Filian VODs – Filian plays VRChat and Minecraft (4/11/22)

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Yeah come on baby yo get sunk on yeah we got it dude yeah all right tada they said it couldn’t be done they said i was stupid oh i gotta hide i gotta hide i think we’re safe back here i think we’re good down here oh my gosh what is happening outside

That’s a party swish splash i was taken aback I’m just let’s put them on america’s got talent can you try to open it with your like chest let’s take some just jump That was in his bottle like four seconds ago jesus oh oh you’re into that aren’t you I’m going to put on all my armor and jet pack and stuff i don’t like okay stop don’t don’t go down there i’m i’m being your mom can’t stop me no billion oh no oh this is really pretty down here how do i know how to get out of here

Though what is that ah your mom two three oh afraid I can’t actually see what’s going on with the camera right now is it following me still how well does this thing work hello are you working are you on hello hello we’re vlogging it’s so fun messing around with the camera all right i think i’m screwing around long enough oh my freaking countertop

All right we’re still we’re still filling it up another one do a handstand i bet i got you guys all right one handstand coming right up we wiped out you know we do a little wiping out huh This is so crazy what the [ __ ] i don’t know magic fight this is definitely legal [Applause] yo what up wait you guys want to see a magic trick you guys want to see a magic trick i’m gonna do a like and here we go young Oh that’s true can you guys hear this obnoxious drinking noise what is the end i don’t know that’s where you fight the dragons what am i doing with an identity are you stealing my milk that’s not what do you say pull up the nine there you go What is going on i see you i see you what the heck that’s insane all right i’m very distracted right now one sec yo guys all right i guess if i’m gonna get rated i might as well do something cool right here we go easy

Wow what the [ __ ] is going on right now it’s insane guys i would love to read everything i need to write the names girl i must The land makes a descent and the stream begins hello mother truckers welcome to the stream today it is a monday and we are out here doing flips and freaking stuff and doing whatever the freak anything does you know what i’m saying you know what i’m saying chad i just had an epic stroke

Hello everybody yeah yo is that the flip girl that’s me my entire personality devops into one human wow hey hey stop stop you’re going through the content too fast if you keep playing the bang sand alert there’s gonna be no content later for me in the stream don’t bully

Me okay that’s cringe and you’re not cringe are you chad we are off to a great start right now and my headset’s back in wow here we go here we go my headset keeps cutting out every four seconds but we’re still good to go frick dude guys my headset cable

Remember last year remember last year when i started off that mother trucker and literally every five seconds every five seconds something broke well we’re back oh god As i was saying Just cut the music must cut the music i don’t want to do it anymore i’m getting framed framed i tell you all right here we go we’re here ladies and gentlemen get up and dance puppet bro ichi bro ichi man listen your hand ain’t not my butt i’m not your puppet

Kid you understand hey hey hey maybe you should just change it into f and e t muppet out here if that that’s really what you want so badly holy [ __ ] philly and i effing love you says jay senpai what’s up [ __ ] hello everybody a great way to start watching this

Stream i guess yeah man there’s a dude in my chat his name is a man with a duck he’s like yeah man i guess that’s a great start to this stream i guess and is you’re just how do you just like stroke in his pet dog he’s like yes this

Stream is satisfactory i must say so myself it’s it’s so dumb the naruto kid true you guys remember that tick tock you guys remember the tick tock i made where the dude’s like hey phillian have you heard of these and i said yo what’s up narutofan194

How about you pick up these nuts jokes less basic less basic than your anime choices i want to be honest with you guys i have not seen that guy in my chat ever since then i’ve not seen that guy in my chat ever since then i’m pretty sure he went

Home cried to his mom and his mom said uninstall twitch and he never came back i’ve even banned him he having banned himself at that point troy stop spamming dies of cringe in my chat i will ban you as a moderator i’ll heck and do it i’ll laughing do it

You’re top tier comedy in my opinion bro your face is top tier comedy cringe who says cringe in my chat who says cringe in my chat who is this who this mother trucker dies of cringe says dark star hey dark star man how about you pick a

Name a little bit less edgy before coming into a youtuber’s chat and typing dies of cringe all right man like what is this name cringe stop saying cringe stop no it’s not even the path of this stop saying cringe stop mods mods bend the word cringe they’re calling me cringe again dude

Stop typing tizen cringe guys listen my self-confidence is on an all-time low and i’m having stock right now i’m like epping tesla like three years ago when i was at the rock bottom all right you guys are literally beating me into the floor right now i can’t tell who’s here

Saying cringe for real and who’s saying cringe just control me I like how i like how when the fart sound played the music cut out too holy the music was just like hey yo hey i gotta head out man i had enough of this dunk with the frank hey billy sorry for awong last stream you were busy with gettys is that gettys

Getty’s nuts in your mouth is that what it is get these nuts in your mouth i i’m trying to figure out right now what does it mean the avenger thank you for the five gifted subs welcome new snackers thank you thank you getty’s nuts out your mouth how dare

What the frank suddenly the stream is off to a good start hi fellain it’s always off to a good start there’s only been one bang sound effect one john cena 3 000 farts as well as no zero fbi’s so we’re doing pretty well you’re looking extra beautiful today oh you silly goose

Stop it okay listen can we talk about that for a second someone comes into my chat and says feeling you’re looking extra beautiful today as if i don’t wear the same exact outfit every day i have not taken a shower in months do you see this

Junk do you see this dunk this skirt used to be white all right and now look at it and now look at it troy stop spamming dies of cringey frick stop what do you mean my straight used to be what screw i can’t find have you lost weight Okay i forgot what i was talking about i love this oh right all right okay you’re asking if i gained weight i actually have an option for you listen the only way i can gain is right here shut up you like that weekend right there god

Dang man i’m having a weapon right now i’m coming in for the kill i’m coming for the kill chat just like that you have perished in combat can we get the other and you died over that oh chad what i popped them i popped one they’re deflating they’re deflating no no no no

No no everything i worked for no they already were that’s it all right and we’re back up to full mast we’re back up to full master right now now snackers thank you thank you thank you listen at any moment these bad boys could pop they’re in danger okay these v-tuber

Badonkadonks an endangered species all right so let me tell you guys you have to take good care of them okay if anyone would do anything that could seriously injure me at any moment i might lose everything i’ve worked for you know what i’m saying so don’t scare me

Just make sure not to scare me restless thank you for the five gifted songs welcome to snickers what happens if they pop it hey what happens if they pop i don’t know man what if they popped and everything blasted off like team rocket it was like team rockets blasting off again

Like as soon as it happened literally only one of them pops no filling is 20 air only my head is only my head is what the freak matt hardy thank you dude what are you guys doing right now oh god no No chat chad i’m packing it up i’m calling this stream matt thank you for those subs i just can’t do it anymore man i just can’t do it anymore Daniel says why am i the only unfunny person here don’t worry daniel you and me both you and me both snaggers listen without my enormous personality i am nothing this stream is nothing my comedy has gone out the window the only personality i have left is under my skirt

My personality yeah dude yo i checked the patch notes philly got nerfed unlucky hey i’m mad thank you again for the 25 get this off that’s so many we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for filling oh my gosh dude hey feeling not gonna lie i really like you oh that’s cute

That’s cute if you like me so much never mind i just want to talk about how you appreciated me and if you really appreciated me what you can do for me i’ll just say you know there’s a twitch prime button make sure to click the twitch prime button you told me to shut

Up i mean come on man do we have so much potential together so much potential together and now look at this look look look i was trying to show you my heart how i truly felt about you guys i came up to you guys with my heart in my hands to

Offer it up to you guys and you told me to shut up and now look at me and now look at me i’m an epic [ __ ] talking to a camera that i can’t even reach anymore wait wait a second wait a sec wait a sec

Oh suffix thank you for the five to the subs what the [ __ ] thank you come here chad come here chat let me go come on i’m gonna put you guys up here i’m gonna put you guys up here oh [ __ ] there’s a wall there we go you guys are like surveillance footage

Look look look i’m putting you guys up on the corner of this wall there’s a wall see down here there’s a floor then there’s a wall and then some other stuff you guys like a surveillance camera all right make sure to keep an eye on me and

Make sure i don’t get hurt or anything like that all right i’m putting you guys up here there perfect all right now i’m gonna do this and do that goodbye chat [Laughter] wait this actually looks like brazilian daycare yo it’s like have you ever wondered have you ever wondered what your favorite youtuber

Does when she’s not streaming now we can pretend like i’m not streaming and see what happens the possibilities are endless i’m gonna pause this music and we’re gonna get right into it hello darkness no i’m [ __ ] why are we playing this right now what the frick

I’m good i’m good right i’m not gonna die right chad i’m not gonna die right wait wait where is it where is it where is it start with an s where is it it’s it’s there it is here it is here we go here we go all right I made it to the top come on baby hold me up let me up please oh freak oh freak out oh hello hello who was that Bing bong uh-huh here we go all right almost here i built a boy look at me go now i’m safe from my own self chad we’ll go see if i am all right now what i should do over here watch this guys watch this watch us watch us

Gonna climb on top of this [ __ ] oh god Okay one more time Okay almost there almost there excuse me and just like that i’ve done it i made the top of the world but a boom bada bing boom fire power and now i’m unstoppable if anything were to happen right now it’ll be a great tragedy thank you thank you

Now for my next trick i’m going to perform a sick flip off this mother truck you guys ready i just wanted to stand on my pillow okay okay i’m doing it for real this time nobody can stop nobody can stop me one two what is that what is that

Mission fouled we’ll get them next [Applause] it’s so done all right no wait It’s like every five seconds i get john cena this mother’s okay oh okay okay all right john cena’s the vip here dude john cena kicks my butt i’m not gonna lie what the dog doing i don’t know wild flynn on the list true it’s so dumb hey snackers say snackers

Can i get a one that chat if you think you’re smarter than me who here thinks are smarter than me right now you haven’t saw what i do in my spare time you guys saw what i do in my spare time oh you’re writing a bunch

Of people writing once huh a bunch of people are writing ones huh okay all right let’s see about that huh all right how’s the expression go guys is it one the chat if it’s i couldn’t care less two in the chat if it’s i could

Care less which one is it which one’s a proper grammatical english spectacular phrase One one one one okay well a lot of you are writing too i guys don’t think i understand if you say i couldn’t care less then that means that you can’t care less but if you say i could care less that means you technically couldn’t care less do you guys understand the difference

Here now i’d expect some of you guys to get that out right i’m kind of disappointed myself right now i’m kind of disappointed myself right now i’m not gonna lie you couldn’t care less is correct fine fine you guys are so smart you guys are so smart then did you know

This did you know this did you know you have a dominant eyeball one of your eyes is dominant compared to the other one did you know that did you know that one chad do you know that one huh one one one one one yes yes okay what do

You know how to find out do you know how to find out which eyeball is dominant i bet you don’t i bet you don’t you know to do this i’ll show you guys i’ll show you guys right now you’re ready for this ready for this you’re going to want to take

Your two fingers like this and you’re going to want to put them together so you’re going to put this finger together and then this finger together in like a triangle shape and you’re going to want to center it on something okay you want to center it on something so

What you’re going to want to do is when you do this you’re going to want to close your um your right eye careless fill this is important this is important listen if you put your fingers together like this okay okay and you close your right eye after

Centering on an object if the object moves over that means okay i get it all you want is flips all you want is flips you just want the funky funny flips huh i’ll give you the flip center i’ll give you the flip side here you guys go you’re you’re so

Excited for the flips here we go yeah i know you don’t care here comes the super [ __ ] freak [Applause] ah ah my foot slipped oh frick oh leos and chad you cannot summarize my entire stream with a single letter all right unless it’s the letter w that’s

The only acceptable letter l l l whatever okay let me try this again we all just want to see the flips i understand how it is here we go here we go now we’ve done it now we’ve done it thank you welcome to snackers wait someone in chat said they want to

Figure it out someone in chat said i want to figure out how to know which is my dominant eye so i’m going to explain this one more time just one more time okay you do the triangle and you close your right eye if the object you’re centered on shifts over

Then that means you are right eye dominant and if it doesn’t move that means your left eye dominant does that make sense does that make sense so do the math right now snackers do the math right now do the math right now someone in my chest says shut up their name is

Unavailable duck how about they’re just unavailable from watching my stream mods time i’m out whenever whenever which one’s the right side bro if you don’t know which one’s the right side then you’re in the wrong stream all right you need to at least know your basic rights from left in this mother trucker

It’s not hard it’s not hard feeling are you cool no both of my eyes are dominant listen up bro in any relationship only one of you wears the pants and the same goes for your eyeballs now chat now chad what i want you to do right now is to move your

Hands closer okay focus on my face right now and move your hands close to the screen this will show you how strong your eyes are dominant okay so what you want to do is do this and move your hands really close to the screen all right are you guys there you guys are

Good you guys are good can i get one a chat if you’re if you’re if you’re getting it done shut up are your hands in position are your hands in position one one one one okay cool okay cool your hands are your hands are like this right

Your hands like this right okay here we go here we go it’s that easy it’s that easy colony me all you want all right but listen listen listen listen you got goddamn i deserved it i deserved it i deserved it you can kill me but i’ve already i’ve

Already won the war kid i’ve already won the war well what did we do to you no stop i can’t get down chad i think i died chad i think i died chat am i here am i good am i good okay my face check my arms check my shoulders

Check my chest my chest still flat okay well guys remember when i had some i had nothing but some blossom for like all five minutes when the stream started do you guys remember that do you guys remember that can you throw your headset for me bro can you everything give me your girlfriend

What dude i don’t okay so guys listen can we talk about this for a second can we talk about this for a second there’s a lot of people here all right there’s a lot of people here you’re from youtube aren’t you gonna want to chat if you’re from

Youtube who here is a youtube frog nothing frog of youtube huh who’s here who’s here from youtube now listen up for all you freaks out there i see you coming into my chat constantly and you’re like oh phillian do the flip wow oh fillion do the falling over snacks

Just for that neutral face and karma is beautifully integer keeping you and keep us entertained till the end of time what’s up welcome back all right and then people come in here even worse like do the funny upskirt thing what do you guys think i deserve or or that to any

Of you guys huh listen you guys don’t even know you guys don’t even know what a giga chat is all right youtube people you new youtube people do you even know what a giga chat is do you even know what a giga chat is i have giga chats

Only in this chat and if you can’t i think live up to that potential you’re not worthy of being in this chat do you understand now snackers listen up we got a lot of new people here and it’s time for me to whip you into shape

All right so today i fill in will be your effing boss instructor as soon as i do this flip what the [ __ ] now listen up snackers we got a bunch of yellow-bellied newbies out here you guys don’t even know what the first going on you don’t know what a giga chat is you

Don’t know what a people happy is you don’t even know what the frick of philly pog is alright you know nothing of the ancient arts and we’re here to teach you today all right so listen up snackers we’re into a simple did you fart did you fart did you did you fart

Seriously far during my speech my lecture you think that’s funny recruit you think that’s so funny recruit you think that’s funny huh get back in line i’m not done talking yet and don’t keep it to yourself next time all right okay now listen up you guys effing need

To get whipped in this shape a lot of progress needs to be made here this is potentially oh oh oh you want me to shut up you want me to shut up you want me to shut up huh all right all right hey hey hey hey

Let’s see who really shuts up all right let’s see who really shuts up when i give you this double foot sandwich oh frick wait um you did wait i’m muted wait what are people lying to me am i getting scammers wait i don’t and his name is john cena [Applause] am i muted

I’m getting i’m getting trolled i’m not there’s no way i’m muted there’s no way i’m you i fix my audio okay can i get a one the chat of a muted can i get a one in the chat if i’m muted one then chat if i’m muted right [Applause] Wow that’s a heck of a lot of old ones for people who aren’t supposed to be able to hear me you fools and you’re all looking listen i’ve already pranked you guys okay i’ve outsmarted you guys twice a day that’s two strikes i got you i got you

With the finger trick slap in the face i got you with the one that champion muted you guys are on thin ice they’re nice right now this is nothing thinner than the effing birth control your mother should have used all right this is really having thin okay

Now i just i’ll be aware of that now listen up too far jesus listen you need jesus all right now snackers i’m gonna do something that i don’t usually do okay i’m gonna put on the whole filling show right now the whole feeling show all right and we’re gonna do an exercise

Shut up no we’re into the exercise if you guys play a single sound alert that pisses me off during his entire entire entire routine i’m quitting streaming oh you’re really you you’re real you’re real you’re really pushing it you’re really pushing snackers i will quit streaming if you guys piss me off right

Now do you understand all right okay i get it i get it you’re like spamming whoa the little the little happy gnome sounds little sound i don’t even care about that garbage all right now here we go i’m gonna go through the this is where we started off

We’re getting a lot closer right now it’s gonna i’m gonna be out we’re getting pretty close hey hey we’re getting kind of close right now we’re getting kind of close all right now listen up i’m gonna go through my redeems and if you guys piss me off i’m gonna quit streaming all right

Here we go so what we have first what oh my frick dude what do we have first what do we have first i legit it’s always sandalwood redeems we have a handstand okay handstand and then what else do we have oh cut kai kiss him thank you for the

Five years of the song right there oh frick pet the snackers car will handstand okay here we go here we go snackers here we go we’re gonna do the routine right now i have to do a cartwheel a handstand and pet the snaggers so what’s happening do it here we go

One two three four oh freak oh freak my cable whenever whenever whenever no okay it’s fine it’s fine no no i’m not mad i’m not mad i’m not mad i’m not mad i’m not mad i’m not mad all right here we go here we go here we

Go stop laughing at me here we go [Laughter] [Applause] i signed up for this didn’t i this was my plan all along and this is what i really stopped and this is what i really wanted is this one okay guys stop stop calm down calm down calm down you’re gonna maybe quit streaming do you know how hard i listen

Guys i i expected something to be annoying but this is legit this is pushing the line here no please please have mercy god have mercy for one second just please put out the gun put down the line i’ve worked way too hard for this entire streaming

Career for it to end right here you’re just gonna calm down for five seconds just five five seconds five seconds all right put down the sound effects that’s right who the frick said that guys listen to tenju emotional potential okay you guys listening all right okay all right it’s fine that’s fine just

Keep doing that that’s fine i don’t care about that all right here we go i have to do the cartwheel into the handstand and to pet the snackers all right true combo coming right up here go here cartwheel complete and now it’s time to pet the snackers shut up

What’s up destruction up i did a full 360 baby you spin when you run round baby wait what happened no did it fast no no listen listen i don’t understand here as people come into my stream and they say philly can you flash the camera as if there isn’t

37 000 flash springs online like why do you need me anymore this model is public this avatar is public this game is free and there’s already 47 clips on youtube why do people come into my chat and still care about that it’s really not complicated

Is your spine okay bro is your mom okay after last night oh freak man all right what else am i doing right now bruh wait wait guys can you just play the bra sound effect every time i make a bad joke every time i make a bad joke just play bro

My leg isn’t okay to my leg is fun do the stinky leg do the stinky leg do the stinky leg so all the time true i love watching your instagram clips you’re the best wait sounds from instagram smile yo sacred welcome from it’s dude guys guys the first person from

Instagram has arrived on the scene you like having aaron jaeger of instagram bro don’t we have an actual instagram person thank you that’s the first person to ever say they’re from instagram can i take a moment to talk about this can i take a moment to talk about this

Guys listen listen we have someone here from instagram that means we have collected people from twitch from you from youtube you know someone really liked youtube they’re like they’re like like philly did you say youtube bars cutely from tick tock and now from instagram and guys snaggers when someone says they

Are here from facebook from facebook we will have completed the ultimate takeover of every social media platform every social media you full you will not stop my master plan it’s too late even if you kill me you will only behead the hydra and two more heads will sprout out from where i

Left off my work is unstoppable i was born in the youtuber and ism blows it by it you merely shot me in the face for five dollars we don’t talk about twitter can we talk about this guys can we talk about this you can literally you can literally pay five dollars to

Shoot me how i think grim is that in the year 2022 you can pay five dollars to shoot your v tuber it’s so grim snaggers listen if you’ve ever been wondering if i’m american wonder no further for five dollars i’ll let you shoot me today

For the low low price of five dollars so what are you waiting for partner come out and shoot your favorite youtuber today and the prices don’t get any lower than this one i promise it’s like a it’s like a but it’s like nothing it’s like an even

Carnival it’s like it’s like okay so it’s four dollars to punch her in the face with john cena it’s five dollars a shooter you can make a fart sound effect for a dollar you can scare her for two days It’s something dumb man youtubers are now endangered snackers that’s right listen be tubers aren’t endangered species and by v tubers i mean people who have virtual avatars that stream whose entire personality is not being horny warrior he is a greek warrior like achilles buffets instead of his weakness being his heel his weaknesses

Slash still ain’t done no long stop stop take it back take it back right now you take it back i’m just used man who did that who did that dude we got a mod whoever did that job we have to mod whoever did that song there’s no recovering from

That but there’s definitely no recovering from being born tbh all right holy freak that’s it snappers i’m laughing pissed off i’m not being pissed off here we go snaggers for this and your crimes against me i am sandifying banishing you to the shadow realm whenever whenever you waggy i love small youtubers with

Slow chats says chapel knight snacker’s rapping letting me down right now some dude came into my chat and said my chat was slow also he called me small i’m not small there’s something there okay now listen up chad show to him that we are powerful spam chad i give you

Permission to spam for one minute one minute so get it get it done come on baby no no no smiling why are you saying no chad we’ve been in this together from the start man listen listen listen listen you’re in the game with me we’re in the game together chad come on

Please chad stop saying no can you find in your hearts to spam my chat a little bit harder listen man listen man jeff bezos came up to me the other day he’s like feeling listen girl i know you’re trying really hard with streaming everything but i’m not really feeling

The speed of your chat right now it doesn’t speak up like a little bit like you know like three hundred thousand percent i might have to ban you off twitch.television and i was like jeff bezos what happened to you he’s like yeah man i’ve been hanging out with you

On musk so much lately bro he’s having me tired these having drugs are so effing good bro listen my mind was at a million miles per second right now i’m practically an android if i can read your chat i cannot handle it i cannot handle it i’m not stimulated by it all

Right that does let’s watch this stream right now your boobs are small i look at my chat for five seconds for five seconds i pick one message out of the spam one message out of the spam it’s like it’s like an effing like like like i’m just like pulling a needle out

Of a haystack and the message i get is just your boobs are small cool bro listen you’re having pee pee small but we’re not talking about that now are we like what the fragment that’s what i thought that’s what i thought did someone just call me millam

I read the chat somebody called me milam who is melon who is melon huh who is that who the fake is melon i’m epping philly and bro yeah that’s what i thought if i was like i don’t understand roasted true melon these nuts never whenever whenever i can become a seal whenever

What happened to me all right snackers how dare you shoot me are you trying to kill me that’s it just this one time snackers i’m gonna have to use my full force i’m sorry Ah oh my god my leg stackers tasmanian deals am i good am i good guys you could even use my leg as a fishing cook right now guys listen guys listen if you were if you were a fish and you saw this in the water would you

Not bite that look at how appetizing that epping fishhook looks and the moment you bite it i’m just like pushing idiot you’ve been caught by a v tuber in 4k takes photo i’d bite that oh no don’t answer that exactly jp guys you weren’t supposed to answer that you

Weren’t supposed to answer that your foot is ugly bro i try so hard for streaming and someone just calls my foot ugly are you serious i worked so hard on my foot no no he insulted my pixels mom leonardo ducky says was the vr stairs four best one is catching the snack

Holy frick tails better bait in my opinion dude whatever guys listen i paid zero dollars for this model okay you guys gonna come out here and install my foot that i paid zero dollars for we’re called the snackers for a reason winky face no listen listen listen if

That’s the kind of snap can you want to do we have a term for you i you guys are the effing smackers okay stop having smacking bro that’s cringe that’s cringe is my first stream and it’s more crazy than the tick tock what’s on what do you expect dude i don’t okay

Snaggers listen we have some real talk people come from the tick tock and they’re like this is crazier than i expected what did you expect every single tick tock is me falling off a cliff getting shot in the face talking about weird things that someone should not be talking about or just screaming

Incoherent phrases what do they expect happens during the live stream and what am i going to just having sit down be like hey man so i know you saw the clips about me oh let’s sit down let me sit down hey man i know you saw the clips about mia uh like

Like shooting myself and stuff like that you know but it’s fine today we’re gonna be playing some elder wing gameplay we’re gonna do some nice casual minecraft gameplay what did they expect same first stream too yo and the farting true it’s crazier than instagram wait someone else from instagram

Guys we have people from instagram here can i get a one the chat if you’re from instagram can i get a one the chat if you’re from instagram and if you said that you already said that cookies it’s so disrespectful to philanthropists you’re not from instant

Guys i know half your names i know your names you’re rather not from instagram you guys are not from instagram bro yeah hoodie says one lying smiley face i know you’re lying hooksy don’t make me don’t make me turn you out dude ebbing valentine’s has been here from like like

Months now and every single time like are you here from this or that he’s like yeah smiley face as if like he hasn’t been here for months but you’re lucky you do good clips otherwise i would ban you for the disrespect you understand well i’m from kick what

Wait we got someone from kik right now hey hey want the chat up here from kick one attacker from kick who here is from kick dog kick television all right cool so now we know what a band tampa gg band leonidas band kinz band uh hair foster band percocet band uh uh

Uh hidden player band uh all right who else wants who else wants to be from tick tock who else wants to be from tech type blue logan’s black heart band what is kik i’ll show you what kick is this is what kick is i wish i could like like kick throw the

Camera you know like i wish you like throw the camera but you can’t call one d whenever whenever like i’m from youtube nice man i’m from your mom’s house dude okay listen listen listen snackers listen you guys call indeed about everything every time i touch the

Camera you guys like oh no colin d so we’re gonna do a test we’re gonna do a test what is your limit right now what is your f in colon d limit okay here’s the first test here’s the first test okay is that a colon d right there

Well i just touched the nose i just touched the nose what does colon do about that bro okay okay okay okay fine fine fine okay how about this how about this you guys are ready just ready fizzy’s ready for this here we we go how was that one how was that one how

Was that one dude stop too far guys dude listen if i was a man and you were a hot babe and i think did this in your direction guys you would having following having restraining order against me right now how is that fair how is that fair how is that fair she

Assaulted us how about you assault these nuts whatever man affiliate promoting lack of content dude okay listen guys listen you guys think okay i’m not promoting lack of content all right bro i am lack of content there is no content on the stream there is no content i just sit here and

Talk and you come into my stream and you say oh affiliate my brain detects a lot of content on your stream right now it’s like what did you expect every single tech talk is be just being doing something random stuff what did you expect what did you expect

What do you mean you are the content client nice no more content dude listen listen listen the worst part about everything is that when i plan content people don’t care they only want the fake content though i want the two hour stream intro that’s all you guys

Want so you have a two hour streaming show isn’t it i understand that’s great content john cena her no don’t don’t stand to me don’t join the enemy you have angel on scene of me the repercussions will be severe severe i tell you severe you know you’re doing good all you gotta

Do is talk to people when they come back stop stop being positive stop being positive bro okay snackers like i was saying you guys have calmed down now i haven’t heard sandalwoods in a little bit all right i think the coast is clear so here’s the deal i’m gonna do your mom

Okay all right i’m getting pissed i’m gonna do the flipping stuff i’m gonna do the flips and stuff and if you guys piss me off i’m quitting streaming okay i wasn’t done with that yet i wasn’t done with that yet okay so here we go here we go i’m gonna start

Doing the flips here we go you go listen i will slap your balls someone not those but like your your kickball i’ll kick i’ll kick your ball i’ll your frick play okay ignore me okay here’s the deal didn’t come out right that’s what she said okay

Snackers here we go i’m gonna do the flips okay okay stop stop stop okay here we go flip routine someone redeemed the feeling special so i gotta do the filling special right now feeling special coming right up okay it’s getting annoying all right feeling special coming right up one two three [Applause]

And now for the next trick what are we doing what do we do my handstand a handstand okay handstand coming up and now front handspring and now a backhand spring oh freak i just broke my controller where is kendo he’s zapping dead and now look how supportive you guys are thank

You guys for being so supportive right and now for the next flip we have an ariel coming up here we go one two three all right nice nice thank you i’ve seen you do hundreds of flips at this point never gets old e listen the only people that watch this

Stream are the people who never let flips and your mom jokes get a little queen someone call me queen what the freak the flippin toys yeah the flipper is so cool oh really you like that flip how about this flip ha ha you’re in the shadow room now

You all fall into my trap and now look at the snaggers look at this i haven’t got magnet boots Snaggers look i have magnet boots you guys like my end turbo mega magno boots now snaggers remember turn don’t turn the gravity back on okay you’re gonna kill us both if you turn the gravity back on here and kill us both okay snackers don’t turn the gravity back on

Don’t you dare come from milan down under i threw up film nice keep you updated turn the gravity back on no no turns it back on you almost doomed us you almost killed us both what is wrong with you what is wrong with you freaks you’re absolutely insane oh god oh no

Oh god gravity is a cool mistress too the best v tuber in the world yeah okay john yeah okay john hey chad i just got here did william fall down yet this stream hey chad i just got here says toby road did affiliate fall down this stream yet

Chad did i fall down yet did i fall down yet which one is it no i didn’t fall down yet hmm oh yes 45 times i didn’t fall down yet chat listen listen i’ve been falling down once i haven’t fallen down once remember okay guys make me look cool for my new friends

Guys made me look cool guys back me up yeah man i never fell over once in my life yeah man yeah man not even once baby not even once baby l plus ratio and plus fell off okay forecast weather first time your cable got your leg yeah

It’s true listen i almost tripped one time it was because my pee pee was too massive and it basically was like a rope in the way i couldn’t i didn’t know what to do about that it was only one time never falls exactly listen my jokes never miss and i never fall

Keep it straight the hook look was amazing thank you must have been the breeze must have been the breeze that’s a really weird situation emotional don’t fall whatever what a fragrant too massive yes yes the one centimeter yeah true feelings of skyrim guard true all right all right snackers

Are you ready for this this is the this is the final part of the routine if i can finish this routine off without getting pissed off i’m not gonna quit being a streamer i’m not gonna quit being a streamer okay so snackers i need your utmost concentration and patience with me as i

Perform this front flip are you okay with that snackers will you let me perform a front flip sign the contract right now want to chat if you’re going to let me do the front flip i want to see a lot of front flips not front oh it hurts

I want to see a lot of ones in my chat right now i want to see a lot of hecking ones guys listen don’t piss me off all right this is it wait what is this i i have to my music frick frick okay here we go

Okay cool here we go now guys the phone is coming up the fumble is coming up all right we’re gonna do some practice runs we’re gonna practice run up here we go frick all right practice run up one two three four five six foot okay all right that was good that was good

That was good that was good here we go and now this is for all the marbles this is for all the marbles if i ever get messed up here i quit streaming i’m done all right here we go one two three It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we go again we go just one more time just one more time we’re swiping snaggers you just have to give me five seconds bro just five seconds all right one two one two three i can’t concentrate man okay here we go here we go

We’re standing in right now we’re sending them for real for overall one two three we did it it’s that easy it’s that easy holy [ __ ] i was never in doubt i was never feeling fearing for my stream career that entire time we did it we did it

And now snackers we can take a breath of fresh air knowing that together we accomplish something we put together all five we put together all five of our brain cells and we made it happen the flips are cool bro you nasty af okay okay your p who

Said that bro you’re nasty af bro listen listen up i’m not gonna need to change my pants every time i wake up in the morning all right bro listen when you stop wearing diapers and you having maybe get some bees on your d my boy all right holy frick and zodia

This is so annoying stop playing the farts stop playing the fart noises holy freak man i’m still laughing tired of these effing fart noises or something would you say to me huh got another fart in you huh would you say to me what did you say to me

Philly and stop farting you’re from taco bell it smells so bad in this stream oh my lord bro i don’t think you understand i can’t there is no smell on twitch i’m not farting what part of it do i am not farting i am not farting it’s just every stop for

Chatty talk about today yeah it’s you guys it’s you guys you’re so smelly i can’t do this anymore i can’t i quit i quit streaming i quit streaming i’m done i’m done i’m done i’m done i’m done chat i’m done chat chat i’m done end stream then i’m done

You hear it here first i’m quitting being a streamer i’m retiring i’m putting my retirement right now where’s my effing water i need a sip of water really badly right now because i’m getting pissed off emotional dad i mostly damn as your mom last night chat chad that’s it i’m putting in my

Retirement form i’m putting in my retirement form okay chad we’re putting in right now i’m hanging up chat what should my new job be where’s my new job you snackers this is it’s the last stream what should my job be huh what’s my new job now that i’m firing

Myself from jeff bezos’s website what are we doing now likari’s maid taco bell worker whenever whenever taco bell worker are you serious farter a pants fart tester bruh fart jar bottler okay farting dude just be my waifu otk house janitor a casual mcdonald’s guys what if i just

Got a desk job what if i just got a desk job here okay here i’ll call wait what the freak call me thank you wait cut cal let me just gifted 12 months of subscription to cooksy thanks calling me those boys subscribe for a whole year now

Woman of the night oh that’s edgy [ __ ] no desk job i need to get a job somehow i need to get a job somehow he’s here i don’t know if he’s here all right guys where the calls are people up on my cell phone guys guys guys that’s a cell phone

Pretend there’s a cell phone okay this is this is a this is chat can i get a one if this is a cell phone is this a cell phone it’s got buttons on it right here this is clearly a cell phone is it not whenever whenever whenever you’re logging one

It’s a peepee wow bro one hut one who tell me bro is your mind as simple as your comments imo like dungeon impact i use my mom’s credit card to buy hotel for two thousand dollars then i come to youtubers chat and save the thing that’s not a peepee is the pee pee

Very cool is that raccoons alt i don’t know man whatever okay here we go that’s my streamer i love her you got the new iphone yeah guys this is the effing iphone squeeze all right i’ve lost so many brain cells me too all right we’re gonna call somebody up right now

We’re gonna call somebody up hello taco bell do you have any open spots you don’t i’m guys i can be no no no you guys don’t understand i guys listen i can do flips no i can’t flip a burger i can like okay that’s okay my bad all right let’s hang up

Applications are not going well let’s try somebody else let’s try somebody else uh hello otk hey otk hey i was wondering like do you have any like gender positions no no you wait wait wait okay wait no no no you don’t have any but like guys listen listen i can clean the floor

Really fast i’m really fast i have to face reveal call my boss wait i’m just gonna put the phone down this isn’t working out all right guys the pizza hut i’m an effing called desk job hello hello v tubers or us yeah hey can i work as a sales rep i can

Shut up okay i’ll shut up i’ll show up when you’re talking yeah right away right right away right away okay miss jenner jobs no i’m done listen youtubers you won’t be disappointed i actually used to be a youtuber before i quit streaming all right head over right now i got the job

I got the job i got the job snackers i got the job i got the job we’re going to be troopers around me we got a desk job let’s go see what it’s like let’s see come on guys let’s go let’s go We’re going we’re going to plot things guys this is the real lore write this down write this down snaggers we’re effing going all right i wonder what my first challenge job’s gonna be like let’s go find out all right snackers here we go here it is our new job is in the portal

Let’s go it won’t last bro uffing won’t last let’s go you’ll be remembered as a great streamer it’s okay guys listen i’m gonna show i’m gonna show my first day on the job on stream right now let’s go find out oh here we are here we are here we are guys guys guys

We’re in youtubers or us we’re in youtubers or us let’s go let’s go your dance moves are trash okay that was really i think mean coming from an effing viewer that’s really mean she’s on drugs oh my god you’re gonna get fired no no guys guys guys guys remember when we’re making our

First day on the job appearance we need to come in with a big we’ve bang to leave an impression we got to let him know that i mean business all right here we go all right guys when i bust in there i’m going to introduce myself i’m going to

Show the exact board what i’m all about all right here we hello go i’m a v tuber and i’m gay where’s everybody wait where is everybody hello there hello snackers is this my coworker is this my co-worker i found my co-worker it’s gotta be this guys listen i see enough naruto to know

He used substitution jutsu they’re hiding from me this is the test snackers this is the test snackers it’s all a test it’s all a test they evacuated knowing filing was coming no no no no it’s fine wait what time is it oh it’s 2 am

Huh why are they on the office that’s so weird all right well since uh it looks like we’re all oh god guys you broke into the building i know right they build on us that’s right monkey that’s right it’s fine it’s fine this is our building

Now let’s go look around let’s see what else we got on the job all right why is this door so heavy snagger this door is awfully heavy this door is effing heavier than carrying you guys is this is ridiculous what the freak what the frick

I just got violated by a door i think it went through me guys snaggers i just had a door in me it went through me it went straight through me bro all right here we go okay almost there cool all right now snackers we’re gonna be we’re gonna move cut together through

The door we’re gonna move together through the door very carefully all right come with me all right come with me all right come on snackers come on come with me come here come on come on come on come on come here all right now guys come here here we go

All right go go go go go go go go i can’t hold it i’m getting tired i’m getting tired get get through go through go through the door now do it there is nobody there oh [ __ ] god oh god oh god this is so embarrassing snagger’s around the amputate we’re at the

Amputate it’s not it’s not going to muscle oh my god what’s happening this place is an epic death trap stackers we’re gonna have to amputate this only one way i had to use my scissors as it turns out finger scissors don’t work like real scissors you’re dead now i’m nothing done

Snagger this is your fault i haven’t quit streaming i took a job here only to having die of starvation and nothing off of space because i believed in you guys you guys led me down this course and now it’s gonna cost me my entire life open up open up Okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good chad we’re good we’re gonna eat your leg we’re good okay let’s get out let’s get out let’s get out all right together chat we’re gonna barrel through this door together you ready for this we’re gonna bust out of here together

Come on chad are you with me are you with me let’s get out of here let’s get out of here one two three chad are you there chad are you there snackers stop hello snackers no stop stackers hello hello from the other side you left us behind wow just like your dad

Snackers no your your leg is not real man wait what dude i okay guys just stay there just stay there i’ll find a way around i’ll find a way around all right here we go perfect okay snagger i’m almost there just give me a sec okay just give me a sec okay i’m

Gonna climb down through here all right hello there okay okay there you go almost there i’m just gonna jump down all right all right okay oh That was dangerous is she spider-man yeah you already know i’m out here shooting webb she’s venting she’s venting call on meeting snaggers how can i call a meeting at the meetings in there nobody can call a meeting on me how are you gonna even kick me out of my own

Show call me know me right now huh call me right now i’ll wait i’ll wait that’s right ain’t nobody calling a meeting right now ain’t nobody stitching on these mother truckers come on come on now let’s go over here let’s go over here what does this say can anybody read this junk

Wait what the freak yo angel of death is subscribed what the frick yo fur trap welcome back by the way dude angel of death just sobbed at tier three and tier three we got nothing tier three snack rope in this [ __ ] thank you can get some gigantes in chat thank you angel

What the hang moon speak it says suko sukabura virtual office how do you know what it says it probably says ice cream shop frick ice cream machine is broken snaggers they having ice cream machine here is broken as usual who is this guy yo i’m well are these my co-workers

Dude we got agent stanley and we got everything daft punk that’s sick we’re working with death punk dude we gotta having brand partnerships across the entire world i bet you guys listen this is your favorite streamer right here this is your favorite youtuber this is probably like a iron mouse or

Something i don’t i don’t think no and then this is probably like daft he’s like uh neanders and then this is like effing vape it’s happening punk right there yeah that’s right youtubers are us is real that punk is a youtuber you already know guys listen is it really guys listen

Is it really that much of a coincidence that daft punk stopped making music together around the same time that they started streaming ask yourselves that ask yourselves that the car is on the floor what right let’s get in here real fast real simple here we go here we go all right

We’re in the main office area snackers we’re in the main office area let’s go all right wait this is inappropriate music right now snaggers we have to be careful we have to be stealthy anyone could be lurking on any corner right now all right are you with me snackers

We have to play stealthy with the play stealthy hey you’re breaking in yeah hey come on come on come on what is that yo is that a vending machine is the vending machine here there’s a vending machine here what is this The holy noodles the holy noodles they’re here snack is the holy noodles i think they’re expired i think they’re expired let’s try the other button snackers snackers this doesn’t package bath water this is packaged bath water from a youtuber don’t mind if i do [Laughter] oh god that’s some packs of punch

Uh fig my editor says what did i just walk into hey are you ready to edit this later all right come on snacks keep sneaking around okay what is this what is this what is this it’s a microwave i found a microwave now

Snaggers can i can i can i can i ask you an opinion why is there a chair placed in front of a microwave why is there a chair placed in front of a microwave what is the point of this what the frick All right i guess there’s only one option here snackers i gotta sit in the chair here we go your girl’s in a chair right now and she’s ready for business all right snackers there’s only one option right now in front of me is a chair and even more in

Front of me is a microwave now snackers you may say fillion i’ve seen this before i know what you’re gonna do and to you who is been here for a while they know what’s gonna happen i just have to say i’m sorry little one but i have no choice it’s not chris

It’s been a good time it’s been a real good time however i will have to see you guys on the other side have fun what the [ __ ] that’s right that’s why i snagged you give me just a second i need to read the instruction manual give me one sec give

Me one sec snaggers don’t go anywhere don’t go anywhere all right after this commercial break we’re gonna fry you alive all right how the frick do you work this dunk man this is complicated oh wait i found i found i found an iphone i found it i found it i found it

We’re good we’re good we’re good here we go all right i’m gonna turn on right now let’s try this i’ll try this bad boy out all right perfect all right snackers how does it feel so you’re being cooked alive my god chad you guys are just looking so

Hot right now everything hot and ready get something tonight you know what i’m saying listen you’ve lived your entire life wondering what it’s like to be an effing hot pocket and now you guys are the hot pocket you’re dying in an office and this will be the end of it all

Let me out what the [ __ ] happened what how’d you hold the microwave stop stop get back in the microwave stay in there i wake up and i’m being cooked yeah me too listen chat this is how it feels to be on my stream it’s just a constant

Roast there you go chad is too strong you escaped no you can’t get out this is my this is my territory i own these lands you fool come on i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry frick okay i’ll let them out fbi i’ll what

About i’ll let him out i’ll let him out okay i’ll let him out i’ll let him out i’m sorry okay get just get out the microwave goddamn it’s hot okay i’m sorry my bad chad my bad my bad my bad okay i’m sorry about that

Listen i know i know we weren’t off to the best start i know you guys didn’t deserve to go in there i just uh you know i just thought it’d be kind of fun right it’s just a prank it’s just a prank chat it’s just a prank

Can i get one the chat if you like the prank obviously one in the chat right one in the chat right one one in the chat we funny two chat chat put a one in the chat right now where i’m putting you back in yeah that’s what i thought as those are

The ones i like to see those are the ones i like to see my hand is gone nice all right what is this wait there’s some other joke in the kitchen here let’s try it what does this do A water spider just having sea world simulator two two two stop writing twos stop saying i don’t understand chat what’s wrong she doesn’t like it in there it’s like a little refreshing break i just realized why is this water like white wait this looks kind of weird wait okay wait never mind

Okay ah Joke’s cutely true gurgle gurgle true you meanie whatever whatever acid true water is white when it’s splashing lemon of course that’s definitely not water yeah you’re right it’s having cream cheese okay well uh that was a that was something for sure i’m gonna put this back here and then do this all right

Fine fine snackers how about this how about this we’ve after around long enough i quit streaming like 20 minutes ago it’s time to actually start my job it’s time to start my job let’s go see how this works what is this what is this what is this what is this

Somebody got their computer open uh there’s a picture of like doom it looks like there’s a minesweeper up here uh i don’t even know what the rest is garbage is yo they have be our challenge guys listen we’re breaking the fourth wall they have vr chat on this computer

Can you see this junk wow vr chat what a cool game that i’ve never heard of crazy check their search history okay i mean guys you have to remember this is youtubers r us i don’t think we’re gonna find anything good here on the search history but i’ll have

Been hacking for you guys i’ll hack into the mainframe all right chad let’s go find out what’s going on here okay um what i’m seeing here uh youtubers are us what what’s up i was trying to hack into the mainframe oh god oh freak where’d the chair go

Wait where’d the chair go wait where did the chair go okay well we’re now standing i guess clutter in the act whatever i guess we’re now standing so here we go let’s try this one more time move over move over okay hacking into the mainframe downloading the ram breaching the firewall

Hacking in be tuber debut upcoming what the frick doesn’t mean the numbers the numbers brilliant the numbers what do they mean chad what do you mean the chair flew to another world cool what why is this drawer open what all right i closed it forget it

Forget it we’re gonna you know what you don’t who cares about their firewalls who cares about their corporate secrets we’re gonna go right downloading philly and feed pics says andy oh god wait is that a cell phone oh wait snagger there’s a cell phone there’s a cell phone

What does that mean i can call somebody on this junk oh god let me get going all right stop stay still stay still stop bro why is this stuff running having ice skates whatever let’s sit down all right snackers it’s time to perform my duty here we go

Um snaggers listen we’re waiting for some customers right now okay wait what’s that i hear let me pick up the phone hello yeah this is the youtubers or us yeah yeah what would you like oh you want to purchase what is that whenever whenever a vape new debut body pillow

All right no problem that’ll be uh 70 okay and 99 cents yeah yeah of course anything else with that order uh huh okay cool you you want you want you want the philly and bath water okay that’ll be an extra 300 that’ll bring your total to 380

99 cents before tax are you okay with that holy freak are you okay with that yeah yeah okay cool awesome sounds good all right hey could i get a name for the board Can i get a name for the order what is it likari okay yeah sounds good man all right wow we are first customer our first customer we did it let’s go dude let’s go i can’t why the chair fly off what the freak all right it’s not of course the car

Yeah you didn’t get their credit card info listen already have credit cards credit card info what the frank so dumb dude all right what else we got going on here dude i’ve already created a mess look i already knocked a chair over and i smashed like 47 different things good job phil but

The sales tuber always suggests an item for the customer to purchase whatever all right let me sit down this chair okay snaggers we’re in a chair do you see this junk come here come on come on send me in the chair now sit in the chair now

I can’t move there we go perfect all right snackers you guys ready for this we’re in a napping chair now remember snackers when you were sitting down the chair is important to adjust the headrest okay so we’re just gonna take the headrest and we’re just gonna move

It over here so it’s a little bit more comfortable wow what happened hello oh i think i died um okay let’s let’s try let’s just try this one more time as this protocol i’m gonna sit down okay um all right here we go snackers here we go

We’re gonna just adjust oh god i don’t wanna die we’re just gonna adjust the backrest one more time just carefully where am i i’m in the effing back rooms snaggers i’m in the effing back rooms help where am i i don’t want to tie out here i was transported to another dimension

Oh frick where are we dude is there no god on these parts is there no god oh frick where am i my foot’s broken okay chris chair i know right where am i what is that is that a safe stackers i’m in boys we’re in boys have you ever played thieves simulator we’re

Into the vault we’re into the vault you haven’t seen me no clip into this mother tucker we’re having ready for business now it’s a simple procedure to epping one’s entire mission snagger’s about to be payday it’s about to be paid it’s your bosses safe nice i’ll keep it safe with me then

All right here we go remember snackers let me come over what the frick’s happening perfect all right snaggers remember when you’re trying to open a save you have to feel for the right combinations okay i played thief simulator for like two hours so i’m really qualified for this you guys

Might not understand what i’m doing right now but i’ll let you guys know in okay all right here we go here we go you guys ready for this just like that it’s that effing easy chat set up and easy and now look at this we have gold bars inside let me just uh

All right chad i’m gonna get these gold bars right now okay this one okay two all right last one three chat chat chat help chat get me out snackers snackers i don’t want to die i can’t breathe i can’t breathe i cannot breathe guys stop typing saucy i’m literally dying in here

I’m i’m effing dying in here please chad shut up help help s-van yo what’s up espn don’t open it please somebody open the editing safe guys i know what’s called a state because it’s supposed to keep things safe however i’m feeling very claustrophobic right now have you ever

Heard of claustrophobia have you ever heard of like being stuck in an elevator dude guys listen guys don’t make me say it don’t make me say it don’t make me say it please chat oh thank god okay fine i’ll say it i’ll say it help step bro i’m stuck

I’m starting embarrassed right now [Laughter] i’m so cringe get me up damn i’m so epic i can’t do that and cut the camera cut the camera that’s it i can’t do this anymore snaggers i can’t do it i’m slapping cris i can’t just having sit me down this having a

Chair all right goodbye snackers where am i what the frick i don’t know where i am anymore okay stop stay still just taste it let me go goodbye world goodbye oh freak where am i what’s up it’s happening okay where am i i’m so disoriented this is so dank what

Wait where am i wait wait wait i want to sleep in the back rooms wait what happened i just fell into the back rooms no wait how do we survive out here what level am i on what level am i on snackers what level am i on

Oh afraid this is so not good Snackers what is that music why is it playing music why is it playing music level 69 you’re still having funny what is it oh my god frick oh why do i hear music what is that coming from what does that mean no get out of here i don’t know what to do

The void no one’s dumb enough to go to the back rooms i didn’t pick the snackers i didn’t pick it i sat in the effing harry potter chair and it brought me here what do you want from me i’m a victim society all right you guys wouldn’t understand you wouldn’t get it

You wouldn’t get it all right why are you so cute why do you have no girlfriend all right snagger there’s only one way out there’s only one way out behind you yeah i know bro i know there’s a wall behind me stupid all right snaggers come on let’s go let’s go

There’s only one way out of here and we’re gonna find out right now we’re gonna get the epping bottom of this mystery gang what do you say What do you see what do you see what what is it what is it on the count of three we’re ever running for we’re running for it freedom wait really wait this is our freedom okay here we go whenever whenever whenever Why did the music stop what does it mean what does it mean is heaven are we dead jump i don’t want to jump this isn’t human flow flat what do you mean i join and immediately see cake bro there ain’t nothing cake on the screen all right jump nice butt Dude listen if i got transported the back rooms my effing last message before i died i didn’t get to finish my statement oh freak my last message was frick i know what else is new dude now you were back she respawned what the freak was that guys that was scary

Guys i think my work is cursed i i literally i’ve been here for like an epping hour and i’ve done nothing but get haunted to death and almost killed yeah we saved you whatever minecraft what the freak is that snaggers won the tab you know what minecraft is who everything cares what everything

Dreams favorite game is bro i listen listen if i saw a dream i’d have to slap him around and then people like keep like philly and stop and i’d be like you’re gonna cry about it i would be like dream that’s what the mask is

That’s what the point of the mask is and then he’s like but what i’m trying to ask is i’m like shut up bro before i put you in a casket and he’s like okay flynn i’m like that’s right and then he’s like wait flynn stop i’m like speed run this mother trucker

Just like that so whoever cares about minecraft bro technoblade is better he never dies mods ban the technoblade sim who is dream uh sorry whenever whenever you waggy i wasted seven months to watch the streamer troll despair shut up [Applause] why am i getting destroyed right now so no one’s going to talk about the casket rhyme listen king lemons no one appreciates the actual humor on this stream it’s all just man wearing a booty at word of flips at worth affiliation falling over at that’s all anybody cares

About watches i’ll show you guys right now i’m gonna having to do a flip are you guys ready for this yes watch this guys nobody cares about my effing sick bars but then when i do this now look at the chat now look at the chat where’s the funny bro where’s your girlfriend

Well i did it yeah and everyone’s excited for it now and the crowd goes well okay listen do you understand now i don’t get paid to be funny i get paid to do flips and phones i just haven’t burped oh my god i’m sweating gross i’m so gross man wait what is that

Wait what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that it’s like nothing pig right in our face yeah this is a circus stream yeah you’re right all right what is this junk hello bro is this like a cell phone from the

Epping 1900’s why is it so chunky this is a whole effing unit man what is this this is the whole evening unit right here i want to join your twitch so bad i just watched your last show on youtube it was hilarious dab all right listen up

Snaggers here we go we’re gonna use the phone i think i don’t know what the freak do okay let’s let’s call somebody let’s call somebody down man it’s a rotary phone oh wait i know what rotary means rotary means you spin right snaggers i know how to do this there’s

Only one way to take the rotary phone off and that’s to rotate even harder it’s so dumb man hello do i have a connection yet oh otk do you guys know the gender spots open yeah no no i’m down to be the janitor i swear why the janitor i

Listen man it ain’t working out this new job i got you gotta understand no no s fan come on i just wanted to be a janitor what what’s the problem bro no i’m not gonna clean lukari’s room that’s disgusting no i’m not gonna quit don’t hang up on me i said okay i’ll

Clean it i’ll clear that i’ll just he hung up on me All right listen guys i wasn’t about to clean lacaria’s room that’s a fate worse than death honest question do you like hurting yourself never whenever whenever paul you waggy i was jesus christ i’m a masochist what thank you guys for the subs by the way as well and dr trini yo welcome friends

Thank you with the prime it’s so dumb what am i doing right now where’s my water at where’s my water at oh frick snackers i gotta use the bathroom right now okay give me one sec all right all right stay right here i’ll be right back okay dabs dabs

Someone said take us with you said son death yo you down bad ass freak my boy no peeks what do you mean no peeks chad don’t peek okay don’t having pete okay chad i’m not i’m not messing around with you guys don’t having peak okay all right all right let me go

All right it’s time to go to the bathroom okay gonna um come over here all right here we go gotta pee ugh how dare you what so cringe bro and i thought i was a d-gen what do you mean classic finland true dude why is why is this

Yuck you fell right in the pee whatever bro listen all i’m doing is pushing pee around you understand what i’m saying why is the bathroom empty look there’s nothing in the bathroom we come into the bathroom right here look alright i went into the men’s bathroom okay so the men’s bathroom is is

Is i guess like that there it is that’s the men’s bathroom you’re in the guys bathroom apparently guys this is this is what the men’s bathroom looks like this is optimal men’s bathroom space right now i’m feeling um dude yeah okay holy freaking we have found the men’s

Bathroom why is my having foot so broken freak fix yourself hey hi yo what’s up bing what’s up jelly bean pissed on a stone tablet where’s the drain dude where’s your never mind i already said like five times today why do i keep turning to an effing what is this dude

What the frick i have like little stick hands Can i like touch you with my little tooty hands what is this dude that looks so weird all right we’re in the women’s restroom now we’re in the women’s restroom now and as you can see it’s the exact same thing whoever made this world whoever made this office

Space clearly did not get paid enough to having make something out of this garbage dude they just ever gave up halfway through under the stream your tick tock yo what’s up isaiah hello looks smaller the woman’s true all right what is this snackers there’s a hallway down here what’s down here

Oh my god is that asian andy there’s someone down here who are you who are you this is like having painting from mario all right snackers i know what to do we have to go and jump into it all right there’s only one way to pass this man

And it’s to pass his effing test do you guys understand the situation right now come here come here come here come here all right snackers if we want to pass asian andy’s test and ride the escalators the next four we have to bust through him are you ready for the

Snackers we’re going in right now one two three oh god ah oh that didn’t work out very well all right snackers um so i i don’t think we can go past there so we’re just gonna continue over here come on come over here come over here all right

All right cool i’m gonna go i need to wash my hands real quick i forgot to wash myself to the bathroom let me just go up to the mirror let me just there it is what what happened to me what happened to me what happened to me no wait my face

Revealed no not my face reveal no i was a dude all along and now we’re finally found out wait a second if i’m an effing dude that means like a man spread and nobody can stop me [Laughter] wait can i turn down everything pancake no this is so cursed wait a second

Chad i could upskirt all i want and nobody can stop me yeah how’s that everything feel boys what’s up i’m about to drop my sick new effing album on the track you already know we out here dude man privileges you know what i’m saying hey yeah that’s right it ain’t so happening

Saucy anymore now is it nobody ever wants to see that all right snagger give me one sec give me one sec i’m gonna turn my i’m gonna turn my vc face back on one sec all right i’m back hello busy face back on baby let’s go

Someone in my chat’s new they say never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna run around and desert you cool mods time about how dare you rick roll my entire stream what is this they got ramen in this motorcycle you see this junk

You see this dog this is the freaking proper guys listen this is the epic prop ramen that you find at bars this junk is still having fake check this out check this out do you see this garbage all right frick you see this having garbage get it out

Of here nobody wants that chunk what do we got next napping fork what is this wait ha ha wow chad you’re looking like a snack right now looks like the bowl of cereal in your room okay fine then how about this how about this having cheesecake guys listen

Guys listen this is a snacker this is a snack pac-man is just a metaphor pac-man is just a metaphor for snackers pac-man was made for me do you ever wonder why the sub badges are shaped like pac-man snacks all right but they’re glowy balls no they’re not glowy balls

I wanna f your butthole bro where did you come from i don’t have anything post on pornhub mods mods jesus crying stuff i’m just trying to exist dude it’s like yo v tuber exists random nerd on the internet i want to procreate with your anus snaggers listen

This is that guy and this is what we just did to him have a good day yeah bros down bad dude being a woman on the internet really fun really fun game play all right what’s in here is that like a smoky bar yo wait this kind of looks like the bar

You like you having to walk into and there’s like this dude sitting at the table and he puts a gun on the table and he’s like he’s like come on come on come closer let’s have a conversation all right guys snackers here it is i’m gonna sit down right now perfect

There we go all right snackers thanks frick hey thanks for meeting me out here can you um take a seat right now yeah yeah right over there all right all right perfect so you’re probably wondering why i brought you here today but today it’s really important because

We have to make a business still snackers we had to make a business deal now listen corporal has not been doing well we’ve been losing massive money lately we invested in gamestop stock and it’s absolutely plummeting now why do you sound like eight years old listen up this is not a farting matter

Get serious with it get serious with it get serious with it puts gun on the table now listen up we gotta buy low we gotta sell high do you understand it’s a simple principle we need money to get made out here now if you can’t make that happen we’re gonna

Have to get serious right now okay snackers listen up the lighting is nice in here nice by the way so high we gotta make this drunk happen you understand if we all made this happen we’re going under and you stay under one and i i can’t even tell you staggers we’re going under

Do you guys know which location we’re going to do you guys know let me go under shut up we’re going under where we have to make the deal it’s not a laughing matter make the deal right now we’re going underwear if it doesn’t happen okay now snaggers listen take a

Look out there take a peek outside what do you see snackers what do you see out there what do you see a bunch of effing gullible fricks win to give up their money for us all right it’s up to us to seize the day carpe diem baby we’re

Gonna go big baby we’re gonna go to the major leagues baby but i need to hear right now babe you understand what i’m saying baby you understand you understand there’s a way out there a true way of life something bigger than us bigger than the suffering world and

We need to stand up and seize the day save the day do you understand now snackers what is your profession what is your profession i know understand whatever sees these nuts carpe diem that’s right i’m an investor good villain goldfish computer science no wrong i’ll tell you what we’re doing

Right now we’re investing baby we’re investing in waffles baby tasty waffles baby we’re going a little waffles baby you understand what i’m saying all these epic pancakes out here gonna get replaced and become obsolete this is the future do you understand that snackers rise up

Rise up put one hand in the air whip it around like you just don’t care and then put it in a nothing blender if you really don’t care about it and also don’t sue me for the damages now you understand what we’re trying to do out here candace got ligma cool ken

Holy bread can this d fit in your mouth international house of waffles that’s right baby we’re epping gonna come iowa i wow wow wait i just realized guys if we okay think about this think about this if we take ihop and we replace with waffles we

Can be create instead of ihop we can create iwop think about that think about that who would not want to get some effing iwop on the internet now who’s with me snackers who’s with me how i don’t know you guys think i think this business strategy is through all right you’re

Having corporate you’re having corporate you’re supposed to figure this out for me okay all right now wouldn’t it be i ihow snaggers what are we talking about again what were we talking about wait what was that wait what are we talking about where do we start where

Did we start where did we start i forgot i lost my train of thought finance baby baby international housing oh ihop i hop on these nuts don’t think too hard about it don’t think too hard about it the standards are low right now the standards are low right now

Let me get some water okay feeling gonna run an underground company dude i don’t know what the plan is right now i literally i don’t know what i’m doing i’ll try to get a trending on twitter snaggers listen up if i don’t see iwap trending on twitter i might be

Banning all of you guys i haven’t quit streaming for this my streaming career died for this you understand wait what’s that wait wait wait what’s happening philly my friend itana has a crush on you why does it not seem sus dude i i’m cursed whenever i read random phrases

From chat my brain has to run it through the algorithm to detect whether or not these knots jokes what is itna what is etna christmas lien says hello camper it knows their actual name don’t happen lie to me don’t have been lied to me you’re baiting me you’re baiting me and i know

It wait i’m getting a phone call hello yo what’s up youtube’s russ i’m fire i’m fired you can’t fire me i own this establishment i’ll burn it all down i’ll burn all day you can’t fire me you can’t fire me i just got this job

I didn’t even start my first how am i fired improv 101 dude whatever oh my god man fight phone is a drag and you’re fired do you had to get burned i don’t know yeah you’re nuts exactly stop farting dude what i’m already fired all right epidude i’m gonna start zone fart jars

F it okay snaggers we’re having fired we’re out of a job one more time guys listen i’m gonna go call up amaranth right now we’ll get it happening can i buy a fur jar Stove philly and says lakari lakari i like how you show up in my chat as soon as i say i’m selling fart jars shut up that’s really interesting likari keep me updated can i get some i can’t in the chat right now can i get some effing i

Can’t in the chat right now wait really yeah really you having fart detector one of you having freak like cory are you serious bro okay listen snaggers in case you’re wondering guys listen in case you’re wondering who wants to buy my fart jars i’ll have to show you right now ah frick

All right where are we here it is perfect this is what wants to buy my fart jars this one we’re looking at right after now snaggers this is what we’re working with you see this chunk do you see this song this is what wants to buy my fart jars i can

I can’t even deal with this man this is lucario right now i’m having doxium live on stream and you can’t even stop me wait did he he went silent i think you left the stream i snaggers i think he loved the stream he’s probably canceling me on twitter right now for leaking his

Selfies listen guys i look great can i get a one the chat the car looks great right now be honest be honest what do you think listen he wanted to become a v tuber he couldn’t handle it one one one there he goes everybody supports the car he looks fantastic look all right

Listen you gotta have more drip than i do all right keep it up all right our finest snacker this is the finest snacker out there never forget all right chad what’s your time right now what’s the up time right now what’s your time huh how long have you been having live for

Two hours two hours and two minutes guys how did you enjoy the two hours intro how do you guys like the two hour introduction are you guys ready for actual content so bad man two hour incheon i’m ready for the post-intro intro that’s right snackers instead of actually doing minecraft and real

Content i’m feeling like dancing right now what do you say we go and dance what do you say come here i loved it come on okay snagger give me one second we’re gonna have to go bust some nothing moves all right so now you’re saying philly and

What does dancing mean all right well first off you don’t know what i think dancing is basically it’s when you do this all right [Applause] you like that chat now that’s real dancing right there now listen up if you want to see more of that i’m about to do even more of that

She’s going to give me one i think second one second freak um i need to go over to my my super secret channel that’s super secret and i gotta find the link to my world and i need to sign into the vr chat website um i need a i need to launch

Launch the world inviting me okay it is time snackers to go to the dance world let’s go my teeth suddenly feel really clean what’d you put in there bro what’d you clean your teeth with it bro fellaini is smooth with the moves you already know and she’s gone that’s right i’m gonna

Think of your imagination i’m gone forever i’m in baby this secret secret channel which none of us have ever seen yeah exactly on the secrets of channels dude where am i i’m a fan of the chaos nice dude i love chaos emeralds okay where am i dude what is this what

Is this bro what what do they do to this world what wait what wait where’s the dance area is this it okay i found i think the dance area is over here i’ve never been here before okay okay this is not it okay dude i’m lost i’m lost he changed

The world i don’t know what’s happening um is it here bro i i why does he keep changing this effing world i don’t know what’s happening dude what do you guys know where they put the effing theater i’m lost i’m lost guys does anybody know where they put the dance theater it’s

Somewhere in this world but i can’t even find it i’m still sculpted right now you passed it how do you know wow he took my dance floor dude they just updated this jungle every five minutes man frick i just want theater dude wow toilets not only the bathroom shooting gallery

Phil can you move your camera upwards more uh there um where’s the dance part what the frick well i guess we’re gonna be sliding around for a little bit looking for this junk until i give up inevitably i don’t think it’s in here i don’t think it’s in here um upstairs

What is this what is this what is this what is this okay downstairs what the frick i can’t dude i can’t handle this whenever whenever i’m gonna respawn and i’m gonna try and look around one more time otherwise i’m just gonna go to a different dance world no no it’s not

That dance for it’s a different thing i’m gonna have to do the research on where the frickin is oh my god why they do this to me okay um go outside okay so i checked jitterbots theater isn’t there a well called jitterbots theater let me see let me see world jitter so i

Read me some technical difficulties right now i don’t know what the first one on the jitterbot theater all right let’s go there and see what happens no maidens you can’t be lost if you know what you’re looking for during the we’re figuring out live on stream where the epping kid in my dance

Theater okay here it is i found it i found it i found it the effing hit it but we’re good all right snackers here we go what are we gonna dance to what are we gonna dance to wait what is this garbage man what the frick how do you change the url

Dude why are they frank yo whenever they update your game and you’re just like don’t know what’s going on anymore like i’m supposed to be able to put like urls into here okay here it is enter video url okay we’re good we’re good all right now let’s find out what i

Want to dance to right now let’s find out my eyes yeah i know it’s kind of bright right now all right give me one sec guys i’ll figure this out i am i’m doing this all live i’m not prepared for this um what’s dance to what’s a dance to

How about on my mind how about on my mind the baby supervisor the lighting here kind of sucks right now um diplo on my mind um radio i don’t know let’s see if this works all right try to come over here come over here if you are chat

Dude these graphics are killing me vr chat paste okay let’s see how this works out let’s see how this works out i’m going to um start the song i think i don’t know how the like how does this work what why did it make this so complicated okay let’s try this again

Vr chat come on man do better play does this work okay Um No I give up okay we’re changing worlds we’re changing roles i’m gonna figure out all of stream this is garbage why is this trunk so complicated man new one Sorry to bring it cheap immune dinosaur dum-dum all right we’re gonna try again we’re gonna try again cool so the music’s ready to go cool um i’ll come over here put this for now okay let’s make this happen fire huge rainbow come over here settings frick don’t want the mirror

Yeah um living fireflies dynamic all right here we go we’re ready to dance now we’re ready to dance now okay i’m gonna put the camera right over here and then we’re gonna get started you guys ready for this you guys ready for this let me put on my chin strap and then

I’ll get ready to go They do the same with beat saber yeah exactly and then they do updates yeah me too man me too palpatine i feel that just like they always um they always like update junk and then it just like ends up like confusing because of that you’re new here i’m good hello what’s up brown

Chin strap yeah it’s about to get real chin straps coming on okay here we go snackers here we go i’m going to mute myself and then we’re going to get some dancing going are you guys ready for this garbage let’s go Wow whenever whenever whenever you eat Think about you all the time Think about you all the time Think about you all the time Think about you all the time Wow Uh My mind [Applause] Oh Oh oh boy that’s a ruffled huh that’s a little rough one huh and just like it just like five part noises back to back and then i fall over and then someone plays so far noise and then they’re like do the t-pose to the teeth ah break dude all right

I need some more water [Applause] yeah let me get some water inside your awesome job smite can leave someone else i’m fine thank you i appreciate that i do i’m so happy that there’s so many people here to chat with i don’t know you guys are amazing you

Guys make the stream happen so thank you guys ice ice ice baby get in there get in there get on my cup all right [Applause] ah i’m cramping dude i hate this i don’t know how much i’m gonna dance let’s see oh frick yikes you’re a badass thank you man frick

I knocked over my garbage you already know how it is it smells like salad now oh god i’m cramping man dude i hate appearance frag thank you guys all for being here i appreciate you guys like i don’t know man like like lately like uh like lately like my mental like

Streaming hasn’t been the best but like when i can like just like get it get it there you know get it together and like have a lot of fun on the stream like like i’m so happy right now you know i’m i’ll be good i’ll be good i uh yeah man

My stomach’s been killing me the whole morning i’m not gonna lie you’re so cute thank you what do you mean you seem to always have it i don’t know i just i appreciate you guys so much like yeah i don’t know i feel like you can like always do a lot better with

Streaming but you know you’re the reason i keep going i don’t know i i really i really all the new people all the time they made me so happy and all the returning people and just everybody i appreciate you appreciating me dabs you’re so talented whatever

I don’t know i’m not feeling great today but like i just want to like let you guys know just like just being here and lurking or chatting like every single one of you means the longest to me this is the longest i’ve ever watched a stream outside of dnd not disappointed i’m glad

You’re super cool and i never stop smiling when i’m watching your stream don’t let me lie to me you finally made the jump from tick-tock yo welcome you might as well call the stream scope but they’re all fun yeah hey guys what do you think about this idea what do you

Guys think about this idea what if next stream every time something scuffs happens i have to gift one sub to chat what do you guys think about that what do you guys think about that we’re gonna keep a tally of how many subs i have to gift to stream

So what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna we’re gonna do is is that my moderators are gonna do a tally a command that only they control and when do exclamation marks sculpt or something like that it’ll increase the tally by one and at the very end of the stream i

Will give the number of subs that i have to mine is a thousand dollars true so if i lose tracking and fly away if my vr headset breaks if i effing lose traffic if i have a stroke while talking whatever sculpt happens whatever sculpt happens if i fall over while dancing

Plus one you know what i’m saying like that’d be so fun you’re still alive of course of course you still have a girlfriend i’m proud of you feeling we broke by the end yeah i know you owe us 544 subs yikes if the model turns into a stick yes if the model

Turns into a stick that’s plus one sub you also might be better in them have you ever thought about how your avatar looks like magical senpai bruh it’s gonna be expensive well listen listen listen you know like when people curse they put a penny in a

Jar and then that reminds the not curse so every time i’m sculpt i’m gonna have a very deep reminder to stop being scuffed easy are you professionally trained is is being youtube trained professional do you like frogs yeah i love twitch frogs all right if you have a stroke while talking i

Think you should gift yourself an ambulance Time to get this off the chat All right my last words man yo get this up the chat for me pay your bills before dying yeah i’m just on the forum just like is that this is that just give this up for me say to get the sub for me give me your girlfriend no my new comfort streamer nice

Mom’s talking about streaming cowbee how dare you be comfortable in my stream it’s supposed to be making you feel different make you feel raw make you experience sensations you’ve never experienced in your life if my stream is comfortable to you then you’re not pushing the limits of yourself kid get

Nothing weird get freaky with it all right i’m done the sauce is raw yeah you already know all right let me um get some water all right what am i dancing to next what am i dancing to next let’s find out if you have any recommendations put them

In the chat otherwise i’m going to find something um why not like maybe like uh like uh like honey pie honey pie or maybe levitating jealous oh how about jealous how about jealous by chromia i want you jealous i wanna get those i get jealous but i’m too smooth to admit jealous chromio

Lyrics let’s dance okay cool snackers i’m gonna put the chin strap back on and then we’ll be ready for combat okay chin strap on baby okay whenever whenever whenever you waggy all right i will see you guys on the other side i’ll see you guys [Applause] [Applause] But i’m too cool It [Applause] What is she thinking of too much uncertainty why can’t she give some sort of sign but you know and i know about loyalty Oh i can’t help but lose I [Applause] I’m am [Applause] [Applause] I wish you’d get a c but she only cares when she’s so inclined and i fret so much about her loving i wish she’d let me be but her destinies got us so intertwined back in 2011 i decided to not let this play with my mind

But when the boys run out of town they come back around i feel like Is [Applause] [Applause] all right thank you guys hey phil i do make jokes at your expense however i do think your streams are very energetic chaotic and fun keep it up your big weirdo thank you clueless i really appreciate it but you broke character mods tell my coolest one minute idiot stay in character chat

Stay in character chat stay in character whenever whatever don’t break character no awesome only bully there’s no content if you guys aren’t bullying no awesome content none of it brilliant you’re never gonna give you up snaggers what my dude never going to give you up can i get a one the chat if

You want my dude never going to give you up whenever i’ll do it don’t think i won’t we have a hype train thank you the panda welcome back mother chocolate haps welcome back [ __ ] oh did santa’s name with some of the prime ob rooter thanks for the guess

What’s up i really appreciate it Okay that’s a lot of ones that’s more ones than i expected that’s a bun okay we’ll do it we’ll do it we’re doing it we’re doing it boys we’re doing it all right this one’s super easy so i’m not gonna be myself all right now we’re gonna give you up lyrics all

Right here we go we’re gonna get right into it we’re gonna write into a bliss here we go whenever whenever whenever paul you watch hey Wait i’m hey i’m gonna watch the music video i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna copy the music video wait i’m gonna i’m gonna watch who’s even copying all right where’s the original where’s the original here it is all right here we go here we go here let’s go let’s do it all right Oh and then the girl the girl’s like doing this and then he’s doing that You know the rules and so do i full Gonna make you Never gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbye If you ask me You wanna swim Never gonna let you down Oh I just wanna tell you how i’m feeling Uh Thank you what that works happening right now Thank you guys jesus christ holy frick Hey thank you oh i’m tired holy for me casa thank you so much that was fun that was fun it i’m saying you’re wrong holy freak i’m such a boomer me saga i’m sorry i’m an effing weeb thank you her name is mistaka nami casa holly frank you guys are upset about

That rick whoa hey wanna chat are you upset about the rick roll are you upset about the rick roll because i want to chat me saga thank you so much i see him soccer i see you in those sandalwoods i appreciate you i appreciate you hitting those sound

Words and then 50 subs two okay wait you guys aren’t upset about the rick roll how about this how about this you lost the game musa thank you so much thank you guys bill you have some very good moves are you doing all these moves in real life yes

No every single move i do is fake it’s as fake as my tits all right and those farts feel a lie i don’t know dude that’s the third time that hey whoops you know the rules guys it’s time to cut it and make a rick roll flambeer isn’t

You guys i want to stream for like 20 years we’re almost at a year guys we are 11 months into streaming and i still have not done a youtuber debut but we’re working on it we’re working on a youtuber debut maybe this year we’ll see but like i want to do like

I want to shoot like 20 years man um what are you saying oh all the flips are real yeah all the flips are real it’s true can i get some philly egg c in the chat volleyball giga chads this year it’s all right whenever whenever whenever you want wait

My hair is messed up break my hair my hair [Applause] is okay outfit oh my face is sweaty my face is sweaty choo choo all right um let me um let me come over here oh yeah here it is all right oh my gosh by the way i have a discord

If you’d like to join it i post my stream there you get notified when i stream there and we do a bunch of really fun stuff say for instant join the discord i highly encourage you to it’s just discord dot gg slash billion and um it’s a big old button in the about

Section of stream says discord on it so love you to be a part of the community i come and chat in there a lot like every day basically and sometimes i hop in voice we’re doing a movie night on thursday and we got some other stuff

Coming on the discord so if you want to join it feel free to help i would love to have you and of course after the stream i’ll be in there which we are not ending at all what about the subreddit dude the storyboard is effing dead right now i

Need to revive that chunk the subreddit is dead because the discord does such a good job i’m not gonna lie all right also snackers snackers i have an announcement i have an announcement this is like actually no cap an announcement i i made it in my discord

And i made it on my twitter but i need you guys to see this snackers can you see this junk can you see this junk here we are four hours ago let me check obs see this is good oh i’m in third person what the frick all right one sec

Oh my effing firefox is messed up again um wow you get the behind the scenes look right now why did my firefox keep messing up properties wrong firefox my guy there it is okay here we go snackers on the twitters right now we have announced an art competition all

Right if you’re an artist or you want to make some art or anything feel free to create some art we have an art competition not the saturday but the one after it i’m gonna be doing it on stream so if you want to create art basically

You just create the art post on either twitter or my discord um i put the instructions for how to do so on both um so if you wanna do it on twitter it’s just filling as art hashtag and then the art and on stream i will be picking the

Winners the winner will get two hundred dollars two hundred dollars first place winner second and third will get a hundred each so that’s a grand prize pop pool of 400 bucks not bad for a small youtuber let’s go so yeah 200 rubies so yeah if you are an artist and you’re

Interested in drawing it i highly encourage you to you can draw this current model you can draw the old model blah blah blah blah 200 hair yes 200 doll hairs exactly what are the rules there basically aren’t just create the art tag it properly as long as it’s

Related to me before the due date and you’re in and that’s all it is really simple really simple so i would love you guys to either join the discord and post in there or post on the twitters even tos um i can’t show her on stream if it’s

Not tos if it’s not 2s i’ll still consider it to win you know but i can’t show it on stream you’re overcrowding my discord shut up gimmicks honestly if you want to be nsfw i don’t even care like if it’s good art it’s a good art you know

But i just can’t show it on stream so yeah there it is there it is that’s a twitter competition um and yeah that’s gonna be in two weeks or some junk like that also if it’s 2s you can’t post it on my discord so it has to be on twitter only all

Right uh what am i doing right now i need to check this out i had to announce right now i’m pretty sure some other announcements but i forgot what they are um no i think that’s it all right cool all right who wants to do another dance

Who wants to do another dance guys there’s kids in the discord i know not in the discord thing of the kids okay guys listen listen listen my audience 46 of you guys are aged 18 to 24. and then 33 of you guys are like the next age bracket up there like

People under the age of 18 hardly watch me i’m not gonna lie so what’s the point what’s the point when i first started streaming i had a bunch of 12 year olds watching me but now everybody that watches me is like an adult basically it seems it’s kind of funny 52

Wait what there’s someone 52 years old watching me come dude well i’m 13. listen guys you can’t say i’m 12. if you say i’m 12 twitch is gonna ban you also my mods will ban you guys if you say you’re under 12 you’re gonna get banned all right not capping

We have to we’re legally obligated to ban you do not say that don’t have around this is a fair public service announcement you will get banned if you say that all right but if you say you’re 13 it’s okay so just go with that number all right guys

Listen up it recommended me after rick astley you’re recommending me scat man who wants to dance to scat man what’s that being tried out let’s try this junk out [Laughter] i’m a scat man I can only imagine orange justicing as fast as he can when he does that everybody knows one way or the other so check out my message to you as a matter of fact that’s right Pop up So i just made toasted cheese sandwiches that’s really cool man thank you keep me updated snaggers what’d you eat for dinner today what’d you eat for dinner what was your dinner huh man Do you know who dragon is the dragon what’s that pokemon called dragonite no nevermind it doesn’t work forget it i’m too tired All right that was fun all kind of fun Okay do we do one more snaggers do we do one more yeah dragon yeah dragon is nuts across your face holy freak how do you fall for that all you newbies letting down everybody else terrible you’re letting down your friends and eyes are cringed listen don’t i don’t hate the messenger bro

Do you know about socon yes soccer is not well time for me to head out all right have a great night good night fishing can i go fish all right i’ll do one more how are you feeling about one more maybe maybe like one more maybe one more she’s

Too powerful you already know waffles don’t know when never pancakes are better i was lying to all of you have you guys bought the mind gob on an elden ring my goblin these nuts strike him down with a fire hammer with the might of thor i end you

All right snaggers here’s the deal here’s the deal what if we play a game what if we play a game you say a deez nudge joke and if i don’t fall for it i ban you [Laughter] what am i doing awesome energy i’m glad mods mods banned them let’s hear me saga

Don’t ban them feeling you don’t work on our fitness wait are you still belinders do you come into my chat and told me i need to work on my fitness do you know what i’m working with out here my body is falling apart right now and i’m not even doing

Flips and junk for your entertainment and you’re still gonna tell me that how rude is that do you have trista wait what is that where did you smash joke fitness nuts in your mouth fitness ball in your mouth fit in this d in your mouth yeah twisted these nuts is that it really

Is that really all you do is dance all you do is that thing fart thank you oh everything you thought my screen name was a joke yo what’s in there wait guys guys innocent chat from earlier remember edna yo what’s up edna add my nuts oh god it’s hitting uh

How long can you hold a handstand for longer than you can hold a relationship all right um let me do one more dance let’s see let’s see what it’s going to be what’s it going to be what’s going to be what’s going to be uh

I love how the chat pops off after i say that what the frick is this how about like how about this one i want to place a sunny lemonade sunny lemonade perfect i think it’s what it’s called sunny lemonade perfect song frick one more one more

Here it is i freaking love this song all right i’m gonna mute myself here we go here we go Push it watch me One two three So Oh [ __ ] watch me Okay Push it watch me Whenever whenever whenever paul you aggie [Applause] okay hello wow i got so tired i just fell over in the middle of it and gave up all through my leg i was so tired i just gave up on it in the middle like machine broke i know oh

Dude i fell over like nice i’m done holy freak my energy has been sapped today by my own body’s doing it’s not my fault I’m getting ready to help check it out who is it who dares kendall hola spanish humor my friend kendall if you know kendall he’s effing amazing he’s an awesome v tuber and my friend we’ve been friends since we’re having really tiny youtubers together so thank you for the ready kendall i

Hope you had a great stream kendo is fantastic gracias all right fine we’re gonna do one more dance we’ll do one more dance for kendall community dad all right kendall community [Applause] oh no my leg it means red high heels in spanish it’s a really good spanish song i love

Dancing to it all right well i said the last one was the last one but i’m gonna die okay um um here okay i’m gonna start the song here we go Hello that’s a billion i’m so tired you actually know that song of course i feel so good whenever whenever i know no kind of community got this moves thank you zethus i’m maximum plot shrew cupcake gracias classes i don’t know which language people speak nowadays it’s so confusing [Applause]

That song was called tacones rojos which means red high heels in spanish it’s really beautiful whenever whenever whenever you want you dance very well thank you villagers thanks for stopping at the prime thank you thank you all right one second friends one second i need to go to the bathroom

Once again i go to the bathroom right guys all right snackers snackers i’ll be right back all right okay so i’m gonna fold up into a bar have fun Oh oh oh all right hello i’m back hello hello all right all right give me one second friends one second i’m gonna come over here i’m gonna press this button hit that button and then i’m gonna come and uh do some other stuff oh i need my cell phone here

Brilliant i’m gonna come put this guy over here this do this do this man there’s so many things you gotta do to f and be a youtuber sometimes i swear um i’m over here bam all right i am sweating i’m very much sweaty right now just one sec i’m gonna figure out my

Tech support on live on stream Um tracking facial tracking link put this button there look forwards okay cool all right i think we’re ready to go all right nice come over here perfect okay guys give me one sec okay don’t panic don’t panic stay calm stay calm snacker stay calm hello i’m on a different microphone i’m

Gonna come and swap this bad boy over here bam all right stay calm stay calm don’t panic don’t panic you little fricks i’m watching each one of you mom stop panicking you’re supposed to be the professionals here stop monkeying stay calm i don’t ask much of you guys just give

Me a second it’s aboard it i reflect on that real voice true wow yeah i all i do is fade my voice on the stream honestly my entire personality is fake as my voice stop at the stop with the panic about where’s my streamer i’m here

Guys you can’t see me guys listen i’ll give you five dollars if you can find the streamer i’ll give you five dollars right now i’ll give you five dollars right happy now who can find this streamer who can find this room can anyone see me can anyone see me

That’s right look at all you little fricks right there i see all you guys soul 65 47 says hey you’re live was nice i’m still live wait there it is bozo all right cool um let’s come over here wow this is taking forever to load jesus all right now we’re gonna swap over

We’re gonna swap over top right wait what happened top right am i getting hacked okay here we go i press the button i press the button does this work is this working is this working i set this up beforehand yo it’s working hello everybody it is i

Fill in hello friends i’m gonna move this little frick over ta-da it is time for content it’s time for content now just give me one second i need to turn off my vr um perfect put this headset on wow pogba’s content oh the music is so loud right now the holy spirit

All right let me turn on the music now cool all right snackers so here’s the deal here’s the deal okay i need everyone to understand the situation we’re doing a minecraft challenge all right we’re gonna change the title of the stream right now all right here it is the challenge is gonna be

Minecraft if i die i end stream there it is it’s done right now all right snackers here’s the situation i’m going to try to beat minecraft right now all minecraft right now if i die we are ending stream on site stream ending soon hey give me faith

Have faith in me guys listen if you have if you say feeling i have to go feeling i’m really busy feeling my wife is telling me to go off my computer all right first off you’re lying to me because i know you don’t have a wife second off

This stream is probably gonna end soon but have faith in me have faith in me okay so we’re gonna get this it’s gonna call one life challenge all right we’re gonna do it right now here we go game mode survival difficulty normal create new world we’re going in boys we’re going in boys

Now we need some music for this situation we’re going to play nothing other than dream smp speed run music of course what else will we play here we go boys here we go snackers All right all right are we all good here are we all good all right nice all right this is so quiet perfect okay so listen up guys here’s the situation i’m gonna explain to you full context i played this game at the otk game night at the otk game

Night like literally like a few days ago and i had fun but i had no idea what i was doing i was so lost and confused alright so today i’m gonna try to become a better streamer all right why are there advertisements are there advertisements what all right

Is it b wait what does the b do all right so guys we’re gonna try and see how strong how far we can get i will try to beat the entire game right now okay so we’re going to get some wood first we’re gonna start with some wood don’t attack the hive

Okay whenever whenever whenever pogba all right so the first and most important part of this whole situation is to get wood hey i’m not dead yet so snackers here it is watch this if you don’t want to play minecraft i will show you the very basics of this game so we

Have acquired wood do you understand that i now have wood i’m basically a car at all times now what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna put this over here and i’m gonna make oak planks so now i have my first step to greatness oh planks and i’m going to take these oat planks

Or whatever the frick i made i’m going to make them a square and then i’m going to take this crafting table and i’m going to put it on the floor and now with this crafting table i’m going gonna open up the inventory and i’m gonna make some sticks and now

One two three four sixteen sticks now with these sticks i’m gonna take them and place them and activate my trap card and just like that we have a pickaxe but we can’t stop doing that pixax can we that doesn’t commit murder we have a wooden axe too and now snackers we are

Ready for murder now snaggers we see right here there’s a lava pit this lava pit i will use to beat the game so i’m gonna press f3 and note down the locations right now is this pre-recorded no this is just a random seed i literally just fart yeah this is super

Lucky but i’m a casual i don’t know what the frick i’m doing all right i don’t really know what i’m doing all right so we’re at 11 64. i’m gonna write this down my discord real quick 11 64. negative 95. done okay back to the game so we’re

Going to come back here when the time is right now we’re going to go get some of ourselves i’m going to die stop stop bad fire okay we’re gonna try this one more time okay whenever whenever i’m gonna having diet this i’m gonna die i’m literally gonna

Burn myself okay i’m not gonna i’m just don’t make me die okay so it’s now snackers what we have done is accomplished our wooden pickaxe phase so now our next phase is to acquire food when you are trying to beat this game you need to acquire iron

And food so it will harvest this poor man’s flesh he’s effing dead colin damie all you want but i’m eating good tonight listen up i’m no longer being a generic stereotypical cave woman i’m providing for my man and by man i mean nobody because i’m laughing alone

All right now we’re gonna smack this guy in the booty because he likes it and then we’re gonna smack this guy on the booty we’re harvesting their flesh for a good cause snackers you meany dude guys just guys listen do you know how much people would pay for meet up and

Slap their butt all right these cows are up and getting it free right now don’t add me alright here we go snackers wanna chat if i kill this guy two of a sparum right now answer the question faster faster let me know one two one two one two one two i’m not

Seeing enough once [Laughter] bacon ninja stop spamming you having vip how dare yo there’s more cows there’s more cows blood blood blood for the blood god your others snaggers listen it’s a doggy dog world out there if i don’t eat these cows they’re gonna eat themselves

All right i can’t let them go on their own for too long they’re having dangerous have you guys ever seen that show with like otis the coward over the frick he even became sentient and tried to take over the government i can’t let that happen i had to present this i’m an

Effing time traveler saving the world right now rip my favorite cow cows are like one of my favorite animals lowkey okay okay stop squirming okay so now i’ve killed a lot of cows and i have actually broken my uh my pickaxe so what i’m gonna do right now is go get some cobblestone

So i can make stone weapons because i’m effing tired of being a basic [ __ ] you guys understand i’m nothing tired of being a boring basic frick now we’re going to achieve unlimited cobblestone right now milk the male cow you can’t milk those what is this junk all right so now i’m gonna take

My crab table put on the ground i’m gonna put the sticks near snaggers watch this we’re about to level up instead of a wooden pickaxe i will arrange this cobblestone and create a stone pickaxe and then i’ll create a stone axe all right so now we have leveled up in

Power and mining capabilities what is this garbage what is this what what is this pick up lapis lazuli what mods what is this garbage this is an iron bro i don’t even care if it’s a rare gemstone i don’t need that junk right now i didn’t hear none of that all right

Good more murder more meat more meat more meat more meat more meat for the meat god feed me chicken sustain me sustain me i found my moderator i found the guy playing farts down towards my stream You can’t run you can’t run you can’t run all right nice okay so i think we’ve done a pretty good job so far at killing everything and now we can go and cave mine so i have like way too much effing meat you already know i got too much meat

And now we’re gonna go forth and journey into a cave system so i’m looking for a cave system right now and i’m not seeing what i’m looking for however i do see cold down there so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna jump in here all right

I’m going to place a block right here and i’m going to frick i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna okay i’m gonna there we go climb on top of it now snaggers when you’re trying to beat minecraft you need coal there was only one block of coal i

See more when you’re trying to be minecraft you need coal to make torches as well as to power your furnace so what i’m doing right now is getting cold and when i’m getting this coal i’m gonna get some iron what about the village bro i don’t know what’s in a village

I’ve played this game like three times in my life [Applause] epic tutorial yeah have you guys ever wanted to see the most newbie tutorial in history well look no further i have you covered 100 of the time or your money back guaranteed minecraft’s have done this in vr dude i should have

Done your mom in vr all right nice and now just a little bit more coal and i think we’ll be good to go nice okay so now snacks we’ve acquired a bunch of coal our next journey our next step to greatness is to acquire iron

So now what i’m gonna do is try to get some iron okay so with that iron we will upgrade and become more powerful also i need to build a stone furnace all right i’ll make sure some cobblestone we can build a furnace with it all right so what is this

What is this what the frick is this block oh god oh god your mom okay there you go fix sorry i know i know i know i’m kind of cool i know i’m kind of cool minecraft you gotta chill out why is there water there snagger i’m gonna die

Why is there lava here okay all right okay and we’re out now we have to go find another cave system one’s even better moments for disaster i’m out of food i’m hungry i’m going to start eating raw meat i’m going to cannibalize my friends you taste so good

How do you think i’ll die yeah place your bets right now how will philly die is there a cave system up here place your best right now jump in the water no i’m busy where are the cave systems in this mother trucker i need caves darn it caves what is this

Is this gravel we found gravel okay guys an important part of gravel is that we need to get a flint from the gravel so i’m gonna smash this gravel until i get one flint i think right is that how that works i don’t know what i’m doing eat your raw food i am

I have not gone to flint yet i think here okay come on give me a flint i did it i did i got the flint this is important we had to create a portal later on so we need to get some uh gravel so that’s good that’s good that’s an important step and

It’s out the way okay now we’re gonna open this junk up make a furnace yeah i will once i find a cave system all right whatever that’s enough we have way too much cool now we’re doing really well we just haven’t found a cave yet so we need to find a cave

We need to find a cave is this a cave can you cave johnson just gravel i’m gonna having suffocate in there it’s almost nighttime thank you you’re so cool thank you what possessed somebody coming to my chat and call me cool huh what’s that about it

I’m still gonna look for a cave system there has to be one around here somewhere please i just need a cave i just need one cave someone has lost wilderness why has god forsaken me cave please no cave i know no shelter what shelter uh uh i don’t see a cave

Hello hi you wouldn’t kill me would you all right i’m gonna start i’m gonna start i’m gonna start eating this to me i don’t want everything die out here no no no stay back stay back stay back stay back okay he’s laughing dead snaggers i’m getting stream sniped by

Terrorists health philly and make a house no that’s effing cringe i’m having pog champion i’m 1v1 eating chickens right now oh is that a cave is that a cave is that a cave is that a cave is that okay philly and claim a cave i will i’m trying

I think we found the snaggers we might be in boys just kidding there’s absolutely nothing here all right never mind you suck says boob booble is sick that was very hurtful i’m actually interested next time frick frick stop stop stop he’s out the way i’m busy okay cave cape

Cave cave cave camp camp kick him okay all right iron yes snackers we have done it all right now that we have created found our cave it is time to set up shop we’re going to create a furnace right now uh yo thank you guys for the subs i appreciate it thank you

All right so we’re going to do is we’re going to put this hole in here but only half a coal i’m going to start cooking some meat whenever whenever whenever and now when that meat cooks we’re gonna get our iron ready to go so guys the plan

Here is to get a whole bunch of iron which we’ll use to create armor and other stuff later on in weapons so while this is happening we’re going to mine ourselves some more coal and create some torches that’s a lot of food i know right i found how much it fit to start

If a creeper comes up behind me and i die i’m actually uninstalling not only am i going to end stream but i will uninstall all right um cool now i’m going to take the sticks go up to the crabbing table we’re going to make some torches essential part of cave

Spelunking is to have lighting so now we’ve accomplished that so we’re gonna slap that bad boy right there and we’re gonna get back to mining minding our own business haha i’m coming for you mr phillip no i put my crew ruby gone spray on red could be a creeper nah nah

Wait you knew what minecraft yeah i’m very new in minecraft i’ve only played minecraft a few times but i did like a couple practice runs because i got really addicted to it off stream so i kind of know what i’m doing right now but i don’t i don’t really know what i’m doing

It’s your first time in a live channel what’s up bunnies fan welcome um okay cool thanks for the food you can stop i need my iron all right um so how deep does this go that’s my question right now i’ll put the gravel here stop okay oh

Whoa it’s freaking sick wait what the heck this is so deep nice there’s a whole bunch of stuff down here bug this is our new home oh my god it’s happening steve it’s having steam jobs he’s back oh god oh god oh they keep coming holy frick it’s having paparazzi stop stop

Oh god stop okay he’s gonna blow all right all right we’re good we’re good we’re gonna go we’re good we’re good snaggers rapping we’re wrapping cracked we’re having crack let’s get some epic iron boys um where i am iron we’re doing well so far we’re doing well close off the area

What does that mean i’ll put some torches down here does that count there you go we have finished off that area okay now we have to go back up we have to go back up to the top and we have to retrieve the furnace all right i’ll see you later

Oh come back when you’re a little stronger mr creeper i’m busy all right here we go we’re gonna take this junk pack it up and we’re gonna bring it downstairs don’t leave steve dude steve job’s gonna be just fine without me done uh do you have any cobblestone

All right we’re gonna make a ladder down so we can escape whenever we need to all right is that a skeleton i think i heard a skeleton all right steve your time has come goodbye my child you were the best but you weren’t good enough

All right so now it’s time to put my furnace and junk down here then them all right coal in there and then we’re gonna put our iron in there too stop stop stop wait did the bad kill him i think the bag killed him somehow okay okay okay okay okay okay we’re

Killing it we’re killing okay so now snackers now snackers what’s important to do right now is to make a shield so that we can’t die so i’m going to create a shield right now there it is and so now snaggers our first piece of defense is up whenever we want to fight baddies

We can protect our virginity with this effing shield right here all right so now we’re gonna go and create more stuff i’m gonna create a second furnace to start making my meat and my iron faster you iron pog lucky hi filian i’ve seen a lot of videos on

Youtube with your balancing act i came across your live stream i’m glad thank you for the thousand bits and welcome to the stream that’s so awesome you’re killing it phil thank you yoda i’m trying my best snackers you thought the stream would end in five seconds you were wrong i’m

Going all the way to the top baby we’re going all the way to the top all right um now guys snackers we have achieved five iron nuggets so what i’m gonna do is make an iron hat out of this no i’m gonna make an iron pickaxe in case we find diamond

That’s the wait i’m out of wood frick okay we need wood we need some more wood okay uh i need to return to the service to retrieve some wood um in the meantime prophase million i know tell me about it i used to roll the dice thank you chad very cool

I found your youtube matures nice welcome philly meets minecraft in one try yeah okay guys disclaimer i have never been this game before i don’t know what i’m doing after i get to another i have literally no idea what i’m doing that’s all i

If i even make it to another i will be absolutely lost from that point on like onwards all right we’re gonna make another furnace uh here oh what what okay what what is happening okay all right i know what i’m doing i’m a professional okay put the more coal in there

Put this other meat in there all right let’s go to the surface let’s go retrieve some wood real quick all right yeah yeah yeah yeah return to the surface for air love your stream true you high five the blazes what does that mean what are blazers like the little dudes

That drop the um the sticks when you kill them the flame sticks whatever the freak tree what would what it’s dangerous outside snackers listen up a lot of people in my stream have been telling me lately philly and touch grass i did it i think one more two week on wood

Hello hello get a sapling too what does that mean glowing rods yeah wait this feels like an offshoot what is this yo my tree’s got branches okay we’re good on wood um take all this chunk turn into planks we’re ready to go now what is this this jumps dropping sticks on the floor

Wow oh boy trees leaves a drop chance of sapling you can put dirt on it oh wait so i should keep the sapling then in case i need in the nether okay wait where the wait where’d the cave go i don’t know where the cave went wait where did the cave go uh

Wait where’s my cave at wait is it here is it oh it’s not here okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good stay calm i know what i’m doing your energy is infectious you know what else is infectious aids all right down we go i hear a skeleton

All right snackers who’s making noises at me stop show yourself he shot me bro you missed ow frank all right got him all right let’s go back up what what is this tree what is this done it’s messing me up whoa is there another one all right there’s skeletons everywhere down here

This is getting crazy all right um so snackers i’m gonna create my iron tools right now so i can be a better more proficient fighter all right so we’re gonna take my iron and we’re going to put this junk right here and then we’re gonna put some

Sticks down here we create the iron axe now we’re going to create an iron ingot and now we have some leftover iron so we’re going to create some iron gear so first we’re going to create an iron helmet uh this is to protect the aliens from

Removing uh my brain cells from my skull that was a stalagmite the frick is that it’s like a weird plant why does it look like this do you see this having junk what all right let me put it next to the leather wait whenever whenever whenever you waggy there it is snackers

[ __ ] all right let’s get out of here um cool do we have any more iron left over and no we’re just going to cook some chicken we get a bunch of meat okay nice nice now let’s go explore down here all right snackers once we assemble

Ourselves a full suit of iron armor we will be almost ready for the next step of this journey all right so now we need to find ourselves some more some more iron there’s spider nice more iron perfect all according to my plan yeah yeah cool lava’s very bad i’m gonna stop that okay

Uh here whoa tons of iron plug we hit the jackpot on iron boys wrapping cracked right now nice so we’ll be heading to another soon at this rate we’ll be heading to another soon how does wood prevent lava teen drinking is very very bad drinking is very very bad

Yo i got a big id though okay is it worth going down there that looks very dangerous i don’t like it i don’t like the look of it we’re gonna go down here instead okay where am i dude this is everything tighter than your mom where am i dude

Who builds ravines like this effing i feel like i’m feeling clutch i’m so claustrophobic right now ah get me out give me i’ll get me out come on come on when does it end okay maybe we go up here what’s up here i’m so effing lost right now i’m gonna

Get lost in here and never know where to go ever again i’m having die down here have we been here before what is this what is this a dead end all right no iron though no iron just kidding i lied i lied i lied snackers yeah i’m deeper in a cave true

I’m gonna get lost and never know how to get out it’s gonna be so bad okay let’s go back before i get too lost we have a bunch of iron and so with this iron we’ll be able to assemble a philistine iron armor and then i think it’ll be ready to depart um

Oh more iron where am i i’m gonna be so lost me last torch is that gold wait i need to go go go okay this is really important guys gold is really important because when you get to the nether you need to have gold boots on so hopefully i can get one

More piece of okay that’s only three golden nuggets i need four is there no more gold oh no all right so there’s no more gold so that’s unlucky we need four gold nuggets for golden shoes and with those shoes basically there’s these guys in the nether who will try to kill you if

You’re not wearing any gold so right now i’m mapping basically like you need a drip check you need to pass a drip check to survive and right now we’re not having passing that garbage by any means they will kill me on site all right but we have to go back to the motherland

We must return to home base god james is so tight oh any iron where am i is this right i’m so lost am i going the right way what yo whoa okay why is this serious so dangerous monka well this kid’s trying to kill me okay follow the torches fill in just follow

The torches filling they’ll lead you out of here all right follow the torches i don’t see any torches yikes um uh uh is this this the right way stackers i think i’m lost i think i think i’m lost is this it mission fouled we’ll get a mixture i’m

Go back to the thai cave uh here what oh it’s right there it’s right oh oh oh we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe we’re safe i wasn’t worried guys stay calm next time don’t laughing guys just stop panicking next time chill out it’s not hard

It’s not it’s not rocket science guys it’s not wrong it’s really not hard Wait wait what hey guys where am i uh it’s the the direction we need to go in is like it’s um it’s it’s i it’s you’re lost your mom’s lost just dig up fine all right snackers we have to get out of here bing bong we have to get out of

Here i have i’m throwing in the towel boys we’re gonna use the emergency escape card all right here we go it’s time to get out of this here time to get out of this place let me out we’ll climb as high as we can and it’s time to climb up

To the great beyond away what what am i not good enough all right and up we go what is this oh [Laughter] stop help i’ll come okay all right and up we go jesus christ dude i didn’t know cari was gonna be here lava incoming no

Oh i found dirt got snaggers i’m about to touch some effing grass we’re out boys we’re out we’re out salvation yes that worked way better than i expected to not gonna lie hey okay all right we escaped and the k wait we were right next to the entrance that entire time

We were right next to the place the entire time how was i so close that so far all right it’s fine copying pop that in there like that have that in there okay now we will have enough iron to head to the nether after this so we have

One mission and one mission only we need to find ourselves one gold nugget just one single gold nugget anywhere in these depths also i need more um i need more coal and some more sticks blink um let me um take this off here there uh one two three four five million okay

Give me this chunk bam bam bam bam bam and now a bunch more churches all right get this dog out of my way matcha gold nugget i know right any nuggets in chat stop there okay perfect frick i tried to make a staircase and i just fell off

All right there’s gotta be some gold somewhere in this mother trucker just one how am i work i’ve already been here all right i’m gonna pull like five torches right here let me know that’s the right way oh there’s a piece of wood i put down the block the lava

I’m gonna get lost again if i get lost is the risk i’m willing to take case splunking knows no limits i’m about to push the boundaries i’m so okay i don’t want to do this anymore okay philly and lose like my dog said just buy some milk

All right snackers i didn’t want to do this but i think i have to go down to the abyss i haven’t hate that anime so we’re just going to make it happen in real life all right here we go yeah the singular gold block all right gg let’s get out of here mission

Accomplished mission accomplished we got the effing trip now let me up let me we’re gonna evacuate the vicinities we’re gonna evacuate the vicinis we’re gonna leave at terminal velocity i might be leaving faster than my effing dad did let’s go let’s go get me up here

Ow ow frank what yo i just come butt plug all right frick all right oh my god okay for free now i must return to the homestead all right we’re almost ready we’re almost ready for greatness move i hear a zombie i will slay him if he approaches me

Okay oh more iron plug more iron is good okay just do any more iron real quick oh yay okay a little bit more never hurt nobody a little more iron never hurt nobody are the reserves that’ll save us in the nick of time all right cool nice okay

We’re gonna eat uh some meats and then we’ll get out of here wait where does this lead we must stay focused we must stay focused we we must stay focused snack we must stay focused let’s get out of here let’s go nice okay more cool all right here we go

So we’re gonna take this iron we’re gonna put this iron in there we’re gonna take this iron and then we’re gonna put some more meat in here all right we’re ready to go so now we’re gonna make ourselves a full set of iron right now so to create the iron set

We’re gonna go and do this i think frick that’s not how do you how do you do this uh uh how do you how do you how do you make the iron chest plate all squares but top middle oh i knew that it’s fine yeah i i knew that okay

Now we have to make a bucket all right now i have to make the pants so we’re gonna go like here nice pants nice all right take this out we’re gonna cook up our nuggies we’re gonna make up our nuggies um cool so now snackers check me out

Check me out i got the effing drip on i got the drip the drip the drip all right okay so now guys we have to wait to make our gold shoes and then we’ll be ready for combat are we ready to pack up and get out of here

So while that’s cooking i’m gonna go get some more of this stuff so we have some blocks to place in the fusion you need a sword i have an axe what do i need a sword for i’ve been guys isn’t the axe like literally basically just better than the

Sword for pve is it not is it not shoes no axes do more damage with the critical do they not you need the sword it’s worse are you sure it’s better i like other people who actually know minecraft are like coming at me right now explore crit damage yeah i don’t know

Oh squirt has cleat damage i didn’t know that all right that’s an update okay so now we have our gold bars and we’re ready to pack up everything is smelted everything is ready to go we’re ready snackers to depart to the nether realms all right so now i’m gonna take my oh

Frick i put my crafting table away frick uh put the crab table back we’re gonna make our gold shoes like that and like that gold shoes all right this is the final drip snackers can you raid my trip right now raid my trip right now how are we looking right now huh

Negative five come on hey all right how do i get out of here wait how like the exit’s right here right okay there it is all right and out we go now snackers i remembered we need a couple more things we need one water block source or whatever the

Frick one water source block is what i’m trying to say while having a stroke um and then we need a frick we need one source water block and then we need to go back to the pool of lava i found a long time ago all right here we go

So we’re gonna find some water that should not be hard frick actually put my crap stay away from my crafting table frick ah all right my crafting table whatever man okay so i need to go back to um what is my direction i i

11 64 is where i need to go wait no 11 11 negative 95 so i need to go which directions negative this uh here no here all right this is the direction i need to go back in this direction i think this will take me back to where i need to be

So we’re gonna go back to where we spawned in where we found the lava and we’ll build a portal to another cross country race oh frick i can’t see your chat there you go swords take longer to break than axes do from combat i don’t know what i’m doing you have

Your base cores written down i i found the lava pool to start so i tried to remember them let me see are we going the right way oh i’m definitely not going the right way uh frick 11 negative 95. hmm 11 negative 95. i didn’t like super negative right is that no

Okay i think this is better right this is hard i don’t know how to do the coordinates i’m such a noob prick herobrine’s watching me no i’m a pound snapping steak um okay We’re slowly heading into the right direction i promise i promise we’re we’re slowly heading in the right direction i can almost guarantee you but not really uh here this way my ex is getting larger i think we’re getting okay i think this is actually the right direction now why is it so hard

Okay the cows are here i see water okay it’s all coming together baby it’s all coming together right here oh my god the sheep the sheep nah i can’t help him natural disasters are something i cannot prevent i’m not smoking the bear i cannot prevent wildfires nor water slides

He’s happening dead is happening dead save it he’ll laughing die if i save him okay um okay so the x coordinate is almost right i just need to get my y coordinate right uh here okay the wobble should be around here the lava should be around here

I should see like right over here right i also get the water um huh where’s lava not even close no oh it’s negative 69 right oh it’s negative 95 oh all right negative 95 okay negative 95. there you go we’re almost there it’s right over here apparently i think i ran

Past it or something it’s so hard oh i see the floating beehive i see the floating beehive that’s it guys that’s our that’s our ticket right there the floating beehive that marks our spawn if you recall back when the game first started i knocked down the tree that was

Holding that beehive and now it’s out for the team whenever whenever you walk we’re unstoppable now okay so lava’s gotta be around here it’s just it’s just gotta be around here okay i see the village i see the village we’re almost there there it is there it is now we’re ready

To go we’re ready to go okay it is time it is time to build the portal we’re gonna build it right here all right uh so i need a how does the song work it’s like two two two two by three i don’t know what they’re all right uh i’m gonna put

The water in here now i’m gonna go get my guava so we need to put a portal together right so we need to put two lava sources together so that’s one lava source here’s a second one now we need to go dunk them with water so here we go

All right so we’ve made the very start of our obsidian so now we need to go make some obsidian like around it so we’re gonna put this like that and that and then again on the other side wait that one’s not right frick uh wait is right yeah that’s right okay

And now we need two more lava sources what take notes take notes how i should not end the stream i’ve i haven’t died yet so this stream hasn’t ended because i’m cracked okay all right all right all right all right no okay we almost had a disaster i i am now donald trump

Okay natural disaster inverted all right let’s get some more dirt [Applause] listen it wasn’t eight eight nothing like a little bit of a natural disaster to turn you into a republican okay next uh here them okay now one more one more one more create the portal

Bro what are you doing what are you doing this guy’s like i like dude like i’m like i’m like epping preparing for war like i’m acting like about to save the epping world and this sheep just like hey yo bro what you doing get the freak out of here all right um

Now jump in the lava come on your voice and anime our character are cute oh i’m glad i’m glad you like it four hour stream wait are we out four hours we have four hours now okay bruh how could i i don’t know he didn’t pay his taxes you want me to do

Can you move your butt oh is my body in the way wait what [ __ ] there i did it all right um here go down here grab this one the stupid fart sound we’re almost done building the portal nice and now we just need to build the

Top now the top is the easiest part i think here so we just need to build um like that frick i need more dirt wonk feeling is this your real voice bro is your girlfriend real wow you’re so far away yet so close what does that mean

Fill in make a shovel with faster dirt wow oh frick okay okay all right okay now i’m not a professional but i think i have done this right we’re gonna have to find out if i actually did this junk right so i just need to build

The last two lava sources up here and then drop the water on them and we’ll be ready to go all right one two three bam and now we grab our water source and we drop it on top and we’re effing ready for gameplay all right now i’m gonna build a shovel

Because i don’t feel like shoving all this effing dirt on my own all right give me that give me nothing shovel please how do you make a shovel it’s like two sticks right then like a block at the top there it is okay all right we have assembled the ultimate portal

All right guys are you guys ready for the upping expansion pack whatever the frick for world of warcraft grappling starting burning crusade right now so now we’re going to make our flint and steel so what this one still does is that you use it on the portal and it opens the portal

So if i build the portal correctly it should open it and we did it and snackers just like that we’re off to another i’m gonna pack this crafting table up and we’re gonna say sayonara we’re onto better things all right we’re here i’m tripping balls what the [ __ ] is that okay

We’ve arrived in hell holy frick is that your mom all right now we’re gonna make a jump to start off my sixth feed run strat now snaggers i don’t know anything about where the fortresses are i just know they only spawn when the x coordinate is positive or something like

That or they’re more likely they’re trying to kill me you guys you’re not gonna end my spearmint that easily i’m not gonna go out that easily uh all right now we’re just gonna run around until we find a fortress or i die whichever comes first for better or worse i’m married to

The game okay um what’s even the point what am i even doing man this is so complicated to hop through 10 minutes and she dies not i’ll be fine okay these are the guys that would kill you if you don’t have gold on you see they like gold they respect drip they’re

Effing hype beasts but they’re not attacking me because i brought my drip so that means we’re now friends oh frick all right this seems kind of dangerous i’m gonna die here trying to get around this garbage all right we’re gonna just build a bridge we’re just gonna build a bridge beautiful

And then we’re gonna cut our way through this massive wall is that like wood what what is this like wood oh it’s like wood oh freak off i didn’t know there was nothing there i almost walked forwards and died okay um do i do i go up your axle was broken okay

Uh we need a i think i made an iron axe yeah we’re good i don’t know where to go right now so i’m just gonna cut through here this tree is thick where am i is this like dirt or what what is this i don’t know what this is

Make a bed and sleep in it what is making up bed and sleep in it dude think directly down okay all right i don’t know where i’m going whenever whenever whenever call you waggy in the chat stop i’m all right okay okay listen dude listen i got everything ruled by lava hey

You can’t help it man i was pretty hot not gonna lie That’s the last thing a my little pony figurine sees when it goes in the jar just like batman just like that all right it’s a gg snackers this is gonna be the end of the stream i’m so sorry i have perished i have perished in combat i’m effing deceased i hope you

All enjoyed the minecraft gameplay all right so that is how that is how you stream for an hour and a half on minecraft and then go to the nether and die within three minutes there it was there it was don’t enjoy it don’t leave feeling i can’t help it snaggers it has been

An honor i had a lot of fun today and i want to say thank you guys for hanging out i i hope you guys enjoyed um the minecraft gameplay i uh i i don’t really do this stuff much but like i figured it’d be really fun and i just

Want to do stuff that i enjoy on stream so this is something i was looking forward to yeah the stream’s over now all right guys thank you thank you what’s up misaka thank you guys so much for the support if you want to please join the discord i post my stream there

You get notified when i stream and also i love chatting interacting with everybody i freaking appreciate the frick out of you guys and yeah it’s just discord.js fill in it’s a big old button in the description of the stream uh to join it says like discord

On it so yeah i’ll see you guys there after stream but that’s it for me thank you guys so much for farting thank you guys so much for the support today i i had a lot of fun and that’s all i can say and i wanna always have fun when i stream so

Thank you guys um thank you for supporting lurking and everything all right i won’t miss you guys i’ll see you guys on wednesday same time i started today’s stream at 7 00 pm pst 10 p.m est 9 p.m cst or something like that i don’t think now all right

And i don’t know what i’m doing probably if you’re trying this from variety all right i will see you guys goodbye goodbye hey we’re gonna find somebody to read uh uh who do we rate snaggers who do we read throw your ideas in the chat right now

If you say xqc i’m gonna ban you what is that stop stop uh v v tuber any youtubers in chat read the juicers stop don’t leave my unite i’ve read her before we should rate somebody new you know somebody new uh who we got who we got who we got um uh

Nags let’s read uh let’s write nags i’ve never read this guy before i think right or maybe i have i don’t think no what’s happening great next he like he likes youtubers a lot so what’s happening to it all right uh snaggers i will see you all

Have a great night thank you so oh for other sideband i think i almost banned him whoops i will see you guys all later and have a great evening thank you for being here see you in the discord all right have a fun time with nags okay goodbye friends

Goodbye good night good night and i’ll see you on wednesday goodbye Foreign

This video, titled ‘Filian plays VRChat and Minecraft (4/11/22)’, was uploaded by Filian VODs on 2022-05-21 01:25:07. It has garnered 13656 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:04 or 14284 seconds.

Be sure to join the next stream live on Twitch or hang out in the community Discord!

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Disclaimer: Some parts of the VOD may have had the audio muted or cut entirely from the video due to copyright. These videos will never be monetized and any ads seen throughout are there to pay the original song artists for their songs used in the VOD.

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    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

Filian VODs – Filian plays VRChat and Minecraft (4/11/22)