Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate Game of Thrones

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In seven days we will fight to the death to control the Iron Throne it’s me Forge Labs it Ryan sneeve and Shadow Mech as five Kings all trying to be the one on top and we’re each bringing an army of players to back us up in the biggest

Scenario we’ve ever done this movie is a set of twists and turns politics betrayal and murder hey this is a massive project so I’ve launched a limited edition t-shirt commemorating this movie with my house sigil and house words on it it will be live for 30 days

After this video goes live and then it is gone forever but now we head north of the wall to the barren Frozen North where one king will Donna Crown rally his army and March South to conquer the world or die try ten oh here we go here we go guarantee

He’s eating right now oh he’s absolutely eating now I I would not to what one go with us north of the wall we had a lot to worry about but food Water Shelter those were the important things spent a lot of time getting the wood and

Cobblestone needed to be able to set up a basic fishing shack so we’d have some semblance of Defense from the mobs that spawned in this place because they were honestly pretty brutal fully armored and half the time holding weapons that doubled or tripled their attack power as

The sun started to set and it was already approaching night rapidly we threw down a bunch of torches as well just to set up some sort of perimeter that would prevent mobs from spawning directly on our faces that didn’t stop creepers from popping up and giving us some trouble but thankfully things are

Going our way there’s something underneath me and I don’t know what it is do you hear this oh yeah I’ll watch it back because there’s like look over there by the Torches oh geez it has a broad sword oh we cannot stay north of the wall for long

No this is uh this is not safe okay okay let’s get inside we are over 5 000 blocks away from anyone else in this world and there’s a massive wall that separates us from all of them but it’s mainly there to protect them let’s be honest we have a long and dangerous

Journey ahead of us and the least of our problems was food we’re eating rotten flesh to try to basically survive and killing spiders for basic string and supplies to be able to make fishing rods that then thawing the lake immediately adjacent to us allowed us to start doing

Fishing from the roof meaning that we could actually set up a relatively healthy food source so that’s two of our main three checked off with two of our basic needs met the next most important thing is to secure the area that we’re working it with the shield and it ax I

Dug my way down to where we were hearing all of those mob sounds fighting a decent sized Lush cave with a bunch of armored White Walkers inside and with the lag this was super risky to try to clear I was eventually able to to secure

The area getting a little bit of moss so we could bring Greenery to the snowy north and getting a seeds which would be super useful to being able to grow food and have another replenishable food source y’all I found a lush cave we expanded the fishing area we can get treasure now

Look what else we have got some great news what’s up [Laughter] yeah here anybody want a broadsword I don’t mind now there’s like 90 mobs down there but here here Rojo you’re also you’re out and exploring after coordinating for General Food Supplies we headed down into the mines trying to get more iron and valuable resources so we’d be able to survive getting down

There for more Stone more resources iron Redstone and other things that we could use to expand our kingdom and our power is extremely important and then Looney got back and flexed on all of us hey buddy thank you so much progress [Laughter] this is why you’re on our team buddy I missed this yes dude how many stuffy diamonds do you have Looney I got six more but being in such a Barren Frozen hellscape we really only had a few things that we could actively work on at any given time fishing

Throughout a majority of the day and hunting spiders and other mobs at night just trying to get any armor or resources off of them that we could quickly gear ourselves up and be more likely to survive just as the one hour race period on the server was winding

Down Grady decided to go see if fall damage existed in this game spoiler alert it does but that was going to be the last death that didn’t count and the world was about to get a whole lot more lethal all right time for a scouting party everybody

Okay stay here weapon all right away we go and we’re done that was worthless and oh my God gee I wonder where the world ended I don’t know what doing that I don’t know what interacting with that does you have some sort of potion effect on you now rofo

Oh do you have like bad luck or something like that oh I just increased my render distance never mind we’re good oh there we go oh there’s the wall oh that’s gonna be fun to get through oh we’re actually not yeah it’s right too far from there I

Took a small break from the world of Westeros and when I returned back a few hours later my kingdom had started to Blossom and the north was becoming a formidable Force citizen I needed updates you have a lot of fish a lot of fish walking around and

Checking in with everybody I saw that we had actually set up a meaningful supply of food and we were growing kelp to be able to have a renewable fuel source additionally we’d captured a villager in a boat which would come in very handy for high tier trades enchantments and

Being able to set up a positive economy I took all of the diamonds and selfishly set myself up with a chest plate and helmet I am the king after all from there I ran along the clearing towards the wall where HP had started building a castle in preparation for our job to

Ascend this massive ice structure and March our way Southward where new lands were awaiting to be conquered an excellent I was saying we should start preparing to like Siege the wall oh yeah we do needles we need cows for sure because we need to we

Need to get yeah we need to get South yeah we wasted no time starting to set up a set of stairs that allowed us to ascend towards the top of the world after getting things together with multiple people we were able to set it up as sort of an assembly line I would

Put down the blocks HP would put down the stairs and we’d just continue spiraling our way upwards hiding from the Phantoms whenever they would spawn during the night to avoid getting knocked off and killed by gravity because the absolute last thing we need is to have people dying this early and

Putting our Kingdom at a massive disadvantage this took almost all of the deep slate that we had and several in-game days for us to build up this massive staircase where we pierced through the clouds and we were still a few hundred blocks away from our Target

As we went back for another resupply run we turned and looked at our accomplishments and oh my goodness is it breathtaking three two one turn once we get all the wood oh that looks so good after a quick resupply run back towards our initial fishing shack using

The kelp again as a renewable fuel source we gotta make do what what you can when you’re in the north and there’s nothing around we return back to the wall setting up a staging area at a small cave that was just a few blocks below the absolute top oh

Oh oh okay so we’re just digging in I guess yeah I mean this can this this is this is a pretty good area like shift on the edge shift on the edge oh oh I want to see there was no way that we could say that we actually ascended the

Wall unless we actually ascended the wall oh okay now we are top of the world baby future Kingdom away oh this is gonna be good we put down our banners marking this as an official landmark of the king in the north and with our eyes watching out over the rest

Of the world from the highest point on the map we spent a little bit of time going back and forth securing the top of this so no mobs would spawn and surprise us and we miscalculated slightly uh-oh uh we’re gonna stop here oh we’re gonna turn around we’re gonna leave okay

We’re gonna stay right here am I gonna stay right here no we’re gonna have to go past we’re gonna have to go past there’s because there’s witches there’s witches spawning over there which is a problem okay we’re gonna have to go we’re gonna have to go past real quick

Ready okay run run run run run run running moment don’t get stuck in that Gap oh my God that would be enough okay down down down down down down prepare for okay safe on both sides and this is why we have a staging area everywhere yeah but the wall officially

Captured as ours we spent a little bit of time setting up the forward operating base getting pearls and water buckets shared so we could safely descend if necessary and headed down the spiral staircase returning back to the fishing shack where I put down a set of orders for the players who were currently

Offline now a major rule of this competition is that no communication can happen outside of the server itself so if you want to tell somebody what’s going on you have to leave them a message so there’s a couple times when you’re going to see me put signs down

And you’re going to wonder why and that’s it we did not message on Discord at all while this game was running but with the orders placed it was time to lead instead of just telling people what to do heading down into the mines I took everybody and we just started mining

Group strip mining away everything we could finding gold as much iron as we can and smelting it live right down there in the mind to be able to set up our supplies for Iron and Steel we found the occasional diamonds as well which was definitely useful but there was

Something that we didn’t expect which was probably what we got most excited about I made I made this side of the cave cave in so we’re we’re probably safe over here look it’s a little guy do you like these flowers yeah he likes the flowers it needs multiple types of flowers to be

But to be tamed multiple types when you like eating the wrong biome for this we’re gonna get a pet we found the one green thing in the north and we’re claiming it as a pet down there I grabbed a little bit of drip Stone and some lava as well knowing that we could

Set up a renewable source which would be excellent for fuel but also weaponry and also allowing us to cast obsidian to potentially go to the nether as I was organizing all of the spoils from our first trip down into the mines Shadow was slain by a wither skeleton and a king had fallen

Oh yeah we have four blocks and 20. all right oh no although Shadow mech say uh a king isn’t he yes oh no shout out Shadow’s far from us he’s five thousand blocks away We’re not gonna make it there first well this calls for so Shadow is just done for the whole

Series no he can respawn after he’s been conquered got it okay but only him but he’s then only he’s then under that King’s control exactly he now works except except oh God this means that now there’s an Empire with 20 people oh oh no now this is where I was understanding

The rules a little bit for almost everybody on this server it’s hardcore you die and you’re out there is no coming back but for the Kings rules work a little differently we’re on the life drain mechanic that you’ve seen in all of these other scenarios where we lose a

Heart whenever we die to a random mob or something else that was unexpected if we’re killed by another player however that means our land is conquered and you now serve the king of the team who killed you but in the moment at that point in time I misunderstood the rules

So immediately I was thinking that we should sail South problem was we were thousands upon thousands of blocks away and there was no way we would get there first so risking everything of our kingdom heading out into hostile land felt like a bad call so instead we prioritized our attention here at home

Setting up a lava Farm to be able to get more lava to get some obsidian going and a dripstone farm to be able to have a little bit more drip Stone to be able to increase lava production down the road we upgraded all of our armor to Knight’s

Armor for everybody who was online setting up a high tier set of armor for Looney our Scout and Ambassador and the other players so they can log in and be protected and just as I was thinking that’s it for the night things escalated again oh oh

That’s two kings down sneeve is close to us I was just come nope we gotta I was just about to log off bring banners raise the banners okay everybody here take a quick take a couple minutes get up stretch your legs get a drink yep we’re gonna go again this was me

Slightly misunderstanding the rules so once all the other kings synced on exactly what it was I didn’t check we always check with each other when we play these kinds of things we went on my team was hyped though so there was no way I was logging off at this point so

Instead we did something else that was a little risky I I don’t know so who’s ready for the half of the force of King Lagoon I would have just died you shush if we are in another Fortress we immediately block off both sides if we’re anywhere else

Secure it who wants to go first I’ll do it HP do not die I sure what the heck that I want you’re gonna have to come through back because you know tell us over chat the 30 seconds that I was waiting for HP to return back were some of the longest 30

Seconds of my life not being able to communicate and chat at all makes things immediately more intense lagundo you’ll be excited what is it a Bastion 313 it’s a Bastion it’s a Bastion right buyer portal bye not in not in good news I think it’s

I think it’s also housing so I think we have another War another word be good getting some of that early okay shall we priorities priorities four buckets of lava yep a little bit of netherwort if we can get it eyes on a fortress we are not engaging that today

Got it until we determine whether or not the one shot kill with their skeletons are glitch or not I’m going to build like immediately build like a fort around our nether portal I already know I got one I already have oh wonderful and there is a mosquito hey Cena careful careful careful careful

This drop is bad we got we got another work I see it yeah the root the thing is we don’t have anything ranged also watch for the hoglands yep yeah um there is something there’s a word for us directly underneath us too Ricky do you have another Pearl oh shoot mosquito

Just whack it on your face just whack it got it through okay I’m gonna land on these chiseled Blackstone I’m gonna pillar up a little bit so I can get out of reach it’s the uh there’s no hand holds for me I have a boat too it’s fine it’s going to

Be faster this way where my towers down there three okay two one foreign it’s a jump scare yeah it’s a jump scare when it latches on your face that’s the whole point of it HP I’m watching you you are clear focus on homily collecting everything yeah before you get jumped ready on chest

I’m I’m I would say break it and take do you have an empty inventory I’m not gonna do breaking I’m gonna okay stop stop stop stop are you sure like I should be out of reach here no I saw the arm bit I saw the black and

Gold I know that I know believe me I know that yes because if they don’t see you there’s an odds they don’t even trigger got it okay unboxing fully uh yeah just break it just break it just break it don’t stand on it but break it unless you know the block underneath it

HP you’re out of your box don’t just go silent come on sorry ah I keep forgetting I have push to talk we’re fine not nothing really good good go up just get up because I’m nervous about something sneaking up on you in that position oh zombie piglet with a halberd

Right behind us let’s be careful cool do a little bit of trading why not gave us three nether brick trades oh my God okay in the boat the birds do give reach be very careful what you’re safe with in vanilla is not safe here I know oh Jesus HP

Where on the towers I’m coming down I’m coming down I’m coming down I’m coming down I don’t think brood I think this is a normal one should be following out for me okay let’s get out of here wait where do we go where do we go over

Here up here up here up here up up oh my God yeah all the way out oh my God also lagundo thank you for picking up that Island yeah just as I and the team were recovering from the stress of heading to the Nether and I Was preparing to log off for the

Night there was one final surprise here’s your one block of 9 Liam it’s in the blocks Jeff oh thank you we can we can grow that later who’s Before it gets it’s it’s better I’m done yeah I’m uh I’m I’m not doing more um oh my God yeah I I’ve had enough excitement for tonight yeah I’m not I’m not dude holy crap yeah kings are dropping like flies three are now down a heart and their Empires potentially

Morally routed tomorrow was gonna be an interesting one because tomorrow we would scale the one as day two started on the server the Northerners were preparing to scale the wall but we had an update of the resource pack which fixed the banners and armors and it was beautiful oh that

Is so much better night when I joined and the constant attacking of Undead from every direction was a reminder why we needed to head south the white walkers here would end us if we weren’t careful and we needed to head to more fertile land the message wasn’t fully received by everybody on

Team however and while structures are being built we demolished them to take the resources South giving us a head start on a potential castle and keep on the southern side of the wall we stuffed our pockets got everything we could to move and rallied the troops my subjects the time has come

For now we will Ascend the wall and move South the rest of this world will know our names let us go for Glory yeah what this one said running South all we had to do was Ascend the staircase due to the builds in preparation from yesterday getting to the top of the hill

Was the easy part it was getting down that was a lot harder I would never ask you I would never ask you to go to a place where I would not go my myself first let us take the South let us take this out lettuce and unfortunately despite our best

Efforts we did not make the climb without a casualty oh no why did you go come down at once I don’t know why they went down first but you body blocked by Pearl I would have been down here earlier I mean get as much stuff off of them I’m running

Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no one run run run run run run run we had that on lock how did someone die I don’t know what they are and I don’t like it how much how many arrows do we have uh I’m sorry Celeste

Okay not knowing what those dragons would do or if they would attack us we headed off in a random Direction running as quickly as we could and when the sun set built up a quick little temporary shelter around us to protect us from anything that might exist on this side

Of the wall while we were waiting some of the people on my team tried to cheer everybody up despite the loss you know the word uh the French word for inch literally translates to thumb which is how they got inches in the original uh building of castles they would use the

Foreman’s thumb it was standardized by the French King which made the French foot and the French foot meant that when you converted Italian or French free into English feet Napoleon was short as soon as the sun had risen though it was time to continue on our March South to our new home

I think I see the end of the snow all right let’s head back a little let’s head back a little more North dog oh oh get the Sheep away from that troop get the Sheep away get the Sheep away oh did you tame that one yeah heck yeah let’s go

I didn’t want to completely abandon the north though and look like every other video on this series so we’re gonna stay somewhere within the snowy lands finding this awesome Bay with a cool Peninsula out in the ocean and easy water access which could theoretically connect us with any potential Kingdom we to lie

With as ours let’s go all right start throwing down some banners make a border with banners down and the land officially claimed as our own Chief was busy moving the animals over getting them to the point where we’d have a sustainable food Fuel and wool Source would contribute massively

To our overall success the thunderstorm and the snow really set the tone and made me at first a little nervous that maybe coming south of the wall might not have been the best idea but as we quickly got a structure together and started feeling safe my mind changed I

Was focused on dominating this land not worried about what we had left behind with that I left orders for all of my subjects throwing down some light posts throughout the land to try to ward off any of the white walkers who might be spawning and shoveling away the snow so

We can actually start construction in Earnest knowing though that we had left some of our compatriots behind I jumped to the water and sailed around the wall looking up at this massive structure we had scaled conquered and lost one of our friends along the the way I returned

Back to our Longhouse leaving signs with orders and new coordinates of our new home inside for anyone who is still on this side and would join us in the future I took a small break and when I returned a few hours later I grabbed everything I could finally was able to

Send a message to Ryan who had finally set up his mailbox jumped back in my boat and sailed back to my kingdom to see progress beginning people just busy at work getting things together starting on our kingdom screaming in pain inside of some cells that we built for them hello everybody hi hi

So how are you good how why do you sound sad um well tooth died no yeah anyone else um only lost Celeste right so Celeste and chief a hollow died too what is wrong I get I follow me I specifically requested to be fair uh half of them were broken as we

Were uh repairing the house but the one that says Don’t Die is still there look I specifically requested stay alive yeah did you put the sign back when he died yeah making coffee back in the second no that was that was up there that’s our AFK you just left it there

With two more citizens having died in the interim our kingdom was starting to look a little worse for wear now we weren’t the only Kingdom experiencing casualties but without a direct reference of where everyone else stood it was hard to tell where we were in the

Power rankings and if we needed to be worried about a potential attack our Navy however was coming together wonderfully and with two warships to our name we could conquer the eastern coast but as we started to improve the lighting in the Aesthetics of our area we had a visitor from the southern lands

Okay oh yeah so conquer came over we made a deal and that’s how we got the rice which was pretty cool I am not sure about the main parts of that deal because well I’m not sure about the main park because the two people that were talking

To conquer were shoof and Hollow so I no Carlos died before no it was weapon it was what it was weapon I’m like by the ice hey all right so I one of my guys kind of died out like far away from here I’m I was sent to like go and like

Retrieve his boat did you happen to see a man that was literally made out of corn who do you have that by name corn cream it’s a very it’s a it’s a pretty obvious name I can’t die here you did come here but oh you’ve been new Ambassador for the Redlands

I I don’t really think so I’m kind of just trying to retrieve that boat to drowned with a long sword underneath your feet uh he can’t hurt me it’s fine I think at least is that your dog in the boat yeah okay good just checking yeah he came with me

Uh kind of just tag along I mean we have built these two ships that you see in front of you this is our this is cool you’re pretty dope only two though I mean so far so we’ll work our way towards the fleet if you insult the military power of the

North okay but then what are you asking for specifically I’m confused well you see I was trying to find corn and I wanted to know if you know which direction he went in as far as we know he went back south after speaking with our citizens yeah uh South

Like back towards your land thank you for not killing me but real quick I’ve sent a message to your king oh yeah uh the next time you see him online you could remind him that the northern King awaits a response that would be wonderful all right I’ll be

Sure I’ll be sharing her I’ll be sharing online thank you I appreciate it that was strange the previous Ambassador had come to us but had died not in our lands and not by our hand so why would they come to me asking for their armor or their ship back did information not

Make it back was in an unsanctioned trip did the Red King not really have control of his people I had so many questions and no answers but while we were waiting on a potential response from the Red King we captured a witch in a boat which could potentially give us weakness

Potions without having to go to the nether meaning we could cure the zombie villagers that we had in a box right outside of our Longhouse but we were gonna make this place look worthy of our kingdom putting up all of the lighting and setting up a different pathing

Strategy so that we could cut through the snow with the areas that we would clearly walk back to back from there I took a brief break to Cameo on the Dominion Yule Log video make sure you go check that out over on Jamie’s Channel and returned later in the evening to an

Abandoned castle almost no one around and thoughts my greatest contribution would be to get what my people needed so I geared up and ventured into hell there I saw Chief’s corpse built into the wall forever standing Guard from the mosquitoes and the hoglands one who attached to my face almost immediately

The trick with them is to not panic which is pretty hard when something has actually latched onto your face I picked a direction and headed off digging my way through keeping tunnels and access ways relatively small finding my way to a warp force and another wastes beyond

That with two giant blue frogs off on the side one of whom grabbed me with their tongue and threw me over a fall that would have immediately killed me thankfully I came out Victorious there I built up a little Shack and hunted Enderman for Pearls Before doubling back

Returning back to the the Crimson Forest fighting a few piglets and just trying to see what was potentially around here am I in Gold fought off any of the mosquitoes that would attack me and got to another point where it was a Soul Sand Valley and of assault Delta just

Completely off to nothingness there were a ton of Bones available and as I looked out over the ridge into the Soul Sand Valley I saw the posts of another Fortress this was exactly what we needed but I needed to be very careful some wither skeletons had massively damaging

Weapons which could kill in one hit and I needed to be smart going into here so I boxed myself up against one of the legs of the Fortress digging a spiral staircase up to a confined area which I blocked off that wither skeletons would not be able to attack from there The

Blaze spawner was just around the corner but I didn’t have fire reds and very limited food so I had to be careful and conservative here I grabbed a few blaze rods boxed myself in and then just smacked at the ankles new blazes had ankles of blazes grabbing four rods and

Accidentally hitting a zombie piglin turning most of that hive mind completely against me it’s like if you say something controversial on Twitter but as I started to completely run out of food knowing now where it was and with the ability to come back more prepared I wanted to quit while I was

Ahead and return back to my people a Victorious King not a dead one so I abandoned The Fortress running back out through open nether the Soul Sand Valley fighting off more piglets in the Crimson woods and dealing with mosquitoes who were constantly trying to jump scare me

Making my way back towards the portal and returning to the Overworld Victorious [Applause] oh I can speak I can speak and I can breathe oh my goodness was that terrifying with that I did what no other king had done yet raided a fortress and survived my

People now had the means the motive and the opportunity to dominate this world all we had to do now was play our cards right and see where everyone else stood thank you it’s day three on the server and tensions are starting to rise blood has already been drawn and the shenanigans

And sabotage of a Game of Thrones world is starting to take shape as I appeared in our little starter base here at our home I’m reading signs for updates on everything and getting an update on our villagers which are starting to get to work uh that’s my that’s me oh my God I

Don’t have the texture pack on so for me it’s just a regular zombie that’s me that’s my no that is my skin that’s the gauntlet on the right hand absolutely did Big White Walker version of me but as we started working on our economy our ambassador slash Scout slash

Thieving Goblin appeared and came in to give us an update my league hey yo rookie Helen you’re you’re probably forget the night no I am also still here good to see you buddy don’t go too far I think we should have a meeting I think

We should hear it let’s go to the let’s go to the castle let’s go to the Longhouse in the middle stand like men no let’s go get the chairs okay I’m gonna check my mailbox so you all get shares oh I’m like oh oh do we have a I am presuming this is

Gonna be a peace offering that’s interesting okay here here no but here hold up hold up we gotta hold on I’ll do your thing we’ll build a throne promise there we go Oh that’s so much better yes okay I’ve been to many places guys I don’t know how much you know but on Saturday we started our adventure and as you guys made your way down south I got stuck in a huge snowstorm so once I made my way

To the wall you had already skilled it somebody’s unfortunate to my eyes on the bottom I think that was the last in the fall yeah the thing is I I got a an assignment from our King to uh Venture far down south and I had to meet the Red

King to media king Ryan which I did um I also got another assignment from you which was uh whenever you see opportunity take it yeah whenever you find something nice sneak it with you and we made a we made a pact and we basically discussed that

Because we are so far away from each other there’s no real way to back each other up when we get into combat like if we’re under siege they’re never going to be able to reinforce us it’s just too true the boat ride takes 45 minutes until the final day exactly so that’s

What we spoke about we decided that during the final day we should just make it so that we are the last two teams standing and we don’t have to talk about this much more from this point forward the goal is quite clear we’re going to be the last two teams standing and the

Way we’re gonna do this is we’re gonna make sure that we keep North during fights we stick at the north side of whatever the Battleground is they stick on the south side and we try to find each other over the East and if we do and we can send way to

Team in between us we bounce both of us oh I like the sound of this basically we’re both we’re somewhat allied with the desert team so we’re alive with the right yeah we’re no we’re not somewhat a lot we’re like deep we’re at Ally Red King Looney then gave us the rundown he

Had traveled basically the entire world and knew where everyone was so we had coordinates for every single Castle but when it came to the update for Steve’s place there was a little bit more to cover um their Castle is on top of that mountain range and there’s no real way

To get up there also I was there um I’ve seen their entire base because uh they have like a wooden check which is um Down Below on the ground and Brooke was building and I’ve just been chatting with Brock while I walk all around and uh they had like um

They had older villagers on their professions and all the books they could need and all the stuff they could need but they were still struggling for emeralds so they are very Advanced but they’re also right now they’re they’re vulnerable because their position everything that matters to them is not where they’re building

I took all the as I was talking to to Brock I took most of their blaze rods and I took a the chest plate and I took uh the books I really needed um so that’s my well to that end I noticed I noticed your chest plate kind

Of doesn’t match you should not date it um I tried I don’t think I can overlay it no you can’t redo it oh that’s that’s a bit of a thing that we have to address right now um but basically they’re uh considering how many of them all are online I think

We should assume that all of them have brought foreign well the good news is the youthful King wants to be friends yeah so we don’t need to worry immediately about our most immediately Southern neighbor um so what do you think is going to happen world-wise do you think there’s going to be um

Teams that are up against each other I don’t know because I think if anyone is at most at risk via being conquered it would be team Forge because there’s only three of them everyone outnumbers them significantly and we will clearly outnumber them and outmaps them in Tech

As well I mean Robert is Robert is pretty technically skilled and Kim knows this land better than anybody so there’s a chance but it would be I don’t think it’d have to be a low one they have nothing up their sleeve I think that oh they have

Something up their sleeve but in a direct fight face to face no tricks well also I told I told Brooke that my uh negotiations with uh red team completely broke down on account of me trying to steal their armor so you have you’ve taken two separate Max armor sets from

Both teams no no so I gave the one back and and exchanged it for Diamond which is somewhere in a drawer over there that’s the tribute from the goofball King 64 diamonds yes 64 diamonds are easy to give I can’t pick them up so somebody has to from there we finished talking strategy

Getting into the nitty-gritty of what items and armors we should be using as well as giving Looney a tour of what we had accomplished at home while he was Far afield wandering and causing Mischief he put in a few requests for specific enchantments and a few items

That he could use to really just level up his troublemaking skills but as we started thinking about what our next steps were it required a few very tough decisions yeah this is where it gets tricky because with according to the there’s no double crossing so we enter

Into an alliance with them we’re Allied full stop we can’t promise two different teams that will be there until the end so you what if you’ve arranged this Alliance I need to confirm it as The King and I need to now decide who do we think is the stronger potential ally I

Think Ryan I think we take Ryan as our Ally and we we get a assassin pickup kill on somebody essential on Steve’s team doesn’t have to be soon who do we who do we know is uh pretty well who do we know is on snip team that’s online at least right now

I think like um uh Jamie Kip Jamie Brady red no Reds and shadows Grady is scary POS nowadays great this is really good uh Mongo’s on Steve’s team as well problem it well no the problem is for more than for more than Looney to go we

Need to declare open War and that’s uh that’s a whole nother animal you know um I I gotta go to bed because it’s almost 3 A.M and uh okay so um yeah here’s my thought as far as your next you’ve been very good at going to other lands and just finding things

Right I think I think that’s what you continue to do you go to Lance you find some stuff you check in on people you see what they’re up to continue to get us information yeah don’t kill unless you think it’s perfect opportune moment so what is what defines a perfect opportune moment I

Would I would not go for players I would go for resources yes go for resources not for people and not just on not just on team sneve no no I understand be a constant setback yeah all right all right I’ll try that I can like literally wipe somebody’s villagers population oh

That would be amazing or just leave them one if you want to play it up for drama leave a sign that says we’re we are watching and see if they get the whole eye Motif if you want if you want to be more shenanigans okay frame another team

Great work bye Looney ggs awesome bass I love the progress we’re getting there see ya oh so good I knew making him the Mischief Goblin would be our the right call for this team after sitting and thinking I wrote out two letters one agreeing to Steve’s defensive pact but

Nothing greater this kind of gave me a little bit of wiggle room considering the fact that Looney was busy being a little bit of a goblin in their lands I didn’t want to commit too hardly to working with him another which gave me a little bit of distance was to the Red

King my thought process with us at each extreme end of the world would be able to kind of just press inward on everybody else letting them fight amongst themselves and each of us only really having one flank to worry about with the politics done and dusted I did

A little bit of work contributing to the overall Aesthetics of the area creating a sign board for me to be able to post orders and instructions and updates for everybody else and enchanting my spear to just get myself a little bit more knockback so I would be further

Unhittable a few hours later I sent the last book and quill that I had sending another message to forge through the mail asking for leather and Feathers we had enough cows that was mainly for free but the feathers were something that we had yet to see this far north

My kingdom know if you need anything thanks King Ryan III excellent news everyone our alliance with the south is formalized now knowing that the southernmost Kingdom in the world was our Ally while we’d be too far to help each other in earlier battles without a massive advance notice we could help

Each other in the final fight and that is what I was mainly focused on at this point I did quite a bit of work around the kingdom hunting monsters trying to get another Trident oh that would have been amazing and harvesting kelp which we were still using as our primary fuel

Source since it was a net positive from cooking kelp with kelp and it’s a great way to Short Circuit things when there’s very few trees to work with oh yes one fish it was meant to be but with all the villagers set up the way they were cats were starting to spawn

And I tamed the first cat to be born from there I was killing spiders mainly looking for spider eyes which we could ferment and turn into weakness potions to start up a zombie curing cycle for all of our villagers to get ourselves better prices and Powerful enchants for basically nothing I’m also killing

Creepers for gunpowder because let’s face it explosives are one of the most powerful weapons you can have in a medieval setting and we’re gonna want those with a couple potions brewed I went down to where we were keeping all of our employees infecting and curing

One of them to be able to get a better overall Loop and potentially starting to be able to turn a profit here there I jumped in one of our ships and sailed South looking for chickens potentially getting a little bit of more gunpowder and sugar cane and getting sand

Something that would be also extremely important if we want any sort of explosives in this world while I went far enough South to be able to find Birch trees to expand the build palette for my citizens I also found two chickens leading them up and bringing

Them home now let’s see if these can put into the big boat or at least I was hoping so thankfully they did get in the boat I have no idea how I’m actually gonna get them out of this ship but we’ll figure that out later as soon as I

Started sailing back North Joy fell and died which if you’ve watched Dominion you kind of knew that was coming right I returned back to my Frozen Kingdom checked the keybinds figured out how to kick the chickens out of the boat and then continued to struggle with them for

About 20 minutes while they kept getting back into the boat and that that was a frustrating little bit of time there with them safely secured and the night starting to run a little bit late I went back to the nether focusing on another solo trip out towards the blade spawner

This time equipped with half an hour’s worth of Fire Res and more than enough steak to be able to heal for quite some time the mosquitoes I’m able to kill in one shot as long as they don’t attach to my face first and at this point I know

Well enough that I’m not to panic with fire rest on board I ran towards the play spawner boxing it totally in and continuing to kill blazes as quickly as they spawn as well as mining out the area to create an overall larger spawning space to increase the rates and

Get more Blazer odds faster additionally all this killing was putting me closer to level 30 which was an overall net win and would allow me to do a top tier enchant on my gear and potentially save us a little bit of time or levels in doing anvils and books so we could focus

On making sure the entire team is stacked up pretty well the over 40 blaze rods in my inventory enough for everyone on my team to be in Max tier armor and weapons and to be set for potions for probably the rest of the scenario I returned home getting a pretty decent

Roll with thorns on it for my chest plate which would discourage anybody from attempting to take down the king and that was the end of day three the politics are starting to ramp up but the Frozen North is keeping me protected with an ally to the South both and a

Bunch of question marks in between I had no idea what was waiting for me as the Sun would rise on day four it’s day four in Westeros and the kingdoms are finally starting to come together and communicate things are ramping up and the politics of this

World are coming into play I logged in and my people were quite busy getting a lot of building done with a new windmill having been constructed and doing a lot of work with the Villagers down in the hidden basement getting a lot of Trades that we desperately needed but we still

Had a lot more work to do and the timetable was about to be accelerated so uh Sean and one of his other members that I forget John Robert yeah came over to here to here okay um they basically had proposed that we join an alliance with them against

Uh the Redlands because they apparently have heard that they are probably going to go to war with Shadow they are already at war with the shadowlands okay so Sean’s group wants insurance with us with an alliance uh defensively defensively a defensive Alliance there’s that okay so let’s

Let’s read these in in the order that we received them all right so let’s let’s see what we’re working with here fantastic salutations we get snobber cringe them are very happy to be a part of this Alliance verily if you ever need of us you need only call take

With you this meal you’ll find it quite refreshing some steak and potatoes a second one dear lagundo I’m sorry it has taken me so long to write you back our Builders sir Kimberly has what we call Brain rot and decided to make several mailboxes he is being dealt with I’ve sent what we

Have to Aid you I hope this helps PS if you’d like to send Ambassador sometime to discuss a larger Alliance we will are willing to accept someone the iron crocodiles so sounds like that’s already kind of in flight he sent us some leather and some feathers which is good

Because I used the last bit we have to send the last round of books you know granted that was before when we had chicken so dear lagundo as you have heard we’ve gone to war with Shadow back we have talked to Sean and he is willing

To join us in battle against Shadow we would be very apprehensive if we would be very appreciative if you were able to help us out we will discuss times at a later date thanks King Ryan III with open War being declared amongst the kingdoms this world was quickly heading

Towards violence and I didn’t want to get pulled in the middle of this and I wanted some protections and assurances from potentially being brought to war so I sent messages out to two key people Ryan my existing Ally trying to get a face-to-face meeting sending one message

Every day wasn’t enough and wasn’t able to communicate effectively we needed to meet in person and secondly I reached out to the person that people would expect me to do the absolute least the crocodile King he was the smallest Kingdom by far with only three people to

Start and he’s also the most Central so if we could potentially make a friend there he could cause some chaos in our name and we’d get off scot-free but with war looming we can’t just have a longhouse anymore we need to have a fortress so I’ve grabbed all of our deep

Slate and started building a wall surrounding the giant amazing wooden castle that had been built if people are going to get in here they’re gonna have to do explosions to get in here we’re making sure let me see what my levels would be oh I

Can get prop 4 into level 30 in June oh do it I can get aqua affinity on a level 30 enchant I can get prop 4 on the boots too I’m gonna get I get efficiency for it on the pickaxe so I’m here is anybody level 30 or no with a potential massive

Upgrade to my armor right around the corner we had other things we needed to take care of before we could actually commit to that I went sailing out with HP diving to the bottom of the ocean to mine more iron since we had converted all of ours to Steel for the Maximilian

Armor that we needed to upgrade all of our stuff once we were done with that and as other kingdoms were losing citizens to creepers we went down into the mines doing a little bit of trading with our villagers first and then doing anything we can to get myself up to

Level 30. mainly mining Redstone down in the depths to be able to Ping straight to that level so I could go up and enchant do I go for prop 4 on the chest or prop 4 on the boots what do you think boots has a lot more variants in it so I’d say

Go for that since you already have Prada 4 and breaking three with the outer wall starting to be constructed I also wanted to build additional protections inside those openable windows surrounding our treasure room are nice and all and they look great from the inside but I don’t

Want people to just be able to sneak their arm in through the window to be able to grab our diamonds or netherrite and as I was building that up I am as always trying to find more gunpowder from any creepers I could find so I have

More explosions for a final battle I did a little bit of mining of redstone ore that was brought up with silk touch to get myself back up against level 30 again so I could do yet another level 30 enchant on my armor and started doing

Detail work on the wall we want it to be functional but we also want to be the best looking Castle on this server with some variants in the block palette and some walls here and there it definitely fits the vibe of the Frozen North that we’re going with and you know we were

Gonna go extra the steak and potatoes sent me from Steve was quite fantastic so I thought let’s send some sushi back to him as a thank you I find out later in the series that he’d never knew that that actually came from me now building this well was no joke it actually took

Me several in-game days a couple hours to be able to set up something that actually looked good but was high enough and large enough to be properly defensible I set up an interior catwalk of spruce slabs so we could stand at the top of the wall and shoot down or at

Least have high ground on anybody who would attempt to attack us and this required doing a lot of harvesting of wood and just a lot of logicing to make sure that it looked nice but it still provided a tactical advantage while I worked on that my citizens built me a

Throne moving the table but that’s what I have so far I like it we should make a like our little raised Deus of like deep sleep like polished deep slate and deep sleep like the walls it’s like one block freshly invigorated by the faith they had in me with a

Frozen Throne I continued work on the wall fighting Phantoms to get myself back up above level 34 another round of top tier enchanting and also throwing mending on my grassar so I’d be able to keep it for forever down to the villagers for a little while investing

In my personal protection as well as the protection of our Castle I got prop 4 for all of my armor pieces throwing them on throwing and chanting and doing level trades in a positive Emerald Loop to get us a little bit more money diamonds and protection 4 was great but it wasn’t

Everything we needed to upgrade to the absolute Max tier of weapons and armor so with some critical role on in my headphones I went down into the mines doing a little bit of netherite mining with some Beds which is a method that I normally don’t rely on because if I’m at

The point where I’m going for netherright I normally have a massive amount of TNT but this was moderately effective I had three pieces of ancient debris on my first bed my fourth on my second and continued blasting around to the point where mouth was starting to

Spawn I had covered that much ground all said and done in a stack of wools worth of beds I only ended up with seven pieces of ancient debris but that’s still one and a three-quarter Ingot so that’s still something useful and can set our team ahead a little bit the rest

Of the night here was focused on my personal gear getting sharpness mending knock back any sort of protection and chance I can get and curing the villagers so getting each of these in the future would be that much easier and that much cheaper and I’m glad I did all

Of this protection and preparation because it would come in so handy because tomorrow tomorrow the Northlands sailed for war n you right now day five is the longest day in this entire video and it is the most intense so if you wanted a popcorn or a bathroom break now is the time and

Just I’ll wait you good you ready you ready for the war that reshaped this entire continent alright let’s get going I logged in down with the Villagers no idea what was about to happen came upstairs checked my mail and things popped off oh interesting let’s see what we got here

Meeting your place today I feel appreciative events King snuffers so if Steve wants to potentially be Steve wants to come say hello that could be interesting when you find his food he has been on the toilet hahaha Is the only other three people you consider sending someone here looking forward to matters let’s go see Robert G okay bye dunk crocodiles oh Sean never change I’m actually gonna do something that is potentially a little risky I need to make some friends and I need

To know what’s going on okay I might be overselling Sean’s message but it’s still important if he’s willing to joke with me then he definitely wants to meet so I went back and sent him a message just trying to figure out where we should go and under what terms we would

All get together from there I spent a little bit time harvesting my potatoes just doing a little bit of gardening updating all of the orders doing some potion brewing check my mail again and here we go we accept you in due time we’re just finishing fortifying our

Walls I will send you our location shortly less than that works this potentially works so if we can if we can hold on if we can become allies with the crocodile King and if the Red King has gone mad with power then we can so far everybody wants to be

My friend this is different for me I’m used to them all wanting to kill me so I need to figure out how I feel about this Sean only accepting a meeting at his own base and no neutral ground and not coming to the north did ring to me a

Little nerve-wracking so I spent some time harvesting gunpowder but primarily going for pearls I wanted mobility and Escape ability and I needed to make sure all my gear could survive any potential fight so the last few many books I needed to purchase getting that on all

Of my armor so so even if I got into a fight I’d be able to repair while on the Fly while I contemplated my next move doing a little bit of trading with the Villagers I thought about it and then sent a message to sneeve I wanted to

Meet him on neutral ground we were defensive allies right now but the interconnected web of alliances and potential betrayals just had me on edge I didn’t want to meet anywhere that was a fully built and controlled struck structure as I said that I had another response from Ryan not what I was

Expecting to find I’d be willing to meet as I am war with Shadow back I’m cautious to meet in person however I’m willing and I will not bring welcome in however I need certainties that nothing will happen to me or my men thank you King Ryan the problem was I just sent a

Letter so I can’t send one for some time oh this is tense I’m about to talk to Sean there’s no reason to also talk to Ryan oh this is tense it’s weird being wanted by everybody I’m gonna admit it I’m not used to it so oh boy anyways at this point I realized

Why I might be such an opportunistic alliance for any member of the server at this point in time I’m the only King who hasn’t suffered a death I’m the only King at full health and I’ve lost potentially the fewest people if we’re perceived as a military power and a

Threat in this world then we can have our pick of the litter and basically determine who potentially gets second place in this world as I’m still figuring things out going back and forth and doing my kingly chores Sean logged in and immediately declared war on Norway sorry Kim

Who look I guess it means I have to find an Inky boy every time we are cheap Kingman cares about the rainforest how about the iron island is neutral ground to the West Oh sneeve never change sneeze I love him but he really pushes this whole family-friendly aspect of my channel to its limits see not getting nervous because now everybody wants to be my friend and I’m not used to this I’m not used to everybody wanted to be my friend

I’m used to getting betrayed so I want to control the fact that he requested there why there that so far cut off from everything I don’t like it I don’t like it brofo you need to get upgraded come on yeah I love it all I think things are about to go down

Right I think have we got any um weakness potions and stuff like that we can for what uh no for splash potions for people here we have we have power upping potions but we do not have power we do not have debuffing potions we got um anything for poison not yet do you

Have a glassar no I have a steel plastered sword okay come here that’s yours weapon do you have a grassar yeah y’all I’m nervous there are way too many people on there are way too many people on right it scares me right so aren’t Steve and

Shadow at war no it’s it’s Shadow and red oh this is a button it’s Shadow and Ryan but okay come on let’s go to the throne we need to talk I’m nervous I’m getting nervous because I keep getting messages from everybody and everybody apparently wants to be my friend and the last time

Everybody wanted to be my friend I was murdered well the reason why I think they want to friend us is because we have Looney they think Looney is the biggest threat here yeah but that could be true but that’s also putting us at risk because Looney’s

A threat when he’s online but he’s not online there’s a whole bunch of people online and if they kill me they get loony okay well and weapon night no but you know what I mean right like yes I fully understand I need to look for a friend in the most unexpected of places

Oh no Herbie thinking am I thinking I don’t know I think it’s time to meet the crocodile King and I would like you to both join me I upgraded my gasar to netherright it checked my mail and once again the crocodile King had sent me a message and

Here I think for the content play we were sending messages back and forth so rapidly I message him saying yes I definitely want to meet he messaged me asking for assurances they weren’t the smallest Empire after all I sent back my word that I would meet him with equal

Swords on the field and he sent a response that I was kind of expecting bring one person no more sorry what bring one person no more he just said bring one person no more Who do you think who do you want which one of you feel is safer in PvP me right I’m the second best pvpr we got let’s go weapon rofo uh keep building up also prepare our defenses if if anyone comes to the castle that does not feel safe right

You have to send a message somehow send me a letter I can’t that sword get that grassar Enchanted you have access to the villagers so I got weapon Knight into a ship jumped in and sailed South it took us some time to make our way down towards the swamps and

Even then we didn’t want to risk our largest warship in the canal immediately in front of forge’s Castle instead we wanted it out in Open Water where we could potentially get to it or protect it if one or both of us was potentially attacked knowing where it was left we

Abandoned the boat made smaller boats and traveled inward on the water arriving at Sean’s Castle just in time for the show my mans what’s up how are you I’m a little nervous because now there’s three of you why did you have to pick the hardest River in the world to navigate

Specifically because it’s hard to navigate yeah wait what was that was that a tiger we have a lot more than a tiger oh is that like I know he’s here welcome oh hello okay stay back stay back stay back stay back stay back no no no not all three of

You Kim go away I was told you weren’t here he to be fair he signed in like oh no no I’m just I’m just giving you grief uh where’s Robert I’d like to see all three of you trying to jump up on the thing when you come if you decide to

Come in you’ll see the shambles that we have going on here you can go get another person if you’d like no it’s okay all right feel confident okay careful my king you’re not going to like this part if you accidentally hit us or we hit you um we have a lot of animals

In here that are going to attack right away yeah so just be be very careful that’s all that’s all I’m saying okay come on in you’re gonna see what we’re talking about here there’s a guy with netherright armor here okay are you coming just I where where a

Weapon is testing the door for me I you got you both got to come in we’re just as nervous as you are it’s an airline I do not trust that floor may I Break The Floor is there a castle you can’t break anything I knew it I knew it

I knew I’m gonna go we can discuss okay I knew it all right I knew it I’m going to explain something right now we have no intent to kill either of you but we have to do this out of security I’m gonna I’m gonna give you a chance to

Come in and you can both walk out of here fully armed if you don’t drop me in the hole you have to go down the hole yeah go down the hole then let’s talk through the wall but I’m not going down in the hole if if you don’t he’s gonna

Die Sean you do this every time this this but this is this is the thing though we’re not we have no intent to kill either of you this is purely for security Sean I know for a fact that there’s at least two other kingdoms who would wipe you off the map without so

Much as a thought I know I’m here to give you an opportunity what go through Robert don’t go flipping though this Laguna there’s if you are to enter this you’re going to see a lot more than you know about I want you to go ahead look down right

Now then let’s talk look down and zoom in look below our base and zoom in I see him no but do you see the six name tags down there oh what are you doing what have you done drop down the hole and you’ll find out I promise you you will not die oh

You can take any protection you want we won’t even strip you just jump down the hole the hole is purely for our security because we’re completely outgunned right now you saw that your teammate did not die he’s perfectly safe down there we put water down we could have just had

Him killed but by a drop pit what is that on the water as well yep he’s safe we could have killed him right there we could have made this a lava pit it could have been a drop hit the intent is not to kill it’s purely

Security I promise you you will not die look at their faces I can’t see your faces there you can see my that doesn’t help look at his friendly face you will see a whole different side of this game if you jump down the hole the decision you make right now will

Change a lot of what’s about to happen content play granola involved in this prison okay come on in you’re good you’re good I’m gonna show you what would have happened we have the crocodile here could release him come on through okay Look who we got oh no no no no no look who we got I’ve been in this situation no no no come on in but look look what we got Sean should I release weapon night yeah yeah let him out let him out let him out okay we’re working

With Ryan and I’m aware that you’re working with Ryan too but look who we have I see this we have Steve we have Grady weapon get your stuff back please please guys legs come on I want I want weapon to have his stuff back yeah yes I’m

Giving it yes go and get yourself it was just security measures I didn’t know what Sean was doing I never know what he’s doing yeah I was gonna say that doesn’t narrow it down would you believe I want to say so nothing would happen to everybody we

Know I didn’t realize I forgot to give my skin some pants you guys are free to go anytime I’ll show you how to leave here you can follow me if you get uncomfortable at any point I do not yeah yeah just replace it there you’re free to go anytime you can go up

There you’ll shoot out and you can walk right out of everything I’ll show you do you want you want to show you up and then you can come back down to read thank you Kim yeah this just leads into our um it leads into our house essentially you

Have an Enderman right there who where okay we don’t worry about him don’t look here and we’ll show you some of our fun stuff you can come right now let’s let’s just take our conversation no I want a conversation away from their ears okay they can’t hear you wait a minute oh I

Forgot about it that’s a kangaroo with another right sword yeah they teleport to me and they destroy anyone that’s amazing unfortunately Sean yes I’m telling you right now we have no one time I was being honest we have no intent I am I know you’re working with Ryan

We’ve had Ryan here I’ve had I had um welcoming in the Trap we released him we got kiply I told Steve if he wants Kipling to come get her then we sent Steve and Grady down the hall what’s gonna happen next is because sneeve is in an alliance with Shadow I

Have letters going out to shadow shadow is going to be coming here soon Shadow’s gonna go down there we’re gonna have Shadow on a jail cell and then we’re gonna deliver him to Ryan in exchange for safety on the night of the um whatever the attack on the castle the

The greater battle we’ll go with that may I offer you an even more interesting deal you know that netherrite you’re wearing yep yes scraps worthless trash well what is the Maximilian oh we have Maximilian armor we have Maximilian too yeah we got it on good just checking yeah

Yes how are you on potions and books we don’t have we don’t have a potion Brewer that’s the one thing we couldn’t get we couldn’t get another wart I know because we have it all yeah we found the emptied Fortress I found a fortress that was totally ransacked I’ve cleared two fortresses

And we’ve cleared every other Castle we own potions in this world yeah we need we need some of that Ryan went out to try to get us uh nether right or not on the right um another Ward and you couldn’t do it nope he won’t he wouldn’t be able to because

We have what is the deal for that stuff what do you what do you want in return I want to be king you want to be king of the ends I the best I can do is a fair shot at it at the end once everyone’s off the table me and you Here’s what I want to do here’s what I want to do right so you have potentially right you have sneeve in a cell you have Shadow on people get Shadow we will get Shadows all right yeah I stand in front of you as the only King who hasn’t died that proves my value

Right as an ally I have Ryan as an ally what I’m saying is we get to the end we make sure you and I are the last two kings remaining and we fight what about everybody else what Fair 1v1 a fair 1v1 fight we’ll have to we’ll have to eliminate

Ryan before the chance you and me mono Amano for the throne all right I like to accept it yeah I accept eat the steak in in solidarity I don’t know I actually cannot eat the steak right now because I’m full but I was about to punch you for a handshake

Handshake I was gonna punch you for a handshake and then you’re okay yeah Don’t you dare don’t you dare I will see that Ryan has slayed shadow because I don’t need to be here for this in fact it’s better if I’m not yeah Kings and we one-on-one right in front of the throne for the wind that’s how it makes it I will leave

And I will send you some potions as an offer of good faith I accept I need can you um a plan to make this happen from your end because you’re the one that everyone’s been speaking to I’m isolated in the north encourage you to get these supplies not

Just the potions well yeah I want I’m gonna I’m gonna want another words oh be very careful yeah let’s go inside Um I would want netherwork is that possible and that another War instead of potions we could go down there and kill Steve right now why haven’t you um videos more interesting another word for gold and you and I are the last two to fight for the throne

Yep I accept here’s uh how much gold do you want however however much you can offer I’ll give you 10 gold from another word deal okay cool I think we’re good yep where’s the you’re gonna send another work later I’ll send it via the mail okay with me

I’ll stay away from the lever don’t worry oh I’m gonna walk to the other side we should talk later ow l so um Sean yeah we should probably meet later to finalize the details yes maybe this time you come to me so that way we both

Have to do traveling yep I will come I know where you are don’t worry I’ll be on my I’ll be online tonight can we all come or should we talk soon okay I’ll tell you how many to bring send me a message when you’re about to

Come I’ll tell you how many of you to bring based off of uh how many people I have online at the time I’m gonna I’m gonna stand back here so you guys don’t feel like I’m gonna hit the lever it’s okay I’m gonna it’s not that I don’t trust you

I wouldn’t trust Tron yeah I would not trust you all right it’s been a pleasure gentlemen I await to see the regicide yeah for sure all right see you later all right when I got down to the pit my heart just started racing and I was so weird and I

Was more like really concerned for you and what would happen I was ready I was ready for him I was ready for that nobody walks into a two-wide hallway are you kidding me when he had me put my gear away I only gave him the gear and

My weapon I still had all my pots potion and other necessary items good good good that was the smart play then when he put me in the cell there okay so he has to move but I don’t trust the fact that he has needed there because if you would have

Had it now here weapon trap can we do something a little bit more interesting are you do you feel confident potentially doubling back a little bit to listening oh we wouldn’t hear we wouldn’t hear anything just keep playing the ground never mind as we sailed North something

That weapon had said was stuck in my mind they knew I loved a show they knew I craved the politics the betrayals the backstabbing This Is My Jam this is everything I’m here for and just something he said make me second guess Trust of course we’re going to trust our

New ally but we’re going to verify because trust has to be earned weapon yes we returned from a fantastic theater performance meeting meeting right now oh okay okay straightened me um yeah let me go and guess get Rookie I was just given the biggest show that there ever was from a man who

Promises me that he can do oh so much and he’s like I have I have sneeve and kipley and Grady just captured sitting in a thing and then he’s captured them he’s captured that Steve Kipling great to capture down there he had them in prison cells and I don’t

I don’t know if I trust it gave me almost a heart attack I yeah I know I don’t know if I trust it I don’t know if I trust it how did he how did he capture his uh his base has an airlock that you fall into and sneeve would be goofy

Enough to to continue to do it I would think so okay here’s what we need to do here’s what we need to do we need to secure the Gatehouse so that on a moment’s notice so we can obliterate whoever’s inside we’ve already started working on this uh

Rookie and I have already made a temporary modification with dispensers and Potions that’s what I want to see I promised Forge single combat for the throne and I don’t know if he’ll actually go for it and do you would I go for it if you were an honorable man sure

No no no no no no that’s not why I’m asking I can I’m asking do you think we should also help oh yeah yeah here’s the thing I don’t think we’ll get to the point where we’ll get into us being the last two standing I fully expect the

Turn in the reversal I’ve played with these people long enough they it’s they have a plan so online game so I have I have while I’m away in my other life I have a mission for everybody somebody has to go and scout out sneeves castle if snive returns

Unharmed clearly this is a ruse and a trap Okay I uh we would let loony but I think I’d be the best bet for this I don’t think Looney will be on in time I I agree I think it should be a weapon yeah I think uh the most updated

Info.com I think that’s your play you are not to engage You observe You observe and you report back there’s only two ways we’ll find out that this worked you either send us a mail or you return back with the word yourself you can’t send us this over Discord or anything

Else you have to do this in person right don’t get caught stay alive stay fast on your feet but if sniv returns if you see his name even for a second back in his castle Grady can’t believe any of them yes Grady kiplier Steve if you see them for a second back

In their Castle back in their land safe you run you come back here you report and then you all get what you can and prepare for war because that means they’re coming for us nobody puts on a show like that if they don’t have a

Finale in mind yeah I got that loud and clear everybody good day five is where these things always pick up for the king for the king for The King The King of the North so with orders given fortifications being raised the defensive power of our Castle being

Increased and a new Scout being sent far afield to catch a glimpse of betrayal or treachery I just sat and waited offline in the void just trying to figure out what my next move would be I started logicing my way through all of the different scenarios who I could trust

And who would be a Bolton stabbing me in the stomach at a wedding after a few hours away from Westeros I returned to the world and I got my answer all right let’s see how badly we got betrayed hi Alex what’s up um oh I like the look of this

Uh I’ll let me let me just ring you through it real quick okay pause yep uh another lever going that’s that’s lava in the floor oh is it all on carpets so there’s only five dispensers because that’s all I could get my hands on but that’s not the the let me just show

You the piece of resistance which is over this way by this lamp what does this do unarmed currently there’s five TNT Minecarts about to be placed it will obliterate the front gate which means all right I I have my mission of complete let’s let’s meet let’s let’s get together

Majority of this is good news there is one slight bad news but I think I resolved it it’s not that slight of a bad news slide of a bed it’s not that slight he was lying wasn’t he maybe a little bit oh of course

Okay so I got to their nation and when I got to the mountain I climbed up the mountain and I did I saw one of their members and then I saw Steve okay Steve was there and I got close enough where I could hear him talking

But right as I got to him he logged off and so told me and also when I before I got there Kidley was not there she logged off but when I was snooping around a little bit more I found a little village over on the other side of

The mountain and I was snooping around over there to check out what they had so far and everything else uh Jamie and one of their other members I think her name is Robbie and sparkles right now was sitting over there as well I was able to

Stay hidden for at least 10 minutes and then I wanted to Snoop inside and see what they had and as I got inside I did manage to steal all their Nether wart that they had available growing but as my escaping uh Sparky was Sparkles was coming up so I

Boxed myself in in the open realized it was a bad decision the moment she broke my spot and I got out of there as fast as I could after that I came back here and discussed with everyone else here and what we think would be the best next move until you

Got back and we came up with the conclusion that I would go back and apologize and say I was exploring you went back and apologized yes and explained that I was exploring for our land and I found a cool moose and bison on the way over there and I believe that

Works oh and also Jamie is very blind I’m just gonna say that I have a clip I need to show her one later she is very blind Jamie I’m sorry for including this in the video but I’m absolutely including that in the video Yeah Boy bird or saw

But uh uh Forge did declare war on everybody thank you I feel like a YouTuber at the same time with my fears confirmed and a potential cabal of Forge sneeve and Shadow all allying together my only hope for partnership or teammates was Ryan the first person who had ever messaged me

And the furthest away as I went and I checked with the Ravens I had a confirmation and I knew what we needed to do next oh no let’s I was just gonna ask have we done the Ryan thing that we were talking about no we’re not dearly

Good notice both are interested to repel the attack by Shadow and possibly sneeve if we can meet and discuss terms sooner would be better than later thank you King Ryan III this is urgent Shadow sneeve Shawn are all working together if we do not work together they

Will kill us all bring your people to our base immediately if we want to repel this attack King Ryan III well we prepare for war how many of us fit in a boat with the Call to Arms received and a Long Boat Ride ahead of us we packed our pockets

With anything that could be used in a battle sent a message to our Ally that we are on the way and I penned a message that I contemplated sending to Sean I didn’t want to reveal my hand though so I wrote the book and gave my team

Instructions that if I ever fell in battle they were to send it if any of them could Escape at that point I probably served Sean but I still wanted it there postmarked in a sense to let him know that I knew what he had done

About to fall off the water in my point of view so yeah the problem is there’s the problem is there’s all oh that was a surprise we’re not no no no we’re not no I’m sorry we have other fish to fry until we get home it’s while we were

Sailing from our kingdom to the desert in the South we realized just how immense this continent was this was probably a 30 maybe 45 minute trip just from our kingdom all the way down to Ryan’s if we hadn’t had advanced notice and we only found out about an attack

There would be absolutely no way we’d make it in time we’d only get there to pick up the pieces or sweep whatever Ash was left from the crater us getting here first probably changed the tide of this battle and the entire server for the rest of this this week as we made our

Way down to the sand we saw a small wall in the distance seeing that that was their starter base but it wasn’t the coordinates that I had been sent so we continued running along the Torches in the desert making our way to a far more impressive Castle

Oh no oh wow okay it’s a lot of people okay that’s way more than three no I am not kidding we have just got mail from Sean and we would love to invite you guys inside we have we have some big plays going on all right come on in okay

I’ll I’ll warn you guys hold on hold on before anything else I need to see the king All right hey guys hi all right so you you really stepped in it huh oh my God you’re so loud you yeah yes I broke my eardrums do not mind do not touch the sand do not touch the sand under okay okay we’re not gonna we should don’t worry we should step inside

Honestly yeah you’re standing on top of the track this right here is all TNT oh yeah wonderful yeah I was gonna warn you but he wanted to speak to the king so okay so it’s a pressure plate so we gotta step on we are getting ready for the Battle of

Helms Deep we’re about to reenact it yeah now we were talking about that earlier all right what are we looking at arrows okay so we do yeah I’ve been here Uh yeah just stay here um congratulations you’re the second yep that means we have to duel each other if they decide to We’re Not Gonna duel each other we need to do all the other yeah that’s fun before it gets even close to that so you’ve stepped in it for sure

Yeah yeah that um it didn’t end well I had no clue that they were actually aligned with Steve and from all intents and purposes I was actually writing a letter to Sean because so welcome in we went to Sean’s base to arrange a treaty he was locked into a trap

And guess who was down there just make a guess any person on the server Kipling yes yes yeah it was a beautiful little piece of theater yeah wait so that’s people where did that shot come okay yep so we thought hey the best way to

Get Steve off of our back would be to tell him like Hey we know where one of your people is in exchange for you not um attacking and Shadow does will tell you where your missing comrade is right before I messaged you that second letter we had welcoming go over and Scout what

Was amassing at their base Kipling Shadow they were all there everyone was there meaning that they let hibbly lose and so sneeve and I saw Kenny Grady and Kipling in those cells after weapon night got uh after weapon Knight and I got escorted down there as a little

Little trap now Sean let us go without doing anything I think he was trying to ingratiate us but he’s like we have sneeve captured because we took one of his people and now yeah we’re gonna now come and then we’re gonna have Ryan kill Shadow or something like that do you

Think this is a big bruise because he told me that they oh it was an excellent wonderful it was a wonderful piece of Theater from here we coordinated strategy Ryan I finally able to talk in person we were able to get back and forth sharing and cross-checking information what we knew from every

Different interaction we’d had with the central Kings we also talked battle strategy and they showed me what they had prepared and it was a doozy I’m not going in that room I’m sorry the heck no hey at least stay nearby well I mean we are done thank you yeah I

Know imagine that you’re no just flicks the lever while we’re down here maybe I should back up too um well I’m down here so I’m your insurance okay yeah HP I’m sorry but that’s a worthwhile trade one for five they’re teamed either they’re teamed and he has his resources or they’re not

Teamed and he’s about to get his resources at the end of the day you lose nothing yeah one I understand but think about the calculus regardless of that information either they’re teamed and he has access to Shadow’s resources or they’re not teamed and he’s about to get access to Shadow’s resources the end

State is the same all right here we go well in that case feel free to execute him if you do not I will know where you stand uh no even better Ryan just send him two words three fine game on Bugaboo dude no fine do it

That’s it that’s all you send it all right with a defiant message sent and a battle plan in place the north down here in the South the furthest from home we’d ever be we sat and we waited yeah rookie we’re getting over here so we’re out of

Sight in case they arrive because we don’t want to tip our hand what’s our code word for bugging out Bugaboo no that’s too obvious it says bug cool it it’s cool it like yeah if I say cool it and I don’t like the look of it

We bug out this just doesn’t feel right to be in here what do you mean why like there’s only one way forward and that’s just straight onto that wall and we waited and we waited 10 minutes went by 20 30. almost 45 minutes and the isolation the calm the

Anxious the anxiety was starting to get to us we just started snapping selfies this seems like a really good opportunity for a screenshot guys a good thumbnail picture okay I’m continuously trying to peek around the corners over the mountains behind the castle in case a sneaky attack was

Being done or down in the desert in case they were just going to storm in the front door and after about an hour of waiting we finally saw the army that was marching our way Robert yeah I’m back what are you doing here Robert oh hey why are your people shooting at

Us tell Matthias to stop shooting me do it your coward he said his face brother now how about how about I send two of my people could you guys do you guys think you could to be 10. I think that I think that’s an even fight there we go

Stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop we’re going in no more shooting ready we’re going Robert’s fighting her fighting I want Grady bring it get what’s up buddy any back up legs up come up Laguna’s here thank you I want this kill come here Steve Um why did my name stop stop stop stop we killed we killed Steve we killed sneer sneeves anyone who’s on Steve’s team is on our team now Grady you answered the king snobber you answered us now no is everyone I was the one that dealt the

Most damage but rofo got the final kill is that seriously it yeah does everyone listen yeah buddy Ryan let’s go let’s head back inside okay let’s go okay Ryan let’s figure this out Ryan I don’t like you running at me like that Ryan no no we’re

Good I’m not I’m not gonna kill you bro let’s go let’s get inside let’s get inside and discuss how we want this to go down I think I have a clear solution I take my people you take yours and I’ll see you in two days we want to wait the whole few days Whoa whoa whoa back away from my kills you don’t accept it yeah I’ve lost my king as well Grady you sadly have no choice but to accept currently okay now this is a point where I need to pause in fact we all paused because so much had happened

We had just reshaped the game that we all needed to just stop for a second and figure out what had just gone on rofo had killed Steve meaning we had conquered his kingdom he now answered to me Ryan and his trap had killed Sean meaning Sean’s Kingdom now answered to

Ryan Shadow was in the wind and somehow had escaped everything and was the spoiler candidate as two large Empires now faced off against each other there was also some issues with some players not fully following the rules that we needed to resolve and just get air everybody onto the same page but once

Everything was sorted the dust had settled everything was said and done my kingdom had just doubled in size and we were going to use that to our advantage I said goodbye to my former Ally now the only thing standing between me and the Iron Throne grabbed my crew and started heading home

Oh should we get you this stuff I think it might be looted already wait Steve she’ll be right man she’ll be right here uh quickly I’m gonna give you you need a shield uh items over here too Shin here take the pots Uh by the way we’re gonna hang it up yes I am back there there’s six of us right yeah but it’s mine now and that’s what counts me and Rafa gotta combine annoying bro they are the worst skybats are very annoying oh we got mending we can get you set up

For the long boat ride back to the northern lands we caught up we figured out what was going on I found out that snive wasn’t part of that theater act that it wasn’t an act at all that was genuinely Steve captured and they struck an alliance only after I had left and

With no intent of betraying me whatsoever and I believed him now because now he was one of my subjects he had no reason to tell me a lie any further and as we returned to the north we formalized that new alliance wow you guys have been going hard we don’t have

A roof on yet quite a bit hello thank you we have quite a bit and we can get you set up and we can get like gear back for you and everything sleeve I do require that chest plate back okay here uh yeah that’s my that’s my trophy of my uh I’m

Glad everyone’s using the uh the Yama here you go yeah so good so thematic oh the only thing is that one might yeah that already on it this is soiled oh yeah no you gotta wear it that’s the one rule that’s the one rule everybody else

Can still be in unicorns you gotta wear the blue all right um but yeah we can get you all set up uh I think you all gave them the tour right like oh I get Kipling we had a whole big Feast we took it so

Wait did you did you send me the Sushi yeah yeah oh that was you I couldn’t I didn’t know if it was you or sure I was out I was out of bookcases I was out of books to send a message because we only have two chickens left and they uh they

Won’t like we weren’t really good at making more chickens so yeah when you sent me uh steak and potatoes I figured I’m like I should send food back so I sent you Sushi I take my pants off no you can leave the please leave it on

Please leave it on safety for YouTube we gotta keep this YouTube safe hands off that is that is exactly where I’m starting this season no no put the boots on put the boots on and go in F5 look at your backside oh God the chapla’s pants wait they are oh

That’s even better it is Lord Steve approached the throne uh this is going in the blue for real no this is going in the main video what are you talking about that that is how you pay tribute to the original spanking yes yes so I have good news and I have bad news

For you Steve the bad news is you died which means your kingdom belongs to my kingdom now yes the good news is that really doesn’t change much except now there’s no take backsies on us being allies which is fine I didn’t plan on betraying you lugando yeah really that’s

Good no that’s good I I I fully believe you except I caught you in a cell and then out of the cell later but you could tell me more about that later because I so want to know what happened there oh yes yes that that whole ordeal was uh

Nothing to do with you I understand you your trepidation considering uh previous events but uh yes that was that was not a trap for a Laguna it was a trap for someone else realistically I’m not asking you to strike your banners or anything else like that you are still

The Unicorn King as far as I’m concerned and I’d like you to finish your Castle the only thing is when the final day comes okay we are the we are the Geraldine Community hang on I want to get the banner oh do I need to make a

Okay this this is this is Geraldine here she is the uh oh he sorry I I I love it and it’s amazing so yes no you don’t have to strike your banners because Geraldine is adorable right and I want I’d like you to finish your Castle the

Only thing is at the end of this right the best you’ll get is sitting next to the throne oh you do have to put on the chest plate that I gave you though oh yep dope that’s it that’s all we need I appreciate you can’t say that on Twitch

But luckily we’re on YouTube now let’s go well let’s let’s get you set up with enchants and everything else so that way we can have everything and you’re all set up I figure that sounds good Fair yeah we could we can smash the other the other broskies Oh No so at

This point like we might have been alive with the red King but at this point there’s he’s the only thing between me and the iron throne and I don’t like having things between me and the Iron Throne anymore so we’re going to devastate them I need to know what’s

Going on in that milky little brain of yours yeah oh no oh God no I don’t want to know that I don’t want to know that I don’t want to do that no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no okay so no you’re fine um Battle Tactics later and uh we’ll figure out the rest okay okay all right you you can you can go thank you thank you Steve talk to you later

All right okay bye hi King look under can I still be a king you could still be a king I’ll be I’ll be the short King yes you’ll be a king sure Kings rise up yeah exactly right I got you covered buddy so yeah you’re still King sneeve

Uh we are the principality of egocentric nationalists and inquisitors no no I came up with that one I I it was one of the two of you that’s all I knew for sure oh yeah for sure all right I guess I’m because I’m walking home alone

Then no yeah we’ll figure that out later bye bye I wasn’t kidding this day reshaped the entire server it rewrote the rules of the game and it said it as two major Empires facing off with the combined power of sneeves kingdom and my own we outnumbered the southerners

Almost two to one meaning that if we played our cards right and we’re smart the Iron Throne would be mine and we were just a few days away from making that a reality but this is not the end of that story logging in the next day fresh off the

Heels of a war that had reshaped the entire server it was barely two minutes in when the game changed again oh oh oh my gosh what a time to log in you should read your mail by the way why oh no what did Ryan lock into so what blue pink versus purple now

I think it’s blue versus purple because you keep what you kill that’s cool oh Shadow just became the King of the South he pulled off something I was not expecting what quite a few hours ago um consider it done meet me outside his base tomorrow we’ll do it then who sent

This it was there when Ryan I’m I’m tempted to say that that was Shadow actually nevermind I don’t know what I’m doing over there never mind ignore me because I’ve been on for a while I don’t know I don’t know who that’s from and from when so this changes things pretty

Immensely I haven’t interacted with Shadow at all except for being on Ryan’s side at the war that happened down in the desert I don’t think we’d send a single message to each other so any good graces or any sort of Alliance leftovers in a sense that I had with Ryan to get

Towards the final fight with some honor were all out the window reeling from that change in the game I reset with everybody who was on the server and figured out what had happened they had sailed South earlier in the day the castle was pretty much done with the

Massive Stone Tower at the back being constructed getting in kangaroos which you can actually outfit with weapons and armor and our supplies and riches were looking very kingly things were looking good my first order of business was finishing all of the negotiations in politics with the other Kingdom Steve

And I had finished and formalized our alliance but I still needed to win the hearts and minds of his people if we were gonna go into this a unified force and win and now with a new enemy on the other side of the battlefield that was more important than ever before I sent

An eve a message trying to get coordinates and started collecting different food that I could take as a sort of peace offering the people who were now my subjects by proxy twice the only thing I need is Level One Tap Wonder sweeping Edge but that’s the sword I looted off

Someone and I gave to Roku I think that’s awful welcoming oh what was that it’s pretty good use kind of nice to ceremonially give that to somebody else and make you a different weapon Rover I have a different one I can give you instead I just need to push her four on it

It’s the exact same thing as that I’ll put sharp five on it now with the sword of welcoming who I had found out was quite the Troublemaker in this scenario I thought this could be a symbolic gesture to Garner peace with the new King of the South and buy us some time

To get towards the actual final battle I didn’t want to lose anybody else and risk our tactical and sword Advantage before it actually counted sending out emissive and the blade that had started the war on This Server I received back a book with the coordinates of my second Kingdom broken quilt

Hey boo my digits all right cool we know where we’re going someone uh I I I’m fairly sure if they have villagers can you ask if we can get a few now I want to ask for a few I might have let them all free

All right I’ll have to it’ll take me a while then okay with the coordinates in hand it was time to run across the continent and connect with my second Kingdom and my new subjects I took rookie with me so we wouldn’t have a massive force it wouldn’t be viewed as Invaders or

Conquerors but instead potentially allies and traveled for more than a full Minecraft day again this map is massive and it’s such a faithful Recreation of Westeros and as we crested the hill we found our destination all right at least I see a starter base oh there’s the castle where’d you go

From there oh it’s why is it so confusing these are not up to code these are not poop approved let’s just wait legs legs look look look I have a lead I have a lead where do we get in I’m standing outside the wall on Brock’s

Side I’m by Brock I I see you I see you okay can we get Rookie too oh oh okay there’s new stairs rookie we were on the other upstairs and we will explain to lagundo the value of the crows hello welcome in our King I’m gonna I’m gonna wait what did you

Build me oh that’s wonderful yeah you have your flags at the top okay we have this pretty much the same setup at Laguna’s chicken sandwich but uh yeah here you get oh thank you very much bye shepherd’s pie thank you all right Steve you want a kebab or pasta

Uh I threw it over your head with a beer and some Turkish for sure give me a kebab Kebab so yeah uh we killed Steve so now we’re Allied through forced marriage so it all works out pretty wonderfully uh who’s getting married congratulations you guys YouTube comments are gonna be fun but

Yeah they’re gonna love it so uh real this short version is realistically nothing changes all hail D’s all hail Geraldine prage D’s quantities sorry Bridge D’s uh yeah all hail Geraldine we got it you all got this covered right and we gotta lock down this amazing Castle it looks wonderful in short all

This means is that at the end of the day Steve cannot sit on the iron throne but we’ve made a deal if we win and now we kill Shadow because that has to happen now because that just happened if we kill Shadow and we end up on the

Throne I offer you all independence yes you get your own Nation you get to have the short King right over here and he’s he’s in charge of all of your lands and you all can operate as if nothing happened yes all we have to do excellent is eliminate

The unicorns there yes yes the the power of Friendship and Magic must be destroyed the first order of business was seeing how our kingdoms stacked up where we had the advantage over the South and where we had resources that we could share and accelerate each other even further the battle kangaroo tactic

Was very strong and actually originated from down here rookie had gone South with some of sneeve’s Kingdom which was a great Empire building activity it definitely seems like it was the right call we’re not the brightest of Kingdoms there’s a reason there’s a reason we’ve been overtaken no

Just a sword to the face is fine it was two warhammers but yes yeah um yeah rofo rofo did some damage yeah yeah I I was chunked pretty hard I’m not gonna lie I got I got I got tunneled by uh two people at once uh I I shielded one and

Then the other one took out half my health from behind with a one they literally were like we’re I’ve learned more about that battle and I might have chosen my previous allies poorly and for that I do apologize but now we will obliterate them with the past now behind

Us and our alliance clear and solidified from top to bottom it was time to speak with their master of war and figure out battle plans I like the name yeah I didn’t get I didn’t get the kill with it I would have been so much better days

Yeah but it still works and then I thought of this after the battle which is unfortunate but um because the helmet like completely like your guys’s skins would be completely covered these little crows then they can’t Target you as much because your name will literally be covered oh that’s

A good play yes the only sad thing is that uh they’re very annoying crows could definitely hide my name and with my death being the most direct route to Shadow’s victory that was the thing we needed to be most careful of they could end this entire scenario with one sneaky

Kill and with our Empire so far apart from each other any sort of attack it would be almost impossible to back each other up so I made a plan I actually had a thought that might make this somewhat interesting what about another Corridor between our two bases okay

I think now it is because we’re Allied so it’s not like you’re using it to invade another person’s face yeah we’re using it for Easy Transport our portal is not in the walls so we yeah it’s kind of like you’d be bridging with ours we

Can pick a spot now though switch it up yeah so from there I headed outside continuing to catch up and trade notes with my new ally figure out how the scenario had gone for them and sent a message back home to rofo to get the coordinates of our portal in the nether

Then engaged what some would call cultural mingling oh God a three-way twerking with the High King good good hey if if we’re meant to work together we have to share culture exactly we have to share culture and and unify so I’m here for it with a portal constructed in the Church of these

Myself and headed off to the nether starting to figure out where we needed to go bridging across and building a nice little safe spot on this end so that the portal would be safe to Traverse through from there we dug a relatively straight tunnel almost bang

On from one portal to the other nope yeah ah there’s the stream sniper [Laughter] the wrong guy yeah Chief died mosquitoes and mosquitoes and hoglands and he’s built into the wall he’s built into the wall forever a true hero wait he got killed by mosquitoes the hoglands

Did the most damage the mosquitoes just freaked him out as anyone got a muscle of food oh you monster here veggie noodles you did not you okay you only did a couple blocks and with a proper quick line of transportation and good spirits between our kingdoms established we return back

To sneeze land where Looney was waiting hey guys kill the Cattle Rustler hello hello hello oh Royal sneakness yes yes welcome welcome wait I just realized I don’t have a crown why oh turn your helmet level turn your helmet layer back on yeah I had one this whole time

Oh my god oh I just noticed my crown was off too I thought diamonds no so we’ve caught up a little bit Looney and and everybody else can probably fill you in short version we have another we have a nether tunnel that’s connecting our kingdoms now Steve and I are formerly Allied

Through marriage and we’re gonna so that’s so happy and so great together it is my true pleasure to witness this yeah oh and you missed it oh and by the way uh Shadow killed Ryan so no shadows in charge of all of the Southern kingdoms and this problem

I like that I like that so it’s gonna be a nice fight I’ve sent him I’ve sent him mail we’ll see whether or not he responds but I I proposed peace until the final battle so Looney good to catch up with you in short your mission has not really changed simply the targets

Okay okay okay so I go in the front door and I um you made us cry which which sheep I don’t know what you’re talking about there’s no sheep there at all there’s no trays of any sheep of any guy ever eating here all the time oh yeah

I’m fairly sure that that piece of mutton has a has a price tag on it that came from it’s got a barcode yeah yeah Bust It bust it I admit it came from they’re at these parts thankfully everybody took our previous Shenanigans and pranking of each other

In good spirits and being able to be unified in a common goal definitely helped everybody was working on positive intent and in being able to share stories and tease each other about some of the encounters that we had had definitely helped but while the chefs conversed and we started trading books

Magic and resources I needed to get off for a second so I had a quick conversation with the King dip for like an hour and a half and go have dinner and spend time with kids and everything anything that’s at the North that’s useful like uh emeralds all of like raw

Materials yeah we could Harvest all of it like that nether tunnels super safe yeah um my people my people can help show everybody around so they can get everything we can literally get us all like kitted out with the last little bit that we need tonight and like just bury

Stuff back and forth that we need when I logged back in about two hours later I entered in at a slightly strange time where villagers are being mass produced to attempt to create Saddles I had instructed my people to forward any mail over to this mailbox and something was

Waiting for me here let’s check something to the King of the North I accept this time of peace I’m sure both of our armies deserve a time of rest see you on the battlefield love the king in the South I’ve got this meme going but like uh so gradually over

The course of um gradually over the course of the uh period I’ve been kind of steadily increasing the pitch of saying I am the king so on the first day it was kind of like I am the king and and now we’re up to like I’m okay every time that’s awesome

Um I have several stacks of leather back in my face so I can go get them oh uh if you don’t mind yeah I will never get some check with my peoples is there any other raw materials we need or stuff from just stuff to trade with the Villagers

Like I don’t know like iron and leather and paper uh oh yeah can I trade out some gold uh yep okay cool I grabbed a little bit of gold from this chest because we can cure another one of our villagers and get our Emerald production higher with peace brokered

Until the final battle my kingdomen solely focus on resources and finishing construction on all of our structures I returned back through the nether tunnel turning into the northern kingdom to find a new tunnel had been constructed between the windmill and the castle as a sneaky entrance but mainly as an escape

Tunnel if necessary there I did a little bit of harvesting of all of our pumpkins and amazing orange tubes heading down to the villagers and trading those in for money because that’s what I want here I started working with the cartographers and Librarians again getting another positive Emerald Loop so we could

Generate more than enough excess funds for not only ourselves but for our allies I was constantly mailing emeralds to sneeves mailbox and told Jamie before I had left to keep an eye on there for any resources which would be sent that she could use to potentially get us

Harming Heroes multiple cure Cycles at this point I’m basically printing money as all all good Kings do Hey hey all they trade for one you got one nice I got one this one is five they’re going back down we are economically set for life this is wonderful as we’re starting to wind down in the construction of the castle itself I want to make sure it’s filled with the

Spoils and the fruits of our labor so I started stacking up Redstone gold making a secondary enchanting station down in the basement while I was doing this so I could do level 30 inches from all of my trading with the villagers foreign that’s amazing fortune 3 on a pickaxe was not bad at

All but it took several roles to get something useful on these Diamond pants and trading only worked so well so I did have to go down into the mines for a little while mining up Redstone and any diamonds that I found now with Fortune getting quite a bit more back from that

And doing these chill mining sessions and not having to worry about a potential attack and just having a podcast on is one of my favorite things to do in some of these scenarios the Calm before the storm in a sense we know it’s going to be an all-out knock down

Drag out battle when it comes to the final fight for this throne and we want to have every trick in the book available to us to make that happen so I’m still hunting for pearls and gunpowder a task that I’ve done almost every in-game night that I’ve been on

The server to make sure that we can have those forbidden things that would give us a tactical advantage in the final battle there I stacked up the gold and my citizens had followed suit making a diamond Chandelier oh you put some torches on the top to

Make it lighter yeah yeah so all of some support means across yeah and we’re focusing on making this Castle Fit For A King with piles of resources and eliminating some passing writers that happen to attack outside I made some tough Boulders just to add some different geometry to the area and

Created a snowman which allowed us to create infinite snow layers so I could go out and repair the ground outside oh my gosh I just found out the most hilarious thing fruit based Weaponry aside I was just putting down all the snow layers making sure this place looked in tip top shape

When I’m pretty sure you all get the World download I’m just not a hundred percent certain as to have this looks yeah that looks way better with the chandelier the Torches and everything else our Castle is finally looking like something fit for Westeros and with only

One day left in this scenario the final twists and turns before we met on the battlefield and would fight for the Iron Throne well that was something that I wasn’t expecting is the final day of the scenario we will be fighting for the throne today and

Only one king will be left standing it’s time for final preparations final construction and the final twists and turns that I was not prepared for as I logged in things popped off immediately like like like like I think we should show him first hi we should show yeah

Um yeah a lot happened it was just me to deal with it here come here we have to show you so um I was working on just I did some enchanting and then I was gonna work on building a tower on the very end of the the like little Peninsula we have over

Here yeah um and then as we’re doing that fortune and Robert decided to show up okay and so uh I can’t remember what they said specifically but then they he said he threw bones in the water and he said that’s where you’re gonna be next I’m like you know what those bones might

Have a message on it so I jumped in for the bones said it was a bruise they were coming through the kingdom and I was put in a scenario where I had to have at least 2V1 and um right before I was at half a heart uh Forge said drop your

Weapons and that worked out really well because I grabbed my pearls fast as I could purled into the Kingdom on half a heart and right as I was about to drop my weapons I purled right back into the kingdom and I’m so surprised I didn’t die to Pearl damage and then after that

I said I could easily 2V1 them they decided to blow up the wall right here and where that chest is you killed Robert I killed robbers night Spain worked wonders yes I also oh funny thing is Robert wasn’t even recording of Robert’s never recorded oh my god

Oh weapon sir weapon that the Robert Slayer yes funny thing is the funny thing is I have to mention I have to show you in person about this one because it it makes me laugh every single time so after I killed Robert and Ford I forged her short heard him say no Robert

And then he ran yeah funny thing is he ran and tried to get into this boat it was actually facing this direction so when I came over here to look what was half in the dock here and then he said screw it and ran off that’s wonderful news that’s one fewer

On their team yeah and then because also they did actually take one of our boats and they ran out of that direction ran over I used my Trident and went over there and I found their boat so I just took their boat nice okay we gotta get

That set up with the proper Livery with another good soldier of the Southern Kingdom destroyed I don’t know why Sean and the others or or Shadow and the others would risk attacking us at this point we were hours away from the battle for the throne why throw away someone’s

Life now when you can save them and throw them away in the final battle as we finished on Final orders and picking through the spoils from Robert’s corpse things were looking up and I was feeling really good about our chances in the final war so much so that I was already

Ready to celebrate yeah yeah yeah no absolutely we should set some of that out on the table and then today uh right around the time that all the all of sneeves kingdom is online we should invite them over here for a feast we can give them a proper update on Robert’s

Slime I did I did send a note over there and I think only Brock was the only one online so they do have a note of what I did still like we should we should have a good conversation on camera for that that’s huge good job I’m surprised they came to

Attack we I thought we the thing is I think from what I heard from some of them is that they were just bored well it’s Sean I feel like except that that was not sanctioned by the southern King Shadow would not have approved that fight which just tells me he has little

Control over his army in the first place I mean he’s a king through Conquest he’s LED he’s in charge by blood that is true we’re in charge by true loyalty and that is so much stronger all right we did Kill Steve so yeah but there but his people are loyal to him

And me and Steve are married so now everything’s fine when I reconnected just a little bit later I wasn’t the only one oh my goodness yeah they look amazing oh my God it’s ridiculous kipley and HP had been busy arming not only are soldiers themselves but they’re pets as well we

Had kangaroos in full Max armor with netherright weapons we had wolves with dog food that would make them strong and harder to kill for minutes at a time we had a ton of TNT sitting in the chests ready to blow our opponents to Smithereens and all of that power had

Potentially gone to our heads the fact that we mounted Rodney’s head right next to rock that feels a little different the fact that he’s like constantly staring at him yeah hold on it’s actually not Rodney’s hat now it is oh yeah Rookie’s kitchen there you go yeah

There you go Rodney now you can yeah now you can look at it they did so well with us oh rookie got an axolotl I’m so happy with how our Castle came together it’s it’s smaller than everybody else’s but I don’t know it it’s good it feels nice offerings for

The Beloved King oh this this is cool we gotta try it yeah do we have loyalty what how is their depth Strider on a pickaxe Sean that came from Sean I think yeah my my e-chest is exclusively male [Laughter] I respect it the content play feasting Bowls do we have any mail

Nope as we waited for everybody to gather and to prepare for the final fight again another round of strategy and just making sure we were all clear on what our objectives needed to be we have twice the person power that they do but all I like yeah that is the tricky part we

Need to do you have any plans to like the crow yet uh I do not have a crow I have a stack I have like nine pearls I got speed potion strength potions my Armor’s maxed I have thorns on everything so them hitting me would be

Scary and if I bought people at all they get set on fire so if you like the only thing I’m really missing is punch on my bow to give me some some range um have a constant invis potion too yeah oh yeah true the in the invis would work

Yeah I wouldn’t hide my uh armor but it would have my name so that would just be good yeah they have everything uh uh oh hey hey uh shoot I have two there’s two blaze powder in here we need one another is there anything in the chat sorry why

Would they take the Nether wart I don’t well they took all the potions they took all the potions and the potion supplies yeah they did oh is there any at um kipley would there be anything over it at the yes Kingdom of geraldi yes yes I’m about to take my

Kangaroo with me too so you guys want to come with through the portal where yeah why not yeah we can pop over say hi with Looney potentially having taken all of our potion making supplies to a forward operating base that he had constructed a little bit closer to the final battle

Fight a rally point for us all to be able to get together on myself and kipley headed back through the tunnel returning to sneeve’s Kingdom just looking to coordinate on the last little bit of resources hello okay wait that’s a personal question young man I thought you just killed Lagoon [Laughter]

Plot twist I just saw him burning alive for a second who all I can do now is spawn raccoons and occasionally a whale what happened to the map I appreciate it okay I’m just CCTV up here don’t worry about me that’s not what camera it’s the oldie security camera

Famous I guess he had one of let’s hear one of your famous uh Bard ballads young man there’s no need to feel down I said young man pick yourself off the ground what’s next young man guys you’re in a new town there’s no need to feel unhappy

Get over there anything for you my king hey real quick do y’all have uh uh active uh brewing stand yes in the Church of Deeds we do yeah yeah you like these heck yeah yeah he’s your king Brady who gave the kangaroo a Halo you know what I like buddy that’s my kangaroo

Look we were in the last couple hours before this thing would actually go down so Robert sitting there as ye oldie NSA was honestly just having a little bit of fun with friends hope you’ll give us the break in the fourth wall slightly hey y’all uh can we pop over we built a

Feast over at the the northern kingdom if y’all want to come over to grab a bunch of food and everything else and like we have a whole set recorded can we go over do that before before server runs and one brief trip through the portal later we were all of the

Northlands for our final feasts together some of these people would die but that was a sacrifice I was ready to make to take the Iron Throne we built this city it’s beautiful are you eating from the middle of the table gotta break and break the cutting board

That won’t that won’t be it nope he’s so intelligent [Laughter] wow the only thing we needed to make sure about is that I didn’t fall and that shadow did and we’re all gonna work together to make that happen don’t forget you’re being rattle Steve sir this is the Maraca of Peace how dang

And with that y’all we’ve made it to the final battle give yourself a little round of applause it’s time to go crush the dirty Southerners and win this thing So last I heard it was like 12 to four so this is this is gonna go pretty well yeah I want I want eight two teams A and B yeah no two teams team one and team a yeah to make sure that we have everything really great weapon I want to

Congratulate you in slaying Robert at the last minute yesterday good job wait didn’t didn’t you also kill the other guy or like made him kill himself protagonist was blowing up our wall so I hunted him down yeah nice yeah that definitely put the odds in our favor significantly so to our masters of

War I know you two have been putting in a lot of work to get us set up with a forward base do you want to tell everybody a little bit about that and then we’re ready to go for this fight um it’s fancy Towers got all the goodies 230 1440 see you there

[Laughter] Glennie could you uh say that again but faster Up Front Gotta Go this 230 1440c there nice okay you got you gotta gotta get to the like uh we’ll work our way up and then go crush this kingdom yes yes let’s go yes Queen I would also like to take this

Opportunity to declare Wars but the Red Wedding go live again but just a reminder to the worshipers of Geraldine and the short King himself if we win this you all get your Independence back and you get to be the short King in the in the north yes wait

No I don’t want to be a short King if I get independence I’m not going to choose that type Oh I thought that was what you wanted my Shortcake let’s leave it up to your people It’s not a baby rattle this is the Maraca God damn it if I die tomorrow for my chlamydia ridden ways kiply will be there Kimberly will be the queen if I die I mean when I die which will be tomorrow thank you our tall Queen oh no [Applause] a queen

Try and save you no dying from chlamydia please no it’s gonna happen it’s gonna happen yeah the committee has ridden my brain Brady really is that guy at a party huh it just like shows up and eats everything we can meet that I’ll take it

For the road yeah grab her for the road take the leftovers home let’s go to war the War I need more food or at least we would have Sean was having some power and internet issues so he wasn’t able to actually stay connected to the server

For more than like five minutes at a time so we paused the game here and we had reconvene just a few days later for the final battle and someone was going to sit on the Iron Throne if everything goes according to plan it’s going to be me

Thank you it took us a few days in scheduling to figure out when we could actually do that final fight a lot of people were only prepared for that week so finding a day that all of us could be online was unfortunately kind of tricky and we couldn’t get everybody so all the

Kings agreed that since some of us would be deeply down on the number of people who weren’t available we were able to bring back a few deceased teammates for the final fight to just have some semblance of the numbers that we had going into it I resurrected Chief and

Briefed him along the way getting whatever armor and weapons I could we sailed South towards where we knew the final fight was but I overshot and how to just park the ship at some point committing to walking over land problem was well we’re gonna find a fight long

Before we found the battlefield oh there’s someone behind us this is hi I saw you for the king kill the king uh run kill him speed speed potions uh this is a problem this is a problem okay do you have pearls you have those pearls are you ready to use them if

Necessary Pearl over the water right here Chief come on only get lost dirty now and then oh I can’t believe that this just happened okay I heard like mumbling behind me I’m like hmm yeah I think there’s someone behind us a warning would have been good thankfully we were able to ditch Sean

Finding our way to the castle in which we would be fighting over the Iron Throne residing inside and on the other side of that our forward operating base where the battle was also raging raise your banners prepare for war because all sorts of things happen Sean already took a swiper that met me

You have a Fire Res everybody should have Fire Res I’m saying potion of invisibility oh no oh no oh no oh no yeah I’m behind you one two that’s my last Fire Res I don’t even know that’s friendly oh no red red is bad red is bad red is bad Shocker horse in the water easy shots sorry uh y’all I need some help with these dogs dogs in the water I’m always good at killing dogs I will infect the dogs with chlamydia help help shorts blinkies not not ours not ours bad dogs bad dogs my king the dogs have chlamydia

Bad doggies do not touch the dogs with Shadow’s forces initially pushed back we regrouped without being able to communicate without being able to use chat there was a lot of chaos happening we didn’t know where everyone was and we weren’t coordinated as far as when we were meeting here but that was all

Behind us we were all here and it was time to fight we alluded to all of the chests that we had getting all of the resources that we had prepared and transported earlier into our inventories to best stock us for this battle at the end of the day either Shadow or I would

Be sitting on the throne and some of the people around me would be dead yeah as we were going all of a sudden some arrows start hitting the ground and all from behind me all I hear is Sean going kill the king so we had to burn our

Speed potions we burned our speed potions and all of our pearls okay so I have a bit of a plan people with horses go to the left they act as a flanking uh a brigade and then come in the heavier okay oh so never mind I have 24 TNT who wants them

I’ll put some half of it in this chest right here bottom chest TNT and a flint and steel there’s 46 of it my horoscope Chief you’re not allowed to switch teams I’m not just you know economically looking at my choices as the sun rose and Forge and Shadow’s

Team try to threaten us with words on the wind I responded back in kind the north would not bow we would not bend the knee and we were taking this Castle all right everybody grouped together Splash Fire Res we’re running around this Lake and we’re going to storming this Castle

Are we all over here the one with the green cape trucker right in front of you Chuck it Robin go okay Robin go go let’s go the uh I’m pretty sure this is where they filmed Monty Python wait don’t don’t spread out too far loose arrows wait is that a kangaroo

That’s gonna be I don’t think we can hit them up there I don’t know I don’t think we can some kangaroo Wranglers head in through the front all right Jammers I’m lighting one the battlements oh All right that doesn’t matter get in get in get inside get some roof over our heads they can’t shoot down if they’re on top floors and we’re on the lowers we don’t need to go up there the throne room’s on the bottom floor it’s right here we actually need to be this is

Walk into the throne room lagundo it’s waiting for you let’s let’s not go oh no goodbye doesn’t this Throne sound from isn’t this Throne amazing I love being on this [Laughter] wow because I sure am shut up hey got it right here on the right oh my gosh

Oh my goodness Nice kill Nice kill Nice kill good kill good kill good kill I think I’m good we need to we need another way in we need another way in everybody regroup chasing me everybody gather up we need another way we need another way in yo James is under attack someone with

TNT I’ll check it back up we need another way in we need to punch a hole rofo’s being attacked by dogs yeah are those your dogs get back up kid back up behind the front room behind the front room hey what is that no Shadows over here okay

She’s in the throne room no no kill him where’s Dave we’ll be going down what you did to me earlier yeah yeah guys Where are you goodbye Kim no [Applause] foreign HP I know they were your children yeah it only matters if I’m dead we’re still alive we’re still alive strength everybody on me flash strength on me everybody in three two we’re getting bombarded three two one go great yeah they’re all over here yeah come on guys come in

Sean keep thinking man come on let’s get a little helmet pop over the side man come on can’t believe join us no insane no I’m good bro I spent enough time there you’re going back in the cage Kipling you’re not putting me back again Ryan’s on The High Ground watch the

Battlements they’re on this side Jamie be careful okay go in here stick together yep yeah we got invisibility right here someone’s invisible right here that’s me oh why are you not talking then no no no no oh no no no invisible naked no that’s yeah yeah right here

Wait you can see the footsteps follow the footsteps be careful with swinging though kangaroos I’m gonna kill them I think that’s Sean who’s invisible and running around guys careful mango we need to we need to get in here a little bit we need to get to work yeah we can’t

Even hear anything uh you see up there yeah you wanna go up yeah three two one go oh I don’t trust this let’s kill this thing I wouldn’t do that too late there are a lot of diamond kangaroos to the right right come on where are they kangaroo where are you

Guys above you my king yes it’s almost time The little red shoes on there too okay everyone remember stick to the plan stick to the plan once they’re in hit it I mean attack being attacked I see you I’m pretty sure they have part of this traps me manga oh nice all right nice we’re in the room get in the throne okay wait wait yeah I went by the throne room You know what worth it we can rebuild the throne Shadows coming down those right here there’s other two cronies uh in the far Tower yeah I see them over this way yeah get in here oh there’s one prayer come on Robin come on okay no my child

Sounds like they’re placing TNT to the left I have to go in if I die it’s fine okay wait no see they’re all in the Upper Floor right there you see their name shadows outside on the left here what where on me storeroom on your right

Behind me behind me behind me I’m coming in Jamie I’m right behind you there’s Tanisha okay Grady there’s one that slipped off to the left I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him get him loose arrows

He’s purling around he’s pulling around Grady I’m sorry I hit you I’m sorry I hit you I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry he’s probably back in he’s just keeping us busy he’s trying to get us away from the castle we need to be on the throne regroup recollect

Joe’s in here he fell he fell inside the basalt get him get stuck get him get him kill him again no kill the king kill the king kill the false King let him kill himself with pearls that would be a hilarious end to all of this yeah let’s keep let’s keep some people

Stationed in the throne room I agree they probably have TNT above the throne room and they’re gonna just blow it as soon as they’re ready what time what timer is there though I don’t know I thought we were I thought it was supposed to be like whoever’s on the

Throne at a certain times I’ve got an idea there’s a there’s like two of them upstairs well I don’t like a three there’s a three why don’t we take a group it’s Ryan Sean and uh Robert time uh whatever 45 minutes so we should Chase we should

Chase skip you’re the you’re the queen of you’re the queen Geraldine we got to keep you alive too are we allowed to just like block by block mine through this or is it only hey hey guys wait ready then I will not pursue that line of it on the roof

So it’s it’s Sean Ryan MX Sean Ryan yeah directly above us somebody should go back up rofo okay but yeah rofo is there any Contraption up there up there clearing the building immediately above us right let’s clear the building let’s clear the room immediately above the throne oh it takes

All of them yep there’s a bunch there’s a couple ducks oh yes that’s awesome all right let’s go there’s no way there’s no way never mind I hear booms they’re capping boom never mind yep hi oh Tanisha wait right now we have the Upper Floor right above the throne room secured

Right wait I see Sean Shots by Grady someone upgrade oh my God Well done good Shadow it’s just Shadow the final boss okay give him a second give me a second yeah give Ryan some space yeah that’s we’ll make it correct ready ready what’s the situation going on right now like who’s alive uh it’s you Shadow and Forge and okay

Five four countdown three two we’re coming foreign Ryan’s right here oh get him we need people oh yes Grady the killer bro Grady come here I need to I might be I might be Lord murders a lot yes this is crazy and comparing some news the king the false King shadow was fled he’s running and well we couldn’t find

Him he’s like run off Chase we chased him over the fields and then he like kept telling them scared the heck out of me new year happy New Year I want it it’s mine where are you [Applause] oh hold on before the dead Kings rise Chipley approach the throne oh yes as promised

The not so short queen of the kingdom of Geraldine your first mission eliminate the false King congratulations

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate Game of Thrones’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2022-12-17 16:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

I am the Minecraft King in the North, and I intend to march south and conquer Westeros. I joined up with @ForgeLabs …

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  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg_RNyj68Wstj3RLt3jMuTpcW0WbLHudF Follow me on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@UC1vC-ilz2dyS-TGy7IxyErQ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/vault-hunters-1-18-2 Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/16819234096 Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – https://discord.gg/5UfJqKqgr5 ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mkF3tJeRPT 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- ANIMESMP5.aternos.me PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/fTnQUk7j Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

  • NuCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20.6} {Crossplay}

    Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!CrossPlayJava IP IP Port: 25608Basic Quality of Life/homes/rtpand much morePremium Plugins⭕ Lands⭐⭕ AuraSkills [​Formerly Aurelium Skills] ⭐⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐AuraSkills: Now features “Jobs” so do /skill or /skills to gain all jobs, unlike other server they only provide you 3 jobs, On NuCraft we provide all “11” jobs to gain more profit for other needs in the server.This is a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I don’t get the hate 🌶️

    Well, apparently this meme is doing better than most of us in school! Read More

  • Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024

    Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024 In the world of Minecraft, a new portal’s in sight, Cocomelon-themed, shining bright. With songs and fun, it’s a joyful sight, Bringing smiles and laughter, day and night. Crafting blocks and melodies, hand in hand, Exploring new worlds, across the land. With each step taken, a new adventure begins, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity wins. So gather your friends, and join the fun, In the Cocomelon portal, under the sun. Let your imagination soar, let your dreams take flight, In this magical world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme

    Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme When you can’t decide between playing Minecraft or Brawl Stars, so you just end up looking at memes about both instead. Priorities, am I right? Read More

  • Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Giant Fish Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you dive into the mysterious world of the Giant Fish Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. This unique feature in the game offers players a chance to explore new realms and encounter exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating Minecraft phenomenon. Discovering the Giant Fish Portal As you navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, stumbling upon the Giant Fish Portal can be a truly awe-inspiring experience. This portal, with its intricate design and mystical aura, beckons players to step into a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

    The Ultimate Friendship Story The Story of True Friends in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the latest trailer from MineMixeGaming1. Discover the power of true friendship and teamwork as you explore new lands and face thrilling challenges. Join the Adventure Step into the shoes of brave adventurers as they navigate through treacherous terrain and encounter mysterious creatures. With the support of their friends, they must rely on each other to survive and thrive in this vast and unpredictable world. Key Features: Collaborative Gameplay: Work together with your friends to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Exciting… Read More

  • US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft Maps

    US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps 1-3’, was uploaded by Presidents Universe on 2024-03-13 16:57:03. It has garnered 107326 views and 2026 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds. US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts. Read More

  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

    Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft house 🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by Br craft on 2024-04-24 15:10:09. It has garnered 3314 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO Xbox

    🔥 Ultimate Phone Anarchy by Кирилл Чернов! NO XboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Кирилл Чернов on 2024-05-01 07:21:49. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. anarchy minecraft minecraft server for phone bedrock review of the best FMine server on Minecraft Bedrock version 1.20.4 – 1.20.80 and higher! Come in quickly, we are waiting for you! IP: fmine.fun / 19132 Website: htts://pay.fmine.su VKontakte: https://vk.com/fullm Optimization and tags, do not read! funtime, fantime, minecraft anarchy, minecraft anarchy, funtime anarchy, minecraft, pioneer, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft survival, vulture, funtime… Read More

  • EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | Nighturz

    EPIC GYROCOPTER in Modded Minecraft?! | NighturzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Episode: 05 GYROCOPTER? This Helps! |Modded Minecraft 1.20.1 | Nighturz’, was uploaded by ƝƖƓӇƬƲƦȤ on 2024-01-05 06:45:45. It has garnered 68 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:56 or 12236 seconds. Finally got a decent way to travel during the blood moons! Never flown a Gyrocopter before, this should be fun! Read More

  • Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥

    Fantasy Studio: EPIC Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Trailer! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Official Trailer ] Minecraft Roleplay Vyrez Fantasy Made | Fantasy Studio 🔥🔥🔥🚨’, was uploaded by Fantasy Studio on 2024-01-12 01:00:08. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. _____________________________________ VYREZ SMP OFFICIAL TRAILER PRODUCER : Fantasy Studio ANIMATOR : @finzch-asli SCRIPTOR : @fannsst —————————- —————————— 🚧🚧 | OPEN MEMBERS | 🚧🚧 🚨 HUB : 085755018076 ________________________________________ MEMBERS JOINED 1. @finzch-asli 2. @fannsst 3. @VilanD1 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft Client

    Unbelievable! Partnered with the Ultimate Minecraft ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got partnered with the best Minecraft client.’, was uploaded by merryway12 on 2024-04-30 14:00:49. It has garnered 1506 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. Exciting news – I’ve partnered with the best Minecraft client for bedwars! Join me in this video as I share all the awesome features and advantages of this amazing client. Let’s dominate the game together! ———————————————————————————————- discord server:https://discord.gg/fZ3NQ4Udu5 ———————————————————————————————- Details: silent client: https://silentclient.net/ref/fe9becbfbb ———————————————————————————————- Title:I got partnered with the best Minecraft client. Sub Count ✨: 1091 ———————————————————————————————- ⚙️ In-game Settings ⚙️ ・FOV:… Read More

Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate Game of Thrones