Minecraft Ultimate Alchemy – Cauldron Conundrum! #18 [Modded SkyBlock]

Video Information

Hello hello and welcome back to also alchemy and or welcome back oh yeah get the 3:16 Oh once again that looks very extremely painful make for your neck you’re just doing this like fully detaching your neck my neck my neck it’s on a ball-joint isaac like a singular ball joint like

Like what you know those old webcams Isaac that were on luckily they were like shaped like a ball right with an and you could just around it basically any direction that’s what my necks like do you reckon that’s why they made them like they they more to make it

As much like an eye as possible maybe to make it super creepy maybe that’s what was in in like 2003 Isaac that’s what was in nineties tech works man they just they didn’t know what they were doing back then Nick you know between this episode and the last episode we did a

Live stream over on Twitch and in that stream Nick we did a couple of things not a whole lot but I set up this little automation over here neck so we’re now automatically producing protein soup and the wind pneumatic is by planting I applied some weed seeds I’ve got a

Mechanical user here with a acceleration want accelerating the speed of the the wheat growing here and it’s inflicted by the hop hawk placed into a basic storage door Michael crafter here takes out we craft it into bread and that bread is hooked up to the storage bus and like

We’ve also got a Auto crafting recipe set up with a refined storage and then over here we’re on export bus with a crafting card crafting at that bread into the bio mush the biomass which is then being turned into protein super useful beautiful protein soup every one

Protein saved his gear at free soup made with nothing but protein like 100% protein that’s all that’s in there Nick bodybuilders love it and you know protein supplement companies that they hit me what do you think protein soup tastes like Isaac is it tastes just like and bricks maybe just just bricks just

Create it’s like you sell pay a new you gain the hang of this industrial immersive engineering side of the base you know you get the hang of it Isaac I know exactly what I’m doing hi everyone welcome to the refinery check it out is the refinery oh yeah you did

Originally build this the wrong way around it did take a second attempt to get it the right way around Nick Post writes here to stare yeah exactly what exactly this is gonna refine I actually don’t know but it’s here right and it’s it’s ready to go if you look

Nick at the recipe for the dragon head which is what we’re still working to watch right we’re still trying to get that dragon head so we can get the draconian ingots so that we can make the freakin piece of clay and to get the dragon head Nick we need I believe I’m

Looking through all the recipes here trying to find the one that it is know we need is it the stinky breath it is the breath Nick the dragon’s breath requires that we have void vapors and liquid chorus in a refinery to make the actual dragon spring itself and we can

Bottle that up in our good old fashioned bottling plant and we should have a bottle of dragon’s breath Nick you sample that is our plan for today’s session Nick indeed we have other plans but first Nick you want to talk us through this some new addition to the

Base yeah hi everyone if you watch the stream that we did where as Isaac mentioned earlier where we did a little touch-up of things and on the base and built a couple of things one of them was getting rid of all that awful looking wood which was yeah holding a grid power

Water mills and we’ve made here this lovely tower that we’ve erected it’s a grid power tower Isaac look look at all these water mills compact it’s making use of good use of space height of everything space efficient Nick I’m not gonna lie I feel like space is one of

Those things that we’re not missing Fryman or lacking i think is considered sometimes if you’ve got lemonade’s make more lemonade Isaac some times when life gives you lemons I just make more lemonade’s why can’t have too much lemonade right you can never save a fasiq that the motto of the story you

Know if life gives you lemons make more lemonade yeah he’ll never have too much I’m an exact I think it’s the motto for capitalism right it’s just housing all of the the water mails all of our grid power I don’t know if we need this much grid power anymore Nick like we don’t

Isaac but I only married I personally don’t want a you know in this tower so I mean of course not you know yeah definitely not this tower represents you know what we stand phonic things I say in each channel so we have to leave it

Up so Nick what are you gonna work on in today’s episode how are you gonna help us get it towards making it this freaking dragon it hey man what’s up if we click on the recipe for the dragon head which I’ve conveniently got open here that is convene I’m gonna work in

The dragonfangs which needs milk which is poured over a bloody manual in arrowhead Oh yep says head insatiable projectile cold-blooded I’ll tell you what Isaac says this is cold Bloods my blood is boiling like it’s freaking me out oh my god Isaac you’re here to manually

Minik but I’m gonna try whoa Nick on getting us these two dragon eyes these are made with four logic directors and four avoid metal nuggets with one third eye and that will get as the dragon I really – dragon eyes I’m gonna try make Motley’s we do need a thermionic

Fabricator but for the most part it does not look too difficult so hopefully it will not be Nick hopefully will not be this is the first time Nick that we’ve recorded since Christmas yeah the last episode went out just before how was your Christmas think have a good day had

A nice day as a cat at a fat turkey we were like left turkeys gently how far we’re talking Nick we’re talking like 5 kgs 10 kgs 25 kgs I think I can’t remember the kgs Isaac but I reckon it was at least 3 tonnes as a Imperial or

Metric tonnes like big tonnes Isaac it’s the big tonnes you need to worry about it all metric it’s the big tons oh you got always it’s big for the same page man oh well that’s that’s crazy that’s crazy three suns how did you how did you get

It winched in right we also didn’t we could use an oven of course we everyone who’s basically just like four hundred and seventy blowtorches just attacking it every angle so you just got the whole family around you every what a block yeah just told him to go to San weld

City up in here man like it was free wild oh that’s crazy Nick pretty wild crazy did it taste good though yeah taste taste like a creme brulee Isaac no that’s perfectly customized it was like a nice a nice crispy outer coating did you like did you smother it in butter

Before you blow torch have we actually just got a cow and just squeezed its udders over there oh all the turk even better Nick yeah oh I wish I had to make this milk right now Isaac so I need some milk but unfortunately I’ve got no cows luckily though we do have unlimited

Protein soup being made forwards courtesy of the biomass you know you name god I hate it biomass right which is a real thing right but it’s just not and it just infuriates me Isaac to be honest I mean well I think I was like a 6 kg ish

Turkey you know some pretty pretty not tiny but not massive you know it wasn’t we didn’t have to bust out the the blood torches it’s still fine I mean really we failed if you blow torches out your vehicle’s in the oven I think that it’s you know

Yeah just like why you even bother into that point right a chicken to be honest but y’all like you prefer chicken to turkey I do I do I’m actually surprised we got on this year I was expecting a chicken I think most people probably do prefer check into Turkey which is point

We chicken year-round in Turkey just once a year right yeah I think that’s the case but like so even like but you’re so against Turkey that even on the one day a year that we in the UK eat turkey you were like no I mean again I

Would prefer it but I mean I wasn’t you know you were so via you know you were so aggressively against turkey neck you were just so angry and so I was fuming Isaac ocellatus end up but as I put the feathers back on I was just I get this

Out of my sight I contracted the the crane company that bought a head and I said take this crap away he’s going like red in the face steam yeah boiling over some steam coming out my ears quite the is quite something man oh you think he dislikes Britannia wait until

Your part turkey in front of him yeah yes I’m freaking turkeys got those long neck for black feathered face the butter basted Wow pieces of trash Isaac what you reckon it is that we like we don’t like eat more Turkey what is it like turkey burgers right we make we get some

Turkey mince make some turkey burgers it’s got a bit of a taste to it though you know I don’t know if you’ve noticed coming in with taste to it so you think it’s cuz chickens blender and thus more susceptible to like adding your own flavour exact that’s exactly where as

Turkey is it’s kind of pre flavoured a little bit I think I could see that you know it makes sense that’s that’s what I think at least that’s what I think it makes sense because turkey is you can’t buy turkey all around but for the most part people just don’t right they just

Buy chicken you know which you know each to the one I guess it’s I guess is anything that we don’t eat like I don’t know you know rhinos get around it’s right yeah we don’t personally rhinos no no right you eat rhinos I mean I wish I did Nick you know

If they weren’t if they weren’t like going extinct which I think they might be like I will teach them left right and center you know but before joining up why not scenic popular population are you place nice into into a soup Nick and just let it stew off the flavor that you

Now manic it’s it’s crazy crazy good you know you you wouldn’t believe you wouldn’t have god yeah accelerating this Snyder’s I couldn’t you know my blood pressures increasing already do you want to generate electricity but a watermelon my blood while I’m freaking accelerating stad oh he’s mad I mean Nick speaking of

I need to make another earth through in here and one of the items required to make this earth through Nick is a mushroom we did also take down the mushroom kingdom Nick in a oh yeah sure I shed many tears when that mushroom kingdom went down Isaac yeah well on the

Same page here the killer I was I was just a turd I tore it down but they didn’t pay the rent Nick and yeah he’s when you dongle freaks didn’t pay there and we we have no choice Nick but to tear down tear down what they stand for

You know and and prove a point to me something none of our the tenant gods skip on the Harris yeah it’s a very you know mother truck is of my yeah how do you feel about mushroom steak hey your fan okay well I used to hate them right

Over the last few years I’ve slowly become okay with them um and now I’m like indifferent now you can be in the same room with them without getting like angry like you do with turkeys yeah stand lowly get in there right okay but it might be a bit of a bit of a

Challenge you know right but you’re not you wouldn’t like you wouldn’t go out of your way to have mushroom no yeah I couldn’t pick life like would you go for like if there was like you wouldn’t you out for dinner maybe and you were offered like stuffed mushrooms I like

Garlic mushrooms are the starter would you would you go for those or would you always be like Maggie give me those pork ribs or something I’m a I’m gonna pick the pork put ribs brah yeah over the over the mushrooms I really doesn’t make sense you know it’s

Fair enough what about the yeah the Rhino soup would you go for that over there over the mushrooms are do that just for the to try you know just the experience of trying why no soup yeah that’s fair holy gargoyles Isaac it’s not it’s not every day like that you get

To try Rhino soup exactly that is bandages opportunity wet yeah it’s not any meat you wouldn’t try um I mean I’d if it sounds wrong like if it’s not like a mainstream meat right I’d be like no but like black minors not actually probably I was roughing it cuz

I don’t I don’t go for that stuff um you’ve been to all no on the Rhino yeah I’d be all now on that Rhino I’ve run into a bit of trouble Isaac okay so uh I’m trying to make nether meat by putting netherrack in this fermenter

With the protein soup in the composter I need to chisel it Nick I need to jazel the nether and the chisel it yeah Jesus I know Nick Nick warned the same page like I I said there’s the first time I did it I was like what Nick on the same

Page what the hell I’m the same I was I thought it’s broken thoughts doing wrong I was actually completely in the right Isaac but freaking chisel yep just makes no sense also Nick you made a inverse dream that we uh that we did you made this demonically gargantuan drunk also

Required some some female ingots and just a quick little heads up for those who don’t know how you make demon ingots essentially all you do grab yourself a bunch of nether brick throw it down like this put some lava in the middle and then throw a golfing is that it like

That yeah boy look at got demon ingots good evening kinda wish kinda wish it was like a demon Inga blocks I think these demon ingots look pretty cool you know I do like the cut they they look like they’ve got chickenpox Isaac which is a bit worried but apart from that yeah man

I agree hey Isaac I need these bits for this manual in Arrowhead right right in me a bit blazing pirate arts you know I can make this don’t worry I said come yeah I don’t you don’t need you don’t mean only you for the blaze powder so

You can shut up Isaac no way ever pipe oh geez alright then but I will need you in like ten seconds Isaac hmm what do you mean fondeco need you for Blizz ice cream please mmm I am happy to report that Blizz is very easy to get in

Fact Nick you might not even need me but before we need plates in order to make bliss Nick I need some ice so if you could make a Gliss your precipitate off and then get me some ice yeah should maybe grant ice yeah sake

It’s got a big old TV screen in front of it now oh is it invar well we’ve hit the roadblock on the old images we didn’t make the info you can make it rather it’s not too difficult so I like I’m looking at breaking grass over and over

Again so I’m trying to make Nick the the dragon eye and Tamara and avoid metal nuggets avoid metal nuggets Nick I need a void metal ingot and for that I need to get a void seed avoid seed Nick is made in a time machine with a miniature void seed and apparently the miniature

Void seed is found randomly by cutting grass now we don’t have any and I don’t know about you Nick but we’ve got a lot grass in this series so far yeah we’re pretty pretty world renowned for our grass cutting could they know I’m doing this job realize we’ll be grass cutters

Incorporating the state the hundred percent Nick yeah like I feel like we could make a fortune from from grass cutting you know so yeah man I am with you with that one so no grass cutting on this front I am bar come to me come to me in bar do

You reckon there’s like because like the weeds can be a problem right yeah you know if you if you want like I don’t know a resort of some description or even just a building and then you’ve got like grass somewhere weeds can be an issue and you mean people too you can

Pay people to come and like take get rid of weeds in one hang and can keep me garden clean do you reckon there’s like a sub industry within that industry that intentionally sabotages areas like that with weeds in order to be hired – oh it’s quite nice take care of the we err

I’m behind on it you know I’m trying to I’m trying to get you on board for my new business idea I mean that’s like just a plant weeds yeah that’s yeah that’s cunning we self a gardening company Nick that takes care of weeds and then we just go around you know the

Country yeah he’s planting weeds and yeah you know you’re a scientist right yeah so what we do to make it cuz anyone can do that like anybody could go and plant weeds we take it one step further Nick we genetically engineer a super weed that or I can take care of what

We’re the opposite of like those we’d kill income like products right yeah but the allottee weed remover we’ve got we have spray that you spray out on the weazy just grows like Jack and the Beanstalk exactly and it makes it impervious to normal weed killer so

We go around spreading that on all the weeds ik so that people have to come to us in order to get rid of their weeds and that winning we just become we dominate the market right nobody else can can kill the weeds only we can do it

Yeah we have anti weeds Isaac to kill the weeds I got love it bingo bingo hey Isaac check it out got glacial precipitator right here and we can we can sell weed insurance on top of it it’s gonna be great Nick you know we assurance ah weed insurance and so that

If any you know just a quick little thing you know payers a grande yo and if you ever get we do it we’ll fix it for free yeah and then as soon as they start paying for insurance like we just never spread their crops exactly and fix it

Yeah the commemoration it’s a three stage inspiration create the we need to sell this right now get paid to remove the weed and then get paid for insurance and then never plant the weed again it’s great exactly exactly I lose I can’t become I question

The legality but right now hey man I got a glacier precipitate free right here I check it out okay so you have ice ready for me uh I do ask you for ice not for a glacial precipitator to get ice but so did I so do I just put

Water in it okay yes what do we have do we have a a quiesce accumulator you could just get like a bucket there’s a little bit of water sauce legitimately got back in my hair oh crap I press the wrong that Isaac I press the wrong

Button okay it’s hard if well oh yeah there is a guy ice ice yeah so this is actually fairly easy Nick so if you look at the recipe for the year the police once let’s have a look let’s go for blaze rod how are ya

This rod yep and then you go over to tom craft is it the crus is that the crucible it is indeed Nick is so you need a stick into a courtroom with gel um if you hover over that a stick and hit shift in your inventory yeah it’s

Got 20 Jeremy so 20 gel on my French Alomar phonetic 20 gel him so oh you’re doing it come on over here to the liquor ball throw that thought that ice in there Oh watch ya slap that ice in there and then just throw some sticks in there

But oh wow damn I know right it’s super easy damn you’ve really shown me a payment I don’t know it’s just there you go yeah well no in my anime there you go yeah you know em cut em like a four-hour tent but Matt you’re killing it I like the

Effects I know right there you go Nick I think that’s all of them now I think more ice for ya for golem okay well that’s really nice that’s not good yeah this pattern they’re like I think you’re good to go so so yeah mm-hmm a

Birth to a whole stack of bone meal Nick and I have yet to get one of these um void seats all of these miniature voids it’s not great is it we’ve not a good luck with our bone meal this this series Isaac I need liquid death Isaac yes so

Liquid death if you look at the rest before it and then click on like the bucket I think it is some like liquid death so liquid death the bucket of liquid death can be made by putting off so you gotta throw a bucket into the cauldron into the bowl with a hundred

Mortis 50 predator and then 20 alchimia is what you need right do you see the recipe for liquid deaths not coming up for me I just got forestry and down and expand usually for me I own the book it not on the liquidus so are the bucket oh

I see so I need alchimia / deets / DTO and more okay so if you click on any of those I can we click on patita in the middle there you’ll see it gives you a big list of everything that contains Patito if I click on it it’s saying show

Me the aspect oh I see right see us yes you can see like plutonium blocks you know freehand gunpowder now let’s air so you’ve just got to get enough aspects into the cauldron and then throw in your bucket okay so you got to get 100 mortars in

There and all the other stuff so you’re gonna have to keep track of that because we don’t have the goggles of revealing I don’t know how how do those are to make goggles of Rivia cow oh I’ll try too hard honestly but yeah if you if you can

Keep track of what you’re putting in there then you should be able to wear that happening I have nothing but faith in you Nick thank you thanks man thanks I’m really I’m almost certain that you will not fail this Nick okay no like what how could you possibly fail it right like

Is not winning right there’s no way an account in my minding no chance whatsoever that you fail this 20 minutes lay down a hundred a hundred mortis fifty per DTO 20 l alchimia yeah and the creosote has four seven and ten so I need ten essentially yes so that’s right

I’m sure this bucket would be bad so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then I just throw a bucket in to get my my liquid death I think so here we go oh no why you throwing somebody buckets in I need ten ten what

Are you throwing the buckets of creosote and okay oh yeah oh gosh I thought you were throwing Oh let me know when they’re all in there all in they’re all in yeah I didn’t work Nick but um okay so okay Nick what we should do here is we

Should get you can craft quarts into quarts slivers like this and then we can drop these quarts livers in to get crystals that just contain that aspects aha see I mean I see some more tests yes so that’s I need a hundred yeah hold on

Hold on Nick there’s more in here I need to put my water in like like we ran out of water let me get them all of these well you’re not gonna get 100 back here but it’s a it’s a work in progress I think the problem that we’re trying to

Put too much into the smell tree because each bucket contains 33 metal ‘m as well like it was just like it was tumors metallic and I’m assuming you can’t just pour the liquid in what do you mean like liquid creosote you have to use the bucket yeah yeah okay

I don’t like that’s not working oh there we go so you go get him so those I think of all of the motifs like multi shots gonna get they came like this time you could throw those back in in a second here with a few more

Buckets of creosote and try and get less a specter okay I think there’s just a limit to how many aspects can go in in the colder at once and we kind of you know you could see you kind of overflowing at the top there we just

Exceeded the limit of what can go in there so give me a second here let me get rid of some of these buckets and get some more water there’s like the number of buckets is taking me to do this just shows just how much jeez sorry fifty per DTO twenty ow

Humor alchimia thank you so much metallic Nick she asks a lot of fella town there you go here’s 20 there’s a lot of it I mean like I think what alum is the highest amount right I guess that’s what yeah so like in the creosote bucket there’s four of the alchimia

Seven Perdita ten mortars and thirty-three metallic so right you know everybody were throwing in was putting in like three times as much for Talib as anything else yes a at the least so I think that’s what really did you in their neck several bad puns later

Alright so a little while later and I’m pretty sure Nick we’ve got everything it takes to make our bucket of liquid a little peeved if it doesn’t work so I’m Stefan okay real real quick here liquid death we need to throw a normal bucket into a crucible with a hundred mortis

Fifty Perdita polizia padishah and twenty alchimia that’s the one that’s the one I drop all those in there then Nick drop it all in the crew so here we go let’s start when I’ve got the call over the bucket yeah so 100 I missed Isaac over 300 mortis vase let me just

Get my angle correct Dom’s it was a hundred mortars there we go twenty alchimia fifty hurdies show Isaac does everything drop it in oh fast as well no forget it I also don’t get it gather the book at a creosote Nick oh yeah well I’m just

Gonna wipe the creosote in you are and I’m gonna drop another bucket in okay got one creosote in oh no that’s there we go and again more creosote yep but why does this boy be so hold on why is this not working bucket I’ve we should know I can

Oh I’m annoyed I don’t know why another one that’s not working hey I feel like that should that look like following the logic of the recipe sure you put 50 pretty till we need it pulling the Taliban or something near man 50 I’ve got the 13 so it was 63 I’ve

Got the 13 left that I didn’t put in 23 our Kinokuniya okay I got after I have to check the footage see what what manual I don’t know man you have to consult their your footage and check if you did that correctly cuz I mean I mean

I think more creosote in mmm yeah mmm yeah even if I didn’t put the right amount in the creosote should have bummed it up to scratch well that’s sad is that they’re not wait to see what’s in the caldron like all right yeah you need the glass just left

I’ve just ended the cold run out but yeah okay Nick okay between episodes Nick I will make us both a pair of the goggles of revealing we will try this again we will get more shard snake and hopefully at the start of next episode like we can give this another try and

See if it works sake but for now we can go ahead and wrap up there for today as always guys if you enjoyed the video didn’t like it really does help a lot leave a comment down below subscribe if you new here to get notified as soon as

New videos go out as always thank you for watching I will see you guys next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate Alchemy – Cauldron Conundrum! #18 [Modded SkyBlock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2019-01-15 19:00:08. It has garnered 7564 views and 181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:29 or 1889 seconds.

Minecraft Ultimate Alchemy – Cauldron Conundrum! #18 [Modded SkyBlock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★SUBSCRIBE for daily gaming videos: https://bit.ly/GamingOnCaffeine

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About Ultimate Alchemy: This modpack is not particularly long or difficult, and is more meant to emphasize flavor, creativity and role-playing immersion. In fact, it’s basically just meant to appeal to my personal tastes for playing Minecraft. 😉 This pack assumes you are familiar with modded Minecraft and JEI. It is not designed to teach you how to use any of the mods.

Minecraft Ultimate Alchemy – https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ultimate-alchemy

GamingOnCaffeine is sponsored by Akliz Server Hosting! http://akliz.net/GOC (Use Promotional Code GOC for 20% off you first month!) #Minecraft #UltimateAlchemy #Quest

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    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua's Hide and Seek In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cuihua’s adventures are like a dream. Riding motorcycles, stealing watermelons with glee, But six years later, speaking Mandarin with me. Love like a kill, no longer entwined, You hopped on his BMW, leaving me behind. Facing my questions, you couldn’t reply, Kneeling, kissing, tears in my eye. My darling, where have you flown? Leaving me in sorrow, feeling alone. But I won’t let this sadness linger, In the world of Minecraft, I’ll be the singer. As I narrate the tales of this pixelated land, Crafting rhymes with a steady hand…. Read More


    STEALING IRON in MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures: Day 1 – The Quest for Iron Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a thrilling day in the world of Minecraft! Our intrepid player, Contxt, is on a mission to find iron. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, the adventure begins. Setting Out As Contxt ventures into the vast, blocky landscape, the possibilities are endless. From towering mountains to lush forests, every corner holds the promise of discovery. The hunt for iron is on, and nothing will stand in the way! Challenges Await Exploring caves and tunnels, Contxt encounters a variety of challenges. From hostile… Read More

  • 500 YEARS LATER!! ButterJaffa’s Epic Demon Slayer Adventure

    500 YEARS LATER!! ButterJaffa's Epic Demon Slayer AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘500 YEARS LATER!?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer [#10] – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-05-24 16:00:03. It has garnered 66651 views and 4245 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:50 or 1850 seconds. Heyyy Guyyyss & welcome to Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer, an evolving series… meaning EVERY EPISODE things change in a new or big way!! Though the series we evolve as a Demon and get bigger and bigger challenges as we play, all for the setup of my next BIG series… Demon Slayer: Island Akuma!!! 💛 – Subscribe for More: ⇒… Read More

  • ADORABLE Baby Cow in Minecraft?! 🐮🎮 #gamershorts

    ADORABLE Baby Cow in Minecraft?! 🐮🎮 #gamershortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cute Baby Cow in Minecraft | #gamershorts #twitchclip #minecraft #babycow #subscribe’, was uploaded by Bam’s Gaming on 2024-05-12 03:49:08. It has garnered 1075 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Please help the channel by subscribing ——————————————— — Watch me live stream on Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/BamsGaming19 — Join my discord – https://discord.gg/SujaFDqR2b ——————————————— Check out my merch: — Teespring / https://bams-gaming-3.creator-spring.com — Streamlabs / https://streamlabs.com/bamsgaming19/merch — Spreadshop / New Store + New Merch! / https://bams-gaming.myspreadshop.com ——————————————— If you would like to give a donation to help out the… Read More

  • Unimaginable Shri Ram Secret Revealed in #Minecraft

    Unimaginable Shri Ram Secret Revealed in #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Shri Ram on 2024-01-10 06:03:08. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Minecraft Art Builds,” “Creative Minecraft Creations,” “Minecraft Artistry,” “Artistic Minecraft Builds,” “Minecraft Canvas,” “Crafting Art in Minecraft,” aur “Minecraft Art Showcase. #MinecraftArt#MinecraftCreative#ArtisticMinecraft#MinecraftBuilds#MinecraftShowcase#MinecraftArtistry Read More

  • The Untold Secrets of Day 2: Minecraft Expeditions

    The Untold Secrets of Day 2: Minecraft ExpeditionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Uncharted Expeditions | Day 2’, was uploaded by MisterWiggly on 2024-04-08 23:37:34. It has garnered 184 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:11 or 15551 seconds. Archive of Twitch Stream that took place on April 8th 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/misterwiggly Read More

  • Wizmo Gaming Survival: Semi-Vanilla PvE Economy Build

    Join Our New Survival Community! IP: MC.WIZMOGAMING.COM DISC: discord.gg/8fpPTwZB3c About Us We provide a nostalgic Minecraft experience on our lightly modded, semi-vanilla server. No pay-to-win features ensure a fair playing field for everyone. Unique Features • Shared spawn area for building • Plugins like treefeller for quality of life improvements • Player shop system for trading Protection Full block protection and rollbacks available. Ask a staff member or post on Discord for help with land protection. Shop Easily create shops to participate in our growing economy. Just click on a chest with the item you want to sell or buy…. Read More

  • || Mineland Network » 1.8-1.20.6 (PvP 1.8)➥ Become a real HERO ➜ mineland.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: crazy.mineland.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this a repost? Again??

    Minecraft Memes - Is this a repost? Again??Looks like this meme has mined its way to the top with a diamond score of 886! Read More

  • KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness

    KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, KosmiKrime is the name of the game, a true gamer’s dream. With an animated intro, two years in the making, This Hardcore adventure is sure to be breathtaking. Join us on June 1st, for the grand debut, Witness the epic journey, with a crew that’s true. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, As we dive into Minecraft, with skills that can’t be beat. Join our Discord community, where mischief is abound, We’re up to no good, causing chaos all around. Follow us on Twidder, for updates and more,… Read More

  • Minecraft RTX: When your graphics card can’t handle the heat! 🔥

    Minecraft RTX: When your graphics card can't handle the heat! 🔥 “When you finally get Minecraft RTX but your computer can only handle it at 1% graphics… looks like I’ll be playing Minecraft in ‘Potato Mode’ for a while #minecraftstruggles” Read More

  • Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less!

    Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less! Unlocking Minecraft Hacks with Meteor Client Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than the Meteor Hacked Client! In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to download and install this powerful tool in under 2 minutes. Let’s dive in! What is Meteor Client? If you’re familiar with Minecraft hacked clients like Wurst, LiquidBounce, Raven B+, and Aristois, you’ll love Meteor Client. This free and open-source client is designed to enhance your Minecraft experience with a range of features and functionalities. Plus, it’s regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest… Read More

  • 15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning – Part 2

    15 Years of Minecraft: The Beginning - Part 2 The Evolution of Minecraft: A Journey Through 15 Years From Humble Beginnings to Global Phenomenon In the vast world of Minecraft, players have been crafting, building, and exploring for 15 years. What started as a simple indie game has transformed into a global phenomenon, thanks to the dedication of Mojang Studios and the vibrant Minecraft community. Minecon: One of the pivotal moments in Minecraft’s history was the introduction of Minecon, where developers and players came together to celebrate their love for the game. These events provided a platform for fans to connect, share their creations, and get a glimpse… Read More

  • Shocking: Nico’s Sister Has a Crush on Me?!

    Shocking: Nico's Sister Has a Crush on Me?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nico’s Sister Has a Crush on Me’, was uploaded by Coolgamersminecraft6 on 2024-06-02 16:07:22. It has garnered 848 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:54 or 1314 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #nicoandcash Today, Cash is in a bit of a pickle… Nico’s sister, is IN LOVE WITH HIM! Cash and Nico will both have to find a way to get her to stop crushing on Cash before she’s stuck like this forever! Socials: https://solo.to/cashtv #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash Coolgamersminecraft6 sister Welcome to coolgamersminecraft6 Read More

  • EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Build IC 1101

    EPIC MCPE Pixel Art Build IC 1101Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft pixel art #shorts’, was uploaded by IC 1101 GAMING MCPE on 2024-01-13 08:30:05. It has garnered 4697 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #ic1101gamingmcpe #chapatihindustanigamer #loggyhindustanigamer #loggy if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I will do it for you Video SEO::: minecraft viral tiktok hacks worlds smallest violin,minecraft shorts,shorts,minecraft build hack,world’s smallest violin,worlds smallest violin,minecraft… Read More

  • Unlimited Minecraft SMP Fun | Join Now! 🎮🔥 #minecraft

    Unlimited Minecraft SMP Fun | Join Now! 🎮🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join | Java+Pe | #minecraft #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by Allay Gamer 2.O on 2024-04-01 00:53:37. It has garnered 40 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:11 or 3611 seconds. 🔴24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join | Java+Pe | #minecraft #minecraftsmp JOIN OUR DISCORD ⫸ https://discord.gg/KHggrnwVt2 SUBSCRIBE MY SECOND CHANNEL ⫸https://www.youtube.com/@HKSEMPIRE IGNORE TAGS ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftindia #minecraftpakistan #livestream #livehindinews minecraftpublic smp minecraft public smp minecraft public smp live minecraft public smp 24/7 minecraft public smp 1.20 pocket edition 24/7 minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Gods Bicep LIVE Warrior Leveling Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Gods Bicep LIVE Warrior Leveling MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic WARRIOR LEVELING/MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Gods Bicep on 2024-05-22 14:55:20. It has garnered 641 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:06 or 10566 seconds. JOIN THE CHICKEN COOP CLUB TODAY!: / @godsbicep SUPPORT ME DIRECTLY BELOW AT MY PAYPAL: Paypal.me/godsbicep Read More

  • “ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!” #minecraftsquad

    "ULTIMATE BubbaPhant Summoning in Minecraft!" #minecraftsquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Triệu Hồi Bubba BubbaPhant Trong Minecraft #minecraftshort #xuhuong’, was uploaded by King Craft on 2024-03-20 11:06:11. It has garnered 17859 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your Inner Gamer Demon: Tower Building in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make tower#minecraft #shorta’, was uploaded by Gamer Demon on 2024-01-12 10:14:32. It has garnered 1216 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shorts

    Summoned by #Minecraft Journey! WTF #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Annual #Minecraft Journey CALLED ME IN! LMAO #shorts’, was uploaded by TheSlaY3R_ on 2024-01-13 16:45:00. It has garnered 2464 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. uwu ———————————- I’m live on Twitch at least a few days of the week if you wanna hang out: https://www.twitch.tv/theslay3r_ Twitch Schedule: (Eastern Time / EST) Start Time: Before or by 9pm End Time: ~12am (I post when I’m live on Discord) Social Links: https://www.twitch.tv/theslay3r_ https://twitter.com/TheSlaY3R_ Discord Community- https://discord.gg/BcPsfvS Read More

  • Minecraft’s Dark Secret Revealed – Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktok

    Minecraft's Dark Secret Revealed - Shocking Mining Method Exposed! #shorts #tiktokVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stop mining like this in Minecraft [DARK] #shorts #tiktok #minecraft #gaming #mining #mine’, was uploaded by DARK on 2024-03-06 14:30:03. It has garnered 2 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. Welcome to DARK, your go-to destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into our world of tutorials, epic Bedwars battles, captivating gameplay, thrilling 100 days challenges, and so much more. Whether you’re a beginner looking for building tips or a seasoned player seeking adrenaline-pumping adventures, our channel has something for everyone. Join our vibrant Minecraft community as we… Read More

  • Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power – Epic Minecraft Animation!

    Fushiguro Absorbs Shadow Demon Power - Epic Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘toji fushiguro absorb Shadow Demon Power and destroy | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-05 07:30:19. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. toji fushiguro absorb Shadow Demon Power and destroy |#minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #bestfriend #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope… Read More

  • Salve Craft SMP – whitelist, Java 1.20.4 – Community-Focused 16+

    Welcome to SalveCraft! SalveCraft is a thriving Minecraft community with players from all around the world. Whether you’re a master builder, redstone expert, comedian, or content creator, there’s a place for you here. Our server operates similar to HermitCraft and focuses on creating a fun and entertaining environment for everyone. Current Season: Season 2 (Started 05/20/24) We are always looking for new members to join our community and liven up the server. If you’re interested, reach out to us or join our Discord server for more information. The application process takes place on Discord. Discord: Join our Discord server We… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sculk Shrieker be like: Vibin’ & Snitchin’

    Sculk Shrieker’s main goal is to be more popular than all the other Minecraft memes…and it looks like it’s winning with a score of 26! Read More

  • Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥

    Minecraft: Iron Golem Fail 😂🔥 “I made an iron golem in Minecraft, but now he just stands there judging me while I try to mine for diamonds. Talk about a tough crowd!” 😂🤖 #minecraftproblems #ironjudgement Read More

  • EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await!

    EDS BOY: Minecraft Shenanigans Await! Welcome to EDS BOY: Your Minecraft Adventure Awaits! Welcome to EDS BOY, a mystical realm where blocks come alive and adventures unfold! Dive into our pixelated universe, where diamond pickaxes gleam, creepers lurk, and redstone circuits hum with magic. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a curious newbie, this channel is your gateway to epic quests, jaw-dropping builds, and heart-pounding survival challenges. Uncover Hidden Temples and Tame Wild Wolves Join us as we explore lush forests, treacherous caves, and towering mountains. Uncover hidden temples, tame wild wolves, and outwit those pesky skeletons. The world of EDS BOY is full… Read More

  • Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans

    Whispering Minecraft Shenanigans The World of Minecraft: Exploring Bedwars, Skywars, and More! Embark on an exciting journey through the blocky universe of Minecraft, where adventure awaits at every turn. From intense battles in Bedwars to thrilling challenges in Skywars, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Unleashing the Power of Bedwars Step into the adrenaline-pumping arena of Bedwars, where teams compete to destroy each other’s beds while protecting their own. With strategic gameplay and fast-paced action, Bedwars offers a unique multiplayer experience that keeps players on the edge of their seats. Key Features: Team-based gameplay Resource gathering and base building… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱

    Minecraft Pro Escapes Real-Life Rooms?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Escaping Rooms in Minecraft (And Real Life😩)’, was uploaded by Jervy Ras on 2024-04-21 09:39:10. It has garnered 63 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:29 or 6209 seconds. I have joined a small Minecraft event because it looked like fun, @savvysoggy is the creator of it and it is in the honour of one of his friends! I am not planning on winning all 10 rooms but I am going to try my best to make it far! Official Discord: https://discord.gg/GYebzGPhAf TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jervyras Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jervy_ras/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JervyRas Read More

  • Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft Gameplay

    Summoning Herobrine in Minecraft GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I summoned herobrine 😰 #gamergirl #gameplay #herobrine #minecraft #minecraft2024 #horrorgames’, was uploaded by Tanu Gaming on 2024-04-13 05:19:30. It has garnered 2799 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. About This Game Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • GREATEST COMEBACK EVER! Surviving 100 days on CRAZY Minecraft chunk 🎮

    GREATEST COMEBACK EVER! Surviving 100 days on CRAZY Minecraft chunk 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS ON A RANDOM CHUNK IN MINECRAFT HARDCORE 🥹’, was uploaded by Great Is Back on 2024-03-18 11:17:23. It has garnered 249 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Welcome to our Minecraft gaming channel! Join us as we tackle the challenge of surviving the first day in hardcore mode. Watch as we gather resources, build shelter, and fend off mobs in this intense gameplay series. Don’t miss out on all the action – hit that subscribe button now! #Minecraft #gaming #hardcoremode Subscribe for more epic adventures… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)

    Insane Minecraft Jelly Ch. Reaction! (Shocking Ending)Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft… nya??? (dies of cringe)🌠’, was uploaded by Jelly Ch. 【Phase Connect】 on 2024-02-02 16:10:04. It has garnered 6435 views and 747 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:52 or 10612 seconds. … 🌠Your super cute alien idol princess, is invading!! 🌠 I’m Jelly Hoshiumi, Phase Invaders’ SUPER CUTE SUPER FUNNY SUPER PURE shooting star 🌠 from a faraway planet! ═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰Donation Page✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══ https://streamelements.com/jellyhoshiumi/tip Jelly really appreciates your donations, but they’re not required to enjoy the streams! Unless stated otherwise, all donations are final and non-refundable, so please donate responsibly :3c ═══°∴,*⋅✲══〖✰Social Media✰〗══✲⋅*,∴°═══ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JellyHoshiumi… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Modding Builds – New Year Fashion Show Tutorial” #viral #trending

    "Insane Minecraft Modding Builds - New Year Fashion Show Tutorial" #viral #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new year fashion show modding builds tutorial#viral #trending #minecraft #gaming #youtube’, was uploaded by carryminy PC gamer on 2024-01-08 09:01:20. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

Minecraft Ultimate Alchemy – Cauldron Conundrum! #18 [Modded SkyBlock]