there really isn’t too much more else to it so just use your terracotta go from top to bottom and you don’t have to stop until you eventually get to the top which is probably a song you want to do the same thing on the opposite side meaning you just want to

Connect the right side to the left or the front to the back as we are place a row of terracotta here as well to kind of like just solidify the shape that we have to the left of us we’re going to use stone slabs now and stone slabs are going to

Go all the way around at the base of the shape that we have just made and we are going to fill in a roof the roof is stone slammed it’s half a row down from the top of the build and it will look very good once complete like this

I’m going to take the roof that we have on the front and i’m going to extend it towards the back and i’m going to make sure that the roof on the back is the exact same as the front in absolutely all manners i’m not going to explain

Again but i’m sure that you guys will be able to put yourself in a position where you can where you can copy the front onto the back i’m going to place of course stone slabs extending from the front block oh no from the front blocks all the way to the

Back blocks unless you fancy extending both rows front to back i would highly suggest only doing the top layer of stone slams it will be irrelevant it will be irrelevant to do both of them as we are going to be putting like an internal ceiling in the place like this

Isn’t what the roof will look like from the inside so now that we have this we have actually done like a huge part of the build it looks really good already but my friends it can look better so out the front of the build we want to

Have a path the path is going to lead from the entrance all the way to where i have the the end of the grid and the path is going to be made out of stone slabs so i want you to fill in this area here using stone slabs of course depending on

Your city you might have a different sort of length of path and shape and you might blend the build into the environment in a different way but i’m also going to extend these two rows of stone slabs here just poking out the front of the entrance these two rows

I’m going to extend all the way over to the right and they are going to connect just in front of the window so i’m just going to have all of this made into pathway depending on your sort of city or location or wherever you’re planting these i mean you might plant them in

Different places in your world if you’re working on a city of course you might already you know you might already have one of these but if you’re working on little towns and stuff that’s better from the city or maybe retail parks and what have you then you might want to

Build more than one of these maybe even attach them to gas stations and stuff but the fact of the matter is mine has a path that leads just out of the front like this and more importantly there’s a little parking area i’m going to run a row of white concrete

Just right at the inside of the long path coming out the front i’m going to dig three rows to the right and i’m going to have another vertical row of white concrete as well i want to do that one more time one two three and then have a vertical row of

White concrete these are the separations between the spacers if you dig out all of this mess here all of the grass or whatever it is you might be dealing with we are going to place as i said park car park spaces in there and these car park spaces very easy to

Make as a matter of fact we’re going to use jungle leaves grey concrete both carpets string cobblestone wall birch fence sea lanterns and some birch trap doors for these next parts fill in the car parking spaces with grey concrete or alternatively whatever material you might be using for roads

That is going to vary from person to person depending on what you’re using as a road i’m going to use yellow carpet on the ends of these spacers as a little bumper between there and what we’re going to be having over there i’m going to place jungle leaves around

The outside of the build these builds can be made completely by themselves this can be like a one-off in your city or you might be building it into a condensed area this will determine whether you’re going to have any sort of jungle leaves or wall or anything around

It it completely depends on how your city is laid out now that we have done this there is a light at the end of the path right here it’s made out of a cobblestone wall two birch vents we’re going to stick a sea lantern coming inwards with birch trap doors on

The sea lantern and the fence above the window that we have here we’re going to place string now the string only has to be in front of the top row of the window like this it wants to be level with the white concrete and the glass

And going from left to right i’m going to place white a yellow carpet followed by green carpet coming across the front like that it’s a small detail but it really does make quite a bit of difference now the part that i have been dreading ladies and gentlemen i’ve not been

Looking forward to this the letters yes what separates this from a weird random building is the fact that we are going to write subway across that green strip right there and it’s actually going to be quite difficult for us and that’s because we have so many materials on us

And you know what let us let us actually use all the the rest of the stuff that we’re going to be needing before we tackle this grab torches birch fence birchwood stairs and some weighted pressure plates i’m going to place torches either side of the entrance because light is fun

I’m going to place a set of chairs underneath the window here just so people can enjoy the sandwiches out in the sun i’m a nice guy like that i want people to enjoy themselves at my subway restaurant so i’m going to place right in the middle of these spaces a birch fence

That corresponds with with the like the space middle and i’m going to place birchwood stairs left and right of this and a weighted pressure plate on top and that is basically just a little bit of a seating area for people to sit and eat the sandwiches again i want people to be comfy

I’m going to dump these materials now i’m also going to dump all of these other materials and these ones the reason that i’m keeping these ones is because we are now going to work on the banners my least favorite part drop a crafting table okay so step number one

For the banners we have to crack open our crafting table and we have to place a banner in the center of the table we’re going to place white dye coming across the top of the banner and grab the resort place the banner in the table again and

Place a horizontal row of white dye coming across the bottom of the banner and grab the resort we’re going to then place the banner in the middle and we’re going to place a diagonal row of white dye coming across the coming across diagonally top left to bottom right corner grab the result

Then this is the easy part put the banner in the center of the table and place green dye all the way around it to solidify the s and this is the most satisfying part place an s in the first row of the green that you have above the front window next banner you

Not not you not not not literally you you so use quite easy we want to place a green banner in the center of the table a strip of white dye coming up up the left side grab the resort swap the die to the right side after putting the

After putting the banner back in the table in the middle grab the result place the banner back in the table and have a horizontal row of white dye coming across the bottom and now the easy part you want to put the banner right in the middle of the table again

And we’re going to place green dye all the way around the outside it makes the letters look a lot cleaner and that is you place that next to the s and again you’ll slowly be liberated by how much time this has taken you’ll feel a lot better as each letter gets added

Okay b is also really easy too so green banner center of the table and place a strip of white dye coming up the left grab the result and then chuck it back in the table place it on the in the middle again and place a horizontal row of white dye

Coming up the right side grab it and place it back in the middle of the table a horizontal row of white dye across the top grab it and place the resort back in the table with a horizontal row of white dye coming across the bottom grab it

Chuck it once again well place it now in the top middle of the table and place a horizontal row of white dye coming across the middle grab the result put a finishing touch on this thing by placing it in the middle of the table with green dye all the way

Around the side of it like that i i’m a bit silly that’s white guy in the middle there i should know that grab the result and now we can place a b next to there ah that looks nice sub we’re halfway okay first we’re going to want to and this is

Where things swap up a little bit and for some reason i don’t have my yellow on me so i’m just gonna have to grab it but that would have been in the material list ladies and gentlemen i uh for some reason i’ve misplaced my yellow dye

So first we’re going to chuck a green banner right in the bottom of the table and we’re going to place yellow dye left right and above it like this Grab the banner and place it in the bottom center of the no place in the center of the table and place green dye left right and below like this grab the result of that and place the banner in the middle of the table place yellow dye coming up the left side

Grab the result of that and place the banner back in the table place yellow dye directly to the right of the banner grab the result truck it back in the table and surround it using green dye nice so now we have our w and we can place it all the way up here

Two more left to do so now we’re gonna come back to the table and we’re going to do a green banner in the middle row of yellow dye coming across the top grab that and place it in the middle of the table with yellow dye coming

Up with yellow dye on the left side grab the end result truck it back in the table yellow die coming down the right side grab it place it in the top middle of the table and place a row of yellow dye coming across the middle

Grab the end result of that and put the finishing touch of green dye all the way around and that will give us our a thank you now that we’ve done that we can move on to our final letter our final letter is of course y so first we are going to place

The banner in the left middle of the table with a horizon a vertical rather a diagonal row of yellow top left to bottom right grab the end result of that and chuck the banner in the middle of the table place two rows of green dye below the banner

Grab the end result of that and chuck it back in the table and i do believe we’re going to chuck it in the left middle part of the table with a row of yellow dye coming diagonally i wish that the controls were a little bit better coming diagonally top right corner bottom left

Corner grab the banner back in the table once more and then green die i just took my green dye away come back come back there we go back in the middle of the table and of course green dye all the way around the outside perfect which would be

Why as in why did this take so long and then we stick a y right there and ah perfecto look at that that is lovely so now that looks 10 times better but now we have to move on to the inside of the build ladies and gentlemen so just to remind you

Here are all of the materials that we are going to be using for the inside of the build please pause the video if you have to gather those materials and the amounts and once you have them all we can continue all right ladies and gentlemen i have gathered all

The materials that i’m going to be using once you have grabbed them as well we can begin so the first thing that we’re going to do is of course head inside inside the first thing that we have to do inside is at the ceiling the ceiling

Sits above the window and above the door and it’s made out of white concrete the ceiling is that’s that’s pretty much all there is to it we are also going to be adding some sea lanterns to it but i am going to give you the choice of

What sort of pattern to add the sea lanterns as well but once you have indeed added all of the white concrete for the ceiling then you can kind of make these decisions so that’s what it wants to look like so now we’ve made the ceiling completely white

It’s up to you how you add light into the ceiling my personal favorite way is to have two lots of sea lanterns every so often coming down the ceiling so one row away from the window on the back and one row away from the window on the

Front i’m gonna have a double set of sea lantern lights that are equal apart away from each other how many is it from the wall there equal parts away from each other and i’ll show you what it looks like or you can easily just have like a

Whole set of sea lanterns going up the middle of the roof it kind of depends on how you like it but one row away from the windows on the front one row away from the windows on the back and then two rows away from the wall on both

Sides and you can get a pretty nice looking ceiling i’m going to seal up around these windows using terracotta so the terracotta can actually come across as far as you like it can come all the way around and up here i’m also going to add terracotta underneath this window also

I’m going to turn the floor into birchwood planks now a lot of the floor is actually going to be covered up using carpet but i like the birch wood in conjunction with the rest of the colour palette and oak wood is a little played

Out for me hence why i’m using a bit of birch and for some reason the the colors just seem to resonate with me more i like the cooler combination of birch using the yellow and the green and the white as well like it just seems to look

A little bit nicer and with the black concrete too it contrasts a little bit nicer so that’s you know kind of up to you so now we kind of have a blank canvas on the inside of the build right first we’re gonna have to make the sandwich station the sandwich station is

Going to begin in the middle of the wall here on the right side and we’re going to place a row of 1 2 3 4 5 6 iron coming out from the wall in front or behind the first free iron i want you to place cauldrons In front of the cauldrons i want you to place glass pane and extend it one row further than the cauldrons on this back wall here i want you to place a double white concrete parallel to the iron and i’m going to place a brewing stand and then a furnace just to the right

I’m going to chuck these materials away for a second and i’m going to grab this second row of mine and i’m going to place on top of each cauldron an oak trap door i’m also going to place an oak trap door just here so people can’t like move through

I’m going to place a trip by a hook above the brewing stand because it looks a little bit more like a coffee machine to me and on the wall behind the cauldrons i’m going to place item frames bread’s gonna go in one and then whatever you might

Want to chuck on sandwiches in the other two so whether that that means you want to chuck like chicken in one or rabbit or pork chop whatever you want to put in the fish and maybe even a veggie if you like feel free to do that in the item frames

I’m going to place a green carpet and a yellow carpet on the end here just because it’s kind of like subway coolers and now that we have done that ladies and gentlemen we are going to focus on the rest of the build a little bit i want you to place birch fence

Underneath this window here i want you to place one two three four birch vents coming outwards and we’re actually going to carpet this area here but before we carpet it just before we carpet it i want you to grab the anvil and the jungle leaves and in this corner

Here next to the door i’m just going to place jungle leaves on top of the anvil just because it kind of works right it just kind of works and i’m gonna have the carpet as i said the carpet is going to start from in front of the anvil and it is going to

Alternate between green and yellow they’re the branding colors for subway it’s very recognizable it looks great and that is what i’m going to use in a checkerboard chessboard pattern track drafts pattern an alternating pattern using both of those colors i think that that looks really good

Okay now that we’ve done that we just have to focus on the rest of the restaurant now so on this back wall here we have a couple of tables table one goes right here one row away from the door table two here won’t row away from the wall

I’m going to chuck away these materials and what uh what do i need i need uh quartz stairs birch fence uh pressure plate paintings i’m gonna probably use a little bit of torch as well and i don’t think i need anything else do i okay so

On top of the fence i’m gonna use a weighted pressure plate uh this back table here gonna have back to back quartz stairs this table at the front just one i’m just gonna have one quart stairs like this and then what else am i gonna do well i

Want to painting right in the middle of this wall so however you want to apply the painting it’s completely up to you but no no no no no no yes perfect i’m going to have a painting right in the middle of that wall and i’m also going to have just a couple

Of torches just behind the door like this and that that ladies and gentlemen i mean that’s kind of kind of our subway kind of complete i mean if you want to add a couple of things like if you want to add chests and stuff then that’s all right but this

Is this is simple this is something that you can easily build in your city and it’s it’s kind of done like if we come outside you know it’s it’s kind of perfect let me let me get rid of all this stuff well done by the way for building this this is

Awesome so this is what your subway will look like once is 100 fully completed and if i dare say so myself it’s a really good looking subway whether you want to make just one of these or many of these i think that you could build plenty of these around your city i mean

They’re absolutely everywhere the outside looks great it’s nice and recognizable plenty of branding plenty of colors and on the inside it’s the same it’s simple yet elegant and it completely has everything that you would expect to find in a sandwich shop and yeah ladies and gentlemen i i hope

That you have enjoyed my first city build coming back this is the first city build that i’ve made in a really long time it’s actually a remake of the old one except this one you can actually build it in your cities and it makes sense and

It will fit perfectly thank you so much for watching i really do appreciate all of you for watching if you have enjoyed this tutorial please hit that like button it really helps me out it really really does i’m going to be doing more city related builds if you want them

That’s the most important thing if you like the videos it’s going to help me out a lot and it will let me know what you want to see subscribe to the channel if you want to see more city builds it is going to be happening feel free to suggest which one

You want to see next as well click the little bell next to the subscription button that’s the best thing that you can do and that’s pretty much everything i’m going to be making a brand new city builds playlist which you’ll be able to check out in the card system and the

Description below and at the top of the description and in the top of the comments thank you so much for watching everybody i’ve really enjoyed designing this i’ve really enjoyed making it i hope that you guys enjoyed it too thank you so much for watching have a great day and i’ll

See you guys in the next one good bye You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Subway (Restaurant) “2019 City Tutorial”‘, was uploaded by TSMC – Minecraft on 2019-01-21 14:30:05. It has garnered 1765555 views and 41074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds.

In this tutorial i show you how to make a Subway Restaurant for your city! this is a fast food restaurant that you can add to your city or town or village that will make things just a little bit tastier!

How To Make a CIty Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVfyBBWTXosBc2X7FdAzrdKffZoY1ZzZG

#tsmc #tsmctutorial #citytutorial

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    Earth NetworkWelcome to Earth Network, the ultimate Minecraft server experience! Dive into our diverse gamemodes: conquer the wild in Survival, master the skies in Skyblock, and brave the depths in Underground Survival. Each mode offers unique challenges and endless adventures. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or strategist, Earth Network has something for everyone. Stay tuned for more exciting gamemodes coming soon. Join our vibrant community and embark on your next Minecraft adventure with Earth Network today!Discord: https://discord.gg/Twitter: twitter.com/earthnetwork Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro Forgot To Turn Off His Lava Tap

    Looks like Bro is helping flood the virtual world instead of saving it! Read More

  • Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked

    Crafting Cash in My Minecraft City | Time Banked In my Minecraft city, a bank I did build, With timelapse magic, my vision fulfilled. From planning to finish, each step in line, Crafting a masterpiece, a sight so divine. Gathering resources, preparing with care, Every block in place, a grand affair. Step by step, the bank took shape, A testament to creativity, no escape. The final reveal, a stunning sight, In my Minecraft city, shining bright. Inspiration for builders, a joy to behold, In the world of blocks, stories untold. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t be shy, For more epic builds, watch me fly. Minecraft magic, in every rhyme,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme got me yeeted 🔥😂 When Minecraft cuts you off, just remember it’s not personal – it’s just trying to keep your brain cells from getting too addicted to building virtual worlds! #MinecraftIntervention 😂🔨🧠 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days with Herobrine in Minecraft Minecraft Survival Horror Adventure: From the Fog Embark on a terrifying journey in the world of Minecraft with the mod pack “From the Fog.” This mod pack introduces a host of eerie creatures like Herobrine, Cartoon Cat, Siren Head, and many more. Follow along as the protagonist navigates through this spine-chilling adventure, encountering a myriad of challenges and dangers. Exploring the Terrifying World of From the Fog Step into a world reminiscent of Minecraft’s early days, with outdated textures and haunting sounds that set the stage for a truly immersive experience. The protagonist must gather resources, survive the night,… Read More


    SJIN'S INCREDIBLE WORLD-CHANGING SPELL in Hells KitchenVideo Information hello and welcome back to enchant the world all the mods 9 magic mods last episode we looked into growing crops and developed the colony a little bit check out the worly sprig Farm now we’ve put down loads more seeds and decorated it a bit and this place looks really h and bustling and also it’s generating loads and loads and loads and loads of crops for us the question we have now is what are we going to be doing with all that food and that’s why I’ve prepared an area over here which we’re going… Read More

  • Legendary Gamer vs Pillager Outpost

    Legendary Gamer vs Pillager OutpostVideo Information si tú quieres bailar jugar pintar cantar tú puedes venir a mi casa La idea es compartir te vas a divertir si quieres venir a mi casa quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa todas mis amigas y amigos quiero saltar bailar y lo que tengo compartir contigo Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daa mágico mi dubi du Chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daa mágico mi dubi tú quieres cantar yo te voy a enseñar si quieres venir a mi casa y digo a mi mamá que diga tu mamá This video, titled ‘DESTROYING PILLAGER… Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT NIGHT W/ VIEWERS!! JOIN NOW!!🔥Video Information holy [ __ ] a stack of gold for eight golden apples bro you’re tweaking that was all of my gold dang and I wasted two of them just to get my H back that’s crazy bro broke now back like whoever that was talking about pizza should share facts facts big facts I got y bro pull up big facts big facts kok key slam now I mean I just came from a restaurant so not really but I mean Fast Metabolism so it’s like I’m going to eat whenever you know yeah the um the dude… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Top 10 EPIC Seeds for Minecraft 1.20.4!

    Unbelievable: Top 10 EPIC Seeds for Minecraft 1.20.4!Video Information welcome back everybody to another episode here of the top 10 seeds Series today ladies and gentlemen it’s such a variety 10 seeds is so many for me to cram into into a video the way I do my videos so there is a little bit of starter seeds there’s a little bit of advanced seeds and there’s a little bit of seeds that you probably don’t even want to play on but they look absolutely beautiful now this was recorded in Minecraft jav edition 1 120.4 uh trrain generation should work in Bedrock but you know structures… Read More


    ULTIMATE PVP RESOURCE PACKS! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🍒ЛУЧШИЕ РЕСУРС ПАКИ ДЛЯ ПВП🍒1.16.5 🍒FunTime🍒HolyWorld🍒 АНАРХИЯ🍒ReallyWorld🍒’, was uploaded by zloyaim on 2024-05-20 19:28:58. It has garnered 89 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. all RP in my tg: tg: z1oyaim Tags DO NOT READ! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= #RP #ResourcePack #Totem #Minecraft #pvp #pvp #anarchy #cpvp #holyworld #funtime # akrien #pvp krysatl #1.16.5#akrien,#celestial,#wexside,#download,#best,#resource pack pvp 1.12.2,#pvp resource pack 1.12.2,#rp for pvp 1.16.5,#pvp krysatl 1.16.5,Nursultan #minecraft #hvh #hvh #rp #mineblaze #Rigen #padiloi #KRAY #tirepsik #DARKHELL #Podpolcovnic #Grif #pvp #pvp #gv0zd #slivrp #trypesex #nursultan #funtime #minecraft #mst #hollyworld # aresmine #rp… Read More


    DUAL ANIMATORS TACKLE MINECRAFT HARDCORE!Video Information okay testing testing one two three one two three hello zodiac you are literally the first person to even join us on this fine afternoon for us there we go I think that should be okay for the chat now all right hello toga welcome to the stre we’re getting some good people in Arrow is in fact there yeah of course oh hang on guys I literally forgot my water in the other room just one second it’s fine I’ll be here to talk to him hello everyone it’s your number one man all right let’s see… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Matt’s Intense Minecraft Hardcore LIVE!

    SHOCKING! Matt's Intense Minecraft Hardcore LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE TIME | Matt Plays LIVE (Short)’, was uploaded by VarietyMattMedia on 2024-02-17 08:06:10. It has garnered 83 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:36 or 5916 seconds. Heyo! – Be nice! (Towards Jenny aswell.) – No stream sniping/harassment/doxxing/trolling, etc. – No sub4sub/No self-promotion. – Mods/Friends only! – No Sparta/Game(?) Requests! (I quit that unfortunately.) – No spamming. – English only! (Not trying to be xenophobe!) – Don’t joke about serious stuff. (Disabilities, tradegies, etc.) – Generally? Be a decent person, alright? Want to join my discord server? Here you… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Golem Battle – 1.21 Mob Showdown!

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Golem Battle - 1.21 Mob Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Mob Battle – Iron Golem vs Every Mob (Java Edition) – Epic Showdown!’, was uploaded by MetShubhoo on 2024-04-05 09:30:24. It has garnered 825 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:07 or 667 seconds. Minecraft 1.21 mob battle – Iron Golem vs All Mobs – Iron Golem vs Every Mobs (Java Edition) Witness the colossal clash in Minecraft 1.21 as the indomitable Iron Golem takes on every mob in an epic showdown! In this action-packed video, watch as the Iron Golem faces off against a diverse array of mobs,… Read More

  • Ultimate Outfit Reveal – CRAZY reggae rap BTS style!

    Ultimate Outfit Reveal - CRAZY reggae rap BTS style!Video Information This video, titled ‘See my outfit for today #music #reggae #guitar #song #rap #bts #minecraft #funny #btsarmy #kesfetaci’, was uploaded by Atifthamin on 2024-02-18 14:26:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • FutureMC

    FutureMCThe Best Public SMP Introducing FutureMC A Brand new server that is about to Release coming 26th July! The Server that we are realeasing First is a Lifesteal SMP! Containing Many Features! Join up to take up the Spot for the Most PowerFull Player.. Compatable with Both Java and Bedrock play.futuremc.co:25476 Read More

  • Atlantis SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Custom Plugins

    Atlantis Server Information Server Name: Atlantis Server IP: Server Location: Europe – France Version: 1.20.4 (Java; Vanilla client) Gameplay Types: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, PVE, PVP, Land Claim Atlantis is an SMP server where you play as an Atlantean with special powers, ranks, land claim, PVP, underwater city and market, special items, special plugins, and the opportunity to become a staff Mod. Play like a true Atlantean with Atlantean’s power and ranks. Read More

  • Plasma Power

    Plasma PowerPlasma PowerCome join the fun and chaos of a newly surfacing server; PlasmaKraft. A multi-cultural, java server with multiple different gamemodes to suit your needs, hosting events fairly often. With helpful and respectful staff and a non-toxic community, who don’t tolerate disrespect from players who ruin the fun for others. So, what has PlasmaKraft got to offer?Lifesteal:The first gamemode from our structuring collection; Lifesteal. Our specific version of Lifesteal is considered an anarchy server, with hardly any rules, simply, don’t hack, don’t cheat, don’t be inappropriate in any form. This gamemode is recommended for the sweaty players, who enjoy a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Sis sends spicy Minecraft meme”

    Minecraft Memes - "Sis sends spicy Minecraft meme"Looks like your sister knows how to mine for those top-tier memes! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hot Mess 😂🔥 #shorts

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hot Mess 😂🔥 #shorts “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama #creeperlove Read More

  • Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today!

    Join Minewind: Start Your Epic Minecraft Adventure Today! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we’re excited to share with you a new journey that is just beginning in the Minecraft community. In a recent YouTube video titled “New Journey Begins 🔥 Minecraft PE One Block Survival Part-1 [HINDI],” we see a group of talented gamers taking on the challenge of Minecraft Pocket Edition’s One Block Survival. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does showcase the creativity and excitement that Minecraft has to offer. Watching these gamers, such as beatplayz, rosygamerz,… Read More

  • Surviving Uzbek Minecraft

    Surviving Uzbek Minecraft Welcome to the Majestic World of Minecraft Uzbek Let’s Play! Embark on an exciting journey through the enchanting realm of Vijivaniya Qilamiza in Minecraft with this Uzbek-language Let’s Play video. Experience the game like never before with stunning shaders that enhance the visuals and immerse you in a world of endless possibilities. Exploring Vijivaniya Qilamiza Join the adventure as you delve into the intricacies of Vijivaniya Qilamiza, a world filled with wonders waiting to be discovered. Uncover hidden treasures, encounter mysterious creatures, and build your own unique creations in this vast and captivating landscape. Discovering Shaders Immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Unbelievable Ironman Grind in Hypixel Skyblock!

    Unbelievable Ironman Grind in Hypixel Skyblock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Hypixel Skyblock – Ironman Grind’, was uploaded by I-0fflineT1mer-I on 2024-05-05 19:40:10. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:23:40 or 15820 seconds. Read More

  • Morning Mischief on Bronytales Minecraft Server

    Morning Mischief on Bronytales Minecraft ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server | Morning Minecraf Mischief | #104’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2024-04-10 16:20:47. It has garnered 174 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:50 or 11450 seconds. Minecraf? Minecraf!! Whoooooo!! ============================== Server: bronytales.com Resource Pack: https://love-tolerance.com/ Shader: https://modrinth.com/shader/complementary-unbound Mods: Mine Little Pony: https://minelittlepony-mod.com/ Presence Footsteps: https://github.com/Sollace/Presence-Footsteps/releases HDSkins: https://github.com/MineLittlePony/HDSkins/releases Lamb Dynamic Lights: https://modrinth.com/mod/lambdynamiclights Lithium: https://modrinth.com/mod/lithium Sodium: https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium Phosphor: https://modrinth.com/mod/phosphor Mod Menu: https://modrinth.com/mod/modmenu Better Dropped Items: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-dropped-items Illuminations: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illuminations Iris Shaders: https://modrinth.com/mod/iris Mambience: https://modrinth.com/mod/mambience Logical Zoom: https://modrinth.com/mod/logical-zoom Lazy DFU: https://modrinth.com/mod/lazydfu Xaeros Minimap (Fair Play Edition): https://modrinth.com/mod/xaeros-minimap-fair Technopig: https://modrinth.com/mod/technomodel Drip Sounds:… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Lucasd10 RETURNED to Minecraft?! 😱

    Unbelievable! Lucasd10 RETURNED to Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴FIRST MINECRAFT STREAM BACK! (AM I WASHED?)🔴’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-26 05:36:37. It has garnered 1326 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:59 or 8279 seconds. 🔴Today I Am Playing Minecraft LIVE. Don’t Forget To Like, Comment, Subscribe, And Turn On Post Notifications To Never Miss A Livestream Or Upload!🔴 ────────────────────────────────── 🤑DONATE TO ME HERE💲➔ https://streamlabs.com/lucasd10 Feel Free to Donate, It Is Optional But It Can Help Me In Many Ways. I Can Buy New Gaming/Streaming Equipment, Things In Games, And It Gives Me A Chance To Do Giveaways… Read More

  • Surviving EvilGames: Java vs Bedrock!

    Surviving EvilGames: Java vs Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIE ABONNÉ – Épisode 6 : Java + Bedrock [SWITCH/PS4/XBOX]’, was uploaded by EvilGame on 2024-02-07 19:08:51. It has garnered 618 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:35 or 17195 seconds. LIVE FR – MINECRAFT SURVIE FR episode 6 Survival with Subscribers – Minecraft (Nintendo Switch/Xbox/Ps4/PC/PS5) EGLAND: ►Java server: egland.hosterfy.eu ►Bedrock server: game9-fr.hosterfy.com (PORT : 60937) OR add EGLANDfr as a friend! Take advantage of the premium subscription to EGLANDfr! ►https://www.youtube.com/c/EvilGame/join Hosterfy (-10% with code EVILGAME): ► https://www.hosterfy.com/?a=evilgame Discord : https://discord.gg/WHPmGHD8cF Instagram : @evilgame_ytb / https://www.instagram.com/evilgame_ytb/ Read More

  • Unleash Ultimate Power: One Hit Sword in Minecraft 🔥

    Unleash Ultimate Power: One Hit Sword in Minecraft 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO MAKE ONE HIT SWORD IN MINECRAFT | 🌚 #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Itachizz domain on 2024-03-17 10:30:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching hope you liked my videos and subscribed to my channel itachizz domain. If you enjoyed please share with … Read More

  • SHOCKING: I Cheated in Fire vs Ice Battle!

    SHOCKING: I Cheated in Fire vs Ice Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a ICE vs FIRE MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-20 11:00:23. It has garnered 83439 views and 2235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:10 or 1930 seconds. I Cheated in a ICE vs FIRE MOB BATTLE! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

Minecraft Tutorial: How To Make A Subway (Restaurant) “2019 City Tutorial”