minermom – Minecraft! Search for a Bastion & Building AFK Treehouse – episode #174 #minecraft #bastion

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Foreign testing I might check my check oh I can’t hear me now darn it okay hold on I had everything working just perfect oops laptop too loud perfect hi Booker man how are you okay let’s see if I can sleep yeah I had audio coming out of my um

My earpiece and everything and then I switched over to the other screen and of course now it wants to be goofy and I can’t hear the game sounds oh I tell you I tell ya okay whatever it’s whatever can I sleep yet I thought it was night time

Okay I really want to hear the game come through hello maybe wait hold on maybe I just need to walk okay I can hear the game sounds a little bit so I should be good so hopefully you’re doing good let’s see I have to do something for somebody oh boy

All right let me turn this up a little bit and all you know what bucket man if you’re able to all my Walk-Ons and alerts should be working I did an alternate alert sound with blurp and if you could do the exclamation walk-on and try yours out if not

Um maybe somebody else will come in that has a walk-on and they can try theirs okay so as soon as it’s daytime I’m gonna I’m gonna Mark these chords for somebody so all right all right so that worked that’s like what a second time only the second time that it’s worked

So let’s hopefully it’ll keep working all right let me go up here so my plan is I really want to find a Bastion there’s all the there’s all this stuff I want to do in the realm obviously uh oh where’s my where’s where did I put

I where did I put my another right wings and stuff you guys okay that’s not cool I’m just slightly panicked am I wearing it aha okay I’m wearing it no I haven’t been drinking okay so I must have slept so um I’m not sure uh Jason if you’re lurking

I’m going to fly to the places where I believe the drip stone is real quick I’m a deviate and I’m just gonna fly and show you where I think it is and hey Thank you hi worship with Anthony how are you I enjoyed learning all kinds of stuff from you today I hope you’re doing well uh let’s see okay there we go let’s see if my shout outs are working now thank you for the raid and yeah I haven’t gotten a chance to

Download the new fortnite with the new season yet oh you still didn’t eat dinner I’ll go eat go eat and thank you for the rain um yeah so I’m hopefully after this I’ll I’ll do that knowing me I will probably I’m hoping to finish my

My AFK house because I just you know it just takes me a while all right so it’s gonna be night and then I’m going to fly to where I think yeah it’s 9pm okay yeah oh my gosh you need to eat yeah yes you need to take care take care of

That so did I sleep already no I did not okay ah insane you’re too kind you’re too kind how are you doing that is not true insane that is not true but thank you for the kind words I appreciate you how are you doing oh you know what wait

Oh insane do me a favor two things before I oh hey Daryl B hello I’m doing good and it’s how dare you LLG okay all right thanks for the check-in and say try your um walk-on because Buckle man just got his to work and I was

Saying that I I’m doing it a different way and it’s supposed to work all the time okay so yours is working uh overwrote the uh the daycare over wrote it but that’s all good okay so that worked and then since you just said all those nice words and saying come on

Let’s let’s give insane a shout out let’s see buttering me up so uh let’s see if that’s still working what time my my shout outs froze but I hope you guys are doing good hey casual how are you welcome man I’m doing good I I’m playing

You know one of my favorite games so I’m always doing good casual did you download the new season of fortnite okay that’s what I was gonna ask you okay I did not see the shadow this time though that’s really weird it should have done the um the video and all whatever

Let me make sure my screen saver is turned off uh lock screen screen saver settings it’s not okay Boop I don’t know I guess uh insane you can’t have both no I don’t know all right claim you see yes I deleted the game and downloaded it back

I got off the season okay all right good to know good to know all right I whether or not Jason is on here you guys I need to do some housekeeping real quick I’m going to I hope he is because otherwise he’s just gonna have to look

At the buds uh wait a minute okay I got a bid so yeah I wanna I’m gonna download it uh casual and check it out I don’t know when I’ll check it out maybe tomorrow maybe not okay it’s been a while since I’ve flown

I I don’t even know if I know how to do it it makes me nervous how it’s not uh rendering fast enough to my flight I just you know I just feel like something’s gonna happen oh wait is this I don’t really remember see there’s a cave okay hold on

I know there’s a cave back here this Factory is just because it’s just awesome I I mean look at it you guys I mean I could never do that I what book I know Buckle man I know but this is all I can do that’s look at the beds okay so uh Jason

There’s there’s a cave back here it’s a huge cave Southwest yeah Southwest whatever uh yeah Southwest Jason from your place is what Buckle man said earlier but um I I know we went I this markers is for the cave that I wanted to go back in so I’m surprised to let you type

There is no drip Stone where I’m going okay what about the man you tell me I thought there was drip Stone over here let’s see um I gotta fix that ER okay behind behind here I know we went there’s a big cave system and I know we went down here as well

And okay so this okay son right okay it’s gonna set in the rise of Isis in the West so no North is This Way South is this way so okay so it’d be this way yeah I know I’m heading east and this is West

So this is Sal so this is where I think he needs to go because you said South so um there’s a big huge cave down here that we went in so maybe there and that’s the only places I know of so Jason if you if you if you cut towards

Jason okay well I’m not going over there it’s not in the script today so you know whatever I just remembered that was a huge cave system as well oh and there’s one more place one more place then bend to the right okay no problem but here’s one more place Southwest

Okay well he’ll have to watch the video too to get your instructions oh wait should I fly let me fly there’s one more place that we went to and I probably I’m not gonna show it but I’m just going to point the way and then I want to go to the nether did

I say I want to go to the nether I mean then I’m going to go to the Nether and see if I can find this doggone Bastion since I can’t get the seed from anybody um but that’s okay we’ll find it I want to get whoa Kali it’s so hard flying

And getting dizzy okay oh I went a little bit too far you’re doing fortnite now seeing the new season okay okay well look Buckman I just wanted to remind you of another place we went and I you know you know for me it’s what

Did I say I know my north and south east and west is like problematic so leave me alone but it’s not for me anyway I know oh wait no I want to show you I’m going to show you and why did that cow sounded really loud hold on do you remember uh

Okay it’s been a long time since I’ve been here I probably should have taken a boat but remember we went in here so I was mining in here oh my gosh why is that checking so loud in my ear don’t but anyway you remember we went

Here and there was a bunch of caves and there was a cave I was afraid to go in um that direction yes Jason so I just I don’t know if you were listening Jason but I was showing you the places I thought I knew um but uh here’s one other place there’s

A big huge cave let’s see how do you get there I feel like we had to go to the right and then go to the left but uh you’ll have to uh anyway check the VOD later because uh everywhere I was everywhere I was flying Buckle man said no but I feel like

And I think I need to go to sleep there’s a huge cave over here that might have drip Stone from what I remember those are the only Places I Remember okay that’s why that was there was a cave over there but I don’t really remember how to get it nope okay

I don’t I don’t remember that but I know it was a huge cave and I thought maybe but so sorry I got lost in these caves last night okay spider how are you doing I’m doing good thank you I hope you’re doing well okay so that was the detour but yes I’m

Going to go in the Bastion now and see if I can make some progress finding um well going to the nether I’m going to try and find the Bastion I should say I need a landing place you guys the one that doesn’t kill me it was amazing strip mines and I got

Lost in okay yeah yeah Jason I yeah but you know what I don’t know there’s so many caves here you just pick one and then you’ll eventually find what you need I other than that but Buckingham was saying it was like by your house there’s a big cave

So maybe okay I need invisibility you guys whatever oh water breathing invisibility okay birthday trophies Hunter no problem okay so one I got a little bit of visibility here I’m taking junk stuff because if I die I don’t I don’t want to uh die with all

The good stuff on me ah I’m not gonna be doing this for very long because this is all the stone I have I think you have a cases on your house so check it out tonight okay yeah I thought you would have checked there um I could have swore yeah that’s kind

Of what you have to do honestly that’s just kind of what you have to do rubber ducky make more Stone than okay no problem do I have um tough I really don’t want to make this out of tough um I’m just lacking I’m lacking you guys

I’m gonna say it wrong messed up Moy okay thank you for being here I appreciate you I do have a lot of regular Stone though you guys I want to go as far as possible so let me see if I can sleep real quick not yet

Call you Maz okay welcome in Mez good to see you hope you’re having a good night or or day let’s see can I sleep yet okay I can all right so this is what I’m doing okay make some generator then I think Bedrock has TNT duper and make boom boom machine

Um rubber ducky so you’re talking about like a cobblestone generator I’ve seen those I haven’t oh it’s 2 A.M oh goodness mids well I appreciate you checking me out and and looking is fine I’m about to have to go to bed by leaving okay thank you mess no problem

Okay so um rubber ducky are you talking about like a cobblestone generator I haven’t done that it seems pretty easy but it’s just something I haven’t done yet I don’t know sometimes you think uh Cobblestone you get that anywhere but not necessarily not necessarily so I’m just going to throw okay here

I don’t know how far I’ll get I wanted it to be fancy you guys but I’m kind of over that now it’s just gonna be whatever well I need that the Piston clock is an annoying part for Bedrock the Piston clock one you’re trying to do that I think I’m familiar with that

Um rubber ducky there’s a there’s a clock over at one of our spawners maybe I’ll head over there real quick anyway there’s something that’s always ticking so I I am assuming that’s what it is I don’t know maybe I should just take as much as I

Can you guys I don’t wanna I wanna get really far with this trip I really do meant Redstone but yeah sort of okay um okay I’m not taking a bit I’m not gonna accidentally put a bed down or anything crazy like that uh okay I’m just gonna take this much I

Can only take so much of another especially with with not any tequila but I do have a tequila Seltzer still back from when I bought it the last time this stuff is disgusting actually but nah nah it’s here okay all right so let me like I said let

Me get my junk my junk stuff I’m just taking iron um uh yeah I took a sip because it’s disgusting uh golden boots uh this is crazy that I don’t have I’m uh I guess I’ll fix these I’ll fix these and then I’ll need a helmet I’m really okay there we go um

Yeah let me fix these real quick and then I’m going into the nether I really liked flying around and seeing more than just my house I I really need to do that more so I’m excited that we have frogs because I’m going to maybe put the frogs

Over a frog enclosure over there maybe and then I’m going to breed them and then I’m gonna take them into The Nether and try and get frog lights that’s something I haven’t done so I’m a type of Minecraft player that likes to play the game so I like to do

These challenges and to me that’s like a challenge it’s a stupid one I mean it’s kind of goofy Ruby Mad Hatter I hope your Friday night’s going well I’m on kid duty right okay all right no problem Ruby good to see you um yeah so I mean frog sounds riveting yes

Yeah I mean I mean you know it’s kind of it’s It’s creative you know Minecraft is I don’t know the people they paid to come up with some of these things you know and the thing is someone had to say oh yeah yeah that sounds good you can only get frog Lights

By uh frogs eating Magna cubes in the nether yeah yeah I mean come on you guys that’s just that’s just a bit much in my opinion but that’s okay all right I don’t have a lot of torches I do have a used cave and want to explore that my nether right mind portal

Leads to okay cool cool okay they just give a bunch of kids crack and write everything down hey they could be actually programming the games themselves you know yeah there’s people that come up with yeah yeah you’re right they come up with the idea and then somebody else implements them but that’s called

Supervisors also normal slimes work too what no no no no no no no you can feed frogs slimes to mate them but they won’t make frog lights the Frog lights are only when they eat magma cubes I’m like 99.99 sure that oh I’m so glad my blurps are working

I finally just put a different code in so all I need is nicotron now so he can try his uh his walk on finally um okay so like I said I’m leaving the bed uh this is not very many oh my my relaxing music is going the danger danger

Okay I will be soon all right again I’m not taking my netherrite stuff you guys because I feel like there’s a possibility that I may fall down darn it I have like no tools you guys Amy fall to my death This is actually a good one too um I’ll keep this

And I don’t see why I need this I’m gonna bring my spy glass to look for the Bastion okay I’m doing a last check they work that way in job at least we use magma for the spawner okay yeah all right I’ve got food okay I’ve got

Okay checking time the only other thing I need I need to make a new pickaxe I hate to okay I got a few diamonds so let’s go I haven’t I I don’t know why I don’t have more I feel like I should it’s okay I’ll just make a diamond pickaxe real quick

Speaking of slides my huge caser also doubles oh good I don’t have any slime slime Jason so you’re okay your your cave system so I’ve been to your house you have another portal that takes you somewhere and then you have another nether portal that takes you to your cave system is that

How that’s working because I I definitely need slime and I can’t remember where I got the few slime from before let’s see kind of low end diamonds okay so this is it this is all I can think of so here’s how it’s gonna work I’m going in with gold I’m going to go

Invisible and I’m going to do my work quickly tell you what I just I don’t I don’t have a need for this at the moment so let me just take more because I don’t I don’t want to have to get started and then come back yep go behind where your portas let you

Out and you’ll see the staircase leading down so I never mind okay cool cool all right let’s throw these in here you know what I kind of want to do real quick though I kind of want to make them bricks I just I like that look better

All right so you know me I’m stalling I I mean it looks like I’m preparing but honestly I’m stalling but no I’m going now I’m going out okay so I’m not gonna put any wait no I’m not gonna put any enchantment feel free to grab slides whenever you need okay great

I’m not putting any enchantment on this because I just don’t need to all right so let me get my base started here uh we’ll do this and so I have one two three four five six seven so what that’s about an hour of of invisibility no am i counting

Wrong I don’t even know all right so here I go ah okay uh oh okay that one’s fine I’m not sure what that word was that was fine okay so all right here I go I think I said that already didn’t I here I go here I go all right I it would

Be awesome if we found the Bastion because then we can rate it and we can rate it invisible to me that’s just the way to go to me all right is the sun going down well the sun’s going down not that it matters but I’m gonna go ahead and do a Minecraft sleep

Again and do one more check and see if I have everything yeah this is invisibility visibility 888 I have to make sure it’s all for eight minutes okay so eight minutes I said 10 minutes all right okay good luck we need the templates yeah we do we do thank you okay

I um was in my ancient city and I found a template but it wasn’t the netherrite one apparently the netherrite one’s only in the nether which in bastions which like I said you know they make this game kind of hard but you know what that’s fine all right here we go

Um let’s see we’ll go this way wish I could take a dog or cat with me one time a cat went into the nether accidentally with me I sat it down I didn’t want to die and then one time my daughter and I were playing her world

She accidentally forgot to sit down her pair that came the nether well I didn’t know it but a skeleton was trying to kill her and I was shooting the skeleton and well long story short I killed her parrot and I I feel bad but I remember when you didn’t need templates for

Nether red armor I know those were the good old days right oops I was looking at chat okay yeah those are the good old days so you know I think it’s best to have grieving off because of that definitely all right um let’s see okay so yeah all right here we go

I just can’t stall anymore but I did want to take a peek and see we’re probably gonna make these where if you want I’ll make so many that if you want oh you know what I forgot oh there’s one night vision that it’s gonna cost money to get these potions

Since I pretty much am the one that does it um let’s do this wow I hear zombies big time okay is this really invisibility I feel like I’m just gonna do I need to leave one I mean I made it technically right it may come in handy you may say

My life ah this is what I needed though you guys I want to get I would feel better if I had at least one fire resistance hold on one second let me see if I have anything here oh my gosh there’s just so many zombie sounds

Uh let’s see This was oh what’s this strength who made the market by mean spawn I saw the other day it looks very cool well that would be Buckle man he made it um so I think eventually usually how Realms work is that you know when you

Want an item then you just pay with a diamond or something so if you’re just in a pinch like if I if I could have fire resistance right now I I might pay somebody for it but that’s okay yeah the market looks really cool I I almost had forgotten it was there um

Until I went by it the other day wow you guys I gotta go kill some stuff real quick you hear all those zombies I’m just gonna get some fire resistance too but um I just just in case I don’t you know if I um if I do die

At least and I land in fire maybe there’s a chance for me to survive I’m Gonna Take It I’m Gonna Take It okay all right let me just make that real quick and then it’s then I promise I’ll be going into the nether I I think I yeah I want it hurt

Yeah I’m working on AFK tree house but it’s just okay I always okay good but it’s taking me a while I think tonight I will finish it I’m hoping to all right do I might have some hold on do I have fire resistance uh uh okay we’ll make three really okay hold on

Do we have a creeper Farm yes we do have a creeper Farm uh do you want me I’ll show you real quick I’ll show you because I’m kind of proud of it it’s working now I I had many mistakes let me just get this started real quick though

Um not many mistakes but oh my gosh that baby laugh casual oh my gosh I love it when my blurps are working oh my goodness yeah so let me just show you the um creeper Farm real quick see in my world if I didn’t shut the door something crazy would happen like I

Don’t know somebody would go in my house but I took a chance but whatever okay so let me just put this here nope I don’t want that I need and this and then where is oops oh my gosh okay hold on okay where’s my stuff hold on I

Know how to do this there we go I did not use the cat method to make it um I did not there was three uh I always go in your house and sleep in beds if it’s dark I’m usually on my back I have another yep no problem

Um there was uh three videos I was kind of looking at and um let’s see my thing is on okay there’s really no place for me to land oh is that my relaxing music I love it so there’s the creeper Farm I’m not good at Landing like in small

Places so I’m just going to like land in the water near here and hope that the drown don’t kill me um let’s see and the AFK tree house is next door I hate the water I hate drown I really hope I make it but

Ah it’s still at two so I need to be AFK but that’s the tree house I’m making that’s what I want to finish using uh yeah my relaxing music I love it what oh okay I didn’t see the message so I hope it was but that’s the tree house I really like it

Um I really like it and I can’t take credit for it because um the one that the Treehouse I was building was just but ugly I was trying to build it out of um bamboo because I haven’t used bamboo yet and um thanks thanks Jason Hi dathanna how are you

Oh good so it is working see I knew I could just stay down here and not have to like build an AFK house but let me just show it to you real quick I know I should fly but again there’s really not a landing pad for me and I gotta work on that

And then I’m gonna go to the nether so uh let’s go ahead and close it up but it’s a work in progress so here’s the other side I’ll go ahead and show you the other side I have to finish it but this is like the other side which will have

Um crafting tables the you know the tools that we use and then up here this platform won’t be here but this is like the AFK station so here’s all the creepers going to their death ta-da so when I so apparently when I first built it I forgot a bunch of um

What do you call those uh trap doors in the center so I had to thanks Jason so I had to take that out and then I kept getting zombies and witches and stuff and so on the edges I forgot trapdoors too and so yeah no cats it just works

Thankfully I don’t know if it works the rate that they say it’s going to work but it’s okay so yeah this part won’t be here it’ll be different I’m still working on it so and it’ll look more like a tree house to me so anyway that’s it can I jump here barely

And let me head back and see if I can make it on one rocket hopefully somewhere ER okay the trick to me on the controller is pulling up obviously but it’s it’s not that easy it’s like coordination that I don’t really have I’m not gonna lie okay so here we go

See we’ll put this back I’m not uh oh I was making fire resistance okay hold on uh I need Blaze what do I need uh uh hold on I’m pretty I’m pretty sure I own some Blaze that’s weird I could have swore that I kept it here

But maybe I move stuff around it’s possible I don’t have an elytra yet I used a boat to get everywhere yeah um I had I had to get one I’m just used to you know well okay let me take that back I’m not used to Flying but I I wanted

One to fly you guys oh my gosh that that check-in scares me Bullet goofy Scottish gamer how are you doing it’s funny because I changed the the the previous check-in and then this one still scares me you’re good okay awesome okay seriously realm goers I honestly okay I’m not gonna panic

Do you guys see my blaze rods or blaze powder okay where did I move it here maybe I moved it here yep okay I am fantastic I’m getting ready to go into the scary dark place though that I don’t want to go with why am I going there I’m trying to find something

Um let me see what’s my recipe my recipe is what am I making fire resistance fire fire fire but I’m I’m good actually oh I need a magma cream and Redstone oh I only own one of those okay I only own one of those you guys so oh I own five I lied

No problem uh okay okay oh look at how dark it is could be an issue okay so that’s going and then redstone and then that’s it okay all right I had a big dinner in me oh you what did you have insane did Babe make it or did you cook it it

Doesn’t matter if if you didn’t cook it did you guys go to a restaurant what was it because I haven’t eaten and I need some suggestions oh you went out to eat ooh where’d you go and what’d you eat tell me tell me tell me Red Robin oh they have Burgers right

They have huge Burgers if I’m not mistaken I haven’t been to Red Robin in a long time burger with with two burgers and then is it still bottomless fries or something I mean that’s how long it’s been for me but I think they had bottomless fries yeah yeah okay

Okay I haven’t I haven’t been there in a while that sounds good actually that sounds really good I don’t this that’s the best thing yeah I um I don’t know I want to I need to stop uh going out because I was being bad when it was just me but

Now my son is home we’re from his internship so I have to kind of have food in the house and stuff so but I tell you I am a little spoiled since he likes to eat meat he cooks it he made us um Cornish Cornish hens the other day

That was that was pretty cool it was yummy I ate it over two days um and then he took out some pork chops and he made himself some salmon but I guess the pork chops will be tomorrow or midnight when he cooks it because he stays up pretty lame healthy

I don’t know if I’ll be asleep but I’m not definitely not going to eat that that late so all right I haven’t been in the nether for a while I’m so excited not but I’m so excited here we go no more excuses yeah we’re pretty bad before covet yeah yeah I know

I mean I literally wanted to I almost thought about you know stopping and getting something uh to eat on the way home I’m like no you could do it okay but um okay gold gold but I’m like nah I’m not gonna do that I just went to Costco and before

That I went to the grocery store so okay how do I get out here there we go all right so you can just hear the hoglin already whatever I don’t care about them so I made this going this way okay ah I do have some tracks in here

Ah you just hear the hoglin look at that I just okay I don’t care I’m a professional so obviously this track is not oh is this okay I started going this way and then uh Bookman says that I I really was trying to get to the other biome and so

I’m gonna finish that invisible one of these days but let’s just go so many Hogwart wait sorry okay let’s just go and then I’m going to I’m looking down but I guess I should pay attention I have my pickaxe this pickaxe this diamond pickaxe better last me because

I know that’s all I got I could use some windows hopefully no lava really huh okay I think Buckle man needs this court stuff anyway but whatever some other time I just I just yeah I am on a mission I could do that type of stuff off stream

All right so looks like we’re coming up upon this I’m going to not make the mistake and um open a choker where piglin can spawn because that happened once and they killed me so let’s do we’re gonna go invisible just it’s just gonna be easier I’m hearing double music

And I don’t know why okay trick though if you go invisible you can not have all this stuff on it doesn’t work all right I need to be able to get to stuff rather quickly uh shovel’s gotta go um this could be okay I think I’ll throw the gold on first

If all you got is a diamond pickaxe I took a visit to the iron farm so I could make myself a whole set of iron tools uh yeah I just made uh the diamond pickaxe before this trip because I didn’t want to take my netherite I honest honestly feel like

This trip could be uh I could fall and I don’t want to lose everything that I have in fact I I’m going to leave my shulker at some point somewhere see I started this but there’s places where like this skeleton should not see me even though I got this in my hand it

Should not see me oh okay it didn’t so so I’m just gonna Squat and I mean eventually here I kind of okay I need to build this up is that an Enderman okay who knows oh somebody is somebody’s down there with somebody’s gear or maybe not does Can Enderman see you

Does anybody know I guess I’ll find out huh I really don’t want to like stop and do the overhang I just want to make progress so um okay I got eight minutes is that what I said it kind of it just it’s just weird this whole

I don’t know invisibility thing I wish I had that to do it before it’s like it would have saved me so much grief before to think about going invisible oh wait a minute hold on now you know I gotta get the next one ready come on oh wait

Ah shoot this is gonna be challenging okay I feel like you can’t see me so don’t even trip uh okay I have to get this next one ready you know what I don’t know what’s gonna happen if I try and kill this thing so I’m just gonna let it go okay

Squatty okay here we go I just wanna I just want to make progress but I kind of need to do this at least you’re going oh my gosh just stop it okay I’m just gonna keep going okay hold on let me I can’t decide you

Guys I I’ll at least put the sides up I don’t really want to I have to uh somewhere down there I’m going to put down my shulker so that if I do fall into this pit I don’t lose all the stones and stuff it’s just waiting for my visibility to to go off

I I already know I know it is I know it is I guess it’s got to be mindful of that oh okay all right that’s weird I hear I just heard a weird sound like rain which is weird in the game you can’t you can’t Jason I thought we were friends [Laughter] I need to turn the sound down and my headset apparently oh my okay visibility still on I lost track we are besties okay I remember that okay yeah see I don’t the overhang is what I really need but that’s why I knew I

Needed a lot of stone you can’t see me right no you can’t see me so suit whoa as soon as my visibility goes I’m just gonna take off and just go further and not worry about the side so much but it’s something I need to eventually do obviously

It was a perfect timing too the gas popped his head out inside but yes yes it was it was a perfect timing okay and then I’m going to use my scope and see if I could peek down there and I know I still have a long way to go probably

Yeah this Stone goes so fast too so fast see now I’m getting hungry insane oh my gosh that sounds great do I I think I have okay I do have Costco like tacos am I saying that right they’re not that bad kind of greasy but maybe I’ll have that after this

Gotta have something ooh chocolate macaroons macaroons yeah that sounds good anything with chocolate on it it’s really it was really good in my opinion So eventually this will have a rail system but obviously that comes later now that’ll be later okay I’m still invisible nothing much to see here

Oops okay that is not me what is that sound that is so weird it just sounded like water in my headset I don’t understand that it’s kind of freaked me out but that’s okay I’m a professional Minecrafter okay they’re good no chocolate and toasted coconut yum

Yeah can’t go with that wrong with that at all okay so I had more time okay so here’s my thing obviously I didn’t get out enough Stone uh oh but I’m still invisible so I should be okay to set my shulker down real quick I hope oops hold on a second

At least we’ll make one side safe I don’t know this is glass this is Goofy I’ll just put it down real quick how did I put my helmet on I don’t remember doing that okay I’m still invisible so no piglet are coming no piglet are coming right

I’m still good okay I’m still good oh this is weird the game’s not opening my shulker right now oh I was squatting you guys that’s why okay so I have I have quite a bit okay so I found so hopefully on Monday when I stream I finally oops you guys I’m Not

Invisible anymore oh my gosh oops oops oops darn it oh that was a close one okay whoa yeah that was a close one so I uh for my random game Monday streams I was I was still using my Minecraft stream which I didn’t want to so I have eight

Minutes eight minutes okay and so I finally have a um overlay and I kind of set it up but okay let me let me just keep going I’ll do this part later um kind of set it up but I set it up through my like my OBS software and uh

It kind of works but then I couldn’t do the alerts that I needed so gotta start all over I started it with stream elements um what am I doing um and so hopefully I’ll get that done huh this makes me a little nervous I’m not gonna lie so hopefully I’ll get that done

Because I have to have a generic uh overlay for when I’m playing other games okay there we go do what is this I could get the gold I’m not sure why that’s there I don’t know Jill this such as red fall yes I think about that too and I was just like ah

Because I I was thinking maybe I’ll play that tomorrow but I know we were going to play together so I don’t know if your schedule allows it oh you know what Saturday I could play it anytime my normal schedule is around this time but I could play it earlier if necessary

So yeah so I’ll have to see what your availability is tomorrow or Sunday all right you guys so I have probably what six minutes on this invisibility okay hold your breath and just go just go just go just go not sure where I’m going but I’m holding my breath and I’m just

Going because I really hope there’s a Bastion somewhere around here I’m not looking Sunday night okay something about Sunday night I’ll I’ll read it in a second gosh those doggone hogland are just everywhere oh you can’t see me gassed you can’t see me you cannot see me I don’t like you do

Sunday night is date night for oh okay awesome hold your breath and Clint Hills cheeks yes sir exactly right okay um okay all right that’s why I drink like that’s why I like taking Santa to Gila to get me through this part because you know it’s

Not it’s kind of it’s sweaty a little bit I guess but it’s okay there I’m sitting back in my chair now I’m relaxed I’m relaxed thank you that’s why it’s there whoa that is why it’s there thank you so much I am not the danger yep I sure am I sure am

Okay let’s build this up a little bit oh this Minecraft music has gotta go scaring me a little bit okay I don’t know what I’m supposed to dig this out with my shovel that I almost left uh oh I heard a hoglin I don’t like the sound of that

Okay that’s gonna have to do that oh sorry oh my gosh I’m not gonna be able to do this oh gosh I seriously hear hoglin but that’s okay that’s okay let’s put some torches okay and uh I’m gonna read your chat ah tequila I know that’s what I need

Because this is like this little Seltzer thing it’s left over from when I said I bought it the last time isn’t that terrible okay let me make sure I’m not going to die here and I’m going to reach out Little Wolf falls asleep in this music

When she washes My Stream and then the other she thinks it’s relaxing um no that Crescendo thing that happens yeah that’s a no but that’s funny okay right above me is like Coughlin and if I’m not mistaken like they can come like right I mean they can kind of get you the

Walls but technically they can’t see me you guys so darn I was gonna take my whoa I was gonna take my spy glasses and see if I could see something look at that it’s just waiting waiting for for my invisibility to go oh my gosh well

Sorry I’m I was I’ll just deny it I know what you mean uh Jason but you know I’m I’m family friendly so how about as as heck how about that okay sorry that’s that was what the pause was I’m like oh okay I need my shovel though you guys hold on

The only time you’ll see me not be is if drowned just keep killing me you guys because drown is not it’s not a good thing for me okay my invisibility has gone away I’m gonna drink all right so I got eight minutes let’s go let’s try and make it

To the other place now please eight minutes um move shovel hold on that Crescendo thing is intense especially when I’m as there you go hmm yeah we’ll we’ll do that we’ll allow that okay I’m taking too long I’m taking too long you guys okay I’m not squatting squatting okay here we go

Deep breath I’m sitting back and I’m just gonna go come on get out of crimson now some people go to the top of the nether but that’s kind of boring and you miss out seeing like what’s around you know kind of sort of like a Bastion and stuff oh gosh there’s lava uh

Lava lava lava do I care I don’t care I don’t care if if this is where I die then this is where I die although hold on I think I think I’m gonna go ahead and leave my shulker here I’m gonna take some more Stone and then I’m gonna leave my sugar

Look at all these doggoneers Gillies get on my nerves this is why it takes so long that’s why I haven’t done it in a while but I it’s just something I want to do but it’s okay I really need I really need like oh my gosh I really need like a six hour

Stream okay hopefully nothing’s gonna kill me so that I could just you know keep going I see why a lot of those streamers they they go and go and go and go and go because it takes time to do so much stuff okay can I I can’t no

I just hear those skeletons so I’m just gonna leave this here in case I die there we go okay let’s go I don’t even know how many minutes I have now so we’ll see we’ll see bad with this either you know what I just realized like with a

Pig though whatever hogland if they even though I’m like invisible what if they knock me off can they do that I’d be like really upset if I’m invisible and they knock me you know okay I’m gonna be out here in the middle and my invisibility is gonna go out I

Lost my shucker summer and I don’t know what happened to it I lost a shulker look at this this is so cute this mushroom up here anyway I lost a shulker here too I I it was I was streaming and I fell and I actually didn’t die I was

Surviving but I had to I think I had it in my stream or I ended my stream and so I never died but I just like finally I’m like I was so far somewhere I’m like I don’t know where I am so I just I’m like okay I had enough of this

Because you know who really looks at the coordinates when you come into the nether goes honestly I couldn’t tell you what they are right now all right I’ll find out if Enderman uh see me they better not inner men better not be the exception to invisibility because I’ll be highly upset I will

Personally write Mojang and say look that’s just cruel okay let me see oh wait is that a Bastion no way I don’t want to use my scope I just want to keep going please let it be but it probably isn’t but I hope so I hope so oh you guys

If that’s a Bastion then we have to I have to that’s a Bastion that’s got to be you guys right okay hold on you can’t see me you can’t see me you can’t see me I’m going to probably die here I’m so excited but again I think we need to turn

Oh my gosh everybody’s just they’re just waiting for me to die I’m gonna turn this I’m gonna turn this and we’re gonna come this way they’re waiting for me to get invis uninvisible yeah I’m invisible still so I know okay how are you sorry I’m I was concentrating um how are you doing

I am not the danger I am yeah and I think I fixed all my alerts so I I really expected it to work look at all these skellies oh my gosh I’m so excited now uh Buckle man may have flown over here so uh the new updates may not have

Been out at that time so we’re going yeah we’re gonna go this way you guys I probably won’t finish this Bastion run on my own and I’m going to read your I’m gonna read your chat in a minute I’m gonna go get a little bit safer I think

We’ll just do this we’ll just start it this way because I can’t really take my eyes off the game right now only because my invisibility is probably gonna run out and I have to drink that and I don’t know how much time I have left on that invisibility so give me a second

Oh goodness and every time I go into here um my invisibility goes away so I can’t see but I will read it in just a moment let’s make this a little bit safer I cannot believe I never really expected to find the Bastion to tell you the truth

I’m not even gonna lie I was just hoping okay all right if I can well I can’t jump up I was gonna say I’ll make it I’ll read it in a second but I can’t do that right now okay um gosh running out of stone here wait that doesn’t look right I guess

That’s right if I do this right wait that’s not right because I had planned to go out oh okay sorry this is my type anus I can’t believe I didn’t get to the other biome but still a Bastion I’m not doing well I was gonna say I’m not doing the

Bastion by myself I could because okay there’s my invisibility okay I’m drinking okay I’m good all right I’m reading chat there we go what you working on today Minecraft I am I was working on a path to try and find a Bastion and I just found one and I was

Just saying I didn’t really expect to find one so because you know you gotta you gotta like you gotta go to a Bastion hoping for uh some goodies in there and Jason I saw you redeem something but I don’t I don’t think I actually heard it this time

Oh no you did it already the GG I heard that okay all right so I’m so excited I’m so excited uh here since I got about eight minutes oops hold on you know I gotta get the the the next invisibility ready uh me too Jason I’m glad I found one on

Stream too I like I said it was this was just chance and so I think it’ll be safer I could like jump down or I could just continue the path and then go that way and then we’ll go straight into it and it looks like a pretty decent sized one too so

Now I’m really getting hungry you know when I first started streaming I just like lost a lot of weight because you know it’s really too late for me to eat up the street so I just didn’t eat but I’m gonna have something this deserves something this deserves a shot

Of tequila maybe later I don’t know it’s probably not even necessary now okay so I have one two I have four invisibilities left so yeah eventually there’ll be a rail a railway here um let me just light it up a little bit yeah it’ll be a real Railway system

I’m gonna just start working my way back move gas please your makeup main Harvest so I’ll just do this side gosh this is a bummer because I don’t think I have enough Stone and I have to go into my chest which is way over there right pretty much

I don’t trust the Netherrack so okay for now we’ll just do this so yeah you guys will have to come into we could do a a Bastion run but I tell you I’ll make a lot of invisibility because that’s the way to go that’s the only way to go

I’m hoping it’s not going to be issue with the skeleton you guys because ah why is that what oh no no no no no no okay I just pushed them off that kind of works so I don’t go through them like you do hoglin they’re actually physically there okay

Oh darn it I did it again where I don’t have any stones to block myself up but that’s okay I’m still invisible okay all right oh I’m squatty okay okay wait oh it’s sideways I put it down sideways okay let’s see if I can do this correctly there we go

All right I’m gonna continue on a little bit with okay so I’ve got I got a little time I get a I got a little time on this um this thing my invisibility so let’s see that’s just not enough Stone let me try and get as much as I can

Eat the gas South oh my goodness there we go alrighty I don’t know how much time I have left so I really have to pay attention to that and I have my next invisibly invisibility setup so here we go whoa I am squatting right okay not squatting squatting

It’s just going kind of fast so in my ancient city world I um I found Swift sneak I’ve never ever ever ever ever in my life playing Minecraft have owned Swift sneak although wait was that right I guess that was right um yeah so I’m excited about that it’s only

Swift sneak one but stupid Aero person Aero person as in the um stupid Arrow person as in the skeleton yeah I know I know I don’t I’m not happy that they spawn there and I’m just curious and seeing that if I if I shoot it if it’s gonna attack me because even

Though I’m invisible I’m uh yeah so I I kind of want to do that when I’m like almost done and don’t really care if I die but it’s cake how are you I’m I’m doing good thank you thanks for the check-in I hope you are doing fantastic

Because I am I achieved what I wanted to achieve in this game still may die so you know what and see I think I’ll try it right I will never know until I try it so I’m going to shoot I’m going to shoot this oh it’s no it heard me insane

Oh okay I’m gonna shoot it and see what happens I don’t know why shooting a skeleton while you’re invisible would make it be able to see you well I might have to wait on that because it went somewhere Oasis 2 can’t yeah I thank you it’s kick

I haven’t put it there yet it’s just not enough time of the day but yes thank you I will make a note of that I’m hoping to work on some of my alerts my overlays and stuff just just there’s just not enough time I forgot I need to study for um

A recertification and I think I have till the end of the month I think there’s three that are explaining a recertification for my computer and um so I might the thought of me not being able to game and um yeah it’s fine to game and do all this

Stuff is like no I want to do what I want to do so I don’t know we’ll see it shouldn’t take me that long okay yeah no problem okay so I just gotta keep an eye on my oops yeah and I oh I’m invisibility is going away

See okay so I have I only have um three more which is fine I could just put my gear on at that point and then do what I need to do and you are doing good well I’m glad to hear that this is the not so lovely part of

Minecraft this is to me when Minecraft becomes a horror game oh you do so not that good but good okay awesome did you how like how did you get them did you have someone make them did you make them just out of curiosity um like I bought my emotes on Etsy

And they work for me I bought different ones and yeah they work for me okay so I got eight minutes no no you didn’t you did not pay you did not pay that much money oh that was a scary sound because like emotes cost like three dollars two dollars here and there

But are you saying that is like your real that that’s what you were saying that was your real MRI oh my goodness oh my goodness Runner how are you doing it’s good to see you too I know we said hello earlier but good to see you oh my gosh it’s kick

What is going on with you I hope you’re going to be okay did you oh no oh no oh no oh no sorry my game is doing my TV is suddenly trying to switch to to oh thank goodness that was weird okay hold on I’m just panicking for some reason you guys

Okay Runner good to see yeah okay let me catch up and I’ll tell you what happened I’m good runner uh I’m doing well my sister-in-law and her boyfriend came to town so we’re doing some family games and lurking but want to say okay well thank you and hi Commander Keane how are

You doing thanks for the check-ins big sigh relief you had luck finding your Bastion maybe I’ll have like finding your Zone yes maybe Jason I lost Vision in one eye and then a real bad headache and now I’m waiting on appointment with neurologist oh my goodness well it’s kick I’ll be

Rooting for you I hope everything turns out good and hey Commander King so just now you guys you know how you have the different video inputs um my game is on HDMI one but for some reason just sitting here the HDMI 2 just tried to come on which

Is regular TV I I don’t know why I don’t know why like my screen is frozen I’m going to refresh the chat still seems to be working but I’m going to refresh my my click here and refresh that okay so my moving like real time now okay that is not my

Let me I’m gonna refresh my laptop it’s not a deal breaker I can still see the TV now but that was just really weird okay now it’s working you know that’s what I get for still using my Worx laptop I’m not gonna lie that’s just another thing that I need to do

But yeah it’s kick oh goodness that is a lot okay I’m only gonna do so much because I can only take so much of the nether I’m not gonna lie but yes I’m good just a bit too much grain oh I guess you could look at it that way right I don’t know

Yeah okay I still hear like water sound which there’s no water in the in seven millimeter too much in the wrong spot oh my goodness okay uh let’s see okay I still have invisibility yeah before when I did this in my world oh my gosh it took me forever because I

Didn’t use the invisibility potion which I don’t know it finally dawned on me why in the heck not take a chance I wanted this to look really cute though but it’s not going to be it’s just going to be whatever Stone I feel like using but it’ll be functional

Uh yeah that’s fine this is right here oh no that’s not gonna that’s not gonna work still invisible all right so I’m excited might as well build this part up even though I need to build part up on the way back whoa okay I’ll take a look Commander says are you you must be referring to somebody I probably missed something actually I’d still gotta like in the nether trying to be brave

So if I do miss something you guys you tell me and I you know just put it in there again I will look at it okay all righty so I’m not sure how much more visibility I have so keep an eye okay oops uh oh the game’s being goofy oh no

It’s not I don’t have any more Stone it can only do what it what it has right Okay so I need more glass I need light too I need um usually I I put I don’t know those lights from the trees I forget what you call them

But I didn’t bring any and I’m not sure if I have I’m not sure if I have it any actually so I need to get some from the trees okay let’s just do this I don’t like the regular stone look but that’s oh my invisibility is going away okay I’ve got two more

I hate the sound of the gas oh my gosh whoever put that in the game did a really good job and was probably having a really bad day that’s all I can think of oh wait okay I need to get on one of my invisibilities ready I know better

I still like this Stone because I don’t know it just looks better ah 10 months 24 days and three hours and I appreciate all that thank you so much let’s get some light okay oh I also you guys I think I fixed the eight ball thing if you guys want to

Try that I I think I fixed it so I don’t really know how it works I think you just ask it a question or something and and I don’t know it’ll give you some type of answer I don’t know how it works you guys I’m not even gonna lie

The first time I tried to turn it on I didn’t have something right but whatever close be high yes that’s amazing the people we’ve met you know bonds that get formed I think that’s awesome yeah so welcome in and I go way way back I tell you

It and I just think about how we met and I just think it’s chance I mean just chance and luckily everything’s working out though um Akin have I been streaming for years I guess off and on I guess I started four years ago and that’s when I met

Boca man and I was on the Xbox 360 and I used to like exit the game every time I died and exit without saving because you could do that and then I guess I stopped I had kids young kids husband so I just didn’t feel like moving my capture card oh half the

Time so I would play I never stopped playing but I I didn’t stream and then one day I got this Xbox and I started again so yeah yeah so I have some old videos of me in some of my worlds but not not a lot of them

Not a lot of them are posted up so okay you guys I’m done with this for now I’m excited I’m excited that I’m gonna finish this and we’re gonna go to the Bastion one day yeah almost five years so yeah I can’t say that I I’ve been streaming the whole time Okay so

I feel like no I can’t I have to stay invisible what am I thinking uh this is too much in the open so okay wait let’s do this Jason and I think I’ve told you Jason even though I’m like family friendly I just don’t like to do it on stream I

Am not a perfect person let me just say that so get me behind someone doing me wrong on the freeway that’s a different story so just letting you know I am human but yeah the only thing that gets me out of my humanity is drowned ah good runner I’m glad

So yeah you can make fun of me it’s all good I don’t care I do yeah so Jason there’s a couple clips that I actually kept but it was again around drown and I let they yeah I left those clips those those Choice words in the clips because

That’s just how frustrated I was I mean oh my gosh I mean without underwater breathing I was just it just wasn’t happening yeah so it’s kind of dark here I’ll be glad to get out of the doggone um sounds of this these gasps anyway you did see one of my the dragon crew

Yeah oh wait sorry let me allow that that is fine yeah you know what I mean then I mean and that’s just like half of it you don’t even know okay let me just get this side going or try to start running out of stone gotta

Watch Stone I’m not watching Chad at the moment because I’m trying not to die and I gotta watch my invisibility but I will check it in just a moment I don’t think all that lava was here when I first came I’ll tell you this game just

Morphs stuff in in just to Kill Ya I’ll be so glad to get rid of this gas sound okay here yeah yeah one of my drum Clips I tell you okay so I’m happy enough for today I honestly didn’t think well at least for this part I’m gonna work on my AFK house

I honestly didn’t think I would find that the Bastion got lucky darn no more Stone there okay yeah it’s okay Commander Keane I mean I guess that’s why some people have that uh no swearing thing for you know as a Redemption I honestly I honestly put I almost thought about putting you

Know redeem a swear word you know for me but you guys some of you guys got too many points and I don’t know I just yeah I just thought better of it I just thought okay I don’t have my silk okay let me go we’re safe I like watching

Your tick tocks whenever they pop but they’re so funny like the one where you’re poisoning traveling Oh well whether or when you’re in the end fighting the weather with a Pokemon yeah I know oh my gosh that was so okay I’m just gonna who redeemed something oh Commander Keen

Oh my gosh sorry I gotta turn down the music in my headset I just tried to avoid swearing when streaming yeah it’s kicked that’s what I try to do but Jason okay I’ll share with you I’m gonna whisper this I was so uh I had a lot of

Adult beverages that night oh my gosh I I had yeah when uh when let’s see which time probably trying to kill the Wither and oh the withering roses yeah I just I had a lot I had a lot so I need to get this for Pokemon but I’ll get it later

I can’t avoid swearing wood string really it it’s I can I can I guess so yeah it’s not that hard honestly so when I was married that’s what one thing my husband said we’re not gonna swear and we didn’t see you know for 15 years we did it so but let me

Tell you after that man it’s like okay I can do whatever I want no no I didn’t go overboard gold I’ll get the gold later you guys know I don’t pass stuff up like that okay my invisibility is gone so I’m going to get dressed actually

Because I don’t think I have any more places where it’s not covered oh my baby is going to swear like a trooper she’s going to learn it might as well be for me oh it’s kick I can’t avoid story yeah okay yeah so I don’t know I think it worked

Out I have kids that don’t swear uh oh I was wrong I I have to take this off and use my invisibility because this is not covered so let me do that real quick when you say baby they’ll carry us if you don’t mind sharing like what age is

She she I she or he now okay I’m invisible you guys I’m invisible I’m invisible I’m invisible oh yeah I gotta cover all this up too so I’m gonna have to go get some more Stone I would run but I’m too chicken I’ve come this far I don’t want to like die now

Whoa okay okay this is gonna be cool once we have the rail system we can just use that and not have to not have to run so I taught my kids to swear they know when and where and you have to be close to there yeah you know uh Keen I’ve

I kind of heard that from people you know there’s I don’t say there’s a time and place but I guess since there was a time of place so yeah yeah I get it I get it oh my gosh this place is far but at least we found their Bastion

This is what I wanted it to be completely built out of okay that’s what I thought this is missing so I need to get some lights in here oh my gosh you guys my dog in real life who doesn’t jump up on me just jumped on me like I don’t know why

Look at that so that’s the original path so um it’s part of our language just this one makes people gas but then she went away so I guess she’s fine oh wait which way is home so why did I make a car I don’t need this here

I’m gonna have to remove all of this this is wasted track I’m going to eventually remove it but not right now I want to get out of the nether okay hey Coco you okay okay yeah she’s fine yeah I’m ready I hope I’m going the

Right way I I feel like I’m going the right way oh yeah okay here we go all right uh Jason I would I would show you where the nether fortress is um not the nether portal yeah but I don’t really remember anyway it’s that way it’s over there somewhere no I know

That doesn’t help okay let me get out of here dude some other time and then we can get blaze rods from there okay nothing followed me out oh my goodness let’s see if I can sleep I can sleep okay I’m still invisible we need signs with arrows pointing the direction of things

Yeah probably a good idea um or yeah well I was gonna say I’m the only one pretty much with this schedule um I don’t know you could I’ll tell you what you could probably I’m not I don’t know anyway you could probably look at some of my little

Videos and see like I’ll put the title like going to the nether or trying to get weather skulls then you know I’m in the weather the weather has been the Nether and then you’ll know the chords because you can see it I mean you don’t have to watch the whole video obviously

But you might be able to skip forward so um all right darn it made it sound like there was a whole bunch of zombies but there really wasn’t okay all right oh I’m so glad to be out of there you guys just don’t know just don’t know

Okay I’m going to attempt what time is it I’m gonna attempt to work on my AFK house a little bit maybe maybe not or I might just raid out heck that was enough no okay we so I know what I’ll do I’ll probably um I think I have a diamond mine

Let me put some s clothes on here I don’t need anything fancy Famous Last Words probably and let me just get situated because I oh sorry I’m not looking I I think I need dirt so I might have to go get some dirt let me just throw this stuff in here real quick

I’ll fix it later shulker I’m leaving nope I’m taking because you never know that’s my problem when I go somewhere I keep forgetting to bring my shulker um okay I need feet and I need this and I no longer need at least I don’t

Think I need this oh my gosh you found a Bastion so excited okay uh I need feet yeah I think my TV’s too loud I’m it’s echoing to me oh gonna mute for a second my doggy ugh I don’t know why I opened this tequila Seltzer it’s just disgusting

I don’t I don’t know why seriously okay let me get a bed because I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing gosh I got all those emeralds I should go trade um so oh all right now I can get my fancy tools real quick oh okay so silk touch I

Don’t think I need silk but I need that one and that’s why okay and do I have dirt it’s lurking no that’s the trade with villagers I’m very low on dirt see okay let me think oh my doggy okay Jason no problem hey cuddle buns nothing Queen just uh hanging out

I just survived the uh oh man it’s raining I’m not going out there you see that doggone thing you like spawn all of a sudden and if there’s lightning it’s it’s gonna be a mob rain but anyway I’m good to answer your question uh rain in Minecraft can bring could be

A mob rain or it could not be a mob brain and usually if there’s lightning it’s guaranteed in my brain and so I don’t feel like fighting oh there goes my invisibility I don’t feel like fighting a bunch of stuff you guys I don’t okay okay hold on a second okay

Um trying to think I don’t have my picture up of of how to build the AFK farm so I don’t really want to take up time doing that but I want to build over here maybe this deal breaker is this stupid underwater cave or the stupid cave you

Know what tell you what I’m gonna do you guys I’m gonna drink and uh under breathe of water and see what’s down there I might just block it up might just block it up I should probably sleep first okay underwater breathing underwater breathing I saw you somewhere oh doggy here we go

Water breathing okay I’m gonna wait until Minecraft night time I need to put some of the stuff away I hate sorting I mean I don’t hate sorting I don’t want to take up time on stream sorting hold on I’m gonna mute unless my doggy stops coughing huh

Yeah apparently small dogs can or are susceptible to collapsed esophaguses and so she’s constantly trying to clear her throat she’s breathing and the vet says it’s not that bad so it’s just something I’m enduring something she’s enduring but she’s not in pain or anything so it’s just you know sorry guys

Sorry guys that you know I’m just used to it a lot of you guys know that it’s just Gizmo and you know she goes out like she just went out of the room she knows I’ll ask her if she’s okay and then she knows okay I’m gonna go out

So she just stepped out all right can I sleep uh sleeping is for wimps let me go ahead and um I’m gonna drop this off here oops okay wait actually I’m gonna put the stuff in it I’ll just put this in there too I’ll just do this too okay

Uh you know this would be a good time to use a trident I think because it’s really good on drown I think loyalty and impaling five let’s try that if there’s a drought can I sleep okay fine I don’t need to sleep I don’t need to sleep right now the sun

Is probably way up there I could be wrong I could be completely wrong all right so water breathing I have eight minutes here we go hopefully I won’t Mike oh see I don’t like you wow didn’t kill him firsthand I don’t like that okay I don’t I don’t I don’t like drown

I don’t really want to be here I should have did invisibility to you guys but I did it okay water breathing all right let’s see where this goes I’ll probably regret this oh my gosh well we have a cult farm so I don’t need to worry about that oh

Is that all it does where does it take me oh just on the other side is this his secret base sorry somebody in the room is creating a secret base uh I can’t go through here though huh okay oh well okay well that was not too exciting can I get back here hmm

Okay let me think I could I could fill this in a little bit and then I could make yeah I don’t I don’t I think I could fill this in maybe and then I could make what I need to make right here this would be perfect or

Fill this in a little bit more I think I should do this invisible though I I I don’t do drown you guys so I’m just gonna I just gonna yeah do that part invisible sometime okay all right I’m gonna go to my AFK house and check it out

But I think it’s nighttime so okay it is I’m gonna bring up the video because I want to work on it a little bit more and then I’m gonna also open Discord okay um there we go oh you know I should that’s okay I was gonna fly but that’s okay I

Don’t think I need to I could just take a boat where okay whatever I thought the wandering Trader dude was still there but apparently he’s not so I’m not gonna worry about it I don’t need anything from him anyway okay okay there we go yeah so

I don’t know this tree house is almost done I’m excited about it so I will tell you guys 99.99 Miss Nella how are you wait wait it was bossinella but you said I can call you Nella I think you said how are you doing I hope you’re doing good

Uh oh I love the emotes I 99 of the time 0.99 whatever I build things myself um out of my head like I said I was building this and I was trying to do it out of bamboo and it just looked terrible so uh Buckle man

Sent me a picture and I’m like okay yeah so all I have to do is supports coming from there to there how’s my Friday going Nella is good okay it’s going great I just came from the nether in Minecraft and survived so I’m happy about that there’s things in the

Water here that probably want to kill me they’re called drown so the longer I stay in the boat the more they’ll probably come and throw a spear at me this thing and then I won’t I won’t be happy but other than that I’m good I’m just I want to finish this this tree

House this AFK house but yeah so I have to I’ll have to build out a little bit so I can do the supports but I’m almost done how about you how’s your Friday doing any plans even if it’s just relaxing to me that’s a plan I was telling them earlier I think I

Need to study for this certificate recertification so I keep forgetting and it’s for work technically so I guess I could have done it at work but I did it you’re so behind probably gonna try and finish Diablo later oh yeah there’s so many games I want to

Play that I I haven’t gotten back to that I understand yeah I completely understand so that’d be cool all right so the only thing I need to do is I need stairs I’m trying to match that so that’s brown so I need dark brown and then I think

Those are planks so let me try and do that real quick oh my gosh where’s my shovel this is taking forever okay I don’t think this is the color dark oak I guess it doesn’t really matter all right where’s the other stick okay there we go dog is barking at something

And so the dog that was just coffee is also the one barking so she’s fine you guys she just she’s fine she uh I can’t I can’t I always forget I just want to see which direction so it’s one two three one two three one two three maybe hey yeah

One two three I’m squatting yeah that looks oh it’s one two three one two and some weirdness going on it’s not perfect what’s the little s at sign um I took a potion earlier and underwater breathing potion and it hasn’t worn off yet so is that what you mean going

Around my my character let’s see like that yeah so they’ll go away I think I had it for 18 minutes I mean 18 minutes I think it was eight minutes and it should be going away soon look at me yeah exactly yeah I took a pushing so which way am I

Going so okay that’s the creeper Farm oh she’s coming back coughing you should have been barking then sorry you guys it’s bad in the morning when she barks and then I mean when she coughs and then her sister hot cough she’s got a what does she have heart murmur so they’re both coughing

But it it turns out all I gotta do is feed them and uh it goes away it’s like okay um I just don’t know exactly where was it here um nope I think it was it was someplace else oh no I forgot my ax I put it away when I went

Into the nether because I didn’t want to lose it but that’s okay it’s just gonna take me a little bit longer okay I think I need this right here I could do it okay um I don’t know I’m gonna try three there I’m gonna try two here maybe

So on some of my streams I always say I’m building something I probably frustrate the heck out of people because I just don’t get very far oh my gosh that scared me whoa I just I just don’t get very far oh my gosh that was an interesting one

My intentions are to get far but I guess I just don’t stream long enough so I don’t know you guys something’s not quite right it’s obviously not gonna match the other side but I guess that’s the beauty of building you can do whatever you want I don’t know

Oh my friends thank you and saying for the sub to uh k and you know what I heard the blurp but I didn’t see the notification I’ll have to work on that thank you so much okay just subscribe ah this doesn’t this is too big I don’t like it

I don’t know what’s in this Center I don’t know what it’s supposed to be uh the thing is if I make it solid I don’t want to use dirt you guys I would know okay I would know that that it’s messed up so hold on a second

I yeah that would bother me a lot yeah thank you for the sub I so appreciate you guys you guys apparently I knew insane before I knew insane so what oh see that’s too dark that’s a different color I guess it doesn’t matter again it’s Minecraft okay

Yeah but I don’t I don’t like that so one two three okay I’m really curious what’s underneath here but I don’t have my ax so I was gonna subscribe but I guess I’m still subscribed okay yeah Jason oh you know what Jason yeah I I popped in real

Quick to your stream I couldn’t stay not that work was real busy but um it said it was ready for me to show my what four months so next time all right I don’t like this and this is why I don’t build on stream because it thanked me a lot uh so

I probably will wait out soon this Spruce I need Spruce stairs yeah Spruce stairs well let me see let me go AFK real quick and see if there’s a lot of creepers I’m gonna so yes go die creeper go die okay so obviously I still need to decorate

That looks weird but that’s okay I need to decorate it I’m not sure why I have a pole here but I’m liking it I’m liking it so I’m hoping I probably I probably will finish it tonight so I just need to look to see what I need real quick

Okay so I need Oak oh no they crashed your stream oh that’s not good you know what uh Nella I too like insane mods for me and I think I have a couple others here but I need to know the commands I don’t know

A lot of the command oh I need to sleep I don’t know a lot of the commands to use in an instant so I need to study that so I hopefully you had someone to help you that’s that’s awful ugh there you are welcome man’s here too

Yeah welcome man well he’ll he’s No Nonsense which is good do you first ask later so I so appreciate uh having mods and having Buckle man and oh my gosh I tell you yeah all my mods weren’t there oh well yeah so I guess the clear I don’t know

Exactly what you meant by crashing but with the clear command have done it were they putting like nonsense there and do you have the um the Auto mod checks for words you don’t want see like insane he’s a mutt so he uses cuss words sometimes on my stream when he knows

If it’s not a drown you know I I guess you can’t you can’t uh take that away from mods apparently it’s it’s all good though yeah but anyway okay I’m I’m just looking at chokers I keep looking and yeah I don’t I don’t know why okay so

This is all the stuff I need like three of them popped in at the same time and flooded my chats with oh okay yeah so it’s probably too hard for you to batter them quickly and then but yeah the clear command I think would work in the

Instant and I don’t have didn’t have caused a band for the longest time oh yeah yeah yeah but the clear command will I think take care of that okay so I’m not liking that so I know what I need to do when I get my ax I’ll come fix it so yeah

The Shield oh The Shield yeah and that’s how you could tell her what oh tell her bucket man what the shield does wait what is that oh there’s a bed there is somebody here or was this my bed I don’t remember having a bit like that oh it pauses everything

It pauses all the chats see then use album oh see someone asked me to be a oh my goodness oh Jason thanks for the bits I appreciate that thank you so much ah okay so yeah I need to be AFK more so we have a few more gunpowder but at

Least it’s all gunpowder all right so I don’t know if my mods are going to give you a shout out but I will because I can oh that was so nice of you wait oh Ninja Ninja Gaiden Sigma am I saying that right that might not be the

Game right there but how is that game ninja game I think that’s what you were playing yeah today I think right they created that when they troll hate groups were went around for two years ago oh yeah people can be so mean okay ah people have nothing better to do

Or kick them oh kick them like kick them or command or ban them is that the same thing what is I know you can kick people from um you can kick people from discords right I imagine I don’t know and then I know you can report them

Thought it needed to be against my chat rules okay good at least you reported them that’s good what is that ah oh there’s a boat there I thought I had a boat there I always okay let me make sure I’m safe from drown here I always uh

Banning report blocked them all too okay Block it’s like taking a knife or a sword to a gunfight uh I ban them when they started promoting in SoundCloud okay yeah I had a friend of mine I call her friend so I hate it to like up the bits counts but she was like

Um she was giving one bit at a time over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and I don’t know why because like I said I was a mod for her but I have I don’t I don’t know but anyway stuff like that your sound alerts that

Could that could break things I think um I thought so I I don’t know I hate to say oh you have to you have to give me 15 bits before you get alert but sometimes you got to do stuff like that too because I had a rule against promotion I

Thought that they need to do something against your rules before Oh no you you can do whatever you want this is your stream lots of running and jumping and wall running in decapitations Oh okay that’s what it’s about I would probably suck at wall jumping

Jason I think you helped me with a game well yeah you did help me with a couple games cycle knots too remember how I couldn’t get up on the wall and that’s when I met you and you became my BFF then yeah so weird situated like that

Okay all right so I have Discord open let me see uh wait do I yeah I’m in a lot you guys I’m not even gonna lie let me see sometimes I want somebody new sometimes I don’t he’s good people I think do I know him oh

Okay I can’t do GTA anymore that’s a story for another time wait a minute I think SVG shame is uh I think he’s streaming so we’re gonna go over to to him um guys let’s see he’s good people see oh my doggy uh that’s BG I can’t copy and paste

Sorry for the doggie in the background but I still appreciate you guys hanging out with me um today was a really come on Gizmo a really good stream for me and uh well actually I usually have good streams but it was very productive oh I love the emotes

So let me see if I type Southwest that’s where you Jason go Southwest whatever let me ah thank you let’s see okay says picture he was playing Hogwarts last time so maybe he still is I don’t know I didn’t check you guys oh well and I think he’s still alive

I’m really good at reading people who aren’t live but let’s hope so we’ll see you guys bye it’s kick we’ll see you oh the spam

This video, titled ‘Minecraft! Search for a Bastion & Building AFK Treehouse – episode #174 #minecraft #bastion’, was uploaded by minermom on 2023-09-10 01:19:00. It has garnered 521 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:03:49 or 7429 seconds.

Continuing my search for a Bastion in the nether

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  • Fatality SMP – Vanilla, Whitelist, 18+

    Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Hey there, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a server that captures the essence of adventure, community, and pure vanilla gameplay? Look no further! Our 18+ SMP (Survival Multiplayer) server is the perfect place for players who enjoy a mature, community-oriented gaming experience. Why Join Us? Pure Vanilla Experience: No mods, no plugins – just Minecraft as it was meant to be played. (Fabric, Ledger) Community-Driven Events: Participate in weekly events, build contests, and community projects. (Ran by Players) Mature & Friendly Community: Join a group… Read More

  • Darkness Realms (ATM9)

    Darkness Realms (ATM9)https://discord.gg/v6wjwFwkVxHey Welcome to our brand new Server!We are Darkness Realms!Custom pluginsMinecraft chat to discorddiscord chat to minecraftCratesVoteFriendly StaffGiveAways! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird app

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird appElon Musk might have the power to send rockets to Mars, but banning someone from Twitter might be just out of his reach! Read More

  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

    Commentary Comedy: Minecraft's SquareXuan Animation Roars In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news in rhymes, like a lively dream. From updates to secrets, I’ll keep you in the loop, With humor and fun, no need for a scoop. Cube Xuan, the creator, with animations so bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. But beware of pirated content, it’s not the same, Stick to the official channel, for the real game. From funny moments to classroom series so neat, Each video a treat, making your day complete. So subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, In the world of… Read More

  • Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP)

    Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP) When you have -7282 IQ, you’re probably the type of player who tries to mine diamonds with a wooden pickaxe and wonders why it takes so long. But with a 6969 IQ, you’re the kind of player who builds a redstone contraption to automatically mine diamonds while you sit back and sip on a potion of invisibility. Talk about an epic gamer moment! #minecraftgenius Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods The Exciting World of Minecraft Texture Packs Discovering a New Texture Pack Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players stumble upon a remarkable new texture pack – the Peep Texture Pack. This pack promises a unique visual experience, setting it apart from the default textures. Unveiling the Features Upon closer inspection, the Peep Texture Pack reveals intricately designed outlines and smooth animations. The default textures, such as blocks and items, receive a fresh and appealing makeover, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Personal Anecdotes and Minecraft Adventures As players delve into the game, they encounter various challenges and adventures. From… Read More

  • SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOW

    SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOWVideo Information whoa streaming streaming streaming streaming oh yes that’s for sure’s once the live pops up we can start the live stream got to find it oh there it is all righty let’s add everyone real quick and then we can start I got plans at everyone sends now streamy there we go all right now now everyone knows that I’m live so damn these villagers are allowed hold on we should leave leave the library real quick welcome scabs to the stream good to have you here welcome um um but yeah so I didn’t do that so… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Mysterious Past Life Revealed!

    Herobrine's Mysterious Past Life Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine’s Past Life (sapientdream – Pastlives) #minecraft #shorts #herobrine #sadstory #pastlives’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-213 on 2024-01-15 07:40:00. It has garnered 2864 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video #minecraft #loyalsmp #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmp #doraemonsmp #lifestealsmp #hardcore @BulkyStar #teddygaming @TeddyGaming #senpaispider @SenpaiSpider @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleetShortsOG @GamerFleet #gamerfleet #technogamerz #senpaispider #pvp #minecraft100days #shorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshorts #herobrinesmp minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft 1.20, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!

    Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!Video Information [Music] m yeah [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] y [Music] yeah [Music] he [Music] [Music] d [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] what [Music] l [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n a [Music] a for is for for is [Music] [Music] [Music] he oh no oh [Music] B [Music] [Music] [Music] n on [Music] a [Music] oh m [Music]… Read More


    💎 DIAMOND PORTAL to PARADISE! 😱🌈 | MINECRAFT MODSVideo Information This video, titled ‘PORTAL TO PARADISE IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MODS’, was uploaded by DIAMOND on 2024-01-02 20:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you get 5 likes I will release a full video with the mod #minecraft #minecraftmods minecraft portal to paradise. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraft

    🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraftVideo Information भाई नोट आ जा यार प्ली सुब कर रहा व सो जा रहा है कोई ना कोई सो जा रहा है चलो कोई बात नहीं जा कोई बात नहीं बेड बना लिए वसे जरूरत नहीं पड़ेगी ब काम कर थोड़ा इधर वो आयुष भाई हेलो वेलकम ूम मे भाई आयु भाई कैसे हो बढ़िया भाई लाइक कर दो फलिंग यादू वंशी हेलो बिग फैनर कुछ सामान दे दो भाई क्या नाम है आपका इनम नेम क्या है बताओ ऊपर ला प ऊपर एक बंदा है उसको ड्रैग करना जरा डिस्कडमी पसी में ले आ ग हां थैंक यू… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!” #minecraft #satisfying

    "Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!" #minecraft #satisfyingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfying emoji face falling pixel art#minecraft#satisfying#shorts’, was uploaded by Beadrobix on 2024-01-03 18:14:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Inspiration: technogamer mrbeast yes smarty pie anshu Bisht Wisp Unspeakable Skydoesminecraft XNestorio DenTDM Wilbur … Read More

minermom – Minecraft! Search for a Bastion & Building AFK Treehouse  – episode #174 #minecraft #bastion