DEMON SUMMON GONE VERY WRONG!! | Ep 22 | Minecraft Crazy Craft 3.0

Video Information

What is going on guys and girls my name is James Alexi and welcome back today you took a crazy craft how are you doing everyone welcome back I don’t know I did that but yeah anyway so today is gonna be an amazing episode because we are basically gonna be continuing on from

What we did last episode we did a little bit of witchery and now I want to take it to the next level so I’ve been doing some research I know roughly what I’m gonna be doing it’s gonna be pretty good times because basically to cut a long story short da

Da da da da we have owls now look at them they’re so cute yeah I’ve now adopted 5 hours and I was just as crazy craft episode so I’m gonna come to the stuff that he was doing last episode on his channel in a second no don’t take flight stay stay my beauties

Ah yes but um yeah basically these things are like tame to me so they can kind of like sit and stand and they’ll follow me around but these owls are not yet our familiars so what I want to do is I want to take one of these owls and

Make it our familiar which in turn will allow us to do a lot of other stuff with witchery so today we’re basically the end goal is we are gonna be making one of these owls are familiar and it will allow us to do lots of witches coven

Bits and pieces gonna be good times but there’s a few things we need to do in order to get the ball rolling so um yeah I did see just this episode and like all my owls escaped and eventually I’ve read a couple of these so we did have five

Hours before but we only actually found three hours or two of these little babby ones I’ve grown up I like you there’s a yellow one a white one brown one pink one I think they’re really cute and B anyway what we need to do to start off

With is we can’t just do this straight off the bat because we need to summon a demon oh snap yes is getting really really witch in here so we’ve got to use all of our witch rehabilitate and our pointy hat to summon ourselves a demon

So the first thing we need to do is we need to make a couple of different chalks now I have just some basic things but as you can see here there is other where chalk and infernal chalk now I want to test the other where chalk out

Because I think there’s a cool thing you can do with it but the infernal chalk is the one that we need so the too difficult to make actually we need for this one we need a blaze powder we need a ah I’ve already forgotten oh yeah

Oh yeah okay so it’s another what blaze powder and um the normal white chalk so I’ve got quite a few of these basic ritual chalks but we’re going to be using like a different version of the circle magic today which is something I’m kind of excited about because we

Haven’t really done that yet so if I remember correctly that is that one in like so and then we put the blaze powder in like so did I put the nether wall in I’ve actually completely forgotten I hope so second to do anything did I screw that up

Ah wait why am I putting in there it needs to go in the cauldron Oh James what are you doing I’m so sorry I’ve no cards are dragged my bad it doesn’t even go why am i trying to brew it are so stupid let me get rid of that uh yeah we

Need to actually put it in this so good job we actually have some more of this stuff oops that is why I make spares because I make silly mistakes but it’s all kit so anyway how is everyone doing I hope you’re good and stuff um wow I’ve

Got to talk about this because this is amazing we are absolutely smashing the like goals for each one of these episodes like I’ve been saying like are you guys can we can we get 4000 likes you guys have been getting like 6000 likes per episode thank you so so much

That means just everything to me that’s absolutely incredible so I’m not gonna set 6000 let’s see we can go for 5000 this episode listen it’s not jump ahead of ourselves but yeah you guys are blowing me away it’s amazing thank you so so much for all of this incredible

Support it’s just been been insane but here we go okay so this should make Ashley I want to stay away from it cuz I always get that horrible debuff but look at this look at this yes come on chok chok yeah the infernal choc rises from the ashes

Well the pot and so this also we’ve got like the inside one this is not the most powerful altar but it’s pretty good fly brewing and stuff so that’s the infernal one and the other one we need a sermon netherwart and we are just brewing in here some

Hopefully we’ll get some tears of the goddess for this so we also need that now what else did we need again we needed sir oh yeah this is what I’ve got this for the ender pearl block I wish we can break up because we need an ender

Pearl we don’t need nine of them we only need a few and we need one more of these ritual chokes oh come on twos of the goddess come up yes yes yes yeah there it is fantastic okay so if we do that again we are gonna go netherworld tears the goddess and a

Pearl ritual job run away otherwise it’s gonna give us that horrible debuff but we can watch you from the far I love like the witch Ramon I’m absolutely enjoying it so so much it’s like it’s one of those mods that you kind of don’t get into at like when it comes out

Because it looks super complicated but if you take it slow like we’re doing it just makes sense it’s good but anyway so what I need to do now so many owls here oh yeah so things may look a little bit different around here because dun dun

Dun da da the walls have gone the walls have fallen oh look at this so yeah this is basically as I’m sure you guys know already we are gonna be building like a community zoo in and around this area and now Justin had decided to well he

Actually asked us and we thought it was all a good idea but he’s taken down the ugly walls from this village it really opens up the area nicely and it gives us like a nice sort of communal area where we can all build a zoo together so I’m

Thinking kind of maybe next episode or the episode after or whatever we are gonna begin our contribution towards this community zoo and yeah I wanted to ask you guys if you’ve got any ideas for kind of the animals that we want to keep within the zoo or the buildings that we

Might want to do I was sort of I had an idea maybe we can do something vaguely like spooky and witchy so maybe like a giant which is cauldron which has like glass in it where you can see animals or like are like a ghost house style thing with exhibits in it or

Something like that I know if you got any suggestions and stuff let them in the cupboard or put them in a comment section or whatever that would be pretty sweet but just it is left all of our things which is quite sweet but check there’s no I found this quite funny so

He left like even the blocks where we had put torches on because our area is really really close he also however left ah you just had to leave it didn’t you you just had to leave it okay so this is the first one that I want to try here

Now this is not the one which is gonna summon the demon because we need to make a third here sized circle in order to do that but I’m gonna use this other wet chalk and because I want to test out one of these things so I don’t know if we I

Think we can leave the middle one in there I don’t think it’s gonna do any harm but I did see this and I was kind of curious if it’s actually gonna work so I want like an obsidian and a redstone and then if I activate I see if

This is actually gonna work because what I want to do is I want to encase the demon yeah look at that whoa look at this so I can walk in and out of this but anything that’s in here can’t actually get out so this is what we’re

Going to encase our demon in pretty cool right and then what we need to do is we need to I don’t know how long it lasts for that’s actually something I don’t know but now what we need to do is we need to make our extra circle around the

Side so it’s going to be even bigger than the last one it’s gonna be huge and I don’t want to get this wrong so one two three I think it’s like that hopefully so umm I want to get this wrong maybe like that there we go is

That right I could have already got this wrong to be honest with you it’s kind of a little bit tricky sometimes because you need to make sure like it’s big enough um hmm I’m guessing maybe that might be okay oh no hang on that’s wrong

Oh no no no no hmm I think that’s right so let me get rid of this one they take ages to like dig up but they’re kind of annoying so I’m gonna go go go go clog God yes and fantastic so yeah I checked my book this is kind of confusion

Because we’re going to be doing the Rite of summoning here but there’s two different types and this is what I don’t know so ripe summoning here call for the demon the inner area must be clear seven by seven point four blocks so I think you still will work it’s not a big deal

But this is refined evil blaze blaze powder ender pearl and a villager so we need to do a sacrifice which I already have I’ve used a critter catcher thingamajig but then there’s this one which is exactly the same right of summoning but instead of using a

Villager it uses an attune stone and in a tuned charge stone so maybe this is an alternative if you can’t get a villager the good news is I do actually have a I have trapped him in a cage which is pretty pretty pretty good I like highlight something that’s pretty pretty

Yes now see butts yeah now we need to actually get the things that we need so we need blaze powder and ender pearl a villager and refined evil can we have refined evil anyway I feel like we may do um oh we’ve got one single piece of

Refined evil left so this is a brewery uses aghast here and tears of the goddess in the distillery but that’s literally all we’ve got left if we got any extras in here no we don’t oh pretty good we got any more gas tins no we’re gonna take another trip back to the

Nether I guess because I’m gonna have to but not today we don’t need to do it today and so let’s grab the things that we need for this um let’s go check the book once again I think I’m gonna try this one out first see how this works

But we need find evil blaze powder ender pearl village villager so we can get rid of the nether world we can put that back and we can get the critter snares back in we can put the obsidian back in we can put the graspers back um and yeah okay cool

Let’s do this right so I think it’s time we give this a go I’m a little bit nervous because I’ve never done like this particular one before so what I’m thinking is here is we put our villager down hey buddy how you doing I know who

It was kind of horrible in a cage do but it’s all for a good reason because no no no we won’t graspers so refine evil ender pearl blaze powder summin summin have I done it wrong I’ve done it wrong oh no it’s going to go it’s going it’s going

No the village you want out the circle baboo dude stay in the middle hi I go where’s my where’s my cage it took one of the ingredients there’s a toad here what are you doing and it took it took it took the ingredient it took the ingredient so that’s good

Unknown right why have you got why have you changed why have you changed into a witch what one of it it took my evil it took my refined evil but it changed my villager into a it still says it’s technically a villager what and now it’s

No longer a witch what back is going on here oh no do do I have to get some more of oh no more find evil is here come on go go yes yes yes this is working come on demon demon demon yeah oh god no no

No I know but cage is gone my cage is gone oh come oh what have we done no oh god oh god oh god James what have you done you’ve summoned a demon up to the server Oh God oh no this is no good because if

We had him trapped then we could have traded with him for like loads and loads of Hearts but now he’s angry at us Oh No did my I think I had to run the cage thing at the same time all right you know what we’re gonna do we are

Gonna kill this dude are we gonna try this again oh why does nothing ever work he’s got six six six health the number of the beast oh god not again please not again okay so I don’t think this is gonna burn which is good but he has made a mess

Already I’ve managed to push him out into the water so that’s kind of good off so it does actually work but obviously we need to run both of those rights at the same time in order for him to actually be encased so that’s really annoying I didn’t know that but it’s

Okay it’s okay it’s okay so what we’ll do is we’ll get rid of this dude and then hopefully we’ll be able to encase it we can actually right click on him right now but to be honest because he’s like try no attackers it’s not exactly ideal let’s actually get our sword out

Because he’s underwater right now let’s keep them upside the head oh right we’re gonna try this again and we’re gonna set it up slightly differently this time so I want two things I’m gonna put them in this ring I don’t think it matters but we’re gonna

Do the obsidian here and we’re gonna do the redstone here and then what we’re gonna do is we are gonna grab ourselves back I had some more gasp tears in one of my chest so it’s all good I didn’t even have to go to the nether which is

Fantastic and a pearl thingamajig what are we missing refined evil blaze powder and a pearl which is perfect and now we need our caged villager in here oh please work please work please work okay summon him he’s a witch for some reason take yes it’s gone it’s gone okay it’s gonna make

The cage know all today by now it’s gonna do it again what there’s an altar right there dude what you two talking about oh no alternate oh oh it destroyed my altar blocks demon god dammit look at that no wonder it’s not gonna work so okay that is gonna work in

Theory but we need to do a repair to our altar how do we make these again we have to make special stone are so annoying oh I got wails it how is it how is it it’s one of these isn’t it oh dude but I get Rowan word except

Actually might have some of these blocks bear to be honest with you I got any in here no all right let me go check oh right fingers crossed here goes nothing and let’s go let’s go let’s go go go go go okay so it’s taken those please make

The force field please yes it’s made the force field and we’re gonna pop those and demon yeah duh and he’s trapped inside this one doesn’t have six wait a minute this one has 519 health so you telling me that by sheer chance we summoned in a

Demon with six six six health oh my goodness that is insane right the reason why I wanted to actually trap this is because if we right-click this dude and he’s not too angry oh there we go we can actually make trades so five blaze rods for enchanted book not interested this

Is what we want and of course its blaze rods which were annoying together that’s kind of annoying but yeah so we need to go and now get some blaze rods but look at this we can actually trade him for demon hearts so we could we could kill

Him with our thana and we maybe have a chance to like get one but if we go blaze rod farming which we’re gonna do because there is a fing magic really really close with our looting sword let’s go and grab a little blaze rods let’s come back I’ve already been to the

Nether why’s he giving me that achievement I have no idea but anyway let’s go get some blaze rods on second thoughts come on James listen owl in here how did you get inside here come on James we can do better than that because we have the equivalent exchange setup

Dope ah this is gonna be perfect so instead of going to grind them out why don’t we just teach ourselves to get blaze rods and then equivalent exchange a load of them oh it’s amazing when a plan comes together I’m really really excited by this so yeah this is the

Whole point we set this up to get like annoying items so this is definitely one of them so boom we put ourselves a little book in here and blaze rods blaze rods blues rods don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t uh so they’re quite expensive actually but you

Know what let’s just buy as many as we can we could just hold our finger down that would make more sense there we go nice forty-one blaze rods are you kidding me can we how much do these give like we’ve no week we can we are they good not a pretty rubbish

We’d better with just all’s and stuff but yeah there we go boom forty-one blaze rods amazing let’s get ourselves some demon hearts so the good news is it is still night time we’re still the same day but this force field thing is still up now I’m wondering if it stays there

As long as we don’t do any other like rites I might leave on I’m gonna have to get rid of it anyway because we’re gonna have to do the the what’s it called the thingamajig the the familiars think of a bobs you know what I mean anyway but I

Was wondering like if we set up another circle somewhere else but we’ll which will have enough altar power we could technically have like a permanent demon ow ow dude chill chill chill let’s be friends come on be friends let’s be friends tre dragon baby please yes there we go

Fantastic all right okay okay so this is what we want we want a ton of demon hearts boom 13 demon heart lad oh okay oh god he’s free he’s first he’s blown up my bow for me – oh God kill it I hate the Sun Oh God smokey the bear is

Attacking him look at this I had no idea smokey the bear was aggressive look at this smokey the Bears cleaning him up go on buddy God yeah you saw that demon out Oh God everything’s on fire again no please no oh no idea this is a thing

Look at smokey the bear what a hero he’s about like my demon protector oh god there’s more mobs over here we’re gonna let smokey deal with demon and let’s serve let’s get a get rid of these dudes all that good is just amazing oh my get my last hit my athan

Or I might actually get am can’t be able to get a drop from in come on no James fingers fingers come on I’ll smoke at the bag on him oh my goodness I love this game dude you’ve got zero chill smokey the bear you’re amazing I

Think all of that talk of forest fires is just gonna be hyped up oh my goodness sir fortunately we didn’t get that much damage around here which is probably good apart from this big hole but I’m gonna have to well I’m just gonna have to repair it aren’t I wait a second so

In all that commotion I don’t even think we actually got that many hearts because we’ve still got 35 blaze rods I’m making here some demonic blood which we need for the I’m going to show you here actually we are going to be doing the

Rite of binding to the owl so we need to river goddess odor of purity whiff of magic diamond and demonic blood so we’ve got most of these things we’re gonna have to change our ring which is a little bit annoying but some yeah so let’s get the stuff together I’m just

Making some demonic blood he’ll actually it’ll be done in two seconds but man maybe he only gave us two hearts or maybe we screwed it up or maybe it was just chaos and he blew up everything and he hates us why does he hate us Oh Smokey the Bear though he’s the real

Hero here right I think we’re ready I think we’re ready to give this a go so okay what we need to do now is we need to change our this one back to the white ruins type thingamajig so we need a be larger circle for this one and it should

Work pretty much fine we don’t need an inner circle and but unfortunately we do need to change these but it’s no big deal we can keep the red one around the side there are some other just crazy cool things you can do with this owl

Come here I need you to behave now dude because let me just stick this chalk in here for now sit sit sit I pink that I pick like the pink owl because it’s got the highest health so I thought that might be a good at sit come

On yes there we go fantastic alright you stay right there fantastically good okay okay now what we need to do is we need to go with magic two of the guards demonic Blood Diamond and odor of purity where did that go I swear I’ll there we go it is it’s okay

Okay so we do five things so this one this one this one this one this one I think that’s it uh diamond tomorrow in a diamond yes so there’s at five one two three four five okay Ulta per a thousand which we have I’ll get inside the circle come on what

Are you doing uh right so if this goes well this should actually bind us a familiar oh oh yes good good yeah toot haha okay I think we could rename this do but look at his health now it’s gone from 99 to 492 we’re definitely gonna rename you dude cuz

You’re not gonna be called hoots you could be called something else but yeah there we go so this now is our familiar it’s different from the normal owls it’s a special owl it’s up the owl but we love pat your face is so good but say

Yeah this is going to allow us to do loads and loads of other stuff in witchery and you know what it’s gonna be really really fun so yeah I think oh no no no let’s stop that stop that um so next episode I don’t know what we’re

Gonna do just yet we might do some stuff on the community zoo or we might play around with hoot we’re gonna we’re gonna rename him I don’t like the name who tsk were you going Oh Abbi okay so we’re gonna call it a day there for today so thank you so so

Much for watching I do hope you enjoyed this video note to self so many demons is really really dangerous who would have thought huh and but yeah so thank you once again for watching guys umm yeah we can hit 5,000 likes on this video that would be

Amazing so thank you so so much once again for your incredible continued support for this series and for the channel also if you’re not subscribed go for it because we do minecraft dug fun I’ve lost my witch’s hat no but until next time thank you once again for

Watching it’s been such a pleasure as always tags right yeah you

This video, titled ‘DEMON SUMMON GONE VERY WRONG!! | Ep 22 | Minecraft Crazy Craft 3.0’, was uploaded by ThnxCya on 2016-05-29 19:03:31. It has garnered 336539 views and 14256 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:59 or 1319 seconds.

Minecraft Crazy Craft 3.0 Let’s Play Ep 22 TeamTC! PLEASE POKE THAT LIKE BUTTON! *pokes* SUB and join TeamTC HERE! ?

OMG! Finally the boys are back once again with a brand new adventure. Today DanTDM, Thinknoodles and ThnxCya continue their journey into Minecraft Crazycraft 3.0

Today we attempt to raise a demon from his hellish underworld!… It doesn’t go quite to plan

Check out the series from Dan and Justin’s side!

Dan – TheDiamondMinecart –

Justin – Thinknoodles –

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    Insane Plot Twist: I Built a Minecraft Survival School Gate 😱Video Information [Musik] [Musik] [Musik] tes [Musik] tes asamikumikumam kedua ni bang halo halo asalamaikum Waalaikumsalam rizan 2030 Kika Halo Bang 226 kilan yo Halo Bang Halo R R6 ketig ketig yang benar Siapa tuh Halo channel aku sat Bang Iya halo halo Kid 517 halo channel Halo Bang Halo semuanya Selamat malam ini adalah teraw terakhirh lah Ang I guys sekarang teraw terakhir guysa terakhir ya atau takbiran ya Halo Bang Halo channel7 Halo Mar 5000 juta Bang kamu kedua Bang ini bukan R yang kami kenal lihat rambutnya diakang Bang terakhir tanggal 9 kan lah tapi kan sekarang… Read More

  • Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft – INSANE POV! #minecraft

    Living as a VILLAGER in Trendy Minecraft - INSANE POV! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by HardShipYT on 2024-04-05 03:41:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Assalam O Alikum! POV VILLAGER LIFE IN THIS TREND OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ [ Details] … Read More


    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE feat. BUTCHER OF BRIX & TUXEDO STEVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI GAMES BATTLE MODE/ BUTCHER OF BRIX/TUXEDO STEVE’, was uploaded by RashuFruitzBlueBerriz on 2024-04-30 11:23:21. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:42 or 2982 seconds. Hello, my name is RashuFruitz, but my real name is Anthony, I am passionate about having insight, wisdom, charisma, loyalty, compassion, respect, and having belief in others, I am also passionate about taking care of your health and working a job and/career that you love, because think about it, we humans spend most of our lives considerably working, so, If we… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft’s Creepiest Mod

    Unbelievable! Surviving Minecraft's Creepiest ModVideo Information why is it doing thatai oh live yep ohie guys I’m live yay oh [ __ ] okay check check check okay check check check okay che check live hello hello hello hello hello yeah what’s up I’m back okay check if I’m live yeah you are live it’s fine live live live okay I’m I’m going to start my recording and we’ll do a proper intro oh [ __ ] wait wait wait hello everybody okay start it start it all right stand wait a wait stand here stand here and just do an FY you know yeah yeah yeah hello… Read More

  • EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #game

    EPIC ESCAPE! Bonny Craft Adventure #gameVideo Information вперёд к приключениям Ай не лагай не лагай А хотя Он скинет А как он это сделал тихо тихо Людвиг аристархович This video, titled ‘Чуть не закончились приключения #игры #стрим #bonny_craft #монтаж #minecraft #vtuber’, was uploaded by BONNY_CRAFT on 2024-01-09 20:44:05. It has garnered 2121 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge – Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!

    HOTEL Minecraft Build Challenge - Lotte builds €1 vs €10.000.000!Video Information Alex vandaag moeten we een €1 versus 1 miljoen hotel bouwen en deze chesten gaan ons laten weten welke Wij moeten bouwen Kom op Ik wil de duurste hebben dan kan ik een mega zwembad bouwen en misschien ook een eigen butler nemen en die noem ik dan Frits wat Nee ik wil de duurste Ik kan niet wachten om een miljoen hotel gewoon te bouwen in plaats van een poep €1 hotel Maar zullen we kijken Dat is goed oké 3 2 1 Ja ik heb een miljoen Let’s Go Jee ik heb een eh Alex ik… Read More

  • Reedop’s Fortnite Anxiety Revealed – Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #Minecraft

    Reedop's Fortnite Anxiety Revealed - Jaw-Dropping Twist at the End! #Shocking #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All High level anxiety’s 💀 But ( Wait for End😂 ) #Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-02-25 12:00:57. It has garnered 38775 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Share with your friends🙏 please Instagram link 👇 / my sacond channel channel link 👇 IGNORE ALL HASHTAG 🙏 !! VIDEO RELATED HASTAGS ! #trendingshort#liveinsaan#mythpat#techno_gamerz#mrbeast#total_gaming#triggered insaan#mythpat#gaming#subscribe#short#youtube#youtuber#viralshort#nurseryrhymes#littleangelnurseryrhymes#peppapigenglish#peppa#babysharkchallenge#kidssongs#youtube#youtuber#subscribe:#like#gaming#love#youtubecommunity#teaching#learning#facts#support#goals#like#youtube#youtuber#subscriber#youtubelikes#youtubevide#youtube #youtuber #instagram #music#love #follow #tiktok #spotify #like #youtubechannel#explorepage #youtubers #video#gaming#twitch#instagood#memes#hiphop#subscribe#viral#gamer#video#youtube #rap #gaming #fortnite #gamer #game#games #xbox #producer #youtuber minecraft gameplay in hindi, minecraft gameplay, minecraft in hindi gameplay, minecraft,… Read More

  • CozyCraving – Vanilla, No Whitelist, No Grief, Survival

    Join Our Unwhitelisted Survival Server! Looking for a great community to play with? Join our server with rollback plugin for griefing and looting protection. The server will never reset and will expand over time. Server IP: Read More

  • Macho Craft ATM9

    Macho Craft ATM9Brand new community, with a fresh world and more servers on the way!We offer playtime ranks and do our best to provide an optimal gaming experience.Diverse Mod Selection: ATM9 boasts over 400 mods, ranging from well-known favorites to newer, lesser-known additions. Whether you’re a seasoned modder or a curious newcomer, there’s something here for everyone.Balanced Gameplay: The modpack strikes a balance between accessibility and depth. It includes all the basics found in other popular packs, but with a twist. Expect surprises, unique mechanics, and fresh content as you delve into the world of ATM9.Endgame Challenges: Can you craft the elusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Salty Easy Choice”

    When it comes to choosing between studying and playing Minecraft, it’s a no-brainer…273 points to gaming! Read More

  • Crafting Dreams: Minecraft’s Sleepy Scheme

    Crafting Dreams: Minecraft's Sleepy Scheme In the world of Minecraft, we find peace, Building, exploring, our stress release. So what if it makes us a bit sleepy, It’s a game that’s truly worth keeping. Let’s embrace the calm, the joy it brings, And let our imaginations take wings. Read More

  • Bro, Why Am I Lagging in this Hot Mess? 😂 #minecraft #meme

    Bro, Why Am I Lagging in this Hot Mess? 😂 #minecraft #meme When you’re lagging in Minecraft and your friend asks why, just blame it on the Enderman stealing all the WiFi signals in the End dimension. #minecraftproblems #blametheenderman Read More

  • City Full of Villains! 😱 – Minecraft

    City Full of Villains! 😱 - Minecraft Minecraft Parody: The City Under Siege The Dark Monster’s Takeover In this Minecraft video, a mysterious dark monster seizes control of the entire city, turning everyone in the city evil just like itself. The monster’s black aura spreads, engulfing the city in darkness. Struggle for Survival As the dark virus infects the citizens, panic ensues. The monster approaches slowly, leaving no escape for the trapped residents. The tension rises as they realize the imminent danger. A Brave Stand Amidst the chaos, a brave individual steps up to protect their family and secure a safe haven within the city. With… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further! Dive into the world of Minewind and experience a unique gameplay experience like no other. With an active community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your inner builder. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on a journey filled with adventure, challenges, and endless fun. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join now and let your imagination run wild in… Read More

  • Real Life FNF Character Showdown

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  • POMNI’s Secret Experiment: Undying Love or Digital Circus?

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  • The Ultimate Gold Farm in Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20.5

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  • Insane PVP Action in Minecraft Bedwars #3!

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  • Unbelievable Secret Enchant in Skyblock | AkumaMC

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  • Twisted Gaming Drama: Blackmail in Game Galaxy #shorts

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  • EPIC Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay! #minecraftdungeons

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  • Insane Minecraft FNAF Security Breach in Atrium 53

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  • Get RICH Quick in Minecraft Prisons with These 5 Tips! #4

    Get RICH Quick in Minecraft Prisons with These 5 Tips! #4Video Information today we’re going to be looking at five different aspects of the game that can really change your income levels of a whole plethora of different currencies from tokens to gems to pickaxe experience we’re going to be gaining it all in today’s episode of Minecraft presents yes Hello everybody welcome back into a brand new episode of Minecraft prison day of course we’re back here on Akuma MC the best number one rated Minecraft prison server back for another episode here in this brand new season hopefully you guys have been enjoying the reset as much as… Read More

  • EPIC Black Emoji Minecraft Animation Tutorial!

    EPIC Black Emoji Minecraft Animation Tutorial!Video Information [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ه [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] ‏oh [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏k [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ه [موسيقى] – [موسيقى] ا [موسيقى] ‏n This video, titled ‘Make a Minecraft 3D animation in Prisma 3D app. Smooth walking animation full tutorial. Black Emoji’, was uploaded by Black Emoji on 2024-01-13 11:00:32. It has garnered 133 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:34 or 274 seconds. Make a Minecraft 3D animation in Prisma 3D app. Tags, Minecraft animation. Minecraft animation movie. Minecraft animal mod. minecraft animation video. minecraft animation Herobrine. minecraft… Read More

  • The Land Of Zolth

    The Land Of ZolthThe Land of Zolth provides players with an epic Minecraft adventure that never gets boring! You will not find the typical Minecraft grind here. Zolth is a survival based game where you will have to fight to survive, especially if you attempt to battle in one of our many exciting dungeons. Players will find Quests, adventures, and hundreds of new items to help build their strength and powers so that the massively hostile mobs in the dungeons can be defeated! You will need to bring a team for some of the dungeons, but don’t worry, if you don’t have a… Read More

  • Termina SMP | Towny, EventWar, PvP, Raiding, Pets

    🏰 Join The Best Towny Experience on! IP: 🌎 Discord: 🎮 Bedrock: 19132 | Java: 25565 mcMMO – Towny – Raiding & WARTIME! – Voice Chat – Discord Live Chat – so much more! ❤️ 🛡️ Play Your Way: We support all survival play styles! Whether you’re all about PvP action or prefer a passive SMP – join or create a town that suits you! 💣 Event War: Own a town? Declare war on your enemies and raid their loot as long as at least two of your town’s players are online! 🌲 Claim Your Part of… Read More

DEMON SUMMON GONE VERY WRONG!! | Ep 22 | Minecraft Crazy Craft 3.0