Minecraft’s Wild Update: Insane Mangrove Hunt! 🌿

Video Information

So Hello everybody hi hey guys hello we were like in mid conversation she’s like switching over i’m like oh yeah yeah yeah i was like whoops i forgot i forgot we were actually supposed to be streaming i’m sorry about that i was like saying something about a fortress and you’re just like

Switching in three yeah i was like well never mind remember that conversation we’re gonna have yeah we ought to stream that pool yeah yeah that very secret top secret conversation not for your ears guys no you guys knew for those who are wondering why we’re at

Disneyland and why i have 29 blocks of gold let’s just say luca was having a fun time with command blocks yeah wait where’s your block of gold put it at home oh yeah he made a button where you press it it gives you a block of gold and then we just kept pressing

It we did not stop [Laughter] almost to minecraft too we’re at 1.19 yeah all right yeah and so oh so we got a question for you guys uh also we need to go i need to go restock on food because i used it all up on our command block adventure but

When when a minecraft server updates to a new world does it does the area we’ve already explored uh implement the new changes or do we have to go to new new new uh blocks new chunks we have no idea yeah we have no idea so no

Oh my god there’s like 50 things chasing after you select i know i’m so no you’ve let everything into the town it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay oh my god they will die when the sun goes up oh my god it was like a creeper five zombies

All right so apparently we actually have to go explore and load in new chunks oh so we gotta go to new chunks to find uh i’m gonna steal this guy’s carrots like i’m [ __ ] hungry right now like you could have literally asked i have so many carrots here you know what

I’ll replant the carrots you left some in the water it’s all right it’s just enough for me so we gotta go to we’ve got a new recipe oh you never wait what you never picked up a carrot no no for the new no no wood you would oh

Yeah go in the water go in the water is there wait there’s new wood what yeah where you [ __ ] did you not get the what did you not get the recipe thing where is it it just popped up it said what did you pick up

Nothing i just it was for the boat the boat oh yeah yeah no no no i got that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i was gonna be like the [ __ ] you talking about oh you mean the boat the the the chest right the

Yeah well yeah yeah yeah look at all my axolotls oh yeah we helped pomo get some new axolotos they’re my yeah i got the white one where’s the white guy there he is the only white guy in here you know there’s several now i’ve been breeding them oh [ __ ] you’ve been

Expanding the population of white salad watch watch this they come to me come to me axolotls come to me that’s a lot of them holy [ __ ] i know i just realized i have like no music playing in my minecraft stream oh my god look at all of them they love me they are

They’re gonna oh my god i have a jazz today this looks like a [ __ ] war over there they love me it tickles pomo has upgraded from cat lady to axolotta lady [Laughter] i don’t think there’s ever an upgrade from katlin you can’t get any higher than you get

Higher than that but you ditched all your cats pool moo what the [ __ ] actually have you seen all of sunny’s cats look in here wait look at this [ __ ] no i haven’t seen all these dogs go through there go through there holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] leashes them why is he

Leashing the cats what the [ __ ] don’t tell sonny i’m not ocelot i don’t think i think he’s gonna [ __ ] kidnap my ocelot to complete his connection oh i showed it wiki yeah yeah this one i accidentally claimed because i fed him once all right wait wait let me see if i can

Claim oh i they don’t like tropical fish goddamn picky eaters i know they’re picky right what the [ __ ] regular cats will like tropical fish kind of cats are you whoops oh i’m not the cat lady of of niji sanji yeah but sunny is like everything he’s like a dog

Dog man and also a cat man too that’s true that’s true but he murders his dog so i don’t know about that yeah he talked he always talks down the stream about how much he lows i don’t know if i could say that but he says it on stream yeah but then like

Feels weird saying it those who watches him knows what i’m talking about what is glenn saying he’s saying he keeps saying how much he loves taking his dogs to the farm downstairs oh my god is he okay i don’t know i feel like every time i watch him he he punches something

He can’t even say he punches something oh my god and then everyone in this chat would be like you bye and like yeah like cole and d [Laughter] so then come look at the cow farm that is no longer oh yeah apparently someone broke the cow farm and no one wants to admit no one will admit to it yeah no one would admit to it they broke the cow farm it was like who

Broke the cow farm destroyed all the cows yeah yeah someone [ __ ] killed all my cows and uh and then didn’t even fix it it wasn’t bad no one admitted to it too that’s like the weird part no one said anything yeah what okay all right if you press if you press the

Button it goes in okay was it supposed to be like that someone said i think it was mista mista it was missing didn’t admit it at all how about you break it though what a little [ __ ] i can’t believe it yeah like how did he break it i didn’t break it there’s two

Steps to do it’s the easiest thing i don’t understand how it broke and then they took everything in here oh no that was me oh that was the other day like who broke it it took everything we have to find cows yeah we got we this

Is like another thing we gotta do okay let me pull up some music real quick and then we can start i haven’t gotten here yeah because i was too busy looking at uh looking at the cows it’s all right i have a playlist oh it’s a horse oh bright and exciting background music

Okay this is an exciting day ooh is it yeah we’re gonna be finding we’re gonna be discovering new things together now we’re gonna find mangroves and uh all right let me i just realized i haven’t like and let me put some stuff away and then we’ll start our adventures

On fire in the middle that’s what happened yeah what the [ __ ] how did that happen how do you break it like this what the [ __ ] how do you break it like that if you press the button i think the water will put it out i think there we go

Oh yeah but you’re not supposed to do that i don’t know how all you do is press a button break it he [ __ ] it up so badly it doesn’t make any sense oh my god like i i don’t get it no it wasn’t the update it was like this

Before a couple days yeah yeah yeah it was like this before uh he broke the red oh my gosh i gotta like figure this [ __ ] we’re gonna figure this [ __ ] later we’re supposed to be going on an adventure i know we can still go if you

Want to do it later but yeah we can i feel like fixing the cow thing is the bottom of our priority yeah i have i got a lot of meat from it so yeah and i can just get bread too because we have a lot of

Bread anyway and we have a chicken farm anyway yeah there’s still a lot of chicken in there yeah i also have like a ton of meat on but it’s like raw meat i can’t believe i have to cook my own meat now because because of that

I made this so i don’t have to cook my own meat [Laughter] it’s literally the easiest farm to use well not the easiest maybe because you can fall in but yeah like literally two steps like all you have to do is press shift like just press shift the [ __ ] destroying the land around

Me what the [ __ ] people keep like going to my land to take my sand i don’t know why [Laughter] like everyone needs concrete that’s why basically living in poverty at the moment and you’re still coming in to take my sand like jesus yeah this is a little this is a little

Oh my god look at this up dude yeah that’s what i’m saying and then they destroyed a little bit of here too like what the [ __ ] barely anything to protect your house from like an incoming storm one farm and i’ll be gone i’ll be the first one to go out just

This is this is crazy though over here oh my god this is destruction i know that’s what i’m saying i’m like what the [ __ ] i barely am living in poverty and they’re already [ __ ] taking everything i have like what’s the town of technology the sound of technology is ruining my life

All right i’m ready for our adventure oh i can make some golden apples actually because of them [ __ ] blocks of gold oh good plan good plan where’s my block of gold you just had it i know i had it i know but i’m not organ my chest are not organized all right

All right how do i make a golden apple i need multi-design the trapdoors are burning because of the lava in the middle block is the only air for the no no no no no no no no because it used to work it used to work it worked for

Months it worked for months and there’s no reason that one day it would just stop working yeah yeah someone broke yeah someone broke it yeah there’s no way wait there’s no way there’s no way because it worked for months and then suddenly it doesn’t because minecraft felt like it that happens

It wasn’t the update you guys it was broken it was four yeah yeah it was broken before you guys were born [Laughter] that would mean that it is a faulty design i mean sorry it was broken it worked before you guys were born all the way till you lived there okay

You’re making less sense are you okay sorry are you okay i’m not feeling all right the like we can’t use shaders because our shaders haven’t updated i know i was just like please optifine you what what do you mean you can’t [ __ ] update it after two hours like

Four hours after the update come up comes up yeah come on off to fine i thought they were minecraft pros yeah yeah pro would have got that [ __ ] out in a day okay should we just go straight until like new chunks load in is that how it goes

I don’t know where to go i don’t know what’s been explored and what hasn’t been i feel like the back side hasn’t been explored as much right people don’t go to this side more than people always go this side and this side but people don’t go

That side like well that side is where the end is the end is oh so you guys went that side yeah i mean there’s probably areas past the end that we didn’t go to we can actually you want to just um we can we can use the nether

Portal to get there oh that’s true that’s true yeah let’s just use another portal and then try and figure it [ __ ] out the thing is nina also explored a lot cause she was doing her like her portal [ __ ] too for a while uh hopefully there’s just like watch the

Entire server has already been exploited no way there’s no way i like how our our little uh operation over there hasn’t been organized yet it’s still a [ __ ] yep yeah it’s uh no one has volunteered to help me so you know i would you know i would wait i’ll help [Laughter]

What the [ __ ] where are we homo we didn’t play minecraft for a couple of days and then everything [ __ ] broke like did the nether reset because of the there’s no wait what it does that it does that no wait what where the hell are we where are we oh i don’t know

Where is this portal i don’t recognize anything i see no signs of life oh my god someone said this act this could be the update oh my god okay update [ __ ] up the portal hold on let me take this i wanna i want these hold on i’ll bring my silk pickaxe back

All right all right uh um what hold on i want to i want to go get some please i’m so goddamn confused right now all right we need to find a mangrove swamp we need to go we need to find um do you think the allies or whatever the heck they’re called

They’ll be because we found a lot of strongholds so do you think um i don’t know if it’s there if it’s you said fortress right yeah no no no the the strongholds like the the the enemy villagers or the enemy whatever the [ __ ] they are the pillagers yeah the pillagers yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s a fortress oh that’s a fortress oh my gosh oh sorry fortress you didn’t know when it was born in the alleys or whatever i have no idea what do we do what do we do how do we [ __ ] hey well i know how to get there

But let’s go test out the other nether portal too and see where we are yeah because if because if if like the new update these alleys are supposed to be in the fortresses like the the woodland mansions and the outposts yeah but then uh would they

Would they spawn in because we found a couple of them so we’re just wondering if they would spawn in or not they are in woodland mansions yeah okay i know where one is yeah yeah i’ve seen one too it’s like i don’t remember the one not in pre-existing loaded territory oh we need

To find a new one need to find so many new chunks yeah we do we gotta explore i brought a lot of food with me so we what do i have people why the [ __ ] did i put this away i didn’t put away my bookshelf i thought

I should have grabbed more arrows but oh well yeah my another i’m just gonna put my bookshelf here i don’t really need it anyway um where’s my other pickaxe i’m gonna go look at this wait oh i forgot to put my pickaxe away wait a minute i think i lost a pickaxe

During our disney adventure oh cuz i only have my stone pickaxe the one where you drowned yeah the one where i drowned i think i forgot to pick up my nether right pickaxe oh [ __ ] oh that’s not good unless luca picked it up he might have not realized oh i put it

Away oh okay okay thank god okay okay i’m gonna i left it at home okay i actually picked up my stone nether why do i have my stone pickaxe what the oh yeah because it’s unbreaking yeah i might as well keep it okay let’s see where this nether portal

Goes guys yeah i’m gonna go back home and pick oh yeah where this is this is uh it’s broken it’s reset as [ __ ] are you kidding me right now so we have to fix it in our files to get it back oh god we’ll let finance do that Oh my gosh can fix it for us right she’s a minecraft pro all of our pathways and everything well how does that like how does the jp server do it because i feel like if you i no they said it’s something to do with our files and stuff so we gotta

Like replace the files or something where the [ __ ] did i place my oh there it is all right where are you i’m just putting away i’m getting my nether right [ __ ] back okay oh [ __ ] whoops oh no whoops i got stuck in the in the hole all right there we go

All right all right which area are we which we gotta figure out what direction we want to go i mean we could easily get some obsidian and make a new portal inside there oh wait up inside where inside like the reset portals because we might as well since we it’s

Like easier to load in new chunks that way oh that’s true that’s true yeah yeah we could just uh run really far and uh yeah just hope we don’t fall yeah yeah it’s about not falling baby we might die on this adventure no no we’ll be okay

I have six on me six obsidian i have i have 44 oh you have 40 wait you have a lot yeah 50. i don’t even know why i have 50. you know i don’t remember a lot from my time here i don’t I don’t remember a lot of stuff that i’ve done here anymore it’s just wait where are you are you at your house yeah yeah i’m at my house should we do it on the industrial town or yeah we can do that or in your town

The uh the town over here has a better portal spawn i think because we can run through it the other one we’d have to dig oh yeah yeah flint and steel i do actually i have linden steel on me i’m gonna grab some potions oh yeah do you

Have like uh we should get the fire resistant potion just in case we fall while we’re doing this cookie has some at his height the warden biome is not another right it’s outside right it’s outside yeah you just gotta dig in the caves for it yeah yeah yeah hello m you have gold

Uh it’s all right we don’t need it we might need it actually strength invisibility well he’s blind oh it doesn’t matter oh yeah i’ll take it anyway do you have gold on you um you literally have yeah but i put it all the way though [Laughter] okay i have gold on me

Because i need to make uh either a gold helmet actually or uh i need to make some gold outfit while we’re doing this just in case the warden is blind that’s what yeah we just gotta be on shift and we’ll be fine yeah yeah right yeah yeah yeah we don’t make any

Noise we should be fine yeah yeah you can shift and be fine through it well if we don’t make noise shift is silent so there’s apparently something there’s a new enchantment too that makes your um that makes it your shift like faster what yeah i can smell you someone said

Smell this what the [ __ ] i took a shower just then well maybe you didn’t oh did you shower today actually no well we’ll know we’ll know who the warden is chasing after that it’s gonna be like it’s gonna be like oh shampoo yeah fairy sweat who’s someone in the shower

Shower after stream because i sweat so much now you’re building up your sweat and you have the gold oh yeah yeah oh my god so in my chat was like ah yes the natural musk he’s gonna he’s gonna think i smell good he’s gonna be like someone sells suspiciously good and that’s you

All right here’s the gold back okay i’m just gonna put all my pads all right there we go because i have like uh enchantments on my boots with this oh i lost my boots i don’t know where they are and i’m very sad oh [ __ ] back to grinding skeletons i guess they’re even

[Laughter] all right which way are we going i don’t have my uh coordinates up so i’m following you oh uh i don’t have anything either so i hear a ghast uh okay i do have so we’re going to 2000 right okay i mean wait how many blocks should we go out chat

I have no idea i don’t even know where the hell we are oh god i hear guests i know because we got to go a thousand at least 2k we have to go at least 2k blocks oh we gotta mark this coordinate real quick for us yeah we do

Yeah do you have i i don’t you can pull it up right okay i screenshot it i got you okay okay okay because i need to plug in my other keyboard for that [ __ ] because i have no phone i’m relying on you you’re listening you you are useless

I just i have the i literally have the obsidian okay let’s try and not get killed by hoglins i guess or whatever they’re called yeah i have my sword out there okay 2 000 blocks this way baby all right oh god why is this so dangerous

It’s called the nether for the reason at least like but now at least we can guarantee a new chunk like this god this is scary as hell i know here hold on ready wait i only have wood on me here hold on hold on wait we’re just [ __ ] farming there are some blocks

Oh that’s true what do you mean i see the gas they see the gas i got him no i don’t got him oh [ __ ] he sees me oh that’s not good that’s not good oh my gosh the first journey is trying to get out of here apparently did i kill him

I might have actually gotten him nice wait which way are we going this way uh i’m just checking to see if he’s dead oh my god there’s a guy on a chicken there’s a guy in the chicken there’s a he’s hiding the chicken oh is chicken here who the [ __ ] there in here

Oh there’s a cast here hold on i want that how did the chicken get here how did the chicken i didn’t know they can ride the chicken yeah i didn’t know i didn’t know chickens can live here i’m so someone must have thrown an egg down here there’s no way there’s that’s

Just no one’s here wait they actually spawn like that also i might need oh my british is all the way up the [ __ ] wise look so dark how do i get down here you want some blocks why am i giving you blocks you literally can just farm it yourself yeah i’m done

Just dig down i’m so dumb that’s fine okay okay we’re good we’re good we’re okay everything’s fine everything’s fine we just woke up we’re fine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i think homer you’re awake longer than me though so no i’m pretty sure you’ve been awake looking at me come on man

Oh there she is do you have a boat nope i don’t i don’t even have i just realized i didn’t even craft myself a shield so you’re he’s gone okay nice here’s the fortress this is a new fortress or it has to be the old one oh god there’s okay if it’s

The old fortress shouldn’t our like our system be here i guess they reset the entire nether yeah yeah cuz like none of our stuff is here oh but i wonder if my other portal is here from from where it’s at the end or like the

Way to get to the end oh yeah that’s true no cause it’s i know where it is it’s over this way i feel like uh there’s more goldstone blocks yeah this is all the same it’s just reset this stuff but the portal might still be here let’s see

Yeah yeah yeah same speed so the locations are the same oh okay i never saw the fortress when it was like completed or like not not torn apart so yeah i think but someone said that we can fix it by locating in the files which is what finance will do pleases

Don’t worry finance will do that for us oh my god there’s so many up there holy [ __ ] yeah wait which way are we going for the two oh my god holy [ __ ] they’re [ __ ] accuracy i’m just trying not to catch on fire but we’ll be fine

Okay i think we need to go past the fortress yeah so we’ll just go straight here right yeah we’ll just go straight here this way yeah we just need to get two thousand it’s all right faster there you go the trees behind me now and then there’s the the

Piggies wait where are you i went past the fortress you got hit no i almost did wait where are you here i see you yeah yeah yeah okay okay let’s go yeah we can find the blaze spawner now so true i couldn’t never find it before did they like broke the blaze spawner

No they hit it they hit it i don’t know why why did he hide it this is a dead end i thought we have to go straight though might as well okay dig so then dig i’m digging i’m digging i just hope i don’t dig into a lava pocket

Would be unfortunate wouldn’t it it would be so i’m keeping my distance right now you make it so oh my god it’s so dark oh i hear gastly like oh he’s like oh my god my ears i was like is that lava pocket i dug but you just put a torch behind me

How long are we 2 000 blocks yet how dark is your game i don’t know my brightness is all the way up hold on let me pull up the let me pull up the screenshot i took and so i can see what our blocks were um minecraft screen shots okay we were at

Uh negative 37 negative 48 and now we’re at negative 241 negative 189 all right so like nothing okay i guess we keep going straight i just keep going straight all right gonna put some torches here so we can hold on i’m marking our area to get back

Oh [ __ ] where the hell is this guy where’d you go i went straight oh i see you all right there we go straight straight straight at least like okay now we can’t go straight anymore [Laughter] yeah there’s a little bit of a problem with our straight strategy

Here we go why were we why were we only going straight anyway because we had to go 2 000 blocks to load in a new chunk apparently okay how do we get to the other side i guess like uh up here this is the chillest music for the nether me too [Laughter]

I think like we’re gonna have trouble getting back yeah i’m not really properly putting down torches so um we’ll we’ll let future us handle that yeah oh someone said make a bridge it’s too long i think to make a bridge though yeah what if a ghastly comes in and [ __ ] us up yeah

That’s pretty bad ah there’s so much fire chill out oh wait the spot yeah this path is safe nice yeah yeah yeah there’s oh [ __ ] i almost jumped into that that would not have been good what’s wait what the right side what’s the right side right here into the pits

I was trying to bunny hop and i actually bum knee hopped right almost that would not have been good also there’s a lot of patches here so if you had if you had died and left me in here i would have been quite upset ah i think i would be more

Upset with all my [ __ ] that i have in here another light doesn’t burn yeah but still to get down there to get it it floats oh wait there’s a tree biome here which one oh i was searching for one because this is where you can find uh enderman easily all right

There it’s messed up i can’t believe our entire i can’t believe the entire nether reset i feel like that’s something they would have you know figured out on not to happen you know yeah there you go there’s a warped forest oh there’s enemand yeah you kill some right now for your

Ender pearls actually i think i have some pearls on me too what how right now well not on me right now but like because you’re collecting them for the end right yeah online there we go i’m making staircases all right i’ll wait for you here there you are you kill that enderman

No if you have ender pearls we only need a couple more yeah but i don’t think i have a lot i think i have like one or something oh well i have two that i need to put into the portal so i think that makes three left after that

Oh god oh i don’t like this we’re not gonna get back are we no no no we’ll figure we have our coordinates so we know how to get back oh my [ __ ] there was an enderman right here it would be unfortunate if you [ __ ] slapped me and i fell in

How did you get down hold on i’m trapped um i dropped down there i think you could just make a bridge honestly i’m gonna just i’m gonna go around this way this is safer i’m a baby wuss wait where are you oh you went around this way yeah i went the easier way

Going back is overrated yeah all right totally gotta how many blocks now are we um negative 117 negative 592. so math-wise how many is that i’m too lazy to do math right now it’s like a hundred oh [ __ ] i’m only 100 blocks right well are we going 2 000 blocks in

The nether is that what you mean yeah they said two thousand blocks in the nether together a new chunk yeah um yeah uh we haven’t been like only a hundred blocks oh my god oh my god we should have thought this through a lot we should have thought this through on our

Of our adventures no i had minecraft planned and you’re the one who said you want to explore the new yeah because you’re planning on playing minecraft on the day that minecraft is updated so of course even though the update was happening yeah she didn’t she like scheduled minecraft on the day the

Update was going to happen and i was like oh pomo you’re going to play the update she’s like update what i’m just like wait they’re good at the minecraft updates coming out when i’m like on the day you’re streaming minecraft po-mo one block in the nether equals eight blocks in the overworld apparently

I don’t think we’re getting i don’t think we’re getting back we live here now we live in the okay which biome do you want to live in the ancient ruins the man group or the forest what biome should we live in i don’t want to live in the mangrove because it’s the swamp

That’s true swamps are kind of icky yeah i don’t want to live in the ancient ruins because the warden walked out i see hoglins or whatever they’re called someone’s oh wait there’s another fortress here what yeah i found another one nice oh i’m gonna mark these coordinates okay

They’re hoglins now what are they what are they called actually you think we oh there’s a gas leak around here a gastly a yes oh sorry where’d you go there’s pokemon here up here i’m here right above you oh i see you here here there she is i see her right there

On the right side she looks like if your rendering is like not that high you might not see her oh yeah mine’s like 12 blocks yeah you definitely won’t see her i usually keep it so low for shaders yeah but now we can play with shaders we gotta play like

Like the peasants we are yeah armies oh i went up okay hey where are you um somewhere i see your name i actually don’t know how i got up here oh there i already forgot how i got up here that’s okay i’ve been trying to keep track

Yeah yeah yeah you’re not doing such a hot job but you’re the brain of this operation i’m the i’m the the force right um who has the bow yeah but who has the pickaxe i have a pickaxe too i just don’t know you haven’t been mining apparently

Is yours enchanted yeah mine is er efficiency five oh nice mine is efficiency for i don’t like i don’t like how should we go around well there’s the fortress still here yeah yeah there’s like an entrance wow yeah this fortress is like super long huge yeah um

Which way we should go around and then go straight from there like here yeah yeah yeah i’d say so yeah but we gotta make our bridge though yeah i’m gonna connect off of yours and i’ll place down a little torch here so we’ll know where to go yeah we know where to go

Oh my god watch out watch out super chat off the bridge i’m not gonna do that gator we spent so long trying to get what the just for you to knock me off yeah really enjoyed it you could find your own way back [Laughter] oh what the [ __ ] i like chopped the

Thing and then a pig came out at me where where are you running away from the pig oh [ __ ] where’d you go how’d you get over there oh here we go okay okay we’re good we’re gonna ask that we brought best to we can make our own beds after we get out yeah

Yeah exactly i think we should we’re going in raw we definitely should have brought some beds oh you can’t sleep in the nether yeah but then now we gotta find sheep now we’ll totally get to a place with sheep easy okay um let’s mark this because this is pretty hidden oh god sling

All right mining forward for us and going forward oh my god you’re gonna have any more torches soon i have some torches on me i have 13. and i have some coal if you have wood i have a lot of coal on me okay i do have wood

I got a stack of coal just in case we also have a lot of wood in here yeah i mean we could easily make a portal whenever too if we want to go to the outside world just to get more materials you can make wool out of string what you can

They’re from spiders what do you make spider wool i feel like some freak has gathered enough like uh webbing from spiders to make i feel like some freak has done that irl would you just gather a lot of webbing from spiders and just make clothes out of it because basically

Negative 102 negative 1078 so we just need to go another thousand basically okay we’re almost there then um yeah almost yeah yeah yeah i mean halfway is like almost right is yeah yeah is it that that’s halfway holy [ __ ] what kind of mountain are we in what the [ __ ]

We’re gonna draw it’s gonna be like a straight drop off at the end no what the [ __ ] what is this what is this hole what the hell nice i hold it i dick into um can we get up there can we is it just the dead end one

Where are we at where are we at oh said there’s a bulletproof vest yeah i don’t think we made it anywhere you know the higher we are the less we’ll bump into lava so is that the truth yeah that’s the truth wait is this the right is this straight yes

Yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay okay because like i’m worried we went like left or some [ __ ] we’re still going straight right yep okay just make sure that negative 100 or sorry 1169. all right now it’s a drop down but we could we could

Cheese it a little bit by going this way and then yeah yeah yeah just go and i’m there we go left all right I’ll make sure we don’t [ __ ] up it’s all this just so we hopefully now we have to find the dark the dark deep dark or whatever it’s called yeah i mean we’re loading new chunks 2 000 blocks and then there has to be a new chunk

There’s no way any of us have explored that much in our world yeah but how do we find the the deep dark we just gotta dig down isn’t it called the deep dark am i wrong is it i don’t know i think it’s like ancient ruins isn’t it

Jesus christ what the [ __ ] is this what is this is that another drop down yeah i’m gonna see if i can make i’m just gonna make a bridge and connect it to the side to my left i want to say oh oh Oh real then we can just dig in here oh it’s the biome and then ancient city is ancient ruins is the uh the structure yeah yeah yeah yeah i want to find an ancient ruin me too all right it’s a drop down holy [ __ ] of course in it

Of course it is i mean if i wanted to i could just mine the left to get to the other side but i’m [ __ ] lazy now laziness we’re not going back we are a hundred percent knocking yeah back home oh nice i’m collecting your rocks now

Oh my god my entire inventory is just netherrack i don’t need this wait where do i put this bro one way trip we’re we’re just gonna get the new update and we’re gonna go home office tree [Laughter] one-way trip the one-way ticket baby this is this is what they meant when

They said spider-man no way home yeah yeah no way [Laughter] it was tom holland i actually don’t know are we close are we close to a thousand what if we just make a big yeah what if we just well no we’re about 700 blocks

Away but what if we just make a big room in here and make the portal in here i think we’re far enough honestly really i feel like we should get maybe we should get to a 500 mark hold on Holy [ __ ] there’s no way we’ve explored 12 000 blocks well no that’s like how much it would be equivalent i know i know but like there’s no way any of us in the overworld have explored 12 000 blocks that’s just [ __ ] crazy teleport with host power later um i i

Was just reading chat um i didn’t say we would do that but i mean if we you know neither of us have that kind of power yeah neither of us have it but if somehow luca or finana gets on yeah yeah yeah yeah you um it could happen it could happen off stream

Okay we’re almost to fifteen hundred all right lucas and admin yes you guys you know he built part of disney using using creative mode i’m gonna i’m gonna call him out [Laughter] holy [ __ ] you’re gonna call him out cause i was a sneaky 100 we’re at and fifteen hundred okay okay okay let’s

Let’s make a room now i was like god damn we’re calling him revealing his deep dark secret here you know as a competitor i’m gonna reveal it because some people are gonna see his disney and be like oh my god he’s hey there’s another rack what the [ __ ] there’s another right right here

Look i’ve never had another rack you wanna get here here i’ll give it to you it’s right up here oh my god oh my god another rack oh there’s another one here yeah there’s two here i’m voting you can have those two i already have i have a

Ton of them from my farming adventure oh that’s a bedrock oh that’s bedrock whoops yeah it’s bedrock it looked like another ray i’m sorry it’s like it looks very similar okay it looks very so excited my first ever oh my god we would have like explo like open it up

And been like wow look at all this leather [Laughter] speaker yeah i’ll give you the obsidian you can make it why do i have to make it because i [ __ ] dug it you do something i think it really did so much oops i messed up [Laughter] good job

Well then here let’s uh make a proper like okay here i’m gonna break the block you’re standing on okay okay all right here we go all right i am watching yeah i’m watching you’re witnessing you’re witnessing what is saying true power here yeah you are that should be enough right oh no it’s

Too short i don’t know definitely not enough oh maybe i should have done it i’m witnessing i’m witnessing hold on wait the bedrock’s not going to get in the way right no no no no okay we’re fine you’re witnessing oh well that’s going to be taller i’m witnessing right now yeah you’re witnessing

Oh i’m stuck just stay down i know all right here we go all right here we go uncharted territories this could be where we die all right here it is no we won’t die do not worry i’ll go in first there we go here we go here we go here we go

Here we go here we go new chunks you jumped in the chat where the what oh what what was whooshing along what the subspace [Laughter] oh my god all the villagers are down below wait there’s the alloys [Laughter] what is [ __ ] you he’s following me he’s so cute okay

Kill him he’s following me too oh my god we did it we have an ally [Laughter] uh what do you want you want some meat oh he’s holding my bread wait don’t hold my bread anymore wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait How do i how do i give it to you we need cookies cookies a lead oh god we don’t have any leads oh no wait wait wait wait there’s some items on the outpost right i gave him my my bread he’s just holding my bread so cute that’s so cute

Give it an item i’m trying i’ve even bread he’s not following me he’s flying away come here come here come here i give how do i give it to him oh do i like click don’t fly away alloy how did you give it to him did you right click

Yeah yeah yeah i right click please click take that come here come here oh my god so cute please wait he’s flying so far please come back down come back down oh he Mine’s not flying away from me he likes no no no he’s he’s staying there i gave him what the [ __ ] okay okay get up oh where are you going no no i have to kill the pillager next to me we are in the middle of nowhere yeah but we have allies though Uh you need chocolate chip and stuff we need chocolate chip okay we’re definitely not making any cookies yeah we need a lead then we need string i think so is there any string in the uh pillagers i don’t think so i saw wheat i saw i’m going to check wait hold on

Please don’t fly away please don’t fly away come down i’ll give you more bread wait they don’t have golems anymore they have uh i’ll give you bread don’t fly away they have out these things instead there’s dark oak dark oak log wheat and tripwire hooks i cannot believe our portal is right

Here i don’t know what happened i feel wait we could trap them and then we’ll come back and get some cute i’m gonna trap my alley will they despawn if i trap them try dropping my steak i he i tried before but it didn’t he didn’t pick it up

Please stay down i need to trap you that guy is fine how are you trapping him with what i’m trapping him with i’m just gonna okay i’m giving him bread and see if he’ll stay still let me see if i can can we trap them in a boat wait wait

No no you’re not supposed to fly over it i’m trying to [ __ ] put make a cage around him these guys keep spawning god damn it shut up stop leave me alone try to figure out how i’m gonna we gotta trap them and then we do like he won’t despawn

I don’t know that’s the thing i don’t know they’ll just spawn but we have nothing else to hold them in though yeah i’m gonna i’m gonna try a boat i’m gonna try a boat uh oh yeah they’ll enter boats okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay

Uh i’ve made a crafting table they won’t despawn they said they won’t despawn okay okay a boat boat boat where’d he go where’d he go buddy buddy a buddy oh there he is there’s bread right here ally right here there’s some bread there’s some bread right here you gonna fly down

Wait what is that wait what what did he do he delivered an item to you oh he gave me more bread it’s because i put bread on the floor and then he delivered it oh that’s so cute wait that’s actually so cute what the [ __ ] he’s in the boat

Oh you got him you got him i got him a boat okay i’ve trapped him i like how people in my are like you freedom just to trap him again where’s my guy where’d he go oh that’s not him that’s my guy in a boat okay okay i’m making a little cage

Around the boat so okay i got i got mine in the boat oh wait is he in the boat okay okay throw down more meat okay i’m trying to okay i got him i got him you got him okay i’m making a little hut for my guy okay he doesn’t apparently he doesn’t

Respond so i’m just gonna make a little hut then okay then make sure no nothing gets into him yeah you will be safe my favorite we’ve saved do not worry this this little hut is for your safety okay and it won’t it won’t catch on fire okay i’ll leave him a little window

No i’m not gonna leave him a little ah coordinates i saved the coordinates okay you say the coordinates okay okay we got we’ll need to get some slime and uh some slime and string to lead them back home oh that’s right yeah i wonder we

Do you think we could tp with them if banana luca comes back because then we have to explore oh my god leave me alone [Laughter] oh [ __ ] torch inside to prevent mob spawns oh [ __ ] you’re right yeah i forgot to put torch inside out oh you can tp okay we gotta actually

Figure a way to get back with them in the nether then oh wait what yeah you can’t we can’t tp with them we’re like 12 000 blocks away It’s gonna be dark soon oh let’s find some let’s find some sheep yeah we gotta find some sheep uh Let’s see i did torch i did put a torch in there you guys i put a torch in it i wonder if we could name them oh i want to put a torch in there see it’s fine yeah see i put torches in mine too i couldn’t read them

I don’t think so you can only find them and if he dies he dies if he i don’t want my diet to die what the [ __ ] i’m just saying if they die then how would you get one back you know we gotta find more is that the

Because i know they have new tree biomes too yeah the mangrove no no no that mangrove is just the swamp right no it’s there’s there’s like a normal tree biome too what really yeah i’m not finding sheepson me too it’s just pigs it’s just butas i found a spider

I mean we might as well kill a spider for some string yeah we can make this spring a string into wool apparently since that’s how minecraft works and we need lead too do you have uh wait do you have looting on your on your

Side no i don’t i just have like not bad okay yeah you should have it then yeah oh birch update stuff got cancelled never mind oh yeah i was thinking about like i remember they talked about birch updates so wow there’s so many blue flowers here

What the hell i know this is crazy honestly the pillager post might be the safest place at the moment there’s pigs where the [ __ ] are the sheep where are the sheep oh god oh god oh i found a sheep i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i found another one sorry this is called

Survival of the fittest okay i got two how many do i need i think we need like six right three yeah three only one of us needs to sleep oh that’s true yeah donkey one more sheep why are so many donkeys no spawn at night are you serious right

Now what okay but we loaded this chunk so yeah yeah so there i can see there’s chickens here there’s a lot of chickens here there are yeah where do you see chickens at over there on the other side those are flowers no no no no no no no no no no over here

Oh no i was like i know what i saw like losing it for real i saw allies and i’ve been i hope i’ve been in another for 80 years oh [ __ ] run it’s just all skellies all i see are ellie’s pomo there’s more spiders and there’s cows oh okay nice for us

We can turn the spiders okay i’ll wait for you to kill the spiders because you have more loot here just kill the skellies for me yeah i’ll kill there’s like a ton of spiders here i’ll try and kill those dailies okay uh all right i’m gonna oh yeah i can put my

Nether right hi um there’s like just creepers cows oh wait that’s fine oh wait thank you hi oh sheep there’s so many hello everybody hello hello holy folger look at the little things we found you guys yeah okay okay we well you don’t it’s just me right now you see

Uh hold on let’s go back to our our um on here you’re here it’s back here look at it we found allies we we’ve spawned into an outpost yeah we spawned into an outpost somehow yeah our streamer look we’ll look at yours right here my little guy is yeah

We freed him just to trap them again look at him in there you see him he’s over there oh my god oh my god they did not like that get rid of them okay yeah yeah yeah yeah uh hold on i want to see there you go there he is

Kill these guys so they don’t accidentally shoot him yeah all right we’re just trying to find some more uh some more new stuff yeah we gotta go to the mangrove let’s um maybe if we just go along the ocean we can find it oh true yeah yeah yeah

They’re so cute aren’t they guys i know and we can oh i know and the mangroves have slime right so we can get some slime balls too potentially yeah yeah and we get some lead and then we can lead them back home and then we just have

To um find a dark cave and then we’ve got everything yeah we’re speed running the uh update honestly i thought this would take us much longer but we got so lucky there what the [ __ ] it’s so [ __ ] lucky how did that happen i thought we were falling honestly i was

Like really worried i was like oh nope we’re gonna die here before before we can’t even did you get the bed back no okay well yeah yeah kill these sheep [ __ ] don’t look don’t look [ __ ] he has to know he has to this is this is you know when you grow

Up this is what happens he literally just raided you and you’re killing his comfy dog i’m sorry i’m sorry this is the real world this is the real world this is what happens fulgrim you raided football she kills sheep oh there’s a there’s another portal here or a broken one yeah yeah uh All right what’s in it boots fire protection boots in the light weighted pressure plate wait do we want to activate this just in case no i feel like we don’t need it because our nether portal is in such a good spot there’s more shapes more sheep yeah thank you for your sacrifice

And one more thank you okay we have enough for another bed nice yeah that was under bed boots with the fire got the whole club on fire i don’t think that was really good we just gotta find the mangroves it’s just all grass it’s all grass it’s just we should go

Along the ocean i think it would be faster if we like put up go out in a boat i needed that i didn’t make a boat then i needed a tree do you have any wood on you to for yeah i mean we’re literally outside so

Then i know but like if you have it on you yeah but i’m lazy yeah but here i’m excellent cut down the tree but you’re here fine i’ll cut a tree down i’ll do a deforestation again i guess i’ll ruin the forest yeah wait but you live in the forest you want

Me to cut down all your trees it’s okay i catch the forest on fire oh what kind of fairy are you what the [ __ ] [Laughter] you’re not an environmentally friendly fairy i love the environment you [ __ ] burn the environment how is that love it’s you know the real world it’s you know

A bull i want a mangrove boat oh it’s red wow oh [ __ ] yeah wait hold on i want to look in there that area looks cool i’m making my boat right now there’s so many look at this cave you guys oh my gosh already out there you’re already gone gone

Oh there’s nothing in here never mind all right let’s sail the ocean blue for mangroves wait where are you oh there you are next to you my sense of direction isn’t the best right now i mean we truly have no idea where we are so what oh this leads to nowhere yeah Anyway go to the left side make chest boats oh yeah we can do that oh yeah yeah now we can like store stuff now too yeah i love this new update because we’re exploring a tr sunken ship here and there’s also an underwater oh wait is this a drowned yeah drowned temple

Oh what the [ __ ] there’s a lot of good [ __ ] here yeah are you marking it oh again okay as well yeah we go here there’s like an ocean where’s our mangrove where’s our streamer look streamer luck please i mean did we i think probably we wasted all of it

You know it was worth i feel like that would have been like the hardest thing to find honestly right i thought that would take us the longest to find because we gotta find an outpost yeah we used it all you guys outposts are maybe they’re not that difficult yeah but like

Um spawning into one like that yeah spotting it into one yeah that’s what i’m saying we literally spawn into wait oh my gosh i like turn in a circle okay i saw that i thought you saw something that like made you stop going this way we are at okay we’re going down

Following you on the z oh dolphin push me push push following you you have food for him can you feed the dolphins i think you can yeah you can feed like fish or some [ __ ] right i’ll feed it petra’s meat oh yeah does petra just regrow her meat every so

Often when you chop her [Laughter] come here oh he’s too fast come here don’t move don’t move that over there there’s like a stone thing over there huh what’s that you see that oh what is that is that an above ground drowning temple yeah what the [ __ ] is that

How’d it do that was that the drowned are drowned what the [ __ ] is where the [ __ ] is that um yeah there’s a little thing in here oh it’s a drowned temple yeah it’s just above ground because they’re stupid oh there’s a treasure map in here oh nice we need that right

Yeah we need to find treasure and it gives us like the other sea of whatever the sea of oh yeah i have the c i have the c so we can make more conduits yeah i’ll take that there we go i don’t need all this netherrack

I’ll just keep some of it though just in case you have like a ton of them [ __ ] dropping all my netherrack part of the sea heart of this part of the sea there’s like zombie meat in here too like i guess some guys were a dead dead oh okay

I thought i could do that do what nothing what did you do what did you try to do what did you guys do yeah nothing oh [ __ ] you are throwing tridents at us someone is yeah trying to kill us yeah yeah yeah well onwards onwards we go on an adventure

So true you guys so true oh yeah uh let’s see our cherry is your map oh we’re heading towards the treasure yeah we are all right i might as well just go [ __ ] get the treasure then now the right looks so cool i know all right i want some nether right if only

Selena didn’t debate me [Laughter] you know there’s an easy way to farm netherray right you gotta go to yeah go to i forgot what coordinate it is and you just far you just dig and that’s it so it’s like diamonds basically yeah yeah there’s like a specific coordinate you have to dig

Luka did a lot because i kept [ __ ] bumping into lucas pathway for another right because he dig a he dug an entire pathway for it we need to go this way or this way maybe this way is it right here over here yeah you can also farm it with

Tnt you just blow a bunch of blocks it’s just okay we’re going too far down oh which way is it is it this one right here am i stupid that’s okay we’re both stupid am i stupid yes you can use tnt because they don’t blow up oh

Yeah that’s what i did i used tnt with bow and arrow because we have a tnt farm anyway so i figure it’s just easier yeah i think we need to go this way oops i’m stuck on you okay we can’t see the map oh you guys can’t see it

Wait they can’t see the map now they can because i was blocking it with my body [Laughter] guys what do you mean you don’t want to look at pomo’s body what do you mean you wanted to look at the map gosh wow guys only want one thing and it’s a

Buried treasure map yeah are you guys wearing guys gold diggers [Laughter] cartography is hot what are you talking about yeah i love finding unexplored places oh my god colonizing them i love discovering the new world i think uh [Laughter] spain be like [Laughter] It’s like i love the 1400s yeah exotic women truly need you cancelled [Laughter] goddamn trading hey girl you want to trade some spices where the hell is this thing is maybe around the other side maybe it’s maybe it’s around i don’t know i’m getting lost yeah i think we need to

Sleep now oh it’s already night it’s fine it’s fine you go to sleep you go to sleep i’ll find out you have the bed promo you have the bed you can make it your own did you not get wool no i let you have all the wool because you’re like including too here

Here here here there you go okay where is it i threw it in the water the [ __ ] did it oh my god it’s like sunk in the water you guys where do i go is it around this area i’m gonna make the bed so it’s daytime for us

Okay oh there’s another nether portal here oh it sinks all right how does wolves think oh yeah we’re right here we’re right here okay wait let me i’ll i’ll sleep real quick and then yeah i told you guys i knew what i was doing you do did you though

Yeah i told them i showed them all all right yeah i definitely need you to sleep there’s like a zombie villager coming at me die stupid oh he’s in the water now okay i don’t think he’s gonna die anytime soon pomo wait where are you here i’ll come to

You i went around this area i’m like going around i see a lot of zombies dying i see you there you are yeah where the broken nether portal is okay okay let’s kill these creepers maybe they’ll blow it up for us okay never mind do they get more experience now because

Do they i have no idea i’ve gotten a lot more experience from just killing zombies maybe okay um actually behind you behind you it’s right here it’s right right here all right let’s dig yeah i have my another right shovel i don’t have a shovel so

You do this thing all right don’t worry the muscle’s here yeah i’m gonna go check out this uh where is is exactly just down yeah but if you hit if you hit uh what’s it called then like cobblestone yeah if you hit that you’re go it’s only in sand okay i’ll

Just look around then okay so many creepers what the hell oh my god golden apple i don’t think uh you’ve gone too far yeah like yeah i feel like i’m feeling like i’m going too far this way this way this way yeah if you hit if you hit the sandstone

Too it’s too far yeah this is all sandstone oh there it is i found it oh it is it’s oh there’s a heart of sea right here yeah there’s a bunch of emeralds here you can take these yeah you want the emeralds here i’ll give you four no it’s okay

You can take them um i have some i’ll take the gold because i’m carrying gold oh i’ll take let’s build uh let’s build a boat i’ll take the heart of the sea then there’s water breathing potion i’ll take that too yeah how do i make a boat that can

I’ll just take the chest you just combine the boat and the chest together i’m pretty sure oh [ __ ] well then oh this entire chest is mine now okay chest bolt yeah that’s exactly it okay you have the whole chest you took it uh not yet I took the chest so all these items are gonna despawn in the chest now it’s okay uh here just make it i have the boat here here oh yeah the boat if you want to give me the chest i can i can make it here okay chest this son of a [ __ ]

Where no okay there it is chest boat let’s [ __ ] go i know i’ll put the heart of the c in there too yeah we’ll put her like more how do i how do i use putting the heart of the seed the emeralds the gold nuggets and

How did you open it i just opened it like wait what you have to someone has to be on it and then you can i feel like right oh god no no shift you press shift yeah yeah i’ll put the bed in here too with the emeralds and then the potion of

Water breathing yeah i’ll keep my other potions i’ll put the obsidian in there oh yeah yeah i’ll put the flynn and steel in there too oh and the oops and the uh the treasure map i don’t need anymore yeah you’re just gonna hang it on my no

I’m gonna hang it on my wall yeah it’s our adventure oh yes true our wiles update adventure yeah okay you can’t break the boat anymore too because if you break the boat all this stuff is gonna fly out yeah we just have to stay close is there anything was there anything else in

There that you didn’t grab iron yeah yeah yeah i got it all oh you got quartz in here yeah i threw away my commodity that’s a commodity really yeah because everyone’s trying to make uh quartz blocks and stuff [ __ ] just [ __ ] go creative mode like phenom i know mana peter

We’re littering in the ocean i didn’t even realize quartz was such a commodity i have so much of so many of them yeah i could basically sell them to the en members you should millie is always wanting courts and she has so much diamond like oh [ __ ] yeah i’m gonna sell

Some quartz to her then i didn’t even realize i’ve been using them as like scrap metal i guess if we don’t if we don’t like reset or if we don’t what’s the word can we start another yeah another reset so yeah but then our pathways are all gone though

I know we had like i guess so but nina’s gonna [ __ ] cry the amount of time she spent making those pathways though we don’t tell her guys we don’t tell her what happened together so she has to come back to uh come back from her trip to figure out what happened

And that’ll be a while guys you’ll be like so confident going in there being like oh yeah like i’m ready to go back into the nether and she goes in and it’s just gone it would just be like oh yeah like you’ve been gone for like months nina um yeah some

[ __ ] happened in the nether [Laughter] we don’t talk about it i don’t talk about it it’s all right everything let’s find mangroves mangrove let’s just go this way i guess she spawns in the the badlands what’s the badlands oh yeah that’s the the where you get the

Clay the terracotta right oh right oh my god oh we lost that spot yeah yeah we lost that’s what i’m saying we lost the terracotta spawn ah man uh this is like kind of a dead end oh not this not really there’s like a little hole right there there’s a pocket kind of

What is that oh that’s live hey nina you get all the courts in the world but you lost days of work in the nether sorry about that i was using her portal though to go get fish for the uh for the axolotls oh wait what how

Because it was right next to a uh tropicals oh okay we lost that too then yeah oh this is maybe a dead end actually for real oh there’s sunflowers hold on i want these oh i feel like i’ve seen the sunflowers before me neither not in this server look at our adventure

We’re finding so much good stuff i know we’re the ian server yeah look at all of them oh there’s something purple there’s like purple flowers here yeah i mean purple not orange sorry purple and orange is almost the same color okay all right i have 10 sunflowers i got some orange tulips

Oh this must be a flower biome then is it i guess so because there’s like some flowers in there’s like colors we haven’t seen before allium oh look see there’s like purple flowers here what’s this yeah yeah it’s allium it’s an allium i don’t know minecraft teaches me flowers

I was i was born from a flower and i don’t know [ __ ] [Laughter] you’re born were you born from a weed or some [ __ ] it explains everything though why you want to destroy the forest you know it’s dandelions are called weeds but everyone likes them okay [Laughter]

Everyone [ __ ] plucks them and makes a wish oh my gosh here too there’s a white tool up here and there’s pink tulips yeah where are you i’m like here it’s like a bunch of different colors here wait where are you pink i got pink wrist i got white tulips too

Nice nice we should put these in our in our boat i have no idea where the [ __ ] you went me too we we like we like lost like this is not even a huge biome and we already lot lost ourselves yeah oh there’s like what’s this is that uh

I got a oxy eye daisy well i think i’ve seen that one before i’ve never seen that one oxtail yellow center right uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i’ve never seen that before wait what’s this oh there’s so many sunflowers there’s like a lot of different flowers here

Something’s got two lips on her face [Laughter] we just gotta find our way back for sure yeah i think we can find our way back yeah we’re explorers we’re conquestadors [Laughter] we’re here to pillage your land Are we the pillagers no no oh yeah you’re right we’re just wait do you have the bed uh the bed’s in the boat Here i’ll pick it up because i haven’t [Laughter] how did you jump on that okay bed and sleep nice yahoo don’t look at what don’t look just don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t look don’t look don’t look don’t worry about it yeah don’t worry about it

I need to eat some of this lamb all right let’s put our let’s keep on onwards towards uh we will find our mangroves we’ll find it we’ll find first off we gotta find our boat i told you i literally just said no no we’re easy yeah yeah

We just look in the ocean and then we’ll find a boat you’re going the wrong way okay how would you know you don’t know which is the right way i am literally going the correct direction how would you know that you just said you don’t know

I know it is i said i know i said i know oh okay [Laughter] i actually have a sense of direction unlike some both dragon both dragon sisters have no sense of direction all we gotta do all we need to know is to go we don’t need to know where we

Just gotta go oh [ __ ] my boat what the hell why did you kick me off there you go put some of the flowers in there okay i gotta eat this fish too all right uh let me hold on i have more stuff to put in there we go yeah

We can take some of this out later if we need one yeah we can also put another chest in this boat too oh true yeah so we have two chests two chests wow mom how come they let you have two chests yeah i should literally i should ask

Your mama that for real though [Laughter] it’s all right it’s all right one day you can have a chest like mine really yeah i’ll recommend you to my surgeons oh okay i see you felt inadequate next to next to lira right you had to go get it get some confidence boosting

Work done no no i had to get some remove too much confidence you know you know that hurts your back right yeah i i totally know that feeling [Laughter] i know that feeling more than anyone else yeah yeah you know you want someone you want me to give you some of mine

This is this is a topic for off stream [Laughter] uh this is a dead end also so all right we can’t i mean we could like mark it with our boat though yeah that’s true we could go so like go back yeah i think it’s easier

To just find it on boat yeah because it is the it is like near the ocean someone says is this how is this girl talk is this how a girl is talking about not gonna lie i have had like girl talks like this with friends irl who’s being like please give me some

Titty like some of yours just [Laughter] hey listen up guys an insight to girl talk right here i’m getting like gaslit by my boob size though because no one seems to know how to draw my my chest and fan art it’s either so big or so

Flat what if you well you’re a fairy you can like like you know grow certain sizes you know you could shrink doesn’t that doesn’t apply to my chest though wait you don’t have powers on the chest no i only can i can only grow like taller taller unfortunate it’s because you

Haven’t learned the skill yet or it’s just your fairy powers aren’t strong enough i mean fairies aren’t like that we don’t have that kind of magic you know that but you can grow grow bigger or smaller so shouldn’t you be able to do like specific parts

No it’s just a whole body thing it’s a whole body thing oh i’m a pad user i mean that makes sense too it’s definitely like not bad yeah too much is being shown for it to just be padded yeah but you know like those cosplays where people would have like fake boobs

Oh yeah you could be wearing those that’s true that’s true yeah yeah and because you have your neck thing that hides it too yeah right that’s what they do though they purposely have like a necklace thing or something to cover up the the neck area where the the fake boobs cross over

Oh i’m learning so much about my own anatomy [Laughter] you thought you could fool me pomo i know you yeah [Laughter] uh dead end i mean we could go to the left side yeah yeah oh there’s a bunch of pumpkins oh oh hold on i’m gonna eat a snack that

One was like how do you know so much about this you don’t kill a kill everyone [ __ ] used it for like yo girl i know exactly what you’re talking about too yeah she made like the person who like did it made like a whole [ __ ] video and like

Post about exactly what you’re talking about because of the underboob and everything yeah yeah yeah yeah ryuko yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was like a huge thing on the internet at that time and i know a lot of like guys who cosplay girls do that too

Oh you remember do you remember there was this famous guy cosplayer who did like really good like female cosplays and was like talking about like that that boob thing i tried i couldn’t believe his name i don’t remember his name i remember he was like popular around the time too oh

Someone was like saying sneaky no not sneaky sneaky i’m not talking about sneaky it was sneaky he’s like this league of legends pro player that does like female cosplays he has an only fans wow when he posts this video cosplay it’s actually live it’s actually interesting because his

Like girlfriend helps him with the cosplay his girlfriend’s like a famous cosplayer and he he and she helps him with his cosplays too so she like makes them and he wears them yeah he wears them for her oh my god wow get a relationship like that yeah like relationship goals yes

Get a get a guy that will cosplay your female outfits your why fools wow and then you can be like my boyfriend is so handsome and beautiful 1.19 real yeah luca our new server got upgraded oh yeah luca we’re lost yeah we are so [ __ ] far we’re stopping wait

Is that mangrove yeah i think so i think so is that it jungle is this jungle or mangrove this is mangrove right is it yeah you know what it’s good streamer look we need cookies for our yeah this is like the fairest forest i’ve ever seen in my time i know like

There’s nothing here you you just found the only coconuts uh like not coconuts you found the only coke oh i found more cocoa beans there you go yeah okay okay just look on the what’s it called ones what the jungle trees jungle this is so bare there’s nothing here yeah there’s

No not even like it says negative streamer our streamer like only goes towards our allies apparently yeah when are we gonna get coconuts in minecraft i know right i feel like you know honestly like i’m just happy they’re actually updating this game before because you know like

This game was never updated when notch owned the game he never updated the game and then microsoft bought the company and they’re like we’re gonna finally have updates guys we’re gonna add new content for after 10 years he’s like it’s perfect as is [Laughter] uh there’s a on this side too there’s more

This is a little more oh a parrot parrots pants there’s harrison green bird bluebird oh my god oh my god where where like oh carrot where are you where are you you have so many parrots shut up that’s the first you only need one you only need one okay

You can take one okay i’ll take one you take the other which color do you want what colors do they have green and blue green or i want the i’ll take the blue okay he’s like a full blue boy okay where’d you where’d he go oh i lost

Him uh i only see the blue one so i think he’s mine oh um i see the green one okay okay hold on i’m putting down my bed and sleeping okay okay please are you bringing back the bird uh on my shoulders yeah they follow they

Follow yeah if you tame them they follow okay but i found out that they can actually get like stuck in the water come on while i was kidding all of these birds wait where are you are you still on the same island no i went to the other side

Oh that’s why okay i’m going come here come here come on bird bird please oh there’s bamboo here too oh nice oh it’s a bamboo jungle well that means panda bears maybe we could take home some pandas oh my gosh we’re like we are colonizers we’re taking everything we’re taking everything from minecraft

Hey that’s my bird go away wait where’s my uh where’s where’s the blueberry oh my god did you lose the bluebird no he’s in there use your eyes i found them using my eyes i literally hold on where did he go oh there’s more poco

Yeah i got some too you’re too far he was back towards the other way okay i’m finding my blue bird okay maybe come on where where’d my guy go he’s my guy blends in it’s ass yeah but i think he hasn’t seen my bird yet i see him i see him okay

I have more seeds if you need it i got it yeah we have bird buddies now too there’s an azalea tree there’s a tree oh we have iron to steer it yeah there’s two actually there might be a lush farm under here hi buddy yeah yeah yeah look at us

Get in here get on my shoulder i love you i love you too i’m gonna name you oh i’m gonna name you dragoon number 14. my birds are named after dragoons yeah mine are the alphabet a dragoon one dragon two dragon three name him the end oh you’re so right though come here

Yeah there might be a lush actually though i’ve had this trauma of looking for lush caves after seeing a tree like this and not being able to find the lush cave i think deep trauma from that but we already have a lush cave close to us so it doesn’t really matter

Well i didn’t know that before oh how are we gonna get these guys back they’ll follow us so we might lose them though i feel like along the way yeah i feel like we’re gonna lose we’re gonna lose them that’s all right it’s a journey just don’t jump real quick will

He hide in the boat uh i don’t know they actually i don’t know we could push i don’t think so i don’t think they can be in the boat hold on you stay hold on come here come on you go on the ground go on the ground land stay okay we’re gonna do

I’m bringing my boat over here oh i should do that all right you stay too hey no no no no no no no don’t fly don’t fly stop stop stop getting my shoulder you stay there we go i’m heading over to you because there’s a teleport but i when i

Was when i brought back like you know my [ __ ] pack of birds i lost some along the way because they didn’t probably because you had so many no no no no no no i lost like my first trip i lost four because they didn’t tell they got stuck in the water

And i couldn’t find them anymore oh yeah they wouldn’t teleport okay now i also accidentally killed a couple with with uh with a creeper because it spawned next to me and then it it you know exploded that might be how you lost them no no no that’s another batch i had like

Three batches my third batch of bird hunting was the successful one all right where do we go how come they lie she’s on your shoulder mine isn’t mine’s [ __ ] drowning in water right now those dragoons are done don’t say it all about wolves she doesn’t mean that she doesn’t mean that guy

Who killed who got who killed their friend who killed their dragoons with a creeper huh oh my god dragoons come on cooperate come on dragon god get my shoulder is that my shoulder no we’re flying away i just need you on my shoulder okay there we go is it on my shoulder

Yes okay there we go it took a while but we did it we did it all right let’s keep going all right homodachi is so cooperative so [Laughter] take it back gator i know what you [ __ ] said about me so no [Laughter] hey goons it’s something you crossed me gator

It’s okay we’re just special dragons we’re just special oh there’s another one right there another blue bird and a bluebird i don’t think we can should we get more birds how did you take back so many did you have leads or something no i [ __ ] i

Told you it i had three batches the third batch was the only successful okay let’s just keep going the way we’re doing trial and error i want to see a panda we don’t have a panda wait we do what we do yeah no lucas panda in the panda bath in the sauna

Or hot tub yeah oh that’s right that’s too that’s right uh let’s go this way towards anywhere what is that thing right there sticking out of the water what is that yeah one thing we haven’t found is a uh we haven’t found like a desert um temple

Oh no i found a desert temple yeah yeah yeah yeah oh this is drowned be careful yeah yeah i found a desert temple uh where i got the cactus oh yeah yeah yeah i don’t remember what i looted from there luca are you in chat

You said we have oh on my channel thanks for joining my chat just to [ __ ] prove me wrong so i was like appreciate it the fairy lady called me dumb it’s okay i know we’re dumped accepts you that’s all that matters right okay dad accepts you for who you are chad yeah

I accept you there we go i don’t need this kelp ah it’s cause like they say like streamer like chat oh wait this is a tropical biome but where’s the where’s the coral reef yeah i see a little little puffer fish right there we’ll figure it out later oh god they’re coming they’re

Coming towards us yeah you guys are cute you’re cute and dumb it’s that’s okay that’s okay i’m dumb too guys there’s a reason why you’re dumb is because i’m also done like like oh there’s the coral i’ve cultivated my chat live chat or like screamer like cats like

Chat does that mean we’re pretty dumb too pomodachis probably oh this is pretty oh this is pretty what the [ __ ] oh yeah there’s so much there’s so many yes wait what are those coral what are those blocks yeah they’re coral are they like coral blocks

Yeah yeah yeah oh i’ve never been to the tropical before what yeah i got luca and elira to get me the coral stuff this one’s like not so picked over unlike the other one so wait hold on this is a huge tropical ocean i i mark the coordinates [Laughter]

You’re like what the [ __ ] is going on oh big bro i’m stuck i am big bro no you’re the washing machine who’s big for the window it was big bro then um our parrots our pair pomodachis oh my parrot is not a pomodachi your hair’s not the pomegranate it’s

Just a parrot yeah it’s just a parrot and we’re the pomudachi’s in the minecraft world i don’t know what a pomodachi’s want to be yeah i bet you the pomonachis want to be your parrot yeah what do you guys want to be pomodacies i’m asking

This is your one chance to get it right they get it right they don’t even have a choice they have to make sure they get it right you guys want to be axolotls yeah axolotls oh there’s chip oh only ever five mangrove i know right how’s that fine

I feel like it’s gonna be even harder to find the uh what’s it called still the uh was it the inc uh where’s my bed oh [ __ ] i don’t have a bed anymore wait what the [ __ ] what did you do with the bed i think i left it somewhere i have this

One in here though yeah yeah well i made my own i left it somewhere oh hello hey he’s on my bed the parent wants to sleep with you thank god that’s definitely not a point and you guys not the problem with that now that put my eyes like goddammit why

Didn’t we pick the parrot yeah why didn’t you take the parrot you guys are goofy yeah you guys could have been the parrot you slept with pomo oh don’t say that open open why isn’t it opening up i mean slept on top of pohomo what why isn’t this opening

What there’s a treasure chest in here but it’s not opening oh it’s because like there’s something on top of it no dude i have no idea what the hell why isn’t it opening you guys lag i’m just gonna bust it open uh i think there’s lag there’s lag oh [ __ ]

I just got [ __ ] time now what the [ __ ] oh god i’m going to be dead in the water please no please no no no please no please no oh god oh god oh god oh no oh no oh no i’m loading in i’m loading in you’re still alive you’re still yeah i’m

Alive i’m under the water you’re live you’re alive okay there’s nothing in here except books i wouldn’t would you [ __ ] up if you did that and you died for books i was i died for reading and that’s why reading is a mistake here get on the ground get on the ground little bird

Oh his name is oh wait is there another chest shouldn’t there be one right in here oh here here it is i got it you’re a british and we found what a diamond oh yeah let’s go do you want this chest for your boat or

No uh yeah we might as well take the chest for a boat you think you can take it all right mia which one has the books uh the one at the bottom the one closer to the surface as oh yeah okay there yeah and a lot of iron

Here we can do this wait why are you doing my boat dragoon wait oh no not like that did i not get the chest the [ __ ] are you dumb where did the chest go did it float up uh I don’t see it oh the chest in my pocket well your bird’s in your boat right now maybe you don’t want to yeah but i can just destroy the the what the oh poem you took the chest apparently did you have a chest on you no what oh

What the [ __ ] where did the chest go what oh there it is it got stuck on one of the blocks it’s not a buried treasure map though because it was blank right okay it’s blank right oh hey you’re bird’s in your boat too yeah yeah i see get out of the boat bird

All right look it’s blank you guys what do i do okay right click it there we go i put some i’ll put some i don’t need to put anything i’m gonna put something right clicking it i’m right clicking it i’m right-clicking it wait let’s see i got so much sand in here

There’s nothing on here where’s the x i’m gonna put cocoa beans in yours where’s the x wait how are you going to get your bird out of your boat um because you break the chest i guess it’s time for him to die Aren’t you glad pomodaichi is not you it’s math number 24 you guys it’s map number 24. oh hello look it’s just a normal map thank god you weren’t the parrot thank god yeah thank god you weren’t the parrot you guys live another day yeah yeah guys i like you well then

I’m just gonna take slan’s bird wait what you gotta take my bird he’s [ __ ] triggered oh oh it worked just sit on top yeah my guy is smart unlike dragoons what do you mean [Laughter] you didn’t even know you could do that phone well you’re ready to kill him you were ready

Oh wait uh that’s more jungle dang it i saw you were [ __ ] ready there has to be a lush cave under here because there’s so many azalea trees that’s true but we don’t need a lush cave we need the that other area is crazy you got bamboo forest you got coral reef

I’m gonna save it there we go that’s a bamboo we have a bamboo farm so yeah we don’t need that yeah hmm actual roast session oh we do we just need the mangroves how are we gonna bring oh we gotta bring back frogs too wait we can bring back tackles

Oh you can bring like tadpoles yeah yeah yeah and then we can yeah yeah cause like the frog well how are the frogs gonna make babies can scoop up the tadpoles and then grow them up to be frogs oh and then they can make babies yeah

Yeah and then and then yeah we don’t need to get the frog itself we just gotta get the tadpoles tadpoles when i was a kid i had a friend that would scoop up tadpoles and bury them in dirt wait what the [ __ ] did that kid grow up to be a [ __ ]

Serial killer like probably i should have you know i was a kid so i didn’t notice the signs but thinking back on it um okay what else what a [ __ ] up [ __ ] did your friend do i don’t know man you just remember the tadpole yeah because it was so disturbing yeah like

Who the [ __ ] scooped [Laughter] oh where what is this what is oh africa yeah africa minecraft oh my god we have to find a mangrove we found every [ __ ] biome so far except i know right we found some of the rarest ones except the mangrove please where are the mangroves

Oh that’s all we want how’s the mangrove a rare biome it’s just supposed to be like a swamp yeah it’s a swamp yeah that’s what i’m saying like how is a mangrove a rare but are we just like missing it like we’re just uh we’re just cool like we passed through a

Mangrove maybe i don’t think so i know what i’ve seen the pictures of what they look like i feel like yeah yeah but maybe like at one point we just didn’t roll our boat at a certain direction and missed it no i think it’s bad rng yeah

I feel like yeah we haven’t even seen a swamp though that’s the thing i know we haven’t uh seen any swamps yeah we’ve seen a lot of dolphins we’re kind of going back to where we came from but are we i don’t know we’re kind of ish

We’re like going in the direction we throw our boat in here or is that dead end oh no let’s try it let’s try it see this yeah no dirty water yeah we haven’t had any dirty water yeah get in okay that means you need to get in the in the pool so then

In the pool what does that mean oh my took a shower you still have your natural musk on yeah my natural mind maybe you need to get into the pool free free that’s fine i’ll sell it afterwards exactly free fairy bass yeah i feel like this is gonna turn into a

Dead end yeah me too this looks like a dead end no don’t say that it’s fine yeah we’re dead end right here no wait no there’s more yeah keep going keep going there’s more to it oh there’s a cave oh oh is it wow it’s not a dead end it’s

Not good what the [ __ ] there’s a giant cave system here though holy cow yeah this place is wild i hope our allies are yeah [Laughter] oh my god we literally have found every vile [ __ ] terracotta isn’t there an achievement for finding all the biomes

Well i i don’t know i mean if there is we still we’re still missing the ruins biome say the coordinates whoa look at that it looks like oh wait this is a town there’s a temple yeah oh my god let’s go we found a temple wow this place is wild looking look at

That it’s like next to the terracotta too yeah and we’re next to the tropicals yo this place is amazing maybe we should maybe this is our home yeah i know you know i’m gonna make a uh we should do a what’s it called here another portal yeah we should actually

What the hell dolphin stop it there’s like a lot of [ __ ] here yeah there’s tiny villagers tiny tiny village like desert villagers are so weird children oh there’s children here oh my god i mean it’s it’s still i’m not wrong though i mean technically yeah exactly

Tiny i mean like tiny humans could be our children too watch out watch out come here that’s it there’s so many cats okay let’s get in the boat bread no no what the [ __ ] these guys are poor they just have bread i can’t rob now you’re judging them yeah they’re

Oh my gosh this tiny tiny villager kiddo i’m [ __ ] sleeping in this bed come here come here there you go nice okay i made a portal so all right how am i supposed to rob them if they have nothing oh wait i’m gonna go through it i have to go through it right

Oh they literally have bread cactus and books that’s all they have in their town that’s so sad okay i’m in uh where are you there’s a forest the crimson forest oh you’re in prison for it’s nice okay all right i looked at all their chests and there was nothing where’s my bird

Where’s my bird where did your bird go oh is your bird not on you no oh no you lost your bird or maybe she’s he’s in the boat he could be trapped in the boat no i think he’s um you went through the portal Oh my god why do you just have brandon cactus please oh there he is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on come on what happened he’s fine in there he’ll be safe huh he’ll be safe that didn’t sound very safe just then okay lola still brandon cactus where are the emeralds

I looked at all the chests i looked at five to six chests and it’s just bread cactus and some occasional books or wheat what’s over there wow this is wild that’s a terracotta oh yeah holy [ __ ] what’s happening over there yeah what is that what yeah this place looks cool right

Look at this thing this tower looks like a finger pointing up doesn’t really like that the the minecraft generation there what is that oh wait i think that’s temple right it should be an interesting temple right it’s a watering hole okay almost fell a dragon can dream what

Sorry i already explored my my desert temple i miss my bird what did you do to your bird did you just leave it in the nether yeah because there was a hog coming at me you’re just gonna you just left your bird like that all the bird did for you

What did he do for me give you company companionship friendship squat squawked growled hissed yeah [Laughter] thank god it was in the pomodoro cheese yeah i think aren’t you guys you guys should be grateful now you guys should be honestly the axolotls are like the most well treated

Pet that pomo has owned in minecraft that’s not true i still have my other pirate i like him more oh oh my god favoritism place is so cool the terracotta yeah yeah i’ve never seen them structured like this we should head back though we have one thing on that we’re looking

For so and we just we just need technically two things yeah but we have to dig for the other thing for this one is easier to find hopefully maybe supposed to be easier yeah i just want to bring back some tadpoles yeah actually we actually have turtles too i

Have like a bunch of turtle eggs i just never bothered to hatch them what how do you get turtle eggs i was exploring i watched two turtles banged and then stole their babies what they just do that yeah you you feed them grass they lay eggs and then i stole the eggs

Yeah and now they’re mob babies so i’ve been keeping a bunch of turtle eggs in a chest did they make baby turtles yeah they make their eater you just plant the eggs on sand and then they they’re there forever what ah i’ll get back oh there you go yeah

Just like real life this is why turtles are in danger don’t do what i do don’t steal the turtleneck don’t steal yeah this is i mean that’s basically why turtle sea turtles are endangered because people keep [ __ ] stealing turtle eggs you’re part of the problem

I’m part of the system i’m part of this okay let’s see if i can get my bird back so then come in here and and and get my back so i could get my okay all right we’ve got you guys get him yeah we gotta we’re gonna rescue him okay

We’re gonna all right all right dragoon you’re gonna stay here okay you’re not gonna be like that parrot that went in and got stuck there forever he’s not forever stuck he’s just um okay come here come here all right get on my shoulder is he on my shoulder i

Think so i’m coming in i’m heading back okay you’re heading back i’m cutting it yeah i’m heading in oh you’re back already all right i’m getting back in oh he’s back yeah my bird is so smart he did it immediately let me where are you going i

Mean but he did go in though so because he followed he caused the problem oops dang it i jumped come on come on okay that’s your boat this is my boat yeah all right come here come here come here come here come here come here get

On my shoulder oh my god is it my parent on my shoulder no he’s in the water he’s dumb he is come here get get come here come on come on my shoulder come on girl i’ve been mine first your pair is just looking at you you’re

Not he’s just like how could you he’s like i think he’s having ptsd right now from yeah i think so too actually here i’ll give him some seed he’ll be happy oh and then you oh you gave your parrot ptsd from the journey wait is he on my shoulder yeah

He is okay easy all right here we go on the road again oh wait look explore the temple here yeah i think so that looks like a sea tunnel we should just follow the coast honestly yeah i’m thinking i’m thinking that too yeah follow the coast we’ll eventually find a

Oh there’s a bunch of squids over there yeah wait which coaster oh you’re following this coast okay where were you falling falling this goes too but you’re further away look at all those tiny villagers [Laughter] oh they’re so tiny so tiny tiny adult villagers you know they’re babies or not they’re

Wearing the same clothes how do they make babies if they’re not given bread by us uh they just die i guess [Laughter] i guess i’ll die i guess i’ll die yeah they it what’s weird like we come in and then suddenly they want to [ __ ] like do we we’re just that good looking yeah and they’re just like damn they never knew it and locked like some instinct inside of us where are you

Going so i don’t know you don’t have to be so literal about don’t have to follow every curve you’re the minecraft pro here i’m just here to be the muslim you’re the brain i’m the muscle pickles wait did i get the pickles i thought um i thought you were supposed

To hear the brains here what happened how would have i ever been the brains of it but out of the two of us you’re clearly the brains here oh my gosh this terracotta line is like it’s big well that’s good because i was afraid the other one was gonna get like you know

Colonized a little bit [Laughter] like nina was going ham because she’s so obsessed with making terracotta yeah yeah glazed stuff because she has she has like a a little thing on uh in that area where she just puts in the terracotta and it makes it on fire like it does it automatically

You know oh she has like a generator thing like yeah she’s just always making it she’s just always changing it into the colored stuff There’s no morals in minecraft [Laughter] like how we freed the allies just to trap them again i know we are your saviors now stay inside wait is that the jungle jungle did we loop back to the jungle no because the jungle was flatter remember it was like a smaller island this is a

New one it extended though there was another part was there i don’t even remember honestly come on where the hell where is it wait is it is this the same jungle we were i think so yeah is it no this chunk just loaded in for me like uh

I think we’re in the back side of it the back side mm-hmm Because i feel like we get a lot further away from this we are looping to another area we’re not lost if we have no destination yeah like we don’t even know where we are yeah we didn’t even know where we came from so technically we’re not lost yeah

We’re not lost no need you lost here everybody yeah we have no goals here wait wait wait was that the is that wait wait in front of us is that jungle i can’t say oh no it’s just a savannah oh [ __ ] yeah this is the savannah it’s just the savannah oh

My it’s new though it’s new because this huge chunk just loaded in for me hmm okay we gotta sleep though you got your bed okay yeah oops oh i didn’t mean to do that guess we have some new pickles oh mine it’s just africa night tonight i’ll just watch you tonight

One second one second one second what you doing there’s some zombies heading your way what really no he’s dead i just watched him burn hold on i want my pickle okay okay okay now let me get on top let me get on top let me get on top oh yeah my chat was

Like oh no neechi imperialism found africa oh my god this really needs you cancelled here you you you cultivated this i’m throwing away Where are we are we going this way are we going in no we’re not going okay oh are we going in i feel like it’s dead end though yeah i think so too like we’re leaving look we’re leaving the sofa we’re not we’re living we’re leaving we’re not doing it

It’s it’s exactly as it was we have a look at it i’ll dream about [Laughter] what could be right before what if there’s a village in there that i could steal from in village the new genghis khan you know apparently when they say he like he like banged a lot of people that

Like apparently a lot a lot of people have like one percent of his dna or some [ __ ] because kangaskhan yeah Oh wait hold on hold on is this forest or is this mangrove come on why is this forest right i can’t tell once i see the trees i’ll know ah it’s forest i’m pretty sure oh yeah one-fourth of asians are supposedly related to genghis khan kung because he he [Laughter] Yeah i don’t know if we want to say that that’s the right word for what he did and he’s going a little far he went a bit too far and one in every 200 men alive today is a relative jesus christ how many every day like did he just now all

It’s like that mulan scene right now all of china knows you’re here but now all of china knows that you have a relative in wait i i feel like for him he like basically like it’s it’s like a schedule he’s like ah yes 5 p.m time to make another baby

That’s that’s isn’t there like uh something like the the woman’s clock or something that’s the baby clock baby why do you know so much about this no isn’t that a thing though that people are just like i have a baby clock or something [Laughter] mangrove swamp spawn can spawn near

Jungles or deserts okay oh then we should just ride around the jungle here just to come here i feel like we’ve been around this area so many times i feel like this is a new jungle no these are new chunks i’m pretty sure okay it’s like they spawned in for me

Maybe there’s okay you’ve gone too far now no that’s dead end we can’t roll here i gotta go back it’s a dead end okay uh i mean no we gotta do this natural pomo i was gonna say we do have a way to figure out where it is

We do we do but we want to do this natural yeah it’s all about the exploration because when we do find that we will be so [ __ ] happy and we’re yeah hard work yeah yeah we’re going to cry and then we’re going to you’re going to cry with me right pomo right

Um that’s what challenge happens i’ll cry with you yeah cry together because it took us like 80 years now how how how we’re gonna get back that’s a thing for another stream how are we gonna get back i think is the easier part not gonna lie really because

We have like we have one oh look there’s spider webs up there wait what spider webs yeah this is uh this is a look there’s a this is a mine shaft wait what the [ __ ] why is there mine shaft out here in the open look there’s all up here too what

What the heck yeah how did it spawn like that how did it spawn look at this all outside yeah it just smells crazy this my shaft is huge though someone said they spawn way higher up in mesa mesa biomes oh oh look at that oh there’s a chest over here oh

I’ll take that i mean that’s a bird because there’s no uh oh no we’re gonna have a lot of like mobs here too oh wait my parrot okay i don’t want to be here because i feel like my parrot’s gonna die yeah where’s my pirate your pair’s just flying above you

There’s one here too oh name tag oh we can name our parents we can name them oh but we don’t have anvil you took it i mean i could make one i mean we could find another okay let’s put our parrots outside here and then we can get another i’m pretty

Sure there’s another name tag in here somewhere yeah probably yeah let’s just name them now so when they die we actually feel their i already searched that one we feel their deaths their deaths actually mean something because we named them yeah we gave them we gave them life

Uh where are my oh here hold on i’m gonna stick with you until i feel i have two torches left so i gotta make some more i have a couple yeah i used up mine i’m gonna farm a little bit i have like a

Lot of coal on me i just need like wood i hear zombo what the [ __ ] oops uh whoops i made some buttons accidentally oh my god i forgot the the torch porch thing why didn’t you just pipe and torch what i always do yeah the torches are

Such an easy craftable thing so i just easier for me to just do that but then i [ __ ] up because i forgot how to craft it for a second yeah i guess we could put our beds down for respawn but you know i need more uh what’s it called

Cool yeah oh there’s a skeleton [ __ ] it was like my body scared me there was a creeper here there’s a lot of coal here though get some coal real quick yeah i’ll get some coal because there’s a lot of wood around us anyway it’s just where are you sliding i’m scared

I am following the torches just trying to make sure we’re still exploring minecraft where are all the where are all the here’s the chess i know right there’s like two of them yeah this is a really big mine shaft we saw there was definitely more of it on

The outside yeah but i can only found like i haven’t found a single chest though i found a ton of like uh what i’ve tried i think i lost you i’m back where you were before where are you i am just exploring oh i found our chest i

See you i found a diamond and a lot of torches for myself oh i see where you are yeah i only found one more chest but didn’t have a name tag i think there’s a spider spawner nearby though you hear them i hear spiders once you find a mangrove are you going

To look for a woman grove in a children grove yeah oh there it is i found the spider spawner i’m leaving someone’s asking if i’m going to farm the gold i don’t think we really need gold we have so many blocks oh i see a creeper i see a creeper where are you

Here i already looked at this chest though maybe i can shoot him oh he’s gone come here coward i’m fine i don’t see oh get this string off me oh there’s another chest here nice all right our mission is just to find another name tag oh there’s glowberry oh no i got

Name tag for you i’m stuck um did you blow up the name tag um no no i got the name tag i got glowberries wear glowberries they glow that’s oh wait i found another chest i keep finding golden apples what is this i got raw goat gold okay

Where are you i’m you’re right below me okay this is this is claustrophobic i don’t like it i see you i see you here i dug a little bit for you all right i got i got a name tag for us we can leave oh let’s leave yeah let’s

Leave it out of here our goal was just to get name tags anyway here are only zombies you plant them and they produce light do we own glowberries or is this the first yeah yeah okay well now we have a bunch all right you get them from uh what’s it

Called caves oh okay lush caves is this a way out uh uh there’s something here yeah yeah here we go yeah i know like it’s the top this way this way oh god and you have a center you have a sense of direction yeah i got you i just go we’re out yay

And we need okay and we gotta sleep too yeah all right where’s our birds oh our parents oh my parents here we are here i’ll go i’ll go to sleep i’ll go to sleep okay okay i have my name tags for them uh which one okay here we go and i’ll

Put my domino uh okay all right not need you lost i know where i’m at yeah see we’re not lost at all okay we just yeah i have a 64 iron on me too yeah i have a lot of iron also so um here let me put down my crafting turbo

We can make all right you guys are gonna be named so if we please you they’ll have more emotional attachment oh we need blocks oh that’s right iron blocks we need three one yeah i’ll give you a name tag oh thank you three okay and then and the oh and

There’s just gonna be a random anvil in this location you’re not gonna take it home you’re just gonna leave it there why we don’t need it all right we’re gonna name yours um i don’t know uh i’m gonna call you dragoon wild for the wild update oh

Yeah you’re white or wild dragoon okay wild dragon do i name it oh or do i name it the end uh the end sounds [ __ ] ominous all right wild dragoon okay we’ll name it oh my pharaoh dragon oh [Laughter] all right get on my shoulder dragoon wild dinah his nickname the wild d

The wild d wait what is yours oh yeah the wild dragon yeah yeah to commemorate the wild update exploration i need to put some stuff in my chest too yeah i’m running out of space which one’s yours and which one’s mine is this one i think the sun’s smooth um

The diamond the raw gold the glowberries i have a lot of flowers so we’re gonna have to start putting stuff on your chest yeah you can put stuff in my chest i have a lot of room the king of d oh jack who had gone wild

Here i’ll give you my warped planks too i have a little bit of wood so okay all right onwards we go onwards wait is my bird on me is my bird on me yeah yeah yeah okay which way we came from did you just leave that minecraft yeah that minecart yeah blew up

Oh oh and wild the together spells wood you want to see our wood let’s see our wood yeah or wood in the wild i think if we go this way we’re going back right isn’t this now no new oh this is new this isn’t we’re going new area okay i hope you’re right

I’m like oh yeah see there’s a village over there let’s go let’s go pillage it i thought you said look at africa what the [ __ ] what happened you said you just wanted to look at africa what is that what is that rock up there is that a new type of

Rock what which one this no it’s not a deer deer dried or whatever is it oh maybe i’m just not used to it without a filter or a i’m pretty sure that’s the yeah right okay i’m pretty sure full speed blast guns are blazing [Laughter]

Come on let’s go how do you pillage when oh my gosh they’re [Laughter] [Laughter] how dare you shut that door on me spare your life today and thus uh villagers one-fourth of all villagers in minecraft share a little bit of pomu dna oh my god there’s nothing here they have a bucket

I’ll take that they have nothing and you’re still robbing them yeah oh this guy shut the door on me hey i’m not poking oh i’m not promoting what do you have oh you have nothing oh my god this guy is just shutting the door on me every time i open it

He did that for me too oh emerald’s nice i want a saddle yeah i got saddle too i think they know i think we’re in a problem here you have no profession even taking their jobs holy [ __ ] yeah i’m taking their jobs across i’m destroying the crops no more food for you

No crabs no food no food oh god [Laughter] villagers [Laughter] oh they got banners and stuff really i go in here oh they have pants why are you both their pants because they’re a family did you go in here yeah i did they just closed the door on me

I’m taking all their saplings so they can’t plant anymore so they can’t regrow their their girl their their their their village yeah oh here hold on [Laughter] [Applause] has conquered another village oh my god don’t write you about you in the history books puma they will he’ll remember the name paul murray puff

When they say pomonification i didn’t know this was what they meant yeah all right who are we like she came running in green green monster on her shoulder it was just a blur of yellow yellow green we couldn’t see what happened at all it happened so fast she took the kids

For her army for her army is my bird on me yeah is my brood on me yeah i feel like we care more about the birds in the village because we do wait oh that was weird i thought i saw something at the bottom there okay

All right do you know where we’re going yeah we gotta go this way okay unless it’s a dead end again well we’ll see does this count as the desert yeah yeah it is a desert biome i mean there’s dead trees there or dead bushes uh oh wait oh maybe yeah we’re okay

I think we’re going in a circle right oh yeah hey guys we’re back you thought we were gone no time to rebuild i think your your pillaging instincts took us back here yeah probably the the seek and destroy method i’m too bloodthirsty you got a taste of it now you can’t stop

Genghis palms oh my god the great cat moon rides again this is why everyone is a little bit palmu um maybe you go in here maybe yeah all right wait is this where we came from yes it is i think so yeah yeah i think we go like yeah we go this

Way instead uh this is where we came from too though is it though yeah we came in from here then we have to go this way then like we go straight from this way right no you lead the way you lead the way i lead the

Way oh my gosh i’m yeah i’m the most lost one out of all of us i’ll lead the way so then cause like we okay so this is a village we pillaged oh yeah yeah so then we go straight then it should be a new area right

Because we didn’t go straight but is it that a dead end uh is it oh it is yeah unless there’s a unless there’s a hole here no it’s a dead end so we got to go back yeah we have to go back yeah this area is a bust

Yeah all we got was a village yeah we should put another portal for this i’m back every once a year once a year you come back to pay your respects not respects you’re like i’m here to collect my taxes you know i was only planning on doing

This stream for like three hours because i have another stream later yeah but we i just really want to find this [ __ ] man yeah i know that’s i want to find our goddamn man gross i want to buy now yeah we can find the ward in another

Day but yeah we can always do a part two of the warden but like yeah the mangrove we just that’s all we want is this a dead end don’t tell me maybe not no it’s a dead end [ __ ] hell man we gotta go this way then we gotta sleep though we gotta sleep

Okay let’s find a place uh i got my bed carol go to this beach watch over my body all right i’m watching i’m watching i’m watching you sleep yeah you’re watching me sleepy i’m watching oh god are you smelling my hair yeah yeah i’m back bird okay i’m just i’m not you’re being

Pomodachies right now oh come here oh my god the skelly man is riding the spider wait where where are you sitting there what the did you guys everyone saw that right i don’t see it where are you hold on hold on go this way let me get let me get my bird off

Here come here yeah over here over here here over here over here where over here over here you take your meds i see a skully wow you missed it i see a skelly no pomo you’re crazy yeah homer you’re crazy there’s it’s only a skeleton over there pomo are you okay

Are you okay poem it does pomo i think pomo is seeing things he’s he’s watching me like mocking my existence he’s like you thought i was on a spider it’s a real thing it does happen it happened you guys don’t don’t don’t lie to her guys Oh you guys saw it right you guys saw it guys don’t lie to her don’t enable her let her know the truth it’s called a spider jockey the spider jockey what if we like leave our chest here and we just go inwards yeah but our stuff yeah but we we could

Just mark it though maybe because it spawns in a jungle right and there’s a lot of jungles someone said jungle and desert but i feel like i’ve seen i’ve seen uh i’ve seen swamps spawn anywhere yeah that’s true but like we’re near a jungle biome right now

Can we head straight here why don’t we head straight here and stop following the coast okay and see where that leads us maybe that will spawn a new chunk for us yeah all right you got a dolphin following you nice i hope the dolphin pushes me ahead the thing is

Are scary if this chunk is new or old i feel like this is where we’ve been right because we followed along the coast here yeah but mangrove swamps do not equal all swamps wait there’s now different kinds of swan yeah there’s two swamps there’s mangrove and this one

Uh the regular song were we here here turn this way go this eye yeah but that’s where we came from though right i think we just need to keep going uh this way you guys don’t have a map no we we’re we’re winging it yeah we’re winging it we could we could

Technically cheat but we’re not going to i think at this point we should cheat puma what happened i thought we’re doing this natural because it’s been three hours celen it’s been almost three hours but it’s about the adventure i’m hungry [Laughter] which way should we go let’s go through

Here does this lead anywhere let’s try this way okay oh oh that was my parrot gurgling are even the parrots hungry yeah you won’t eat until we find the mangroves parrot help me out dragoons don’t worry wild dragoons i’ll feed you this is it this isn’t my pomodaci they’re fine

Thank god they decide they didn’t decide to be a parrot thank god they’re lucky i feel like we’ve been here oh i think we have we had to backtrack a little bit yeah because these chunks are not they’re not loading in so i mean they’re like naturally loading instead

Like yeah maybe we go this way the left side yeah that’s what i’m trying to do maybe the left side is new i mean we could make another nether portal and head straight again and oh my god and then we magically end up at we magically land and end up in

In the in the in the mangroves yeah just like before we we just head straight i think it’s time to cheat is it really is it really time to cheat all right give me the coordinates [Laughter] negative 3 120. negative 8 400. okay give me a sec let’s just i mean

Let’s see if we can find land like if we just head straight and see where it takes us okay okay okay we’ll we’ll do that yeah this trunk loaded in we haven’t been here okay see this is a this is a loaded in chunk it’s just a desert though

Yeah but it’s supposed to be close to deserts remember yes true we can follow the coast of here there’s another broken nether portal yeah we haven’t been here i know oh wait what’s this oh this is my opponent we’re all we’re doing is just finding out look there’s so many

Yeah there’s so many holy [ __ ] okay we’re taking these suckers home yeah okay we gotta keep them in there though because then we have to trap them again wait we can make cookies here i’m gonna yeah we just mark it yeah i marked it watch out i don’t want them to shoot my

Parrot yeah you marked it yeah all right we found another outpost allies yeah we can free them later we’ll free them later yeah yeah we just need to figure out okay now there has to be the mangroves close to here it has to happen has to happen for the ultimate streamer look

Yeah we just keep fighting allies i think it’s because i put in my title that i want to find them so you manifested it maybe if i change the title finding man girls do it right now do it right [Laughter] this is it this is how we do it

This is how we do it oh there’s another africa yeah have we been to this africa because it’s not loading in like the chocolate places we’ve been to i feel like because these chunks are naturally loading in instead of oh my god we’re going back to the same village no no no no

I wouldn’t do that Your like natural instinct is to go back to that one oh there’s a speed temple here oh but have we seen that see temple before not this one look you see it oh yeah i see it that means there’s gonna be we haven’t passed by guardians oh that’s true

The thing is this chunk is like naturally low i don’t know that it’s cuz like i was here or what if someone else explored here oh wait no that wouldn’t make sense though because yeah the allies yeah the alleys yeah there’s a lot of forest here there’s a

Lot there’s a huge jungle here why are we finding so much i used to struggle so hard finding jungles and now it’s all like yeah it’s like everywhere yeah i just realized my music stopped let me put my music [Laughter] let’s see Allies is a strange name it is alex yeah i thought it was alloys for a second i’m just readjusting in my chair so i can get comfy oh where are we gonna cheat when are we gonna wait wait wait but we’re manifesting mangroves i thought we’re getting yeah

Hold on when’s my collab yeah when’s your stream i don’t remember it’s in two hours it’s in two hours okay we don’t find it in an hour mark we’re gonna what do you mean an hour wait you mean wait oh wait oh it’s in okay we don’t find it in like 10 minutes

10 minutes yeah yeah in 10 minutes we’re gonna pull something up yeah just a little bit just a little bit it’s okay it’s just just it’s tiny fix okay yeah yeah it’s okay [Laughter] i really want to find it ourselves but yeah this is being is being stubborn

I found a lot oh these are new chunks this is new chunks okay okay where are okay i see you shut up parrot my parrot is grown oh wait wait what what where we’ll start straight straight this way this way this way this way i think y’all

Shut up shut up is this mangroves yes wait is it it is it is i told you it’s all about the titles baby we actually found it [Laughter] i told you it’s all about changing the title business wait what is that a mangrove propagule what okay my bird’s here so don’t chop

My bird yeah my birthday is my bird here what’s this here i’ll place my bird out i think we need to sleep hold on let me see yeah we do i’ll sleep in the mud what is this i can’t believe we actually did oh that’s the sapling oh okay okay what is

That i got mangrove oh yeah okay i got i got some of that too where’s the froggies we gotta go to the swamp area to get the froggies okay bird you gotta stay here you gotta stay here away yeah put my bird down okay okay i found i found the frog

I found a swamp and i found this one okay where are you uh okay here you go yeah oh my god that’s all we needed i just had to change my stream title wow you had this in your power the entire time and you just didn’t do it celene god

I had such immense power oh feed on the tree what do you wait how do you find the frogs oh we get frogs yeah are they in the water we’ll hear them they they go like i don’t bottom but um but um but uh there’s a little cilan [Laughter] they’re just little slings

Oh the chords yeah yeah i know they make sounds wait what’s this is that you sink in the mud like no the mud is just normal um you make like blocks with this too the mud oh i don’t have any uh oh it sounds awful what the this is a tiny mangrove though

You sank two pixels in mud oh like soul sand oh oh i don’t see any frogs poguel i just wanna bring back some tadpoles mud can turn into clay oh yeah how do we where’s slime ball oh how are we gonna find slime ball i don’t even know where you are

Oh wait can we scoop we can’t scoop up frog we need to scoop up the babies i’m trying to find you right now i have no idea where i am i have no idea either next i don’t think we can bucket them right uh i’m lost i think we only [ __ ] a bucket

Um we can only bucket tadpoles we might be able to find oh my gosh i don’t know where you are i don’t know where i am either i’m gonna see your name tag i’m just looking in water now is it what did you find one in water yeah yeah yeah yeah

I don’t know oh please don’t tell me left no he’s still here he’s still here is he sub does he have babies around him oh no those are fishies i just found one frog though one singular frog one’s the last frog in existence swimming i don’t even know where you are

I don’t know either i’m looking for frogs i want to show you the frog i found oh yeah i can give you my coordinates you’re right that’s true you’re right let me plug in my other keyboard all right how do i what’s the button for coordinates again it’s been a while f3

S3 okay i am at uh 1944 uh nine negative one nine four four one nine four four and what and nine zero two nine he’s riveting wait what though no this way i’m just looking at him i showed you my frog please respond no there’s just

All i see are just one singular frog oh wait i see you see me you’re here there he is he’s riveting oh oh i’m stuck ah there he is oh my god there he is huge i know i’m trying to see if we can find another frog so we can breed it [Laughter]

If there’s tadpoles nearby we can kidnap that’s kids how do you how do you tell are tadpoles just as big no they’re just tattooed i see more frogs yeah yeah yeah yeah over here over here there’s two there’s two oh my god he’s hopping oh he’s [Laughter] there’s

Oh my god look at them jump yeah this mangrove is actually bigger than i thought i was like it is a lot smaller i don’t have my bed anymore so if it gets dark we’re kind of it’s kind of big yeah we got a bit [ __ ] we did it we found

The mangrove oh no the mangrove we did it everybody we did it we did it legit too legit too yeah we didn’t cheat we did it we’re this close we’re so close cheating see i could find um just slimes do slimes uh spawn in mangroves or no type of swamp so maybe

Yeah should we just wait until night time and then maybe we can get some slime balls yeah well we could let’s go uh yeah they say slimes at night no i’m not sure yet people not okay we they said to wait until night time and then they’ll spawn slimes

How do we get how do we get oh gosh i’m stuck because then then we can breed the frogs what get what the tadpoles we get a bucket we gotta breed the frogs to make tadpoles i have a bucket i have a bucket so and oh yeah

They lay eggs and then we can just farm we can still touch the eggs oh my god i’m like lagging or something they do spawn though oh wait tadpole spawn apparently but i guess it would be easier to it would be easier probably to uh grab them

Okay i found my bed okay well we don’t we’re gonna see if we can get some slime balls and then because that’s the way to breed them oh you can’t still touch the eggs okay then we gotta actually find headphones naturally you have a bucket on you i have a bucket

On me yeah i have a bucket i’m just gonna look around can’t take eggs wait yeah but we can take the tadpoles though only tadpoles and buckets okay okay i’m looking around i’m gonna see if i can find here i’m gonna grab my bed but

Just in case like we get into it okay i got a little buying the mangroves uh i don’t need a moss carpet so tadpoles do spawn chat because if they do we’ll just try to find the tadpoles then and kidnap the children fireflies in this update no no they took it out

What they were going to put fireflies but then they were like oh i forgot the reasoning but it was something about how oh yeah because they wanted the frogs to eat the fireflies but then there people were complaining about how fireflies are actually really toxic to frogs so they didn’t want to

Make it so that uh be like oh there’s like a snack yeah uh okay okay yeah but then i feel like you know they could just keep it but just not have the frogs eat them yeah where are you at i’m i don’t know so what did the frogs eat then they eat

Slime oh okay okay that’s why we need slime got it yeah yeah yeah kids would be feeding frogs fireflies yeah yeah yeah i’m back where the frogs are i feel like i feel like kids just heart it’s hard for kids to get [ __ ] firefly no it’s not i used to catch fireflies

All the time yeah i never seen a firefly before what maybe it’s like a like amer american forest thing maybe never seen a firefly before irl they’re cute they’re cute they’re very easy to catch they’re cause they’re so slow oh yeah because they’re very dumb lowest ever they’re glowing dumpy yeah

Where would they be where would they wait chad dude temples actually naturally spawn or do we have to breed them chat i’m like someone some people in my chat were saying they do spawn i’m kind of going in a little deep yeah i’m like looking around the i just see like

They say tadpoles don’t spawn so your child might have lied a question mark wait what would the egg okay the tadpole egg spawn yeah i don’t expect tadpoles to spawn without yeah yeah eggs so it’s really just a matter of the egg spawning yeah yeah

With the egg spawned in or do we have to breed them ourselves oh i see you you do i don’t see you someone bring back oh we gotta breed we gotta breed the frogs yeah so we do have the frogs the slime balls and hopefully we get slimes then yeah hopefully they

Spawn in here oh they spawn like because i don’t know if they spawn underground or if it’s in the spawn would they spawn oh they spawn above ground in swamps okay typically all right let’s hope that they do where’d you go i don’t know i just saw you i i never saw you

[Laughter] i never i never saw you wait wait you can’t catch frogs i thought they were too big for the bucket i mean if an axolotl can go into a bucket i feel like a frog should be able to but you know so if i have a slime we

Are very far from our home i don’t know you guys know that we are there’s no way we can go back to our slime farm we can put him on a boat but yeah i don’t want to wait oh i see you i see you see me yeah

I’m in the water i’m in the water okay all right yeah only tadpoles can go in the bucket yeah okay slime spawn i heard zombies but not slime great well then i’m gonna eat oh yeah i want some lamb they decided not to include a bunch of

Cool stuff they showed us which would make this update good but a bunch of weird features the whole wild update isn’t that wild i mean it’s so cool but it’s so cool i think the coolest thing is the uh what was it called i keep forgetting its

Official name i see a zombie coming at you turn around i i hear the zombie i got him where are birds [Applause] uh i know how to get back to them kind of okay i don’t see any slime not a lot of moms spawned the deep darkness yeah but it’s nighttime maybe they’re

Underground what is that a village a village you found a village oh no oh no of course pomo finds a bit hello i don’t even know where she is but she found oh it’s a bubble in africa [Laughter] i can’t sleep because uh you’re looking for you’re looking for

Slime so yeah yeah yeah i just love how i i just see you laugh and switch slowly wait what do i not need i mean i don’t need a lot of this stuff but what do i feel like giving up i don’t think there is any slime spawning above

It’s a new village yeah the [ __ ] is this bgm what the [ __ ] what did you put on your music like old chinese like instrument music all um yeah china oh my gosh the bgm is literally called china market china that’s like a syndrome or something no

No it’s like some it’s like a korean uh bgm free bgm because i was like i’ve been watching like korean crafters like arts and crafters and they’re nice a lot of them tend to use this channel for bgm and i was like you know what

Sounds nice i’ll use it free to use free is free baby yeah free is free exactly just like all this loot oh my gosh free is free what maybe there’s maybe because this is a mangrove maybe this is a swamp chunk right it should be a swamp chunk i mean

If it’s a swamp shot i’ll just dig down and see about oh god there’s a bunch of drowned in here it’s a mangrove it’s a mangrove chunk a swamped uh slime chunk a slime spawner chunk because if it is then i can just dig down was that you or was that

I can’t tell that was you for that was a mob that had enchantments on uh if it’s a black armor and then it’s me because i’m another right i’m too far i can’t tell where are you free for buying how are you i’m afraid to go in there

Where am i i’m in the in the mangrove i know but it’s scary in there it’s oh i see your name i see you actually save screenshot okay uh it doesn’t work the same as slime chunks oh we gotta wait till the full moon how do we know if it’s a full moon

You look at the sky forehand [ __ ] i can’t even see this is that the full moon no that’s an eclipse wait it’s an eclipse oh unlucky oh my god it really is an eclipse yeah it’s a new moon oh it’s a new moon how many days a

Okay so then i think this is where we how many days so it’s a full moon we found we found the mangroves we found the mangrove we found the mangroves the next stream we’ll fight in the next stream we’ll find the silence we’re staying here right until

Yeah yeah yeah or maybe maybe someone can bring us slimes yeah well look there’s a jungle stuff too a lot like next to us wait where’s our birds huh i don’t know have no idea i left them i left them like next to the bed

But then you took the bed so now i don’t know the bed was our guide to our board no no no the bed wasn’t we’re very far away from them yeah they’re by the boat so if we find our boats we’ll find them yeah yeah here let’s try this way

Maybe oh no this is to the village oh all right the next time you watch the next time in the pomus len adventures we’ll we’ll have a slime on us and we’ll have a bucket of tadpoles yeah yeah you’ll see you’ll all see you’ll all see

You’ll all see we’re just going to get all of those things off stream and then bird rescue do you think our birds are safe yeah they’re safe i had them sitting down oh that’s right okay and like they won’t attack the birds they attack us wow

It’s next to the boat so we just gotta find this is a jungle we put them in i know we put them in the mangrove i don’t know where we are i don’t know where we are we just gotta find we just gotta find the uh uh

Our boats and then we’ll find our birds yeah but okay find the boat so then all right i’ll find the oh there’s a drowned here yeah he’s been chasing after us for a minute why the heck are our boats at least we get to see the frogs

Where are we actually like what i’m saying like oh wait i think maybe this way this mangrove is bigger than i thought i thought it was a tiny mangrove i mean we’re really back to the village oh yes but you gotta stop telling you that they need it they need to regrow no

I know oh we gotta stop We’re trapped wait maybe this way i think maybe my way too wait where’d you go oh the sun is rising nice nice yeah i found the original frog the og oh i know how to get there from the origin oh wait i see you okay how to get there from the original

Frog yeah i know how to get okay back okay nice nice the original frog that’s stuck there i think he’s stuck oh someone said i’m really excited for pokemon edibility part two minecraft new update part two and house part two we have a lot of part two

We yeah we have uh we never finished uh river city girls yeah okay follow me one day just keep just keep hoping guys one day yeah oh hold on there you go honestly though this one will definitely get a part two because we’re stuck here this way yeah we’re totally stuck we’re stuck

Here and the only way we get back is if we play minecraft so and we need to get our allies too we need to have our whole journey to get them back home here we are see oh and wild dragoon here they are boats yay we did it all right yeah all right

In part two we will we will find uh find what was it called again the deep dark the deep i could never remember the deep dark that that dark web we will find a deep dark on our next minecraft place you guys will yeah i mean we got two out of three

Though yeah we got two or three we got the allies and the i’ll change my title to uh time to find the deep dark deep dark fantasies so then we’ll we’ll instantly find it after look at this frog oh my god there’s so many frogs here oh my god oh my god

Look at him are you sure you can’t pick them up okay sorry i’m pretty sure you can only fit them in a boat though or with let the lead i remember why is he all the way out here where are you going you’re lost yeah only uh

You need to feed two frogs with slime balls to breed them i’m kicking him [Applause] i’m pushing him he’s so confused he’s just so cute yeah and then we can find the ancient city too yeah yeah and then we’ll die by the warden’s hands yeah we’ll die by the

Wall oh there’s another one over here yeah he’s snowing oh man we were so close to frogs and why we have so much trouble there’s literally two right they’re literally right there you jump towards me hello guys hello there hello hello what do they drop oh we killed one Frog legs can you eat the frogs oh how does it taste frog legs really i mean there’s so many frogs it wouldn’t hurt yeah it’s just one frog okay so let’s do it which one do it should i do it yeah do it i do it all right

I’m sorry frog i’m doing this for pomo holy [ __ ] [Laughter] you can’t get away wait he doesn’t drop anything oh oh wow you wasted his life for wow it was the thrill of it it was for the thrill thrill of the year man that’s such a waste we could be

Eating on tree frog right now i know right we could be eating so many legs right now yeah yeah i heard it taste like chicken i feel like every time someone’s like it’s like an animal that you haven’t really eaten like frogs or rabbits they always say

Yeah it’s always like it tastes like chicken but not everything can taste like chicken how does it taste yeah that frog was tanky as hell it survived another race yeah he really he flew too he was ready to come back on land yeah he was like he’s like i’m coming back i’m gonna

[ __ ] kill your kids this guy is a survivor though he’s cool yeah he watched he watched me kill his his his brother hey you’ll live you’ll breed for us right yeah oh he doesn’t want to make tadpoles for us no hey you’ll make tadpole for us right and

Then we can kidnap your kids and leave yeah and put them in every time you start talking about that he literally jumped he’s like please no please no please let me be a free fry i just want to be a free frog i’m gonna go eat now so lynn all right

Geez good luck with your collab later thank you thank you thank you for joining me on this journey yeah yeah and then we’ll we’ll do it part two to get to find god yeah paul winston no way home now some way home maybe yeah we gotta finally we gotta get these things back

To ninja sanji yeah yeah we’ll we’ll do it somehow we’ll do yeah we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out yeah all right okay have fun chi chi’s fiji thanks thank you Yeah thanks for joining me too for the update yeah thanks for letting me know what happened i was just gonna i was just gonna do [ __ ] i don’t know you’re just gonna build i was like the new update yeah i was i was a fool and now we have frogs and allies

And allies too yeah and and pomo you pillaged a lot today i did i’m proud of myself yeah you’re proud you you you ruined a lot of families that’s okay it makes them stronger they’ll live they’ll recover and you know they’ll recover that you’re coming back you’re gonna come back yeah

It’s mine i’m back next year And do it all over again all over again [Laughter] you’ll never know what comes what hit them you’re coming back to see the next generation of poems that you’ve you created yeah they’ll get so used to it they’ll be like they’ll soon start to look forward to it like once a year

They’ll be like the drake [Laughter] The mangrove log looks so cool the mango log which one did you use yeah yeah oh this one i didn’t even i didn’t even get a recipe for it yet i mean either i was only picking up whatever these are though i forgot like they they grow up so yeah

You gotta like dig above the roots you’re like here yeah yeah new wood oh it’s like blood i wonder if a tree farm works with this or not it actually looks like like it looks like meat it looks like steak i know right it does like the wood is red yeah um

Meat log the meat the forbidden meat oh yeah yeah look at this one oop look at that oh my god that is bloody i know that looks like it’s [ __ ] raw that looks so bloody yeah let’s see it’s interesting you know what we can oh what do the stairs look like

There’s a crafting tape where did we have a crafting table where did it go a crafting table uh i have one oh yeah yeah yeah let’s see i want to see like the other wood for it what’s it called this mangrove vlog man grove you gotta turn it into planks first

Yeah yeah yeah yeah the swag can we do with the roots what’s it called roots we can make it into a muddy mangrove root the [ __ ] is that what can we do with mud i think we can make like that’s what that is okay we can be packed

Wait what can we do with mud though oh we can’t there’s like packed mud if we have wheat oh yeah what does the door look like oh yeah we can make a mangrove door and a bow and everything oh my gosh what the [ __ ] this magnet is down hold on and

This is what a skinned wow actually looks kind of nice oh yeah okay as bloody look at the door let me see if i can we can make clay with the this i think hey look at this door oh whoa trap door oh my gosh there’s a hole in between oh that’s it

Hold on i got it look look look got it it looks kind of fancy yeah it’s like fancy tiles yeah yeah you can see through it i kind of like that people are going to find like people new sanji ian are going to find this mango swap and then you’re just

Going to see a door and some you’re like we plastic it we found the man group and then you see a [ __ ] dory door and our everything our legacy is our legacy oh i like yeah these are cool windows too yeah i like these actually is there anything else specific i know

You can make a bow um anything else there’s the stairs but i imagine they look the same as like oh we should get saplings wait sapling is that not the prop prop oh yeah is it is the is are these the seeds for the trees

Yeah i think so but i don’t know how they grow we can watch that later the mangrove propagule is that oh those are okay then yeah we don’t need to find then we gotta grow these later well you guys oh your little uh what’s it called our rv uh oh my god

Our demo of all the new yeah yeah do you like our remember to like and subscribe uh yeah like and subscribe like and subscribe we found them i don’t have an oak button oh yeah that’s from me i actually made a button instead of sticks oh you put it in my

We’re not gonna keep the oak button i don’t want it yeah just throw it in the ocean yeah yeah samples and everything yeah yeah like the samples must be planted in water okay okay okay then we can do that frog lights wait what do you mean frog lights oh if you

I think like if you feed a frog some slime it it spits out oh wait magma cubes oh there you go we if you feed them magma cubes they drop fog lights oh so we got fine magma cubes for them they’re in the water we can find those easy that’s true

Hold on hold on we’re gonna feed hold on we have one last mission you guys okay okay let’s see it’s a full moon no it’s not no it’s gonna be a while because oh wait yeah it’s gonna be a couple of days before it’s a full moon

We’ll just stay here off stream until it’s a full moon magma cubes magma cubes okay i’m just gonna i’m gonna take my boat and i’m gonna search can i search for magma queues right now yeah real quick i’ll come back okay okay i’ll wait here yeah i’ll wait here

Looking after our birds god damn it grab the button again let’s throw it in the ocean goodbye splintering it’s glittering goodbye i put torches so you know how to come back thank you okay this is gonna be easy we just gotta find some real quick yeah yeah magma q’s

The easiest thing to find in this entire area okay i found some oh [ __ ] wait what that was fast Hold on i’m gonna sleep first But don’t we have to bring them over how are we bringing them in there i’m gonna go get it i’m gonna go find it i’m gonna go mine it they’re my magma cubes how do you mine it is this not a magma cube right here oh okay

Wait magma cube’s not mag but blocks yeah they have to be alive alive what do you mean oh yeah yeah so you bring the yeah that’s what i’m saying i was like how are you finding magma cues oh the ones that are alive yeah it’s like the slime one but magma

How do you bring that alive though i feel like you you bring the frog i ate oh they eat dirt that’s weird okay all we have to do i think we like we leash a frog into the nether and then bring them to a magma cube oh let’s do that right now okay

I mean we don’t have lead though we don’t have slime balls for lead oh that’s true yeah i was like how do we do that there’s a creeper in the woods oh no it’s next to your birds oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that’s how warm my batches died maybe we should

That’s how one of my dragoon batches died there i know my bed you guys chill oh my god all right park don’t worry guys part two we’ll figure this out i mean technically we could just stay here off stream until a full moon and kill some slimes yeah that’s true

If they appear we don’t know yet yeah they say they appear in the full moon so all we have to do is just stay here until a full moon shows up yeah i gotta go eat man i’m home yeah yeah i’ll stay here until full moon get some

Slime for us okay and then i’ll just uh i’ll get some tadpoles too or should we like keep the tables for the next stream we just get the slime for next stream yeah i probably am going to play minecraft before next stream though so but will you

Stream it though or are you just playing how would you get back here uh i’d just find my way home you’re gonna leave you’re gonna leave i’ve done it before and you’re gonna travel all the way back here no um where i’ll leave the bed here so if you

Do play or whatever you can spawn hey i’ll leave here i guess like you could we’ll figure something out yeah we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out how we’re gonna do this because i could just not play i could just not play we could have we could like schedule a

Gorilla minecraft session in this week we should yeah we should do another portal here hold on yeah oh yeah it’s true i have it in my chest There we go and i don’t want you i want wait do you have uh i have a flint oh okay yeah i do i do it’s in my boat i’ll get it okay okay i’ll do it right here i think it’s in your boat and i think i put it in your boat

A mine Wait no where did i put my flind and steel did i put my boat Schedule a gorilla oh yeah i did okay put some mangrove stuff in here all right i got it you know what it’s fine i got my flynn and steel okay i’m connecting the dots okay there we go thank you now we activate it where does it go nobody knows where does

This portal go one last surprise everybody we’re in the [ __ ] fortress what the [ __ ] we’re on top of a goddamn fortress you can’t oh my god what is it what is it it’s a place so then where are we oh where are we [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter]

Oh oh we need to get down there okay where’s our frogs they’re down there they’re down there okay here we go ready yeah yeah i’m watching i’m watching ah okay i didn’t jump i just ran all right over here is our other thing still over here our other portal is it

I don’t know what the [ __ ] portal what oh my god [Laughter] our portal’s still here what the [ __ ] i’m so confused i’m so confused how this how let’s put some blood blood blood okay um that was that was weird that was that was weird that was well we’re live barely

Found a fortress yeah yeah we found another fortress wow we have to disable the others wait the one that we just jumped from oh okay well then we could do that later we can go yeah we’ll do that later disable it yeah yeah yeah i thought i almost thought it took

Us like some [ __ ] new dimension or some [ __ ] i know i was so confused i was like did it take us like to somewhere new like where are we someone said it’s probably because there’s lava in that location oh i mean that means there wasn’t there was it was

The it was the fortress yeah but they seemed like maybe like this would have connected to lava so they took us to another area or maybe maybe maybe um fascinating Interesting all right we’ll figure out how we’re gonna do this part two yeah later we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out all right thank you everybody for joining us for joining us on this crazy wacky adventure yeah we found two out of three you know

Yeah it’s not so bad i mean it took us like two hours to find two but yeah yeah but like it took us like five minutes to get the first time look look i had all i had to do was change the title apparently yeah yeah i just

Changed the title you had the power i had the power but i didn’t realize that the power i had until now next we go into the deep web the deep web yeah yeah yeah we’re gonna get slapped by the warden yeah yeah and die and uh well maybe you

Die i’m just gonna run away one of us has to run faster than the other and we both run the same speed yeah but maybe i can what do you mean faster i can b-hop just as fast as you know i can be out faster no i could be hot faster now

I can be out faster no look how fast i’m going and look how fast i’m going look how fast i’m going no no look how fast i’m going look at how fast i’m going look at me look at me you had a head start it doesn’t matter no no no that’s

Copium that’s cool oh no no no no you’re copium right now yeah yeah you’re copying right look at me i’m ahead of you now no i’m not even going that way you’re not even going that way yeah i completed taco’s tower faster oh yeah i don’t care i at least

Completed it i completed it before you [Laughter] i never want to look at that tower ever again you know i’ve did that tower like nine times already Yeah but there’s only one head and that’s fine yeah yeah it’s true all the heads are gone now i think like i think harry got the last one oh [ __ ] it’s not the last one to finish it to get a dragon head everyone’s doing it now yeah everyone’s doing it when the uh

When the dragon head’s gone apparently like there’s no more items in the prize area oh oh no yeah because like because of you know you no i returned all of it i told taka i took like six electra’s and i i took six elijah’s and i put it back in

The chest because i was like oh my god i didn’t talk about it too i was like i did and then he made a he made a no prize and exit just for me because i can’t [Laughter] you [ __ ] it up you made him do more work because of you because

My guy is doing it too it’s not just me lucas been [ __ ] speed writing it i know he’s speed running him and him and i could like speed run it so quickly yeah yeah he his his the record right now ninja sanji is like seven minutes

Seven minutes yeah i got like i got it down to for 14 minutes jesus i don’t know i i don’t know if ike’s better on it though i think he only did it like two times i don’t know i don’t remember because his record was 17 minutes on his second second attempt

God damn yeah luca did his in like less than an hour i’m just glad i beat it that’s and i got the head that’s all i care about me too i’m glad i got the head too yeah i honestly thought it would take me days

To do it we got to get the head here have to get the head here yeah we have the end portal we can do it yeah i think we can we just gotta [ __ ] reconnect all the portables no no no i know how to get to it yeah yeah yeah yeah really

That’s what i mean you gotta reconnect the portal wait i never can no i never uh i never opened it oh you never open it no no i mean like the nether portal to the fortress didn’t you guys find it no no i found it on land first so i know

How to get there okay as long as you marked it we’re fine first off we gotta we’re good wait it’s almost nighttime again oh it’s a half moon wait it’s almost a full moon i’m going i’m going to i’m okay okay hey hey i know i’m talking to him

Though we sleep then the next day it’ll be more it’ll be a full moon right yeah yeah i think it’ll be i mean it’s half moon it should be the next day it would be the i mean we could talk zach dawn for another night [Laughter] i haven’t even bought the game that

We’re playing tonight actually i don’t know what we’re playing i don’t even know what the [ __ ] how did the mlp planning go like what the [ __ ] you guys don’t even know what game you’re playing what the [ __ ] it’s like do you even know what you’re doing with the other collab with uh

The other thing that millie’s planning because your schedules are all like what is millie doing oh she said it’s like some sort of dating thing i don’t know i think yeah i guess i’m getting a girlfriend with a lyra i guess we have a sonny’s part of it too wait who’s the bachelorette

Wait there’s uh wait wait wait is sunny picking what yeah cause he’s part of it too you know no just it’s just um i’ll be picking alira that’s the yeah but what if but what if you’re you and alira are the contestants and sonny’s the one picking then i can decline right

I’ll pull a tomodachi life and i’ll be like that’s part of it unless it’s a lyric who’s picking do you know who’s picky i don’t know what’s going on nothing has been told the instruction’s unclear actually because i think he’s like the only only guy part of it what wait alera’s picking

Is picking and everyone else is the bachelor so i’m going to move her over whatever doesn’t pick you then i i’ll kill myself [Laughter] i’m a dragon i will i’m alive myself i’m a dragon sister but we’re just bro we’re just yeah we’re just bros

Though i can be i can be your bro [Laughter] and i’m just like i’m just trying to game right now i’m just keeping i don’t have time for relationships i’m a gamer guys i’m a gamer i’m just here to be your bro dude gamers gamers don’t okay you’re talking

About like management scripts right to your stream just yeah a little bit yeah okay so i talked about it too you know how like our met like um you know okay so when we like asked when they asked us like how do you want your scripts to be like and

I would be like i wrote that i would like it to be like a bro you know like a best friend but then they don’t write it did i write my own scripts because i realized this is not this is not best friend bro [Laughter] they always make mine about food

Every i’m like i’m like can i not have a script where we go out to eat and they’re just like yeah next script is about i think like about food in my in the one and then my latest one they’re just like i trick i trick the viewer into going to a restaurant

I say we’re going to the beach and then we go to a restaurant they’re like oh yeah yeah not about food but technically going to a restaurant isn’t about food you’re going somewhere so funny like maybe they just feel like that’s what everyone can connect on but

It’s just food is like i think i’m like i know like alira’s scripts are always about going to a cafe oh really yeah yeah because i uh i uh cause remember when they were public at first like the scripts were sent to everyone yeah yeah yeah yeah and i was

Like look when i was writing my own script i needed ideas on like what to base it on and then i remember looking at a lyric script and almost all of them were just above goalkeepers so it’s not just me okay yeah no no everyone is about food more like like

Everyone has one segment about food so i was like please defeat the writer oh my god okay i’m just so hungry i’ve never been fed in my life is anyone paying our scriptwriters it’s secretly like a like there’s like subliminal messaging like you know trying to be like please feed us please

Help us [Laughter] feed the writers feed me and writers please oh my god okay i’m going and i’m going actually yeah yeah we keep like tapping i suddenly have a bunch of messages in my mlp wait wait wait we could tell about the game you’re playing now then

Oh it’s because i asked oh um it revealed the game oh hold on I’m holding i’m holding no hold on wait what i’m holding What mellie is telling me to talk wait what is this what say say non-sex stories what what millie what she’s watching the stream what confused what what does that mean i don’t know hold up i’m so confused is this about the the stream the dating show stream normal stories no no no

Normal story normal stories yeah okay i don’t know um i have no idea what’s going on wait so so tonight’s stream is not a game you guys are just talking about no it’s supposed to we were we had a game um i was asking if we got a permission about it oh okay

But yeah cause i that’s cause that’s why i’m just like i don’t know what game we’re playing because the one that we initially asked about i’m not sure if we so that’s why it was kind of up in the air what we were playing because we were

Still waiting to hear back i know there’s a uh a game like it’s i know what game you’re asking it’s like a sandbox right i don’t know yeah uh i saw the i saw the game that millie asked i think it was millie that asked it or luca luco was

Asking for and it’s a sound there’s another sandbox game if you guys can’t get that i know another game that already has perms oh maybe oh wait let me send it to you i mean i can listen like the last time mlp did the collab

It was all done like 10 minutes before i know you guys were trying to get one game working and it didn’t work so you guys have to move on quick to the other one yeah i remember that all right where is let’s see yeah she’s uh management is

Still trying to check for it but there’s this other game you guys because it’s basically like your game but like um because they they’re asking for a sound like luke is asking for a sandbox game and i know another one wait this one classic mlp what’s this channel i don’t even know

Whose channel it’s going to be on it’s just not my channel because i did the last time so i don’t want it on my channel i’ll send you the i’ll send you the steam link to it uh okay because i know we have permissions on millie’s channel everybody it’s on millie’s channel

Millie’s channel all right where are you there you go and millie are both watching oh wait we have perms for this yeah we do we do this will be fun i think you guys would have fun with this billy so this seems fun yeah okay thank you

Thank you yeah because i know we have i’ve asked about this game before in the past okay cool and it wasn’t it was i had in like a back burner being like when i’ll ever use it but you guys can use it thank y’all hey look it’s almost night time we can

Wait until night time oh my god actually what time is it like in game you know like look at over there it’s the sun setting all right this is it this is it this is it i think oh i see it yeah yeah this is it this is it

We might get a full moon So lynn’s not letting me leave what do you mean we were solving your your mlp problems luca said this game is kind of pog as i’m saying i know you guys would like this i’m pretty sure like this game will fit you guys very well yeah it looks fun i’m so hungry everybody

Okay we can eat the tadpoles we can eat the babies i have so much i have so much food in my inventory but nothing to eat irl i’m just dying just think about the tadpoles this is it we’re gonna make it okay i’m not gonna make it so then i’m gonna

Die here on this kid i’m gonna die i’m gonna go back to sleep i’m gonna go to sleep we waited so long we’re gonna go to sleep so then i’m so low on energy i just need to sleep [Laughter] is it oh it was not even a full moon anyway

It wasn’t even it’s a it’s like awesome like a crescent moon or a quarter moon Thank you thank you thank you all for coming to our journey yeah that was quite the journey it was just been hopping around here for the past like 50 years yeah we basically had like an impromptu zaxa done hey oh betsy what the [ __ ] was that it’s a

Yeah um just shoot crossbow you want it yeah i want to try all right here’s the arrow it has literally one arrow okay okay i knew it oh betsy the old bad scene all right thank you everyone we hope you enjoyed it thank you guys for hanging out with us

And part two that will eventually happen that will eventually happen i’ll stay here so we could we could do it and maybe we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out one day yeah yeah we’ll we’ll we’ll get yeah we’ll talk about it later off stream yeah how

We’re gonna do it part two but thank you guys i’ll do a little that’s it on with my dragoons um see you next time bye pummel bye bye [Laughter] [Laughter] all right thank you everybody i hope you guys enjoyed i hope you guys um enjoyed our little adventure there what the [ __ ] [Laughter]

She hit me she’s firing arrows at me oh my god goddammit and now she’s gone now she’s got all right i’m gonna stay stay in the world for one more night until just to get the full moon and slime balls because we’re not cheating we’re gonna

Do this legit guys we’re gonna do this legit but i do hope you guys enjoyed our little uh our literal adventure uh with pomo also let me show my merch a little bit since you know since we’re here Let me show my merch a little bit uh okay here we go just a fast merch stock for those who don’t know uh for those who don’t know we restocked our first step goods which is over there So you guys want to support me check out the first step goods uh because it recently got restocked so if you missed out on the acrylic stands or the buttons check that out there’s also other i think like voice packs where all buttons and the voice packs were put back on too

Um but yeah that was really fun i hope you guys had a lot of fun uh with our adventure it’s definitely different i know like pomo does a lot of like adventure streams and minecraft with the other niji members i feel like ours our adventure together got a little bit chaotic with

Uh niji imperialism we we went a whole different way with how we adventure we went a whole different direction that i did not expect it to go but i hope you guys still enjoyed it i had a lot of fun i love fun i’m honestly surprised pomu didn’t realize about the

Didn’t know about the minecraft update because i uh like i said how this collab came to be was that i saw that she i was planning on doing the minecraft update stream today too um i was planning on doing that stream today and i saw that poem was streaming

It was between minecraft too so i was like oh she’s shooting minecraft she must be doing an update stream as well so i asked her on this grid i was like hey uh you ready for the update and she’s like what the minecraft update’s coming out when i

Was like on the day you’re streaming minecraft fomo he’s like oh [Laughter] i just played minecraft on tuesday i always played minecraft on tuesday i was like oh okay well good timing and that’s how the collab came to be we were just like oh yeah let’s just let’s just play some

Some minecraft together then since we’re both streaming minecraft on the same day anyway yeah they came out today the mangroves we found mangroves look at our little birds uh so it’s basically the frog update with the dark whatever the dark web i’m just calling it the

Dark web i don’t know why i never i don’t remember the [ __ ] name of that place all the time it’s all and okay for some reason this week and next week it’s going to be so i feel the last this week last week and next week is

Going to be very poor collab centric uh because we’re having another collab with poem next week as well i mean also we’re doing another collab with luca pomou and sunny um and sunny um with the hands horror uh simulator sadly vox couldn’t make we’re planning on doing our sequel to it

With vox but he’s on a break right now so sunny would be uh or be taking over for vox uh but next week i’m doing a collab with vulgar and pomu on a a little horror game well it’s not really horror it’s called something called the holy purge or we’re supposed

We’re priests and we’re trying to we’re trying to exorcist something because i’ve never i never had a collab with like a trio collab with folger and pomo so i thought it’d be a nice combination to have because i know i have good chemistry with pomo and i know

I have good chemistry with folger so i figured like the three of us together would be pretty fun i like testing out like different chemistry combinations it’s basically how niji cancel came to be how i organized ninja cancelled i knew like i had really good chemistry with uh folger and i knew i

Had a really good chemistry with vox so i felt like oh it’d be fun to do and then we added anna because the card game we’re playing was like all about bantering and talking so i knew like anna would be like perfect for it too so i love like testing out like

Different uh dynamics and see how it goes yeah yeah that sounds like that’s how nikki canceled came to be and everything selen the chemist the social alchemist truly is truly i’m gonna hydrate real quick i’m just waiting to see if the next the next moon has to be a full moon so i

Just want to get some slime balls so i can get some slime balls and then like prep for the next stream also for those who are watching bloodborne stream yesterday um i farmed a hundred blood vials so we’re never farming blood vials again we are never gonna have to farm blood vials

On stream again because i farmed a hundred off stream all i kept killing those two orcs over and over again until i got a hundred blood vials so i goddamn i hope i hope the hundred blood also here’s the frog oh wait you guys can’t see i forgot i’m not sharing my

I’m not sharing this anymore here’s the frog for those who missed it he is there he is i’m gonna make sure i don’t kill him though uh there’s the frog anyway back to here [Laughter] oh but i had a lot of oh my gosh i need

To put my waiting room for tonight too where the oh [ __ ] the sunset the the sun setting okay i hope the moon comes out now um you name the frog no we’re gonna farm we’re not keeping these frogs we’re gonna try and get cat we’re breeding

Them to get tadpoles i need slime balls though i need i’m breeding them to get some tadpoles uh but we need some slime balls for it but we’re gonna do the whole breeding thing with pomu on stream as you know this journey started with pomo i might as well end it with pomo

Um so tonight’s japanese learning stream i actually don’t really have much of a huge plan with it um it’s mostly i do have some flash cards which just help me help me like i also have some japanese learning games that i recently got perms for so we might as well play some um

Some some japanese uh learning games as well some like flash cards and stuff i wanted to use my textbook on stream but i don’t think i’m allowed to um i’m still waiting to see if i’m allowed to use my textbook on stream and just like share my textbook and stuff

Uh share like bits of my you know not like all of it obviously but like bits of my textbook and stuff but i don’t think i’m allowed to i’m still waiting on that um but no like uh basically let’s get like just like one or two sketch like i

Don’t you know i’m obviously i’m gonna scan all of it but just like a couple of pages from it because i know like some of the pages on the textbook is free online so like i was planning maybe like using the free pages and stuff

See if that works but i couldn’t get i couldn’t get like perms for it on time i guess so i’m still figuring uh figuring that out um but yeah i honestly i don’t know really because i don’t want to do duolingo because i feel like duolingo isn’t like that helpful

Imo in terms of learning japanese i want to actually like study study basically so uh so yeah like i haven’t studied japanese in a long time so i basically forgot most of the things i learned because i’m not brushing up my memory with it okay there has to be slime now right

There has to okay i’m gonna show back to see if we can get some slime all right let’s see if slime shows up in the mangrove this is the full moon i can’t tell because it’s raining also ben welcome to the embership well i’m gonna get rid of some torches though uh

Welcome to the embership welcome welcome i can’t tell i can’t tell cause it’s raining i can’t tell oh my god i don’t know if it’s a full moon or not because it’s raining i don’t think there’s slime here though i don’t think there’s slime here guys

How do you think it was super chat thinking thank you i see i see skelly’s i see uh do slimes not go with dude spines not spawn if it’s raining is that it the slime’s not spawn when it’s raining so we are at a swamp there’s spiders here

It should be it technically should be the full moon they do where are my slimes for my goddamn slimes where’s my goddamn slime oh my gosh [ __ ] off i spent all that i spent all that time trying to find me some slime i’m gonna be lost again though

I mean there’s a creeper here we need more space holy [ __ ] but it’s the mangrove there’s barely space in the mangrove oh there’s the og frog the frog that got stuck i feel like there’s like not enough space for them to spawn in the mangrove i waited for a full moon and everything

Or the heck of my slimes i should have brought slime balls i wish oh my gosh i should have got brought goddamn slime balls during our [ __ ] trip i didn’t even realize we needed them if i knew i would have brought a lot of slime balls holy [ __ ] thank god i feel they’re

Falling oh my god thank [ __ ] god i have feather falling oh my god i don’t think we’re gonna find any slime i found everything but slime i waited so many light nights homo i was trying to find a slime but i can’t all i found are frogs and skeletons and creepers

There’s no and it’s raining so i don’t even know if it’s a full moon i can’t even tell it rained on the night that could have been a full moon like what is the what’s the luck on that i did i can’t tell homo i can’t tell if this is a full moon

Or not because it’s raining check f3 oh does it tell me if it’s a full moon or not what does it say okay i don’t know where to look at what does it say is it full moon what do you say how do i know how do i know oh i keep screenshotting

You guys see it are we at full moon do you guys see it change the street do you guys see it try looking at the sky with f3 is that how it works is that actually how it works i’m like lost pomo i don’t know how to get back to our mangrove

I [ __ ] up i’m i’m in like africa oh oh oh wait wait wait wait stop reading where’s the moon where the [ __ ] did the moon go wait where’s the moon wait did it rinse again [Laughter] oh my god oh i haven’t slept in a while i’ve been

Staying i’ve been letting po mo sleep for me oh this is bad oh i hit it oh my god oh my god there it is there it is oh Okay i know there’s a creeper guys i i can see him it’s not like i don’t see this giant ass creeper okay we got it we did it we did it [Laughter] okay okay okay i did it i got a slime homo there’s more slime okay i’m going to get rid of it

Again but we did it i just finished my cereal yeah would you eat cereal for okay we did it we did it i got a slime okay hold on the uh do you know where you are yeah i’m back at the base i’m back at home base okay

Okay okay okay okay all right do you have bucket you have the bucket uh yeah i have the bucket all right all right all right we ready to breed the read the toads yeah we need to go should i get make more than one bucket uh well we just need tadpoles we should

Get like two tackles right yeah i have like like six slime balls hold on oh i have enough i have enough to make uh make lead for us too for the allies oh nice nice okay yeah yeah uh where’d my crafting table go it’s like back at home bait it’s back here

Where i’m at like next to home base with the door oh oh there you go yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s like here oh my god you did it i’m gonna make another bucket just when i thought i was okay to leave just when you thought you left you came calling back yeah okay

Finally my blind ball journey is over okay let’s get there’s two white toads here yeah that’s what i was thinking i would just go get those guys yeah and then we watched them breed and then we oh they are we watch them yeah okay there’s one where’s the other

One no no it’s already yeah oh that’s forgotten it’s following you it’s the guy that got stuck now he’s not stuck anymore yeah he likes it oh right here right here i see him there we go all right let’s breed these two are you ready There you go now make babies uh fun change to a different item now make babies What are you guys doing come on yeah push them in push them in oh we messed up we messed up are you making babies they were hold on let me push this guy here go go through the baby oh my god baby you do love each other now yeah yeah yeah yeah

Come on wait what do we [ __ ] up does it do it again i mess what up [ __ ] what happened what happened again okay okay i’ll feed them again What what i have two left they’re walking towards each other okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah they fought it’s inexperienced where is it okay no no one has to go to the water and big eggs they’re gonna lay eggs now go to the water hurry up hurry up

Okay is this one yeah yeah yes yes okay then we wait we watch for 30 seconds 30 seconds okay okay and they’ll be tadpoles all right does my bucket need to have water in it because i do have it i have both apparently but i have no idea

We’re gonna have to wait until a whole other night to get those leads back because we have to aren’t we gonna bring back two frogs oh yeah we no we can just bring back tadpoles though we can bring back allies though we have two slime balls for allies how many

Tadpoles are going to be made just one or a bunch i think a bunch i mean there’s a bunch of eggs you have another book i have a bucket too yeah i have two i’m just gonna i’m ready they’re right next to each other i’m prepared i’m ready i’m ready

We’re waiting we’re ready this is the way we’re ready this is what hell frog oh something he doesn’t like that word stealing his kids yeah they’re our kids now for the army for the army we need them for the army i think it’s been longer than 30 seconds

They said 30 seconds though are you sure maybe it maybe it hasn’t been fairies are known to steal children oh that makes sense yeah so true yeah my aunt does that what did your aunt stole you [Laughter] wait is it not 30 seconds how is this supposed to be a long time

No it says yeah wait about 30 seconds for the frog spawn to hatch what why do you say 30 seconds step back a little maybe maybe did he lay in the shitty spot Defect eggs defect sounds like bone meal bone meal [Laughter] uh it says five to ten five to ten minutes why the okay you know like the guy you sent me pomo it says 30 seconds on it what your guide is defective [Laughter] i got it from twitter.com

Yeah that’s that’s maybe maybe the so i found like this uh if what celine’s talking about is like a checklist of like the new stuff that’s in the update and one of them is wait about 30 seconds for this frog spawn hatch but maybe they meant like wait for 30 seconds like like

Stand there for 30 seconds and then walk away and come back and walk away and come back i don’t think i don’t think that’s yeah [Laughter] it’s probably outdated info maybe maybe it’s like before what was it was the guide made like during like the up this

Update or like the latest you know like the beta test i have no idea i just because minecraft was trending on twitter i just you just got it they just said just wait you might lose them wait you can lose attack oh tad what okay fine fine i’ll come back

I’m honest oh my god okay oh my gosh it’s like it’s like watching it paint dry it really is you know what they look like you know like those uh uh lychee it looks like yeah yeah i know what you’re talking about yeah yeah yeah it looks like that oh there’s also

This fruit called like dragon’s eye like i don’t know the english name for it but like in chinese it’s it’s really translated to dragon eye it looks like that the dragon dragon fruit i think also is the same it’s like it’s called the line so it’s like dragon eye it’s really delicious

Oh yeah uh is it this and then i send to you all right it’ll be funny they hatch when i’m looking at what you sent to me no no no no it is uh let’s see drag it’s really sweet too dragon eye fruit you should try it i love it

Oh it’s called wait is it actually called dragonite in english translation it looks like this oh yeah i’ve seen these before yeah yeah they’re really they’re like sweet long get long gun fruit uh that’s like the cantonese pronunciation of it say one more time wow they look like eggs

Yeah they look yeah that’s what i’m saying it looks like the it looks like the tadpole eggs yeah it’s very similar to lychee yummy i love fruit me too yesterday i was so angry because i love tangerines and i had seeds in my tangerines while i was playing a souls game and i

Was molding so hard like not only am i dying to bosses but there’s seeds in my tangerine because it sucks because they’re like really tiny already and the fact that you have to like [Laughter] my day is ruined actual first world problem there so are you guys planning on playing that

Game i suggested yeah i think so that’s the one we’re playing yeah has it been made announcement already are you guys just gonna surprise your chat i don’t know i think uh whenever millie makes the waiting room oh my god to get dark yeah i know that’s all i was thinking too

Please hatch come on we’re waiting will they just pop into existence like this is our first time seeing toad yeah how many how many hatch too yeah i’m making worse oh millie made the waiting room oh yeah oh yeah so for those who don’t know the game is

I’m scared of like breaking this because i feel like i break anything it’s gonna uh oh two to six oh we should light it up you’re right oh yeah yeah oh good idea i have no torches for us okay patiently waiting it’s our first time guys it’s our first

Time it’s our first time like how this frog is just regularly watching us look at her eggs and all right we can’t sleep guys we don’t have we don’t have a bed our bed is like far from us and we’ve already committed to looking at these eggs yeah we’re committed man [Laughter]

Come on i’m not gonna lose a single one me too wait but there’s six we need six buckets well we can bring back three that’s enough yeah how many buckets do you have i have one i can make another one though okay that’s the trapdoor i forgot we

Need a crafting table for that i can make a crafting table can i yeah i can come on they’re already fertilized there’s black dots in it that’s when you know they’re fertilized it’s true though oh my gosh you’re stepping on them i’m not step on the eggs [Laughter]

Oh my god bucket of tadpole we got a buggy yeah you stepped on it and they hatched i didn’t do this i was standing on this block the whole time we did it there’s one baby one still left there’s one step yeah we should get okay i’m

Gonna make a crafting table too i’m following him i’m following him all right and i’ll make a eye on the prize oh wait there’s two there’s two okay i’ll make two buckets then yeah eye on the prize how do you make a bucket i remember okay one or we could

Leave one here so that they like you know populate the frog area that’s all right their parents can do that okay i’ll get rid of the moss carpet where’s the other one over here oh my god it’s swim so far yeah they they’re he’s a swimmer we need more kids for the army

Yeah and then there’s one other one oh she doesn’t want okay there you go i got one okay where’s the other one hold on i have to see it with my eyes oh here he is here who’s down here okay okay all right here we go hello temple you saw you could escape

Your brothers and sisters are happy with us there you go i got another one there you are army of frogs yeah we did it as much as like these village aren’t going to pillage them [Laughter] we did it we did it officially completed two out of three oh man i ended my stream

That’s all right we still have the third one yeah we still have the third one together well that means we can go home and whatever then and then we’ll find out it’s true and then we find it well no we still have to go really far yeah right stay here though yeah

I mean technically we can dig down and then try and find it via that way yeah yeah we could go to that original you know our outpost and we just dig down and find it because we have to be we’ll just travel all the way back to

Our original outpost and just dig down yeah we’ll we’ll find our way yeah we’ll find her the next stream we’re gonna be there already chad yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the next stream will travel all the way back there ourselves and then we’ll start at the outpost

Yeah yeah we can get to the dark web all right the dark web okay i go how do we wait why don’t we get back to our campsite oh i’ll show you yeah yeah yeah cause you’re you’re the direction person i’m not Wait oh there’s more slime oh that’s mud sorry that’s you on mine i thought that was me on mud yeah i thought that was the slime hopping isn’t it this way wait now i’m lost oh no hold on hold on let’s go back to where

The oh here we are here i found it okay okay i thought i heard i thought i heard slime too yeah no yeah it sounds like the slime oh god creeper i’m fine as long as it doesn’t explode near the birds we’ll be okay yeah okay we’re back we’re back okay sleep too

Hello birds hello birds one day you’ll see what it’s like to be home yeah yeah wait did you want to sleep yeah yeah yeah i love how like all the tadpoles just peeking out of the bucket i know it’s so cute so cute little do they know their life is just

About to begin they look so terrified like you know that one painting oh yeah the screen yeah [Laughter] it doesn’t look like that i just noticed i’m gonna put it in my chest too i’m gonna put them in my chair show your chat wait move your head a little bit

With my head a little bit yeah i can’t see it see what oh the tadpole oh yeah yeah yeah okay i’ll move myself all right you guys want to see this screamo [Laughter] all right here it is look he’s like no no don’t please [Laughter] don’t be happier with us don’t worry

Guys yeah yeah we’ll take good care when there’s a zombie coming after you that’s all right as long as he doesn’t burn my [ __ ] bird oh you’re like wait the frog what is the frog is in the [ __ ] ball oh yes he’s mine now yeah but we can’t row him

Oh you’re right we have to kill him oh no just get oh oh no we can’t kill him no we already killed the other one we have to keep this color towed no no the the toad colors change depending on the biome they are in oh really yeah yeah that doesn’t matter well

It looks like we’re gonna be if we break the boat wouldn’t the stuff in the chest like drop though yeah you don’t have that much stuff do you i do i have my tadpoles oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you do to my boat wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Laughter]

What did you [Laughter] you do oh my god i can’t i’m sinking oh my god you got him for now i have to break the phone all right let’s i’m gonna let the future selena handle it i’m gonna i’m gonna let future so then handle that she saved my [ __ ] All right i think that’s a good part to end it i hope you guys had a great time i guess i hope you had a good time with me today i’m gonna go make the waiting room for um japanese learning stream but thank you all for coming to the stream as always

Everybody uh stay hydrated pasta check get up and move around to get that blood flowing and if you stayed up for me head to bed because you deserve it i’m gonna see you guys next time dragoons bye everybody bye You

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT WILD UPDATE】time to find some mangroves【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】’, was uploaded by Selen Tatsuki 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-06-08 00:18:06. It has garnered 65558 views and 5115 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:17 or 15737 seconds.

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「Tags」 GENERAL: #SelenTatsuki LIVE: #TatsuTalk ART: #Artsuki / NSFW: #Lewdsuki FAN NAME: Dragoons MEMES: #Tatsulaugh MUSIC SUGGESTIONS: #TatsuTunes

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「OBSYDIA」 Petra Gurin (ペトラ グリン) https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgA2jKRkqpY_8eysPUs8sjw

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  • Mischief Mania: Aggro’s Solo Gaming Adventures

    Mischief Mania: Aggro's Solo Gaming AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘While The Family Is Away, Aggro Will Play! | Minecraft/Phasmo/Whatever Stream’, was uploaded by Aggrosk8 on 2024-05-19 02:15:51. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:24 or 19464 seconds. We are going to start off with Minecraft, and probably stick with that until 6:30ct, where we will transition to phasmophobia to play with @WillDeez and the gang! Come hang out! Surviving Bedrock is a survival series put together by @RaythMinecraft Please check his channel and discord out! Rayth’s Discord: http://discord.raythnetwork.co.uk/ I would greatly appreciate you hitting those like… Read More


    LION ATTACKS KING TRAIL 3! JACK ALMOST DIES IN MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREMEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by OPEN LION on 2024-04-21 12:25:00. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME #GamerFleet #Minecraft #MinecraftHindi #tochan #swaraj #jattlife #tractor #mukaabla #jattwaad #jatt #tractors #punjabi #farmer #tractorloverzz #newholland #pendu #jattlifestyle #tractorpull #jattgarh #tractorpulls #farm #tractorshow #ford #wale # tractorlovers #swarajfarmtraclovers #tractorlife #crackmehkma #farming #khetibadi #pb #tractorlove #agriculture #punjab #newholand #sonalika #tractorsupply #shoot #stunt #jattjattian #tractortochan #swarajlove #tractorpulling #tractorride… Read More

  • Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of Relaxation

    Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of RelaxationVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Episode 4 (New World)’, was uploaded by CopelandRelaxation on 2024-01-16 13:56:25. It has garnered 578 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:47 or 2447 seconds. I try establishing myself on an Amplified world type. Hope you enjoy the video! World seed is Gargamel, 1.20.1 https://www.youtube.com/@CopelandRelaxation?sub_confirmation=1 #minecraft #asmr #gaming #relaxation #sleepaid #sleep #lo-fi #chill #vibes #chillvibes #calming #relaxing #letsplay #playthrough #malevoice #whispering #whisper #chatting #chat #asmrtalking Read More

  • “Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts” #minecraft

    "Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Vortex Virtos on 2024-05-12 13:37:37. It has garnered 770 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #chapatihindustanigamer Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft #andreobee #imbixu #noobvsprovshacker #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #funny noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft diamond mining noob vs pro vs… Read More

  • Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School – Love and Anger Unleashed!

    Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School - Love and Anger Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Minecraft Anime School on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered 250 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:10 or 730 seconds. SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation Read More

  • “Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!” #clickbait

    "Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spin Dapat Hadiah Rank❗❓ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #dubbing #shortvideo #sakura #viral #funny’, was uploaded by CAPRIYO on 2024-01-07 00:33:18. It has garnered 13586 views and 820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in Minecraft

    Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-01-14 15:00:39. It has garnered 33983 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:15 or 975 seconds. JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler – AI Tally Hall Cover

    Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler - AI Tally Hall CoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager is the Ruler of Everything – ‘Ruler of Everyhting” by Tally Hall AI Cover’, was uploaded by NathanNWCW on 2024-01-17 22:17:26. It has garnered 1109 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:08 or 248 seconds. Read More

  • Zetapixel.net

    Zetapixel.netExplore Our Extraordinary Server Features – Custom Terrain & Biomes: Discover breathtaking landscapes and explore custom-designed biomes, adding a touch of awe-inspiring beauty to your Minecraft adventures. – Custom Enchants, Armor, Tools & Weapons: Unleash the power of exclusive custom enchants, armor sets, and weapons, elevating your gameplay to new heights. – MCMMO: Experience the thrill of MCMMO with unique skills and abilities, enhancing your gameplay and progression. – Immersive Decorations: Immerse yourself with our custom décor, enhancing your overall gameplay experience. – Dedicated Hardware: Experience unparalleled performance on our server. We spare no expense in providing the best gameplay… Read More

  • mateee’s small friendly SMP server – Semi-Vanilla 1.16.5 with Dynmap.

    Welcome to MateeMinecraft 1.16.5 SMP Server! Join our small and friendly community where you can have fun, meet new people, and build together. Our server offers vanilla gameplay with quality of life improvements like Dynmap, Horseoverhaul, Multiplayer sleep, Instant tree cutting, and more. Interested in joining? Visit mateeeminecraft.uk.to and send a message to be added. Don’t forget to join our Discord through the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Gateway Drug for Kids

    I guess you could say that Minecraft is really ‘mining’ for trouble with the younger generation! Read More

  • Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise

    Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a player who opened a shop, so bold. From zero emeralds, they made millions, it’s true, With a Super Pickaxe, mining blocks through and through. Roaming the world, gathering resources to sell, Their shop thriving, a success story to tell. But beware, for a thief tried to rob their store, Yet they prevailed, cutting down forests galore. Upgrades bought, licenses acquired with glee, Even selling stone shovels, earning emeralds free. Cheating the system, their profits soared high, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams can touch the sky…. Read More

  • Minecraft Sense meme 🔥🤣 #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Sense meme 🔥🤣 #lit #trollface When you’re trying to find diamonds in Minecraft but end up getting lost in a cave for hours, that’s when your Minecraft sense starts tingling! 🧐 #lostinthecave #minecraftsense #wherearemydiamonds Read More

  • 100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness

    100 Days of Chaos: Minecraft Madness Exploring 100 Days of Minecraft Hardcore Survival Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with Boubou as they tackle the challenging Hardcore mode in version 1.20.4. Despite some technical difficulties, Boubou has bravely uploaded their gameplay to showcase their survival skills and determination. Surviving the First Few Days Boubou managed to narrowly survive the initial days in Minecraft Hardcore, setting the stage for an epic adventure ahead. With a few goals achieved, the journey is far from over in this vast and unpredictable world. Even though Boubou admits to not being the best hardcore player, they… Read More

  • Slime & Honey Make Weird Noises

    Slime & Honey Make Weird Noises Minecraft Biome Parkour Adventure Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the Biome Parkour series! Join the excitement as players navigate through challenging parkour courses set in various biomes. From lush forests to icy tundras, each level offers a unique and exciting experience for players. Exploring the Biomes Players will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of biomes, each with its own set of obstacles and challenges. Whether jumping across tree branches in a jungle biome or dodging ice spikes in a snowy landscape, the Biome Parkour series promises non-stop action and excitement. Collaboration and Community Looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Transforming Mobile Home!

    Minecraft Madness: Transforming Mobile Home!Video Information This video, titled ‘creating a mobile home in Minecraft’, was uploaded by RetroGrade on 2024-05-24 13:16:39. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. I got inspired after watching some old school Top Gear. In this Minecraft Short, I created a Mobile Home. #creative #creation #ps5 #playstation #playstation5 #topgear #grandtour #thegrandtour #jeremyclarkson #jamesmay #richardhammond #minecraft #smallyoutubercommunity #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubeshorts X ytRETROgrade Instagram RetrogradeYT Thumbnail Maker https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ryzenrise.thumbnailmaker PowerDirector https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cyberlink.powerdirector.DRA140225_01 Follow These Guys MythN3rd https://www.twitch.tv/mythn3rd?sr=a Trickaliz https://www.twitch.tv/trickayliz?sr=a Mercy Shadow https://www.twitch.tv/mercy_shadow?sr=a NerdHarder88 https://youtube.com/user/2001civicex5spd Rynogaming_dubs https://youtube.com/channel/UCmo7Z1Bq48RDWZu7if03sKA Ragebreak Gaming https://youtube.com/c/RagebreakGaming SlickRuzick https://youtube.com/channel/UCfCL-a7sqvzCOX7rEFfi4hQ shadow… Read More

  • Choose Your Minecraft Troll

    Choose Your Minecraft TrollVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 PICK A MINECRAFT TROLL LIVE!’, was uploaded by Zedar on 2024-03-16 00:26:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. tiktok – zedarmc twitter- https://twitter.com/itsZedar Business email: [email protected] Minecraft, But this challenge is the … Read More

  • 🔥 RAREST Minecraft Block Revealed?! 😱

    🔥 RAREST Minecraft Block Revealed?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Which is the Rarest Block In Minecraft 😱 #shorts #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Golden Gamerz on 2024-05-03 02:30:03. It has garnered 13085 views and 283 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Which is the Rarest Block In Minecraft 🤯 #shorts #viral #ytshortsminecraft minecraft but shorts camman18 minecraft facts minecraft mod minecraft rarest minecraft challenge minecraft 1.20 minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore minecraft how to minecraft speedrun minecraft seed camman18 minecraft minecraft funny minecraft update canman minecraft survival canman18 #minecraft 100 days minecraft but i cant touch grass minecraft whats… Read More

  • Unlock Martin’s EVIL Lair on Channel 64 SMP!

    Unlock Martin's EVIL Lair on Channel 64 SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Minecraft EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR on Channel 64 SMP’, was uploaded by martin_smartin on 2024-02-18 04:33:45. It has garnered 69 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:01 or 6301 seconds. Join me on Channel 64 SMP as I’m building my EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR live in #minecraft . This is all prep work for the next episode so if you like sneak peeks, you came to the right stream. Channel 64 is the home to great adventures and storytelling with friends. I hope you want to come along and take part in… Read More

  • INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!

    INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultra Hardcore – Ziua 650+ [LIVE]’, was uploaded by BlueSmen on 2024-02-18 13:23:39. It has garnered 2203 views and 239 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:48 or 11628 seconds. 🎮 Gamivo : https://www.gamivo.com/?glv=BluMC 💰 Use code BLUMC for 5% discount 🎁 Minecraft figures: https://www.instagram.com/blu.crafters/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌐 You can find me here: https://linktr.ee/blue.smen 🌀 Animelist : https://myanimelist.net/animelist/BlueSmen 🔥 Playlist of the series: https://tinyurl.com/UHCPlaylist ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📡 Do you want a Cheap Host? : https://bisecthosting.com/blu25 💳 Use code BLU25 for a 25% discount #BlueSmen #MinecraftHardcore #UltraHardcore Read More

  • "INSANE Hive custom servers LIVE with viewers!"

    <p>"INSANE Hive custom servers <em>LIVE</em> with viewers!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Custom servers *LIVE*! (With viewers)’, was uploaded by splu4ug on 2024-04-22 20:16:28. It has garnered 623 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:55 or 9355 seconds. Today I will be streaming Bedwars cs’s on the Hive minecraft bedrock edition featured server (we may do some other cs’s too like treasure wars and skywars)! Discord: @skylord Discord server: https://discord.gg/Mcw5V3bggY Xbox: @splu4ug @spluwg Hello and I am splu4ug, I am a Minecraft bedrock edition player that grinds the Hive (The Hive is a featured server on Minecraft bedrock edition, Unlike minecraft java… Read More

  • Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!

    Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zombies Get Revenge #minecraft #funny #minecraftmemes #memes #funnyshorts #fight #fighting’, was uploaded by Abz on 2024-04-03 18:13:30. It has garnered 417 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #phonk Read More

  • 😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥

    😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric’, was uploaded by Minecraft TGK on 2024-05-03 10:30:19. It has garnered 983 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric Witness the transformation of your Minecraft world as you integrate these cutting-edge mods, each one designed to enhance the core experience in its own remarkable way. Embark on thrilling adventures, construct intricate builds, and delve into the depths of enchantment – the opportunities… Read More