Minecraft Twitch Stream 7/12/23: Part 1

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Yeah some of the airports are you know just so they don’t even get out of the freaking truck they just drive you know down the runway to it and there’s you know the passenger where the officer would sit has the joysticks and is you know like freaking you know moving the

Nozzle you know one joystick moves like one or something on the the front bumper and another joystick or something moves like the can a water cannon or foam Cannon or whatever that’s on the roof or whatnot yeah yep yep it’s it’s got a um the [ __ ] truck even has a heater

For the pump wow yeah yeah it’s got a [ __ ] pump heater on it oh I mean you know if they want to put it through the page which is smart and they want to you know and they want to see if it’s gonna you know what else

They’re gonna use it for if they need to use it during the winter there you go right yeah it’s that’s I mean that’s smart um yeah I saw the I saw the switch on the pump panels it’s a pump here I was like what that’s right I said Steve was standing

I’m like what’s got a [ __ ] pump here too Steve’s like yeah man it’s like you know it’s got a pumping around he don’t freeze it up yeah oh [ __ ] that’s what the that’s what the big trucks should come with too yeah because you know being you know being out in the freaking

You know winter and [ __ ] oh yeah yeah I mean it you know only makes sense oh yeah uh oh you moved it moved what the glass thing work last thing I didn’t move any glass thing what are you talking about oh duh never mind I’m I’m freaking like all over the place

Tonight oh I thought that you moved uh I I forgot that down on uh down on the left hand side is the charcoal this one down here the second one down here is glass you’re okay so I figured out her fingered Friday when I go into work

I’m gonna say something to the one guy that uh that told me about my schedule last night and have him leave a note for the lady um that does the scheduling you know saying you know just reminding her that I you know that you know if I if I close on Saturday

Then by the time I’m done with my shift on Sunday I’m gonna be over my 20 hours and I have to be exactly at 20 hours well because you know there’s not gonna be many of us closing on Saturday so we’re not gonna be right

Out at like 12 or 12 30 I can guarantee you that well and stuff so yeah start though does Sunday start the new week or no um no Monday um so like so like you know when I work Saturday and Sunday um you know like my hours that’s that’s

Why that’s why the lady the lady does like two week you know a two-week schedule yeah so like when she goes to do the schedule she’ll do you know that one week and post it and then she’ll do the other week just before um you know the following week

She doesn’t do we she don’t do it week by week she said she you know does it you know two weeks at a time so she probably forgot gotcha I’m hoping that’s what it is because I I told Katrina earlier you know she’s only got two choices

You know it’s either you know if she doesn’t like it that you know you know that I’m you know not staying well I told Katrina I said you know she only has two choices either she feel like lets me go or I [ __ ] you know you know I [ __ ]

Tell them that I’m gone at 11. I’m not closing Saturday yeah so you know it’s the only two choices you know that she’s got if she don’t like it I don’t know what to tell her it um yeah she knows because I told her enough

Times you know that I you know that I have to be at 20 hours every week so you know if so you know and then I was looking and and uh I was looking at you know like jobs just in case you know I have to look for a full-time one

My old job is hiring through that temp company again at OMP but they’re but their work their work days are different yeah it’s Sunday to Thursday now we’re on Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday five days a week and then you have Friday Saturday off which is weird because that’s not how it

Was when I was there but and and that’s all three shifts that’s first shift second shift third shift [ __ ] was that noise I don’t know I didn’t hear no noise so what was what were the days when you worked there it was you worked Monday through Friday and

A k like up on the Whiteboard they would put up like certain machines that they needed to run more parts to get you know to not be behind for Saturdays and Sundays or you could just do Saturdays but um you know if you if you didn’t know how

To run that machine then you couldn’t put your name up on the board but if you knew how to run that machine then you know they wanted somebody you know to you know what I mean put your name up there for for running it so oh yeah it was Monday through Friday

So then you had Saturday Sunday off but I’m getting so busy let’s why are you looking down I’m just doing just through the hole it was doing a circus wow well it’s daytime out anyways oh is it sweet I hear that I hear the witch the witch [ __ ] is out there somewhere

Oh yeah she’s over it she’s over here on this side oh yeah there’s a Skelly over there oh yeah dang it why don’t they catch on fire in the daylight or some of the [ __ ] oh the skellies they do it’s just right now it’s underneath the tree that’s why ah okay

So when they’re underneath yeah if they come out from underneath the tree then he’s going you know uh yeah it must be not far enough yet come on not funny it’s a tree there homie come on come on you know your mama yeah come on yeah he keeps stopping look at the edge

Come on oh [ __ ] what I I was trying he was focused on you so I was gonna try to sneak up behind him and hit him boy oh whoa that one fell short same thing over here oh that one guys oh he hit to that time yeah oh he hit me too

As if the witch came over here and you could like and he nailed the witch yeah he danced around enough oh the witch is coming too and the witch is right here still oh it’s going up there what you call it yeah come on skeleton douchebag he tried hitting me foreign

What the [ __ ] sapling what the hell big hole what what the [ __ ] hit me don’t tell me he nailed me with an arrow from way to [ __ ] over there no what the hell hit me though that took two [ __ ] hearts that was weird but he got us walking along the top here

And [ __ ] something nailed me with took two hearts away weird it was that dirty little [ __ ] and kick his ass get his sticky ass Dirty son of a [ __ ] I didn’t know this happened listen I hate doing this too I guess I feel like we’re gonna [ __ ] fall oh [ __ ] Saturn

Cut these trees down oh you got rid of them finally what was that what get rid of what the Skelly oh no I went a different direction over there the side of the house oh the wolf killed uh one of those things one of the the Lamy lamb or whatever the frick they’re

Called the mutton [ __ ] yeah whenever the wolf is around and the the Sheep are around the wolf you know will go and kill those and then we get free food yeah see one two three maybe I should do the other side right let’s do the other side next

Wait a minute how the [ __ ] did I do it again okay so I did all the way all right suffer right there there how the [ __ ] did I do it again somebody did like us somebody did like a real life Minecraft skit like I recorded it like just like

Run around like punching stuff that’s freaking yeah they have the Minecraft [ __ ] for Halloween too yeah when my nephew went as uh as the guy Steve Steve yeah Steve I think it was last year yep Steve there’s uh the creeper and the skeleton and

Yeah now I know so my nephew part of his uh light show that he does at Christmas time so last year he did this whole like video thing and part of it he did it on Minecraft and the Enderman was in it was in the video

And I was like what the [ __ ] I got the time I was like what the hell are you talking about that makes sense right now I know what he’s talking about yep all right now I’m gonna have to make a doorway somewhere um I forgot last night I made shovels Okay there we go all right all right oh wow okay I feel like I’m gonna fall asleep yeah so I played oh [ __ ] I played grounded with Chris again for a while today oh did you okay yeah yeah oh yeah it was really nice yeah oh we found some you know

Some black ant soldiers we got into this one freaking Place uh let’s see what else oh yeah we you know we were trying to do more stuff like there’s this freaking coffee pot thingamajigger that we gotta like um we have to uh a lot I shouldn’t say

Coffee pot but it turns it on and we have to like uh we have to activate the uh the uh thingies well it’s not activate the thingies but um like there’s three of them and we have to like uh get through like oh you know quite a few waves of like different

You know other different bugs and not let them damage the thing we haven’t started yet because we watched a video about uh you know how to do it and stuff and videos you know the video says that uh you that you wanted uh like put some

Type of walls up around it first yeah to help protect it and block off some of the entrances and stuff where you know like the [ __ ] it’s getting to be nighttime again the yeah where the bugs will you know come in from yeah and stuff and we’re like oh we’re like

Wonderful you know yeah we thought you know maybe we’d be able to uh you know oh [ __ ] I forgot about the flying [ __ ] it’s Gonna Knock me right off [ __ ] and there’s a creeper right there some [ __ ] get away from my Greenhouse [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I just broke it in my sword you

Yeah you fall you fall I gotta come in and make a new sword in a minute I gotta get the rest of my dirt at least oh no that stuff can stay there for now I don’t get it when it turns light out again oh [ __ ] zombie [ __ ] you suck

Oh now we got 32 wheat seeds yeah boy can you prep those just like you cut the the uh saplings you know well um no it’s a little different there is if you uh give me a second here let me eat that away put that away put that away let me get some

Cobblestone you come over to the thingy here um over to the weapon the equipment and you’ll see there’s a stone hoe you can take the green grass off off the top of the dirt block and um when you take the the dirt off the the top of the grass block then you can

Um plant stuff in it and that so usually what I do but usually what I do is every time I go over to collect the wheat you’ll get wheat and seeds and sometimes you go to throw it back down on that plot and sometimes it you know it turns back to uh

You know back to regular grass so you gotta you know hold it you know you hit it once with the hole and then you freaking um and then you you know do your wheat seeds so gotcha okay that’s cool I mean it’s yeah it’s simple

It’s not you know as hard as it sounds it may sound harder than you than what it is take a little bit of trouble smoker oh my goodness uh figure out two what am I gonna do more light I have to suspend something from this from the ceiling that’ll be pretty easy

Once I can get the roof once you can get the roof on should probably go up top and grab a door because they know we got an extra one up there look at that that’s the door that’s a door Okay he said just waiting just waiting mm-hmm oh you posted uh a stream from the 15th on YouTube yeah nice and the YouTube on on the used tubes the tube of the youth oh my God my ankle is killing me [ __ ] uh hahaha Yeah I did a I got a bunch of videos ready to upload today I worked out holy shitload nice made some highlights and stuff I didn’t get no nap time in but I need to go anywhere this afternoon and pick up a bunch of stuff so there it went her house

For the night I picked her up from there and then came your house came home laid down for a hot minute with some ice on my ankle and I didn’t feel any difference right pain meds don’t do anything either so wow holy [ __ ] you freaking joking hmm um how much more um

How much more glass do we need I don’t know yet that’s what I’m okay let’s we should have enough for the time being okay you know you want to work on getting you know trees that might be you know it might you know that might be better

Right at the moment so we can get uh uh what do you call it get more charcoal going okay that’s why I’m trying to finish this so I can get us you know uh what do you call it more you know more food and then we don’t have to

I mean we’ll still you know kill the animals but we won’t have to do it as often yeah if it makes any sense [Applause] a boy because I think how I’m gonna do this roof if it works out is I think I’m going to go up one more level on each side whoa and then go straight across so that there’s like a flat you know roof and then I have to enclose the sides

And stuff but you know oh okay come on step down if we’re not being a dumbass Steve one two three one two three so that’ll be four and both sides okay and then straight across I guess you did make a little I guess you did make a little hole down there

Huh last night what’s that for the sand yeah yeah I can see it now no more up here rocking and rolling on them so open the can of whoop ass on it is can you imagine having the kind of money that that they freaking have dude holy [ __ ] yeah buddy very nice

They [ __ ] land you know some of them have like freaking you know what what the [ __ ] dude a baby wolf just killed a damn cow I’ve never seen him kill the cows but usually it’s just a sheep they usually go just after the Sheep wow but yeah freaking holy [ __ ] dude if I

Had their kind of money yeah right okay so there’s nothing left in that one right there [ __ ] yeah I forgot you yeah well no because I can’t make glass stairs so mine let’s say some [ __ ] but I did stairs but forgot you can’t make glass stairs oh snapos I need to come back to the house and get some more some more glass so well that sucked oops something killed one sheep

I don’t know how much it’s gonna take well my brain is shot tonight I keep forgetting what the [ __ ] I’m doing yeah I fell asleep and uh no no uh before you got on and oh nice like and and when I woke up I looked at my phone and it said that you

And it said that you were on in that you know in the Xbox happened and I looked in the Xbox app and you know you weren’t on and I’m like okay I’m like that’s weird I go I just said he was on I go so yeah it’s kind of weird

Yeah I was like I was like kill let me know when he gets home and I was like yeah screw I was like okay I’m start playing farm simulator it’s usually how it is I’ll start playing it and then you’ll get on so that’s why I just go in and start

Playing that’s funny oh some [ __ ] just wasted a piece of glass [ __ ] oh my God pit balls I might not be able to stay up too late holy [ __ ] dude I’m like ready for bed right now yeah and we’ve been playing we’ve been on for 37 minutes what in the [ __ ]

Oh my God so that one dude that came in just before we got off last night is he from England or something yes yep ah okay yep is he one of the ones that wants to play this or something yeah he meant yeah he mentioned it last night uh the only time

He’s mentioned it um oh [ __ ] I did it yeah he’s he’s um somewhere over there that’s why that’s why I made the comment about across the pond kind of figured like I mean my like I said you know my brain and [ __ ] was just like

Not all there last night I was just you know I was freaking tired from working [ __ ] yeah yeah he seems like a seems like a cool dude they’ve chatted a few times with these uh I sent a couple muscles of Discord he added me on Xbox um

It came in my uh my stream on like there’s streaming medieval Dynasty ones and uh okay he came in yeah he plays that oh does he yeah nice yeah that’s sweet I hope they get the freaking multiplayer for that up and running soon I haven’t even oh you dirty [ __ ] oh really

Really oh yeah the Birdie’s ass is gonna [ __ ] die if it comes dive bombing me again here it’s stuck inside I haven’t gotten the sides closed yet yeah oh I’m gonna kill this other [ __ ] now oh [ __ ] Yeah I’m like super [ __ ] tired is it still up here is it still up here where is it where’d it go sorry [ __ ] oh you’re too far away now some [ __ ] just made me fall where’d you move to where’d you go oh there you are oh mirror [ __ ] you no this [ __ ] oh

Mr I like the dive bomb people just got his ass beat that I want to see what the hell you get from them there’s something floating here the hell is this stuff Phantom really really you son of a [ __ ] don’t touch it if I come back out and there’s a black

Mission I’m going hunting and I’m going hunt and I’m gonna [ __ ] go hunting for the damn Enderman because he’s down there near my place a local Enderman hunting if I find any parts missing yeah I don’t understand like I don’t know like they switch some stuff

In this game and I wish they kept some stuff that they had oh the way that it was because you used to be able to go in and you could go to something and you know you could put your cursor or cursor on it a little plus sign with the circle in

The middle and if you didn’t know what it was you could hit a certain um you know button and it would tell you like it would give you a little you know like description or you know it would tell you like it all the you know stuff that you would need yeah

And now they did it now they did away with it right so you know holy [ __ ] there we go put that out we’re both standing at the door waiting for daytime yeah oh [ __ ] oh but you’re more freaking yeah I don’t know what’s up no nothing yeah I’m just looking at stuff well

You know while I’m waiting for daytime nope wrong button there we go one free good job holy [ __ ] is crazy oh it’s starting to turn day slow sometimes it feels like the night time is so long sometimes yeah screw that I can I know where I can get

The freaking hanger packs for 12 bucks a piece Jesus laughs foreign oh it’s daytime holy [ __ ] balls [ __ ] you [ __ ] come on come get some [ __ ] I was hoping you were gonna go right in the [ __ ] thing Wow [ __ ] you spider you [ __ ] oh yeah a bunch of experience bunch more of that oh in the hell are these animals getting in the house I don’t or in the freaking thing the dumb asses you sleeping yeah I’m here all right just distracted um oh yeah

I was gonna tell you I forgot all about it something something you know told me look on Twitch um they have freaking Music Streamer that your friend Jen follows yep that night that uh that um he was having his uh thing there yeah somebody gifted me a freaking one-month sub

S to him to his channel no [ __ ] that’s that’s yeah cool yep yeah yeah that doesn’t turn to it that doesn’t surprise me with all the uh that it was uh s tracks TV gifted you a tier one subscription one month to close your cup to closure Club

Yep yep he um s tracks was one of the ones he was doing um he did at least um two sets of 50. you know I wonder though like you know how when people do that how do they find you know like me as an example you know how do they find

Like you know um you know like my name or whatever so you know in there duh so what happens is all they all they do is they do gifted subs and it’s like it’s random twitch twitch like the the yeah twitch selects people which does it yep

Oh okay because you I mean you can know that I thought you know yeah you you can you can specify you can mean you can go to anybody and gift them a sub or right you can when you go into the thing to to sub you can um it’ll just you just let

The system just pick for you and it’s totally totally random oh okay you need to go back to the house get a little bit more glass and then this thing will be done um yeah I saw that today because um something on Twitch was it read and it had a number one and

I’m like what the freak I was like the sea thieves have something you know like drops going so you know I was like I’ll go check so I clicked on the thing you know and it pulled up and it said you know closure club and I’m like oh

Yeah I’m like yeah okay I’m like that was the night that he had his thing going yep yep yeah yo so you’ll find I don’t know how long you stay like in the system but because there’s like the other night I got a random gift sub for

Somebody and I’m like damn like I was in their stream like I was in their stream literally for two minutes like yeah like like a week or two ago like holy [ __ ] you know like right that’s crazy that’s how yeah but you’ll see that you’ll see that

A lot like people will just gift that person’s you know um so just people will just give Subs to a channel and and let it pick it at random and uh yeah I get notifications like that pretty often I’m just like okay right

Hey which I I mean I I get it like yeah it’s almost like yeah I don’t know because I I get your wanna it’s good for sharing the stream with someone else but I’m also at the same time I’m also like well like it would almost be better off if you just like

Tipped or donated to that person five bucks because the with the gift sub they’re only getting half right I mean I oh I mean I get it yeah I do too and you know you know and in a way some of the channels you know I you know

Like what I think you know twitch is thinking that looks stupid um is you know they’re probably like you know okay well we’ll do a randomizer you know for it and then you know maybe you know the person that gets you know picked if they’re not already subscribed to that channel maybe they’ll

You know subscribe to it and then you know maybe they’ll take and you know what I mean you I think you know what I’m getting at but yeah yeah I mean like I said it’s it’s good for you like keep going back yeah yeah it’s good for people like you know

To show the stream what to show people what the stream is about if they get people oh I gotta I gotta I have a sub for that channel you know I’ll go I’ll go see what it’s about I’ll go hang out there you know and then you know at the

End of that if you at the end of that moment when you like it right if you’re if you’re getting sub runs out you know maybe you’ll maybe you know you’ll extend that some you know yep you’re in here now you’re gonna die so deal with it Dirty Bastard it’s lucky wow

That helicopter or whatever sounds pretty freaking low oh yeah yeah I really just heard one plus it was an airplane but it didn’t sound like it I mean it was it it sounded low but not you know like real real low like that day that I told you that I heard

The freaking one helicopter that they were doing for up at the uh uh uh the pole barn that day for the thingy yeah the fire department had going on look at that this thing’s all done now I can freaking put stuff in there like the wheat and [ __ ] you know get

That going here soon uh nope that is a helicopter yeah wait where the [ __ ] did it come from because it it’s starting to turn dark out it’s uh error methods what is that is that like a is that something similar to uh yeah I think I think that’s a that’s a Medevac uh

Company I was gonna say um is where the hell they’re out of though um I mean being right here in the village and [ __ ] you hear a lot of the helicopters if they fly low so just like we can hear the train all the time because it’s right you know oh yeah

You’re so close yeah oh yeah that is for sure yeah like I would freaking um I would leave where I am right now and go over to Dutchland uh over in Dutchland Plastics over here because I was flipping through indeed earlier and they’re looking for somebody

For third shift if I didn’t have the seizures and then I would apply for third shift for over there yeah I mean because you know I I think you know third shift usually runs like Sunday Sunday I think it’s like Sunday to Thursday or some of them work Sunday to Friday

Or something like that I think it’s Sunday to Thursday most most of them do okay because you’re because you’re Sunday third shift your Sunday would be you know your Monday is you know and then like your Thursday would end up being your Friday right so you know technically you know

Your Friday for third shift people would be you know your Saturday or you know whatever it’d be Friday you know you’d have two days off anyways Friday you know your Friday and Saturday and then Sunday you’d have to go in which you know you would work 11 to 7 most places

Not every place but most places are like that um I did freaking ten to seven at uh Walmart a ways back um in in the grocery aisle overnight stocking well you know for a little bit but I can’t do it now because of the the sleep deprivation and stuff so yeah

It’s like the something to do you know something to do with you know like the whole thing when you go to sleep or whatever and all that stuff hmm yeah so your seizures yeah yeah the you know like if you know if I didn’t if I did third shift I wouldn’t be

Like I wouldn’t be getting the proper amount of sleep and stuff even though I would be coming home because I would have to like take my meds while I’m at work and they make me sleepy so yeah that makes sense yeah So I bet you I think that’s a I think that’s actually it’s so the registration of the helicopter says air methods but I think that’s actually Life Net I think I think um error message is uh I think they’re like partnered with yeah see I’m looking at right here

Through through my old the old job that I worked at OMP now first shift is 6 45 a.m to 3 10 p.m Sunday to Thursday well um second shift is still 245 to 11 10 Sunday through Thursday and third shift is still quarter to you know quarter to ten or quarter to 11.

Until 7 10. Sunday through Thursday and their pay rate uh their pay rate has changed too because I was getting 14 something an hour now if you work first shift you can get 14 25 to 15 25 an hour hmm that doesn’t make any sense there I

Think that might be a typo and it says third shift 1475 to 15 75 third shift 15 25 to 16 25. well hmm I I think they uh um you know I think they messed up there and the second one down was supposed to be second shift

You know gets the 1475 to 1575 and then third shift gets 15 25 to 16.25 oh man interesting yeah and that’s for machine operator slash painter oh gee housekeeper season for American Cruise Lines you can get a thousand to fourteen hundred a week 12 hour shifts temporary

Canastota Subway is looking for a store manager oh gosh I don’t know how many times I put an application in there and I would always ask like I would specifically go down there to see you know like what was going on with it and you know they were

Always like oh leave your name and phone number and we’ll give it to the you know to the manager when they come in and it’s like I would always say well when are they coming in well they’re like we don’t we won’t know until they come in and it’s like how the [ __ ]

You know how you run a company like that yeah the other guy that used to I don’t know if he’s still involved but the guy that ran it like uh gosh like 12 years ago that guy was pretty good about it he mostly worked like he so he had the one

In Oneida and the one here and right he mostly worked at the one in Oneida um yes they’re not even affiliated with all night anymore oh no okay yeah it definitely does no so I mean that guy that guy like knew as [ __ ] that guy like you know ran things like amazingly yeah

Yeah cause I asked why they um you know when I stopped down there I said do you guys you know I go do you guy I go are you guys you know with affiliated with the one that’s in Oneida and they’re like nope they’re like you know we’re not affiliated with that one

They’re like we’re not affiliated with any of the other ones but yeah they say they got a bunch of them you know that the person that owns the one in Canastota owns a whole bunch of other ones around that’s why you know the guys never you know the person that

Owns it is never at the one here in Canastota wow it’s like well what the [ __ ] once did you know these guys oh yeah I will call somebody you know bug this at somebody you know oh yeah about you know about that [ __ ] [ __ ] oh we got daylight sweet oh there’s a [ __ ]

Creeper I’ve got the side door he went away ah he’s back thank you oh my God don’t bother someone else it’s a part that sucks what’s that you know if I have to find a uh full-time job oh yeah oh shoot I should have made one of the

Things and brought the stuff with me to um I know something I’m gonna freaking make that’s gonna make her life a little bit easier too I do instead of always having a hop-up where are they there they are I oh you bastard dude still over there so what the creeper yeah

You talking about next to the house yeah he just went he just literally just went around the corner let’s see there’s that I wish they that you can make apple seeds but you can’t that I know of okay foreign you live for now Piggy the frick oh I got another achievement

Oh and another achievement I made a hole got two achievements jeez I want to see how much room we’ve got before I even put down um the pumpkins yeah that’s what I figured enough room then I’ll put the pumpkin seeds down in here which we might okay oh yeah we’ll have enough room

If you see the stairs I put in front of the house it’s easier to get up there no no yeah oh I didn’t know if you went back to the house or not I’m I’m working on it uh let’s say dude are you choking on your donkey s

You’re poking her donkey that’s right here my brain’s not making sauce right now here we go we’re gonna have pumpkins we got one carrot so far when that is able to be harvested I’ll harvest the carrot and then I’ll do some more carrots once we can find a village and get uh

Uh what do you call it you know get some potatoes and get some beets you can also grab more carrots from one of their places oh Turtle yeah I’ve never I’ve never uh killed the turtle before you kill a turtle what the freak yeah they got Turtles they added turtles in here now

Oh the [ __ ] pissed it’s like what the [ __ ] you doing [ __ ] the hell the [ __ ] did it just give me besides uh the hell is this [ __ ] that’s down here what in the [ __ ] they give me seagrass okay you can give me no meat dirty bastards toy piggy die

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Twitch Stream 7/12/23: Part 1’, was uploaded by big_al_315 on 2023-09-04 08:20:26. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:18:07 or 4687 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/big_al_315

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    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge

    Ultimate Wither Dog Attack Challenge The Epic Minecraft Experiment: Dogs vs. Wither Battle! Imagine a world where brave Minecraft players pit their loyal canine companions against the formidable Wither boss. In this daring experiment, the question on everyone’s mind is: How many dogs does it take to defeat the mighty Wither? The Showdown Begins As the battle commences, the player unleashes their first wave of canine warriors. 2 dogs charge fearlessly towards the Wither, barking fiercely as they attack. The Wither retaliates, but the dogs fight valiantly, determined to emerge victorious. The Numbers Grow With each passing moment, the player summons more dogs to… Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Secrets Old Players Missed In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, From hidden temples to mushrooms that astound. Digging down, finding treasure in the ground, With diamond armor and swords that are renowned. But beware of traps, lurking in the dark, One wrong move, and you’ll miss the mark. So light up the way, with torches bright, Navigate carefully, through the night. And when it comes to schoolwork, don’t delay, No excuses for not writing, come what may. Headaches won’t save you, from the task at hand, So grab your pen and paper, and take a stand. In the realm of Minecraft, adventure… Read More

  • BoraLo’s Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3

    BoraLo's Sneaky Minecraft Mod Pack V3 BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi – Minecraft BoraLo MOD V3 Merhaba RSmoody ailesi! Bugün sizlere çoğu kişinin istediği BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketini sunuyoruz. Eğer bu küçük minnak YouTube kanalını büyütmek istiyorsanız ABONE OLUN!! MODU ALMAK İÇİN DİSCORDA GELİP ABONE OLUP BİLDİRİMLERİ AÇTIĞINIZA DAİR SS ATMALISINIZ. Discord : https://discord.gg/jcxk5rqfxX Reklam iletişim vs; [email protected] Key Features of BoraLo CODE-MAN Mod Paketi BoraLo CODE-MAN mod paketi Minecraft oyuncuları arasında oldukça popülerdir. Bu mod paketi, oyuna yeni özellikler ekler ve oyun deneyimini geliştirir. İşte bu mod paketinin bazı öne çıkan özellikleri: BoraLo Codeman Mod BoraLo Codeman modu, oyuna yeni bir soluk getirir. Yeni eşyalar,… Read More

  • Kickin’ It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight!

    Kickin' It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight! In Minecraft, I kick everything for a hit, Every block, every mob, I don’t quit. With a swift kick, I break it all down, In this game, I wear the crown. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Instagram for photos, we’ve just begun. Editing is my own craft, Collaboration with eryksonek, a blast. Support this channel, for bonuses galore, Minecraft facts and rhymes, I’ll always explore. Stay tuned for more content, that’s a promise, In this gaming world, I’ll always be honest. Read More

  • 10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together

    10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together The Power of Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft has revolutionized the gaming world with its multiplayer feature, allowing players to connect and collaborate in a virtual world. This innovation has propelled Minecraft to the forefront of online gaming in the 21st century. Building Communities One of the key aspects of Minecraft’s multiplayer feature is the ability to build communities. Players can join forces to construct elaborate structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in epic battles. This collaborative element has fostered a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to the formation of tight-knit communities within the game. Shared Experiences By playing together,… Read More

  • Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX!

    Ultimate Hilarious Timepass on CroniqX! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Exploring the Killadis SMP In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players find endless opportunities for fun and adventure. One such realm is the Killadis SMP, where players like to relax and enjoy their time. Whether it’s building magnificent structures or embarking on thrilling quests, there’s always something exciting happening in this multiplayer server. Joining the Fun If you’re looking to dive into the action, Killadis SMP welcomes you with open arms. With a vibrant community of players, you can share your creations, collaborate on projects, and make lasting friendships. The server… Read More

  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

    Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide Minecraft Tipped Arrows: A Powerful Battle Tool Are you ready to take your Minecraft battles to the next level? Tipped arrows are a game-changer when it comes to combat, offering a variety of effects that can give you the upper hand against your enemies. In this quick guide, you’ll learn how to craft these powerful arrows and unleash their full potential in the game. Ingredients Needed To create tipped arrows in Minecraft, you’ll need the following ingredients: Arrow: The base ammunition for your tipped arrows. Potion: A potion of your choice to add the desired effect to your arrows…. Read More

  • Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!

    Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Forge and Mod Installation- Minecraft Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by Sky Guy 1 on 2024-03-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. Thanks for watching! Hope y’all enjoyed it 🙂 —Subscribe here for more content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzY61qUs-sRPc_89yLxKjFg —My Friends Channels! Consider Subscribing? —DannyGamerYT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1AfHnPiZYYlvM7UHj2MSkg —Cyrus Da Grape: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg90p-UivNc-6PEgsXXoNvQ —Intro song: Password-Infinity-123276 —Outro song: Abstract-Technology-112288 Read More

  • SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE’s EPIC Minecraft Garden Tutorial

    SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE's EPIC Minecraft Garden TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a Simple garden in Minecraft | Minecraft Tutorial |’, was uploaded by GAMER FIVE on 2024-05-02 10:40:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to build a Simple Garden in #minecraft ° ° ° ° ° Minecraft Tutorial video Music Used : Carefree Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Grivyzom

    GrivyzomNetwork oficial de @Maincrapost pagina de memes chilena, en donde buscaremos crear una nueva comunidad y comenzaremos por este server, unete para ver todas las nuevas novedades que tiene para ofrecerte “Mundo Maincra”. maincra.playwn.co:25586 Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! If you’re looking for a 1.20.1 Minecraft server with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find your place here. We welcome all playstyles and suggestions for improvement. Why Choose Stinky SMP? GREAT PERFORMANCE! Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal lag for players. With 16 gigs of RAM and a Ryzen 9 7950x CPU, our server runs smoothly. UNIQUE GAMEPLAY! Experience our Safezone-Borderlands system, where you can choose between a peaceful area with rules against griefing and killing, or a resource-rich but dangerous… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex’s cursed dilemma

    Minecraft Memes - Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex's cursed dilemmaLooks like Alex is stuck between a rock and a hard place, or should I say a gem and a diam-hen place! Read More

  • Minecraft: Warden gets roasted by golems! 🔥

    Minecraft: Warden gets roasted by golems! 🔥 When the golems saw the Warden coming, they were like “We didn’t sign up for this! We just wanted to protect villages, not fight a walking nightmare!” #GolemProblems #WardenWoes Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 31

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 31 The World Seed: -7696225561229201821 Today, the Minecraft player delves into the intricacies of world generation and experiments with shaders. The exploration of different worlds in Minecraft is a key aspect of the game, offering unique landscapes, resources, and challenges for players to navigate. Greetings to the Community Our player extends warm greetings to fellow gamers on TikTok and YouTube, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the gaming community. Interactions like these not only create connections but also showcase the diverse and inclusive nature of the gaming world. Join the Channel For those looking to support the creator and enjoy… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Live Stream with Rizzy and Mizzy!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Live Stream with Rizzy and Mizzy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java and Bedrock! Playing With Viewers! LIVE ​’, was uploaded by Rizzy And Mizzy on 2024-05-30 09:35:06. It has garnered 110 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:00 or 5880 seconds. I’ll be doing Java for one hour and bedrock for the rest of the stream, please be patient 🙂 Come and play with us if you play Minecraft on console, PE or PC bedrock! Just tell us your username and we will add you and invite you to the game! Rules: -No asking for Operator -Don’t troll -Don’t steal… Read More

  • Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and Seth

    Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and SethVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL MODE!: WARDENS WORLD | Cody and Seth (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by Cody and Seth on 2024-02-04 17:00:46. It has garnered 65590 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:23 or 4043 seconds. SURVIVAL: CAN WARDEN BE FRIENDLY?!: https://youtu.be/2bwFm23zD84?list=PLfUP8M2ypcKPitoif_Y9ljNVqblzCwDe_&playnext=1 | Turn on ALL notifications Amazing JNE HOUR journey with Cody and Seth exploring the world of Minecraft in their full Minecraft movie! LIKE and SUBSCRIBE #minecraft #animation #adventure Follow Cody And Seth: Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijo5PugAXFsML_CZLjsR1w?sub_confirmation=1 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cody_and_seth Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cody_and_seth/ Other Channels: Cody and Seth Ukrainian: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4guVLEYQKGw_INXG0UGjbA?sub_confirmation=1 Cody and Seth English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijo5PugAXFsML_CZLjsR1w?sub_confirmation=1 Cody… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!

    EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1’, was uploaded by AjjuGamerz on 2024-05-30 07:30:01. It has garnered 1980 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1 #build #tecnogamerz #ujjwal Finally aaj se me chalu karne wala hu minecraft sky block survival to let’s go iss viseo ke andar mene temporary two islands buils kei Small Animal House and simple xp farm Like Share Subscribe:) Minecraft Sky Block Survival Subscribe For 1 Diamond ❤️ Thanks For Watching Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!

    Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easiest build hack for survival world’, was uploaded by Wolfra gamer on 2024-02-04 13:55:04. It has garnered 3603 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial – You Won’t Believe How Realistic This is!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial - You Won't Believe How Realistic This is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Doorbell In Minecraft Tutorial!’, was uploaded by ROGIE GAMERZ on 2024-02-01 01:01:44. It has garnered 3603 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!

    Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-16 19:00:26. It has garnered 22176 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft! Will Shad escape the anime fangirl one block? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay – JOIN NOW!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDROCK| auf nen guten zock! COMMUNITY ZOCKEN| !ton_points !discord’, was uploaded by GamingWelt on 2024-01-09 17:22:34. It has garnered 116 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds. Hey guys, welcome to the livestream. You’re welcome to join in if you want, but please behave and don’t mess up. Nightbot commands: !ooalmaxoo !thegamitcrew !mc_regeln !discord Commands for points: !dias !6h_stream !weiser_spruch Info about your points: !ton_points Discord: https://discord.gg/5RpJ27yxHc Thanks for watching, no matter if it’s seconds, minutes or hours❤️ Channel points (sound): you get a point every 5… Read More

  • Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium Dice

    Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium DiceVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-04-03 08:16:00. It has garnered 79 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:22 or 5242 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack,… Read More

  • “New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia – Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭” #viral

    "New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia - Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝#viral’, was uploaded by Speedbossgamerz on 2024-04-01 01:30:07. It has garnered 12178 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝 PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE THANKS FOR WATCHING 💝💝💝 YOUTUBE:@Speedbossgamerz https://www.youtube.com/@UCa0xqOV6Gf1zKv1orAaEWWg INSTAGRAM:SPEEDBOSSGAMERZ https://www.instagram.com/speedbossgamerz/ ABOUT MINECRAFT What is Minecraft? At its core, Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to building structures like houses, castles, and cities, or even… Read More

  • IndiaCraft

    IndiaCraftIndiaCraft is a captivating Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Step into a world filled with boundless creativity and endless possibilities as you embark on exciting adventures and build your own virtual empire. The server boasts a wide range of features and gameplay modes that cater to different play styles. Whether you’re an avid explorer, a master builder, or a fierce competitor, IndiaCraft has something for everyone. Discover sprawling landscapes teeming with diverse biomes, from lush forests to vast deserts, each waiting to be explored and conquered. Engage in… Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for experienced players focused on high-quality projects and accomplishments in the game. Our server is community-based with huge projects and events that everyone contributes to. Technut is a Whitelist-only server for a positive and creative environment. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but have added 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on March 20, 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek motivated players dedicated to long-term projects and community interaction. We value technical skills in Minecraft with building,… Read More

  • People of Crafting ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ Friendly

    People of Crafting   ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ FriendlyWelcome to People of Crafting [1.20.6]we have a supportive community for all types of communities out there.We provide gamemodes at the moment:- Towny- More coming soon!Connect to People of Crafting Java Edition using play.peopleofcrafting.comBedrock Connections are currently not supportedJoin The Adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!Wow, this meme is really racking up the points! It must be mining for gold with that score of 59! Read More

  • Wiki Wonders: Minecraft’s Lore Encore

    Wiki Wonders: Minecraft's Lore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, The Minecraft Wiki is where knowledge arrives. A community-driven site, filled with facts and lore, For players to explore, and learn even more. From English to Russian, and French to Thai, The Wiki is global, reaching the sky. With updates and tips, for players to see, The history of Minecraft, told in poetry. So leap into the verse, with a playful spin, And let the Minecraft Wiki, be your next win. Explore the depths of the game, with a curious eye, And let the Wiki guide you, as you reach for… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a lava pit, but you still have the audacity to blame it on a glitch in the game. Classic Minecraft player move. #minecraftprobs 😂🔥 Read More

  • Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record!

    Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record! Minecraft Speedrun: Currents CTM Any% in 9:22.540 In a thrilling display of skill and strategy, a Minecraft player has achieved an impressive Any% speedrun time of 9:22.540 in the Mapwreck 5 custom map. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable feat. Game Version and Mods The speedrun was performed on Minecraft version 1.19.2, utilizing a selection of Fabric mods to enhance gameplay: Fabric API 0.76.0: Essential for the functioning of other mods. ReplayMod 2.6.15: Used for video production purposes. Sodium 0.4.4: Improves chunk loading speed for faster gameplay. SpeedrunIGT 13.5: Aiding in tracking in-game time accurately. Starlight 1.1.1:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge – 100 Days Survival!

    Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge - 100 Days Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 100 DIAS RPG MEDIEVAL DO CISCO’S NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Lokolow on 2024-06-04 21:00:39. It has garnered 237603 views and 22022 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:04 or 3724 seconds. #100days #minecraft 100 DAYS AT CISCO’S MEDIEVAL RPG – THE MOVIE! Can we survive for 100 days in this modpack, the most difficult RPG in Minecraft today! Check out how we accomplished infinite capitalism, broke the modpack with the strongest items and beat the level 130 dragon all in one video! So what are you waiting for, leave… Read More

  • Mischief Mania: Aggro’s Solo Gaming Adventures

    Mischief Mania: Aggro's Solo Gaming AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘While The Family Is Away, Aggro Will Play! | Minecraft/Phasmo/Whatever Stream’, was uploaded by Aggrosk8 on 2024-05-19 02:15:51. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:24 or 19464 seconds. We are going to start off with Minecraft, and probably stick with that until 6:30ct, where we will transition to phasmophobia to play with @WillDeez and the gang! Come hang out! Surviving Bedrock is a survival series put together by @RaythMinecraft Please check his channel and discord out! Rayth’s Discord: http://discord.raythnetwork.co.uk/ I would greatly appreciate you hitting those like… Read More


    LION ATTACKS KING TRAIL 3! JACK ALMOST DIES IN MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREMEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by OPEN LION on 2024-04-21 12:25:00. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME #GamerFleet #Minecraft #MinecraftHindi #tochan #swaraj #jattlife #tractor #mukaabla #jattwaad #jatt #tractors #punjabi #farmer #tractorloverzz #newholland #pendu #jattlifestyle #tractorpull #jattgarh #tractorpulls #farm #tractorshow #ford #wale # tractorlovers #swarajfarmtraclovers #tractorlife #crackmehkma #farming #khetibadi #pb #tractorlove #agriculture #punjab #newholand #sonalika #tractorsupply #shoot #stunt #jattjattian #tractortochan #swarajlove #tractorpulling #tractorride… Read More

  • Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of Relaxation

    Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of RelaxationVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Episode 4 (New World)’, was uploaded by CopelandRelaxation on 2024-01-16 13:56:25. It has garnered 578 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:47 or 2447 seconds. I try establishing myself on an Amplified world type. Hope you enjoy the video! World seed is Gargamel, 1.20.1 https://www.youtube.com/@CopelandRelaxation?sub_confirmation=1 #minecraft #asmr #gaming #relaxation #sleepaid #sleep #lo-fi #chill #vibes #chillvibes #calming #relaxing #letsplay #playthrough #malevoice #whispering #whisper #chatting #chat #asmrtalking Read More

  • “Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts” #minecraft

    "Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Vortex Virtos on 2024-05-12 13:37:37. It has garnered 770 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #chapatihindustanigamer Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft #andreobee #imbixu #noobvsprovshacker #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #funny noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft diamond mining noob vs pro vs… Read More

  • Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School – Love and Anger Unleashed!

    Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School - Love and Anger Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Minecraft Anime School on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered 250 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:10 or 730 seconds. SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation Read More

  • “Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!” #clickbait

    "Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spin Dapat Hadiah Rank❗❓ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #dubbing #shortvideo #sakura #viral #funny’, was uploaded by CAPRIYO on 2024-01-07 00:33:18. It has garnered 13586 views and 820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

Minecraft Twitch Stream 7/12/23: Part 1